view wiki/Detailed CPU1-Discovery @ 537:0ad0b26ec56b

Added center / right alignment option to custom text display: Per default custom text was shown left aligned. Using '^' for center and '?' for right alignment the display of the custom text may now be improved. For proper operation the alignment had to be set to common handling mode and the blank characters had to be removed from the transmitted string. To avoid display of special strings (e.g. multilanguage) the write text via com interface will now block special characters
author Ideenmodellierer
date Wed, 07 Oct 2020 18:07:10 +0200
parents 0e7c16dd774d
children 1eee6fb108cb
line wrap: on
line source

# How to Create From Scratch a Project for _CPU1-Discovery_ Code #

The OpenSTM32 wiki have a [page]( to start a project from scratch. With the latest version of every support libraries and sources from ST. But here I prefer to have a project with the support files validated (and compatible) with the _OSTC4_ code.

## Start with an Empty Project ##

**Special Notes**:

- _Linux_ users should read about this **well known _Eclipse_ bug** :
- We do have a _STM32F427IIT6_ chip as CPU1. But the support file provided by _ST_ lake for _LCD TFT Display Controller_ (aka LTDC), even in the latest available version 1.7.2 from 2017-11-06... So we use the STM32F429IITx support file instead, that seems to be similar enough. 

In the following description, I suppose you used _mercurial_ to clone the sources into a **D:\Dev\OSTC4** directory. Make the changes for your own settings...

0. Start the IDE. On most machine it will be the `eclipse` in the _Ac6_ folder you installed.
1. Create an empty project: `File` > `New` > `C Project`
2. Choose `AC6 STM32 MCU Project` and `AC6 STM32 MCU GCC`. Click `Next`  
Note: **make sure NOT TO CLICK FINISH... as it will skip all the rest of the configuration wizard !**  
3. Keep `Debug` and `Release` configurations. Click `Next`
4. Create a new board, that you can name **OSTC4-CPU1-F429**, by choosing:  
>   Series: `STM32F4`  
>   Mcu: `STM32F429IITx`   
>   Debug: `JTAG`    
Click `Next`.    
5. Keep `No firmware` and select `Don't generate startup files`. Then click `Finish`

## Configure Various Settings ##

1. In the _C/C++ Projects_ explorer, select your project top-level folder
2. Right on it, select `Properties`, `Resource` and set `Text file encoding` to **UTF-8**
3. Right on it, select `Properties`, `Resource` then `Linked Resources` and click on `New...` to define a new variable **OSTC4** that points to your source folder **D:\Dev\OSTC4** (or whatever path you used on your system).    
This should allow to change the project's origin with a single variable change.

# Add Sources Folders #

1. In the _C/C++ Projects_ explorer, select your project top-level folder
2. Right-click to add a `New` > `Folder`. In `Advanced settings >` click `Link to alternate location` and then the `Variables...` button. Click on the **OSTC4** variable, then click `Extend...` and select the **Common\\** sub-directory. Click `Finish`
3. Do the same to import the linked folder  **OSTC4\Discovery**

## Make _Eclipse_ aware you just added sources, not junk ##

(_Note: this step is only useful on specific versions of Eclipse. And already done by default on others..._)

1. In the _C/C++ Projects_ explorer, open your project top-level project.
2. Right click on the `Common` folder, select `Resource Configurations...`, and `Exclude from build`. Make sure to UNCHECK both `Debug` and `Release` check-boxes.
3. Do the same for the `Discovery` folder.

## Make _Eclipse_ aware not to compile templates ##

Some sources or directories in the _ST_ distribution contains source you shall not compile. So you should tell _OSE_.

1. In the _Project Explorer_, open item `Common/Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_DRIVER_v120/Src`. Right click on `stm32f4xx_hal_msp_template.c`source file, select `Resource Configurations...`, and `Exclude from build`. Make sure both `Debug` and `Release` check-boxes are CHECKED.
2. Do the same on the `Common/Drivers/STM32F4xx_v220/Source/Templates` directory.

# Compile #

1. Select your top-level project, right-click to edit `properties`. In `C/C++ Build` choose `Settings`, then `MCU GCC Compiler` and `Optimization`. Choose `Optimization Level`: -Os (To reduce flash time)

Ok, sources are there. You can read them. But you need a few more efforts to let the IDE find everything he requires to compile _CPU1 Discovery_ firmware.

## Add include paths ##

1. Select your top-level project, right-click to edit `properties`. In `C/C++ Build` choose `Settings`, then `MCU GCC Compiler` and `Includes`. **Make sure to select `Configuration: [All Configurations]` **. Click `Add...` choose `Workspace...` and select the `Common/Drivers/CMIS_v210` directory.
2. Do the same for `Common/Drivers/STM32F4xx_v220/Include` directory.
3. Do the same for `Common/Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_DRIVER_v120/Inc` directory.
4. Do the same for `Common/Inc` directory.
5. Do the same for `Discovery/Inc` directory.
6. Use the _Move Up_ icon to make sure `Discovery/Inc` is first.
7. Use the `Configuration:` pop-up to check you have all the includes in both `Debug` and `Release` configuration.

Once done, If you go to the _C/C++ Projects explorer_, open your top-level project, and open the `Includes` item, you should see:

- a few lines added by the system `.../Ac6/Workbench/plugins/.../compiler/...` with include paths required by the GCC compiler.
- then your 5 include directories (shown in alphabetic order, not priority order... too bad). Make sure to open each of them and to double-click on a .h file to check it opens correctly in the IDE.

## Add Link Options ##

1. Select your top-level project, right-click to edit `properties`. In `C/C++ Build` choose `Settings`, then `MCU G++ Linker` and `General`.
And select _linker Script_: `OSTC4/Common/CPU1-F429.ld`
2. In `C/C++ Build` choose `Settings`, then `MCU GCC Linker` and `Miscellaneous`. Add option -u _printf_float in Linker flags. This is necessary to prevent IDE warning "The float formatting support (-u _printf_float) is not enabled from linker flags".

## Prepare generation of bin file ##
1. Select your top-level project, right-click to edit `properties`. In `C/C++ Build` choose `Settings`, then tab `Build Steps` and `Post build step command`.
2. Add option -R .upper\* to the command to removed the upper memory section, which is provided by the font library =>arm-none-eabi-objcopy -R .upper\* -O binary "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.elf" "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.bin"; arm-none-eabi-size "${BuildArtifactFileName}"

## Build ELF firmware ##

1. Click the `Build` button (hammer icon) on the top bar.