diff code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/definitions.asm @ 0:96a35aeda5f2

Initial setup
author heinrichsweikamp
date Tue, 12 Jan 2010 15:05:59 +0100
children d11ef8dc4b2c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/definitions.asm	Tue Jan 12 15:05:59 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+; OSTC - diving computer code
+; Copyright (C) 2008 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR
+;    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modifyn 3 of the License, or
+;    (at your option) any later version.
+;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;    GNU General Public License for more details.
+;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+; Defines, I/O Ports and variables
+; written by: Matthias Heinrichs, info@heinrichsweikamp.com
+; written: 10/30/05
+; last updated: 01/23/08
+; known bugs:
+; ToDo:
+;#DEFINE		NO_SENSOR_MODE			; uses Dummy values
+#DEFINE	softwareversion_x		d'1'		; Software version  XX.YY
+#DEFINE	softwareversion_y		d'50'		; Software version  XX.YY
+#DEFINE	max_custom_number		d'41'		; Number of last used custom function
+#DEFINE	logbook_profile_version	0x20		; Do not touch!
+#DEFINE	T0CON_debounce	b'00000000'					; Timer0 Switch Debounce
+; Define max. 5 Binary Custom Functions here (add more in menu_custom.asm)
+#DEFINE	binary_cf1				d'31'
+#DEFINE	binary_cf2				d'38'
+#DEFINE	binary_cf3				d'39'
+#DEFINE	binary_cf4				d'40'
+#DEFINE	binary_cf5				d'41'
+#DEFINE wp_fontwidth  .14
+#DEFINE wp_fontheight .24
+; Color Definitions: 8Bit RGB b'RRRGGGBB'
+#DEFINE	color_red	b'11100000'
+#DEFINE	color_blue	b'00000011'
+#DEFINE	color_green	b'00011100'
+#DEFINE	color_white b'11111111'
+#DEFINE	color_black b'00000000'
+#DEFINE	color_deepblue b'00000001'
+#DEFINE	color_grey	d'73'
+;Configuration bits
+	CONFIG	OSC = IRCIO67        ;Internal oscillator block, port function on RA6 and RA7
+	CONFIG	FCMEN = OFF          ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
+	CONFIG	IESO = OFF           ;Oscillator Switchover mode disabled
+	CONFIG	PWRT = ON            ;PWRT enabled
+	CONFIG	BOREN = OFF          ;Brown-out Reset disabled in hardware and software
+	CONFIG	WDT = OFF            ;WDT disabled
+	CONFIG	WDTPS = 128          ;1:128
+	CONFIG	MCLRE = ON           ;MCLR pin enabled; RE3 input pin disabled
+	CONFIG	LPT1OSC = OFF        ;Timer1 configured for higher power operation
+	CONFIG	PBADEN = OFF         ;PORTB<4> and PORTB<1:0> Configured as Digital I/O Pins on Reset
+	CONFIG	DEBUG = OFF          ;Background debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 configured as general purpose I/O pins
+	CONFIG	XINST = OFF          ;Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
+	CONFIG	LVP = OFF            ;Single-Supply ICSP disabled
+	CONFIG	STVREN = OFF         ;Stack full/underflow will not cause Reset
+;Variable definitions
+; arrays are in hex size!! 20 = .032
+	CBLOCK	0x060				;Bank 0
+	letter:.026					;letter buffer
+	win_color1
+	win_color2
+	win_top
+	win_leftx2
+	win_font
+	win_invert
+	wp_temp
+; the following is used by the C-code up to 0x0E0!!
+	CBLOCK	0x0E0				;Bank 0
+	CBLOCK	0x100				;Bank 1
+	wreg_temp					;variables used for context saving during ISR 
+	status_temp					
+	bsr_temp					
+	secs						;realtime clock
+	mins
+	hours
+	day
+	month
+	year
+	waitms_temp					;variables required for wait routines
+	wait_temp				 	; " + used to copy data to c code + used for temp/testing
+								; never use wait_temp in interrupt routines (isr) and never call any wait routine in interrupts
+	textnumber					;for textdisplay and textlookup
+	textlength					
+	textaddress:2				
+	LastSetRow 
+	LastSetColumn
+	average_depth_hold:4		; Holds Sum of depths
+	b0_lo						; Temp (calculate_average)
+	b0_hi						; Temp (calculate_average)
+	average_divesecs:2			; Used for resetable average depth display
+	surface_interval:2			; Surface Interval [mins]
+	grayvalue					; 4 Bit Greyvalue
+	draw_box_temp1
+	draw_box_temp2
+	draw_box_temp3
+	flag1 						;Flag register 
+	flag2 
+	flag3 
+	flag4 
+	flag5 ; has to be exacly here, is modified by c-code (no sensor int) 
+	flag6 
+	flag7 
+	flag8
+	flag9
+	flag10
+	flag11
+	flag12
+	flag13
+	flag14
+	flag15
+	oled1_temp					;Temp variables for display output
+	oled2_temp		
+	oled3_temp	
+	oled4_temp					; Used in "Displaytext"
+	lo							;bin to dec conversion routine
+	hi
+	lo_temp
+	hi_temp
+	temp3						;								used in valconv math
+	temp4						;								used in valconv math
+	ignore_digits
+	temp1						;Multipurpose Temp variables 	used in valconv math
+	temp2						;								used in valconv math
+	ext_ee_temp1				; External EEPROM Temp 1		used in I2C EEPROM
+	ext_ee_temp2				; External EEPROM Temp 2		used in I2C EEPROM
+	isr1_temp					;ISR temp variables
+	isr2_temp	
+  	isr3_temp:2
+	timer1int_counter1			;Timer 1 counter
+	timer1int_counter2 			;Timer 1 counter
+	uart1_temp					;RS232 temp variables
+	uart2_temp
+  	divA:2						;math routines
+  	divB
+	xC:4
+	xA:2
+	xB:2
+  	sub_c:2
+  	sub_a:2
+  	sub_b:2
+	dLSB						;Pressure sensor interface 
+	dMSB
+	clock_count
+	temperature_correction		; additional temperature correction value
+	W1:2
+	W2:2
+	W3:2
+	W4:2
+	C1:2
+	C2:2
+	C3:2
+	C3_temp:2
+	C4:2
+	C5:2
+	C6:2
+	D1:2
+	D2:2
+  	isr_divA:2
+ 	isr_divB
+	isr_xC:4
+	isr_xA:2
+	isr_xB:2
+  	isr_sub_c:2
+  	isr_sub_a:2
+  	isr_sub_b:2
+  	xdT:2
+  	xdT2:2
+  	OFF:2
+  	SENS:2
+   	amb_pressure:2					; ambient pressure [mBar]
+   	rel_pressure:2					; amb_pressure - surface pressure [mBar]
+   	max_pressure:2					; Max. pressure for the dive [mBar]
+	avr_rel_pressure:2				; Average rel. pressure (Average depth) for the dive [mBar]
+   	last_pressure:2
+  	temperature:2
+  	last_temperature:2
+  	temperature_temp:2
+  	Dx:2
+	last_surfpressure:2			;Divemode
+	last_surfpressure_15min:2
+	last_surfpressure_30min:2
+	divemins:2					;Minutes
+	divesecs					;seconds
+	samplesecs					; counts the seconds until the next sample is stored in divemode
+	samplesecs_value			; holds the CF20 value
+	decodata:2					;Deco data
+	mintemp:2					;min temperature
+	ProfileFlagByte				; stores number of addional bytes per sample
+	EventByte					; Stores the Event type plus flags	
+	AlarmType					; 0= No Alarm
+								; 1= SLOW
+								; 2= DecoStop missed
+								; 3= DeepStop missed
+								; 4= ppO2 Low Warning
+								; 5= ppO2 High Warning
+								; 6= manual marker
+	divisor_temperature			; divisors for profile storage
+	divisor_deco
+	divisor_tank
+	divisor_ppo2
+	divisor_deco_debug
+	divisor_nuy2
+	timeout_counter				;Timeout counter variables
+	timeout_counter2
+	timeout_counter3			;pre-menu timeout counter
+	menupos						;cursor position
+	menupos2
+	menupos3
+	eeprom_address:2			;external EEPROM
+	eeprom_header_address:2
+	divenumber					;Logbook
+	batt_voltage:2				;Battery voltage in mV
+	i2c_temp					;I²C timeout counter
+	i2c_temp2
+	sim_pressure:2				; hold simulated pressure in mBar if in Simulator mode
+	profile_temp:2				; temp variable for profile view
+	profile_temp2:2				; temp variable for profile view
+	nofly_time:2				; No Fly time in Minutes (Calculated after Dive)
+	deco_status					; =0 if decompression calculation done
+	cf_checker_counter			; counts custom functions to check for warning symbol
+	char_I_O2_ratio				; 02 ratio
+	active_gas					; Holds number of active gas
+	last_diluent				; backup of diluent percentage in const ppO2 mode
+	last_cns					; backup of last cns value
+	last_ppO2_value				; last calculated ppO2 value
+;	ontime_since_last_charge:2	; Ontime in minutes since last complete charge cycle
+;	sleeptime_since_last_charge:2; Sleeptime in hours since last complete charge
+	debug_char:6				; For debugmode
+	debug_temp					; For debugmode
+	apnoe_mins					; single descent minutes for Apnoe mode
+	apnoe_secs					; single descent seconds for Apnoe mode
+	apnoe_max_pressure:2		; Max. Pressure in Apnoe mode
+	apnoe_timeout_counter		; counts minutes for apnoe timeout
+	apnoe_surface_mins			; Surface interval mins for Apnoe mode
+	apnoe_surface_secs			; Surface interval secs for Apnoe mode
+	customfunction_temp1		; start of custom function descriptors 
+	customfunction_temp2		; used in GETCUSTOM8 and GETCUSTOM15
+	switch_timeout				; used for hold-down count function
+	temp5						; used in PLED_MultiGF,...
+	temp6						; used in PLED_MultiGF,...
+	char_last_pointer			; for MultiGF
+	MultiGF_seconds				; Counter for seconds in Multi-GF mode
+	fatal_error_code			; holds error code value 
+	logbook_temp1				; Temp used in logbook display&Divemode
+	logbook_temp2				; Temp used in logbook display&Divemode
+	logbook_temp3				; Temp used in logbook display&Divemode
+	logbook_temp4				; Temp used in logbook display&Divemode
+	logbook_temp5				; Temp used in logbook display&Divemode
+	logbook_temp6				; Temp used in logbook display&Divemode
+	convert_value_temp:3		; used in menu_battery_state_convert_date
+	box_temp:5
+	win_color1_temp
+	win_color2_temp				; Backup color registers
+	CBLOCK	0x200				;Bank 2
+ int_O_tissue_for_debug:.32		; deco_main_debug copies pressure of tissue to this variable
+ int_O_GF_spare____:2;					// 0x240
+ int_O_GF_step:2;							// 0x242
+ int_O_gtissue_limit:2;					// 0x244
+ int_O_gtissue_press:2;					// 0x246
+ int_O_limit_GF_low:2;					// 0x248
+ int_O_gtissue_press_at_GF_low:2;			// 0x24A
+	CBLOCK	0x24E				;Bank 2
+ char_O_GF_low_pointer;					// 0x24E
+ char_O_actual_pointer;					// 0x24F
+	CBLOCK	0x250				;Bank 2
+ char_IO_deco_table:.32;				// 0x250
+	CBLOCK	0x270				;Bank 2
+ char_I_table_deco_done:.32;			// 0x270
+	CBLOCK	0x290				;Bank 2
+ int_O_calc_tissue_call_counter:2
+	CBLOCK	0x380				;Bank 3
+	; some used in C code!
+	CBLOCK	0x500
+; used by deco_main c-code for data transfer with the asm code
+; input of c-code
+ int_I_pres_respiration:2;			; 0x500
+ int_I_pres_surface:2;				; 0x502
+ int_I_temp:2;						; 0x504
+ char_I_temp;						; 0x506
+ char_I_actual_ppO2;				; 0x507
+ int_I_spare_3:2;
+ int_I_spare_4:2;
+ int_I_spare_5:2;
+ int_I_spare_6:2;
+ char_I_N2_ratio;					; 0x510
+ char_I_He_ratio;					; 0x511
+ char_I_saturation_multiplier;		; for conservatism/safety values 1.0 (no conservatism) to 1.5 (50% faster saturation
+ char_I_desaturation_multiplier;	; for conservatism/safety values 0.66 (50% slower desaturation) to 1.0 (no conservatism); consveratism used in calc_tissue(), calc_tissue_step_1_min() and sim_tissue_1min()
+ char_I_GF_Hi_percentage;			; 0x514
+ char_I_GF_Lo_percentage;			; 0x515
+ char_I_GF_Spare;				; 0x516
+ char_I_deco_distance;				; 0x517
+ char_I_const_ppO2;					; 0x518	new in v.101 (C-Code), new in v109 (asm)
+ char_I_deco_ppO2_change;			; 0x519	new in v.101
+ char_I_deco_ppO2;					; 0x51A	new in v.101
+ char_I_deco_gas_change;			; 0x51B	new in v.101
+ char_I_deco_N2_ratio;				; 0x51C	new in v.101
+ char_I_deco_He_ratio;				; 0x51D	new in v.101
+ char_I_depth_last_deco;			; 0x51E	new in v.101
+ char_I_deco_model;					; 0x51F	new in v.102
+; output of c-code:
+ int_O_desaturation_time:2;			; 0x520
+ char_O_nullzeit;					; 0x522
+ char_O_deco_status;				; 0x523
+ char_O_array_decotime:7;			; 0x524
+ char_O_array_decodepth:6;			; 0x52B
+ char_O_ascenttime;					; 0x531
+ char_O_gradient_factor;			; 0x532
+ char_O_tissue_saturation:.32;		; 0x533, He starts at 0x543
+ char_O_array_gradient_weighted:.16 ; 0x553
+ char_O_gtissue_no;					; 0x563
+ char_O_diluent;					; 0x564 new in v.101 (C-Code), new in v109 (asm)
+ char_O_CNS_fraction;				; 0x565	new in v.101
+ char_O_relative_gradient_GF;		; 0x566	new in v.102
+	CBLOCK	0x700				;Bank 7
+; variables used exclusively in dd:
+	dd_temp_BSR ; has to be first in bank7
+	temp_pointer_row
+	temp_pointer_column
+	temp2_pointer_row
+	temp2_pointer_column
+	temp_selected_char
+	temp_font_HIGH
+	temp_font_LOW
+	temp_font_height
+	temp2_font_height
+	temp_font_width
+	temp2_font_width
+	temp_diff_font_width
+	temp2_diff_font_width
+	temp_font_offset_left
+	temp_font_offset_right
+	temp_pos
+	DDflag
+	dd_oled_brightness_offset		; value will be subtracted from "dd_grayvalue" in dd_font2display_vxxx.asm
+	dd_grayvalue
+	dd2_temp
+	dd3_temp
+	dd_pos_decpoint
+	dd_grayvalue_temp
+	dd_grayvalue_temp2
+	CBLOCK	0x94A				;Bank 9
+	char_O_hash:.16			; MD2 hash values = d'16'
+; C-code Routines
+; PART 3
+;#DEFINE main_wordprocessor					0x0B410
+#DEFINE main_wordprocessor					0x0B468
+; C-code Routines
+; PART 2
+#DEFINE deco_main_calc_hauptroutine			0x10000
+#DEFINE deco_main_calc_without_deco			0x10020
+#DEFINE main_clear_CNS_fraction 			0x10030
+#DEFINE main_calc_CNS_decrease_15min		0x10034
+#DEFINE main_calc_percentage				0x10038
+#DEFINE deco_main_clear_tissue				0x10040
+#DEFINE main_calc_CNS_fraction				0x10050
+#DEFINE deco_main_calc_desaturation_time	0x10060
+#DEFINE deco_main_calc_wo_deco_step_1_m		0x10080
+#DEFINE deco_main_debug						0x100A0
+#DEFINE main_DD2_write_incon42				0x100B0
+#DEFINE main_DD2_write_incon24				0x100B4
+#DEFINE deco_main_gradient_array			0x100C0
+#DEFINE deco_main_hash						0x100E0
+#DEFINE main_push_tissues_to_vault			0x100C4
+#DEFINE main_pull_tissues_from_vault		0x100C8	
+;I/O Ports (I=Input, O=Output)
+#DEFINE	sensor_SDO			PORTA,1 ;O
+#DEFINE	oled_rw				PORTA,2 ;0
+#DEFINE	oled_hv				PORTA,3 ;O
+#DEFINE	sensor_SDI			PORTA,4 ;I
+#DEFINE	oled_cs				PORTA,5 ;O
+#DEFINE	sensor_CLK			PORTA,7 ;O
+#DEFINE	SWITCH2				PORTB,0 ;I  (Right)
+#DEFINE	SWITCH1				PORTB,1 ;I  (Left)
+#DEFINE	oled_vdd			PORTB,2 ;O
+#DEFINE	LED_blue			PORTB,3 ;0
+#DEFINE	LED_red				PORTB,4 ;O
+#DEFINE	oled_d1				PORTD,0 ;O
+#DEFINE	oled_d2				PORTD,1 ;O
+#DEFINE	oled_d3				PORTD,2 ;O
+#DEFINE	oled_d4				PORTD,3 ;O
+#DEFINE	oled_d5				PORTD,4 ;O
+#DEFINE	oled_d6				PORTD,5 ;O
+#DEFINE	oled_d7				PORTD,6 ;O
+#DEFINE	oled_d8				PORTD,7 ;O
+#DEFINE	oled_rs				PORTE,0 ;0
+#DEFINE	oled_nreset			PORTE,1 ;0
+#DEFINE	oled_e_nwr			PORTE,2 ;0
+; Flags
+#DEFINE	FLAG_scale			flag1,0	; Wordprocessor
+#DEFINE	FLAG_truncated		flag1,1	; Wordprocessor
+#DEFINE	pre_zero_flag		flag1,2	; leading zeros
+#DEFINE neg_flag			flag1,3	; e.g. Sub_16 (sub_c = sub_a - sub_b)
+#DEFINE	FLAG_row_prime		flag1,4	; Wordproceesor
+#DEFINE leading_zeros		flag1,5	; display leading zeros?
+#DEFINE	show_last3			flag1,6	; show only three figures
+#DEFINE	leftbind			flag1,7	; leftbinded output
+#DEFINE	onesecupdate		flag2,0	;=1 after any second
+#DEFINE	divemode			flag2,1	;=1 if in divemode
+#DEFINE	oneminupdate		flag2,2	;=1 after any minute
+#DEFINE	realdive			flag2,3 	; dive was longer then one minute?
+#DEFINE	sleepmode			flag2,4	;=1 if in sleepmode
+#DEFINE	same_row			flag2,5	;=1 if pixel pair is in same row (display_profile)
+#DEFINE premenu				flag2,6	; Premenu/Divemenu selected
+#DEFINE	menubit				flag2,7	; menu
+#DEFINE	menubit2			flag3,0	; menu
+#DEFINE	menubit3			flag3,1	; menu
+#DEFINE	set_minutes			flag3,2	; set minutes (not hours)
+#DEFINE cursor				flag3,3	; display cursor
+#DEFINE	menubit4			flag3,4	; quit set time 
+#DEFINE	display_velocity	flag3,5	; velocity is displayed
+#DEFINE	temp_changed		flag3,6	; temperature changed
+#DEFINE	pres_changed		flag3,7	; pressure changed
+#DEFINE	set_year			flag4,0	; Menu Settime
+#DEFINE	set_day				flag4,1	; Menu Settime
+#DEFINE	set_month			flag4,2	; Menu Settime
+#DEFINE	store_sample		flag4,3	;=1 after any CF20 seconds in divemode
+#DEFINE	divemode2			flag4,4	; displayed divetime stopped?
+#DEFINE	header_stored		flag4,5	; header already stored
+#DEFINE	first_FD			flag4,6	; 1st 0xFD in EEPROM found
+#DEFINE	first_FA			flag4,6	; 1st 0xFA in EEPROM found
+#DEFINE	second_FD			flag4,7	; 2nd 0xFD in EEPROM found
+#DEFINE	second_FA			flag4,7	; 2nd 0xFA in EEPROM found
+#DEfINE	eeprom_overflow		flag5,0	; EEPROM overflowed (>32KB)
+#DEFINE	eeprom_blockwrite	flag5,1	; EEPROM blockwrite active
+#DEFINE neg_flag_xdT		flag5,2	; xdT negative (2nd order temperature calculation)
+#DEFINE	low_battery_state	flag5,3	;=1 if battery low
+#DEFINE	DP_done				flag5,4	; valconv
+#DEFINE	DP_done2			flag5,5	; valconv
+#DEFINE	pressure_refresh	flag5,6	; Pressure and temperature refreshed
+#DEFINE	no_sensor_int		flag5,7	; block any further access to pressure sensor
+#DEFINE	cc_active			flag6,0	;=1: Constant Current mode aktive (Charger)
+#DEFINE	cv_active			flag6,1	;=1: Constant Voltage mode aktive (Charger)
+#DEFINE	ignore_digit5		flag6,2	;=1: ignores digit 5 in valconv
+#DEFINE	switch_left			flag6,3	;=1: left switch pressed
+#DEFINE	switch_right		flag6,4	;=1: right switch pressed
+#DEFINE	uart_settime		flag6,5	;=1: enter time sync routine
+#DEFINE	neg_temp			flag6,6	;=1: temperature below zero
+#DEFINE	twosecupdate		flag6,7	;=1: after any two seconds
+#DEFINE	dekostop_active			flag7,0	;=1: in deocompression mode
+#DEFINE	all_dives_shown			flag7,1	;=1: all dives in loogbook shown, abort further scanning
+#DEFINE	return_from_profileview flag7,2	;=1: set cursor to same position again
+#DEFINE	logbook_profile_view 	flag7,3	;=1: Show details/profile in logbook
+#DEFINE	logbook_page_not_empty 	flag7,4	;=1: actual logbook page is not empty
+#DEFINE	dump_external_eeprom 	flag7,5	;=1: enter download-routine
+#DEFINE	simulatormode_active	flag7,6	;=1: Simulator mode active, override pressure sensor readings
+#DEFINE	all_zeros_flag			flag7,7	;=1: display all zeros from here (valconv_v2.asm)
+#DEFINE	internal_eeprom_write	flag8,0	;=1: start routine to access internal EEPROM BANK 0 via the UART
+#DEFINE	update_divetime			flag8,1	;=1: update divetime display
+#DEFINE	display_set_xgas		flag8,2	;=1: Display Set Gas menu in Divemode
+#DEFINE	FLAG_active_descent		flag8,3	;=1: A Descent in Apnoe mode is active
+#DEFINE	display_see_deco		flag8,4	;=1: Display decoplan in Divemode
+#DEFINE	display_set_gas			flag8,5	;=1: Display Gaslist menu in Divemode
+#DEFINE	display_set_graphs		flag8,6	;=1: Display "Display Menu" in Divemode
+#DEFINE	rs232_recieve_overflow	flag8,7	;=1: An RS232 timeout overflow occoured
+#DEFINE	nofly_active			flag9,0	;=1: Do not fly!
+#DEFINE	ppO2_display_active		flag9,1	;=1: ppO2 value is displayed
+#DEFINE	ppO2_show_value			flag9,2	;=1: show ppO2 value!
+#DEFINE	show_startup_screen		flag9,3	;=1: Show startup screen with MD2 hash
+#DEFINE	ignore_digit3			flag9,4	;=1: ignores digits 3-5 in valconv
+#DEFINE	ppO2_warn_value			flag9,5	;=1: warn about ppO2!
+#DEFINE	output_to_postinc_only	flag9,6	;=1: Do not call wordprocessor in output
+#DEFINE	uart_send_hash			flag9,7	;=1: Send the MD2 hash via UART
+#DEFINE	uart_compensate_temp	flag10,0	;=1: Enter Temperature compensation routine
+#DEFINE	uart_send_int_eeprom	flag10,1	;=1: Send internal EEPROM BANK 0
+#DEFINE	uart_reset_decodata		flag10,2	;=1: Reset deco data 
+#DEFINE	manual_gas_changed		flag10,3	;=1: Manual Gas changed during dive
+#DEFINE	stored_gas_changed		flag10,4	;=1: Stored Gas changed during dive
+#DEFINE	event_occured			flag10,5	;=1: An Event has occured during the current sample interval
+#DEFINE	new_profile_format		flag10,6	;=1: Current Dive in Logbook uses new ProfileFormat
+#DEFINE	gauge_mode				flag10,7	;=1: Gauge mode active
+#DEFINE FLAG_const_ppO2_mode	flag11,0	;=1: const ppO2 mode active
+#DEFINE	gas_setup_page2			flag11,1	;=1: page two of gassetup active
+#DEFINE logbook_header_drawn	flag11,2	;=1: The "Logbook" Header in the List view is already drawn
+#DEFINE	ignore_digit4			flag11,3	;=1: Ignores digits 4-5 in valconv
+#DEFINE	charge_done				flag11,4	;=1: Complete charge cycle done
+#DEFINE	initialize_battery1		flag11,5	;=1: Battery memory need to be initialised
+#DEFINE	initialize_battery2		flag11,6	;=1: Battery memory need to be initialised
+#DEFINE	charge_started			flag11,7	;=1: Charger started in CC mode
+#DEFINE	switch_left_isr			flag12,0	;=1: left switch pressed (Only modified in ISR!)
+#DEFINE	switch_right_isr		flag12,1	;=1: right switch pressed (Only modified in ISR!)
+#DEFINE	debug_mode				flag12,2	;=1: Debugmode active
+#DEFINE	neg_flag_isr			flag12,3	;=1: ISR Negative flag (Math)
+#DEFINE	select_bailoutgas		flag12,4	;=1: Select Bailout instead of Setpoint in Gaslist
+#DEFINE	FLAG_apnoe_mode			flag12,5	;=1: Apnoe mode selected
+#DEFINE	customfunction_page		flag12,6	;=1: Use 2nd Page of Custom Functions
+#DEFINE	uart_send_int_eeprom2	flag12,7	;=1: Send internal EEPROM BANK 1
+#DEFINE	internal_eeprom_write2	flag13,0	;=1: start routine to access internal EEPROM BANK 1 via the UART
+#DEFINE	button_delay_done		flag13,1	;=1: Button was pressed for more then 500ms, start counting
+#DEFINE	multi_gf_display		flag13,2	;=1: Display the Multi-GF screen instead of normal divemode screen
+#DEFINE	deco_mode_changed		flag13,3	;=1: The Decomode was changes, show decomode description!
+#DEFINE	pled_velocity_display	flag13,4	;=1: Velocity is displayed 
+#DEFINE depth_greater_100m		flag13,5	;=1: Depth is greater then 100m
+#DEFINE	display_set_setpoint	flag13,6	;=1: SetPoint list active
+#DEFINE	divemode_menu_page		flag13,7	;=1: Use 2nd Page of Divemode Menu
+#DEFINE	enter_error_sleep		flag14,0	;=1: Sleep immediately displaying the error using LED codes
+#DEFINE	stopwatch_active		flag14,1	;=1: Show Stopwatch in Divemode
+#DEFINE	standalone_simulator	flag14,3	;=1: Standalone Simulator active
+#DEFINE	display_set_simulator	flag14,4	;=1: Show Divemode simulator menu
+#DEFINE	displaytext_high		flag14,5	;=1: Show/Use Texts 255-511 in Texttable
+#DEFINE	displaytext_invert		flag14,7	;=1: inverts word prozessor output
+#DEFINE	restore_deco_data		flag15,0	;=1: Restore Decodata after the dive from 0x380 buffer
+#DEFINE	uart_store_tissue_data	flag15,1	;=1: Store tissue data for next simualted dive!
+#DEFINE	flip_display			flag15,3	;=1: Flip Display
+#DEFINE	display_see_l_tissue	flag15,4	;=1: Leading Tissue details are now displayed
+#DEFINE	show_interval			flag15,7	;=1: Show Interval, =0: Show Clock in Surfacemode