changeset 795:d4083ac09b5d

Moved DiveO2 sensor specific funtionality into separated file: Having the protocol functions of all sensors within one file made the code hard to ready and created aa risk of interference between the protocols. In furture every (new) sensor should be maintained in its own source file. The ols UART.c does only contain the function which are used by all UART protocols (common functions).
author Ideenmodellierer
date Mon, 31 Jul 2023 19:50:36 +0200 (20 months ago)
parents bb37d4f3e50e
children 75ace7af8212
files Small_CPU/Inc/uartProtocol_O2.h Small_CPU/Src/uartProtocol_O2.c
diffstat 2 files changed, 422 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Small_CPU/Inc/uartProtocol_O2.h	Mon Jul 31 19:50:36 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    uartProtocol_O2.h
+  * @author  heinrichs weikamp gmbh
+  * @version V0.0.1
+  * @date    18-Jun-2023
+  * @brief	 Interface functionality to handle external, UART based O2 sensors
+  *
+  @verbatim
+  ==============================================================================
+                        ##### How to use #####
+  ==============================================================================
+  @endverbatim
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 heinrichs weikamp</center></h2>
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "configuration.h"
+#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ 	UART_O2_INIT = 0,
+ 	UART_O2_CHECK,			/* send blink command and check if sensor answers */
+ 	UART_O2_REQ_INFO,		/* request information about available internal sensors of sensor */
+	UART_O2_REQ_ID,			/* request ID of sensor */
+ 	UART_O2_IDLE,			/* sensor detected and no communication pending */
+ 	UART_O2_REQ_O2,			/* O2 value has been requested and is in receiption progress */
+	UART_O2_REQ_RAW,		/* Request O2 and extended raw data */
+ 	UART_O2_ERROR			/* Error message received from sensor */
+ } uartO2Status_t;
+ typedef enum
+  {
+	O2RX_IDLE = 0,			/* no reception pending */
+	O2RX_CONFIRM,			/* check the command echo */
+	O2RX_GETNR,				/* extract the sensor number */
+	O2RX_GETO2,				/* extract the ppo2 */
+	O2RX_GETTEMP,			/* extract the temperature */
+	O2RX_GETSTATUS,			/* extract the sensor status */
+	O2RX_GETTYPE,			/* extract the sensor type (should be 8) */
+	O2RX_GETCHANNEL,		/* extract the number of sensor channels (should be 1) */
+	O2RX_GETVERSION,		/* extract the sensor version */
+	O2RX_GETSUBSENSORS,		/* extract the available measures (O2, temperature, humidity etc) */
+	O2RX_GETDPHI,			/* extract phase shift */
+	O2RX_INTENSITY,			/* extract intensity of signal */
+	O2RX_AMBIENTLIGHT,		/* extract the intensity of the ambient light */
+	O2RX_PRESSURE,			/* extract pressure within the sensor housing */
+	O2RX_HUMIDITY			/* extract humidity within the sensor housing */
+  } uartO2RxState_t;
+void uartO2_Control(void);
+void uartO2_ProcessData(uint8_t data);
+void uartO2_SetChannel(uint8_t channel);
+uint8_t uartO2_isSensorConnected();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Small_CPU/Src/uartProtocol_O2.c	Mon Jul 31 19:50:36 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    uartProtocol_O2.c
+  * @author  heinrichs weikamp gmbh
+  * @version V0.0.1
+  * @date    16-Jun-2023
+  * @brief   Interface functionality to external, UART based O2 sensors
+  *
+  @verbatim
+  @endverbatim
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2023 heinrichs weikamp</center></h2>
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include <string.h>
+#include "uart.h"
+#include "uartProtocol_O2.h"
+#include "externalInterface.h"
+const  uint8_t errorStr[] = "#ERRO";
+static uint32_t lastReceiveTick = 0;
+static uartO2RxState_t rxState = O2RX_IDLE;
+static uint8_t digO2Connected = 0;						/* Binary indicator if a sensor is connected or not */
+static SSensorDataDiveO2 tmpSensorDataDiveO2;			/* intermediate storage for additional sensor data */
+static uint8_t activeSensor = 0;
+static uint8_t respondErrorDetected = 0;
+void uartO2_InitData()
+	  digO2Connected = 0;
+void uartO2_SetupCmd(uint8_t O2State, uint8_t *cmdString, uint8_t *cmdLength)
+	switch (O2State)
+	{
+		case UART_O2_CHECK:		*cmdLength = snprintf((char*)cmdString, 10, "#LOGO");
+			break;
+		case UART_O2_REQ_INFO: 	*cmdLength = snprintf((char*)cmdString, 10, "#VERS");
+					break;
+		case UART_O2_REQ_ID: 	*cmdLength = snprintf((char*)cmdString, 10, "#IDNR");
+			break;
+		case UART_O2_REQ_O2: 	*cmdLength = snprintf((char*)cmdString, 10, "#DOXY");
+			break;
+		case UART_O2_REQ_RAW:	*cmdLength = snprintf((char*)cmdString, 10, "#DRAW");
+			break;
+		default: *cmdLength = 0;
+			break;
+	}
+	if(*cmdLength != 0)
+	{
+		cmdString[*cmdLength] = 0x0D;
+		*cmdLength = *cmdLength + 1;
+		cmdString[*cmdLength] = 0x0A;
+		*cmdLength = *cmdLength + 1;
+		cmdString[*cmdLength] = 0;
+		*cmdLength = *cmdLength + 1;
+	}
+static uint8_t cmdLength = 0;
+static uint8_t cmdString[10];
+void uartO2_Control(void)
+	static uint8_t lastComState = 0;
+	static uint8_t lastActiveSensor = 0xFF;
+	uint8_t activeSensor = externalInterface_GetActiveUartSensor();
+	uartO2Status_t localComState = externalInterface_GetSensorState(activeSensor + EXT_INTERFACE_MUX_OFFSET);
+	externalInterface_GetSensorData(activeSensor + EXT_INTERFACE_MUX_OFFSET, (uint8_t*)&tmpSensorDataDiveO2);
+	if(lastActiveSensor != activeSensor)
+	{
+		lastActiveSensor = activeSensor;
+		if(localComState != UART_O2_ERROR)
+		{
+			lastComState = localComState;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			lastComState = UART_O2_IDLE;
+		}
+		if(localComState == UART_O2_CHECK)
+		{
+			localComState = UART_O2_IDLE;
+		}
+		UART_FlushRxBuffer();
+	}
+	if(localComState == UART_O2_INIT)
+	{
+		memset((char*) &tmpSensorDataDiveO2, 0, sizeof(tmpSensorDataDiveO2));
+		externalInterface_SetSensorData(0xFF,(uint8_t*)&tmpSensorDataDiveO2);
+		localComState = UART_O2_CHECK;
+		lastComState = UART_O2_CHECK;
+		uartO2_SetupCmd(localComState,cmdString,&cmdLength);
+		rxState = O2RX_CONFIRM;
+		respondErrorDetected = 0;
+		digO2Connected = 0;
+		UART_StartDMA_Receiption();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(localComState == UART_O2_ERROR)
+		{
+			localComState = lastComState;
+		}
+		lastComState = localComState;
+		if(localComState == UART_O2_IDLE)							/* cyclic request of o2 value */
+		{
+			if((activeSensor != MAX_MUX_CHANNEL) && (tmpSensorDataDiveO2.sensorId == 0))
+			{
+				localComState = UART_O2_REQ_ID;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				localComState = UART_O2_REQ_RAW;
+			}
+		}
+		rxState = O2RX_CONFIRM;
+		uartO2_SetupCmd(localComState,cmdString,&cmdLength);
+		UART_SendCmdString(cmdString);
+	}
+	externalInterface_SetSensorState(activeSensor + EXT_INTERFACE_MUX_OFFSET,localComState);
+void uartO2_ProcessData(uint8_t data)
+	static uint8_t cmdReadIndex = 0;
+	static uint8_t errorReadIndex = 0;
+	static char tmpRxBuf[30];
+	static uint8_t tmpRxIdx = 0;
+	uint32_t tmpO2 = 0;
+	uint32_t tmpData = 0;
+	uint32_t tick =  HAL_GetTick();
+	uartO2Status_t localComState = externalInterface_GetSensorState(activeSensor + EXT_INTERFACE_MUX_OFFSET);
+	lastReceiveTick = tick;
+	switch(rxState)
+	{
+		case O2RX_CONFIRM:	if(data == '#')
+							{
+								cmdReadIndex = 0;
+								errorReadIndex = 0;
+							}
+							if(errorReadIndex < sizeof(errorStr)-1)
+							{
+								if(data == errorStr[errorReadIndex])
+								{
+									errorReadIndex++;
+								}
+								else
+								{
+									errorReadIndex = 0;
+								}
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								respondErrorDetected = 1;
+								errorReadIndex = 0;
+								if(localComState != UART_O2_IDLE)
+								{
+									localComState = UART_O2_ERROR;
+								}
+							}
+							if(data == cmdString[cmdReadIndex])
+							{
+								cmdReadIndex++;
+								if(cmdReadIndex == cmdLength - 3)
+								{
+									errorReadIndex = 0;
+									if((activeSensor == MAX_MUX_CHANNEL))
+									{
+										if(respondErrorDetected)
+										{
+											digO2Connected = 0;		/* the multiplexer mirrors the incoming message and does not generate an error information => no mux connected */
+										}
+										else
+										{
+											digO2Connected = 1;
+										}
+									}
+									else							/* handle sensors which should respond with an error message after channel switch */
+									{
+										digO2Connected = 1;
+									}
+									tmpRxIdx = 0;
+									memset((char*) tmpRxBuf, 0, sizeof(tmpRxBuf));
+									cmdReadIndex = 0;
+									switch (localComState)
+									{
+											case UART_O2_CHECK:	localComState = UART_O2_IDLE;
+																rxState = O2RX_IDLE;
+												break;
+											case UART_O2_REQ_ID: rxState = O2RX_GETNR;
+												break;
+											case UART_O2_REQ_INFO: rxState = O2RX_GETTYPE;
+												break;
+											case UART_O2_REQ_RAW:
+											case UART_O2_REQ_O2:	rxState = O2RX_GETO2;
+												break;
+											default:	localComState = UART_O2_IDLE;
+														rxState = O2RX_IDLE;
+													break;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								cmdReadIndex = 0;
+							}
+				break;
+			case O2RX_GETSTATUS:
+			case O2RX_GETTEMP:
+			case O2RX_GETTYPE:
+			case O2RX_GETO2:
+			case O2RX_GETNR:
+			case O2RX_GETDPHI:
+			case O2RX_INTENSITY:
+			case O2RX_PRESSURE:
+			case O2RX_HUMIDITY:
+								if(data != 0x0D)
+								{
+									if(data != ' ')		/* the following data entities are placed within the data stream => no need to store data at the end */
+									{
+										tmpRxBuf[tmpRxIdx++] = data;
+									}
+									else
+									{
+										if(tmpRxIdx != 0)
+										{
+											switch(rxState)
+											{
+												case O2RX_GETCHANNEL:	StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,&tmpData);
+																		rxState = O2RX_GETVERSION;
+														break;
+												case O2RX_GETVERSION:	StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,&tmpData);
+																		rxState = O2RX_GETSUBSENSORS;
+														break;
+												case O2RX_GETTYPE: 		StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,&tmpData);
+																		rxState = O2RX_GETCHANNEL;
+														break;
+												case O2RX_GETO2: 		StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,&tmpO2);
+																		setExternalInterfaceChannel(activeSensor + EXT_INTERFACE_MUX_OFFSET,(float)(tmpO2 / 10000.0));
+																		rxState = O2RX_GETTEMP;
+													break;
+												case O2RX_GETTEMP:		StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,(uint32_t*)&tmpSensorDataDiveO2.temperature);
+																		rxState = O2RX_GETSTATUS;
+													break;
+												case O2RX_GETSTATUS:	StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,&tmpSensorDataDiveO2.status);				/* raw data cycle */
+																		rxState = O2RX_GETDPHI;
+													break;
+												case O2RX_GETDPHI:		/* ignored to save memory and most likly irrelevant for diver */
+																		rxState = O2RX_INTENSITY;
+																									break;
+												case O2RX_INTENSITY:	StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,(uint32_t*)&tmpSensorDataDiveO2.intensity);				/* raw data cycle */
+																		rxState = O2RX_AMBIENTLIGHT;
+																									break;
+												case O2RX_AMBIENTLIGHT:	StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,(uint32_t*)&tmpSensorDataDiveO2.ambient);				/* raw data cycle */
+																		rxState = O2RX_PRESSURE;
+																									break;
+												case O2RX_PRESSURE:	StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,(uint32_t*)&tmpSensorDataDiveO2.pressure);					/* raw data cycle */
+																		rxState = O2RX_HUMIDITY;
+																									break;
+												default:
+													break;
+											}
+											memset((char*) tmpRxBuf, 0, tmpRxIdx);
+											tmpRxIdx = 0;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								else
+								{							/* the following data items are the last of a sensor respond => store temporal data */
+									switch (rxState)
+									{
+										case O2RX_GETSTATUS:		StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,&tmpSensorDataDiveO2.status);
+																	externalInterface_SetSensorData(activeSensor + EXT_INTERFACE_MUX_OFFSET,(uint8_t*)&tmpSensorDataDiveO2);
+																	localComState = UART_O2_IDLE;
+																	rxState = O2RX_IDLE;
+												break;
+										case O2RX_GETSUBSENSORS:	StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,&tmpData);
+										localComState = UART_O2_IDLE;
+																	rxState = O2RX_IDLE;
+												break;
+										case O2RX_HUMIDITY:			StringToInt(tmpRxBuf,(uint32_t*)&tmpSensorDataDiveO2.humidity);				/* raw data cycle */
+																	externalInterface_SetSensorData(activeSensor + EXT_INTERFACE_MUX_OFFSET,(uint8_t*)&tmpSensorDataDiveO2);
+																	localComState = UART_O2_IDLE;
+																	rxState = O2RX_IDLE;
+												break;
+										case  O2RX_GETNR: 			StringToUInt64((char*)tmpRxBuf,&tmpSensorDataDiveO2.sensorId);
+																	externalInterface_SetSensorData(activeSensor + EXT_INTERFACE_MUX_OFFSET,(uint8_t*)&tmpSensorDataDiveO2);
+																	localComState = UART_O2_IDLE;
+																	rxState = O2RX_IDLE;
+											break;
+										default:		localComState = UART_O2_IDLE;
+														rxState = O2RX_IDLE;
+											break;
+									}
+								}
+					break;
+			default:				rxState = O2RX_IDLE;
+				break;
+	}
+	externalInterface_SetSensorState(activeSensor + EXT_INTERFACE_MUX_OFFSET,localComState);
+uint8_t uartO2_isSensorConnected()
+	return digO2Connected;
+void uartO2_SetChannel(uint8_t channel)
+	if(channel <= MAX_MUX_CHANNEL)
+	{
+		activeSensor = channel;
+	}