view Discovery/Src/buehlmann.c @ 396:effa6fb9eb89 ImproveBluetooth

Added function for BlueMod configuration: Investigations of connection problems showed that there is a problem if the module is not able to forward data fast enough. The bottleneck in direction of microcontroller may be solved by increasing baud rate. To be backward (bootloader) compatible this is done temperoraly during every startup Added function for signal stregth evaluation: Quality of data connection may have an impact on stability => added function to visualize current state of connection. The evaluation may be requested remote using 'l' (0x6c) or by pressing next button while in service mode Cleanup Disconnection procedure: Disconnection issued by OSTC was realized by simply switching of the module which might have a negativ impact to remote devices. Second reason for change was that, e.g. in case of a timeout on OSTC side. a remote device might have continued sending firmware data causing OSTC to interpretate firmware image as service requests. E.g. resulting in a corrupted configuration. Instead of just switching off power a disconnection request is now send to the BlueMod. Decreased size used for large data receiption: Depending on device speed firmware transfer might be really slow. By decreasing the block size a short (6 seconds) timeout per block may be kept while the sender has more time for transfering the image
author ideenmodellierer
date Tue, 26 Nov 2019 22:12:25 +0100
parents 305f251cc981
children b7d93ff6b3b2
line wrap: on
line source

/*	getrennte Gase f�r die verschiedenen Modi
		um Gaswechsel Eintr�ge zu vereinfachen
		das heisst:
		oc == bailout in cc mode

/* Konvention:
float extExample_variable_can_be_used_with_extern;

#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "buehlmann.h"
#include "decom.h"

extern const float buehlmann_N2_a[];
extern const float buehlmann_N2_b[];
extern const float buehlmann_He_a[];
extern const float buehlmann_He_b[];

typedef struct
	float depth;
	int id;
} SStop;

#define DECO_STOPS_MAX_TTS_CALCULATON_IN_SECONDS 59940 // 999 minuten; before: 18000 // 5(h) * 60(min) * 60 sec = 18000 sec

# define PRESSURE_TEN_METER 1.0f
# define PRESSURE_THREE_METER 0.333334f
# define PRESSURE_150_CM 0.15f
# define PRESSURE_HALF_METER 0.05f

static void buehlmann_backup_and_restore(_Bool backup_restore_otherwise);
static float tissue_tolerance(void);
static void ambient_bar_to_deco_stop_depth_bar(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings, float ceiling);
static int ascend_with_all_gaschanges(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings, float pressure_decrease);
static float next_stop_depth_input_is_actual_stop_id(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings, int actual_id);
static float get_gf_at_pressure(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings, float pressure);
static int buehlmann_calc_ndl(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings);
static _Bool dive1_check_deco(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings);

static float gSurface_pressure_bar;
static float gPressure;
static int gGas_id;
static float gTissue_nitrogen_bar[16];
static float gTissue_helium_bar[16];
static float gGF_value;
static float gCNS;

float gGF_low_depth_bar;
SStop gStop;

void buehlmann_init(void)

static void buehlmann_backup_and_restore(_Bool backup_restore_otherwise)
	static float pressure;
	static float gas_id;
	static float tissue_nitrogen_bar[16];
	static float tissue_helium_bar[16];
	static float gf_value;
	static float cns;

		pressure = gPressure;
		gas_id = gGas_id;
		gf_value = gGF_value;
		cns = gCNS;
		memcpy(tissue_nitrogen_bar, gTissue_nitrogen_bar, (4*16));
		memcpy(tissue_helium_bar, gTissue_helium_bar, (4*16));
		gPressure = pressure;
		gGas_id = gas_id;
		gGF_value = gf_value;
		gCNS = cns;
		memcpy(gTissue_nitrogen_bar, tissue_nitrogen_bar, (4*16));
		memcpy(gTissue_helium_bar, tissue_helium_bar, (4*16));


float buehlmann_get_gCNS(void)
	return gCNS;

void buehlmann_calc_deco(SLifeData* pLifeData, SDiveSettings * pDiveSettings, SDecoinfo * pDecoInfo)
	float ceiling;
	int ascend_time;
	int tts_seconds;
	float pressure_delta;
	float next_depth;
	_Bool deco_reached = false;
	unsigned short *stoplist;
	int i;

	gCNS = 0;
	pDecoInfo->output_time_to_surface_seconds = 0;
	pDecoInfo->output_ndl_seconds = 0;
	for(int i=0;i<DECOINFO_STRUCT_MAX_STOPS;i++)
		pDecoInfo->output_stop_length_seconds[i] = 0;

	/* internal copying */
	gSurface_pressure_bar = pLifeData->pressure_surface_bar;

	gPressure = pLifeData->pressure_ambient_bar;
	gGas_id = 0;
	memcpy(gTissue_nitrogen_bar, pLifeData->tissue_nitrogen_bar, (4*16));
	memcpy(gTissue_helium_bar, pLifeData->tissue_helium_bar, (4*16));
	gGF_value = ((float)pDiveSettings->gf_low) / 100.0f;
	stoplist = pDecoInfo->output_stop_length_seconds;

	if(pLifeData->dive_time_seconds_without_surface_time < 60)

	// clean stop list
	for(i = 0; i < DECOINFO_STRUCT_MAX_STOPS; i++)
		stoplist[i] = 0;

	if(pDiveSettings->internal__pressure_first_stop_ambient_bar_as_upper_limit_for_gf_low_otherwise_zero >= (gPressure - PRESSURE_150_CM))
		deco_reached = true;

	gGF_value = ((float)pDiveSettings->gf_high) / 100.0f;
	if(!dive1_check_deco(pDiveSettings) )
		// no deco
	  	pDecoInfo->output_time_to_surface_seconds = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < DECOINFO_STRUCT_MAX_STOPS; i++)
			pDecoInfo->output_stop_length_seconds[i] = 0;
		// calc NDL
		pDecoInfo->output_ndl_seconds = buehlmann_calc_ndl(pDiveSettings);;
	pDecoInfo->output_ndl_seconds = 0;

	gGF_value = get_gf_at_pressure(pDiveSettings, gPressure);
	//current ceiling at actual position
	ceiling = tissue_tolerance();
	ambient_bar_to_deco_stop_depth_bar(pDiveSettings, ceiling);

	// set the base for all upcoming parameters
	ceiling = gStop.depth + gSurface_pressure_bar;
	tts_seconds = 0;

	// modify parameters if there is ascend or parameter fine adjustment
	if(ceiling < (gPressure - PRESSURE_150_CM)) // more than 1.5 meter below ceiling
		// ascend within 10 mtr to GF_low // speed 12 mtr/min -> 50 sec / 10 mtr;  15 sec / 3 mtr.
		if(ceiling < (gPressure - PRESSURE_TEN_METER) )
		{ do {
				ascend_time = ascend_with_all_gaschanges(pDiveSettings, PRESSURE_TEN_METER);
				tts_seconds += ascend_time;
				ceiling = tissue_tolerance();
				pDecoInfo->output_time_to_surface_seconds = NINETY_NINE_MINUTES_IN_SECONDS;
			} while ((ascend_time > 0 ) && ((gPressure - PRESSURE_TEN_METER ) > gSurface_pressure_bar) && (ceiling < (gPressure - PRESSURE_TEN_METER)));
		do {
			ascend_time = ascend_with_all_gaschanges(pDiveSettings, PRESSURE_THREE_METER);
			tts_seconds += ascend_time;
			ceiling = tissue_tolerance();
				pDecoInfo->output_time_to_surface_seconds = NINETY_NINE_MINUTES_IN_SECONDS;
			ambient_bar_to_deco_stop_depth_bar(pDiveSettings, ceiling);
		} while ((ascend_time > 0 ) &&  ((gStop.depth + gSurface_pressure_bar) < gPressure));

		if(gStop.depth + gSurface_pressure_bar > gPressure)
			tts_seconds -= ascend_time;
    // calculate first stop based on tissue saturation within 10 meters of stop
		// initial values, upper code might not be executed (is within 150 cm)

	if (ceiling > gSurface_pressure_bar)
		ceiling = gStop.depth + gSurface_pressure_bar;
		// ascend the last meters to first stop (especially consider any gas changes around)
		pressure_delta = gPressure - ceiling;
		ascend_time = (int) ceil(pressure_delta * 50.0f);
		tts_seconds += ascend_with_all_gaschanges(pDiveSettings, pressure_delta);
	// NDL check
	if(ceiling <= gSurface_pressure_bar)
		// NDL with GF_low
		pDecoInfo->output_time_to_surface_seconds = 0;
	if (ceiling > pDiveSettings->internal__pressure_first_stop_ambient_bar_as_upper_limit_for_gf_low_otherwise_zero)
		pDiveSettings->internal__pressure_first_stop_ambient_bar_as_upper_limit_for_gf_low_otherwise_zero = ceiling;

	// calc gf loop
		gGF_low_depth_bar = pDiveSettings->internal__pressure_first_stop_ambient_bar_as_upper_limit_for_gf_low_otherwise_zero - gSurface_pressure_bar;
		gGF_low_depth_bar = ceiling - gSurface_pressure_bar;

	while(gStop.depth > 0)
			next_depth = next_stop_depth_input_is_actual_stop_id(pDiveSettings,;
			gGF_value = get_gf_at_pressure(pDiveSettings, next_depth + gSurface_pressure_bar);
			ascend_time = ascend_with_all_gaschanges(pDiveSettings, gStop.depth - next_depth);
			ceiling = tissue_tolerance();
			/* pre check actual limit */
			if(pDecoInfo->output_stop_length_seconds[] >= 999*60)
				tts_seconds -= 999*60 - pDecoInfo->output_stop_length_seconds[];
				pDecoInfo->output_stop_length_seconds[] = 999*60;
			/* more deco on the actual depth */
			if(ceiling > next_depth + gSurface_pressure_bar)
				next_depth = -1;
				decom_tissues_exposure2(10, &pDiveSettings->decogaslist[gGas_id], gPressure,gTissue_nitrogen_bar,gTissue_helium_bar); // some seconds at least at each stop
				decom_oxygen_calculate_cns_exposure(10, &pDiveSettings->decogaslist[gGas_id], gPressure, &gCNS);
				pDecoInfo->output_stop_length_seconds[] += 10;
        tts_seconds += 10;
		} while(next_depth == -1);
		tts_seconds += ascend_time;
		gStop.depth = next_depth;
    for(i = gGas_id + 1; i < BUEHLMANN_STRUCT_MAX_GASES; i++)
        if(pDiveSettings->decogaslist[i].change_during_ascent_depth_meter_otherwise_zero == 0)
        float pressureChange =  ((float)pDiveSettings->decogaslist[i].change_during_ascent_depth_meter_otherwise_zero) / 10;
        if(gStop.depth <= pressureChange + 0.00001f)
            gGas_id = i;

	pDecoInfo->output_time_to_surface_seconds = tts_seconds;

static float tissue_tolerance(void)
	float tissue_inertgas_saturation;
	float inertgas_a;
	float inertgas_b;
	float ceiling;
	float global_ceiling;
	int ci;

	global_ceiling = -1;

	for (ci = 0; ci < 16; ci++)
		if(gTissue_helium_bar[ci] == 0)
			tissue_inertgas_saturation = gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci];
			inertgas_a = buehlmann_N2_a[ci];
			inertgas_b = buehlmann_N2_b[ci];
			tissue_inertgas_saturation =  gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci] + gTissue_helium_bar[ci];
			inertgas_a = ( ( buehlmann_N2_a[ci] *  gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci]) + ( buehlmann_He_a[ci] * gTissue_helium_bar[ci]) ) / tissue_inertgas_saturation;
			inertgas_b = ( ( buehlmann_N2_b[ci] *  gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci]) + ( buehlmann_He_b[ci] * gTissue_helium_bar[ci]) ) / tissue_inertgas_saturation;
		ceiling = (inertgas_b * ( tissue_inertgas_saturation - gGF_value * inertgas_a ) ) / (gGF_value - (inertgas_b * gGF_value) + inertgas_b);
		if(ceiling > global_ceiling)
			global_ceiling = ceiling;
	return global_ceiling;

void buehlmann_super_saturation_calculator(SLifeData* pLifeData, SDecoinfo * pDecoInfo)
	float tissue_inertgas_saturation;
	float inertgas_a;
	float inertgas_b;
	float ceiling;
	float super_saturation;
	float pres_respiration = pLifeData->pressure_ambient_bar;
	int ci;

	pDecoInfo->super_saturation = 0;

	for (ci = 0; ci < 16; ci++)
		if(gTissue_helium_bar[ci] == 0)
			tissue_inertgas_saturation = gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci];
			inertgas_a = buehlmann_N2_a[ci];
			inertgas_b = buehlmann_N2_b[ci];
			tissue_inertgas_saturation =  gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci] + gTissue_helium_bar[ci];
			inertgas_a = ( ( buehlmann_N2_a[ci] *  gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci]) + ( buehlmann_He_a[ci] * gTissue_helium_bar[ci]) ) / tissue_inertgas_saturation;
			inertgas_b = ( ( buehlmann_N2_b[ci] *  gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci]) + ( buehlmann_He_b[ci] * gTissue_helium_bar[ci]) ) / tissue_inertgas_saturation;

		ceiling = pres_respiration / inertgas_b + inertgas_a;
		if(tissue_inertgas_saturation > pres_respiration)
			super_saturation =
					(tissue_inertgas_saturation - pres_respiration) / (ceiling - pres_respiration);

			if (super_saturation > pDecoInfo->super_saturation)
				pDecoInfo->super_saturation = super_saturation;

static float buehlmann_tissue_test_tolerance(float depth_in_bar_absolute)
	float tissue_inertgas_saturation;
	float inertgas_a;
	float inertgas_b;
	float inertgas_tolerance;
	float gf_minus_1;

	gf_minus_1 = gGF_value - 1.0f;

	for (int ci = 0; ci < 16; ci++)
		if(gTissue_helium_bar[ci] == 0)
			tissue_inertgas_saturation = gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci];
			inertgas_a = buehlmann_N2_a[ci];
			inertgas_b = buehlmann_N2_b[ci];
			tissue_inertgas_saturation =  gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci] + gTissue_helium_bar[ci];
			inertgas_a = ( ( buehlmann_N2_a[ci] *  gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci]) + ( buehlmann_He_a[ci] * gTissue_helium_bar[ci]) ) / tissue_inertgas_saturation;
			inertgas_b = ( ( buehlmann_N2_b[ci] *  gTissue_nitrogen_bar[ci]) + ( buehlmann_He_b[ci] * gTissue_helium_bar[ci]) ) / tissue_inertgas_saturation;
		inertgas_tolerance = ( (gGF_value / inertgas_b - gf_minus_1) * depth_in_bar_absolute ) + ( gGF_value * inertgas_a );
		if(inertgas_tolerance < tissue_inertgas_saturation)
			return tissue_inertgas_saturation - inertgas_tolerance; // positive
	return tissue_inertgas_saturation - inertgas_tolerance; // negative

static void ambient_bar_to_deco_stop_depth_bar(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings, float ceiling)
	int i;

	ceiling -= gSurface_pressure_bar;

	if(ceiling <= 0)
		gStop.depth = pDiveSettings->last_stop_depth_bar; = 0;

	if((ceiling -  pDiveSettings->last_stop_depth_bar) <= 0)
		gStop.depth =  pDiveSettings->last_stop_depth_bar; = 0;

	gStop.depth = pDiveSettings->input_second_to_last_stop_depth_bar; = 1;
	ceiling -= pDiveSettings->input_second_to_last_stop_depth_bar;

	if(ceiling <= 0)

	for(i = 1; i < (DECOINFO_STRUCT_MAX_STOPS - 2); i++)
		ceiling -= pDiveSettings->input_next_stop_increment_depth_bar;
		if(ceiling <= 0)
	gStop.depth += i * pDiveSettings->input_next_stop_increment_depth_bar; += i;

static float next_stop_depth_input_is_actual_stop_id(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings, int actual_id)
	if(actual_id == 0)
		return 0;

	if(actual_id == 1)
		return pDiveSettings->last_stop_depth_bar;

	actual_id -= 2;
	return pDiveSettings->input_second_to_last_stop_depth_bar + (actual_id * pDiveSettings->input_next_stop_increment_depth_bar);

static int ascend_with_all_gaschanges(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings, float pressure_decrease)
	float pressureTop, pressureTop_tmp, pressureBottom, pressureChange, ascendrate_in_seconds_for_one_bar, pressure_difference;
	int time_for_ascend = 0;
	int seconds;
	int i;

	ascendrate_in_seconds_for_one_bar = 60 * 10 / pDiveSettings->ascentRate_meterperminute;

	if(fabsf(gPressure - gSurface_pressure_bar) < PRESSURE_HALF_METER)
		gPressure = gSurface_pressure_bar;
		return 0;

	pressureTop = gPressure - pressure_decrease;
	if( gSurface_pressure_bar > pressureTop)
		pressureTop = gSurface_pressure_bar;
	pressureBottom = gPressure;
	seconds = 0;
        pressureTop_tmp = pressureTop;
        for(i = gGas_id + 1; i < BUEHLMANN_STRUCT_MAX_GASES; i++)
            if(pDiveSettings->decogaslist[i].change_during_ascent_depth_meter_otherwise_zero == 0)
            pressureChange = gSurface_pressure_bar + ((float)pDiveSettings->decogaslist[i].change_during_ascent_depth_meter_otherwise_zero) / 10;
            if(pressureBottom <= pressureChange)
                gGas_id = i;

        for(i = gGas_id + 1; i < BUEHLMANN_STRUCT_MAX_GASES; i++)
            if(pDiveSettings->decogaslist[i].change_during_ascent_depth_meter_otherwise_zero == 0)
            pressureChange = gSurface_pressure_bar + ((float)pDiveSettings->decogaslist[i].change_during_ascent_depth_meter_otherwise_zero)/ 10;
            if((pressureChange < pressureBottom) && (pressureChange > pressureTop))
                pressureTop_tmp = pressureChange;
        pressure_difference = pressureBottom - pressureTop_tmp;
        if(pressure_difference > 0.0001f)
          time_for_ascend = (int)ceilf(pressure_difference * ascendrate_in_seconds_for_one_bar);
          decom_tissues_exposure_stage_schreiner(time_for_ascend, &pDiveSettings->decogaslist[gGas_id],
                                              pressureBottom, pressureTop_tmp, gTissue_nitrogen_bar, gTissue_helium_bar);
                                              pressureBottom, pressureTop_tmp, &gCNS);
        pressureBottom = pressureTop_tmp;
        seconds += time_for_ascend;
    }while(pressureTop_tmp > pressureTop);
    gPressure = pressureTop;
	return seconds;

static float get_gf_at_pressure(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings, float pressure)
	float gfSteigung = 0.0f;

	if(gGF_low_depth_bar < 0)
			gGF_low_depth_bar = PRESSURE_THREE_METER; // just to prevent erratic behaviour if variable is not set

    gfSteigung = ((float)(pDiveSettings->gf_high - pDiveSettings->gf_low))/ gGF_low_depth_bar;

	if((pressure - gSurface_pressure_bar) <= PRESSURE_HALF_METER)
		return ((float)pDiveSettings->gf_high) / 100.0f;

	if(pressure >= gSurface_pressure_bar + gGF_low_depth_bar)
		return ((float)pDiveSettings->gf_low) / 100.0f;

	return (pDiveSettings->gf_high - gfSteigung * (pressure - gSurface_pressure_bar) )/ 100.0f;

#define MAX_NDL 240
static int buehlmann_calc_ndl(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings)
	float local_tissue_nitrogen_bar[16];
	float local_tissue_helium_bar[16];
	int i;
	int ndl = 0;

	//Check ndl always use gHigh
	gGF_value = ((float)pDiveSettings->gf_high) / 100.0f;
	//10 minutes steps
	while(ndl < (MAX_NDL * 60))
		memcpy(local_tissue_nitrogen_bar, gTissue_nitrogen_bar, (4*16));
		memcpy(local_tissue_helium_bar, gTissue_helium_bar, (4*16));
		ndl += 600;
		decom_tissues_exposure2(600, &pDiveSettings->decogaslist[gGas_id], gPressure,gTissue_nitrogen_bar,gTissue_helium_bar);

	if(ndl < (MAX_NDL * 60))
		ndl -= 600;

	if(ndl > (MAX_NDL/2 * 60))
		return ndl;

	// refine
	memcpy(gTissue_nitrogen_bar, local_tissue_nitrogen_bar, (4*16));
	memcpy(gTissue_helium_bar, local_tissue_helium_bar, (4*16));

	//One minutes step
	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		ndl += 60;
		decom_tissues_exposure2(60, &pDiveSettings->decogaslist[gGas_id], gPressure,gTissue_nitrogen_bar,gTissue_helium_bar);
	return ndl;

//  ===============================================================================
//	dive1_check_deco
/// @brief	for NDL calculations
///					160614 using ceilingOther and not ceiling
//  ===============================================================================
static _Bool dive1_check_deco(SDiveSettings *pDiveSettings)
	// gGF_value is set in call routine;
	// internes Backup!

	// calc like in deco
	float ceiling;
	float ceilingOther; // new hw 160614

	ceiling = tissue_tolerance();
	ambient_bar_to_deco_stop_depth_bar(pDiveSettings, ceiling); // this will set gStop.depth :-) (and

	// set the base for all upcoming parameters
	ceilingOther = gStop.depth + gSurface_pressure_bar;

	// modify parameters if there is ascend or parameter fine adjustment
	if(ceilingOther < (gPressure - PRESSURE_150_CM)) // more than 1.5 meter below ceiling
		// ascend within 10 mtr to GF_low // speed 12 mtr/min -> 50 sec / 10 mtr;  15 sec / 3 mtr.
		while(((gPressure - PRESSURE_TEN_METER ) > gSurface_pressure_bar) && (ceiling < (gPressure - PRESSURE_TEN_METER)))
			ascend_with_all_gaschanges(pDiveSettings, PRESSURE_TEN_METER);
			ceiling = tissue_tolerance();
		while(((gPressure - PRESSURE_THREE_METER )> gSurface_pressure_bar) && (ceiling < gPressure))
			ascend_with_all_gaschanges(pDiveSettings, PRESSURE_THREE_METER);
			ceiling = tissue_tolerance();
	return ceiling > gSurface_pressure_bar;

// compute ceiling recursively, with a resolution of 10cm. Notice
// that the initial call shall guarantee that the found ceiling
// is between low and high parameters.
static float compute_ceiling(float low, float high)
	if ((high - low) < 0.01)
		return low;
	else {
		float next_pressure_absolute = (low + high)/2;
		float test_result = buehlmann_tissue_test_tolerance(next_pressure_absolute);
		if (test_result < 0)
			return compute_ceiling(low, next_pressure_absolute);
			return compute_ceiling(next_pressure_absolute, high);

void buehlmann_ceiling_calculator(SLifeData *pLifeData, SDecoinfo *pDecoInfo)
	float ceiling;

	memcpy(gTissue_nitrogen_bar, pLifeData->tissue_nitrogen_bar, (4*16));
	memcpy(gTissue_helium_bar, pLifeData->tissue_helium_bar, (4*16));

	// this is just performance optimizing. The code below runs just fine
	// without this. There is never a ceiling in NDL deco state
	if (!pDecoInfo->output_time_to_surface_seconds) {
		pDecoInfo->output_ceiling_meter = 0;

	ceiling = compute_ceiling(pLifeData->pressure_surface_bar, 1.0f + pLifeData->max_depth_meter/10.0f);
	pDecoInfo->output_ceiling_meter = (ceiling - pLifeData->pressure_surface_bar) * 10.0f;