2020-10-07 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added center / right alignment option to custom text display:
2020-10-07 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Changed visualization of Depth / temperatur / debugview entry
2020-10-07 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Increased max value for surface pressure:
2020-10-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Added tag 1.5.5 release for changeset 02e7e11fdbe8
2020-09-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
increase version numbers, compile with TRUST_LOG_CONSISTENCY switch
1.5.5 release
2020-09-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
add current build
2020-09-15 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix custom view selection dialog:
2020-09-15 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix: No need to consider surface custom view in count of enabled view:
2020-09-15 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added skip condition in custom view selection:
2020-09-13 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added new option to gas configuration: "Off":
2020-09-13 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Do not show gases in "Off" state in custom gas list:
2020-09-13 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added new option to gas configuration: "Off":
2020-09-13 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Change color ID used in strings for light grey:
2020-09-13 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Minor: Removed duplicated definition of number of available gases
2020-09-10 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Changed string for data view selections:
2020-09-10 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added compile switch for motion control:
2020-09-10 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Move Bigfont and motion Ctrl selection menu out of custom view submenu:
2020-09-08 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Moved custom view menu to new tab:
2020-09-06 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Reset Safety Stop display in case of a new descend:
2020-09-06 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added T3_gaslist:
2020-09-06 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added color coding for cv gas list:
2020-09-06 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added quick menu function to big font view:
2020-09-06 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added missing display of button labels in refresh function:
2020-09-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Properly send compass 3 into sleepmode (end-2019 hardware)
2020-08-31 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2020-08-30 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added new strings for the selection of T3 custom views
2020-08-30 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Minor adaptions in page layout:
2020-08-30 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Display warning in t7 using centered strings
2020-08-30 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Show page number in small letters if more than 8 tabs are active
2020-08-30 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Reimplementation of tMenuEdit_select:
2020-08-30 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added new menu tab into call structure
2020-08-30 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added new top level menu for customization of views
2020-08-30 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Removed second big font profile
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added worst case plausibility check (disabled by compile switch)
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix display of disabled screen.
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix display of disabled screen.
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix right alignment of dualfont strings
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added possibility to switch between "classic" bigfont views and a selection with a new information combination
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added compile switch to enable / disable new BigFont layout
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added dew parameter to enable selection of customer BigFont screens to be displayed
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added worst case plausibility check (disabled by compile switch)
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix display of disabled screen.
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix display of disabled screen.
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix right alignment of dualfont strings
2020-08-24 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added possibility to switch between "classic" bigfont views and a selection with a new information combination
2020-08-20 |
Ideenmodellierer |
Added compiler switch for existing debug view parameter
2020-08-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Added tag v1.5.4 release for changeset e9ca66ce36e5
2020-07-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.5.4 release
v1.5.4 release
2020-06-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
add wiki sub-directory
2020-06-27 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Added "I2C_DeInit();" in hardware detection routines. It's the recommended way
2020-05-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Merged in Ideenmodellierer/ostc4/FixLayout_Header_LogView (pull request #46)
2020-05-26 |
ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix header EEPROM layout:
2020-05-26 |
ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix right alignment of string:
2020-05-26 |
ideenmodellierer |
Small corrections layout Divelog page 1:
2020-05-26 |
ideenmodellierer |
Development option only read bottledata:
2020-05-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Merged in Ideenmodellierer/ostc4/Improve_Button_Sleep (pull request #45)
2020-05-18 |
ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix calculation of string center position:
2020-05-13 |
ideenmodellierer |
Code cleanup pressure plausibility check:
2020-05-13 |
ideenmodellierer |
Bugfix unintended else condition:
2020-05-12 |
ideenmodellierer |
Development option only: Show Pressure update for a short time in the custom field (as warning)