changeset 560:b7eb98dbd800

bump to 2.96beta (REFACTORED VERSION)
author heinrichsweikamp
date Wed, 31 Jan 2018 19:39:37 +0100 (2018-01-31)
parents 9cb967d844f0
children 9c54849b8d3b
files 39960d.pdf doc/README.txt doc/readme-2-95.txt src/Fonts/ src/Fonts/ src/aa_fonts.asm src/calibrate.asm src/ src/changelog.txt src/comm.asm src/compass_ops.asm src/customview.asm src/ src/divemenu_tree.asm src/divemode.asm src/ src/gaslist.asm src/ghostwriter.asm src/ src/i2c.asm src/ src/isr.asm src/logbook.asm src/menu_processor.asm src/menu_tree.asm src/option_table.asm src/options.asm src/p2_deco-TESTING.c src/p2_deco.c src/p2_definitions.h src/ src/rtc.asm src/shared_definitions.h src/simulator.asm src/sleepmode.asm src/start.asm src/ src/strings.asm src/surfmode.asm src/ src/ src/ src/ src/ src/text_multilang.asm src/ src/tft_outputs.asm src/ tools/dev_ostc3_firmware.hex
diffstat 49 files changed, 22428 insertions(+), 14547 deletions(-) [+]
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/README.txt	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
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+README zu OSTC hwos V2.93 (Neuerungen gegenüber der V2.92x)
+- Tritt während der Berechnungen im Deko-Kalkulator eine IBCD auf, so wird dies anschließend
+  auf der Ergebnisseite angezeigt.
+- Die Berechnungen des Deko-Kalkulators können mit der linken Taste abgebrochen werden.
+- Wenn der GF von einem der schnellen Gewebe 1-5 während des Tauchgangs 90% für Gewebe 1, 92%
+  für Gewebe 2, ... , oder 98% für Gewebe 5 beträgt oder übersteigt, sowie 100% für alle anderen
+  Gewebe, dann wird eine Mikroblasen-Warnung in rot ausgegeben. Die Warnung bleibt, einmal
+  ausgelöst, in gelb bis zum Ende des Tauchgangs und weiter im Surface Mode stehen bis die
+  Entsättigungszeit um ist.
+- Wenn der GF von einem der schnellen Gewebe 1-6 während des Tauchgangs 100% beträgt oder übersteigt,
+  sowie 102% für Gewebe 7, 104% für Gewebe 8, ..., oder 120% für Gewebe 16, dann wird in rot eine
+  Warnung ausgegeben dass das ZH-L16-Modell verlassen wurde. Die Warnung bleibt in gelb bis zum Ende
+  des Tauchgangs stehen.
+- Der Code der übrigen Warnungen aus der V2.92 wurde überarbeitet.
+- Der Zustand der Warnungen wird bei einer Tauchgangs-Simulation und Deko-Berechnung mit in den
+  Vault gesichert und von dort anschießend wieder hergestellt.
+- Die Berechnung der No-Fly-Zeit wurde überarbeitet, sie wird wie die Entsättigungs-Zeit dem
+  Luftdruck nachgeführt, der im Oberflächen-Modus angezeigt wird. 
+README zu OSTC hwos V2.92b (Neuerungen gegenüber der V2.91)
+- Die neue Voting-Logic (Sensor-Werte-Mittelung) und die Generierung der Abweichungs-Warnung sind
+  gegenüber der V2.91 leicht modifiziert und jetzt auch für den Betrieb mit 2 und 3 Sensoren getestet.
+- Die No-Fly-Time Berechnung ist jetzt zum einen effizienter programmiert und orientiert sich zum
+  anderen nicht mehr an der Regel "60% der Entsättigungszeit" sondern berechnet gemäß den Bühlmann-
+  Faktoren jetzt die Zeit bis die Gewebe einen Umgebungsdruck von 0,6 bar (No-Fly-Modus) vertragen.
+  Diesen Wert hat Bühlmann seinen No-Fly-Berechnungen zugrunde gelegt, die Bühlmann-Faktoren a und b
+  gelten auch bei diesen Umgebungsdrücken. Zusätzlich wird bei aktiviertem GF-Modus der eingestellte
+  GF-high mit in die Berechnung einbezogen.
+- Im Menu Settings lässt sich anstatt des No-Fly-Modus auch eine Berechnung für Berghöhen von 1000,
+  2000 und 3000 Meter auswählen. Die Berechnug der Wartezeit erfolgt dann analog der No-Fly-Berechnung,
+  nur mit anderen Druckwerten für die jeweiligen Höhen.
+- Die Desat-Time wird nun wie die No-Fly-Time anhand des aktuellen Umgebungdsdrucks laufend neu
+  berechnet. Das Ergebnis wird für beide Zeiten auf die nächsten vollen 10 Minuten aufgerundet,
+  da die Zeiten nun nicht mehr in Minuten-Schritten herunterzählen sondern entsprechend des aktuellen
+  Luftdrucks auch mehrere Minuten vor- und zurück springen können. Die 10-Minuten-Rundung verdeckt
+  diese Sprünge ein wenig.
+- Die Gewebeanzeige im Divemode ist jetzt eingefärbt: orange dargestellte Gewebe sind aktuell am
+  aufsättigen, die in cyan dargestellten im Gleichgewicht oder am absättigen.
+- Es wird gemäß dem Ansatz von Burton geprüft, ob in den Geweben eine isobare Gegendiffusion (IBCD)
+  auftritt. Falls dies im aktuellen Leitgewebe der Fall ist, wird eine Warnung angezeigt. Zusätzlich
+  wird der aktuelle GF unterhalb der IBCD Warnung angezeigt, so dass mit einem Blick erkennbar ist
+  ob dieser in Folge der IBCD tatsächlich am steigen ist oder ob sich die Gewebeübersättigung trotz
+  IBCD in Summe abbaut.
+- Der Code der Temperaturanzeige im Surface- und im Dive-Mode wurde zusammengefasst und behandelt nun
+  Temperaturen von 0° sowie negative Temperaturen korrekt in beiden Einheiten (°C und °F).
+- Es werden wieder 2 Sprachen unterstützt, aktuell sind die Sprachen-Dateien für Englisch und Deutsch
+  für die V2.92 verfügbar. Die Anpassung von Spanisch und Französisch ist noch offen.
+- Verschiedene kleine Optimierungen der Funktionen aus V2.91 sowie der Texte und Darstellungen zur
+  Verbesserung der Lesbarkeit und Verständlichkeit.
+- Speicherstatus: aktuell sind 2.574 Worte Programmspeicher frei.
+- ACHTUNG: die "Testing"-Version der Firmware übernimmt zu Testzwecken die Gewebedaten aus dem  !!!!!
+  !!!!     Simulator in den realen Oberflächen- und Tauchmodus!                                 !!!!!
+README zu OSTC hwos V2.91
+Was ist drin bzw. nicht mehr drin?:
+- Die Diveloop ist refactored, d.h. Code-Größe, -Ablauf und -Wartbarkeit sind optimiert.
+- Die Voting Logic für die Sensoren ist komplett neu. Eigentlich gibt es gar kein Voting mehr, alle
+  aktiven Sensoren werden gemittelt. Wenn sie zu weit auseinander liegen, dann wird eine Warnung
+  generiert und der Benutzer entscheidet (z.B. mittels Loop-Flush mit bekanntem Gas), welcher/welche
+  Sensor(en) sinnvolle Werte liefern. Der Sensor bzw. die Sensoren die falsche Werte liefern können
+  sodann über das Dive-Menu deaktiviert werden.
+- Die "Deko-Engine" (p2_deco.c) ist komplett refactored. Sie kann jetzt zwei voneinander unabhängige Pläne
+  rechnen. Als besonderen Clou kann sie CCR oder pSCR als Normalplan rechnen und dazu ein OC-Bailout, auf
+  Wunsch sogar noch mit einem delayed ascent ("Schrecksekunde", Boje schießen, etc.)  als Alternativplan.
+  UND mit Berechnung wie viel Gas das dann brauchen würde, praktisch verständlich angegeben in Bar!
+  UND mit Vor- und Hauptwarnung wenn eine der benutzten Bailout-Flaschen an ihre  Kapazitätsgrenze
+  kommt! Basis hierfür ist die Eingabemöglichkeit von Flaschengröße und Fülldruck. Die Vorwarnung
+  kommt wenn der Gasbedarf 70% des Fülldrucks erreicht hat, die Hauptwarnung bei 100%.
+  In einem neuen Custom-View kann der aktuelle Bailout-Gasbedarf (bzw. normale Deko-Gas-Bedarf beim
+  OC-Tauchen) jederzeit angesehen werden. Aus Platzgründen können nur vier Gase angezeigt werden, die
+  Warnungen werden aber auch für das fünfte Gas erzeugt, so denn alle fünf Gase die der Rechner prinzipiell
+  verwalten kann auch tatsächlich alle im Einsatz sind. Wenn Bailout-Gase als "lost" gesetzt werden und/oder
+  zwischen GF und aGF umgeschaltet wird, dann wird natürlich alles neu durchgerechnet...
+- Die Dekopläne werden jetzt fast doppelt so schnell berechnet wie zuvor bzw. trotz Berechnung eines
+  zweiten Planes dauert der Zyklus bis alle Daten jeweils aktualisiert sind nicht länger als vorher.
+  Die Simulatorfunktionen +5 Minuten und Teile des Deko-Kalkulators sind jetzt deutlich schneller.
+- Es werden nun die CNS% Werte berechnet, wie sie am Ende der Deko und am Ende der fTTS-/Bailout-Deko
+  sein werden. Die Werte werden über einen Custom-View angezeigt. Erreicht einer der Werte 100% so
+  wird eine Warnung angezeigt. Der CCR-Taucher kann so frühzeitig reagieren und seinen Setpoint anpassen,
+  der pSCR-Taucher ggf. auf ein anderes Premix gehen und alle inkl. den OCs ggf. etwas flacher / kürzer tauchen
+  um die CNS% herunter zu bekommen.
+- Display-Ausgaben: wenn während des Tauchgangs Einstellungen geändert werden die Einfluss auf die
+  Deko-Daten haben, wie z.B. Setpoint-Wechsel, GF/aGF-Umschaltung, Gaswechsel und lost Gas, dann
+  werden die Deko-Daten im Display durch eine blaue Farbe als veraltet gekennzeichnet bis diese den
+  geänderten Einstellungen entsprechend neu berechnet sind.
+- Im Deko-Kalkulator (Simulator) kann nun eingestellt werden mit welchem Setpoint (1-5) er rechnen soll
+  (CCR-Modus) sowie ob er mit den GF- oder den aGF-Faktoren rechnen soll (alle Modi). So können
+  verschiedene Deko-Strategien und Notfall-Pläne schnell berechnet und verglichen werden. Die Stopps
+  und die Gase werden nun eingefärbt, so dass sichtbar ist welches Gas den jeweiligen Stopps zugeordnet
+  wurde (war ein Wunsch aus dem Forum).
+- Da die Sättigungs-/Entsättigungs-Sicherheitsfaktoren seit der V2.26 auch im GF-Modell verwendet werden,
+  ist ihre Einstellung nun in 5% statt wie zuvor 10% Schritten und damit feiner möglich.
+- Die Ceiling-Tiefe erscheint jetzt in rot wenn die aktuelle Tiefe kleiner als die Ceiling-Tiefe ist.
+- Es gibt nun eine vierte ppO2-Warnschwelle speziell für den CCR und pSCR Modus: minimaler ppO2 im Loop.
+  Diese ppO2-Min-Loop Warnschwelle wird beim Atmen aus dem Loop anstelle des "normalen" ppO2-Min benutzt
+  und kann entsprechend auf höhere ppO2 Werte als Alarmschwelle eingestellt werden.
+- Ebenfalls speziell für den pSCR und CCR Modus gibt es nun eine Limitierung des ppO2 im Loop basierend
+  auf der aktuellen Tiefe. In z.B. 3 Meter Tiefe sind 1,3 bar ppO2 nie erreichbar, auch wenn der Loop noch
+  so viel gespült wird: erstens bleiben immer Reste von Inertgasen im Loop hängen und zweitens werden auf
+  der Deko laufend Inertgase abgeatment, die sich im Loop wiederum ansammeln.
+  Die Limitierung greift auch, wenn der Sensor-Modus aktiv ist, d.h. auch wenn die Sensoren auf 3 Meter
+  Tiefe 1,3 bar zeigen würden und ein Limit von z.B. 90% O2 eingestellt ist, dann wird intern trotzdem
+  nur mit 90/100 * 1,3 = 1,17 bar ppO2 gerechnet.
+  (Diese Funktion wurde auf Anregung aus dem Forum implementiert)
+- pSCRs werden jetzt in allen Funktionen inkl. des Simulators und der Deko-Berechnung (Stopps, CNS%) korrekt
+  bezüglich des tiefen-abhängigen ppO2-Drops behandelt.
+- Der pSCR Modus ist jetzt auch in Verbindung mit Sensoren benutzbar. Im Falle eines Fallbacks (wenn alle
+  Sensoren ausgefallen oder manuell deaktiviert sind) schaltet die Deko-Rechnung vom Sensor-ppO2 auf die
+  ppO2-Drop-Rechnung zurück.
+- Die graphischen Gewebeanzeigen sind von Halbwertszeiten auf absolute Gewebe-Drücke umgestellt und sehen
+  nun (hoffentlich) realistischer aus. Die N2-Balken beginnen bei "Null" und zeigen im entsättigten Zustand
+  (nach einer langen Oberflächenpause) die 0,79 bar ppN2 der Atmosphäre an. Wird in der Deko auf 6 Meter
+  reiner Sauerstoff geatmet, dann werden die Balken der schnellen Gewebe kürzer als 0,79 bar ppN2.
+  Da in der Atmosphäre kein nennenswerter Anteil von Helium vorhanden ist, ist die Null-Schwelle der
+  He-Balken so versetzt dass sie im entsättigten Zustand auf gleicher Höhe liegen wie die N2-Balken.
+  Die He-Balken haben auch dabei im komplett entsättigten Zustand eine (künstliche) Mindest-Länge, die nur
+  dafür da ist um ihren Nullpunkt und ihr generelles Vorhandensein sehen zu können.
+- In der Oberflächenmodus-Gewebe-Grafik wird jetzt auch der aktuelle CNS-Wert angezeigt.
+- Auf der ersten Logbuchseite (Grafik) wird jetzt der Tauchgangs-Modus (OC, CC, ...) angezeigt. Weiterhin
+  sind die Funktionen des linken und des rechten Tasters vertauscht, so dass nun der rechte Taster den
+  Tauchgang auswählt und dann weiter durch die einzelnen Seiten des Tauchgangs blättert, während der linke
+  zur Tauchgangsliste zurück springt und die nächsten Tauchgänge wählt. Diese Zuordnung ist bedienfreundlicher
+  und entspricht der Funktion der Tastenbelegung im Deko-Kalkulator.
+- Im Oberflächenmodus ist die USB Kommunikation jetzt nicht mehr möglich, dafür wird nun der Ladefortschritt
+  sichtbar. Um USB-Kommunikation zu betreiben muss in den Menu-Modus gewechselt werden.
+  -> Diese Änderung ist vielleicht nicht (oder zumindest nicht ohne deutlichen Hinweis auf die Änderung)
+     zum allgemeinen Rollout geeignet, schöner wäre eine Lösung mit einem Timeout...
+- Der Tauchmodus-Custom-View mit den Sensor-mV-Werten ist entfernt. Einerseits um Speicherplatz zu sparen,
+  andererseits werden die milliVolt-Werte unter Wasser nicht wirklich benötigt da die ppO2-Anzeige bereits
+  alle Fehlerzustände durch entsprechende Farben kennzeichnet. Allerdings fehlt damit zur Zeit die Anzeige
+  der HUD-Batteriespannung. Die muss noch irgend wo anders wieder ihren Platz finden (so es denn HUD-Benutzer
+  gibt die diese Anzeige haben möchten).
+- Ebenso ist der Tauchmodus-Custom-View mit der "Dynamic gaslist" und die dazugehörige Routine TFT_dyn_gaslist
+  entfernt worden um Speicherplatz zu sparen. Die Gase sind weiterhin über das im Tauchmodus-Menu sichtbar.
+- Aus Gründen des knapp werdenden Speicherplatzes wird nur noch eine Sprache untersützt, derzeit ist dies
+  Englisch. Ein Wechsel der Sprache ist nur durch Laden einer entsprechenden anders-sprachlichen Firmware
+  möglich.
+- Code-Review ist durchgeführt.
+- Vergleichsläufe mit der V2.26 sind begonnen, hauptsächlich im CCR-Modus. Es müssen noch mehr Tests
+  durchgeführt werden, insbesondere im OC und pSCR-Modus.
+- Die neue Voting-Logic (Sensor-Werte-Mittelung) und die Generierung der Abweichungs-Warnung sind noch nicht
+  getestet.
+Open Items:
+- Derzeit wird die HUD-Batteriespannung nirgendwo (mehr) angezeigt.
+30.10.2017 / rl
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/readme-2-95.txt	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
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+Doku- & Info-Sammlung zu p2_deco.c und der Einbettung in die V2.95a
+Bedeutung der Bildschirm-Farben (in der Normaleinstellung):
+grün: feste Kolumnen oder "gute" Zustände.
+weiß: Zahlenwerte die im Normalbereich liegen
+blau: inaktive Einstellungen und Gase, sowie Werte die noch nicht
+      berechnet wurden oder die aufgrund von Einstellungsänderungen
+	  (Gaswechsel, LostGas, Setpoint-Wechsel, GF/aGF-Umschaltung, usw.)
+	  nicht mehr aktuell sind und gerade neu berechnet werden.
+gelb: Hinweise und Vorwarnungen die zu beachten sind, jedoch noch
+      kein unmittelbares Handeln erfordern.
+rot : Hinweise und Warnungen, die ein unmittelbaren Handeln erfordern.
+Die Schwellen für Vorwarnungen sind generell immer auf 70% eingestellt,
+für den aktuellen GF-Wert wird die GF-high Einstellung als Schwelle für
+die Vorwarnung benutzt.
+Vorwarnungen erscheinen als Warnungstext und/oder als Darstellung in
+gelber Farbe. Die endgültige Warnung erscheint dann in roter Farbe.
+Die Deco-Engine wird über zwei Parameter kommandiert:
+	char_O_main_status:
+	steuert die Berechnung für die realen Gewebe
+	char_O_deco_status:
+	steuert die Berechnung der Deko/Aufstiegssimulation
+Die Kommandos werden über Flags gegeben. Für beide Kommandoparameter
+definert sind:
+	Wenn gesetzt wird für Kreislaufsysteme gerechnet wenn nicht gesetzt
+	wird in OC gerechnet.
+	nur in Verbindung mit DECO_MODE_LOOP, schaltet von CCR auf pSCR um.
+Nur für char_O_deco_status definiert sind:
+	Auswahl ob der Normalplan oder ein alternativer Plan gerechnet
+	werden soll. Von den Ergebnissen des Normal-Plans leiten sich die
+	meisten Bildschirmanzeigen ab. Vom alternativen Plan werden nur
+	ausgewählte Daten angezeigt, z.B. die der fTTS oder Bailout-
+	Berechnung.
+	Wenn aktiviert, wird der CNS%-Wert berechnet wie er am Ende des
+	Tauchgangs sein wird. Dies kann sowohl im Rahmen des normalen wie
+	auch des alternativen Plans geschehen, es existieren für beide
+	Pläne eigene Ausgabevariablen.
+	Wenn aktiviert, werden die Gasbedarfe für den gesamten Tauchgang
+	berechnet. Dies kann sowohl im Rahmen des normalen wie auch des
+	alternativen Plans geschehen, jedoch existiert für diese Funktion
+	nur ein gemeinsamer Satz Ausgabevariablen. Wenn DECO_MODE_LOOP
+	gesetzt ist erfolgen keine Berechnungen, es werden stattdessen
+	Nullwerte ausgegeben.
+	Wenn aktiviert wird der Aufstieg / dier Dekompression so berechnet
+	als ob der Aufstieg nicht sofort, sondern um char_I_extra_time
+	verzögert beginnt. Die Funktion kann in beiden Plänen verwendet
+	werden, wird jedoch sinnvoller Weise in Verbindung mit dem
+	alternativen Plan für fTTS bzw. Bailout-Berechnungen mit delayed
+	ascent benutzt.
+Die Deco-Engine generiert Warnungen, die in Form von Flags über die
+Variable char_O_deco_warnings ausgegeben werden:
+	Wird gesetzt wenn das führende Gewebe im Zustand der isobaren
+	Gegendiffusion ist und derzeit netto tatsächlich am aufsättigen
+	ist. Auf dem Bildschirm wird unter der IBCD-Warnung zusätzlich
+	der aktuelle GF angezeigt, der bei Vorliegen dieser Warnung am
+	steigen ist.
+	In diesem Flag wird das Auftreten einer IBCD-Warnung bis über
+	das Tauchgangsende hinaus gespeichert. Wird im Deko-Kalkulator
+	benutzt um eine IBCD-Warnung zu geben falls eine solche irgend
+	wann im Verlaufe der Tauchgangs-Berechnung ausgetreten ist.
+	Wird gesetzt, wenn die Gewebe aktuell soweit übersättigt sind
+	dass mit der Produktion von Mikroblasen gerechnet werden muss.
+	Achtung: wenn dieses Flag zurückgesetzt wird sind nicht etwa
+	die Mikroblasen nicht mehr da, es liegen nur vermutlich nicht
+	mehr die Bedingungen für eine Produktion weiterer Mikroblasen
+	vor. Der Zustand der aktiven Mikroblasengeneration wird über
+	eine Mikroblasen-Warnung in Rot dargestellt.
+	Wird gesetzt sowie erstmalig während eines Tauchgangs die
+	Mikroblasen-Warnung gegeben wurde. Bleibt über das Ende des
+	Tauchgangs hinaus gesetzt bis die Oberflächen-Berechnungen eine
+	Entsättigung der Gewebe melden. Solange diese Warnung aktiv ist
+	wird eine Mikroblasen-Warnung in Gelb ausgegeben, sowohl im Tauch-
+	wie auch im Oberflächen-Modus.
+	Wird gesetzt, wenn die Gewebe aktuell soweit übersättigt sind, dass
+	der Gültigkeitsbereich des ZHL-16 Modells verlassen ist.
+	Achtung: wenn dieses Flag zurückgesetzt wird ist nicht etwa der
+	Gültigkeitsbereich des Modells wiederhergestellt, es wird lediglich
+	weiter gerechnet als ob das Modell noch gelten würde. Inwieweit die
+	berechneten Werte (Deko-Plan, Ceiling, ...) dann tatsächlich noch
+	praktische Relevanz haben ist unbekannt und extrem von den
+	Rahmenbedingungen des Einzelfalls abhängig.
+	Solange die Gewebesättigungen außerhalb des Modellbereichs sind
+	wird eine Warnung in Rot ausgegeben.
+	Wird zusammen mit DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE gesetzt und wie bei den
+	Mikroblasen erst bei Entsättigung wieder gelöscht.
+	Diese Warnung zeigt an, dass der Tauchgang mehr Stopps erfordert
+	als in der Stopp-Tabelle gespeichert werden können. Abgeleitete
+	Werte wie die Aufstiegszeit, die CNS-Werte am Tauchgangsende und
+	die Gasbedarfe können nicht mehr vollständig ermittelt werden und
+	werden daher in der Farbe Blau für ungültige Werte dargestellt. Die
+	wahren Werte sind mindestens so hoch wie die derart angezeigten.
+	Die Angaben zu den ersten Stopps auf dem Bildschirm und in den
+	Custom-Views sind jedoch trotzdem korrekt und im weiteren Verlaufe
+	des Tauchgangs, wenn die ersten Stopps vorüber sind, wird die
+	Tabelle wieder ausreichen um alle restlichen Stopp-Daten zu
+	speichern und die Warnung wird zurückgenommen.
+	Diese Warnung wird nicht direkt angezeigt, sondern nur indirekt
+	über die ungültig-Kennzeichnung der betroffenen Werte und sollte
+	bei praktisch durchführbaren Tauchgängen nicht auftreten.
+	Dieses Flag wird gesetzt, wenn mindestens ein Gewebe am absättigen
+	ist. Mit ihm wird die Warnschwelle für zu hohe ppO2-Werte von der
+	normalen Schwelle auf die Deko-Schwelle umgeschaltet. Sollte wieder
+	tiefer getaucht werden (Jo-Jo) so dass alle Gewebe wieder am
+	aufsättigen sind, dann wird das Flag zurückgenommen und auch die
+	Warnschwelle wieder zurückgeschaltet.
+Viele der internen Routinen der Deko-Engine sind generisch ausgelegt und
+können sowohl für Berechnungen zu den realen Geweben benutzt werden, als
+auch für die Berechnungen im Rahmen des normalen und des alternativen
+Aufstiegs-/Dekompressionsplans. Gesteuert wird dies intern über die
+Variable tissue_increment, diese besteht aus einem Flag auf der höchsten
+Bitposition und einer Interger-Zahl in den Bitstellen darunter
+(Wertebereich 0 - 127). Ist das Flag (Bit 7) gesetzt, so werden die
+Berechnungen auf die realen Gewebedaten angewendet, andernfalls auf die
+von den Plänen simulierten. Mit der Integerzahl wird die Zeitdauer
+bestimmt, für die die Berechnung durchgeführt werden soll. Null bedeutet
+eine Zeitdauer von 2 Sekunden, die Zahlen von 1 bis 127 stehen für 1 bis
+127 volle Minuten. Durch dieses Vorgehen konnten viele Programmabschnitte
+deutlich beschleunigt werden.
+Die Deko-Engine wird jede Sekunde aufgerufen und aktualisiert die obigen
+sowie weitere Warnungen jede Sekunde bzw. wenn die entsprechenden
+Berechnungen durchgeführt wurden. Die Berechnungen für die realen Gewebe
+werden jede zweite Sekunde durchgeführt, sekündlich abwechselnd zwischen
+der Aktualisierung der Gewebedrücke und des CNS%-Wertes.
+Die Aufstiegs- und Dekompressions-Berechnungen werden bei jedem Aufruf
+bearbeitet, also in jeder Sekundescheibe. Es wird abwechselnd der Normal-
+und der Alternativ-Plan berechnet.
+Werden für die Aufstiegsberechnung wesentliche Parameter geändert, wie
+z.B. das geatmete oder die verfügbaren Gase, der Setpoint, die GF-
+Faktoren, usw., dann wird die laufende Berechnung abgebrochen und im
+nächsten Sekunden-Zyklus mit dem nächsten Normalplan begonnen.
+Die Daten zu den Gasen werden von der Assembler-Seite aus über folgende
+Funktionen gesetzt:
+	Für die Berechnung der realen Gewebe:
+		setup_gas_registers:
+		setzt ein OC-Gas und schaltet den Rechenmodus auf OC
+		setup_dil_registers:
+		setzt ein Diluent und schaltet auf CCR bzw. pSCR Modus
+	Für die Aufstiegs-/Dekoplanung:
+		deco_setup_oc_gases:
+		übermittelt die Daten OC-Gase sowie das aktuell geatmete
+		Gas und	schaltet den Rechnenmodus auf OC
+		deco_setup_cc_diluents:
+		übermittelt die Daten der Diluent sowie das aktuell benutzte
+		Diluent und schaltet auf den CCR bzw. pSCR Modus
+Die Aufstiegs-/Dekoplanung wird über einen Enum in char_O_deco_status
+- Einmalig am Beginn des Tauchgangs wird der Zustand DECO_STATUS_INIT
+  aufgerufen, dieser initialisiert die Deco-Engine. Nach Abschluss der
+  Initialisierung wechselt die Deco-Engine selbsttätig in den Zustand
+  startet eine neue Aufstiegs-/Dekoplanung basierend auf den gesetzten
+  Flags und Gasdaten, falls noch eine Aufstiegs- oder Dekoplanung läuft
+  wird diese abgebrochen. In diesem Zustand wird auch berechnet ob sich
+  der Tauchgang noch innerhalb der Nullzeit befindet. Falls ja, endet die
+  Aufstiegsplanung hier im Zustand ECO_STATUS_FINISHED, ansonsten wird
+  sie beim nächsten Aufruf der Deco-Engine im Zustand DECO_STATUS_ASCENT
+  fortgesetzt.
+  führt die Berechnung des Aufstiegs bis zum ersten Deko-Stopp aus
+  (initial ascent). Im alternativen Planungsmodus werden hierbei auch
+  Gaswechsel ermittelt. Nach Abschluss der Aufstiegsberechnung wird der
+  Zustand auf DECO_STATUS_STOPS weitergeschaltet, der dann beim wiederum
+  nächsten Aufruf der Deco-Engine bearbeitet wird.
+  berechnet die Dekostopps und alle weiteren Aufstiege, sowie die CNS%-
+  Werte am Tauchgangsende und die Gasbedarfe sofern jeweils angefordert.
+  Diese Berechnungen laufen üblicherweise über mehrere Aufrufzyklen der
+  Deco-Engine, diese signalisiert am Ende jedes Zykluses mit
+  DECO_STATUS_STOPS dass (mindestens) ein weiterer Zyklus benötigt wird
+  oder mit DECO_STATUS_FINISHED dass die Berechnungen abgeschlossen sind.
+  signalisiert, dass die Aufstiegs-/Dekompressionsplanung abgeschlossen
+  ist und die Ergebnisse in den entsprechenden Variablen bereitstehen
+  bzw. aktualisiert sind.
+  Die Kodierung von DECO_STATUS_FINISHED (benutzt als Ausgabe aus der
+  Deco-Engine) entspricht der Kodierung von DECO_STATUS_START (benutzt
+  als Eingabe in die Deco-Engine). Die Deco-Engine kann sofort wieder im
+  Zustand DECO_STATUS_START aufgerufen werden, worauf ein neuer Planungs-
+  zyklus beginnt.
+Die Einstellungen und Gasdaten können zwischen zwei Planungszyklen (d.h.
+zwischen den Zuständen DECO_STATUS_FINISHED und DECO_STATUS_START) ohne
+Einschränkungen geändert werden. Während ein Planungszyklus läuft ist
+dies nicht zulässig und kann zu falschen Ergebnissen führen.
+Planungsfunktionen 2nd Deco Plan:
+Über die Deko-Einstellungen, Untermenu "2nd Deco Plan" können erweiterte
+sowie alternative Aufstiegs-/Dekompressionsberechnungen aktiviert werden.
+	fTTS/Delay:
+	Wird hier ein Wert größer Null ausgewählt, dann wird ein zweiter,
+	alternativer Aufstiegs-/Dekoplan berechnet unter der Annahme, dass
+	die eingestellte Zeit in Minuten weiterhin auf der aktuellen Tiefe
+	verbracht wird und erst dann der Aufstieg beginnt. Die unter dieser
+	Annahme berechnete Aufstiegszeit wird als fTTS (future Time to
+	Surface) angezeigt. Weiterhin wird der CNS-Wert berechnet, der sich
+	am Ende eines derart verlängerten Tauchgangs ergeben wird, er kann
+	über einen	CustomView angesehen werden. Wenn dieser CNS-Wert 100%
+	erreicht wird außerdem eine Warnung ausgegeben.
+	Im Bailout-Fall wird keine fTTS-Berechnung durchgeführt, dafür
+	Erfolgt die Aktualisierung der Bailout-Aufstiegsberechnung dann in
+	Schnellerer 	Folge.	
+	Calc.Gas(B/O):
+	Wird diese Option aktiviert, dann wird der Gasbedarf berechnet, der
+	für die Beendigung des Tauchgangs unter Einhaltung der Aufstiegs-
+	geschwindigkeiten und ggf. Dekompressionsstopps benötigt wird. Wenn
+	bei fTTS/Delay Null eingestellt ist, dann wird diese Berechnung
+	während der normalen Aufstiegs-/Dekoberechnung durchgeführt und die
+	ermittelten Werte gelten bei sofortigem Beginn des Aufstiegs. Wenn
+	bei fTTS/Delay eine Zeit größer Null eingestellt ist, dann wird die
+	Berechnung im Rahmen des zweiten, alternativen Plans durchgeführt
+	Und die berechneten Gasbedarfe gelten für den verzögerten Aufstieg.
+	fTTS/Delay und Calc.Gas(B/O) im Modus CCR und pSCR:
+	Das oben beschriebene Verhalten verändert sich, wenn sich der OSTC
+	im CCR oder im pSCR Modus befindet: Wenn die Option Calc.Gas(B/O)
+	ausgeschaltet ist, dann gelten die berechnete Aufstiegszeit und der
+	CNS-Wert unter der Annahme dass bis zum Ende des Tauchgangs	weiterhin
+	vom Kreislaufgerät geatmet wird.
+	Wenn die Option Calc-Gas(B/O) hingegen eingeschaltet ist, dann wird
+	die Aufstiegszeit und der CNS-Wert unter der Annahme berechnet,
+	dass ab sofort ein Bailout erfolgt, auf dem ersten Bailoutgas für
+	die bei fTTS/Delay eingestellte Zeit auf der aktuellen Tiefe
+	verblieben wird und dann ein Bailout-Aufstieg eingeleitet wird.
+	Die sich so ergebende Aufstiegszeit wird als B/O-Zeit (BailOut)
+	angezeigt und die berechneten Gasmengen gelten für die OC-Bailout-
+	Gase.
+	Bottom Gas, Deco Gas:
+	Hier werden die Gasbedarfe in Litern pro Minute Oberflächenrate
+	(SAC) eingestellt. Diese Einstellungen werden auch vom Deko-
+	Kalkulator benutzt, der über das Simulations-Menu zu erreichen ist.
+	Tank Sizes:
+	Hier sind die Größen der Tanks für die OC-/Bailout-Gase in Litern
+	(Wasservolumen) einzustellen. Diese Einstellungen sind wichtig, da
+	sie für die Berechnung der Gasbedarfe im Tauchmodus benötigt
+	werden: Im Tauchmodus erfolgt die Ausgabe der benötigten Gasmengen
+	in Bar, bezogen auf die jeweiligen Flaschengrößen.
+	Tank Press Budget: (ex Tank Fill Press)
+	Hier wird festgelegt wie viel Gas aus den jeweiligen Tanks (Flaschen)
+	für den Tauchgang verwendet werden darf. Die Einstellung erfolgt in
+	Bar Flaschendruck. Erreicht der Bedarf eines Gases 70% des für das
+	Gas eingestellten Budgets, dann erfolgt eine Warnung in gelber Farbe.
+	Bei 100% erscheint die Warnung in roter Farbe.
+	Die benötigten Flaschendrücke können jederzeit über einen CustomView
+	eingesehen werden. Dieser zeigt aufgrund der begrenzten Bildschirm-
+	fläche nur die Bedarfe von bis zu vier Gasen an, die Warnungen werden
+	jedoch für alle 5 Gas erzeugt.
+	Alle Gasbedarfs- und Druckberechnungen erfolgen unter der Annahme
+	idealer Gase und ohne Betrachtung von temperaturbedingten Druck-
+	änderungen.
+Im Rahmen der Deko-Pläne werden automatisch Gaswechsel eingeplant, wenn
+ein besseres Gas verfügbar ist. Ein besseres, bzw. das beste Gas ist
+dasjenige Gas, dessen Wechseltiefe am dichtesten unterhalb der aktuellen
+Tiefe liegt. Nur aktivierte Gase die nicht als "Lost" markiert sind
+werden berücksichtigt. Gaswechsel werden als Stopp in die Stopp-Tabelle
+eingetragen. Die Dauer dieser Stopps beträgt standardmäßig 1 Minute.
+Sollte auf der Stopp-Stufe für den Gaswechsel auch ein Dekompressions-
+Stopp notwendig sein, so addiert sich die notwendige Stoppzeit für die
+Dekompression zu der für den Gaswechsel hinzu.
+Im Bereich zwischen der Grundtiefe und dem ersten Dekompressions-Stopp
+werden die Gaswechsel-Stopps auf die Tiefen gelegt, ab denen jeweils
+bessere Gase verfügbar werden. Gibt es ein besseres Gas auf der aktuellen
+Tiefe, so wird ein Wechsel auf der aktuellen Tiefe geplant. Dies geschieht
+jedoch nur im Modus alternativer Plan und nur wenn das nächste bessere
+Gas nicht in <= 1 Minute Aufstiegszeit erreicht wird. In Normal-Plan
+werden Wechsel auf ein besseres Gas erst ab dem ersten echten Deko-Stopp
+Im Falle, dass im alternativen Plan ein Bail-Out Szenario gerechnet wird
+sieht die Gaswahl- und Gaswechsel-Strategie wie folgt aus: zunächst wird
+dasjenige OC-Gas gewählt welches als 'First' konfiguriert ist. Auf diesem
+wird auf aktueller Tiefe für die Zeit verblieben, die als Delayed-Acent-
+Time eingestellt ist. Dann erfolgt die Suche nach einem besseren Gas, auf
+das je nach Verfügbarkeit im direkten Anschluss oder während des
+initialen Aufstiegs gewechselt wird. Ab Erreichen des ersten Dekostopps
+werden Gaswechsel in beiden Plänen (normaler und alternativer Plan)
+automatisch ermittelt und immer auf die nächsten passenden Dekostopps
+gelegt. Im CCR und im pSCR Modus werden derzeit keine automatischen
+Gaswechsel berechnet.
+-> Die Gaswechselzeit ist bereits in der Options-Tabelle angelegt, wird
+   aber momentan noch innerhalb von p2_deco.c auf 1 Minute erzwungen.
+Die Deko-Engine plant den Aufstieg mit einer einstellbaren Aufstiegs-
+geschwindigkeit von 5-10 Meter pro Minute, diese wird über eine Option in
+der Options-Tabelle eingestellt.
+-> Die Aufstiegsgeschwindigkeit ist bereits in der Options-Tabelle
+   angelegt, wird aber momentan noch innerhalb von p2_deco.c auf 10 m/min
+   erzwungen.
+Für die Ceiling-Berechnung ist eine neue Codezeile angelegt die dafür
+sorgt, dass die Ceiling genau dann zu Null wird, wenn auch die TTS zur
+NDL umschaltet. Bisher wird so gerundet, dass die Ceiling zu Null wird
+während noch eine TTS angezeigt wird. Die neue Zeile ist noch
+auskommentiert und die alte Formel in Betrieb um eine Vergleichbarkeit
+der gesamten Berechnungen mit der V2.27 zu ermöglichen. Zur Release-
+Version sollte entsprechend umkommentiert werden.
+Es werden die Bedarfe aller Gase berechnet, die bei der Aufstiegs-/
+Dekompressionsberechnung eingeplant wurden. Es sind diese die Gase 1
+bis 5. Wird aktuell ein manuell konfiguriertes Gas ("Gas 6") geatmet,
+so wird dieses in der Gasbedarfsberechnung außen vor gelassen. Die
+Berechnung teilt sich in die Bereiche bottom und initial ascent, stops
+und intermediate ascents sowie final ascent.
+Im Bereich bottom und initial ascent wird die Bottom-Verbrauchsrate
+angesetzt, in den übrigen Bereichen die Deko-Verbrauchsrate.
+Die Aufstiegssegmente werden mit der konfigurierten Aufstiegsrate (5-10
+m/min) berechnet, der final ascent vom letzten Stopp bis zur Oberfläche
+mit 1 Meter/Minute. Gibt es keine Stopps, dann reicht der initial ascent
+vom Bottom bis zur Oberfläche und wird mit der konfigurierten Aufstiegs-
+rate gerechnet, zuzüglich eines Sicherheitsstopps von 3 Minuten auf 5
+Metern. Wenn es keinen Deko-Stopp gibt, aber einen Gaswechsel-Stopp der
+tiefer liegt als ein letzter regulärer Deko-Stopp liegen würde, dann wird
+der Aufstieg geteilt in einen intermediate ascent und einen final ascent.
+Für beide werden dann die entsprechenden Aufstiegsraten angesetzt.
+Alle Gaswechsel werden der Stopp-Tabelle entnommen, daher sind dort
+auch reine Gaswechsel-Stopps eingetragen, d.h. Stopps auf denen keine
+Dekompression notwendig ist. Auf den Stopps die einen Gaswechsel
+beinhalten wird der Gasbedarf wie folgt berechnet: Der Bedarf für die
+gesamte Stoppdauer wird dem neuen Gas zugerechnet, für die konfigurierte
+Gaswechsel-Dauer wird ein entsprechender Bedarf zusätzlich auf das alte
+Gas aufgeschlagen. So ist sichergestellt, dass die berechneten Gasvolumina
+genügend Reserve ausweisen um auf einem Gaswechsel-Stopp die Zeit zu haben
+das neue Gas verfügbar zu machen (Stage-Handling).
+Die Gasbedarfe werden zum einen in Litern berechnet, diese Werte werden
+vom Deko-Kalkulator genutzt, und zum anderen in bar Flaschendruck
+entsprechend der eingestellten Flaschengrößen. Hierbei wird mit idealen
+Gasen gerechnet, sprich Druck = benötigtes Volumen / Flaschengröße.
+Aus dem Vergleich von berechnetem Druckbedarf und konfiguriertem
+Flaschendruck werden die Vorwarnung (70%, gelb) und die Hauptwarnung
+(100%, rot) generiert. Um bei der Hauptwarnung noch eine minimale Reserve
+zu haben sollte daher der Flaschendruck etwas niedriger eingestellt
+werden als er tatsächlich ist.
+Die Gewebegrafik ist so skaliert, dass die Länge der Balken dem Druck des
+Jeweiligen Inertgases entspricht. Während des Tauchgangs werden die
+Balken zusätzlich eingefärbt, die Farbe kennzeichnet ob das Gewebe gerade
+am aufsättigen oder am entsättigen ist. Die Balken für den Stickstoff
+beginnen weiter links da die Gewebe im Ausgleichzustand an der Oberfläche
+bereits zu einem Teil Stickstoff enthalten, nicht jedoch Helium. So
+beginnen die "Überdrücke" aus dem Ausgleichszustand heraus auf gleicher
+Stopp-Tabelle (Deko-Tabelle):
+Der Funktionsaufruf ist so verändert, dass beim Aufruf die Menge
+der einzutragenden Minuten übergeben werden kann. Diese werden dann auf
+den bestehenden Stopp aufaddiert bzw. es wird ein neuer Stopp angelegt.
+Es können auch Null Minuten übergeben werden und so ein Stopp "on the
+fly" erzeugt werden, z.B. für einen reinen Gaswechsel. Alle Operationen
+auf der Stopp-Tabelle sind angepasst um mit Stopps von Null-Dauer zu
+Ein Stopp-Eintrag kann maximal 99 Minuten Stoppdauer aufnehmen. Dauert
+ein Stopp länger, so wird eine weiterer Stopp auf gleicher Tiefe angelegt.
+No-Fly bzw. Altitude-Wait-Zeit:
+Diese Wartezeit wird wie eine Dekompression aus dem aktuellen Gewebe-
+zustand heraus auf eine fiktive Tiefe gerechnet, die der gewählten
+Höhenstufe entspricht. Für No-Fly wird dabei ein Kabinendruck von 0,6
+bar angesetzt. Der Rechenaufwand für diese Berechnung wird die die
+Verwendung eines iterativen Optimierungs-Algorithmus wesentlich
+reduziert. Der aktuelle Umgebungsdruck wird laufend in die Berechnung
+einbezogen, die sich ergebene Zeit auf volle 10 Minuten gerundet
+Die Entsättigungzeit ist so definert dass der Rest-Stickstoffdruck in
+allen Geweben maximal 5% des Gewebedrucks aus natürlicher Sättigung
+(Atmung von Luft unter aktuellem Umgebungsdruck) entspricht. Der sich
+ergebene Druckwert wird dann ebenfalls für das Rest-Helium angesetzt.
+Der aktuelle Umgebungsdruck wird laufend in die Berechnung einbezogen,
+die sich ergebene Zeit auf volle 10 Minuten gerundet ausgegeben.
+pSCR Modus:
+Neben dem CCR-Modus wird nun auch der pSCR-Modus vollständig unterstützt,
+inklusive optionalen Sensoren. Die Bedienung und die Menus sind weitest-
+gehend identisch, nur dort wo im CCR-Modus zwischen den Setpoints und
+Sensorbetrieb ausgewählt wird befindet sich im pSCR-Modus die Auswahl
+zwischen Sensorbetrieb und berechneten ppO2-Werten.
+Handling von Gas 6:
+In der bisherigen Implementierung wurden Änderungen an den O2- und He-
+Prozenten des Gases 6 sofort an die Berechnungen für die realen Gewebe
+innerhalb von p2_deco.c übergeben, ohne dass dazu der dedizierte Menu-
+Eintrag welcher die Zusammensetzung von Gas 6 anzeigt explizit ausgewählt
+werden musste. Ebenso wurde das Gas6-Event ausgelöst sowie einer der
+Prozentwerte verstellt wurde. In den Teil von p2_deco.c, der die Deko-
+Berechnungen ausführt, wurden die Werte von Gas 6 jedoch erst übernommen,
+wenn besagter Menu-Eintrag ausgewählt wurde, was in der Praxis zu
+Diskrepanzen führen muss.
+In der jetzigen Implementierung werden die O2- und He-Prozentwerte erst
+dann übernommen und als Gas 6 aktiviert, wenn der Gas6-Menueintrag
+explizit ausgewählt wird. Die Übernahme erfolgt sodann konsistent in die
+Berechnung sowohl der realen Gewebe als auch in die Dekoberechnung, und
+auch das Gas6-Event wird erst dann gesetzt.
+Der Deko-Kalkulator benutzt die Gasverbrauchsraten, die im Deko-Menu,
+Untermenu "2nd Deco Plan" eingestellt sind. Ãœber das Menu "Calculator
+Setup" kann eingestellt werden, welcher CCR Setpoint für die Berechnungen
+benutzt werden soll (nur relevant im CCR Modus) und ob die normalen oder
+die alternativen (aGF) GF-Faktoren für die Dekoberechnung benutzt werden
+sollen (gilt für alle Modi). Der Deko-Kalkulator ermittelt die benötigten
+Gasmengen in Litern (exakt: Barlitern).
+Kommt es aufgrund der benutzen Gase und des Deko-Profils zu einer IBCD,
+dann wird auf der Ergebnisseite eine entsprechende Warnung ausgegeben.
+Erfordert die Dekompression mehr Stopps als im OSTC gespeichert werden
+können, dann wird die Deko-Berechnung abgebrochen und eine "incomplete"
+Warnung ausgegeben. Die angezeigte Aufstiegszeit, der CNS-Wert und die
+ermittelten Gasbedarfe gelten nur bis zum Ende der angezeigten Stopps.
+Achtung: Die tatsächlichen Werte bis zum Erreichen der Oberfläche können
+unter Umständen deutlich größer sein als die angezeigten, da insbesondere
+die letzten Stopps (die nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden konnten) typisch
+am längsten dauern! Dieser Fall sollte jedoch bei Profilen praktisch
+durchführbarer Tauchgängen nicht auftreten.
+"DECO ZONE" and GF-"Ampel"
+Sobald beim Aufstieg mindestens ein Gewebe beginnt abzusättigen erscheint
+auf der Anzeige "DECO ZONE" in grüner Schrift. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt wird
+auch die Warnschwelle für den ppO2 von der normalen Max-Schwelle auf die
+Deco-Max-Schwelle umgestellt. Sollte wieder tiefer getaucht werden und
+keines der Gewebe mehr absättigen, so verschwindet die Anzeige "DECO
+ZONE" wieder und auch die ppO2 Warnschwelle wird wieder auf den normalen
+Max-Wert zurück geschaltet.
+Überschreitet während des Aufenthalts in der DECO ZONE der aktuelle GF-
+Wert den eingestellten Wert für den GF-high, dann erscheint anstatt des
+Textes "DECO ZONE" der aktuelle GF-Wert in gelber Farbe. Erreicht oder
+überschreitet der aktuelle GF-Wert 100%, dann wird dieser in roter Farbe
+Der Quellcode von p2_deco.c ist in bezüglich Lesbarkeit und Kommentierung
+überarbeitet, alle Variablen in p2_deco.c und shared_definitions.h sind
+funktional gruppiert und ebenfalls vollständig kommentiert. In diversen
+Assembler-Quellcode-Dateien wurde ebenfalls die Kommentierung verbessert.
--- a/src/Fonts/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/Fonts/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -316,49 +316,4 @@
 			DB 0x20, 0x19, 0x40, 0x60, 0x9D, 0x40, 0x20, 0x13
 			DB 0x20, 0x40, 0x60, 0xA3, 0x60, 0x41, 0x21, 0x06
 			DB 0x21, 0x42, 0x60, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xB5
-; : colon
-			DB 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xB5, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x96, 0x1F, 0x02
-			DB 0x96, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x96, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x96, 0x42
-			DB 0x61, 0x41, 0x07, 0x33, 0x99, 0x40, 0x05, 0x41
-			DB 0x60, 0xAD, 0x60, 0x04, 0x40, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x40
-			DB 0x03, 0x20, 0x60, 0xB1, 0x60, 0x03, 0x20, 0xB3
-			DB 0x40, 0x03, 0x60, 0xB3, 0x04, 0xB4, 0x04, 0x40
-			DB 0xB3, 0x05, 0x41, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x40, 0x1F, 0x02
-			DB 0x96, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x97, 0x20, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x98
-			DB 0x60, 0x41, 0x21, 0x1B, 0x9A, 0x60, 0x40, 0x20
-			DB 0x05, 0x21, 0x53, 0x98, 0x60, 0x20, 0x04, 0x20
-			DB 0x40, 0x60, 0xAE, 0x40, 0x04, 0x40, 0x60, 0xB0
-			DB 0x40, 0x03, 0x20, 0x60, 0xB1, 0x60, 0x03, 0x20
-			DB 0xB3, 0x40, 0x03, 0x60, 0xB3, 0x04, 0xB4, 0x04
-			DB 0x60, 0xB3, 0x05, 0x40, 0x61, 0xB0, 0x20, 0x1F
-			DB 0x02, 0x95, 0x60, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x96, 0x60, 0x1F
-			DB 0x01, 0x98, 0x40, 0x1F, 0x9A, 0x60, 0x42, 0x3A
-			DB 0xFF, 0xEA
-; ; semicolon
-			DB 0x93, 0x04, 0xB4, 0x04, 0xB4, 0x04, 0xB4, 0x04
-			DB 0xB4, 0x04, 0xB4, 0x04, 0xB4, 0x04, 0xA8, 0x60
-			DB 0x41, 0x21, 0x1F, 0x06, 0x8B, 0x60, 0x20, 0x1F
-			DB 0x0B, 0x8A, 0x40, 0x1F, 0x0D, 0x89, 0x20, 0x1F
-			DB 0x0E, 0x88, 0x20, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x87, 0x40, 0x07
-			DB 0x20, 0x47, 0x04, 0x5A, 0x87, 0x20, 0x04, 0x20
-			DB 0x40, 0x89, 0x04, 0xA1, 0x60, 0x04, 0x40, 0x8B
-			DB 0x04, 0xA1, 0x40, 0x03, 0x20, 0x8C, 0x04, 0xA1
-			DB 0x20, 0x03, 0x40, 0x8C, 0x04, 0xA1, 0x20, 0x03
-			DB 0x60, 0x8C, 0x04, 0xA1, 0x04, 0x8D, 0x04, 0xA1
-			DB 0x04, 0x8D, 0x04, 0xA1, 0x04, 0x8D, 0x04, 0xA1
-			DB 0x04, 0x8D, 0x04, 0xA1, 0x20, 0x03, 0x60, 0x8C
-			DB 0x04, 0xA1, 0x20, 0x03, 0x60, 0x8C, 0x04, 0xA1
-			DB 0x40, 0x03, 0x40, 0x8C, 0x04, 0xA1, 0x60, 0x03
-			DB 0x20, 0x80, 0x60, 0x4A, 0x04, 0x54, 0x61, 0x8A
-			DB 0x60, 0x20, 0x42, 0x60, 0x80, 0x40, 0x1F, 0x07
-			DB 0x20, 0x40, 0x8E, 0x20, 0x1F, 0x0A, 0x60, 0x8B
-			DB 0x60, 0x1F, 0x0C, 0x40, 0x8A, 0x40, 0x1F, 0x0D
-			DB 0x60, 0x89, 0x20, 0x1F, 0x0D, 0x20, 0x96, 0x04
-			DB 0x92, 0x61, 0x40, 0x07, 0x60, 0x95, 0x04, 0x96
-			DB 0x40, 0x05, 0x40, 0x95, 0x04, 0x97, 0x40, 0x04
-			DB 0x20, 0x95, 0x04, 0x98, 0x04, 0x20, 0x95, 0x04
-			DB 0x98, 0x40, 0x04, 0x95, 0x04, 0x98, 0x60, 0x04
-			DB 0x95, 0x04, 0x98, 0x60, 0x04, 0x95, 0x04, 0x98
-			DB 0x60, 0x03, 0x20, 0x95, 0x04, 0x98, 0x40, 0x03
-			DB 0x20, 0x81
--- a/src/Fonts/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/Fonts/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 ; Font index exported ven. janv. 13 2012 by FontIO.cpp 110 2011-06-07 11:26:40Z gascuel $ 
-aa_font90_chars		EQU	.14
+aa_font90_chars		EQU	.12
 aa_font90_firstChar	EQU	'.'
-aa_font90_lastChar	EQU	';'
+aa_font90_lastChar	EQU	':'
 			DW	aa_font90_bits + 0x0000	; . dot
@@ -18,6 +18,5 @@
 			DW	aa_font90_bits + 0x061F	; 7 7
 			DW	aa_font90_bits + 0x06D3	; 8 8
 			DW	aa_font90_bits + 0x080F	; 9 9
-			DW	aa_font90_bits + 0x0925	; : colon
-			DW	aa_font90_bits + 0x09A7	; ; semicolon
-			DW	aa_font90_bits + 0x0A71	; END OF INDEX
+			DW	aa_font90_bits + 0x0925	; END OF INDEX
--- a/src/aa_fonts.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/aa_fonts.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 ;---- TINY font description and data ----------------------------------------
-fonts_data	CODE_PACK
+fonts_data	CODE_PACK   0x11000	    ; <- Make sure all three fonts are in the same 64kByte page...
             global  aa_font16_block
@@ -150,8 +150,6 @@
             global aa_font90_block
 			DB	' ', 0x2F
-			DB	'm', 0x3A
-			DB	'f', 0x3B
 			DB	0
 			DB	aa_font90_firstChar
 			DB	aa_font90_chars
--- a/src/calibrate.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/calibrate.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File calibration.asm
+;   File calibration.asm							REFACTORED VERSION V2.91
 ;   o2 sensor calibration subroutines
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
 calibrate     CODE
-    global  check_sensors           ; Check O2 sensor thresholds for fallback and voting logic
+   global  check_sensors           ; Check O2 sensor thresholds for fallback and voting logic
-    ; Check min_mv
+	; Check min_mv
 	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+0, sub_a+0
 	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+1, sub_a+1
 	movlw	LOW		min_mv
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
 	bsf     use_O2_sensor3  ;=1: Use this sensor for deco
 	btfsc	neg_flag
 	bcf     use_O2_sensor3  ;=1: Use this sensor for deco
-    ; Check max_mv
+	; Check max_mv
 	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+0, sub_a+0
 	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+1, sub_a+1
 	movlw	LOW		max_mv
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@
     bra     check_sensor3           ; Check for voting logic
-; Copy disable flags from internal calibration routine
+	; Copy disable flags from internal calibration routine
     btfss   sensor1_calibrated_ok
     bcf     use_O2_sensor1
     btfss   sensor2_calibrated_ok
@@ -102,42 +103,43 @@
     btfss   sensor3_calibrated_ok
     bcf     use_O2_sensor3
 check_sensor3:                      ; Check for voting logic
-    bsf     voting_logic_sensor1
-    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor1,temp1
-    rcall   check_sensor_voting_common
-    incfsz  WREG                    ; Was Wreg=255?
-    bcf     voting_logic_sensor1    ; Yes, ignore this sensor
-    bsf     voting_logic_sensor2
-    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor2,temp1
-    rcall   check_sensor_voting_common
-    incfsz  WREG                    ; Was Wreg=255?
-    bcf     voting_logic_sensor2    ; Yes, ignore this sensor
-    bsf     voting_logic_sensor3
-    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor3,temp1
-    rcall   check_sensor_voting_common
-    incfsz  WREG                    ; Was Wreg=255?
-    bcf     voting_logic_sensor3    ; Yes, ignore this sensor
+	; DELETE - voting is done in calc_deko_divemode_sensor 	## voting logic
+    ; bsf     voting_logic_sensor1
+    ; movff   o2_ppo2_sensor1,temp1
+    ; rcall   check_sensor_voting_common
+    ; incfsz  WREG                    ; Was Wreg=255?
+    ; bcf     voting_logic_sensor1    ; Yes, ignore this sensor
+    ; bsf     voting_logic_sensor2
+    ; movff   o2_ppo2_sensor2,temp1
+    ; rcall   check_sensor_voting_common
+    ; incfsz  WREG                    ; Was Wreg=255?
+    ; bcf     voting_logic_sensor2    ; Yes, ignore this sensor
+    ; bsf     voting_logic_sensor3
+    ; movff   o2_ppo2_sensor3,temp1
+    ; ;rcall   check_sensor_voting_common
+    ; incfsz  WREG                    ; Was Wreg=255?
+    ; bcf     voting_logic_sensor3    ; Yes, ignore this sensor
-    movf    temp1,W
-    cpfsgt  sensor_setpoint
-    bra     check_sensor_voting_common2     ; temp1<sensor_setpoint
-    ; temp1>sensor_setpoint
-    movf    temp1,W
-    subwf   sensor_setpoint,W
-    movwf   temp1
-    movlw   sensor_voting_logic_threshold   ; Threshold in 0.01bar
-    cpfsgt  temp1
-    retlw   .255                            ; Within range
-    retlw   .0                              ; Out of range
-    ; temp1<sensor_setpoint
-    movf    sensor_setpoint,W
-    subwf   temp1,F
-    bra     check_sensor_voting_common1
+; DELETE COMPLETE FUNTION, PARTS  OF THE CODE HAVE MIGRATED TO calc_deko_divemode_sensor	## voting logic
+; check_sensor_voting_common:
+    ; movf    temp1,W
+    ; cpfsgt  sensor_setpoint
+    ; bra     check_sensor_voting_common2     ; temp1<sensor_setpoint
+    ; ; temp1>sensor_setpoint
+    ; movf    temp1,W
+    ; subwf   sensor_setpoint,W
+    ; movwf   temp1
+; check_sensor_voting_common1:
+    ; movlw   sensor_voting_logic_threshold   ; Threshold in 0.01bar
+    ; cpfsgt  temp1
+    ; retlw   .255                            ; Within range
+    ; retlw   .0                              ; Out of range
+; check_sensor_voting_common2:
+    ; ; temp1<sensor_setpoint
+    ; movf    sensor_setpoint,W
+    ; subwf   temp1,F
+    ; bra     check_sensor_voting_common1
 	global	calibrate_mix
@@ -157,12 +159,12 @@
     movff   WREG,TXREG2
     call    rs232_wait_tx2
-    movff   opt_calibration_O2_ratio,WREG         ; Calibration gas %O2
+    movff   opt_calibration_O2_ratio,WREG	; Calibration gas %O2
     addwf   temp1,F
     movff   WREG,TXREG2
     call    rs232_wait_tx2
-    movff   amb_pressure+0,WREG         ; Ambient pressure
+    movff   amb_pressure+0,WREG	; Ambient pressure
     addwf   temp1,F
     movff   WREG,TXREG2
     call    rs232_wait_tx2
@@ -171,15 +173,15 @@
     movff   WREG,TXREG2
     call    rs232_wait_tx2
-    movff   temp1,TXREG2                ; Chksum
+    movff   temp1,TXREG2		; Chksum
     call    rs232_wait_tx2
-    movff   opt_calibration_O2_ratio,WREG         ; Calibration gas %O2
+    movff   opt_calibration_O2_ratio,WREG	; Calibration gas %O2
     mullw   .100
 	movff	PRODL,xA+0
 	movff	PRODH,xA+1
-; (%O2*100)*[ambient,mbar]/100 -> xC
+	; (%O2*100)*[ambient,mbar]/100 -> xC
 	movff	amb_pressure+0,xB+0
 	movff	amb_pressure+1,xB+1
 	rcall	calibrate_mix2_helper
@@ -188,13 +190,13 @@
 	call	div32x16	  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
 	; xC= ppO2/mV
 	movff	xC+0,opt_x_s1+0
-	movff	xC+1,opt_x_s1+1				; Factor for Sensor1
+	movff	xC+1,opt_x_s1+1					; Factor for Sensor1
-    movff   opt_calibration_O2_ratio,WREG         ; Calibration gas %O2
+    movff   opt_calibration_O2_ratio,WREG	; Calibration gas %O2
     mullw   .100
 	movff	PRODL,xA+0
 	movff	PRODH,xA+1
-; (%O2*100)*[ambient,mbar]/100 -> xC
+	; (%O2*100)*[ambient,mbar]/100 -> xC
 	movff	amb_pressure+0,xB+0
 	movff	amb_pressure+1,xB+1
 	rcall	calibrate_mix2_helper
@@ -203,13 +205,13 @@
 	call	div32x16	  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
 	; xC= ppO2/mV
 	movff	xC+0,opt_x_s2+0
-	movff	xC+1,opt_x_s2+1				; Factor for Sensor2
+	movff	xC+1,opt_x_s2+1					; Factor for Sensor2
-    movff   opt_calibration_O2_ratio,WREG         ; Calibration gas %O2
+    movff   opt_calibration_O2_ratio,WREG	; Calibration gas %O2
     mullw   .100
 	movff	PRODL,xA+0
 	movff	PRODH,xA+1
-; (%O2*100)*[ambient,mbar]/100 -> xC
+	; (%O2*100)*[ambient,mbar]/100 -> xC
 	movff	amb_pressure+0,xB+0
 	movff	amb_pressure+1,xB+1
 	rcall	calibrate_mix2_helper
@@ -218,11 +220,12 @@
 	call	div32x16	  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
 	; xC= ppO2/mV
 	movff	xC+0,opt_x_s3+0
-	movff	xC+1,opt_x_s3+1				; Factor for Sensor3
+	movff	xC+1,opt_x_s3+1					; Factor for Sensor3
     bsf     sensor1_calibrated_ok
     bsf     sensor2_calibrated_ok
     bsf     sensor3_calibrated_ok   ; Set flags prior check
     rcall   check_sensors           ; Check O2 sensor thresholds min_mv and max_mv and set use_02_sensorX flags
     ; initialise internal calibration flags
     btfss	use_O2_sensor1          ; Sensor out of range?
@@ -253,128 +256,134 @@
     banksel common
-	call	mult16x16		;xA*xB=xC
+	call	mult16x16		; xA*xB=xC
 	movlw	LOW		.100
 	movwf	xB+0
 	movlw	HIGH	.100
 	movwf	xB+1
-	goto	div32x16	  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder (And return)
+	goto	div32x16		; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder (And return)
-    call    get_analog_inputs
-    bra     compute_ppo2_common
+; DELETE COMPLETE FUNTION, PARTS  OF THE CODE HAVE MIGRATED TO calc_deko_divemode_sensor	## voting logic	
+; compute_ppo2_analog:
+    ; call    get_analog_inputs
+    ; bra     compute_ppo2_common
-	global	compute_ppo2			; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
-    btfss   analog_o2_input             ; cR hardware?
-    return                              ; No
+	; global	compute_ppo2			; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
+; compute_ppo2:
+    ; btfss   analog_o2_input             ; cR hardware?
+    ; return                              ; No
-    btfss   s8_digital                  ; =1: Digital I/O
-    bra     compute_ppo2_analog         ; use analog
+    ; btfss   s8_digital                  ; =1: Digital I/O
+    ; bra     compute_ppo2_analog         ; use analog
-    ; use digital
-    btfss   new_s8_data_available       ; =1: New data frame recieved
-    return
-	rcall	compute_mvolts_for_all_sensors
+    ; ; use digital
+    ; btfss   new_s8_data_available       ; =1: New data frame recieved
+    ; return
+	; rcall	compute_mvolts_for_all_sensors
-	; o2_mv_sensor1:2 * opt_x_s1:2 = o2_ppo2_sensor1/10000
-	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+0,xA+0
-	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+1,xA+1
-	movff	opt_x_s1+0,xB+0
-	movff	opt_x_s1+1,xB+1
-	rcall	compute_ppo2_common_helper
-	movff	xC+0,o2_ppo2_sensor1		; result in 0.01bar
-;    ; Set to zero if sensor is not active!
-;	btfss	use_O2_sensor1
-;	clrf	o2_ppo2_sensor1
+; compute_ppo2_common:
+	; ; o2_mv_sensor1:2 * opt_x_s1:2 = o2_ppo2_sensor1/10000
+	; movff	o2_mv_sensor1+0,xA+0
+	; movff	o2_mv_sensor1+1,xA+1
+	; movff	opt_x_s1+0,xB+0
+	; movff	opt_x_s1+1,xB+1
+	; rcall	compute_ppo2_common_helper
+	; movff	xC+0,o2_ppo2_sensor1		; result in 0.01bar
+; ;    ; Set to zero if sensor is not active!
+; ;	btfss	use_O2_sensor1
+; ;	clrf	o2_ppo2_sensor1
-	; o2_mv_sensor2:2 * opt_x_s1:2 = o2_ppo2_sensor2/10000
-	movff	o2_mv_sensor2+0,xA+0
-	movff	o2_mv_sensor2+1,xA+1
-	movff	opt_x_s2+0,xB+0
-	movff	opt_x_s2+1,xB+1
-	rcall	compute_ppo2_common_helper
-	movff	xC+0,o2_ppo2_sensor2		; result in 0.01bar
-;	; Set to zero if sensor is not active!
-;	btfss	use_O2_sensor2
-;	clrf	o2_ppo2_sensor2
+	; ; o2_mv_sensor2:2 * opt_x_s1:2 = o2_ppo2_sensor2/10000
+	; movff	o2_mv_sensor2+0,xA+0
+	; movff	o2_mv_sensor2+1,xA+1
+	; movff	opt_x_s2+0,xB+0
+	; movff	opt_x_s2+1,xB+1
+	; rcall	compute_ppo2_common_helper
+	; movff	xC+0,o2_ppo2_sensor2		; result in 0.01bar
+; ;	; Set to zero if sensor is not active!
+; ;	btfss	use_O2_sensor2
+; ;	clrf	o2_ppo2_sensor2
-	; o2_mv_sensor3:2 * opt_x_s1:2 = o2_ppo2_sensor3/10000
-	movff	o2_mv_sensor3+0,xA+0
-	movff	o2_mv_sensor3+1,xA+1
-	movff	opt_x_s3+0,xB+0
-	movff	opt_x_s3+1,xB+1
-	rcall	compute_ppo2_common_helper
-	movff	xC+0,o2_ppo2_sensor3		; result in 0.01bar
-;	; Set to zero if sensor is not active!
-;	btfss	use_O2_sensor3
-;	clrf	o2_ppo2_sensor3
-	return							; Done.
+	; ; o2_mv_sensor3:2 * opt_x_s1:2 = o2_ppo2_sensor3/10000
+	; movff	o2_mv_sensor3+0,xA+0
+	; movff	o2_mv_sensor3+1,xA+1
+	; movff	opt_x_s3+0,xB+0
+	; movff	opt_x_s3+1,xB+1
+	; rcall	compute_ppo2_common_helper
+	; movff	xC+0,o2_ppo2_sensor3		; result in 0.01bar
+; ;	; Set to zero if sensor is not active!
+; ;	btfss	use_O2_sensor3
+; ;	clrf	o2_ppo2_sensor3
+	; return							; Done.
-	call	mult16x16		;xA:2*xB:2=xC:4
-	movlw	LOW		.1000
-	movwf	xB+0
-	movlw	HIGH		.1000
-	movwf	xB+1
-	call	div32x16  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
-	movlw	d'1'
-	addwf	xC+0,F
-	movlw	d'0'
-	addwfc	xC+1,F
-        tstfsz  xC+1                        ; ppO2 is higher then 2.55bar?
-        setf    xC+0                        ; Yes.
-        return
+; compute_ppo2_common_helper:
+	; call	mult16x16		;xA:2*xB:2=xC:4
+	; movlw	LOW		.1000
+	; movwf	xB+0
+	; movlw	HIGH		.1000
+	; movwf	xB+1
+	; call	div32x16  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
+	; movlw	d'1'
+	; addwf	xC+0,F
+	; movlw	d'0'
+	; addwfc	xC+1,F
+        ; tstfsz  xC+1                        ; ppO2 is higher then 2.55bar?
+        ; setf    xC+0                        ; Yes.
+        ; return
+	global	compute_mvolts_for_all_sensors
 compute_mvolts_for_all_sensors:          ; Compute mV or all sensors (S8 Mode)
 ; compute AD results in 100µV steps (16bit/sensor)
 ; 24bit AD result is in 244,1406541nV
 ; Devide 24bit value through 409,5999512 -> 410 (0,01% error)
-        #DEFINE	ad2mv_factor	.410
-        ; Sensor 1
-        clrf	xC+3
-        movff	s8_rawdata_sensor1+2,xC+2
-        movff	s8_rawdata_sensor1+1,xC+1
-        movff	s8_rawdata_sensor1+0,xC+0
-        movlw	LOW		ad2mv_factor
-        movwf	xB+0
-        movlw	HIGH	ad2mv_factor
-        movwf	xB+1
-        call	div32x16  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
-        movff	xC+1,o2_mv_sensor1+1
-        movff	xC+0,o2_mv_sensor1+0		; in 100uV steps
-        ; Sensor 2
-        clrf	xC+3
-        movff	s8_rawdata_sensor2+2,xC+2
-        movff	s8_rawdata_sensor2+1,xC+1
-        movff	s8_rawdata_sensor2+0,xC+0
-        movlw	LOW		ad2mv_factor
-        movwf	xB+0
-        movlw	HIGH	ad2mv_factor
-        movwf	xB+1
-        call	div32x16  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
-        movff	xC+1,o2_mv_sensor2+1
-        movff	xC+0,o2_mv_sensor2+0		; in 100uV steps
-        ; Sensor 3
-        clrf	xC+3
-        movff	s8_rawdata_sensor3+2,xC+2
-        movff	s8_rawdata_sensor3+1,xC+1
-        movff	s8_rawdata_sensor3+0,xC+0
-        movlw	LOW		ad2mv_factor
-        movwf	xB+0
-        movlw	HIGH	ad2mv_factor
-        movwf	xB+1
-        call	div32x16  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
-        movff	xC+1,o2_mv_sensor3+1
-        movff	xC+0,o2_mv_sensor3+0		; in 100uV steps
+	#DEFINE	ad2mv_factor	.410
+	; Sensor 1
+	clrf	xC+3
+	movff	s8_rawdata_sensor1+2,xC+2
+	movff	s8_rawdata_sensor1+1,xC+1
+	movff	s8_rawdata_sensor1+0,xC+0
+	movlw	LOW		ad2mv_factor
+	movwf	xB+0
+	movlw	HIGH	ad2mv_factor
+	movwf	xB+1
+	call	div32x16  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
+	movff	xC+1,o2_mv_sensor1+1
+	movff	xC+0,o2_mv_sensor1+0		; in 100uV steps
+	; Sensor 2
+	clrf	xC+3
+	movff	s8_rawdata_sensor2+2,xC+2
+	movff	s8_rawdata_sensor2+1,xC+1
+	movff	s8_rawdata_sensor2+0,xC+0
+	movlw	LOW		ad2mv_factor
+	movwf	xB+0
+	movlw	HIGH	ad2mv_factor
+	movwf	xB+1
+	call	div32x16  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
+	movff	xC+1,o2_mv_sensor2+1
+	movff	xC+0,o2_mv_sensor2+0		; in 100uV steps
+	; Sensor 3
+	clrf	xC+3
+	movff	s8_rawdata_sensor3+2,xC+2
+	movff	s8_rawdata_sensor3+1,xC+1
+	movff	s8_rawdata_sensor3+0,xC+0
+	movlw	LOW		ad2mv_factor
+	movwf	xB+0
+	movlw	HIGH	ad2mv_factor
+	movwf	xB+1
+	call	div32x16  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
+	movff	xC+1,o2_mv_sensor3+1
+	movff	xC+0,o2_mv_sensor3+0		; in 100uV steps
-        bcf     new_s8_data_available       ; Clear flag
-        return                  ; Done.
+	bcf     new_s8_data_available		; Clear flag
+	return								; Done.
-	global	transmit_setpoint           ; Transmit current setpoint from WREG (in cbar) to external electronics
+	global	transmit_setpoint	; Transmit current setpoint from WREG (in cbar) to external electronics
     btfss   s8_digital          ; S8 Digital?
@@ -393,12 +402,12 @@
     movff   WREG,TXREG2
     call    rs232_wait_tx2
-    movff   temp2,WREG         ; SP in cbar
+    movff   temp2,WREG			; SP in cbar
     addwf   temp1,F
     movff   WREG,TXREG2
     call    rs232_wait_tx2
-    movff   temp1,TXREG2	; Chksum
+    movff   temp1,TXREG2		; Chksum
     call    rs232_wait_tx2
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
-;   File
+;   File								REFACTORED VERSION V2.91
-	extern		compute_ppo2			; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
+; DELETE	## voting logic
+;	extern		compute_ppo2			; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
 	extern		calibrate_mix			; Calibrate with any mix
-    extern      check_sensors           ; Check O2 sensor thresholds for fallback
-    extern      transmit_setpoint       ; Transmit current setpoint from WREG (in cbar) to external electronics
\ No newline at end of file
+; DELETE	## voting logic
+;    extern      check_sensors           ; Check O2 sensor thresholds for fallback
+; ADD		## voting logic
+	extern		compute_mvolts_for_all_sensors	; compute sensor mv values from digital transmitted data
+    extern      transmit_setpoint       ; Transmit current setpoint from WREG (in cbar) to external electronics
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/changelog.txt	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/changelog.txt	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+- Beta Version -
 - Beta Version -
 BUGFIX: Display of negative (°C) water temperatures
--- a/src/comm.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/comm.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File comm.asm
+;   File comm.asm									REFACTORED VERSION 2.94
 ;   RS232 via USB
@@ -107,12 +107,12 @@
 	movlw	0xAA						; start byte=0xAA?
 	cpfseq	RCREG1
 	bra		comm_mode2a
-	bra		comm_mode2b             ; Startbyte for service mode found
+	bra		comm_mode2b					; Startbyte for service mode found
 	movlw	0xBB						; start byte=0xBB?
 	cpfseq	RCREG1
 	bra		comm_mode2c
-	bra		comm_download_mode		; Startbyte for download mode found
+	bra		comm_download_mode			; Startbyte for download mode found
     btfss   vusb_in                     ; USB plugged in?
@@ -124,33 +124,33 @@
 	btfsc	onesecupdate
 	bra		comm_mode1
-    bra     comm_mode2				; Cycle
+    bra     comm_mode2					; Cycle
 	; Startbyte found
 	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
 	movlw	0x4B
-	movwf	TXREG1					; Send Answer
+	movwf	TXREG1						; Send Answer
 	; Now, check comm command
-	rcall	comm_write_get_byte				; first byte
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx               ; Wait for UART
-    movff   RCREG1,TXREG1                 ; Echo
+	rcall	comm_write_get_byte			; first byte
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
+    movff   RCREG1,TXREG1				; Echo
 	movlw	UPPER comm_service_key
 	cpfseq	RCREG1
-    bra     comm_mode1               ; Wrong -> Restart
-	rcall	comm_write_get_byte				; second byte
+    bra     comm_mode1					; Wrong -> Restart
+	rcall	comm_write_get_byte			; second byte
 	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
-    movff   RCREG1,TXREG1                 ; Echo
+    movff   RCREG1,TXREG1				; Echo
 	movlw	HIGH (comm_service_key & 0xFFFF)
 	cpfseq	RCREG1
-    bra     comm_mode1               ; Wrong -> Restart
-	rcall	comm_write_get_byte				; third byte
+    bra     comm_mode1					; Wrong -> Restart
+	rcall	comm_write_get_byte			; third byte
 	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
-    movff   RCREG1,TXREG1                 ; Echo
+    movff   RCREG1,TXREG1				; Echo
 	movlw	LOW comm_service_key
 	cpfseq	RCREG1
-    bra     comm_mode1               ; Wrong -> Restart
+    bra     comm_mode1					; Wrong -> Restart
 	; Enable comm service mode
 	WIN_SMALL	comm_status2_column, comm_status2_row
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
 	WIN_SMALL	comm_status3_column, comm_status3_row
 	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tUsbExit        ; Exited
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
 	movlw	0xFF                        ; Reply FF
 	movwf	TXREG1						; Send Answer
@@ -202,25 +202,25 @@
 ; send firmware to bootloader
-    movlw   0x50                            ; send echo
+    movlw   0x50							; send echo
     movwf   TXREG1
-    rcall    comm_rs232_wait_tx                   ; Wait for UART
+    rcall    comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
     ; Read 5 bytes into buffer.
 	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
 	movlw	.5								; counter
 	movwf	lo
-	movlw   0x55                            ; 5'ft byte checksum.
+	movlw   0x55							; 5'ft byte checksum.
 	movwf   hi
 	rcall	comm_write_get_byte
 	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
-	bra		comm_send_firmware_abort   ; No, abort!
+	bra		comm_send_firmware_abort		; No, abort!
 	movf	RCREG1,W
-	movwf   POSTINC2                        ; Store checksum byte.
-	xorwf   hi,F                            ; Also xor into checksum
-	rlncf   hi,F                            ; And rotate it.
+	movwf   POSTINC2						; Store checksum byte.
+	xorwf   hi,F							; Also xor into checksum
+	rlncf   hi,F							; And rotate it.
 	decfsz	lo,F
 	bra		comm_send_firmware_loop
@@ -228,14 +228,14 @@
 	movf    hi,W
 	bnz     comm_send_firmware_failed
-    movlw   0x4C                            ; send OK
+    movlw   0x4C							; send OK
     movwf   TXREG1
-    rcall    comm_rs232_wait_tx                   ; Wait for UART
+    rcall    comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
 	; Passed: goto second stage verification.
 	; NOTE: Bootloader is Bank0. With buffer at address 0x200.
-    call    vault_decodata_into_eeprom      ; Store last deco data (And Time/Date) into EEPROM
-	goto    0x1FDF0                         ; And pray...
+    call    vault_decodata_into_eeprom		; Store last deco data (And Time/Date) into EEPROM
+	goto    0x1FDF0							; And pray...
 	WIN_SMALL	comm_string_column, comm_string_row
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
-    movlw   0xFF                            ; send ABORTED byte.
+    movlw   0xFF							; send ABORTED byte.
 	movwf	TXREG1
 	bra		comm_download_mode0				; Done.
@@ -273,9 +273,9 @@
 ; erases range in 4kB steps
-    movlw   0x42                        ; send echo
+    movlw   0x42						; send echo
     movwf   TXREG1
-    rcall    comm_rs232_wait_tx               ; Wait for UART
+    rcall    comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
     bcf     INTCON,GIE	; All interrups off!
@@ -316,10 +316,10 @@
-comm_write_range:				; Get 3 bytes start address
+comm_write_range:						; Get 3 bytes start address
     movlw   0x30                        ; send echo
 	movwf	TXREG1
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx               ; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
 	bcf		INTCON,GIE                  ; All interrups off!
@@ -330,41 +330,41 @@
 	rcall	comm_write_get_byte
 	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow      ; Got byte?
-	bra	comm_download_mode0         ; No, Done (and send OK byte too).
+	bra		comm_download_mode0         ; No, Done (and send OK byte too).
 	movf	RCREG1,W
 ;	bsf	NCTS	    ; Hold Bluetooth Chip (Requires PC/Android/iOS side to use flow control...)
-	call	ext_flash_byte_write_comms        ; write one byte
+	call	ext_flash_byte_write_comms	; write one byte
 ;	bcf	NCTS	    ; Release Bluetooth Chip (Requires PC/Android/iOS side to use flow control...)
 	call	incf_ext_flash_address_p1   ; increase address+1
 	bra	comm_write_range_loop
-comm_send_range:				; Get 3 bytes start address and 3 bytes amount
+comm_send_range:						; Get 3 bytes start address and 3 bytes amount
     movlw   0x20                        ; send echo
     movwf   TXREG1
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx               ; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
-	bcf		INTCON,GIE	; All interrups off!	
+	bcf		INTCON,GIE					; All interrups off!	
 	rcall	comm_get_flash_address		; Get three bytes address or return
-	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got Data?
-	bra		comm_download_mode0				; No, Done.
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow		; Got Data?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0			; No, Done.
 	rcall	comm_write_get_byte
-	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
-	bra		comm_download_mode0				; No, Done.
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow		; Got byte?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0			; No, Done.
     movff   RCREG1,up
 	rcall	comm_write_get_byte
-	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
-	bra		comm_download_mode0				; No, Done.
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow		; Got byte?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0			; No, Done.
 	movff	RCREG1,hi
 	rcall	comm_write_get_byte
-	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
-	bra		comm_download_mode0				; No, Done.
+	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow		; Got byte?
+	bra		comm_download_mode0			; No, Done.
 	movff	RCREG1,lo
-    ; If lo==0, we must precondition hi because there is to many bytes send !
+    ; If lo==0, we must precondition hi because there are to many bytes send !
     movf    lo,W    
     bnz     $+4
     decf    hi,F
@@ -379,12 +379,12 @@
 	call	ext_flash_read_block_start
 	movwf	TXREG1
-	bra		comm_send_range24		; counter 24bit
+	bra		comm_send_range24			; counter 24bit
 	call	ext_flash_read_block		; Read one byte
 	movwf	TXREG1						; Start new transmit
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
 	decfsz	lo,F
 	bra		comm_send_range24_loop
 	decf	hi,F
@@ -423,12 +423,12 @@
 	WIN_SMALL	comm_status2_column, comm_status2_row
 	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tUsbDownloadMode; Download mode enabled
 	bsf		INTCON,GIE					; All interrups on
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
 	movlw	0xBB                        ; Command Echo
 	movwf	TXREG1						; Send Answer
     bsf		INTCON,GIE					; All interrups on
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
     movlw   0x4C                        ; 4C in service mode
     btfss   comm_service_enabled
 	movlw	0x4D                        ; 4D in download mode
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
 	dcfsnz 	timeout_counter,F
 	bra		comm_service_exit           ; Timeout -> Exit
-	rcall	comm_write_get_byte              ; Check for a byte
+	rcall	comm_write_get_byte         ; Check for a byte
     btfsc   comm_service_enabled
 	btg     LEDr                        ; Blink in Service mode
     btfss   vusb_in                     ; USB plugged in?
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
 	btfsc	onesecupdate
 	bra		comm_download_mode1
 	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow
-	bra		comm_download_mode2	; Wait for command byte
+	bra		comm_download_mode2			; Wait for command byte
 	; command received!
 	bcf		LEDr
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
 ;	movlw	"t"
 ;	cpfseq	RCREG1
 ;	bra		$+4
-;    goto    testloop                    ; Start raw-data testloop
+;    goto    testloop                   ; Start raw-data testloop
 	movlw	0xC1
 	cpfseq	RCREG1
 	bra		$+4
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
-	movlw	"m"								; send echo
+	movlw	"m"							; send echo
 	movwf	TXREG1
 	; Send 13 bytes/dive (Compact Header)
 	; 1st: 200009h-200016h
@@ -580,14 +580,14 @@
 	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2
 	movlw	0x30
-	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+2				; All 256 dive send?
-	bra		comm_send_compact_headers4			; No, continue
-	bra		comm_download_mode0		; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+2			; All 256 dive send?
+	bra		comm_send_compact_headers4	; No, continue
+	bra		comm_download_mode0			; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movlw   .13
 	movwf	lo							; Counter
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
 	call	ext_flash_read_block_start	; 1st byte
 	movwf	TXREG1
 	bra		comm_send_compact_headers3	; counter 24bit
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
 	call	ext_flash_read_block		; Read one byte
 	movwf	TXREG1						; Start new transmit
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
 	decfsz	lo,F
 	bra		comm_send_compact_headers_loop
 	call	ext_flash_read_block_stop
@@ -609,21 +609,21 @@
 	call	ext_flash_read_block		; 2nd byte
 	movwf	TXREG1
     call	ext_flash_read_block_stop
-    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
     ; Offset to Logbook-Profile version
 	movlw	.8
 	movwf	ext_flash_address+0
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read         	; Get byte
+    call	ext_flash_byte_read         ; Get byte
     movwf	TXREG1
-    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
-	bra		comm_send_compact_headers2		; continue
+    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
+	bra		comm_send_compact_headers2	; continue
-	movlw	"a"								; send echo
+	movlw	"a"							; send echo
 	movwf	TXREG1
 	; Send 256 bytes/dive (Header)
 	; 1st: 200000h-2000FFh
@@ -637,8 +637,7 @@
 	movwf	ext_flash_address+1
-	movlw	0x00
-	movwf	ext_flash_address+0
+	clrf	ext_flash_address+0
 	; Adjust address for next dive
 	movlw	0x10
 	addwf	ext_flash_address+1
@@ -646,33 +645,33 @@
 	addwfc	ext_flash_address+2
 	movlw	0x30
-	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+2				; All 256 dive send?
+	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+2			; All 256 dive send?
 	bra		comm_send_headers4			; No, continue
-	bra		comm_download_mode0		; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+	bra		comm_download_mode0			; Done. Loop with timeout reset
 	clrf	lo							; Counter	
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
 	call	ext_flash_read_block_start	; 1st byte
 	movwf	TXREG1
-	bra		comm_send_headers3		; counter 24bit
+	bra		comm_send_headers3			; counter 24bit
 	call	ext_flash_read_block		; Read one byte
 	movwf	TXREG1						; Start new transmit
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx			; Wait for UART
 	decfsz	lo,F
 	bra		comm_send_headers_loop
 	call	ext_flash_read_block_stop
-	bra		comm_send_headers2		; continue
+	bra		comm_send_headers2			; continue
-comm_option_reset_all:       ; Reset all options to factory default.
-	movlw	"x"								; send echo
+comm_option_reset_all:       			; Reset all options to factory default.
+	movlw	"x"							; send echo
 	movwf	TXREG1
     call    option_reset_all
-    bra		comm_download_mode0             ; Done. back to loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_download_mode0			; Done. back to loop with timeout reset
@@ -686,7 +685,7 @@
 	movlw	"b"								; send echo
 	movwf	TXREG1
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
 	rcall	comm_write_get_byte
 	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
 	bra		comm_download_mode0             ; No, abort
@@ -737,7 +736,7 @@
     movlw	"c"								; send echo
     movwf	TXREG1
-    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
     lfsr	FSR2,opt_name
     movlw	opt_name_length
     movwf	lo								; counter
@@ -765,7 +764,7 @@
     movlw	"i"								; send echo
     movwf	TXREG1
-    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
     ;---- Read serial from internal EEPROM address 0000
 	clrf	EEADRH
@@ -810,25 +809,25 @@
     movlw	"j"								; send echo
     movwf	TXREG1
-    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
     movff   hardware_flag,TXREG1
     bra     comm_download_mode0             ; Done.
-    movlw	0x60								; send echo
+    movlw	0x60							; send echo
     movwf	TXREG1
-    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
     movlw	0x00	; Hardware high byte
     movwf	TXREG1
-    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
     movff	hardware_flag,TXREG1
-    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
     movlw	0x00	; Feature high Byte
     movwf	TXREG1
-    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
     movlw	0x00	; Feature low Byte
     movwf	TXREG1
-    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; wait for UART
+    rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
     movlw	0x00	; Model descriptor byte
     movwf	TXREG1
     bra     comm_download_mode0             ; Done.
@@ -841,7 +840,7 @@
 	rcall	comm_write_get_byte
 	btfsc	rs232_recieve_overflow			; Got byte?
-	bra		comm_download_mode0		; No, abort!
+	bra		comm_download_mode0				; No, abort!
 	movff	RCREG1,lo						; Store dive number (0-255)
 ; First, send the header (again)
 	; Set ext_flash_address:3 to TOC entry of this dive
@@ -854,7 +853,7 @@
 	movlw	0x20
 	movwf	ext_flash_address+2
 	movlw	.16
-	mulwf	lo				; lo*16 = offset to 0x2000 (up:hi)
+	mulwf	lo								; lo*16 = offset to 0x2000 (up:hi)
 	movf	PRODL,W
 	addwf	ext_flash_address+1,F
 	movf	PRODH,W
@@ -892,16 +891,16 @@
 	; Send header
-	clrf	hi				; Counter	
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx		; Wait for UART
-	call	ext_flash_read_block_start	; 1st byte
+	clrf	hi									; Counter	
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; Wait for UART
+	call	ext_flash_read_block_start			; 1st byte
 	movwf	TXREG1
 	bra	comm_send_dive_header
-	call	ext_flash_read_block		; Read one byte
-	movwf	TXREG1				; Start new transmit
+	call	ext_flash_read_block				; Read one byte
+	movwf	TXREG1								; Start new transmit
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx		; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; Wait for UART
 	decfsz	hi,F
 	bra	comm_send_dive_header2
 	call	ext_flash_read_block_stop
@@ -911,15 +910,15 @@
 	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+1,ext_flash_address+1
 	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+2,ext_flash_address+2
-	movlw	.6				; Skip 6byte short header in profile - only for internal use
-	call	incf_ext_flash_address0_0x20	; increases bytes in ext_flash_address:3 with 0x200000 bank switching
+	movlw	.6									; Skip 6byte short header in profile - only for internal use
+	call	incf_ext_flash_address0_0x20		; increases bytes in ext_flash_address:3 with 0x200000 bank switching
 	; Set address for short header/compact header, Byte 0
-	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20	; Read one byte into temp1, takes care of banking at 0x200000
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx		; Wait for UART
-	movff	temp1,TXREG1			; Send a byte
+	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20		; Read one byte into temp1, takes care of banking at 0x200000
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; Wait for UART
+	movff	temp1,TXREG1						; Send a byte
 	; 24bit compare with end address
 	movff	convert_value_temp+0,WREG
@@ -932,8 +931,8 @@
 	cpfseq	ext_flash_address+2
 	bra	comm_send_dive_profile
-	rcall   comm_read_setting_wait          ; Wait for UART
-	bra	comm_download_mode0		; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+	rcall   comm_read_setting_wait          	; Wait for UART
+	bra	comm_download_mode0						; Done. Loop with timeout reset
@@ -985,9 +984,9 @@
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   char_I_deco_model, TXREG1       ; RCREG1=0x21
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   opt_ppO2_max, TXREG1            ; RCREG1=0x22
+    movff   char_I_ppO2_max, TXREG1         ; RCREG1=0x22		MODIFIED ## V2.94
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   opt_ppO2_min, TXREG1            ; RCREG1=0x23
+    movff   char_I_ppO2_min, TXREG1         ; RCREG1=0x23		MODIFIED ## V2.94
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   char_I_extra_time, TXREG1       ; RCREG1=0x24
     dcfsnz  WREG
@@ -1017,7 +1016,7 @@
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   opt_dive_color_scheme, TXREG1   ; RCREG1=0x31
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   opt_language, TXREG1            ; RCREG1=0x32
+    movff	opt_language, TXREG1            ; RCREG1=0x32
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   opt_dateformat, TXREG1          ; RCREG1=0x33
     dcfsnz  WREG
@@ -1029,7 +1028,7 @@
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   opt_calibration_O2_ratio, TXREG1; RCREG1=0x37
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   opt_sensor_fallback, TXREG1     ; RCREG1=0x38
+    clrf    TXREG1				            ; RCREG1=0x38   NOT USED ANYMORE (opt_sensor_fallback)	## voting logic
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   opt_flip_screen, TXREG1         ; RCREG1=0x39
     dcfsnz  WREG
@@ -1059,26 +1058,61 @@
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   opt_safety_stop_reset, TXREG1   ; RCREG1=0x46
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    clrf    TXREG1			    ; RCREG1=0x47, ignore conservatism for standard hwOS
+    clrf    TXREG1			    			; RCREG1=0x47, ignore conservatism for standard hwOS
+    dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   opt_diveTimeout, TXREG1	    	; RCREG1=0x48
+    dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   button_polarity, TXREG1	    	; RCREG1=0x49
+    dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_PSCR_drop, TXREG1	    ; RCREG1=0x4A
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   opt_diveTimeout, TXREG1	    ; RCREG1=0x48
+    movff   char_I_PSCR_lungratio, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x4B
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   button_polarity, TXREG1	    ; RCREG1=0x49
+    movff   char_I_ppO2_max_deco, TXREG1    ; RCREG1=0x4C	MODIFIED ## V2.94
+	; NEW
+    dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_ppO2_min_loop, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x4D	## CCR/pSCR min ppO2	MODIFIED ## V2.94
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   opt_PSCR_drop, TXREG1	    ; RCREG1=0x4A
-    dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   opt_PSCR_lungratio, TXREG1	    ; RCREG1=0x4B
-    dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   opt_ppO2_max_deco, TXREG1       ; RCREG1=0x4C
+    movff   char_I_tank_size+0, TXREG1		; RCREG1=0x4E	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_tank_size+1, TXREG1		; RCREG1=0x4F	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_tank_size+2, TXREG1		; RCREG1=0x50	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_tank_size+3, TXREG1		; RCREG1=0x51	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_tank_size+4, TXREG1		; RCREG1=0x52	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_tank_pres_fill+0, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x53	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_tank_pres_fill+1, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x54	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_tank_pres_fill+2, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x55	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_tank_pres_fill+3, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x56	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_tank_pres_fill+4, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x57	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_cc_max_frac_o2, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x58	## CCR max ppO2 limiter
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   opt_sim_setpoint_number, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x59	## deco calculator enhancement
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   opt_calc_asc_gasvolume, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x5A	## bailout gas needs 
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   opt_sim_use_aGF, TXREG1			; RCREG1=0x5B	## deco calculator enhancement
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   char_I_altitude_wait, TXREG1	; RCREG1=0x5C	## no fly altitude
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   opt_enable_IBCD, TXREG1			; RCREG1=0x5D	## IBCD
     bra		comm_download_mode0             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
-    bra    comm_rs232_wait_tx					; Wait for UART (and return!)
+    bra    comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART (and return!)
     movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+0, TXREG1
@@ -1297,9 +1331,9 @@
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   RCREG1, char_I_deco_model       ; RCREG1=0x21
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   RCREG1, opt_ppO2_max            ; RCREG1=0x22
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_ppO2_max         ; RCREG1=0x22	MODIFIED ## V2.94
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   RCREG1, opt_ppO2_min            ; RCREG1=0x23
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_ppO2_min         ; RCREG1=0x23	MODIFIED ## V2.94
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   RCREG1, char_I_extra_time       ; RCREG1=0x24
     dcfsnz  WREG
@@ -1329,7 +1363,7 @@
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   RCREG1, opt_dive_color_scheme   ; RCREG1=0x31
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   RCREG1, opt_language            ; RCREG1=0x32
+    movff   RCREG1, opt_language			; RCREG1=0x32
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   RCREG1, opt_dateformat          ; RCREG1=0x33
     dcfsnz  WREG
@@ -1341,7 +1375,7 @@
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   RCREG1, opt_calibration_O2_ratio; RCREG1=0x37
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   RCREG1, opt_sensor_fallback     ; RCREG1=0x38
+    nop									    ; RCREG1=0x38    NOT USED ANYMORE (opt_sensor_fallback)	## voting logic	
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   RCREG1, opt_flip_screen         ; RCREG1=0x39
     dcfsnz  WREG
@@ -1371,19 +1405,55 @@
     dcfsnz  WREG
     movff   RCREG1, opt_safety_stop_reset   ; RCREG1=0x46
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    nop					    ; RCREG1=0x47, ignore conservatism for standard hwOS
+    nop					    				; RCREG1=0x47, ignore conservatism for standard hwOS
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   RCREG1, opt_diveTimeout	    ; RCREG1=0x48
+    movff   RCREG1, opt_diveTimeout	    	; RCREG1=0x48
     dcfsnz  WREG
     bra	    comm_write_button_polarity	    ; RCREG1=0x49
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   RCREG1, opt_PSCR_drop	    ; RCREG1=0x4A
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_PSCR_drop	    ; RCREG1=0x4A
+    dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_PSCR_lungratio	; RCREG1=0x4B
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   RCREG1, opt_PSCR_lungratio	    ; RCREG1=0x4B
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_ppO2_max_deco    ; RCREG1=0x4C	MODIFIED V2.94
+	; NEW
+    dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_ppO2_min_loop	; RCREG1=0x4D	## CCR/pSCR min ppO2 limiter	MODIFIED ## V2.94
     dcfsnz  WREG
-    movff   RCREG1, opt_ppO2_max_deco	    ; RCREG1=0x4C
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_tank_size+0		; RCREG1=0x4E	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_tank_size+1		; RCREG1=0x4F	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_tank_size+2		; RCREG1=0x50	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_tank_size+3		; RCREG1=0x51	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_tank_size+4		; RCREG1=0x52	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_tank_pres_fill+0	; RCREG1=0x53	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_tank_pres_fill+1	; RCREG1=0x54	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_tank_pres_fill+2	; RCREG1=0x55	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_tank_pres_fill+3	; RCREG1=0x56	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_tank_pres_fill+4	; RCREG1=0x57	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_cc_max_frac_o2	; RCREG1=0x58	## CCR max ppO2 limiter
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, opt_sim_setpoint_number	; RCREG1=0x59	## deco calculator enhancement
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, opt_calc_asc_gasvolume	; RCREG1=0x5A	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, opt_sim_use_aGF			; RCREG1=0x5B	## deco calculator enhancement
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, char_I_altitude_wait	; RCREG1=0x5C	## no fly altitude
+	dcfsnz  WREG
+    movff   RCREG1, opt_enable_IBCD			; RCREG1=0x5D	## TBCD
     ; Check Options, gases and diluents
     call    option_check_all                ; Check all options (and reset if not within their min/max boundaries)
@@ -1393,7 +1463,7 @@
     call    gaslist_cleanup_list            ; Takes care that only one gas can be first and first has 0m change depth
     call    get_first_gas_to_WREG           ; Makes sure at least one Gas is "First"
     call    get_first_dil_to_WREG           ; Makes sure at least one Diluent is "First"
-    bra		comm_download_mode0             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    goto    comm_download_mode0             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movff   RCREG1,opt_dil_O2_ratio+0
@@ -1403,7 +1473,7 @@
     movff   RCREG1,opt_dil_type+0
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_dil_change+0
-    bra		comm_write_abort             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_write_abort             	; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movff   RCREG1,opt_dil_O2_ratio+1
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
@@ -1412,7 +1482,7 @@
     movff   RCREG1,opt_dil_type+1
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_dil_change+1
-    bra		comm_write_abort             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_write_abort             	; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movff   RCREG1,opt_dil_O2_ratio+2
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
@@ -1421,7 +1491,7 @@
     movff   RCREG1,opt_dil_type+2
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_dil_change+2
-    bra		comm_write_abort             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_write_abort             	; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movff   RCREG1,opt_dil_O2_ratio+3
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
@@ -1430,7 +1500,7 @@
     movff   RCREG1,opt_dil_type+3
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_dil_change+3
-    bra		comm_write_abort             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_write_abort             	; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movff   RCREG1,opt_dil_O2_ratio+4
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
@@ -1439,40 +1509,40 @@
     movff   RCREG1,opt_dil_type+4
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_dil_change+4
-    bra		comm_write_abort             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_write_abort             	; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_setpoint_cbar+0
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_setpoint_change+0
-    bra		comm_write_abort             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_write_abort             	; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_setpoint_cbar+1
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_setpoint_change+1
-    bra		comm_write_abort             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_write_abort             	; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_setpoint_cbar+2
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_setpoint_change+2
-    bra		comm_write_abort             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_write_abort             	; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_setpoint_cbar+3
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_setpoint_change+3
-    bra		comm_write_abort             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_write_abort             	; Done. Loop with timeout reset
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_setpoint_cbar+4
     rcall	comm_write_get_byte
     movff   RCREG1,char_I_setpoint_change+4
-    bra		comm_write_abort             ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
+    bra		comm_write_abort             	; Done. Loop with timeout reset
 	movlw	"n"								; send echo
 	movwf	TXREG1
-	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx					; Wait for UART
+	rcall	comm_rs232_wait_tx				; Wait for UART
 	WIN_SMALL	comm_string_column, comm_string_row
 	movlw	.16
 	movwf	lo								; counter
@@ -1516,9 +1586,9 @@
 	movlw	.30
 	dcfsnz	lo,F
 	movlw	.31
-	cpfsgt	day						; day ok?
-	return							; OK
-	movlw	.1						; not OK, set to 1st
+	cpfsgt	day				; day ok?
+	return					; OK
+	movlw	.1				; not OK, set to 1st
 	movwf	day
@@ -1531,7 +1601,7 @@
 	movff	EEDATA,button_polarity	    ; 0xFF (Both normal), 0x00 (Both inverted), 0x01 (Left inverted only), 0x02 (Right inverted only) 
 	call    write_eeprom                ; EEDATA into EEPROM@EEADR
-	clrf	EEADRH			    ; Reset EEADRH
+	clrf	EEADRH			    		; Reset EEADRH
 	goto	comm_download_mode0         ; Done. Loop with timeout reset
--- a/src/compass_ops.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/compass_ops.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
     banksel common
     call    I2C_init_accelerometer
-    call    I2C_init_compass_fast
+    call    I2C_init_compass
     btfsc   compass_type	    ; compass1?
     bra	    compass_calibration_loop1	; Yes, skip gain stuff
--- a/src/customview.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/customview.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File customview.asm
+;   File customview.asm								REFACTORED VERSION V2.95
 ;   Customview in Surfacemode and Divemode
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include	""
 #include	""
 #include    ""
+#include    ""	
 gui     CODE
@@ -29,46 +30,60 @@
 	global	customview_second
-	movff	menupos3,WREG               ; copy current view (1-...)
+	movff	menupos3,WREG			; copy current view (1-...)
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	goto    TFT_update_ppo2_sensors         ; Update Sensor data ; and return
+	goto    TFT_update_ppo2_sensors	; Update Sensor data ; and return
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	goto    TFT_update_avr_stopwatch        ; Update average depth and stopwatch; and return
+	goto    TFT_update_avr_stopwatch ; Update average depth and stopwatch; and return
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	goto    TFT_decoplan                    ; Show decoplan ; and return
+	goto    TFT_decoplan			; Show decoplan ; and return
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	goto    TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock       ; Update Battery, Tissues and clock ; and return
+	goto    TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock ; Update Battery, Tissues and clock ; and return
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	goto    TFT_gf_info                     ; Update GF informations ; and return
+	goto    TFT_gf_info				; Update GF informations ; and return
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-        return  ; Compass updated seperately (Faster) in divemode;
+	return							; Compass updated separately (faster) in divemode;
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	goto    TFT_dyn_gaslist                 ; Update the gaslist ; and return
+	nop								; ex goto TFT_dyn_gaslist
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	goto    TFT_hud_voltages                ; Show HUD details	; and return
+	goto	TFT_CNS					; Show CNS values for end-of-dive, ex goto TFT_hud_voltages
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	bra	customview_1sec_view9           ; Make sure to change value in "check_ppo2_display:" when moving around custom views
+	bra		customview_1sec_view9	; Make sure to change value in "check_ppo2_display:" when moving around custom views
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	goto    TFT_sensor_check                ; Show ppO2 of O2 and Diluent ; and return
+	goto    TFT_sensor_check		; Show ppO2 of O2 and Diluent ; and return
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	goto	TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns            ; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS; and return
+	goto	TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns	; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS; and return
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
 	goto	TFT_pscr_info			; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio; and return
+	dcfsnz	WREG,F
+	goto	TFT_gas_needs			; Show gas needs
 	; Menupos3=0, do nothing
-customview_1sec_view9:                      ; Ceiling
-    call    TFT_ceiling                     ; Show Ceiling
-    ; ppO2 value
-    call    TFT_display_ppo2_val
-    ; current GF value
-    extern  char_I_deco_model
-    TSTOSS  char_I_deco_model               ; 0 = ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF
-    return                                  ; No GF info for non-GF modes
-    goto    TFT_gf_info                     ; Update GF informations ; and return
+customview_1sec_view9:              ; Ceiling
+    call    TFT_ceiling             ; Show Ceiling
+    call    TFT_display_pure_ppo2	; ppO2 value
+    extern  char_I_deco_model		; current GF value
+    TSTOSS  char_I_deco_model       ; 0 = ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF
+    return                          ; No GF info for non-GF modes
+    goto    TFT_gf_info             ; Update GF informations ; and return
+    global  customview_alternative_second
+	movff	menupos3,WREG			; copy current view (1-...)
+	dcfsnz	WREG,F
+	bra		customview_alt_second_view1	; View 1
+	dcfsnz	WREG,F
+	nop 							; View 2
+	; Menupos3=0, do nothing
+	return
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_max_depth_alt
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_big_deco_alt
+    return
 ; Do every-minute tasks for the custom view area
@@ -76,7 +91,7 @@
 	global	customview_minute
-;	movff	menupos3,WREG               ; copy
+;	movff	menupos3,WREG           ; copy
 ;	dcfsnz	WREG,F
 ;	bra		customview_1min_view1
 ;	dcfsnz	WREG,F
@@ -119,7 +134,7 @@
 	bcf		switch_right
 	incf	menupos3,F			            ; Number of customview to show
-	movlw	d'9'					; Max number of customsviews in surface mode
+	movlw	d'9'							; Max number of customsviews in surface mode
 	cpfsgt	menupos3			            ; Max reached?
 	bra		surf_customview_mask		    ; No, show
     movlw   .1
@@ -204,21 +219,21 @@
     call	TFT_splist_surfmode             ; Show Setpoint list
     bra		customview_toggle_exit          ; Done.
-surf_customview_init_view9:		    ; View 9: Sensor mV on the surface
+surf_customview_init_view9:		    		; View 9: Sensor mV on the surface
     btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode 
     bra	    surf_customview_init_view9a	    ; we are in CCR mode 
     btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode
     bra	    surf_customview_init_view9a	    ; we are in PSCR mode 
-    bra	    surf_customview_toggle	    ; we are not in any rebreather mode, so skip 
+    bra	    surf_customview_toggle	    	; we are not in any rebreather mode, so skip 
-    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG		    ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor, =2: Auto SP 
-    sublw   .1				    ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)? 
-    bnz	    surf_customview_toggle	    ; sorry, no sensors, skip again 
+    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG		    	; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor, =2: Auto SP 
+    sublw   .1				    			; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)? 
+    bnz	    surf_customview_toggle	    	; sorry, no sensors, skip again 
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tSensorMilliVolt	    ; Title of customview 
     call    TFT_standard_color 
     extern  TFT_sensor_mV
-    call    TFT_sensor_mV		    ; write sensor mV readings to screen 
-    bra	    customview_toggle_exit		; Done.
+    call    TFT_sensor_mV		    		; write sensor mV readings to screen 
+    bra	    customview_toggle_exit			; Done.
 surf_customview_init_view4:                 ; View4: Custom text
     call    TFT_standard_color
@@ -242,36 +257,49 @@
     bra		customview_toggle_exit          ; Done.
-    btfsc   FLAG_gauge_mode		    ; View7: Deco settings
+    btfsc   FLAG_gauge_mode		    		; View7: Deco settings
     bra     surf_customview_toggle
     btfsc   FLAG_apnoe_mode
     bra     surf_customview_toggle
-    extern  deco_setup_dive
-    call    deco_setup_dive
     call    TFT_surface_decosettings        ; Show all deco settings
     bra		customview_toggle_exit          ; Done.
 surf_customview_init_view8:                 ; View8: Last dive info
-    call	TFT_surface_lastdive		; Show last dive interval
+    call	TFT_surface_lastdive			; Show last dive interval
     bra		customview_toggle_exit          ; Done.
     global  menuview_toggle
-menuview_toggle:            ; Show Menu or the simulator tasks
+menuview_toggle:            				; Show Menu or the simulator tasks
+    btfss   alternative_divelayout			; In alternative layout mode?
+    bra	    menuview_toggle2				; No
+    ; Switch back to normal mode for any menu tasks
+    bcf	    alternative_divelayout			; clear flag
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_divemode_mask			; Set flag for mask
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_max_depth				; set flag
+    btfss   decostop_active             	; deco?
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_display_ndl_mask   	; NDL
+    btfsc   decostop_active             	; deco?
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_display_deko_mask		; Deco
+    call    TFT_ClearScreen					; Clear screen
+    rcall   customview_mask					; Re-Draw customview
     movlw   divemode_menuview_timeout
     movwf   timeout_counter3
     bsf     menuview
-	bcf		switch_left
-	incf	menupos2,F			            ; Number of options to show
-	movlw	d'9'							; Max number of options in divemode
-	cpfsgt	menupos2			            ; Max reached?
-	bra		menuview_mask		            ; No, show
+    bcf		switch_left
+    incf	menupos2,F			            ; Number of options to show
+    movlw	d'10'					        ; Max number of options in divemode
+    cpfsgt	menupos2			            ; Max reached?
+    bra		menuview_mask		            ; No, show
     global  menuview_toggle_reset
-menuview_toggle_reset:                      ; Timeout occured
-	clrf	menupos2
+menuview_toggle_reset:                      ; Timeout occurred
+    clrf    menupos2
     bcf     menuview
-    WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_simtext_row, dm_simtext_row+.23, dm_simtext_column, dm_simtext_column+.49 ; top, bottom, left, right
+    WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_simtext_row, dm_simtext_row+.23, dm_simtext_column, dm_simtext_column+.45 ; top, bottom, left, right - old value was .49
     btfss   FLAG_gauge_mode
     bra     menuview_mask2
     ; Clear some more in gauge mode  -- "Reset Avg." text is longer than normal simtext
@@ -280,7 +308,7 @@
     call    TFT_draw_gassep_line
     movlw   color_yellow
     call	TFT_set_color
-    bsf     win_invert                  ; Set invert flag
+    bsf     win_invert                  	; Set invert flag
     WIN_SMALL   dm_simtext_column,dm_simtext_row
 	movff	menupos2,WREG                   ; Menupos2 holds number of menu option to show
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
@@ -301,9 +329,12 @@
 	bra		menuview_view7                  ; "Sim:+5mins"  (Sim only)
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
 	bra		menuview_view8                  ; "Heading"  (When compass is shown)
+	dcfsnz	WREG,F
+	bra		menuview_view9                  ; "Layout"  (Alternative Layout, aka Blind mode)
     call	TFT_standard_color
-    bcf     win_invert              ; Reset invert flag
+    bcf     win_invert              		; Reset invert flag
 	return                                  ; Menupos2 = 0, Show nothing
@@ -336,12 +367,12 @@
     btfss  	simulatormode_active			; View only for simulator mode
 	bra		menuview_toggle 				; Call next option
-	STRCPY_PRINT "Sim:-1m"
+	STRCPY_PRINT "Sim-1m"					; CHANGED, now "-" for going down
     bra     menuview_exit                   ; Done.
     btfss  	simulatormode_active			; View only for simulator mode
 	bra		menuview_toggle 				; Call next option
-	STRCPY_PRINT "Sim:+1m"
+	STRCPY_PRINT "Sim+1m"					; CHANGED, now "+" for going up
     bra     menuview_exit                   ; Done.
 	btfss	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
@@ -363,7 +394,7 @@
 	bra		menuview_toggle 				; Yes, call next option
 	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
 	bra		menuview_toggle 				; Yes, call next option
-	STRCPY_PRINT	"Sim:+5'"
 	bra     menuview_exit                   ; Done.
     movlw   .6
@@ -371,27 +402,81 @@
 	bra		menuview_toggle 				; No, call next option
 	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tSetHeading         ; "Heading"
 	bra     menuview_exit                   ; Done.
+	bra     menuview_exit                   ; Done.
+	movlw	d'1'				    ; Max number of customviews in divemode, alternative layout
+	cpfsgt	menupos3			    ; Max reached?
+	bra 	customview_mask_alternative         ; No, show
+	movlw	.1
+	movwf	menupos3			    ; Reset to one, always one customview visible in alternative layout
+    ; Clear custom view area in divemode
+	WIN_BOX_BLACK    dm_customview_row, .239, .0, .159	; top, bottom, left, right
+	call	TFT_standard_color
+	movff	menupos3,WREG           ; Menupos3 holds number of customview function
+	dcfsnz	WREG,F
+	bra	customview_alt_init_view1   ; View 1: Big deco/ndl and max. depth
+	dcfsnz	WREG,F
+	bra	customview_alt_init_view2   ; View 2: 
+	;bra	customview_alternative_toggle_exit  ; No view (menupos3=0)
+    call    TFT_standard_color
+    bcf	    toggle_customview		; Clear flag
+    return
+customview_alt_init_view1:  ; View 1: Big deco/ndl and max. depth
+    call    TFT_max_depth_alternative
+    call    TFT_big_deco_alt
+    bra	    customview_alt_toggle_exit
+    ; /* Just for test...
+    call    TFT_mask_avr_stopwatch		; Show mask for average depth and stopwatch
+    call    TFT_update_avr_stopwatch	; Update average depth and stopwatch
+    ; ...Just for test */
+    bra	    customview_alt_toggle_exit
 ; Show next customview (and delete this flag)
-customview_toggle_reset:					; Timeout occured
-	clrf	menupos3			            ; Reset to zero (Zero=no custom view)
+	global	customview_toggle
+	bcf	switch_right
+	incf	menupos3,F			    ; Number of customview to show
+	btfsc   alternative_divelayout		    ; In alternative layout mode?
+	bra		customview_toggle_alternative	; Yes, use the big ones instead
+	movlw	d'13'				    ; Max number of customviews in divemode
+	cpfsgt	menupos3			    ; Max reached?
+	bra 	customview_mask		            ; No, show
+	clrf	menupos3			    ; Reset to zero (Zero=no custom view)
     global  customview_mask
     ; Clear custom view area in divemode
-    WIN_BOX_BLACK    dm_customview_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_customview_column, dm_customview_rgt	; top, bottom, left, right
+    WIN_BOX_BLACK    dm_customview_row, dm_customview_bot-.2, dm_customview_column, dm_customview_rgt	; top, bottom, left, right
 	WIN_SMALL	dm_customview_column,dm_customview_row
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 	movff	menupos3,WREG                   ; Menupos3 holds number of customview function
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	bra		customview_init_view1		; Update Sensor data
+	bra		customview_init_view1			; Update Sensor data
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	bra		customview_init_view2		; average depth and stopwatch
+	bra		customview_init_view2			; average depth and stopwatch
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	bra		customview_init_view3		; Decoplan
+	bra		customview_init_view3			; Decoplan
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	bra		customview_init_view4		; Battery info, Tissues and clock
+	bra		customview_init_view4			; Battery info, Tissues and clock
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
 	bra		customview_init_view5           ; GF informations
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
@@ -399,7 +484,7 @@
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
 	bra		customview_init_view7           ; Dynamic gaslist
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
-	bra		customview_init_view8           ; HUD voltages
+	bra		customview_init_view8           ; HIJACKED for CNS (ex HUD voltages)
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
 	bra		customview_init_view9           ; ppO2, Ceiling and current GF
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
@@ -408,17 +493,20 @@
 	bra		customview_init_view11          ; ppO2, END/EAD and CNS
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
 	bra		customview_init_view12          ; PSCR Info
+	; NEW	## bailout gas needs
+	dcfsnz	WREG,F
+	bra		customview_init_view13			; Gas needs
     call    I2C_sleep_accelerometer         ; Stop accelerometer
     call    I2C_sleep_compass               ; Stop compass
-	bra		customview_toggle_exit	
+    bra		customview_toggle_exit	
     btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
     bra		customview_toggle				; yes, Call next view...
     btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode					; In PSCR mode?
-    bra		customview_init_view1a				; Yes
+    bra		customview_init_view1a			; Yes
     btfss	FLAG_ccr_mode					; In CC mode?
     bra		customview_toggle				; no, Call next view...
@@ -432,18 +520,15 @@
     btfsc   STATUS,Z
     bra		customview_toggle				; no, Call next view...
-    bsf     dive_hud1_displayed         ; Set display flag
-    bsf     dive_hud2_displayed         ; Set display flag
-    bsf     dive_hud3_displayed         ; Set display flag
-    call    TFT_hud_mask                ; Setup HUD mask
-    call    TFT_update_ppo2_sensors     ; Update Sensor data
+    call    TFT_hud_mask					; Setup HUD mask
+    call    TFT_update_ppo2_sensors			; Update Sensor data
     bra	    customview_toggle_exit	
 	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
 	bra		customview_toggle				; Yes, Call next view...
-    call    TFT_mask_avr_stopwatch     ; Show mask for average depth and stopwatch
-    call    TFT_update_avr_stopwatch   ; Update average depth and stopwatch
+    call    TFT_mask_avr_stopwatch			; Show mask for average depth and stopwatch
+    call    TFT_update_avr_stopwatch		; Update average depth and stopwatch
     bra		customview_toggle_exit
@@ -455,8 +540,8 @@
     bra		customview_toggle_exit
-    call    TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask  ; Setup Mask
-    call    TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock       ; Show Battery info, Tissues and clock
+    call    TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask	; Setup Mask
+    call    TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock		; Show Battery info, Tissues and clock
     bra		customview_toggle_exit
@@ -480,172 +565,172 @@
     call	TFT_dive_compass_mask           ; Show compass
     bra		customview_toggle_exit
+; MODIFIED - view disabled	## memory
 customview_init_view7:                      ; Dynamic gaslist (View 7)
-	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
-	bra		customview_toggle				; Yes, Call next view...
-	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode					; In CC mode?
+;	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
 	bra		customview_toggle				; Yes, Call next view...
-    call    TFT_dyn_gaslist                 ; Show the dyn gaslist
-    bra		customview_toggle_exit
+;	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode					; In CC mode?
+;	bra		customview_toggle				; Yes, Call next view...
+;   call    TFT_dyn_gaslist                 ; Show the dyn gaslist
+;   bra		customview_toggle_exit
-customview_init_view8:                      ; Sensor millivolts
+customview_init_view8:                      ; HIJACKED for CNS outputs (ex Sensor millivolts)
 	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode					; In Gauge mode?
 	bra		customview_toggle				; Yes, Call next view...
 	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
 	bra		customview_toggle				; yes, Call next view...
-        btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode					; In PSCR mode?
-	bra		customview_init_view8a				; Yes
-	btfss	FLAG_ccr_mode					; In CC mode?
-	bra		customview_toggle				; no, Call next view...
-    movf    hardware_flag,W
-    sublw   0x13        ; +
-    btfsc   STATUS,Z
-    bra		customview_toggle				; no, Call next view...
+	; REPLACE	## CNS at end-of-dive
+	; btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode					; In PSCR mode?
+	; bra		customview_init_view8a		; Yes
+	; btfss	FLAG_ccr_mode					; In CC mode?
+	; bra		customview_toggle			; no, Call next view...
+; customview_init_view8a:    
+    ; movf    hardware_flag,W
+    ; sublw   0x13        ; +
+    ; btfsc   STATUS,Z
+    ; bra	  customview_toggle				; no, Call next view...
+    ; movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG             ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+    ; sublw   .1                            ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)?
+    ; bnz     customview_toggle				; no, Call next view...
+    ; call    TFT_hud_mask                  ; Setup HUD mask
+    ; call    TFT_hud_voltages              ; Show HUD details
+	; BY
+	call	TFT_CNS_mask
+	call	TFT_CNS
-    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG               ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
-    sublw   .1                              ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)?
-    bnz     customview_toggle				; no, Call next view...
-    call    TFT_hud_mask                    ; Setup HUD mask
-    call    TFT_hud_voltages                ; Show HUD details
-    goto    customview_toggle_exit
+	goto    customview_toggle_exit
 customview_init_view9:                      ; ppO2, Ceiling and current GF
 	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
-	bra	customview_toggle				; yes, Call next view...
+	bra	customview_toggle					; yes, Call next view...
 	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode					; In Gauge mode?
-	bra	customview_toggle				; Yes, Call next view...
+	bra	customview_toggle					; Yes, Call next view...
     call    TFT_ceiling_mask                ; Setup mask
     call    TFT_ceiling                     ; Show Ceiling
     ; ppO2 value
     call    TFT_mask_ppo2
-    call    TFT_display_ppo2_val
+    call    TFT_display_pure_ppo2
     ; current GF value
     extern  char_I_deco_model
     TSTOSS  char_I_deco_model               ; 0 = ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF
-    bra	    customview_toggle_exit	    ; No GF info for non-GF modes
+    bra	    customview_toggle_exit	   		; No GF info for non-GF modes
     ; current GF value
     call    TFT_gf_mask_cGF                 ; Setup Mask - current GF only
     call    TFT_gf_info                     ; Show GF informations
     bra	    customview_toggle_exit
-; Show next customview (and delete this flag)
-	global	customview_toggle
-	bcf	switch_right
-	incf	menupos3,F			            ; Number of customview to show
-	movlw	d'12'							; Max number of customsviews in divemode
-	cpfsgt	menupos3			            ; Max reached?
-	goto	customview_mask		            ; No, show
-	goto	customview_toggle_reset
 customview_init_view10:                     ; Sensor check
-    btfsc   FLAG_apnoe_mode		    ; In Apnoe mode?
-    bra	    customview_toggle		    ; yes, Call next view...
-    btfsc   FLAG_gauge_mode		    ; In Gauge mode?
-    bra	    customview_toggle		    ; Yes, Call next view...
-    btfss   FLAG_ccr_mode		    ; In CC mode?
-    bra	    customview_toggle		    ; no, Call next view...
+    btfsc   FLAG_apnoe_mode		    		; In Apnoe mode?
+    bra	    customview_toggle		    	; yes, Call next view...
+    btfsc   FLAG_gauge_mode		    		; In Gauge mode?
+    bra	    customview_toggle		    	; Yes, Call next view...
+    btfss   FLAG_ccr_mode		    		; In CC mode?
+    bra	    customview_toggle		   		; no, Call next view...
     call    TFT_sensor_check_mask           ; Show ppO2 of O2 and Diluent mask
     call    TFT_sensor_check                ; Show ppO2 of O2 and Diluent
     bra		customview_toggle_exit
 customview_init_view11:                     ; ppO2, END/EAD and CNS
-    btfsc   FLAG_apnoe_mode		    ; In Apnoe mode?
-    bra	    customview_toggle		    ; yes, Call next view...
-    btfsc   FLAG_gauge_mode		    ; In Gauge mode?
-    bra	    customview_toggle		    ; Yes, Call next view...
+    btfsc   FLAG_apnoe_mode		    		; In Apnoe mode?
+    bra	    customview_toggle		    	; yes, Call next view...
+    btfsc   FLAG_gauge_mode		    		; In Gauge mode?
+    bra	    customview_toggle		    	; Yes, Call next view...
     call    TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns_mask       ; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS mask
     call    TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns            ; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS
     goto    customview_toggle_exit
-customview_init_view12:		            ; PSCR Info    
-    btfss   FLAG_pscr_mode		    ; In PSCR mode?
-    bra	    customview_toggle		    ; No, Call next view...
+customview_init_view12:		            	; PSCR Info    
+    btfss   FLAG_pscr_mode		    		; In PSCR mode?
+    bra	    customview_toggle		    	; No, Call next view...
-    call    TFT_pscr_info_mask		    ; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio
-    call    TFT_pscr_info		    ; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio
+    call    TFT_pscr_info_mask		   		; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio
+    call    TFT_pscr_info		    		; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio
     bra		customview_toggle_exit
+; NEW	## bailout gas needs
+customview_init_view13:						; Gas Needs
+    TSTOSS  opt_calc_asc_gasvolume			; check if gas volume calculations is switched on
+    bra	    customview_toggle				; NO  - Call next view...
+    call    TFT_gas_needs_mask				; YES - Show the mask for gas needs
+    call    TFT_gas_needs					; 		Show the gas needs
+    bra	    customview_toggle_exit
-	btfsc	divemode		    ; In Dive Mode?
-	call    TFT_temp_divemode	    ; Yes, redraw temperature
-	call	TFT_standard_color
-	bcf		toggle_customview			; Clear flag
-	return
+    btfsc   divemode				; In Dive Mode?
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_temp_divemode		; Set flag to redraw temp
+    call    TFT_standard_color
+    bcf	toggle_customview			; Clear flag
+    return
 	global 	customview_show_change_depth
-customview_show_change_depth:       ; Put " lom" or " loft" into Postinc2
+customview_show_change_depth:       		; Put " lom" or " loft" into Postinc2
     PUTC    " "
-    TSTOSS  opt_units   			; 0=m, 1=ft
+    TSTOSS  opt_units   					; 0=m, 1=ft
 	bra		customview_show_mix_metric
     movf    lo,W
-    mullw   .100                    ; convert meters to mbar
+    mullw   .100                    		; convert meters to mbar
     movff   PRODL,lo
     movff   PRODH,hi
-    call	convert_mbar_to_feet    ; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
+    call	convert_mbar_to_feet    		; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
     bsf     leftbind
-    output_16						; Change depth in lo:hi
+    output_16								; Change depth in lo:hi
     bcf     leftbind
     STRCAT_TEXT		tFeets
-    output_99						; Change depth in lo
+    output_99								; Change depth in lo
     STRCAT_TEXT		tMeters
 	global 	customview_show_mix
-customview_show_mix:                ; Put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
-    tstfsz  hi                      ; He=0?
-    bra     customview_show_mix5    ; No, Show a TX
+customview_show_mix:                		; Put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
+    tstfsz  hi                      		; He=0?
+    bra     customview_show_mix5    		; No, Show a TX
 	movlw	.21
 	cpfseq	lo								; Air?
-	bra		customview_show_mix2	; No
+	bra		customview_show_mix2			; No
 	STRCAT_TEXT		tSelectAir				; Yes, show "Air"
     bra     customview_show_mix4b
 	movlw	.100
 	cpfseq	lo								; O2?
-	bra		customview_show_mix3	; No
+	bra		customview_show_mix3			; No
 	STRCAT_TEXT		tSelectO2				; Yes, show "O2"
     bra     customview_show_mix4b
 	movlw	.21
 	cpfslt	lo								; < Nx21?
-	bra		customview_show_mix4    ; No
-	STRCAT_TEXT		tGasErr        	; Yes, show "Err"
-	output_99						; O2 ratio is still in "lo"
+	bra		customview_show_mix4    		; No
+	STRCAT_TEXT		tGasErr        			; Yes, show "Err"
+	output_99								; O2 ratio is still in "lo"
     bra     customview_show_mix4c
-	STRCAT_TEXT		tSelectNx		; Show "Nx"
-	output_99						; O2 ratio is still in "lo"
+	STRCAT_TEXT		tSelectNx				; Show "Nx"
+	output_99								; O2 ratio is still in "lo"
     STRCAT  " "
-    btfsc   divemode                ; In divemode
-	return                          ; Yes
+    btfsc   divemode                		; In divemode
+	return                          		; Yes
     STRCAT  "  "
     btfsc   divemode
     bra     customview_show_mix6
-    STRCAT_TEXT		tSelectTx   	; Show "Tx"
+    STRCAT_TEXT		tSelectTx   			; Show "Tx"
-    output_99						; O2 ratio is still in "lo"
+    output_99								; O2 ratio is still in "lo"
     PUTC    "/"
     movff   hi,lo
-    output_99						; He ratio
+    output_99								; He ratio
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
     extern  menuview_toggle
     extern  menuview_toggle_reset
     extern  customview_mask
+    extern  customview_alternative_second
     ; Surface mode
     extern  surf_customview_toggle
--- a/src/divemenu_tree.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/divemenu_tree.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File divemenu_tree.asm
+;   File divemenu_tree.asm							REFACTORED VERSION V2.96a
 ;   OSTC dive mode menu
@@ -17,302 +17,333 @@
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
 divegui     CODE
 ; Main Menu
-        global  do_main_divemenu
+	global  do_main_divemenu
-		call    menu_processor_reset    ; restart from first icon.
+	call	menu_processor_reset		; restart from first icon.
-        call    menu_processor_pop      ; drop exit line.
-        call    menu_processor_pop      ; drop exit line.
+	call	menu_processor_pop			; drop exit line.
+	call	menu_processor_pop			; drop exit line.
-        btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode
-        bra     main_divemenu_ccr       ; CCR Menu
-	btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode
-        bra     main_divemenu_ccr       ; Proceeds to PSCR menu then...
+	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode
+	bra		main_divemenu_loop			; goto CCR / pSCR Menu menu
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode
+	bra		main_divemenu_loop			; goto CCR / pSCR Menu menu
+	bcf		ccr_diluent_setup
+	bcf		is_bailout_menu
+	movlw	.1
+	movwf	menupos						; Set to first option in divemode menu
-        bcf     ccr_diluent_setup       ; For OC gases
-        bcf     is_bailout_menu
-        movlw   .1
-        movwf   menupos                 ; Set to first option in divemode menu
-    MENU_BEGIN  tMainMenu, .5
-        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Gaslist,  do_divemode_gaslist
-        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, do_divemode_resetavg
-        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, do_divemode_togglegf
-        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Marker,   do_set_marker
-        MENU_CALL   tExit,              do_exit_divemode_menu
+	MENU_BEGIN  tMainMenu, .5
+		MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Gaslist,  do_divemode_gaslist
+		MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, do_reset_average
+		MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, do_toggle_gf
+		MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Marker,   do_set_marker
+		MENU_CALL   tExit,              do_exit_divemode_menu
-	movlw	d'6'					; Type of Alarm (Manual Marker)
-	movwf	AlarmType				; Copy to Alarm Register
-	bsf		event_occured			; Set Event Flag
-    bra     do_exit_divemode_menu   ; And exit
-    bsf     ccr_diluent_setup      ; For diluents
+    bsf     ccr_diluent_setup			; default to operations on diluents
+	bcf		is_bailout_menu				; default to none-bailout menu
     movlw   .1
-    movwf   menupos                 ; Set to first option in divemode menu
+    movwf   menupos						; Set to first option in divemode menu
     btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode
-    bra     main_divemenu_pscr      ; PSCR Menu
+    bra     main_divemenu_pscr			; PSCR Menu
     MENU_BEGIN  tMainMenu, .6
         MENU_CALL   tDiveBailout,       do_divemode_gaslist_bail
         MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Setpoint, do_divemode_splist
         MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Gaslist,  do_divemode_gaslist
-        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, do_divemode_resetavg
-        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, do_divemode_togglegf
+        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, do_reset_average
+        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, do_toggle_gf
         MENU_CALL   tExit,              do_exit_divemode_menu
+    movf    hardware_flag,W
+    sublw   0x11						; 2 with BLE
+    btfsc   STATUS,Z
+    bra     main_divemenu_pscr_no_sensors
+	movf    hardware_flag,W
+    sublw   0x13						; +
+    btfsc   STATUS,Z
+    bra		main_divemenu_pscr_no_sensors
     MENU_BEGIN  tMainMenu, .6
         MENU_CALL   tDiveBailout,       do_divemode_gaslist_bail
-        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Gaslist,  do_divemode_gaslist_pscr	; quit bailout and always use diluents here
-        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, do_divemode_resetavg
-        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, do_divemode_togglegf
-	MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Marker,   do_set_marker
+		MENU_CALL   tCCRSensor,			do_divemode_setpoint_pscr
+        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Gaslist,  do_divemode_gaslist
+        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, do_reset_average
+        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, do_toggle_gf
+        MENU_CALL   tExit,              do_exit_divemode_menu
+    MENU_BEGIN  tMainMenu, .6
+        MENU_CALL   tDiveBailout,       do_divemode_gaslist_bail
+        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Gaslist,  do_divemode_gaslist
+        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, do_reset_average
+        MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, do_toggle_gf
+		MENU_CALL   tDivemenu_Marker,   do_set_marker
         MENU_CALL   tExit,              do_exit_divemode_menu
-    TSTOSS  opt_enable_aGF          ; =1: aGF can be selected underwater
-    bra     do_exit_divemode_menu   ; exit
-    bsf     toggle_gf               ; Set flag...
-    bra     do_exit_divemode_menu   ; ...and exit
-    movlw   .1                      ; Switch to Sensor
-    movff   WREG,opt_ccr_mode       ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
-    bsf     voting_logic_sensor1
-    bsf     voting_logic_sensor2
-    bsf     voting_logic_sensor3
-    extern  divemode_setup_sensor_values
-    call    divemode_setup_sensor_values    ; Setup sensor values
-    call    check_sensors                   ; Check O2 sensor thresholds for fallback
-    bra     do_switch_sp2
-    bsf     reset_average_depth     ; Set Flag
-    bra     do_exit_divemode_menu   ; And exit
+	movff	char_I_deco_model,WREG  	; 0 = ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF
+	decfsz	WREG,W		    			; Toggle GF only in GF modes - in GF mode?
+	bra		do_continue_main_divemenu   ; No, do nothing and return
+	TSTOSS  opt_enable_aGF          	; =1: aGF can be selected underwater
+    bra     do_continue_main_divemenu   ; No, do nothing and return
+	movlw	.4						    ; Set customview to 5 (GF informations)
+	movwf	menupos3					; Customview to come-1
+	bsf		toggle_customview			; Set flag, the customview will be toggled very soon now...
+	movlw	.1
+	movwf	menupos						; Set to first option in divemode menu
+    MENU_BEGIN  tDivemenu_ToggleGF, .2
+        MENU_CALL       tDivemenu_ToggleGF,     do_togglegf
+        MENU_CALL       tExit,                  do_continue_main_divemenu
+	;TSTOSS	opt_enable_aGF				; =1: aGF can be selected underwater  ## check is now done before entering menu
+	;bra	do_exit_divemode_menu		; continue with exiting menu code
+	bsf		toggle_gf					; Set flag...
+	bra		do_exit_divemode_menu		; continue with exiting menu code
+	movlw	d'6'						; Type of Alarm (Manual Marker)
+	movwf	AlarmType					; Copy to Alarm Register
+	bsf		event_occured				; Set Event Flag
+    bra     do_exit_divemode_menu		; And exit
-    movlw   .6
-    movwf   active_gas              ; Gas6 selected
-    movff   WREG,char_I_current_gas ; for p2_deco.c
-    bra     do_switch_gasX
-    extern  diveloop_loop4
-    extern  timeout_divemode_menu2
-    bsf     divemode_gaschange      ; Set flag
-    btfsc   is_bailout_menu         ; Bailout confirmed?
-    bsf     is_bailout              ; =1: Bailout
-    call    customview_mask         ; update customview mask to (eventually) rewrite ppO2(Dil): to ppO2:
-    call    timeout_divemode_menu2
-    clrf    STKPTR
-    goto    diveloop_loop4
+    bsf     reset_average_depth			; Set Flag
+    bra     do_exit_divemode_menu   	; continue with exiting menu code
-    decf    menupos,W               ; 1-5 -> 0-4
+do_switch_sensor:						; entry point when coming from switch to sensor
+    movlw   .1                      	; Switch to Sensor
+    movff   WREG,opt_ccr_mode       	; =0: Fixed SP (CCR) / calculated (pSCR), =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+	bra     do_switch_sp_com			; continue with common part
+do_switch_sp:							; entry point when coming from manual setpoint selection (CCR)
+    decf    menupos,W         			; 1-5 -> 0-4
     lfsr    FSR1,char_I_setpoint_cbar
-    movff   PLUSW1,char_I_const_ppO2; Setup fixed Setpoint
+    movff   PLUSW1,char_I_const_ppO2	; setup fixed setpoint
     movff   char_I_const_ppO2,WREG
-    call    transmit_setpoint           ; Transmit current setpoint from WREG (in cbar) to external electronics
-    bsf     setpoint_changed        ; Set flag (For profile)
-    bsf		event_occured			; Set global event byte
+    call    transmit_setpoint			; tansmit current setpoint from WREG (in cbar) to external electronics
+	bcf		setpoint_fallback			; clear fallback condition (stops fallback warning)
+	clrf	WREG						; Switch to fixed SP
+	movff	WREG,opt_ccr_mode			; =0: Fixed SP (CCR) / calculated (pSCR), =1: Sensor, =2: Auto SP
+	bra		do_switch_sp_com
-    ; Reconfigure last diluent
-    extern  setup_dil_registers
-    bcf     is_bailout              ; =1: Bailout
-    movff   active_diluent,WREG     ; As a backup when switching back from Bailout to CCR
-    decf    WREG                    ; 0-4
-    call    setup_dil_registers     ; With WREG=Gas 0-4
+do_switch_sp_calc:						; entry point when coming from switch to calculated ppO2 (pSCR)
+	bcf		setpoint_fallback			; clear fallback condition (stops fallback warning)
+    clrf    WREG                    	; Switch to fixed SP
+    movff   WREG,opt_ccr_mode       	; =0: Fixed SP (CCR) / calculated (pSCR), =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+	movff	WREG,char_I_const_ppO2		; set setpoint to 0, this forces deco engine to take the computed ppO2
-    clrf    WREG                    ; Switch to fixed SP
-    movff   WREG,opt_ccr_mode       ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
-    clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,char_O_deco_status ; Restart decoplan computation
+do_switch_sp_com:						; merge point to common part
+    bsf		event_occured				; set global event byte
+    bsf     setpoint_changed			; set flag (for profile)
     ; Clear some flags in case we were in bailout before...
-    bcf     is_bailout              ; =1: Bailout
-    bcf     is_bailout_menu         ;
-    bcf	    better_gas_available    ;=1: A better gas is available and a gas change is advised in divemode
-    bcf     blinking_better_gas     ; Clear blinking flag
-    call    customview_mask         ; update customview mask to (eventually) rewrite ppO2(Dil): to ppO2:
-    bra     do_exit_divemode_menu   ; And exit
+    bcf     is_bailout              	; end bailout mode
+    ;bcf     is_bailout_menu         	; not needed
+    bcf	    better_gas_available    	; =1: A better gas is available and a gas change is advised in divemode
+    bcf     blinking_better_gas     	; clear blinking flag
+    call    customview_mask         	; update customview mask to (eventually) rewrite ppO2(Dil): to ppO2:
+	movff   active_diluent,menupos		; reconfigure last diluent (menupos is transfer register for selected gas/diluent towards gas_switched_common:)
+	bsf     divemode_gaschange			; initiate reconfiguration to loop mode on last diluent
+    bra     do_exit_divemode_menu   	; continue with exiting menu code
-    bsf     ccr_diluent_setup       ; For Diluents
-    bcf     is_bailout              ; =1: Bailout
-    bcf     is_bailout_menu         ;
-    bra	    do_divemode_gaslist_pscr2
-    bcf     ccr_diluent_setup       ; For OC gases
-    bsf     is_bailout_menu         ; =1: Bailout
-    btfsc   is_bailout              ; In Bailout case?
-    bcf     ccr_diluent_setup       ; Yes, use OC gases
-    bsf     short_gas_decriptions
-    movlw   .1
-    movwf   menupos                 ; Set to first option in divemode menu
+do_divemode_gaslist_bail:				; entry point from CCR/pSCR to bailout to OC gases
+	bcf		ccr_diluent_setup       	; switch to OC gases
+	bsf		is_bailout_menu         	; flag it is a bailout action
+do_divemode_gaslist:					; entry point for switching: OC -> gases, loop -> diluents
+	btfsc	is_bailout              	; in bailout mode?
+	bcf		ccr_diluent_setup       	; yes - for safety reasons, redirect to OC (bailout) gases
+	bsf		short_gas_decriptions
+	movlw	.1
+	movwf	menupos						; Set to first option in divemode menu
     MENU_BEGIN  tGaslist, .6
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod, do_switch_gas
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod, do_switch_gas
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod, do_switch_gas
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod, do_switch_gas
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod, do_switch_gas
-        MENU_CALL       tMore,                  do_divemode_gaslist_more0
+        MENU_CALL       tMore,                  do_divemode_gaslist_more
-    movlw   .1
-    movwf   menupos                 ; Set to first option in divemode menu
+	movlw	.1
+	movwf	menupos							; Set to first option in divemode menu
+	movff	char_I_O2_ratio,gas6_O2_ratio	; initialize gas6 with currently breathed gas - O2 ratio
+	movff	char_I_He_ratio,gas6_He_ratio	; initialize gas6 with currently breathed gas - He ratio
     MENU_BEGIN  tGaslist, .6
         MENU_CALL       tO2Plus,                do_dive_pO2
         MENU_CALL       tO2Minus,               do_dive_mO2
         MENU_CALL       tHePlus,                do_dive_pHe
         MENU_CALL       tHeMinus,               do_dive_mHe
-        MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gasx,    do_switch_gas6
+        MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas6,    do_switch_gas6
         MENU_CALL       tDivemenu_LostGas,      do_lost_gas
-    movlw   .1
-    movwf   menupos                 ; Set to first option in divemode menu
-    bsf     short_gas_decriptions
+	movlw	.1
+	movwf	menupos							; Set to first option in divemode menu
+	bsf		short_gas_decriptions
     MENU_BEGIN  tDivemenu_LostGas, .6
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod, do_toggle_active    ; Toggle the gas (in)active
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod, do_toggle_active    ; Toggle the gas (in)active
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod, do_toggle_active    ; Toggle the gas (in)active
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod, do_toggle_active    ; Toggle the gas (in)active
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod, do_toggle_active    ; Toggle the gas (in)active
-        MENU_CALL   tExit,              do_exit_divemode_menu
+        MENU_CALL   	tExit,              	do_exit_divemode_menu
+	movlw   .6							; gas 6
+	movwf	menupos						; transfer register for selected gas towards gas_switched_common: 
+	bsf		gas6_changed            	; set flag for profile recording
+	;bra	do_switch_gas				; continue with common gas-switched code
+	bsf		divemode_gaschange			; Set flag, will also trigger restart of deco_engine
+	btfsc	is_bailout_menu				; Bailout confirmed?
+	bsf		is_bailout					; begin bailout mode
+	call	customview_mask				; update custom view mask to (eventually) rewrite ppO2(Dil): to ppO2:
+	;bra	do_exit_divemode_menu		; continue with exiting menu code
+	extern  timeout_divemode_menu2
+	call	timeout_divemode_menu2
+	clrf	STKPTR
+	extern  diveloop_loop4
+	goto	diveloop_loop4
+	extern	restart_deco_engine_wo_ceiling
+	call	restart_deco_engine_wo_ceiling
     movlw   .5
-    btfsc   ccr_diluent_setup       ; use OC gases
-    addwf   menupos,F		    ; -> 6-10 for Diluents
-    decf    menupos,W               ; 1-5 -> 0-4
+    btfsc   ccr_diluent_setup			; diluents?
+    addwf   menupos,F					; yes 1-5 -> 6-10
+    decf    menupos,W					; -> 0-4 for gases / 5-9 for diluents
     lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_type+0
     movff   PLUSW1,lo
-    tstfsz  lo                      ; Already disabled?
-    bra     do_toggle_active2       ; No, disable now!
-    ; Copy opt_gas_type_backup+W back to opt_gas_type+W
-    decf    menupos,W               ; 1-5 -> 0-4
-    lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_type_backup+0
+    tstfsz  lo							; Already disabled?
+    bra     do_toggle_active2			; No, disable now!
+    lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_type_backup+0	; copy opt_gas_type_backup+W back to opt_gas_type+W
     movff   PLUSW1,lo
-    decf    menupos,W               ; 1-5 -> 0-4
     lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_type+0
     movff   lo,PLUSW1
-    ; Copy opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+W back to opt_OC_bail_gas_change+W
-    decf    menupos,W               ; 1-5 -> 0-4
-    lfsr    FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+0
+    lfsr    FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+0 ; copy opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+W back to opt_OC_bail_gas_change+W
     movff   PLUSW1,lo
-    decf    menupos,W               ; 1-5 -> 0-4
-    lfsr    FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0
+	lfsr    FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0
     movff   lo,PLUSW1
+	bra		do_toggle_active3
+    clrf    PLUSW1						; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+    lfsr    FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0
+    clrf    PLUSW1						; also delete change depth here to have the menu updated immediately
     movlw   .5
-    btfsc   ccr_diluent_setup       ; use OC gases?
-    subwf   menupos,F		    ; Back to 1-5 
+    btfsc   ccr_diluent_setup			; use OC gases?
+    subwf   menupos,F					; Back to 1-5 
+    bra     do_lost_gas_loop			; Return to list and show updated result
-    bra     do_lost_gas0            ; Return to list and show updated result
-    clrf    PLUSW1                  ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
-    ; Also delete change depth here to have the menu updated immediately
-    lfsr    FSR1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0
-    clrf    PLUSW1
-    movlw   .5
-    btfsc   ccr_diluent_setup       ; use OC gases?
-    subwf   menupos,F		    ; Back to 1-5 
-    bra     do_lost_gas0            ; Return to list and show updated result
-        banksel char_I_O2_ratio
-        incf    char_I_O2_ratio,F            ; O2++
-        movf    char_I_He_ratio,W
-        addwf   char_I_O2_ratio,W
-        movwf   temp_bankx400
-        movlw   .101
-        cpfslt  temp_bankx400                ; O2+He<101?
-        decf    char_I_O2_ratio,F            ; O2-- (Unchanged)
-;        bra     do_divemode_gaslist_more_common
-    	movf    char_I_O2_ratio,W       ; Add O2...
-        addwf   char_I_He_ratio,W       ; ...and He...
-    	sublw   .100                    ; ...subtract both from 100
-    	movwf   char_I_N2_ratio         ; -> N2!
-        banksel common
-        bsf     gas6_changed                ; Set flag
-        bra     do_divemode_gaslist_more
+	banksel	gas6_O2_ratio
+	incf	gas6_O2_ratio,F				; O2++
+	movf	gas6_He_ratio,W
+	addwf	gas6_O2_ratio,W
+	movwf	gas6_temp
+	movlw	.101
+	cpfslt	gas6_temp					; O2+He<101?
+	decf	gas6_O2_ratio,F				; O2-- (Unchanged)
+	banksel common
+	bra     do_divemode_gaslist_more_loop
-        banksel char_I_O2_ratio
-        decf    char_I_O2_ratio,F           ; O2--
-        movlw   gaslist_min_o2
-        cpfslt  char_I_O2_ratio
-        bra     do_divemode_gaslist_more_common
-        movlw   gaslist_min_o2
-        movwf   char_I_O2_ratio
-        bra     do_divemode_gaslist_more_common
+	banksel gas6_O2_ratio
+	decf    gas6_O2_ratio,F				; O2--
+	movlw   gaslist_min_o2
+	cpfslt  gas6_O2_ratio
+	bra     do_dive_mO2_done
+	movlw   gaslist_min_o2
+	movwf   gas6_O2_ratio
+	banksel common
+	bra     do_divemode_gaslist_more_loop
-        banksel char_I_O2_ratio
-        incf    char_I_He_ratio,F            ; He++
-        movf    char_I_He_ratio,W
-        addwf   char_I_O2_ratio,W
-        movwf   lo
-        movlw   .101
-        cpfslt  lo                           ; O2+He<101?
-        decf    char_I_He_ratio,F            ; Yes, He-- (Unchanged)
-        bra     do_divemode_gaslist_more_common
+	banksel gas6_O2_ratio
+	incf    gas6_He_ratio,F				; He++
+	movf    gas6_He_ratio,W
+	addwf   gas6_O2_ratio,W
+	movwf   lo
+	movlw   .101
+	cpfslt  lo							; O2+He<101?
+	decf    gas6_He_ratio,F				; Yes, He-- (Unchanged)
+	banksel common
+	bra     do_divemode_gaslist_more_loop
-        banksel char_I_O2_ratio
-        decf    char_I_He_ratio,F           ; He--
-        bnn     do_divemode_gaslist_more_common
-        clrf    char_I_He_ratio
-        bra     do_divemode_gaslist_more_common
+	banksel gas6_O2_ratio
+	decf    gas6_He_ratio,F				; He--
+	bnn     do_dive_mHe_done
+	clrf    gas6_He_ratio
+	banksel common
+	bra     do_divemode_gaslist_more_loop
-    bsf     short_gas_decriptions
-    movlw   .1
-    movwf   menupos                 ; Set to first option in divemode menu
-    movf    hardware_flag,W
-    sublw   0x11        ; 2 with BLE
-    btfsc   STATUS,Z
-    bra     do_divemode_splist2
+	bsf		short_gas_decriptions
+	movlw	.1
+	movwf	menupos							; Set to first option in divemode menu
+	movf	hardware_flag,W
+	sublw	0x11							; 2 with BLE
+	btfsc	STATUS,Z
+	bra		do_divemode_splist_no_sensor	; no sensor
+	movf	hardware_flag,W
+	sublw	0x13							; +
+	btfsc	STATUS,Z
+	bra		do_divemode_splist_no_sensor	; no sensor
     MENU_BEGIN  tGaslist, .6
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_setpoint, do_switch_sp
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_setpoint, do_switch_sp
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_setpoint, do_switch_sp
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_setpoint, do_switch_sp
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_setpoint, do_switch_sp
-        MENU_CALL   tCCRSensor,         do_divemode_sensor
+        MENU_CALL   	tCCRSensor,              do_divemode_sensor
     MENU_BEGIN  tGaslist, .5
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_setpoint, do_switch_sp
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_setpoint, do_switch_sp
@@ -323,31 +354,45 @@
-    ; Set customview to 1 (HUD Data)
-    clrf    menupos3                    ; customview to come-1
-    bsf     toggle_customview			; Set flag, the customview will be toggled very soon now...
+	clrf	menupos3					; show customview 1 (HUD Data)
+	bsf		toggle_customview
     movlw   .1
-    movwf   menupos                 ; Set to first option in divemode menu
-    MENU_BEGIN  tGaslist, .2
-        MENU_CALL       tDivemenu_UseSensor,    do_switch_to_sensor
+    movwf   menupos                 	; Set to 1st option: use sensors
+    MENU_BEGIN  tGaslist, .6
+        MENU_CALL       tDivemenu_UseSensor,    do_switch_sensor
+		MENU_CALL		tBack,					do_divemode_splist
         MENU_CALL       tExit,                  do_continue_main_divemenu
+		MENU_CALL		tDiveHudMask1,			do_toggle_sensor
+		MENU_CALL		tDiveHudMask2,			do_toggle_sensor
+		MENU_CALL		tDiveHudMask3,			do_toggle_sensor
-    movff   char_I_deco_model,WREG  ; 0 = ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF
-    decfsz  WREG,W		    ; Was 1?
-    bra     do_continue_main_divemenu   ; No, do nothing and return
-    ; Toggle GF only in GF modes
-    ; Set customview to 5 (GF informations)
-    movlw   .4
-    movwf   menupos3                    ; Customview to come-1
-    bsf     toggle_customview			; Set flag, the customview will be toggled very soon now...
     movlw   .1
-    movwf   menupos                 ; Set to first option in divemode menu
-    MENU_BEGIN  tDivemenu_ToggleGF, .2
-        MENU_CALL       tDivemenu_ToggleGF,     do_togglegf
+    movwf   menupos                 	; Set to 1st option: use calculated ppO2
+    MENU_BEGIN  tGaslist, .6
+		MENU_CALL		tCalculated,			do_switch_sp_calc
+		MENU_CALL       tDivemenu_UseSensor,    do_switch_sensor
         MENU_CALL       tExit,                  do_continue_main_divemenu
+		MENU_CALL		tDiveHudMask1,			do_toggle_sensor
+		MENU_CALL		tDiveHudMask2,			do_toggle_sensor
+		MENU_CALL		tDiveHudMask3,			do_toggle_sensor
+	decf	menupos,f					; 4, 5, 6 ->  3, 4, 5
+	decf	menupos,f					; 3, 4, 5 ->  2, 3, 4
+	decf	menupos,f					; 2, 3, 4 ->  1, 2, 3
+    dcfsnz	menupos						; 1, 2, 3 ->  0, 1, 2
+	btg		use_O2_sensor1				;             = 
+	dcfsnz	menupos						; 0, 1, 2 -> -1, 0, 1
+	btg		use_O2_sensor2				;                =
+	dcfsnz	menupos						; -1,0, 1 -> -2,-1, 0
+	btg		use_O2_sensor3				;                   =
+    movlw   .1
+    movwf   menupos
+	bra		do_divemode_sensor_loop
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/divemode.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/divemode.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File divemode.asm
+;   File divemode.asm								REFACTORED VERSION V2.96a
 ;   Divemode
@@ -9,19 +9,19 @@
 ;  2011-08-15 : [mH] moving from OSTC code
-#include    ""                  ; Mandatory header
-#include 	"shared_definitions.h"         ; Mailbox from/to p2_deco.c
-#include	""
-#include 	""
-#include 	""
-#include	""
-#include	""
-#include	""
-#include	""
-#include	""
-#include	""
-#include	""
-#include	""
+#include    ""					; Mandatory header
+#include    "shared_definitions.h"		; Mailbox from/to p2_deco.c
+#include    ""
+#include    ""
+#include    ""
+#include    ""
+#include    ""
+#include    ""
+#include    ""
+#include    ""
+#include    ""
+#include    ""
+#include    ""
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
@@ -31,136 +31,273 @@
 	global	diveloop
     banksel common
-	call	speed_normal
-	call	diveloop_boot			; Boot tasks for all modes
+    call    speed_normal
+    call    diveloop_boot				; Boot tasks for all modes
-; Startup Tasks for all modes
-    call	TFT_boot                ; Initialize TFT (includes clear screen)
-	call	TFT_divemode_mask		; Display mask
-	call	TFT_temp_divemode		; Displays temperature
-    movff   customview_divemode,menupos3    ; Reload last customview
-    call    customview_mask         ; Redraw last custom view
+    ; Startup Tasks for all modes
+    call    TFT_boot                	; Initialize TFT (includes clear screen)
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_divemode_mask		; Display mask
+    movff   customview_divemode,menupos3; Reload last customview
+    call    customview_mask         	; Redraw last custom view
-	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode
-	bsf		realdive					; Set Realdive flag in Apnoe mode
+    btfsc   FLAG_apnoe_mode
+    bsf	    realdive					; Set Realdive flag in Apnoe mode
-	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
-    bra     diveloop_loop
-	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
-	bra     diveloop_loop
+    btfsc   FLAG_apnoe_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
+    bra     diveloop_loop_start
+    btfsc   FLAG_gauge_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
+    bra     diveloop_loop_start
-	call	TFT_active_gas_divemode     ; Display gas/Setpoint
-	call	TFT_display_ndl_mask		; display "NDL"
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_display_ndl_mask	; display "NDL"
 	; +@5 init
-    setf        WREG                    ; WAIT marker: display "---"
-    movff       WREG,int_O_extra_ascenttime+0
-    movff       WREG,int_O_extra_ascenttime+1
-	movlw       1
-    movwf       apnoe_mins              ; Start compute after next cycle.
+    clrf    WREG                    	; WAIT marker: display "---"
+    movff   WREG,char_I_sim_advance_time; bank safe clrf
+    movff   WREG,int_O_alternate_ascenttime+0
+	bsf		WREG,int_not_yet_computed
+	bsf		WREG,int_invalid_flag
+    movff   WREG,int_O_alternate_ascenttime+1
+    btfsc   FLAG_TFT_display_ndl_mask
+    call    TFT_display_ndl_mask
+diveloop_loop:							; The diveloop starts here
+    btfss   quarter_second_update
+    bra     diveloop_loop4a
-diveloop_loop:		; The diveloop starts here
+    ; tasks any 1/4 second, any mode
+    bcf     quarter_second_update		; clear flag
+    movlw   .6
+    cpfseq  menupos3                    ; in compass view?
+    bra     diveloop_loop4a				; No, done.
+    btfsc   alternative_divelayout		; In alternative layout mode?
+    bra	    diveloop_loop4a				; Yes, done. No Compass.
+; TFT Output routines	
+    extern  TFT_dive_compass_heading
+    call    TFT_dive_compass_heading    ; Yes, update compass heading value
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_temp_divemode		; Redraw temperature (Is slighty affected from compass heading arrow)
+; TFT Output routines	
 	btfss	onesecupdate					
 	bra		diveloop_loop3
 ; tasks any new second...
-    bcf     onesecupdate					; one seconds update, clear flag here in case it's set again in ISR before all tasks are done.
+    bcf     onesecupdate				; one seconds update, clear flag here in case it's set again in ISR before all tasks are done.
-	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; Only in apnoe mode
-	bra		diveloop_loop1b					; One Second Tasks in Apnoe mode
+	;bsf	LEDg	; ### DEBUG - used to measure the time used by all deco code to see if there is enough margin each second ###	
-	call	TFT_divemins					; Display (new) divetime!
-	call	customview_second				; Do every-second tasks for the custom view area
-    call	divemode_check_for_warnings     ; Check for any warnings
+	; display depth based on full seconds interval (nicer blinking)
+    btfss   alternative_divelayout
+    rcall   TFT_output4_normal
+    btfsc   alternative_divelayout
+    rcall   TFT_output4_alternative
+	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; Only in apnoe mode
+	bra		diveloop_loop1b				; One Second Tasks in Apnoe mode
+; tasks any new second - only for deco modes
+	bsf		FLAG_TFT_divemins			; Display (new) divetime!
+	btfsc	show_safety_stop			; Show the safety stop?
+	bsf		FLAG_TFT_show_safety_stop	; Yes, show/delete if done.
-; Tasks only for deco modes
-	btfsc	show_safety_stop				; Show the safety stop?
-	call	TFT_show_safety_stop			; Yes, show/delete if done.
-	call	calc_deko_divemode				; calculate decompression and display result (any two seconds)
-	bra		diveloop_loop1x					; Common Tasks
+	btfss	alternative_divelayout
+	rcall	TFT_output1_normal
+	btfsc	alternative_divelayout
+	rcall	TFT_output1_alternative
+	btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode				; In CCR mode...
+	call    check_dive_autosp			; ...check for Auto-SP
+	call	calc_deko_divemode			; calculate decompression and set resulting display flags
+	btfss	alternative_divelayout
+	rcall	TFT_output2_normal
+	btfsc	alternative_divelayout
+	rcall	TFT_output2_alternative
+	call	divemode_check_for_warnings	; Check for any warnings
+	bra		diveloop_loop1x				; Common Tasks
+; tasks any new second - only for apnoe mode
-; Tasks only for Apnoe mode
-	rcall	divemode_apnoe_tasks			; 1 sec. Apnoe tasks
-    call	customview_second				; Do every-second tasks for the custom view area
- ;	bra		diveloop_loop1x					; Common Tasks
+	rcall	divemode_apnoe_tasks		; 1 sec. Apnoe tasks
+	call	customview_second			; Do every-second tasks for the custom view area
+	;bra	diveloop_loop1x				; Common Tasks
+; continue tasks any new second, any mode
-; Common 1sec. tasks for all modes
-	rcall	timeout_divemode				; dive finished? This routine sets the required flags
-	rcall	set_dive_modes                  ; tests if depth>threshold
-	rcall	set_min_temp                    ; store min. temp if required (Future hardware will need this to be checked 1/second...)
-	btfsc	store_sample					; store new sample?
-	call	store_dive_data					; Store profile data
-	btfss	divemode						; Dive finished?
-	goto	ghostwriter_end_dive    		; Dive finished!
+	rcall	timeout_divemode			; ** menu timeout? ** This routine sets the required flags
+	rcall	set_dive_modes				; tests if depth>threshold
+	rcall	set_min_temp				; store min. temp if required (Future hardware will need this to be checked 1/second...)
-    btfsc   divemode_gaschange              ; Gas switch flag set?
-    rcall   gas_switched_common             ; Yes
+	btfsc	oneminupdate				; one minute tasks
+	rcall	update_divemode60			; Update clock, etc.
-    btfsc   toggle_gf                       ; =1: Toggle GF/aGF
-    rcall   divemodemode_togglegf           ; Toggle aGF/GF
+	btfss	alternative_divelayout
+	rcall	TFT_output3_normal
+	btfsc	alternative_divelayout
+	rcall	TFT_output3_alternative
+	;bcf	LEDg	; ### DEBUG - used to measure the time used by all deco code to see if there is enough margin each second ###
-    btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode                   ; In CCR mode...
-    call    check_dive_autosp               ; ...check for Auto-SP
+; tasks any round, any mode
-	rcall	test_switches_divemode			; Check switches in divemode
+    call	test_switches_divemode		; Check switches in divemode
     global  diveloop_loop4
-diveloop_loop4:                             ; Menu-Exit returns here...
-	btfsc	toggle_customview				; Next view?
-	call	customview_toggle				; Yes, show next customview (and delete this flag)
+diveloop_loop4:							; Menu-Exit returns here...
+	btfsc	divemode_menu				; in the big divemode menu?
+	bra		diveloop_loop4b				; YES - no space for CCR/pSCR info
+	btfsc	menuview					; NO  - in the small yellow menu?
+	bra		diveloop_loop4b				; 		YES - no space for CCR/pSCR info
+	btfsc	alternative_divelayout		; 		NO  - in the alternative layout?
+	bra		diveloop_loop4b				; 			  YES - no space for CCR/pSCR info
+	call	TFT_show_mode_divemode		; 			  NO  - (re)write CCR/pSCR mode info to display
+    btfsc   toggle_customview			; Next view?
+    call    customview_toggle			; Yes, show next customview (and delete this flag)
-	btfsc	pressure_refresh				; new pressure available?
-	rcall	update_temp_and_or_depth        ; Yes, display new depth and clear 	"pressure_refresh" flag
+    btfsc   store_sample				; store new sample?
+    call    store_dive_data				; Store profile data
-	btfsc	oneminupdate					; one minute tasks
-	rcall	update_divemode60				; Update clock, etc.
+    btfss   divemode					; Dive finished?
+    goto    ghostwriter_end_dive    	; Dive finished!
-;    btfss   quarter_second_update
-;    bra     diveloop_loop4a
+    btfsc   divemode_gaschange			; Gas switch flag set?
+    call    gas_switched_common			; Yes
-    bcf     quarter_second_update
-    movlw   .6
-    cpfseq  menupos3                    ; in compass view?
-    bra     diveloop_loop4a             ; No
-    extern  TFT_dive_compass_heading
-    call    TFT_dive_compass_heading    ; Yes, update compass heading value
-    call    TFT_temp_divemode		; Redraw temperature (Is slighty affected from compass heading arrow)
-    btfsc   enable_screen_dumps         ; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)
+    btfsc   toggle_gf					; =1: Toggle GF/aGF
+    rcall   divemodemode_togglegf		; Toggle aGF/GF
+    btfsc   pressure_refresh			; new pressure available?	
+    rcall   set_max_depth				; update max. depth if required
+    btfsc   pressure_refresh			; new pressure available?	
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_depth				; Yes, update depth asap
+    bcf	    pressure_refresh			; clear flag
+    btfsc   temp_changed
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_temp_divemode		; Displays temperature
+	; display depth based on as-fast-as-possible (no nice blinking)
+    ;btfss   alternative_divelayout
+    ;rcall   TFT_output4_normal
+    ;btfsc   alternative_divelayout
+    ;rcall   TFT_output4_alternative
+    btfsc   enable_screen_dumps			; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)
     bra     diveloop_loop5
     bra     diveloop_loop6
-    btfss   vusb_in                     ; USB (still) plugged in?
-    bcf     enable_screen_dumps         ; No, clear flag
+    btfss   vusb_in						; USB (still) plugged in?
+    bcf     enable_screen_dumps			; No, clear flag
     call    rs232_get_byte
     btfsc   rs232_recieve_overflow
     bra     diveloop_loop6
     movlw   "l"
     cpfseq	RCREG1
     bra     diveloop_loop6
-    call    TFT_dump_screen             ; Dump the screen contents
+    call    TFT_dump_screen				; Dump the screen contents
+	bra		diveloop_loop				; Loop the divemode
+TFT_output1_normal:	    				; beginning of any new second - only for deco modes
+	btfsc   FLAG_TFT_divemode_mask
+	call    TFT_divemode_mask
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_divemins
+	call	TFT_divemins				; Display (new) divetime!
+	call	customview_second			; Do every-second tasks for the custom view area (In sync with the divetime) mH
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_show_safety_stop
+	call	TFT_show_safety_stop		; Show safety stop
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_clear_safety_stop
+	call	TFT_clear_safety_stop		; Clear safety stop
+	return
+TFT_output1_alternative:				; beginning of any new second - only for deco modes
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_divemins
+	call	TFT_divemins_alternative	; Display (new) divetime!
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_divemode_mask_alt
+	call    TFT_divemode_mask_alternative	; Alt. mask
+	call	customview_alternative_second	; Do every-second tasks for the custom view area (In sync with the divetime) mH
+	return
+TFT_output2_normal:	    				; any new second - only for deco modes
+	btfsc   FLAG_TFT_display_ndl_mask
+	call    TFT_display_ndl_mask
+	btfsc   FLAG_TFT_display_ndl
+	call    TFT_display_ndl
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_display_deko_mask
+	call	TFT_display_deko_mask
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_display_deko
+	call	TFT_display_deko
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_display_tts
+	call	TFT_display_tts
+	return
-	bra		diveloop_loop					; Loop the divemode
+TFT_output2_alternative:    			; any new second - only for deco modes
+	return
+TFT_output3_normal:	    				; tasks any new second, any mode
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_max_depth
+	call	TFT_max_depth				; use normal max. depth
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_divemode_warning
+	call	TFT_divemode_warning
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_divemode_warning_clear
+	call	TFT_divemode_warning_clear
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_active_gas_divemode
+	call	TFT_active_gas_divemode			; Display gas/Setpoint
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_dive_warning_text_clear
+	call	TFT_clear_warning_text          ; clear complete warnings area
+	btfsc   FLAG_TFT_dive_warning_text_clr2
+	call    TFT_clear_warning_text_2nd_row	; clear 2nd row of warnings
+	return
+TFT_output3_alternative:    			; tasks any new second, any mode
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_max_depth_alt
+	call	TFT_max_depth_alternative	; big max. depth
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_dive_warning_text_clear
+	call	TFT_clear_warning_text		; clear complete warnings area (In alt mode only 2nd. row...)
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_big_deco_alt
+	call	TFT_big_deco_alt			; Big deco
+	return
+TFT_output4_normal:						; tasks any round, any mode
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_depth
+	call	TFT_depth					; Displays new depth
+	btfsc	FLAG_TFT_temp_divemode		
+	call	TFT_temp_divemode			; Update temperature
+	return
+TFT_output4_alternative:    			; tasks any round, any mode
+    btfsc	FLAG_TFT_depth
+	call	TFT_depth					; Displays new depth
+	return
+divemode_apnoe_tasks:					; 1 sec. Apnoe tasks
+	call	TFT_display_apnoe_descent	; Yes, Show descent timer
+	call	TFT_max_depth				; use normal max. depth
-divemode_apnoe_tasks:                       ; 1 sec. Apnoe tasks
-	call	TFT_display_apnoe_descent		; Yes, Show descent timer
-	call	TFT_max_pressure				; use normal max. depth
-	btfsc	divemode2						; Time running?
-	bra		divemode_apnoe_tasks2			; New descent, reset data if flag is set
+	btfsc	divemode2					; Time running?
+	bra		divemode_apnoe_tasks2		; New descent, reset data if flag is set
 	rcall	apnoe_calc_maxdepth
 	call	TFT_display_apnoe_surface
-	call	TFT_display_apnoe_last_max		; Show last max. depth
+	call	TFT_display_apnoe_last_max	; Show last max. depth
 	incf	apnoe_surface_secs,F
 	movlw	d'60'
 	cpfseq	apnoe_surface_secs
@@ -169,26 +306,26 @@
 	incf	apnoe_surface_mins,F
-	bcf		FLAG_active_descent				; Clear flag
-	btfsc	divemode2						; Time running?
-	return									; Yes, return
-	bsf		FLAG_active_descent				; Set Flag
+	bcf	FLAG_active_descent				; Clear flag
+	btfsc	divemode2					; Time running?
+	return								; Yes, return
+	bsf	FLAG_active_descent				; Set Flag
-	btfss	FLAG_active_descent				; Are we descending?
-	return									; No, We are at the surface
-	rcall	apnoe_calc_maxdepth				; Yes!
-	call	TFT_apnoe_clear_surface			; Clear Surface timer
-	clrf	apnoe_timeout_counter			; Delete timeout
+	btfss	FLAG_active_descent			; Are we descending?
+	return								; No, We are at the surface
+	rcall	apnoe_calc_maxdepth			; Yes!
+	call	TFT_apnoe_clear_surface		; Clear Surface timer
+	clrf	apnoe_timeout_counter		; Delete timeout
 	clrf	apnoe_surface_secs
 	clrf	apnoe_surface_mins
 	clrf	apnoe_secs
-	clrf	apnoe_mins						; Reset Descent time
+	clrf	apnoe_mins					; Reset Descent time
 	movlw	.0
 	movff	WREG,max_pressure+0
-	movff	WREG,max_pressure+1				; Reset Max. Depth
-	bcf		FLAG_active_descent				; Clear flag
+	movff	WREG,max_pressure+1			; Reset Max. Depth
+	bcf		FLAG_active_descent			; Clear flag
 	global	apnoe_calc_maxdepth
@@ -197,259 +334,341 @@
 	movff	apnoe_max_pressure+1,sub_a+1
 	movff	max_pressure+0,sub_b+0
 	movff	max_pressure+1,sub_b+1
-	call	subU16				; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
-								; apnoe_max_pressure<max_pressure -> neg_flag=1
-								; max_pressure<=apnoe_max_pressure -> neg_flag=0
+	call	subU16						; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+										; apnoe_max_pressure<max_pressure -> neg_flag=1
+										; max_pressure<=apnoe_max_pressure -> neg_flag=0
 	btfss	neg_flag	
-								;apnoe_max_pressure<max_pressure
+										;apnoe_max_pressure<max_pressure
 	movff	max_pressure+0,apnoe_max_pressure+0
 	movff	max_pressure+1,apnoe_max_pressure+1
+	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	btfsc	twosecupdate			; two seconds after the last call
-	bra		calc_deko_divemode2		; Yes, calculate and display deco data ("first second")
-	bsf		twosecupdate			; No, but next second!
-	; Routines used in the "other second"
-	call	calc_average_depth          ; calculate average depth
-	call	calc_velocity               ; calculate vertical velocity and display if > threshold (every two seconds)
-    call	set_reset_safety_stop       ; Set flags for safety stop and/or reset safety stop
+	rcall	calc_deko_divemode2			; all deco relevant code is now invoked every second
+	btfsc	twosecupdate
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode1
+	bsf		twosecupdate
+	return
+calc_deko_divemode1:					; the following code is invoked every 2 seconds
+	bcf		twosecupdate
+	call	calc_average_depth			; calculate average depth
+	call	calc_velocity				; calculate vertical velocity and display if > threshold (every two seconds)
+	call	set_reset_safety_stop		; Set flags for safety stop and/or reset safety stop
 	call	TFT_debug_output
-	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
-    return
-	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
+	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
+	return
+	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode				; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
+	return
+; Check for a gas change
+	goto	check_gas_change			; Checks if a better gas should be selected (by user) and return...
+	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode				; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
-; Calculate CNS
-    btfss   FLAG_pscr_mode		; in PSCR mode?
-    rcall   set_actual_ppo2             ; No, set char_I_actual_ppO2
-    btfsc   is_bailout			; Always in bailout...
-    rcall   set_actual_ppo2             ; ...set char_I_actual_ppO2
-    clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,char_I_step_is_1min    ; Make sure to be in 2sec mode.
-	call	deco_calc_CNS_fraction		; calculate CNS
-	movlb	b'00000001'					; rambank 1 selected
-; Check for a gas change
-	bra	check_gas_change			; Checks if a better gas should be selected (by user) and return...
+	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode				; In CCR mode?
+	rcall	calc_deko_divemode_sensor	; do sensor data acquisition if applicable by OSTC model
-    global  set_actual_ppo2
-set_actual_ppo2:                        ; calculate ppO2 in 0.01bar (e.g. 150 = 1.50 bar ppO2)
-    btfsc   divemode                    ; in divemode
-    bra     set_actual_ppo2_dive        ; Yes
-    ; No, use simulated ambient pressure for char_I_actual_ppO2
-    movff   char_I_bottom_depth,WREG
-    mullw   .100
-    movlw   LOW(.1000)
-    addwf   PRODL,W
-    movwf   xA+0
-    movlw   HIGH(.1000)
-    addwfc  PRODH,W
-    movwf   xA+1                        ; P_amb in millibar (1000 = 1.00 bar).
-    bra     set_actual_ppo2_common
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, xA    ; P_amb in millibar (1000 = 1.00 bar).
- 	movlw		d'10'
-	movwf		xB+0
-	clrf		xB+1
-	call		div16x16				; xC=p_amb/10 (100 = 1.00 bar).
-	movff		xC+0,xA+0
-	movff		xC+1,xA+1
-	movff		char_I_O2_ratio,xB+0
-	clrf		xB+1
-	call		mult16x16				; char_I_O2_ratio * (p_amb/10)
-	movff		xC+0,xA+0
-	movff		xC+1,xA+1
-	movlw		d'100'
-	movwf		xB+0
-	clrf		xB+1
-	call		div16x16				; xC=(char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10)/100
-; Copy ppO2 for CNS calculation
-    tstfsz      xC+1                    ; Is ppO2 > 2.55bar ?
-    setf        xC+0                    ; yes: bound to 2.55... better than wrap around.
-    movff		xC+0, char_I_actual_ppO2	; copy last ppO2 to buffer register
-    btfsc       is_bailout                  ; In Bailout?
-    return                                  ; Yes, done.
-    ; No Bailout, check for ccr mode
-    btfsc		FLAG_ccr_mode               ; If FLAG_ccr_mode=1...
-    movff		char_I_const_ppO2, char_I_actual_ppO2	; ...copy last ppO2 to buffer register
-    return
-    call    check_sensors                   ; Setups "use_O2_sensorX" flags
-    ; Copy use flags to voting logic flags in case we are no longer in fallback
-    btfsc   use_O2_sensor1
-    bsf     voting_logic_sensor1
-    btfsc   use_O2_sensor2
-    bsf     voting_logic_sensor2
-    btfsc   use_O2_sensor3
-    bsf     voting_logic_sensor3
-    rcall   divemode_setup_sensor_values    ; Setup sensor values
-    goto    check_sensors                   ; Check O2 sensor thresholds for fallback customview_minute
-	bcf	twosecupdate
-	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
-	return
-	extern	deco_setup_dive
-	call	deco_setup_dive				;  Pass all parameters to the C code
+    btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode				; In PSCR mode?
+    rcall   calc_deko_divemode_sensor	; do sensor data acquisition if applicable by OSTC model
+	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure,int_I_pres_respiration ; transfer ambient pressure to deco engine
-    btfsc   setpoint_fallback               ; Are we in Fallback?
-    rcall   check_fallback_clear            ; Yes, check if we still have fallback condition
-    bcf     setpoint_fallback               ; =1: Fallback to SP1 due to external O2 sensor failure
-    btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode                   ; In CCR mode?
-    rcall    calc_deko_divemode_sensor      ; External sensor stuff
-;    btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode                   ; In PSCR mode?
-;    rcall    calc_deko_divemode_sensor      ; External sensor stuff
+	; check deco engine state and switch between normal and alternative plan calculations
+	;
+	; Remark: Any reconfigurations done here do only affect the ascent & deco calculation settings,
+	;         not the settings for the calculations done on the real tissues. The later ones are only
+	;         altered in case of a gas change, or in case of a real bailout or switchback to setpoint
+	;         or sensor, respectively.
+	;         In case of a gas change or real bailout/switchback, the settings for the deco calculations
+	;         are also changed to match the settings for the real tissues. This is done on signal through
+	;         'divemode_gaschange' and will also leave the deco engine status in state as if having done
+	;         the alternative plan last.
+	; check state of ascent/deco calculations
+	movff	char_O_deco_status,lo		; get a working copy of char_O_deco_status into bank common
+	movlw	DECO_STATUS_MASK			; load bit mask covering the deco status bits
+	andwf	lo,W						; mask out bits showing deco engine computations state
+	tstfsz	WREG						; check if the last compute cycle has finished (bits 1 and 0 cleared)
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2e		; NO  - computations still in progress, needs more computation cycles
+	btfss	lo,DECO_PLAN_FLAG			; YES - computation cycle finished, so check what has been computed
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2b		; PLAN bit is cleared i.e. normal plan was done, may do alternative next
-	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure,int_I_pres_respiration ; C-code needs the ambient pressure
-	clrf	WREG
-	movff	WREG,char_I_step_is_1min    ; Force 2 second deco mode
+	; The PLAN bit is set, i.e. an alternative plan was computed in the last cycle, or the deco engine has
+	; been restarted because of a gas change etc. --> Reconfigure to normal plan for next computation cycle.
+	; reset flags for special calculations
+	bcf		lo,DECO_PLAN_FLAG			; clear flag for alternative plan
+	bcf		lo,DECO_ASCENT_FLAG			; clear flag for delayed ascent calculation
+	bcf		lo,DECO_VOLUME_FLAG			; clear flag for gas needs calculation
+	movff	lo,char_O_deco_status		; write-back char_O_deco_status to deco engine interface
-	movff	char_I_O2_ratio,lo_temp		; Backup original value for everything
-	movff	char_I_N2_ratio,hi_temp		; Backup original value for everything
-	btfss	FLAG_pscr_mode
-	bra	calc_deko_divemode2a	    ; Non-PSCR modes...
+	; check if a switchback from CCR or pSCR bailout calculation is to be done
+	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode				; may a switchback from a CCR bailout calculation be needed?
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2a		; in CCR  mode, so may need to switch back from bailout calculation
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode				; may a switchback from a pSCR bailout calculation be needed?
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2a		; in pSCR mode, so may need to switch back from bailout calculation
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2e		; not in CCR nor pSCR, so no switchback needed, start normal plan now
+										; (first cycle omits gas needs calculation in OC without delayed ascent)
-	btfsc	is_bailout
-	bra	calc_deko_divemode2a	    ; Skip in bailout
+	; switch back to loop calculation if last cycle was doing a bailout calculation
+	movff	opt_calc_asc_gasvolume,hi	; get the gas volume needs calculation setting
+	movf	hi,W						; are gas volume calculations turned on?
+	bz		calc_deko_divemode2e		; NO  - can't have done a bailout calculation then, start normal plan
+	btfsc	is_bailout					; YES - check if a real bailout situation is present
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2e		; YES - OC gases have been set by bailout action then, start normal plan
+	movff	active_gas,WREG				; NO  - switch back to loop calculation: get current (diluent) gas, ...
+	call	deco_setup_cc_diluents		;       ... set up deco calculations in CCR/pSCR mode with diluents,
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2e		;       ... and start in normal plan mode
+	; The PLAN bit was cleared, i.e. a normal plan was computed in the last cycle. For the next
+	; computation cycle the mode may be switched to alternative plan, or stay in normal mode...
-	; in PSCR mode, compute fO2 into char_I_O2_ratio
-	call		compute_pscr_ppo2	; pSCR ppO2 into sub_c:2
-	movff		sub_c+0,xA+0
-	movff		sub_c+1,xA+1
-	movlw		LOW		.10
-	movwf		xB+0
-	movlw		HIGH	.10
-	movwf		xB+1
-	call		mult16x16		;xA*xB=xC	-> xC:4 = ppO2*10
-	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, xB
-	call		div32x16	 	; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
-	; xC+0 has O2 in percent
-	movff	xC+0,char_I_O2_ratio
+	bcf		lo,DECO_ASCENT_FLAG			; clear flag for delayed ascent calculation (for safety only)
+	btfsc	is_bailout					; check if a real bailout situation is present
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2c		; YES - stay in normal plan mode and preclude delayed ascent calculation
+	movff	char_I_extra_time,hi		; NO  -	get the delayed ascent setting
+	tstfsz	hi							; 		check if delayed ascent calculation is enabled
+	bsf		lo,DECO_ASCENT_FLAG			; 		YES - set flag for delayed ascent calculation
+	tstfsz	hi							; 		check if delayed ascent calculation is enabled (again)
+	bsf		lo,DECO_PLAN_FLAG			; 		YES - set flag for alternative plan
-	movff	char_I_He_ratio, wait_temp	; copy into bank1 register
-	bsf	STATUS,C			; Borrow bit
-	movlw	d'100'				; 100%
-	subfwb	wait_temp,W			; minus He
-	bsf	STATUS,C			; Borrow bit
-	subfwb	xC+0,W				; minus O2
-	movff	WREG, char_I_N2_ratio		; = N2!
+	; check if a gas needs calculation shall be done
+	bsf		lo,DECO_VOLUME_FLAG			; set gas needs calculation flag (may be cleared again next)
+	TSTOSS  opt_calc_asc_gasvolume		; check if gas needs calculation is enabled
+	bcf		lo,DECO_VOLUME_FLAG			; NO  - reset flag again
+	movff	lo,char_O_deco_status		; write-back char_O_deco_status to deco engine interface
+	TSTOSS  opt_calc_asc_gasvolume		; check if gas volume calculation is enabled (again)
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2e		; NO  - no volume calculation, no simulated bailout plan in no case
+	; check if conditions are met to calculate a bailout plan
+	btfsc	is_bailout					; check if a real bailout situation is present
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2e		; YES - normal plan already does bailout (OC) calculation "for real"
+	btfss	lo,DECO_MODE_LOOP_FLAG		; NO  - have loop mode calculation been done during the normal plan?
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode2e		; NO  - when not in loop mode, no simulated bailout to be done
+	bsf		lo,DECO_PLAN_FLAG			; YES - set flag for alternative plan
+	movff	lo,char_O_deco_status		; 		write-back char_O_deco_status to deco engine interface
+	call    get_first_gas_to_WREG		; 		get first OC gas, ...
+	call	deco_setup_oc_gases			;       ... set up deco calculations in OC mode with OC gases,
+	;bra	calc_deko_divemode2e		;       ... and start in alternative plan mode
     clrf    TMR5L
     clrf    TMR5H                       ; 30,51757813µs/bit in TMR5L:TMR5H
 	call	deco_calc_hauptroutine		; calc_tissue
-    movlb   .1
-  	movff	lo_temp,char_I_O2_ratio		; Restore original value for everything
-	movff	hi_temp,char_I_N2_ratio		; Restore original value for everything
-    movff   char_O_deco_status,WREG     ; Is a compute cycle finished ?
-    iorwf   WREG,F
-    btfss   STATUS,Z
-    return                              ; Return is status <> 0
+	banksel common
     ; Check if deco stops are necessary ?
 	movff	char_O_first_deco_depth,wait_temp	; copy ceiling to temp register
 	tstfsz	wait_temp							; Ceiling<0m?
 	bra		calc_deko_divemode3					; Yes!
-	btfsc	decostop_active             ; Already in nodeco mode ?
-	call	TFT_display_ndl_mask       	; No, Clear deco data, display nostop time
-	bcf		decostop_active             ; clear flag (again)
+	btfsc	decostop_active             		; Already in nodeco mode ?
+	bsf		FLAG_TFT_display_ndl_mask       	; No, Clear deco data, display nostop time
+	bcf		decostop_active						; clear flag (again)
 	; Copy for profile recording
 	clrf	decodata+0
-	movff	char_O_nullzeit,decodata+1  ; NDL
+	movff	char_O_nullzeit,decodata+1 			; NDL
-	goto	TFT_display_ndl            ; display no deco limit, and return...
+	bsf		FLAG_TFT_display_ndl				; display no deco limit
+	return
-	btfss	decostop_active            ; Already in deco mode ?
-	call	TFT_display_deko_mask      ; No, clear nostop time, display decodata
-	bsf		decostop_active            ; Set flag (again)
+	btfss	decostop_active						; Already in deco mode ?
+	bsf		FLAG_TFT_display_deko_mask			; No, clear nostop time, display decodata
+	bsf		decostop_active						; Set flag (again)
 	; Copy for profile recording
 	movff	char_O_first_deco_depth,decodata+0	; ceiling
-	movff	char_O_first_deco_time,decodata+1	; length of first stop in minues
-	call	TFT_display_deko            ; display decodata
-	call	TFT_show_TTS_divemode       ; display TTS
+	movff	char_O_first_deco_time,decodata+1	; length of first stop in minutes
+	bsf		FLAG_TFT_display_deko				; display decodata
+	bsf		FLAG_TFT_display_tts				; display TTS
+	return
+	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    movff   char_I_extra_time,WREG
-    tstfsz  WREG                    ; extra time = 0?
-    bra     calc_deko_divemode4     ; No, compute it
-    return
+	global	calc_deko_divemode_sensor
+	; sensor acquisition code
+	btfss   s8_digital							; check if we have digital interface to the sensors
+	bra     calc_deko_divemode_sensor_analog	; NO  - use analog interface
+	btfss   new_s8_data_available				; YES - check if a new data frame was received
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode_sensor_common	; NO  - use old values
+	call	compute_mvolts_for_all_sensors		; YES - compute mV values from digital data
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode_sensor_common
+	call    get_analog_inputs					; TODO: abort when OSTC model does not have analog inputs
+	; Check for each sensor if it is calibrated and if its mv value is within min_mv and max_mv limits.
+	; If     ok: compute o2_ppo2_sensorX := o2_mv_sensorX * opt_x_sX / 1000.
+	; If not ok: reset o2_ppo2_sensorX, reset use_O2_sensorX and show the customview 1 in case the sensor was ok before.
-    ; Check if extra cycles are needed to compute @5 variant:
-	decfsz  apnoe_mins,F                ; Reached count-down ?
-	return                              ; No: don't compute yet.
-	movlw   .6
-	movff   WREG,char_O_deco_status     ; Stole next cycles for @5 variant.
-    movlw   .2                          ; Restart countdown.
-    movwf   apnoe_mins
- 	return                              ; done.
+	; Check min_mv of sensor 1
+	btfss	sensor1_calibrated_ok			; check if sensor is usable at all
+	bra		check_sensor_1_fail				; NO  - handle it as failed
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+0, sub_a+0		; load sensor mV value
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+1, sub_a+1
+	movlw	LOW		min_mv					; load minimum mV value
+	movwf	sub_b+0
+	movlw	HIGH	min_mv
+	movwf	sub_b+1
+	call	sub16							; sub_c = sensor_mv - min_mv
+    btfsc	neg_flag						; check if result is negative, i.e. sensor_mv < min_mv
+	bra		check_sensor_1_fail				; YES - declare sensor as failed
+	; Check max_mv of sensor 1				  NO  - continue with next check
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+0, sub_a+0
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+1, sub_a+1
+	movlw	LOW		max_mv
+	movwf	sub_b+0
+	movlw	HIGH	max_mv
+	movwf	sub_b+1
+	call	sub16							;  sub_c = sensor_mv - max_mv
+	btfss	neg_flag						; check if result is negative, i.e. sensor_mv < max_mv
+	bra		check_sensor_1_fail				; NO  - declare sensor as failed
+	; Check HUD data, if available			  YES - continue with next check
+	btfss   hud_connection_ok				; check if there is a HUD connected
+    bra     check_sensor_1_ok				; NO  - all checks done then and positive
+	btfss   sensor1_active					; YES - check HUD report on sensor
+	bra		check_sensor_1_fail				; HUD reports a fail
+	; o2_ppo2_sensor1 := o2_mv_sensor1:2 * opt_x_s1:2 / 1000
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+0,xA+0
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor1+1,xA+1
+	movff	opt_x_s1+0,xB+0
+	movff	opt_x_s1+1,xB+1
+	rcall	compute_ppo2_helper
+	movff	xC+0,o2_ppo2_sensor1			; result in 0.01bar
+	bra	check_sensor_2						; continue with next sensor
+	clrf	WREG
+	movff	WREG,o2_ppo2_sensor1			; set ppO2 reading to zero
+	btfss	use_O2_sensor1					; check if sensor was in use before
+	bra		check_sensor_1_fail_1			; NO  - no new news then
+	call	check_sensor_custview_helper	; YES - show customview 1 (sensor values) on further conditions met
+	bcf		use_O2_sensor1					; revoke sensor from usage
+	;bra	check_sensor_2					; continue with next sensor
-calc_deko_divemode_sensor:                  ; External sensor stuff
-    call    compute_ppo2		    ; computes o2_ppo2_sensorX from mV-Readings
-    call    check_sensors		    ; analyses mv-Readings to set up use- and voting-Flags
-    call    divemode_setup_sensor_values    ; computes sensor_setpoint from o2_pp02_sensorX and Flags
-    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG               ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
-    sublw   .1                              ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)?
-    bnz     calc_deko_divemode_sensor_done  ; No, return
-    movff   sensor_setpoint,char_I_const_ppO2; Copy sensor result to C-code
+check_sensor_2:								; Check min_mv of sensor 2
+	btfss	sensor2_calibrated_ok			; check if sensor is usable at all
+	bra		check_sensor_2_fail				; NO  - handle it as failed
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor2+0, sub_a+0		; load sensor mV value
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor2+1, sub_a+1
+	movlw	LOW		min_mv					; load minimum mV value
+	movwf	sub_b+0
+	movlw	HIGH	min_mv
+	movwf	sub_b+1
+	call	sub16							; sub_c = sensor_mv - min_mv
+    btfsc	neg_flag						; check if result is negative, i.e. sensor_mv < min_mv
+	bra		check_sensor_2_fail				; YES - declare sensor as failed
+	; Check max_mv of sensor 2				  NO  - continue with next check
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor2+0, sub_a+0
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor2+1, sub_a+1
+	movlw	LOW		max_mv
+	movwf	sub_b+0
+	movlw	HIGH	max_mv
+	movwf	sub_b+1
+	call	sub16							;  sub_c = sensor_mv - max_mv
+	btfss	neg_flag						; check if result is nagative, i.e. sensor_mv < max_mv
+	bra		check_sensor_2_fail				; NO  - declare sensor as failed
+	; Check HUD data, if available			  YES - continue with next check
+	btfss   hud_connection_ok				; check if there is a HUD connected
+    bra     check_sensor_2_ok				; NO  - all checks done then and positive
+	btfss   sensor2_active					; YES - check HUD report on sensor
+	bra		check_sensor_2_fail				; HUD reports a fail
-    TSTOSS  opt_sensor_fallback             ; =1: Fallback to SP1 when sensor is lost
-    return                                  ; Never fallback
+	; o2_ppo2_sensor2 := o2_mv_sensor2:2 * opt_x_s2:2 / 1000
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor2+0,xA+0
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor2+1,xA+1
+	movff	opt_x_s2+0,xB+0
+	movff	opt_x_s2+1,xB+1
+	rcall	compute_ppo2_helper
+	movff	xC+0,o2_ppo2_sensor2			; result in 0.01bar
+	bra	check_sensor_3						; continue with next sensor
+	clrf	WREG
+	movff	WREG,o2_ppo2_sensor2			; set ppO2 reading to zero
+	btfss	use_O2_sensor2					; check if sensor was in use before
+	bra		check_sensor_2_fail_1			; NO  - no new news then
+	call	check_sensor_custview_helper	; YES - show customview 1 (sensor values) on further conditions met
+	bcf		use_O2_sensor2					; revoke sensor from usage
+	;bra	check_sensor_3					; continue with next sensor	
-    btfsc   is_bailout                      ; In bailout?
-    return                                  ; Never fallback in bailout
-    ; Check if we should fallback to SP1
-  	btfsc	use_O2_sensor1
-    return                                  ; At least one sensor is active, no fallback
-	btfsc	use_O2_sensor2
-	return                                  ; At least one sensor is active, no fallback
-	btfsc	use_O2_sensor3
-	return                                  ; At least one sensor is active, no fallback
-    ; No sensor in use -> fallback
-    movff   char_I_setpoint_cbar+0,char_I_const_ppO2    ; Setup fixed Setpoint (Always fallback to SP1), overwrite sensor result
-    bsf     setpoint_fallback               ; =1: Fallback to SP1 due to external O2 sensor failure
-    return
+check_sensor_3:								; Check min_mv of sensor 2
+	btfss	sensor3_calibrated_ok			; check if sensor is usable at all
+	bra		check_sensor_3_fail				; NO  - handle it as failed
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor3+0, sub_a+0		; load sensor mV value
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor3+1, sub_a+1
+	movlw	LOW		min_mv					; load minimum mV value
+	movwf	sub_b+0
+	movlw	HIGH	min_mv
+	movwf	sub_b+1
+	call	sub16							; sub_c = sensor_mv - min_mv
+    btfsc	neg_flag						; check if result is negative, i.e. sensor_mv < min_mv
+	bra		check_sensor_3_fail				; YES - declare sensor as failed
+	; Check max_mv of sensor 2				  NO  - continue with next check
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor3+0, sub_a+0
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor3+1, sub_a+1
+	movlw	LOW		max_mv
+	movwf	sub_b+0
+	movlw	HIGH	max_mv
+	movwf	sub_b+1
+	call	sub16							;  sub_c = sensor_mv - max_mv
+	btfss	neg_flag						; check if result is nagative, i.e. sensor_mv < max_mv
+	bra		check_sensor_3_fail				; NO  - declare sensor as failed
+	; Check HUD data, if available			  YES - continue with next check
+	btfss   hud_connection_ok				; check if there is a HUD connected
+    bra     check_sensor_3_ok				; NO  - all checks done then and positive
+	btfss   sensor3_active					; YES - check HUD report on sensor
+	bra		check_sensor_3_fail				; HUD reports a fail
-divemodemode_togglegf:                  ; Toggle aGF/GF
-    bcf     toggle_gf                   ; clear flag    
-    btg     use_agf                     ; Toggle GF
-    call    TFT_gf_mask                 ; Setup Mask
-    clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,char_O_deco_status     ; Restart decoplan computation
-    return
+	; o2_ppo2_sensor3 := o2_mv_sensor3:2 * opt_x_s1:2 / 1000
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor3+0,xA+0
+	movff	o2_mv_sensor3+1,xA+1
+	movff	opt_x_s3+0,xB+0
+	movff	opt_x_s3+1,xB+1
+	rcall	compute_ppo2_helper
+	movff	xC+0,o2_ppo2_sensor3			; result in 0.01bar
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode_sensor1		; continue with calculating sensor average
-    global  divemode_setup_sensor_values
+	clrf	WREG
+	movff	WREG,o2_ppo2_sensor3			; set ppO2 reading to zero
+	btfss	use_O2_sensor3					; check if sensor was in use before
+	bra		check_sensor_3_fail_1			; NO  - no new news then
+	call	check_sensor_custview_helper	; YES - show customview 1 (sensor values) on further conditions met
+	bcf		use_O2_sensor3					; revoke sensor from usage
+	;bra	calc_deko_divemode_sensor1		; continue with calculating sensor average
+calc_deko_divemode_sensor1:					; calculate sensor average
+	; exit here if not in divemode
+	btfss	divemode
+	return
+	; compute sensor_setpoint := average of all o2_ppo2_sensorX of those sensors that have use_O2_sensorX == true
     ; sum up sensor values (in xA:2) and active sensors in (xB:2)
     clrf    xB+0
     clrf    xB+1
@@ -457,8 +676,6 @@
     clrf    xA+1
     btfss   use_O2_sensor1                  ; Sensor1 active?
     bra     divemode_setup_sensor_values2   ; No
-;    btfss   voting_logic_sensor1            ; Sensor within voting logic?
-;    bra     divemode_setup_sensor_values2   ; No
     movf    o2_ppo2_sensor1,W
     addwf   xA+0
     movlw   .0
@@ -467,8 +684,6 @@
     btfss   use_O2_sensor2                  ; Sensor2 active?
     bra     divemode_setup_sensor_values3   ; No
-;    btfss   voting_logic_sensor2            ; Sensor within voting logic?
-;    bra     divemode_setup_sensor_values3   ; No
     movf    o2_ppo2_sensor2,W
     addwf   xA+0
     movlw   .0
@@ -477,18 +692,172 @@
     btfss   use_O2_sensor3                  ; Sensor3 active?
     bra     divemode_setup_sensor_values4   ; No
-;    btfss   voting_logic_sensor3            ; Sensor within voting logic?
-;    bra     divemode_setup_sensor_values4   ; No
     movf    o2_ppo2_sensor3,W
     addwf   xA+0
     movlw   .0
     addwfc  xA+1                            ; Add into xA:2
     incf    xB+0,F                          ; Add a sensor
+	; Divide sum of sensor values by number of active sensors found.
     call    div16x16						; xA/xB=xC with xA+0 as remainder
-    movff   xC+0,sensor_setpoint            ; Copy result
+    movff   xC+0,sensor_setpoint            ; copy result
+	; set default value for pSCR mode: 0 = let p2_deco.c compute the ppO2 based on current dil gas and depth
+	; will be overwritten later in case we are in sensor mode and have at least one usable sensor
+	clrf	WREG							; preload a zero
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode					; check if we are in pSCR mode
+	movff	WREG,char_I_const_ppO2			; YES - write 0 to char_I_const_ppo2,
+											;		it will be overwritten if we have a usable sensor reading
+	btfsc	is_bailout						; check if we are in bailout
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode_sensor2		; YES - no sensor data transfer to char_I_const_ppO2 in this case
+	movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG               ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+    sublw   .1                              ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)?
+    bnz     calc_deko_divemode_sensor2		; not in sensor mode - no transfer of sensor data to char_I_const_ppO2
+	tstfsz	xB+0							; check if we have found at least one usable sensor
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode_sensor1a		; YES - we have at least one usable sensor
+	bsf		setpoint_fallback				; NO  - we have NO usable sensors -> initiate fallback
+	btfss	FLAG_ccr_mode					; check if we are in CCR mode
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode_sensor2		; NO  - continue with voting logic flags
+	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+0,char_I_const_ppO2	; YES - select fixed setpoint no. 1 for fallback
+	bra		calc_deko_divemode_sensor2		; done - continue with voting logic flags
+calc_deko_divemode_sensor1a:				; we have at least one usable sensor with a value > 0
+	bcf		setpoint_fallback				; clear fallback condition
+	movff	sensor_setpoint,char_I_const_ppO2	; transfer average sensor value to p2_deco.c code
+	; bra	calc_deko_divemode_sensor2
+    bsf     voting_logic_sensor1
+    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor1,temp1
+    rcall   check_sensor_voting_helper
+    incfsz  WREG                    		; Was Wreg=255?
+    bcf     voting_logic_sensor1    		; No, ignore this sensor
+    bsf     voting_logic_sensor2
+    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor2,temp1
+    rcall   check_sensor_voting_helper
+    incfsz  WREG                    		; Was Wreg=255?
+    bcf     voting_logic_sensor2    		; No, ignore this sensor
+    bsf     voting_logic_sensor3
+    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor3,temp1
+    rcall   check_sensor_voting_helper
+    incfsz  WREG                    		; Was Wreg=255?
+    bcf     voting_logic_sensor3    		; No, ignore this sensor
+	; check if a warning shall be issued on sensor disagreement
+	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode					; check if we are in CCR mode
+	bra 	check_warn_sensor_1				; YES - continue with further checks
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode					; check if we are in pSCR mode
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_1				; YES - continue with further checks
+	bra 	check_warn_sensor_agree			; not in CCR and not in pSCR, so no warning
+check_warn_sensor_1:						; we are in CCR or pSCR mode
+	btfsc	is_bailout						; check if we are in bailout
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_agree			; YES - no warning in this case
+	movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG               ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+    sublw   .1                              ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)?
+    bnz     check_warn_sensor_agree			; not in sensor mode - no warning in this case
+											; check sensor 1
+	btfss	sensor1_calibrated_ok			; check if sensor has a valid calibration
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_2				; NO  - sensor can not cause a warning then
+	btfss	use_O2_sensor1					; YES - check if sensor is in use
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_2				; NO  - sensor can not cause a warning then
+	btfsc	voting_logic_sensor1			; YES - check if sensor value is within agreement range
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_2				; YES - continue with next sensor
+	bcf		sensors_agree					; NO  - issue a warning
+	return
+check_warn_sensor_2:						; check sensor 2
+	btfss	sensor2_calibrated_ok			; check if sensor has a valid calibration
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_3				; NO  - sensor can not cause a warning then
+	btfss	use_O2_sensor2					; YES - check if sensor is in use
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_3				; NO  - sensor can not cause a warning then
+	btfsc	voting_logic_sensor2			; YES - check if sensor value is within agreement range
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_3				; YES - continue with next sensor
+	bcf		sensors_agree					; NO  - issue a warning
+	return
+check_warn_sensor_3:						; check sensor 2
+	btfss	sensor3_calibrated_ok			; check if sensor has a valid calibration
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_agree			; NO  - sensor can not cause a warning then
+	btfss	use_O2_sensor3					; YES - check if sensor is in use
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_agree			; NO  - sensor can not cause a warning then
+	btfsc	voting_logic_sensor3			; YES - check if sensor value is within agreement range
+	bra		check_warn_sensor_agree			; YES - continue with next sensor
+	bcf		sensors_agree					; NO  - issue a warning
+	return
+	bsf		sensors_agree
+	return
+	call	mult16x16						;xA:2*xB:2=xC:4
+	movlw	LOW		.1000
+	movwf	xB+0
+	movlw	HIGH	.1000
+	movwf	xB+1
+	call	div32x16						; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
+	movlw	d'1'
+	addwf	xC+0,W							; we are just interessed in the carry flag
+	movlw	d'0'
+	addwfc	xC+1,W							; we are still just interessed in the carry flag
+    tstfsz  WREG							; ppO2 is higher than 2.55bar?
+    setf    xC+0							; Yes.
+	btfss	divemode						; check if we are in divemode
+	return									; NO  - not in dive mode, return
+    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG               ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+    sublw   .1                              ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensors)?
+    bnz		check_sensor_helper_1			; NO  - not using the sensors in the moment
+	clrf	menupos3						; YES - arm customview 1 (sensor values)
+	bsf		toggle_customview				;       and request a customview toggle
+	return
+    movf    temp1,W
+    cpfsgt  sensor_setpoint
+    bra     check_sensor_voting_common2		; temp1<sensor_setpoint
+    ; temp1>sensor_setpoint
+    movf    temp1,W
+    subwf   sensor_setpoint,W
+    movwf   temp1
+    movlw	sensor_voting_logic_threshold	; Threshold in 0.01 bar
+    cpfsgt  temp1
+    retlw   .255							; Within range
+    retlw   .0								; Out of range
+    ; temp1<sensor_setpoint
+    movf    sensor_setpoint,W
+    subwf   temp1,F
+    bra     check_sensor_voting_common1
+divemodemode_togglegf:						; Toggle aGF/GF
+    bcf     toggle_gf						; clear flag    
+    btg     use_agf							; toggle GF
+	movff	opt_GF_low,char_I_GF_Low_percentage
+	movff	opt_GF_high,char_I_GF_High_percentage
+	; Overwrite GF if aGF is wanted
+	btfsc	use_agf							; =1: Use aGF
+	movff	opt_aGF_low,char_I_GF_Low_percentage
+	btfsc	use_agf							; =1: Use aGF
+	movff	opt_aGF_high,char_I_GF_High_percentage
+    call    TFT_gf_mask						; Setup Mask
+	goto	restart_deco_engine				; ...and return
 calc_velocity:								; called every two seconds
     btfsc   display_velocity                
     bra     calc_velocity1                  ; Always update if already displayed
@@ -501,7 +870,7 @@
 	movff	sub_a+0,last_pressure_velocity+0	; store old value for velocity
 	movff	sub_a+1,last_pressure_velocity+1
-	call	subU16						; sub_c = amb_pressure - last_pressure
+	call	subU16							; sub_c = amb_pressure - last_pressure
     bcf     neg_flag_velocity
     btfsc   neg_flag
@@ -509,20 +878,20 @@
 	movff	sub_c+0,xA+0
 	movff	sub_c+1,xA+1
-	movlw	d'39'						; 77 when called every second....
+	movlw	d'39'							; 77 when called every second....
 	movwf	xB+0
 	clrf	xB+1
-	call	mult16x16					; differential pressure in mbar*77...
+	call	mult16x16						; differential pressure in mbar*77...
 	movff	xC+0,divA+0
 	movff	xC+1,divA+1
 	movlw	d'7'
 	movwf	divB+0
-	call	div16						; devided by 2^7 equals velocity in m/min
+	call	div16							; devided by 2^7 equals velocity in m/min
 	movlw	d'99'
-	cpfsgt	divA+0                      ; limit to 99m/min
+	cpfsgt	divA+0                      	; limit to 99m/min
 	bra		calc_velocity3
-	movwf	divA+0						; divA=99
+	movwf	divA+0							; divA=99
     ; Copy old speeds
@@ -532,22 +901,22 @@
     movff   divA+0,old_velocity+0
 ;    movff   old_velocity+3,WREG
-;    addwf   divA+0,F                    ; add old speed
+;    addwf   divA+0,F                    	; add old speed
 ;    bcf     STATUS,C
-;    rrcf    divA+0,F                    ; /2
+;    rrcf    divA+0,F                    	; /2
 ;    movff   old_velocity+2,WREG
-;    addwf   divA+0,F                    ; add old speed
+;    addwf   divA+0,F                    	; add old speed
 ;    bcf     STATUS,C
-;    rrcf    divA+0,F                    ; /2
+;    rrcf    divA+0,F                    	; /2
 ;    movff   old_velocity+1,WREG
-;    addwf   divA+0,F                    ; add old speed
+;    addwf   divA+0,F                    	; add old speed
 ;    bcf     STATUS,C
-;    rrcf    divA+0,F                    ; /2
+;    rrcf    divA+0,F                    	; /2
 ;    movff   old_velocity+0,WREG
-;    addwf   divA+0,F                    ; add old speed
+;    addwf   divA+0,F                    	; add old speed
 ;    bcf     STATUS,C
-;    rrcf    divA+0,F                    ; /2
-	goto	TFT_display_velocity		; With divA+0 = m/min..., and return...
+;    rrcf    divA+0,F                    	; /2
+	goto	TFT_display_velocity			; With divA+0 = m/min..., and return...
@@ -558,6 +927,7 @@
 	btfsc	decostop_active					; Is a deco stop displayed?
 	bra		delete_safety_stop				; Yes, don't show safety stop
 	; Below "opt_safety_stop_reset"? Set flag and reset count-down timer
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure, lo
 	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity		; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
@@ -567,7 +937,7 @@
     mullw   .10                             ; mbar in PRODL:H
     movff   PRODL,sub_b+0
     movff   PRODH,sub_b+1
-	call	subU16							;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	call	subU16							; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
 	btfss	neg_flag
 	bra		reset_safety_stop				; Below 10m, reset safety stop
@@ -576,11 +946,11 @@
 	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity		; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
 	movff	lo,sub_a+0
 	movff	hi,sub_a+1
-    movff   opt_safety_stop_end,WREG      ; [cbar]
+    movff   opt_safety_stop_end,WREG      	; [cbar]
     mullw   .10                             ; mbar in PRODL:H
     movff   PRODL,sub_b+0
     movff   PRODH,sub_b+1
-	call	subU16							;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	call	subU16							; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
 	btfsc	neg_flag
 	bra		delete_safety_stop				; Above 3m, remove safety stop
@@ -614,7 +984,8 @@
 	btfss	safety_stop_active				; Safety stop shown
 	return									; No, don't delete it
 	bcf		safety_stop_active				; Clear flag
-    goto    TFT_clear_safety_stop           ; Clear safety stop, and return...
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_clear_safety_stop		; Clear safety stop
+    return
@@ -633,21 +1004,24 @@
 timeout_divemode_menu2:                 ; Called from divemenu_tree.asm
     bcf     divemode_menu               ; Timeout! Clear flag
     call    TFT_clear_divemode_menu     ; Clear menu
-    call    TFT_active_gas_divemode     ; Redraw gas/setpoint/diluent
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_active_gas_divemode; Redraw gas/setpoint/diluent
     bcf     blinking_better_gas         ; Clear flag to have temperature updated once
-    call	TFT_temp_divemode           ; Displays temperature
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_temp_divemode		; Displays temperature
     call    TFT_draw_gassep_line        ; Gas separator grid in spec mode only
     btfss   decostop_active             ; In deco mode ?
     bra     timeout_divemode_menu_ndl   ; No, show NDL again
     ; Show deco
-	call	TFT_display_deko_mask      ; clear nostop time, display decodata
-    call    TFT_display_deko
-    goto    TFT_show_TTS_divemode; and return...
-timeout_divemode_menu_ndl:              ; Show NDL
-	call	TFT_display_ndl_mask       	; Clear deco data, display nostop time
-    goto    TFT_display_ndl; and return...
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_display_deko_mask
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_display_deko
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_display_tts
+    return
+    ; Show NDL
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_display_ndl_mask
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_display_ndl
+    return
     btfsc   divemode_menu               ; Divemode menu active?
@@ -674,7 +1048,7 @@
 	movff	opt_diveTimeout,WREG	    ; in [min]
 	mullw	.60
 	movff	PRODL,sub_a+0
-	movff	PRODH,sub_a+1		    ; in [s]
+	movff	PRODH,sub_a+1		    	; in [s]
 	movff	timeout_counter, sub_b+0
 	movff	timeout_counter2, sub_b+1
@@ -705,17 +1079,6 @@
 	bsf		divemode
-update_temp_and_or_depth:			    ; New sensor data arrived...
-	btfsc	temp_changed	
-	call	TFT_temp_divemode		    ; Displays temperature
-;	btfsc	pressure_refresh
-	call	TFT_depth			    ; Displays new depth
-	rcall	set_max_depth			    ; update max. depth if required
-	bcf	pressure_refresh		    ; until new pressure is available
-	return
 update_divemode60:                      ; update any minute
 	call	get_battery_voltage			; gets battery voltage
 	rcall	set_powersafe				; Battery low?
@@ -745,7 +1108,8 @@
                                         ; max_pressure<rel_pressure
 	movff	sub_b+0,max_pressure+0
 	movff	sub_b+1,max_pressure+1
-	goto	TFT_max_pressure			; No, use normal max. depth; and return...
+	bsf	FLAG_TFT_max_depth				; Set flag
+	return
 	movff	minimum_temperature+0,sub_a+0
@@ -763,39 +1127,39 @@
 	global	set_dive_modes
-	btfsc	high_altitude_mode		; In high altitude (Fly) mode?
-	bra		set_dive_modes3			; Yes!
+	btfsc	high_altitude_mode			; In high altitude (Fly) mode?
+	bra		set_dive_modes3				; Yes!
 	movlw	LOW		start_dive_threshold
-	movwf	sub_a+0					; dive_treshold is in cm
+	movwf	sub_a+0						; dive_treshold is in cm
 	movlw	HIGH	start_dive_threshold
-	movwf	sub_a+1					; dive_treshold is in cm
+	movwf	sub_a+1						; dive_treshold is in cm
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure, sub_b
-	call	subU16					; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	call	subU16						; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
 	btfss	neg_flag	
-	bra		set_dive_modes2			; too shallow (rel_pressure<dive_threshold)
+	bra		set_dive_modes2				; too shallow (rel_pressure<dive_threshold)
-	btfsc	realdive				; Dive longer than one minute?
-	clrf 	timeout_counter			; Yes, reset timout counter
+	btfsc	realdive					; Dive longer than one minute?
+	clrf 	timeout_counter				; Yes, reset timout counter
-	bsf		divemode				; (Re-)Set divemode flag
-	bsf		divemode2				; displayed divetime is running
+	bsf		divemode					; (Re-)Set divemode flag
+	bsf		divemode2					; displayed divetime is running
-	bcf		divemode2				; Stop time
-	btfss	realdive				; dive longer then one minute?
-	bcf		divemode				; no -> this was no real dive
-	return							; No, return
+	bcf		divemode2					; Stop time
+	btfss	realdive					; dive longer then one minute?
+	bcf		divemode					; no -> this was no real dive
+	return								; No, return
-set_dive_modes3:					; High-altitude mode
-	btfsc	realdive				; dive longer then one minute?
-	bra		set_dive_modes0			; Yes -> this is a real dive -> Use start_dive_threshold or ascend
+set_dive_modes3:						; High-altitude mode
+	btfsc	realdive					; dive longer then one minute?
+	bra		set_dive_modes0				; Yes -> this is a real dive -> Use start_dive_threshold or ascend
 	movlw	HIGH	high_altitude_dive_threshold
 	movwf	sub_a+1
@@ -808,22 +1172,22 @@
     cpfslt  batt_percent
-	movlw	d'7'					; Type of Alarm (Battery Low)
-	movwf	AlarmType				; Copy to Alarm Register
-	bsf		event_occured			; Set Event Flag
+	movlw	d'7'						; Type of Alarm (Battery Low)
+	movwf	AlarmType					; Copy to Alarm Register
+	bsf		event_occured				; Set Event Flag
     movlw   .0
-    movff   WREG,opt_brightness     ; Set Brightness to ECO
-	return							; return
+    movff   WREG,opt_brightness     	; Set Brightness to ECO
+	return								; return
-	btfsc	reset_average_depth		; Reset the Average depth?
-	rcall	reset_average1			; Reset the resettable average depth
+	btfsc	reset_average_depth			; Reset the Average depth?
+	rcall	reset_average1				; Reset the resettable average depth
 	; 1. Add new 2xdepth to the Sum of depths registers
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure, xB	; Buffer...
     bcf     STATUS,C
     rlcf    xB+0,F
-    rlcf    xB+1,F                  ; x2
+    rlcf    xB+1,F                  	; x2
 	movf	xB+0,w
 	addwf	average_depth_hold+0,F
@@ -831,9 +1195,9 @@
 	addwfc	average_depth_hold+1,F
 	movlw	d'0'
 	addwfc	average_depth_hold+2,F
-	addwfc	average_depth_hold+3,F ; Will work up to 9999mbar*60*60*24=863913600mbar
+	addwfc	average_depth_hold+3,F 		; Will work up to 9999mbar*60*60*24=863913600mbar
-; Do the same for the _total registers (Non-Resettable)
+	; Do the same for the _total registers (Non-Resettable)
 	movf	xB+0,w
 	addwf	average_depth_hold_total+0,F
 	movf	xB+1,w
@@ -850,7 +1214,7 @@
 	movff	average_depth_hold+2,xC+2
 	movff	average_depth_hold+3,xC+3
-	call	div32x16 	; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
+	call	div32x16 					; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
 	movff	xC+0,avg_rel_pressure+0
 	movff	xC+1,avg_rel_pressure+1
@@ -864,7 +1228,7 @@
 	movff	average_depth_hold_total+1,xC+1
 	movff	average_depth_hold_total+2,xC+2
 	movff	average_depth_hold_total+3,xC+3
-	call	div32x16 	; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
+	call	div32x16 					; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
 	movff	xC+0,avg_rel_pressure_total+0
 	movff	xC+1,avg_rel_pressure_total+1
@@ -880,11 +1244,12 @@
 	bcf		reset_average_depth			; Clear flag
-test_switches_divemode:		; checks switches in divemode
+test_switches_divemode:					; checks switches in divemode
     btfsc   divemode_menu               ; Divemode menu shown?
     bra     test_switches_divemode_menu ; Yes, use menu processor
 	btfsc	switch_left
-	goto    menuview_toggle         ; Menu or Simulator tasks; and return...; bra		test_switches_divemode2		; Enter button pressed, check if we need to do something
+	; bra	test_switches_divemode2		; Enter button pressed, check if we need to do something
+	goto    menuview_toggle         	; Menu or Simulator tasks; and return...
 	btfss	switch_right
 	return                              ; No button press
     tstfsz  menupos2                    ; any option shown?
@@ -914,7 +1279,7 @@
 test_switches_divemode_menu3:           ; Enter submenu or do something
     bcf     switch_right
-;    decf    menupos,F                   ; menu_processor needs 0-5...
+;    decf    menupos,F					; menu_processor needs 0-5...
     extern  do_line_menu
     goto    do_line_menu                ; Warning! Trashes STKPTR and returns to diveloop_loop4:
@@ -941,103 +1306,281 @@
 	bra		divemode_option6			; +5mins simulation
 	dcfsnz	WREG,F
 	bra		divemode_option7			; Store heading
+	dcfsnz	WREG,F
+	bra		divemode_option8			; Switch to alt. layout
-    bcf     divemode_gaschange      ; Clear flag
-    tstfsz  menupos                 ; menupos=0?
-    bra     $+4                     ; No
-    return                          ; Yes, do not switch gas (There is no Gas #0 !)
+    bcf     divemode_gaschange			; Clear flag
+    tstfsz  menupos						; menupos=0?
+    bra     gas_switched_common1		; No
+    return								; Yes, do not switch gas (there is no Gas #0 !)
+	movf	menupos,W					; get selected gas into WREG (1-6)
-    decf    menupos,W               ; 1-5 -> 0-4
-    btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode           ; Choose CC Diluents
-    rcall   setup_dil_registers     ; With WREG=Gas 0-4
-    decf    menupos,W               ; 1-5 -> 0-4
-    btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode          ; Choose CC Diluents
-    rcall   setup_dil_registers     ; With WREG=Gas 0-4
-    ; OC mode?
-    btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode           ; CCR?
-    bra	    gas_switched_common2    ; Yes
-    btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode          ; PSCR?
-    bra	    gas_switched_common2    ; Yes
-    ; -> OC
-    decf    menupos,W               ; 1-5 -> 0-4
-    rcall   setup_gas_registers     ; With WREG=Gas 0-4
+    btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode				; in CCR mode?
+	bra		gas_switched_common2		; YES - configure diluent or bailout
+	btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode				; in pSCR mode?
+	bra		gas_switched_common2		; YES - configure diluent or bailout
+	; OC
+	rcall	setup_gas_registers			; With WREG = Gas 1-6
+    rcall	deco_setup_oc_gases			; With WREG = Gas 1-6
+	bra		gas_switched_common3
+	; Loop or Bailout
-    decf    menupos,W               ; 1-5 -> 0-4
-    btfsc   is_bailout              ; Choose OC Bailouts (OC Gases)
-    rcall   setup_gas_registers     ; With WREG=Gas 0-4
-    movlw   .0
-    btfsc   is_bailout
-    movff   WREG,char_I_const_ppO2  ; deactivate CCR-mode deco calc
-    call	TFT_active_gas_divemode	; Display gas/Setpoint
-    clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,char_O_deco_status ; Restart decoplan computation
+    rcall   setup_dil_registers			; With WREG = diluent 1-6, in case of is_bailout reverts to OC gases
+    rcall	deco_setup_cc_diluents		; With WREG = diluent 1-6, in case of is_bailout reverts to OC gases
+    bsf		FLAG_TFT_active_gas_divemode	; Redraw gas/setpoint/diluent
+    call	restart_deco_engine_wo_ceiling	; abort any running deco calculations and restart the deco engine
     ; Set flags for profile recording
-	bsf		event_occured			; Set global event byte
-    btfsc   is_bailout              ; Choose OC Bailouts (OC Gases)
-    bsf     bailoutgas_event        ; Bailout gas change
-    btfss   is_bailout              ; Choose OC Bailouts (OC Gases)
-	bsf		stored_gas_changed		; OC gas change
+	bsf		event_occured				; Set global event byte
+    btfsc   is_bailout					; Choose OC Bailouts (OC Gases)
+    bsf     bailoutgas_event			; Bailout gas change
+    btfss   is_bailout					; Choose OC Bailouts (OC Gases)
+	bsf		stored_gas_changed			; OC gas change
-    global  setup_gas_registers
-setup_gas_registers:                ; With WREG=Gas 0-4
-    lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio+0
-    movff   PLUSW1,char_I_O2_ratio  ; O2 (For ppO2 calculations)
-    lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio+0
-    movff   PLUSW1,char_I_He_ratio  ; He
-    lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_type
-    movff   PLUSW1,active_gas_type  ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco for OC gases and 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal for diluents
-    incf    WREG,W                  ; Gas# 1-5
-	movff	WREG,char_I_current_gas	; Set gas
-	movff	WREG,active_gas			; Set for logbook and display
-    banksel char_I_O2_ratio
-	movf    char_I_O2_ratio,W       ; Add O2...
-    addwf   char_I_He_ratio,W       ; ...and He...
-	sublw   .100                    ; ...subtract both from 100
-	movwf   char_I_N2_ratio         ; -> N2!
-    banksel common
-    return
+; Code to pass all parameters to the C code
+	global  get_first_gas_to_WREG
+get_first_gas_to_WREG:					; Gets first gas (1-5) into WREG
+	lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_type			; Point to gas types
+	clrf    lo							; start with Gas0
+	movf    lo,W
+	movf    PLUSW1,W					; Get Type of Gas #lo
+	sublw   .1							; it is = 1 (First Gas)
+	bz      get_first_gas_to_WREG3		; Found the first gas!
+	incf    lo,F						; ++
+	movlw   NUM_GAS+1
+	cpfseq  lo							; All done?
+	bra     get_first_gas_to_WREG2		; Not yet
+	; No first gas found, use #1
+	movlw   .0
+	movff   WREG,opt_gas_type+0			; Set Gas1 to First
+	incf	WREG,W						; 0 -> 1
+	return
+	movf    lo,W						; Put into Wreg
+	incf	WREG,W						; 0-4 -> 1-5
+	return								; Done
+	global  get_first_dil_to_WREG
+get_first_dil_to_WREG:					; Gets first dil (1-5) into WREG
+	lfsr    FSR1,opt_dil_type			; Point to dil types
+	clrf    lo							; start with Gas0
+	movf    lo,W
+	movf    PLUSW1,W					; Get Type of Dil #lo
+	sublw   .1							; it is = 1 (First Dil)
+	bz      get_first_dil_to_WREG3		; Found the first dil!
+	incf    lo,F						; ++
+	movlw   NUM_GAS+1
+	cpfseq  lo							; All done?
+	bra     get_first_dil_to_WREG2		; Not yet
+	; No first dil found, use #1
+	movlw   .0
+	movff   WREG,opt_dil_type+0			; Set Dil1 to First
+	incf	WREG,W						; 0 -> 1
+	return
+	movf    lo,W						; Put into Wreg
+	incf	WREG,W						; 0-4 -> 1-5
+	return								; Done
+	global	deco_setup_oc_gases
+deco_setup_oc_gases:					; with currently breathed gas in WREG (1-5 or 6)
+	movff	WREG,char_I_current_gas		; gas to start with when doing the deco calculations
+	movff   opt_gas_He_ratio+0,char_I_deco_He_ratio+0
+	movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+0,char_I_deco_O2_ratio+0
+	banksel opt_gas_type+0
+	movlw   .3							; 3=Deco
+	cpfseq  opt_gas_type+0				; Gas is deco type?
+	clrf    opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0	; No, clear depth for 0=Disabled, 1=First and 2=Travel
+	banksel common
+	movff   opt_gas_He_ratio+1,char_I_deco_He_ratio+1
+	movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+1,char_I_deco_O2_ratio+1
+	banksel opt_gas_type+1
+	movlw   .3							; 3=Deco
+	cpfseq  opt_gas_type+1				; Gas is deco type?
+	clrf    opt_OC_bail_gas_change+1	; No, clear depth for 0=Disabled, 1=First and 2=Travel
+	banksel common
+	movff   opt_gas_He_ratio+2,char_I_deco_He_ratio+2
+	movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+2,char_I_deco_O2_ratio+2
+	banksel opt_gas_type+2
+	movlw   .3							; 3=Deco
+	cpfseq  opt_gas_type+2				; Gas is deco type?
+	clrf    opt_OC_bail_gas_change+2	; No, clear depth for 0=Disabled, 1=First and 2=Travel
+	banksel common
+	movff   opt_gas_He_ratio+3,char_I_deco_He_ratio+3
+	movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+3,char_I_deco_O2_ratio+3
+	banksel opt_gas_type+3
+	movlw   .3							; 3=Deco
+	cpfseq  opt_gas_type+3				; Gas is deco type?
+	clrf    opt_OC_bail_gas_change+3	; No, clear depth for 0=Disabled, 1=First and 2=Travel
+	banksel common
+	movff   opt_gas_He_ratio+4,char_I_deco_He_ratio+4
+	movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+4,char_I_deco_O2_ratio+4
+	banksel opt_gas_type+4
+	movlw   .3							; 3=Deco
+	cpfseq  opt_gas_type+4				; Gas is deco type?
+	clrf    opt_OC_bail_gas_change+4	; No, clear depth for 0=Disabled, 1=First and 2=Travel
+	banksel common
+	; Setup char_I_deco_gas_change array
+	movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0, char_I_deco_gas_change+0
+	movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+1, char_I_deco_gas_change+1
+	movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+2, char_I_deco_gas_change+2
+	movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+3, char_I_deco_gas_change+3
+	movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+4, char_I_deco_gas_change+4
+	; switch to oc mode
+	movff	char_O_deco_status,lo		; working copy of char_O_deco_status in bank common
+	bcf		lo,DECO_MODE_PSCR_FLAG		; clear the pSCR-mode flag (may not be set, but never mind)
+	bcf		lo,DECO_MODE_LOOP_FLAG		; clear the loop/CCR-mode flag
+	movff	lo,char_O_deco_status		; bank safe write-back of char_O_deco_status
+	return
+	global	deco_setup_cc_diluents
+deco_setup_cc_diluents:					; with currently breathed gas in WREG (1-5 or 6)
+	btfsc	is_bailout					; check if in bailout condition
+	bra		deco_setup_oc_gases			; revert to setting up OC gases in bailout condition
+	movff	WREG,char_I_current_gas		; gas to start with when doing the deco calculations
-    global  setup_dil_registers
-setup_dil_registers:                ; With WREG=dil 0-4
-    btfsc   is_bailout
-    return                          ; Ignore in bailout
-    lfsr    FSR1,opt_dil_O2_ratio+0
-    movff   PLUSW1,char_I_O2_ratio  ; O2 (For ppO2 calculations)
-    lfsr    FSR1,opt_dil_He_ratio+0
-    movff   PLUSW1,char_I_He_ratio  ; He
-    lfsr    FSR1,opt_dil_type
-    movff   PLUSW1,active_gas_type  ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco for OC gases and 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal for diluents
-    incf    WREG,W                  ; Gas# 1-5
-	movff	WREG,char_I_current_gas	; Set gas
-	movff	WREG,active_gas			; Set for logbook and display
-    movff   WREG,active_diluent     ; As a backup when switching back from Bailout to CCR
-    banksel char_I_O2_ratio
-	movf    char_I_O2_ratio,W       ; Add O2...
-    addwf   char_I_He_ratio,W       ; ...and He...
-	sublw   .100                    ; ...subtract both from 100
-	movwf   char_I_N2_ratio         ; -> N2!
-    banksel common
-    return
+	movff   opt_dil_He_ratio+0,char_I_deco_He_ratio+0
+	movff   opt_dil_O2_ratio+0,char_I_deco_O2_ratio+0
+	movff   opt_dil_type+0,WREG			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+	tstfsz  WREG						; Disabled?
+	bra     $+4							; No
+	movff   WREG,char_I_dil_change+0	; Yes, clear char_I_deco_gas_change (Bank safe)
+	movff   opt_dil_He_ratio+1,char_I_deco_He_ratio+1
+	movff   opt_dil_O2_ratio+1,char_I_deco_O2_ratio+1
+	movff   opt_dil_type+1,WREG			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+	tstfsz  WREG						; Disabled?
+	bra     $+4							; No
+	movff   WREG,char_I_dil_change+1	; Yes, clear char_I_dil_change
+	movff   opt_dil_He_ratio+2,char_I_deco_He_ratio+2
+	movff   opt_dil_O2_ratio+2,char_I_deco_O2_ratio+2
+	movff   opt_dil_type+2,WREG			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+	tstfsz  WREG						; Disabled?
+	bra     $+4							; No
+	movff   WREG,char_I_dil_change+2	; Yes, clear char_I_dil_change
+	movff   opt_dil_He_ratio+3,char_I_deco_He_ratio+3
+	movff   opt_dil_O2_ratio+3,char_I_deco_O2_ratio+3
+	movff   opt_dil_type+3,WREG			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+	tstfsz  WREG						; Disabled?
+	bra     $+4							; No
+	movff   WREG,char_I_dil_change+3	; Yes, clear char_I_dil_change
+	movff   opt_dil_He_ratio+4,char_I_deco_He_ratio+4
+	movff   opt_dil_O2_ratio+4,char_I_deco_O2_ratio+4
+	movff   opt_dil_type+4,WREG			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+	tstfsz  WREG						; Disabled?
+	bra     $+4							; No
+	movff   WREG,char_I_dil_change+4	; Yes, clear char_I_dil_change
+	; Setup char_I_deco_gas_change array
+	movff   char_I_dil_change+0, char_I_deco_gas_change+0
+	movff   char_I_dil_change+1, char_I_deco_gas_change+1
+	movff   char_I_dil_change+2, char_I_deco_gas_change+2
+	movff   char_I_dil_change+3, char_I_deco_gas_change+3
+	movff   char_I_dil_change+4, char_I_deco_gas_change+4
+	; switch to CCR / pSCR mode
+	movff	char_O_deco_status,lo		; working copy of char_O_deco_status in bank common
+	bsf		lo,DECO_MODE_LOOP_FLAG		; loop flag is set in both, CCR and pSCR mode
+	bcf		lo,DECO_MODE_PSCR_FLAG		; clear pSCR mode flag by default
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode				; check if we are in pSCR mode
+	bsf		lo,DECO_MODE_PSCR_FLAG		; YES - set additional flag for pSCR mode
+	movff	lo,char_O_deco_status		; bank safe write-back of char_O_deco_status	
+	return
-divemode_option_gaschange:          ; Switch to the better gas
-    movff   better_gas_number,menupos; 1-5
-    bsf     divemode_gaschange      ; Change the gas in the dive mode loop...
-    call    menuview_toggle_reset   ; Reset to zero (Zero=no menuview)
-    bcf     better_gas_available    ; Clear flag immediately
-    return
+	global  setup_gas_registers
+setup_gas_registers:						; with currently breathed gas in WREG (1-5 or 6)
+	movwf	active_gas						; set as current gas
+	movlw	.6
+	cpfseq	active_gas						; gas = gas6 ?
+	bra		setup_gas_registers_15			; NO - load gas 1-5
+	movff	gas6_O2_ratio,char_I_O2_ratio	; copy gas6 O2 ratio to deco engine
+	movff	gas6_He_ratio,char_I_He_ratio	; copy gas6 H2 ratio to deco engine	
+	bra		setup_gas_registers_com			; continue with common part
+	decf	active_gas,W					; 1-5 -> 0-4
+	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio+0
+	movff	PLUSW1,char_I_O2_ratio			; copy gas 1-5 O2 ratio to deco engine
+	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio+0
+	movff	PLUSW1,char_I_He_ratio			; copy gas 1-5 He ratio to deco engine
+	;lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type				; commented out - currently not used anywhere
+	;movff	PLUSW1,active_gas_type			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+	movff	char_O_main_status,lo			; working copy of char_O_main_status in bank common
+	bcf		lo,DECO_MODE_PSCR_FLAG			; clear the pSCR-mode flag (may not be set, but never mind)
+	bcf		lo,DECO_MODE_LOOP_FLAG			; clear the loop/CCR-mode flag
+	movff	lo,char_O_main_status			; bank safe write-back of char_O_main_status
+	movf	active_gas,W					; reload WREG with diluent 1-5 or 6 (important!)
+	return
-divemode_option0:                   ; Start/Setup Divemode menu
-    call    TFT_clear_divemode_menu ; Clear menu area
-    bcf     menuview
-    extern  do_main_divemenu
-    call    do_main_divemenu
+	global  setup_dil_registers
+setup_dil_registers:						; with currently breathed gas in WREG (1-5 or 6)
+	btfsc	is_bailout						; check if in bailout condition
+	bra		setup_gas_registers				; revert to setting up OC gases in bailout condition
+	movwf	active_gas						; set as current gas
+	movff	WREG,active_diluent				; remember for when switching back from bailout to loop
+	movlw	.6
+	cpfseq	active_gas						; diluent = gas6 ?
+	bra		setup_dil_registers_15			; NO - load diluent 1-5
+	movff	gas6_O2_ratio,char_I_O2_ratio	; copy gas6 O2 ratio to deco engine
+	movff	gas6_He_ratio,char_I_He_ratio	; copy gas6 H2 ratio to deco engine
+	bra		setup_dil_registers_com			; continue with common part
+	decf	active_gas,W					; 1-5 -> 0-4
+	lfsr	FSR1,opt_dil_O2_ratio+0
+	movff	PLUSW1,char_I_O2_ratio			; copy diluent 1-5 O2 ratio to deco engine
+	lfsr	FSR1,opt_dil_He_ratio+0
+	movff	PLUSW1,char_I_He_ratio			; copy diluent 1-5 He ratio to deco engine
+	;lfsr	FSR1,opt_dil_type				; commented out - currently not used anywhere
+	;movff	PLUSW1,active_gas_type			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal (there is no type 3 for diluents)
+	movff	char_O_main_status,lo			; working copy of char_O_main_status in bank common
+	bsf		lo,DECO_MODE_LOOP_FLAG			; loop flag is set in both, CCR and pSCR mode
+	bcf		lo,DECO_MODE_PSCR_FLAG			; clear pSCR mode flag by default
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode					; check if we are in pSCR mode
+	bsf		lo,DECO_MODE_PSCR_FLAG			; YES - set additional flag for pSCR mode
+	movff	lo,char_O_main_status			; bank safe write-back of char_O_main_status
+	movf	active_gas,W					; reload WREG with diluent 1-5 or 6 (important!)
+	return
+divemode_option_gaschange:					; Switch to the better gas
+	movff	better_gas_number,menupos		; 1-5
+	bsf		divemode_gaschange				; Change the gas in the dive mode loop...
+	call	menuview_toggle_reset			; Reset to zero (Zero=no menuview)
+	bcf		better_gas_available			; Clear flag immediately
+	return
+divemode_option0:							; Start/Setup Divemode menu
+	call	TFT_clear_divemode_menu			; Clear menu area
+	bcf	menuview
+	extern	do_main_divemenu
+	call	do_main_divemenu
     global  divemode_option0_return
 ;    movlw   .1
@@ -1047,7 +1590,7 @@
 	movwf	timeout_counter3        ; timeout for divemode menu
     bsf     divemode_menu           ; Set flag
     clrf    menupos2                ; Clear option counter
-    bra     diveloop_loop4          ; Goto back to diveloop (Menuprocessor trashes STKPTR!)
+    goto	diveloop_loop4          ; Goto back to diveloop (Menuprocessor trashes STKPTR!)
 	movlw	d'58'					; two seconds left
@@ -1056,7 +1599,7 @@
 	movwf	apnoe_timeout_counter
     btfss   simulatormode_active	; in simulator mode?
 	return							; No
-divemode_option1:						; Quit simulation mode
+divemode_option1:					; Quit simulation mode
 	banksel	isr_backup
     movlw   low     .1000
     movwf	sim_pressure+0
@@ -1073,7 +1616,7 @@
 	movwf	apnoe_timeout_counter
-divemode_option3:			; minus 1m
+divemode_option3:					; minus 1m
 	banksel	isr_backup
 	movlw	d'100'
 	subwf	sim_pressure+0
@@ -1083,7 +1626,7 @@
 	banksel common
-divemode_option2:			; plus 1m
+divemode_option2:					; plus 1m
 	banksel	isr_backup
 	movlw	d'100'
 	addwf	sim_pressure+0
@@ -1112,13 +1655,14 @@
     addwf   total_divetime_seconds+0,F
     movlw   HIGH    (.5*.60)
     addwfc  total_divetime_seconds+1,F  ; Add 5*60 seconds
-; 1. Add 300xdepth to the Sum of depths registers
+	; 1. Add 300xdepth to the Sum of depths registers
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure, xB	; Buffer...
     movlw   LOW     (.5*.60)
     movwf   xA+0
     movlw   HIGH    (.5*.60)
     movwf   xA+1
-    call    mult16x16           		;xA*xB=xC
+    call    mult16x16           		; xA*xB=xC
 	movf	xC+0,w
 	addwf	average_depth_hold+0,F
@@ -1127,32 +1671,23 @@
 	movf	xC+2,w
 	addwfc	average_depth_hold+2,F
     movf	xC+3,w
-	addwfc	average_depth_hold+3,F ; Will work up to 9999mbar*60*60*24=863913600mbar
+	addwfc	average_depth_hold+3,F		; Will work up to 9999mbar*60*60*24=863913600mbar
-; Do the same for the _total registers (Non-Resettable)
+	; Do the same for the _total registers (Non-Resettable)
 	movf	xC+0,w
 	addwf	average_depth_hold_total+0,F
 	movf	xC+1,w
 	addwfc	average_depth_hold_total+1,F
 	movf	xC+2,w
 	addwfc	average_depth_hold_total+2,F
-    movf	xC+3,w
-	addwfc	average_depth_hold_total+3,F ; Will work up to 9999mbar*60*60*24=863913600mbar
+	movf	xC+3,w
+	addwfc	average_depth_hold_total+3,F; Will work up to 9999mbar*60*60*24=863913600mbar
-    movlw   .5
-    movwf   up                          ; counter
-; 1min mode
-	movlw   .1
-	movff	WREG,char_I_step_is_1min    ; Force 1min mode
-    clrf    TMR5L
-    clrf    TMR5H                       ; 30,51757813µs/bit in TMR5L:TMR5H
-	call	deco_calc_hauptroutine		; calc_tissue
-    movlb   .1
-    decfsz  up,F                        ; Done?
-    bra     divemode_option6_2          ; Not yet
-    bsf     divemode2                   ; continue divetime
-    goto    menuview_toggle_reset	; and return...
+	movlw	.5							; + 5 minutes
+	movff	WREG,char_I_sim_advance_time; copy to mailbox
+	bsf     divemode2                   ; continue divetime
+	call	restart_deco_engine
+    goto    menuview_toggle_reset		; and return...
     ; Store heading for compass view
@@ -1160,6 +1695,14 @@
     movff   compass_heading_shown+1,compass_bearing+1
     bsf     compass_bearing_set         ; set flag
     goto    menuview_toggle_reset       ; Done and return...
+    bsf	    alternative_divelayout		; Set flag for mode
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_divemode_mask_alt	; Set flag for mask
+    movlw   .1
+    movwf   menupos3					; For the customviews...
+    call    TFT_ClearScreen				; Clear screen
+    goto    menuview_toggle_reset       ; Done and return...
 	; Check limits (150m and 0m)
@@ -1237,12 +1780,14 @@
     movlw   .4
     rcall   check_gas_common        ; With Gas 0-4 in WREG
 ;    bra     check_gas_change_exit
-    btfss	better_gas_available	; Is a better gas available
-    bcf     blinking_better_gas     ; No, Clear blinking flag
-    btfss	better_gas_available	; Is a better gas available
+    btfss   better_gas_available	; Is a better gas available
+    bcf     blinking_better_gas		; No, Clear blinking flag
+    btfss   better_gas_available	; Is a better gas available
     clrf    better_gas_number		; No, Clear better_gas_number (For gaslist display)
-    goto    TFT_active_gas_divemode ; Display gas/Setpoint and return...
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_active_gas_divemode; Redraw gas/setpoint/diluent
+    return
 check_gas_common:                   ; With Gas 0-4 in WREG
     btfsc   better_gas_available	; Better Gas already found?
@@ -1253,7 +1798,7 @@
     btfss   PLUSW1,1                ; Test for Bit0 and 1 -> type=3 -> Deco
     return                          ; No
     incf    WREG,W                  ; 1-5
-    cpfseq  active_gas				; is this gas currently selected?
+    cpfseq  active_gas				; is this gas current gas?
     bra     check_gas_common2       ; No
     return                          ; Yes, skip test for active gas
@@ -1272,7 +1817,7 @@
 	movlw	better_gas_window_neg
 	subwf	lo,W                    ; Change depth-better_gas_window_neg
 	cpfslt	xC+0					; current depth<Change depth-better_gas_window_neg?
-    bra     check_gas_common4       ; Ok, now check the better gas ppO2<opt_ppO2_max
+    bra     check_gas_common4       ; Ok, now check the better gas ppO2<char_I_ppO2_max
@@ -1281,20 +1826,13 @@
 	movlw	better_gas_window_pos
 	addwf	lo,W                    ; Change depth+better_gas_window_pos
 	cpfsgt	xC+0					; current depth>Change depth+better_gas_window_pos?
-    bra     check_gas_common4       ; Ok, now check the better gas ppO2<opt_ppO2_max
+    bra     check_gas_common4       ; Ok, now check the better gas ppO2<char_I_ppO2_max
-    movf    hi,W                    ; 0-4
-    lfsr    FSR1,char_I_deco_N2_ratio
-    movff   PLUSW1,lo               ; N2 ratio into lo
-    lfsr    FSR1,char_I_deco_He_ratio
-    movff   PLUSW1,xB+0             ; He ratio into xB+0
-    movf    xB+0,W
-    addwf   lo,F
-    movlw   .101
-    bcf     STATUS,C
-    subfwb  lo,F                    ; O2 ratio in lo
+    movf    hi,W                    	; gas 0-4 into WREG
+    lfsr    FSR1,char_I_deco_O2_ratio	; load base address char_I_deco_O2_ratio array
+    movff   PLUSW1,lo               	; read O2 ratio from array into lo
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, xA
 	movlw	d'10'
@@ -1308,35 +1846,35 @@
 	call	mult16x16               ; lo * p_amb/10
     ; Check very high ppO2 manually
-	tstfsz	xC+2				; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10 > 65536, ppO2>6,55bar?
-	return                      ; Done.
+	tstfsz	xC+2					; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10 > 65536, ppO2>6,55bar?
+	return                      	; Done.
     ; Check if ppO2>3,30bar
 	btfsc   xC+1,7
-	return                      ; Done.
+	return                      	; Done.
     ; Check for low ppo2
 	movff	xC+0,sub_b+0
 	movff	xC+1,sub_b+1
-	movff   opt_ppO2_min,WREG
-	mullw	d'100'		    ; opt_ppO2_min*100
+	movff   char_I_ppO2_min,WREG
+	mullw	d'100'		    		; char_I_ppO2_min*100
 	movff	PRODL,sub_a+0
 	movff	PRODH,sub_a+1
-	call	subU16		    ; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	call	subU16		    		; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
 	btfss	neg_flag
-	return                      ; Done (Too low).
+	return                      	; Done (Too low).
-;check if we are within our warning thresholds!
+	;check if we are within our warning thresholds!
 	movff	xC+0,sub_a+0
 	movff	xC+1,sub_a+1
-	movff	opt_ppO2_max_deco,WREG	; PPO2 Max for MOD calculation and color coding in divemode
-	addlw   .1                  ; e.g. >1.60
-	mullw	d'100'		    ; opt_ppO2_max*100
+	movff	char_I_ppO2_max_deco,WREG	; ppO2 max for MOD calculation and color coding in divemode
+	addlw   .1                  	; e.g. >1.60
+	mullw	d'100'		    		; char_I_ppO2_max*100
 	movff	PRODL,sub_b+0
 	movff	PRODH,sub_b+1
-	call	subU16		    ; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	call	subU16		    		; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
 	btfsc	neg_flag
 	bsf		better_gas_available	;=1: A better gas is available and a gas change is advised in divemode
-	return                      ; Done.
+	return                      	; Done.
 check_dil_common:                   ; With Dil 0-4 in WREG
     btfsc   better_gas_available	; Better Diluent already found?
@@ -1347,7 +1885,7 @@
     return                          ; Yes, skip inactive diluents for test
     incf    WREG,W                  ; 1-5
-    cpfseq  active_gas				; is this diluent currently selected?
+    cpfseq  active_gas				; is this the current diluent?
     bra     check_dil_common2       ; No
     return                          ; Yes, skip test for active diluent
@@ -1373,11 +1911,11 @@
 ; Check for Auto-SP
-check_dive_autosp:               ; Check for Auto-SP
-    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG               ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
-    sublw   .2                              ; opt_ccr_mode = 2 (Auto SP)?
-    bz      check_dive_autosp2              ; Yes, check
-    return                                  ; No, return for Sensor or Fixed mode
+check_dive_autosp:               	; Check for Auto-SP
+    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG       ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+    sublw   .2                      ; opt_ccr_mode = 2 (Auto SP)?
+    bz      check_dive_autosp2      ; Yes, check
+    return                          ; No, return for Sensor or Fixed mode
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure,xA
 	movlw	d'100'
@@ -1385,17 +1923,18 @@
 	clrf	xB+1
 	call	div16x16				; compute depth in full m -> result in xC+0
     ; Check SP2
-    btfsc   sp2_switched            ;=1: This setpoint has been autoselected already
+    btfsc   sp2_switched            ; =1: This setpoint has been autoselected already
     bra     check_dive_autosp3      ; Skip check
     movff   char_I_setpoint_change+1,lo ; Get depth in m
     tstfsz  lo                      ; =0?
-    bra     $+4                     ; No, continue
+    bra     check_dive_autosp2a     ; No, continue
     bra     check_dive_autosp3      ; Skip check
     decf    lo,W                    ; -1 -> WREG
     cpfsgt  xC+0                    ; Compare with depth
     bra     check_dive_autosp3      ; lower depth, do not switch
     ; auto switch to SP2
-	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+1, char_I_const_ppO2	; Use SetPoint
+	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+1,char_I_const_ppO2	; Use SetPoint
     rcall   xmit_sp_set_flag
     bsf     sp2_switched            ; Set flag
@@ -1404,13 +1943,14 @@
     bra     check_dive_autosp4      ; Skip check
     movff   char_I_setpoint_change+2,lo ; Get depth in m
     tstfsz  lo                      ; =0?
-    bra     $+4                     ; No, continue
+    bra     check_dive_autosp3a      ; No, continue
     bra     check_dive_autosp4      ; Skip check
     decf    lo,W                    ; -1 -> WREG
     cpfsgt  xC+0                    ; Compare with depth
     bra     check_dive_autosp4      ; lower depth, do not switch
     ; auto switch to SP3
-	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+2, char_I_const_ppO2	; Use SetPoint
+	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+2,char_I_const_ppO2	; Use SetPoint
     rcall   xmit_sp_set_flag
     bsf     sp3_switched            ; Set flag
@@ -1419,13 +1959,14 @@
     bra     check_dive_autosp5      ; Skip check
     movff   char_I_setpoint_change+3,lo ; Get depth in m
     tstfsz  lo                      ; =0?
-    bra     $+4                     ; No, continue
+    bra     check_dive_autosp4a     ; No, continue
     bra     check_dive_autosp5      ; Skip check
     decf    lo,W                    ; -1 -> WREG
     cpfsgt  xC+0                    ; Compare with depth
     bra     check_dive_autosp5      ; lower depth, do not switch
     ; auto switch to SP4
-	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+3, char_I_const_ppO2	; Use SetPoint
+	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+3,char_I_const_ppO2	; Use SetPoint
     rcall   xmit_sp_set_flag
     bsf     sp4_switched            ; Set flag
@@ -1434,13 +1975,14 @@
     bra     check_dive_autosp6      ; Skip check
     movff   char_I_setpoint_change+4,lo ; Get depth in m
     tstfsz  lo                      ; =0?
-    bra     $+4                     ; No, continue
+    bra     check_dive_autosp5a     ; No, continue
     bra     check_dive_autosp6      ; Skip check
     decf    lo,W                    ; -1 -> WREG
     cpfsgt  xC+0                    ; Compare with depth
     bra     check_dive_autosp6      ; lower depth, do not switch
     ; auto switch to SP5
-	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+4, char_I_const_ppO2	; Use SetPoint
+	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+4,char_I_const_ppO2	; Use SetPoint
     rcall   xmit_sp_set_flag
     bsf     sp5_switched            ; Set flag
@@ -1448,7 +1990,7 @@
     movff   char_I_const_ppO2,WREG
-    call    transmit_setpoint           ; Transmit current setpoint from WREG (in cbar) to external electronics
+    call    transmit_setpoint       ; Transmit current setpoint from WREG (in cbar) to external electronics
     bsf     setpoint_changed        ; Set flag (For profile)
     bsf		event_occured			; Set global event byte
@@ -1457,54 +1999,58 @@
 ; Setup everything to enter divemode.
-    extern  get_first_gas_to_WREG
-    call    get_first_gas_to_WREG           ; Gets first gas (0-4) into WREG
-    incf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,char_I_first_gas           ; Copy for compatibility (1-5)
-    decf    WREG,W			    ; decrement WREG to old value again
-    rcall    setup_gas_registers            ; With WREG=Gas 0-4
-    movlw   .0
-    movff   WREG,char_I_const_ppO2	    ; deactivate CCR-mode deco calc
+    rcall   get_first_gas_to_WREG			; Gets first gas (1-5) into WREG
+	rcall	setup_gas_registers				; set-up of gas parameters of currently breathed gas (with WREG = gas 1-5)
+	rcall	deco_setup_oc_gases				; set-up of gas list for deco calculations (with WREG = gas 1-5)
     bcf     is_bailout                      ; =1: Bailout
     bcf     setpoint_fallback               ; =1: Fallback to SP1 due to external O2 sensor failure
-    bcf	    blinking_setpoint               ; Reset blinking SP flag
-    ; load default setpoint
-    movff   char_I_setpoint_cbar+0,char_I_const_ppO2    ; Always start with SP1
-    movff   char_I_const_ppO2,WREG
+    bcf		blinking_setpoint               ; Reset blinking SP flag
-    call    transmit_setpoint           ; Transmit current setpoint from WREG (in cbar) to external electronics
+	; revoke sensors from usage if they do not have a valid calibration
+	bsf		use_O2_sensor1
+	bsf		use_O2_sensor2
+	bsf		use_O2_sensor3
+	btfss	sensor1_calibrated_ok
+	bcf		use_O2_sensor1
+	btfss	sensor2_calibrated_ok
+	bcf		use_O2_sensor2
+	btfss	sensor3_calibrated_ok
+	bcf		use_O2_sensor3
-    ; check if in sensor mode
-    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG               ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
-    sublw   .1                              ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)?
-    bnz     dive_boot_cc2                   ; No, Skip
+	; In pSCR mode, only settings 0 (calculated ppO2) and 1 (ppO2 from sensors) are defined.
+	; In case we still have 3 (auto SP) selected out of previous ccr mode, we reset to 0.
+	btfss	FLAG_pscr_mode
+	bra		dive_boot_cc_1
+	movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG				; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+    sublw   .2								; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Auto SP)?
+    bnz     dive_boot_cc_1
+	movlw	.0
+	movff	WREG,opt_ccr_mode
-    ; get initial setpoint from all sensors in use
-    call   compute_ppo2                    ; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
-    bsf    voting_logic_sensor1            ; voting logic not used while computing initial setpoint	
-    bsf    voting_logic_sensor2
-    bsf    voting_logic_sensor3
-    call   divemode_setup_sensor_values     ; setup sensor values
-    tstfsz sensor_setpoint		    ; if no sensor is in use, sensor_setpoint will be zero
-    movff  sensor_setpoint,char_I_const_ppO2; overwrite default only if we have a valid sensor_setpoint 
     bsf     setpoint_changed                ; Set flag (For profile)
     bcf     sp2_switched                    ; =1: This setpoint has been autoselected already
     bcf     sp3_switched                    ; =1: This setpoint has been autoselected already
     bcf     sp4_switched                    ; =1: This setpoint has been autoselected already
     bcf     sp5_switched                    ; =1: This setpoint has been autoselected already
-    extern  get_first_dil_to_WREG
-    call    get_first_dil_to_WREG           ; Gets first gas (0-4) into WREG
-    incf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,char_I_first_gas           ; Copy for compatibility
-    decf    WREG,W
-    rcall   setup_dil_registers             ; With WREG=Gas 0-4
-    goto  calc_deko_divemode_sensor        ; External sensor stuff (and return!)
+    rcall   get_first_dil_to_WREG           ; get first gas (1-5) into WREG
+    rcall   setup_dil_registers				; set-up of gas parameters for currently breathed gas (with WREG = current gas 1-5)
+	rcall	deco_setup_cc_diluents			; set-up of gas list for deco calculations (with WREG = current gas 1-5)
+	; Start with SP1 (CCR) or 0 (pSCR) as default.
+	; If in sensor mode, this value will be overwritten by calc_deko_divemode_sensor
+	clrf	WREG							; preload WREG with setpoint value 0 for pSCR calculated
+	btfss	FLAG_ccr_mode					; are we in CCR mode?
+	bra		dive_boot_cc_2					; NO  - keep preloaded value
+	movff	char_I_setpoint_cbar+0,WREG		; YES - get value of setpoint 1
+	movff	WREG,char_I_const_ppO2			; write setpoint to deco engine
+	call	transmit_setpoint				; transmit current setpoint from WREG (in cbar) to external electronics
+	goto	calc_deko_divemode_sensor		; read & process sensor data (and return)
 	call	restart_set_modes_and_flags
@@ -1515,9 +2061,45 @@
 	clrf	WREG
 	movff	WREG,max_pressure+0				; clear some variables
 	movff	WREG,max_pressure+1
+	; init in invalid data state
+	clrf	WREG							; set WREG to 0
+	bsf		WREG,int_invalid_flag			; set invalid flag
+	bsf		WREG,int_is_zero				; set zero flag
+	movff	WREG,int_O_tank_pres_need+1		; Set flags for tank pressure needs = 0 before p2_deco.c
+	movff	WREG,int_O_tank_pres_need+3		; can do it. If this is not done here and the gas needs
+	movff	WREG,int_O_tank_pres_need+5		; custom view is shown before p2_deco.c completes the first
+	movff	WREG,int_O_tank_pres_need+7		; deco calculation, some rubbish numbers from last dive of
+	movff	WREG,int_O_tank_pres_need+9		; simulation may be shown
+	; configure the deco engine:
+	movff	char_O_deco_status,WREG			; bank-safe copy
+	bsf		WREG,DECO_STATUS_0_FLAG			; configure init ...
+	bsf		WREG,DECO_STATUS_1_FLAG			; ... state,
+	bcf		WREG,DECO_PLAN_FLAG				; normal plan mode,
+	bsf		WREG,DECO_CNS_FLAG				; enable CNS calculation (CNS at end of dive),
+	bcf		WREG,DECO_VOLUME_FLAG			; disable gas volume calculation, and
+	bcf		WREG,DECO_ASCENT_FLAG			; disable delayed ascent calculation
+	movff	WREG,char_O_deco_status			; bank-safe copy back
+	clrf	WREG
+	movff	WREG,char_O_main_status			; reset char_O_main_status
+	movlw	deco_distance
+	movff	WREG,char_I_deco_distance
+	movff	opt_last_stop,char_I_depth_last_deco
+	movff	opt_GF_low,char_I_GF_Low_percentage
+	movff	opt_GF_high,char_I_GF_High_percentage
     bcf     use_agf                         ; Start with normal GF set
     bcf     divemode_menu                   ; clear divemode menu flag
+    bcf	    alternative_divelayout			; Start with default layout
+	bcf		blinking_depth_prev				; clear flag for blinking depth	## NEW BUGFIX
+	bcf		blinking_depth_warning			; clear flag for blinking depth	## NEW BUGFIX
+	bcf		blinking_depth_toggle			; clear flag for blinking depth	## NEW BUGFIX
 	movlw	d'1'
 	movwf	apnoe_max_pressure+0
 	clrf	apnoe_max_pressure+1
@@ -1526,66 +2108,65 @@
 	clrf	apnoe_mins
 	clrf	divemins+0
 	clrf	divemins+1
-	bcf        blinking_depth_prev                ; clear flag for blinking depth    ## NEW BUGFIX
-	bcf        blinking_depth_warning         ; clear flag for blinking depth    ## NEW BUGFIX
-	bcf        blinking_depth_toggle            ; clear flag for blinking depth    ## NEW BUGFIX
-; Copy date and time for logbook
+	; Copy date and time for logbook
     movff   year,start_year
     movff   month,start_month
     movff   day,start_day
     movff   hours,start_hours
     movff   mins,start_mins
-    movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+0,CNS_start+0
-    movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+1,CNS_start+1   ; Save CNS value at beginning of dive
-    movff   char_O_gradient_factor,GF_start    ; Save GF value at  beginning of dive
+    movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+0,CNS_start+0	; save CNS value at beginning of dive
+    movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+1,WREG			; get high byte to WREG
+	bcf		WREG,int_warning_flag				; clear warning flag bit
+	movff	WREG,CNS_start+1					; move high byte on
+    movff   int_O_gradient_factor+0,GF_start	; save GF value at beginning of dive (only lower byte used for value)
-    bcf     no_more_divesecs            ; =1: Do no longer show seconds in divemode
+    bcf     no_more_divesecs            		; =1: do no longer show seconds in divemode
 	bcf		divemode_menu_active
     clrf    menupos
-    clrf    menupos2                    ; Reset to zero (Zero=no premenu or simulator task)
+    clrf    menupos2                    		; Reset to zero (Zero=no premenu or simulator task)
+	bsf		sensors_agree						; init of sensors disagree warning system
     btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode
     bra	    diveloop_boot_cc
     btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode
     bra	    diveloop_boot_cc
     rcall   dive_boot_oc
     bra	    diveloop_boot_cont
-    rcall dive_boot_cc
+    rcall	dive_boot_cc
     ; Copy opt_dil_types into backup (For "lost gas" feature)
-    movff   opt_dil_type+0,opt_dil_type_backup+0    ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
-    movff   opt_dil_type+1,opt_dil_type_backup+1    ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
-    movff   opt_dil_type+2,opt_dil_type_backup+2    ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
-    movff   opt_dil_type+3,opt_dil_type_backup+3    ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
-    movff   opt_dil_type+4,opt_dil_type_backup+4    ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+    movff   opt_dil_type+0,opt_dil_type_backup+0    				; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+    movff   opt_dil_type+1,opt_dil_type_backup+1    				; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+    movff   opt_dil_type+2,opt_dil_type_backup+2    				; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+    movff   opt_dil_type+3,opt_dil_type_backup+3    				; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+    movff   opt_dil_type+4,opt_dil_type_backup+4    				; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
     ; Copy opt_gas_types into backup (For "lost gas" feature)
-    movff   opt_gas_type+0,opt_gas_type_backup+0    ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
-    movff   opt_gas_type+1,opt_gas_type_backup+1    ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
-    movff   opt_gas_type+2,opt_gas_type_backup+2    ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
-    movff   opt_gas_type+3,opt_gas_type_backup+3    ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
-    movff   opt_gas_type+4,opt_gas_type_backup+4    ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+    movff   opt_gas_type+0,opt_gas_type_backup+0    				; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+    movff   opt_gas_type+1,opt_gas_type_backup+1    				; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+    movff   opt_gas_type+2,opt_gas_type_backup+2    				; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+    movff   opt_gas_type+3,opt_gas_type_backup+3    				; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+    movff   opt_gas_type+4,opt_gas_type_backup+4   					; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
     ; Also copy change depths into backup (For "lost gas" feature)
-    movff   char_I_dil_change+0,opt_dil_change_backup+0	; Gas change depths Diluents
-    movff   char_I_dil_change+1,opt_dil_change_backup+1	; Gas change depths Diluents
-    movff   char_I_dil_change+2,opt_dil_change_backup+2	; Gas change depths Diluents
-    movff   char_I_dil_change+3,opt_dil_change_backup+3	; Gas change depths Diluents
-    movff   char_I_dil_change+4,opt_dil_change_backup+4	; Gas change depths Diluents
+    movff   char_I_dil_change+0,opt_dil_change_backup+0				; Gas change depths Diluents
+    movff   char_I_dil_change+1,opt_dil_change_backup+1				; Gas change depths Diluents
+    movff   char_I_dil_change+2,opt_dil_change_backup+2				; Gas change depths Diluents
+    movff   char_I_dil_change+3,opt_dil_change_backup+3				; Gas change depths Diluents
+    movff   char_I_dil_change+4,opt_dil_change_backup+4				; Gas change depths Diluents
     ; Also copy change depths into backup (For "lost gas" feature)
-    movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+0 ; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
-    movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+1 ; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
-    movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+2,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+2 ; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
-    movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+3,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+3 ; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
-    movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+4,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+4 ; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
+    movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+0; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
+    movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+1,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+1; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
+    movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+2,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+2; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
+    movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+3,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+3; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
+    movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+4,opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup+4; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
 	clrf	better_gas_number           ; Clear better gas register
-	bcf		show_safety_stop			;=1: Show the safety stop
+	bcf		show_safety_stop			; =1: Show the safety stop
 	clrf	safety_stop_countdown		; Clear count-down
  	clrf	samplesecs
@@ -1598,9 +2179,9 @@
 	clrf	average_depth_hold_total+1
 	clrf	average_depth_hold_total+2
 	clrf	average_depth_hold_total+3	; Clear Non-Resettable Average
-        rcall	reset_average1				; Reset the resettable average depth
-        bcf	decostop_active
-	bcf	better_gas_available        ;=1: A better gas is available and a gas change is advised in divemode
+    rcall	reset_average1				; Reset the resettable average depth
+    bcf		decostop_active
+	bcf		better_gas_available        ; =1: A better gas is available and a gas change is advised in divemode
 	call	ghostwriter_short_header	; Write short header with divenumber into profile memory
     btfsc   simulatormode_active
@@ -1613,17 +2194,17 @@
     ; Simulator mode: Surface pressure is 1bar.
     movlw   LOW .1000
-	movff	WREG,int_I_pres_surface+0   ; LOW copy surfacepressure to deco routine
+	movff	WREG,int_I_pres_surface+0   	; LOW copy surfacepressure to deco routine
     movlw   HIGH .1000
-	movff	WREG,int_I_pres_surface+1   ; HIGH copy surfacepressure to deco routine
+	movff	WREG,int_I_pres_surface+1   	; HIGH copy surfacepressure to deco routine
 	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY	temperature,minimum_temperature ; Reset Min-Temp registers
 ; Init profile recording parameters	
-	movff	samplingrate,samplesecs_value            ; to avoid EEPROM access in the ISR
+	movff	samplingrate,samplesecs_value	; to avoid EEPROM access in the ISR
 	movlw	div_temperature
-	movwf	divisor_temperature         ; load divisors for profile storage
+	movwf	divisor_temperature         	; load divisors for profile storage
 	movlw	div_deco
 	movwf	divisor_deco				
 	movlw	div_gf
@@ -1637,14 +2218,16 @@
 	movlw	div_tank
 	movwf	divisor_tank
-	btfss	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; In Apnoe mode?
+	btfss	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
 	bra		divemode_boot1
-; Overwrite some parameters in Apnoe mode....
+	; Overwrite some parameters in Apnoe mode....
 	movlw	samplingrate_apnoe
-	movwf	samplesecs_value			; to avoid EEPROM access in the ISR
+	movwf	samplesecs_value				; to avoid EEPROM access in the ISR
-    bsf     ccr_diluent_setup		; For CCR mode (Required to have better gas working)
-    btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode               ; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
+    bsf     ccr_diluent_setup				; For CCR mode (Required to have better gas working)
+    btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode               	; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
     bra     divemode_boot2
     btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode
     bra     divemode_boot2
@@ -1653,84 +2236,115 @@
     movlw   .0
     movwf   divisor_ppo2_sensors
-    bcf     ccr_diluent_setup		; For OC mode (Required to have better gas working)
+    bcf     ccr_diluent_setup				; For OC mode (Required to have better gas working)
 	bcf		LEDg
 	bcf		LEDr
 	bcf		realdive
-	btfss	simulatormode_active		; do not disable in simulator mode!					
-	call	disable_rs232				; Disable RS232
-    btfsc   enable_screen_dumps         ; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)
-    call	enable_rs232				; Also sets to speed_normal ...
+	btfss	simulatormode_active			; do not disable in simulator mode!					
+	call	disable_rs232					; Disable RS232
+    btfsc   enable_screen_dumps         	; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)
+    call	enable_rs232					; Also sets to speed_normal ...
     ; Reset divetime seconds
-    movlw   .2                          ; Start at 2seconds
+    movlw   .2                          	; Start at 2seconds
     movwf   total_divetime_seconds+0
     clrf    total_divetime_seconds+1
     movwf   divesecs
     movwf   apnoe_secs
-    bsf	    divemode2                   ; displayed divetime is running (Divetime starts HERE)
-    return								; Done with divemode boot
+    bsf	    divemode2                   	; displayed divetime is running (Divetime starts HERE)
+    return									; Done with divemode boot
-    movlw   .2
-    cpfsgt  warning_counter						; only two warnings active?
-    bra     divemode_check_for_warnings1        ; Yes, update every second
+    movlw   .1				    			; One warning at a time in alt. layout mode
+    btfss   alternative_divelayout  
+    movlw   .2				    			; Two warnings at a time in default layout mode
+    cpfsgt  warning_counter		    		; only one (or two) warnings active?
+    bra     divemode_check_for_warnings1    ; Yes, update every second
-    btfss   secs,0                      ; Every two seconds...
+    btfss   secs,0                      	; Every two seconds...
-    btfss   secs,1                      ; Every four seconds...
+    btfss   secs,1                      	; Every four seconds...
-	movf	warning_counter_backup,W
-	cpfseq	warning_counter						; warning_counter_backup = warning_counter?
-	call	TFT_clear_warning_text              ; No, clear all warnings
-	movff	warning_counter,warning_counter_backup	; copy warning_counter
-	bcf		warning_active				; Clear flag
+	bcf		warning_active						; Clear flag
 	clrf	warning_counter						; Clear counter
+	; warnings sorted by severity, highest severity first
     ; Warnings for all modes
     call	check_warn_battery                  ; Check if the battery level should be displayed/warned
     call    check_divetimeout                   ; Not actually a warning. Check and show the divemode timeout
-	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
+	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode             		; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
     bra     divemode_check_for_warnings2
-	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
+	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode             		; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
 	bra     divemode_check_for_warnings2
     ; Warnings only in deco modes
-    	rcall	check_ppO2							; check ppO2 and displays warning, if required
+    rcall	check_ppO2							; check ppO2 and displays warning, if required
-	rcall	check_cns_violation					; Check CNS value and display it, if required
+	btfss	sensors_agree						; are the sensor values within the threshold range?
+	rcall	check_warn_sensors_disagree			; NO  - further evaluate
+	btfsc	sensors_agree						; are the sensor values within the threshold range?
+	bcf		sensor_warning						; YES - revoke memorized sensor warning
+	movff	char_O_deco_warnings,WREG			; bank-safe copy for deco warnings
+	btfsc	WREG,outside_warning_lock			; are we outside of the ZH-L16 model?
+	rcall	warn_outside						; YES
+	rcall	check_IBCD							; check for IBCD attention or warning
 	btfsc	decostop_active						; In deco mode?
-	rcall	check_and_store_gf_violation		; Yes, Sets warnings, if required
-	btfsc	decostop_active						; In deco mode?
-    call    TFT_ftts                            ; Show @+x time
+	rcall	check_and_store_gf_violation		; Yes, sets warnings, if required
+	movff	char_O_deco_warnings,WREG			; bank-safe copy for deco warnings
+	btfsc	WREG,mbubble_warning_lock			; do we have a microbubbles warning?
+	rcall	warn_mbubbles						; YES
+	rcall	check_cns_violation					; Check CNS value and display it, if required	
+	;btfsc	decostop_active						; In deco mode?
+	rcall	check_gas_needs						; show gas needs warning if any gas need is > threshold
+	rcall	check_eod_cns_violation				; Check CNS values for end-of-dive and display warning, if required
+    call    TFT_display_ftts					; Show @+x time
     btfsc   use_agf                             ; In aGF mode?
     rcall   warn_agf                            ; Yes, show a warning for it
     btfsc   setpoint_fallback                   ; =1: Fallback to SP1 due to external O2 sensor failure
     rcall   warn_fallback                       ; Show the warning
 ; Display the warning icon?
-	btfsc	warning_active				; Any warning active?
-	call	TFT_divemode_warning				; Yes
-	btfss	warning_active				; Any warning active?
-	call	TFT_divemode_warning_clear			; No, clear warning icon
+	btfsc	warning_active						; Any warning active?
+	bsf	FLAG_TFT_divemode_warning				; Yes
+	btfss	warning_active						; Any warning active?
+	bsf	FLAG_TFT_divemode_warning_clear			; No, clear warning icon
 ; Setup warning_page number
     incf    warning_page,F
+    movf    warning_page,W
     bcf     STATUS,C
-    rlcf    warning_page,W                      ; *2
+    btfss   alternative_divelayout
+    rlcf    warning_page,W                      ; *2 (But only in standard layout mode)
     cpfsgt  warning_counter                     ; > warning_counter
     clrf    warning_page                        ; No, clear
+; Clear both rows of warnings if there is nothing to show at all
+	tstfsz	warning_counter						; any warnings?
+	bra	divemode_check_for_warnings3			; YES - look if second row needs to be cleared
+	bsf	FLAG_TFT_dive_warning_text_clear		; Set flag
+	return
 ; Clear 2nd row of warnings if there is nothing to show (on this page)
     btfss   second_row_warning                  ; =1: The second row contains a warning
-    call    TFT_clear_warning_text_2nd_row      ; No, clear this row
+    bsf	    FLAG_TFT_dive_warning_text_clr2	; Set flag for 2nd row
     return                                      ; Done.
     global  check_warn_battery
@@ -1738,210 +2352,192 @@
     movff   batt_percent,lo
     movlw	battery_show_level+1
     cpfslt	lo
-    return                              ; No Display, no warning
+    return                              		; No Display, no warning
     ; Display Battery, but warn?
     movff	batt_percent,lo
     movlw	color_code_battery_low+1
-    cpfsgt	lo                          ;
-    bsf		warning_active		; Set Warning flag
+    cpfsgt	lo                          		;
+    bsf		warning_active						; Set Warning flag
     movlw   .4
-    cpfseq  menupos3            ; battery shown in Custom View 4?
-    bra     check_warn_battery2	; No
-    return                      ; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
+    cpfseq  menupos3            				; battery shown in Custom View 4?
+    bra     check_warn_battery2					; No
+    return                     					; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
-    incf	warning_counter,F		    ; increase counter
-    goto	TFT_update_batt_percent_divemode    ; Show percent (And return)
+    incf	warning_counter,F					; increase counter
+    goto	TFT_update_batt_percent_divemode	; Show percent (And return)
     btfsc		divemode2				
-    return                              ; displayed divetime is not running
-	incf	warning_counter,F			; increase counter
-    goto    TFT_divetimeout             ; Show timeout counter  (and return)
+    return										; displayed divetime is not running
+	incf	warning_counter,F					; increase counter
+    goto    TFT_divetimeout						; Show timeout counter  (and return)
-check_ppO2:							    ; check current ppO2 and display warning if required
-    btfss	FLAG_pscr_mode
-    bra		check_ppO2_non_pscr		; Non-PSCR modes...
-    	; in PSCR mode
-    btfsc	is_bailout
-    bra		check_ppO2_non_pscr		; Non-PSCR modes...
-    call		compute_pscr_ppo2		; pSCR ppO2 into sub_c:2
-    movff		sub_c+0,xA+0
-    movff		sub_c+1,xA+1
-    movlw		d'100'
-    movwf		xB+0
-    clrf		xB+1
-    call		div16x16				; /100
-    tstfsz      xC+1                    ; Is ppO2 > 2.55bar ?
-    setf        xC+0                    ; yes: bound to 2.55... better than wrap around.
-    movff		xC+0,char_I_actual_ppO2	; copy last ppO2 to buffer register (for pSCR CNS)
-    clrf		xC+2
-    clrf		xC+3
-    movff		sub_c+0,xC+0
-    movff		sub_c+1,xC+1			; copy for comptibility
-    bra			check_ppO2_check
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, xA
-    movlw	d'10'
-    movwf	xB+0
-    clrf	xB+1
-    call	div16x16				; xC=p_amb/10
-    movff	xC+0,xA+0
-    movff	xC+1,xA+1
-    movff   char_I_O2_ratio,xB+0    ; =O2 ratio
-    clrf	xB+1
-    call	mult16x16               ; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10
-    ; Check very high ppO2 manually
-	tstfsz	xC+2				; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10 > 65536, ppO2>6,55bar?
-	bra		check_ppO2_1		; Yes, display Value!
-    ; Check if ppO2>3,30bar
-	btfsc   xC+1,7
-	bra     check_ppO2_1		; Yes!
-    ; Check for low ppo2
-    movff	xC+0,sub_b+0
-	movff	xC+1,sub_b+1
-    movff   opt_ppO2_min,WREG
-	mullw	d'100'				; opt_ppO2_min*100
-	movff	PRODL,sub_a+0
-	movff	PRODH,sub_a+1
-	call	subU16
-	btfsc	neg_flag
-	bra     check_ppO2_0        ; Not too low
-    ; ppO2 low
-    rcall   check_ppo2_display  ; display if not already shown in custom view
-	movlw	d'4'				; Type of Alarm (ppO2 low)
-	movwf	AlarmType			; Copy to Alarm Register
-	bsf		event_occured		; Set Event Flag
-	bsf		warning_active		; Set Warning flag
-	return						; Done.
-    ; Check if ppO2 should be displayed
-    movlw   .0
-    TSTOSS  opt_showppo2		; 0=no, 1=always show
-    movlw   ppo2_display_high
-	mullw	d'100'				; ppo2_display_high*100
-	movff	PRODL,sub_a+0
-	movff	PRODH,sub_a+1
-	call	subU16
-	btfss	neg_flag
-	return						; No Display, no warning
-    ; Display ppO2, but warn?
-    rcall   check_ppo2_display  ; display if not already shown in custom view
-;check if we are within our warning thresholds!
-	movff	xC+0,sub_b+0
-	movff	xC+1,sub_b+1
-		;active_gas_type -> 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco for OC gases and 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal for diluents	
-	movff   active_gas_type,xA+0	; xA+0 used as temp here -> holds type
-	movff   opt_ppO2_max_deco,xB+1	; xB+1 used as temp here
-	movlw	.3			
-	cpfseq	xA+0			; Deco?
-	movff   opt_ppO2_max,xB+1	; No, overwrite with travel/bottom max
-	movf	xB+1,W			; Result in WREG
-	mullw	d'100'				; opt_ppO2_max*100
-	movff	PRODL,sub_a+0
-	movff	PRODH,sub_a+1
-	infsnz	sub_a+0,F		
-	incf	sub_b+1,F		
-	call	subU16					
-	btfss	neg_flag
-	return						; Done. Not too high
-	movlw	d'5'				; Type of Alarm (ppO2 high)
-	movwf	AlarmType			; Copy to Alarm Register
-	bsf		event_occured		; Set Event Flag
-	bsf		warning_active		; Set Warning flag
-	return						; Done.
-check_ppO2_1:                   ; ppO2 very high
-    rcall   check_ppo2_display  ; display if not already shown in custom view
-	movlw	d'5'				; Type of Alarm
-	movwf	AlarmType			; Copy to Alarm Register
-	bsf		event_occured		; Set Event Flag
-	bsf		warning_active		; Set Warning flag
-	return						; Done.
+	btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode 				; are we in CCR mode?
+	bra		check_ppO2_loop				; YES
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode				; are we in pSCR mode?
+	bra		check_ppO2_loop				; YES
+	bra		check_ppO2_oc_1				; NO  - neither CCR nor pSCR
+	btfsc	is_bailout					; in bailout?
+	bra		check_ppO2_oc_1				; YES - continue with OC
+	movff	int_O_pure_ppO2+1,hi		; NO  - get upper part of int_O_pure_ppO2
+	btfsc	hi,int_warning_flag			; 		ppO2 of the pure diluent to low or high? 
+	rcall	check_ppO2_d				; 		YES - show warning and return on next line
+	bra		check_ppO2_oc_2				;		      skip pre-warning threshold test on breathed ppO2
+	movff	int_O_breathed_ppO2+1,WREG	; get upper part of int_O_breathed_ppO2
+	btfsc	WREG,int_prewarning_flag	; breathed ppO2 just above pre-warning threshold?
+	bra		check_ppo2_display			; YES - show ppO2
+	movff	int_O_breathed_ppO2+1,WREG	; get upper part of int_O_breathed_ppO2 (perhaps again)
+	btfsc	WREG,int_low_flag			; breathed ppO2 to low?
+	bra		check_ppO2_low				; YES - record the warning and show ppO2
+	btfsc	WREG,int_high_flag			; breathed ppO2 to high?
+	bra		check_ppO2_high				; YES - record the warning and show ppO2
+	TSTOSS  opt_showppo2				; show ppO2 anyhow? (0 = no, 1 = show always)
+	return								; NO  - no warnings, no show
+	bra		check_ppo2_display			; YES - just show ppO2
+    movlw	d'4'						; set type of alarm (ppO2 low)
+	bra		check_ppO2_common  			; continue with common part
+	movlw	d'5'						; set type of alarm (ppO2 high)
+	movwf	AlarmType					; copy alarm type to alarm register
+	bsf		event_occured				; set event   flag
+	bsf		warning_active				; set warning flag
+	btfsc	is_bailout					; are we in bailout?
+	bra		check_ppo2_display			; YES - skip CCR/pSCR checks
+	btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode 				; are we in CCR mode?
+	return								; YES - no extra warning required
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode				; are we in pSCR mode?
+	return								; YES - no extra warning required
+check_ppo2_display:						; display warning if ppO2 is not already shown in custom view
     movlw   .9
-    cpfseq  menupos3            ; ppO2 shown in Custom View 9?
-    bra     check_ppO2_a        ; No
-    return                      ; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
+    cpfseq  menupos3            		; ppO2 shown in Custom View 9?
+    bra     check_ppO2_a        		; No
+    return                      		; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
     movlw   .11
-    cpfseq  menupos3            ; ppO2 shown in Custom View 11?
-    bra     check_ppO2_b        ; No
-    return                      ; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
+    cpfseq  menupos3            		; ppO2 shown in Custom View 11?
+    bra     check_ppO2_b        		; No
+    return                      		; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
     movlw   .12
-    cpfseq  menupos3            ; ppO2 shown in Custom View 12?
-    bra     check_ppO2_c        ; No
-    return                      ; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
+    cpfseq  menupos3            		; ppO2 shown in Custom View 12?
+    bra     check_ppO2_c        		; No
+    return                      		; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
     movlw   .10
-    cpfseq  menupos3            ; ppO2 shown in Custom View 10?
-    bra     check_ppO2_d        ; No
-    return                      ; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
+    cpfseq  menupos3            		; ppO2 shown in Custom View 10?
+    bra     check_ppO2_d				; No
+    return                      		; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
-    incf	warning_counter,F	; increase counter
-    goto    TFT_display_ppo2	; Show ppO2  (and return)
+    incf	warning_counter,F			; increase counter
+    goto    TFT_display_ppo2			; show breathed gas or diluent ppO2 warning (and return)
     global  check_cns_violation
     ; Check if CNS should be displayed
-    movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+1,lo		; copy into bank1
-    tstfsz  lo                          ; >255% ?
-    bra     check_cns_violation2        ; Yes
-	movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+0,lo		; copy into bank1
-	movlw	cns_warning_high			; cns_warning_high
-	subwf	lo,W
-	btfsc	STATUS,C
-	bsf		warning_active              ; Set Warning flag
+    movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+1,WREG	; get high byte
+    btfsc	WREG,int_warning_flag		; warning flag set?
+    bra     check_cns_violation2		; Yes - issue warning
+	btfsc	WREG,int_prewarning_flag	; pre-warning flag set?
+	bra		display_cns_violation		; YES - just display CNS
+	return                              ; No  - no display, no warning
+	bsf		warning_active				; Set Warning flag
+display_cns_violation:					; Show CNS if not shown in the custom view
+	movlw   .11
+	cpfseq  menupos3					; CNS shown in Custom View?
+	bra     display_cns_violation2      ; No
+    return								; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
+	movlw   .8
+	cpfseq  menupos3					; CNS shown through Custom View 8 right now?
+	bra     display_cns_violation3      ; No
+    return								; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
+	incf	warning_counter,F	    	; increase counter
+    goto	TFT_display_cns				; Show CNS  (and return)
-	movlw	cns_display_high			; cns_display_high
-	subwf	lo,W
-	btfss	STATUS,C
-	return                              ; No Display, no warning
-    ; Display CNS
-	bra	display_cns_violation
-        bsf		warning_active      ; Set Warning flag
-display_cns_violation:			    ; Show CNS if not shown in the custom view
-        movlw   .11
-	cpfseq  menupos3		    ; CNS shown in Custom View?
-	bra     display_cns_violation2      ; No
-        return				    ; Yes, do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
-	incf	warning_counter,F	    ; increase counter
-        goto	TFT_display_cns		    ; Show CNS  (and return)
+    global  check_eod_cns_violation		; check end-of-dive CNS values
+	movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+1,WREG	; get high-byte of current CNS value
+    btfsc	WREG,int_warning_flag       ; current CNS value in warning state?
+    return								; YES - inhibit eod warning if current CNS is already in warning
+    movff   int_O_normal_CNS_fraction+1,WREG
+	btfsc	WREG,int_invalid_flag		; flag for invalid value set?
+	bra		check_eod_cns_violation1	; YES - continue with checking the other CNS value
+    btfsc	WREG,int_warning_flag		; NO  - flag for warning set?
+    bra     check_eod_cns_violation2	; 		YES - issue warning
+check_eod_cns_violation1:				; 		NO  - continue with checking the other CNS value
+    movff   int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction+1,WREG
+	btfsc	WREG,int_invalid_flag		; flag for invalid value set?
+	return								; YES - done with CNS checking
+	btfsc	WREG,int_warning_flag		; NO  - flag for warning set?
+    bra     check_eod_cns_violation2	; 		Yes - issue warning
+	return								; 		NO  - done with CNS checking
+check_eod_cns_violation2:				; YES - issue warning
+	bsf		warning_active				; set Warning flag
+	movlw   .8							; issue textual warning if CNS values are not shown in the custom view right now
+	cpfseq  menupos3					; CNS values shown through Custom View 8 right now?
+	bra     display_eod_cns_violation	; NO  - issue textual warning
+	return								; YES - do not show twice (in custom view and in warning area)
+	incf	warning_counter,F	    	; increase counter
+    goto	TFT_display_eod_cns			; issue CNS at end-of-dive warning (and return)
     global  check_and_store_gf_violation
-	movff	char_O_gradient_factor,lo			; gradient factor absolute (Non-GF model)
-	movlw	gf_warning_high
-	cpfsgt	lo
-	bra     check_and_store_gf_violation2   ; No warning
-	movlw	d'2'                        ; Type of Alarm
-	movwf	AlarmType                   ; Copy to Alarm Register
-	bsf		event_occured               ; Set Event Flag
+	movff	int_O_gradient_factor+1,WREG	; get upper byte of gradient factor
+	btfss	WREG,int_warning_flag			; check if the warning flag is set
+	bra     check_and_store_gf_violation2   ; NO  - continue with checking for pre-warning
+	movlw	d'2'                        	; YES - set type of alarm
+	movwf	AlarmType                   	; 		copy to alarm register
+	bsf		event_occured               	; 		set event   flag
+	bsf		warning_active              	; 		set warning flag
+	bra		check_and_store_gf_violation3	;		show gf warning
+	btfsc	WREG,int_prewarning_flag		; check if the pre-warning flag is set
+    bra		check_and_store_gf_violation3	; YES - show gf
+	TSTOSS	opt_enable_IBCD					; NO  - IBCD warning activated?
+	bra		check_and_store_gf_violation4	; 		NO  - continue checking of deco info
+	movff	char_O_deco_warnings,WREG		; 		YES - get the deco warnings vector
+	btfss	WREG,IBCD_warning				; 			  is the IBCD warning flag set?
+	bra		check_and_store_gf_violation4	; 			  NO  - continue checking for deco info
+check_and_store_gf_violation3:				;			  YES - show gf
+	bsf		warning_active					; set Warning flag
+	incf	warning_counter,F				; increase counter
+    goto    TFT_warning_gf              	; show GF (and return)
+check_and_store_gf_violation4:				; check for deco info
+	btfss	divemode						; in divemode?
+	return									; NO  - done, return
+	movff	char_O_deco_warnings,WREG		; YES - get the deco warnings vector
+	btfss	WREG,deco_flag					; 		check if the deco flag is set
+    return									; 		NO  - all done, return
+	incf	warning_counter,F				; 		YES - increase counter
+    goto    TFT_info_deco	             	; 			  show deco info
+	incf	warning_counter,F			; increase counter
 	bsf		warning_active              ; Set Warning flag
-	movlw	gf_display_high
-	cpfsgt	lo
-    return                              ; No Display, no warning
-    ; Display GF
+    goto    TFT_warning_outside			; show microbubbles warning (and return)
+	global	warn_mbubbles
 	incf	warning_counter,F			; increase counter
-    goto    TFT_warning_gf              ; Show GF Warning (and return)
+	bsf		warning_active              ; Set Warning flag
+    goto    TFT_warning_mbubbles		; show microbubbles warning (and return)
 	incf	warning_counter,F			; increase counter
 	goto    TFT_warning_agf             ; Show aGF warning  (and return)
@@ -1951,5 +2547,87 @@
     bsf		warning_active              ; Set Warning flag
 	goto    TFT_warning_fallback        ; Show fallback warning  (and return)
+	banksel	int_O_tank_pres_need
+	movf	int_O_tank_pres_need+1,w	; get 				HIGH(pres need of 1st tank)
+	iorwf	int_O_tank_pres_need+3,w	; inclusive or with HIGH(pres need of 2nd tank)
+	iorwf	int_O_tank_pres_need+5,w	; inclusive or with HIGH(pres need of 3rd tank)
+	iorwf	int_O_tank_pres_need+7,w	; inclusive or with HIGH(pres need of 4th tank)
+	iorwf	int_O_tank_pres_need+9,w	; inclusive or with HIGH(pres need of 5th tank)
+	banksel	common
+	btfsc	WREG,int_invalid_flag						; check if invalid flag is set
+	return								; YES - no further checking required
+	btfsc	WREG,int_warning_flag		; NO  - check if any gas has a pres_need >= pres_fill
+	bsf		warning_active				; YES - set warning flag
+	btfsc	WREG,int_warning_flag		; NO  - check if any gas has a pres_need >= pres_fill
+	goto	TFT_warning_gas_needs_warn	; Yes - show a warning
+	btfsc	WREG,int_prewarning_flag	; NO  - check if any gas has a pres_need >= pres_fill * threshold
+	goto	TFT_warning_gas_needs_att	; YES - show an attention
+	bcf		gas_needs_attention			; NO  - clear flag for a new attention
+	bcf		gas_needs_warning			;       clear flag for a new warning
+	return
+    incf	warning_counter,F			; increase counter
+	bsf		warning_active				; YES - set Warning flag
+	goto	TFT_warning_sensor_disagree	; 		show sensor disagree warning (and return)
+	TSTOSS	opt_enable_IBCD				; IBCD warning activated?
+	return								; NO  - done
+	movff	char_O_deco_warnings,WREG	; YES - get deco warnings vector
+	btfss	WREG,IBCD_warning			; 		IBCD warning flag set?
+	return								; 		NO  - return
+	incf	warning_counter,F			; 		YES - increase counter
+	goto	TFT_warning_IBCD			;			  write warning to display
+	global	restart_deco_engine
+	global	restart_deco_engine_wo_ceiling
+	; make bank save copies and set flags for invalid data
+	movff	int_O_ceiling+1,WREG
+	bsf		WREG,char_invalid_flag		; int_O_ceiling has its invalid flag on a char's position!
+	movff	WREG,int_O_ceiling+1
+	; make more bank save copies and set more flags for invalid data
+	movff	char_O_deco_gas+0,WREG
+	bsf		WREG,char_invalid_flag
+	movff	WREG,char_O_deco_gas+0
+	movff	int_O_ascenttime+1,WREG
+	bsf		WREG,int_invalid_flag
+	movff	WREG,int_O_ascenttime+1
+	movff	int_O_alternate_ascenttime+1,WREG
+	bsf		WREG,int_invalid_flag
+	movff	WREG,int_O_alternate_ascenttime+1
+	movff	int_O_normal_CNS_fraction+1,WREG
+	bsf		WREG,int_invalid_flag
+	movff	WREG,int_O_normal_CNS_fraction+1
+	movff	int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction+1,WREG
+	bsf		WREG,int_invalid_flag
+	movff	WREG,int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction+1
+	movff	int_O_tank_pres_need+1,WREG
+	bsf		WREG,int_invalid_flag
+	movff	WREG,int_O_tank_pres_need+1
+	; restart deco engine
+	movff	char_O_deco_status,WREG			; get current deco engine configuration
+	bcf		WREG,DECO_STATUS_0_FLAG			; set status flags to...
+	bsf		WREG,DECO_PLAN_FLAG				; fake we came from alternative plan to force normal plan to be done next
+	movff   WREG,char_O_deco_status 		; write back new configuration to restart deco computations
+    return
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File
+;   File								REFACTORED VERSION V2.91
 ;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
     extern    set_dive_modes
     extern    diveloop
     extern    apnoe_calc_maxdepth
+	extern	  calc_deko_divemode_sensor
 ; Divemode layout:
 ; row=0...239
@@ -73,6 +75,9 @@
 #DEFINE    dm_max_depth_dm_row          dm_max_depth_row+.11           ; 25
 #DEFINE    dm_max_depth_dm_column       dm_max_depth_column+.23        ; 87
 #DEFINE    dm_max_depth_dm_column_nvsi  dm_max_depth_column_nvsi+.23   ; 77
+#DEFINE	   dm_max_alt_column		.0
+#DEFINE	   dm_max_alt_row		.170
+#DEFINE	   dm_max_dm_alt_column		dm_max_alt_column+.60
 ; Warning area (combined)
 #DEFINE    dm_warning_row             dm_offset+.36             ; 50
 #DEFINE    dm_warning_column          dm_upcnt_2ndcol           ; 74
@@ -99,6 +104,8 @@
 #DEFINE    dm_divetime_rgt                .159                   ; 159
 #DEFINE    dm_divetime_secs_row           dm_divetime_row+.11    ; 25
 #DEFINE    dm_divetime_secs_column        dm_divetime_column+.24 ; 139
+#DEFINE	   dm_divetime_alt_row		  dm_offset              ; 14
+#DEFINE	   dm_divetime_alt_column	  .68
 ; Warning icon
 #DEFINE    dm_warning_icon_row            dm_offset+.41                ; 55
 #DEFINE    dm_warning_icon_column         .137                         ; 137
@@ -262,7 +269,7 @@
 #DEFINE    dm_custom_ceiling_text_row       dm_customview_row+.1        ; 102
 #DEFINE    dm_custom_ceiling_text_column    .68                         ; 66
 #DEFINE    dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_column    .8                          ; 8
-#DEFINE	   dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_col_dil   .0				; 0 NEW tuned position because text is longer
+#DEFINE	   dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_col_dil   .0							; 0 NEW tuned position because text is longer	## (?)
 ; Value
 #DEFINE    dm_custom_ceiling_value_row      dm_customview_row+.18       ; 119
--- a/src/gaslist.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/gaslist.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File gaslist.asm
+;   File gaslist.asm												## V2.95
 ;   Managing OSTC gas list
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@
 ; Append current mix to current string (For divemode)
 ; Input: FSR2 : Current string position.
 ; Output: Text appended into buffer pointed by FSR2.
-    global  gaslist_strcat_gasx
-gaslist_strcat_gasx:        ; Show current O2/He mix
+    global  gaslist_strcat_gas6
+gaslist_strcat_gas6:        ; Show current O2/He mix
         STRCAT_TEXT tGas
         STRCAT  ": "
-        movff   char_I_O2_ratio,lo
-        movff   char_I_He_ratio,hi
+        movff   gas6_O2_ratio,lo
+        movff   gas6_He_ratio,hi
         goto	customview_show_mix     ; Put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2, and RETURN
     global  gaslist_show_type
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@
-; Compute MOD from opt_ppO2_max/opt_ppO2_max_deco and current O2 Ratio.
+; Compute MOD from char_I_ppO2_max/char_I_ppO2_max_deco and current O2 Ratio.
 ; Input:  gaslist_gas = current gas index.
 ;         opt_gas_O2_ratio[gaslist_gas] = current O2 ratio
@@ -578,10 +578,10 @@
 	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type	; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco for OC gases and 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal for diluents
 	movff   PLUSW1,xA+0		; xA+0 used as temp here -> holds type
-	movff   opt_ppO2_max_deco,xB+1	; xB+1 used as temp here
+	movff   char_I_ppO2_max_deco,xB+1	; xB+1 used as temp here
 	movlw	.3			
 	cpfseq	xA+0			; Deco?
-	movff   opt_ppO2_max,xB+1	; No, overwrite with travel/bottom max
+	movff   char_I_ppO2_max,xB+1	; No, overwrite with travel/bottom max
 	movf	xB+1,W			; Result in WREG
 	clrf	xB+1			; Clear for div16x16
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
     extern  TFT_color_code1
         movwf   hi                          ; Copy O2%
         movlw	warn_gas_in_gaslist
-        call	TFT_color_code1             ; Color-code current row in Gaslist (%O2 in hi), opt_ppO2_max/opt_ppO2_max_deco as threshold
+        call	TFT_color_code1             ; Color-code current row in Gaslist (%O2 in hi), char_I_ppO2_max/char_I_ppO2_max_deco as threshold
--- a/src/ghostwriter.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/ghostwriter.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File ghostwriter.asm
+;   File ghostwriter.asm							REFACTORED VERSION 2.94
 ;   Ghostwriter (Log profile recorder)
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 ghostwriter	CODE
 	global	store_dive_data
-store_dive_data:						; 5 seconds gone
-	bcf		store_sample				; update only any 5 seconds
+	bcf		store_sample		; clear flag
     ifndef __DEBUG
     	btfsc	simulatormode_active    ; Are we in simulator mode?
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 	addwf	EventByte,F			; Copy to EventByte Bit 0-3
 	clrf	AlarmType			; Reset AlarmType
-; Third, check events and add aditional bytes
+; Third, check events and add additional bytes
 	btfss	gas6_changed    	; Check flag
 	bra		check_event2
 	movlw	d'2'				; Information length
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
     movf    o2_ppo2_sensor1,W            ; Sensor1 ppO2 (in 0.01bar steps)
 	rcall   ghostwrite_byte_profile      ; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY o2_mv_sensor1,lo     ; o2_mv_sensor may be modifified via ISR during the two writes here...
+    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY o2_mv_sensor1,lo     ; o2_mv_sensor may be modified via ISR during the two writes here...
     movf    lo,W                         ; in 0.1mV steps
 	rcall   ghostwrite_byte_profile      ; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
     movf    hi,W                         ; in 0.1mV steps
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
     movf    o2_ppo2_sensor2,W            ; Sensor2 ppO2 (in 0.01bar steps)
 	rcall   ghostwrite_byte_profile      ; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY o2_mv_sensor2,lo     ; o2_mv_sensor may be modifified via ISR during the two writes here...
+    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY o2_mv_sensor2,lo     ; o2_mv_sensor may be modified via ISR during the two writes here...
     movf    lo,W                         ; in 0.1mV steps
 	rcall   ghostwrite_byte_profile      ; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
     movf    hi,W                         ; in 0.1mV steps
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
     movf    o2_ppo2_sensor3,W            ; Sensor3 ppO2 (in 0.01bar steps)
 	rcall   ghostwrite_byte_profile      ; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY o2_mv_sensor3,lo     ; o2_mv_sensor may be modifified via ISR during the two writes here...
+    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY o2_mv_sensor3,lo     ; o2_mv_sensor may be modified via ISR during the two writes here...
     movf    lo,W                         ; in 0.1mV steps
 	rcall   ghostwrite_byte_profile      ; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
     movf    hi,W                         ; in 0.1mV steps
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@
-	movff	char_O_gradient_factor,WREG		; gradient factor absolute
-	rcall   ghostwrite_byte_profile      ; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
+	movff	int_O_gradient_factor+0,WREG	; gradient factor absolute (range is limited to 255, only lower byte used for value)
+	rcall   ghostwrite_byte_profile			; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
 	movlw	div_gf
 	movwf	divisor_gf						; Reload divisor
@@ -346,14 +346,11 @@
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,int_I_pres_surface+0          ; Pass surface to desat routine !
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+1,int_I_pres_surface+1
-	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time ; calculate desaturation time
-	movlb	b'00000001'                 ; select ram bank 1
-	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+0, desaturation_time+0
-	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+1, desaturation_time+1	; Buffer
-    call	calc_deko_surfmode
-	rcall	calculate_noflytime         ; Calc NoFly time
-										; store header and ...
+	call	deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min						; calculate deco in surface mode
+	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time							; calculate desaturation time
+	movlb	b'00000001'											; select ram bank 1
 	movlw	0xFD						; .... End-of-Profile Bytes
 	rcall   ghostwrite_byte_profile      ; WREG -> Profile in ext. Flash
 	movlw	0xFD
@@ -426,7 +423,7 @@
 	movf	EEDATA,W
 	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
-		; store pointer to end of diveprofile
+	; store pointer to end of diveprofile
 	movf	ext_flash_log_pointer+0,W
 	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
 	movf	ext_flash_log_pointer+1,W
@@ -479,30 +476,30 @@
 	movff	lo,max_pressure+0
 	movff	hi,max_pressure+1
-	movff	max_pressure+0,WREG			; Max. depth
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	movff	max_pressure+0,WREG				; Max. depth
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
 	movff	max_pressure+1,WREG
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
-	movf	divemins+0,W            ; divetime minutes
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	movf	divemins+0,W            		; divetime minutes
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
 	movf	divemins+1,W
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
-	movf	divesecs,W				; divetime seconds
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
-	movff	minimum_temperature+0,WREG			; minimum temperature
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	movf	divesecs,W						; divetime seconds
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	movff	minimum_temperature+0,WREG		; minimum temperature
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
 	movff	minimum_temperature+1,WREG		
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
-	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,WREG		; airpressure before dive
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,WREG	; airpressure before dive
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+1,WREG		
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
-	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+0,WREG		; desaturation time in minutes
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+0,WREG	; desaturation time in minutes
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
 	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+1,WREG
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header			; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
     btfss   FLAG_ccr_mode           ; In CCR mode...
     bra     end_dive_oc_gaslist     ; No, write OC gases
@@ -601,11 +598,11 @@
 ;    bra     end_dive_oc_cc_common
-	movlw	softwareversion_x			; Firmware version
+	movlw	softwareversion_x		; Firmware version
 	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header
 	movlw	softwareversion_y
 	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header
-	movf	batt_voltage+0,W			; Battery voltage 
+	movf	batt_voltage+0,W		; Battery voltage 
 	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header
 	movf	batt_voltage+1,W
 	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header
@@ -623,7 +620,7 @@
     ; Gradient factor
     movff	GF_start,WREG
     rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
-    movff	char_O_gradient_factor,WREG
+    movff	int_O_gradient_factor+0,WREG	; value limited to 255, only lower byte in use
     rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
     ; Logbook offset
@@ -707,13 +704,14 @@
     lfsr    FSR1,char_O_tissue_N2_saturation+0
     movf    POSTINC1,W
+	bcf		WREG,7						; clear flag bit for ongassing/offgassing
     rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header      ; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
     decfsz  lo,F
     bra     end_dive_store_tissues_N2   ; No
     movlw   .64
     movwf   lo
-    lfsr    FSR1,0x700;pres_tissue_N2+0       ; 16*4Byte Float = 64Bytes
+    lfsr    FSR1,0x700;pres_tissue_N2+0 ; 16*4Byte Float = 64Bytes
     movf    POSTINC1,W
     rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header      ; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
@@ -725,13 +723,14 @@
     lfsr    FSR1,char_O_tissue_He_saturation+0
     movf    POSTINC1,W
+	bcf		WREG,7						; clear flag bit for ongassing/offgassing
     rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header      ; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
     decfsz  lo,F
     bra     end_dive_store_tissues_He   ; No
     movlw   .64
     movwf   lo
-    lfsr    FSR1,0x740;pres_tissue_He+0       ; 16*4Byte Float = 64Bytes
+    lfsr    FSR1,0x740;pres_tissue_He+0 ; 16*4Byte Float = 64Bytes
     movf    POSTINC1,W
     rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header      ; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
@@ -768,14 +767,14 @@
     ; Header stop
 	movlw	0xFB
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header		; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
 	movlw	0xFB
-	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header	; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
+	rcall	ghostwrite_byte_header		; WREG -> Header in ext. flash
-	call	divemode_store_statistics		; Store/update statistics for this unit
+	call	divemode_store_statistics	; Store/update statistics for this unit
 	clrf	surface_interval+0
-	clrf	surface_interval+1				; Clear surface interval timer
+	clrf	surface_interval+1			; Clear surface interval timer
 ; Update ext_flash_log_pointer into EEPROM
@@ -787,30 +786,30 @@
 	movff	ext_flash_log_pointer+2,EEDATA
 	write_int_eeprom .6
-	bcf		simulatormode_active			; if we were in simulator mode
+	bcf		simulatormode_active		; if we were in simulator mode
 ; In DEBUG compile, keep all simulated dives in logbook, Desat time, nofly, etc...
     ifndef __DEBUG
-		extern	deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
-		btfsc	restore_deco_data			; Restore decodata?
-	    call    deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
-        banksel common                  ; Bank1
+	extern	deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
+	btfsc	restore_deco_data					; Restore decodata?
+    call    deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
+	banksel common                  			; Bank1
-	call	update_battery_registers	; update battery registers into EEPROM
-	goto	surfloop					; and return to surfaceloop
+	call	update_battery_registers			; update battery registers into EEPROM
+	goto	surfloop							; and return to surfaceloop
-    tstfsz  surface_interval+0              ; Was interval zero?
+    tstfsz  surface_interval+0              	; Was interval zero?
     bra     ghostwriter_end_dive_common_sim2    ; No
-    tstfsz  surface_interval+1              ; Was interval zero?
+    tstfsz  surface_interval+1              	; Was interval zero?
     bra     ghostwriter_end_dive_common_sim2    ; No
-    bra     ghostwriter_end_dive_common     ; Yes, done.
+    bra     ghostwriter_end_dive_common     	; Yes, done.
     movf    divemins+0,W
     addwf   surface_interval+0,F
     movf    divemins+1,W
-	addwfc  surface_interval+1				; Add simulated divetime to surface interval
+	addwfc  surface_interval+1			; Add simulated divetime to surface interval
     bra     ghostwriter_end_dive_common
 ghostwriter_load_pointer:               ; Load ext_flash_address:3 from EEPROM .4-.6
@@ -957,47 +956,6 @@
     rcall	ghostwrite_byte_profile 	; WREG -> Profile in ext. flash
-	; calculate nofly time
-	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+0,xA+0
-	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+1,xA+1
-    btfsc   xA+1,7                  ; Is desat time negative ?
-    bra     calculate_noflytime_3   ; Then surely not valid !
-	tstfsz	xA+0			; Desat=0?
-	bra		calculate_noflytime2
-	tstfsz	xA+1			; Desat=0?
-	bra		calculate_noflytime2
-	; Desaturation time = zero
-	clrf	nofly_time+0			; Clear nofly time
-	clrf	nofly_time+1			; Clear nofly time
-	return
-	movff	xA+0,int_I_temp+0
-	movff	xA+1,int_I_temp+1
-	movlw	no_fly_time_ratio		; nofly_time_ratio                
-	movff	WREG,char_I_temp
-	call	deco_calc_percentage
-	movlb	b'00000001'				; select ram bank 1
-	movff	int_I_temp+0,xA+0
-	movff	int_I_temp+1,xA+1
-	tstfsz	xA+0			; Desat=0?
-	bra		calculate_noflytime_2_final
-	tstfsz	xA+1			; Desat=0?
-	bra		calculate_noflytime_2_final
-	bra     calculate_noflytime_3
-	movff	xA+0,nofly_time+0
-	movff	xA+1,nofly_time+1
-	return
 divemode_store_statistics:	; Store/update statistics for this unit
     rcall   vault_decodata_into_eeprom  ; update deco data
 	rcall	do_logoffset_common_read	; Existing logbook offset into lo:hi
@@ -1103,19 +1061,19 @@
     write_int_eeprom .7
     movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+1,EEDATA
     write_int_eeprom .8
-    movff   desaturation_time+0,EEDATA
+    movff   int_O_desaturation_time+0,EEDATA
     write_int_eeprom .9
-    movff   desaturation_time+1,EEDATA
+    movff   int_O_desaturation_time+1,EEDATA
     write_int_eeprom .10
     movff   surface_interval+0,EEDATA
     write_int_eeprom .11
     movff   surface_interval+1,EEDATA
     write_int_eeprom .12
-    movff   char_O_gradient_factor,EEDATA
+    movff   int_O_gradient_factor+0,EEDATA		; value limited to 255, only lower byte in use for value
     write_int_eeprom .13
-    movff   nofly_time+0,EEDATA
+    movff   int_O_nofly_time+0,EEDATA
     write_int_eeprom .14
-    movff   nofly_time+1,EEDATA
+    movff   int_O_nofly_time+1,EEDATA
     write_int_eeprom .15
     ; Tissue data from 16 to 144
@@ -1123,7 +1081,7 @@
     movwf   EEADR
     movlw   .128
     movwf   lo
-    lfsr    FSR1,0x700;pres_tissue_N2+0       ; 32*4Byte Float = 128Bytes
+    lfsr    FSR1,0x700;pres_tissue_N2+0 ; 32*4Byte Float = 128Bytes
     movff   POSTINC1,EEDATA
     call    write_eeprom                ; EEDATA into EEPROM@EEADR
@@ -1160,31 +1118,31 @@
     read_int_eeprom .8
     movff   EEDATA,int_O_CNS_fraction+1
     read_int_eeprom .9
-    movff   EEDATA,desaturation_time+0
+    movff   EEDATA,int_O_desaturation_time+0
     read_int_eeprom .10
-    movff   EEDATA,desaturation_time+1
+    movff   EEDATA,int_O_desaturation_time+1
     read_int_eeprom .11
     movff   EEDATA,surface_interval+0
     read_int_eeprom .12
     movff   EEDATA,surface_interval+1
     read_int_eeprom .13
-    movff   EEDATA,char_O_gradient_factor
+    movff   EEDATA,int_O_gradient_factor+0
     read_int_eeprom .14
-    movff   EEDATA,nofly_time+0
+    movff   EEDATA,int_O_nofly_time+0
     read_int_eeprom .15
-    movff   EEDATA,nofly_time+1
+    movff   EEDATA,int_O_nofly_time+1
     ; Tissue data from 16 to 144
     movlw   .16
     movwf   EEADR
     movlw   .128
     movwf   lo
-    lfsr    FSR1,0x700;pres_tissue_N2+0       ; 32*4Byte Float = 128Bytes
+    lfsr    FSR1,0x700;pres_tissue_N2+0		; 32*4Byte Float = 128Bytes
-    call    read_eeprom                ; EEPROM@EEADR into EEDATA
+    call    read_eeprom						; EEPROM@EEADR into EEDATA
     movff   EEDATA,POSTINC1
     incf    EEADR,F
-    decfsz  lo,F                        ; All done?
+    decfsz  lo,F                        	; All done?
     bra     restore_decodata_from_eeprom2   ; No
     clrf    EEADRH
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File
+;   File									REFACTORED VERSION V2.95a1
 ;   OSTC Platform definitions
@@ -15,19 +15,20 @@
-;#DEFINE	    french_italian	    ; If defined, use french and italian instead of english and german	
+;#DEFINE french_italian	    	; If defined, use french and italian instead of english and german	
 #include <>
 #include <>                        ; Portmap
 ; Firmware definition
 #DEFINE	softwareversion_x		d'2'		; Software version  XX.YY
-#DEFINE	softwareversion_y		d'27'		; Software version  XX.YY
-#DEFINE softwareversion_beta 	0 			; (and 0 for release)
+#DEFINE	softwareversion_y		d'96'		; Software version  XX.YY
+#DEFINE softwareversion_beta 	1 			; (and 0 for release)
 ; Firmware version will appear in "Change Firmware" style
 #DEFINE firmware_expire_year    .18
-#DEFINE firmware_expire_month   .12
-#DEFINE firmware_expire_day     .3
+#DEFINE firmware_expire_month   .2
+#DEFINE firmware_expire_day     .22
 #DEFINE comm_service_key        0xABCDEF
@@ -46,10 +47,10 @@
 #DEFINE TMR1H_VALUE_CONT_DIVE    .255-.64   ; in steps of 7,8125ms -> 0.5s
 ; Color Definitions: 8Bit RGB b'RRRGGGBB'
-#DEFINE	color_red	    	b'11100000'     ; (7,0,0)
+#DEFINE	color_red	        b'11100000'     ; (7,0,0)
 #DEFINE	color_dark_red	    b'10000101'     ; (4,1,1)
-#DEFINE	color_violet    	b'11101011'     ; (7,2,3)
-#DEFINE	color_blue		    b'11000111'     ; (6,1,3)
+#DEFINE	color_violet	    b'11101011'     ; (7,2,3)
+#DEFINE	color_blue	        b'11000111'     ; (6,1,3)
 #DEFINE	color_green	        b'00011100'     ; (0,7,0)
 #DEFINE	color_greenish      b'00111110'     ; (1,7,2)
 #DEFINE color_dark_green    b'00111001'     ; (1,6,1)
@@ -74,8 +75,9 @@
 #DEFINE warn_ppo2           .4
 #DEFINE warn_ceiling        .5
 #DEFINE warn_gas_in_gaslist .6
-#DEFINE warn_ppo2_hud       .7
+#DEFINE warn_ppo2_hud		.7
 #DEFINE warn_battery        .8
+#DEFINE warn_stop			.9
 ; External O2 cell input parameters
 #DEFINE	min_mv				.80			; = 8mV
@@ -85,6 +87,7 @@
 ; Profile recording parameters
 #DEFINE	logbook_profile_version	0x24
 #DEFINE	samplingrate_apnoe	.1	; [seconds]
 ; Warning: Divisors must be <.16 !
 #DEFINE	div_temperature		.6	; x samplingrate [s]
 #DEFINE	div_deco			.6	; x samplingrate [s]
@@ -93,6 +96,7 @@
 #DEFINE	div_decoplan		.12	; x samplingrate [s]
 #DEFINE div_cns				.12	; x samplingrate [s]
 #DEFINE div_tank			.0	; x samplingrate [s]
 ; Warning: Information lengths must be <.16 !
 #DEFINE infolength_temperature  .2  ; [byte]
 #DEFINE infolength_deco         .2  ; [byte]
@@ -110,29 +114,36 @@
 #DEFINE	better_gas_window_pos   .1			; [m] (Depth below change depth, if ppO2<opt_ppO2_max)
 ; Dive mode limits and thresholds
-#DEFINE	start_dive_threshold 	.100	; [cm]
-#DEFINE	high_altitude_dive_threshold .300;[cm]
-#DEFINE	apnoe_timeout			.15 	; [min]
-#DEFINE divemode_menuview_timeout   .10 ; [s]
-#DEFINE	divemode_timeout_default	.5	; [min]
-#DEFINE	divemode_menu_timeout	.30		; [s]
-#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_low		.19     ; [cbar] (Default value)
-#DEFINE ppo2_lowest_setting     .16     ; [cbar] (Minimum value)
-#DEFINE	ppo2_display_high		.120	; [cbar]
-#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_high		.160    ; [cbar] (Default value) for bottom/travel gases
+#DEFINE	start_dive_threshold 		.100	; [cm]
+#DEFINE	high_altitude_dive_threshold .300	; [cm]
+#DEFINE	apnoe_timeout				.15 	; [min]
+#DEFINE divemode_menuview_timeout   .10		; [s]
+#DEFINE	divemode_timeout_default	.5		; [min]
+#DEFINE	divemode_menu_timeout		.30		; [s]
+#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_low			.19     ; [cbar] (Default value)
+#DEFINE ppo2_lowest_setting     	.16     ; [cbar] (Minimum value)
+;#DEFINE ppo2_display_high			.120	; [cbar]											## V2.94 moved to p2_deco.c
+#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_high			.160    ; [cbar] (Default value) for bottom/travel gases
 #DEFINE	ppo2_warning_high_deco		.160    ; [cbar] (Default value) for deco gases
-#DEFINE ppo2_highest_setting    .160    ; [cbar] (Max. Value) for bottom/travel gases
-#DEFINE ppo2_highest_setting_deco  .160    ; [cbar] (Max. Value) for deco gases
-#DEFINE	cns_display_high		.70		; [%]
-#DEFINE	cns_warning_high		.100    ; [%]
-#DEFINE	gf_display_high     	.75		; [%]
-#DEFINE	gf_warning_high         .100    ; [%]
+#DEFINE ppo2_highest_setting    	.160    ; [cbar] (Max. Value) for bottom/travel gases
+#DEFINE ppo2_highest_setting_deco	.160    ; [cbar] (Max. Value) for deco gases
+; NEW	## min ppO2 CC
+#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_low_cc		.40		; [cbar] Default value for loop
+#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_low_cc_min	.20		; [cbar] Default value for loop
+#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_low_cc_max	.60		; [cbar] Default value for loop
+;#DEFINE cns_display_high		.70		; [%]													## V2.94 moved to p2_deco.c
+;#DEFINE cns_warning_high		.100    ; [%]													## V2.94 moved to p2_deco.c
+;#DEFINE gf_display_high    	.75		; [%]													## V2.94 moved to p2_deco.c
+;#DEFINE gf_warning_high	    .100    ; [%]													## V2.94 moved to p2_deco.c
 #DEFINE	depth_warn_mbar 		.13000	; [mbar]
 #DEFINE	wake_up_from_sleep		.1160	; [mbar]
 #DEFINE	gf_display_threshold	.20		; [%]
 #DEFINE simulator_timeout       .15     ; [s]
-#DEFINE sensor_voting_logic_threshold   .20 ; Threshold in 0.01bar
+#DEFINE sensor_voting_logic_threshold   .10 ; Threshold in 0.01bar
 ; Surface mode limits and thresholds
 #DEFINE	cns_display_surface_high .70	; [%]
@@ -143,14 +154,13 @@
 #DEFINE timeout_ccr_surface      .240   ; [s]
 ; Decomodel paramters
-#DEFINE no_fly_time_ratio		.60		; [%]
 #DEFINE	deco_distance			.10		; [dm]
 ; Color-code parameters for the divemode
-#DEFINE	color_code_cns_high		.100	; [%]
-#DEFINE	color_code_gf_warn_high .101	; [%]
-#DEFINE	color_code_velocity_warn_high .11   ;[m/min]
-#DEFINE	color_code_velocity_attn_high .10   ;[m/min]
+;#DEFINE	color_code_cns_high			.100	; [%]											## V2.94 moved to p2_deco.c
+;#DEFINE	color_code_gf_warn_high 	.101	; [%]											## V2.94 moved to p2_deco.c
+#DEFINE	color_code_velocity_warn_high 	.11		;[m/min]
+#DEFINE	color_code_velocity_attn_high 	.10		;[m/min]
 ; Velocity threshold
 #DEFINE	velocity_display_threshold_1	.3	; [m/min]
@@ -172,7 +182,7 @@
 ; Capacity for 2.4Ah Saft LS14500 and 0.8Ah Panasonic UR14500P
 ; battery_gauge:6 is nAs
 ; devide through 65536
-; a) devide through 364 -> Result is in percent of a 2.4Ah Battery
+;    a) devide through 364 -> Result is in percent of a 2.4Ah Battery
 ; or b) devide through 121 -> Result is in percent of a 0.8Ah Battery
 ; For internal battery gauging
@@ -181,9 +191,9 @@
 ; For gauge IC	
 #DEFINE	saft_capacity		.281	; 2.4Ah/0.085mAh/100 [%]
-#DEFINE	saft_offset		.37300  ; 65536-(2.4Ah/0.085mAh)
+#DEFINE	saft_offset			.37300  ; 65536-(2.4Ah/0.085mAh)
-#DEFINE	panasonic_capacity	.94	; 0.8Ah/0.085mAh/100 [%]
+#DEFINE	panasonic_capacity	.94		; 0.8Ah/0.085mAh/100 [%]
 #DEFINE	panasonic_offset	.56124	; 65536-(0.8Ah/0.085mAh)
 #DEFINE	ncr18650_capacity	.364	; 3.1Ah/0.085mAh/100 [%]
@@ -229,12 +239,12 @@
 #DEFINE compass_averaging           .10         ; numbers of extra averaging
 ; Hardware defines
-#DEFINE battery_gauge_available        hardware_flag,0     ; OSTC has rechargeable battery with battery management chip
-#DEFINE ambient_sensor      hardware_flag,1     ; OSTC has an ambient sensor
-#DEFINE analog_o2_input     hardware_flag,2     ; OSTC has analog inputs and S8 digital
-#DEFINE optical_input       hardware_flag,3     ; OSTC has an digital optical input
-#DEFINE ble_available       hardware_flag,4     ; OSTC has an BLE module
+#DEFINE battery_gauge_available	hardware_flag,0	; OSTC has rechargeable battery with battery management chip
+#DEFINE ambient_sensor			hardware_flag,1	; OSTC has an ambient sensor
+#DEFINE analog_o2_input			hardware_flag,2	; OSTC has analog inputs and S8 digital
+#DEFINE optical_input			hardware_flag,3	; OSTC has an digital optical input
+#DEFINE ble_available			hardware_flag,4	; OSTC has an BLE module
+#DEFINE	ostc_rx_present			hardware_flag,5	; OSTC_RX circuity present
@@ -251,56 +261,56 @@
 isr_backup  udata_ovr   isr_backup    ; Reserved space for interupt data
 ;---- Backup for general registers
-isr_prod    res 2
+isr_prod    			res 2
 ;---- MS5541 subroutines
-amb_pressure	res	2
-temperature		res	2
+amb_pressure			res	2
+temperature				res	2
-C1              res 2           ; Decoded calibration data
-C2              res 2
-C3              res 2
-C4              res 2           ; Here: C4-250
-C5              res 2           ; Here: Reference Temperature UT1 = 8*C5 + 10000 (u16 range 10.000 .. +42.760)
-C6              res 2
-D1              res 2           ; raw pressure
-D2              res 2           ; raw temperature
-xdT				res	2
-xdT2			res	2
-OFF				res	2
-SENS			res	2
-dLSB            res 1           ;Pressure sensor interface 
-dMSB            res 1
-clock_count     res 1
-sensor_state_counter res 1		; counts to eight for state maschine
-amb_pressure_avg res 2
-temperature_avg	res	2
-minimum_temperature	res 2		; minimum temperature
-last_temperature	res 2
-last_pressure	res 2
+C1 			            res 2   ; Decoded calibration data
+C2          			res 2
+C3              		res 2
+C4              		res 2   ; Here: C4-250
+C5              		res 2   ; Here: Reference Temperature UT1 = 8*C5 + 10000 (u16 range 10.000 .. +42.760)
+C6              		res 2
+D1              		res 2   ; raw pressure
+D2              		res 2   ; raw temperature
+xdT						res	2
+xdT2					res	2
+OFF						res	2
+SENS					res	2
+dLSB            		res 1   ; Pressure sensor interface 
+dMSB            		res 1
+clock_count     		res 1
+sensor_state_counter 	res 1	; counts to eight for state maschine
+amb_pressure_avg 		res 2
+temperature_avg			res	2
+minimum_temperature		res 2	; minimum temperature
+last_temperature		res 2
+last_pressure			res 2
 last_pressure_velocity	res 2   ; For velocity
-last_surfpressure res 2
+last_surfpressure 		res 2
 last_surfpressure_15min res 2
 last_surfpressure_30min res 2
-rel_pressure	res 2
-sim_pressure	res 2   ; hold simulated pressure in mbar if in Simulator mode
-max_pressure	res 2
-avg_rel_pressure	res 2
-avg_rel_pressure_total res 2
+rel_pressure			res 2
+sim_pressure			res 2   ; hold simulated pressure in mbar if in Simulator mode
+max_pressure			res 2
+avg_rel_pressure		res 2
+avg_rel_pressure_total 	res 2
 ;---- Data for ISR math subroutines
-isr_xC          res 4
-isr_xA          res 2
-isr_xB          res 2
+isr_xC          		res 4
+isr_xA       		   	res 2
+isr_xB         			res 2
 ;---- Data for ISR routines
-isr1_temp       res 1           ; ISR temp variable, used in ms5541.asm, isr_rtcc, isr_battery_gauge
-isr2_temp       res 1           ; ISR temp variable, used isr_battery_gauge
+isr1_temp       	res 1		; ISR temp variable, used in ms5541.asm, isr_rtcc, isr_battery_gauge
+isr2_temp       	res 1		; ISR temp variable, used isr_battery_gauge
 ;---- Display brightness
-max_CCPR1L		res	1			; Max. brightness value for CCPR1L
+max_CCPR1L			res	1		; Max. brightness value for CCPR1L
 ; Battery gauge (nAs, nC)
-battery_gauge	res	6			; 48Bit -> 78Ah max...
+battery_gauge		res	6		; 48Bit -> 78Ah max...
 ; IR/S8-Link
 ir_s8_buffer        res .18     ; temporally used in get_calibration_data for the raw (packed) calibration data
@@ -334,8 +344,8 @@
 compass_heading     res 2       ; Corrected heading (in 1°) : -180 .. 180
 compass_heading_old res 2       ; Old heading (For smoother display)
 compass_heading_shown res 2     ; Displayed heading
-;compass_roll        res 2       ; Rotation around the X axis
-;compass_pitch       res 2       ; Rotation around the Y axis
+;compass_roll       res 2       ; Rotation around the X axis
+;compass_pitch      res 2       ; Rotation around the Y axis
 compass_a           res 2       ; Tmp data for Q15 arithmetics
 compass_b           res 2
@@ -344,16 +354,16 @@
 CNS_start           res 2       ; CNS value at beginning of dive
 GF_start            res 1       ; GF value at beginning of dive
-speed_setting        	res 1           ; =1: Eco, =2: Normal, =3: Fastest
+speed_setting       res 1       ; =1: Eco, =2: Normal, =3: Fastest
 ;---- Data for graphical compass
-xRD             res 2       ; virtual compass ruler offset
-xRDr            res 2       ; virtual compass ruler offset - right end
-xRD180          res 2       ; virtual compass ruler offset for the -180 marker
-xLO             res 1       ; lo backup to prevent trashing
-xHI             res 1       ; hi backup to prevent trashing
-xCM             res 1       ; compass bearing relative position
-compass_bearing res 2       ; this is where the bearing menu stores the actual heading for bearing
+xRD             	res 2       ; virtual compass ruler offset
+xRDr            	res 2       ; virtual compass ruler offset - right end
+xRD180          	res 2       ; virtual compass ruler offset for the -180 marker
+xLO             	res 1       ; lo backup to prevent trashing
+xHI             	res 1       ; hi backup to prevent trashing
+xCM             	res 1       ; compass bearing relative position
+compass_bearing 	res 2       ; this is where the bearing menu stores the actual heading for bearing
 ;---------------------------- Common DATA ------------------------------------
@@ -361,30 +371,30 @@
 common          udata_ovr   common      ; Bank1 general variables
 ;---- Time and Date
-secs         	   		res 1           
-mins            		res 1
-hours           		res 1
-day             		res 1
-month           		res 1
-year            		res 1
+secs					res 1           
+mins					res 1
+hours					res 1
+day						res 1
+month					res 1
+year					res 1
 surface_interval		res 2
-flag1            		res 1
-flag2           		res 1
-flag3           		res 1
-flag4           		res 1
-flag5           		res 1
-flag6           		res 1
-flag7           		res 1
-flag8           		res 1
-flag9           		res 1
-flag10           		res 1
-flag11           		res 1
-flag12           		res 1
-flag13                  res 1
-flag14			res 1
+flag1					res 1
+flag2					res 1
+flag3					res 1
+flag4					res 1
+flag5					res 1
+flag6					res 1
+flag7					res 1
+flag8					res 1
+flag9					res 1
+flag10					res 1
+flag11					res 1
+flag12					res 1
+flag13					res 1
+flag14					res 1
-hardware_flag           res 1           ; hardware descriptor flag
+hardware_flag			res 1           ; hardware descriptor flag
 temp1			res 1
 temp2			res 1
@@ -430,7 +440,7 @@
 sub_b           res 2
 ;---- Data for conversion subroutines
-cvt_flags       res 1
+cvt_flags       res 2
 ignore_digits   res 1
 #define leftbind            cvt_flags,0
@@ -441,8 +451,11 @@
 #DEFINE screen_type         cvt_flags,5 ; =1: display1, =0; display0
 #DEFINE	compass_type	    cvt_flags,6 ; =1: compass1, =0: compass0
 #DEFINE	analog_switches	    cvt_flags,7 ; =1: Analog switches available
+#DEFINE	compass_type2	    cvt_flags+1,0   ; =1: Compass2, =0: Compass1 or compass0
 ;---- Misc.
-nofly_time              res 2   		; No Fly time in Minutes (Calculated after Dive)
 timeout_counter 		res 1
 timeout_counter2		res 1
 timeout_counter3		res 1
@@ -451,12 +464,10 @@
 ambient_light			res 2			; ambient_light level
 lo_temp					res 1
 hi_temp					res 1
-desaturation_time		res 2  
 convert_value_temp      res 3           ; used in menu_battery_state_convert_date
-active_gas				res 1
-active_diluent          res 1           ; As a backup when switching back from Bailout to CCR
+active_gas				res 1			; the currently breathed gas (1-5)
+active_diluent          res 1           ; backup when switching back from bailout to CCR/pSCR loop
 warning_counter			res 1			; Counts amount of warning in divemode
-warning_counter_backup	res 1			; Backup of warning_counter
 warning_page            res 1           ; current # of warning page
 ; Remind history for menu processor (and such):
@@ -493,11 +504,11 @@
 apnoe_surface_secs		res 1
 ; Profile storing
-AlarmType			res 1
-samplesecs			res 1
-EventByte			res 1
-EventByte2			res 1
-ProfileFlagByte		res 1
+AlarmType				res 1
+samplesecs				res 1
+EventByte				res 1
+EventByte2				res 1
+ProfileFlagByte			res 1
 ; External flash
 ext_flash_address		res 3	; 24bit Address
@@ -525,12 +536,16 @@
 ;Bit6 unused in stand-alone HUD
 ;Bit7 unused in stand-alone HUD
-sensor_setpoint     res 1       ; sensor ppo2 in 0.01bar for deco routine
+sensor_setpoint     	res 1       ; sensor ppo2 in 0.01bar for deco routine
 better_gas_number	res 1       ; number (1-5) of the "better gas" in divemode, =0: no better gas available
-customview_divemode res 1       ; keeps last custom view
-customview_surfmode res 1
-safety_stop_countdown	res 1	; counts seconds of safety stop
+customview_divemode 	res 1       ; keeps last custom view
+customview_surfmode 	res 1
+safety_stop_countdown	res 1		; counts seconds of safety stop
+tft_update_flags	res 3		; probably more then needed...
+; bank common 1 Byte left here...
 ;---------------------------- TMP DATA ---------------------------------------
 ; Space for various overlayed data from color, word, menu processors, etc.
@@ -545,42 +560,50 @@
 common2          equ         0xA00       ; Alias for "banksel common"
 common2          udata_ovr   common2     ; Bank1 general variables
-s8_rawdata_sensor1   res 3  ; 24bit A/D raw data from S8 HUD sensor 1
-s8_rawdata_sensor2   res 3  ; 24bit A/D raw data from S8 HUD sensor 2
-s8_rawdata_sensor3   res 3  ; 24bit A/D raw data from S8 HUD sensor 3
+s8_rawdata_sensor1			res 3	; 24bit A/D raw data from S8 HUD sensor 1
+s8_rawdata_sensor2			res 3	; 24bit A/D raw data from S8 HUD sensor 2
+s8_rawdata_sensor3			res 3	; 24bit A/D raw data from S8 HUD sensor 3
-hud_battery_mv      res 2   ; hud/ppo2 monitor battery voltage in mV
-start_day           res 1   ; At start of dive (For logbook)
-start_month         res 1   ; At start of dive (For logbook)
-start_year          res 1   ; At start of dive (For logbook)
-start_hours         res 1   ; At start of dive (For logbook)
-start_mins          res 1   ; At start of dive (For logbook)
+hud_battery_mv				res 2   ; hud/ppo2 monitor battery voltage in mV
+start_day					res 1   ; At start of dive (For logbook)
+start_month					res 1   ; At start of dive (For logbook)
+start_year					res 1   ; At start of dive (For logbook)
+start_hours					res 1   ; At start of dive (For logbook)
+start_mins					res 1   ; At start of dive (For logbook)
-old_velocity        res 4   ; Stores the last 4 speeds (8 seconds) in m/min
-opt_gas_type_backup res 5   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
-opt_dil_type_backup res 5   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
-opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup  res 5   ; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
-opt_dil_change_backup  res 5; Gas change depths Diluents
+old_velocity				res 4   ; Stores the last 4 speeds (8 seconds) in m/min
+opt_gas_type_backup			res 5   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+opt_dil_type_backup			res 5   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
+opt_OC_bail_gas_change_backup	res 5   ; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
+opt_dil_change_backup  			res 5	; Gas change depths Diluents
 internal_battery_capacity	res 2	; For internal battery gauging
-battery_capacity		res 2	; For battery gauge IC
-battery_offset			res 2	; For battery gauge IC
+battery_capacity			res 2	; For battery gauge IC
+battery_offset				res 2	; For battery gauge IC
-analog_sw1_raw		res 2	; idle values (average)
-analog_sw2_raw		res 2	; idle values (average)
-analog_counter		res 1	; for averaging
-analog_sw1		res 1	; analog value for switch 1
-analog_sw2		res 1	; analog value for switch 2
-battery_type		res 1	; =0:1.5V, =1:3,6V Saft, =2:LiIon 3,7V/0.8Ah, =3:LiIon 3,7V/3.1Ah, =4: LiIon 3,7V/2.3Ah
-uptime			res 4	; Uptime [s]
-lastdive_time		res 4	; Time since last dive [s]
-lastdive_duration	res 3	; mins:2 and secs
-lastdive_maxdepth	res 2	; in mbar	
+analog_sw1_raw				res 2	; idle values (average)
+analog_sw2_raw				res 2	; idle values (average)
+analog_counter				res 1	; for averaging
+analog_sw1					res 1	; analog value for switch 1
+analog_sw2					res 1	; analog value for switch 2
+battery_type				res 1	; =0:1.5V, =1:3,6V Saft, =2:LiIon 3,7V/0.8Ah, =3:LiIon 3,7V/3.1Ah, =4: LiIon 3,7V/2.3Ah
+uptime						res 4	; Uptime [s]
+lastdive_time				res 4	; Time since last dive [s]
+lastdive_duration			res 3	; mins:2 and secs
+lastdive_maxdepth			res 2	; in mbar	
 battery_acumulated_charge   res 2   ; Raw values in battery gauge IC
-gauge_status_byte	res 1	 ; Gauge IC status byte
-button_polarity		res 1	; 0xFF (Both normal), 0x00 (Both inverted), 0x01 (Left inverted only), 0x02 (Right inverted only) 
-gaslist_gas_global	res 1	; for color coding the gas lists
-active_gas_type		res 1	; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco for OC gases and 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal for diluents	
+gauge_status_byte			res 1	; Gauge IC status byte
+button_polarity				res 1	; 0xFF (Both normal), 0x00 (Both inverted), 0x01 (Left inverted only), 0x02 (Right inverted only) 
+gaslist_gas_global			res 1	; for color coding the gas lists
+;active_gas_type			res 1	; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco for OC gases and 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal for diluents	
+rx_buffer					res .48 ; Buffer for RX data (Slots 0-7)
+rx_firmware					res 2	; The RX firmware version xx.yy
+gas6_O2_ratio				res 1	; gas6 O2 ratio
+gas6_He_ratio				res 1	; gas6 He ratio
+gas6_temp					res 1	; temp used in divemenu_tree.asm
 ; Reserve BANK2 for general purpose buffer (strings, images, etc).
@@ -599,12 +622,10 @@
 opt_gas_type            res 5   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
 opt_dil_type            res 5   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal -> ; Must be in line with opt_gas_type
 opt_dive_mode           res 1   ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR
-opt_ppO2_max            res 1   ; PPO2 Max for MOD calculation and color coding in divemode
 opt_ccr_mode            res 1   ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor
-opt_ppO2_min            res 1   ; PPO2 min for Sensors and color coding in divemode
 opt_OC_bail_gas_change  res 5   ; Gas change depths OC/Bailout
 ;---- Managing Settings
 opt_brightness          res 1   ; =0: Eco, =1:Medium, =2:Full
 opt_salinity            res 1	; 0-5%
 #DEFINE opt_name_length    .60  ; Custom text string 5 rows with 12 chars
@@ -627,7 +648,7 @@
 opt_x_s1                res	2	; calibration factor (Not stored in EEPROM)
 opt_x_s2                res	2	; calibration factor (Not stored in EEPROM)
 opt_x_s3                res	2	; calibration factor (Not stored in EEPROM)
-opt_sensor_fallback     res 1   ; =1: Fallback to SP1 when sensor is lost
 opt_flip_screen         res 1   ; =1: Flip the screen
 opt_cR_button_left      res 1   ; Left button sensitivity (cR hardware)
 opt_cR_button_right     res 1   ; Right button sensitivity (cR hardware)
@@ -640,20 +661,21 @@
 opt_safety_stop_start   res 1   ; [cbar]
 opt_safety_stop_end     res 1   ; [cbar]
 opt_safety_stop_reset   res 1   ; [cbar]
-opt_diveTimeout		res 1	; Timeout for Divemode [min]
-opt_PSCR_drop		res 1	; PSCR Drop [%]
-opt_PSCR_lungratio	res 1	; PSCR Lung Ratio [1/x]
-opt_ppO2_max_deco       res 1   ; PPO2 Max Decogases (for MOD calculation and color coding in divemode)
+opt_diveTimeout			res 1	; Timeout for Divemode [min]
+opt_sim_setpoint_number	res 1	; NEW setpoint to use for deco calculation
+opt_calc_asc_gasvolume	res 1	; NEW calculate OC gas volume needs for ascent
+opt_sim_use_aGF			res 1	; NEW use GF (no) or aGF (yes) for deco calculation
+opt_enable_IBCD			res 1	; NEW enable IBCD warning
 ;-----------------------------EEPROM DATA ------------------------------------
 ; Automatic reset of all options when this is changed:
-#define    eeprom_opt_serial   0x0005   ; Version 0.5
+#define    eeprom_opt_serial   0x0006   ; Version 0.6
 ; Flags
 #DEFINE	switch_left				flag1,0
 #DEFINE	switch_right			flag1,1			
-#DEFINE neg_flag				flag1,2	; e.g. sub16 (sub_c = sub_a - sub_b)
+#DEFINE neg_flag				flag1,2	;     e.g. sub16 (sub_c = sub_a - sub_b)
 #DEFINE pressure_refresh 		flag1,3	; =1: A new pressure/temperature is available
 #DEFINE	sleepmode				flag1,4	; =1: In Sleepmode
 #DEFINE	tft_is_dimming			flag1,5	; =1: The TFT is dimming, ignore light sensor
@@ -666,14 +688,14 @@
 #DEFINE	FLAG_apnoe_mode			flag2,3	; =1: Apnoe mode selected
 #DEFINE	restore_deco_data		flag2,4	; =1: Restore deco data (After simulation)
 #DEFINE premenu					flag2,5	; =1: Premenu/Divemenu selected
-#DEFINE	menubit					flag2,6	; menu
+#DEFINE	menubit					flag2,6	;     menu
 #DEFINE	simulatormode_active	flag2,7	; =1: Simulator mode active, override pressure sensor readings
 #DEFINE divemode_menu           flag3,0	; =1: Divemode menu is shown
-#DEFINE	onesecupdate			flag3,1	; =1 after any second
+#DEFINE	onesecupdate			flag3,1	; =1: after any second
 #DEFINE twosecupdate			flag3,2	; =1: New two-second update
 #DEFINE	toggle_customview		flag3,3	; =1: Next customview
-#DEFINE	oneminupdate			flag3,4	; =1 after any minute
+#DEFINE	oneminupdate			flag3,4	; =1: after any minute
 #DEFINE	divemode				flag3,5	; =1: in Divemode
 #DEFINE	battery_is_36v          flag3,6	; =1: 3,6V Battery is in use
 #DEFINE	warning_active          flag3,7	; =1: A warning is active in divemode or surfacemode
@@ -691,7 +713,7 @@
 #DEFINE	reset_average_depth		flag5,1	; =1: Reset the average depth
 #DEFINE	store_sample			flag5,2	; =1: Store a new sample
 #DEFINE	divemode2				flag5,3	; =1: Dive longer then one minute
-#DEFINE	FLAG_active_descent		flag5,4	; Used in Apnoe mode
+#DEFINE	FLAG_active_descent		flag5,4	;     Used in Apnoe mode
 #DEFINE	event_occured			flag5,5	; =1: An event occured, store it!
 #DEFINE	divemode_menu_active	flag5,6 ; =1: The divemode menu is shown
 #DEFINE	temp_changed			flag5,7	; =1: The temperature changed
@@ -708,9 +730,9 @@
 #DEFINE dive_hud3_displayed     flag7,0 ; =1: The Sensor3 HUD reading is displayed
 #DEFINE no_more_divesecs        flag7,1 ; =1: Do no longer show seconds in divemode
 #DEFINE FLAG_gauge_mode         flag7,2 ; =1: In Gauge mode
-#DEFINE ignore_last_edited_gas  flag7,3 ; Used in gaslist_cleanup_list
+#DEFINE ignore_last_edited_gas  flag7,3 ;     Used in gaslist_cleanup_list
 #DEFINE ccr_diluent_setup       flag7,4 ; =1: Setting up Diluents ("Gas6-10")
-#DEFINE menu_show_sensors       flag7,5 ; =1: Update HUD data in menu
+#DEFINE menu_show_sensors       flag7,5 ; =1: Update HUD data in menu			## NOT USED ANYMORE ##
 #DEFINE short_gas_decriptions   flag7,6 ; =1: Use short versions of gaslist_strcat_gas_mod and gaslist_strcat_setpoint
 #DEFINE max_depth_greater_100m  flag7,7 ; =1: Max. Depth > 100m
@@ -727,7 +749,7 @@
 #DEFINE in_color_menu           flag9,1 ; =1: In the color scheme menu
 #DEFINE bailoutgas_event        flag9,2 ; =1: bailout was selected or a gaschange during bailout
 #DEFINE win_invert              flag9,3 ; =1: Invert font output
-#DEFINE show_safety_stop	flag9,4	; =1: Show the safety stop
+#DEFINE show_safety_stop		flag9,4	; =1: Show the safety stop
 #DEFINE	safety_stop_active      flag9,5	; =1: The safety stop is currently displayed
 #DEFINE new_s8_data_available   flag9,6 ; =1: New data frame recieved
 #DEFINE print_compass_label     flag9,7 ; =1: print the graphical comapss label
@@ -760,28 +782,106 @@
 #DEFINE blinking_depth_toggle   flag12,7    ; toggle to blink
 #DEFINE neg_flag_velocity       flag13,0    ; neg_flag backup for velocity logic
-#DEFINE	analog_sw1_pressed	flag13,1    ; =1: Analog switch 1 pressed
-#DEFINE	analog_sw2_pressed	flag13,2    ; =1: Analog switch 2 pressed
+#DEFINE	analog_sw1_pressed		flag13,1    ; =1: Analog switch 1 pressed
+#DEFINE	analog_sw2_pressed		flag13,2    ; =1: Analog switch 2 pressed
 #DEFINE sp2_switched            flag13,3    ; =1: This setpoint has been autoselected already
 #DEFINE sp3_switched            flag13,4    ; =1: This setpoint has been autoselected already
 #DEFINE sp4_switched            flag13,5    ; =1: This setpoint has been autoselected already
 #DEFINE sp5_switched            flag13,6    ; =1: This setpoint has been autoselected already
-#DEFINE	use_old_batt_flag	flag13,7    ; =1: load old battery information after power-on reset
+#DEFINE	use_old_batt_flag		flag13,7    ; =1: load old battery information after power-on reset
-#DEFINE	FLAG_pscr_mode		flag14,0    ; =1: OSTC is in PSCR mode
-#DEFINE	deep_sleep		flag14,1    ; OSTC is in deep sleep (ignore buttons, etc)
+#DEFINE	FLAG_pscr_mode			flag14,0    ; =1: OSTC is in PSCR mode
+#DEFINE	deep_sleep				flag14,1    ; OSTC is in deep sleep (ignore buttons, etc)
+#DEFINE sensors_agree			flag14,2    ; =1: the ppO2 of all sensors are within the threshold range
+#DEFINE	gas_needs_attention		flag14,3    ; =1: the gas needs attention      has been raised before
+#DEFINE	gas_needs_warning		flag14,4    ; =1: the gas needs warning        has been raised before
+#DEFINE	sensor_warning			flag14,5    ; =1: the sensors disagree warning has been raised before
+#DEFINE	alternative_divelayout	flag14,6    ; =1: the alternative divelayout is used (aka Blind Mode)
+#DEFINE	i2c_error_flag			flag14,7    ; =1: An I2C error occured
+; Update flags in divemode, =1: Update the screen
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_divemode_mask				tft_update_flags+0,0
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_display_ndl_mask			tft_update_flags+0,1
+#DEFINE FLAG_TFT_depth						tft_update_flags+0,2
+#DEFINE FLAG_TFT_divemins					tft_update_flags+0,3
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_show_safety_stop			tft_update_flags+0,4	
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_display_ndl				tft_update_flags+0,5
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_display_deko_mask			tft_update_flags+0,6
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_display_deko				tft_update_flags+0,7
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_display_tts				tft_update_flags+1,0
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_temp_divemode				tft_update_flags+1,1
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_divemode_warning			tft_update_flags+1,2
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_divemode_warning_clear		tft_update_flags+1,3
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_active_gas_divemode		tft_update_flags+1,4
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_clear_safety_stop			tft_update_flags+1,5
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_max_depth					tft_update_flags+1,6
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_divemode_mask_alt			tft_update_flags+1,7
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_dive_warning_text_clear	tft_update_flags+2,0
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_dive_warning_text_clr2		tft_update_flags+2,1
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_max_depth_alt				tft_update_flags+2,2
+#DEFINE	FLAG_TFT_big_deco_alt				tft_update_flags+2,3
+#define FLAG_TFT_not_defined_yet			tft_update_flags+2,7	; last usable flag within tft_update_flags memory space
+; Bit Masks	for communication with p2_deco.c
+#define	DECO_STATUS_MASK		.3
+; Bit Flags for communication with p2_deco.c - char_O_deco_status
+#define DECO_STATUS_0_FLAG		.0
+#define DECO_STATUS_1_FLAG		.1
+#define DECO_MODE_LOOP_FLAG 	.2
+#define DECO_MODE_PSCR_FLAG 	.3
+#define DECO_PLAN_FLAG 			.4
+#define DECO_CNS_FLAG 			.5
+#define DECO_VOLUME_FLAG 		.6
+#define DECO_ASCENT_FLAG 		.7
+; Bit Flags for communication with p2_deco.c - char_O_main_status
+;#define DECO_MODE_LOOP_FLAG 	.2
+;#define DECO_MODE_PSCR_FLAG 	.3
+#define DECO_BOTTOM_FLAG		.6
+; Bit Values for communication with p2_deco.c
+#define DECO_STATUS_INIT		.3
+#define	DECO_MODE_LOOP			.4
+#define DECO_MODE_PSCR			.8
+#define DECO_CNS_CALCULATE		.32
+#define	DECO_ASCENT_DELAYED		.128
+; Bit Flags for char_O_deco_warnings
+#define IBCD_warning			.0
+#define IBCD_warning_lock		.1
+#define mbubble_warning			.2
+#define mbubble_warning_lock	.3
+#define	outside_warning			.4
+#define	outside_warning_lock	.5
+#define stoptable_overflow		.6
+#define	deco_flag				.7
+#define char_invalid_flag		.7
+#define int_invalid_flag		.2
+#define int_not_yet_computed	.3
+#define	int_is_zero				.3
+#define int_low_flag			.4
+#define int_high_flag			.5
+#define	int_prewarning_flag		.6
+#define	int_warning_flag		.7
 ; C-code Routines
 ; PART 2
     extern deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min    
-    extern deco_calc_CNS_fraction
     extern deco_calc_desaturation_time
     extern deco_calc_hauptroutine
-    extern deco_calc_tissue
-    extern deco_calc_percentage
     extern deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min
     extern deco_calc_dive_interval
-    extern deco_clear_CNS_fraction
     extern deco_clear_tissue
     extern deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
     extern deco_push_tissues_to_vault
--- a/src/i2c.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/i2c.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -2,17 +2,29 @@
 ;   File i2c.asm
-;   I2C Interface to HMC5883L and MMA8452Q
+;   I2C Interface
+    ; Compass0
 ;   HMC5883L's read address (8-Bit):    0x3D
 ;   HMC5883L's write address (8-Bit):   0x3C
 ;   MMA8452Q's read address (8-Bit):    0x39
 ;   MMA8452Q's write address (8-Bit):   0x38
+    ; Compass1
 ;   LSM303D's read address (8-Bit):    0x3D
 ;   LSM303D's write address (8-Bit):   0x3C
+    ; Compass2
+;   LSM303AGR's Compass read address (8-Bit):    0x3D
+;   LSM303AGR's Compass write address (8-Bit):   0x3C
+;   LSM303AGR's Acceleration read address (8-Bit):    0x33
+;   LSM303AGR's Acceleration write address (8-Bit):   0x32
+    ; RX Circuity
+;   RX Circuity read address (8-Bit):    0x51
+;   RX Circuity write address (8-Bit):   0x50
 ;   Copyright (c) 2012, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
@@ -22,28 +34,29 @@
 #include ""                ; Mandatory header
 #include ""
 #include ""
+#include ""
 i2c    CODE
 	decfsz		i2c_temp,F          ; check for timeout during I2C action
-	bra			WaitMSSP2
-	bra			I2CFail             ; timeout occured
+	bra		WaitMSSP2
+	bra		I2CFail             ; timeout occured
-	btfss		PIR1,SSPIF
-	bra			WaitMSSP
+	btfss		PIR1,SSP1IF
+	bra		WaitMSSP
 	clrf		i2c_temp
-	bcf			PIR1,SSPIF
-	nop
+	bcf		PIR1,SSP1IF
-	btfss		SSPCON2,ACKSTAT     ; checks for ACK bit from slave
-    return
+	btfss		SSP1CON2,ACKSTAT     ; checks for ACK bit from slave
+	return
 	rcall		I2CReset            ; I2C Reset
-	bcf			PIR1,SSPIF
+	bcf		PIR1,SSP1IF
 	clrf		i2c_temp
+	bsf		i2c_error_flag		; set error flag
 I2CReset:                           ; Something went wrong (Slave holds SDA low?)
@@ -76,7 +89,7 @@
 	clrf		SSP1CON1            ; setup I²C Mode
 	WAITMS		d'10'               ; Reset-Timeout for I2C devices
 	movlw		b'00000000'         ; with slew rate control
-	movwf		SSPSTAT
+	movwf		SSP1STAT
 	movlw		b'00101000'
 	movwf		SSP1CON1
 	movlw		b'00000000'
@@ -121,9 +134,11 @@
     global  I2C_RX_accelerometer
+    btfsc   compass_type2	    ; compass2
+    bra	    I2C_RX_accelerometer_compass2    ; yes
     btfsc   compass_type	    ; compass1?
     bra	    I2C_RX_accelerometer_compass1    ; yes
     bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
     rcall		WaitMSSP
     movlw		0x38                ; address
@@ -190,8 +205,7 @@
     movff       hi,accel_DZ+1       ; Copy result
 	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
-	rcall		WaitMSSP
-    return
+	bra		WaitMSSP	; (And return)
     bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
@@ -203,19 +217,21 @@
     bsf		SSP1CON2,RSEN	    ; Repeated start condition (!)
     rcall	WaitMSSP
     movlw	0x3D                ; address
+I2C_RX_accelerometer_compass1_xx:   ; compass2 continues here... 
     rcall       I2C_TX
     ; Non-flipped screen:
     ; Chip orientation on the PCB requires
     ; Original = Corrected
-    ; x = -x
+    ; x = -x (Compass 1)
+    ; x = x (Compass 2)
     ; y = -y
     ; z = -z
     ; Flipped screen:
     ; Chip orientation on the PCB requires
     ; Original = Corrected
-    ; x = x
+    ; x = x (Compass 1)
+    ; x = -x (Compass 2)
     ; y = y
     ; z = -z
@@ -225,16 +241,30 @@
     rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       
     movff	SSP1BUF,hi  ;accel_DX+1
     rcall       I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16_2; devide lo:hi/16 (signed) only
+    btfss	compass_type2	    ; compass 2?
+    bra		I2C_RX_accelerometer1_c1    ; No, compass 1
+    ; compass 2
+    btfss       flip_screen             ; 180° rotation ?
+    bra		I2C_RX_accelerometer2_c1    ; No, continue with normal compass1 routines for Y and Z
+    ; flipped compass 2, negate x
+    comf        hi                    ; 16bit sign change.
+    negf        lo
+    btfsc       STATUS,C            ; Carry to propagate ?
+    incf        hi,F                ; YES: do it.
+    bra		I2C_RX_accelerometer2_c1    ; continue with normal compass1 routines for Y and Z
     btfsc       flip_screen             ; 180° rotation ?
     bra         I2C_RX_accelerometer2_c1   ; Yes
+    ; non-flipped compass 1, negate x
     comf        hi                    ; 16bit sign change.
     negf        lo
     btfsc       STATUS,C            ; Carry to propagate ?
     incf        hi,F                ; YES: do it.
+    ; flipped compass 1, non-flipped compass 2
     movff       lo,accel_DX+0
     movff       hi,accel_DX+1       ; Copy result
     rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       
     movff	SSP1BUF,lo  ;accel_DY+0
     rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       
@@ -268,6 +298,18 @@
     movff       hi,accel_DZ+1       ; Copy result
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN	    ; Start condition
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    movlw	0x32                ; address
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	b'10101000'	    ; 0x28 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,RSEN	    ; Repeated start condition (!)
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    movlw	0x33                ; address
+    bra		I2C_RX_accelerometer_compass1_xx
     bsf		SSP1CON2, RCEN      ; Enable recieve mode
     rcall	WaitMSSP
@@ -276,9 +318,11 @@
     global  I2C_RX_compass
+    btfsc   compass_type2	    ; compass2
+    bra	    I2C_RX_compass2    ; yes
     btfsc   compass_type	    ; compass1?
     bra	    I2C_RX_compass1    ; yes
     bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
     rcall	WaitMSSP
     movlw	0x3C                ; address
@@ -288,7 +332,7 @@
     bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
     rcall	WaitMSSP
-    bcf		PIR1,SSPIF
+    bcf		PIR1,SSP1IF
     bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
     rcall	WaitMSSP
     movlw	0x3D                ; address
@@ -317,17 +361,17 @@
     ; y = -x
     rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
-	movff		SSP1BUF,compass_DY+1; Data Byte
+    movff	SSP1BUF,compass_DY+1; Data Byte
     rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
-	movff		SSP1BUF,compass_DY+0; Data Byte
+    movff	SSP1BUF,compass_DY+0; Data Byte
     btfsc       flip_screen         ; 180° rotation ?
-    bra         I2C_RX_compass2     ; Yes
+    bra         I2C_RX_compass0_2     ; Yes
     banksel compass_DY
     comf        compass_DY+1        ; 16bit sign change.
     negf        compass_DY+0
     btfsc       STATUS,C            ; Carry to propagate ?
     incf        compass_DY+1,F      ; YES: do it.
     banksel common
     rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
     movff	SSP1BUF,compass_DZ+1; Data Byte
@@ -362,7 +406,7 @@
     rcall	WaitMSSP
     movlw	0x3D                ; address
     rcall       I2C_TX
+;rcall	WaitMSSP	    ; Needed? (mH)
     rcall	I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
     movff	SSP1BUF,lo	    ; Data Byte
     rcall	I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
@@ -406,12 +450,79 @@
     movff	lo,compass_DZ+0
     movff	hi,compass_DZ+1
     bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN	    ; Stop condition
+    bra		WaitMSSP ;(And return)
+I2C_RX_compass2:    ; newest compass
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN	    ; Start condition
     rcall	WaitMSSP
-    return
+    movlw	0x3C                ; address
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	0xE8		    ; 0x68 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,RSEN	    ; Repeated start condition (!)
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    movlw	0x3D                ; address
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+;    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    rcall	I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
+    movff	SSP1BUF,lo	    ; Data Byte
+    rcall	I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
+    movff	SSP1BUF,hi	    ; Data Byte
+;    rcall	I2C_TwoBytesRX_div8_2
+    btfsc       flip_screen         ; 180° rotation ?
+    bra		I2C_RX_compass2_1   ; Yes, do nothing with X
+    ; No, flip X
+    comf        hi                  ; 16bit sign change.
+    negf        lo
+    btfsc       STATUS,C            ; Carry to propagate ?
+    incf        hi,F                ; YES: do it.
+    movff	lo,compass_DX+0
+    movff	hi,compass_DX+1
+    rcall	I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
+    movff	SSP1BUF,lo	    ; Data Byte
+    rcall	I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
+    movff	SSP1BUF,hi	    ; Data Byte
+;    rcall	I2C_TwoBytesRX_div8_2
+    btfss       flip_screen         ; 180° rotation ?
+    bra		I2C_RX_compass2_2   ; No, do nothing with Y
+    ; Yes, flip Y
+    comf        hi                  ; 16bit sign change.
+    negf        lo
+    btfsc       STATUS,C            ; Carry to propagate ?
+    incf        hi,F                ; YES: do it.
+    movff	lo,compass_DY+0
+    movff	hi,compass_DY+1
+    rcall	I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
+    movff	SSP1BUF,lo	    ; Data Byte
+    rcall	I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
+    movff	SSP1BUF,hi	    ; Data Byte
+    ;rcall	I2C_TwoBytesRX_div8_2
+    movff	lo,compass_DZ+0
+    movff	hi,compass_DZ+1
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN	    ; Stop condition
+    bra		WaitMSSP ;(And return)
     global  I2C_init_compass
     bsf     compass_enabled
+    bcf	    compass_type2
+    ; probe compass 2
+    bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    movlw	0x32			; Address byte + Write bit
+    movwf	SSP1BUF			; control byte
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    btfss	SSP1CON2,ACKSTAT	; ACK?
+    bsf	    compass_type2		; ACK send. compass2 present
+    bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    btfsc   compass_type2
+    bra	    I2C_init_compass2		; Compass2
+    ; Check for compass0 or compass1...
     bsf	    compass_type	    ; set flag
     bsf	    SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
     rcall   WaitMSSP
@@ -421,7 +532,7 @@
     rcall   I2C_TX
     bsf	    SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
     rcall   WaitMSSP
-    bcf	    PIR1,SSPIF
+    bcf	    PIR1,SSP1IF
     bsf	    SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
     rcall   WaitMSSP
     movlw   0x3D                ; address
@@ -445,22 +556,6 @@
 ;	movlw	b'01101001'        ; ConfigA:  3Hz, 8 Samples averaged, Test Mode (Positive Bias)
     movlw	b'01101000'        ; ConfigA:  3Hz, 8 Samples averaged
     rcall       I2C_TX
-    bra         I2C_init_compass_common
-    global  I2C_init_compass_fast
-    btfsc   compass_type	    ; compass1?
-    bra	    I2C_init_compass_fast1  ; yes
-    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
-    rcall	WaitMSSP
-    movlw	0x3C                ; address
-    rcall       I2C_TX
-    movlw	0x00
-    rcall       I2C_TX
-    movlw	b'00111000'        ; ConfigA: 75Hz, 2 Samples averaged
-;    movlw	b'00111001'        ; ConfigA: 75Hz, 2 Samples averaged, Test Mode (Positive Bias)
-    rcall       I2C_TX
     movff       opt_compass_gain,i2c_temp    ; 0-7 (230LSB/Gauss to 1370LSB/Gauss)
     swapf       i2c_temp,F
@@ -473,8 +568,7 @@
     movlw	b'00000000'        ; Continous Mode
     rcall       I2C_TX
     bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
-    rcall	WaitMSSP
-    return
+    bra		WaitMSSP	; (And return)
     bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN	; Start condition
@@ -503,37 +597,32 @@
     movlw	b'00000000'	; CTRL7 Continuous Mode
     rcall       I2C_TX
     bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
-    rcall	WaitMSSP
-    return
+    bra		WaitMSSP	; (And return)
-    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN	; Start condition
     rcall	WaitMSSP
     movlw	0x3C            ; address
     rcall       I2C_TX
-    movlw	0x9F		; 1F with auto-increment (MSB=1)
-    rcall       I2C_TX
-    movlw	b'00000000'	; CTRL0
+    movlw	0xE0		; 0x60 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
     rcall       I2C_TX
-    movlw	b'01101111'	; CTRL1 (100Hz, BDU=0, x,y,z = ON)
-    rcall       I2C_TX
-    movlw	b'11000000'	; CTRL2 (50Hz, +/-2g, 
+    movlw	b'00000000'	; CFG_REG_A_M (10Hz, Continuous)
     rcall       I2C_TX
-    movlw	b'00000000'	; CTRL3
-    rcall       I2C_TX
-    movlw	b'00000000'	; CTRL4
+    movlw	b'00000000'	; CFG_REG_B_M (Low-Pass Filter off)
     rcall       I2C_TX
-    movlw	b'01110100'	; CTRL5 HIGH res, 100Hz
+    movlw	b'00000000'	; CFG_REG_C_M BDU=0
     rcall       I2C_TX
-    bra		init_compass1_common
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN	; Stop condition
+    bra		WaitMSSP	;(And return)
     global  I2C_sleep_compass
     bcf         compass_enabled
-    btfsc   compass_type	    ; compass1?
-    bra	    I2C_sleep_compass1	    ; yes
+    btfsc	compass_type2	    ; compass2?
+    bra		I2C_sleep_compass2  ; yes
+    btfsc	compass_type	    ; compass1?
+    bra		I2C_sleep_compass1  ; yes
     bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
     rcall	WaitMSSP
     movlw	0x3C                ; address
@@ -547,8 +636,7 @@
     movlw	b'00000010'        ; Idle Mode
     rcall       I2C_TX
     bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
-    rcall	WaitMSSP
-    return
+    bra		WaitMSSP	; (And return)
     bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN	    ; Start condition
@@ -570,59 +658,111 @@
     movlw	b'00000010'         ; data for CTRL_REG7: magnetic sensor Power-down mode
     rcall       I2C_TX
     bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN	    ; Stop condition
+    bra		WaitMSSP	;(And return)
+    ; magnetic
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN	; Start condition
     rcall	WaitMSSP
-    return
+    movlw	0x3C            ; address
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	0xE0		; 0x60 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	b'00000010'	; CFG_REG_A_M (Idle mode)
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN	; Stop condition
+    bra		WaitMSSP	; (And return)
+    ; accelerometer
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    movlw	0x32            ; address
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	0x9F		; 1F with auto-increment (MSB=1)
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	b'00000000'	; TEMP_CFG_REG_A (Temp sensor off)
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	b'00000000'	; CTRL_REG1_A (All off)
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN	; Stop condition
+    bra		WaitMSSP	; (And return)
    global  I2C_init_accelerometer
+    btfsc   compass_type2	    ; compass2?
+    bra	    I2C_init_accelerometer2 ; Yes.
     btfsc   compass_type	    ; compass1?
     return			    ; yes, ignore
     rcall       I2C_sleep_accelerometer ; Regs can only be changed in St.By mode
-	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
-	rcall		WaitMSSP
-	movlw		0x38                ; address
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    movlw	0x38                ; address
     rcall       I2C_TX
-	movlw		0x0E                ; XYZ_DATA_CFG
+    movlw	0x0E                ; XYZ_DATA_CFG
     rcall       I2C_TX
-	movlw		b'00000000'         ; High pass Filter=0 , +/- 2g range
+    movlw	b'00000000'         ; High pass Filter=0 , +/- 2g range
     rcall       I2C_TX
-	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
-	rcall		WaitMSSP
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
-	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
-	rcall		WaitMSSP
-	movlw		0x38                ; address
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    movlw	0x38                ; address
     rcall       I2C_TX
-	movlw		0x2A                ; CTRL_REG1
+    movlw	0x2A                ; CTRL_REG1
     rcall       I2C_TX
 ;	movlw		b'00110000'         ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode
-	movlw		b'00110100'         ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode, reduced noise mode
+    movlw	b'00110100'         ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode, reduced noise mode
     rcall       I2C_TX
-	movlw		b'00000010'         ; CTRL_REG2: High Res in Active mode
+    movlw	b'00000010'         ; CTRL_REG2: High Res in Active mode
     rcall       I2C_TX
-	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
-	rcall		WaitMSSP
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
-	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
-	rcall		WaitMSSP
-	movlw		0x38                ; address
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    movlw	0x38                ; address
     rcall       I2C_TX
-	movlw		0x2A                ; CTRL_REG1
+    movlw	0x2A                ; CTRL_REG1
     rcall       I2C_TX
 ;	movlw		b'00110001'         ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, Active Mode
-	movlw		b'00110101'         ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode, reduced noise mode, Active Mode
+    movlw	b'00110101'         ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode, reduced noise mode, Active Mode
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+    bra		WaitMSSP	; (And return)
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+    rcall	WaitMSSP
+    movlw	0x32            ; address
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	0x9F		; 1F with auto-increment (MSB=1)
     rcall       I2C_TX
-	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
-	rcall		WaitMSSP
-    return
+    movlw	b'00000000'	; TEMP_CFG_REG_A (Temp sensor off)
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	b'01010111'	; CTRL_REG1_A (100Hz, x,y,z = ON)
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	b'00000000'	; CTRL_REG2_A
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	b'00000000'	; CTRL_REG3_A
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	b'00000000'	; CTRL_REG4_A (BDU=0, +/-2g, 
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    movlw	b'00000000'	; CTRL_REG5_A
+    rcall       I2C_TX
+    bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+    bra		WaitMSSP	; (And return)
     global  I2C_sleep_accelerometer
+    btfsc   compass_type2	    ; Compass2
+    bra	    I2C_sleep_accelerometer2	; Yes
     btfsc   compass_type	    ; compass1?
     return			    ; yes, ignore
@@ -635,9 +775,8 @@
 	movlw		b'00000000'         ; St. By Mode
     rcall       I2C_TX
 	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
-	rcall		WaitMSSP
-    return
+	bra	WaitMSSP	    ; (And return)
 	clrf	i2c_temp
 	movlw	0x02                ; Point to accumulated charge registers
@@ -649,11 +788,12 @@
 	rcall	WaitMSSP
 	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
 	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
-	rcall	WaitMSSP; (and return)
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
 	movff	battery_acumulated_charge+1,sub_a+1
 	movff	battery_acumulated_charge+0,sub_a+0
 	; and init again...
-    global  lt2942_init
+	global  lt2942_init
 lt2942_init:                    ; Setup Control register B
 	clrf	i2c_temp
 	movlw	0x01                ; Point to control reg B
@@ -662,7 +802,7 @@
 	movff	WREG, SSP1BUF       ; Data Byte
 	rcall	WaitMSSP
 	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
-	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
 	bra	WaitMSSP ;   (And return)
 	global	lt2942_get_status
@@ -721,8 +861,7 @@
     tstfsz  batt_voltage+1  ; <256mV?
     return		    ; No, done.
-    rcall   lt2942_init
-    return
+    bra	   lt2942_init	;(and return)
 ;	global	lt2942_get_temperature
 ;lt2942_get_temperature:		; Read temperature registers
@@ -874,5 +1013,209 @@
 	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
 	bsf	SSP1CON2, RCEN			; Enable recieve mode
 	bra	WaitMSSP; (and return)
+	global	I2C_probe_OSTC_rx
+    	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movlw	0x50			; Address byte + Write bit
+	movwf	SSP1BUF			; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	bsf	ostc_rx_present		; ACK send. OSTC_RX present!
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	btfss	ostc_rx_present		; Do we have the RX?
+	return				; No, Done.
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movlw	0x50			; Address byte + Write bit
+	movwf	SSP1BUF			; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
+	movlw	0x1B
+	movwf	SSP1BUF			; Data Byte (Get firmware)
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movlw	0x51			; Address byte + Read bit
+	movwf	SSP1BUF			; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	bsf	SSP1CON2, RCEN		; Enable recieve mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movff	SSP1BUF,rx_firmware+0
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN		; Master acknowlegde
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	; last byte in read from RX circuity always with a NACK!
+	bsf	SSP1CON2, RCEN		; Enable recieve mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movff	SSP1BUF,rx_firmware+1
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN		; Master NOT acknowlegde
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	bcf	SSP1CON2,ACKDT		; Reset ACKDT flag
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+	bra 	WaitMSSP ;(and return)
+	global	I2C_get_tankdata
+;	movlw	.1
+;	movff	WREG,rx_buffer+0
+;	movlw	.125
+;	movff	WREG,rx_buffer+1
+;	movlw	HIGH	.1500
+;	movff	WREG,rx_buffer+2
+;	movlw	LOW	.1500		; 150,0bar
+;	movff	WREG,rx_buffer+3
+;	movlw	.1
+;	movff	WREG,rx_buffer+6
+;	movlw	.140
+;	movff	WREG,rx_buffer+7
+;	movlw	HIGH	.2251
+;	movff	WREG,rx_buffer+8
+;	movlw	LOW	.2251		; 225,1bar
+;	movff	WREG,rx_buffer+9
+;	return	;mH
+    	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+    	movlw	0x50			; Address byte + Write bit
+	movwf	SSP1BUF			; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
+	movlw	0x1E			; Read buffer2 (48 Bytes)
+	movwf	SSP1BUF	; Data Byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	; read 48 bytes
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movlw	0x51			; Address byte + read bit
+	movwf	SSP1BUF			; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
+	movlw	.47			; 47 with ACK + 1 w/o ACK
+	movwf	temp1
+	lfsr	FSR2,rx_buffer+0
+	bsf	SSP1CON2, RCEN		; Enable recieve mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN		; Master acknowlegde
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	decfsz	temp1,F
+	bra	I2C_get_tankdata_loop_read
+	; 1 w/o ACK
+    	bsf	SSP1CON2, RCEN		; Enable recieve mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN		; Master NOT acknowlegde
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	bcf	SSP1CON2,ACKDT		; Reset ACKDT flag
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+	bra 	WaitMSSP ;(and return)
+	global	I2C_update_OSTC_rx
+I2C_update_OSTC_rx:		; 992*64byte master loop
+	bcf	i2c_error_flag		; clear error flag
+	; write 64 bytes
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movlw	0x50			; Address byte + Write bit
+	movwf	SSP1BUF			; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
+	lfsr	FSR2,buffer		; send buffer for verify
+	movlw	.64
+	movwf	temp1
+I2C_update_OSTC_loop:	    ; 64byte flash page loop
+	movff	up,POSTINC2		; store for verify
+	movff	up,SSP1BUF
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
+	call	ext_flash_read_block		; Read one byte
+	movwf	up				; prepare for transmit
+	decfsz	temp1,F
+	bra	I2C_update_OSTC_loop
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	; read 64 bytes
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movlw	0x51			; Address byte + read bit
+	movwf	SSP1BUF				; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
+	lfsr	FSR2,buffer		; send buffer for verify
+	movlw	.63			; 63 with ACK + 1 w/o ACK
+	movwf	temp1
+	bsf	SSP1CON2, RCEN			; Enable recieve mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movf	SSP1BUF,W
+	cpfseq	POSTINC2	    ; compare readback with original
+	bsf	i2c_error_flag	    ; Not equal, set flag
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN      ; Master acknowlegde
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	decfsz	temp1,F
+	bra	I2C_update_OSTC_loop_read
+	; 1 w/o ACK
+    	bsf	SSP1CON2, RCEN			; Enable recieve mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movf	SSP1BUF,W
+	cpfseq	POSTINC2	    ; compare readback with original
+	bsf	i2c_error_flag	    ; Not equal, set flag
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN			; Master NOT acknowlegde
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	bcf	SSP1CON2,ACKDT		    ; Reset ACKDT flag
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	movlw	0x50			; Address byte + Write bit
+	movwf	SSP1BUF				; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
+	movlw	0x1F			; Write command!
+	movwf	SSP1BUF	; Data Byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	WAITMS	.5			; Required waiting time
+	btfss	i2c_error_flag
+        retlw	.0			; All ok
+	retlw	.255			; an error occured
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
 ;  2012-10-24 : [mH] Creation
-	extern	I2C_RX_accelerometer
-	extern 	I2C_init_accelerometer
+    extern  I2C_RX_accelerometer
+    extern  I2C_init_accelerometer
     extern  I2C_sleep_accelerometer
     extern  I2C_init_compass
-    extern  I2C_init_compass_fast
     extern  I2C_sleep_compass
     extern  I2C_RX_compass
     extern  lt2942_get_voltage              ; Read battery voltage registers
--- a/src/isr.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/isr.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File isr.asm
+;   File isr.asm									REFACTORED VERSION V2.92
 ;   INTERUPT subroutines
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 	extern start
-isr_high    CODE    0x0008              ;High Priority Interrups
+isr_high    CODE    0x0008              ; High Priority Interrups
 		bra		HighInt
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 		bra		HighInt
-isr_low     CODE    0x00018             ;Low Priority Interrups
+isr_low     CODE    0x00018             ; Low Priority Interrups
 ;	*** low priority interrupts not used
 		retfie FAST						; Restores BSR, STATUS and WREG
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 		btfsc	INTCON3,INT1IF			; Buttons
 		rcall	isr_switch_left
-; IR/S8-Link
+; IR/S8-Linktimer1int
         btfsc   PIR3,RC2IF              ; UART2
         rcall   isr_uart2               ; IR/S8-Link
 		btfsc	PIR2,TMR3IF				; Timer 3
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
         goto    restore_flash
+isr_routines;	CODE
 isr_uart2:               ; IR/S8-Link
@@ -838,24 +838,56 @@
-    	movf    nofly_time+0,W              ; Is nofly null ?
-    	iorwf   nofly_time+1,W
-    	bz     	check_nofly_desat_time2     ; yes...
+	; DELETE - no-fly time is now re-computed every second	## no fly
+		; ; REPLACE	## no fly
+    	; ; movf    nofly_time+0,W            ; Is nofly null ?
+    	; ; iorwf   nofly_time+1,W
+		; ; BY
+		; banksel	int_O_nofly_time
+		; movf    int_O_nofly_time+0,W		; Is nofly null ?
+		; iorwf   int_O_nofly_time+1,W
+    	; bz     	check_nofly_desat_time2     ; yes...
-		movlw	d'1'
-		subwf	nofly_time+0,F
-		movlw	d'0'
-		subwfb	nofly_time+1,F               ; reduce by one
+		; movlw	d'1'
+		; ; REPLACE	## no fly
+		; ; subwf	nofly_time+0,F
+		; ; BY
+		; subwf	int_O_nofly_time+0,F
+		; movlw	d'0'
+		; ; REPLACE	## no fly
+		; ; subwfb	nofly_time+1,F          ; reduce by one
+		; ; BY
+		; subwfb	int_O_nofly_time+1,F		; reduce by one
-    	movf    desaturation_time+0,W        ; Is Desat null ?
-    	iorwf   desaturation_time+1,W
-    	bz     	check_nofly_desat_time3      ; yes...
+    	; movf    desaturation_time+0,W     ; Is Desat null ?
+    	; iorwf   desaturation_time+1,W
+		; BY
+		banksel	int_O_desaturation_time
+		movf    int_O_desaturation_time+0,W	; Is Desat null ?
+		iorwf   int_O_desaturation_time+1,W
+    	bz     	check_nofly_desat_time3		; yes...
-		movlw	d'1'
-		subwf	desaturation_time+0,F
-		movlw	d'0'
-		subwfb	desaturation_time+1,F	   	; reduce by one...
+	; DELETE - desat-time is now re-computed every second	## no fly
+		; movlw	d'1'
+		; ; REPLACE	## no fly
+		; ; subwf	desaturation_time+0,F
+		; ; BY
+		; subwf	int_O_desaturation_time+0,F
+		; movlw	d'0'
+		; ; REPLACE	## no fly
+		; ; subwfb	desaturation_time+1,F	   	; reduce by one...
+		; ; by
+		; subwfb	int_O_desaturation_time+1,F		; reduce by one...
+		banksel	common
 	; Increase surface interval timer
         infsnz  surface_interval+0,F
@@ -863,6 +895,9 @@
 		return								; Done
+		; NEW	## no fly
+		banksel	common
 		clrf	surface_interval+0
 		clrf	surface_interval+1			; Clear surface interval timer
 		return								; Done.
--- a/src/logbook.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/logbook.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File logbook.asm
+;   File logbook.asm								REFACTORED VERSION V2.91
 ;   Logbook
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 	#DEFINE	log_max_value_column	.1
 ; Divetime 
 	#DEFINE	log_divetime_value_row		.38
-	#DEFINE	log_divetime_value_column	.65
+	#DEFINE	log_divetime_value_column	.60					; UPDATED, old value was .65
 ; Gaslist below profile
 	#DEFINE	log_gas_row			.225
 	#DEFINE	log_gas_column1		.0
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
 	clrf		logbook_flags
     clrf        CCP1CON                     ; stop PWM
     bcf         PORTC,2                     ; Pull PWM out to GND
-	call    TFT_boot
+	call    	TFT_boot
 ;	call		TFT_standard_color
 	clrf		menupos3					; Here: used rows on current logbook-page	
 	clrf		logbook_page_number			; Here: # of current displayed page
@@ -464,41 +464,48 @@
 	call		TFT_convert_date				; converts into "DD/MM/YY" or "MM/DD/YY" or "YY/MM/DD" in postinc2
+; NEW code block	## logbook look and feel
+	WIN_SMALL	log_divetime_value_column,logbook_date_row	; align with surrounding data
+	LOG_POINT_TO	log_divemode
+	call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus			; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea into temp1
+	movff       temp1,lo
+	call        TFT_display_decotype_surface1	; "strcat_print"s divemode (OC, CC, APNEA or GAUGE)
 	WIN_SMALL	logbook_time_column, logbook_time_row
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; hour
 	movff		temp1,lo
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Minutes
 	movff		temp1,hi
-	output_99x							; hour
+	output_99x									; hour
 	PUTC		':'
 	movff		hi,lo			
-	output_99x							; minute
-	STRCAT_PRINT	""					; Display 1st row of details
+	output_99x									; minute
+	STRCAT_PRINT	""							; Display 1st row of details
     LOG_POINT_TO    log_profile_version
-    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; Profile version
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Profile version
     movlw       0x24
-    cpfslt      temp1                       ; <0x24?
-    bra         log_skip_extra_icon         ; Yes, skip
+    cpfslt      temp1                       	; <0x24?
+    bra         log_skip_extra_icon         	; Yes, skip
     WIN_SMALL	logbook_time_column-.8, logbook_time_row
-    STRCPY_PRINT	0x94                    ; "End of dive" icon
+    STRCPY_PRINT	0x94                    	; "End of dive" icon
     LOG_POINT_TO    log_max_depth
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read max depth
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read max depth
 	movff		temp1,lo				
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read max depth
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read max depth
 	movff		temp1,hi
-	movff		lo,xA+0						; calculate y-scale for profile display
+	movff		lo,xA+0							; calculate y-scale for profile display
 	movff		hi,xA+1
-	movlw		profile_height_pixels		; pixel height available for profile
+	movlw		profile_height_pixels			; pixel height available for profile
 	movwf		xB+0
 	clrf		xB+1
-	call		div16x16				; does xA/xB=xC
-	movff		xC+0,y_scale+0		; holds LOW byte of y-scale   (mbar/pixel!)
-	movff		xC+1,y_scale+1		; holds HIGH byte of y-scale  (mbar/pixel!)
-	infsnz		y_scale+0,F         ; increase one, because there may be a remainder
+	call		div16x16						; does xA/xB=xC
+	movff		xC+0,y_scale+0					; holds LOW byte of y-scale   (mbar/pixel!)
+	movff		xC+1,y_scale+1					; holds HIGH byte of y-scale  (mbar/pixel!)
+	infsnz		y_scale+0,F         			; increase one, because there may be a remainder
 	incf		y_scale+1,F
 	movlw		LOW	((profile_height_pixels+1)*.1000)
@@ -789,9 +796,9 @@
 	; Init pixel write
-        movf    logbook_pixel_x_pos,W
-	mullw   2
-        call    pixel_write_col320
+    movf 	   logbook_pixel_x_pos,W
+	mullw   	2
+    call	    pixel_write_col320
 	movff		profile_temp+0,profile_temp2+0
 	movff		profile_temp+1,profile_temp2+1		; 16Bit x-scaler
@@ -920,15 +927,15 @@
     incf        apnoe_mins,W	; increase row (Y)
     movwf       win_top
     ; limit win_top to 220
-    movlw	.220
-    cpfslt	win_top
-    movwf	win_top
+    movlw		.220
+    cpfslt		win_top
+    movwf		win_top
     decf        logbook_pixel_x_pos,W	; decrease column (X)
     movwf       win_leftx2
     ; limit win_leftx2 to 151
-    movlw	.151
-    cpfslt	win_leftx2
-    movwf	win_leftx2
+    movlw		.151
+    cpfslt		win_leftx2
+    movwf		win_leftx2
     movlw       color_orange
     call        TFT_set_color
@@ -990,31 +997,31 @@
 display_profile_no_profile:					; No profile available for this dive!
-    btfss   is_bailout                          ; Bailout during the dive?
-    bra     profile_display_loop_done_nobail    ; No
+    btfss   	is_bailout                          ; Bailout during the dive?
+    bra     	profile_display_loop_done_nobail    ; No
     ; Yes, show "Bailout"
-   	movlw   color_pink
-	call    TFT_set_color
+   	movlw   	color_pink
+	call    	TFT_set_color
     WIN_TINY	logbook_bailout_column,logbook_bailout_row
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT   tDiveBailout        ; Bailout
-    btfss   gas6_changed                         ; Gas6
-    bra     profile_display_loop_done_nogas6      ; No
+    btfss   	gas6_changed                         ; Gas6
+    bra     	profile_display_loop_done_nogas6      ; No
     ; Yes, show "Gas 6!"
-   	movlw   color_pink
-	call    TFT_set_color
+   	movlw   	color_pink
+	call    	TFT_set_color
     WIN_TINY	logbook_bailout_column,logbook_bailout_row-.15
-    STRCPY_TEXT  tGas                       ; Gas
-    STRCAT_PRINT  " 6!"
+    STRCPY_TEXT	tGas                       ; Gas
+    STRCAT_PRINT " 6!"
-	decf	divesecs,F		;-1
+	decf		divesecs,F		;-1
 	read_int_eeprom .2
-	movf	EEDATA,W
-	bcf		STATUS,C
-	subfwb	divesecs,W		; max. dives (low value) - divesecs
-	movwf	lo				; result
-	incf	divesecs,F		;+1
+	movf		EEDATA,W
+	bcf			STATUS,C
+	subfwb		divesecs,W		; max. dives (low value) - divesecs
+	movwf		lo				; result
+	incf		divesecs,F		;+1
 	; Set ext_flash_address:3 to TOC entry of this dive
 	; 1st: 200000h-200FFFh -> lo=0
 	; 2nd: 201000h-201FFFh -> lo=1
@@ -1091,7 +1098,6 @@
 	bcf		leftbind
 	call    TFT_standard_color
@@ -1126,9 +1132,15 @@
     rcall       logbook_preloop_tasks       ; Clear some flags and set to Speed_eco
-	btfsc		switch_left					; SET/MENU?
+	; REPLACE	## logbook look and feel
+	; btfsc		switch_left					; SET/MENU?
+	; BY
+	btfsc		switch_right
 	bra			logbook_page2   			; Show more information
-	btfsc		switch_right				; ENTER?
+	; REPLACE	## logbook look and feel
+	; btfsc		switch_right				; ENTER?
+	; BY
+	btfsc		switch_left
 	bra			exit_profileview			; back to list
     rcall       log_screendump_and_onesecond    ; Check if we need to make a screenshot and check for new second
@@ -1137,7 +1149,7 @@
 	bra			display_profile_loop		; wait for something to do
     global  log_screendump_and_onesecond
-log_screendump_and_onesecond:    ; Check if we need to make a screenshot and check for new second
+log_screendump_and_onesecond:    			; Check if we need to make a screenshot and check for new second
 	btfsc		onesecupdate
 	call		timeout_surfmode			; Timeout
 	btfsc		onesecupdate
@@ -1219,23 +1231,23 @@
 	bra		profile_display_fill_up	; Yes!
 profile_display_fill_down2:			; Loop	
-	decf		xC+1,F
+	decf	xC+1,F
     HALF_PIXEL_WRITE    xC+1        ; Updates just row (0..239)
-	movf		xC+0,W
-	cpfseq		xC+1				; Loop until xC+1=xC+0
-	bra			profile_display_fill_down2
+	movf	xC+0,W
+	cpfseq	xC+1					; Loop until xC+1=xC+0
+	bra		profile_display_fill_down2
 	return							; apnoe_mins and xC+0 are untouched
 profile_display_fill_up:			; Fill upwards from xC+0 to apone_mins!
-	incf		xC+1,F
+	incf	xC+1,F
     HALF_PIXEL_WRITE    xC+1        ; Updates just row (0..239)
-	movf		xC+0,W
-	cpfseq		xC+1				; Loop until xC+1=apnoe_mins
-	bra			profile_display_fill_up
+	movf	xC+0,W
+	cpfseq	xC+1					; Loop until xC+1=apnoe_mins
+	bra		profile_display_fill_up
 	return							; apnoe_mins and xC+0 are untouched
@@ -1247,26 +1259,26 @@
 	movf		logbook_sample_counter+0,W
 	cpfseq		average_depth_hold_total+0
-	bra			profile_view_get_depth_no_line		; no need to draw a 10min line, continue
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_no_line	; no need to draw a 10min line, continue
 	movf		logbook_sample_counter+1,W
 	cpfseq		average_depth_hold_total+1
-	bra			profile_view_get_depth_no_line		; no need to draw a 10min line, continue
-; draw a new 10min line here...
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_no_line	; no need to draw a 10min line, continue
+	; draw a new 10min line here...
 	clrf		logbook_sample_counter+0
-	clrf		logbook_sample_counter+1					; clear counting registers for next line
+	clrf		logbook_sample_counter+1		; clear counting registers for next line
 	; Vertical lines...
 	movlw       color_deepblue
-	call		TFT_set_color						; Make this configurable?
+	call		TFT_set_color					; Make this configurable?
 	movlw		profile_top+.1
 	movwf		win_top
-	incf		logbook_pixel_x_pos,W	; draw one line to right to make sure it's the background of the profile
-	movwf		win_leftx2		; Left border (0-159)
+	incf		logbook_pixel_x_pos,W			; draw one line to right to make sure it's the background of the profile
+	movwf		win_leftx2						; Left border (0-159)
 	movlw		profile_height_pixels
 	movwf		win_height				
 	movlw		profile_height_pixels
-	movwf		win_width				; "Window" height
-	call		half_horizontal_line        ; Inputs:  win_top, win_leftx2, win_width, win_color1, win_color2
+	movwf		win_width						; "Window" height
+	call		half_horizontal_line        	; Inputs:  win_top, win_leftx2, win_width, win_color1, win_color2
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20	; read depth first
@@ -1276,43 +1288,43 @@
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20	; read Profile Flag Byte
 	movff		temp1,timeout_counter2			; store Profile Flag Byte
-	bcf			event_occured				; clear flag
+	bcf			event_occured					; clear flag
 	btfsc		timeout_counter2,7
-	bsf			event_occured				; We also have an Event byte!
-	bcf			timeout_counter2,7			; Clear Event Byte Flag (If any)
+	bsf			event_occured					; We also have an Event byte!
+	bcf			timeout_counter2,7				; Clear Event Byte Flag (If any)
 	; timeout_counter2 now holds the number of additional bytes to ignore (0-127)
-	movlw		0xFD						; end of profile bytes?
+	movlw		0xFD							; end of profile bytes?
 	cpfseq		logbook_cur_depth+0
-	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new1	; no 1st. 0xFD
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new1		; no 1st. 0xFD
 	cpfseq		logbook_cur_depth+1
-	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new1	; no 2nd. 0xFD
-	bsf			end_of_profile				; End found! Set Flag! Skip remaining pixels!
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new1		; no 2nd. 0xFD
+	bsf			end_of_profile					; End found! Set Flag! Skip remaining pixels!
-	btfsc		event_occured				; Was there an event attached to this sample?
+	btfsc		event_occured					; Was there an event attached to this sample?
 	rcall		profile_view_get_depth_events	; Yes, get information about this event(s)
     ;---- Read Tp°, if any AND divisor reached AND bytes available -----------
-    movf        divisor_temperature,W       ; Is Tp° divisor null ?
-    bz          profile_view_get_depth_no_tp; Yes: no Tp° curve.
-    decf        count_temperature,F         ; Decrement tp° counter
-    bnz         profile_view_get_depth_no_tp; No temperature this time
+    movf        divisor_temperature,W       	; Is Tp° divisor null ?
+    bz          profile_view_get_depth_no_tp	; Yes: no Tp° curve.
+    decf        count_temperature,F         	; Decrement tp° counter
+    bnz         profile_view_get_depth_no_tp	; No temperature this time
-    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20				; Tp° low
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20	; Tp° low
 	decf        timeout_counter2,F
 	movff		temp1,logbook_cur_tp+0
-    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20				; Tp° high
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20	; Tp° high
 	decf        timeout_counter2,F
 	movff		temp1,logbook_cur_tp+1
 	movff       divisor_temperature,count_temperature   ; Restart counter.
     ; Compute Tp° max on the fly...
-    movff       logbook_cur_tp+0,sub_a+0    ; Compare cur_tp > max_tp ?
+    movff       logbook_cur_tp+0,sub_a+0    	; Compare cur_tp > max_tp ?
     movff       logbook_cur_tp+1,sub_a+1
     movff       logbook_max_tp+0,sub_b+0
     movff       logbook_max_tp+1,sub_b+1
-    call        sub16                       ; SIGNED sub_a - sub_b
+    call        sub16                       	; SIGNED sub_a - sub_b
     btfsc       neg_flag
     bra         profile_view_get_depth_no_tp
@@ -1337,30 +1349,30 @@
     call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20
 	decf        timeout_counter2,F
 	movff		temp1,logbook_ceiling
-	movff       divisor_deco,count_deco     ; Restart counter.
+	movff       divisor_deco,count_deco     	; Restart counter.
     call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20   ; Skip stop length
 	decf        timeout_counter2,F
     ;---- Read GF, if any AND divisor=0 AND bytes available ------------------
     ; Then skip remaining bytes...
-	movf		timeout_counter2,W			; number of additional bytes to ignore (0-127)
-    tstfsz      timeout_counter2            ; Anything to skip?
-	call		incf_ext_flash_address0_0x20; Yes, increases bytes in ext_flash_address:3 with 0x200000 bank switching
+	movf		timeout_counter2,W				; number of additional bytes to ignore (0-127)
+    tstfsz      timeout_counter2            	; Anything to skip?
+	call		incf_ext_flash_address0_0x20	; Yes, increases bytes in ext_flash_address:3 with 0x200000 bank switching
-    clrf        EventByte2                  ; Clear EventByte2
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20 ; Read Event byte
-	movff		temp1,EventByte				; store EventByte
-	decf		timeout_counter2,F			; reduce counter
+    clrf        EventByte2                  	; Clear EventByte2
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20 	; Read Event byte
+	movff		temp1,EventByte					; store EventByte
+	decf		timeout_counter2,F				; reduce counter
-    btfss       EventByte,7                 ; Another Event byte?
-    bra         profile_no_second_eventbyte ; No
-    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20; Read Event byte2
-    movff		temp1,EventByte2			; store EventByte2
-	decf		timeout_counter2,F			; reduce counter
-    bcf         EventByte,7                 ; Clear flag
+    btfss       EventByte,7                 	; Another Event byte?
+    bra         profile_no_second_eventbyte 	; No
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20	; Read Event byte2
+    movff		temp1,EventByte2				; store EventByte2
+	decf		timeout_counter2,F				; reduce counter
+    bcf         EventByte,7                 	; Clear flag
 ; Check event flags in the EventBytes
@@ -1383,10 +1395,10 @@
 logbook_event4: ; Stored Gas changed!
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20 ; Read Gas#
-	decf		timeout_counter2,F			  ; reduce counter
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus_0x20		; Read Gas#
+	decf		timeout_counter2,F			  		; reduce counter
 	movff		temp1,average_depth_hold_total+3
-    rcall       profile_display_color         ; Change profile color according to gas number
+    rcall       profile_display_color         		; Change profile color according to gas number
 logbook_event1: ; Gas6 changed
@@ -1423,7 +1435,7 @@
 ;	call		speed_fastest
 	bcf			sleepmode
-	clrf		timeout_counter2				; restore all registers to build same page again
+	clrf		timeout_counter2			; restore all registers to build same page again
 	movff		divemins_backup,divemins+0
 	movff		logbook_divenumber_temp, logbook_divenumber
 	movff		logbook_max_dive_counter_temp,logbook_max_dive_counter
@@ -1437,7 +1449,7 @@
     call        TFT_boot
     clrf        CCP1CON                     ; stop PWM
     bcf         PORTC,2                     ; Pull PWM out to GND
-        call        TFT_boot
+    call        TFT_boot
 ;	call		TFT_ClearScreen				; clear details/profile
 	goto		logbook2					; start search
@@ -1456,24 +1468,24 @@
 	goto		logbook2					; start search
-	incf		menupos,F				; +1
+	incf		menupos,F					; +1
 	movlw		logbook_row_number+.2
-	cpfsgt		menupos					; =logbook_row_number+.3?
-	bra			next_logbook3a			; No
+	cpfsgt		menupos						; =logbook_row_number+.3?
+	bra			next_logbook3a				; No
 	movlw		.1
 	movwf		menupos
 	bra			next_logbook3b
-	incf		menupos3,W				; last entry in current page +1
-	cpfseq		menupos					; same as cursor pos.?
-	bra			next_logbook3b			; No
-	movlw		logbook_row_number+.1	; Yes, ...
-	movwf		menupos					; ... jump directly to "next page" if page is not full
+	incf		menupos3,W					; last entry in current page +1
+	cpfseq		menupos						; same as cursor pos.?
+	bra			next_logbook3b				; No
+	movlw		logbook_row_number+.1		; Yes, ...
+	movwf		menupos						; ... jump directly to "next page" if page is not full
 	movlw		logbook_row_number
-	cpfseq		menupos3				; Last dive was row logbook_row_number?
-	bsf			all_dives_shown			; No, set flag to load first page again (full reset)
+	cpfseq		menupos3					; Last dive was row logbook_row_number?
+	bsf			all_dives_shown				; No, set flag to load first page again (full reset)
 	clrf		timeout_counter2
@@ -1504,11 +1516,11 @@
 	; Check limit (lo:hi must be <1000)
-	movlw	LOW		d'1000'            ; Compare to 1000
-	subwf   lo,W
-	movlw	HIGH	d'1000'
-	subwfb  hi,W
-	bc      display_listdive1b ; carry = no-borrow = > 1000, skip!
+	movlw		LOW		d'1000'            	; Compare to 1000
+	subwf   	lo,W
+	movlw		HIGH	d'1000'
+	subwfb  	hi,W
+	bc      	display_listdive1b ; carry = no-borrow = > 1000, skip!
 	infsnz      lo,F
 	incf        hi,F						; hi:lo = hi:lo + 1
@@ -1525,7 +1537,7 @@
     clrf        hi
 	movff		logbook_divenumber,lo		; lo=0 and hi=0 -> show without applied offset
-	output_16_3                     ; displays only last three figures from a 16Bit value (0-999), # of dive
+	output_16_3                     		; displays only last three figures from a 16Bit value (0-999), # of dive
 	PUTC		' '
     LOG_POINT_TO    log_date+1              ; Point to month
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	
@@ -1544,22 +1556,22 @@
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus
 	movff		temp1,hi
-	TSTOSS      opt_units			; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
+	TSTOSS      opt_units					; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
 	bra			display_listdive2_metric
-	call		convert_mbar_to_feet    ; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
+	call		convert_mbar_to_feet    	; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
 	PUTC	' '
 	bcf			leftbind
-    output_16_3                         ; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
+    output_16_3                         	; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
 	bra			display_listdive3
-    bsf     ignore_digit5               ; no cm...
-	movlw		d'1'					; +1
-	movff		WREG,ignore_digits		; no 1000m
+    bsf     ignore_digit5               	; no cm...
+	movlw		d'1'						; +1
+	movff		WREG,ignore_digits			; no 1000m
 	bcf			leftbind
-	output_16dp .3  					; xxx.y
+	output_16dp .3  						; xxx.y
 	PUTC	' '
@@ -1570,8 +1582,8 @@
 	movff		temp1,hi
 	output_16_3								; Divetime minutes (0-999min)
 	STRCAT_TEXT tMinutes                    
-    clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,buffer+.21                 ; limit to 21 chars
+    clrf    	WREG
+    movff   	WREG,buffer+.21             ; limit to 21 chars
     STRCAT_PRINT ""                         ; Display header-row in list
@@ -1591,263 +1603,281 @@
 	movff		hi,sub_a+1
 	movff		divesecs,sub_b+0
 	clrf		sub_b+1
-	call		subU16						;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	call		subU16						; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
 	movff		sub_c+0,lo
 	movff		sub_c+1,hi
 	WIN_MEDIUM	logbook_divenumer_column, logbook_divenumer_row
 	bsf			leftbind
-	output_16									; # of dive in logbook
+	output_16								; # of dive in logbook
 	bcf			leftbind
 logbook_page2: ; Show more info
-    rcall   log_details_header	; Shows number, time/date and basic dive info
+    rcall   	log_details_header			; Shows number, time/date and basic dive info
 	; Deco model
     WIN_SMALL   .5,.65
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_decomodel
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read deco model
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_decomodel
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read deco model
     movff       temp1,lo
     decfsz      temp1,F
     bra         logbook_decomodel1
     ; Deco model GF Version
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_gf_lo
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_gf_lo
     WIN_SMALL   .5,.90
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus            ; Read GF lo
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus 	; Read GF lo
     movff       temp1,lo
-    STRCAT	"%/"
+    STRCAT		"%/"
     bra         logbook_decomodel_common
     ; Deco model NON-GF Version
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_sat_mult
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_sat_mult
     WIN_SMALL   .5,.90
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus            ; Read sat_mult
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; Read sat_mult
     movff       temp1,lo
-    STRCAT	"%/"
+    STRCAT		"%/"
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus            ; Read desat_mult or GF_hi
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; Read desat_mult or GF_hi
     movff       temp1,lo
     ; CNS
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_cns_start
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_cns_start
     WIN_SMALL    .5,.115
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read cns low
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read cns low
     movff       temp1,lo
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read cns high
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read cns high
     movff       temp1,hi
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_cns_end
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_cns_end
     STRCAT      "->"
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read CNS low
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read CNS low
     movff       temp1,lo
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read CNS high
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read CNS high
     movff       temp1,hi
     ; Salinity
     WIN_SMALL	.5,.140
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_salinity
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_salinity
     STRCPY_TEXT tDvSalinity
     bsf         leftbind
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read salinity
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read salinity
     movff       temp1,lo
-    movff       temp1,total_divetime_seconds+1  ; backup for average depth display
+    movff       temp1,total_divetime_seconds+1	; backup for average depth display
     ; Average depth
     WIN_SMALL	.5,.165
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_avr_depth
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read avr low
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_avr_depth
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read avr low
     movff       temp1,lo
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read avr high
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read avr high
     movff       temp1,hi
-    movf        total_divetime_seconds+1,W         ; salinity for this dive
-    call        adjust_depth_with_salinity_log     ; computes salinity setting (FROM WREG!) into lo:hi [mbar]
+    movf        total_divetime_seconds+1,W      ; salinity for this dive
+    call        adjust_depth_with_salinity_log	; computes salinity setting (FROM WREG!) into lo:hi [mbar]
     output_16dp .3
-    STRCAT_PRINT    "m"
     ; Last deco
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_last_stop
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_last_stop
     WIN_SMALL	.5,.190
     STRCPY_TEXT tLastDecostop
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus            ; Read last stop
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Read last stop
     movff       temp1,lo
-    STRCAT_PRINT    "m"
     movlw       color_lightblue
-    call	TFT_set_color
-    WIN_FRAME_COLOR16   .63,.220,.2,.105; Top, Bottom, Left, Right
+    call		TFT_set_color
+    WIN_FRAME_COLOR16   .63,.220,.2,.105		; Top, Bottom, Left, Right
     ; Firmware
-    call	TFT_standard_color
+    call		TFT_standard_color
     WIN_SMALL	.110,.65
-    STRCAT  "V:"
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_firmware
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read firmware xx
+    STRCAT  	"V:"
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_firmware
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read firmware xx
     movff       temp1,lo
-    bsf		neg_flag    ; set flag for 2.15 or newer
-    movlw	.1
-    cpfsgt	lo	    ; >1?
-    bcf		neg_flag    ; No, clear flag
-    movlw	.9
-    cpfslt	lo	    ; <9?
-    bcf		neg_flag    ; No, clear flag (When unit was updgraded from hwOS Sport (10.xx))
+    bsf			neg_flag    					; set flag for 2.15 or newer
+    movlw		.1
+    cpfsgt		lo	    						; >1?
+    bcf			neg_flag    					; No, clear flag
+    movlw		.9
+    cpfslt		lo	    						; <9?
+    bcf			neg_flag    					; No, clear flag (When unit was updgraded from hwOS Sport (10.xx))
     bsf         leftbind
     PUTC        "."
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read firmware yy
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read firmware yy
     movff       temp1,lo
-    movlw	.14
-    cpfsgt	lo	    ; >14?
-    bcf		neg_flag    ; No, clear flag
+    movlw		.14
+    cpfsgt		lo	    ; >14?
+    bcf			neg_flag    ; No, clear flag
-    btfss   neg_flag    ; set flag for 2.15 or newer
-    bra	    logbook_no_batt_info
+    btfss   	neg_flag    					; set flag for 2.15 or newer
+    bra	    	logbook_no_batt_info
     ; Battery percent (for dives with 2.15 or newer)
     WIN_SMALL	.110,.140
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_batt_info	    ; Battery percent
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read battery low
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_batt_info	    			; Battery percent
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read battery low
     movff       temp1,lo
-logbook_no_batt_info:		; dives with firmware <2.15
+logbook_no_batt_info:							; dives with firmware <2.15
     ; Battery voltage
     WIN_SMALL	.110,.90
-    STRCAT_PRINT     "Batt:"
+    STRCAT_PRINT "Batt:"
     WIN_SMALL	.110,.115
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_battery	    ; Battery voltage...
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read battery low
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_battery	    			; Battery voltage...
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read battery low
     movff       temp1,lo
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read battery high
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read battery high
     movff       temp1,hi
     output_16dp  .2
     ; surface pressure in mbar
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_surface_press
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read surface pressure
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_surface_press
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read surface pressure
     movff       temp1,lo
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read surface pressure
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read surface pressure
     movff       temp1,hi
     WIN_SMALL	.110,.165
     lfsr        FSR2,buffer
-    bsf		leftbind
-    output_16							; Air pressure before dive
-    clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,buffer+7	    ; limit to 7 chars
+    bsf			leftbind
+    output_16									; Air pressure before dive
+    clrf    	WREG
+    movff   	WREG,buffer+7	    			; limit to 7 chars
     movlw       color_greenish
-    call	TFT_set_color
-    WIN_FRAME_COLOR16   .63,.220,.107,.159; Top, Bottom, Left, Right
+    call		TFT_set_color
+    WIN_FRAME_COLOR16   .63,.220,.107,.159		; Top, Bottom, Left, Right
-    rcall       logbook_preloop_tasks       ; Clear some flags and set to Speed_eco
+    rcall       logbook_preloop_tasks       	; Clear some flags and set to Speed_eco
-    btfsc		switch_left		; SET/MENU?
-    bra			logbook_page3		; Details, 2nd page
-    btfsc		switch_right		; ENTER?
-    bra			exit_profileview	; back to list
+	; REPLACE	## logbook look and feel
+    ; btfsc		switch_left		; SET/MENU?
+	; BY
+	btfsc		switch_right
+    bra			logbook_page3					; Details, 2nd page
+    ; REPLACE	## logbook look and feel
+	; btfsc		switch_right					; ENTER?
+	btfsc		switch_left
+    bra			exit_profileview				; back to list
     rcall		log_screendump_and_onesecond    ; Check if we need to make a screenshot and check for new second
-    btfsc		sleepmode		; Timeout?
-    bra			exit_profileview	; back to list
-    bra			display_details_loop    ; wait for something to do
+    btfsc		sleepmode						; Timeout?
+    bra			exit_profileview				; back to list
+    bra			display_details_loop    		; wait for something to do
     global  logbook_preloop_tasks
-	movlw       CCP1CON_VALUE               ; See
-	movwf       CCP1CON                     ; Power-on backlight
+	movlw       CCP1CON_VALUE               	; See
+	movwf       CCP1CON                     	; Power-on backlight
 	call	    TFT_standard_color
-	bcf	    sleepmode			; clear some flags
+	bcf	    sleepmode							; clear some flags
 	bcf	    switch_right
 	bcf	    switch_left
 	clrf	    timeout_counter2
-	goto	    speed_normal                ; and return
+	goto	    speed_normal                	; and return
 logbook_page3: ; Show even more info
     rcall   log_details_header	; Shows number, time/date and basic dive info
-    ; OC/CC Gas List
+; REPLACE		## logbook look and feel
+;    ; OC/CC Gas List
+;    LOG_POINT_TO    log_divemode
+;    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus            ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea into temp1
+;    WIN_SMALL   .5,.65
+;    WIN_COLOR   color_greenish
+;    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT   tGaslist				; "OC Gas List" / tGaslistCC
+; BY
     bcf		leftbind
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_gas1
-    movlw	color_white				; Color for Gas 1
-    call	TFT_set_color				; Set Color...
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_gas1
+    movlw		color_white					; Color for Gas 1
+    call		TFT_set_color				; Set Color...
     WIN_SMALL   .5,.90
     rcall       log_show_gas_common2
-    movlw	color_green				; Color for Gas 2
-    call	TFT_set_color				; Set Color...
+    movlw		color_green					; Color for Gas 2
+    call		TFT_set_color				; Set Color...
     WIN_SMALL   .5,.115
     rcall       log_show_gas_common2
-    movlw	color_red				; Color for Gas 3
-    call	TFT_set_color				; Set Color...
+    movlw		color_red					; Color for Gas 3
+    call		TFT_set_color				; Set Color...
     WIN_SMALL   .5,.140
     rcall       log_show_gas_common2
-    movlw	color_yellow				; Color for Gas 4
-    call	TFT_set_color				; Set Color...
+    movlw		color_yellow				; Color for Gas 4
+    call		TFT_set_color				; Set Color...
     WIN_SMALL   .5,.165
     rcall       log_show_gas_common2
-    movlw	color_cyan  				; Color for Gas 5
-    call	TFT_set_color				; Set Color...
+    movlw		color_cyan  				; Color for Gas 5
+    call		TFT_set_color				; Set Color...
     WIN_SMALL   .5,.190
     rcall       log_show_gas_common2
+    ; OC/CC Gas List
+    WIN_SMALL   .5,.65
+    WIN_COLOR   color_greenish
+    LOG_POINT_TO log_divemode
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus    ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea into temp1
+	decfsz		temp1,w						; =1 (CC)? 
+    bra     	logbook_page3a
+	bra     	logbook_page3b
-    ; OC/CC Gas List
-    WIN_SMALL	    .5,.65
-    WIN_COLOR	    color_greenish
-    LOG_POINT_TO    log_divemode
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus            ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea into temp1
-    decfsz	temp1,w		; =1 (CC)? 
-    bra		logbook_page3a
-    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT   tGaslistCC  ; CC 
-    bra     logbook_page3b
-    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT   tGaslist    ; OC
     movlw       color_lightblue
     call	TFT_set_color
-    WIN_FRAME_COLOR16   .63,.220,.2,.90; Top, Bottom, Left, Right
+    WIN_FRAME_COLOR16   .63,.220,.2,.90		; Top, Bottom, Left, Right
     rcall       logbook_preloop_tasks       ; Clear some flags and set to Speed_eco
-    btfsc		switch_left		; SET/MENU?
-    goto		logbook_page4		; Show more info
-    btfsc		switch_right		; ENTER?
-    bra			exit_profileview	; back to list
+	; REPLACE	## logbook look and feel
+    ; btfsc		switch_left					; SET/MENU?
+	; BY
+	btfsc		switch_right
+    goto		logbook_page4				; Show more info
+	; REPLACE	## logbook look and feel
+    ; btfsc		switch_right				; ENTER?
+	; BY
+	btfsc		switch_left
+    bra			exit_profileview			; back to list
     rcall		log_screendump_and_onesecond    ; Check if we need to make a screenshot and check for new second
-    btfsc		sleepmode		; Timeout?
-    bra			exit_profileview	; back to list
-    bra			display_details2_loop   ; wait for something to do	
+    btfsc		sleepmode					; Timeout?
+    bra			exit_profileview			; back to list
+    bra			display_details2_loop   	; wait for something to do	
 logbook_page4: ; Show even more info in CC mode
     LOG_POINT_TO    log_divemode 
-    call	    ext_flash_byte_read ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea into WREG and temp1 
-    decfsz	    temp1,w		; =1 (CC)? 
-    goto	    display_profile2	; no 
+    call	    ext_flash_byte_read 		; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea into WREG and temp1 
+    decfsz	    temp1,w						; =1 (CC)? 
+    goto	    display_profile2			; no 
-    rcall   log_details_header	; Shows number, time/date and basic dive info
-        ; Setpoint list
+    rcall   log_details_header				; Shows number, time/date and basic dive info
+    ; Setpoint list
     LOG_POINT_TO    log_sp1
     WIN_SMALL   .5,.65
     WIN_COLOR   color_greenish
@@ -1866,26 +1896,31 @@
     movlw       color_greenish
     call	TFT_set_color
-    WIN_FRAME_COLOR16   .63,.220,.2,.112; Top, Bottom, Left, Right
+    WIN_FRAME_COLOR16   .63,.220,.2,.112	; Top, Bottom, Left, Right
     rcall       logbook_preloop_tasks       ; Clear some flags and set to Speed_eco
-    btfsc		switch_left		; SET/MENU?
-    goto		display_profile2        ; Show the profile view again
-    btfsc		switch_right		; ENTER?
-    bra			exit_profileview	; back to list
+	; REPLACE	## logbook look and feel
+    ; btfsc		switch_left					; SET/MENU?
+	; BY
+	btfsc		switch_right
+    goto		display_profile2			; Show the profile view again
+    ; REPLACE	## logbook look and feel
+	; btfsc		switch_right				; ENTER?
+	; BY
+	btfsc		switch_left
+    bra			exit_profileview			; back to list
     rcall		log_screendump_and_onesecond    ; Check if we need to make a screenshot and check for new second
-    btfsc		sleepmode		; Timeout?
-    bra			exit_profileview	; back to list
-    bra			display_details3_loop   ; wait for something to do	
+    btfsc		sleepmode					; Timeout?
+    bra			exit_profileview			; back to list
+    bra			display_details3_loop   	; wait for something to do	
-    clrf        CCP1CON				; stop PWM
-    bcf         PORTC,2				; Pull PWM out to GND
+    clrf        CCP1CON						; stop PWM
+    bcf         PORTC,2						; Pull PWM out to GND
     call        TFT_boot
-    ;call	TFT_ClearScreen			; Clear screen
+    ;call	TFT_ClearScreen					; Clear screen
 ; Set ext_flash pointer to "#divesecs-oldest" dive
 ; compute read_int_eeprom .2 - divesecs
@@ -1893,13 +1928,13 @@
 ; look in header for pointer to begin of diveprofile (Byte 2-4)
 ; Set pointer (ext_flash_log_pointer:3) to this address, start drawing
-	decf	divesecs,F		;-1
+	decf	divesecs,F							;-1
 	read_int_eeprom .2
 	movf	EEDATA,W
 	bcf		STATUS,C
-	subfwb	divesecs,W		; max. dives (low value) - divesecs
-	movwf	lo				; result
-	incf	divesecs,F		;+1
+	subfwb	divesecs,W							; max. dives (low value) - divesecs
+	movwf	lo									; result
+	incf	divesecs,F							;+1
 	; Set ext_flash_address:3 to TOC entry of this dive
 	; 1st: 200000h-200FFFh -> lo=0
 	; 2nd: 201000h-201FFFh -> lo=1
@@ -1910,13 +1945,13 @@
 	movlw		0x20
 	movwf		ext_flash_address+2
 	movlw		.16
-	mulwf		lo					; lo*16 = offset to 0x2000 (up:hi)
+	mulwf		lo								; lo*16 = offset to 0x2000 (up:hi)
 	movf		PRODL,W
 	addwf		ext_flash_address+1,F
 	movf		PRODH,W
 	addwfc		ext_flash_address+2,F
 	; pointer at the first 0xFA of header
-	rcall        logbook_show_divenumber             ; Show the dive number in medium font
+	rcall        logbook_show_divenumber        ; Show the dive number in medium font
 	; Show date and time in first row
     	WIN_SMALL	.59,.10
 	LOG_POINT_TO    log_date
@@ -1926,31 +1961,31 @@
 	movff		temp1,convert_value_temp+0		; Month
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus
 	movff		temp1,convert_value_temp+1		; Day
-	call		TFT_convert_date			; converts into "DD/MM/YY" or "MM/DD/YY" or "YY/MM/DD" in postinc2
+	call		TFT_convert_date				; converts into "DD/MM/YY" or "MM/DD/YY" or "YY/MM/DD" in postinc2
 	PUTC		"-"
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; hour
 	movff		temp1,lo
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Minutes
 	movff		temp1,hi
-	output_99x						; hour
+	output_99x									; hour
 	PUTC		':'
 	movff		hi,lo			
-	output_99x						; minute
-	STRCAT_PRINT	""					; Display 1st row of details
+	output_99x									; minute
+	STRCAT_PRINT	""							; Display 1st row of details
 	; Show max depth and dive time
 	WIN_SMALL	.5,.35
 	STRCAT		"Max:"
 	LOG_POINT_TO    log_max_depth
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read max depth
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read max depth
 	movff		temp1,lo				
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; read max depth
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read max depth
 	movff		temp1,hi
-	TSTOSS		opt_units			; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
+	TSTOSS		opt_units						; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
 	bra		logbook_page2_depth_metric
 	; imperial
-	call		convert_mbar_to_feet       	; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
+	call		convert_mbar_to_feet       		; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
 	PUTC	' '
 	bcf		leftbind
@@ -1959,7 +1994,7 @@
 	bsf		leftbind
-	output_16dp	d'3'					; max. depth
+	output_16dp	d'3'							; max. depth
 	STRCAT_TEXT     tMeters
@@ -1967,29 +2002,29 @@
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; divetime in minutes	
 	movff		temp1,lo
 	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus	
-	movff		temp1,hi				; divetime in minutes
+	movff		temp1,hi						; divetime in minutes
 	bsf		leftbind
-	output_16						; divetime minutes
+	output_16									; divetime minutes
 	PUTC		"m"
         LOG_POINT_TO    log_divetime+.2
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus				; read divetime seconds
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; read divetime seconds
 	movff		temp1,lo
 	bsf		leftbind
-	output_99x							; divetime seconds
+	output_99x									; divetime seconds
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 ;    ; Dive mode
 ;        LOG_POINT_TO    log_divemode
-;        call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus            ; Read divemode
+;        call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus    ; Read divemode
 ;        movff       temp1,lo
-;	call        TFT_display_decotype_surface1       ; "strcat_print"s divemode (OC, CC, APNEA or GAUGE)
+;	call        TFT_display_decotype_surface1   ; "strcat_print"s divemode (OC, CC, APNEA or GAUGE)
     lfsr		FSR2,buffer
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus					; Read setpoint
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; Read setpoint
     movff       temp1,lo
    	clrf        hi
     bsf         leftbind
@@ -1997,52 +2032,52 @@
     bcf         leftbind
     STRCAT_TEXT tbar
     PUTC        " "
-    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus					; change depth
+    call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; change depth
     movff		temp1,lo
-	TSTOSS	opt_units               ; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
+	TSTOSS	opt_units               			; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
 	bra		log_show_sp_common_metric
     movf    lo,W
-    mullw   .100                    ; convert meters to mbar
+    mullw   .100                    			; convert meters to mbar
     movff   PRODL,lo
     movff   PRODH,hi
-	call	convert_mbar_to_feet    ; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
+	call	convert_mbar_to_feet   				; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
-    STRCAT_TEXT	 tFeets				; "ft"
+    STRCAT_TEXT	 tFeets							; "ft"
     bra     log_show_sp_common_common
-    STRCAT_TEXT	tMeters				; "m"
+    STRCAT_TEXT	tMeters							; "m"
-log_show_gas_common2:   ; as log_show_gas_common but with change depth
+log_show_gas_common2:   						; as log_show_gas_common but with change depth
 	lfsr		FSR2,buffer
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus					; current O2
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; current O2
 	movff		temp1,lo
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus					; current He
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; current He
 	movff		temp1,hi
-    call		customview_show_mix                         ; Put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
-	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus					; change depth
+    call		customview_show_mix             ; Put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
+	call		ext_flash_byte_read_plus		; change depth
     movff		temp1,lo
-	TSTOSS	opt_units               ; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
+	TSTOSS	opt_units               			; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
 	bra		log_show_gas_common2_metric
     movf    lo,W
-    mullw   .100                    ; convert meters to mbar
+    mullw   .100                    			; convert meters to mbar
     movff   PRODL,lo
     movff   PRODH,hi
-	call	convert_mbar_to_feet    ; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
+	call	convert_mbar_to_feet    			; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
-    STRCAT_TEXT	 tFeets				; "ft"
+    STRCAT_TEXT	 tFeets							; "ft"
     bra     log_show_gas_common2_common
-    STRCAT_TEXT	tMeters				; "m"
+    STRCAT_TEXT	tMeters							; "m"
 	bcf		leftbind
-    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus	; Gas Type
+    call	ext_flash_byte_read_plus			; Gas Type
--- a/src/menu_processor.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/menu_processor.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File menu_processor.asm
+;   File menu_processor.asm							REFACTORED VERSION V2.91
 ;   Routines to handle all hwOS graphic/text menus.
@@ -81,10 +81,11 @@
         movff   TBLPTRH, menu_block+1
         movff   TBLPTRU, menu_block+2
-    extern  TFT_clear_divemode_menu
         btfss   divemode                ; In divemode?
         bra     menu_processor0         ; No
+	; Required for menus with less entries then the calling menu but not so nice when setting up gas 6.... mH
+	extern  TFT_clear_divemode_menu
         movlw   .1
         cpfsgt  menupos                 ; only if menupos=1...
         call    TFT_clear_divemode_menu ; ... Clear the menu!
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
         call    TFT_cat_firmware
         STRCAT_PRINT ""
         call    TFT_standard_color
-	bcf	win_invert
+		bcf		win_invert
@@ -354,8 +355,9 @@
 		btfsc	settime_setdate			; In the Set Time or Set Date menu?
 		call	TFT_show_time_date_menu	; Yes, update clock
-        btfsc   menu_show_sensors       ; In the "Sensors" menu?
-        call    TFT_menu_hud            ; Yes, update HUD data
+		; DELETE - menu has been deleted	## memory
+        ; btfsc   menu_show_sensors       ; In the "Sensors" menu?
+        ; call    TFT_menu_hud            ; Yes, update HUD data
 		bcf		onesecupdate			; one second updates done
@@ -365,21 +367,21 @@
 		btfsc	divemode
 		goto	restart					; Enter Divemode if required
-        btfsc   enable_screen_dumps         ; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)
+        btfsc   enable_screen_dumps     ; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)
         bra     menu_line_loop3
-        btfsc   vusb_in                     ; USB plugged in?
-        call    comm_mode                   ; Start COMM mode
+        btfsc   vusb_in                 ; USB plugged in?
+        call    comm_mode               ; Start COMM mode
         bra     menu_line_loop4
-        btfss   vusb_in                     ; USB (still) plugged in?
-        bcf     enable_screen_dumps         ; No, clear flag
+        btfss   vusb_in                 ; USB (still) plugged in?
+        bcf     enable_screen_dumps     ; No, clear flag
         call    rs232_get_byte
         btfsc   rs232_recieve_overflow
         bra     menu_line_loop4
         movlw   "l"
         cpfseq	RCREG1
         bra     menu_line_loop4
-        call    TFT_dump_screen             ; Dump the screen contents
+        call    TFT_dump_screen         ; Dump the screen contents
         bra     menu_line_loop
@@ -445,12 +447,12 @@
         movlw   dm_menu_item1_column
         movff   WREG,win_leftx2
         clrf    start_item
-        movff   item_max,menupos4           ; Copy item_max for divemode cursor routine
+        movff   item_max,menupos4       ; Copy item_max for divemode cursor routine
         bra     menu_draw_lines_2
-        btfsc   divemode                    ; in divemode?
-        bra     menu_draw_lines_divemode    ; Yes
+        btfsc   divemode                ; in divemode?
+        bra     menu_draw_lines_divemode; Yes
         btfsc   menu_flags,0            ; Dynamic title ?
         rcall   menu_processor_title    ; YES: redraw it then.
@@ -477,7 +479,7 @@
         movff   start_item, menu_item
-        call    TFT_standard_color     ; Restore color after disabled lines.
+        call    TFT_standard_color     	; Restore color after disabled lines.
         movf    menu_item,W
         rcall   menu_read_item
--- a/src/menu_tree.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/menu_tree.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File menu_tree.asm
+;   File menu_tree.asm								REFACTORED VERSION V2.95
 ;   OSTC menus
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ;   2011-07-11 : [jDG] Creation.
-#include    ""                  ; Mandatory header
+#include    ""					; Mandatory header
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
@@ -18,18 +18,18 @@
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
-#include    "shared_definitions.h"      ; Mailbox from/to p2_deco.c
+#include    "shared_definitions.h"		; Mailbox from/to p2_deco.c
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
-        CBLOCK  tmp+0x40                ; Keep space for menu processor
-            gaslist_gas ; Check ram position in gaslist.asm, too!
-        ENDC
+	CBLOCK  tmp+0x40					; Keep space for menu processor
+		gaslist_gas						; Check ram position in gaslist.asm, too!
-gui     CODE
+gui		CODE
 ; Main Menu
         global  do_main_menu,do_main_menu2
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
 	MENU_BEGIN  tInfoMenu, .6
 	    MENU_DYNAMIC    info_menu_serial,       0
 	    MENU_DYNAMIC    info_menu_firmware,     0
-	    MENU_DYNAMIC    info_menu_total_dives,  0
-        MENU_DYNAMIC    info_menu_battery_volts,0
-	MENU_DYNAMIC    info_menu_uptime,0
+	    MENU_DYNAMIC    info_menu_battery_volts,0
+		MENU_DYNAMIC    info_menu_uptime,		0
+		MENU_DYNAMIC    info_menu_total_dives,  0
         MENU_CALL       tExit,                  do_return_settings
@@ -71,47 +71,50 @@
     	rcall	menu_tree_double_pop	; drop exit line and back to last line
-    bcf     menu_show_sensors           ; Clear flag
     bcf     menu_show_sensors2          ; Clear flag
     btfsc   analog_o2_input
     bra     do_ccr_menu_cR
-    btfss   optical_input
-    bra     do_ccr_menu_ostc2
+	; COMMENT OUT - currently there is no difference between the OSTC 2 and 3 regarding this menu
+	; btfss   optical_input
+    ; bra     do_ccr_menu_ostc2
-    MENU_BEGIN  tCCRSetup, .6          ; OSTC3 menu
-        MENU_OPTION     tCCRMode,    oCCRMode,    0
-        MENU_CALL       tCCRSensor,             do_ccr_sensor
-        MENU_CALL       tDiluentSetup,          do_diluent_setup
-        MENU_CALL       tFixedSetpoints,        do_fixed_setpoints
-	MENU_CALL	tPSCRMenu,		do_PSCR_menu
-        MENU_CALL       tExit,                  do_continue_main_menu
+    MENU_BEGIN  tCCRSetup, .6          ; OSTC3 menu (and currently also the OSTC2 menu)
+        MENU_OPTION     tCCRMode,				oCCRMode,		0
+        MENU_CALL       tDiluentSetup,			do_diluent_setup
+        MENU_CALL       tFixedSetpoints,		do_fixed_setpoints
+		MENU_CALL		tPSCRMenu,				do_PSCR_menu
+		MENU_OPTION     tCCmaxFracO2,			oCCmaxFracO2,	0		
+        MENU_CALL       tExit,					do_continue_main_menu
 do_ccr_menu_cR:                         ; cR menu
     MENU_BEGIN  tCCRSetup, .7
-        MENU_OPTION     tCCRMode,    oCCRMode,    0
-        MENU_CALL       tCCRSensor,             do_ccr_sensor
-        MENU_CALL       tCalibrateMenu,         do_calibrate_menu
-        MENU_CALL       tDiluentSetup,          do_diluent_setup
-        MENU_CALL       tFixedSetpoints,        do_fixed_setpoints
-	MENU_CALL	tPSCRMenu,		do_PSCR_menu
-        MENU_CALL       tExit,                  do_continue_main_menu
+        MENU_OPTION     tCCRMode,				oCCRMode,		0
+        MENU_CALL       tCalibrateMenu,			do_calibrate_menu
+        MENU_CALL       tDiluentSetup,			do_diluent_setup
+        MENU_CALL       tFixedSetpoints,		do_fixed_setpoints
+		MENU_CALL		tPSCRMenu,				do_PSCR_menu
+		MENU_OPTION     tCCmaxFracO2,			oCCmaxFracO2,	0
+        MENU_CALL       tExit,					do_continue_main_menu
-    MENU_BEGIN  tCCRSetup, .5           ; ostc2 menu
-        MENU_OPTION     tCCRMode,    oCCRMode,    0
-        MENU_CALL       tDiluentSetup,          do_diluent_setup
-        MENU_CALL       tFixedSetpoints,        do_fixed_setpoints
-	MENU_CALL	tPSCRMenu,		do_PSCR_menu
-        MENU_CALL       tExit,                  do_continue_main_menu
+; COMMENT OUT - currently there is no difference between the OSTC 2 and 3 regarding this menu
+;    MENU_BEGIN  tCCRSetup, .6           ; ostc2 menu
+;        MENU_OPTION     tCCRMode,				oCCRMode,		0
+;        MENU_CALL       tDiluentSetup,			do_diluent_setup
+;        MENU_CALL       tFixedSetpoints,		do_fixed_setpoints
+;        MENU_CALL       tPSCRMenu,				do_PSCR_menu
+;        MENU_OPTION     tCCmaxFracO2,			oCCmaxFracO2,	0
+;        MENU_CALL       tExit,					do_continue_main_menu
+;    MENU_END
-    MENU_BEGIN  tPSCRMenu, .3	; PSCR Menu
-	MENU_OPTION     tPSCR_O2_drop,	oPSCR_drop,	    0
-	MENU_OPTION     tPSCR_lungratio,oPSCR_lungratio,    0
-	MENU_CALL       tExit,          return_ccr_menu
+    MENU_BEGIN  tPSCRMenu, .3			; PSCR Menu
+		MENU_OPTION     tPSCR_O2_drop,			oPSCR_drop,			0
+		MENU_OPTION     tPSCR_lungratio,		oPSCR_lungratio,	0
+		MENU_CALL       tExit,					return_ccr_menu
@@ -119,12 +122,12 @@
     bsf     menu_show_sensors2          ; Set flag
 	MENU_BEGIN  tCalibrateMenu, .6
-	    MENU_CALL       tDiveHudMask1,       0
-        MENU_CALL       tDiveHudMask2,       0
-        MENU_CALL       tDiveHudMask3,       0
-        MENU_OPTION     tCalibrationGas,oCalGasO2,  0
-        MENU_CALL       tCalibrate,                 do_calibrate_mix
-        MENU_CALL       tExit,                      return_ccr_menu
+	    MENU_CALL       tDiveHudMask1,				0
+        MENU_CALL       tDiveHudMask2,				0
+        MENU_CALL       tDiveHudMask3,				0
+        MENU_OPTION     tCalibrationGas,oCalGasO2,	0
+        MENU_CALL       tCalibrate,				do_calibrate_mix
+        MENU_CALL       tExit,					return_ccr_menu
@@ -132,19 +135,9 @@
     call    calibrate_mix               ; Calibrate with opt_calibration_O2_ratio, also calibrate S8 HUD if connected
     WAITMS  d'250'                      ; Wait for HUD v3
     movlw   .9 
-    movwf   customview_surfmode		; show sensor mV custom view after restart
+    movwf   customview_surfmode			; show sensor mV custom view after restart
     goto    restart                     ; Restart into surface mode
-    call    enable_ir_s8                ; Enable IR/S8-Port
-    bsf     menu_show_sensors           ; Set flag
-	MENU_BEGIN  tCCRSensor, .5
-	    MENU_CALL       tDiveHudMask1,       0
-        MENU_CALL       tDiveHudMask2,       0
-        MENU_CALL       tDiveHudMask3,       0
-        MENU_OPTION     tSensorFallback,oSensorFallback,  0
-        MENU_CALL       tExit,               return_ccr_menu
        bsf     ccr_diluent_setup       ; =1: Setting up Diluents ("Gas6-10")
@@ -164,7 +157,7 @@
         bcf     short_gas_decriptions   ; =1: Use short versions of gaslist_strcat_gas_mod and gaslist_strcat_setpoint
-     MENU_BEGIN  tFixedSetpoints, .6
+	MENU_BEGIN  tFixedSetpoints, .6
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_setpoint, do_edit_sp_menu
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_setpoint, do_edit_sp_menu
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_strcat_setpoint, do_edit_sp_menu
@@ -211,7 +204,7 @@
     call    gaslist_setgas              ; Save current item.
 do_edit_gas_menu_1:                     ; Keep current gas.
-    MENU_BEGIN          tGasEdit, .6
+	MENU_BEGIN          tGasEdit, .6
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_gastitle,       0
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_MOD_END,        0
         MENU_DYNAMIC    gaslist_show_type,      gaslist_toggle_type
@@ -235,7 +228,7 @@
         call    menu_processor_pop      ; drop exit line.
         goto	menu_processor_pop      ; back to last gas and return
     global  do_gas_depth_menu
     movff   gaslist_gas,WREG
@@ -257,6 +250,7 @@
         MENU_CALL       tExit,                  return_gas_depth
 ; Simulator menus
@@ -278,20 +272,21 @@
     extern  do_demo_planner
     MENU_BEGIN  tPlan, .7
+        MENU_OPTION     tIntvl, odiveInterval,  0
+        MENU_OPTION     tBtDep, obottomDepth,   0
 		MENU_CALL       tInter,                 do_demo_divemode
-        MENU_OPTION     tIntvl, odiveInterval,  0
         MENU_OPTION     tBtTm,  obottomTime,    0
-        MENU_OPTION     tMxDep, obottomDepth,   0
+        MENU_CALL       tDecoSetup,             do_planner_config
         MENU_CALL       tDeco,                  do_demo_planner
-        MENU_CALL       tSystSets,              do_planner_config
         MENU_CALL       tExit,                  do_continue_main_menu
     MENU_BEGIN  tPlan, .3
-        MENU_OPTION     tSetBotUse, obottom_usage,  0
-        MENU_OPTION     tSetDecoUse,  odeco_usage,  0
-        MENU_CALL       tExit,                      do_planner_menu
+		MENU_OPTION		tSelectSetpoint,oSimSetpoint,	0
+		MENU_OPTION		tuseAGF, 		oSimAGF,		0
+        MENU_CALL       tExit,							do_planner_menu
@@ -306,17 +301,19 @@
         MENU_OPTION  tDvMode,    oDiveMode,     0
         MENU_OPTION  tDkMode,    oDecoMode,     0
         MENU_CALL    tppO2settings,          	do_ppo2_menu
-        MENU_OPTION  tsafetystopmenu,oSafetyStop,    0
-        MENU_OPTION  tFTTSMenu,                 oExtraTime,0
+        MENU_OPTION	 tsafetystopmenu,oSafetyStop,    0
+		MENU_CALL    t2ndDecoPlanMenu,			do_2nd_deco_plan_menu
         MENU_CALL    tDecoparameters,          	do_decoparameters_menu
         MENU_CALL    tExit,                  	do_continue_main_menu
-    MENU_BEGIN  tppO2settings, .5
-	MENU_DYNAMIC divesets_ppo2_max,         do_toggle_ppo2_max
-	MENU_DYNAMIC divesets_ppo2_max_deco,    do_toggle_ppo2_max_deco
-	MENU_DYNAMIC divesets_ppo2_min,         do_toggle_ppo2_min
+	MENU_BEGIN  tppO2settings, .6
+		MENU_DYNAMIC divesets_ppo2_max,         do_toggle_ppo2_max
+		MENU_DYNAMIC divesets_ppo2_max_deco,    do_toggle_ppo2_max_deco
+		MENU_DYNAMIC divesets_ppo2_min,         do_toggle_ppo2_min
+		MENU_DYNAMIC divesets_ppo2_min_cc,      do_toggle_ppo2_min_cc
         MENU_OPTION  tShowppO2, oShowppO2,      0
         MENU_CALL    tExit,                  	do_return_divemode_menu
@@ -334,6 +331,47 @@
         MENU_CALL    tExit,                  	do_return_divemode_menu
+    	rcall	menu_tree_double_pop	; drop exit line and back to last line
+    MENU_BEGIN  t2ndDecoPlanMenu, .7
+        MENU_OPTION  tFTTSMenu,		oExtraTime,		0
+		MENU_OPTION  tCalcAscGas,	oCalcAscGas,	0
+        MENU_OPTION  tSetBotUse,	obottom_usage,	0
+        MENU_OPTION  tSetDecoUse,	odeco_usage,	0
+		MENU_CALL	 tTankSizes,				do_tank_sizes_menu
+		MENU_CALL	 tTankFillPress,			do_tank_fill_press_menu
+		MENU_CALL    tExit,                  	do_return_divemode_menu
+    MENU_BEGIN  tTankSizes, .6
+        MENU_OPTION  tGas1,	oTankSize1,			0
+        MENU_OPTION  tGas2,	oTankSize2,			0
+        MENU_OPTION  tGas3,	oTankSize3,			0
+        MENU_OPTION  tGas4,	oTankSize4,			0
+        MENU_OPTION  tGas5,	oTankSize5,			0
+        MENU_CALL    tExit,                  	do_return_2nd_deco_plan_menu
+    MENU_BEGIN  tTankFillPress, .6
+        MENU_OPTION  tGas1,	oTankFillPres1,		0
+        MENU_OPTION  tGas2,	oTankFillPres2,		0
+        MENU_OPTION  tGas3,	oTankFillPres3,		0
+        MENU_OPTION  tGas4,	oTankFillPres4,		0
+        MENU_OPTION  tGas5,	oTankFillPres5,		0
+        MENU_CALL    tExit,                  	do_return_2nd_deco_plan_menu
     MENU_BEGIN  taGFMenu, .4
         MENU_OPTION  taGF_enable,oEnable_aGF,    0
@@ -341,14 +379,16 @@
         MENU_OPTION  taGF_high,  oaGF_high,      0
         MENU_CALL    tExit,                  	do_return_decoparameters_menu
 ; Setup Menu
-		bcf		settime_setdate					; Clear flag
+	bcf		settime_setdate			; Clear flag
 	rcall	menu_tree_double_pop	; drop exit line and back to last line
-        extern  compass_calibration_loop
+	extern  compass_calibration_loop
     btfsc   ble_available           ; ble available
     bra     do_settings_menu_ble    ; Yes.
@@ -356,18 +396,18 @@
         MENU_CALL   tInfoMenu,      do_info_menu
         MENU_CALL   tSetTimeDate,   do_date_time_menu
         MENU_CALL   tDispSets,      do_dispsets_menu
-        MENU_OPTION tLanguage,      oLanguage,       0
+	MENU_OPTION tAltMode,	    oAltMode,	    0		
         MENU_CALL   tMore,          do_settings_menu_more
         MENU_CALL   tExit,          do_continue_main_menu
-    MENU_BEGIN  tSystSets, .7
+	MENU_BEGIN  tSystSets, .7
         MENU_CALL   tInfoMenu,      do_info_menu
         MENU_CALL   tBleTitle,      comm_mode0
         MENU_CALL   tSetTimeDate,   do_date_time_menu
         MENU_CALL   tDispSets,      do_dispsets_menu
-        MENU_OPTION tLanguage,      oLanguage,       0
+	MENU_OPTION tAltMode,	    oAltMode,	    0		
         MENU_CALL   tMore,          do_settings_menu_more
         MENU_CALL   tExit,          do_continue_main_menu
@@ -376,18 +416,18 @@
     	rcall	menu_tree_double_pop	; drop exit line and back to last line
-    btfsc   battery_gauge_available            ; piezo buttons available
+    btfsc   battery_gauge_available		; piezo buttons available
     bra     do_settings_menu_more_piezo
-    btfsc   ble_available           ; ble available
+    btfsc   ble_available				; ble available
     bra     do_settings_menu_more_ostc3p
     MENU_BEGIN  tSystSets, .7
-        MENU_CALL   tCompassMenu,   do_compass_menu
-		MENU_CALL	tLogOffset,					do_log_offset_menu
-        MENU_OPTION tUnits,    oUnits,          0
-        MENU_OPTION tSamplingrate,oSamplingRate,0
-        MENU_OPTION tDvSalinity,oDiveSalinity,  0
-        MENU_CALL   tResetMenu,     do_reset_menu
-        MENU_CALL   tExit,          do_return_settings
+		MENU_CALL   tCompassMenu,   do_compass_menu
+		MENU_CALL	tLogOffset,		do_log_offset_menu
+		MENU_OPTION tUnits,    		oUnits,				0
+		MENU_OPTION tLanguage,      oLanguage,			0        
+		MENU_OPTION tDvSalinity,	oDiveSalinity,		0
+		MENU_CALL   tResetMenu,     do_reset_menu
+		MENU_CALL   tExit,          do_return_settings
@@ -397,13 +437,13 @@
     MENU_BEGIN  tSystSets, .7
-        MENU_CALL   tCompassMenu,   do_compass_menu
-		MENU_CALL	tLogOffset,					do_log_offset_menu
-        MENU_OPTION tUnits,    oUnits,          0
-        MENU_OPTION tSamplingrate,oSamplingRate,0
-        MENU_OPTION tDvSalinity,oDiveSalinity,  0
-        MENU_CALL   tMore,          do_settings_piezo_menu
-        MENU_CALL   tExit,          do_return_settings
+        MENU_CALL   tCompassMenu,	do_compass_menu
+		MENU_CALL	tLogOffset,		do_log_offset_menu
+        MENU_OPTION tUnits,			oUnits,				0
+        MENU_OPTION tLanguage,      oLanguage,			0        
+        MENU_OPTION tDvSalinity,	oDiveSalinity,		0
+        MENU_CALL   tMore,			do_settings_piezo_menu
+        MENU_CALL   tExit,			do_return_settings
     extern  comm_mode0
@@ -411,19 +451,19 @@
     ; Menu with features only available in piezo button hardware
     MENU_BEGIN  tSystSets, .4
-        MENU_CALL   tResetMenu,     do_reset_menu
-        MENU_OPTION tButtonleft,ocR_button_left  ,0  ; left button sensitivity
-        MENU_OPTION tButtonright,ocR_button_right,0  ; right button sensitivity
+        MENU_CALL   tResetMenu,		do_reset_menu
+        MENU_OPTION tButtonleft,	ocR_button_left,	0  ; left button sensitivity
+        MENU_OPTION tButtonright,	ocR_button_right,	0  ; right button sensitivity
         MENU_CALL   tExit,          do_settings_menu_more_piezo_exit
 do_settings_menu_more_ostc3p:  ; Menu with BLE feature
     MENU_BEGIN  tSystSets, .7
-        MENU_CALL   tCompassMenu,   do_compass_menu
-		MENU_CALL	tLogOffset,					do_log_offset_menu
-        MENU_OPTION tUnits,    oUnits,          0
-        MENU_OPTION tSamplingrate,oSamplingRate,0
-        MENU_OPTION tDvSalinity,oDiveSalinity,  0
+        MENU_CALL   tCompassMenu,	do_compass_menu
+		MENU_CALL	tLogOffset,		do_log_offset_menu
+        MENU_OPTION tUnits,			oUnits,				0
+        MENU_OPTION tLanguage,      oLanguage,			0        
+        MENU_OPTION tDvSalinity,	oDiveSalinity,		0
         MENU_CALL   tResetMenu,     do_reset_menu
         MENU_CALL   tExit,          do_return_settings
@@ -431,11 +471,11 @@
     MENU_BEGIN  tSystSets, .5
         MENU_CALL   tCompassMenu,   compass_calibration_loop
-;        MENU_OPTION tCompassGain,   oCompassGain,       0
-	MENU_DYNAMIC    menu_cal_x,       0
-	MENU_DYNAMIC    menu_cal_y,       0
-	MENU_DYNAMIC    menu_cal_z,       0
-        MENU_CALL   tExit,          do_return_settings_more
+;       MENU_OPTION		tCompassGain,   oCompassGain,	0
+		MENU_DYNAMIC    menu_cal_x,						0
+		MENU_DYNAMIC    menu_cal_y,						0
+		MENU_DYNAMIC    menu_cal_z,						0
+        MENU_CALL		tExit,			do_return_settings_more
@@ -443,36 +483,36 @@
     MENU_BEGIN  tResetMenu, .6
-        MENU_CALL       tExit,                  do_return_settings
-        MENU_CALL       tReboot,	        do_reset_menu2			; Confirm
-	MENU_CALL       tResetDeco,	        do_reset_menu3			; Confirm
-	MENU_CALL       tResetSettings,	        do_reset_menu4			; Confirm
-        MENU_CALL       tResetLogbook,	        do_reset_menu5			; Confirm
-        MENU_CALL       tResetBattery,          new_battery_menu        ; New Battery submenu
+        MENU_CALL       tExit,			do_return_settings
+        MENU_CALL       tReboot,		do_reset_menu2		; Confirm
+		MENU_CALL       tResetDeco,		do_reset_menu3		; Confirm
+		MENU_CALL       tResetSettings,	do_reset_menu4		; Confirm
+        MENU_CALL       tResetLogbook,	do_reset_menu5		; Confirm
+        MENU_CALL       tResetBattery,	new_battery_menu	; New Battery sub menu
     MENU_BEGIN  tResetMenu2, .2
-        MENU_CALL       tAbort,                 do_continue_menu_3stack
-        MENU_CALL       tReboot,                do_reboot               ; Reboot
+        MENU_CALL       tAbort,			do_continue_menu_3stack
+        MENU_CALL       tReboot,		do_reboot               ; Reboot
     MENU_BEGIN  tResetMenu2, .2
-        MENU_CALL       tAbort,                 do_continue_menu_3stack
-        MENU_CALL       tResetDeco,             do_reset_deco			; Reset Deco
+        MENU_CALL       tAbort,			do_continue_menu_3stack
+        MENU_CALL       tResetDeco,		do_reset_deco			; Reset Deco
     MENU_BEGIN  tResetMenu2, .2
-        MENU_CALL       tAbort,                 do_continue_menu_3stack
-        MENU_CALL       tResetSettings,         do_reset_settings		; Reset all settings
+        MENU_CALL       tAbort,			do_continue_menu_3stack
+        MENU_CALL       tResetSettings,	do_reset_settings		; Reset all settings
     MENU_BEGIN  tResetMenu2, .2
-        MENU_CALL       tAbort,                 do_continue_menu_3stack
-        MENU_CALL       tResetLogbook,          do_reset_logbook		; Reset logbook
+        MENU_CALL       tAbort,			do_continue_menu_3stack
+        MENU_CALL       tResetLogbook,	do_reset_logbook		; Reset logbook
@@ -493,39 +533,31 @@
-	movlw	d'79'							; 79% N2
-	movff	WREG,char_I_N2_ratio
-	movlw	d'0'
-	movff	WREG,char_I_step_is_1min		; 2 second deco mode
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure,int_I_pres_respiration ; copy for deco routine
-	movff	int_I_pres_respiration+0,int_I_pres_surface+0     ; copy for desat routine
-	movff	int_I_pres_respiration+1,int_I_pres_surface+1		
-	extern	deco_reset
-	call	deco_reset
-	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time     ; calculate desaturation time
-	banksel common
-	call	deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min	; calculate deco in surface mode 
-	banksel common
-  	clrf	nofly_time+0	              	; Reset NoFly
-  	clrf	nofly_time+1
-	clrf	desaturation_time+0				; Reset Desat
-	clrf	desaturation_time+1
+	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY last_surfpressure_30min,int_I_pres_respiration	; copy surface pressure to deco routine
+	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY last_surfpressure_30min,int_I_pres_surface		; copy surface pressure to deco routine
+    call    deco_clear_tissue       		; set all tissues to Pamb * N2_ratio (C-Code)
+    banksel common							; back to bank 1, needed after every return from C code
+	call	deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min	; calculate deco in surface mode
+	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time		; calculate desaturation and no-fly time
+	banksel	common	
 	goto	do_return_settings				; back to menu
     call		TFT_ClearScreen				; Clear screen    
     banksel common
 	extern	option_reset_all
-    call	option_reset_all        	; Reset all options to factory default.
-	goto	restart                     ; Restart into surfacemode
+    call	option_reset_all				; Reset all options to factory default.
+	goto	restart							; Restart into surfacemode
-do_continue_menu_3stack:			; Return three levels deep
+do_continue_menu_3stack:					; Return three levels deep
     call    menu_processor_pop
 	goto	do_return_settings
-	call	ext_flash_enable_protection			; Enables write protection
+	call	ext_flash_enable_protection		; Enables write protection
@@ -543,14 +575,14 @@
         MENU_OPTION tSetDay,	oSetDay,		0
 		MENU_OPTION	tSetMonth,	oSetMonth,  	0
         MENU_OPTION tSetYear,	oSetYear,		0
-        MENU_CALL   tExit,                      do_continue_menu_3stack
+        MENU_CALL   tExit,					do_continue_menu_3stack
 	clrf	secs
 	extern	rtc_set_rtc
-	call	rtc_set_rtc				; writes mins,sec,hours,day,month and year to rtc module
+	call	rtc_set_rtc			; writes mins,sec,hours,day,month and year to rtc module
 	bsf		settime_setdate
     MENU_BEGIN  tSetTime, .4
@@ -561,8 +593,8 @@
-do_toggle_ppo2_max:             ; add 0.1bar, with hard-coded max.
-    movff   opt_ppO2_max,lo     ; banksafe
+do_toggle_ppo2_max:				; add 0.1bar, with hard-coded max.
+    movff   char_I_ppO2_max,lo	; banksafe
     movlw	.10
 	addwf	lo,F
 	movlw	ppo2_highest_setting
@@ -571,11 +603,11 @@
 	movlw	.120
 	movwf	lo
-    movff   lo,opt_ppO2_max
+    movff   lo,char_I_ppO2_max
-do_toggle_ppo2_max_deco:             ; add 0.1bar, with hard-coded max.
-    movff   opt_ppO2_max_deco,lo     ; banksafe
+do_toggle_ppo2_max_deco:		 ; add 0.1bar, with hard-coded max.
+    movff   char_I_ppO2_max_deco,lo ; banksafe
     movlw	.10
 	addwf	lo,F
 	movlw	ppo2_highest_setting_deco
@@ -584,11 +616,11 @@
 	movlw	.120
 	movwf	lo
-    movff   lo,opt_ppO2_max_deco
+    movff   lo,char_I_ppO2_max_deco
 do_toggle_ppo2_min:             ; sub 0.1bar, with hard-coded min.
-    movff   opt_ppO2_min,lo     ; banksafe
+    movff   char_I_ppO2_min,lo     ; banksafe
     incf    lo,F
 	movlw	.21
 	cpfsgt	lo
@@ -596,9 +628,21 @@
 	movlw	ppo2_lowest_setting
 	movwf	lo
-    movff   lo,opt_ppO2_min
+    movff   lo,char_I_ppO2_min
+do_toggle_ppo2_min_cc:			; sub 0.1bar, with hard-coded min.
+    movff   char_I_ppO2_min_loop,lo	; banksafe
+    incf    lo,F
+	movlw	ppo2_warning_low_cc_max
+	cpfsgt	lo
+    bra     do_toggle_ppo2_min_cc2
+	movlw	ppo2_warning_low_cc_min
+	movwf	lo
+    movff   lo,char_I_ppO2_min_loop
+    return
 	; Logbook offset sub-menu
@@ -652,23 +696,25 @@
     bcf		in_color_menu
-    rcall	menu_tree_double_pop	; drop exit line and back to last line
+    call	menu_tree_double_pop	; drop exit line and back to last line
-    MENU_BEGIN  tDispSets, .5
+	MENU_BEGIN  tDispSets, .6
         MENU_OPTION tBright,       oBrightness,   0
         MENU_CALL   tColorScheme,                 do_color_scheme
+		MENU_OPTION tLanguage,     oLanguage,     0
         MENU_OPTION tFlip,         oFlipScreen,   0
         MENU_CALL   tMore,                        do_dispsets_menu_more
         MENU_CALL   tExit,                        do_return_settings
-    MENU_BEGIN  tDispSets, .5
-        MENU_OPTION tMODwarning,   oMODwarning,   0
-        MENU_OPTION tVSItext2,     oVSItextv2,    0
-        MENU_OPTION tVSIgraph,     oVSIgraph,     0
-	MENU_OPTION tTimeoutDive,  oDiveTimeout,  0
+    MENU_BEGIN  tDispSets, .6
+        MENU_OPTION tMODwarning,   oMODwarning,   	0
+		MENU_OPTION tIBCDwarning,  oEnable_IBCD,	0
+        MENU_OPTION tVSItext2,     oVSItextv2,    	0
+        MENU_OPTION tVSIgraph,     oVSIgraph,     	0
+		MENU_OPTION tTimeoutDive,  oDiveTimeout,  	0
         MENU_CALL   tExit,                        do_dispsets_menu_3stack
@@ -749,41 +795,41 @@
     MENU_BEGIN tNewBattTitle, .5
-	MENU_CALL   tNewBattOld,                 use_old_batteries
-        MENU_CALL   tNewBattNew36,               use_new_36V_batteries
-        MENU_CALL   tNewBattNew15,               use_new_15V_batteries
-	MENU_CALL   tNewBattAccu,		 use_36V_rechargeable
-	MENU_CALL   tNew16650,			 use_16650_battery
+		MENU_CALL   tNewBattOld,		use_old_batteries
+		MENU_CALL   tNewBattNew36,		use_new_36V_batteries
+		MENU_CALL   tNewBattNew15,		use_new_15V_batteries
+		MENU_CALL   tNewBattAccu,		use_36V_rechargeable
+		MENU_CALL   tNew16650,			use_16650_battery
     MENU_BEGIN tNewBattTitle, .4
-	MENU_CALL   tNewBattOld,                 use_old_batteries
-        MENU_CALL   tNewBattNew36,               use_new_36V_batteries
-        MENU_CALL   tNewBattNew15,               use_new_15V_batteries
-	MENU_CALL   tNewBattAccu,		 use_36V_rechargeable
+		MENU_CALL   tNewBattOld,		use_old_batteries
+		MENU_CALL   tNewBattNew36,		use_new_36V_batteries
+		MENU_CALL   tNewBattNew15,		use_new_15V_batteries
+		MENU_CALL   tNewBattAccu,		use_36V_rechargeable
     MENU_BEGIN tNewBattTitle, .2
-	MENU_CALL   tNewBattOld,                 use_old_batteries
-	MENU_CALL   tNew18650,			 use_18650_battery
+		MENU_CALL   tNewBattOld,		use_old_batteries
+		MENU_CALL   tNew18650,			use_18650_battery
 	global	use_old_prior_209
 	clrf	EEADRH
-	read_int_eeprom 0x0F	    ; =0:1.5V, =1:3,6V Saft, =2:LiIon 3,7V/0.8Ah, =3:LiIon 3,7V/3.1Ah, =4: LiIon 3,7V/2.3Ah
-	incfsz	EEDATA,F	    ; Was 0xFF?
-	return			    ; No, done.
+	read_int_eeprom 0x0F	    	; =0:1.5V, =1:3,6V Saft, =2:LiIon 3,7V/0.8Ah, =3:LiIon 3,7V/3.1Ah, =4: LiIon 3,7V/2.3Ah
+	incfsz	EEDATA,F	    		; Was 0xFF?
+	return			    			; No, done.
-	call    lt2942_get_status       ; Check for gauge IC
-	movlw   .3			; Assume a 18650
+	call    lt2942_get_status   	; Check for gauge IC
+	movlw   .3						; Assume a 18650
 	btfss   battery_gauge_available ; cR/2 hardware?
-	movlw   .1			; Assume a Saft
+	movlw   .1						; Assume a Saft
         movwf	EEDATA
-	write_int_eeprom 0x0F		; Store the new battery type into EEPROM
+	write_int_eeprom 0x0F			; Store the new battery type into EEPROM
 	global	use_old_batteries
@@ -802,10 +848,10 @@
 	read_int_eeprom 0x0C
 	movff	EEDATA,battery_gauge+5
 	read_int_eeprom 0x0F
-	movff	EEDATA,battery_type; =0:1.5V, =1:3,6V Saft, =2:LiIon 3,7V/0.8Ah, =3:LiIon 3,7V/3.1Ah, =4: LiIon 3,7V/2.3Ah
+	movff	EEDATA,battery_type	; =0:1.5V, =1:3,6V Saft, =2:LiIon 3,7V/0.8Ah, =3:LiIon 3,7V/3.1Ah, =4: LiIon 3,7V/2.3Ah
 	rcall	setup_new_saft	    ; Any other value
-	incf	EEDATA,F	    ; 1 ... 5
+	incf	EEDATA,F	    	; 1 ... 5
 	dcfsnz	EEDATA,F
 	rcall	setup_new_15v	    ;=0
 	dcfsnz	EEDATA,F
@@ -824,7 +870,7 @@
     bsf	    charge_disable
     bcf	    TRISE,2
     movlw   .100
-    movwf   batt_percent                ; To have 1,5V batteries right after firmware update
+    movwf   batt_percent		; To have 1,5V batteries right after firmware update
     movlw   .0
     movff   WREG,battery_type
@@ -921,11 +967,11 @@
     rcall   setup_new_15v
-    call    reset_battery_pointer       ; Resets battery pointer 0x07-0x0C and battery_gauge:5
-    goto    surfloop				; Jump to Surfaceloop!
+    call    reset_battery_pointer	; Resets battery pointer 0x07-0x0C and battery_gauge:5
+    goto    surfloop				; Jump to Surface loop!
     rcall   setup_new_panasonic
     call    reset_battery_internal_only
-    goto    surfloop				; Jump to Surfaceloop!
+    goto    surfloop				; Jump to Surface loop!
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/option_table.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/option_table.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File option_table.asm
+;   File option_table.asm							REFACTORED VERSION V2.95
 ;   The option table
@@ -45,6 +45,16 @@
         dw      register
+; NEW	## deco engine
+OPTION_UINT8p5  MACRO   lbl, min, max, default, unit, eeprom, register
+        global  lbl
+lbl:    db      0, default  ; Type0 = INT8
+        db      .5, min
+        db      max, eeprom
+        dw      unit
+        dw      register
+        ENDM		
 OPTION_UINT8p10  MACRO   lbl, min, max, default, unit, eeprom, register
         global  lbl
 lbl:    db      0, default  ; Type0 = INT8
@@ -85,8 +95,30 @@
         extern  char_I_dive_interval, char_I_bottom_time, char_I_bottom_depth
         extern  char_I_deco_model, char_I_saturation_multiplier, char_I_desaturation_multiplier
         extern  char_I_extra_time
-        extern  tDefName
-        extern  char_I_bottom_usage,char_I_deco_usage,tLitersMinute
+        extern  tDefName, tblank
+        extern  char_I_bottom_usage, char_I_deco_usage, tLitersMinute
+		; NEW	## deco engine
+		extern	char_I_PSCR_drop, char_I_PSCR_lungratio
+		; NEW	## bailout gas needs
+		extern	char_I_tank_size, char_I_tank_pres_fill, tLiter, tbar10
+		; NEW	## CCR max ppO2 limiter
+		extern	char_I_cc_max_frac_o2
+		; NEW	## no fly altitude
+		extern	char_I_altitude_wait
+		; NEW	## V2.94
+		extern	char_I_ppO2_max, char_I_ppO2_min, char_I_ppO2_max_deco, char_I_ppO2_min_loop
+		; NEW	## V2.94 / V2.95
+		extern	char_I_ascent_speed, tMeterMinute
+		; NEW	## V2.95
+		extern	char_I_gas_change_time, tmin
     ; Option table
     ; OPTION_UINT8  Label,   min,    max,    default, text-string,   EEPROM location (-1 for RAM only),   RAM location
     global  option_table_begin
@@ -98,18 +130,18 @@
         OPTION_UINT8p3  obottomDepth,   .12,.120,    .21,    tMeters,  -1,     char_I_bottom_depth
         OPTION_ENUM8    oDiveMode,      5,  0,  tDvOC,               .8,    opt_dive_mode               ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR 
         OPTION_ENUM8    oDecoMode,      2,  1,  tZHL16,              .9,    char_I_deco_model           ; 0 = ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF
-        OPTION_UINT8p10 oPPO2Max,       .120, ppo2_warning_high, .160,   0,      .10,    opt_ppO2_max
+        OPTION_UINT8p10 oPPO2Max,       .120, ppo2_warning_high, .160,   0,      .10,    char_I_ppO2_max
         OPTION_UINT8    oLastDeco,      .3,  .6, .3,  tMeters,      .11,    opt_last_stop
         OPTION_UINT8    oGF_low,       .10,  .100, .30,  tPercent,  .12,    opt_GF_low
         OPTION_UINT8    oGF_high,      .45,  .110, .85, tPercent,   .13,    opt_GF_high
-        OPTION_UINT8p10 osatmult,      .100,  .140, .110,tPercent,  .14,    char_I_saturation_multiplier
-        OPTION_UINT8p10 odesatmult,    .60,  .100,  .90,tPercent,   .15,    char_I_desaturation_multiplier
-        OPTION_UINT8p10 oPPO2Min,       .16, ppo2_warning_low, .19,   0,         .16,    opt_ppO2_min
+        OPTION_UINT8p5 osatmult,      .100,  .140, .110,tPercent,  .14,    char_I_saturation_multiplier
+        OPTION_UINT8p5 odesatmult,    .60,  .100,  .90,tPercent,   .15,    char_I_desaturation_multiplier
+        OPTION_UINT8p10 oPPO2Min,       .16, ppo2_warning_low, .19,   0,         .16,    char_I_ppO2_min
         OPTION_UINT8    oaGF_low,      .10,  .100, .30,  tPercent,  .17,    opt_aGF_low
         OPTION_UINT8    oaGF_high,     .45,  .110, .85, tPercent,   .18,    opt_aGF_high
         OPTION_BOOL     oEnable_aGF,    0,                          .19,    opt_enable_aGF              ; =1: aGF can be selected underwater
         OPTION_UINT8    oCompassGain,   0,  7,  6,       tMinutes,  .20,    opt_compass_gain            ; 0-7 (230LSB/Gauss to 1370LSB/Gauss)
-        OPTION_ENUM8    oSamplingRate,  2,  0,  tSampling2s,        .21,    opt_sampling_rate           ; =1: 10s, =0: 2s
+        OPTION_ENUM8    oSamplingRate,  2,  0,  tSetSeconds,        .21,    opt_sampling_rate           ; =1: 10s, =0: 2s
 ; Managing Settings
@@ -117,12 +149,13 @@
         OPTION_ENUM8    oBrightness,    3,  0,  tEco,           .23,    opt_brightness                  ; =0: Eco, =1:Medium, =2:Full
         OPTION_UINT8    oDiveSalinity,  0,  4, 0,  tPercent,    .24,    opt_salinity                    ; 0-4%
         OPTION_ENUM8    oCCRMode,    3,  0,  tCCRModeFixedSP,   .25,    opt_ccr_mode                    ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor, =2: Auto SP
-    IFNDEF	    french_italian
-	OPTION_ENUM8    oLanguage,      2,  0,  tEnglish,   .26,    opt_language                        ; 0=EN, 1=DE
-    ELSE
-	OPTION_ENUM8    oLanguage,      2,  0,  tFrench,    .26,    opt_language                        ; 0=FR, 1=IT
-    ENDIF
-	OPTION_ENUM8    oDateFormat,    3,  1,  tDateformat,.27,    opt_dateformat                      ; =0:MMDDYY, =1:DDMMYY, =2:YYMMDD
+		IFNDEF	french_italian
+		OPTION_ENUM8    oLanguage,      2,  0,  tEnglish,   .26,    opt_language                        ; 0=EN, 1=DE
+		OPTION_ENUM8    oLanguage,      2,  0,  tFrench,    .26,    opt_language                        ; 0=FR, 1=IT
+		OPTION_ENUM8    oDateFormat,    3,  1,  tDateformat,.27,    opt_dateformat                      ; =0:MMDDYY, =1:DDMMYY, =2:YYMMDD
         OPTION_ENUM8    oUnits,         2,  0,  tMetric,    .28,    opt_units                           ; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
@@ -193,29 +226,48 @@
 ; Misc
-        OPTION_ENUM8    oColorSetDive,  4,  0, tColorSetName0,        .146,    opt_dive_color_scheme            ; Color scheme divemode
-        OPTION_UINT8    oPressureAdjust, .0,.255,   .0,     -1,       .147,    opt_pressure_adjust              ; SIGNED int (-20/+20mbar max.)
-        OPTION_BOOL     oSafetyStop,    0,                            .148,    opt_enable_safetystop            ; =1: A safety stop is shown
-        OPTION_UINT8    oCalGasO2,      .21,.100,   .21,    tPercent, .149,    opt_calibration_O2_ratio         ; Calibration gas %O2 (Do not move in EEPROM, must stay at .149!)
-        OPTION_BOOL     oSensorFallback,1,                            .150,    opt_sensor_fallback              ; =1: Fallback to SP1 when sensor is lost
-        OPTION_BOOL     oFlipScreen,    0,                            .151,    opt_flip_screen                  ; =1: Flip the screen
-        OPTION_UINT8p10 ocR_button_left, .20, .100,   .40,  tPercent, .152,    opt_cR_button_left               ; left button sensitivity
-        OPTION_UINT8p10 ocR_button_right,.20, .100,   .40,  tPercent, .153,    opt_cR_button_right              ; right button sensitivity
-        OPTION_UINT8    obottom_usage,  .5,.50,   .20,tLitersMinute,  .154,    char_I_bottom_usage              ; l/min
-        OPTION_UINT8    odeco_usage,    .5,.50,   .20,tLitersMinute,  .155,    char_I_deco_usage                ; l/min
-        OPTION_BOOL     oMODwarning,    0,                            .156,    opt_modwarning                   ; =1: red depth blinking warning
-        OPTION_BOOL     oVSItextv2,     0,                            .157,    opt_vsitextv2                    ; =1: use the dynamic (depends on depth) ascend rate limits
-        OPTION_BOOL     oVSIgraph,      0,                            .158,    opt_vsigraph                     ; =1: draw the graphical VSI bar
-        OPTION_BOOL     oShowppO2,      0,                            .159,    opt_showppo2                     ; =1:always show the ppO2 value in the warning position
-        OPTION_UINT8    oTemperatureAdjust, .0,.255,   .0,     -1,    .160,    opt_temperature_adjust           ; SIGNED int (-2.0/+2.0 °C max.)
-        OPTION_UINT8    oSafetyStopLength, .60,.240,   .180,   -1,    .161,    opt_safety_stop_length           ; [s]
-        OPTION_UINT8    oSafetyStopStart,  .21,.61,     .51,   -1,    .162,    opt_safety_stop_start            ; [cbar], default 510mbar, min 210mbar, max 610mbar
-        OPTION_UINT8    oSafetyStopEnd,    .19,.39,     .29,   -1,    .163,    opt_safety_stop_end              ; [cbar], default 290mbar, min 190mbar, max 390mbar
-        OPTION_UINT8    oSafetyStopReset,  .81,.151,    .101,  -1,    .164,    opt_safety_stop_reset            ; [cbar], default 1010mbar, min 810mbar, max 1510mbar
+    OPTION_ENUM8    oColorSetDive,  4,  0, tColorSetName0,        .146,    opt_dive_color_scheme            ; Color scheme divemode
+    OPTION_UINT8    oPressureAdjust, .0,.255,   .0,     -1,       .147,    opt_pressure_adjust              ; SIGNED int (-20/+20mbar max.)
+    OPTION_BOOL     oSafetyStop,    0,                            .148,    opt_enable_safetystop            ; =1: A safety stop is shown
+    OPTION_UINT8    oCalGasO2,      .21,.100,   .21,    tPercent, .149,    opt_calibration_O2_ratio         ; Calibration gas %O2 (Do not move in EEPROM, must stay at .149!)
+    OPTION_BOOL     oFlipScreen,    0,                            .151,    opt_flip_screen                  ; =1: Flip the screen
+    OPTION_UINT8p10 ocR_button_left, .20, .100,   .40,  tPercent, .152,    opt_cR_button_left               ; left button sensitivity
+    OPTION_UINT8p10 ocR_button_right,.20, .100,   .40,  tPercent, .153,    opt_cR_button_right              ; right button sensitivity
+    OPTION_UINT8    obottom_usage,  .5,.50,   .20,tLitersMinute,  .154,    char_I_bottom_usage              ; l/min
+    OPTION_UINT8    odeco_usage,    .5,.50,   .20,tLitersMinute,  .155,    char_I_deco_usage                ; l/min
+    OPTION_BOOL     oMODwarning,    0,                            .156,    opt_modwarning                   ; =1: red depth blinking warning
+    OPTION_BOOL     oVSItextv2,     0,                            .157,    opt_vsitextv2                    ; =1: use the dynamic (depends on depth) ascend rate limits
+    OPTION_BOOL     oVSIgraph,      0,                            .158,    opt_vsigraph                     ; =1: draw the graphical VSI bar
+    OPTION_BOOL     oShowppO2,      0,                            .159,    opt_showppo2                     ; =1:always show the ppO2 value in the warning position
+    OPTION_UINT8    oTemperatureAdjust, .0,.255,   .0,     -1,    .160,    opt_temperature_adjust           ; SIGNED int (-2.0/+2.0 °C max.)
+    OPTION_UINT8    oSafetyStopLength, .60,.240,   .180,   -1,    .161,    opt_safety_stop_length           ; [s]
+    OPTION_UINT8    oSafetyStopStart,  .21,.61,     .51,   -1,    .162,    opt_safety_stop_start            ; [cbar], default 510mbar, min 210mbar, max 610mbar
+    OPTION_UINT8    oSafetyStopEnd,    .19,.39,     .29,   -1,    .163,    opt_safety_stop_end              ; [cbar], default 290mbar, min 190mbar, max 390mbar
+    OPTION_UINT8    oSafetyStopReset,  .81,.151,    .101,  -1,    .164,    opt_safety_stop_reset            ; [cbar], default 1010mbar, min 810mbar, max 1510mbar
 	OPTION_UINT8    oDiveTimeout,	    .1,.20,  divemode_timeout_default,   tMinutes,  .168,    opt_diveTimeout			; Timeout for divemode in minutes
-	OPTION_UINT8	oPSCR_drop,	.0,.15,	.4,	     tPercent,.169,    opt_PSCR_drop			; PSCR Drop [%]
-	OPTION_UINT8	oPSCR_lungratio,.5,.20,	.10,	     tPercent,.170,    opt_PSCR_lungratio		; PSCR Lung Ratio [1/x]
-	OPTION_UINT8p10 oPPO2MaxDeco,.120, ppo2_warning_high_deco,.160,0,.171, opt_ppO2_max_deco		; ppO2 max for deco gases
+	OPTION_UINT8	oPSCR_drop,	.0,.15,	.4,	     tPercent,.169,    char_I_PSCR_drop			; PSCR Drop [%]
+	OPTION_UINT8	oPSCR_lungratio,.5,.20,	.10, tPercent,.170,    char_I_PSCR_lungratio	; PSCR Lung Ratio [1/x]
+	OPTION_UINT8p10 oPPO2MaxDeco,.120, ppo2_warning_high_deco,.160,0,.171, char_I_ppO2_max_deco		; ppO2 max for deco gases
+	OPTION_UINT8p10 oPPO2MinCC,    ppo2_warning_low_cc_min,	 ppo2_warning_low_cc_max,  ppo2_warning_low_cc, 0,	.172, char_I_ppO2_min_loop ; ppO2 min for Loop
+	OPTION_UINT8    oTankSize1,     .1,  .40,  .11, tLiter,  .173, char_I_tank_size+0		; size of OC gas tank 1
+	OPTION_UINT8    oTankSize2,     .1,  .40,  .11, tLiter,  .174, char_I_tank_size+1		; size of OC gas tank 2
+	OPTION_UINT8    oTankSize3,     .1,  .40,  .11, tLiter,  .175, char_I_tank_size+2		; size of OC gas tank 3
+	OPTION_UINT8    oTankSize4,     .1,  .40,  .11, tLiter,  .176, char_I_tank_size+3		; size of OC gas tank 4
+	OPTION_UINT8    oTankSize5,     .1,  .40,  .11, tLiter,  .177, char_I_tank_size+4		; size of OC gas tank 5
+	OPTION_UINT8	oTankFillPres1, .5, .29,   .20, tbar10,  .178, char_I_tank_pres_fill+0	; fill press of OC gas tank 1
+	OPTION_UINT8	oTankFillPres2, .5, .29,   .20, tbar10,  .179, char_I_tank_pres_fill+1	; fill press of OC gas tank 2
+	OPTION_UINT8	oTankFillPres3, .5, .29,   .20, tbar10,  .180, char_I_tank_pres_fill+2	; fill press of OC gas tank 3
+	OPTION_UINT8	oTankFillPres4, .5, .29,   .20, tbar10,  .181, char_I_tank_pres_fill+3	; fill press of OC gas tank 4
+	OPTION_UINT8	oTankFillPres5, .5, .29,   .20, tbar10,  .182, char_I_tank_pres_fill+4	; fill press of OC gas tank 5
+	OPTION_UINT8	oCCmaxFracO2,  .80, .100,  .90, tPercent,.183, char_I_cc_max_frac_o2	; max. O2 % in Loop
+	OPTION_UINT8    oSimSetpoint,   .1,   .5,   .1, tblank,  .184, opt_sim_setpoint_number	; setpoint to use for deco calculation
+	OPTION_BOOL     oCalcAscGas,                 0,          .185, opt_calc_asc_gasvolume	; calculate OC gas volume needs for ascent
+    OPTION_BOOL     oSimAGF,                     0,            -1, opt_sim_use_aGF			; use GF (no) or aGF (yes) for deco calculation
+	OPTION_ENUM8    oAltMode,      	4,  	 0, tAltModeFly, .186, char_I_altitude_wait     ; 0=no-fly, 1=1000m, 2=2000m, 3=3000m
+	OPTION_BOOL     oEnable_IBCD,   0,                       .187, opt_enable_IBCD          ; =1: IBCD warning activated
+	OPTION_UINT8	oAscentSpeed,  .5, .10, .10,tMeterMinute,.188, char_I_ascent_speed		; ascent speed - Attention: proper operation with other values than the default of 10m/min has not been validated yet! Do not deviate from the default until further notice!
+	OPTION_UINT8	oGasChangeTime,.0, .3,  .1, tmin		,.198, char_I_gas_change_time	; (extra) time at a stop to change the gas
 ; Set Time/Set Date (RAM only)
 		OPTION_UINT8    oSetHours,		.0,	.23, .0,	0, -1,		hours
--- a/src/options.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/options.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File options.asm
+;   File options.asm								REFACTORED VERSION V2.91
 ;   Manage all options data.
@@ -376,30 +376,41 @@
 ; OUTPUT: none
-        ; Read type, default and register from table
-        rcall   option_read
+    ; Read type, default and register from table
+    rcall   option_read
-        ; Switch on type
-        movf    opt_type,W
-        bz      option_inc_uint8
-        dcfsnz  WREG
-        bra     option_inc_enum8
-        dcfsnz  WREG
-        bra     option_inc_string
+    ; Switch on type
+    movf    opt_type,W
+    bz      option_inc_uint8
+    dcfsnz  WREG
+    bra     option_inc_enum8
+    dcfsnz  WREG
+    bra     option_inc_string
 option_inc_uint8:                       ; Defaults type too...
-        movf    INDF1,W
-        addwf   opt_inc,W
-        cpfslt  opt_max
-        bra     option_inc_1
-        movf    opt_min,W
+	movf    INDF1,W
+	addwf   opt_inc,W
+	cpfslt  opt_max
+	bra     option_inc_1
+	movf    opt_min,W
-        movwf   INDF1
+    movwf   INDF1
+	; NEW FROM HERE...	## voting logic (allow sensors for pSCR)
+	; Now some rather crude hack into this routine to unify CCR & pSCR mode setting:
+	movlw	.25				; eeprom address of option oCCRMode
+	cpfseq	opt_eeprom		; skip next line if we deal with this option right now
+    bra		option_inc_2
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode	; skip next line if we are not in PSCR mode
+	bcf		opt_ccr_mode,1	; in pSCR mode, opt_ccr_mode may only be 0 or 1
 	; Now some rather crude hack into this routine to make CCR Calibration more convenient:
 	movlw	.149			; eeprom address of option CalGasO2 
 	cpfseq	opt_eeprom		; skip next line if we deal with this option right now
-        return
+    return
 	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode		; skip next line if we are not in PSCR mode 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/p2_deco-TESTING.c	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3802 @@
+// **************************************************************
+// p2_deco.c							REFACTORED VERSION	V2.95
+//  Created on: 12.05.2009													===========================================================
+//  Author: chsw															->  This version shows the alternative (bailout) stops   <-
+//																			->    instead of the stop from the normal dive plan.     <-
+// **************************************************************
+// OSTC - diving computer code
+// Copyright (C) 2011 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR
+//    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+//    (at your option) any later version.
+//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//    GNU General Public License for more details.
+//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+// *****************************
+// ** I N T R O D U C T I O N **
+// *****************************
+// OSTC
+// code:
+// p2_deco.c
+// part2 of the OSTC code
+// summary:
+// decompression routines
+// for the OSTC experimental project
+// written by Christian Weikamp
+// contributions by Ralph Lembcke
+// history:
+// 01/03/08 v100: first release candidate
+// 03/13/08 v101: start of programming ppO2 code
+// 03/13/25 v101a: backup of interim version with ppO2 calculation
+// 03/13/25 v101: open circuit gas change during deco
+// 03/13/25 v101: CNS_fraction calculation
+// 03/13/26 v101: optimization of tissue calc routines
+// 07/xx/08 v102a: debug of bottom time routine
+// 09/xx/08 v102d: Gradient Factor Model implementation
+// 10/10/08 v104: renamed to build v103 for v118 stable
+// 10/14/08	v104: integration of char_I_depth_last_deco for Gradient Model
+// 03/31/09 v107: integration of FONT Incon24
+// 05/23/10 v109: 5 gas changes & 1 min timer
+// 07/13/10 v110: cns vault added
+// 12/25/10 v110: split in three files (deco.c, main.c, definitions.h)
+// 2011/01/20: [jDG] Create a common file included in ASM and C code.
+// 2011/01/24: [jDG] Make ascenttime an short. No more overflow!
+// 2011/01/25: [jDG] Fusion deco array for both models.
+// 2011/01/25: [jDG] Use CF(54) to reverse deco order.
+// 2011/02/11: [jDG] Reworked gradient-factor implementation.
+// 2011/02/15: [jDG] Fixed inconsistencies introduced by gas switch delays.
+// 2011/03/21: [jDG] Added gas consumption (CF56 & CF57) evaluation for OCR mode.
+// 2011/04/15: [jDG] Store low_depth in 32bits (w/o rounding), for a better stability.
+// 2011/04/25: [jDG] Added 1mn mode for CNS calculation, to allow it for deco planning.
+// 2011/04/27: [jDG] Fixed char_O_gradient_factor calculation when model uses gradient-factor.
+// 2011/05/02: [jDG] Added "Future TTS" function (CF58).
+// 2011/05/17: [jDG] Various cleanups.
+// 2011/08/08: [jDG] Computes CNS during deco planning ascent.
+// 2011/11/24: [jDG] Slightly faster and better NDL computation.
+// 2011/12/17: [mH]  Remove of the useless debug stuff
+// 2012/02/24: [jDG] Remove missed stop bug.
+// 2012/02/25: [jDG] Looking for a more stable LOW grad factor reference.
+// 2012/09/10: [mH]  Fill char_O_deco_time_for_log for logbook write
+// 2012/10/05: [jDG] Better gas_volumes accuracy (average depth, switch between stop).
+// 2013/03/05: [jDG] Should vault low_depth too.
+// 2013/03/05: [jDG] Wrobell remark: ascent_to_first_stop works better with finer steps (2sec).
+// 2013/05/08: [jDG] A. Salm remark: NOAA tables for CNS are in ATA, not bar.
+// 2013/12/21: [jDG] Fix CNS calculation in deco plan w/o marked gas switch
+// 2014/06/16: [jDG] Fix Helium diluent. Fix volumes with many travel mix.
+// 2014/06/29: [mH]  Compute int_O_ceiling
+// 2015/06/12: [jDG] Fix NDL prediction while desaturating with the Buhlmann model.
+// 2017/08/04: [mH]  Switch to absolute GF everywhere and apply safety margin parameters to both models (GF and non-GF), fixes from Ralph Lembcke
+// 2017/10/31: [rl]  enhancements for pSCR mode and introduction of 2nd deco plan computation
+// 2017/12/31: [rl]  completion of 2nd deco plan computation and various up-fixes
+// Literature:
+// Buhlmann, Albert: Tauchmedizin; 4. Auflage [2002];
+// Schr"oder, Kai & Reith, Steffen; 2000; S"attigungsvorg"ange beim Tauchen, das Modell ZH-L16, Funktionsweise von Tauchcomputern;
+// Morrison, Stuart; 2000; DIY DECOMPRESSION;
+// Balthasar, Steffen; Dekompressionstheorie I: Neo Haldane Modelle;
+// Baker, Erik C.; Clearing Up The Confusion About "Deep Stops"
+// Baker, Erik C.; Understanding M-values;
+// *********************
+// ** I N C L U D E S **
+// *********************
+#include <math.h>
+// ***********************************************
+// ** V A R I A B L E S   D E F I N I T I O N S **
+// ***********************************************
+#include "p2_definitions.h"
+#define  TEST_MAIN
+#include "shared_definitions.h"
+// ambient pressure at different mountain heights
+#define P_ambient_1000m					0.880	// [bar]  based on 990 hPa and 20°C at sea level, 15°C at altitude
+#define P_ambient_2000m					0.782	// [bar]
+#define P_ambient_3000m					0.695	// [bar]
+// ambient pressure in aircraft cabin during flying - worst case according to Buhlmann
+#define P_ambient_fly					0.600	// [bar], 0.600 bar is the value used by Buhlmann for his flying-after-diving calculations
+												//		  0.735 bar is a typical cabin pressure for nowadays commercial jet aircrafts
+												//        -----
+												//        0.135 bar safety margin
+// constants and factors
+#define ppWater        					0.0627	// water vapor partial pressure in the lungs
+#define METER_TO_BAR   					0.09985	// conversion factor
+#define BAR_TO_METER   					10.0150	// conversion factor (1.0/METER_TO_BAR)						
+#define SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR    		0.7042	// surface desaturation safety factor
+#define HYST							1.0E-06	// threshold for tissue graphics on-gassing / off-gassing visualization
+// thresholds
+#define GF_warning_threshold			100		// threshold for GF   warning
+#define GF_prewarning_threshold			 70		// threshold for GF   attention
+#define CNS_warning_threshold			100		// threshold for CNS  warning
+#define CNS_prewarning_threshold		 70		// threshold for CNS  attention
+#define ppO2_prewarn_threshold			120		// threshold for ppO2 attention (master warnings come through options_table.asm)
+#define GAS_NEEDS_ATTENTION_THRESHOLD	0.70	// threshold for gas needs attention
+// deco engine states and modes
+#define DECO_STATUS_MASK				0x03
+#define DECO_STATUS_START				0x00
+#define DECO_STATUS_FINISHED			0x00
+#define DECO_STATUS_STOPS				0x01 
+#define DECO_STATUS_ASCENT				0x02
+#define DECO_STATUS_INIT				0x03
+#define DECO_MODE_MASK					0x0C
+#define DECO_MODE_LOOP					0x04
+#define DECO_MODE_CCR					0x04	// to be used with == operator in combination with DECO_MODE_MASK only!
+#define DECO_MODE_PSCR					0x08
+#define DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE				0x10
+#define DECO_CNS_CALCULATE 				0x20
+#define DECO_VOLUME_CALCULATE	 		0x40
+#define DECO_ASCENT_DELAYED 			0x80
+// deco engine warnings
+#define	DECO_WARNING_IBCD				0x01
+#define	DECO_WARNING_IBCD_lock			0x02
+#define	DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES 			0x04
+#define	DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES_lock		0x08
+#define	DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE			0x10
+#define	DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE_lock		0x20
+#define DECO_FLAG						0x80
+// flags used with integer numbers
+#define INT_FLAG_INVALID				0x0400
+#define INT_FLAG_ZERO					0x0800
+#define INT_FLAG_LOW					0x1000
+#define	INT_FLAG_HIGH					0x2000
+#define INT_FLAG_PREWARNING				0x4000
+#define	INT_FLAG_WARNING				0x8000
+// *************************
+// ** P R O T O T Y P E S **
+// *************************
+static void calc_hauptroutine(void);
+static void calc_hauptroutine_data_input(void);
+static void calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues(void);
+static void calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco(void);
+static void calc_tissue(void);
+static void calc_limit(void);
+static void calc_nullzeit(void);
+static void calc_ascenttime(void);
+static void calc_dive_interval(void);
+static void calc_gradient_factor(void);
+static void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void);
+static void calc_desaturation_time(void);
+static void sim_extra_time(void);
+static void sim_ascent_to_first_stop(void);
+static void sim_limit(PARAMETER float GF_current);
+static void update_startvalues(void);
+static void gas_switch_set(void);
+static void compute_CNS_for_display(void);
+static void clear_deco_table(void);
+static void clear_tissue(void);
+static unsigned char gas_find_better(void);
+static unsigned char calc_nextdecodepth(void);
+static unsigned char update_deco_table(PARAMETER unsigned char time_increment);
+//---- Bank 5 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef UNIX
+#   pragma udata bank5=0x500
+// general deco parameters
+static float			GF_low;							// initialized from deco parameters, constant during all computations
+static float			GF_high;						// initialized from deco parameters, constant during all computations
+static float			GF_delta;						// initialized from deco parameters, constant during all computations
+static float			locked_GF_step_norm;			// GF_delta / low_depth_norm in normal plan
+static float			locked_GF_step_alt;				// GF_delta / low_depth_alt  in alternative plan
+static float			low_depth_norm;					// Depth of deepest stop in normal plan
+static float			low_depth_alt;					// Depth of deepest stop in alternative plan
+static float			float_ascent_speed;				// ascent speed from options_table (1.0 .. 10.0 m/min)
+static float			float_saturation_multiplier;    // safety factor for on-gassing rates
+static float			float_desaturation_multiplier;  // safety factor for off-gassing rates
+static float			float_deco_distance;            // additional depth below stop depth for tissue, CNS and gas volume calculation
+// real context: what we are doing now.
+static float			calc_lead_tissue_limit;     	// minimum tolerated ambient pressure by Buhlmann model
+static float			CNS_fraction;                   // current CNS (1.00 = 100%)
+static unsigned short	deco_tissue_vector;				// 32 bit vector to memories all tissues that are in decompression
+static unsigned short	IBCD_tissue_vector;				// 32 bit vector to memories all tissues that experience IBCD
+// simulation context: used to predict ascent.
+static float			sim_lead_tissue_limit;			// minimum tolerated ambient pressure by Buhlmann model
+static float			CNS_sim_norm_fraction;			// CNS at end of dive in normal plan
+static float			CNS_sim_alt_fraction;			// CNS at end of dive in alternative plan
+static unsigned char	temp_depth_limit;				// depth of next stop in meters, used in deco calculations
+static unsigned char	sim_lead_tissue_no;				// Leading compartment number
+static unsigned char	split_N2_He[NUM_COMP];			// used for calculating the desaturation time
+// stops table
+static unsigned char	internal_deco_depth[NUM_STOPS];	// depth of the stop
+static unsigned char	internal_deco_time[NUM_STOPS];	// duration of the stop
+static unsigned char	internal_deco_gas[NUM_STOPS];	// gas used at the stop
+// transfer variables between calc_desaturation_time() and calc_desaturation_time_helper()
+static float			desat_factor;					// used to cache a pre-computed factor
+static float			var_ht;							// buffer for a half-time factor
+static float 			pres_target;					// target pressure for a compartment
+static float			pres_actual;					// current pressure of the compartment
+static unsigned short	short_time;						// time it takes for the compartment to reach the target pressure
+// transfer variables between gas_volumes() and gas_volumes_helper()
+static float			float_depth;					// depth of the stop or half-way point
+static float			float_time;						// duration of the stop or ascent phase
+static float			volume;							// computed volume of gas
+static unsigned char	usage;							// gas usage in l/min
+// 44 byte free space left in this bank
+//---- Bank 6 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef UNIX
+#   pragma udata bank6=0x600
+// indexing and sequencing
+static unsigned char	ci;								// used as index to the Buhlmann tables
+static unsigned char	twosectimer = 0;				// used for timing the tissue updating
+static unsigned char	tissue_increment;				// Selector for real/simulated tissues and time increment
+// environmental and gas data
+static float            pres_respiration;				// current depth in absolute pressure
+static float            pres_surface;					// absolute pressure at the surface
+static float            temp_deco;						// simulated current depth in abs.pressure, used for deco calculations
+static float            O2_ratio;                       // real breathed gas oxygen ratio
+static float            N2_ratio;                       // real breathed gas nitrogen ratio
+static float            He_ratio;                       // real breathed gas helium ratio
+static float			calc_O2_ratio;					// simulated breathed gas oxygen ratio
+static float			calc_N2_ratio;                  // simulated breathed gas nitrogen ratio
+static float			calc_He_ratio;                  // simulated breathed gas helium ratio
+static float			O2_ppO2;						// ppO2 - calculated for pure oxygen at current depth
+static float			pSCR_ppO2;						// ppO2 - calculated for breathed from pSCR loop
+static float			pure_ppO2;						// ppO2 - calculated for breathed in OC mode
+static unsigned char	char_actual_ppO2;				// ppO2 - assumed to be breathed, as integer 100 = 1.00 bar
+static float			breathed_ppO2;					// partial pressure of breathed oxygen
+static float            ppN2;							// partial pressure of breathed nitrogen
+static float            ppHe;							// partial pressure of breathed helium
+// Buhlmann model parameters
+static float            var_N2_a;                       // Buhlmann a, for current N2 tissue
+static float            var_N2_b;                       // Buhlmann b, for current N2 tissue
+static float            var_He_a;                       // Buhlmann a, for current He tissue
+static float            var_He_b;                       // Buhlmann b, for current He tissue
+static float            var_N2_e;                       // exposition, for current N2 tissue
+static float            var_He_e;                       // exposition, for current He tissue
+static float            var_N2_ht;                      // half-time for current N2 tissue
+static float            var_He_ht;                      // half-time for current N2 tissue
+// gas switch history
+static unsigned char	sim_gas_first_used;				// Number of first used gas, for bottom segment
+static unsigned char    sim_gas_last_used;              // number of last  used gas
+static unsigned char    sim_gas_last_depth;             // change depth of last used gas
+// vault to back-up & restore tissue data
+static float			pres_tissue_N2_vault[NUM_COMP];	// stores the nitrogen tissue pressures
+static float			pres_tissue_He_vault[NUM_COMP];	// stores the helium tissue pressures
+static float			low_depth_norm_vault;			// stores a parameter of the GF model for normal plan
+static float			low_depth_alt_vault;			// stores a parameter of the GF model for alternative plan
+static float			cns_vault_float;				// stores current CNS (float representation)
+static unsigned int		cns_vault_int;					// stores current CNS (integer representation)
+static unsigned char	deco_warnings_vault;			// stores warnings status
+// auxiliary variables for local data buffering
+static float 			N2_equilibrium;					// used for N2 tissue graphics scaling
+static float            temp_tissue;					// auxiliary variable to buffer tissue pressures
+// 7 byte free space left in this bank
+//---- Bank 7 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef UNIX
+#   pragma udata bank7=0x700
+// Keep order and position of the variables in bank 7 as they are backed-up to & restored from EEPROM 
+float					pres_tissue_N2[NUM_COMP];		// 16 floats = 64 bytes
+float					pres_tissue_He[NUM_COMP];		// 16 floats = 64 bytes
+float					sim_pres_tissue_N2[NUM_COMP];	// 16 floats = 64 bytes
+float					sim_pres_tissue_He[NUM_COMP];	// 16 floats = 64 bytes
+//---- Bank 8 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef UNIX
+#   pragma udata overlay bank8=0x800
+static char	  md_pi_subst[256];				// Overlay C-code data stack here, too.
+#   define C_STACK md_pi_subst
+// Back to bank6 for further tmp data
+#ifndef UNIX
+#   pragma udata bank6
+///////////////////////////// THE LOOKUP TABLES //////////////////////////////
+// End of PROM code is 17F00, So push tables on PROM top...
+#ifndef UNIX
+#   pragma romdata Buhlmann_tables = 0x1DD00  // Needs to be in UPPER bank.
+rom const float Buhlmann_ab[4*16] = {
+// Data ZH-L16C, from Bühlmann Tauchmedizin 2002, option 1a (4mn)
+// a for N2    b for N2     a of He     b for He
+	1.2599,     0.5050,     1.7424,     0.4245,
+	1.0000,     0.6514,     1.3830,     0.5747,
+	0.8618,     0.7222,     1.1919,     0.6527,
+	0.7562,     0.7825,     1.0458,     0.7223,
+	0.6200,     0.8126,     0.9220,     0.7582,
+	0.5043,     0.8434,     0.8205,     0.7957,
+	0.4410,     0.8693,     0.7305,     0.8279,
+	0.4000,     0.8910,     0.6502,     0.8553,
+	0.3750,     0.9092,     0.5950,     0.8757,
+	0.3500,     0.9222,     0.5545,     0.8903,
+	0.3295,     0.9319,     0.5333,     0.8997,
+	0.3065,     0.9403,     0.5189,     0.9073,
+	0.2835,     0.9477,     0.5181,     0.9122,
+	0.2610,     0.9544,     0.5176,     0.9171,
+	0.2480,     0.9602,     0.5172,     0.9217,
+	0.2327,     0.9653,     0.5119,     0.9267
+rom const float Buhlmann_ht[2*16] = {
+// Compartment half-life, in minute
+//--- N2 ---- He ----------------------
+	  4.0,    1.51,
+	  8.0,    3.02,
+	 12.5,    4.72,
+	 18.5,    6.99,
+	 27.0,   10.21,
+	 38.3,   14.48,
+	 54.3,   20.53,
+	 77.0,   29.11,
+	109.0,   41.20,
+	146.0,   55.19,
+	187.0,   70.69,
+	239.0,   90.34,
+	305.0,  115.29,
+	390.0,  147.42,
+	498.0,  188.24,
+	635.0,  240.03
+rom const float e2secs[2*16] = {
+// result of  1 - 2^(-1/(2sec*HT))
+//---- N2 ------------- He ------------
+	5.75958E-03,    1.51848E-02,  
+	2.88395E-03,    7.62144E-03,
+	1.84669E-03,    4.88315E-03,
+    1.24813E-03,    3.29997E-03,
+    8.55371E-04,    2.26041E-03,
+    6.03079E-04,    1.59437E-03,
+    4.25414E-04,    1.12479E-03,
+    3.00019E-04,    7.93395E-04,
+    2.11949E-04,    5.60641E-04,
+    1.58240E-04,    4.18555E-04,
+    1.23548E-04,    3.26795E-04,
+    9.66686E-05,    2.55722E-04,
+    7.57509E-05,    2.00387E-04,
+    5.92416E-05,    1.56716E-04,
+    4.63943E-05,    1.22734E-04,
+    3.63850E-05,    9.62538E-05
+rom const float e1min[2*16] = {
+// Integration constant for 1 minute,
+// Ie. 1- 2^(-1/HT)
+//----- N2 --------- e 1min He --------
+	1.59104E-01,    3.68109E-01,  	
+    8.29960E-02,   	2.05084E-01,     
+    5.39424E-02,    1.36579E-01,
+    3.67742E-02,    9.44046E-02,
+    2.53454E-02,    6.56359E-02,
+    1.79351E-02,    4.67416E-02,
+    1.26840E-02,    3.31991E-02,
+    8.96152E-03,    2.35301E-02,
+    6.33897E-03,    1.66832E-02,
+    4.73633E-03,    1.24808E-02,
+    3.69981E-03,    9.75753E-03,
+    2.89600E-03,    7.64329E-03,
+    2.27003E-03,    5.99417E-03,
+    1.77572E-03,    4.69082E-03,
+    1.39089E-03,    3.67548E-03,
+    1.09097E-03,    2.88359E-03
+rom const float e10min[2*16] = {
+// The 10 min Value in float notation:
+//  result of 1 - 2^(-10/ht)
+//---- N2 -------------- He -----------
+	8.23223E-01,    9.89851E-01,  
+	5.79552E-01,  	8.99258E-01,
+    4.25651E-01,    7.69737E-01,
+    3.12487E-01,    6.29027E-01,
+    2.26416E-01,    4.92821E-01,
+    1.65547E-01,    3.80407E-01,
+    1.19840E-01,    2.86538E-01,
+    8.60863E-02,    2.11886E-01,
+    6.16117E-02,    1.54849E-01,
+    4.63665E-02,    1.18026E-01,
+    3.63881E-02,    9.34005E-02,
+    2.85855E-02,    7.38569E-02,
+    2.24698E-02,    5.83504E-02,
+    1.76160E-02,    4.59303E-02,
+    1.38222E-02,    3.61528E-02,
+    1.08563E-02,    2.84646E-02
+////////////////////////////// THE SUBROUTINES ///////////////////////////////
+// all new in v.102
+// moved from 0x0D000 to 0x0C000 in v.108
+#ifndef UNIX
+#   pragma code p2_deco = 0x0C000
+///////////////////////  U T I L I T I E S   /////////////////////////////////
+// Bump to blue-screen when an assert is wrong
+#ifdef __DEBUG
+void assert_failed(PARAMETER short int line)
+// When calling C code from ASM context, the data stack pointer and
+// frames should be reset. Bank8 is used by stack
+#       define RESET_C_STACK
+#   ifdef __DEBUG
+#       define RESET_C_STACK fillDataStack();
+        void fillDataStack(void)
+        {
+            _asm
+                LFSR    1,C_STACK
+                MOVLW   0xCC
+        loop:   MOVWF   POSTINC1,0
+                TSTFSZ  FSR1L,0
+                BRA     loop
+                LFSR    1,C_STACK
+                LFSR    2,C_STACK
+            _endasm
+        }
+#   else
+#       define RESET_C_STACK    \
+        _asm                    \
+            LFSR    1, C_STACK  \
+            LFSR    2, C_STACK  \
+        _endasm
+#   endif
+// Fast subroutine to read timer 5.
+// Note: result is in 1/32 of milliseconds (30,51757813 us/bit to be precise)
+static unsigned short tmr5(void)
+    _asm
+        movff   0xf7c,PRODL     // TMR5L
+        movff   0xf7d,PRODH     // TMR5H
+    _endasm                     // result in PRODH:PRODL.
+    return 0;
+// read Buhlmann tables A and B for compartment ci
+static void read_Buhlmann_coefficients(void)
+    // Note: we don't use far rom pointer, because the
+    //       24 bits is too complex, hence we have to set
+    //       the UPPER page ourself...
+    //       --> Set zero if tables are moved to lower pages !
+    _asm
+        movlw 1
+        movwf TBLPTRU,0
+    _endasm
+    assert( ci < NUM_COMP );
+    // Use an interleaved array (AoS) to access coefficients with a
+    // single addressing.
+    {
+        overlay rom const float* ptr = &Buhlmann_ab[4*ci];
+        var_N2_a = *ptr++;
+        var_N2_b = *ptr++;
+        var_He_a = *ptr++;
+        var_He_b = *ptr++;
+    }
+// read Buhlmann tables for compartment ci
+// If period == 0 : 2sec interval
+//              1 : 1 min interval
+//              2 : 10 min interval.
+static void read_Buhlmann_times(PARAMETER char period)
+    // Note: we don't use far rom pointer, because the
+    //       24 bits is to complex, hence we have to set
+    //       the UPPER page ourself...
+    //       --> Set zero if tables are moved to lower pages !
+    _asm
+        movlw 1
+        movwf TBLPTRU,0
+    _endasm
+    assert( ci < NUM_COMP );
+    // Integration intervals.
+    switch(period)
+    {
+    case 0: //---- 2 sec -----------------------------------------------------
+        {
+            overlay rom const float* ptr = &e2secs[2*ci];
+            var_N2_e = *ptr++;
+            var_He_e = *ptr++;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 1: //---- 1 min -----------------------------------------------------
+       {
+            overlay rom const float* ptr = &e1min[2*ci];
+            var_N2_e = *ptr++;
+            var_He_e = *ptr++;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 2: //---- 10 min ----------------------------------------------------
+        {
+            overlay rom const float* ptr = &e10min[2*ci];
+            var_N2_e = *ptr++;
+            var_He_e = *ptr++;
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        assert(0);  // Never go there...
+    }
+// read Buhlmann tables for compartment ci
+static void read_Buhlmann_ht(void)
+    // Note: we don't use far rom pointer, because the
+    //       24 bits is to complex, hence we have to set
+    //       the UPPER page ourself...
+    //       --> Set zero if tables are moved to lower pages !
+    _asm
+        movlw 1
+        movwf TBLPTRU,0
+    _endasm
+    assert( ci < NUM_COMP );
+    {
+        overlay rom const float* ptr = &Buhlmann_ht[2*ci];
+        var_N2_ht = *ptr++;
+        var_He_ht = *ptr++;
+    }
+    assert( 4.0    <= var_N2_ht && var_N2_ht <= 635.0 );
+    assert( 1.5099 <= var_He_ht && var_He_ht <= 240.03 );
+// calc_nextdecodepth
+// new in v.102
+// INPUT, changing during dive:
+//      temp_deco : current depth in absolute pressure
+// INPUT, fixed during dive:
+//      pres_surface
+//      GF_delta
+//      GF_high
+//      GF_low
+//      char_I_depth_last_deco
+//      locked_GF_step_norm/_alt : used for GF model
+//      low_depth_norm/_alt      : used for GF model
+//      temp_depth_limit : depth of next stop in meters        (if RETURN == true )
+//                         depth we can ascent to without stop (if RETURN == false)
+// RETURN TRUE if a stop is needed.
+static unsigned char calc_nextdecodepth(void)
+    overlay unsigned char need_stop;
+	// compute current depth in meters
+    overlay float depth = (temp_deco - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER;
+    // compute depth in meters after 1 minute of ascent at float_ascent_speed (5..10 m/min)
+    overlay float min_depth = (depth > float_ascent_speed) ? (depth - float_ascent_speed) : 0.0;
+	 // allow for 200mbar of weather dependent surface pressure change
+    assert( depth >= -0.2 );       
+	//---- check if a stop is needed for deco reasons ----------------------------
+    // switch on deco model
+    if( char_I_deco_model != 0 )
+    {
+		//---- ZH-L16 + GRADIENT FACTOR Model ------------------------------------
+		overlay float locked_GF_step;
+		overlay float low_depth;
+		overlay float pres_gradient;
+        overlay unsigned char first_stop = 0;
+		// calculate minimum depth we can ascent to in absolute pressure
+        sim_limit( GF_low );
+		// ...and convert the depth into relative pressure
+        pres_gradient = sim_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface;	
+		// check if we can surface directly
+        if( pres_gradient <= 0.0 )
+		{
+			min_depth = 0.0;		// set minimum depth to 0 meters = surface
+			goto no_deco_stop;		// done.
+		}
+		// convert minimum depth we can ascent to from relative pressure to depth in meters
+        pres_gradient *= BAR_TO_METER;							
+		// recall low_depth dependent on current plan
+		low_depth = (char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) ? low_depth_alt : low_depth_norm;
+        // Store the deepest point needing a deco stop as the LOW reference for GF.
+        // NOTE: following stops will be validated using this LOW-HIGH GF scale,
+        //       so if we want to keep coherency, we should not validate this stop
+        //       yet, but apply the search to it, as for all the following stops afterward.
+        if( pres_gradient > low_depth )
+        {
+			// update GF parameters
+            low_depth      = pres_gradient;
+            locked_GF_step = GF_delta / low_depth;
+			// store updated GF parameters dependent on current plan
+			if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE )
+			{
+				low_depth_alt       = low_depth;
+				locked_GF_step_alt  = locked_GF_step;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				low_depth_norm      = low_depth;
+				locked_GF_step_norm = locked_GF_step;
+			}
+        }
+		else
+		{
+			// recall locked_GF_step dependent on current plan
+			locked_GF_step = (char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) ? locked_GF_step_alt : locked_GF_step_norm;
+		}
+		// invalidate this stop if we can ascent for 1 minute without going above minimum required deco depth
+        if( pres_gradient < min_depth ) goto no_deco_stop;         
+		// if program execution passes here, we need a deco stop
+        // Round to multiple of 3 meters
+        first_stop = 3 * (unsigned char)(0.9995 + pres_gradient * 0.333333);
+		// check a constraint
+        assert( first_stop < 128 );
+        // apply correction for the shallowest stop, use char_I_depth_last_deco (3..6 m) instead
+        if( first_stop == 3 ) first_stop = char_I_depth_last_deco;
+        // We have a stop candidate.
+        // But maybe ascending to the next stop will diminish the constraint,
+        // because the GF might decrease more than the pressure gradient...
+        while(first_stop > 0)
+        {
+			// Next depth
+            overlay unsigned char next_stop;            
+            // invalidate this stop if we can ascent one more minute without going above minimum required deco depth
+            if( first_stop <= (unsigned char)min_depth ) goto no_deco_stop;
+			// compute depth of next stop
+            if      ( first_stop <= char_I_depth_last_deco ) next_stop = 0;
+            else if ( first_stop == 6                      ) next_stop = char_I_depth_last_deco;
+            else                                             next_stop = first_stop - 3;
+            // compute total pressure at the new stop candidate
+            pres_gradient = next_stop * METER_TO_BAR + pres_surface;
+            // compute limit for the new stop candidate
+            if( (low_depth == 0.0) || (next_stop > low_depth) ) sim_limit( GF_low );
+            else                                                sim_limit( GF_high - next_stop * locked_GF_step );
+            // check if ascent to the next stop candidate is possible
+            if( sim_lead_tissue_limit >= pres_gradient ) goto deco_stop_found;	// no - ascent to next_stop forbidden
+            // else, validate that stop and loop...
+            first_stop = next_stop;
+        }
+		need_stop        = 0;              				// set flag for stop needed to 'no'
+		temp_depth_limit = (unsigned char)min_depth;	// report depth we can ascent to without stop
+		goto done;
+		need_stop        = 1;              				// set flag for stop needed to 'yes'
+		temp_depth_limit = (unsigned char)first_stop;	// stop depth, in meters
+        ;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+		//---- ZH-L16 model -------------------------------------------------
+        overlay float pres_gradient;
+        // calculate minimum depth we can ascent to in absolute pressure
+        sim_limit(1.0);
+		// ...and convert the depth into relative pressure 
+        pres_gradient = sim_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface;
+		// check if we can surface directly
+        if (pres_gradient >= 0)
+        {
+			// no - set flag for stop needed to 'yes'
+            need_stop = 1;
+			// convert stop depth in relative pressure to stop index
+            pres_gradient *= BAR_TO_METER / 3;
+			// convert stop index to depth in meters, rounded to multiple of 3 meters
+            temp_depth_limit = 3 * (short) (pres_gradient + 0.99);
+            // correct last stop to 4m/5m/6m
+            if( temp_depth_limit == 3 ) temp_depth_limit = char_I_depth_last_deco;
+        }
+        else
+		{
+			// yes - set flag for stop needed to 'no'
+			need_stop        = 0;
+			// set depth we can ascent to as 0 = surface
+            temp_depth_limit = 0;
+		}
+    }
+	// After the first deco stop, gas changes are only done at deco stops now!
+	// check if a stop is found and there is a better gas to switch to
+	if( need_stop && gas_find_better() )
+	{
+		// set the new calculation ratios for N2, He and O2
+		gas_switch_set();
+		// prime the deco stop with the gas change time
+		update_deco_table(char_I_gas_change_time); 
+	}
+    return need_stop;
+// copy_deco_table
+// Buffer the stops, once computed, so we can continue to display them
+// while computing the next set.
+static void copy_deco_table(void)
+    // Copy depth of the first (deepest) stop, because when reversing
+    // order, it will be hard to find...
+    char_O_first_deco_depth = internal_deco_depth[0];
+    char_O_first_deco_time  = internal_deco_time [0];
+    {
+        overlay unsigned char x, y;
+        for(x=0; x<NUM_STOPS; x++)
+        {
+            char_O_deco_depth[x] = internal_deco_depth[x];
+            char_O_deco_time [x] = internal_deco_time [x];
+            char_O_deco_gas  [x] = internal_deco_gas  [x];
+        }
+        //Now fill the char_O_deco_time_for_log array
+        //---- First: search the first non-null depth
+        for(x=(NUM_STOPS-1); x != 0; --x)
+            if( internal_deco_depth[x] != 0 ) break;
+        //---- Second: copy to output table (in reverse order)
+        for(y=0; y<NUM_STOPS; y++, --x)
+        {
+            char_O_deco_time_for_log[y] = internal_deco_time [x];
+            // Stop only once the last transfer is done.
+            if( x == 0 ) break;
+        }
+        //---- Third: fill table end with null
+        for(y++; y<NUM_STOPS; y++)
+        {
+            char_O_deco_time_for_log[y] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+// temp_tissue_safety
+// outsourced in v.102
+// Apply safety factors for both ZH-L16 models.
+static void temp_tissue_safety(void)
+    assert( 0.0 <  float_desaturation_multiplier && float_desaturation_multiplier <= 1.0 );
+    assert( 1.0 <= float_saturation_multiplier   && float_saturation_multiplier   <= 2.0 );
+	if( temp_tissue < 0.0 ) temp_tissue *= float_desaturation_multiplier;
+	else                    temp_tissue *= float_saturation_multiplier;
+// ** THE JUMP-IN CODE **
+// ** for the asm code **
+// Called every second during diving.
+// updates tissues every second invocation.
+// Every few seconds (or slower when TTS > 16):
+//    - updates deco table (char_O_deco_time/depth) with new values.
+//    - updates ascent time,
+//    - sets status to zero (so we can check there is new results).
+void deco_calc_hauptroutine(void)
+    calc_hauptroutine();
+// Reset decompression model:
+// + Set all tissues to equilibrium with Air at ambient pressure.
+// + Reset last stop to 0m
+// + Reset all model output.
+void deco_clear_tissue(void)
+    clear_tissue();
+void deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void)
+    calc_wo_deco_step_1_min();
+ }
+void deco_calc_desaturation_time(void)
+    calc_desaturation_time();
+void deco_calc_dive_interval(void)
+    calc_dive_interval();
+// Find current gas in the list (if any) and get its change depth
+// Input:  char_I_current_gas : 1..6
+// Output: sim_gas_last_used  : 1..6 or 0 if it is the gas set as FIRST
+//         sim_gas_last_depth : change depth in meters or 0 if it is the gas set as FIRST
+static void gas_find_current(void)
+    assert( 0 <= char_I_current_gas && char_I_current_gas <= NUM_GAS );
+    if( char_I_current_gas <= NUM_GAS )					// Gas1..Gas5
+    {
+        sim_gas_last_used = sim_gas_first_used = char_I_current_gas;
+        // If current gas is a deco gas get it's change depth.
+		// Set change depth to 0 if the current gas is the first gas or 
+		// a travel/normal gas, i.e. if it can be breathed at "any" depth.
+        if( char_I_deco_gas_change[sim_gas_last_used-1] ) sim_gas_last_depth = char_I_deco_gas_change[sim_gas_last_used-1];
+		else                                              sim_gas_last_depth = 0;
+    }
+    else
+	{
+        sim_gas_last_used = sim_gas_first_used = 0;		// Gas 6 (the manually set one) has number 0 here
+		sim_gas_last_depth                     = 0;		// handle it as a travel/normal gas
+	}
+// Find the deco gas with the shallowest change depth beyond current depth
+// INPUT   temp_depth_limit	        : current depth in meters
+//         char_I_deco_gas_change[] : change depths of the deco gases
+//		   sim_gas_last_depth       : change depth of the currently used gas, 0 if on the gas set as FIRST
+// OUTPUT  sim_gas_last_depth       : switch depth            - only if return value is true
+//         sim_gas_last_used        : index of the gas (1..5) - only if return value is true
+// RETURNS TRUE if a better gas is available
+static unsigned char gas_find_better(void)
+	overlay unsigned char switch_depth = 255;
+	overlay unsigned char switch_gas   = 0;
+	overlay unsigned char j;
+	// no automatic gas changes in CCR mode and - as of now - in pSCR mode
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_LOOP ) return 0;
+	// Loop over all deco gases to find the shallowest one below or at current depth.
+	for(j=0; j<NUM_GAS; ++j)
+	{
+		// Is this the gas we are already breathing?
+		// If yes, skip this gas.
+		if( j+1 == sim_gas_last_used ) continue;
+		// Is the change depth of the gas shallower than the current depth?
+		// If yes, skip this gas as it is not to be used yet.
+		// Remark: this check will also skip all disabled gases and the gas set
+		//         as 'first' because these have their change depth set to 0.
+		if( temp_depth_limit > char_I_deco_gas_change[j] ) continue;
+		// Is the change depth of the gas deeper than the change depth of the
+		// gas we are currently one?
+		// If yes, skip this gas as it is not better than the current one.
+		// Remark: if there is more than one gas with the same change depth,
+		//         the last one from the list will be taken.
+		if( sim_gas_last_depth && (char_I_deco_gas_change[j] > sim_gas_last_depth) ) continue;
+		// Is the change depth of the gas shallower or equal to the change depth
+		// of the best gas found so far, or is it the first better gas found?
+		// If yes, we have a better gas
+		if( char_I_deco_gas_change[j] <= switch_depth )
+		{
+			switch_gas   = j+1;							// remember this gas (1..5)
+			switch_depth = char_I_deco_gas_change[j];	// remember its change depth
+		}
+	}	// continue looping through all gases to eventually find an even better gas
+	// has a better gas been found?
+	if( switch_gas )
+	{
+		// yes
+		sim_gas_last_used  = switch_gas;				// report the index of the better
+		sim_gas_last_depth = switch_depth;				// report its change depth
+		assert( sim_gas_last_depth < switch_depth );
+		return 1;										// signal a better gas was found
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return 0;										// signal no better gas was found
+	}
+// Set calc_N2/He/O2_ratios by sim_gas_last_used
+// Input:  sim_gas_last_used  : index of gas to use
+//         N2_ratio, He_ratio : if gas 0 = the manually set gas is in use
+// Output: calc_N2_ratio, calc_He_ratio, calc_O2ratio
+static void gas_switch_set(void)
+	assert( 0 <= sim_gas_last_used <= NUM_GAS );
+	if( sim_gas_last_used == 0 )    // Gas6 = manually set gas.
+	{
+		calc_O2_ratio = O2_ratio;
+		calc_He_ratio = He_ratio;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	calc_O2_ratio = char_I_deco_O2_ratio[sim_gas_last_used-1] * 0.01;
+	calc_He_ratio = char_I_deco_He_ratio[sim_gas_last_used-1] * 0.01;
+	}
+	calc_N2_ratio = 1.0 - calc_O2_ratio - calc_He_ratio;
+	assert( 0.0 <= calc_N2_ratio && calc_N2_ratio <= 0.95 );
+	assert( 0.0 <= calc_He_ratio && calc_He_ratio <= 1.00 );
+	assert( (calc_N2_ratio + calc_He_ratio) <= 1.00 );
+// Compute ppN2 and ppHe
+// Input: calc_N2_ratio, calc_He_ratio : simulated gas mix.
+//        temp_deco                    : simulated respiration pressure
+//        float_deco_distance          : safety factor
+//        ppWater                      : water-vapor pressure inside respiratory tract
+// Output: ppN2, ppHe.
+static void sim_alveolar_presures(void)
+    overlay float deco_diluent = temp_deco;
+	// read ppO2 reported from sensors or by setpoint		// TODO: can be deleted
+	// char_actual_ppO2 = char_I_const_ppO2;
+    // Take deco offset into account, but not at surface.
+    // Note: this should be done on ambient pressure, hence before
+    //       computing the diluent partial pressure...
+    if( deco_diluent > pres_surface ) deco_diluent += float_deco_distance;
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_LOOP )
+    {
+		//---- Loop mode : adjust ppN2 and ppHe for change in ppO2 due to setpoint (CCR) or drop (pSCR)-------
+		// get current setpoint (CCR) or sensor value (CCR, for pSCR see text below) as default
+		overlay float const_ppO2 = char_I_const_ppO2 * 0.01;
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_PSCR )
+		{
+			//---- PSCR mode : compute loop gas ----------------------------------------
+			//
+			// As the ppO2 in the loop changes with water depth, we can not use the current
+			// sensor value as with CCR mode, but need to compute the ppO2 for the given depth.
+			// Then we continue with the CCR mode code which calculates the increases of ppN2
+			// and ppH2 due to the reduction of the ppO2 in the loop. Essentially, diving a
+			// PSCR is like diving a CCR with a setpoint lower than the ambient pressure x the
+			// O2 fraction of the diluent would yield...
+			//
+			// deco_diluent          is 0.0 ...     in bar
+			// calc_O2_ratio         is 0.0 ...   1 as factor
+			// char_I_PSCR_drop      is 0   ...  15 as %
+			// char_I_PSCR_lungratio is 5   ...  20 as %
+			// const_ppO2		     is 0.0 ...     in bar
+			const_ppO2 = (deco_diluent * calc_O2_ratio) - (1 - calc_O2_ratio) * 0.01 * char_I_PSCR_drop * char_I_PSCR_lungratio;
+			// capture failure condition
+			if( const_ppO2 < 0.0 ) const_ppO2 = 0.0;
+		}		
+		else
+		{
+			//---- CCR mode ------------------------------------------------------------ 
+			// Limit the setpoint to the maximum physically possible ppO2. This prevents for
+			// example calculating with a setpoint of 1.3 bar in only 2 meters of depth.
+			// Additionally, if limiting occurs, the ppO2 can be further reduced to account
+			// for residual inert gases by the user-adjustable setting char_I_cc_max_frac_o2.
+			if( const_ppO2 > deco_diluent )		// no ppWater subtracted here to give some margin for
+			{										// sensors delivering data a little bit over target
+				const_ppO2 = 0.01 * char_I_cc_max_frac_o2 * (deco_diluent - ppWater);
+			}
+		}
+		if      ( const_ppO2 == 0.0   ) char_actual_ppO2 =   0;
+		else if ( const_ppO2 >  2.545 )	char_actual_ppO2 = 255;
+		else                            char_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(const_ppO2*100 + 0.5);
+        // Note: ppO2 and ratios are known outside the lungs, so there is no ppWater in the equations below:
+        deco_diluent -= const_ppO2;
+        deco_diluent /= calc_N2_ratio + calc_He_ratio;
+		// capture all failure conditions, including div/0 in case diluent is pure O2
+		if( (deco_diluent < 0.0) || (calc_O2_ratio > 99.5) )
+		{
+			deco_diluent = 0.0;
+			char_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(temp_deco*100 + 0.5);	// without float_deco_distance here as this situation
+																		// is likely to occur only at 6 meters or shallower
+		}
+    }
+	else 
+	{
+		//---- OC mode: char_actual_ppO2 will be needed for CNS calculation later --------------------------------
+		overlay float ppO2 = pres_respiration * calc_O2_ratio;
+		if   ( ppO2 > 2.545 ) char_actual_ppO2 = 255;
+		else                  char_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(ppO2*100 + 0.5);
+	}
+    if( deco_diluent > ppWater )
+    {
+        ppN2 = calc_N2_ratio * (deco_diluent - ppWater);
+        ppHe = calc_He_ratio * (deco_diluent - ppWater);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ppN2 = 0.0;
+        ppHe = 0.0;
+    }
+    assert( 0.0 <= ppN2 && ppN2 < 14.0 );
+    assert( 0.0 <= ppHe && ppHe < 14.0 );
+// clear_tissue
+// optimized in v.101 (var_N2_a)
+// preload tissues with standard pressure for the given ambient pressure.
+// Note: fixed N2_ratio for standard air.
+static void clear_tissue(void)
+	pres_respiration = 0.001  * int_I_pres_respiration;
+	N2_equilibrium   = 0.7902 * (pres_respiration - ppWater);
+    for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP; ci++)
+    {
+        // cycle through the 16 Buhlmann N2 tissues
+		pres_tissue_N2[ci] 				= N2_equilibrium;	// initialize data for "real" tissue
+		char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] = 11;				// initialize data for tissue graphics
+        // cycle through the 16 Buhlmann He tissues
+        pres_tissue_He[ci] 				= 0.0;				// initialize data for "real" tissue
+		char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci] = 0;				// initialize data for tissue graphics
+    }
+	clear_CNS_fraction();
+    clear_deco_table();
+	char_O_main_status		= 0;
+    char_O_deco_status		= 0;
+    char_O_nullzeit			= 0;
+	char_O_gtissue_no		= 0;
+	char_O_deco_warnings	= 0;
+    int_O_ascenttime		= 0;
+    int_O_gradient_factor	= 0;
+	calc_lead_tissue_limit	= 0.0;
+// calc_hauptroutine
+// this is the major code in dive mode calculates:
+// 		the tissues,
+//		the bottom time,
+//		and simulates the ascend with all deco stops.
+static void calc_hauptroutine(void)
+	unsigned int int_ppO2_min;
+	unsigned int int_ppO2_max;
+	//--- set-up part --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// twosectimer:
+	// calc_hauptroutine is now invoked every second to speed up the deco planning.
+	// Because the tissue and CNS calculations are based on a 2 seconds period, the
+	// the following toggle-timer will be used by the respective routines to skip
+	// every 2nd invocation.
+	twosectimer = (twosectimer) ? 0 : 1;			// toggle the toggle-timer
+	// set up normal tissue updating or "fast forward" updating for simulator sim+5' function
+	// and deco calculator bottom time calculation
+	if( char_I_sim_advance_time > 0 )
+	{
+		// configure char_I_sim_advance_time minutes of tissue updating
+		tissue_increment = char_I_sim_advance_time	// given number of minutes, limited to 127
+						 | 128;						// set flag for updating the "real" tissues & CNS
+		char_I_sim_advance_time = 0;				// clear "mailbox"
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// configure 2 seconds of tissue updating
+		tissue_increment = 0						// encoding for 2 seconds update
+						 | 128;						// set flag for updating the "real" tissues & CNS
+	}
+	//---- calculate the real tissue's data -----------------------------------------------------------------
+	calc_hauptroutine_data_input();			// acquire current environment data 
+	calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues();		// update tissue pressures, also sets char_actual_ppO2
+	calc_CNS_fraction();					// calculate CNS% for the real tissues
+	compute_CNS_for_display();				// compute integer copy of CNS value for display purpose
+	calc_gradient_factor();					// compute current GF
+	//---- compute ppO2 warnings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// compute conditional min/max values
+	int_ppO2_min = (char_O_main_status   & DECO_MODE_LOOP) ? (unsigned int)char_I_ppO2_min_loop : (unsigned int)char_I_ppO2_min;
+	int_ppO2_max = (char_O_deco_warnings & DECO_FLAG     ) ? (unsigned int)char_I_ppO2_max_deco : (unsigned int)char_I_ppO2_max;
+	// check for safe range of pure oxygen
+	if		( int_O_O2_ppO2   	  >=           int_ppO2_max    ) int_O_O2_ppO2 		 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_HIGH;
+	// check for safe range of breathed gas
+	if		( int_O_breathed_ppO2 <=           int_ppO2_min    ) int_O_breathed_ppO2 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_LOW;
+	else if ( int_O_breathed_ppO2 >=           int_ppO2_max    ) int_O_breathed_ppO2 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_HIGH;
+	else if ( int_O_breathed_ppO2 >= ppO2_prewarn_threshold    ) int_O_breathed_ppO2 |= INT_FLAG_PREWARNING;
+	// check for safe range of pure diluent
+	if		( int_O_pure_ppO2 <= (unsigned int)char_I_ppO2_min ) int_O_pure_ppO2 	 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_LOW;
+	else if	( int_O_pure_ppO2 >=               int_ppO2_max    ) int_O_pure_ppO2 	 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_HIGH;
+	// check for safe range of calculated pSCR loop gas
+	if		( int_O_pSCR_ppO2 <=               int_ppO2_min    ) int_O_pSCR_ppO2 	 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_LOW;
+	else if	( int_O_pSCR_ppO2 >=               int_ppO2_max    ) int_O_pSCR_ppO2 	 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_HIGH;
+    //---- toggle between calculation for NDL (bottom time), deco stops and more deco stops (continue) ------
+	switch( char_O_deco_status & DECO_STATUS_MASK )
+    {
+		overlay unsigned char i;
+	case DECO_STATUS_INIT: //---- At surface: start a new dive ---------------------
+		clear_deco_table();
+        copy_deco_table();
+		char_I_ascent_speed    = 10;	// DEBUG - remove before flight!
+		char_I_gas_change_time = 1;		// DEBUG - remove before flight!
+		float_ascent_speed            = 1.00 * char_I_ascent_speed;
+		float_desaturation_multiplier = 0.01 * char_I_desaturation_multiplier;
+		float_saturation_multiplier   = 0.01 * char_I_saturation_multiplier;
+		float_deco_distance           = 0.01 * char_I_deco_distance;
+        int_O_ascenttime			  = 0;		// Reset ascent time in normal plan
+		int_O_alternate_ascenttime    = 0; 		// Reset ascent time in alternative plan
+		char_O_nullzeit               = 0;		// Reset no decompression limit (NDL) in normal plan
+		char_O_alternate_nullzeit     = 0;		// Reset no decompression limit (NDL) in alternative plan
+		char_O_deco_warnings          = 0;		// Reset all deco warning flags
+		deco_tissue_vector		      = 0;		// Reset tissue deco vector
+		IBCD_tissue_vector            = 0;		// Reset tissue IBCD vector
+		int_O_desaturation_time       = 65535;	// tag desaturation time as invalid (it will not be computed during a dive)
+		for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i)
+		{
+			int_O_gas_volumes[i]    = 0;
+			int_O_tank_pres_need[i] = 0 + INT_FLAG_ZERO;	// 0 bar + flag for 0 bar
+		}
+		for(i=0; i<NUM_COMP; ++i)
+		{		
+			split_N2_He[i] = 90;							// used for calculation of no-fly time
+		}
+		// init CNS counters
+		CNS_sim_norm_fraction     = CNS_sim_alt_fraction         = CNS_fraction;		// the floats
+		int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = int_O_CNS_fraction;	// the integers
+        // Values that should be reset just once for the full real dive.
+        // This is used to record the lowest stop for the whole dive,
+        // including ACCROSS all simulated ascents.
+        low_depth_norm      = low_depth_alt      = 0.0;
+        locked_GF_step_norm = locked_GF_step_alt = 0.0;
+		// continue in state DECO_STATUS_START to calculate the bottom-part of the dive and the NDL
+		char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;	
+		// code execution continues in state DECO_STATUS_START
+	case DECO_STATUS_START: //---- bottom time -------------------------------------
+    default:
+		// reread the GF settings in case there was a switch between GF/aGF
+		GF_low   = char_I_GF_Low_percentage  * 0.01;
+		GF_high  = char_I_GF_High_percentage * 0.01;
+		GF_delta = GF_high - GF_low;
+        // Lookup current gas and store it also as the first gas used. This gas will be used for the bottom
+		// segment of the dive and for the period of delayed ascent when calculating fTTS or bailout.
+		gas_find_current();		
+		// setup the calculation ratio's for N2, He and O2
+        gas_switch_set();		
+		// clear the internal(!) stops table
+		clear_deco_table();		
+		// initialize the simulated tissues with the current state of the real tissues
+		update_startvalues();	
+		// calculate the effect of extended bottom time due to delayed ascent / fTTS on current gas
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_ASCENT_DELAYED ) sim_extra_time();
+		// calculate if we are within no decompression limit (NDL)
+        calc_nullzeit();
+		// check which plan we are on
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE )
+		{
+			// alternate dive plan
+			if( char_O_alternate_nullzeit > 0 )	// Some NDL time left in alternate plan?
+			{
+				copy_deco_table();	// DEBUG to be removed again
+				// clear tank pressure needs
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_VOLUME_CALCULATE )
+					for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i) int_O_tank_pres_need[i] = 0 + INT_FLAG_ZERO; // 0 bar + flag for 0 bar
+				// calculate the CNS% at the end of the dive if requested:
+				// as we are in no stop, CNS at end of dive is more or less the same CNS we have now
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_CNS_CALCULATE ) int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = int_O_CNS_fraction;
+				// clear fTTS ascent time
+				int_O_alternate_ascenttime = 0;
+				char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;	// YES: computation of alternate plan completed
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;	// NO: clear status bits and set status bits
+				char_O_deco_status |=  DECO_STATUS_ASCENT;	// for calculation of ascent on next invocation
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// normal dive plan
+			if( char_O_nullzeit > 0 )						// Some NDL time left in normal plan?
+			{
+				//copy_deco_table();			DEBUG original - comment in again				// copy (erased) internal to external stops table
+				// commented out - char_O_deco_last_stop not used for anything
+				// char_O_deco_last_stop = 0;				// set last stop to 0 (for OSTC menu animation)
+				// clear tank pressure needs
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_VOLUME_CALCULATE )
+					for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i) int_O_tank_pres_need[i] = 0 + INT_FLAG_ZERO;	// 0 bar + flag for 0 bar
+				// calculate the CNS% at the end of the dive if requested:
+				// as we are in no stop, CNS at end of dive is more or less the same CNS we have now
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_CNS_CALCULATE ) int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = int_O_CNS_fraction;
+				char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;	// computation of normal plan completed
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;	// clear status bits and set status bits
+				char_O_deco_status |=  DECO_STATUS_ASCENT;	// for calculation of ascent on next invocation
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case DECO_STATUS_ASCENT: //---- Simulate ascent to first stop -------------------
+		// initialize depth (in abs.pressure) for ascent and deco simulation, start from current real depth
+		temp_deco = pres_respiration;
+		// calculate ascent to first stop
+        sim_ascent_to_first_stop();
+        // calculate all further stops next time
+		char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;	// clear status bits and set status bits
+		char_O_deco_status |=  DECO_STATUS_STOPS;	// for calculation of stops on next invocation
+        break;
+	case DECO_STATUS_STOPS: //---- Simulate stops ----------------------------------
+        calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
+		// If simulation is finished, do some more computations if requested
+		// and restore the GF low reference so that the next ascent simulation
+		// is done from the current depth: 
+		if( !(char_O_deco_status & DECO_STATUS_MASK) )
+        {
+			// Calculate ascent time, result in int_O_ascenttime or int_O_alternate_ascenttime
+            calc_ascenttime();
+			// the current depth is needed by calc_CNS_planning() and gas_volumes()
+			char_I_bottom_depth = (unsigned char)((pres_respiration - pres_surface)*BAR_TO_METER);
+			// if requested, calculate the CNS% at the end of the dive (including the deco stops)
+			if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_CNS_CALCULATE    ) calc_CNS_planning();
+			// if requested, calculate the required gas volumes and tank pressures at the end of the dive.
+			if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_VOLUME_CALCULATE ) gas_volumes();			
+			// some more aftermath dependent on the current plan
+			if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE   )
+			{
+				//---- alternative plan ----------------------------------------------------
+copy_deco_table();			// DEBUG to be removed again
+				// was CNS at end of dive calculated?
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_CNS_CALCULATE )
+				{
+					// yes - compute CNS value to display
+					if		( CNS_sim_alt_fraction < 0.01  ) int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = 0;
+					else if ( CNS_sim_alt_fraction > 9.985 ) int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = 999 + INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+					else
+					{	
+						// convert float to integer
+						int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = (unsigned short)(100 * CNS_sim_alt_fraction + 0.5);
+						// set warning flag if CNS is >= 100%
+						if( int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction >= 100 )
+						int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction |= INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+						// set invalid flag if there is an overflow in the stops table
+						if( char_O_deco_warnings & DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW )
+						int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction |= INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					// no - invalidate value (value = 0, invalid flag set)
+					int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				//---- normal plan ---------------------------------------------------------
+				// publish the stops table
+//				copy_deco_table();			// DEBUG original
+				// was CNS at end of dive calculated?
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_CNS_CALCULATE )
+				{
+					// yes - compute CNS value to display
+					if		( CNS_sim_norm_fraction <  0.01  ) int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = 0;
+					else if ( CNS_sim_norm_fraction >= 9.985 ) int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = 999 + INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+					else
+					{	
+						// convert float to integer
+						int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = (unsigned short)(100 * CNS_sim_norm_fraction + 0.5);
+						// set warning flag if CNS is >= 100%
+						if( int_O_normal_CNS_fraction >= 100 )
+							int_O_normal_CNS_fraction |= INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+						// set invalid flag if there is an overflow in the stops table
+						if( char_O_deco_warnings & DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW )
+							int_O_normal_CNS_fraction |= INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					// no - invalidate value (value = 0, invalid flag set)
+					int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+				}
+			} // aftermath
+		} // if
+        break;
+    } // switch
+// calc_hauptroutine_data_input
+// Reset all C-code dive parameters from their ASM-code values.
+// Detect gas change condition.
+void calc_hauptroutine_data_input(void)
+	// get the current pressures
+	pres_respiration = 0.001 * int_I_pres_respiration;
+    pres_surface     = 0.001 * int_I_pres_surface;
+	// get the currently breathed gas mixture
+	O2_ratio         = 0.01 * char_I_O2_ratio;
+    He_ratio         = 0.01 * char_I_He_ratio;
+	// N2 ratios are computed within p2_deco.c from the O2 and He ratios
+	N2_ratio         = 1.0 - O2_ratio - He_ratio;
+	// N2 tissue pressure at surface equilibrium, used for tissue graphics scaling
+	N2_equilibrium   = 0.7902 * (pres_surface - ppWater);
+void calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues(void)
+    overlay float pres_diluent = pres_respiration;
+    assert( 0.00 <= N2_ratio && N2_ratio <= 1.00 );
+    assert( 0.00 <= He_ratio && He_ratio <= 1.00 );
+    assert( (N2_ratio + He_ratio) <= 1.00 );
+    assert( 0.800 < pres_respiration && pres_respiration < 14.0 );
+	//---- OC, CCR and Bailout Mode Gas Calculations ------------------------------------------------------------
+	// calculate ppO2 of pure oxygen
+	O2_ppO2 = (pres_respiration - ppWater);
+	// capture failure condition in case pres_respiration is < ppWater (should never happen...)
+	if( O2_ppO2 < 0.0 ) O2_ppO2 = 0.0;
+	// calculate ppO2 of the pure gas (diluent)
+	pure_ppO2 = O2_ppO2 * O2_ratio;
+	//---- PSCR Mode Gas Calculation-----------------------------------------------------------
+	// With flags set for PSCR we compute the ppO2 in the loop from the diluent's O2
+	// ratio and the PSCR parameters. This figure will be used in the pSCR custom view.
+	// If sensors are used (char_I_const_ppO2 > 0), we will override the calculated ppO2
+	// with the sensor data. Then we continue with the CCR mode code which calculates
+	// the increase of ppN2 and ppH2 due to the reduction of the ppO2 in the loop.
+	// Essentially, diving a pSCR is like diving a CCR with a setpoint set lower than
+	// the ambient pressure multiplied with the O2 fraction of the diluent...
+	// calculate pSCR ppO2
+	//
+	// pres_respiration      is 0.0 ...       in bar
+	// O2_ratio              is 0.0 ...   1.0 as factor
+	// char_I_PSCR_drop      is 0   ...  15   as %
+	// char_I_PSCR_lungratio is 5   ...  20   as %
+	// pSCRppO2				 is 0.0 ...       in bar
+	pSCR_ppO2 = (pres_respiration * O2_ratio) - (1 - O2_ratio) * 0.01 * char_I_PSCR_drop * char_I_PSCR_lungratio;
+	// capture failure condition if case pSCR_ppO2 becomes negative
+	if( pSCR_ppO2 < 0.0 ) pSCR_ppO2 = 0.0;	
+	//---- Loop modes : adjust ppN2 and ppHe for change in ppO2 due to setpoint (CCR) or drop (pSCR) ------------
+	if ( char_O_main_status & DECO_MODE_LOOP )
+    {
+		overlay float const_ppO2;
+		// get the current sensor reading (CCR / pSCR if fitted) or the fixed setpoint (CCR) / a zero (pSCR)
+        const_ppO2 = 0.01 * char_I_const_ppO2;
+		// Limit the setpoint to the maximum physically possible ppO2. This prevents for
+		// example calculating with a setpoint of 1.3 bar in only 2 meters of depth.
+		// Additionally, if limiting occurs, the ppO2 can be further reduced to account
+		// for residual inert gases by the user-adjustable setting char_I_cc_max_frac_o2.
+		if( const_ppO2 > pres_respiration )	// no ppWater subtracted here to give some margin for
+		{									// sensors delivering data a little bit over target
+			const_ppO2 = 0.01 * char_I_cc_max_frac_o2 * (pres_respiration - ppWater);
+		}
+		// check which kind of loop we are on
+		if( char_O_main_status & DECO_MODE_PSCR ) 
+		{
+			//---- pSCR Mode --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			// check if a sensor is fitted
+			if( char_I_const_ppO2 ) breathed_ppO2 = const_ppO2;	// yes - derive ppO2s from (char_I_)const_ppO2
+			else                    breathed_ppO2 = pSCR_ppO2;	// no  - derive ppO2s from calculated ppO2
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//---- CCR Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			// derive breathed ppO2 from (char_I_)const_ppO2, which holds sensor reading or fixed setpoint
+			breathed_ppO2 = const_ppO2;
+		}
+		// adjust diluent pressure (ppN2 + ppHe) for change in ppO2 due to setpoint (CCR) or drop (pSCR)
+        pres_diluent -= const_ppO2;
+        pres_diluent /= N2_ratio + He_ratio;
+		// capture all failure conditions, including div/0 in case diluent is pure O2
+		if( (pres_diluent < 0.0) || (char_I_O2_ratio == 100) )
+		{
+			pres_diluent  = 0.0;
+			breathed_ppO2 = pure_ppO2;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{	//---- OC mode -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+		// breathed ppO2 is ppO2 of pure gas
+		breathed_ppO2 = pure_ppO2;
+	}
+	// derive char_actual_ppO2 in [cbar], used for calculating CNS%
+	if      ( breathed_ppO2 <  0.01  ) char_actual_ppO2  =   0;
+	else if ( breathed_ppO2 >= 2.545 ) char_actual_ppO2  = 255;
+	else                               char_actual_ppO2  = (unsigned char)(100 * breathed_ppO2 + 0.5);
+	//---- export ppO2 values in [cbar] for warning generation and display purpose ------------------------------
+	// pure oxygen ppO2
+	if		( O2_ppO2       <  0.01  ) int_O_O2_ppO2       =   0;
+	else if ( O2_ppO2       >= 9.995 ) int_O_O2_ppO2       = 999;
+	else                               int_O_O2_ppO2       = (unsigned int)(100 *       O2_ppO2 + 0.5);
+	// pure gas ppO2
+	if      ( pure_ppO2     <  0.01  ) int_O_pure_ppO2     =   0;
+	else if ( pure_ppO2     >= 9.995 ) int_O_pure_ppO2     = 999;
+	else                               int_O_pure_ppO2     = (unsigned int)(100 *     pure_ppO2 + 0.5);
+	// calculated pSCR ppO2
+	if		( pSCR_ppO2     <  0.01  ) int_O_pSCR_ppO2     =   0;
+	else if ( pSCR_ppO2     >= 9.995 ) int_O_pSCR_ppO2     = 999;
+	else                               int_O_pSCR_ppO2     = (unsigned int)(100 *     pSCR_ppO2 + 0.5);
+	// breathed ppO2
+	if		( breathed_ppO2 <  0.01  ) int_O_breathed_ppO2 =   0;
+	else if ( breathed_ppO2 >= 9.995 ) int_O_breathed_ppO2 = 999;
+	else                               int_O_breathed_ppO2 = (unsigned int)(100 * breathed_ppO2 + 0.5);
+	//---- calculate ppN2, ppHe and EAD, END -------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if( pres_diluent > ppWater )
+    {
+        overlay float EAD, END;
+        ppN2 = N2_ratio * (pres_diluent - ppWater);
+        ppHe = He_ratio * (pres_diluent - ppWater);
+        // EAD : Equivalent Air Depth. Equivalent depth for the same N2 level with plain air.
+        //       ppN2 = 79% * (P_EAD - ppWater)
+        //       EAD = (P_EAD - Psurface) * 10
+        //   ie: EAD = (ppN2 / 0.7902 + ppWater -Psurface) * 10
+        EAD = (ppN2 / 0.7902 + ppWater - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER;
+        if( (EAD < 0.0) || (EAD > 245.5) ) EAD = 0.0;
+        char_O_EAD = (unsigned char)(EAD + 0.5);
+        // END : Equivalent Narcotic Depth.
+        //       Here we count O2 as narcotic too. Hence everything but helium (has a narcosis
+        //       factor of 0.23 btw). Hence the formula becomes:
+        //       END * BarPerMeter * (1.0 - 0.0) - ppWater + Psurface == Pambient - ppHe - ppWater
+        //  ie:  END = (Pambient - ppHe - Psurface) * BAR_TO_METER
+        //
+        // Source cited:
+        //       The Physiology and Medicine of Diving by Peter Bennett and David Elliott,
+        //       4th edition, 1993, W.B.Saunders Company Ltd, London.
+        END = (pres_respiration - ppHe - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER;
+        if( (END < 0.0) || (END > 245.5) ) END = 0.0;
+		char_O_END = (unsigned char)(END + 0.5);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ppN2 = ppHe = 0.0;
+		char_O_EAD = char_O_END = 0;
+    }
+	//---- calculate decompression status ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Calculate tissues
+	calc_tissue();
+    // Calculate limit for surface, ie. GF_high.
+    calc_limit();
+    // Fill int_O_ceiling (in mbar) if ceiling is below the surface
+    if( (calc_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface) > 0 )
+	{	
+// compatibility version
+        int_O_ceiling = (short)((calc_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface) * 1000);
+// new version
+//		// Round up to next 10 cm so that the ceiling disappears on the display only when the ceiling
+//		// limit is really zero. This will coincident then with TTS switching back to NDL time.
+//		int_O_ceiling = (short)((calc_lead_tissue_limit-pres_surface)*1000+9);
+		// limit int_O_ceiling to 16000 mbar (150 m)
+		if( int_O_ceiling > 16000) int_O_ceiling = 16000;
+	}
+    else
+	{
+        int_O_ceiling = 0;
+	}
+    int_O_gtissue_press = (short)((pres_tissue_N2[char_O_gtissue_no] + pres_tissue_He[char_O_gtissue_no]) * 1000);
+// Compute stops.
+// Note: because this can be very long, break on 16 iterations, and set state
+//       to DECO_STATUS_FINISHED when finished, or to DECO_STATUS_STOPS when
+//       needing to continue.
+// Note: because each iteration might be very long too (~ 66 ms in 1.84beta),
+//       break the loop when elapsed time exceeds 512 milliseconds.
+void calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco(void)
+	overlay unsigned char loop;
+	for(loop = 0; loop < 16; ++loop)
+	{
+		// limit loops to 512ms, using timer 5
+		if( tmr5() & (512*32) ) break;
+		// calc_nextdecodepth()
+		//
+		// INPUT  temp_deco        : current depth in absolute pressure
+		// OUTPUT temp_depth_limit : depth of next stop in meters
+		// RETURN true if a stop is needed
+		//
+		// The function manages gas changes by itself, including priming
+		// the deco stop with the configured gas change time.
+		//
+		if( calc_nextdecodepth() )
+		{
+			if( temp_depth_limit == 0 ) goto Surface;	// this check should not bee needed as in
+														// this case the RETURN value will be false
+			//---- stop required at temp_depth_limit -------------------------------------
+			// convert stop depth in meters to absolute pressure
+			temp_deco = temp_depth_limit * METER_TO_BAR + pres_surface;
+			// add one minute to the current stop, or add a new stop,
+			// or abort deco calculation if the deco table is full.
+			if( !update_deco_table(1) ) goto Surface;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//---- no stop required --------------------------------------
+			// ascend by float_ascent_speed for 1 minute
+			temp_deco -= float_ascent_speed * METER_TO_BAR;
+			// finish deco calculation if surface is reached
+			if( temp_deco <= pres_surface )
+			{
+				// set deco engine status to done (DECO_STATUS_FINISHED)
+				char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;
+				// commented out - char_O_deco_last_stop not used for anything
+				// surface reached (to animate menu)
+				// if( !(char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE)) char_O_deco_last_stop = 0;
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		//---- as one minute as passed now, update the tissues ----------------------
+		// program 1 minute interval on simulated tissues (Flagbit 7 = 0)
+		tissue_increment = 1;
+		// compute current ppN2 and ppHe
+		sim_alveolar_presures();
+		// update the tissues
+		calc_tissue();
+	}
+	// commented out - char_O_deco_last_stop not used for anything
+	// surface not reached, need more stops... store reached depth for menu animation.
+	// if( !(char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) ) char_O_deco_last_stop = temp_depth_limit;
+// Simulate ascent to first deco stop.
+// Modified: temp_deco : current depth in ascent and deco simulation, in bar absolute pressure
+void sim_ascent_to_first_stop(void)
+	overlay unsigned char fast      = 1;	// 1 = 1 minute steps,  0 = 2 seconds steps
+	overlay unsigned char gaschange = 0;	// 1 = do a gas change, 0 = no better gas available
+	//---- Loop until first deco stop or surface is reached ----------
+	for(;;)
+	{
+		// depth in absolute pressure we came from
+		overlay float old_deco = temp_deco;
+		// try ascending 1 full minute (fast) or 2 seconds (!fast)
+		if	( fast ) temp_deco -=  float_ascent_speed       * METER_TO_BAR;	// 1 min at float_ascent_speed ( 5 .. 10  m/min)
+		else         temp_deco -= (float_ascent_speed/30.0) * METER_TO_BAR;	// 2 sec at float_ascent_speed (17 .. 33 cm/min)
+		// but don't go over surface
+		if( temp_deco < pres_surface ) temp_deco = pres_surface;
+		// compute sim_lead_tissue_limit
+		if   ( char_I_deco_model != 0 ) sim_limit(GF_low);
+		else                            sim_limit(1.0);
+		// did we overshoot the first deco stop?
+		if( temp_deco < sim_lead_tissue_limit )
+		{
+			// YES - back to last depth below first stop
+			temp_deco = old_deco;
+			// switch to 2 seconds ascent if not yet in, else done
+			if( fast )
+			{
+				fast = 0;				// retry with 2 seconds ascent steps
+				continue;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				break;					// done...
+			}
+		}
+		// If code execution passes along here, we did not overshoot the first stop.
+		// did we reach the surface? if yes, done!
+		if( temp_deco == pres_surface ) break;
+		// depth in meters where we are now (no round-up)
+		temp_depth_limit = (unsigned char)((temp_deco - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER);
+		// Check if there is a better gas to switch to, but only in alternative plan mode.
+		// If yes, introduce a stop for the gas change.
+		if( (char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) && gas_find_better() )
+		{
+			// depth in meters we came from
+			overlay unsigned char old_depth_limit = (unsigned char)((old_deco - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER);			
+			// adjust temp_depth_limit to the gas change depth, but not deeper than the depth we came from
+			temp_depth_limit = (sim_gas_last_depth < old_depth_limit) ? sim_gas_last_depth : old_depth_limit;
+			// create a stop for the gas change
+			update_deco_table(char_I_gas_change_time);
+			// set the new calculation values for N2, He and O2
+			gas_switch_set();
+			// signal to create a stop for the gas change and update the tissues
+			gaschange = char_I_gas_change_time;
+			// Adjust the depth for the tissue update to the stop depth. In case of fast mode, this
+			// imposes that the ascent from the 'old_deco' depth to this stop took 1 minute although
+			// we might have only ascended one or two meters...
+			temp_deco = temp_depth_limit * METER_TO_BAR + pres_surface;
+		}	
+		// Did one minute pass by and/or do we have a gas change?
+		// Remark: The 2 seconds ascent iterations towards the first deco stop in !fast speed may take
+		// up to 28 seconds in total - for this rough half of a minute no tissue updates will be computed.
+		// Well, it could be done by setting tissue_increment = 0 in !fast condition and making calls to
+		// sim_alveolar_presures() and calc_tissue() - see code commented out.
+		if( fast || gaschange )
+		{
+			// program interval on simulated tissues (flag bit 7 = 0)
+			tissue_increment = fast + gaschange;
+			// clear gas change signal
+			gaschange = 0;
+	//	}
+	//	else
+	//	{
+	//		// program 2 seconds interval on simulated tissues (flag bit 7 = 0)
+	//		tissue_increment = 0;
+	//	}
+	//	{
+			// compute ppN2/ppHe for current depth from temp_deco
+			sim_alveolar_presures();
+			// update the tissues
+			calc_tissue();
+		}
+	}
+// Simulate extra time at the current depth.
+// This routine is used for the futureTTS / delayed ascent feature.
+void sim_extra_time(void)
+ 	overlay unsigned char backup = tissue_increment;	// back-up tissue_increment
+	tissue_increment  = char_I_extra_time;				// program interval on simulated tissues (Flagbit 7 = 0)
+	calc_tissue();										// update the tissues
+	tissue_increment = backup;							// restore tissue_increment
+// calc_tissue
+// optimized in v.101
+// INPUT:	 ppN2, ppHe, tissue_increment
+// MODIFIED: pres_tissue_N2[], pres_tissue_He[]
+// OUTPUT:	 char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[], char_O_tissue_He_saturation[]
+static void calc_tissue()
+	overlay float			temp_tissue_N2;
+	overlay float			temp_tissue_He;
+	overlay unsigned char	period;
+	overlay unsigned char	i;
+    assert( 0.00 <= ppN2 && ppN2 < 11.2 );  // 80% N2 at 130m
+    assert( 0.00 <= ppHe && ppHe < 12.6 );  // 90% He at 130m
+    for (ci=0;ci<NUM_COMP;ci++)			// iterate through all compartments
+    {
+		i = tissue_increment & 127;		// extract number of minutes to do    (if i > 0)
+										// or if one 2 second period is to do (if i = 0)
+		if( i == 0 )					// check if we shall do one 2-seconds period
+		{
+			read_Buhlmann_times(0); 	// YES, program coefficients for a 2 seconds period
+			period = 1;					//      set period length (in cycles)
+			i      = 1;					//      and one cycle to do
+		}
+		else if( i > 9 )				// check if we can start with 10 minutes periods
+		{
+			read_Buhlmann_times(2);		// YES, program coefficients for 10 minutes periods
+			period = 10;				//      set period length (in cycles) to ten
+		}
+		else							// we shall do 1 to 9 minutes
+		{
+			read_Buhlmann_times(1);		//      program coefficients for 1 minute periods
+			period = 1;					//      set period length (in cycles) to one
+		}
+		do
+		{
+			//---- N2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			temp_tissue = (tissue_increment & 128) ? pres_tissue_N2[ci] : sim_pres_tissue_N2[ci];
+			temp_tissue = (ppN2 - temp_tissue) * var_N2_e;
+			temp_tissue_safety();
+			if( tissue_increment & 128 )
+			{
+				// The temp variable takes on purpose just the tissue increment from the last loop's iteration.
+				temp_tissue_N2 = temp_tissue;
+				// Update the real tissues if either we are on the 2 seconds interval,
+				// or if we shall advance the tissues on a one or several minutes basis.
+				if( twosectimer || (tissue_increment & 127) ) pres_tissue_N2[ci] += temp_tissue;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// Updates of the sim-tissues always comes on a 1 minutes basis,
+				// so we do not need to check of the 2 seconds interval.
+				sim_pres_tissue_N2[ci] += temp_tissue;
+			}
+			//---- He -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			temp_tissue = (tissue_increment & 128) ? pres_tissue_He[ci] : sim_pres_tissue_He[ci];
+			temp_tissue = (ppHe - temp_tissue) * var_He_e;
+			temp_tissue_safety();
+			if( tissue_increment & 128 )
+			{
+				// The temp variable takes on purpose just the tissue increment from the last loop's iteration.
+				temp_tissue_He = temp_tissue;
+				// Update the real tissues if either we are on the 2 seconds interval,
+				// or if we shall advance the tissues on a one or several minutes basis.
+				if( twosectimer || (tissue_increment & 127) ) pres_tissue_He[ci] += temp_tissue;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// Updates of the sim-tissues always comes on a 1 minutes basis,
+				// so we do not need to check of the 2 seconds interval.
+				sim_pres_tissue_He[ci] += temp_tissue;
+			}
+			// decrement loop counter
+			i -= period;
+			// check if we need to switch from 10 minute periods to 1 minute periods
+			if( (i > 0) && (period = 10) && (i < 10) )
+			{
+				read_Buhlmann_times(1); 	// program coefficients for 1 minute periods
+				period = 1;					// set period length (in cycles) to one
+			}
+		}
+		while( i );
+		// have the computations been done for the "real" tissues?
+		if( (tissue_increment & 128) && (twosectimer || (tissue_increment & 127)) )
+		{
+			// net tissue balance
+			temp_tissue = temp_tissue_N2 + temp_tissue_He;
+			// check tissue on-/off-gassing and IBCD with applying a threshold of +/-HYST
+			//
+			if		( temp_tissue < -HYST )				// Check if the tissue is off-gassing
+			{
+				deco_tissue_vector	|=  (1 << ci);		// tag tissue as being in decompression
+				IBCD_tissue_vector	&= ~(1 << ci);		// tag tissue as not experiencing mentionable IBCD
+			}
+			else if ( temp_tissue > +HYST )				// check if the tissue in on-gassing
+			{
+				deco_tissue_vector	&= ~(1 << ci);		// tag tissue as not being in decompression
+				if(		((temp_tissue_N2 > 0.0) && (temp_tissue_He < 0.0))		// check for counter diffusion
+					||	((temp_tissue_N2 < 0.0) && (temp_tissue_He > 0.0)) )
+				{
+					IBCD_tissue_vector |= (1 << ci);	// tag tissue as experiencing mentionable IBCD
+				}
+			}
+			// keep the saturating / desaturating flags from last invocation
+			char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] &= 128;
+			char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci]	&= 128;
+			// flip the flags applying a hysteresis of HYST (actual value: see #define of HYST)
+				 if( temp_tissue_N2 > +HYST ) char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] = 128; // set flag for tissue pressure is increasing
+			else if( temp_tissue_N2 < -HYST ) char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] =   0; // clear flag (-> tissue pressure is decreasing)
+				 if( temp_tissue_He > +HYST ) char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci] = 128; // set flag for tissue pressure is increasing
+			else if( temp_tissue_He < -HYST ) char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci] =   0; // clear flag (-> tissue pressure is decreasing)
+			// For N2 tissue display purpose:
+			// Scale tissue press so that saturation in 70m on AIR gives a value of approx. 80.
+			// The surface steady-state tissue loading of [0.7902 * (pres_respiration - ppWater)] bar
+			// gives then a 10. If N2 is completely washed out of the tissue, result will be 0.
+			// This scaling is adapted to the capabilities of the tissue graphics in the custom views.
+			temp_tissue = (pres_tissue_N2[ci] / N2_equilibrium) * 10;
+			 // limit to 127 to leave space for sat/desat flag
+			if (temp_tissue > 127) temp_tissue = 127;
+			// export as integer
+			char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] += (unsigned char)temp_tissue;
+			// For H2 tissue display purpose:
+			// Scale tissue press so that saturation in 120m on TMX 10/70 gives a value of approx. 70.
+			// With no He in a tissue, result will be 0.
+			// This scaling is adapted to the capabilities of the tissue graphics in the custom views.
+			temp_tissue = pres_tissue_He[ci] * 7.7;
+			// limit to 127 to leave space for sat/desat flag
+			if (temp_tissue > 127) temp_tissue = 127; 
+			// export as integer
+			char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci] += (unsigned char)temp_tissue;
+		}
+    }// for
+// calc_limit
+// New in v.111 : separated from calc_tissue(), and depends on GF value.
+static void calc_limit(void)
+    char_O_gtissue_no 		= 0;
+    calc_lead_tissue_limit 	= 0.0;
+	// clear IBCD, microbubbles and outside warning flags (locked warnings will be preserved)
+    for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP; ci++)
+    {
+        overlay float N2 = pres_tissue_N2[ci];
+        overlay float He = pres_tissue_He[ci];
+		overlay float pres_tissue = N2 + He;
+		overlay float pres_min;
+		overlay float gf;
+		overlay float threshold;
+        read_Buhlmann_coefficients();
+        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * N2 + var_He_a * He) / pres_tissue;
+        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * N2 + var_He_b * He) / pres_tissue;
+		// calculate minimum ambient pressure that the tissue can withstand according to straight Buhlmann
+		pres_min = (pres_tissue - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
+		// calculate current gf value (1.0 = 100%) of this tissue
+		gf = (pres_tissue - pres_respiration) / (pres_tissue - pres_min);
+		if( gf < 0.0 ) gf = 0.0;
+		// calculate a threshold value for use below
+		// ToDo: finalize the definition of the threshold
+		threshold = 0.02 * ci + 0.9;
+		// check if this tissue is likely to develop microbubbles
+		// and/or if this tissue is outside the Buhlmann model
+		if( ci <= 5 )
+		{
+			if( gf >= threshold )
+			{
+				char_O_deco_warnings |= (DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES + DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES_lock);
+				if( gf >= 1.0 )
+				{
+					char_O_deco_warnings |= (DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE + DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE_lock);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if( gf >= 1.0 )
+			{
+				char_O_deco_warnings |= (DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES + DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES_lock);
+				if( gf >= threshold )
+				{
+					char_O_deco_warnings |= (DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE + DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE_lock);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+        // Apply the Eric Baker's varying gradient factor correction if the GF-Model is selected.
+        // Note: the correction factor depends both on GF and b,
+        //       Actual values are in the 1.5 .. 1.0 range (for a GF=30%),
+        //       so that can change who is the leading gas...
+        // Note: Also depends of the GF. So the calculus is different for GF_low, current GF, or GF_high...
+        //       *BUT* calc_tissue() is used to compute bottom time, hence what would happen at surface,
+        //       hence at GF_high.
+		if( char_I_deco_model != 0 ) pres_min =   ( pres_tissue - var_N2_a * (      GF_high) ) * var_N2_b
+		                                        / ( GF_high     + var_N2_b * (1.0 - GF_high) );
+		// check if this tissue requires a higher ambient pressure than was found to be needed up to now
+        if( pres_min > calc_lead_tissue_limit )
+        {
+            char_O_gtissue_no      = ci;
+            calc_lead_tissue_limit = pres_min;
+        }
+    }
+	// check IBCD condition
+	if( !IBCD_tissue_vector )
+	{
+		char_O_deco_warnings &= ~DECO_WARNING_IBCD;					// no IBCD in any tissue, clear flag
+	}
+	else if(    (IBCD_tissue_vector & (1 << char_O_gtissue_no))
+	         && ((pres_tissue_N2[char_O_gtissue_no] + pres_tissue_He[char_O_gtissue_no]) > pres_respiration) )
+	{
+		// leading tissue is in IBCD condition and in super-saturation, set flags.
+		char_O_deco_warnings |= (DECO_WARNING_IBCD + DECO_WARNING_IBCD_lock);
+	}
+	// check if is any tissue off-gassing
+	if	(deco_tissue_vector) char_O_deco_warnings |=  DECO_FLAG;	// yes,  set deco flag
+	else                     char_O_deco_warnings &= ~DECO_FLAG;	// no, clear deco flag 
+    assert( char_O_gtissue_no < NUM_COMP );
+    assert( 0.0 <= calc_lead_tissue_limit && calc_lead_tissue_limit <= 14.0);
+// calc_nullzeit
+// calculates the remaining bottom time
+// NOTE: Erik Baker's closed formula works for Nitroxes. Trimix adds a second
+//       exponential term to the M-value equation, making it impossible to
+//       invert... So we have to make a fast-simu until we find a better way.
+// Input:  pres_respiration
+// Output: char_O_nullzeit / char_O_alternate_nullzeit
+static void calc_nullzeit(void)
+	overlay unsigned char nullzeit = 240;
+    //---- Compute ppN2 and ppHe ---------------------------------------------
+    temp_deco = pres_respiration;
+    sim_alveolar_presures();
+    for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP; ci++)
+    {
+        //---- Read A/B values and loading factor for N2 and He --------------
+		overlay float tN2 = sim_pres_tissue_N2[ci];
+        overlay float tHe = sim_pres_tissue_He[ci];
+        overlay float t = tN2 + tHe;
+        overlay unsigned char ndl;
+        overlay unsigned char period = 10;
+        read_Buhlmann_coefficients();
+        read_Buhlmann_times(2);             // Starts with a 10min period.
+        //---- Simulate for that tissue --------------------------------------
+        // NOTE: No need to simulate for longer than the already found NDL.
+		for(ndl=0; ndl<nullzeit;)
+        {
+			//---- Compute updated mix M-value at surface
+			overlay float a = (var_N2_a * tN2 + var_He_a * tHe) / t;
+			overlay float b = (var_N2_b * tN2 + var_He_b * tHe) / t;
+			overlay float M0 = (a + pres_surface/b);
+			//---- Add 10min/1min to N2/He tissues
+			overlay float dTN2 = (ppN2 - tN2) * var_N2_e;
+			overlay float dTHe = (ppHe - tHe) * var_He_e;
+			//---- Apply safety margin for both models
+			// NDL can be computed while ascending... SO we have
+			// to check if we are saturating or desaturating.
+			if( dTN2 > 0.0 ) dTN2 *= float_saturation_multiplier;
+			else             dTN2 *= float_desaturation_multiplier;
+			if( dTHe > 0.0 ) dTHe *= float_saturation_multiplier;
+			else             dTHe *= float_saturation_multiplier;
+			// adopt M0 value when using the GF extension
+			if (char_I_deco_model != 0 ) M0 = GF_high * (M0 - pres_surface) + pres_surface;
+            //---- Simulate off-gassing while going to surface
+            // TODO !
+            // dTN2 -= exp( ... ascent time ... ppN2...)
+            // dTHe -= exp( ... ascent time ... ppHe...)
+            //---- Ok now, and still ok to surface after 1 or 10 minutes ?
+            if( (t <= M0) && (t + dTN2 + dTHe <= M0) )
+            {
+                tN2 += dTN2;		// YES: apply gas loadings,
+                tHe += dTHe;
+				t    = tN2 + tHe;				
+                ndl += period;		// increment NDL,
+                continue;			// and loop.
+            }
+            //---- Should we retry with smaller steps ?
+            if( period == 10 )
+            {
+                read_Buhlmann_times(1); // 1min coefs.
+                period = 1;
+                continue;
+            }
+            //---- ELSE make a linear approx for the last minute
+            // Useful to have a meaningful rounding of NDL.
+            // But ONLY if positive (negative casted to unsigned is bad).
+            if( M0 > t ) ndl += (unsigned char)(0.5f + (M0-t)/(dTN2+dTHe));
+            break;
+        }
+        // Keep the shortest NDL found
+		if ( ndl < nullzeit ) nullzeit = ndl;
+    }
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) char_O_alternate_nullzeit = nullzeit;
+	else                                          char_O_nullzeit           = nullzeit;
+// calc_ascenttime
+// Sum up ascent from bottom to surface at float_ascent_speed,
+// but 1 minute per meter for the final ascent, and all stops.
+// Result in int_O_ascenttime,
+//        or int_O_alternate_ascenttime if doing the alternative plan.
+static void calc_ascenttime(void)
+    overlay unsigned char  x;
+    overlay unsigned short sum;
+	// preset final ascent
+	overlay float final  = (float)char_I_depth_last_deco;
+    // calculate depth
+    overlay float ascent = (pres_respiration - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER;
+	// check if we are already in final ascent
+    if (ascent <= final)
+	{
+		// yes - all ascent is final ascent
+		final  = ascent;
+		ascent = 0.0;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// no - subtract final ascent part from overall ascent
+		ascent -= final;
+		// compute time for ascent part without final ascent
+		ascent /= float_ascent_speed;		
+	}
+	// add 1 minute for each meter of  final ascent
+	ascent += final;
+	// convert to integer
+    sum = (unsigned short)(ascent + 0.5);
+	// add all stop times
+    for(x=0; x<NUM_STOPS && internal_deco_depth[x]; x++)
+        sum += (unsigned short)internal_deco_time[x];
+	// limit result to display max.
+	if( sum > 999) sum = 999;
+	// tag result as invalid if there is an overflow in the stops table
+	if( char_O_deco_warnings & DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW ) sum |= INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+	// route result to output variable
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE ) int_O_alternate_ascenttime = sum;
+    else                                           int_O_ascenttime           = sum;
+// update_startvalues
+// updated in v.102
+void update_startvalues(void)
+    overlay unsigned char x;
+    // Start ascent simulation with current tissue partial pressures.
+    for(x=0; x<NUM_COMP; x++)
+    {
+        sim_pres_tissue_N2[x] = pres_tissue_N2[x];
+        sim_pres_tissue_He[x] = pres_tissue_He[x];
+    }
+    // No leading tissue (yet) for this ascent simulation.
+    sim_lead_tissue_limit = 0.0;
+    sim_lead_tissue_no    = 1;
+// sim_limit()
+// New in v.111
+// Function separated from calc_tissue() to allow recomputing limit on
+// different depth, because it depends on current gradient factor.
+static void sim_limit(PARAMETER float GF_current)
+    assert( 0.0 < GF_current && GF_current <= 1.0 );
+    sim_lead_tissue_limit = 0.0;
+    sim_lead_tissue_no    = 0;		// If no one is critic, keep first tissue.
+    for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP; ci++)
+    {
+        overlay float N2 = sim_pres_tissue_N2[ci];
+        overlay float He = sim_pres_tissue_He[ci];
+        overlay float p = N2 + He;
+        read_Buhlmann_coefficients();
+        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * N2 + var_He_a * He) / p;
+        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * N2 + var_He_b * He) / p;
+        // Apply the Eric Baker's varying gradient factor correction.
+        // Note: the correction factor depends both on GF and b,
+        //       Actual values are in the 1.5 .. 1.0 range (for a GF=30%),
+        //       so that can change who is the leading gas...
+        // Note: Also depends of the GF_current...
+		if( char_I_deco_model != 0 )  p =   ( p                - (var_N2_a   * GF_current) )
+		                                  / ( 1.0 - GF_current + (GF_current / var_N2_b  ) );
+		else                          p =   (p - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
+        if( p > sim_lead_tissue_limit )
+        {
+            sim_lead_tissue_no    = ci;
+            sim_lead_tissue_limit = p;
+        }
+    } // for ci
+    assert( sim_lead_tissue_no < NUM_COMP );
+    assert( 0.0 <= sim_lead_tissue_limit && sim_lead_tissue_limit <= 14.0 );
+// clear_deco_table
+static void clear_deco_table(void)
+    overlay unsigned char x;
+    for(x=0; x<NUM_STOPS; ++x)
+    {
+        internal_deco_time [x] = 0;
+        internal_deco_depth[x] = 0;
+    }
+	// clear stop table overflow warning
+	char_O_deco_warnings &= ~DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW;
+// update_deco_table
+// Add time to a stop at temp_depth_limit
+// It is possible to create stops with a duration of 0 minutes, e.g. to
+// note a gas change "on the fly" while ascending. Therefore the criteria
+// to have reached the end of the list needs always to be depth == 0.
+// Input:   temp_depth_limit  : stop's depth, in meters.
+//          sim_gas_last_used : gas used at stop, as index 1..5
+//			PARAMETER time_increment    : number of minutes to add to the stop
+// Updated: internal_deco_depth[] : depth    (in meters)  of each stop
+//          internal_deco_time [] : time     (in minutes) of each stop
+//          internal_deco_gas  [] : gas used (index 1-5)  at each stop
+static unsigned char update_deco_table(PARAMETER unsigned char time_increment)
+	overlay unsigned char x;
+	assert( temp_depth_limit > 0 );		// No stop at surface...
+	// loop through internal deco table
+	for(x=0; x<NUM_STOPS; ++x)
+	{
+		// Make sure deco-stops are recorded in order:
+		assert( !internal_deco_depth[x] || temp_depth_limit <= internal_deco_depth[x] );
+		// Is there already a stop entry for our current depth?
+		if( internal_deco_depth[x] == temp_depth_limit )
+		{
+			// Yes - increment stop time if possible
+			// Stop time entries are limited to 99 minutes because of display constraints.
+			// Else a limit of 254 would account because of constrains in calc_CNS_planning().
+			if( internal_deco_time[x] < (99 - time_increment) )
+			{
+				internal_deco_time[x] += time_increment;	// increment stop time
+				return 1;									// return with status 'success'
+			}
+		}
+		// If program flow passes here, there is either no stop entry for the current depth yet, or
+		// the existing entry is saturated with 99 minutes. So we are looking for the next unused
+		// table entry.
+		if( internal_deco_depth[x] == 0 )
+		{
+			internal_deco_time[x]  = time_increment;		// initialize entry with first stop's time,
+			internal_deco_depth[x] = temp_depth_limit;		// ... depth, and
+			internal_deco_gas[x]   = sim_gas_last_used;		// ... gas
+			return 1;										// return with status 'success'
+		}
+	}
+	// If program flow passes here, all deco table entries are used up.
+	// set overflow warning
+	char_O_deco_warnings |= DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW;
+	// return with status 'failed'.
+	return 0;
+// calc_gradient_factor
+// optimized in v.101 (var_N2_a)
+// new code in v.102
+static void calc_gradient_factor(void)
+    overlay float gf;
+    overlay float N2 = pres_tissue_N2[char_O_gtissue_no];
+    overlay float He = pres_tissue_He[char_O_gtissue_no];
+    assert( char_O_gtissue_no < NUM_COMP );
+    assert( 0.800 <= pres_respiration && pres_respiration < 14.0 );
+    // tissue > respiration (currently off-gassing)
+    // GF = 0.00 when respiration == tissue, ie. dissolved gases are at equilibrium.
+    // GF = 1.00 when respiration == limit.
+    temp_tissue = N2 + He;
+    if( temp_tissue <= pres_respiration )
+	{
+        gf = 0.0;
+		int_O_gradient_factor = 0;
+	}
+    else
+    {
+        overlay float limit = calc_lead_tissue_limit;
+        // NOTE: in GF model, calc_lead_tissue_limit include already the
+        //       correction due to gradient factor. To compute the actual
+        //       current GF, we need to (re-)compute the raw ambient-pressure
+        //       limit from the Buhlmann model.
+        if( char_I_deco_model != 0 )
+        {
+            ci = char_O_gtissue_no;
+            read_Buhlmann_coefficients();
+            var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * N2 + var_He_a * He) / temp_tissue;
+            var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * N2 + var_He_b * He) / temp_tissue;
+            limit    = (temp_tissue - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
+        }
+        gf = (temp_tissue - pres_respiration) / (temp_tissue - limit);
+		// limit to 255 because of constraints in ghostwriter code
+		if     ( gf <= 0.0   ) int_O_gradient_factor = 0;
+        else if( gf >  2.545 ) int_O_gradient_factor = 255 + INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+        else
+		{
+			int_O_gradient_factor = (unsigned int)(100 * gf + 0.5);
+			if 		( int_O_gradient_factor >= GF_warning_threshold    ) int_O_gradient_factor |= INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+			else if ( int_O_gradient_factor >= GF_prewarning_threshold ) int_O_gradient_factor |= INT_FLAG_PREWARNING;
+		}
+	}
+// calc_desaturation_time
+// FIXED N2_ratio
+// unchanged in v.101
+// Inputs:  int_I_pres_surface, ppWater, char_I_desaturation_multiplier
+// Outputs: int_O_desaturation_time, int_O_nofly_time
+// Helper function
+void calc_desaturation_time_helper(void)
+	if( pres_actual > pres_target )					// check if actual pressure is higher then target pressure
+	{												// YES - compute remaining time
+		overlay	float pres_ratio;
+		pres_ratio = pres_actual / pres_target;
+		// Compute desaturation time with result rounded up to multiples of 10 minutes.
+		// Main purpose is to avoid confusion, because the times do not clock down in one minute steps any more
+		// but get constantly re-computed according to current ambient pressure and may therefor make steps of
+		// several minutes forwards and backwards as ambient pressure rises and falls.
+		short_time = (unsigned short)( (var_ht * log(pres_ratio) / desat_factor) + 0.9 );
+	}
+	else
+	{												// NO  - desaturation state reached, no remaining time
+		short_time = 0;
+	}
+// Main function
+void calc_desaturation_time(void)
+    assert( 800 < int_I_pres_surface             && int_I_pres_surface             < 1100 );
+    assert( 0   < char_I_desaturation_multiplier && char_I_desaturation_multiplier <= 100 );
+    N2_ratio       = 0.7902; 															// fraction of N2 in respired air
+	pres_surface   = 0.001    * int_I_pres_surface;										// surface pressure in bar
+	N2_equilibrium = N2_ratio * (pres_surface - ppWater); 								// partial pressure of N2 in respired air
+	desat_factor   = 0.06931  * char_I_desaturation_multiplier * SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR;	// pre-computed term for later use: 
+																						// 10 [Min] * 0.01 [%] * 0.6931 [ln(2)] * ...
+	int_O_desaturation_time = 0;
+	int_O_nofly_time		= 0;
+    for(ci=NUM_COMP; ci>0;)
+    {
+		overlay float			pres_tissue_max;
+		overlay float			P_ambient_altitude;
+		overlay signed char		search_direction;
+		overlay unsigned short	nofly_N2   =  0;
+		overlay unsigned short	nofly_He   =  0;
+		overlay unsigned short	nofly_last = ~0;
+		ci -= 1;
+        read_Buhlmann_ht();
+		read_Buhlmann_coefficients();
+		// get selected target altitude
+		switch( char_I_altitude_wait )
+		{
+			case 1:  P_ambient_altitude = P_ambient_1000m;	break;
+			case 2:  P_ambient_altitude = P_ambient_2000m;	break;
+			case 3:  P_ambient_altitude = P_ambient_3000m;	break;
+			default: P_ambient_altitude = P_ambient_fly;	break;
+		}
+		// Target pressure for the tissue is the Buhlmann limit. We use the Buhlmann
+		// coefficients for N2 also for He because it is easier to calculate and the
+		// N2 coefficients are more conservative than those for He, so we are on the
+		// safe side, too.
+        pres_tissue_max = (P_ambient_altitude/var_N2_b + var_N2_a);
+		// Adjust target pressure in case the GF model is in use by GF-high
+		if( char_I_deco_model != 0 )
+		{
+			pres_tissue_max = ((pres_tissue_max - P_ambient_altitude) * char_I_GF_High_percentage * 0.01) + P_ambient_altitude;			
+		}
+		//
+		// Desaturation time
+		//
+		// N2: actual amount of tissue pressure above equilibrium.
+		pres_actual = pres_tissue_N2[ci] - N2_equilibrium;
+		// N2: half-time of the current tissue
+		var_ht		= var_N2_ht;
+		// Calculate desaturation time for N2 in tissue.
+		// Desaturated state is defined as residual tissue pressure <= 1.05 x ppN2 respired
+		pres_target = 0.05 * N2_equilibrium;
+		calc_desaturation_time_helper();
+		if( short_time > int_O_desaturation_time) int_O_desaturation_time = short_time;
+		// He: actual amount of tissue pressure above equilibrium.
+		pres_actual = pres_tissue_He[ci];								// equilibrium for He is 0 bar
+		// He: half-time of the current tissue
+		var_ht		= var_He_ht;
+		// Calculate desaturation time for He in the tissue.
+		// Desaturated state is defined as residual tissue pressure <= 0.05 x ppN2 respired
+		pres_target = 0.05 * N2_equilibrium;
+		calc_desaturation_time_helper();
+		if( short_time > int_O_desaturation_time) int_O_desaturation_time = short_time;			
+		//
+		// no-fly time
+		//
+		// initialize search direction
+		search_direction = 0;
+		for(;;)
+		{
+			// N2: actual amount of tissue pressure above equilibrium.
+			pres_actual = pres_tissue_N2[ci] - N2_equilibrium;
+			// N2: half-time of the current tissue
+			var_ht		= var_N2_ht;
+			// Calculate no-fly time for N2 in the tissue.
+			// Flying is permitted when the N2 pressure fits into the assigned fraction above equilibrium.
+			pres_target = (split_N2_He[ci] * 0.01) * (pres_tissue_max - N2_equilibrium);
+			if( pres_target < 0.0 )						// check if desaturation to fly target is possible
+			{
+				int_O_nofly_time = 288;					// NO  - set no-fly time to 288 * 10 min = 48 h
+				break;									// done for this compartment
+			}
+			else 
+			{
+				calc_desaturation_time_helper();
+				nofly_N2 = short_time;
+			}
+			// He: actual amount of tissue pressure above equilibrium - equilibrium for He is 0 bar.
+			pres_actual = pres_tissue_He[ci];
+			// He: half-time of the current tissue
+			var_ht		= var_He_ht;
+			// Calculate no-fly time for He in the tissue.
+			// Flying is permitted when the He pressure fits into the assigned fraction.
+			pres_target = ((100 - split_N2_He[ci]) * 0.01) * (pres_tissue_max - N2_equilibrium);
+			calc_desaturation_time_helper();
+			nofly_He = short_time;
+			// Because the sum of N2 and He tissue pressures needs to fit into the Buhlmann limit for
+			// no-fly time calculation, each gas gets assigned a fraction of the available total pressure
+			// limit. The optimum split between the two gases can not be computed by a single formular,
+			// because this would require the inversion of a function with two exponential terms, which is
+			// not possible. We do not want to do a computational complex simulation here like it is done
+			// in the deco calculation code (although we tackle the same base problem here), so we just let
+			// the computer try out which split will balance the no-fly times induced by the N2 and the He
+			// at best.
+			// first of all, skip any optimization in case the current compartment is not the leading one
+			if( (nofly_N2 <= int_O_nofly_time) && (nofly_He <= int_O_nofly_time) ) break;
+			// check if the N2 requires more waiting time than the He
+			if( nofly_N2 >= nofly_He )							
+			{
+				// check if the search direction has changed, which means we are beyond the
+				// optimum now, or if we are at the upper stop limit of split_N2_He
+				if( (search_direction < 0) || (split_N2_He[ci] == 99) )
+				{	
+					// Either the just completed iteration was more close to the optimum or the one before
+					// was, so we take the best (i.e. shortest) time of both as the final no-fly time.
+					int_O_nofly_time = (nofly_N2 < nofly_last) ? nofly_N2 : nofly_last;
+					break;
+				}
+				// store the no-fly time found in this iteration
+				nofly_last = nofly_N2;				
+				// increase the N2 fraction of the split and set search direction towards more N2
+				split_N2_He[ci]  +=  1;
+				search_direction  = +1;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// check if the search direction has changed, which means we are beyond the
+				// optimum now, or if we are at the lower stop limit of split_N2_He
+				if( (search_direction > 0) || (split_N2_He[ci] == 1) )
+				{	
+					// Either the just completed iteration was more close to the optimum or the one before
+					// was, so we take the best (i.e. shortest) time of both as the final no-fly time.
+					int_O_nofly_time = (nofly_He < nofly_last) ? nofly_He : nofly_last;
+					break;
+				}
+				// store the no-fly time found in this iteration
+				nofly_last = nofly_He;				
+				// decrease the N2 fraction of the split and set search direction towards less N2
+				split_N2_He[ci]  -=  1;
+				search_direction  = -1;	
+			}
+		} // for(;;)
+	} // for(compartments)
+	// Rescale int_O_desaturation_time and int_O_nofly_time to full minutes for display purpose
+	int_O_desaturation_time *= 10;
+	int_O_nofly_time		*= 10;
+	// Limit int_O_desaturation_time and int_O_nofly_time to 5999 = 99 hours + 59 minutes
+	// because of display space constraints and rounding done above.
+	if( int_O_desaturation_time > 5999 ) int_O_desaturation_time = 5999;
+	if( int_O_nofly_time        > 5999 ) int_O_nofly_time        = 5999;
+	// Clear the microbubbles warning when the current gradient factor is < GF_warning_threshold.
+	// As the locked warning will stay set, this will cause the warning be be displayed in attention
+	// color instead of warning color.
+	if( int_O_gradient_factor < GF_warning_threshold ) char_O_deco_warnings &= ~DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES;
+	// clear some warnings when the desaturation time has become zero
+	if( int_O_desaturation_time == 0 ) char_O_deco_warnings &= ~(   DECO_WARNING_IBCD     + DECO_WARNING_IBCD_lock
+																  + DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE  + DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE_lock  );
+// calc_wo_deco_step_1_min
+// optimized in v.101 (...saturation_multiplier)
+// desaturation slowed down to 70,42%
+// Input: int_I_pres_surface [mbar]
+static void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void)
+    assert( 800 <  int_I_pres_surface             && int_I_pres_surface             <  1100 );
+    assert( 100 <= char_I_saturation_multiplier   && char_I_saturation_multiplier   <  200  );
+    assert( 0   <  char_I_desaturation_multiplier && char_I_desaturation_multiplier <= 100  );
+	// setup input data for deco routines
+    pres_respiration = pres_surface = int_I_pres_surface * 0.001;
+	N2_ratio       = 0.7902; 									// according to Buhlmann
+	N2_equilibrium = N2_ratio * (pres_surface     - ppWater);	// used for N2 tissue graphics scaling
+    ppN2           = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration - ppWater);
+    ppHe           = 0.0;
+    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier * 0.01 * SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR;
+    float_saturation_multiplier   = char_I_saturation_multiplier   * 0.01;
+	// program what to do: 128 = Flag for "real" tissues, 1 = 1 minute
+	tissue_increment = 128 + 1;
+	// update the pressure in the tissues N2/He in accordance with the new ambient pressure
+	calc_tissue();		
+	// clock down CNS by a 1 minute step
+	CNS_fraction *= 0.992327946;
+	// compute integer copy of CNS value
+	compute_CNS_for_display();
+	// reset deco engine start condition (probably not needed to be done here...)
+	char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;	// clear bits
+	char_O_deco_status |= DECO_STATUS_INIT;		// set bits
+	// reset some more data that are not applicable in surface mode
+    char_O_nullzeit            = 0;
+    int_O_ascenttime           = 0;
+	int_O_alternate_ascenttime = 0;
+	clear_deco_table();
+	// calculate gradient factor
+    calc_gradient_factor();
+// calc_dive_interval
+// Prepare tissue for delay before the next dive simulation.
+// Inputs:   char_I_dive_interval == delay before dive (in 1 Minute steps).
+// Modified: CNS_fraction, int_O_CNS_fraction
+// 			 pres_tissue_N2/He[]
+// Should be protected by deco_push_tissues_to_vault(),
+//                        deco_pull_tissues_from_vault()
+// desaturation slowed down to 70,42%.
+static void calc_dive_interval(void)
+    overlay unsigned char t;
+    //---- Initialize simulation parameters ----------------------------------
+    pres_respiration = pres_surface = int_I_pres_surface * 0.001;
+	N2_ratio       = 0.7902; 									// according to buehlmann
+	N2_equilibrium = N2_ratio * (pres_surface     - ppWater);	// used for N2 tissue graphics scaling
+    ppN2           = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration - ppWater);
+    ppHe           = 0.0;
+    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier * 0.01 * SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR;
+    float_saturation_multiplier   = char_I_saturation_multiplier   * 0.01;
+    //---- Perform simulation ------------------------------------------------
+	// Calculate tissues:
+	// Because tissue_increment is limited to 127 minutes, we have to do two passes
+	// in case char_I_dive_interval is bigger than 127.
+	// Ops: char_I_dive_interval must be limited to 254!
+	t = char_I_dive_interval;
+	if ( t == 255 ) t = 254;
+	if ( t > 127 )							// extra pass needed?
+	{
+		tissue_increment = 127				// dive interval length in minutes
+						 | 128;				// Flag to update the "real" tissues			
+		calc_tissue();						// update tissues
+		t -= 127;							// calculate remaining dive interval length
+	}
+	tissue_increment = t 					// dive interval length in minutes to do
+					 | 128;					// Flag to update the "real" tissues
+	calc_tissue();							// update tissues
+	// Calculate CNS:
+	// To speed up things and because on most invocations of this code char_I_dive_interval
+	// is a multiple of 10 minutes, we loop the loop-counter down using two speeds.
+	t = char_I_dive_interval;
+	while ( t )
+	{
+		if( t > 9 )
+		{
+			CNS_fraction *= 0.925874712;	// Half-time = 90min -> 10 min: (1/2)^(1/9)
+			t            -= 10;				// fast speed looping
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			CNS_fraction *= 0.992327946;	// Half-time = 90min ->  1 min: (1/2)^(1/90)
+			t            -= 1;				// slow speed looping
+		}
+	}	
+	// compute integer copy of CNS value
+	compute_CNS_for_display();
+// clear_CNS_fraction
+// new in v.101
+void clear_CNS_fraction(void)
+	CNS_fraction       = CNS_sim_norm_fraction     = CNS_sim_alt_fraction         = 0;
+	int_O_CNS_fraction = int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = 0;
+// calc_CNS_fraction
+// Input:  char_actual_ppO2     : current ppO2 [decibars]
+//         tissue_increment  	: time increment and tissue selector
+//         CNS_fraction         : current CNS% as float before period
+// Output: CNS_fraction,          int_O_CNS_fraction 			- for the real tissues
+//         CNS_sim_norm_fraction, int_O_normal_CNS_fraction		- in simulation mode, normal plan
+//         CNS_sim_alt_fraction,  int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction  - in simulation mode, alternative plan
+void calc_CNS_fraction(void)
+    overlay float time_factor       = 1.0;		// default is 2sec
+	overlay float CNS_fraction_temp = 0.0;
+    assert( char_actual_ppO2 > 15 );
+	// All deco code is now invoked every second. But as the CNS update is based on
+	// 2 seconds periods, we skip every 2nd seconds-based invocation of this function.
+	// 128 = 128 (flag for "real" CNS) + 0 (2 seconds period)
+	// To distribute computational load, the CNS% is calculated in "the other second"
+	// than the tissues.
+	if( (tissue_increment == 128) && (twosectimer) ) return;
+	// adjust time factor if minute-based stepping is commanded, mask out flag bit
+	if( tissue_increment & 127 ) time_factor = 30.0 * (float)(tissue_increment & 127);
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Don't increase CNS below 0.5 bar, but keep it steady.
+    if (char_actual_ppO2 < 50)
+        ;   // no changes
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Below (and including) 1.60 bar
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 61)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-533.07 * char_actual_ppO2 + 54000.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 71)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-444.22 * char_actual_ppO2 + 48600.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 81)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-355.38 * char_actual_ppO2 + 42300.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 91)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-266.53 * char_actual_ppO2 + 35100.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 111)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-177.69 * char_actual_ppO2 + 27000.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 152)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/( -88.84 * char_actual_ppO2 + 17100.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 167)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-222.11 * char_actual_ppO2 + 37350.0);
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Arieli et all.(2002): Modeling pulmonary and CNS O2 toxicity:
+    // J Appl Physiol 92: 248--256, 2002, doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00434.2001
+    // Formula (A1) based on value for 1.55 and c=20
+    // example calculation: Sqrt((1.7/1.55)^20)*0.000404
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 172)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00102;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 177)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00136;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 182)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00180;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 187)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00237;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 192)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00310;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 198)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00401;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 203)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00517;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 233)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.0209;
+    else
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.0482; // value for 2.5 bar, used for 2.33 bar and above
+	// Check from where we were called:
+	// flag (bit 7) is  set -> we were called from calc_hauptroutine()
+	// flag (bit 7) not set -> we were called from the deco planning routines
+	if       ( tissue_increment   & 128                 ) CNS_fraction          += CNS_fraction_temp;	// real tissues
+	else if  ( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE ) CNS_sim_alt_fraction  += CNS_fraction_temp;	// alternative plan
+	     else                                             CNS_sim_norm_fraction += CNS_fraction_temp;	// normal plan
+// calc_CNS_planning
+// Compute CNS during predicted ascent.
+// Note:    Needs a call to deco_push_tissues_to_vault(),
+//          deco_pull_tissues_from_vault() to avoid trashing everything...
+// Input:   CNS_fraction, internal_deco_time[], internal_deco_depth[], internal_deco_gas[]
+// Output:  CNS_fraction, int_O_normal_CNS_fraction / int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction
+void calc_CNS_planning(void)
+	// start with CNS% we already have
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE ) CNS_sim_alt_fraction  = CNS_fraction;
+	else                                           CNS_sim_norm_fraction = CNS_fraction;
+    //---- CCR mode : do the full TTS at once ---------------------------------
+	if( ((char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_MASK) == DECO_MODE_CCR) )
+    {
+		overlay unsigned short t;       				// needs 16 bits here !
+		// get current ppO2 from sensors or setpoint
+        char_actual_ppO2 = char_I_const_ppO2;
+		// calculate CNS% for the period of additional staying at bottom depth (fTTS / delayed ascent)
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_ASCENT_DELAYED)
+		{
+			tissue_increment  = char_I_extra_time;		// must be limited to 127, is limited by range of char_I_extra_time
+			calc_CNS_fraction();
+		}
+		// get the ascent time dependent on the current plan
+		t = (char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) ? int_O_alternate_ascenttime : int_O_ascenttime;
+		// start simulating CNS% in chunks of 127 minutes
+		tissue_increment = 127;
+		while( t > 127 )
+		{
+			t -= 127;									// tissue_increment is limited to 127 minutes because of flag in bit 7
+			calc_CNS_fraction();						// calculate CNS in chunks of full 127 minutes
+		}
+		tissue_increment = (char)t;						// get the remaining minutes <= 127
+		calc_CNS_fraction();							// calculate CNS for the remaining minutes
+    }
+	else //---- OC mode and pSCR without sensors: have to follow all gas switches... -----
+    {
+		overlay float float_actual_ppO2;
+		overlay float abs_pres;
+		overlay unsigned char stop_depth;
+		overlay unsigned char last_gas;
+		overlay unsigned char i;    					// stop table index
+		// retrieve bottom gas 0 (manual gas) or 1-5 (configured gases)
+		last_gas = sim_gas_last_used = sim_gas_first_used;
+		// get the calc_N2/He/O2_ratios of the bottom gas
+		gas_switch_set();             
+		// calculate absolute pressure
+		abs_pres = pres_surface + char_I_bottom_depth * METER_TO_BAR;
+		// switch on deco mode pSCR / OC
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_PSCR )
+		{
+			//---- pSCR calculated --------------------------------------------
+			// abs_pres              is 0.0 ...     in bar
+			// calc_O2_ratio		 is 0.0 ...   1.0 as factor
+			// char_I_PSCR_drop      is 0   ...  15 as %
+			// char_I_PSCR_lungratio is 5   ...  20 as %
+			// float_actual_ppO2     is 0.0 ...     in cbar (!)
+			float_actual_ppO2 =   (100 * abs_pres * calc_O2_ratio)
+			                    - (1.0 - calc_O2_ratio) * char_I_PSCR_drop * char_I_PSCR_lungratio;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//---- OC ---------------------------------------------------------
+			float_actual_ppO2 = abs_pres * calc_O2_ratio * 100; // in cbar (!)
+		}
+		// caution: float_actual_ppO2 is in cbar here!
+		if      ( float_actual_ppO2 < 0.0   ) char_actual_ppO2 =   0;
+        else if ( float_actual_ppO2 > 254.5 ) char_actual_ppO2 = 255;
+        else                                  char_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(float_actual_ppO2 + 0.5);
+		// simulate extended bottom time (fTTS) / delay before ascent (bailout) if configured
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_ASCENT_DELAYED )
+		{
+			tissue_increment  = char_I_extra_time;		// must be limited to 127, is limited by range of char_I_extra_time
+			calc_CNS_fraction();			
+		}
+		// For simplicity reason (non-linearity of the relation between ppO2 and CNS increments), the
+		// whole ascent is calculated with bottom ppO2. This errs, but it does so to the safe side.
+		// calculate ascent time (integer division and generous round-up)
+		tissue_increment = char_I_bottom_depth / char_I_ascent_speed + 1;
+		// commented out - not needed when char_I_ascent_speed is limited to a
+		//                 minimum of 2.something, it is indeed limited to 5.
+		// limit tissue_increment to 127 minutes
+		// if( tissue_increment > 127 ) tissue_increment = 127;			
+		// simulate the CNS increase
+		calc_CNS_fraction();
+        //---- Stops ---------------------------------------------------------
+        for(i=0; i<NUM_STOPS; ++i)
+        {
+			// get the depth of the stop
+			stop_depth = internal_deco_depth[i];
+			// did we reach the last entry (depth = 0)? if yes, done
+			if (stop_depth == 0) break;
+			// get the duration of the stop and the gas breathed
+			tissue_increment  = internal_deco_time[i];
+            sim_gas_last_used = internal_deco_gas[i];
+            // do we have a gas switch?
+            if( sim_gas_last_used != last_gas )
+            {
+				// yes - get new calc ratios
+				gas_switch_set();				
+				// remember new gas as last gas
+				last_gas = sim_gas_last_used;
+			}
+            // calculate absolute pressure at stop depth
+			abs_pres = pres_surface + stop_depth * METER_TO_BAR;
+			// pSCR mode
+			if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_PSCR )
+			{
+				// abs_pres              is 0.0 ...     in bar
+				// calc_O2_ratio		 is 0.0 ...   1.0 as factor
+				// char_I_PSCR_drop      is 0   ...  15 as %
+				// char_I_PSCR_lungratio is 5   ...  20 as %
+				// float_actual_ppO2     is 0.0 ...     in cbar (!)
+				float_actual_ppO2 =   (100 * abs_pres * calc_O2_ratio)
+				                    - (1.0 - calc_O2_ratio) * char_I_PSCR_drop * char_I_PSCR_lungratio;
+			}
+			else // OC mode
+			{
+				float_actual_ppO2 = abs_pres * calc_O2_ratio * 100;	// in cbar (!)
+			}
+			// caution: float_actual_ppO2 is in cbar here!
+			if      ( float_actual_ppO2 < 0.0   ) char_actual_ppO2 =   0;
+			else if ( float_actual_ppO2 > 254.5 ) char_actual_ppO2 = 255;
+			else                                  char_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(float_actual_ppO2 + 0.5);
+			// ** Currently, stop times per stop entry are limited to 99 minutes in update_deco_table(),
+			// ** so the following code block is not needed at times.
+			//
+			// // tissue_increment is limited to 127 when fed to deco_calc_CNS_fraction(),
+			// // so if the stop is longer than 127 minutes (but not longer than 254 minutes!)
+			// // we need to calculate the CNS in two chunks.
+			// if( tissue_increment > 127)
+			// {
+			//		tissue_increment -= 127;	// subtract full 127 minutes and do the "remaining" minutes first
+			//		calc_CNS_fraction();
+			//		tissue_increment  = 127;	// catch up with the previously subtracted full 127 minutes
+			// }
+            // calculate CNS% for the stop			
+			calc_CNS_fraction();
+        }
+    }
+// deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min
+// new in v.101
+// calculates the half time of 90 minutes in 6 steps of 15 min
+// (Used in sleep mode, for low battery mode).
+// Output: int_O_CNS_fraction
+// Uses and Updates: CNS_fraction
+void deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min(void)
+	// clock down CNS
+    CNS_fraction =  0.890899 * CNS_fraction;
+	// compute integer copy of CNS value
+	compute_CNS_for_display();
+// gas_volumes
+// calculates volumes and required tank fill pressures for each gas.
+// Input:   char_I_bottom_depth		 depth of the bottom segment
+//			char_I_bottom_time		 duration of the bottom segment
+//			char_I_extra_time		 extra bottom time for fTTS / delayed ascent
+//			float_ascent_speed       ascent speed, in meters/minute
+//          sim_gas_first_used 		 the bottom gas (1-5 for configured gases, 0 for the manual gas)
+//          internal_deco_depth[]	 depth of the stops
+//			internal_deco_time[]	 duration of the stops
+//			internal_deco_gas[]      gas breathed at the stops
+//          char_I_bottom_usage 	 gas consumption during bottom part and initial ascent, in liters/minute
+//          char_I_deco_usage 		 gas consumption during stops and following ascents, in liters/minute
+//			char_I_tank_size[]       size of the tanks for gas 1-5, in liters
+//			char_I_tank_pres_fill[]  fill pressure of the tanks
+// Output:  int_O_gas_volumes[]      amount of gas needed, in liters
+//			int_O_tank_pres_need[]   in bar, + flags for fast evaluation by dive mode warnings:
+//											   2^15: pres_need >= pres_fill
+//											   2^14: pres_need >= press_fill * GAS_NEEDS_ATTENTION_THRESHOLD
+//											   2^11: pres_need == 0
+//											   2^10: pres_need invalid
+void gas_volumes_helper(void)
+	// Calculate the gas volume needed at a given depth, time and usage (SAC rate).
+	// We use 1.0 for the surface pressure to have stable results when used through
+	// the deco calculator (simulation mode).
+	volume = (float_depth * METER_TO_BAR + 1.0) * float_time * usage;
+	return;
+void gas_volumes(void)
+	overlay float volumes[NUM_GAS];
+	overlay unsigned char stop_gas;
+	overlay unsigned char stop_gas_last;
+	overlay unsigned char stop_time;
+	overlay unsigned char stop_depth;
+	overlay unsigned char stop_depth_last;
+	overlay unsigned char i;
+    //---- initialization ----------------------------------------------------
+	// null the volume accumulators
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i) volumes[i] = 0.0;
+	// quit for CCR and pSCR mode
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_LOOP ) goto done;
+    //---- bottom demand -----------------------------------------------------
+	// sim_gas_first_used : gas used during bottom segment (0, 1-5)
+	// char_I_bottom_depth: depth of the bottom segment
+	assert(0 <= sim_gas_first_used && sim_gas_first_used <= NUM_GAS);
+	// get the gas used during bottom segment
+	stop_gas_last = stop_gas = sim_gas_first_used;
+	// set the usage (SAC rate) to bottom usage rate for bottom part and initial ascent
+	usage = char_I_bottom_usage;
+	// volumes are only calculated for gases 1-5, but not the manually configured one
+	if( stop_gas )
+	{
+		// set the bottom depth
+		float_depth = (float)char_I_bottom_depth;
+		// calculate either bottom segment or fTTS / delayed ascent
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_ASCENT_DELAYED )
+		{
+			// duration of delayed ascent
+			float_time = (float)char_I_extra_time;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// duration of bottom segment
+			float_time = (float)char_I_bottom_time;
+		}
+		// calculate gas demand
+		gas_volumes_helper();
+		// take result
+		volumes[stop_gas-1] = volume;
+	}
+	// initialize stop index with first stop
+	i = 0;
+	//---- initial ascent demand ---------------------------------------------
+	// stop_gas                : gas from bottom segment
+	// char_I_bottom_depth     : depth of the bottom segment
+	// internal_deco_depth[i=0]: depth of the first stop, may be 0 if no stop exists
+	// get the data of the first stop	
+	stop_depth = internal_deco_depth[i];
+	stop_time  = internal_deco_time[i];
+	// volumes are only calculated for gases 1-5, but not the manually configured one
+	if( stop_gas )
+	{
+		// compute distance between bottom and first stop
+		float_depth = (float)char_I_bottom_depth - (float)stop_depth;
+		// initial ascent exists only if ascent distance is > 0
+		if( float_depth > 0.0 )
+		{
+			// compute ascent time
+			float_time = float_depth / float_ascent_speed;
+			// compute average depth between bottom and first stop
+			float_depth = (float)char_I_bottom_depth - float_depth * 0.5;
+			// calculate gas demand
+			gas_volumes_helper();
+			// add result
+			volumes[stop_gas-1] += volume;
+		}
+	}
+	// switch the usage (SAC rate) to deco usage rate
+	// for stops, intermediate and final ascent
+	usage = char_I_deco_usage;
+	// is there a (first) stop? if yes, goto stops processing
+	if( stop_depth ) goto stops;
+	// add demand of a 3 minutes safety stop at 5 meters, at least for contingency...
+	float_time  = 3.0;
+	float_depth = 5.0;
+	// calculate gas demand
+	gas_volumes_helper();
+	// add result
+	volumes[stop_gas-1] += volume;
+	// proceed to volume conversion and pressure calculations
+	goto done;			
+	//---- intermediate ascent demand ---------------------------------------
+	// store last stop depth and gas
+	stop_depth_last = stop_depth;
+	stop_gas_last   = stop_gas;
+	// check if we are at the end of the stops table
+	if( i < NUM_STOPS-1 )
+	{
+		// there are more entries - get the next stop data
+		i++;
+		// get the next stop depth
+		stop_depth = internal_deco_depth[i];
+		// check if there is indeed another stop,
+		// if not (depth = 0) treat as end of table
+		if( stop_depth == 0 ) goto end_of_table;
+		// get the next stop duration
+		stop_time = internal_deco_time[i];
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// End of the stops table reached or no more stops: Split the remaining
+		// ascent into an intermediate ascent and a final ascent by creating a
+		// dummy stop at the usual last deco stop depth. Stop gas doesn't change.
+		stop_time  = 0;
+		stop_depth = char_I_depth_last_deco;
+	}
+	// volumes are only calculated for gases 1-5, but not the manually configured one
+	if( stop_gas_last )
+	{
+		// compute distance between the two stops:
+		// last stop will always be deeper than current stop
+		float_depth = (float)(stop_depth_last - stop_depth);
+		// compute ascent time
+		float_time = float_depth / float_ascent_speed;
+		// compute average depth between the two stops
+		float_depth = (float)stop_depth_last - float_depth * 0.5;
+		// calculate gas demand
+		gas_volumes_helper();
+		// add result
+		volumes[stop_gas_last-1] += volume;
+	}
+	//---- next stop demand -------------------------------------------------
+	// convert depth of the stop
+	float_depth = (float)stop_depth;
+	// get the next gas
+	stop_gas = internal_deco_gas[i];
+	// do we we have a gas change?
+	if( stop_gas_last && (stop_gas != stop_gas_last) )
+	{
+		// yes - spend an additional char_I_gas_change_time on the old gas
+		float_time = (float)char_I_gas_change_time;
+		// calculate gas demand
+		gas_volumes_helper();
+		// add result
+		volumes[stop_gas_last-1] += volume;
+	}
+	// calculate and add demand on new gas for the full stop duration
+	if( stop_gas )
+	{
+		// get the duration of the stop
+		float_time = (float)stop_time;
+		// calculate gas demand
+		gas_volumes_helper();
+		// add result to last gas
+		volumes[stop_gas-1] += volume;
+	}
+	// continue with the next intermediate ascent if this was not the last stop
+	if( stop_depth > char_I_depth_last_deco ) goto inter_ascents;
+	//---- final ascent demand -----------------------------------------------
+	// float_depth: depth of last stop
+	// stop_gas   : gas from last stop (0 or 1-5)
+	// volumes are only calculated for gases 1-5, but not the manually configured one	
+	if( stop_gas )
+	{
+		// set ascent time according to an ascent speed of 1 meter per minute
+		float_time = float_depth;
+		// set half-way depth
+		float_depth *= 0.5;
+		// calculate gas demand
+		gas_volumes_helper();
+		// add result
+		volumes[stop_gas-1] += volume;
+	}
+    //---- convert results for the assembler interface -----------------------------
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i)
+	{
+        if( volumes[i] >= 65534.5 )
+		{
+			int_O_gas_volumes[i]	= 65535;
+			int_O_tank_pres_need[i]	= 999 + INT_FLAG_WARNING; // 999 bar + warning flag for > pres_fill
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			overlay unsigned short tank_pres_fill = 10.0 * (unsigned short)char_I_tank_pres_fill[i];
+			// No distinct rounding done here because volumes are not accurate to the single liter anyhow
+			// convert gas volumes to integers
+            int_O_gas_volumes[i]     = (unsigned short)volumes[i];
+			// compute how much pressure in the tank will be needed [in bar]  (integer-division)
+			int_O_tank_pres_need[i]  = (unsigned short)(int_O_gas_volumes[i] / char_I_tank_size[i]);
+			// limit to 999 bar because of display constraints
+			if( int_O_tank_pres_need[i] > 999 ) int_O_tank_pres_need[i] = 999;
+			// set flags for fast evaluation by divemode check for warnings
+			if     ( int_O_tank_pres_need[i] == 0 )
+			{
+				// set flag for 0 bar
+				int_O_tank_pres_need[i] |= INT_FLAG_ZERO;
+			}
+			else if( int_O_tank_pres_need[i] >= tank_pres_fill )
+			{
+				// set warning flag
+				int_O_tank_pres_need[i] |= INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+			}
+			else if( int_O_tank_pres_need[i] >= tank_pres_fill * GAS_NEEDS_ATTENTION_THRESHOLD )
+			{
+				// set pre-warning flag
+				int_O_tank_pres_need[i] |= INT_FLAG_PREWARNING;	
+			}			
+			// set invalid flag if there is an overflow in the stops table
+			if( char_O_deco_warnings & DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW )
+				int_O_tank_pres_need[i] |= INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+		} // if( volumes[i] )
+	} // for
+void compute_CNS_for_display(void)
+	if		( CNS_fraction <  0.01  ) int_O_CNS_fraction = 0;
+	else if ( CNS_fraction >= 9.985 ) int_O_CNS_fraction = 999 + INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+	else
+	{
+		// convert float to integer
+		int_O_CNS_fraction = (unsigned short)(100 * CNS_fraction + 0.5);
+		// compute warnings
+		if		( int_O_CNS_fraction >= CNS_warning_threshold    )
+		{
+			// reset pre-warning and set main warning flag
+			int_O_CNS_fraction &= ~INT_FLAG_PREWARNING;			
+			int_O_CNS_fraction |=  INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+		}
+		else if	( int_O_CNS_fraction >= CNS_prewarning_threshold )
+		{
+			// reset main warning but set pre-warning flag
+			int_O_CNS_fraction &= ~INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+			int_O_CNS_fraction |=  INT_FLAG_PREWARNING;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// clear both warnings
+		}
+	}
+void deco_push_tissues_to_vault(void)
+    overlay unsigned char x;
+	low_depth_norm_vault = low_depth_norm;
+	low_depth_alt_vault  = low_depth_alt;
+    cns_vault_float      = CNS_fraction;
+	cns_vault_int        = int_O_CNS_fraction;
+	deco_warnings_vault  = char_O_deco_warnings;
+    for (x=0;x<NUM_COMP;x++)
+    {
+        pres_tissue_N2_vault[x] = pres_tissue_N2[x];
+        pres_tissue_He_vault[x] = pres_tissue_He[x];
+    }
+void deco_pull_tissues_from_vault(void)
+    overlay unsigned char x;
+	low_depth_norm       = low_depth_norm_vault;
+	low_depth_alt        = low_depth_alt_vault;
+    CNS_fraction         = cns_vault_float;
+    int_O_CNS_fraction   = cns_vault_int;
+	char_O_deco_warnings = deco_warnings_vault;
+	locked_GF_step_norm  = GF_delta / low_depth_norm;
+	locked_GF_step_alt   = GF_delta / low_depth_alt;
+    for (x=0; x<NUM_COMP; x++)
+    {
+        pres_tissue_N2[x] = pres_tissue_N2_vault[x];
+        pres_tissue_He[x] = pres_tissue_He_vault[x];
+    }
+void main() {}
--- a/src/p2_deco.c	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/p2_deco.c	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 // **************************************************************
-// p2_deco.c
+// p2_deco.c							REFACTORED VERSION	V2.95a2
 //  Created on: 12.05.2009
-//  Author: chsw
+//  Author: heinrichs weikamp, contributions by Ralph Lembcke and others
 // **************************************************************
@@ -25,38 +25,15 @@
-// *****************************
-// ** I N T R O D U C T I O N **
-// *****************************
-// OSTC
-// code:
-// p2_deco_main_c_v101.c
-// part2 of the OSTC code
-// code with constant O2 partial pressure routines
-// under construction !!
-// summary:
-// decompression routines
-// for the OSTC experimental project
-// written by Christian Weikamp
-// last revision __________
-// comments added _________
-// additional files:
-// p2_tables_v100.romdata (other files)
-// 18f4685_ostc_v100.lkr (linker script)
 // history:
 // 01/03/08 v100: first release candidate
 // 03/13/08 v101: start of programming ppO2 code
-// 03/13/25 v101a: backup of interrim version with ppO2 calculation
+// 03/13/25 v101a: backup of interim version with ppO2 calculation
 // 03/13/25 v101: open circuit gas change during deco
 // 03/13/25 v101: CNS_fraction calculation
 // 03/13/26 v101: optimization of tissue calc routines
 // 07/xx/08 v102a: debug of bottom time routine
-// 09/xx/08 v102d: Gradient Factor Model implemenation
+// 09/xx/08 v102d: Gradient Factor Model implementation
 // 10/10/08 v104: renamed to build v103 for v118 stable
 // 10/14/08	v104: integration of char_I_depth_last_deco for Gradient Model
 // 03/31/09 v107: integration of FONT Incon24
@@ -71,7 +48,7 @@
 // 2011/02/15: [jDG] Fixed inconsistencies introduced by gas switch delays.
 // 2011/03/21: [jDG] Added gas consumption (CF56 & CF57) evaluation for OCR mode.
 // 2011/04/15: [jDG] Store low_depth in 32bits (w/o rounding), for a better stability.
-// 2011/04/25: [jDG] Added 1mn mode for CNS calculation, to allow it for decoplanning.
+// 2011/04/25: [jDG] Added 1mn mode for CNS calculation, to allow it for deco planning.
 // 2011/04/27: [jDG] Fixed char_O_gradient_factor calculation when model uses gradient-factor.
 // 2011/05/02: [jDG] Added "Future TTS" function (CF58).
 // 2011/05/17: [jDG] Various cleanups.
@@ -81,17 +58,18 @@
 // 2012/02/24: [jDG] Remove missed stop bug.
 // 2012/02/25: [jDG] Looking for a more stable LOW grad factor reference.
 // 2012/09/10: [mH]  Fill char_O_deco_time_for_log for logbook write
-// 2012/10/05: [jDG] Better deco_gas_volumes accuracy (average depth, switch between stop).
+// 2012/10/05: [jDG] Better gas_volumes accuracy (average depth, switch between stop).
 // 2013/03/05: [jDG] Should vault low_depth too.
 // 2013/03/05: [jDG] Wrobell remark: ascent_to_first_stop works better with finer steps (2sec).
 // 2013/05/08: [jDG] A. Salm remark: NOAA tables for CNS are in ATA, not bar.
-// 2013/12/21: [jDG] Fix CNS calculation in decoplan w/o marked gas switch
-// 2014/06/16: [jDG] Fix Helium diluant. Fix volumes with many travel mix.
+// 2013/12/21: [jDG] Fix CNS calculation in deco plan w/o marked gas switch
+// 2014/06/16: [jDG] Fix Helium diluent. Fix volumes with many travel mix.
 // 2014/06/29: [mH]  Compute int_O_ceiling
 // 2015/06/12: [jDG] Fix NDL prediction while desaturating with the Buhlmann model.
-// 2017/08/04: [mH] Switch to absolute GF everywhere and apply safety margin parameters to both models (GF and non-GF), fixes from Ralph Lembcke
+// 2017/08/04: [mH]  Switch to absolute GF everywhere and apply safety margin parameters to both models (GF and non-GF), fixes from Ralph Lembcke
+// 2017/10/31: [rl]  enhancements for pSCR mode and introduction of 2nd deco plan computation
+// 2017/12/31: [rl]  completion of 2nd deco plan computation and various up-fixes
-// TODO:
 // Literature:
 // Buhlmann, Albert: Tauchmedizin; 4. Auflage [2002];
@@ -113,133 +91,280 @@
 // ***********************************************
 #include "p2_definitions.h"
-#define TEST_MAIN
+#define  TEST_MAIN
 #include "shared_definitions.h"
-// Water vapour partial pressure in the lungs
-#define ppWater        0.0627
-#define METER_TO_BAR   0.09985
-#define BAR_TO_METER   10.0150      // (1.0/METER_TO_BAR)
-// Surface security factor
-#define SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR    0.7042
+// ambient pressure at different mountain heights
+#define P_ambient_1000m					0.880	// [bar]  based on 990 hPa and 20°C at sea level, 15°C at altitude
+#define P_ambient_2000m					0.782	// [bar]
+#define P_ambient_3000m					0.695	// [bar]
+// ambient pressure in aircraft cabin during flying - worst case according to Buhlmann
+#define P_ambient_fly					0.600	// [bar], 0.600 bar is the value used by Buhlmann for his flying-after-diving calculations
+												//		  0.735 bar is a typical cabin pressure for nowadays commercial jet aircrafts
+												//        -----
+												//        0.135 bar safety margin
+// constants and factors
+#define ppWater        					0.0627	// water vapor partial pressure in the lungs
+#define METER_TO_BAR   					0.09985	// conversion factor
+#define BAR_TO_METER   					10.0150	// conversion factor (1.0/METER_TO_BAR)						
+#define SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR    		0.7042	// surface desaturation safety factor
+#define HYST							1.0E-06	// threshold for tissue graphics on-gassing / off-gassing visualization
+// thresholds
+#define GF_warning_threshold			100		// threshold for GF   warning (attention threshold is current GF_high)
+#define CNS_warning_threshold			100		// threshold for CNS  warning
+#define CNS_prewarning_threshold		 70		// threshold for CNS  attention
+#define ppO2_prewarn_threshold			120		// threshold for ppO2 attention (master warnings come through options_table.asm)
+#define GAS_NEEDS_ATTENTION_THRESHOLD	0.70	// threshold for gas needs attention
+// deco engine states and modes - char_O_deco_status
+#define DECO_STATUS_MASK				0x03
+#define DECO_STATUS_START				0x00
+#define DECO_STATUS_FINISHED			0x00
+#define DECO_STATUS_STOPS				0x01 
+#define DECO_STATUS_ASCENT				0x02
+#define DECO_STATUS_INIT				0x03
+#define DECO_MODE_MASK					0x0C
+#define DECO_MODE_LOOP					0x04
+#define DECO_MODE_CCR					0x04	// to be used with == operator in combination with DECO_MODE_MASK only!
+#define DECO_MODE_PSCR					0x08
+#define DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE				0x10
+#define DECO_CNS_CALCULATE 				0x20
+#define DECO_VOLUME_CALCULATE	 		0x40
+#define DECO_ASCENT_DELAYED 			0x80
+// deco engine states and modes - char_O_main_status
+//#define DECO_MODE_MASK				0x0C
+//#define DECO_MODE_LOOP				0x04
+//#define DECO_MODE_CCR					0x04	// to be used with == operator in combination with DECO_MODE_MASK only!
+//#define DECO_MODE_PSCR				0x08
+#define DECO_GASCHANGE_OVRD 			0x10
+// deco engine warnings
+#define	DECO_WARNING_IBCD				0x01
+#define	DECO_WARNING_IBCD_lock			0x02
+#define	DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES 			0x04
+#define	DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES_lock		0x08
+#define	DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE			0x10
+#define	DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE_lock		0x20
+#define DECO_FLAG						0x80
+// flags used with integer numbers
+#define INT_FLAG_INVALID				0x0400
+#define INT_FLAG_ZERO					0x0800
+#define INT_FLAG_LOW					0x1000
+#define	INT_FLAG_HIGH					0x2000
+#define INT_FLAG_PREWARNING				0x4000
+#define	INT_FLAG_WARNING				0x8000
 // *************************
 // ** P R O T O T Y P E S **
 // *************************
 static void calc_hauptroutine(void);
-static void calc_nullzeit(void);
-static void calc_tissue(PARAMETER unsigned char period);
-static void calc_limit(void);
-static void clear_tissue(void);
-static void calc_ascenttime(void);
-static void update_startvalues(void);
-static void clear_deco_table(void);
-static unsigned char update_deco_table(void);
-static void sim_tissue(PARAMETER unsigned char period);
-static void sim_limit(PARAMETER float GF_current);
-static void sim_extra_time(void);
-static void calc_dive_interval(void);
-static void calc_gradient_factor(void);
-static void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void);
 static void calc_hauptroutine_data_input(void);
 static void calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues(void);
 static void calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco(void);
+static void calc_tissue(void);
+static void calc_limit(void);
+static void calc_nullzeit(void);
+static void calc_ascenttime(void);
+static void calc_dive_interval(void);
+static void calc_gradient_factor(void);
+static void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void);
+static void calc_desaturation_time(void);
+static void sim_extra_time(void);
 static void sim_ascent_to_first_stop(void);
-static unsigned char gas_switch_deepest(void);
+static void sim_limit(PARAMETER float GF_current);
+static void update_startvalues(void);
 static void gas_switch_set(void);
+static void compute_CNS_for_display(void);
+static void clear_deco_table(void);
+static void clear_tissue(void);
+static unsigned char gas_find_better(void);
 static unsigned char calc_nextdecodepth(void);
+static unsigned char update_deco_table(PARAMETER unsigned char time_increment);
 //---- Bank 5 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
 #ifndef UNIX
 #   pragma udata bank5=0x500
-static float			GF_low;
-static float			GF_high;
-static float			GF_delta;
-static float			locked_GF_step;             // GF_delta / low_depth
-static unsigned char    temp_depth_limit;
-float                   low_depth;                  // Depth of deepest stop
-// Simulation context: used to predict ascent.
-static unsigned char	sim_lead_tissue_no;         // Leading compatiment number.
-static float			sim_lead_tissue_limit;      // Buhlmann tolerated pressure.
-// Real context: what we are doing now.
-static float			calc_lead_tissue_limit;     //
-static unsigned char	internal_deco_time[NUM_STOPS];
-static unsigned char	internal_deco_depth[NUM_STOPS];
-static float cns_vault;
-static float low_depth_vault;
-static float pres_tissue_N2_vault[NUM_COMP];
-static float pres_tissue_He_vault[NUM_COMP];
+// general deco parameters
+static float			GF_low;							// initialized from deco parameters, constant during all computations
+static float			GF_high;						// initialized from deco parameters, constant during all computations
+static float			GF_delta;						// initialized from deco parameters, constant during all computations
+static float			locked_GF_step_norm;			// GF_delta / low_depth_norm in normal plan
+static float			locked_GF_step_alt;				// GF_delta / low_depth_alt  in alternative plan
+static float			low_depth_norm;					// Depth of deepest stop in normal plan
+static float			low_depth_alt;					// Depth of deepest stop in alternative plan
+static float			float_ascent_speed;				// ascent speed from options_table (1.0 .. 10.0 m/min)
+static float			float_saturation_multiplier;    // safety factor for on-gassing rates
+static float			float_desaturation_multiplier;  // safety factor for off-gassing rates
+static float			float_deco_distance;            // additional depth below stop depth for tissue, CNS and gas volume calculation
+// real context: what we are doing now.
+static float			calc_lead_tissue_limit;     	// minimum tolerated ambient pressure by Buhlmann model
+static float			CNS_fraction;                   // current CNS (1.00 = 100%)
+static unsigned short	deco_tissue_vector;				// 32 bit vector to memories all tissues that are in decompression
+static unsigned short	IBCD_tissue_vector;				// 32 bit vector to memories all tissues that experience IBCD
+// simulation context: used to predict ascent.
+static float			sim_lead_tissue_limit;			// minimum tolerated ambient pressure by Buhlmann model
+static float			CNS_sim_norm_fraction;			// CNS at end of dive in normal plan
+static float			CNS_sim_alt_fraction;			// CNS at end of dive in alternative plan
+static unsigned char	temp_depth_limit;				// depth of next stop in meters, used in deco calculations
+static unsigned char	sim_lead_tissue_no;				// Leading compartment number
+static unsigned char	split_N2_He[NUM_COMP];			// used for calculating the desaturation time
+// stops table
+static unsigned char	internal_deco_depth[NUM_STOPS];	// depth of the stop
+static unsigned char	internal_deco_time[NUM_STOPS];	// duration of the stop
+static unsigned char	internal_deco_gas[NUM_STOPS];	// gas used at the stop
+// transfer variables between calc_desaturation_time() and calc_desaturation_time_helper()
+static float			desat_factor;					// used to cache a pre-computed factor
+static float			var_ht;							// buffer for a half-time factor
+static float 			pres_target;					// target pressure for a compartment
+static float			pres_actual;					// current pressure of the compartment
+static unsigned short	short_time;						// time it takes for the compartment to reach the target pressure
+// transfer variables between gas_volumes() and gas_volumes_helper()
+static float			float_depth;					// depth of the stop or half-way point
+static float			float_time;						// duration of the stop or ascent phase
+static float			volume;							// computed volume of gas
+static unsigned char	usage;							// gas usage in l/min
+// 44 byte free space left in this bank
 //---- Bank 6 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
 #ifndef UNIX
 #   pragma udata bank6=0x600
-static unsigned char	ci;
-static float            pres_respiration;
-static float            pres_surface;
-static float            temp_deco;
-static float            ppN2;
-static float            ppHe;
-static float            temp_tissue;
-static float            N2_ratio;                       // Breathed gas nitrogen ratio.
-static float            He_ratio;                       // Breathed gas helium ratio.
-static float            var_N2_a;                       // Buhlmann a, for current N2 tissue.
-static float            var_N2_b;                       // Buhlmann b, for current N2 tissue.
-static float            var_He_a;                       // Buhlmann a, for current He tissue.
-static float            var_He_b;                       // Buhlmann b, for current He tissue.
-static float            var_N2_e;                       // Exposition, for current N2 tissue.
-static float            var_He_e;                       // Exposition, for current He tissue.
-static float            var_N2_ht;                      // Half-time for current N2 tissue.
-static float            var_He_ht;                      // Half-time for current N2 tissue.
-static float            pres_diluent;                   // new in v.101
-static float            const_ppO2;                     // new in v.101
-static unsigned char    sim_gas_last_depth;             // Depth of last used gas, to detected a gas switch.
-static unsigned char    sim_gas_last_used;              // Number of last used gas, to detected a gas switch.
-static unsigned short   sim_dive_mins;                  // Simulated dive time.
-static float            calc_N2_ratio;                  // Simulated (switched) nitrogen ratio.
-static float            calc_He_ratio;                  // Simulated (switched) helium ratio.
-static float            CNS_fraction;                   // new in v.101
-static float            float_saturation_multiplier;    // new in v.101
-static float            float_desaturation_multiplier;  // new in v.101
-static float            float_deco_distance;            // new in v.101
-static unsigned char    deco_gas_change[NUM_GAS];       // new in v.109
-static unsigned char	internal_deco_gas  [NUM_STOPS];
+// indexing and sequencing
+static unsigned char	ci;								// used as index to the Buhlmann tables
+static unsigned char	twosectimer = 0;				// used for timing the tissue updating
+static unsigned char	tissue_increment;				// Selector for real/simulated tissues and time increment
+// environmental and gas data
+static float            pres_respiration;				// current depth in absolute pressure
+static float            pres_surface;					// absolute pressure at the surface
+static float            temp_deco;						// simulated current depth in abs.pressure, used for deco calculations
+static unsigned char	bottom_depth;					// bottom depth in meters, used by CNS and gas needs calculation
+static float            O2_ratio;                       // real breathed gas oxygen ratio
+static float            N2_ratio;                       // real breathed gas nitrogen ratio
+static float            He_ratio;                       // real breathed gas helium ratio
+static float			calc_O2_ratio;					// simulated breathed gas oxygen ratio
+static float			calc_N2_ratio;                  // simulated breathed gas nitrogen ratio
+static float			calc_He_ratio;                  // simulated breathed gas helium ratio
+static float			O2_ppO2;						// ppO2 - calculated for pure oxygen at current depth
+static float			pSCR_ppO2;						// ppO2 - calculated for breathed from pSCR loop
+static float			pure_ppO2;						// ppO2 - calculated for breathed in OC mode
+static unsigned char	char_actual_ppO2;				// ppO2 - assumed to be breathed, as integer 100 = 1.00 bar
+static float			breathed_ppO2;					// partial pressure of breathed oxygen
+static float            ppN2;							// partial pressure of breathed nitrogen
+static float            ppHe;							// partial pressure of breathed helium
+// Buhlmann model parameters
+static float            var_N2_a;                       // Buhlmann a, for current N2 tissue
+static float            var_N2_b;                       // Buhlmann b, for current N2 tissue
+static float            var_He_a;                       // Buhlmann a, for current He tissue
+static float            var_He_b;                       // Buhlmann b, for current He tissue
+static float            var_N2_e;                       // exposition, for current N2 tissue
+static float            var_He_e;                       // exposition, for current He tissue
+static float            var_N2_ht;                      // half-time for current N2 tissue
+static float            var_He_ht;                      // half-time for current N2 tissue
+// gas switch history
+static unsigned char	sim_gas_first_used;				// Number of first used gas, for bottom segment
+static unsigned char    sim_gas_last_used;              // number of last  used gas
+static unsigned char    sim_gas_last_depth;             // change depth of last used gas
+// vault to back-up & restore tissue data
+static float			pres_tissue_N2_vault[NUM_COMP];	// stores the nitrogen tissue pressures
+static float			pres_tissue_He_vault[NUM_COMP];	// stores the helium tissue pressures
+static float			low_depth_norm_vault;			// stores a parameter of the GF model for normal plan
+static float			low_depth_alt_vault;			// stores a parameter of the GF model for alternative plan
+static float			cns_vault_float;				// stores current CNS (float representation)
+static unsigned int		cns_vault_int;					// stores current CNS (integer representation)
+static unsigned char	deco_warnings_vault;			// stores warnings status
+// auxiliary variables for local data buffering
+static float 			N2_equilibrium;					// used for N2 tissue graphics scaling
+static float            temp_tissue;					// auxiliary variable to buffer tissue pressures
+// 6 byte free space left in this bank
 //---- Bank 7 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
 #ifndef UNIX
 #   pragma udata bank7=0x700
-    // Keep order of 0x700 variables
-float  pres_tissue_N2[NUM_COMP];
-float  pres_tissue_He[NUM_COMP];
-float  sim_pres_tissue_N2[NUM_COMP];             // 16 floats = 64 bytes.
-float  sim_pres_tissue_He[NUM_COMP];             // 16 floats = 64 bytes.
+// Keep order and position of the variables in bank 7 as they are backed-up to & restored from EEPROM 
+float					pres_tissue_N2[NUM_COMP];		// 16 floats = 64 bytes
+float					pres_tissue_He[NUM_COMP];		// 16 floats = 64 bytes
+float					sim_pres_tissue_N2[NUM_COMP];	// 16 floats = 64 bytes
+float					sim_pres_tissue_He[NUM_COMP];	// 16 floats = 64 bytes
 //---- Bank 8 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
 #ifndef UNIX
 #   pragma udata overlay bank8=0x800
-    static char	  md_pi_subst[256];
-#   define C_STACK md_pi_subst      // Overlay C-code data stack here, too.
+static char	  md_pi_subst[256];				// Overlay C-code data stack here, too.
+#   define C_STACK md_pi_subst
 // Back to bank6 for further tmp data
@@ -256,10 +381,10 @@
 // End of PROM code is 17F00, So push tables on PROM top...
 #ifndef UNIX
-#   pragma romdata buhlmann_tables = 0x1DD00  // Needs to be in UPPER bank.
+#   pragma romdata Buhlmann_tables = 0x1DD00  // Needs to be in UPPER bank.
-rom const float buhlmann_ab[4*16] = {
+rom const float Buhlmann_ab[4*16] = {
 // Data ZH-L16C, from Bühlmann Tauchmedizin 2002, option 1a (4mn)
 // a for N2    b for N2     a of He     b for He
 	1.2599,     0.5050,     1.7424,     0.4245,
@@ -280,9 +405,9 @@
 	0.2327,     0.9653,     0.5119,     0.9267
-rom const float buhlmann_ht[2*16] = {
-// Compartiment half-life, in minute
-//-- N2 ---- He ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+rom const float Buhlmann_ht[2*16] = {
+// Compartment half-life, in minute
+//--- N2 ---- He ----------------------
 	  4.0,    1.51,
 	  8.0,    3.02,
 	 12.5,    4.72,
@@ -302,7 +427,7 @@
 rom const float e2secs[2*16] = {
-// result of  1 - 2^(-1/(30sec*HT))
+// result of  1 - 2^(-1/(2sec*HT))
 //---- N2 ------------- He ------------
 	5.75958E-03,    1.51848E-02,  
 	2.88395E-03,    7.62144E-03,
@@ -428,7 +553,7 @@
 // Fast subroutine to read timer 5.
-// Note: result is in 1/32 of msecs (30,51757813 us/bit to be precise)
+// Note: result is in 1/32 of milliseconds (30,51757813 us/bit to be precise)
 static unsigned short tmr5(void)
@@ -441,11 +566,10 @@
-// read buhlmann tables A and B for compatriment ci
+// read Buhlmann tables A and B for compartment ci
-static void read_buhlmann_coefficients(void)
+static void read_Buhlmann_coefficients(void)
     // Note: we don't use far rom pointer, because the
@@ -463,7 +587,7 @@
     // Use an interleaved array (AoS) to access coefficients with a
     // single addressing.
-        overlay rom const float* ptr = &buhlmann_ab[4*ci];
+        overlay rom const float* ptr = &Buhlmann_ab[4*ci];
         var_N2_a = *ptr++;
         var_N2_b = *ptr++;
         var_He_a = *ptr++;
@@ -472,11 +596,11 @@
-// read buhlmann tables for compatriment ci
+// read Buhlmann tables for compartment ci
 // If period == 0 : 2sec interval
 //              1 : 1 min interval
 //              2 : 10 min interval.
-static void read_buhlmann_times(PARAMETER char period)
+static void read_Buhlmann_times(PARAMETER char period)
     // Note: we don't use far rom pointer, because the
@@ -524,9 +648,9 @@
-// read buhlmann tables for compatriment ci
+// read Buhlmann tables for compartment ci
-static void read_buhlmann_ht(void)
+static void read_Buhlmann_ht(void)
@@ -542,7 +666,7 @@
     assert( ci < NUM_COMP );
-        overlay rom const float* ptr = &buhlmann_ht[2*ci];
+        overlay rom const float* ptr = &Buhlmann_ht[2*ci];
         var_N2_ht = *ptr++;
         var_He_ht = *ptr++;
@@ -557,8 +681,7 @@
 // new in v.102
 // INPUT, changing during dive:
-//      temp_deco
-//      low_depth
+//      temp_deco : current depth in absolute pressure
 // INPUT, fixed during dive:
 //      pres_surface
@@ -566,139 +689,200 @@
 //      GF_high
 //      GF_low
 //      char_I_depth_last_deco
-//      float_deco_distance
-// RETURN TRUE iff a stop is needed.
+//      locked_GF_step_norm/_alt : used for GF model
+//      low_depth_norm/_alt      : used for GF model
-//      locked_GF_step
-//      temp_depth_limt
-//      low_depth
+//      temp_depth_limit : depth of next stop in meters        (if RETURN == true )
+//                         depth we can ascent to without stop (if RETURN == false)
+// RETURN TRUE if a stop is needed.
 static unsigned char calc_nextdecodepth(void)
-    //--- Max ascent speed ---------------------------------------------------
-    // Recompute leading gas limit, at current depth:
+    overlay unsigned char need_stop;
+	// compute current depth in meters
     overlay float depth = (temp_deco - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER;
-    // At most, ascent 1 minute, at 10m/min == 10.0 m.
-    overlay float min_depth = (depth > 10.0) ? (depth - 10.0) : 0.0;
-    // Do we need to stop at current depth ?
-    overlay unsigned char need_stop = 0;
-    assert( depth >= -0.2 );        // Allow for 200mbar of weather change.
-    //---- ZH-L16 + GRADIENT FACTOR model ------------------------------------
+    // compute depth in meters after 1 minute of ascent at float_ascent_speed (5..10 m/min)
+    overlay float min_depth = (depth > float_ascent_speed) ? (depth - float_ascent_speed) : 0.0;
+	 // allow for 200mbar of weather dependent surface pressure change
+    assert( depth >= -0.2 );       
+	//---- check if a stop is needed for deco reasons ----------------------------
+    // switch on deco model
     if( char_I_deco_model != 0 )
+		//---- ZH-L16 + GRADIENT FACTOR Model ------------------------------------
+		overlay float locked_GF_step;
+		overlay float low_depth;
+		overlay float pres_gradient;
         overlay unsigned char first_stop = 0;
-        overlay float p;
+		// calculate minimum depth we can ascent to in absolute pressure
         sim_limit( GF_low );
-        p = sim_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface;
-        if( p <= 0.0f )
-            goto no_deco_stop;          // We can surface directly...
-        p *= BAR_TO_METER;
+		// ...and convert the depth into relative pressure
+        pres_gradient = sim_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface;	
+		// check if we can surface directly
+        if( pres_gradient <= 0.0 )
+		{
+			min_depth = 0.0;		// set minimum depth to 0 meters = surface
+			goto no_deco_stop;		// done.
+		}
+		// convert minimum depth we can ascent to from relative pressure to depth in meters
+        pres_gradient *= BAR_TO_METER;							
+		// recall low_depth dependent on current plan
+		low_depth = (char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) ? low_depth_alt : low_depth_norm;
         // Store the deepest point needing a deco stop as the LOW reference for GF.
-        // NOTE: following stops will be validated using this LOW-HIGH gf scale,
+        // NOTE: following stops will be validated using this LOW-HIGH GF scale,
         //       so if we want to keep coherency, we should not validate this stop
         //       yet, but apply the search to it, as for all the following stops afterward.
-        if( p > low_depth )
+        if( pres_gradient > low_depth )
-            low_depth = p;
+			// update GF parameters
+            low_depth      = pres_gradient;
             locked_GF_step = GF_delta / low_depth;
+			// store updated GF parameters dependent on current plan
+			if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE )
+			{
+				low_depth_alt       = low_depth;
+				locked_GF_step_alt  = locked_GF_step;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				low_depth_norm      = low_depth;
+				locked_GF_step_norm = locked_GF_step;
+			}
-        if( p < min_depth )
-            goto no_deco_stop;          // First stop is higher than 1' ascent.
-        // Round to multiple of 3m.
-        first_stop = 3 * (short)(0.9995f + p*0.333333f);
+		else
+		{
+			// recall locked_GF_step dependent on current plan
+			locked_GF_step = (char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) ? locked_GF_step_alt : locked_GF_step_norm;
+		}
+		// invalidate this stop if we can ascent for 1 minute without going above minimum required deco depth
+        if( pres_gradient < min_depth ) goto no_deco_stop;         
+		// if program execution passes here, we need a deco stop
+        // Round to multiple of 3 meters
+        first_stop = 3 * (unsigned char)(0.9995 + pres_gradient * 0.333333);
+		// check a constraint
         assert( first_stop < 128 );
-        // Apply correction for the shallowest stop.
-        if( first_stop == 3 )                           // new in v104
-            first_stop = char_I_depth_last_deco;        // Use last 3m..6m instead.
+        // apply correction for the shallowest stop, use char_I_depth_last_deco (3..6 m) instead
+        if( first_stop == 3 ) first_stop = char_I_depth_last_deco;
         // We have a stop candidate.
         // But maybe ascending to the next stop will diminish the constraint,
-        // because the GF might decrease more than the preassure gradient...
+        // because the GF might decrease more than the pressure gradient...
         while(first_stop > 0)
-            overlay unsigned char next_stop;            // Next depth (0..90m)
-            // Check max speed, or reaching surface.
-            if( first_stop <= min_depth )
-                goto no_deco_stop;
-            if( first_stop <= char_I_depth_last_deco )  // new in v104
-                next_stop = 0;
-            else if( first_stop == 6 )
-                next_stop = char_I_depth_last_deco;
-            else
-                next_stop = first_stop - 3;             // Index of next (upper) stop.
-            // Total preassure at the new stop candidate:
-            p = next_stop * METER_TO_BAR
-              + pres_surface;
-            // Recompute limit for this new stop:
-            if( !low_depth || next_stop > low_depth )
-                sim_limit( GF_low );
-            else
-                sim_limit( GF_high - next_stop * locked_GF_step );
-            // Check upper limit (lowest ambiant pressure tolerated):
-            if( sim_lead_tissue_limit >= p )
-                goto deco_stop_found;       // Ascent to next_stop forbiden.
-            // Else, validate that stop and loop...
+			// Next depth
+            overlay unsigned char next_stop;            
+            // invalidate this stop if we can ascent one more minute without going above minimum required deco depth
+            if( first_stop <= (unsigned char)min_depth ) goto no_deco_stop;
+			// compute depth of next stop
+            if      ( first_stop <= char_I_depth_last_deco ) next_stop = 0;
+            else if ( first_stop == 6                      ) next_stop = char_I_depth_last_deco;
+            else                                             next_stop = first_stop - 3;
+            // compute total pressure at the new stop candidate
+            pres_gradient = next_stop * METER_TO_BAR + pres_surface;
+            // compute limit for the new stop candidate
+            if( (low_depth == 0.0) || (next_stop > low_depth) ) sim_limit( GF_low );
+            else                                                sim_limit( GF_high - next_stop * locked_GF_step );
+            // check if ascent to the next stop candidate is possible
+            if( sim_lead_tissue_limit >= pres_gradient ) goto deco_stop_found;	// no - ascent to next_stop forbidden
+            // else, validate that stop and loop...
             first_stop = next_stop;
-        temp_depth_limit = min_depth;
-        goto done;
+		need_stop        = 0;              				// set flag for stop needed to 'no'
+		temp_depth_limit = (unsigned char)min_depth;	// report depth we can ascent to without stop
+		goto done;
-        // next stop is the last validated depth found, aka first_stop
-        need_stop = 1;                  // Hit.
-        temp_depth_limit = first_stop;  // Stop depth, in meter.
+		need_stop        = 1;              				// set flag for stop needed to 'yes'
+		temp_depth_limit = (unsigned char)first_stop;	// stop depth, in meters
-    else //---- ZH-L16 model -------------------------------------------------
+    else
+		//---- ZH-L16 model -------------------------------------------------
         overlay float pres_gradient;
-        // Original model
-        // optimized in v.101
-        // char_I_depth_last_deco included in v.101
-        // Compute sim_lead_tissue_limit too, but just once.
+        // calculate minimum depth we can ascent to in absolute pressure
+		// ...and convert the depth into relative pressure 
         pres_gradient = sim_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface;
+		// check if we can surface directly
         if (pres_gradient >= 0)
-            pres_gradient *= BAR_TO_METER/3;                        // bar --> stop number;
-            temp_depth_limit = 3 * (short) (pres_gradient + 0.99);  // --> metre : depth for deco
-            need_stop = 1;                                          // Hit.
-            // Implement last stop at 4m/5m/6m...
-            if( temp_depth_limit == 3 )
-                temp_depth_limit = char_I_depth_last_deco;
+			// no - set flag for stop needed to 'yes'
+            need_stop = 1;
+			// convert stop depth in relative pressure to stop index
+            pres_gradient *= BAR_TO_METER / 3;
+			// convert stop index to depth in meters, rounded to multiple of 3 meters
+            temp_depth_limit = 3 * (short) (pres_gradient + 0.99);
+            // correct last stop to 4m/5m/6m
+            if( temp_depth_limit == 3 ) temp_depth_limit = char_I_depth_last_deco;
+		{
+			// yes - set flag for stop needed to 'no'
+			need_stop        = 0;
+			// set depth we can ascent to as 0 = surface
             temp_depth_limit = 0;
+		}
-    //---- Check gas change --------------------------------------------------
-    need_stop |= gas_switch_deepest();  // Update temp_depth_limit if there is a change,
+	// After the first deco stop, gas changes are only done at deco stops now!
+	// check if a stop is found and there is a better gas to switch to
+	if( need_stop && gas_find_better() )
+	{
+		// set the new calculation ratios for N2, He and O2
+		gas_switch_set();
+		// prime the deco stop with the gas change time
+		update_deco_table(char_I_gas_change_time); 
+	}
     return need_stop;
@@ -743,13 +927,13 @@
         //---- Third: fill table end with null
         for(y++; y<NUM_STOPS; y++)
-            char_O_deco_time_for_log [y] = 0;
+            char_O_deco_time_for_log[y] = 0;
-// temp_tissue_safety //
+// temp_tissue_safety
 // outsourced in v.102
@@ -760,10 +944,8 @@
     assert( 0.0 <  float_desaturation_multiplier && float_desaturation_multiplier <= 1.0 );
     assert( 1.0 <= float_saturation_multiplier   && float_saturation_multiplier   <= 2.0 );
-        if( temp_tissue < 0.0 )
-            temp_tissue *= float_desaturation_multiplier;
-        else
-            temp_tissue *= float_saturation_multiplier;
+	if( temp_tissue < 0.0 ) temp_tissue *= float_desaturation_multiplier;
+	else                    temp_tissue *= float_saturation_multiplier;
@@ -774,19 +956,18 @@
-// Called every 2 seconds during diving.
-// update tissues every time.
+// Called every second during diving.
+// updates tissues every second invocation.
-// Every 6 seconds (or slower when TTS > 16):
-//    - update deco table (char_O_deco_time/depth) with new values.
-//    - update ascent time,
-//    - set status to zero (so we can check there is new results).
+// Every few seconds (or slower when TTS > 16):
+//    - updates deco table (char_O_deco_time/depth) with new values.
+//    - updates ascent time,
+//    - sets status to zero (so we can check there is new results).
 void deco_calc_hauptroutine(void)
-    int_O_desaturation_time = 65535;
@@ -801,22 +982,19 @@
-// Called every 1 min during decoplanning.
-// Update tissues for 1 min.
-void deco_calc_tissue(void)
-    calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues();
 void deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void)
-    deco_calc_desaturation_time();
+ }
+void deco_calc_desaturation_time(void)
+    calc_desaturation_time();
@@ -828,144 +1006,255 @@
-// Find current gas in the list (if any).
+// deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min
-// Input:  char_I_current_gas = 1..6
+// new in v.101
-// Output: sim_gas_last_depth = 0..5, temp_depth_limit.
+// calculates the half time of 90 minutes in 6 steps of 15 min
+// (Used in sleep mode, for low battery mode).
-static void gas_switch_find_current(void)
+// Output: int_O_CNS_fraction
+// Uses and Updates: CNS_fraction
+void deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min(void)
-    assert( 0 < char_I_current_gas && char_I_current_gas <= (2*NUM_GAS) );
-    if( char_I_current_gas <= NUM_GAS )                 // Gas1..Gas5
+	// clock down CNS
+    CNS_fraction =  0.890899 * CNS_fraction;
+	// compute integer copy of CNS value
+	compute_CNS_for_display();
+// Find current gas in the list (if any) and get its change depth
+// Input:  char_I_current_gas : 1..5 or 6
+// Output: sim_gas_last_used  : 1..6 or 0 if it is the gas set as FIRST
+//         sim_gas_last_depth : change depth in meters or 0 if it is the gas set as FIRST
+static void gas_find_current(void)
+    assert( 1 <= char_I_current_gas && char_I_current_gas <= 6 );
+    if( char_I_current_gas <= NUM_GAS )					// Gas 1-5
-        sim_gas_last_used  = char_I_current_gas;
-        // Note: if current is first gas, we must find it, but not set
-        //       last depth change to surface.
-        if( char_I_deco_gas_change[sim_gas_last_used-1] )
-            sim_gas_last_depth = char_I_deco_gas_change[sim_gas_last_used-1];
+        sim_gas_last_used = sim_gas_first_used = char_I_current_gas;
+        // If current gas is a deco gas get it's change depth.
+		// Set change depth to 0 if the current gas is the first gas or 
+		// a travel/normal gas, i.e. if it can be breathed at "any" depth.
+        if( char_I_deco_gas_change[sim_gas_last_used-1] ) sim_gas_last_depth = char_I_deco_gas_change[sim_gas_last_used-1];
+		else                                              sim_gas_last_depth = 0;
-        sim_gas_last_used = 0;                          // Gas 6 = manual set
+	{
+        sim_gas_last_used = sim_gas_first_used = 0;		// Gas 6 (the manually set one) has number 0 here
+		sim_gas_last_depth                     = 0;		// handle it as a travel/normal gas
+	}
+// Find the deco gas with the shallowest change depth beyond current depth
+// INPUT   temp_depth_limit	        : current depth in meters
+//         char_I_deco_gas_change[] : change depths of the deco gases
+//		   sim_gas_last_depth       : change depth of the currently used gas, 0 if on the gas set as FIRST
+// OUTPUT  sim_gas_last_depth       : switch depth            - only if return value is true
+//         sim_gas_last_used        : index of the gas (1..5) - only if return value is true
+// RETURNS TRUE if a better gas is available
+static unsigned char gas_find_better(void)
+	overlay unsigned char switch_depth = 255;
+	overlay unsigned char switch_gas   = 0;
+	overlay unsigned char j;
+	// no automatic gas changes in CCR mode and - as of now - in pSCR mode
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_LOOP ) return 0;
+	// Loop over all deco gases to find the shallowest one below or at current depth.
+	for(j=0; j<NUM_GAS; ++j)
+	{
+		// Is this the gas we are already breathing?
+		// If yes, skip this gas.
+		if( j+1 == sim_gas_last_used ) continue;
+		// Is the change depth of the gas shallower than the current depth?
+		// If yes, skip this gas as it is not to be used yet.
+		// Remark: this check will also skip all disabled gases and the gas set
+		//         as 'first' because these have their change depth set to 0.
+		if( temp_depth_limit > char_I_deco_gas_change[j] ) continue;
+		// Is the change depth of the gas deeper than the change depth of the
+		// gas we are currently one?
+		// If yes, skip this gas as it is not better than the current one.
+		// Remark: if there is more than one gas with the same change depth,
+		//         the last one from the list will be taken.
+		if( sim_gas_last_depth && (char_I_deco_gas_change[j] > sim_gas_last_depth) ) continue;
+		// Is the change depth of the gas shallower or equal to the change depth
+		// of the best gas found so far, or is it the first better gas found?
+		// If yes, we have a better gas
+		if( char_I_deco_gas_change[j] <= switch_depth )
+		{
+			switch_gas   = j+1;							// remember this gas (1..5)
+			switch_depth = char_I_deco_gas_change[j];	// remember its change depth
+		}
+	}	// continue looping through all gases to eventually find an even better gas
+	// has a better gas been found?
+	if( switch_gas )
+	{
+		// yes
+		sim_gas_last_used  = switch_gas;				// report the index of the better
+		sim_gas_last_depth = switch_depth;				// report its change depth
+		assert( sim_gas_last_depth < switch_depth );
+		return 1;										// signal a better gas was found
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return 0;										// signal no better gas was found
+	}
-// Find deepest available gas.
-// Input:  temp_depth_limit,
-//         deco_gas_change[]
-//         sim_gas_depth_used, sim_dive_mins.
-// RETURNS TRUE if a stop is needed for gas switch.
+// Set calc_N2/He/O2_ratios by sim_gas_last_used
-// Output: temp_depth_limit, sim_gas_depth_used IFF the is a switch.
+// Input:  sim_gas_last_used  : index of gas to use
+//         N2_ratio, He_ratio : if gas 0 = the manually set gas is in use
-// NOTE: might be called from bottom (when sim_gas_delay and sim_gas_depth_used
-//       are null), or during the ascent to make sure we are not passing a
-//       stop (in which case both can be already set).
+// Output: calc_N2_ratio, calc_He_ratio, calc_O2ratio
-static unsigned char gas_switch_deepest(void)
+static void gas_switch_set(void)
-    overlay unsigned char switch_deco = 0, switch_last = 0;
-    if (char_I_const_ppO2 == 0)
-    {
-        overlay unsigned char j;
-        // Loop over all enabled gas, to find the deepest one,
-        // above last used gas, but below temp_depth_limit.
-        for(j=0; j<NUM_GAS; ++j)
-        {
-            // Gas not (yet) allowed ? Skip !
-            if( temp_depth_limit > deco_gas_change[j] )
-                continue;
-            // Gas deeper (or equal) than the current one ? Skip !
-            if( sim_gas_last_depth && deco_gas_change[j] >= sim_gas_last_depth )
-                continue;
-            // First, or deeper ?
-            if( switch_deco < deco_gas_change[j] )
-            {
-                switch_deco = deco_gas_change[j];
-                switch_last = j+1;  // 1..5
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // If there is a better gas available
-    if( switch_deco )
-    {
-        assert( !sim_gas_last_depth || sim_gas_last_depth > switch_deco );
-        sim_gas_last_depth = switch_deco;
-        sim_gas_last_used  = switch_last;
-    }
-    return 0;
+	assert( 0 <= sim_gas_last_used <= NUM_GAS );
+	if( sim_gas_last_used == 0 )    // Gas6 = manually set gas.
+	{
+		calc_O2_ratio = O2_ratio;
+		calc_He_ratio = He_ratio;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	calc_O2_ratio = char_I_deco_O2_ratio[sim_gas_last_used-1] * 0.01;
+	calc_He_ratio = char_I_deco_He_ratio[sim_gas_last_used-1] * 0.01;
+	}
+	calc_N2_ratio = 1.0 - calc_O2_ratio - calc_He_ratio;
+	assert( 0.0 <= calc_N2_ratio && calc_N2_ratio <= 0.95 );
+	assert( 0.0 <= calc_He_ratio && calc_He_ratio <= 1.00 );
+	assert( (calc_N2_ratio + calc_He_ratio) <= 1.00 );
-// Calculate gas switches
-// Input:  N2_ratio, He_ratio.
-//         sim_gas_last_used
-// Output: calc_N2_ratio, calc_He_ratio
-static void gas_switch_set(void)
-    assert( sim_gas_last_used <= NUM_GAS );
-    if( sim_gas_last_used == 0 )    // Gas6 = manualy set gas.
-    {
-        calc_N2_ratio = N2_ratio;
-        calc_He_ratio = He_ratio;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        calc_N2_ratio = char_I_deco_N2_ratio[sim_gas_last_used-1] * 0.01;
-        calc_He_ratio = char_I_deco_He_ratio[sim_gas_last_used-1] * 0.01;
-    }
-    assert( 0.0 <= calc_N2_ratio && calc_N2_ratio <= 0.95 );
-    assert( 0.0 <= calc_He_ratio && calc_He_ratio <= 1.00 );
-    assert( (calc_N2_ratio + calc_He_ratio) <= 1.00 );
+// Compute ppN2 and ppHe
 // Input: calc_N2_ratio, calc_He_ratio : simulated gas mix.
-//        temp_deco : simulated respiration pressure
-//        float_deco_distance : security factor.
-//        Water-vapor pressure inside limbs (ppWater).
+//        temp_deco                    : simulated respiration pressure
+//        float_deco_distance          : safety factor
+//        ppWater                      : water-vapor pressure inside respiratory tract
 // Output: ppN2, ppHe.
 static void sim_alveolar_presures(void)
-    overlay float deco_diluent = temp_deco;                 // new in v.101
+    overlay float deco_diluent = temp_deco;
+	// read ppO2 reported from sensors or by setpoint		// TODO: can be deleted
+	// char_actual_ppO2 = char_I_const_ppO2;
     // Take deco offset into account, but not at surface.
-    // Note: this should be done on ambiant pressure, hence before
-    //       computing the diluant partial pressure...
-    if( deco_diluent > pres_surface )
-        deco_diluent += float_deco_distance;
-    //---- CCR mode : deco gas switch ? --------------------------------------
-    if( char_I_const_ppO2 != 0 )
+    // Note: this should be done on ambient pressure, hence before
+    //       computing the diluent partial pressure...
+    if( deco_diluent > pres_surface ) deco_diluent += float_deco_distance;
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_LOOP )
-        // In CCR mode, use calc_XX_ratio instead of XX_ratio.
-        // Note: PPO2 and ratios are known outside the lumbs, so there is no
-        //       ppWater in the equations below:
+		//---- Loop mode : adjust ppN2 and ppHe for change in ppO2 due to setpoint (CCR) or drop (pSCR)-------
+		// get current setpoint (CCR) or sensor value (CCR, for pSCR see text below) as default
+		overlay float const_ppO2 = char_I_const_ppO2 * 0.01;
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_PSCR )
+		{
+			//---- PSCR mode : compute loop gas ----------------------------------------
+			//
+			// As the ppO2 in the loop changes with water depth, we can not use the current
+			// sensor value as with CCR mode, but need to compute the ppO2 for the given depth.
+			// Then we continue with the CCR mode code which calculates the increases of ppN2
+			// and ppH2 due to the reduction of the ppO2 in the loop. Essentially, diving a
+			// PSCR is like diving a CCR with a setpoint lower than the ambient pressure x the
+			// O2 fraction of the diluent would yield...
+			//
+			// deco_diluent          is 0.0 ...     in bar
+			// calc_O2_ratio         is 0.0 ...   1 as factor
+			// char_I_PSCR_drop      is 0   ...  15 as %
+			// char_I_PSCR_lungratio is 5   ...  20 as %
+			// const_ppO2		     is 0.0 ...     in bar
+			const_ppO2 = (deco_diluent * calc_O2_ratio) - (1 - calc_O2_ratio) * 0.01 * char_I_PSCR_drop * char_I_PSCR_lungratio;
+			// capture failure condition
+			if( const_ppO2 < 0.0 ) const_ppO2 = 0.0;
+		}		
+		else
+		{
+			//---- CCR mode ------------------------------------------------------------ 
+			// Limit the setpoint to the maximum physically possible ppO2. This prevents for
+			// example calculating with a setpoint of 1.3 bar in only 2 meters of depth.
+			// Additionally, if limiting occurs, the ppO2 can be further reduced to account
+			// for residual inert gases by the user-adjustable setting char_I_cc_max_frac_o2.
+			if( const_ppO2 > deco_diluent )		// no ppWater subtracted here to give some margin for
+			{										// sensors delivering data a little bit over target
+				const_ppO2 = 0.01 * char_I_cc_max_frac_o2 * (deco_diluent - ppWater);
+			}
+		}
+		if      ( const_ppO2 == 0.0   ) char_actual_ppO2 =   0;
+		else if ( const_ppO2 >  2.545 )	char_actual_ppO2 = 255;
+		else                            char_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(const_ppO2*100 + 0.5);
+        // Note: ppO2 and ratios are known outside the lungs, so there is no ppWater in the equations below:
         deco_diluent -= const_ppO2;
-        deco_diluent /= calc_N2_ratio + calc_He_ratio;// potential DIV/0 issue when O2 is used as diluent!
+        deco_diluent /= calc_N2_ratio + calc_He_ratio;
-        if(calc_N2_ratio==0&calc_He_ratio==0) deco_diluent = 0.0; // workaround for potential DIV/0 issue
+		// capture all failure conditions, including div/0 in case diluent is pure O2
+ 		if( (deco_diluent < 0.0) || (calc_O2_ratio > 99.5) )
+		{
+			deco_diluent = 0.0;
+			char_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(temp_deco*100 + 0.5);	// without float_deco_distance here as this situation
+																		// is likely to occur only at 6 meters or shallower
+		}
+	else 
+	{
+		//---- OC mode: char_actual_ppO2 will be needed for CNS calculation later --------------------------------
+		overlay float ppO2 = pres_respiration * calc_O2_ratio;
+		if   ( ppO2 > 2.545 ) char_actual_ppO2 = 255;
+		else                  char_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(ppO2*100 + 0.5);
+	}
     if( deco_diluent > ppWater )
         ppN2 = calc_N2_ratio * (deco_diluent - ppWater);
@@ -976,6 +1265,7 @@
         ppN2 = 0.0;
         ppHe = 0.0;
     assert( 0.0 <= ppN2 && ppN2 < 14.0 );
     assert( 0.0 <= ppHe && ppHe < 14.0 );
@@ -990,30 +1280,35 @@
 static void clear_tissue(void)
-    overlay float p;
-    // Kludge: the 0.0002 of 0.7902 are missing with standard air.
-    N2_ratio = 0.7902;
-    pres_respiration = int_I_pres_respiration * 0.001;
-    p = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration -  ppWater);
+	pres_respiration = 0.001  * int_I_pres_respiration;
+	N2_equilibrium   = 0.7902 * (pres_respiration - ppWater);
     for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP; ci++)
         // cycle through the 16 Buhlmann N2 tissues
-        pres_tissue_N2[ci] = p;
-        // cycle through the 16 Buhlmann tissues for Helium
-        pres_tissue_He[ci] = 0.0;
+		pres_tissue_N2[ci] 				= N2_equilibrium;	// initialize data for "real" tissue
+		char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] = 11;				// initialize data for tissue graphics
+        // cycle through the 16 Buhlmann He tissues
+        pres_tissue_He[ci] 				= 0.0;				// initialize data for "real" tissue
+		char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci] = 0;				// initialize data for tissue graphics
+	clear_CNS_fraction();
-    char_O_deco_status = 0;
-    char_O_nullzeit = 0;
-    int_O_ascenttime = 0;
-    char_O_gradient_factor = 0;
-    calc_lead_tissue_limit = 0.0;
-    char_O_gtissue_no = 0;
+	char_O_main_status		= 0;
+    char_O_deco_status		= 0;
+    char_O_nullzeit			= 0;
+	char_O_gtissue_no		= 0;
+	char_O_deco_warnings	= 0;
+    int_O_ascenttime		= 0;
+    int_O_gradient_factor	= 0;
+	calc_lead_tissue_limit	= 0.0;
@@ -1024,100 +1319,344 @@
 //		the bottom time,
 //		and simulates the ascend with all deco stops.
-// The deco_state sequence is :
-//       3 (at surface)
-// +---> 0 : calc nullzeit
-// |     2 : simulate ascent to first stop (at 10m/min, less that 16x 1min simu)
-// | +-> 1 : simulate up to 16min of stops.
-// | +------< not finished
-// +--------< finish
-// Added steps 6,5 for @+5 calculation:
-//      6 = ascent to first stop (same as 2), except continue to 7
-//      7 = same as 1, except loop to 7.
 static void calc_hauptroutine(void)
-    static unsigned char backup_gas_used  = 0;
-    static unsigned char backup_gas_depth = 0;
-    calc_hauptroutine_data_input();
-    calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues();
-    calc_gradient_factor();
-    // toggle between calculation for nullzeit (bottom time),
-    //                deco stops
-    //                and more deco stops (continue)
-    switch( char_O_deco_status )
+	unsigned int int_ppO2_min;
+	unsigned int int_ppO2_max;
+	//--- set-up part --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// twosectimer:
+	// calc_hauptroutine is now invoked every second to speed up the deco planning.
+	// Because the tissue and CNS calculations are based on a 2 seconds period, the
+	// the following toggle-timer will be used by the respective routines to skip
+	// every 2nd invocation.
+	twosectimer = (twosectimer) ? 0 : 1;			// toggle the toggle-timer
+	// set up normal tissue updating or "fast forward" updating for simulator sim+5' function
+	// and deco calculator bottom time calculation
+	if( char_I_sim_advance_time > 0 )
+	{
+		// configure char_I_sim_advance_time minutes of tissue updating
+		tissue_increment = char_I_sim_advance_time	// given number of minutes, limited to 127
+						 | 128;						// set flag for updating the "real" tissues & CNS
+		char_I_sim_advance_time = 0;				// clear "mailbox"
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// configure 2 seconds of tissue updating
+		tissue_increment = 0						// encoding for 2 seconds update
+						 | 128;						// set flag for updating the "real" tissues & CNS
+	}
+	//---- calculate the real tissue's data -----------------------------------------------------------------
+	calc_hauptroutine_data_input();			// acquire current environment data 
+	calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues();		// update tissue pressures, also sets char_actual_ppO2
+	calc_CNS_fraction();					// calculate CNS% for the real tissues
+	compute_CNS_for_display();				// compute integer copy of CNS value for display purpose
+	calc_gradient_factor();					// compute current GF
+	//---- compute ppO2 warnings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// compute conditional min/max values
+	int_ppO2_min = (char_O_main_status   & DECO_MODE_LOOP) ? (unsigned int)char_I_ppO2_min_loop : (unsigned int)char_I_ppO2_min;
+	int_ppO2_max = (char_O_deco_warnings & DECO_FLAG     ) ? (unsigned int)char_I_ppO2_max_deco : (unsigned int)char_I_ppO2_max;
+	// check for safe range of pure oxygen
+	if		( int_O_O2_ppO2   	  >=           int_ppO2_max    ) int_O_O2_ppO2 		 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_HIGH;
+	// check for safe range of breathed gas
+	if		( int_O_breathed_ppO2 <=           int_ppO2_min    ) int_O_breathed_ppO2 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_LOW;
+	else if ( int_O_breathed_ppO2 >=           int_ppO2_max    ) int_O_breathed_ppO2 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_HIGH;
+	else if ( int_O_breathed_ppO2 >= ppO2_prewarn_threshold    ) int_O_breathed_ppO2 |= INT_FLAG_PREWARNING;
+	// check for safe range of pure diluent
+	if		( int_O_pure_ppO2 <= (unsigned int)char_I_ppO2_min ) int_O_pure_ppO2 	 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_LOW;
+	else if	( int_O_pure_ppO2 >=               int_ppO2_max    ) int_O_pure_ppO2 	 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_HIGH;
+	// check for safe range of calculated pSCR loop gas
+	if		( int_O_pSCR_ppO2 <=               int_ppO2_min    ) int_O_pSCR_ppO2 	 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_LOW;
+	else if	( int_O_pSCR_ppO2 >=               int_ppO2_max    ) int_O_pSCR_ppO2 	 |= INT_FLAG_WARNING + INT_FLAG_HIGH;
+    //---- toggle between calculation for NDL (bottom time), deco stops and more deco stops (continue) ------
+	switch( char_O_deco_status & DECO_STATUS_MASK )
-    case 3: //---- At surface: start a new dive ------------------------------
-        clear_deco_table();
+		overlay unsigned char i;
+	case DECO_STATUS_INIT: //---- At surface: start a new dive ---------------------
+		clear_deco_table();
-        int_O_ascenttime = 0;       // Reset DTR.
-        int_O_extra_ascenttime = 0;
-        char_O_nullzeit = 0;        // Reset bottom time.
-        char_O_deco_status = 0;     // Calc bottom-time/nullzeit next iteration.
+		char_I_gas_change_time = 1;		// TODO: validate proper operation before enabling this options-table parameter		
+		char_I_ascent_speed    = 10;	// TODO: validate proper operation before enabling this options-table parameter,
+										//       caution: values < 10 may have an impact on the deco calculation run-times!
+		float_ascent_speed            = 1.00 * char_I_ascent_speed;
+		float_desaturation_multiplier = 0.01 * char_I_desaturation_multiplier;
+		float_saturation_multiplier   = 0.01 * char_I_saturation_multiplier;
+		float_deco_distance           = 0.01 * char_I_deco_distance;
+        int_O_ascenttime			  = 0;		// reset ascent time in normal plan
+		int_O_alternate_ascenttime    = 0; 		// reset ascent time in alternative plan
+		char_O_nullzeit               = 0;		// reset no decompression limit (NDL) in normal plan
+		char_O_alternate_nullzeit     = 0;		// reset no decompression limit (NDL) in alternative plan
+		char_O_deco_warnings          = 0;		// reset all deco warning flags
+		deco_tissue_vector		      = 0;		// reset tissue deco vector
+		IBCD_tissue_vector            = 0;		// reset tissue IBCD vector
+		int_O_desaturation_time       = 65535;	// tag desaturation time as invalid (it will not be computed during a dive)
+		for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i)
+		{
+			int_O_gas_volumes[i]    = 0;
+			int_O_tank_pres_need[i] = 0 + INT_FLAG_ZERO;	// 0 bar + flag for 0 bar
+		}
+		for(i=0; i<NUM_COMP; ++i)
+		{		
+			split_N2_He[i] = 90;							// used for calculation of no-fly time
+		}
+		// init CNS counters
+		CNS_sim_norm_fraction     = CNS_sim_alt_fraction         = CNS_fraction;		// the floats
+		int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = int_O_CNS_fraction;	// the integers
         // Values that should be reset just once for the full real dive.
         // This is used to record the lowest stop for the whole dive,
-        // Including ACCROSS all simulated ascent.
-        low_depth = 0.0;
-        locked_GF_step = 0.0;
-        // Reset gas switch history.
-        backup_gas_used  = sim_gas_last_used  = 0;
-        backup_gas_depth = sim_gas_last_depth = 0;
-        sim_dive_mins = 0;
-        break;
-    case 0: //---- bottom time -----------------------------------------------
+        // including ACCROSS all simulated ascents.
+        low_depth_norm      = low_depth_alt      = 0.0;
+        locked_GF_step_norm = locked_GF_step_alt = 0.0;
+		// continue in state DECO_STATUS_START to calculate the bottom-part of the dive and the NDL
+		char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;	
+		// code execution continues in state DECO_STATUS_START
+	case DECO_STATUS_START: //---- bottom time -------------------------------------
-        gas_switch_find_current();              // Lookup for current gas & time.
-        gas_switch_set();                       // setup calc_ratio's
+		// reread the GF settings in case there was a switch between GF/aGF
+		GF_low   = char_I_GF_Low_percentage  * 0.01;
+		GF_high  = char_I_GF_High_percentage * 0.01;
+		GF_delta = GF_high - GF_low;
+        // Lookup current gas and store it also as the first gas used. This gas will be used for the bottom
+		// segment of the dive and for the period of delayed ascent when calculating fTTS or bailout.
+		gas_find_current();		
+		// setup the calculation ratio's calc_N2_ratio, calc_He_ratio and calc_O2_ratio
+        gas_switch_set();		
+		// calculate ppN2 and ppHe from calc_N2_ratio & calc_He_ratio
+		sim_alveolar_presures();
+		// clear the internal(!) stops table
+		clear_deco_table();		
+		// initialize the simulated tissues with the current state of the real tissues
+		update_startvalues();	
+		// calculate the effect of extended bottom time due to delayed ascent / fTTS on current gas
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_ASCENT_DELAYED ) sim_extra_time();
+		// calculate if we are within no decompression limit (NDL)
-        if( char_O_nullzeit > 0 )               // Some NDL time left ?
-        {
-            char_O_deco_status = 0;             // YES: recalc ndl next time.
-            clear_deco_table();                 // Also clear stops !
-            copy_deco_table();
-            char_O_deco_last_stop = 0;          // And last stop (OSTC menu anim)
-        }
-        else
-            char_O_deco_status = 2;             // NO: calc ascent next time.
+		// check which plan we are on
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE )
+		{
+			//---- alternate dive plan --------------------------------------------------------------------
+			// Some NDL time left in alternate plan?
+			if( char_O_alternate_nullzeit > 0 )
+			{
+				// clear tank pressure needs
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_VOLUME_CALCULATE )
+					for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i) int_O_tank_pres_need[i] = 0 + INT_FLAG_ZERO; // 0 bar + flag for 0 bar
+				// calculate the CNS% at the end of the dive if requested:
+				// as we are in no stop, CNS at end of dive is more or less the same CNS we have now
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_CNS_CALCULATE ) int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = int_O_CNS_fraction;
+				// clear fTTS ascent time
+				int_O_alternate_ascenttime = 0;
+				// YES - computation of alternate plan completed
+				char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// NO - clear status bits and set status bits for
+				//      calculation of ascent on next invocation
+				char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;
+				char_O_deco_status |=  DECO_STATUS_ASCENT;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//---- normal dive plan -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			// Some NDL time left in normal plan?
+			if( char_O_nullzeit > 0 )
+			{
+				// published (erased) stops table
+				copy_deco_table();
+				// ** commented out - char_O_deco_last_stop is not used for anything
+				//
+				// // set last stop to 0 (for OSTC menu animation)
+				// char_O_deco_last_stop = 0;
+				// clear tank pressure needs
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_VOLUME_CALCULATE )
+					for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i) int_O_tank_pres_need[i] = 0 + INT_FLAG_ZERO; // 0 bar + flag for 0 bar
+				// calculate the CNS% at the end of the dive if requested:
+				// as we are in no stop, CNS at end of dive is more or less the same CNS we have now
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_CNS_CALCULATE ) int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = int_O_CNS_fraction;
+				// YES - computation of normal plan completed
+				char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// NO - clear status bits and set status bits for
+				//      calculation of ascent on next invocation
+				char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;
+				char_O_deco_status |=  DECO_STATUS_ASCENT;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case DECO_STATUS_ASCENT: //---- Simulate ascent to first stop -------------------
+		// initialize depth (in abs.pressure) for ascent and deco simulation, start from current real depth
+		temp_deco = pres_respiration;
+		// calculate ascent to first stop
+        sim_ascent_to_first_stop();
+        // calculate all further stops next time
+		char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;	// clear status bits and set status bits
+		char_O_deco_status |=  DECO_STATUS_STOPS;	// for calculation of stops on next invocation
-    case 2: //---- Simulate ascent to first stop -----------------------------
-    case 6: // @+5min variation
-        // Check proposed gas at begin of ascent simulation
-        sim_dive_mins = int_I_divemins;         // Init current time.
-        gas_switch_find_current();              // Lookup for current gas & time.
-        gas_switch_set();                       // setup calc_ratio's
-        backup_gas_used  = sim_gas_last_used;   // And save for later simu steps.
-        backup_gas_depth = sim_gas_last_depth;  // And save for later simu steps.
-        sim_ascent_to_first_stop();
-        // Calc stops next time (deco or gas switch).
-        char_O_deco_status = 1 | ( char_O_deco_status & 4 );
+	case DECO_STATUS_STOPS: //---- Simulate stops ----------------------------------
+        calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
+		// If simulation is finished, do some more computations if requested
+		// and restore the GF low reference so that the next ascent simulation
+		// is done from the current depth: 
+		if( !(char_O_deco_status & DECO_STATUS_MASK) )
+        {
+			// Calculate ascent time, result in int_O_ascenttime or int_O_alternate_ascenttime
+            calc_ascenttime();
+			// the current depth is needed by calc_CNS_planning() and gas_volumes()
+			bottom_depth = (unsigned char)((pres_respiration - pres_surface)*BAR_TO_METER);
+			// if requested, calculate the CNS% at the end of the dive (including the deco stops)
+			if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_CNS_CALCULATE    ) calc_CNS_planning();
+			// if requested, calculate the required gas volumes and tank pressures at the end of the dive.
+			if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_VOLUME_CALCULATE ) gas_volumes();			
+			// some more aftermath dependent on the current plan
+			if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE   )
+			{
+				//---- alternative plan ----------------------------------------------------
+				// was CNS at end of dive calculated?
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_CNS_CALCULATE )
+				{
+					// yes - compute CNS value to display
+					if		( CNS_sim_alt_fraction < 0.01  ) int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = 0;
+					else if ( CNS_sim_alt_fraction > 9.985 ) int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = 999 + INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+					else
+					{	
+						// convert float to integer
+						int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = (unsigned short)(100 * CNS_sim_alt_fraction + 0.5);
+						// set warning flag if CNS is >= 100%
+						if( int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction >= 100 )
+						int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction |= INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+						// set invalid flag if there is an overflow in the stops table
+						if( char_O_deco_warnings & DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW )
+						int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction |= INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					// no - invalidate value (value = 0, invalid flag set)
+					int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				//---- normal plan ---------------------------------------------------------
+				// publish the stops table
+				copy_deco_table();
+				// was CNS at end of dive calculated?
+				if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_CNS_CALCULATE )
+				{
+					// yes - compute CNS value to display
+					if		( CNS_sim_norm_fraction <  0.01  ) int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = 0;
+					else if ( CNS_sim_norm_fraction >= 9.985 ) int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = 999 + INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+					else
+					{	
+						// convert float to integer
+						int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = (unsigned short)(100 * CNS_sim_norm_fraction + 0.5);
+						// set warning flag if CNS is >= 100%
+						if( int_O_normal_CNS_fraction >= 100 )
+							int_O_normal_CNS_fraction |= INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+						// set invalid flag if there is an overflow in the stops table
+						if( char_O_deco_warnings & DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW )
+							int_O_normal_CNS_fraction |= INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					// no - invalidate value (value = 0, invalid flag set)
+					int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+				}
+			} // aftermath
+		} // if
-    case 1: //---- Simulate stops --------------------------------------------
-    case 5: // @+5 variation.
-        calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
-        // If simulation is finished, restore the GF low reference, so that
-        // next ascent simulation is done from the current depth:
-        if( (char_O_deco_status & 3) == 0 )
-        {
-            sim_gas_last_used  = backup_gas_used;
-            sim_gas_last_depth = backup_gas_depth;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
+    } // switch
@@ -1128,39 +1667,19 @@
 void calc_hauptroutine_data_input(void)
-    overlay short int_temp;
-    overlay unsigned char g;
-    pres_respiration    = int_I_pres_respiration * 0.001;
-    pres_surface        = int_I_pres_surface     * 0.001;
-    N2_ratio            = char_I_N2_ratio        * 0.01;
-    He_ratio            = char_I_He_ratio        * 0.01;
-    float_deco_distance = char_I_deco_distance   * 0.01;     // Get offset in mbar
-    // ____________________________________________________
-    //
-    // _____________ G A S _ C H A N G E S ________________
-    // ____________________________________________________
-    // Keep a margin of 150mbar = 1.50m
-    int_temp = (int_I_pres_respiration - int_I_pres_surface)
-    // Gas are selectable if we did not pass the change depth by more than 1.50m:
-    for(g=0; g < NUM_GAS; ++g)
-    {
-        deco_gas_change[g] = 0;
-        if(char_I_deco_gas_change[g])
-            if( int_temp > 100 *(short)char_I_deco_gas_change[g] )
-                deco_gas_change[g] = char_I_deco_gas_change[g];
-    }
-    const_ppO2 = char_I_const_ppO2 * 0.01;
-    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier * 0.01;
-    float_saturation_multiplier   = char_I_saturation_multiplier   * 0.01;
-    GF_low   = char_I_GF_Low_percentage  * 0.01;
-    GF_high  = char_I_GF_High_percentage * 0.01;
-    GF_delta = GF_high - GF_low;
+	// get the current pressures
+	pres_respiration = 0.001 * int_I_pres_respiration;
+    pres_surface     = 0.001 * int_I_pres_surface;
+	// get the currently breathed gas mixture
+	O2_ratio         = 0.01 * char_I_O2_ratio;
+    He_ratio         = 0.01 * char_I_He_ratio;
+	// N2 ratios are computed within p2_deco.c from the O2 and He ratios
+	N2_ratio         = 1.0 - O2_ratio - He_ratio;
+	// N2 tissue pressure at surface equilibrium, used for tissue graphics scaling
+	N2_equilibrium   = 0.7902 * (pres_surface - ppWater);
@@ -1168,29 +1687,138 @@
 void calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues(void)
+    overlay float pres_diluent = pres_respiration;
     assert( 0.00 <= N2_ratio && N2_ratio <= 1.00 );
     assert( 0.00 <= He_ratio && He_ratio <= 1.00 );
     assert( (N2_ratio + He_ratio) <= 1.00 );
     assert( 0.800 < pres_respiration && pres_respiration < 14.0 );
-    pres_diluent = pres_respiration;
-    if( char_I_const_ppO2 != 0 )
+	//---- OC, CCR and Bailout Mode Gas Calculations ------------------------------------------------------------
+	// calculate ppO2 of pure oxygen
+	O2_ppO2 = (pres_respiration - ppWater);
+	// capture failure condition in case pres_respiration is < ppWater (should never happen...)
+	if( O2_ppO2 < 0.0 ) O2_ppO2 = 0.0;
+	// calculate ppO2 of the pure gas (diluent)
+	pure_ppO2 = O2_ppO2 * O2_ratio;
+	//---- PSCR Mode Gas Calculation-----------------------------------------------------------
+	// With flags set for PSCR we compute the ppO2 in the loop from the diluent's O2
+	// ratio and the PSCR parameters. This figure will be used in the pSCR custom view.
+	// If sensors are used (char_I_const_ppO2 > 0), we will override the calculated ppO2
+	// with the sensor data. Then we continue with the CCR mode code which calculates
+	// the increase of ppN2 and ppH2 due to the reduction of the ppO2 in the loop.
+	// Essentially, diving a pSCR is like diving a CCR with a setpoint set lower than
+	// the ambient pressure multiplied with the O2 fraction of the diluent...
+	// calculate pSCR ppO2
+	//
+	// pres_respiration      is 0.0 ...       in bar
+	// O2_ratio              is 0.0 ...   1.0 as factor
+	// char_I_PSCR_drop      is 0   ...  15   as %
+	// char_I_PSCR_lungratio is 5   ...  20   as %
+	// pSCRppO2				 is 0.0 ...       in bar
+	pSCR_ppO2 = (pres_respiration * O2_ratio) - (1 - O2_ratio) * 0.01 * char_I_PSCR_drop * char_I_PSCR_lungratio;
+	// capture failure condition if case pSCR_ppO2 becomes negative
+	if( pSCR_ppO2 < 0.0 ) pSCR_ppO2 = 0.0;	
+	//---- Loop modes : adjust ppN2 and ppHe for change in ppO2 due to setpoint (CCR) or drop (pSCR) ------------
+	if ( char_O_main_status & DECO_MODE_LOOP )
-        overlay float flush_ppO2 = pres_respiration * (1.0 - N2_ratio - He_ratio);
+		overlay float const_ppO2;
+		// get the current sensor reading (CCR / pSCR if fitted) or the fixed setpoint (CCR) / a zero (pSCR)
+        const_ppO2 = 0.01 * char_I_const_ppO2;
+		// Limit the setpoint to the maximum physically possible ppO2. This prevents for
+		// example calculating with a setpoint of 1.3 bar in only 2 meters of depth.
+		// Additionally, if limiting occurs, the ppO2 can be further reduced to account
+		// for residual inert gases by the user-adjustable setting char_I_cc_max_frac_o2.
+		if( const_ppO2 > pres_respiration )	// no ppWater subtracted here to give some margin for
+		{									// sensors delivering data a little bit over target
+			const_ppO2 = 0.01 * char_I_cc_max_frac_o2 * (pres_respiration - ppWater);
+		}
+		// check which kind of loop we are on
+		if( char_O_main_status & DECO_MODE_PSCR ) 
+		{
+			//---- pSCR Mode --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			// check if a sensor is fitted
+			if( char_I_const_ppO2 ) breathed_ppO2 = const_ppO2;	// yes - derive ppO2s from (char_I_)const_ppO2
+			else                    breathed_ppO2 = pSCR_ppO2;	// no  - derive ppO2s from calculated ppO2
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//---- CCR Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			// derive breathed ppO2 from (char_I_)const_ppO2, which holds sensor reading or fixed setpoint
+			breathed_ppO2 = const_ppO2;
+		}
+		// adjust diluent pressure (ppN2 + ppHe) for change in ppO2 due to setpoint (CCR) or drop (pSCR)
         pres_diluent -= const_ppO2;
-        pres_diluent /= N2_ratio + He_ratio;            // potential DIV/0 issue when O2 is used as diluent!
-        if( pres_diluent < 0.0 )
-            pres_diluent = 0.0;
-        if(N2_ratio==0&He_ratio==0) pres_diluent = 0.0; // workaround for potential DIV/0 issue
-        char_O_diluent = (unsigned char)(pres_diluent/pres_respiration*100.0 + 0.5);
-        if( flush_ppO2 > 2.545) flush_ppO2 = 2.55;
-        if( flush_ppO2 < 0.0  ) flush_ppO2 = 0.0;
-        char_O_flush_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(flush_ppO2*100.0 + 0.5);
-    }
+        pres_diluent /= N2_ratio + He_ratio;
+		// capture all failure conditions, including div/0 in case diluent is pure O2
+		if( (pres_diluent < 0.0) || (char_I_O2_ratio == 100) )
+		{
+			pres_diluent  = 0.0;
+			breathed_ppO2 = pure_ppO2;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{	//---- OC mode -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+		// breathed ppO2 is ppO2 of pure gas
+		breathed_ppO2 = pure_ppO2;
+	}
+	// derive char_actual_ppO2 in [cbar], used for calculating CNS%
+	if      ( breathed_ppO2 <  0.01  ) char_actual_ppO2  =   0;
+	else if ( breathed_ppO2 >= 2.545 ) char_actual_ppO2  = 255;
+	else                               char_actual_ppO2  = (unsigned char)(100 * breathed_ppO2 + 0.5);
+	//---- export ppO2 values in [cbar] for warning generation and display purpose ------------------------------
+	// pure oxygen ppO2
+	if		( O2_ppO2       <  0.01  ) int_O_O2_ppO2       =   0;
+	else if ( O2_ppO2       >= 9.995 ) int_O_O2_ppO2       = 999;
+	else                               int_O_O2_ppO2       = (unsigned int)(100 *       O2_ppO2 + 0.5);
+	// pure gas ppO2
+	if      ( pure_ppO2     <  0.01  ) int_O_pure_ppO2     =   0;
+	else if ( pure_ppO2     >= 9.995 ) int_O_pure_ppO2     = 999;
+	else                               int_O_pure_ppO2     = (unsigned int)(100 *     pure_ppO2 + 0.5);
+	// calculated pSCR ppO2
+	if		( pSCR_ppO2     <  0.01  ) int_O_pSCR_ppO2     =   0;
+	else if ( pSCR_ppO2     >= 9.995 ) int_O_pSCR_ppO2     = 999;
+	else                               int_O_pSCR_ppO2     = (unsigned int)(100 *     pSCR_ppO2 + 0.5);
+	// breathed ppO2
+	if		( breathed_ppO2 <  0.01  ) int_O_breathed_ppO2 =   0;
+	else if ( breathed_ppO2 >= 9.995 ) int_O_breathed_ppO2 = 999;
+	else                               int_O_breathed_ppO2 = (unsigned int)(100 * breathed_ppO2 + 0.5);
+	//---- calculate ppN2, ppHe and EAD, END -------------------------------------------------------------------
     if( pres_diluent > ppWater )
         overlay float EAD, END;
@@ -1198,48 +1826,71 @@
         ppN2 = N2_ratio * (pres_diluent - ppWater);
         ppHe = He_ratio * (pres_diluent - ppWater);
-        // EAD : Equivalent Air Dive. Equivalent depth for the same N2 level
-        //       with plain air.
+        // EAD : Equivalent Air Depth. Equivalent depth for the same N2 level with plain air.
         //       ppN2 = 79% * (P_EAD - ppWater)
         //       EAD = (P_EAD - Psurface) * 10
         //   ie: EAD = (ppN2 / 0.7902 + ppWater -Psurface) * 10
         EAD = (ppN2 / 0.7902 + ppWater - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER;
-        if( EAD < 0.0 || EAD > 245.5 ) EAD = 0.0;
+        if( (EAD < 0.0) || (EAD > 245.5) ) EAD = 0.0;
         char_O_EAD = (unsigned char)(EAD + 0.5);
-        // END : Equivalent Narcotic Dive.
-        //       Here we count O2 as narcotic too. Hence everything but helium (has a narcosis factor of
-        //       0.23 btw). Hence the formula becomes:
+        // END : Equivalent Narcotic Depth.
+        //       Here we count O2 as narcotic too. Hence everything but helium (has a narcosis
+        //       factor of 0.23 btw). Hence the formula becomes:
         //       END * BarPerMeter * (1.0 - 0.0) - ppWater + Psurface == Pambient - ppHe - ppWater
         //  ie:  END = (Pambient - ppHe - Psurface) * BAR_TO_METER
         // Source cited:
         //       The Physiology and Medicine of Diving by Peter Bennett and David Elliott,
         //       4th edition, 1993, W.B.Saunders Company Ltd, London.
         END = (pres_respiration - ppHe - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER;
-        if( END < 0.0 || END > 245.5 ) END = 0.0;
-        char_O_END = (unsigned char)(END  + 0.5);
+        if( (END < 0.0) || (END > 245.5) ) END = 0.0;
+		char_O_END = (unsigned char)(END + 0.5);
-    else																		// new in v.101
+    else
-        ppN2 = 0.0;
-        ppHe = 0.0;
-        char_O_EAD = char_O_END = 0;
+        ppN2 = ppHe = 0.0;
+		char_O_EAD = char_O_END = 0;
-    if(!char_I_step_is_1min)
-        calc_tissue(0);
-    else
-        calc_tissue(1);
-    // Calc limit for surface, ie. GF_high.
+	//---- calculate decompression status ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// Calculate tissues
+	calc_tissue();
+    // Calculate limit for surface, ie. GF_high.
-    // Fill int_O_ceiling if ceiling is below the surface
-    if ((calc_lead_tissue_limit-pres_surface)>0)
-        int_O_ceiling = (short)((calc_lead_tissue_limit-pres_surface)*1000);
+    // Fill int_O_ceiling (in mbar) if ceiling is below the surface
+    if( (calc_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface) > 0 )
+	{	
+// compatibility version
+        int_O_ceiling = (short)((calc_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface) * 1000);
+// new version
+//		// Round up to next 10 cm so that the ceiling disappears on the display only when the ceiling
+//		// limit is really zero. This will coincident then with TTS switching back to NDL time.
+//		int_O_ceiling = (short)((calc_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface) * 1000 + 9);
+		// limit int_O_ceiling to 16000 mbar (150 m)
+		if( int_O_ceiling > 16000) int_O_ceiling = 16000;
+	}
+	{
         int_O_ceiling = 0;
+	}
     int_O_gtissue_press = (short)((pres_tissue_N2[char_O_gtissue_no] + pres_tissue_He[char_O_gtissue_no]) * 1000);
@@ -1249,154 +1900,209 @@
 // Compute stops.
 // Note: because this can be very long, break on 16 iterations, and set state
-//       to 0 when finished, or to 1 when needing to continue.
+//       to DECO_STATUS_FINISHED when finished, or to DECO_STATUS_STOPS when
+//       needing to continue.
 // Note: because each iteration might be very long too (~ 66 ms in 1.84beta),
-//       break the loop when total time > 512msec.
+//       break the loop when elapsed time exceeds 512 milliseconds.
 void calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco(void)
-    overlay unsigned char loop;
-    for(loop = 0; loop < 16; ++loop)
-    {
-        // Limit loops to 512ms, using timer 5:
-        if( tmr5() & (512*32) )
-            break;
-            if( calc_nextdecodepth() )
-            {
-                if( temp_depth_limit == 0 )
-                    goto Surface;
-                //---- We hit a stop at temp_depth_limit ---------------------
-                temp_deco = temp_depth_limit * METER_TO_BAR // Convert to relative bar,
-                          + pres_surface;                   // To absolute.
-                if( !update_deco_table() )                  // Adds a one minute stops.
-                    goto Surface;                           // Deco table full: abort...
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                //---- No stop -----------------------------------------------
-                temp_deco -= (10*METER_TO_BAR);             // Ascend 10m, no wait.
-                //---- Finish computations once surface is reached -----------
-                if( temp_deco <= pres_surface )
-                {
+	overlay unsigned char loop;
+	for(loop = 0; loop < 16; ++loop)
+	{
+		// limit loops to 512ms, using timer 5
+		if( tmr5() & (512*32) ) break;
+		// calc_nextdecodepth()
+		//
+		// INPUT  temp_deco        : current depth in absolute pressure
+		// OUTPUT temp_depth_limit : depth of next stop in meters
+		// RETURN true if a stop is needed
+		//
+		// The function manages gas changes by itself, including priming
+		// the deco stop with the configured gas change time.
+		//
+		if( calc_nextdecodepth() )
+		{
+			if( temp_depth_limit == 0 ) goto Surface;	// this check should not bee needed as in
+														// this case the RETURN value will be false
+			//---- stop required at temp_depth_limit -------------------------------------
+			// convert stop depth in meters to absolute pressure
+			temp_deco = temp_depth_limit * METER_TO_BAR + pres_surface;
+			// add one minute to the current stop, or add a new stop,
+			// or abort deco calculation if the deco table is full.
+			if( !update_deco_table(1) ) goto Surface;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//---- no stop required --------------------------------------
+			// ascend by float_ascent_speed for 1 minute
+			temp_deco -= float_ascent_speed * METER_TO_BAR;
+			// finish deco calculation if surface is reached
+			if( temp_deco <= pres_surface )
+			{
-                    if( char_O_deco_status == 1 )   // Don't in @+5min variant.
-                        copy_deco_table();
-                    calc_ascenttime();
-                    char_O_deco_status = 0;         // calc nullzeit next time.
-                    char_O_deco_last_stop = 0;      // Surface reached (to animate menu)
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-        //---- Then update tissue --------------------------------------------
-        sim_dive_mins++;            // Advance simulated time by 1 minute.
-        gas_switch_set();           // Apply any simulated gas change, once validated.
-        sim_alveolar_presures();    // Updates ppN2 and ppHe.
-        sim_tissue(1);              // Simulate compartiments for 1 minute.
-    }
-    // Surface not reached, need more stops... for menu animation.
-    char_O_deco_last_stop = temp_depth_limit;   // Reached depth.
+				// set deco engine status to done (DECO_STATUS_FINISHED)
+				char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;
+				// ** commented out - char_O_deco_last_stop is not used for anything
+				//
+				// // surface reached (to animate menu)
+				// if( !(char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE)) char_O_deco_last_stop = 0;
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		//---- as one minute as passed now, update the tissues ----------------------
+		// program 1 minute interval on simulated tissues (Flagbit 7 = 0)
+		tissue_increment = 1;
+		// compute current ppN2 and ppHe
+		sim_alveolar_presures();
+		// update the tissues
+		calc_tissue();
+	}
+	// ** commented out - char_O_deco_last_stop is not used for anything
+	//
+	// // surface not reached, need more stops... store reached depth for menu animation.
+	// if( !(char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) ) char_O_deco_last_stop = temp_depth_limit;
-// Simulation ascention to first deco stop.
+// Simulate ascent to first deco stop.
-// Note: because we ascent with a constant speed (10m/mn, ie. 1bar/mn),
-//       there is no need to break on more that 16 iterations
-//       (or we are already in deep shit).
-// Input:  pres_respiration
-// Output: temp_deco
+// Modified: temp_deco : current depth in ascent and deco simulation, in bar absolute pressure
-// if char_O_deco_status indicate @+5 variant, add extra time at current depth,
-// before ascent.
 void sim_ascent_to_first_stop(void)
-    overlay unsigned char fast = 1; // 1min or 2sec steps.
-    update_startvalues();
-    clear_deco_table();
-    temp_deco = pres_respiration;       // Starts from current real depth.
-    // Are we doing the special @+5min variation ?
-    if(char_O_deco_status & 4)
-        sim_extra_time();
-    //---- Loop until first stop, gas switch, or surface is reached ----------
-    for(;;)
-    {
-        overlay float old_deco = temp_deco;     // Pamb backup (bars)
-        // Try ascending 1 full minute (fast) or 2sec (!fast):
-        if( fast )
-            temp_deco -= 10*METER_TO_BAR;   // 1 min, at 10m/min. ~ 1bar.
-        else
-            temp_deco -= (10.0/30.0)*METER_TO_BAR;  // 2sec at 10m/min.
-        if( temp_deco < pres_surface )  // But don't go over surface.
-            temp_deco = pres_surface;
-        // Recompute sim_lead_tissue_limit at GF_low (deepest stop), because
-        // one minute passed.
-        sim_limit(GF_low);
-        // Did we reach deepest remaining stop ?
-        if( temp_deco < sim_lead_tissue_limit )
-        {
-            temp_deco = old_deco;           // Restore last correct depth,
-            if( fast )
-            {
-                fast = 0;                   // Retry with 2sec steps.
-                continue;
-            }
-            else
-                break;                      // Done...
-        }
-        // Did we reach surface ?
-        // NOTE: we should round BEFORE checking surface is reached.
-        temp_depth_limit = (unsigned char)(0.5 + (temp_deco - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER);
-        if( temp_depth_limit == 0 )
-        {
-            temp_deco = pres_surface;   // Yes: finished !
-            break;
-        }
-        // Check for gas change below new depth ?
-        if( gas_switch_deepest() )
-        {
-            assert( temp_depth_limit > 0);
-            temp_deco = temp_depth_limit * METER_TO_BAR + pres_surface;
-            break;
-        }
-        if( fast )
-            sim_dive_mins++;            // Advance simulated time by 1 minute.
-        sim_alveolar_presures();        // temp_deco --> ppN2/ppHe
-        sim_tissue(fast);               // and update tissues for 1 min.
-    }
+	overlay unsigned char fast      = 1;	// 1 = 1 minute steps,  0 = 2 seconds steps
+	overlay unsigned char gaschange = 0;	// 1 = do a gas change, 0 = no better gas available
+	//---- Loop until first deco stop or surface is reached ----------
+	for(;;)
+	{
+		// depth in absolute pressure we came from
+		overlay float old_deco = temp_deco;
+		// try ascending 1 full minute (fast) or 2 seconds (!fast)
+		if	( fast ) temp_deco -=  float_ascent_speed       * METER_TO_BAR;	// 1 min at float_ascent_speed ( 5 .. 10  m/min)
+		else         temp_deco -= (float_ascent_speed/30.0) * METER_TO_BAR;	// 2 sec at float_ascent_speed (17 .. 33 cm/min)
+		// but don't go over surface
+		if( temp_deco < pres_surface ) temp_deco = pres_surface;
+		// compute sim_lead_tissue_limit
+		if   ( char_I_deco_model != 0 ) sim_limit(GF_low);
+		else                            sim_limit(1.0);
+		// did we overshoot the first deco stop?
+		if( temp_deco < sim_lead_tissue_limit )
+		{
+			// YES - back to last depth below first stop
+			temp_deco = old_deco;
+			// switch to 2 seconds ascent if not yet in, else done
+			if( fast )
+			{
+				fast = 0;				// retry with 2 seconds ascent steps
+				continue;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				break;					// done...
+			}
+		}
+		// If code execution passes along here, we did not overshoot the first stop.
+		// did we reach the surface? if yes, done!
+		if( temp_deco == pres_surface ) break;
+		// depth in meters where we are now (no round-up)
+		temp_depth_limit = (unsigned char)((temp_deco - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER);
+		// Check if there is a better gas to switch to, but only in alternative plan mode
+		// or if override is set. If yes, introduce a stop for the gas change.
+		if(    ((char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) || (char_O_main_status & DECO_GASCHANGE_OVRD))
+			&& gas_find_better() )
+		{
+			// depth in meters we came from
+			overlay unsigned char old_depth_limit = (unsigned char)((old_deco - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER);			
+			// adjust temp_depth_limit to the gas change depth, but not deeper than the depth we came from
+			temp_depth_limit = (sim_gas_last_depth < old_depth_limit) ? sim_gas_last_depth : old_depth_limit;
+			// create a stop for the gas change
+			update_deco_table(char_I_gas_change_time);
+			// set the new calculation values for N2, He and O2
+			gas_switch_set();
+			// signal to create a stop for the gas change and update the tissues
+			gaschange = char_I_gas_change_time;
+			// Adjust the depth for the tissue update to the stop depth. In case of fast mode, this
+			// imposes that the ascent from the 'old_deco' depth to this stop took 1 minute although
+			// we might have only ascended one or two meters...
+			temp_deco = temp_depth_limit * METER_TO_BAR + pres_surface;
+		}	
+		// Did one minute pass by and/or do we have a gas change?
+		// Remark: The 2 seconds ascent iterations towards the first deco stop in !fast speed may take
+		// up to 28 seconds in total - for this rough half of a minute no tissue updates will be computed.
+		// Well, it could be done by setting tissue_increment = 0 in !fast condition and making calls to
+		// sim_alveolar_presures() and calc_tissue() - see code commented out below.
+		if( fast || gaschange )
+		{
+			// program interval on simulated tissues (flag bit 7 = 0)
+			tissue_increment = fast + gaschange;
+			// clear gas change signal
+			gaschange = 0;
+	//	}
+	//	else
+	//	{
+	//		// program 2 seconds interval on simulated tissues (flag bit 7 = 0)
+	//		tissue_increment = 0;
+	//	}
+	//	{
+			// compute ppN2/ppHe for current depth from temp_deco
+			sim_alveolar_presures();
+			// update the tissues
+			calc_tissue();
+		}
+	}
-// Simulation extra time at the current depth.
+// Simulate extra time at the current depth.
-// This routine is used for @+5min feature.
+// This routine is used for the futureTTS / delayed ascent feature.
 void sim_extra_time(void)
-    overlay unsigned char extra = char_I_extra_time;
-    do {
-        sim_dive_mins++;                // Advance simulated time by 1 minute.
-        sim_tissue(1);                  // and update tissues for 1 min.
-    } while( --extra != 0 );
+ 	overlay unsigned char backup = tissue_increment;	// back-up tissue_increment
+	tissue_increment  = char_I_extra_time;				// program interval on simulated tissues (Flagbit 7 = 0)
+	calc_tissue();										// update the tissues
+	tissue_increment = backup;							// restore tissue_increment
@@ -1404,25 +2110,175 @@
 // optimized in v.101
-static void calc_tissue(PARAMETER unsigned char period)
+// INPUT:	 ppN2, ppHe, tissue_increment
+// MODIFIED: pres_tissue_N2[], pres_tissue_He[]
+// OUTPUT:	 char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[], char_O_tissue_He_saturation[]
+static void calc_tissue()
+	overlay float			temp_tissue_N2;
+	overlay float			temp_tissue_He;
+	overlay unsigned char	period;
+	overlay unsigned char	i;
     assert( 0.00 <= ppN2 && ppN2 < 11.2 );  // 80% N2 at 130m
     assert( 0.00 <= ppHe && ppHe < 12.6 );  // 90% He at 130m
-    for (ci=0;ci<NUM_COMP;ci++)
+    for (ci=0;ci<NUM_COMP;ci++)			// iterate through all compartments
-        read_buhlmann_times(period);        // 2 sec or 1 min period.
-        // N2
-        temp_tissue = (ppN2 - pres_tissue_N2[ci]) * var_N2_e;
-        temp_tissue_safety();
-        pres_tissue_N2[ci] += temp_tissue;
-        // He
-        temp_tissue = (ppHe - pres_tissue_He[ci]) * var_He_e;
-        temp_tissue_safety();
-        pres_tissue_He[ci] += temp_tissue;
-    }
+		i = tissue_increment & 127;		// extract number of minutes to do    (if i > 0)
+										// or if one 2 second period is to do (if i = 0)
+		if( i == 0 )					// check if we shall do one 2-seconds period
+		{
+			read_Buhlmann_times(0); 	// YES, program coefficients for a 2 seconds period
+			period = 1;					//      set period length (in cycles)
+			i      = 1;					//      and one cycle to do
+		}
+		else if( i > 9 )				// check if we can start with 10 minutes periods
+		{
+			read_Buhlmann_times(2);		// YES, program coefficients for 10 minutes periods
+			period = 10;				//      set period length (in cycles) to ten
+		}
+		else							// we shall do 1 to 9 minutes
+		{
+			read_Buhlmann_times(1);		//      program coefficients for 1 minute periods
+			period = 1;					//      set period length (in cycles) to one
+		}
+		do
+		{
+			//---- N2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			temp_tissue = (tissue_increment & 128) ? pres_tissue_N2[ci] : sim_pres_tissue_N2[ci];
+			temp_tissue = (ppN2 - temp_tissue) * var_N2_e;
+			temp_tissue_safety();
+			if( tissue_increment & 128 )
+			{
+				// The temp variable takes on purpose just the tissue increment from the last loop's iteration.
+				temp_tissue_N2 = temp_tissue;
+				// Update the real tissues if either we are on the 2 seconds interval,
+				// or if we shall advance the tissues on a one or several minutes basis.
+				if( twosectimer || (tissue_increment & 127) ) pres_tissue_N2[ci] += temp_tissue;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// Updates of the sim-tissues always comes on a 1 minutes basis,
+				// so we do not need to check of the 2 seconds interval.
+				sim_pres_tissue_N2[ci] += temp_tissue;
+			}
+			//---- He -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+			temp_tissue = (tissue_increment & 128) ? pres_tissue_He[ci] : sim_pres_tissue_He[ci];
+			temp_tissue = (ppHe - temp_tissue) * var_He_e;
+			temp_tissue_safety();
+			if( tissue_increment & 128 )
+			{
+				// The temp variable takes on purpose just the tissue increment from the last loop's iteration.
+				temp_tissue_He = temp_tissue;
+				// Update the real tissues if either we are on the 2 seconds interval,
+				// or if we shall advance the tissues on a one or several minutes basis.
+				if( twosectimer || (tissue_increment & 127) ) pres_tissue_He[ci] += temp_tissue;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// Updates of the sim-tissues always comes on a 1 minutes basis,
+				// so we do not need to check of the 2 seconds interval.
+				sim_pres_tissue_He[ci] += temp_tissue;
+			}
+			// decrement loop counter
+			i -= period;
+			// check if we need to switch from 10 minute periods to 1 minute periods
+			if( (i > 0) && (period = 10) && (i < 10) )
+			{
+				read_Buhlmann_times(1); 	// program coefficients for 1 minute periods
+				period = 1;					// set period length (in cycles) to one
+			}
+		}
+		while( i );
+		// have the computations been done for the "real" tissues?
+		if( (tissue_increment & 128) && (twosectimer || (tissue_increment & 127)) )
+		{
+			// net tissue balance
+			temp_tissue = temp_tissue_N2 + temp_tissue_He;
+			// check tissue on-/off-gassing and IBCD with applying a threshold of +/-HYST
+			//
+			if		( temp_tissue < -HYST )				// Check if the tissue is off-gassing
+			{
+				deco_tissue_vector	|=  (1 << ci);		// tag tissue as being in decompression
+				IBCD_tissue_vector	&= ~(1 << ci);		// tag tissue as not experiencing mentionable IBCD
+			}
+			else if ( temp_tissue > +HYST )				// check if the tissue in on-gassing
+			{
+				deco_tissue_vector	&= ~(1 << ci);		// tag tissue as not being in decompression
+				if(		((temp_tissue_N2 > 0.0) && (temp_tissue_He < 0.0))		// check for counter diffusion
+					||	((temp_tissue_N2 < 0.0) && (temp_tissue_He > 0.0)) )
+				{
+					IBCD_tissue_vector |= (1 << ci);	// tag tissue as experiencing mentionable IBCD
+				}
+			}
+			// keep the saturating / desaturating flags from last invocation
+			char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] &= 128;
+			char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci]	&= 128;
+			// flip the flags applying a hysteresis of HYST (actual value: see #define of HYST)
+				 if( temp_tissue_N2 > +HYST ) char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] = 128; // set flag for tissue pressure is increasing
+			else if( temp_tissue_N2 < -HYST ) char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] =   0; // clear flag (-> tissue pressure is decreasing)
+				 if( temp_tissue_He > +HYST ) char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci] = 128; // set flag for tissue pressure is increasing
+			else if( temp_tissue_He < -HYST ) char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci] =   0; // clear flag (-> tissue pressure is decreasing)
+			// For N2 tissue display purpose:
+			// Scale tissue press so that saturation in 70m on AIR gives a value of approx. 80.
+			// The surface steady-state tissue loading of [0.7902 * (pres_respiration - ppWater)] bar
+			// gives then a 10. If N2 is completely washed out of the tissue, result will be 0.
+			// This scaling is adapted to the capabilities of the tissue graphics in the custom views.
+			temp_tissue = (pres_tissue_N2[ci] / N2_equilibrium) * 10;
+			 // limit to 127 to leave space for sat/desat flag
+			if (temp_tissue > 127) temp_tissue = 127;
+			// export as integer
+			char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] += (unsigned char)temp_tissue;
+			// For H2 tissue display purpose:
+			// Scale tissue press so that saturation in 120m on TMX 10/70 gives a value of approx. 70.
+			// With no He in a tissue, result will be 0.
+			// This scaling is adapted to the capabilities of the tissue graphics in the custom views.
+			temp_tissue = pres_tissue_He[ci] * 7.7;
+			// limit to 127 to leave space for sat/desat flag
+			if (temp_tissue > 127) temp_tissue = 127; 
+			// export as integer
+			char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci] += (unsigned char)temp_tissue;
+		}
+    }// for
@@ -1432,41 +2288,99 @@
 static void calc_limit(void)
-    char_O_gtissue_no   = 0;	// BUGFIX, changed from 255 to 0 to have a valid leading tissue number defined at any times
-    calc_lead_tissue_limit = 0.0;
-    for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP;ci++)
+    char_O_gtissue_no 		= 0;
+    calc_lead_tissue_limit 	= 0.0;
+	// clear IBCD, microbubbles and outside warning flags (locked warnings will be preserved)
+    for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP; ci++)
         overlay float N2 = pres_tissue_N2[ci];
         overlay float He = pres_tissue_He[ci];
-        overlay float p = N2 + He;
-        read_buhlmann_coefficients();
-        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * N2 + var_He_a * He) / p;
-        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * N2 + var_He_b * He) / p;
-        // Apply the Eric Baker's varying gradient factor correction.
+		overlay float pres_tissue = N2 + He;
+		overlay float pres_min;
+		overlay float gf;
+		overlay float threshold;
+        read_Buhlmann_coefficients();
+        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * N2 + var_He_a * He) / pres_tissue;
+        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * N2 + var_He_b * He) / pres_tissue;
+		// calculate minimum ambient pressure that the tissue can withstand according to straight Buhlmann
+		pres_min = (pres_tissue - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
+		// calculate current gf value (1.0 = 100%) of this tissue
+		gf = (pres_tissue - pres_respiration) / (pres_tissue - pres_min);
+		if( gf < 0.0 ) gf = 0.0;
+		// calculate a threshold value for use below
+		// ToDo: finalize the definition of the threshold
+		threshold = 0.02 * ci + 0.9;
+		// check if this tissue is likely to develop microbubbles
+		// and/or if this tissue is outside the Buhlmann model
+		if( ci <= 5 )
+		{
+			if( gf >= threshold )
+			{
+				char_O_deco_warnings |= (DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES + DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES_lock);
+				if( gf >= 1.0 )
+				{
+					char_O_deco_warnings |= (DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE + DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE_lock);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if( gf >= 1.0 )
+			{
+				char_O_deco_warnings |= (DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES + DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES_lock);
+				if( gf >= threshold )
+				{
+					char_O_deco_warnings |= (DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE + DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE_lock);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+        // Apply the Eric Baker's varying gradient factor correction if the GF-Model is selected.
         // Note: the correction factor depends both on GF and b,
         //       Actual values are in the 1.5 .. 1.0 range (for a GF=30%),
         //       so that can change who is the leading gas...
-        // Note: Also depends of the GF. So the calcul is different for
-        //       GF_low, current GF, or GF_high...
-        //       *BUT* calc_tissue() is used to compute bottom time,
-        //       hence what would happend at surface,
+        // Note: Also depends of the GF. So the calculus is different for GF_low, current GF, or GF_high...
+        //       *BUT* calc_tissue() is used to compute bottom time, hence what would happen at surface,
         //       hence at GF_high.
-        if( char_I_deco_model != 0 )
-            p = ( p - var_N2_a * GF_high) * var_N2_b
-              / (GF_high + var_N2_b * (1.0 - GF_high));
-        else
-            p = (p - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
-        if( p < 0.0 ) p = 0.0;
-        if( p > calc_lead_tissue_limit )
+		if( char_I_deco_model != 0 ) pres_min =   ( pres_tissue - var_N2_a * (      GF_high) ) * var_N2_b
+		                                        / ( GF_high     + var_N2_b * (1.0 - GF_high) );
+		// check if this tissue requires a higher ambient pressure than was found to be needed up to now
+        if( pres_min > calc_lead_tissue_limit )
-            char_O_gtissue_no = ci;
-            calc_lead_tissue_limit = p;
+            char_O_gtissue_no      = ci;
+            calc_lead_tissue_limit = pres_min;
+	// check IBCD condition
+	if( !IBCD_tissue_vector )
+	{
+		char_O_deco_warnings &= ~DECO_WARNING_IBCD;					// no IBCD in any tissue, clear flag
+	}
+	else if(    (IBCD_tissue_vector & (1 << char_O_gtissue_no))
+	         && ((pres_tissue_N2[char_O_gtissue_no] + pres_tissue_He[char_O_gtissue_no]) > pres_respiration) )
+	{
+		// leading tissue is in IBCD condition and in super-saturation, set flags.
+		char_O_deco_warnings |= (DECO_WARNING_IBCD + DECO_WARNING_IBCD_lock);
+	}
+	// check if is any tissue off-gassing
+	if	(deco_tissue_vector) char_O_deco_warnings |=  DECO_FLAG;	// yes,  set deco flag
+	else                     char_O_deco_warnings &= ~DECO_FLAG;	// no, clear deco flag 
     assert( char_O_gtissue_no < NUM_COMP );
     assert( 0.0 <= calc_lead_tissue_limit && calc_lead_tissue_limit <= 14.0);
@@ -1482,53 +2396,57 @@
 //       invert... So we have to make a fast-simu until we find a better way.
 // Input:  pres_respiration
-// Output: char_O_nullzeit
+// Output: char_O_nullzeit / char_O_alternate_nullzeit
 static void calc_nullzeit(void)
+	overlay unsigned char nullzeit = 240;
     //---- Compute ppN2 and ppHe ---------------------------------------------
     temp_deco = pres_respiration;
-    char_O_nullzeit = 240;
     for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP; ci++)
         //---- Read A/B values and loading factor for N2 and He --------------
-        overlay float tN2 = pres_tissue_N2[ci];
-        overlay float tHe = pres_tissue_He[ci];
+		overlay float tN2 = sim_pres_tissue_N2[ci];
+        overlay float tHe = sim_pres_tissue_He[ci];
         overlay float t = tN2 + tHe;
         overlay unsigned char ndl;
         overlay unsigned char period = 10;
-        read_buhlmann_coefficients();
-        read_buhlmann_times(2);             // Starts with a 10min period.
+        read_Buhlmann_coefficients();
+        read_Buhlmann_times(2);             // Starts with a 10min period.
         //---- Simulate for that tissue --------------------------------------
-        // NOTE: No need to simulate for longuer than the already found NDL.
-        for(ndl=0; ndl<char_O_nullzeit;)
+        // NOTE: No need to simulate for longer than the already found NDL.
+		for(ndl=0; ndl<nullzeit;)
-            //---- Compute updated mix M-value at surface
-            overlay float a = (var_N2_a * tN2 + var_He_a * tHe) / t;
-            overlay float b = (var_N2_b * tN2 + var_He_b * tHe) / t;
-            overlay float M0 = (a + pres_surface/b);
-            //---- Add 10min/1min to N2/He tissues
-            overlay float dTN2 = (ppN2 - tN2) * var_N2_e;
-            overlay float dTHe = (ppHe - tHe) * var_He_e;
-            //---- Apply security margin for both models
-                // NDL can be computed while ascending... SO we have
-                // to check wether we are saturating or desaturating.
-                if( dTN2 > 0.0 ) dTN2 *= float_saturation_multiplier;
-                else             dTN2 *= float_desaturation_multiplier;
-                if( dTHe > 0.0 ) dTHe *= float_saturation_multiplier;
-                else             dTHe *= float_saturation_multiplier;
-            if (char_I_deco_model != 0 )
-                M0 = GF_high * (M0 - pres_surface) + pres_surface;
-            //---- Simulate off-gasing while going to surface
+			//---- Compute updated mix M-value at surface
+			overlay float a = (var_N2_a * tN2 + var_He_a * tHe) / t;
+			overlay float b = (var_N2_b * tN2 + var_He_b * tHe) / t;
+			overlay float M0 = (a + pres_surface/b);
+			//---- Add 10min/1min to N2/He tissues
+			overlay float dTN2 = (ppN2 - tN2) * var_N2_e;
+			overlay float dTHe = (ppHe - tHe) * var_He_e;
+			//---- Apply safety margin for both models
+			// NDL can be computed while ascending... SO we have
+			// to check if we are saturating or desaturating.
+			if( dTN2 > 0.0 ) dTN2 *= float_saturation_multiplier;
+			else             dTN2 *= float_desaturation_multiplier;
+			if( dTHe > 0.0 ) dTHe *= float_saturation_multiplier;
+			else             dTHe *= float_saturation_multiplier;
+			// adopt M0 value when using the GF extension
+			if (char_I_deco_model != 0 ) M0 = GF_high * (M0 - pres_surface) + pres_surface;
+            //---- Simulate off-gassing while going to surface
             // TODO !
             // dTN2 -= exp( ... ascent time ... ppN2...)
             // dTHe -= exp( ... ascent time ... ppHe...)
@@ -1536,61 +2454,95 @@
             //---- Ok now, and still ok to surface after 1 or 10 minutes ?
             if( (t <= M0) && (t + dTN2 + dTHe <= M0) )
-                tN2 += dTN2;    // YES: apply gas loadings,
+                tN2 += dTN2;		// YES: apply gas loadings,
                 tHe += dTHe;
-                t = tN2 + tHe;
-                ndl += period;  // increment NDL,
-                continue;       // and loop.
+				t    = tN2 + tHe;				
+                ndl += period;		// increment NDL,
+                continue;			// and loop.
             //---- Should we retry with smaller steps ?
             if( period == 10 )
-                read_buhlmann_times(1); // 1min coefs.
+                read_Buhlmann_times(1); // 1min coefs.
                 period = 1;
             //---- ELSE make a linear approx for the last minute
-            // Usefull to have a meaningfull rounding of NDL.
-            // But ONLY it positive (negativ casted to unsigned is bad).
-            if( M0 > t )
-                ndl += (unsigned char)(0.5f + (M0-t)/(dTN2+dTHe));
+            // Useful to have a meaningful rounding of NDL.
+            // But ONLY if positive (negative casted to unsigned is bad).
+            if( M0 > t ) ndl += (unsigned char)(0.5f + (M0-t)/(dTN2+dTHe));
         // Keep the shortest NDL found
-        if( ndl < char_O_nullzeit )
-            char_O_nullzeit = ndl;
+		if ( ndl < nullzeit ) nullzeit = ndl;
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) char_O_alternate_nullzeit = nullzeit;
+	else                                          char_O_nullzeit           = nullzeit;
 // calc_ascenttime
-// Summup ascent from bottom to surface, at 1 bar/min, 1min for last 3 meters,
-// and all stops.
+// Sum up ascent from bottom to surface at float_ascent_speed,
+// but 1 minute per meter for the final ascent, and all stops.
-// Result in int_O_ascenttime, or int_O_extra_ascenttime if in @+5min variant.
+// Result in int_O_ascenttime,
+//        or int_O_alternate_ascenttime if doing the alternative plan.
 static void calc_ascenttime(void)
-    overlay unsigned char x;
+    overlay unsigned char  x;
     overlay unsigned short sum;
-    // + 0.7 to count 1 minute ascent time from 3 metre to surface
-    overlay float ascent = pres_respiration - pres_surface + 0.7;
-    if (ascent < 0.0)
-        ascent = 0.0;
-    sum = (unsigned short)(ascent + 0.99);
+	// preset final ascent
+	overlay float final  = (float)char_I_depth_last_deco;
+    // calculate depth
+    overlay float ascent = (pres_respiration - pres_surface) * BAR_TO_METER;
+	// check if we are already in final ascent
+    if (ascent <= final)
+	{
+		// yes - all ascent is final ascent
+		final  = ascent;
+		ascent = 0.0;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// no - subtract final ascent part from overall ascent
+		ascent -= final;
+		// compute time for ascent part without final ascent
+		ascent /= float_ascent_speed;		
+	}
+	// add 1 minute for each meter of  final ascent
+	ascent += final;
+	// convert to integer
+    sum = (unsigned short)(ascent + 0.5);
+	// add all stop times
     for(x=0; x<NUM_STOPS && internal_deco_depth[x]; x++)
         sum += (unsigned short)internal_deco_time[x];
-    if( char_O_deco_status == 1 )
-        int_O_ascenttime = sum;
-    else
-        int_O_extra_ascenttime = sum;
+	// limit result to display max.
+	if( sum > 999) sum = 999;
+	// tag result as invalid if there is an overflow in the stops table
+	if( char_O_deco_warnings & DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW ) sum |= INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+	// route result to output variable
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE ) int_O_alternate_ascenttime = sum;
+    else                                           int_O_ascenttime           = sum;
@@ -1611,36 +2563,7 @@
     // No leading tissue (yet) for this ascent simulation.
     sim_lead_tissue_limit = 0.0;
-    sim_lead_tissue_no = 255;
-// sim_tissue
-// optimized in v.101
-// Function very simular to calc_tissue, but:
-//   + Use a 1min or 10min period.
-//   + Do it on sim_pres_tissue, instead of pres_tissue.
-static void sim_tissue(PARAMETER unsigned char period)
-    assert( 0.00 <= ppN2 && ppN2 < 11.2 );  // 80% N2 at 130m
-    assert( 0.00 <= ppHe && ppHe < 12.6 );  // 90% He at 130m
-    for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP; ci++)
-    {
-        read_buhlmann_times(period);        // 1 or 10 minute(s) interval
-        // N2
-        temp_tissue = (ppN2 - sim_pres_tissue_N2[ci]) * var_N2_e;
-        temp_tissue_safety();
-        sim_pres_tissue_N2[ci] += temp_tissue;
-        // He
-        temp_tissue = (ppHe - sim_pres_tissue_He[ci]) * var_He_e;
-        temp_tissue_safety();
-        sim_pres_tissue_He[ci] += temp_tissue;
-    }
+    sim_lead_tissue_no    = 1;
@@ -1648,15 +2571,15 @@
 // New in v.111
-// Function separated from sim_tissue() to allow recomputing limit on
+// Function separated from calc_tissue() to allow recomputing limit on
 // different depth, because it depends on current gradient factor.
 static void sim_limit(PARAMETER float GF_current)
-    assert( 0.0 < GF_current && GF_current <= 1.0f);
+    assert( 0.0 < GF_current && GF_current <= 1.0 );
     sim_lead_tissue_limit = 0.0;
-    sim_lead_tissue_no = 0;             // If no one is critic, keep first tissue.
+    sim_lead_tissue_no    = 0;		// If no one is critic, keep first tissue.
     for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP; ci++)
@@ -1664,7 +2587,7 @@
         overlay float He = sim_pres_tissue_He[ci];
         overlay float p = N2 + He;
-        read_buhlmann_coefficients();
+        read_Buhlmann_coefficients();
         var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * N2 + var_He_a * He) / p;
         var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * N2 + var_He_b * He) / p;
@@ -1673,15 +2596,15 @@
         //       Actual values are in the 1.5 .. 1.0 range (for a GF=30%),
         //       so that can change who is the leading gas...
         // Note: Also depends of the GF_current...
-        if( char_I_deco_model != 0 )
-            p = ( p - var_N2_a * GF_current)
-              / (GF_current / var_N2_b + 1.0 - GF_current);
-        else
-            p = (p - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
+		if( char_I_deco_model != 0 )  p =   ( p                - (var_N2_a   * GF_current) )
+		                                  / ( 1.0 - GF_current + (GF_current / var_N2_b  ) );
+		else                          p =   (p - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
         if( p > sim_lead_tissue_limit )
-            sim_lead_tissue_no = ci;
+            sim_lead_tissue_no    = ci;
             sim_lead_tissue_limit = p;
     } // for ci
@@ -1693,7 +2616,6 @@
 // clear_deco_table
-// unchanged in v.101
 static void clear_deco_table(void)
@@ -1704,55 +2626,73 @@
         internal_deco_time [x] = 0;
         internal_deco_depth[x] = 0;
+	// clear stop table overflow warning
+	char_O_deco_warnings &= ~DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW;
 // update_deco_table
-// Add 1 min to current stop.
+// Add time to a stop at temp_depth_limit
+// It is possible to create stops with a duration of 0 minutes, e.g. to
+// note a gas change "on the fly" while ascending. Therefore the criteria
+// to have reached the end of the list needs always to be depth == 0.
-// Inputs:
-//      temp_depth_limit = stop's depth, in meters.
-// In/Out:
-//      internal_deco_depth[] : depth (in metres) of each stops.
-//      internal_deco_time [] : time (in minutes) of each stops.
+// Input:   temp_depth_limit  : stop's depth, in meters.
+//          sim_gas_last_used : gas used at stop, as index 1..5 or 0 for gas 6
+//			PARAMETER time_increment    : number of minutes to add to the stop
-static unsigned char update_deco_table()
+// Updated: internal_deco_depth[] : depth    (in meters)  of each stop
+//          internal_deco_time [] : time     (in minutes) of each stop
+//          internal_deco_gas  [] : gas used (index 1-5)  at each stop
+static unsigned char update_deco_table(PARAMETER unsigned char time_increment)
-    overlay unsigned char x;
-    assert( temp_depth_limit < 128 );   // Can't be negativ (overflown).
-    assert( temp_depth_limit > 0 );     // No stop at surface...
-    for(x=0; x<NUM_STOPS; ++x)
-    {
-        // Make sure deco-stops are recorded in order:
-        assert( !internal_deco_depth[x] || temp_depth_limit <= internal_deco_depth[x] );
-        if( internal_deco_depth[x]== temp_depth_limit )
-        {
-            // Do not overflow (max 255')
-            if( internal_deco_time[x] < 255 )
-            {
-                internal_deco_time[x]++;
-                return 1;
-            }
-            // But store extra in the next stop...
-        }
-        if( internal_deco_depth[x] == 0 )
-        {
-            internal_deco_depth[x] = temp_depth_limit;
-            internal_deco_time[x]  = 1;
-            internal_deco_gas[x] = sim_gas_last_used;
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    // Can't store stops at more than 96m.
-    // Or stops at less that 3m too.
-    // Just do nothing with that...
-    return 0;
+	overlay unsigned char x;
+	assert( temp_depth_limit > 0 );		// No stop at surface...
+	// loop through internal deco table
+	for(x=0; x<NUM_STOPS; ++x)
+	{
+		// Make sure deco-stops are recorded in order:
+		assert( !internal_deco_depth[x] || temp_depth_limit <= internal_deco_depth[x] );
+		// Is there already a stop entry for our current depth?
+		if( internal_deco_depth[x] == temp_depth_limit )
+		{
+			// Yes - increment stop time if possible
+			// Stop time entries are limited to 99 minutes because of display constraints.
+			// Else a limit of 254 would account because of constrains in calc_CNS_planning().
+			if( internal_deco_time[x] < (100 - time_increment) )
+			{
+				internal_deco_time[x] += time_increment;	// increment stop time
+				return 1;									// return with status 'success'
+			}
+		}
+		// If program flow passes here, there is either no stop entry for the current depth yet, or
+		// the existing entry is saturated with 99 minutes. So we are looking for the next unused
+		// table entry.
+		if( internal_deco_depth[x] == 0 )
+		{
+			internal_deco_time[x]  = time_increment;		// initialize entry with first stop's time,
+			internal_deco_depth[x] = temp_depth_limit;		// ... depth, and
+			internal_deco_gas[x]   = sim_gas_last_used;		// ... gas
+			return 1;										// return with status 'success'
+		}
+	}
+	// If program flow passes here, all deco table entries are used up.
+	// set overflow warning
+	char_O_deco_warnings |= DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW;
+	// return with status 'failed'.
+	return 0;
@@ -1770,171 +2710,345 @@
     assert( char_O_gtissue_no < NUM_COMP );
     assert( 0.800 <= pres_respiration && pres_respiration < 14.0 );
-    // tissue > respiration (currently off-gasing)
-    // GF =   0% when respiration == tissue, ie. bubbles are at equilibrium.
-    // GF = 100% when respiration == limit.
+    // tissue > respiration (currently off-gassing)
+    // GF = 0.00 when respiration == tissue, ie. dissolved gases are at equilibrium.
+    // GF = 1.00 when respiration == limit.
     temp_tissue = N2 + He;
     if( temp_tissue <= pres_respiration )
+	{
         gf = 0.0;
+		int_O_gradient_factor = 0;
+	}
         overlay float limit = calc_lead_tissue_limit;
         // NOTE: in GF model, calc_lead_tissue_limit include already the
         //       correction due to gradient factor. To compute the actual
-        //       current GF, we need to (re-)compute the raw ambiant-pressure
+        //       current GF, we need to (re-)compute the raw ambient-pressure
         //       limit from the Buhlmann model.
         if( char_I_deco_model != 0 )
             ci = char_O_gtissue_no;
-            read_buhlmann_coefficients();
+            read_Buhlmann_coefficients();
             var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * N2 + var_He_a * He) / temp_tissue;
             var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * N2 + var_He_b * He) / temp_tissue;
-            limit = (temp_tissue - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
+            limit    = (temp_tissue - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
-        gf = (temp_tissue  - pres_respiration)
-           / (temp_tissue  - limit)
-           * 100.0;
-        if( gf > 254.5 ) gf = 255.0;
-        if( gf < 0.0   ) gf = 0.0;
-    }
-    char_O_gradient_factor = (unsigned char)(gf+0.5f);
+        gf = (temp_tissue - pres_respiration) / (temp_tissue - limit);
+		// limit to 255 because of constraints in ghostwriter code
+		if     ( gf <= 0.0   ) int_O_gradient_factor = 0;
+        else if( gf >  2.545 ) int_O_gradient_factor = 255 + INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+        else
+		{
+			int_O_gradient_factor = (unsigned int)(100 * gf + 0.5);
+			if 		( int_O_gradient_factor >= GF_warning_threshold      )
+				int_O_gradient_factor |= INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+			else if ( int_O_gradient_factor >= char_I_GF_High_percentage )
+				int_O_gradient_factor |= INT_FLAG_PREWARNING;
+		}
+	}
-// deco_calc_desaturation_time
+// calc_desaturation_time
-// FIXED N2_ratio
-// unchanged in v.101
 // Inputs:  int_I_pres_surface, ppWater, char_I_desaturation_multiplier
-// Outputs: int_O_desaturation_time, char_O_tissue_saturation[0..31]
+// Outputs: int_O_desaturation_time, int_O_nofly_time
-void deco_calc_desaturation_time(void)
+// Helper function
+void calc_desaturation_time_helper(void)
-    assert( 800 < int_I_pres_surface && int_I_pres_surface < 1100 );
-    assert( 0 < char_I_desaturation_multiplier && char_I_desaturation_multiplier <= 100 );
-    N2_ratio = 0.7902; // FIXED sum as stated in buhlmann
-    pres_surface = int_I_pres_surface * 0.001;
-    ppN2 = N2_ratio * (pres_surface - ppWater);
-    int_O_desaturation_time = 0;
-    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier * (0.01 * SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR);
-    for(ci=0; ci<NUM_COMP; ci++)
+	if( pres_actual > pres_target )					// check if actual pressure is higher then target pressure
+	{												// YES - compute remaining time
+		overlay	float pres_ratio;
+		pres_ratio = pres_actual / pres_target;
+		// Compute desaturation time with result rounded up to multiples of 10 minutes.
+		// Main purpose is to avoid confusion, because the times do not clock down in one minute steps any more
+		// but get constantly re-computed according to current ambient pressure and may therefor make steps of
+		// several minutes forwards and backwards as ambient pressure rises and falls.
+		short_time = (unsigned short)( (var_ht * log(pres_ratio) / desat_factor) + 0.9 );
+	}
+	else
+	{												// NO  - desaturation state reached, no remaining time
+		short_time = 0;
+	}
+// Main function
+void calc_desaturation_time(void)
+    assert( 800 < int_I_pres_surface             && int_I_pres_surface             < 1100 );
+    assert( 0   < char_I_desaturation_multiplier && char_I_desaturation_multiplier <= 100 );
+    N2_ratio       = 0.7902; 															// fraction of N2 in respired air
+	pres_surface   = 0.001    * int_I_pres_surface;										// surface pressure in bar
+	N2_equilibrium = N2_ratio * (pres_surface - ppWater); 								// partial pressure of N2 in respired air
+	desat_factor   = 0.06931  * char_I_desaturation_multiplier * SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR;	// pre-computed term for later use: 
+																						// 10 [Min] * 0.01 [%] * 0.6931 [ln(2)] * ...
+	int_O_desaturation_time = 0;
+	int_O_nofly_time		= 0;
+    for(ci=NUM_COMP; ci>0;)
-        overlay unsigned short desat_time;    // For a particular compartiment, in min.
-        overlay float temp1;
-        overlay float temp2;
-        overlay float temp3;
-        overlay float temp4;
-        read_buhlmann_ht();
-        // saturation_time (for flight) and N2_saturation in multiples of halftime
-        // version v.100: 1.1 = 10 percent distance to totally clean (totally clean is not possible, would take infinite time )
-        // new in version v.101: 1.07 = 7 percent distance to totally clean (totally clean is not possible, would take infinite time )
-        // changes in v.101: 1.05 = 5 percent dist to totally clean is new desaturation point for display and NoFly calculations
-        // N2
-        temp1 = 1.05 * ppN2 - pres_tissue_N2[ci];
-        temp2 = ppN2 - pres_tissue_N2[ci];
-        if (temp2 >= 0.0)
-            temp1 = 0.0;
-        else
-            temp1 = temp1 / temp2;
-        if( 0.0 < temp1 && temp1 < 1.0 )
-        {
-            // 0.6931 is ln(2), because the math function log() calculates with a base of e not 2 as requested.
-            // minus because log is negative.
-            temp1 = log(1.0 - temp1) / -0.6931; // temp1 is the multiples of half times necessary.
-            temp2 = var_N2_ht * temp1 / float_desaturation_multiplier; // time necessary (in minutes ) for complete desaturation (see comment about 5 percent)
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            temp1 = 0.0;
-            temp2 = 0.0;
-        }
-        // He
-        temp3 = 0.1 - pres_tissue_He[ci];
-        if (temp3 >= 0.0)
-            temp3 = 0.0;
-        else
-            temp3 = - temp3 / pres_tissue_He[ci];
-        if( 0.0 < temp3 && temp3 < 1.0 )
-        {
-            temp3 = log(1.0 - temp3) / -0.6931; // temp1 is the multiples of half times necessary.
-                                                // 0.6931 is ln(2), because the math function log() calculates with a base of e  not 2 as requested.
-                                                // minus because log is negative
-            temp4 = var_He_ht * temp3 / float_desaturation_multiplier; // time necessary (in minutes ) for "complete" desaturation, new in v.101 float_desaturation_multiplier
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            temp3 = 0.0;
-            temp4 = 0.0;
-        }
-        // saturation_time (for flight)
-        if (temp4 > temp2)
-            desat_time = (unsigned short)temp4;
-        else
-            desat_time = (unsigned short)temp2;
-        if(desat_time > int_O_desaturation_time)
-            int_O_desaturation_time = desat_time;
-        // N2 saturation in multiples of halftime for display purposes
-        temp2 = temp1 * 20.0;   // 0 = 1/8, 120 = 0, 249 = 8
-        temp2 = temp2 + 80.0;   // set center
-        if (temp2 < 0.0)
-            temp2 = 0.0;
-        if (temp2 > 255.0)
-            temp2 = 255.0;
-        char_O_tissue_N2_saturation[ci] = (char)temp2;
-        // He saturation in multiples of halftime for display purposes
-        temp4 = temp3 * 20.0;   // 0 = 1/8, 120 = 0, 249 = 8
-        temp4 = temp4 + 80.0;   // set center
-        if (temp4 < 0.0)
-            temp4 = 0.0;
-        if (temp4 > 255.0)
-            temp4 = 255.0;
-        char_O_tissue_He_saturation[ci] = (char)temp4;
-    } // for
+		overlay float			pres_tissue_max;
+		overlay float			P_ambient_altitude;
+		overlay signed char		search_direction;
+		overlay unsigned short	nofly_N2   =  0;
+		overlay unsigned short	nofly_He   =  0;
+		overlay unsigned short	nofly_last = ~0;
+		ci -= 1;
+        read_Buhlmann_ht();
+		read_Buhlmann_coefficients();
+		// get selected target altitude
+		switch( char_I_altitude_wait )
+		{
+			case 1:  P_ambient_altitude = P_ambient_1000m;	break;
+			case 2:  P_ambient_altitude = P_ambient_2000m;	break;
+			case 3:  P_ambient_altitude = P_ambient_3000m;	break;
+			default: P_ambient_altitude = P_ambient_fly;	break;
+		}
+		// Target pressure for the tissue is the Buhlmann limit. We use the Buhlmann
+		// coefficients for N2 also for He because it is easier to calculate and the
+		// N2 coefficients are more conservative than those for He, so we are on the
+		// safe side, too.
+        pres_tissue_max = (P_ambient_altitude/var_N2_b + var_N2_a);
+		// Adjust target pressure in case the GF model is in use by GF-high
+		if( char_I_deco_model != 0 )
+		{
+			pres_tissue_max = ((pres_tissue_max - P_ambient_altitude) * char_I_GF_High_percentage * 0.01) + P_ambient_altitude;			
+		}
+		//
+		// Desaturation time
+		//
+		// N2: actual amount of tissue pressure above equilibrium.
+		pres_actual = pres_tissue_N2[ci] - N2_equilibrium;
+		// N2: half-time of the current tissue
+		var_ht		= var_N2_ht;
+		// Calculate desaturation time for N2 in tissue.
+		// Desaturated state is defined as residual tissue pressure <= 1.05 x ppN2 respired
+		pres_target = 0.05 * N2_equilibrium;
+		calc_desaturation_time_helper();
+		if( short_time > int_O_desaturation_time) int_O_desaturation_time = short_time;
+		// He: actual amount of tissue pressure above equilibrium.
+		pres_actual = pres_tissue_He[ci];								// equilibrium for He is 0 bar
+		// He: half-time of the current tissue
+		var_ht		= var_He_ht;
+		// Calculate desaturation time for He in the tissue.
+		// Desaturated state is defined as residual tissue pressure <= 0.05 x ppN2 respired
+		pres_target = 0.05 * N2_equilibrium;
+		calc_desaturation_time_helper();
+		if( short_time > int_O_desaturation_time) int_O_desaturation_time = short_time;			
+		//
+		// no-fly time
+		//
+		// initialize search direction
+		search_direction = 0;
+		for(;;)
+		{
+			// N2: actual amount of tissue pressure above equilibrium.
+			pres_actual = pres_tissue_N2[ci] - N2_equilibrium;
+			// N2: half-time of the current tissue
+			var_ht		= var_N2_ht;
+			// Calculate no-fly time for N2 in the tissue.
+			// Flying is permitted when the N2 pressure fits into the assigned fraction above equilibrium.
+			pres_target = (split_N2_He[ci] * 0.01) * (pres_tissue_max - N2_equilibrium);
+			if( pres_target < 0.0 )						// check if desaturation to fly target is possible
+			{
+				int_O_nofly_time = 288;					// NO  - set no-fly time to 288 * 10 min = 48 h
+				break;									// done for this compartment
+			}
+			else 
+			{
+				calc_desaturation_time_helper();
+				nofly_N2 = short_time;
+			}
+			// He: actual amount of tissue pressure above equilibrium - equilibrium for He is 0 bar.
+			pres_actual = pres_tissue_He[ci];
+			// He: half-time of the current tissue
+			var_ht		= var_He_ht;
+			// Calculate no-fly time for He in the tissue.
+			// Flying is permitted when the He pressure fits into the assigned fraction.
+			pres_target = ((100 - split_N2_He[ci]) * 0.01) * (pres_tissue_max - N2_equilibrium);
+			calc_desaturation_time_helper();
+			nofly_He = short_time;
+			// Because the sum of N2 and He tissue pressures needs to fit into the Buhlmann limit for
+			// no-fly time calculation, each gas gets assigned a fraction of the available total pressure
+			// limit. The optimum split between the two gases can not be computed by a single formular,
+			// because this would require the inversion of a function with two exponential terms, which is
+			// not possible. We do not want to do a computational complex simulation here like it is done
+			// in the deco calculation code (although we tackle the same base problem here), so we just let
+			// the computer try out which split will balance the no-fly times induced by the N2 and the He
+			// at best.
+			// first of all, skip any optimization in case the current compartment is not the leading one
+			if( (nofly_N2 <= int_O_nofly_time) && (nofly_He <= int_O_nofly_time) ) break;
+			// check if the N2 requires more waiting time than the He
+			if( nofly_N2 >= nofly_He )							
+			{
+				// check if the search direction has changed, which means we are beyond the
+				// optimum now, or if we are at the upper stop limit of split_N2_He
+				if( (search_direction < 0) || (split_N2_He[ci] == 99) )
+				{	
+					// Either the just completed iteration was more close to the optimum or the one before
+					// was, so we take the best (i.e. shortest) time of both as the final no-fly time.
+					int_O_nofly_time = (nofly_N2 < nofly_last) ? nofly_N2 : nofly_last;
+					break;
+				}
+				// store the no-fly time found in this iteration
+				nofly_last = nofly_N2;				
+				// increase the N2 fraction of the split and set search direction towards more N2
+				split_N2_He[ci]  +=  1;
+				search_direction  = +1;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// check if the search direction has changed, which means we are beyond the
+				// optimum now, or if we are at the lower stop limit of split_N2_He
+				if( (search_direction > 0) || (split_N2_He[ci] == 1) )
+				{	
+					// Either the just completed iteration was more close to the optimum or the one before
+					// was, so we take the best (i.e. shortest) time of both as the final no-fly time.
+					int_O_nofly_time = (nofly_He < nofly_last) ? nofly_He : nofly_last;
+					break;
+				}
+				// store the no-fly time found in this iteration
+				nofly_last = nofly_He;				
+				// decrease the N2 fraction of the split and set search direction towards less N2
+				split_N2_He[ci]  -=  1;
+				search_direction  = -1;	
+			}
+		} // for(;;)
+	} // for(compartments)
+	// Rescale int_O_desaturation_time and int_O_nofly_time to full minutes for display purpose
+	int_O_desaturation_time *= 10;
+	int_O_nofly_time		*= 10;
+	// Limit int_O_desaturation_time and int_O_nofly_time to 5999 = 99 hours + 59 minutes
+	// because of display space constraints and rounding done above.
+	if( int_O_desaturation_time > 5999 ) int_O_desaturation_time = 5999;
+	if( int_O_nofly_time        > 5999 ) int_O_nofly_time        = 5999;
+	// Clear the microbubbles warning when the current gradient factor is < GF_warning_threshold.
+	// As the locked warning will stay set, this will cause the warning be be displayed in attention
+	// color instead of warning color.
+	if( int_O_gradient_factor < GF_warning_threshold ) char_O_deco_warnings &= ~DECO_WARNING_MBUBBLES;
+	// clear some warnings when the desaturation time has become zero
+	if( int_O_desaturation_time == 0 ) char_O_deco_warnings &= ~(   DECO_WARNING_IBCD     + DECO_WARNING_IBCD_lock
+																  + DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE  + DECO_WARNING_OUTSIDE_lock  );
 // calc_wo_deco_step_1_min
-// FIXED N2 Ratio
 // optimized in v.101 (...saturation_multiplier)
 // desaturation slowed down to 70,42%
+// Input: int_I_pres_surface [mbar]
 static void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void)
-    assert( 800 < int_I_pres_surface && int_I_pres_surface < 1100 );
-    assert( 800 < int_I_pres_respiration && int_I_pres_respiration < 1100 );
-    assert( 100 <= char_I_saturation_multiplier && char_I_saturation_multiplier < 200 );
-    assert( 0 < char_I_desaturation_multiplier && char_I_desaturation_multiplier <= 100 );
-    N2_ratio = 0.7902; // FIXED, sum lt. buehlmann
+    assert( 800 <  int_I_pres_surface             && int_I_pres_surface             <  1100 );
+    assert( 100 <= char_I_saturation_multiplier   && char_I_saturation_multiplier   <  200  );
+    assert( 0   <  char_I_desaturation_multiplier && char_I_desaturation_multiplier <= 100  );
+	// setup input data for deco routines
     pres_respiration = pres_surface = int_I_pres_surface * 0.001;
-    ppN2 = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration - ppWater);
-    ppHe = 0.0;
-    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier * (0.01 * SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR);
+	N2_ratio       = 0.7902; 									// according to Buhlmann
+	N2_equilibrium = N2_ratio * (pres_surface     - ppWater);	// used for N2 tissue graphics scaling
+    ppN2           = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration - ppWater);
+    ppHe           = 0.0;
+    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier * 0.01 * SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR;
     float_saturation_multiplier   = char_I_saturation_multiplier   * 0.01;
-    calc_tissue(1);  // update the pressure in the tissues N2/He in accordance with the new ambient pressure
-    clear_deco_table();
-    char_O_deco_status = 3;     // surface new in v.102 : stays in surface state.
-    char_O_nullzeit = 0;
-    int_O_ascenttime = 0;
-    int_O_extra_ascenttime = 0;
+	// program what to do: 128 = Flag for "real" tissues, 1 = 1 minute
+	tissue_increment = 128 + 1;
+	// update the pressure in the tissues N2/He in accordance with the new ambient pressure
+	calc_tissue();
+	// clock down CNS by a 1 minute step
+	//CNS_fraction *= 0.992327946;				// is done in deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min
+	// compute integer copy of CNS value
+	//compute_CNS_for_display();				// is done in deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min
+	// reset deco engine start condition (probably not needed to be done here...)
+	char_O_deco_status &= ~DECO_STATUS_MASK;	// clear bits
+	char_O_deco_status |= DECO_STATUS_INIT;		// set bits
+	// reset some more data that are not applicable in surface mode
+    char_O_nullzeit            = 0;
+    int_O_ascenttime           = 0;
+	int_O_alternate_ascenttime = 0;
+	clear_deco_table();
+	// calculate gradient factor
@@ -1943,8 +3057,9 @@
 // Prepare tissue for delay before the next dive simulation.
-// Inputs:  char_I_dive_interval == delay before dive (in 10' steps).
-// Outputs: pres_tissue_N2/He[], CNS_fraction
+// Inputs:   char_I_dive_interval == delay before dive (in 1 Minute steps).
+// Modified: CNS_fraction, int_O_CNS_fraction
+// 			 pres_tissue_N2/He[]
 // Should be protected by deco_push_tissues_to_vault(),
 //                        deco_pull_tissues_from_vault()
@@ -1956,397 +3071,700 @@
     overlay unsigned char t;
     //---- Initialize simulation parameters ----------------------------------
-    N2_ratio = 0.7902; // FIXED, sum lt. buehlmann
     pres_respiration = pres_surface = int_I_pres_surface * 0.001;
-    ppN2 = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration - ppWater);
-    ppHe = 0.0;
-    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier * (0.01 * SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR);
+	N2_ratio       = 0.7902; 									// according to buehlmann
+	N2_equilibrium = N2_ratio * (pres_surface     - ppWater);	// used for N2 tissue graphics scaling
+    ppN2           = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration - ppWater);
+    ppHe           = 0.0;
+    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier * 0.01 * SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR;
     float_saturation_multiplier   = char_I_saturation_multiplier   * 0.01;
     //---- Perform simulation ------------------------------------------------
-    for(t=0; t<char_I_dive_interval; ++t)
-    {
-        calc_tissue(2);  // period = 10min.
-        CNS_fraction =  0.92587471 * CNS_fraction;  // Half-time = 90min: (1/2)^(1/9)
-    }
-    assert( 0.0 <= CNS_fraction && CNS_fraction <= 9.99 ); // 999 %
-    int_O_CNS_fraction = (unsigned short)(CNS_fraction * 100.0 + 0.5);
-// deco_clear_CNS_fraction
-// new in v.101
-void deco_clear_CNS_fraction(void)
-    CNS_fraction = 0.0;
-    int_O_CNS_fraction = 0;
+	// Calculate tissues:
+	// Because tissue_increment is limited to 127 minutes, we have to do two passes
+	// in case char_I_dive_interval is bigger than 127.
+	// Ops: char_I_dive_interval must be limited to 254!
+	t = char_I_dive_interval;
+	if ( t == 255 ) t = 254;
+	if ( t > 127 )							// extra pass needed?
+	{
+		tissue_increment = 127				// dive interval length in minutes
+						 | 128;				// Flag to update the "real" tissues			
+		calc_tissue();						// update tissues
+		t -= 127;							// calculate remaining dive interval length
+	}
+	tissue_increment = t 					// dive interval length in minutes to do
+					 | 128;					// Flag to update the "real" tissues
+	calc_tissue();							// update tissues
+	// Calculate CNS:
+	// To speed up things and because on most invocations of this code char_I_dive_interval
+	// is a multiple of 10 minutes, we loop the loop-counter down using two speeds.
+	t = char_I_dive_interval;
+	while ( t )
+	{
+		if( t > 9 )
+		{
+			CNS_fraction *= 0.925874712;	// Half-time = 90min -> 10 min: (1/2)^(1/9)
+			t            -= 10;				// fast speed looping
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			CNS_fraction *= 0.992327946;	// Half-time = 90min ->  1 min: (1/2)^(1/90)
+			t            -= 1;				// slow speed looping
+		}
+	}	
+	// compute integer copy of CNS value
+	compute_CNS_for_display();
-// deco_calc_CNS_fraction
+// clear_CNS_fraction
-// Input:  char_I_actual_ppO2   : Current condition (in decibars).
-//         char_I_step_is_1min  : use 1min or 10min steps instead of 2sec.
-//         CNS_fraction         : velue before period.
-// Output: CNS_fraction, int_O_CNS_fraction
+// new in v.101
-void deco_calc_CNS_fraction(void)
+void clear_CNS_fraction(void)
-    overlay float time_factor = 1.0f;
-    assert( 0.0 <= CNS_fraction && CNS_fraction <= 9.99 );
-    assert( char_I_actual_ppO2 > 15 );
-    if( char_I_step_is_1min == 1 )
-        time_factor = 30.0f;
-    else if( char_I_step_is_1min == 2  )
-        time_factor = 300.0f;
+	CNS_fraction       = CNS_sim_norm_fraction     = CNS_sim_alt_fraction         = 0;
+	int_O_CNS_fraction = int_O_normal_CNS_fraction = int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction = 0;
+// calc_CNS_fraction
+// Input:  char_actual_ppO2     : current ppO2 [decibars]
+//         tissue_increment  	: time increment and tissue selector
+//         CNS_fraction         : current CNS% as float before period
+// Output: CNS_fraction,          int_O_CNS_fraction 			- for the real tissues
+//         CNS_sim_norm_fraction, int_O_normal_CNS_fraction		- in simulation mode, normal plan
+//         CNS_sim_alt_fraction,  int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction  - in simulation mode, alternative plan
+void calc_CNS_fraction(void)
+    overlay float time_factor       = 1.0;		// default is 2sec
+	overlay float CNS_fraction_temp = 0.0;
+    assert( char_actual_ppO2 > 15 );
+	// All deco code is now invoked every second. But as the CNS update is based on
+	// 2 seconds periods, we skip every 2nd seconds-based invocation of this function.
+	// 128 = 128 (flag for "real" CNS) + 0 (2 seconds period)
+	// To distribute computational load, the CNS% is calculated in "the other second"
+	// than the tissues.
+	if( (tissue_increment == 128) && (twosectimer) ) return;
+	// adjust time factor if minute-based stepping is commanded, mask out flag bit
+	if( tissue_increment & 127 ) time_factor = 30.0 * (float)(tissue_increment & 127);
     // Don't increase CNS below 0.5 bar, but keep it steady.
-    if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 50)
+    if (char_actual_ppO2 < 50)
         ;   // no changes
     // Below (and including) 1.60 bar
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 61)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor/(-533.07 * char_I_actual_ppO2 + 54000.0);
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 71)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor/(-444.22 * char_I_actual_ppO2 + 48600.0);
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 81)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor/(-355.38 * char_I_actual_ppO2 + 42300.0);
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 91)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor/(-266.53 * char_I_actual_ppO2 + 35100.0);
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 111)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor/(-177.69 * char_I_actual_ppO2 + 27000.0);
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 152)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor/( -88.84 * char_I_actual_ppO2 + 17100.0);
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 167)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor/(-222.11 * char_I_actual_ppO2 + 37350.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 61)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-533.07 * char_actual_ppO2 + 54000.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 71)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-444.22 * char_actual_ppO2 + 48600.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 81)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-355.38 * char_actual_ppO2 + 42300.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 91)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-266.53 * char_actual_ppO2 + 35100.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 111)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-177.69 * char_actual_ppO2 + 27000.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 152)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/( -88.84 * char_actual_ppO2 + 17100.0);
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 167)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor/(-222.11 * char_actual_ppO2 + 37350.0);
     // Arieli et all.(2002): Modeling pulmonary and CNS O2 toxicity:
     // J Appl Physiol 92: 248--256, 2002, doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00434.2001
     // Formula (A1) based on value for 1.55 and c=20
     // example calculation: Sqrt((1.7/1.55)^20)*0.000404
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 172)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor*0.00102;
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 177)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor*0.00136;
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 182)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor*0.00180;
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 187)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor*0.00237;
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 192)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor*0.00310;
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 198)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor*0.00401;
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 203)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor*0.00517;
-    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 233)
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor*0.0209;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 172)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00102;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 177)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00136;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 182)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00180;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 187)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00237;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 192)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00310;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 198)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00401;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 203)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.00517;
+    else if (char_actual_ppO2 < 233)
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.0209;
-        CNS_fraction += time_factor*0.0482; // value for 2.5
-    if( CNS_fraction > 9.99)    // Limit display to 999%
-        CNS_fraction = 9.99;
-    if( CNS_fraction < 0.0 )
-        CNS_fraction = 0.0;
-    int_O_CNS_fraction = (unsigned short)(100.0 * CNS_fraction + 0.5);
+        CNS_fraction_temp = time_factor*0.0482; // value for 2.5 bar, used for 2.33 bar and above
+	// Check from where we were called:
+	// flag (bit 7) is  set -> we were called from calc_hauptroutine()
+	// flag (bit 7) not set -> we were called from the deco planning routines
+	if       ( tissue_increment   & 128                 ) CNS_fraction          += CNS_fraction_temp;	// real tissues
+	else if  ( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE ) CNS_sim_alt_fraction  += CNS_fraction_temp;	// alternative plan
+	     else                                             CNS_sim_norm_fraction += CNS_fraction_temp;	// normal plan
-// deco_calc_CNS_planning
+// calc_CNS_planning
 // Compute CNS during predicted ascent.
 // Note:    Needs a call to deco_push_tissues_to_vault(),
 //          deco_pull_tissues_from_vault() to avoid trashing everything...
-// Input:   CNS_fraction, char_O_deco_time[], char_O_deco_depth[]
-// Output:  CNS_fraction, int_O_CNS_fraction
+// Input:   CNS_fraction, internal_deco_time[], internal_deco_depth[], internal_deco_gas[]
+// Output:  CNS_fraction, int_O_normal_CNS_fraction / int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction
-void deco_calc_CNS_planning(void)
+void calc_CNS_planning(void)
-    overlay unsigned char  backup_gas_last_depth;
-    overlay unsigned char  backup_gas_last_used;
-    overlay unsigned short backup_dive_mins;
-    overlay unsigned char  backup_actual_ppO2;
-    // Backup state machine
-    backup_gas_last_depth = sim_gas_last_depth;
-    backup_gas_last_used  = sim_gas_last_used;
-    backup_dive_mins      = sim_dive_mins;
-    backup_actual_ppO2    = char_I_actual_ppO2;
-    // Uses 1min CNS period:
-    char_I_step_is_1min = 1;
-    //---- Retrieve bottom Gas used, and set variables.
-    sim_gas_last_used  = char_I_first_gas;
-    sim_gas_last_depth = 0;             // Surface gas marker.
-    gas_switch_set();                   // Sets initial calc_N2/He_ratio
-    //---- CCR mode : do the full TTS at once --------------------------------
-    if( char_I_const_ppO2 != 0 )
+	// start with CNS% we already have
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE ) CNS_sim_alt_fraction  = CNS_fraction;
+	else                                           CNS_sim_norm_fraction = CNS_fraction;
+    //---- CCR mode : do the full TTS at once ---------------------------------
+	if( ((char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_MASK) == DECO_MODE_CCR) )
+    {
+		overlay unsigned short t;       				// needs 16 bits here !
+		// get current ppO2 from sensors or setpoint
+        char_actual_ppO2 = char_I_const_ppO2;
+		// calculate CNS% for the period of additional staying at bottom depth (fTTS / delayed ascent)
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_ASCENT_DELAYED)
+		{
+			tissue_increment  = char_I_extra_time;		// must be limited to 127, is limited by range of char_I_extra_time
+			calc_CNS_fraction();
+		}
+		// get the ascent time dependent on the current plan
+		t = (char_O_deco_status & DECO_PLAN_ALTERNATE) ? int_O_alternate_ascenttime : int_O_ascenttime;
+		// start simulating CNS% in chunks of 127 minutes
+		tissue_increment = 127;
+		while( t > 127 )
+		{
+			t -= 127;									// tissue_increment is limited to 127 minutes because of flag in bit 7
+			calc_CNS_fraction();						// calculate CNS in chunks of full 127 minutes
+		}
+		tissue_increment = (char)t;						// get the remaining minutes <= 127
+		calc_CNS_fraction();							// calculate CNS for the remaining minutes
+    }
+	else //---- OC mode and pSCR without sensors: have to follow all gas switches... -----
-        overlay unsigned short t;       // Needs 16bits here !
-        char_I_actual_ppO2 = char_I_const_ppO2;
-        for(t=0; t<int_O_ascenttime; ++t)
-            deco_calc_CNS_fraction();
-    }
-    else //---- OC mode : have to follow all gas switches... -----------------
-    {
-        overlay unsigned char i = 0;    // Decostop loop counter
-        overlay float actual_ppO2;
-        overlay unsigned char time, t;
-        //---- Ascent to surface delay
-        // NOTE: count as if time is spent with bottom pressure,
-        //       AND the bottom gas
-        actual_ppO2 = (pres_surface + char_I_bottom_depth * METER_TO_BAR)
-                    * (1.0 - calc_N2_ratio - calc_He_ratio);
-        if( actual_ppO2 < 0.0  ) actual_ppO2 = 0.0;
-        if( actual_ppO2 > 2.50 ) actual_ppO2 = 2.55;
-        char_I_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(100.0 * actual_ppO2 + 0.5);
-        // Ascent time (rounded up):
-        time = (unsigned char)(0.1 * char_I_bottom_depth + 0.5);
-        for(t=0; t<time; ++t)
-        {
-            deco_calc_CNS_fraction();
-            sim_dive_mins++;
-        }
-        //---- Do all further stops ------------------------------------------
+		overlay float float_actual_ppO2;
+		overlay float abs_pres;
+		overlay unsigned char stop_depth;
+		overlay unsigned char last_gas;
+		overlay unsigned char i;    					// stop table index
+		// retrieve bottom gas: 1-5 for the configured gases or 0 for the manually set gas
+		last_gas = sim_gas_last_used = sim_gas_first_used;
+		// get the calc_N2/He/O2_ratios of the bottom gas
+		gas_switch_set();             
+		// calculate absolute pressure
+		abs_pres = pres_surface + bottom_depth * METER_TO_BAR;
+		// switch on deco mode pSCR / OC
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_PSCR )
+		{
+			//---- pSCR calculated --------------------------------------------
+			// abs_pres              is 0.0 ...     in bar
+			// calc_O2_ratio		 is 0.0 ...   1.0 as factor
+			// char_I_PSCR_drop      is 0   ...  15 as %
+			// char_I_PSCR_lungratio is 5   ...  20 as %
+			// float_actual_ppO2     is 0.0 ...     in cbar (!)
+			float_actual_ppO2 =   (100 * abs_pres * calc_O2_ratio)
+			                    - (1.0 - calc_O2_ratio) * char_I_PSCR_drop * char_I_PSCR_lungratio;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//---- OC ---------------------------------------------------------
+			float_actual_ppO2 = abs_pres * calc_O2_ratio * 100; // in cbar (!)
+		}
+		// caution: float_actual_ppO2 is in cbar here!
+		if      ( float_actual_ppO2 < 0.0   ) char_actual_ppO2 =   0;
+        else if ( float_actual_ppO2 > 254.5 ) char_actual_ppO2 = 255;
+        else                                  char_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(float_actual_ppO2 + 0.5);
+		// simulate extended bottom time (fTTS) / delay before ascent (bailout) if configured
+		if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_ASCENT_DELAYED )
+		{
+			tissue_increment  = char_I_extra_time;		// must be limited to 127, is limited by range of char_I_extra_time
+			calc_CNS_fraction();			
+		}
+		// For simplicity reason (non-linearity of the relation between ppO2 and CNS increments), the
+		// whole ascent is calculated with bottom ppO2. This errs, but it does so to the safe side.
+		// calculate ascent time (integer division and generous round-up)
+		tissue_increment = bottom_depth / char_I_ascent_speed + 1;
+		// ** commented out - not needed when char_I_ascent_speed is limited to a
+		// **                 minimum of 2.something, it is indeed limited to 5.
+		//
+		// // limit tissue_increment to 127 minutes
+		// if( tissue_increment > 127 ) tissue_increment = 127;			
+		// simulate the CNS increase
+		calc_CNS_fraction();
+        //---- Stops ---------------------------------------------------------
         for(i=0; i<NUM_STOPS; ++i)
-            overlay unsigned char stop_gas;
-            //---- Get next stop ---------------------------------------------
-            {
-                time             = char_O_deco_time[(NUM_STOPS-1)-i];
-                temp_depth_limit = char_O_deco_depth[(NUM_STOPS-1)-i];
-                stop_gas         = char_O_deco_gas[(NUM_STOPS-1)-i];
-            }
-            if( time == 0 ) continue;
-            //---- Gas Switch ? ----------------------------------------------
-            if( stop_gas != sim_gas_last_used )
+			// get the depth of the stop
+			stop_depth = internal_deco_depth[i];
+			// did we reach the last entry (depth = 0)? if yes, done
+			if (stop_depth == 0) break;
+			// get the duration of the stop and the gas breathed
+			tissue_increment  = internal_deco_time[i];
+            sim_gas_last_used = internal_deco_gas[i];
+            // do we have a gas switch?
+            if( sim_gas_last_used != last_gas )
-                sim_gas_last_depth = deco_gas_change[stop_gas-1];
-                sim_gas_last_used  = stop_gas;
-                gas_switch_set();
-            }
-            //---- Convert Depth and N2_ratio to ppO2 ------------------------
-            actual_ppO2 = (pres_surface + temp_depth_limit * METER_TO_BAR)
-                        * (1.0 - calc_N2_ratio - calc_He_ratio);
-            if( actual_ppO2 < 0.0  ) actual_ppO2 = 0.0;
-            if( actual_ppO2 > 2.50 ) actual_ppO2 = 2.55;
-            char_I_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(100.0 * actual_ppO2 + 0.5);
-            //---- Apply the stop
-            for(t=0; t<time; ++t)
-            {
-                deco_calc_CNS_fraction();
-                sim_dive_mins++;
-            }
+				// yes - get new calc ratios
+				gas_switch_set();				
+				// remember new gas as last gas
+				last_gas = sim_gas_last_used;
+			}
+            // calculate absolute pressure at stop depth
+			abs_pres = pres_surface + stop_depth * METER_TO_BAR;
+			// pSCR mode
+			if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_PSCR )
+			{
+				// abs_pres              is 0.0 ...     in bar
+				// calc_O2_ratio		 is 0.0 ...   1.0 as factor
+				// char_I_PSCR_drop      is 0   ...  15 as %
+				// char_I_PSCR_lungratio is 5   ...  20 as %
+				// float_actual_ppO2     is 0.0 ...     in cbar (!)
+				float_actual_ppO2 =   (100 * abs_pres * calc_O2_ratio)
+				                    - (1.0 - calc_O2_ratio) * char_I_PSCR_drop * char_I_PSCR_lungratio;
+			}
+			else // OC mode
+			{
+				float_actual_ppO2 = abs_pres * calc_O2_ratio * 100;	// in cbar (!)
+			}
+			// caution: float_actual_ppO2 is in cbar here!
+			if      ( float_actual_ppO2 < 0.0   ) char_actual_ppO2 =   0;
+			else if ( float_actual_ppO2 > 254.5 ) char_actual_ppO2 = 255;
+			else                                  char_actual_ppO2 = (unsigned char)(float_actual_ppO2 + 0.5);
+			// ** Currently, stop times per stop entry are limited to 99 minutes in update_deco_table(),
+			// ** so the following code block is not needed at times.
+			//
+			// // tissue_increment is limited to 127 when fed to deco_calc_CNS_fraction(),
+			// // so if the stop is longer than 127 minutes (but not longer than 254 minutes!)
+			// // we need to calculate the CNS in two chunks.
+			// if( tissue_increment > 127)
+			// {
+			//		tissue_increment -= 127;	// subtract full 127 minutes and do the "remaining" minutes first
+			//		calc_CNS_fraction();
+			//		tissue_increment  = 127;	// catch up with the previously subtracted full 127 minutes
+			// }
+            // calculate CNS% for the stop			
+			calc_CNS_fraction();
-    //---- Back to normal mode... --------------------------------------------
-    char_I_step_is_1min = 0;
-    sim_gas_last_depth  = backup_gas_last_depth;
-    sim_gas_last_used   = backup_gas_last_used;
-    sim_dive_mins       = backup_dive_mins;
-    char_I_actual_ppO2  = backup_actual_ppO2;
-// deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min
+// gas_volumes
+// calculates volumes and required tank fill pressures for each gas.
-// new in v.101
+// Input:   bottom_depth			 depth of the bottom segment
+//			char_I_bottom_time		 duration of the bottom segment
+//			char_I_extra_time		 extra bottom time for fTTS / delayed ascent
+//			float_ascent_speed       ascent speed, in meters/minute
+//          sim_gas_first_used 		 the bottom gas (1-5 for configured gases, 0 for the manual gas)
+//          internal_deco_depth[]	 depth of the stops
+//			internal_deco_time[]	 duration of the stops
+//			internal_deco_gas[]      gas breathed at the stops
+//          char_I_bottom_usage 	 gas consumption during bottom part and initial ascent, in liters/minute
+//          char_I_deco_usage 		 gas consumption during stops and following ascents, in liters/minute
+//			char_I_tank_size[]       size of the tanks for gas 1-5, in liters
+//			char_I_tank_pres_fill[]  fill pressure of the tanks
-// calculates the half time of 90 minutes in 6 steps of 15 min
-// (Used in sleepmode, for low battery mode).
+// Output:  int_O_gas_volumes[]      amount of gas needed, in liters
+//			int_O_tank_pres_need[]   in bar, + flags for fast evaluation by dive mode warnings:
+//											   2^15: pres_need >= pres_fill
+//											   2^14: pres_need >= press_fill * GAS_NEEDS_ATTENTION_THRESHOLD
+//											   2^11: pres_need == 0
+//											   2^10: pres_need invalid
-// Output: int_O_CNS_fraction
-// Uses and Updates: CNS_fraction
-void deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min(void)
+void gas_volumes_helper(void)
+	// Calculate the gas volume needed at a given depth, time and usage (SAC rate).
+	// We use 1.0 for the surface pressure to have stable results when used through
+	// the deco calculator (simulation mode).
+	volume = (float_depth * METER_TO_BAR + 1.0) * float_time * usage;
+	return;
+void gas_volumes(void)
-    assert( 0.0 <= CNS_fraction && CNS_fraction <= 9.99 );
-    CNS_fraction =  0.890899 * CNS_fraction;
-    int_O_CNS_fraction = (unsigned short)(CNS_fraction * 100.0 + 0.5);
+	overlay float volumes[NUM_GAS];
+	overlay unsigned char stop_gas;
+	overlay unsigned char stop_gas_last;
+	overlay unsigned char stop_time;
+	overlay unsigned char stop_depth;
+	overlay unsigned char stop_depth_last;
+	overlay unsigned char i;
+    //---- initialization ----------------------------------------------------
+	// null the volume accumulators
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i) volumes[i] = 0.0;
+	// quit for CCR and pSCR mode
+	if( char_O_deco_status & DECO_MODE_LOOP ) goto done;
+    //---- bottom demand -----------------------------------------------------
+	// sim_gas_first_used : gas used during bottom segment (0, 1-5)
+	// bottom_depth: depth of the bottom segment
+	assert(0 <= sim_gas_first_used && sim_gas_first_used <= NUM_GAS);
+	// get the gas used during bottom segment
+	stop_gas_last = stop_gas = sim_gas_first_used;
+	// set the usage (SAC rate) to bottom usage rate for bottom part and initial ascent
+	usage = char_I_bottom_usage;
+	// volumes are only calculated for gases 1-5, but not the manually configured one
+	if( stop_gas )
+	{
+		// set the bottom depth
+		float_depth = (float)bottom_depth;
+		// calculate either bottom segment or just the fTTS/bailout delayed part
+		if( char_O_main_status & DECO_BOTTOM_CALCULATE )
+		{
+			// duration of bottom segment
+			float_time = (float)char_I_bottom_time;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// duration of delayed ascent
+			float_time = (float)char_I_extra_time;
+		}
+		// calculate gas demand
+		gas_volumes_helper();
+		// take result
+		volumes[stop_gas-1] = volume;
+	}
+	// initialize stop index with first stop
+	i = 0;
+	//---- initial ascent demand ---------------------------------------------
+	// stop_gas                : gas from bottom segment
+	// bottom_depth            : depth of the bottom segment in meters
+	// internal_deco_depth[i=0]: depth of the first stop, may be 0 if no stop exists
+	// get the data of the first stop	
+	stop_depth = internal_deco_depth[i];
+	stop_time  = internal_deco_time[i];
+	// volumes are only calculated for gases 1-5, but not the manually configured one
+	if( stop_gas )
+	{
+		// compute distance between bottom and first stop
+		float_depth = (float)bottom_depth - (float)stop_depth;
+		// initial ascent exists only if ascent distance is > 0
+		if( float_depth > 0.0 )
+		{
+			// compute ascent time
+			float_time = float_depth / float_ascent_speed;
+			// compute average depth between bottom and first stop
+			float_depth = (float)bottom_depth - float_depth * 0.5;
+			// calculate gas demand
+			gas_volumes_helper();
+			// add result
+			volumes[stop_gas-1] += volume;
+		}
+	}
+	// switch the usage (SAC rate) to deco usage rate
+	// for stops, intermediate and final ascent
+	usage = char_I_deco_usage;
+	// is there a (first) stop? if yes, goto stops processing
+	if( stop_depth ) goto stops;
+	// add demand of a 3 minutes safety stop at 5 meters, at least for contingency...
+	float_time  = 3.0;
+	float_depth = 5.0;
+	// calculate gas demand
+	gas_volumes_helper();
+	// add result
+	volumes[stop_gas-1] += volume;
+	// proceed to volume conversion and pressure calculations
+	goto done;			
+	//---- intermediate ascent demand ---------------------------------------
+	// store last stop depth and gas
+	stop_depth_last = stop_depth;
+	stop_gas_last   = stop_gas;
+	// check if we are at the end of the stops table
+	if( i < NUM_STOPS-1 )
+	{
+		// there are more entries - get the next stop data
+		i++;
+		// get the next stop depth
+		stop_depth = internal_deco_depth[i];
+		// check if there is indeed another stop,
+		// if not (depth = 0) treat as end of table
+		if( stop_depth == 0 ) goto end_of_table;
+		// get the next stop duration
+		stop_time = internal_deco_time[i];
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// End of the stops table reached or no more stops: Split the remaining
+		// ascent into an intermediate ascent and a final ascent by creating a
+		// dummy stop at the usual last deco stop depth. Stop gas doesn't change.
+		stop_time  = 0;
+		stop_depth = char_I_depth_last_deco;
+	}
+	// volumes are only calculated for gases 1-5, but not the manually configured one
+	if( stop_gas_last )
+	{
+		// compute distance between the two stops:
+		// last stop will always be deeper than current stop
+		float_depth = (float)(stop_depth_last - stop_depth);
+		// compute ascent time
+		float_time = float_depth / float_ascent_speed;
+		// compute average depth between the two stops
+		float_depth = (float)stop_depth_last - float_depth * 0.5;
+		// calculate gas demand
+		gas_volumes_helper();
+		// add result
+		volumes[stop_gas_last-1] += volume;
+	}
+	//---- next stop demand -------------------------------------------------
+	// convert depth of the stop
+	float_depth = (float)stop_depth;
+	// get the next gas
+	stop_gas = internal_deco_gas[i];
+	// do we we have a gas change?
+	if( stop_gas_last && (stop_gas != stop_gas_last) )
+	{
+		// yes - spend an additional char_I_gas_change_time on the old gas
+		float_time = (float)char_I_gas_change_time;
+		// calculate gas demand
+		gas_volumes_helper();
+		// add result
+		volumes[stop_gas_last-1] += volume;
+	}
+	// calculate and add demand on new gas for the full stop duration
+	if( stop_gas )
+	{
+		// get the duration of the stop
+		float_time = (float)stop_time;
+		// calculate gas demand
+		gas_volumes_helper();
+		// add result to last gas
+		volumes[stop_gas-1] += volume;
+	}
+	// continue with the next intermediate ascent if this was not the last stop
+	if( stop_depth > char_I_depth_last_deco ) goto inter_ascents;
+	//---- final ascent demand -----------------------------------------------
+	// float_depth: depth of last stop
+	// stop_gas   : gas from last stop (0 or 1-5)
+	// volumes are only calculated for gases 1-5, but not the manually configured one	
+	if( stop_gas )
+	{
+		// set ascent time according to an ascent speed of 1 meter per minute
+		float_time = float_depth;
+		// set half-way depth
+		float_depth *= 0.5;
+		// calculate gas demand
+		gas_volumes_helper();
+		// add result
+		volumes[stop_gas-1] += volume;
+	}
+    //---- convert results for the assembler interface -----------------------------
+    for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i)
+	{
+        if( volumes[i] >= 65534.5 )
+		{
+			int_O_gas_volumes[i]	= 65535;
+			int_O_tank_pres_need[i]	= 999 + INT_FLAG_WARNING; // 999 bar + warning flag for > pres_fill
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			overlay unsigned short tank_pres_fill = 10.0 * (unsigned short)char_I_tank_pres_fill[i];
+			// No distinct rounding done here because volumes are not accurate to the single liter anyhow
+			// convert gas volumes to integers
+            int_O_gas_volumes[i]     = (unsigned short)volumes[i];
+			// compute how much pressure in the tank will be needed [in bar]  (integer-division)
+			int_O_tank_pres_need[i]  = (unsigned short)(int_O_gas_volumes[i] / char_I_tank_size[i]);
+			// limit to 999 bar because of display constraints
+			if( int_O_tank_pres_need[i] > 999 ) int_O_tank_pres_need[i] = 999;
+			// set flags for fast evaluation by divemode check for warnings
+			if     ( int_O_tank_pres_need[i] == 0 )
+			{
+				// set flag for 0 bar
+				int_O_tank_pres_need[i] |= INT_FLAG_ZERO;
+			}
+			else if( int_O_tank_pres_need[i] >= tank_pres_fill )
+			{
+				// set warning flag
+				int_O_tank_pres_need[i] |= INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+			}
+			else if( int_O_tank_pres_need[i] >= tank_pres_fill * GAS_NEEDS_ATTENTION_THRESHOLD )
+			{
+				// set pre-warning flag
+				int_O_tank_pres_need[i] |= INT_FLAG_PREWARNING;	
+			}			
+			// set invalid flag if there is an overflow in the stops table
+			if( char_O_deco_warnings & DECO_WARNING_STOPTABLE_OVERFLOW )
+				int_O_tank_pres_need[i] |= INT_FLAG_INVALID;
+		} // if( volumes[i] )
+	} // for
-// deco_calc_percentage
-// new in v.101
-// calculates int_I_temp * char_I_temp / 100
-// output is int_I_temp
-// Used to compute NoFly remaining time.
-void deco_calc_percentage(void)
-    assert( 60 <= char_I_temp && char_I_temp <= 100 );
-    assert( int_I_temp  < 5760 );      // Less than 4 days = 96h...
-    int_I_temp = (unsigned short)(((float)int_I_temp * (float)char_I_temp) * 0.01 );
-    assert( int_I_temp < 5760 );                            // Less than 96h too...
-// deco_gas_volumes
-// new in v.111
-// calculates volumes for each gas.
-// Input:   char_I_bottom_depth, char_I_bottom_time for planned dive.
-//          Gas list.
-//          char_I_first_gas is the bottom gas.
-//          decoplan (char_O_deco_depth, char_O_deco_time).
-//          char_I_bottom_usage is bottom liters/minutes (5 .. 50) or bar/min.
-//          char_I_deco_usage is deco liters/minutes (5 .. 50) or bar/min.
-// Output:  int_O_gas_volumes[0..4] in litters * 0.1
-void deco_gas_volumes(void)
+void compute_CNS_for_display(void)
-    overlay float volumes[NUM_GAS];
-    overlay float bottom_usage, deco_usage;
-    overlay unsigned char i;
-    overlay unsigned char gas, depth;
-    overlay unsigned char lastGasStop;
-    //---- initialize --------------------------------------------------------
-    for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i)                            // Nothing yet...
-        volumes[i] = 0.0;
-    bottom_usage = char_I_bottom_usage;      // In liter/minutes.
-    deco_usage   = char_I_deco_usage;        // In liter/minutes.
-    // Early return if not defined:
-    if( deco_usage <= 0.0 || bottom_usage <= 0.0 )
-        goto done;
-    //---- Bottom usage -----------------------------------------------------
-    assert(1 <= char_I_first_gas && char_I_first_gas <= NUM_GAS);
-    gas = char_I_first_gas - 1;
-    if( char_I_const_ppO2 == 0 )
-        volumes[gas]
-            = (char_I_bottom_depth*0.1 + 1.0)           // Use Psurface = 1.0 bar.
-            * char_I_bottom_time                        // in minutes.
-            * bottom_usage;                             // In liter/minutes.
-    //---- Ascent usage ------------------------------------------------------
-    depth = char_I_bottom_depth;
-    lastGasStop = 255;          // Allow deco gas at or below bottom depth
-    for(i=0; i<NUM_STOPS; ++i)
-    {
-        overlay unsigned char newDepth, time;
-        time = char_O_deco_time [i];
-        if( time == 0 ) break;          // End of table: done.
-        newDepth = char_O_deco_depth[i];
-        assert(0 < newDepth && newDepth <= depth);
-        //---- Any gas switch before this stop -------------------------------
-        for(;;)
-        {
-            overlay unsigned char newGas  = 0;
-            overlay unsigned char newStop = 0;  // Mark as NO CHANGE yet
-            overlay unsigned char j;
-            for(j=0; j<NUM_GAS; ++j)
-            {
-                // Skip gas without changing depth:
-                if( ! char_I_deco_gas_change[j] )
-                    continue;
-                // Select gas changed between [newDepth .. lastGasStop[
-                // Note that <= means changing gas at BEGINNING of this stop.
-                // Note that < means we cant use the same gas twice
-                if( newDepth <= char_I_deco_gas_change[j]
-                 && char_I_deco_gas_change[j] < lastGasStop )
-                {
-                    // Keep the DEEPEST gas in that range:
-                    if( char_I_deco_gas_change[j] >= newStop )
-                    {
-                        newGas  = j;
-                        newStop = char_I_deco_gas_change[j];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-             // Did we find something ?
-            if( !newStop )
-                break;
-            //---- usage BEFORE gas switch (if any), at 10m/min :
-            if( depth > newStop )
-                // Plus usage during ascent to the next stop, at 10m/min.
-                volumes[gas] += ((depth+newStop)*0.05 + 1.0)    // average depth --> bar.
-                              * (depth-newStop)*0.1             // metre --> min
-                              * deco_usage;
-            //---- Do gas switch:
-            gas = newGas;
-            lastGasStop = newStop;          // Mark last used gas
-            if( newStop < depth )           // ascent to gas switch,
-                depth = newStop;
-        }
-        // Are we back to gas from the deco list (just in case):
-        assert(gas == char_O_deco_gas[i]-1);
-        //---- usage AFTER gas switch (if any), at 10m/min :
-        if( depth > newDepth )
-            volumes[gas] += ((depth+newDepth)*0.05 + 1.0)    // average depth --> bar.
-                          * (depth-newDepth)*0.1             // metre --> min
-                          * deco_usage;
-        //---- Do stop:
-        depth = newDepth;
-        //---- Usage at stop:
-        volumes[gas] += (depth*0.1 + 1.0)   // depth --> bar.
-                      * time                // in minutes.
-                      * deco_usage;         // in xxx / min @ 1bar.
-    }
-    // From last stop to surface
-    volumes[gas] += (depth*0.05 + 1.0)      // avg depth --> bar.
-                  * depth * 0.1             // time to surface, in minutes.
-                  * deco_usage;             // in xxx / min @ 1bar.
-    //---- convert results for the ASM interface -----------------------------
-    for(i=0; i<NUM_GAS; ++i)
-        if( volumes[i] > 65534.0 )
-            int_O_gas_volumes[i] = 65535;
-        else
-            int_O_gas_volumes[i] = (unsigned short)(volumes[i] + 0.5);
+	if		( CNS_fraction <  0.01  ) int_O_CNS_fraction = 0;
+	else if ( CNS_fraction >= 9.985 ) int_O_CNS_fraction = 999 + INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+	else
+	{
+		// convert float to integer
+		int_O_CNS_fraction = (unsigned short)(100 * CNS_fraction + 0.5);
+		// compute warnings
+		if		( int_O_CNS_fraction >= CNS_warning_threshold    )
+		{
+			// reset pre-warning and set main warning flag
+			int_O_CNS_fraction &= ~INT_FLAG_PREWARNING;			
+			int_O_CNS_fraction |=  INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+		}
+		else if	( int_O_CNS_fraction >= CNS_prewarning_threshold )
+		{
+			// reset main warning but set pre-warning flag
+			int_O_CNS_fraction &= ~INT_FLAG_WARNING;
+			int_O_CNS_fraction |=  INT_FLAG_PREWARNING;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// clear both warnings
+		}
+	}
@@ -2354,10 +3772,14 @@
 void deco_push_tissues_to_vault(void)
     overlay unsigned char x;
-    cns_vault = CNS_fraction;
-    low_depth_vault = low_depth;
+	low_depth_norm_vault = low_depth_norm;
+	low_depth_alt_vault  = low_depth_alt;
+    cns_vault_float      = CNS_fraction;
+	cns_vault_int        = int_O_CNS_fraction;
+	deco_warnings_vault  = char_O_deco_warnings;
     for (x=0;x<NUM_COMP;x++)
@@ -2369,21 +3791,23 @@
 void deco_pull_tissues_from_vault(void)
     overlay unsigned char x;
+	low_depth_norm       = low_depth_norm_vault;
+	low_depth_alt        = low_depth_alt_vault;
+    CNS_fraction         = cns_vault_float;
+    int_O_CNS_fraction   = cns_vault_int;
+	char_O_deco_warnings = deco_warnings_vault;
+	locked_GF_step_norm  = GF_delta / low_depth_norm;
+	locked_GF_step_alt   = GF_delta / low_depth_alt;
     for (x=0; x<NUM_COMP; x++)
         pres_tissue_N2[x] = pres_tissue_N2_vault[x];
         pres_tissue_He[x] = pres_tissue_He_vault[x];
-    // Restore both CNS variable, too.
-    CNS_fraction = cns_vault;
-    int_O_CNS_fraction = (unsigned short)(CNS_fraction * 100.0 + 0.5);
-    // GF history too:
-    low_depth = low_depth_vault;
-    locked_GF_step = GF_delta / low_depth;
--- a/src/p2_definitions.h	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/p2_definitions.h	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 // ** Common definitions for the OSTC decompression code  **
 // *********************************************************
+//									REFACTORED VERSION	V2.95
 // OSTC - diving computer code
 // Copyright (C) 2008 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR
@@ -20,30 +22,26 @@
 //    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-// history:
-// 2010-12-25 v110: [jDG] split in three files (deco.c, main.c, definitions.h)
 // *************************
 // ** P R O T O T Y P E S **
 // *************************
-extern void calc_percentage(void);
 extern void deco_calc_hauptroutine(void);
 extern void deco_clear_tissue(void);
-extern void deco_calc_percentage(void);
 extern void deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void);
 extern void deco_calc_dive_interval(void);
-extern void deco_gradient_array(void);
 extern void deco_calc_desaturation_time(void);
-extern void deco_calc_CNS_fraction(void);
-extern void deco_calc_CNS_planning(void);
+extern void calc_CNS_fraction(void);
+extern void calc_CNS_planning(void);
 extern void deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min(void);
-extern void deco_clear_CNS_fraction(void);
+extern void clear_CNS_fraction(void);
 extern void deco_push_tissues_to_vault(void);
 extern void deco_pull_tissues_from_vault(void);
-extern void deco_gas_volumes(void);
+extern void gas_volumes(void);
 // ***********************************************
 // **         Allow compile on VisualC          **
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #DEFINE	switch_right2	PORTB,0	; Switch
 #DEFINE mcp_power		PORTB,2	; RX Power supply
 #DEFINE	s8_npower		PORTB,3	; Powers S8 Bulkhead (inverted)
-#DEFINE	LEDg			PORTB,4	; LED green
+#DEFINE	LEDg			PORTB,4	; LED green / active_reset_ostc_rx (<- Do no longer use this LED unless for debugging)
 #DEFINE	tft_power		PORTB,5 ; via P-MOSFET (Inverted)
 #DEFINE	icsp_clk		PORTB,6	; ICSP
 #DEFINE	icsp_dat		PORTB,7	; ICSP
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 #DEFINE	MS5541_mosi		PORTC,5	; MS5541
-#DEFINE	uart1_RC6		PORTC,6	; UART1 (USB)
-#DEFINE	uart1_RC7		PORTC,7	; UART1 (USB)
 ; TRIS=b'10011010'
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 #DEFINE	vusb_in			PORTJ,4	; external power supply detect, USB enumerated
 #DEFINE	power_sw1		PORTJ,5	; Power supply for switch2 circuit
-#DEFINE	MS5541_clk		PORTJ,6	; MS5541 mH
-#DEFINE	MS5541_miso		PORTJ,7	; MS5541 mH
+#DEFINE	MS5541_clk		PORTJ,6	; MS5541
+#DEFINE	MS5541_miso		PORTJ,7	; MS5541
 ; TRIS=b'10010000'
--- a/src/rtc.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/rtc.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
 	movwf	mins
 	movlw	.12
 	movwf	hours
-	movlw	.29
+	movlw	.2
 	movwf	day
-	movlw	.3
+	movlw	.12
 	movwf	month
 	movlw	.17
 	movwf	year
--- a/src/shared_definitions.h	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/shared_definitions.h	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #ifdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-;    shared_definitions.h
+;    shared_definitions.h							REFACTORED VERSION	V2.95a1
 ;    Declare variables used both in C and ASM code
@@ -67,20 +67,12 @@
 #define TAB_UINT(n,size)   n    res     2*size
-#ifdef __18CXX
-    //---- BANK 3 DATA -------------------------------------------------------
-    // Gather all data C-code --> ASM-code
-#   pragma udata overlay bank3=0x300
-bank3   udata_ovr  0x300
 #ifdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     Define model dimensions.
     NUM_COMP  is the number of compartiments in the Bühlmann ZH-L16 model, ie 16.
     NUM_STOPS is the maximum number of stops computed by decoplanning. 
-              Note that the deapest stop is roughly limited to 3m * NUM_STOPS
+              Note that the deepest stop is roughly limited to 3m * NUM_STOPS
                    (this is assuming all stops up to the surface are used).
               Note also that if the table overflow, extra stops are ignored,
                    and not reported in TTS summing.
@@ -91,34 +83,64 @@
 #define NUM_STOPS   0x20
 #define NUM_GAS     5
-VAR_UINT  (int_O_gtissue_press);
-VAR_UINT  (int_O_desaturation_time);       // 
-VAR_UINT  (int_O_ascenttime);              // TTS (in minutes)
-VAR_UINT  (int_O_extra_ascenttime);        // TTS for @+5min variant (in minutes)
-VAR_UINT  (int_O_CNS_fraction);            // new in v.101
+#ifdef __18CXX
+    //---- BANK 3 DATA -------------------------------------------------------
+    // Gather all data C-code --> ASM-code
+#   pragma udata overlay bank3=0x300
+    ; In ASM, put the same bank, in overlay mode, at the same address
+bank3   udata_ovr  0x300
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_gtissue_press);					// pressure of leading compartment
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_desaturation_time);       			// time until tissues desaturated to 5% remains, in minutes
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_nofly_time);			   			// altitude / no-fly waiting time time in minutes
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_ascenttime);              			// time-to-surface (TTS) in minutes
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_alternate_ascenttime);    			// TTS for the alternative dive plan
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_CNS_fraction);            			// current CNS%
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_normal_CNS_fraction); 	   			// CNS% at end of dive in normal dive plan
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction);  			// CNS% at end of dive in alternative plan
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_gradient_factor);        			// current gradient factor in %
+VAR_UCHAR (char_O_nullzeit);               			// remaining NDL time in minutes
+VAR_UCHAR (char_O_alternate_nullzeit);	   			// remaining NDL time for the alternative dive plan
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_nullzeit);               // 
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_deco_status);            // Deko state-machine state.
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_deco_last_stop);         // Depth reached during deko planning.
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_gradient_factor);        // 
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_gtissue_no);             // 
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_diluent);                // new in v.101
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_flush_ppO2);             // 2011-05-01: ppO2 from diluant (CCR mode).
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_EAD);                    // 2011-05-01: Added EAD/END in deco model.
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_END);                    // 2011-05-01: Added EAD/END in deco model.
+VAR_UCHAR (char_O_main_status);						// setup of the deco engine regarding the real tissue   computations
+VAR_UCHAR (char_O_deco_status);            			// setup of the deco engine regarding the decompression computations
+VAR_UCHAR (char_O_gtissue_no);             			// number of the leading compartment
+VAR_UCHAR (char_O_EAD);                    			// equivalent air      depth (EAD) of breathed gas
+VAR_UCHAR (char_O_END);                    			// equivalent narcosis depth (END) of breathed gas
+VAR_UCHAR (char_O_first_deco_depth);        		// depth of first stop (deco or gas change)
+VAR_UCHAR (char_O_first_deco_time) ;        		// duration of first stop
+TAB_UCHAR (char_O_deco_depth, NUM_STOPS);   		// stops table: depth, ...
+TAB_UCHAR (char_O_deco_time,  NUM_STOPS);   		// ... duration, and
+TAB_UCHAR (char_O_deco_gas,   NUM_STOPS);   		// ... gas breathed
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_first_deco_depth);        // Depth of first stop.
-VAR_UCHAR (char_O_first_deco_time) ;        // Duration of first stop.
-TAB_UCHAR (char_O_deco_depth, NUM_STOPS);   // Fusionned decompression table:
-TAB_UCHAR (char_O_deco_time,  NUM_STOPS);   // Both ZH-L16 and L16-GF models.
-TAB_UCHAR (char_O_deco_gas,   NUM_STOPS);   // Both ZH-L16 and L16-GF models.
-TAB_UCHAR (char_O_deco_time_for_log, NUM_STOPS); // For logging the full decoplan
+TAB_UCHAR (char_O_deco_time_for_log, NUM_STOPS); 	// variant of the stops table for logging purpose
+TAB_UCHAR (char_O_tissue_N2_saturation, NUM_COMP); 	// nitrogen tissue pressures for display purpose
+TAB_UCHAR (char_O_tissue_He_saturation, NUM_COMP); 	// helium   tissue pressures for display purpose
+VAR_UCHAR (char_O_deco_warnings);					// vector of warnings generated by the deco engine
-TAB_UCHAR (char_O_tissue_N2_saturation, NUM_COMP); // Nitrogen compartiment desaturation time, in min.
-TAB_UCHAR (char_O_tissue_He_saturation, NUM_COMP); // Helium compartiment desaturation time, in min.
+TAB_UINT  (int_O_gas_volumes,    NUM_GAS);			// gas volumes    needed in liters
+TAB_UINT  (int_O_tank_pres_need, NUM_GAS);			// tank pressures needed in bar
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_ceiling);							// ultimate ascent bound in mbar relative pressure
-TAB_UINT (int_O_gas_volumes, 5);            // Volumes evaluation for each gas tank, in 0.1 liters.
-VAR_UINT (int_O_ceiling);                  // in mbar
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_O2_ppO2);				   			// ppO2 of pure O2 at current depth
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_pure_ppO2);						// ppO2 of the current gas or dil if breathed pure
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_pSCR_ppO2);			   			// ppO2 calculated in pSCR loop
+VAR_UINT  (int_O_breathed_ppO2);					// ppO2 actually breathed (= char_O_pure_ppO2 if in OC)
 #ifdef __18CXX
     //---- BANK 4 DATA -------------------------------------------------------
@@ -129,42 +151,72 @@
 bank4   udata_ovr  0x400
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_step_is_1min);           // Use 1min integration for tissue and CNS.
+VAR_UINT  (int_I_pres_respiration);        // absolute pressure breathed
+VAR_UINT  (int_I_pres_surface);            // absolute pressure at surface
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_current_gas);            // number of gas currently breathed (1..5 for configured gases, 6 for the manual gas)
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_He_ratio);               // helium   ratio of the currently breathed gas
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_O2_ratio);               // oxygen   ratio of the currently breathed gas
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_saturation_multiplier);  // safety factor, 100 = no conservatism, 150 = 50% faster saturation
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_desaturation_multiplier);// safety factor, 100 = no conservatism,  66 = 50% slower desaturation 
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_GF_High_percentage);     // GF model high value
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_GF_Low_percentage);      // GF model low value
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_distance);          // assumed extra depth below required depth for CNS and gas volumes calculations
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_depth_last_deco);        // depth of the last deco stop in meters
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_model);             // deco model selection: 0 = ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF (with gradient factors)
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_bottom_depth);           // bottom depth, used for gas volume calculations
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_bottom_time);            // bottom time,  used for gas volume calculations
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_dive_interval);          // duration of surface break before next dive in minutes, used in simulation
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_sim_advance_time);	   // 'fast forward' of dive time, used in simulation (+5 min function)
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_const_ppO2);             // ppO2 reported from sensors or by setpoint
+TAB_UCHAR (char_I_deco_gas_change,NUM_GAS); // change depths of the OC gases
+TAB_UCHAR (char_I_dil_change,     NUM_GAS); // change depths of the diluent gases. Attention: must be placed after char_I_deco_gas_change!	Remark: not used by C code, only by ASM code
+TAB_UCHAR (char_I_setpoint_change,NUM_GAS); // change depth for the setpoints in meter
+TAB_UCHAR (char_I_setpoint_cbar,  NUM_GAS); // setpoints in cbar
+TAB_UCHAR (char_I_deco_O2_ratio,  NUM_GAS); // oxygen ratios of the configured gases, used for deco calculations
+TAB_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio,  NUM_GAS); // helium ratios of the configured gases, used for deco calculations
-VAR_UINT  (int_I_pres_respiration);        // 
-VAR_UINT  (int_I_pres_surface);            // 
-VAR_UINT  (int_I_temp);                    // new in v101
-VAR_UINT  (int_I_divemins);                // Dive time (minutes)
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_temp);                   // new in v101
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_actual_ppO2);            // 
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_first_gas);              // Gas used at start of dive (bottom mix)
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_current_gas);            // Current gas breathed (1..6).
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_N2_ratio);               //
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_He_ratio);               //
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_O2_ratio);               //
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_saturation_multiplier);  // for conservatism/safety values 1.0  no conservatism to 1.5  50% faster saturation
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_desaturation_multiplier);// for conservatism/safety values 0.66  50% slower desaturation to 1.0  no conservatism// consveratism used in calc_tissue , calc_tissue_step_1_min  and sim_tissue_1min 
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_GF_High_percentage);     // new in v.102
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_GF_Low_percentage);      // new in v.102
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_distance);          // 
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_depth_last_deco);        // new in v.101 unit: [m]
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_model);             // new in v.102. 0 == ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF (Gradiant factor)
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_bottom_depth);           // Bottom depth for planning (used in gas volume evaluation).
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_bottom_time);            // Bottom time for planning (used in gas volume evaluation).
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_dive_interval);          // Delay before next dive simulation.
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_const_ppO2);             // new in v.101
+TAB_UCHAR (char_I_tank_size,      NUM_GAS);	// tank sizes, used for pressure needs calculation
+TAB_UCHAR (char_I_tank_pres_fill, NUM_GAS);	// tank fill pressures, used for generating warnings
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_cc_max_frac_o2);	 		// limiter for maximum O2% in loop
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_PSCR_drop);				// pSCR parameter drop [%]
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_PSCR_lungratio);			// pSCR parameter lung ratio [1/x]
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_altitude_wait);			// selector for altitude / no-fly waiting time calculation
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_bottom_usage);            // gas consumption during bottom part and initial ascent   in liters/minute
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_usage);              // gas consumption during deco stops and following ascents in liters/minute
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_extra_time);              // extra bottom time for fTTs and delayed ascent calculation in minutes
-TAB_UCHAR (char_I_deco_gas_change,NUM_GAS); // new in v.101
-TAB_UCHAR (char_I_dil_change,NUM_GAS);      // Must be placed after char_I_deco_gas_change!
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_ppO2_max);				// warning threshold for maximum ppO2 during working phase of the dive
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_ppO2_max_deco);			// warning threshold for maximum ppO2 during deco phase of the dive
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_ppO2_min);				// warning threshold for maximum ppO2 when breathing OC
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_ppO2_min_loop);			// warning threshold for maximum ppO2 when breathing from CCR or pSCR
-TAB_UCHAR (char_I_setpoint_change,NUM_GAS); // Change depths in m
-TAB_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio, NUM_GAS);  // new in v.101
-TAB_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio, NUM_GAS);  // new in v.101
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_ascent_speed);			// ascent speed in meters/minute
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_gas_change_time);			// extra time spent during a stop for doing a gas change, in minutes
-TAB_UCHAR (char_I_setpoint_cbar,NUM_GAS);         // Setpoints in cbar
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_bottom_usage);            // [l/min]
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_usage);              // [l/min]
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_extra_time);              // [min]
-VAR_UCHAR (temp_bankx400);                  // temp
+#ifdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+// VAR_UCHAR (char_I_step_is_1min);        // Use 1min integration for tissue and CNS.	DELETED ## V2.95 - made local to p2_deco.c
+// VAR_UINT  (int_I_temp);                 // new in v101								DELETED ## no fly
+// VAR_UINT  (int_I_divemins);             // Dive time (minutes)					 	DELETED ## V2.95 - not used by p2_deco.c
+// VAR_UCHAR (char_I_temp);                // new in v101							 	DELETED ## no fly
+// VAR_UCHAR (char_I_actual_ppO2);         //										 	DELETED ## V2.94
+// VAR_UCHAR (char_I_first_gas);           // Gas used at start of dive (bottom mix) 	DELETED ## V2.95 - made local to p2_deco.c
+// VAR_UCHAR (char_I_N2_ratio);            // N2 ratio of the currently breathed gas	DELETED ## V2.95 - not read from ASM, but actually computed by p2_deco.c from H2 and O2 ratio
+// VAR_UCHAR (char_O_deco_last_stop);      // Depth reached during deco planning.		DELETED ## V2.95 - not used in ASM
+// VAR_UCHAR (temp_bankx400);              // reserved space for temporary variables
--- a/src/simulator.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/simulator.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File simulator.asm
+;   File simulator.asm								REFACTORED VERSION V2.95a1
 ;   Decoplan interface to C model code.
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ;  2011-07-09 : [jDG] Creation...
-#include ""					; Mandatory include.
+#include ""						; Mandatory include
 #include ""                  ; output_*
 #include "shared_definitions.h"         ; Mailbox from/to p2_deco.c
 #include ""                  ; STRCPY,...
@@ -28,335 +28,152 @@
     extern  deco_push_tissues_to_vault
     extern  deco_calc_dive_interval
     extern  deco_calc_hauptroutine
-    extern  deco_calc_tissue
-    extern  deco_calc_CNS_fraction
-    extern  deco_calc_CNS_planning
     extern  deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
     extern  TFT_display_decotype_surface1
+	extern	get_first_dil_to_WREG
+	extern	get_first_gas_to_WREG
+	extern	setup_dil_registers
+	extern	setup_gas_registers
+	extern	deco_setup_cc_diluents
+	extern	deco_setup_oc_gases
     extern  log_screendump_and_onesecond, logbook_preloop_tasks
     extern  do_planner_menu
 ;---- Private temp variables -------------------------------------------------
-        CBLOCK  tmp+0x12                ; Reserved space for wordprocessor and convert
-            decoplan_index              ; within each page
-            decoplan_gindex             ; global index
-            decoplan_last               ; Depth of last stop (CF#29)
-            decoplan_flags              ; Various private flags.
-            decoplan_CNS:2              ; Backup CNS before vault restore
-            decoplan_page               ; page number
-            ; Reserved to tmp+0x18...
-        ENDC
-#define decoplan_last_ceiling_shown   decoplan_flags,0
-;---- Demo decoplanner -------------------------------------------------------
-        global  do_demo_planner
+	CBLOCK  tmp+0x12                ; Reserved space for word processor and convert
+		decoplan_index              ; within each page
+		decoplan_gindex             ; global index
+		decoplan_last               ; Depth of last stop (CF#29)
+		decoplan_flags              ; Various private flags.
+		decoplan_page               ; page number
+		decoplan_warnings			; deco engine warnings (ex reserved to tmp+0x18...)
+;---- Defines ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#define decoplan_last_ceiling_shown	decoplan_flags,0
+#define	decoplan_abort				decoplan_flags,1
+;---- Demo deco planner ------------------------------------------------------
+	global  do_demo_planner
-        btfsc   FLAG_gauge_mode          ; =1: In Gauge mode
-        goto    do_planner_menu
-        btfsc   FLAG_apnoe_mode          ; =1: In Apnea mode
-        goto    do_planner_menu
-;        call    deco_reset              ; TODO: remove reset all Decodata
-        rcall   deco_planer
-        rcall   deco_show_plan
-        goto    do_planner_menu
-; Pass all parameters to the C code
+	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode				; =1: In Gauge mode
+	goto	do_planner_menu
+	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; =1: In Apnea mode
+	goto	do_planner_menu
+	bcf		decoplan_abort				; initialize (clear) abort flag
+	bcf		is_bailout					; clear bailout condition (may have remained set from last invocation)
+	rcall	deco_planer
+	btfss	decoplan_abort				; skip recall deco_show_plan if calculations were aborted
+	rcall	deco_show_plan
+	goto	do_planner_menu
-    global  get_first_dil_to_WREG
-get_first_dil_to_WREG:                  ; Gets first dil (0-4) into WREG
-        lfsr    FSR1,opt_dil_type       ; Point to dil types
-        clrf    lo                      ; start with Gas0
-        movf    lo,W                    ;
-        movf    PLUSW1,W                ; Get Type of Dil #lo
-        sublw   .1                      ; it is = 1 (First Dil)
-        bz      get_first_dil_to_WREG3  ; Found the first dil!
-        incf    lo,F                    ; ++
-        movlw   NUM_GAS+1
-        cpfseq  lo                      ; All done?
-        bra     get_first_dil_to_WREG2  ; Not yet
-        ; No first dil found, use #1
-        movlw   .0
-        movff   WREG,opt_dil_type+0     ; Set Dil1 to First
-        return
-        movf    lo,W                    ; Put into Wreg
-        return                          ; Done
-    global  get_first_gas_to_WREG
-get_first_gas_to_WREG:                  ; Gets first gas (0-4) into WREG
-        lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_type       ; Point to gas types
-        clrf    lo                      ; start with Gas0
-        movf    lo,W                    ;
-        movf    PLUSW1,W                ; Get Type of Gas #lo
-        sublw   .1                      ; it is = 1 (First Gas)
-        bz      get_first_gas_to_WREG3  ; Found the first gas!
-        incf    lo,F                    ; ++
-        movlw   NUM_GAS+1
-        cpfseq  lo                      ; All done?
-        bra     get_first_gas_to_WREG2  ; Not yet
-        ; No first gas found, use #1
-        movlw   .0
-        movff   WREG,opt_gas_type+0     ; Set Gas1 to First
-        return
-        movf    lo,W                    ; Put into Wreg
-        return                          ; Done
+	global	deco_setup
-        banksel char_I_step_is_1min     ; Select the right bank...
-        clrf    char_I_step_is_1min     ; Default to 2sec steps.
-        ; Fixed ambient surface pressure to 1bar.
-        movlw   LOW(.1000)
-        movwf   int_I_pres_surface+0
-        movwf   int_I_pres_respiration+0
-        movlw   HIGH(.1000)
-        movwf   int_I_pres_surface+1
-        movwf   int_I_pres_respiration+1
-        clrf    int_I_divemins+0         ; Dive start
-        clrf    int_I_divemins+1
+	banksel	common
+	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode
+	bra		deco_setup_cc
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode
+	bra		deco_setup_cc
+	call    get_first_gas_to_WREG			; gets first gas (1-5) into WREG
+    call	setup_gas_registers				; with WREG=Gas 1-5
+	call	deco_setup_oc_gases				; setup OC/Bailout Gases and configure for OC deco calculation
+	bra		deco_setup_cont
+    call    get_first_dil_to_WREG           ; gets first gas (1-5) into WREG
+    call	setup_dil_registers				; with WREG=Gas 1-5
+	call	deco_setup_cc_diluents			; setup CCR/pSCR diluents and configure for CCR/pSCR deco calculation
+	; use ambient conditions for simulation ## V2.94
+	#include    ""
+	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY last_surfpressure_30min, int_I_pres_surface	; copy surface pressure to deco routine
-        banksel common                   ; Bank1
-        bcf     use_agf                  ; =1: Use aGF
-        rcall   deco_setup_dive
-	movlw	.0			; Bank safe "clrf"
-	movff	WREG,char_I_const_ppO2	; deactivate CCR-mode in deco calculations unless in CCR mode (char_I_const_ppO2 is filled below again)
-	; Setup char_I_const_ppO2 for CC modes
-        btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode           ; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
-        movff   char_I_setpoint_cbar+0,char_I_const_ppO2    ; Setup fixed Setpoint (Always start with SP1)
-	rcall   get_first_gas_to_WREG           ; Gets first gas (0-4) into WREG
-	; Overwrite WREG in CCR and PSCR Mode
-	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode
-        rcall	get_first_dil_to_WREG
-        btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode
-        rcall	get_first_dil_to_WREG
-	incf	WREG				; 1-5
-        movff   WREG,char_I_first_gas           ; Copy for compatibility
-	decf	WREG				; 0-4
-        extern  setup_gas_registers
-	call    setup_gas_registers             ; With WREG=Gas 0-4, set current N2/He/O2 ratios.
-        extern  set_actual_ppo2
-        goto    set_actual_ppo2                 ; Then configure char_I_actual_ppO2 (For CNS) (And return!)
-        global	deco_setup_dive
-deco_setup_dive:						; Called from divemode
-        banksel common                  ; Bank1
-        btfsc	is_bailout
-	bra	deco_setup_dive_oc
-	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode
-	bra	deco_setup_dive_cc
-	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode
-	bra	deco_setup_dive_cc
-    rcall   deco_setup_oc_gases ; Setup OC/Bailout Gases
-    bra	    deco_setup_dive_cont
-    rcall   deco_setup_cc_diluents ; Setup CC Diluents
-    	movff   divemins+0,int_I_divemins+0         ; Current dive time.
-    	movff   divemins+1,int_I_divemins+1
-        movlw   deco_distance
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_distance
-        movff   opt_last_stop,char_I_depth_last_deco
-        movff   opt_GF_low,char_I_GF_Low_percentage
-        movff   opt_GF_high,char_I_GF_High_percentage
-        ;Overwrite GF if aGF is wanted
-        btfsc   use_agf                         ; =1: Use aGF
-        movff   opt_aGF_low,char_I_GF_Low_percentage
-        btfsc   use_agf                         ; =1: Use aGF        
-        movff   opt_aGF_high,char_I_GF_High_percentage
-        return
-        movff   opt_dil_He_ratio+0,char_I_deco_He_ratio+0
-        movff   char_I_deco_He_ratio+0,lo
-        movff   opt_dil_O2_ratio+0,WREG
-        addwf   lo,W                  ; O2 + He -> WREG
-        sublw   .100                  ; 100 - (O2 + He) -> WREG
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_N2_ratio+0
-        movff   opt_dil_type+0,WREG   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
-        tstfsz  WREG                  ; Disabled?
-        bra     $+4                   ; No
-        movff   WREG,char_I_dil_change+0   ; Yes, clear char_I_deco_gas_change (Bank safe)
+	movlw	deco_distance
+	movff	WREG,char_I_deco_distance
-        movff   opt_dil_He_ratio+1,char_I_deco_He_ratio+1
-        movff   char_I_deco_He_ratio+1,lo
-        movff   opt_dil_O2_ratio+1,WREG
-        addwf   lo,W                  ; O2 + He -> WREG
-        sublw   .100                  ; 100 - (O2 + He) -> WREG
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_N2_ratio+1
-        movff   opt_dil_type+1,WREG   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
-        tstfsz  WREG                  ; Disabled?
-        bra     $+4                   ; No
-        movff   WREG,char_I_dil_change+1   ; Yes, clear char_I_dil_change
-        movff   opt_dil_He_ratio+2,char_I_deco_He_ratio+2
-        movff   char_I_deco_He_ratio+2,lo
-        movff   opt_dil_O2_ratio+2,WREG
-        addwf   lo,W                  ; O2 + He -> WREG
-        sublw   .100                  ; 100 - (O2 + He) -> WREG
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_N2_ratio+2
-        movff   opt_dil_type+2,WREG   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
-        tstfsz  WREG                  ; Disabled?
-        bra     $+4                   ; No
-        movff   WREG,char_I_dil_change+2   ; Yes, clear char_I_dil_change
+	movff	opt_last_stop,char_I_depth_last_deco
+	movff	opt_GF_low,char_I_GF_Low_percentage
+	movff	opt_GF_high,char_I_GF_High_percentage
+	; overwrite GF if aGF is wanted
+	bsf		use_agf
+	TSTOSS	opt_sim_use_aGF
+	bcf		use_agf
-        movff   opt_dil_He_ratio+3,char_I_deco_He_ratio+3
-        movff   char_I_deco_He_ratio+3,lo
-        movff   opt_dil_O2_ratio+3,WREG
-        addwf   lo,W                  ; O2 + He -> WREG
-        sublw   .100                  ; 100 - (O2 + He) -> WREG
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_N2_ratio+3
-        movff   opt_dil_type+3,WREG   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
-        tstfsz  WREG                  ; Disabled?
-        bra     $+4                   ; No
-        movff   WREG,char_I_dil_change+3   ; Yes, clear char_I_dil_change
-        movff   opt_dil_He_ratio+4,char_I_deco_He_ratio+4
-        movff   char_I_deco_He_ratio+4,lo
-        movff   opt_dil_O2_ratio+4,WREG
-        addwf   lo,W                  ; O2 + He -> WREG
-        sublw   .100                  ; 100 - (O2 + He) -> WREG
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_N2_ratio+4
-        movff   opt_dil_type+4,WREG   ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal
-        tstfsz  WREG                  ; Disabled?
-        bra     $+4                   ; No
-        movff   WREG,char_I_dil_change+4   ; Yes, clear char_I_dil_change
-        ; Setup char_I_deco_gas_change array
-        movff   char_I_dil_change+0, char_I_deco_gas_change+0
-        movff   char_I_dil_change+1, char_I_deco_gas_change+1
-        movff   char_I_dil_change+2, char_I_deco_gas_change+2
-        movff   char_I_dil_change+3, char_I_deco_gas_change+3
-        movff   char_I_dil_change+4, char_I_deco_gas_change+4
-        return
-        movff   opt_gas_He_ratio+0,char_I_deco_He_ratio+0
-        movff   char_I_deco_He_ratio+0,lo
-        movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+0,WREG
-        addwf   lo,W                  ; O2 + He -> WREG
-        sublw   .100                  ; 100 - (O2 + He) -> WREG
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_N2_ratio+0
-        banksel opt_gas_type+0
-        movlw   .3                    ; 3=Deco
-        cpfseq  opt_gas_type+0        ; Gas is deco type?
-        clrf    opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0  ; No, clear depth for 0=Disabled, 1=First and 2=Travel
-        banksel common
+	btfsc	use_agf					; =1: Use aGF
+	movff	opt_aGF_low,char_I_GF_Low_percentage
+	btfsc	use_agf					; =1: Use aGF
+	movff	opt_aGF_high,char_I_GF_High_percentage
-        movff   opt_gas_He_ratio+1,char_I_deco_He_ratio+1
-        movff   char_I_deco_He_ratio+1,lo
-        movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+1,WREG
-        addwf   lo,W                  ; O2 + He -> WREG
-        sublw   .100                  ; 100 - (O2 + He) -> WREG
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_N2_ratio+1
-        banksel opt_gas_type+1
-        movlw   .3                    ; 3=Deco
-        cpfseq  opt_gas_type+1        ; Gas is deco type?
-        clrf    opt_OC_bail_gas_change+1  ; No, clear depth for 0=Disabled, 1=First and 2=Travel
-        banksel common
-        movff   opt_gas_He_ratio+2,char_I_deco_He_ratio+2
-        movff   char_I_deco_He_ratio+2,lo
-        movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+2,WREG
-        addwf   lo,W                  ; O2 + He -> WREG
-        sublw   .100                  ; 100 - (O2 + He) -> WREG
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_N2_ratio+2
-        banksel opt_gas_type+2
-        movlw   .3                    ; 3=Deco
-        cpfseq  opt_gas_type+2        ; Gas is deco type?
-        clrf    opt_OC_bail_gas_change+2  ; No, clear depth for 0=Disabled, 1=First and 2=Travel
-        banksel common
-        movff   opt_gas_He_ratio+3,char_I_deco_He_ratio+3
-        movff   char_I_deco_He_ratio+3,lo
-        movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+3,WREG
-        addwf   lo,W                  ; O2 + He -> WREG
-        sublw   .100                  ; 100 - (O2 + He) -> WREG
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_N2_ratio+3
-        banksel opt_gas_type+3
-        movlw   .3                    ; 3=Deco
-        cpfseq  opt_gas_type+3        ; Gas is deco type?
-        clrf    opt_OC_bail_gas_change+3  ; No, clear depth for 0=Disabled, 1=First and 2=Travel
-        banksel common
-        movff   opt_gas_He_ratio+4,char_I_deco_He_ratio+4
-        movff   char_I_deco_He_ratio+4,lo
-        movff   opt_gas_O2_ratio+4,WREG
-        addwf   lo,W                  ; O2 + He -> WREG
-        sublw   .100                  ; 100 - (O2 + He) -> WREG
-        movff   WREG,char_I_deco_N2_ratio+4
-        banksel opt_gas_type+4
-        movlw   .3                    ; 3=Deco
-        cpfseq  opt_gas_type+4        ; Gas is deco type?
-        clrf    opt_OC_bail_gas_change+4  ; No, clear depth for 0=Disabled, 1=First and 2=Travel
-        banksel common
-        movlw   .0
-        movff   WREG,char_I_const_ppO2  ; Clear constant ppO2 for OC/bailout
-        ; Setup char_I_deco_gas_change array
-        movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+0, char_I_deco_gas_change+0
-        movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+1, char_I_deco_gas_change+1
-        movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+2, char_I_deco_gas_change+2
-        movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+3, char_I_deco_gas_change+3
-        movff   opt_OC_bail_gas_change+4, char_I_deco_gas_change+4
-        return
+	bcf		is_bailout
+	; setup char_I_const_ppO2 for CC modes
+	clrf	WREG
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode
+	movff	WREG,char_I_const_ppO2			; configure pSCR computations to calculated ppO2
+	btfss	FLAG_ccr_mode
+	return									; done if not in CCR mode
+	movff	opt_sim_setpoint_number,WREG	; configure CCR computations to selected setpoint
+	decf    WREG,W							; 1-5 -> 0-4
+	lfsr    FSR1,char_I_setpoint_cbar		; load base address of setpoint list
+	movff   PLUSW1,char_I_const_ppO2		; setup setpoint
+	return
-; Reset decompression tissues
+; Launch deco planning
-        global  deco_reset
-        rcall   deco_setup              ; Setup all model parameters.
-        call    deco_clear_tissue       ; Set all tissues to Pamb * N2_ratio
-        call    deco_clear_CNS_fraction ; Reset CNS value.
-        banksel common                  ; Bank1
-        return
-; Launch decoplanning
-    global  deco_planer
+		global  deco_planer
-        call    speed_fastest           ; Quick !
-        rcall   deco_setup              ; Setup all model parameters.
-        call    deco_push_tissues_to_vault
-        banksel common                  ; Bank1
+        call    speed_fastest				; Quick !
+		call    deco_push_tissues_to_vault
+        rcall   deco_setup					; Setup all model parameters.
 ;---- Specific settings ------------------------------------------------------
+		; configure the deco engine for normal plan, CNS & gas volume calculation and no delayed ascent
+		movff	char_O_deco_status,WREG		; bank-safe copy
+		bcf		WREG,DECO_PLAN_FLAG			; normal plan mode,
+		bsf		WREG,DECO_CNS_FLAG			; enable CNS calculation (CNS at end of dive),
+		bsf		WREG,DECO_VOLUME_FLAG		; enable gas volume calculation, and
+		bcf		WREG,DECO_ASCENT_FLAG		; disable delayed ascent calculation
+		movff	WREG,char_O_deco_status		; bank-safe copy back
+		; configure the deco engine for total-dive gas volume calculation
+		movff	char_O_main_status,WREG		; bank-safe copy
+		bsf		WREG,DECO_BOTTOM_FLAG		; set bottom flag
+		movff	WREG,char_O_main_status		; bank-safe copy back
-        banksel char_O_deco_status      ; Bank 2
-        movlw   .3                      ; Start in surface state.
-        movwf   char_O_deco_status
-        banksel char_I_step_is_1min     ; Bank 3
-        movlw   1
-        movwf   char_I_step_is_1min     ; Set 1min steps
+		; show deco calculation is in progress
+		call	TFT_ClearScreen
+        WIN_COLOR	color_greenish
+		TEXT_SMALL	.20,.40, tCalculating
+		WIN_COLOR	color_lightblue
+		WIN_SMALL	.1,.215
+		; configure the deco engine for restart:
+		movff	char_O_deco_status,WREG		; bank-safe copy
+		bsf		WREG,DECO_STATUS_0_FLAG		; configure init ...
+		bsf		WREG,DECO_STATUS_1_FLAG		; ... state,
+		movff	WREG,char_O_deco_status		; bank-safe copy back
 ;---- Add delay at surface, if needed ----------------------------------------
+		banksel	char_I_dive_interval
         tstfsz  char_I_dive_interval
         call    deco_calc_dive_interval
 ;---- Dive loop --------------------------------------------------------------
-        ; Compute dive ambiant conditions
+        ; Compute dive ambient conditions
         banksel char_I_bottom_depth
         movf    char_I_bottom_depth,W
         mullw   .100
@@ -366,90 +183,94 @@
         movlw   HIGH(.1000)
         addwfc  PRODH,W
         movwf   int_I_pres_respiration+1
+		banksel common
-        banksel int_I_divemins          ; Bank 4
-        clrf    int_I_divemins+0        ; Clear dive time
-        clrf    int_I_divemins+1
+		movff	char_I_bottom_time,char_I_sim_advance_time
+        clrf    TMR5L
+        clrf    TMR5H                   	; 30,51757813µs/bit in TMR5L:TMR5H
-        clrf    TMR5L
-        clrf    TMR5H                   ; 30,51757813µs/bit in TMR5L:TMR5H
-        call    deco_calc_hauptroutine  ; Reset + simulate first min.
+        call    deco_calc_hauptroutine  	; initialization + complete bottom time part
+        banksel common
+;---- BAILOUT: Switch to OC gases for ascent cycles --------------------------
-        banksel int_I_divemins          ; Bank 3
-        incf    int_I_divemins,F        ; Done 1 min.
-        btg     LEDg
-        movf    char_I_bottom_time,W    ; Finished ?
-        xorwf   int_I_divemins,W
-        bz      deco_planer_endloop     ; YES
+        btfss   is_bailout              	; Doing a bailout deco plan ?
+        bra     deco_planer_finishing   	; NO  - keep gases
+											; YES - switch to OC gas 
-        call	deco_calc_tissue	    ; JUST calc tissue (faster).
-        call	deco_calc_CNS_fraction  ; Also calculate CNS (in 1min loop)
-        bra     deco_planer_loop
+		; reconfigure the deco engine for delayed ascent mode
+		movff	char_O_deco_status,lo		; bank-safe copy
+		bsf		lo,DECO_ASCENT_FLAG			; set flag for delayed ascent calculation
+		movff	lo,char_O_deco_status		; bank-safe copy back
+		; configure the deco engine for delayed ascent part gas volume calculation
+		movff	char_O_main_status,WREG		; bank-safe copy
+		bcf		WREG,DECO_BOTTOM_FLAG		; set bottom flag
+		movff	WREG,char_O_main_status		; bank-safe copy back
-        banksel char_I_step_is_1min
-        clrf    char_I_step_is_1min     ; Back to 2sec loops
+		; reconfigure gas settings to OC gases
+		call    get_first_gas_to_WREG		; get first gas (1-5) into WREG
+		call	setup_gas_registers			; With WREG=Gas 1-5 (or 6, not applicable here)
+		call	deco_setup_oc_gases			; With WREG=Gas 1-5 (or 6, not applicable here)
+		; set the gas change override flag to allow gas changes before deco stops as done in alternative plan
+		movff	char_O_main_status,lo		; bank-safe copy
+		bsf		lo,DECO_GASCHANGE_OVRD		; set flag for gas change override
+		movff	lo,char_O_main_status		; bank-safe copy back
+;---- Wait until status reaches zero -------------------------------------------
-;---- BAILOUT: Switch to OC gases for ascent cycles --------------------------
-        banksel common
-        btfss   is_bailout              ; Doing a bailout decoplan ?
-        bra     deco_planer_finishing   ; NO: keep gases
-        rcall   deco_setup_oc_gases     ; Switch to OC gas and no const_ppO2
-	movlw	.0
-	movff	WREG,char_I_const_ppO2	; deactivate CCR-mode deco calculations
-;---- Wait until status reach zero -------------------------------------------
-        btg     LEDg
-;       clrf    TMR5L
-;       clrf    TMR5H                   ; 30,51757813µs/bit in TMR5L:TMR5H
-        call    deco_calc_hauptroutine  ; Simulate 2sec more
-        banksel char_O_deco_status      ; Bank 2
-        movf    char_O_deco_status,W
-        bnz     deco_planer_finishing
+        call    deco_calc_hauptroutine  	; Simulate more dive time to trigger the deco calculations
+		banksel	common
+		btfss	switch_left					; check if left button was pressed
+		bra		deco_planer_finishing_1		; NO  - continue calculations
+		bsf		decoplan_abort				; YES - set abort flag so that deco_show_plan will not be called
+		bra		deco_planer_finishing_2		;       do some clean-up and return
+		movff	char_O_deco_status,lo		; working copy of char_O_deco_status in bank common
+		movlw	DECO_STATUS_MASK			; bit mask for deco status bit set
+		andwf	lo,W						; mask out bits showing state of computation
+		tstfsz	WREG						; check if a compute cycle is finished (bits 1 and 0 == 0)
+		bra		deco_planer_finishing		; NO - needs more computation cycles
 ;---- Done: add CNS from decoplan, and restore tissues
-        call    deco_calc_CNS_planning
-        movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+0,decoplan_CNS+0
-        movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+1,decoplan_CNS+1
-        call    deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
-        bcf     LEDg
-        banksel common                  ; Bank1
-		movlw	b'00111000'				; 1:8 Prescaler -> 65,536ms@16MHz
-		movwf	T3CON
-        call    speed_normal
-        return
+	movff	char_O_deco_warnings,decoplan_warnings	; copy warnings
+        call    deco_pull_tissues_from_vault			; restore "real" deco data
+        banksel common                  				; back to bank 1
+	movlw	b'00111000'								; 1:8 Prescaler -> 65,536ms@16MHz
+	movwf	T3CON
+        goto	speed_normal	    ;(and return)
 ; Draw a stop of the deco plan (simulator or dive).
 ; Inputs: lo      = depth. Range 3m...93m
-;                 + 80 if this is a switch-gas stop.
+;                 + 0x80 if this is a switch-gas stop.
 ;         up      = minutes. range 1'..240'.
 ;         win_top = line to draw on screen.
 ; Trashed: up, lo, win_height, win_leftx2, win_width, win_color*,
-        ;---- Print depth ----------------------------------------------------
-        btfss   lo,7                    ; Bit set ?
-        bra     deco_plan_show_std_stop  ; No : Just an usual stop.
-        call    TFT_attention_color
-        bcf     lo,7                    ; and cleanup depth.
-        bra     deco_plan_show_nstd_stop
+		;---- Print depth ----------------------------------------------------
+		bcf     lo,7					; clear gas-switch flag (not used any more anyhow)
+		lfsr	FSR2,char_O_deco_gas
+		movf    decoplan_gindex,W		; index
+    	movff	PLUSW2,WREG				; get current gas
+		rcall	simulator_color_gas		; set output color dependent on gas (1-5)
-    	call    TFT_standard_color
 	    lfsr	FSR2,buffer
-		TSTOSS  opt_units			; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
+		TSTOSS  opt_units				; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
 		bra		deco_plan_show_nstd_stop_metric
         WIN_LEFT .85
@@ -457,7 +278,7 @@
 		mullw	.100					; PRODL:PRODH = mbar
 		movff	PRODL,lo
 		movff	PRODH,hi
-; Convert with 334feet/100m to have 10ft, 20ft, 30ft stops...
+		; Convert with 334feet/100m to have 10ft, 20ft, 30ft stops...
 		movff	lo,xA+0
 		movff	hi,xA+1
 		movlw	LOW 	d'334'          ; 334feet/100m
@@ -480,6 +301,7 @@
 		bsf		leftbind
 		bsf		ignore_digit4			; Only full feet
+		bcf     leftbind
 		bra		deco_plan_show_nstd_stop_common
@@ -487,6 +309,7 @@
         WIN_LEFT .90
 	    bsf     leftbind
 	    output_8					    ; outputs into Postinc2!
+		bcf     leftbind
         STRCAT_PRINT 	"m "
         ;---- Print duration -------------------------------------------------
@@ -508,7 +331,7 @@
 	    movwf   up
-        ; Draw the bar graph used for deco stops (decoplan in simulator or dive).
+        ; Draw the bar graph used for deco stops (deco plan in simulator or dive).
         incf   win_top,F
         movlw	.19
         movwf   win_height
@@ -516,7 +339,7 @@
         movwf	win_leftx2    		    ; column left (0-159)
         movlw	.16
         movwf	win_width+0    		    ; column max width.
-	clrf    win_width+1
+		clrf    win_width+1
         ; Draw used area (up = minutes):
         movlw	.16                     ; Limit length (16min)
@@ -531,25 +354,25 @@
-; Clear unused area belw last stop
+; Clear unused area below last stop
 ; Inputs: win_top : last used area...
         movf    win_top,W               ; Get back from bank0
         sublw   .239                    ; No: bottom row in planning
         movwf   win_height
-        WIN_LEFT .85                    ; Full divemenu width
+        WIN_LEFT .85                    ; Full dive menu width
         movlw   .159-.85+1
         movwf   win_width+0
-	clrf    win_width+1
+		clrf    win_width+1
         clrf    win_color1              ; Fill with black
         clrf    win_color2
-        goto	TFT_box		    ; and return
+        goto	TFT_box		    		; and return
-; Display the decoplan (simulator).
+; Display the deco plan (simulator).
 ; Inputs: char_O_deco_table (array of stop times, in minutes)
 ;         decoplan_page = page number.
@@ -576,7 +399,7 @@
         ; Read stop parameters, indexed by decoplan_index and decoplan_page
         movf    decoplan_page,W         ; decoplan_gindex = 6*decoplan_page + decoplan_index
-        mullw   .8                      ; 8 lines/page in decoplan
+        mullw   .8                      ; 8 lines/page in deco plan
         movf    decoplan_index,W
         addwf   PRODL,W
         movwf   decoplan_gindex         ; --> decoplan_gindex
@@ -599,19 +422,19 @@
         ; Next
         movlw   .24
-        addwf   win_top,F               ; row: += 24
-	    incf	decoplan_index,F        ; local index += 1
-	    incf	decoplan_gindex,F       ; global index += 1
+        addwf   win_top,F				; row: += 24
+	    incf	decoplan_index,F		; local index += 1
+	    incf	decoplan_gindex,F		; global index += 1
         ; Max number of lines/page reached ?
-    	movlw   .8                      ; 8 lines/page in decoplan
+    	movlw   .8						; 8 lines/page in deco plan
     	cpfseq	decoplan_index
-    	bra		deco_plan_show_2         ; NO: loop
+    	bra		deco_plan_show_2		; NO: loop
-    	; Check if next stop if end-of-list ?
+    	; Check if next stop is end-of-list ?
     	movf    decoplan_gindex,W
-	    movf	PLUSW0,W                ; char_O_deco_depth[gindex]
-    	bz      deco_plan_show_99         ; End of list...
+	    movf	PLUSW0,W				; char_O_deco_depth[gindex]
+    	bz      deco_plan_show_99		; End of list...
         ; Display the message "more..."
         rcall   deco_plan_show_clear_bottom  ; Clear from next line
@@ -626,33 +449,35 @@
-; Loop to show all pages of the decoplan (surfacemode)
+; Loop to show all pages of the deco plan (surface mode)
         global  deco_show_plan
         clrf    decoplan_page
         call    TFT_ClearScreen
         WIN_COLOR   color_greenish
-	btfsc	is_bailout
-	bra	deco_show_plan_bail_title
+		btfsc	is_bailout
+		bra	deco_show_plan_bail_title
         TEXT_SMALL  .1,.1, tDivePlan
-	bra	deco_show_plan2
+		bra	deco_show_plan2
-	TEXT_SMALL  .1,.1, tDiveBailout
+		TEXT_SMALL  .1,.1, tDiveBailout
-	call    TFT_standard_color
-        ; Show plan parameters
+		call    TFT_standard_color
+        ;---- Display Plan Parameters
         WIN_SMALL   .0,.25
         STRCPY  "Int:"
         movff   char_I_dive_interval,lo
         bsf     leftbind
+		bcf     leftbind
         STRCAT_PRINT  "'"
         WIN_SMALL   .0,.50
         STRCPY_TEXT tBtTm_short
         movff   char_I_bottom_time,lo
         bsf     leftbind
+		bcf     leftbind
         STRCAT_PRINT  "'"
         WIN_SMALL   .0,.75
         STRCPY_TEXT tDepth
@@ -660,52 +485,84 @@
         movff   char_I_bottom_depth,lo
         bsf     leftbind
+		bcf     leftbind
         STRCAT_PRINT  "m"
+		WIN_SMALL   .0,.105					; set position for warnings or sat/dsat factors
+		;---- Check for Stop Table Overflow
+		btfss	decoplan_warnings,stoptable_overflow	; check if we have a overflow warning
+		bra		deco_show_plan2a						; NO  - skip
+		;---- Display Overflow warning
+		call	TFT_warnings_color						; YES - show overflow warning
+		STRCAT_PRINT  "incomplete"						; max 10 characters
+		bra		deco_show_plan_m1						; skip displaying sat/dsat factors
-        ; Show deco mode
-        WIN_TOP .155
-        lfsr    FSR2,buffer
-        movff   opt_dive_mode,lo        ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR
-        call    TFT_display_decotype_surface1
-        ;---- Display model
-        movff   char_I_deco_model,WREG
-        iorwf   WREG
-        bnz     deco_show_plan_m1
-        ; Display ZH-L16 sat/desat model.
-        TEXT_SMALL  .0,.130,  tZHL16
-        WIN_SMALL   .14,.155
-        PUTC    ","
+		;---- Check for IBCD Warning
+		btfss	decoplan_warnings,IBCD_warning_lock		; check if we have a locked IBCD warning
+		bra		deco_show_plan2b						; NO  - skip
+		;---- Display IBCD warning
+		call	TFT_attention_color						; YES - show IBCD warning
+		STRCAT_PRINT  "IBCD!"							; max 10 characters
+		bra		deco_show_plan_m1						; skip displaying sat/dsat factors
+        ;---- Display Sat/Desat Factors --> is skipped if there were warnings
+        WIN_SMALL   .25,.105
+        movff   char_I_saturation_multiplier,lo
+        output_8
+        STRCAT  "/"
         movff   char_I_desaturation_multiplier,lo
-        STRCAT  "%/"
-        movff   char_I_saturation_multiplier,lo
-        output_8
-        bra     deco_show_plan_m2
+        STRCAT_PRINT  ""
+		call	TFT_standard_color			; clean-up from warnings
-        ; Display ZH-L16-GF low/high model.
-        TEXT_SMALL  .0,.130,  tZHL16GF
-        WIN_SMALL   .14,.155
-        PUTC    ","
+		;---- Get Model
+        movff   char_I_deco_model,WREG
+        iorwf   WREG
+        bz     deco_show_plan_m2
+        ;---- Display GF low/high values
+        WIN_SMALL  .0,.130
+        WIN_SMALL   .25,.130
         movff   char_I_GF_Low_percentage,lo
-        STRCAT  "%/"
+        STRCAT  "/"
         movff   char_I_GF_High_percentage,lo
+        STRCAT_PRINT  ""
-        STRCAT_PRINT  "%"
+		;---- Display Deco Mode
+		WIN_SMALL   .0,.155
+        lfsr    FSR2,buffer
+        movff   opt_dive_mode,lo        	; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR
+        call    TFT_display_decotype_surface1
+		btfss	FLAG_ccr_mode				; current dive mode = CCR ?
+		bra		deco_show_plan2c			; NO  - branch
+		WIN_SMALL   .25,.155
+        STRCPY  "SP:"						; output setpoint used for calculation
+        movff   opt_sim_setpoint_number,lo
+        bsf     leftbind
+        output_8
+		bcf     leftbind
+        STRCAT_PRINT  ""
         ;---- Display TTS result
         WIN_SMALL   .0,.180
         STRCAT  ": "
         movff   int_O_ascenttime+0,lo
         movff   int_O_ascenttime+1,hi
         bsf     leftbind
+		bcf     leftbind
         STRCAT_PRINT "'"
         ;---- Display CNS result
@@ -713,25 +570,34 @@
         STRCPY_TEXT tCNS2	; "CNS:"
         movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+0,lo
         movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+1,hi
-        output_16_3                     ; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
-        STRCAT  "%\x92"					; "->"
-        movff   decoplan_CNS+0,lo
-        movff   decoplan_CNS+1,hi
-        output_16_3                     ; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
+		TFT_color_code	warn_cns			; Color-code CNS output
+		bsf		leftbind
+	    output_16_3                     	; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
+		bcf		leftbind
+        STRCAT  "%\x92"						; "->"
+		movff   int_O_normal_CNS_fraction+0,lo
+        movff   int_O_normal_CNS_fraction+1,hi
+		TFT_color_code	warn_cns			; Color-code CNS output
+		bsf		leftbind
+        output_16_3                     	; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
+		bcf		leftbind
         STRCAT_PRINT "%"
+		call	TFT_standard_color
         ;---- Loop through pages
+		; Clear the complete stop result column:
+		WIN_BOX_BLACK   .0, .239, .80, .159 ; top, bottom, left, right
         rcall   deco_show_plan_page
         incf    decoplan_page,F
         call    logbook_preloop_tasks
         btfsc   switch_right
         bra     deco_show_plan_3
         btfsc   switch_left
         return                                  ; Return to simulator menu
-        call    log_screendump_and_onesecond    ; Check if we need to make a screenshot and check for new second
+        call    log_screendump_and_onesecond    ; Check if we need to make a screen shot and check for new second
     	btfsc	sleepmode                       ; Timeout?
         goto    restart
         bra     deco_show_plan_2
@@ -740,35 +606,24 @@
         btfss   decoplan_last_ceiling_shown
         bra     deco_show_plan_1
         ; All stops shown
-;---- In CCR mode, compute a BAILOUT decoplan ---------------------------------
-    banksel common
-    btfss   FLAG_ccr_mode               ; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
-    bra     simulator_show_decoplan5_0  ; NO: normal OC mode: just display
+;---- In CCR and pSCR mode, compute a BAILOUT deco plan -----------------------
-    btfsc   is_bailout                  ; ALREADY in bailout mode ?
-    bra     simulator_show_decoplan5_0  ; YES: alreay BAIL plan: display gas
-; Redo 2nd deco-plann, in bailout mode:
-    bsf     is_bailout                  ; Set special bailout mode.
-    rcall   deco_planer_redo            ; Redo plan computation
+    banksel common
+	movff	char_O_deco_status,WREG		; get deco calculation status
+	btfss	WREG,DECO_MODE_LOOP_FLAG	; check if in CCR or pSCR mode
+	bra     simulator_show_decoplan5_0  ; NO  - normal OC mode: just display
+    bsf     is_bailout                  ; YES - redo 2nd deco-plan in bailout mode
+	rcall   deco_planer_redo            ; 		redo plan computation
-    movff   char_I_setpoint_cbar+0,char_I_const_ppO2
-    bra     deco_show_plan              ; and display bailout stops
+	btfss	decoplan_abort				; shall we abort?
+    bra     deco_show_plan              ; NO  - display bailout stops
+	return								; YES
 ;---- In OC+BAIL modes, show the gas Usage special page -----------------------
-    bcf     is_bailout                  ; Back to normal
-    bcf	    ccr_diluent_setup		; init for OC/Bailout
-    ; Make sure to pass first gas
-    call    get_first_gas_to_WREG       ; Gets first gas (0-4) into WREG
-    incf    WREG,f                      ; gas 1..5
-    movff   WREG,char_I_first_gas       ; Copy for compatibility
-    ; Compute gas consumption for each tank.
-    extern  deco_gas_volumes
-    call    deco_gas_volumes
     movlb   .1
     ; Clear the complete stop result column:
@@ -785,6 +640,10 @@
     movff   wait_temp,PRODL             ; Copy to PRODL first
     incf    wait_temp,F                 ; Increment gas #
+	movff	wait_temp,WREG
+	rcall	simulator_color_gas			; set output color according to gas (number 1-5 in WREG)
     lfsr    FSR2,buffer
     bsf     short_gas_decriptions
     bsf     divemode                    ; Tweak "customview_show_mix:"
@@ -797,74 +656,86 @@
     movff   POSTINC0,lo                 ; Read (16bit) result, low first,
     movff   POSTINC0,hi                 ; then high.
-    movf    lo,W                        ; Null ?
-    iorwf   hi,W
-    movf    lo,W                        ; == 65535 (saturated ?)
+    movf    lo,W
     andwf   hi,W
-    incf    WREG
-    bnz     simulator_show_decoplan5_2
-    call    TFT_attention_color
-    STRCAT_PRINT  ":xxxx.x"
-    call    TFT_standard_color   
+    incf    WREG						; > 65535? 
+    bnz     simulator_show_decoplan5_2	; NO
+	STRCAT_PRINT  ">65500"				; YES
     bra     simulator_show_decoplan5_1
     PUTC    ":"
     bsf     leftbind
-    output_16                           ; No decimal anymore.
+    output_16                           	; No decimal anymore.
     bcf     leftbind
-    STRCAT_PRINT  ""                    ; No unit: can be bars or litters.
+    STRCAT_PRINT  ""                    	; No unit: can be bars or litters.
     ; Loop for all 5 gas
-	movlw	d'5'                        ; list all five gases
-	cpfseq	wait_temp                   ; All gases shown?
+	movlw	d'5'                        	; list all five gases
+	cpfseq	wait_temp                   	; All gases shown?
 	bra		simulator_show_decoplan5_loop	; No
     WIN_COLOR   color_greenish
     WIN_SMALL   .80,.25
-;    btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode               ; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
-;    bra     simulator_show_decoplan5_4  ; YES: This is bailout mode
-	STRCPY_TEXT tGasUsage               ; OC: "Gas Usage"
-;    bra     simulator_show_decoplan5_5
-;	STRCPY_TEXT tDiveBailout            ; CCR: "Bailout"
+	STRCPY_TEXT tGasUsage               	; OC: "Gas Usage"
     STRCAT_PRINT  ":"
     call	TFT_standard_color
+    call    logbook_preloop_tasks
-    call    logbook_preloop_tasks
-    btfsc   switch_right
+	btfss   switch_right
+	bra		simulator_show_decoplan5_3a
+	bcf		switch_right
+	clrf    decoplan_page
+	bra		deco_show_plan_1				; toggle between stops plan and gas usage
+    btfss   switch_left						
+	bra		simulator_show_decoplan5_4
+    bcf     is_bailout                  	; Back to normal
+    bcf	    ccr_diluent_setup				; init for OC/Bailout
     return                                  ; Return to simulator menu
-    btfsc   switch_left
-    return                                  ; Return to simulator menu
-    call    log_screendump_and_onesecond    ; Check if we need to make a screenshot and check for new second
+    call    log_screendump_and_onesecond    ; Check if we need to make a screen shot and check for new second
     btfsc	sleepmode                       ; Timeout?
     goto    restart
     bra     simulator_show_decoplan5_3
+simulator_color_gas:				; set output color dependent on gas (1-5, in WREG)
+	movwf	tft_temp1				; used in TFT_set_color anyway
+	dcfsnz	tft_temp1,F
+	movlw	color_white				; color for Gas 1
+	dcfsnz	tft_temp1,F
+	movlw	color_green				; color for Gas 2
+	dcfsnz	tft_temp1,F
+	movlw	color_red				; Color for Gas 3
+	dcfsnz	tft_temp1,F
+	movlw	color_yellow			; color for Gas 4
+	dcfsnz	tft_temp1,F
+	movlw	color_cyan				; color for Gas 5
+	goto	TFT_set_color			; set color and return...
         global  do_demo_divemode
 		extern	option_save_all
-		call	option_save_all			; Save all settings into EEPROM before starting simulation
+		call	option_save_all				; Save all settings into EEPROM before starting simulation
  		call    deco_push_tissues_to_vault
-        banksel common                  ; Bank1
-		bsf		restore_deco_data		; Restore tissue and CNS after sim
+        banksel common                  	; Bank1
-		bcf		pressure_refresh
-		btfss	pressure_refresh					; Wait for sensor
-		bra		$-2
+		bsf	restore_deco_data			; Restore tissue and CNS after simulator use
-		bsf		simulatormode_active				; Set Flag
+		bcf	pressure_refresh
+		btfss	pressure_refresh			; Wait for sensor
+		bra	$-2
+		bsf	simulatormode_active			; Set Flag
         ; Compute dive ambient conditions
         banksel char_I_bottom_depth
         movf    char_I_bottom_depth,W
@@ -878,9 +749,9 @@
         addwfc  PRODH,W
         movff   WREG,sim_pressure+1
-        banksel common                  ; Bank1
+        banksel common                  	; Bank1
 		bsf		divemode
-		goto	diveloop							; Switch into Divemode!
+		goto	diveloop					; Switch into Divemode!
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/sleepmode.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/sleepmode.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -168,9 +168,11 @@
-	call    I2C_init_compass
+	call    I2C_init_compass	    ; required for compass1
+	call	I2C_init_accelerometer	    ; required for compass2
 	call    I2C_RX_accelerometer        ; read Accelerometer
-	call    I2C_sleep_compass
+	call    I2C_sleep_compass	    ; required for compass1
+	call	I2C_sleep_accelerometer	    ; required for compass2
 	movff	accel_DZ+0,WREG
@@ -296,13 +298,11 @@
 	banksel 	common
 	rcall 		sleepmode_sleep			; Wait at least 35ms (every 62,5ms Timer7 wakeup)
 	rcall 		sleepmode_sleep			; Wait at least 35ms (every 62,5ms Timer7 wakeup)
-    bsf         LEDg                    ; Show some activity
 	banksel 	isr_backup              ; Back to Bank0 ISR data
 	call		get_pressure_value		; State2: Get pressure (51us)
 	call		calculate_compensation		; calculate temperature compensated pressure (27us)
 	banksel 	common
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure_avg, amb_pressure	; copy for compatibility
-    bcf         LEDg
--- a/src/start.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/start.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File start.asm
+;   File start.asm									REFACTORED VERSION	V2.95a1
 ;   Startup subroutines
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 reset_v code     0x00000
 ;    goto    start
-	goto	0x1FF00     ; Bootloader
+	goto	0x1FF00     	; Bootloader
 	ORG     0x00004			; Needed for second-level bootloader
 	goto	start
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
     call    init_ostc
     ; Get button type from Bootloader-Info
-        movlw   .16
+	movlw   .16
 	movff   WREG,analog_counter	; init averaging
 	bsf	analog_switches
 	movlw   0x7C
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 	movwf   TBLPTRH
 	movlw   0x01
 	movwf   TBLPTRU
-	TBLRD*+			; Reads 0x07 for analog buttons
+	TBLRD*+							; Reads 0x07 for analog buttons
 	movlw	0x07
 	cpfseq	TABLAT
 	bcf	analog_switches
@@ -72,16 +72,16 @@
 	movwf	EEADR
 	movlw	HIGH	.897
 	movwf	EEADRH
-	call    read_eeprom                ; EEDATA into EEPROM@EEADR
-	clrf	EEADRH			    ; Reset EEADRH
-	movff	EEDATA,button_polarity	    ; 0xFF (Both normal), 0x00 (Both inverted), 0x01 (Left inverted only), 0x02 (Right inverted only) 
+	call    read_eeprom             ; EEDATA into EEPROM@EEADR
+	clrf	EEADRH			    	; Reset EEADRH
+	movff	EEDATA,button_polarity	; 0xFF (Both normal), 0x00 (Both inverted), 0x01 (Left inverted only), 0x02 (Right inverted only) 
 ; Air pressure compensation	after reset
 	call	get_calibration_data	; Get calibration data from pressure sensor
 	banksel common                  ; get_calibration_data uses isr_backup
-        call	TFT_DisplayOff			; display off
-        bsf     LEDr                    ; Status LED
+	call	TFT_DisplayOff			; display off
+	bsf     LEDr                    ; Status LED
 	bcf	pressure_refresh
 ; First pass will not have valid temperature!
 	btfss	pressure_refresh 		; Air pressure compensation
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@
 	movff	WREG,sub_a+1				; max. "allowed" airpressure in mbar
 	movff	last_surfpressure+0,sub_b+0
 	movff	last_surfpressure+1,sub_b+1
-	call	subU16					; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
-	btfss	neg_flag                ; Is 1080mbar < amb_pressure ?
-	bra		start_copy_pressure		; NO: current airpressure is lower then "allowed" airpressure, ok!
+	call	subU16						; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	btfss	neg_flag                	; Is 1080mbar < amb_pressure ?
+	bra		start_copy_pressure			; NO: current airpressure is lower then "allowed" airpressure, ok!
     ; not ok! Overwrite with max. "allowed" airpressure
 	movlw	LOW		max_surfpressure
@@ -119,36 +119,44 @@
 	movff	last_surfpressure+0,last_surfpressure_15min+0
 	movff	last_surfpressure+1,last_surfpressure_15min+1
 	movff	last_surfpressure+0,last_surfpressure_30min+0
-	movff	last_surfpressure+1,last_surfpressure_30min+1	; Rests all airpressure registers
+	movff	last_surfpressure+1,last_surfpressure_30min+1	; resets all airpressure registers
 ; reset deco data for surface mode
-	movlw	d'79'
-	movff	WREG,char_I_N2_ratio            ; 79% N2
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure,int_I_pres_respiration ; copy for deco routine
-	movff	int_I_pres_respiration+0,int_I_pres_surface+0     ; copy for desat routine
+	movlw	.21												; 21%
+	movff	WREG,char_I_O2_ratio            				; ... oxygen
+	movlw	.0												;  0%
+	movff	WREG,char_I_He_ratio            				; ... helium
+	; initialize GF high (needed by deco engine for color-coding the GF value)
+	movff	opt_GF_high,char_I_GF_High_percentage
+    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure,int_I_pres_respiration 	; breathing at surface
+	movff	int_I_pres_respiration+0,int_I_pres_surface+0	; surface pressue
 	movff	int_I_pres_respiration+1,int_I_pres_surface+1		
-	extern	deco_reset
-	call	deco_reset
+	extern	deco_setup
+	call	deco_setup				; set up all model parameters.
+    call    deco_clear_tissue       ; Set all tissues to Pamb * N2_ratio (C-Code)
+    banksel common                  ; back to bank 1, needed after every return from C code
 	call	rtc_init						; init clock
-    movlw   HIGH .512           ; =2
+    movlw   HIGH .512           			; =2
     movwf   EEADRH
     read_int_eeprom .0
     clrf    EEADRH
     movlw   0xAA
-    cpfseq  EEDATA              ; =0xAA
-    bra     no_deco_restore     ; No
+    cpfseq  EEDATA              			; =0xAA
+    bra     no_deco_restore     			; No
     extern  restore_decodata_from_eeprom
     call    restore_decodata_from_eeprom    ; Reload deco data and date/time from eeprom
-	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time     ; calculate desaturation time
+	call	deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min	; calculate deco in surface mode
+	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time     ; calculate desaturation and no-fly time
 	banksel common
-	call	deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min	; calculate deco in surface mode
-	banksel common
 	bcf		menubit							; clear menu flag
 ; Check for Power-on reset here
@@ -158,16 +166,16 @@
     ; *****************************************************************************
     ; Try to migrate the old battery status from firmware 2.09 or earlier..
-    btfsc	RCON,POR					; Was this a power-on reset?
+    btfsc	RCON,POR						; Was this a power-on reset?
     call	use_old_prior_209				; No
     bcf		use_old_batt_flag	
-    btfsc	RCON,POR					; Was this a power-on reset?
+    btfsc	RCON,POR						; Was this a power-on reset?
     bsf		use_old_batt_flag				; No
     call    lt2942_get_status               ; Check for gauge IC
     btfss   battery_gauge_available         ; cR or 2 hardware?
-    bra	    power_on_return2		    ; no
+    bra	    power_on_return2		    	; no
     movlw   .30
     movff   WREG,opt_cR_button_right
@@ -223,8 +231,8 @@
 	movwf	lo
 	bcf		leftbind
-	STRCAT_PRINT	""					; Print second row
-    call    TFT_Display_FadeIn          ; Display resulting surface screen.
+	STRCAT_PRINT	""				; Print second row
+    call    TFT_Display_FadeIn      ; Display resulting surface screen.
 ; place "after-update reset" here...
@@ -273,7 +281,7 @@
     call    option_restore_all      ; Restore everything from EEPROM into RAM
     call    option_check_all        ; Check all options (and reset if not within their min/max boundaries)
-    call    option_save_all	    ; Save all settings into EEPROM after they have been checked
+    call    option_save_all	    	; Save all settings into EEPROM after they have been checked
     clrf	flag1					; clear all flags
     clrf	flag2
@@ -287,7 +295,7 @@
     clrf	flag10
     ; Do not clear flag11 (Sensor calibration and charger status)
     clrf	flag12
-;    ; Do not clear flag13 (Important hardware flags)
+    ; Do not clear flag13 (Important hardware flags)
     clrf	flag14
     clrf	hardware_flag           ; hardware descriptor flag
     bsf		tft_is_dimming          ; TFT is dimming up (soon), ignore ambient sensor!
@@ -298,24 +306,24 @@
     bsf     optical_input           ; Set flag
     call    lt2942_get_status       ; Check for gauge IC
-    btfss   battery_gauge_available            ; cR/2 hardware?
+    btfss   battery_gauge_available	; cR/2 hardware?
     bra     restart2                ; No
     call    lt2942_init             ; Yes, init battery gauge IC
     bcf     optical_input           ; Clear flag
     banksel 0xF16
-    bcf	    ANCON0,7		    ; AN7 Digital input
+    bcf	    ANCON0,7		    	; AN7 Digital input
     banksel common
-    bcf	    lightsen_power	    ; Power-down ambient light sensor
+    bcf	    lightsen_power	    	; Power-down ambient light sensor
     bcf     ambient_sensor          ; Clear flag
-    btfss   PORTF,2		    ; Light sensor available?
+    btfss   PORTF,2		    		; Light sensor available?
     bsf	    ambient_sensor          ; Yes.
     banksel 0xF16
-    bsf	    ANCON0,7		    ; AN7 Analog again
+    bsf	    ANCON0,7		    	; AN7 Analog again
     banksel common
-    bsf	    lightsen_power	    ; Power-up ambient light sensor again
+    bsf	    lightsen_power	    	; Power-up ambient light sensor again
     btfsc   vusb_in
@@ -361,15 +369,15 @@
     TSTOSS  opt_flip_screen         ; =1: Flip the screen
     bcf     flip_screen             ; Normal orientation
-    btfsc   use_old_batt_flag   ; =1: load old battery information after power-on reset
-    goto    use_old_batteries	; Returns to "surfloop"!
+    btfsc   use_old_batt_flag   	; =1: load old battery information after power-on reset
+    goto    use_old_batteries		; Returns to "surfloop"!
-    btfsc   RCON,POR	    ; Was this a power-on reset?
-    goto    surfloop	    ; Jump to Surfaceloop!
-    bsf	    RCON,POR	    ; Set bit for next detection
+    btfsc   RCON,POR	   			; Was this a power-on reset?
+    goto    surfloop	    		; Jump to Surfaceloop!
+    bsf	    RCON,POR	    		; Set bit for next detection
     ; Things to do after a power-on reset
     extern  new_battery_menu,use_old_batteries
-    goto    new_battery_menu	; Returns to "surfloop"!
+    goto    new_battery_menu		; Returns to "surfloop"!
 ; Setup all flags and parameters for divemode and simulator computations.
@@ -386,20 +394,20 @@
     movlw   .10
     movwf   samplingrate
-    bcf	    twosecupdate		; to have divemode routines in sync
-    movlw   .3
-    movff   WREG,char_O_deco_status	; will init the deco_calc_hauptroutine on first invocation
+    bcf	    twosecupdate				; to have divemode routines in sync
     bcf	    FLAG_apnoe_mode
-    bcf     FLAG_ccr_mode		; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
-    bcf     FLAG_gauge_mode		; =1: In Gauge mode
+    bcf     FLAG_ccr_mode				; =1: CCR mode (Fixed ppO2 or Sensor) active
+    bcf     FLAG_gauge_mode				; =1: In Gauge mode
     bcf	    FLAG_pscr_mode
-    call    disable_ir_s8		; IR off
+    call    disable_ir_s8				; IR off
     movff   opt_dive_mode,lo            ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR
     tstfsz  lo
     bra     restart_set_modes_and_flags2
     ; OC Mode
@@ -419,15 +427,15 @@
     clrf    opt_ccr_mode                    ; Yes, reset to Fixed SP
     banksel common
-	bsf     FLAG_ccr_mode               ; =1: CCR mode (Fixed SP, Auto SP or Sensor) active
-    call    enable_ir_s8                ; Enable IR/S8-Port
+	bsf     FLAG_ccr_mode               	; =1: CCR mode (Fixed SP, Auto SP or Sensor) active
+    call    enable_ir_s8                	; Enable IR/S8-Port
     decfsz  lo,F
     bra     restart_set_modes_and_flags4
     ; Gauge Mode
-    bsf     FLAG_gauge_mode           ; =1: In Gauge mode
+    bsf     FLAG_gauge_mode           		; =1: In Gauge mode
@@ -435,13 +443,30 @@
     bra     restart_set_modes_and_flags5
     ; Apnea Mode
     bsf		FLAG_apnoe_mode
-    return							    ; start in Surfacemode
+    return							    	; start in Surfacemode
-    ; PSCR Mode
-    bsf		FLAG_pscr_mode
-    return							    ; start in Surfacemode
+	; PSCR Mode
+	btfsc	analog_o2_input					; cR?
+	bra		restart_set_modes_and_flags5b	; Yes, skip mode check
+	btfsc	optical_input					; 3
+	bra		restart_set_modes_and_flags5b	; Yes, skip mode check
+	; Make sure Sensor is not selected
+	; opt_ccr_mode must be <> 1 (=0: calculated ppO2, =1: Sensor, =2: Auto SP - not valid in pSCR, too)
+	banksel	opt_ccr_mode
+	movlw	.1
+	cpfseq	opt_ccr_mode					; = Sensor?
+	bra		restart_set_modes_and_flags5b	; No
+	clrf	opt_ccr_mode					; Yes, reset to calculated ppO2
+	banksel	opt_ccr_mode
+	bcf		opt_ccr_mode,1					; in pSCR mode only calculated or Sensor, not 2 = Auto SP allowed
+	banksel	common
+	bsf		FLAG_pscr_mode
+	return									; start in Surfacemode
 backup_flash_page:       ; backup the first 128bytes from flash to EEPROM
     	; Start address in internal flash
@@ -451,20 +476,20 @@
         movwf   TBLPTRU
         movlw	.128
-        movwf	lo              ; Byte counter
+        movwf	lo              	; Byte counter
         clrf    EEADR
         movlw   .3
-        movwf   EEADRH          ; Setup backup address
+        movwf   EEADRH          	; Setup backup address
-        TBLRD*-					; Dummy read to be in 128 byte block
+        TBLRD*-						; Dummy read to be in 128 byte block
-        tblrd+*					; Table Read with Pre-Increment
-        movff	TABLAT,EEDATA	; put 1 byte
-        call    write_eeprom    ; save it in EEPROM
+        tblrd+*						; Table Read with Pre-Increment
+        movff	TABLAT,EEDATA		; put 1 byte
+        call    write_eeprom    	; save it in EEPROM
         incf    EEADR,F
-        decfsz 	lo,F            ; 128byte done?
-        bra 	backup_flash_loop ; No
-        clrf    EEADRH          ; Reset EEADRH
-        return                  ; Done.
+        decfsz 	lo,F            	; 128byte done?
+        bra 	backup_flash_loop 	; No
+        clrf    EEADRH          	; Reset EEADRH
+        return                  	; Done.
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File
+;   File														V2.95
 ;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
--- a/src/strings.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/strings.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File strings.asm
+;   File strings.asm									Version 2.92 = 2.26
 ;   Implementation code various string functions.
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
         global  text_get_tblptr
         extern  text_1_base
-        movlw   UPPER(text_1_base); Complete 12bits to 24bits address.
+        movlw   UPPER(text_1_base)		; Complete 12bits to 24bits address.
         movwf   TBLPTRU
         movlw   HIGH(text_1_base)
         andlw   0xF0
@@ -109,10 +109,11 @@
         movwf   TBLPTRH
         movff   FSR1L,TBLPTRL
-        movff   opt_language,WREG       ; Get lang
-        bz      text_get_lang1        ; 0 == English
-        dcfsnz  WREG                    ; 1 == German
-        bra     text_get_lang2
+		movff   opt_language,WREG       ; Get lang
+		bz      text_get_lang1        	; 0 == English
+		dcfsnz  WREG                    ; 1 == German
+		bra     text_get_lang2
 ; Other ??? Keep language 1
 ; Read 2-byte pointer to string
@@ -126,21 +127,21 @@
 ; Add correction for German table:
-        extern  text_2_base
-        movlw   LOW(text_2_base)
-        addwf   TBLPTRL
-        movlw   HIGH(text_2_base)
-        addwfc  TBLPTRH
-        movlw   UPPER(text_2_base)
-        addwfc  TBLPTRU
+       extern  text_2_base
+       movlw   LOW(text_2_base)
+       addwf   TBLPTRL
+       movlw   HIGH(text_2_base)
+       addwfc  TBLPTRH
+       movlw   UPPER(text_2_base)
+       addwfc  TBLPTRU
-        movlw   LOW(text_1_base)
-        subwf   TBLPTRL
-        movlw   HIGH(text_1_base)
-        subwfb  TBLPTRH
-        movlw   UPPER(text_1_base)
-        subwfb  TBLPTRU
-        bra     text_get_lang1
+       movlw   LOW(text_1_base)
+       subwf   TBLPTRL
+       movlw   HIGH(text_1_base)
+       subwfb  TBLPTRH
+       movlw   UPPER(text_1_base)
+       subwfb  TBLPTRU
+       bra     text_get_lang1
 ; Copy a null-terminated string from TBLPTR to buffer.
@@ -183,33 +184,29 @@
         global      start_tiny_block
         clrf        WREG
-        movff       WREG, win_font      ; Need a bank-safe move here !
         bra         start_common
         global      start_small_block
         movlw       1
-        movff       WREG, win_font      ; Need a bank-safe move here !
         bra         start_common
         global      start_std_block
         movlw       2
-        movff       WREG, win_font      ; Need a bank-safe move here !
         bra         start_common
         global      start_medium_block
         movlw       3
-        movff       WREG, win_font      ; Need a bank-safe move here !
         bra         start_common
         global      start_large_block
         movlw       4
-        movff       WREG, win_font      ; Need a bank-safe move here !
 ;        bra         start_common
+        movff       WREG, win_font      ; Need a bank-safe move here !
             VARARGS_GET8    win_leftx2
             VARARGS_GET8    win_top
--- a/src/surfmode.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/surfmode.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File surfmode.asm
+;   File surfmode.asm								REFACTORED VERSION	V2.94
 ;   Surfacemode
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ;  2011-08-07 : [mH] moving from OSTC code
-#include    ""                 ; Mandatory header
+#include    ""					; Mandatory header
 #include    "shared_definitions.h"      ; Mailbox from/to p2_deco.c
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
@@ -43,16 +43,15 @@
 ; Boot tasks for all modes
 	global	surfloop
-    call	speed_normal
+    call    speed_normal
     bcf     no_sensor_int           ; Normal pressure mode
-    bcf     LEDg
     bcf     LEDr
-    clrf	CCP1CON					; stop PWM
-	bcf		PORTC,2					; Pull PWM output to GND
-	call	TFT_boot                ; Initialize TFT (includes clear screen)
-	bcf		restore_deco_data
+    clrf    CCP1CON					; stop PWM
+    bcf	    PORTC,2					; Pull PWM output to GND
+    call    TFT_boot                ; Initialize TFT (includes clear screen)
+    bcf	    restore_deco_data
     WIN_TOP     .50
     WIN_LEFT    .10
@@ -100,8 +99,10 @@
     bcf     ccr_diluent_setup           ; Use OC gases for gaslist routine
 	bcf		simulatormode_active		; Quit simulator mode (if active)
-	bcf		switch_left
-	bcf		switch_right
+	; MOVE from here to below ## V2.94
+	; bcf		switch_left
+	; bcf		switch_right
 	;---- Fade to standard surface view --------------------------------------
 	; Wait 1 second
@@ -145,8 +146,12 @@
 	call	TFT_update_surf_press		; display surface pressure
 	call	TFT_temp_surfmode			; Displays temperature
 	call	TFT_display_decotype_surface
-    call    compute_ppo2                ; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
-    call    check_sensors               ; Set enable/disable flags
+; REPLACE	## voting logic
+;	call    compute_ppo2                ; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
+;	call    check_sensors               ; Set enable/disable flags
+; BY
+	call	calc_deko_divemode_sensor
     movff   opt_dive_mode,lo            ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR
     tstfsz  lo
@@ -158,20 +163,32 @@
     call    TFT_Display_FadeIn          ; Display resulting surface screen.
+	; MOVED from above to here	## V2.94
+	bcf		switch_left
+	bcf		switch_right
     ;---- Late initialisations -----------------------------------------------    
-	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,int_I_pres_respiration+0		; copy surface air pressure to deco routine
-	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+1,int_I_pres_respiration+1		; 30min old values 
+	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,int_I_pres_respiration+0		; copy surface air pressure to deco routine		## not used any more (!?)
+	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+1,int_I_pres_respiration+1		; 30min old values 								## not used any more (!?)
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,int_I_pres_surface+0			; copy surface air pressure to deco routine
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+1,int_I_pres_surface+1			; 30min old values 
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,last_surfpressure+0			; Use 30min old airpressure 
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+1,last_surfpressure+1			; Use 30min old airpressure
+	; NEW	## no fly
+	movff	opt_GF_low,char_I_GF_Low_percentage
+	movff	opt_GF_high,char_I_GF_High_percentage
     ; Startup tasks for all modes
     ; Desaturation time needs:
     ;   int_I_pres_surface
     ;   char_I_desaturation_multiplier
 	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time ; calculate desaturation time
-	movlb	b'00000001'					; select ram bank 1
+	; REPLACE	## (code unification)
+	; movlb	b'00000001'					; select ram bank 1
+	; BY
+	banksel	common
     btfsc   enable_screen_dumps         ; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)
     call	enable_rs232				; Also sets to speed_normal ...
@@ -192,7 +209,6 @@
 	call	TFT_temp_surfmode			; Displays temperature
     btfss   secs,0                      ; Every two seconds...
     call    surfmode_check_for_warnings ; ... check for warnings (and display/update) them
 	bcf		onesecupdate				; every second tasks done
@@ -222,23 +238,27 @@
     bcf     quarter_second_update
     ; Update Sensors
-    call    compute_ppo2                ; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
-    call    check_sensors               ; Set enable/disable flags
+	; REPLACE	## voting logic
+	; call    compute_ppo2                ; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
+	; call    check_sensors               ; Set enable/disable flags
+	; BY
+	call	calc_deko_divemode_sensor
     btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode               ; In CCR mode?
-    bra	    surfloop_loop2a1		; Yes.
+    bra	    surfloop_loop2a1			; Yes.
     btfss   FLAG_pscr_mode              ; In PSCR mode?
-    bra	    surfloop_loop2a		; No, skip
+    bra	    surfloop_loop2a				; No, skip
     movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG           ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
     sublw   .1                          ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)?
-    bnz     surfloop_loop2a		; No, skip
+    bnz     surfloop_loop2a				; No, skip
     call    TFT_surface_sensor          ; ...update sensor data in surface mode
     call    TFT_sensor_surface_warning	; Show a warning arrow-down behind sensor readings when sensor is end-of-life
     movlw   .9 
-    cpfseq  menupos3			; in Sensor mV surface custom view? 
-    bra	    surfloop_loop2a		; No
+    cpfseq  menupos3					; in Sensor mV surface custom view? 
+    bra	    surfloop_loop2a				; No
     extern  TFT_sensor_mV 
     call    TFT_sensor_mV		; Yes, update mV readings (Each 1/4 second and not each second as in customview.asm)
@@ -255,8 +275,12 @@
     btfsc   enable_screen_dumps         ; =1: Ignore vin_usb, wait for "l" command (Screen dump)
     bra     surfloop_loop3
-    btfsc   vusb_in                     ; USB plugged in?
-    call    comm_mode                   ; Start COMM mode
+	; DELETE - In surface mode, only charing is available now - but now you can see the charging status :-)	## USB
+	;          To do USB communication, you now need to be in menu or logbook mode
+    ;btfsc   vusb_in                     ; USB plugged in?
+    ;call    comm_mode                   ; Start COMM mode
     bra     surfloop_loop4
     btfss   vusb_in                     ; USB (still) plugged in?
@@ -267,45 +291,87 @@
     movlw   "l"
     cpfseq	RCREG1
     bra     surfloop_loop4
-    call    TFT_dump_screen             ; Dump the screen contents
+    call    TFT_dump_screen             	; Dump the screen contents
-	btfsc	sleepmode					; Sleepmode active?
-	goto	sleeploop					; Yes, switch into sleepmode!
+	btfsc	sleepmode						; Sleepmode active?
+	goto	sleeploop						; Yes, switch into sleepmode!
-	bra		surfloop_loop				; loop surfacemode
+	bra		surfloop_loop					; loop surfacemode
 ; One minute tasks for all modes
-	call	TFT_date					; Update date
-	call	calc_deko_surfmode			; calculate desaturation every minute
+	call	TFT_date						; Update date
+	; REPLACE	## no fly 2
+	; call	calc_deko_surfmode				; calculate desaturation time every minute
+	; BY
+	call	deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min	; calculate deco in surface mode. int_I_pres_surface gets updated by
+	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time		; TFT_update_surf_press when amb_pressure has changed by >= 10 mbar
+	banksel	common
+	; NEW	## deco engine
+	; update tissue diagram if it is on display
+	movlw	.5								; number of tissue custom view
+	cpfseq	menupos3						; is this the current customview?
+	bra		update_surfloop60_1				; NO	
+	call    TFT_standard_color				; YES - set standard color
+    call	TFT_surface_tissues				; 	    show tissue diagram
+	; NEW	## no fly
+	; update last dive info if it is on display
+	movlw	.8								; number of the last dive info customview
+	cpfseq	menupos3						; is this the current customview?
+	bra		update_surfloop60_2				; NO	
+	call    TFT_standard_color				; YES - set standard color
+    call	TFT_surface_lastdive			; 	    show last dive infos
 	bcf		oneminupdate				
     extern  check_cns_violation,check_warn_battery,check_and_store_gf_violation
-	movf	warning_counter_backup,W
-	cpfseq	warning_counter						; warning_counter_backup = warning_counter?
-	call	TFT_clear_warning_text              ; No, clear all warnings
-	movff	warning_counter,warning_counter_backup	; copy warning_counter
+	; DELETE	## (screen flicker)
+	; movf	warning_counter_backup,W
+	; cpfseq	warning_counter						; warning_counter_backup = warning_counter?
+	; call	TFT_clear_warning_text              ; No, clear all warnings
+	; movff	warning_counter,warning_counter_backup	; copy warning_counter
 	bcf		warning_active                      ; Clear flag
 	clrf	warning_counter						; Clear counter
     ; Warnings for all modes
     call	check_warn_battery                  ; Check if the battery level should be displayed/warned
-    rcall   surfmode_check_for_nofly            ; Check if nofly time should be shown
-    rcall   surfmode_check_for_desat            ; Check if desat time should be shown
-    rcall   surfmode_check_for_interval         ; Check if surface interval should be shown
+	; DELETE HERE...	## (general fix)
+    ; rcall   surfmode_check_for_nofly            ; Check if nofly time should be shown
+    ; rcall   surfmode_check_for_desat            ; Check if desat time should be shown
+	; DELETE - surface interval is now shown in last dive custom view, not as "warning" any more	## no fly
+    ; rcall   surfmode_check_for_interval         ; Check if surface interval should be shown
-	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
+	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode             		; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
     bra     surfmode_check_for_warnings2
-	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode             ; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
+	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode             		; Done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
 	bra     surfmode_check_for_warnings2
     ; Warnings only in deco modes
+	; ...INSERT HERE ## (general fix) - desat and no-fly time belong to deco modes
+	rcall   surfmode_check_for_desat            ; Check if desat time should be shown
+	rcall   surfmode_check_for_nofly            ; Check if nofly time should be shown
 	call	check_cns_violation					; Check CNS value and display it, if required
     call	check_and_store_gf_violation		; Check GF value and display it, if required
+	; NEW	## microbubbles
+	movff	char_O_deco_warnings,WREG			; bank-safe copy for deco warnings
+	btfsc	WREG,mbubble_warning_lock			; do we have a microbubbles warning?
+	extern	warn_mbubbles
+	call	warn_mbubbles						; YES	
 ; Setup warning_page number
     incf    warning_page,F
@@ -313,51 +379,98 @@
     rlcf    warning_page,W                      ; *2
     cpfsgt  warning_counter                     ; > warning_counter
     clrf    warning_page                        ; No, clear
+	; NEW	## (screen flicker)
+; Clear both rows of warnings if there is nothing to show at all
+	tstfsz	warning_counter						; any warnings?
+	bra		surfmode_check_for_warnings3		; YES - look if second row needs to be cleared
+	call	TFT_clear_warning_text              ; NO  - clear complete warnings area
+	return
 ; Clear 2nd row of warnings if there is nothing to show (on this page)
     btfss   second_row_warning                  ; =1: The second row contains a warning
     call    TFT_clear_warning_text_2nd_row      ; No, clear this row
     return                                      ; Done.
-	movf    	surface_interval+0,W            ; Is interval null ?
-    iorwf   	surface_interval+1,W
-    bnz     	surfmode_check_for_interval2	; No
-    return
-	incf    warning_counter,F			; increase counter
-    call    TFT_interval
-    return
+; DELETE - surface interval is now shown in last dive custom view, not as "warning" any more	## no fly
+;	movf    surface_interval+0,W           		; Is interval null ?
+;    iorwf   surface_interval+1,W
+;    bnz     surfmode_check_for_interval2		; No
+;    return
+;	incf    warning_counter,F					; increase counter
+;    call    TFT_interval
+;    return
-	movf    	desaturation_time+0,W           ; Is nofly null ?
-    iorwf   	desaturation_time+1,W
-    bnz     	surfmode_check_for_desat2		; No
+	; REPLACE	## no fly
+	; movf    desaturation_time+0,W           	; Is nofly null ?
+    ; iorwf   desaturation_time+1,W
+	; BY
+	banksel	int_O_desaturation_time
+	movf    int_O_desaturation_time+0,W			; Is nofly null ?
+	iorwf   int_O_desaturation_time+1,W
+    bnz     surfmode_check_for_desat2			; No
+	; NEW	## no fly
+	banksel common
-	incf	warning_counter,F			; increase counter
+	; NEW	## no fly
+	banksel common
+	incf	warning_counter,F					; increase counter
     call    TFT_desaturation_time
- 	movf    nofly_time+0,W              ; Is nofly null ?
-    iorwf   nofly_time+1,W
-    bnz     surfmode_check_for_nofly2   ; No...
+	; REPLACE	## no fly
+ 	; movf    nofly_time+0,W              		; Is nofly null ?
+    ; iorwf   nofly_time+1,W
+	; BY
+	banksel	int_O_nofly_time
+	movf    int_O_nofly_time+0,W           		; Is nofly null ?
+	iorwf   int_O_nofly_time+1,W
+    bnz     surfmode_check_for_nofly2   		; No...
+	; NEW	## no fly
+	banksel	common
-	incf	warning_counter,F			; increase counter
+	; NEW	## no fly
+	banksel	common
+	incf	warning_counter,F					; increase counter
     call    TFT_nofly_time
-	global	calc_deko_surfmode
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure,int_I_pres_respiration ; copy surface air pressure to deco routine
-	call	deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min    ; calculate deco in surface mode
-	banksel		common
-	return
+; DELETE - not used any more	## no fly
+;	global	calc_deko_surfmode
+;	; DELETE - deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min uses int_I_pres_surface, not int_I_pres_respiration	## no fly
+;    ; SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure,int_I_pres_respiration ; copy surface air pressure to deco routine
+;	call	deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min    			; calculate deco in surface mode
+;	; NEW	## no fly
+;	; call	deco_calc_desaturation_time
+;	banksel		common
+;	return
 test_switches_surfmode:		; checks switches in surfacemode
 	btfsc	switch_right
@@ -383,7 +496,7 @@
 	bcf		switch_left
-	bsf		menubit					; Enter Menu!
+	bsf		menubit						; Enter Menu!
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File
+;   File								REFACTORED VERSION V2.92
 ;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ;  2011-08-07 : [mH] moving from OSTC code
  extern surfloop
- extern	calc_deko_surfmode
+; extern	calc_deko_surfmode			DELETED - not used any more	## no fly
  extern	timeout_surfmode
  extern	timeout_testmode
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #DEFINE surf_warning_length     .11                 ; total string length
 #DEFINE	surf_temp_row		.185
-#DEFINE	surf_temp_column	.120
+#DEFINE	surf_temp_column	.120					; CHANGED - clear overlapp with warning text area ## temp
 #DEFINE	surf_press_row		.160
 #DEFINE	surf_press_column	.98
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;    File text_english.asm
+;    File text_english.asm							REFACTORED VERSION V2.95
 ;    English texts reference file.
@@ -8,291 +8,334 @@
 ; Basic texts
-	TCODE	tNo,        "No"            ; No
-	TCODE	tYes,       "Yes"           ; Yes = No + 1
+	TCODE	tNo,        	"No"           		; No
+	TCODE	tYes,       	"Yes"          		; Yes = No + 1
+	TCODE	tblank,			" "					; (a single space character)	## NEW (layout)
 ; Surface-mode texts
-    TCODE   tBeta,      "beta"         	; beta
-    TCODE   tMenu,	"<Menu" 	; <Menu
-    TCODE   tView,      "View>"         ; View>
-    TCODE   tHeading,   "Heading:"      ; Heading:
-    TCODE   tLastDive,	"Last Dive"	; Last Dive (Max 10 chars)
-    TCODE   tSensorMilliVolt, "CCR Sensors mV" ; CCR Sensors mV
+    TCODE   tBeta,      	  "beta"   			; beta
+    TCODE   tMenu,			  "<Menu" 			; <Menu
+    TCODE   tView,      	  "View>"      		; View>
+    TCODE   tHeading,   	  "Heading:"   		; Heading:
+    TCODE   tLastDive,		  "Last Dive"		; Last Dive (Max 10 chars)
+    TCODE   tSensorMilliVolt, "CCR Sensors mV" 	; CCR Sensors mV
 ; Divemode Menu
     TCODE   tDivemenu_Gaslist,  "Gaslist"       ; Gaslist
     TCODE   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, "Reset Avg."    ; Reset Avg.
     TCODE   tDivemenu_Setpoint, "Setpoint"      ; Setpoint
-    TCODE   tDivemenu_UseSensor,"Use Sensor"    ; Use Sensor
+    TCODE   tDivemenu_UseSensor,"use Sensor"    ; Use Sensor
     TCODE   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, "Toggle GF"     ; Toggle GF
     TCODE   tDivemenu_Marker,   "Set Marker"    ; Set Marker
     TCODE   tDivemenu_LostGas,  "Lost Gas"      ; Lost Gas
 ; Main menu
-    TCODE   tNext,      "<Next"         ; <Next
-    TCODE   tEnter,     "Enter>"        ; Enter>
+    TCODE   tNext,      	"<Next"        		; <Next
+    TCODE   tEnter,     	"Enter>"       		; Enter>
-    TCODE   tMainMenu,  "Main Menu"     ; MainMenu
-    TCODE   tLogbook,   "Logbook"       ; Logbook
-    TCODE   tGasSetup,  "OC Gas Setup"  ; OC Gas Setup
-    TCODE   tSetTime,   "Set Time"		; Set Time
-    TCODE	tSetDate,	"Set Date"		; Set Date
-    TCODE	tSetTimeDate,"Set Time & Date"; Set Time & Date
-    TCODE   tDispSets,  "Display Settings" ; Display Settings
-    TCODE   tExit,      "Exit"          ; Exit
-	TCODE	tResetMenu, "Reset Menu"	; Reset Menu
-	TCODE	tDiveModeMenu,"Deco Mode"	; Deco Mode
-	TCODE	tInfoMenu,	"Information"	; Information
-    TCODE   tCCRSetup,  "CCR Setup"     ; CCR Setup
-    TCODE   tDiluentSetup,"Diluent Setup"   ; Diluent Setup
-    TCODE   tFixedSetpoints,"Fixed Setpoints" ; Fixed Setpoints
-    TCODE   tCCRSensor, "CCR Sensor"    ; CCR Sensor
-    TCODE   tCalibrateMenu, "Calibration"   ; Calibration
-    TCODE   tCalibrationGas, "Cal. Gas O2:"  ; Cal. Gas O2:
-    TCODE   tCalibrate, "Calibrate"     ; Calibrate
+    TCODE   tMainMenu,  	"Main Menu"    		; MainMenu
+    TCODE   tLogbook,   	"Logbook"       	; Logbook
+    TCODE   tGasSetup,  	"OC Gas Setup"  	; OC Gas Setup
+    TCODE   tSetTime,   	"Set Time"			; Set Time
+    TCODE	tSetDate,		"Set Date"			; Set Date
+    TCODE	tSetTimeDate,	"Set Time & Date"	; Set Time & Date
+    TCODE   tDispSets,  	"Display Settings" 	; Display Settings
+    TCODE   tExit,      	"Exit"          	; Exit
+	TCODE	tResetMenu, 	"Reset Menu"		; Reset Menu
+	TCODE	tDiveModeMenu,	"Deco Setup"		; Deco Setup					## MODIFIED (consistent naming)
+	TCODE	tInfoMenu,		"Information"		; Information
+	TCODE   tCCRSetup,  	"CCR/pSCR Setup" 	; CCR/pSCR Setup				## MODIFIED (consistent naming)
+    TCODE   tDiluentSetup,	"Diluent Setup"   	; Diluent Setup
+	TCODE   tFixedSetpoints,"CCR Setpoints" 	; Fixed Setpoints for CCR		## MODIFIED (consistent naming)
+	TCODE   tCCRSensor, 	"Sensor"   			; CCR/pSCR Sensor				## MODIFIED (consistent naming)
+    TCODE   tCalibrateMenu, "Calibration"   	; Calibration
+    TCODE   tCalibrationGas,"Cal. Gas O2:"  	; Cal. Gas O2:
+    TCODE   tCalibrate, 	"Calibrate"    		; Calibrate
+	TCODE	tBack,			 "back..."			;								## NEW 
 ; Gas menu
-    TCODE   tGaslist,   "OC Gas List"
-    TCODE   tGaslistCC, "CC Diluents"
-    TCODE   tGasEdit,   "Edit Gas"
-    TCODE   tType,      "Type: "
-    TCODE   tGasDisabled,"Disabled"  ; Disabled
-    TCODE   tGasFirst,   "First"     ; First
-    TCODE   tGasTravel,  "Travel"    ; Travel
-    TCODE   tGasDeco,    "Deco"      ; Deco
-    TCODE   tDilDisabled,"Disabled"  ; Disabled
-    TCODE   tDilFirst,   "First"     ; First
-    TCODE   tDilNorm,   "Normal"     ; Normal
-    TCODE   tAir,       "Air  "         ; Enum: values must follows (5 chars)
-    TCODE   tO2,        "O2   "         ; tAir + 5
-    TCODE   tO2Plus,    "O2 +"
-    TCODE   tO2Minus,   "O2 -"
-    TCODE   tHePlus,    "He +"
-    TCODE   tHeMinus,   "He -"
-    TCODE   tMOD,       "MOD:"
-    TCODE   tEAD,       "EAD:"
-    TCODE   tGasDepth,  "Change depth"
-    TCODE   tDepthPlus, "Depth +"
-    TCODE   tDepthMinus,"Depth -"
-    TCODE   tDepthReset,"Reset to MOD:"
-    TCODE   tSetup_mix, "Setup Mix"
-    TCODE   tCCRMode,   "CCR Mode:"             ; CCR Mode:
-    TCODE   tCCRModeFixedSP,  "Fixed SP"        ; Fixed SP
-    TCODE   tCCRModeSensor,   "Sensor"          ; Sensor
-    TCODE   tCCRModeAutoSP,   "Auto SP"         ; Auto SP
+    TCODE   tGaslist,   	"OC Gas List"
+    TCODE   tGaslistCC, 	"CC Diluents"
+    TCODE   tGasEdit,   	"Edit Gas"
+    TCODE   tType,      	"Type: "
+    TCODE   tGasDisabled,	"Disabled"  		; Disabled
+    TCODE   tGasFirst,   	"First"     		; First
+    TCODE   tGasTravel,  	"Travel"    		; Travel
+    TCODE   tGasDeco,    	"Deco"      		; Deco
+    TCODE   tDilDisabled,	"Disabled"  		; Disabled
+    TCODE   tDilFirst,   	"First"     		; First
+    TCODE   tDilNorm,   	"Normal"     		; Normal
+    TCODE   tAir,       	"Air  "         	; Enum: values must follow (5 chars)
+    TCODE   tO2,        	"O2   "         	; tAir + 5
+    TCODE   tO2Plus,    	"O2 +"
+    TCODE   tO2Minus,   	"O2 -"
+    TCODE   tHePlus,    	"He +"
+    TCODE   tHeMinus,   	"He -"
+    TCODE   tMOD,       	"MOD:"
+    TCODE   tEAD,       	"EAD:"
+    TCODE   tGasDepth,  	"Change depth"
+    TCODE   tDepthPlus, 	"Depth +"
+    TCODE   tDepthMinus,	"Depth -"
+    TCODE   tDepthReset,	"Reset to MOD:"
+    TCODE   tSetup_mix, 	"Setup Mix"
+	TCODE   tCCRMode,   	"Mode:"             ; Mode:							## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   tCCRModeFixedSP,"Fixed SP/Calc."  	; Fixed for CCR / Calc.for pSCR	## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   tCCRModeSensor,	"Sensor"          	; Sensor
+    TCODE   tCCRModeAutoSP,	"Auto SP"         	; Auto SP
     TCODE   tSP,            "SP"                ; SP (SetPoint)
-    TCODE   tSPPlus,    "ppO2+"                  ; pO2+
-    TCODE   tSensorFallback, "Fallback:"        ; Fallback:
-    TCODE   tppO2,      "ppO2:"                 ; ppO2:
-    TCODE   tppO2O2,	"ppO2(O2)"		; ppO2(O2)
-    TCODE   tppO2Dil,	"ppO2(Dil)"		; ppO2(Dil)
-	TCODE   tNewBattTitle,      "New Battery?"
-	TCODE	tNewBattOld,		"Keep old"
-	TCODE	tNewBattNew36,		"New 3.6V Saft"
-	TCODE	tNewBattNew15,		"New 1.5V AA"
-	TCODE	tNewBattAccu,		"3.6V LiIon AA"
+    TCODE   tSPPlus,    	"ppO2+"             ; pO2+
+    TCODE   tSensorFallback,"Fallback:"         ; Fallback:
+	TCODE	tCalculated,	"calculated"		; calculated
+    TCODE   tppO2,      	"ppO2:"             ; ppO2:
+    TCODE   tppO2O2,		"ppO2(O2)"			; ppO2(O2)
+    TCODE   tppO2Dil,		"ppO2(Dil)"			; ppO2(Dil)
+	TCODE   tppO2Mix,		"ppO2(Mix)"			; ppO2(Mix)
+; New batteries menu
+	TCODE   tNewBattTitle,	"New Battery?"
+	TCODE	tNewBattOld,	"Keep old"
+	TCODE	tNewBattNew36,	"New 3.6V Saft"
+	TCODE	tNewBattNew15,	"New 1.5V AA"
+	TCODE	tNewBattAccu,	"3.6V LiIon AA"
 	TCODE	tNew18650,		"Internal 18650"
 	TCODE	tNew16650,		"Internal 16650"
 ; Gaslist management
-    TCODE   tGas,       "Gas"           ; Gas
-    TCODE   tGasErr,    "Err"           ; Err  (3 chars)
+    TCODE   tGas,       	"Gas"				; Gas
+    TCODE   tGasErr,    	"Err"           	; Err  (3 chars)
 ; Communication Menu
-	TCODE	tUsbTitle,	"USB Mode"
-    TCODE   tBleTitle,  "Bluetooth Mode"
-	TCODE	tUsbStarting,  "Starting..."
-	TCODE	tUsbStartDone, "Done."
-	TCODE	tUsbServiceMode, "Service mode enabled"
+	TCODE	tUsbTitle,		"USB Mode"
+    TCODE   tBleTitle,  	"Bluetooth Mode"
+	TCODE	tUsbStarting,  	"Starting..."
+	TCODE	tUsbStartDone, 	"Done."
+	TCODE	tUsbServiceMode,"Service mode enabled"
 	TCODE	tUsbClosed,		"Port closed"
 	TCODE	tUsbExit,		"Exited"
-	TCODE	tUsbDownloadMode, "Download mode enabled"
+	TCODE	tUsbDownloadMode,"Download mode enabled"
     TCODE   tUsbLlBld,      "Low-level Bootloader"
 ; Dive Settings
-    TCODE   tDvMode,    "Dive Mode:"
-    TCODE   tDvOC,      "OC"
-    TCODE   tDvCC,      "CC"
-    TCODE   tDvGauge,   "Gauge"
-    TCODE   tDvApnea,   "Apnea"
-    TCODE   tDvPSCR,	"PSCR"
-    TCODE   tDkMode,    "Decotype:"
-    TCODE   tZHL16,     "ZH-L16"
-    TCODE   tZHL16GF,   "ZH-L16+GF"
-    TCODE   tPPO2Max,   "ppO2 Max:"
-    TCODE   tPPO2DECO,	"ppO2 Deco:"
-    TCODE   tPPO2MIN,   "ppO2 Min:"
-    TCODE   tLastDecostop, "Last Deco:"
-    TCODE   tDecoparameters, "Deco Parameters"
-    TCODE   tGF_low,    "GF low:"
-    TCODE   tGF_high,   "GF high:"
-    TCODE   tSaturationMult,    "Saturation:"
-    TCODE   tDesaturationMult,  "Desaturation:"
-    TCODE   tFTTSMenu,  "Future TTS:"            ; Future TTS
-    TCODE   taGFMenu,   "Alternative GF"         ; Alternative GF
-    TCODE   taGF_low,   "aGF low:"               ; aGF low
-    TCODE   taGF_high,  "aGF high:"              ; aGF high
-    TCODE   taGF_enable,"aGF selectable:"        ; aGF Selectable
-    TCODE   tDiveaGF_active,"aGF!"               ; aGF!
-    TCODE   tppO2settings,"ppO2 Settings"        ; ppO2 Settings
-    TCODE   tsafetystopmenu,"Safety Stop:"       ; Safety Stop:
+    TCODE   tDvMode,    	"Dive Mode:"
+    TCODE   tDvOC,      	"OC"				; keep order, enum from here...
+    TCODE   tDvCCR,		"CCR"
+    TCODE   tDvGauge,   	"Gauge"
+    TCODE   tDvApnea,   	"Apnea"
+    TCODE   tDvPSCR,		"pSCR"				; ...up to here!
+    TCODE   tDvCC,      	"CC"
+    TCODE   tDkMode,    	"Decotype:ZH-L16"	;								## MODIFIED (memory needs)
+    TCODE   tZHL16,     	" "					; keep order, enum from here...	## MODIFIED (memory needs)
+    TCODE   tZHL16GF,   	"+GF"				; ...up to here!				## MODIFIED (memory needs)
+    TCODE   tPPO2Max,   	"Max     :"			;								## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   tPPO2DECO,		"Max Deco:"			;								## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   tPPO2MIN,   	"Min     :"			;								## MODIFIED (layout)
+	TCODE	tPPO2MINCC, 	"Min Loop:"			; 								## NEW ppO2 min cc
+    TCODE   tLastDecostop, 	"Last Deco:"
+    TCODE   tDecoparameters,"Deco Parameters"
+    TCODE   tGF_low,    	"GF low :"			; 								## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   tGF_high,   	"GF high:"
+    TCODE   tSaturationMult,  "Saturation  :"	; 								## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   tDesaturationMult,"Desaturation:"
+	TCODE   tFTTSMenu,  	"fTTS/Delay:"		; Future TTS / Ascent Delay		## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   taGFMenu,   	"Alternative GF"    ; Alternative GF
+    TCODE   taGF_low,   	"aGF low :"         ; aGF low						## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   taGF_high,  	"aGF high:"         ; aGF high
+    TCODE   taGF_enable,	"aGF selectable:"   ; aGF Selectable
+    TCODE   tDiveaGF_active,"aGF!"              ; aGF!
+    TCODE   tppO2settings,	"ppO2 Settings"     ; ppO2 Settings
+    TCODE   tsafetystopmenu,"Safety Stop:"		; Safety Stop:
+	TCODE   tGasUsage,  	"Gas Usage"         ; Gas Usage
+    TCODE   tSetBotUse, 	"Bottom Gas: "      ; Bottom Gas: (space)
+    TCODE   tSetDecoUse,	"Deco   Gas: "      ; Deco   Gas: (space)			## MODIFIED (layout)
+	TCODE	tCalcAscGas,	 "Calc.Gas (B/O):"	;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tTankSizes,		 "Tank Sizes"		;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE   tLiter,			 " l"				;								## NEW bailout gas needs 
+	TCODE	tTankFillPress,	 "Tank Press Budget";
+	TCODE	tGas1,			 "Gas 1:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas2,			 "Gas 2:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas3,			 "Gas 3:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas4,			 "Gas 4:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas5,			 "Gas 5:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tCCmaxFracO2,	 "Loop %O2 max.:"	;								## NEW CCR max ppO2 limiter
+	TCODE	t2ndDecoPlanMenu,"2nd Deco Plan"	;								## NEW deco engine
 ; Display Settings
-    TCODE   tBright,    "Brightness:"
-    TCODE   tEco,       "Eco"
-    TCODE   tMedium,    "Medium"
-    TCODE   tHigh,      "High"
-    TCODE   tDvSalinity,"Salinity:"             ; Salinity
-    TCODE   tFlip,      "Rotate Screen:"        ; Rotate Screen
-    TCODE   tMODwarning,"MOD warning:"          ; MOD warning
-    TCODE   tShowppO2,  "Always show ppO2:"     ; Always show ppO2:
-    TCODE   tTimeoutDive,"Dive Timeout:"	; Dive Timeout
+    TCODE   tBright,    	"Brightness:"
+    TCODE   tEco,       	"Eco"
+    TCODE   tMedium,    	"Medium"
+    TCODE   tHigh,      	"High"
+    TCODE   tDvSalinity,	"Salinity: "       	; Salinity						## MODIFIED (layout)
+	TCODE   tShowppO2,  	"Always show ppO2:"	; Always show ppO2:
+    TCODE   tFlip,      	"Rotate Screen:"    ; Rotate Screen
+    TCODE   tMODwarning,	"MOD  Warning  :"	; MOD warning					## MODIFIED (layout)
+	TCODE	tIBCDwarning,	"IBCD Warning  :"	; IBCD Warning					## NEW IBCD
+    TCODE   tTimeoutDive,	"Dive Timeout:"		; Dive Timeout					## MODIFIED (layout)
 ; VSI display Settings
-    TCODE   tVSItext2,  "Variable speed:"     ; Variable speed:
-    TCODE   tVSIgraph,  "Speed graph:"        ; Speed graph:
+    TCODE   tVSItext2,  	"Variable Speed:"   ; Variable speed:				## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   tVSIgraph,  	"Speed    Graph:"   ; Speed graph:					## MODIFIED (layout)
 ; Setup Menu
-    TCODE   tSystSets,  "Settings"
-    TCODE   tLanguage,  "Language:"
-    TCODE   tEnglish,   "English"
-    TCODE   tGerman,    "German"
-    TCODE   tFrench,    "French"
-    TCODE   tItalian,   "Italian"
-    TCODE   tCompassMenu,"Compass calibration"  ; Compass calibration
-    TCODE   tCompassGain,"Compass Gain:"         ; Compass gain:
-    TCODE   tCalX,	 "Cal X:"		; Cal X
-    TCODE   tCalY,	 "Cal Y:"		; Cal Y
-    TCODE   tCalZ,	 "Cal Z:"		; Cal Z
+    TCODE   tSystSets,  	"Settings"
+    TCODE   tLanguage,  	"Language:"
+    TCODE   tEnglish,   	"English"
+    TCODE   tGerman,    	"German"
+    TCODE   tFrench,    	"French"
+    TCODE   tItalian,   	"Italian"
+    TCODE   tCompassMenu,	"Compass calibration"
+    TCODE   tCompassGain,	"Compass Gain:"
+    TCODE   tCalX,	 		"Cal X:"			; Cal X
+    TCODE   tCalY,	 		"Cal Y:"			; Cal Y
+    TCODE   tCalZ,	 		"Cal Z:"			; Cal Z
-    TCODE   tUnits,     "Units:"
-    TCODE   tMetric,     " m/°C"            ; Enum menu
-    TCODE   tImperial,   "ft/°F"
-    TCODE   tDefName,   "HW OSTC"
-	TCODE	tbar,		"bar"				; bar
+    TCODE   tUnits,     	"Units:"
+    TCODE   tMetric,     	" m/°C"            	; Enum menu
+    TCODE   tImperial,   	"ft/°F"
+    TCODE   tDefName,   	"HW OSTC"
-    TCODE   tButtonleft,"Left button:"      ; Left button
-    TCODE   tButtonright,"Right button:"    ; Right button
+    TCODE   tButtonleft,	"Left button:"		; Left button
+    TCODE   tButtonright,	"Right button:"    	; Right button
+	TCODE	tAltMode,		"Waiting Time:"		;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltModeFly,	"Flying"			;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltMode1000,	"1000m"				;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltMode2000,	"2000m"				;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltMode3000,	"3000m"				;								## NEW no fly altitude
 ; Units for all menu
-    TCODE   tMeters,    "m"
-	TCODE	tFeets,		"ft"
-	TCODE	tFeets1,	"f"
-    TCODE   tMinutes,   "'"
-    TCODE   tPercent,   "%"
-    TCODE   tLitersMinute, "l/min"
+    TCODE   tMeters,    	"m"
+	TCODE	tFeets,			"ft"
+	TCODE	tFeets1,		"f"
+    TCODE   tMinutes,   	"'"
+    TCODE   tPercent,   	"%"
+    TCODE   tLitersMinute, 	"l/min"
+	TCODE	tbar,			" bar"				; bar							## MODIFIED (layout)
+	TCODE	tbar10,			"0 bar"				; bar							## NEW 2.95
+	TCODE	tMeterMinute,	"m/min"				; meter per minute				## ascent speed
+	TCODE	tmin,			"min"				; minutes
 ; Date
-	TCODE	tDateFormat, "Date:"
-	TCODE	tDateformat, "MMDDYY"
-	TCODE	tDateformat1,"DDMMYY"
-	TCODE	tDateformat2,"YYMMDD"
+	TCODE	tDateFormat, 	"Date:"
+	TCODE	tDateformat, 	"MMDDYY"
+	TCODE	tDateformat1,	"DDMMYY"
+	TCODE	tDateformat2,	"YYMMDD"
 ; Simulator menu
-    TCODE   tInter, 	"Start Simulator"  ; Start Simulator
-    TCODE   tPlan,  	"Simulator"        ; Simulator
+    TCODE   tInter, 		"Start Simulator"	; Start Simulator
+    TCODE   tPlan,  		"Simulator"			; Simulator
 ; Decoplanner submenu
-    TCODE   tBtTm,  	"Bot. Time:"        ; Bot. Time: (10 chars)
-    TCODE   tBtTm_short,"Time:"             ; Bot. Time: (max. 6 chars)
-    TCODE   tMxDep, 	"Max Depth:"        ; Max Depth: (10 chars)
-    TCODE   tIntvl, 	"Interval :"        ; Interval : (10 chars)
-    TCODE   tDeco,  	"Calculate Deco"    ; Calculate Deco
-    TCODE   tDivePlan,  "Dive Plan:"        ; Dive Plan:
-    TCODE   tNoDeco,    "No Deco"           ; No Deco
-    TCODE   tMore,      "More..."           ; More...
-    TCODE   tGasUsage,  "Gas Usage"         ; Gas Usage
-    TCODE   tSetBotUse, "Bottom Gas: "      ; Bottom Gas: (space)
-    TCODE   tSetDecoUse,"Deco Gas: "        ; Deco Gas: (space)
+    TCODE   tBtTm,  		"Bot.Time : "		; Bot. Time: (10 chars)			## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   tBtTm_short,	"Time:"             ; Bot. Time: (max. 6 chars)
+    TCODE   tBtDep, 		"Bot.Depth: "		; Max Depth: (10 chars)			## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   tIntvl, 		"Interval : "		; Interval : (10 chars)
+	TCODE	tDecoSetup,		"Calculator Setup"	;								## NEW (layout)
+	TCODE   tDeco,  		"Start Calculator"  ; Calculate Deco				## MODIFIED (layout)
+    TCODE   tDivePlan,  	"Dive Plan:"        ; Dive Plan:
+    TCODE   tNoDeco,    	"No Deco"           ; No Deco
+    TCODE   tMore,      	"More..."           ; More...
+	TCODE	tSelectSetpoint,"CCR Setpoint: "	;								## NEW deco calculator enhancement
+	TCODE	tuseAGF,		"use aGF: "			;								## NEW deco calculator enhancement
+	TCODE	tCalculating,	"Calculating..."	;								## NEW deco calculator enhancement
 ; Information menu
-    TCODE   tFirmware,  "Firmware: "        ; Firmware: (space)
-    TCODE   tSerial,    "Serial  : "        ; Serial  : (space)
-    TCODE   tTotalDives,"Total Dives: "	    ; Total Dives:
-    TCODE   tBatteryV,  "Battery: "         ; Battery:
-    TCODE   tUptime,	"Uptime: "	    ; Uptime: 
+    TCODE   tFirmware,  	"Firmware: "        ; Firmware: (space)
+    TCODE   tSerial,    	"Serial  : "        ; Serial  : (space)
+    TCODE   tTotalDives,	"Total Dives: "	    ; Total Dives:
+    TCODE   tBatteryV,  	"Battery : "        ; Battery:						## MODIFIED	## info - added one space
+    TCODE   tUptime,		"Uptime  : "    	; Uptime:						## MODIFIED	## info - added two spaces
 ; Divemode screen
-    TCODE   tNDL,       "NDL"
-    TCODE   tTTS,   	"TTS"
-	TCODE	tVelMetric,	 "m/min"
-	TCODE	tVelImperial,"ft/m "
-	TCODE	tGasSelect,  "Select Gas"       ; Select Gas
-	TCODE	tSelectAir,	 "Air "     		; Air
-	TCODE	tSelectO2,	 "O2  "             ; O2
-    TCODE   tSelectNx,   "Nx"               ; Nx
-    TCODE   tSelectTx,   "Tx"               ; Tx
-    TCODE   tDepth,      "Depth"            ; Depth
-    TCODE   tMaxDepth,   "Max. Depth"       ; Max. Depth - max 10chars!
-    TCODE   tDivetime,   "Divetime"         ; Divetime
+    TCODE   tNDL,       	"NDL"
+    TCODE   tTTS,   		"TTS"
+	TCODE	tVelMetric,	 	"m/min"
+	TCODE	tVelImperial,	"ft/m "
+	TCODE	tGasSelect,  	"Select Gas"		; Select Gas
+	TCODE	tSelectAir,	 	"Air "     			; Air
+	TCODE	tSelectO2,	 	"O2  "				; O2
+    TCODE   tSelectNx,   	"Nx"				; Nx
+    TCODE   tSelectTx,   	"Tx"				; Tx
+    TCODE   tDepth,      	"Depth"				; Depth
+    TCODE   tMaxDepth,   	"Max. Depth"		; Max. Depth - max 10chars!
+    TCODE   tDivetime,   	"Divetime"			; Divetime
     TCODE   tDiveHudMask1,  "Sensor 1"
     TCODE   tDiveHudMask2,  "Sensor 2"
     TCODE   tDiveHudMask3,  "Sensor 3"
     TCODE   tDiveTotalAvg,  "Total Avg"
     TCODE   tDiveStopwatch, "Stopwatch"
-    TCODE   tDiveStopAvg,   "Stopped Avg"   ; 11chars max
-    TCODE   tApnoeTotal,    " Total"        ; Total (Six chars, right alligned)
-    TCODE   tApnoeMax,      "Last Descent"  ; Last descent
-    TCODE   tApnoeSurface,  "Surface Time"  ; Surface Time
-    TCODE   tDiveDecoplan,  "Decoplan"      ; Decoplan
-    TCODE   tDiveClock,     "Clock"         ; Clock
-    TCODE   tDiveEAD_END,   "EAD/END"       ; EAD/END
-    TCODE   tDiveTissues,   "Tissues"       ; Tissues
-    TCODE   tEND,           "END:"          ; END:
-    TCODE   tHe,            "He"            ; He
-    TCODE   tN2,            "N2"            ; N2
-    TCODE   tDiveBailout,   "Bailout"       ; Bailout
-    TCODE   tGFactors,      "GF Values"     ; GF Values
-    TCODE   taGFactors,     "aGF Values"    ; aGF Values
-    TCODE   tGFInfo,        "Current GF"    ; GF Info
-    TCODE   tCeiling,       "Ceiling"       ; Ceiling
-    TCODE   tDiveSafetyStop,"Stop"         ; Stop (Four chars, right alligned)
-    TCODE   tDiveFallback,  "Fallback!"     ; Fallback! (max. nine chars)
-    TCODE   tSensorCheck,   "Sensor Check"  ; Sensor Check
-    TCODE   tdil,	    "Dil:"	    ; Diluent ppO2 Warning
+    TCODE   tDiveStopAvg,   "Stopped Avg"   	; 11chars max
+    TCODE   tApnoeTotal,    " Total"        	; Total (Six chars, right alligned)
+    TCODE   tApnoeMax,      "Last Descent"  	; Last descent
+    TCODE   tApnoeSurface,  "Surface Time"  	; Surface Time
+    TCODE   tDiveDecoplan,  "Decoplan"      	; Decoplan
+    TCODE   tDiveClock,     "Clock"         	; Clock
+    TCODE   tDiveEAD_END,   "EAD/END"       	; EAD/END
+    TCODE   tDiveTissues,   "Tissues"       	; Tissues
+    TCODE   tEND,           "END:"          	; END:
+    TCODE   tHe,            "He"            	; He
+    TCODE   tN2,            "N2"            	; N2
+    TCODE   tDiveBailout,   "Bailout"       	; Bailout
+    TCODE   tGFactors,      "GF Values"     	; GF Values
+    TCODE   taGFactors,     "aGF Values"    	; aGF Values
+    TCODE   tGFInfo,        "Current GF"    	; GF Info
+    TCODE   tCeiling,       "Ceiling"       	; Ceiling
+    TCODE   tDiveSafetyStop,"Stop"          	; Stop (Four chars, right alligned)
+    TCODE   tDiveFallback,  "Fallback!"     	; Fallback! (max. nine chars)
+	TCODE	tDecoInfo,		"Deco Zone"			; Deco info
+    TCODE   tSensorCheck,   "Sensor Check"  	; Sensor Check
+    TCODE   tdil,	    	"Dil:"	    		; Diluent ppO2 Warning
+	TCODE	tmix,			"Mix:"				; Pre-Mix ppO2 Warning
+	TCODE	tSensorDisagree,"Sensors<>"			; Sensors disagree Warning		## NEW voting logic
+	TCODE	tGasNeedsWarn,	"Gas Needs"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGasNeedsBar,	"Gas Needs (bar)"	;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tCNSsurf,		"CNS Surf."			;								## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+	TCODE	tCNSfTTS,		"CNS fTTS"			;								## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+	TCODE	tCNSBO,			"CNS B/O"			;								## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+	TCODE	tCNSnow,		"CNS now"			;								## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+	TCODE	tCNSeod,		"CNS final"			;								## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+	TCODE	tIBCD,			"IBCD N2He"			;								## NEW IBCD
+	TCODE	tMicroBubbles,	"M.Bubbles"			;								## NEW microbubbles
+	TCODE	tCNS,			"CNS: "				;								## V2.95 optics
 ; Divemode menu
-    TCODE   tDivePreMenu,   "Menu?"         ; Menu?
-    TCODE   tSetHeading,    "Bearing"       ; Bearing (Max. seven chars)
+    TCODE   tDivePreMenu,   "Menu?"         	; Menu?
+    TCODE   tSetHeading,    "Bearing"       	; Bearing (Max. seven chars)
 ; Simulator menu
-	TCODE	tQuitSim,	 "Quit?"            ; Quit Simulation?
+	TCODE	tQuitSim,	 	"Quit?"            	; Quit Simulation?
 ; Logbook
-	TCODE	tCNS2,		"CNS:"
-	TCODE	tAVG,		"Avg:"
-	TCODE	tGF,		"GF:"
-	TCODE	tSAT,		"Sat:"					; Sat:
+	TCODE	tCNS2,			"CNS:"
+	TCODE	tAVG,			"Avg:"
+	TCODE	tGF,			"GF:"
+	TCODE	tSAT,			"Sat:"				; Sat:
 ; Logbook units
-	TCODE	tLogTunitC,	"°C"	
-	TCODE	tLogTunitF,	"°F"
-	TCODE	tKGL,		"kg/l"
-	TCODE	tMBAR,		"mbar"
+	TCODE	tLogTunitC,		"°C"	
+	TCODE	tLogTunitF,		"°F"
+	TCODE	tKGL,			"kg/l"
+	TCODE	tMBAR,			"mbar"
 ; Logbook menu
-	TCODE	tNextLog, 	"Next Page"
+	TCODE	tNextLog, 		"Next Page"
 ; Reset menu
-	TCODE	tReboot,	"Reboot"			;Reboot
-	TCODE	tResetMenu2,"Are you sure?"		;Are you sure?
-	TCODE	tAbort,     "Abort"             ;Abort
-	TCODE	tResetSettings, "Reset all" 	;Reset all
-	TCODE	tResetDeco,	"Reset Deco"		;Reset Deco
-    TCODE	tResetBattery,	"Reset Battery"		;Reset Battery
-    TCODE	tResetLogbook,	"Reset Logbook"		;Reset Logbook
+	TCODE	tReboot,		"Reboot"			; Reboot
+	TCODE	tResetMenu2,	"Are you sure?"		; Are you sure?
+	TCODE	tAbort,     	"Abort"             ; Abort
+	TCODE	tResetSettings, "Reset all" 		; Reset all
+	TCODE	tResetDeco,		"Reset Deco"		; Reset Deco
+    TCODE	tResetBattery,	"Reset Battery"		; Reset Battery
+    TCODE	tResetLogbook,	"Reset Logbook"		; Reset Logbook
 ; Set Time Menu/Set Date Menu
-	TCODE	tSetHours,	"Set Hours"			; Set Hours
-	TCODE	tSetMinutes,"Set Minutes"		; Set Minutes
-	TCODE	tSetSeconds,"Clear Seconds"		; Clear seconds
-	TCODE	tSetDay,	"Set Day"			; Set Day
-	TCODE	tSetMonth,	"Set Month"			; Set Month
-	TCODE	tSetYear,	"Set Year"			; Set Year
+	TCODE	tSetHours,		"Set Hours"			; Set Hours
+	TCODE	tSetMinutes,	"Set Minutes"		; Set Minutes
+	TCODE	tSetSeconds,	"Clear Seconds"		; Clear seconds
+	TCODE	tSetDay,		"Set Day"			; Set Day
+	TCODE	tSetMonth,		"Set Month"			; Set Month
+	TCODE	tSetYear,		"Set Year"			; Set Year
 ; Logbook Offset Menu
 	TCODE	tLogOffset,		"Logbook offset"	; Logbook offset
@@ -301,19 +344,14 @@
 	TCODE	tLogOffsetm1,	"-1"				; -1
 	TCODE	tLogOffsetm10,	"-10"				; -10
-; Sampling rate
-    TCODE   tSamplingrate,  "Sampling rate:"    ; Sampling rate:
-    TCODE   tSampling2s,    "2s"                ; 2s
-    TCODE   tSampling10s,   "10s"               ; 10s
 ; Compass directions
-    TCODE   tN,             "N "                ; N(orth),338°-22°
-    TCODE   tNE,            "NE"                ; North-East,23°-67°
-    TCODE   tE,             "E "                ; E(east),68°-112°
+    TCODE   tN,             "N "                ; N(orth),	 338°- 22°
+    TCODE   tNE,            "NE"                ; North-East, 23°- 67°
+    TCODE   tE,             "E "                ; E(east),	  68°-112°
     TCODE   tSE,            "SE"                ; South-East,113°-157°
-    TCODE   tS,             "S "                ; S(outh),158°-202°
+    TCODE   tS,             "S "                ; S(outh),	 158°-202°
     TCODE   tSW,            "SW"                ; South-West,203°-247°
-    TCODE   tW,             "W "                ; W(West),248°-292°
+    TCODE   tW,             "W "                ; W(West),	 248°-292°
     TCODE   tNW,            "NW"                ; North-West,293°-337°
 ; Color Scheme menu
@@ -325,6 +363,6 @@
     TCODE   tColorSetName3, "Blue"              ; Blue
 ; PSCR Menu and Settings
-    TCODE   tPSCRMenu,	    "PSCR Menu"		; PSCR Menu
-    TCODE   tPSCR_O2_drop,  "O2 drop:"		; O2 drop
-    TCODE   tPSCR_lungratio,"Lung ratio:"	; lung ratio
+	TCODE   tPSCRMenu,	    "pSCR Setup"		; PSCR Menu						## MODIFIED (consistient naming)
+    TCODE   tPSCR_O2_drop,  "O2 drop:"			; O2 drop
+    TCODE   tPSCR_lungratio,"Lung ratio:"		; lung ratio
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;=============================================================================   >> OCTC3 V1.13b > ClaudeDive update proposed. 
-;    File text_french.asm   
+;    File text_french.asm							REFACTORED VERSION V2.95   
 ;    French texts translation file. 
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 ; Basic texts
 	TCODE	tNo,    	"Non"        	; No
 	TCODE	tYes,   	"Oui"         	; Yes = No + 1
+	TCODE	tblank,		" "				; (a single space character)	## NEW (layout)
 ; Surface-mode texts
     TCODE   tBeta,      "béta"          ; beta
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
     TCODE   tCalibrateMenu, "Calibration"   ; Calibration
     TCODE   tCalibrationGas, "Cal. Gas O2:"  ; Cal. Gas O2:
     TCODE   tCalibrate, "Calibrate"     ; Calibrate
+	TCODE	tBack,			 "back..."			;								## NEW 
 ; Gas menu
     TCODE   tGaslist,   "Liste Gaz OC"		  ; OC Gas List
@@ -83,20 +85,20 @@
     TCODE   tSP,            "SP"                ; SP (SetPoint)
     TCODE   tSPPlus,    "ppO2+"                  ; pO2+
     TCODE   tSensorFallback, "Fallback:"        ; Fallback:
+	TCODE	tCalculated,	"calculated"		; calculated
     TCODE   tppO2,      "ppO2:"                 ; ppO2:
     TCODE   tppO2O2,	"ppO2(O2)"		; ppO2(O2)
     TCODE   tppO2Dil,	"ppO2(Dil)"		; ppO2(Dil)
+	TCODE   tppO2Mix,	"ppO2(Mix)"		; ppO2(Mix)
 ; New batteries menu
 	TCODE   tNewBattTitle,      "Nouvelle Batterie?"
 	TCODE	tNewBattOld,		"Conserver"
-        TCODE	tNewBattNew36,		"Réinit. 3.6V Saft"
+    TCODE	tNewBattNew36,		"Réinit. 3.6V Saft"
 	TCODE	tNewBattNew15,		"Réinit. 1.5V AA"
 	TCODE	tNewBattAccu,		"3.6V LiIon AA"
 	TCODE	tNew18650,		"Internal 18650"
 	TCODE	tNew16650,		"Internal 16650"
 ; Gaslist management
     TCODE   tGas,       "Gaz"           ; Gas
@@ -116,16 +118,18 @@
 ; Dive Settings
     TCODE   tDvMode,    "Mode:"
     TCODE   tDvOC,      "OC"
-    TCODE   tDvCC,      "CC"
     TCODE   tDvGauge,   "Gauge"  
     TCODE   tDvApnea,   "Apnée"
-    TCODE   tDvPSCR,	"PSCR"
-    TCODE   tDkMode,    "Modèle:"
-    TCODE   tZHL16,     "ZH-L16"
-    TCODE   tZHL16GF,   "ZH-L16+GF"
+    TCODE   tDvPSCR,	"pSCR"
+    TCODE   tDvCC,      "CC"
+    TCODE   tDkMode,    "Modèle:ZH-L16"			;								## MODIFIED (memory)
+    TCODE   tZHL16,     " "						;								## MODIFIED (memory)
+    TCODE   tZHL16GF,   "+GF"					;								## MODIFIED (memory)
     TCODE   tPPO2Max,   "ppO2 Max:"
     TCODE   tPPO2DECO,	"ppO2 Déco:"
     TCODE   tPPO2MIN,   "ppO2 Min:"
+	TCODE	tPPO2MINCC, 	"Min Loop:"			; 								## NEW ppO2 min cc
     TCODE   tLastDecostop, "Dern.Palier:"
     TCODE   tDecoparameters, "Paramètres Déco"
     TCODE   tGF_low,    "GF Bas:"
@@ -140,6 +144,20 @@
     TCODE   tDiveaGF_active,"aGF!"          ; aGF!
     TCODE   tppO2settings,"Menu ppO2"        ; ppO2 Settings (max. 18 chars)
     TCODE   tsafetystopmenu,"Palier sécurité:"   ; Safety Stop: (max. 16 chars)
+	TCODE   tGasUsage,  	"Gas Usage"         ; Gas Usage
+    TCODE   tSetBotUse, 	"Bottom Gas: "      ; Bottom Gas: (space)
+    TCODE   tSetDecoUse,	"Deco   Gas: "      ; Deco   Gas: (space)			## MODIFIED (layout)
+	TCODE	tCalcAscGas,	 "Calc.Gas (B/O):"	;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tTankSizes,		 "Tank Sizes"		;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE   tLiter,			 " l"				;								## NEW bailout gas needs 
+	TCODE	tTankFillPress,	 "Tank Press Budget";								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas1,			 "Gas 1:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas2,			 "Gas 2:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas3,			 "Gas 3:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas4,			 "Gas 4:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas5,			 "Gas 5:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tCCmaxFracO2,	 "Loop %O2 max.:"	;								## NEW CCR max ppO2 limiter
+	TCODE	t2ndDecoPlanMenu,"2nd Deco Plan"	;								## NEW deco engine
 ; Display Settings
     TCODE   tBright,    "Luminosité:"
@@ -147,9 +165,10 @@
     TCODE   tMedium,    "Moyenne"
     TCODE   tHigh,      "Haute"
     TCODE   tDvSalinity,"Salinité:"             ; Salinity
+    TCODE   tShowppO2,  "Afficher ppO2:"        ; Always show ppO2:
     TCODE   tFlip,      "Pivoter l'écran:"      ; Rotate Screen
     TCODE   tMODwarning,"Alerte MOD:"           ; MOD warning
-    TCODE   tShowppO2,  "Afficher ppO2:"        ; Always show ppO2:
+	TCODE	tIBCDwarning,	"IBCD Warning  :"	; IBCD Warning					## NEW IBCD
     TCODE   tTimeoutDive,"Dive Timeout:"	; Dive Timeout
 ; VSI display Settings
@@ -169,17 +188,21 @@
     TCODE   tCalY,	 "Cal Y:"		; Cal Y
     TCODE   tCalZ,	 "Cal Z:"		; Cal Z
     TCODE   tUnits,     "Unités:"
     TCODE   tMetric,     " m/°C"            ; Enum menu
     TCODE   tImperial,   "ft/°F"
     TCODE   tDefName,   "HW OSTC"
-	TCODE	tbar,		"bar"				; bar
     TCODE   tButtonleft,"Bouton gauche:"     ; Left button
     TCODE   tButtonright,"Bouton droit:"    ; Right button
+	TCODE	tAltMode,		"Waiting Time:"		;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltModeFly,	"Flying"			;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltMode1000,	"1000m"				;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltMode2000,	"2000m"				;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltMode3000,	"3000m"				;								## NEW no fly altitude
 ; Units for all menu
     TCODE   tMeters,    "m"
 	TCODE	tFeets,		"ft"
@@ -187,7 +210,11 @@
     TCODE   tMinutes,   "'"
     TCODE   tPercent,   "%"
     TCODE   tLitersMinute, "l/min"
+	TCODE	tbar,		"bar"				; bar
+	TCODE	tbar10,		"0 bar"				; bar								## NEW 2.95
+	TCODE	tMeterMinute,  "m/min"			; meter per minute					## ascent speed
+	TCODE	tmin,		"min"				; minutes
 ; Date
 	TCODE	tDateFormat, "Date:"
 	TCODE	tDateformat, "MMJJAA"
@@ -203,14 +230,14 @@
     TCODE   tBtTm_short,"Temps:"            ; Bot. Time: (max. 6 chars)
     TCODE   tMxDep, 	"Prof. Max:"        ; Max Depth: (10 chars)
     TCODE   tIntvl, 	"Intervalle:"       ; Interval :  (10 chars)
+	TCODE	tDecoSetup,		"Calculator Setup"	;								## NEW (layout)
     TCODE   tDeco,  	"Calcul Déco"       ; Calculate Deco
     TCODE   tDivePlan,  "Runtime:"          ; Dive Plan:
     TCODE   tNoDeco,    "No Déco"           ; No Deco
     TCODE   tMore,      "Suite..."          ; More...
-    TCODE   tGasUsage,  "Util. Gaz"         ; Gas Usage
-    TCODE   tSetBotUse, "Gaz Fond: "      ; Bottom Gas: (space)
-    TCODE   tSetDecoUse,"Gaz Déco: "        ; Deco Gas: (space)
+	TCODE	tSelectSetpoint,"CCR Setpoint: "	;								## NEW deco calculator enhancement
+	TCODE	tuseAGF,		"use aGF: "			;								## NEW deco calculator enhancement
+	TCODE	tCalculating,	"Calculating..."	;								## NEW deco calculator enhancement
 ; Information menu
     TCODE   tFirmware,  "Logiciel: "        ; Firmware: (space)
@@ -253,11 +280,24 @@
     TCODE   taGFactors,     "Valeurs aGF"   ; aGF Values
     TCODE   tGFInfo,        "   GF Info"    ; GF Info
     TCODE   tCeiling,       "Ceiling"       ; Ceiling
-    TCODE   tDiveSafetyStop,"Stop"         ; Stop (Four chars, right alligned)
+    TCODE   tDiveSafetyStop,"Stop"			; Stop (Four chars, right alligned)
     TCODE   tDiveFallback,  "Fallback!"     ; Fallback! (max. nine chars)
+	TCODE	tDecoInfo,		"Deco Zone"		; Deco info
     TCODE   tSensorCheck,   "Sensor Check"  ; Sensor Check
-    TCODE   tdil,	    "Dil:"	    ; Diluent ppO2 Warning
+    TCODE   tdil,	    	"Dil:"	    	; Diluent ppO2 Warning
+	TCODE	tmix,			"Mix:"			; Pre-Mix ppO2 Warning
+	TCODE	tSensorDisagree,"Sensors<>"			; Sensors disagree Warning		## NEW voting logic
+	TCODE	tGasNeedsWarn,	"Gas Needs"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGasNeedsBar,	"Gas Needs (bar)"	;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tCNSsurf,		"CNS Surf."			;								## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+	TCODE	tCNSfTTS,		"CNS fTTS"			;								## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+	TCODE	tCNSBO,			"CNS B/O"			;								## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+	TCODE	tCNSnow,		"CNS now"			;								## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+	TCODE	tCNSeod,		"CNS final"			;								## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+	TCODE	tIBCD,			"IBCD N2He"			;								## NEW IBCD
+	TCODE	tMicroBubbles,	"M.Bubbles"			;								## NEW microbubbles
+	TCODE	tCNS,			"CNS: "				;								## V2.95 optics
 ; Divemode menu
     TCODE   tDivePreMenu,   "Menu?"         ; Menu?
     TCODE   tSetHeading,    "Cap"           ; Bearing (Max. seven chars)
@@ -304,11 +344,6 @@
 	TCODE	tLogOffsetm1,	"-1"				; -1
 	TCODE	tLogOffsetm10,	"-10"				; -10
-; Sampling rate
-    TCODE   tSamplingrate,  "Fréq. Mesures:"    ; Sampling rate:
-    TCODE   tSampling2s,    "2s"                ; 2s
-    TCODE   tSampling10s,   "10s"               ; 10s
 ; Compass directions
     TCODE   tN,             "N "                ; N(orth),338°-22°
     TCODE   tNE,            "NE"                ; North-East,23°-67°
@@ -331,5 +366,3 @@
     TCODE   tPSCRMenu,	    "PSCR Menu"		; PSCR Menu
     TCODE   tPSCR_O2_drop,  "O2 drop:"		; O2 drop
     TCODE   tPSCR_lungratio,"Lung ratio:"	; lung ratio
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;    File text_german.asm
+;    File text_german.asm							REFACTORED VERSIOn V2.95
 ;    German texts translation file.
@@ -8,85 +8,88 @@
 ; Basic texts
-	TCODE	tNo,    "Nein"              ; No
-	TCODE	tYes,   "Ja"                ; Yes = No + 1
+	TCODE	tNo,    			"Nein"              	; No
+	TCODE	tYes,   			"Ja"                	; Yes = No + 1
+	TCODE	tblank,				" "						; (a single space character)
 ; Surface-mode texts
-    TCODE   tBeta,      "beta"          ; beta
-	TCODE	tMenu,		"<Menü"     	; <Menu
-    TCODE   tView,      "View>"         ; View>
-    TCODE   tHeading,   "Kurs:"         ; Heading:
-    TCODE   tLastDive,	"Letzter TG"	; Last Dive (Max 10 chars)
-    TCODE   tSensorMilliVolt, "CCR Sensoren mV" ; CCR Sensors mV
+    TCODE   tBeta,      		"beta"          		; beta
+	TCODE	tMenu,				"<Menü"     			; <Menu
+    TCODE   tView,      		"View>"         		; View>
+    TCODE   tHeading,   		"Kurs:"         		; Heading:
+    TCODE   tLastDive,			"Letzter TG"			; Last Dive (Max 10 chars)
+    TCODE   tSensorMilliVolt, 	"CCR Sensoren mV"		; CCR Sensors mV
 ; Divemode Menu
-    TCODE   tDivemenu_Gaslist,  "Gasliste"    ; Gaslist
-    TCODE   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, "Stoppuhr"    ; Reset Avg.
-    TCODE   tDivemenu_Setpoint, "Setpoint"      ; Setpoint
-    TCODE   tDivemenu_UseSensor,"Akt. Sensor"    ; Use Sensor
-    TCODE   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, "Toggle GF"     ; Toggle GF
-    TCODE   tDivemenu_Marker,   "Markierung"    ; Set Marker
-    TCODE   tDivemenu_LostGas,  "Gasverlust"    ; Lost Gas
+    TCODE   tDivemenu_Gaslist,  "Gasliste"    			; Gaslist
+    TCODE   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, "Stoppuhr"    			; Reset Avg.
+    TCODE   tDivemenu_Setpoint, "Setpoint"      		; Setpoint
+    TCODE   tDivemenu_UseSensor,"akt. Sensor"    		; Use Sensor
+    TCODE   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, "Toggle GF"     		; Toggle GF
+    TCODE   tDivemenu_Marker,   "Markierung"    		; Set Marker
+    TCODE   tDivemenu_LostGas,  "Gasverlust"    		; Lost Gas
 ; Main menu
-    TCODE   tNext,      "<Weiter"         ; <Next
-    TCODE   tEnter,     "Enter>"        ; Enter>
+    TCODE   tNext,      		"<Weiter"     			; <Next
+    TCODE   tEnter,     		"Enter>"        		; Enter>
-    TCODE   tMainMenu,  "Hauptmenü"     ; MainMenu
-    TCODE   tLogbook,   "Logbuch"       ; Logbook
-    TCODE   tGasSetup,  "OC Gas Setup"  ; OC Gas Setup
-    TCODE   tSetTime,   "Zeit stellen" ; Set Time
-	TCODE	tSetDate,	"Datum stellen"	; Set Date
-	TCODE	tSetTimeDate,"Datum & Uhrzeit"; Set Time & Date
-    TCODE   tDispSets,  "Anzeige" ; Display Settings
-    TCODE   tExit,      "Ende"          ; Exit
-	TCODE	tResetMenu, "Reset Menü"	; Reset Menu
-	TCODE	tDiveModeMenu,"Dekoberechnung"	; Deco Mode
-	TCODE	tInfoMenu,	"Informationen"	; Information
-    TCODE   tCCRSetup,  "CCR Menü"     ; CCR Setup
-    TCODE   tDiluentSetup,"Diluent Menü"   ; Diluent Setup
-    TCODE   tFixedSetpoints,"Feste Setpoints" ; Fixed Setpoints
-    TCODE   tCCRSensor, "CCR Sensor"    ; CCR Sensor
-    TCODE   tCalibrateMenu, "Kalibrierung"   ; Calibration
-    TCODE   tCalibrationGas, "Kal. Gas O2:"  ; Cal. Gas O2:
-    TCODE   tCalibrate, "Kalibrieren"     ; Calibrate
+    TCODE   tMainMenu,  		"Hauptmenü"     		; MainMenu
+    TCODE   tLogbook,   		"Logbuch"       		; Logbook
+    TCODE   tGasSetup,  		"OC Gas Setup"  		; OC Gas Setup
+    TCODE   tSetTime,   		"Zeit  stellen"			; Set Time
+	TCODE	tSetDate,			"Datum stellen"			; Set Date
+	TCODE	tSetTimeDate,		"Datum & Uhrzeit"		; Set Time & Date
+    TCODE   tDispSets,  		"Anzeige" 				; Display Settings
+    TCODE   tExit,      		"Ende"          		; Exit
+	TCODE	tResetMenu, 		"Reset Menü"			; Reset Menu
+	TCODE	tDiveModeMenu,		"Deko Einstellung"		; Deco Mode
+	TCODE	tInfoMenu,			"Informationen"			; Information
+    TCODE   tCCRSetup,  		"CCR/pSCR Menü"     	; CCR Setup
+    TCODE   tDiluentSetup,		"Diluent Menü"   		; Diluent Setup
+    TCODE   tFixedSetpoints,	"CCR Setpoints" 		; Fixed Setpoints
+    TCODE   tCCRSensor, 		"Sensor"    			; CCR/pSCR Sensor
+    TCODE   tCalibrateMenu, 	"Kalibrierung"   		; Calibration
+    TCODE   tCalibrationGas, 	"Kal. Gas O2:"  		; Cal. Gas O2:
+    TCODE   tCalibrate, 		"Kalibrieren"     		; Calibrate
+	TCODE	tBack,			 	"zurück..."
 ; Gas menu
-    TCODE   tGaslist,   "OC Gas Liste"
-    TCODE   tGaslistCC, "CC Gas Liste"  ; CC Diluents
-    TCODE   tGasEdit,   "Gas einstellen"
-    TCODE   tType,      "Type: "
-    TCODE   tGasDisabled,"Deaktiviert"  ; Disabled
-    TCODE   tGasFirst,   "Start"        ; First
-    TCODE   tGasTravel,  "Reise"        ; Travel
-    TCODE   tGasDeco,    "Deko"         ; Deco
-    TCODE   tDilDisabled,"Deaktiviert"  ; Disabled
-    TCODE   tDilFirst,   "Start"        ; First
-    TCODE   tDilNorm,   "Normal"        ; Normal
-    TCODE   tAir,       "Luft "         ; Enum: values must follows (5 chars)
-    TCODE   tO2,        "O2   "         ; tAir + 5
-    TCODE   tO2Plus,    "O2 +"
-    TCODE   tO2Minus,   "O2 -"
-    TCODE   tHePlus,    "He +"
-    TCODE   tHeMinus,   "He -"
-    TCODE   tMOD,       "MOD:"
-    TCODE   tEAD,       "EAD:"
-    TCODE   tGasDepth,  "Wechseltiefe"
-    TCODE   tDepthPlus, "Tiefe +"
-    TCODE   tDepthMinus,"Tiefe -"
-    TCODE   tDepthReset,"Reset auf MOD:"
-    TCODE   tSetup_mix, "Mix Einstellen"
-    TCODE   tCCRMode,   "CCR Modus:"             ; CCR Mode:
-    TCODE   tCCRModeFixedSP,  "Fester SP"        ; Fixed SP
-    TCODE   tCCRModeSensor,   "Sensor"          ; Sensor
-    TCODE   tCCRModeAutoSP,   "Auto SP"         ; Auto SP
-    TCODE   tSP,            "SP"                ; SP (SetPoint)
-    TCODE   tSPPlus,    "ppO2+"                  ; pO2+
-    TCODE   tSensorFallback, "Fallback:"        ; Fallback:
-    TCODE   tppO2,      "ppO2:"                 ; ppO2:
-    TCODE   tppO2O2,	"ppO2(O2)"		; ppO2(O2)
-    TCODE   tppO2Dil,	"ppO2(Dil)"		; ppO2(Dil)
+    TCODE   tGaslist,   		"OC Gas Liste"
+    TCODE   tGaslistCC, 		"CC Gas Liste"  		; CC Diluents
+    TCODE   tGasEdit,   		"Gas einstellen"
+    TCODE   tType,      		"Type: "
+    TCODE   tGasDisabled,		"Deaktiviert"  			; Disabled
+    TCODE   tGasFirst,   		"Start"        			; First
+    TCODE   tGasTravel,  		"Reise"        			; Travel
+    TCODE   tGasDeco,    		"Deko"         			; Deco
+    TCODE   tDilDisabled,		"Deaktiviert"  			; Disabled
+    TCODE   tDilFirst,   		"Start"        			; First
+    TCODE   tDilNorm,   		"Normal"        		; Normal
+    TCODE   tAir,       		"Luft "         		; Enum: values must follows (5 chars)
+    TCODE   tO2,        		"O2   "         		; tAir + 5
+    TCODE   tO2Plus,    		"O2 +"
+    TCODE   tO2Minus,   		"O2 -"
+    TCODE   tHePlus,    		"He +"
+    TCODE   tHeMinus,   		"He -"
+    TCODE   tMOD,       		"MOD:"
+    TCODE   tEAD,       		"EAD:"
+    TCODE   tGasDepth,  		"Wechseltiefe"
+    TCODE   tDepthPlus, 		"Tiefe +"
+    TCODE   tDepthMinus,		"Tiefe -"
+    TCODE   tDepthReset,		"Reset auf MOD:"
+    TCODE   tSetup_mix, 		"Mix Einstellen"
+    TCODE   tCCRMode,   		"Modus:"             	; Mode:
+    TCODE   tCCRModeFixedSP,  	"fixeSP/Berech."   		; Fixed SP
+    TCODE   tCCRModeSensor,   	"Sensor"          		; Sensor
+    TCODE   tCCRModeAutoSP,   	"Auto SP"         		; Auto SP
+    TCODE   tSP,            	"SP"                	; SP (SetPoint)
+    TCODE   tSPPlus,    		"ppO2+"                 ; pO2+
+    TCODE   tSensorFallback, 	"Fallback:"        		; Fallback:
+	TCODE	tCalculated,		"berechnet"				; calculated
+    TCODE   tppO2,      		"ppO2:"                 ; ppO2:
+    TCODE   tppO2O2,			"ppO2(O2)"				; ppO2(O2)
+    TCODE   tppO2Dil,			"ppO2(Dil)"				; ppO2(Dil)
+	TCODE   tppO2Mix,			"ppO2(Mix)"				; ppO2(Mix)
 ; New batteries menu
 	TCODE   tNewBattTitle,      "Neue Batterie?"
@@ -94,238 +97,272 @@
 	TCODE	tNewBattNew36,		"Neue 3,6V Saft"
 	TCODE	tNewBattNew15,		"Neue 1,5V AA"
 	TCODE	tNewBattAccu,		"3,6V AA Akku"
- 	TCODE	tNew18650,		"Interne 18650"
-	TCODE	tNew16650,		"Interne 16650"
+ 	TCODE	tNew18650,			"Interne 18650"
+	TCODE	tNew16650,			"Interne 16650"
 ; Gaslist management
-    TCODE   tGas,       "Gas"           ; Gas
-    TCODE   tGasErr,    "Err"           ; Err  (3 chars)
+    TCODE   tGas,       		"Gas"           		; Gas
+    TCODE   tGasErr,    		"Err"           		; Err  (3 chars)
 ; Communication Menu
-	TCODE	tUsbTitle,	"USB Modus"
-    TCODE   tBleTitle,  "Bluetooth Modus"
-	TCODE	tUsbStarting,  "Starte....."
-	TCODE	tUsbStartDone, "Fertig."
-	TCODE	tUsbServiceMode, "Servicemodus aktiv"
-	TCODE	tUsbClosed,		"Abgebrochen"
-	TCODE	tUsbExit,		"Beendet"
-	TCODE	tUsbDownloadMode, "Downloadmodus aktiv"
-    TCODE   tUsbLlBld,      "Low-Level Bootloader"
+	TCODE	tUsbTitle,			"USB Modus"
+    TCODE   tBleTitle,  		"Bluetooth Modus"
+	TCODE	tUsbStarting,  		"Starte....."
+	TCODE	tUsbStartDone, 		"Fertig."
+	TCODE	tUsbServiceMode, 	"Servicemodus aktiv"
+	TCODE	tUsbClosed,			"Abgebrochen"
+	TCODE	tUsbExit,			"Beendet"
+	TCODE	tUsbDownloadMode, 	"Downloadmodus aktiv"
+    TCODE   tUsbLlBld,      	"Low-Level Bootloader"
 ; Dive Settings
-    TCODE   tDvMode,    "Betrieb:"
-    TCODE   tDvOC,      "OC"
-    TCODE   tDvCC,      "CC"
-    TCODE   tDvGauge,   "Gauge"
-    TCODE   tDvApnea,   "Apnoe"
-    TCODE   tDvPSCR,	"PSCR"
-    TCODE   tDkMode,    "Dekotyp:"
-    TCODE   tZHL16,     "ZH-L16"
-    TCODE   tZHL16GF,   "ZH-L16+GF"
-    TCODE   tPPO2Max,   "ppO2 Max:"
-    TCODE   tPPO2DECO,	"ppO2 Deko:"
-    TCODE   tPPO2MIN,   "ppO2 Min:"
-    TCODE   tLastDecostop, "Letzt. Stop:"
-    TCODE   tDecoparameters, "Deko Parameter"
-    TCODE   tGF_low,    "GF low:"
-    TCODE   tGF_high,   "GF high:"
-    TCODE   tSaturationMult,    "Sättigung:"
+    TCODE   tDvMode,    		"Betrieb:"
+    TCODE   tDvOC,      		"OC"
+	TCODE	tDvCCR,				"CCR"
+    TCODE   tDvGauge,   		"Gauge"
+    TCODE   tDvApnea,   		"Apnoe"
+    TCODE   tDvPSCR,			"pSCR"
+    TCODE   tDvCC,      		"CC"
+    TCODE   tDkMode,    		"Decotype:ZH-L16"		;								## MODIFIED (memory needs)
+    TCODE   tZHL16,     		" "						; keep order, enum from here...	## MODIFIED (memory needs)
+    TCODE   tZHL16GF,   		"+GF"					; ...up to here!				## MODIFIED (memory needs)
+    TCODE   tPPO2Max,   		"Max.     :"
+    TCODE   tPPO2DECO,			"Max. Deko:"
+    TCODE   tPPO2MIN,   		"Min.     :"
+	TCODE	tPPO2MINCC, 		"Min. Loop:"
+	TCODE   tLastDecostop, 		"Letzt.Stop:"
+    TCODE   tDecoparameters, 	"Deko Parameter"
+    TCODE   tGF_low,    		"GF low :"
+    TCODE   tGF_high,   		"GF high:"
+    TCODE   tSaturationMult,    "Sättigung   :"
     TCODE   tDesaturationMult,  "Entsättigung:"
-    TCODE   tFTTSMenu,  "Future TTS:"            ; Future TTS
-    TCODE   taGFMenu,   "Alternativ-GF"         ; Alternative GF
-    TCODE   taGF_low,   "aGF low:"               ; aGF low
-    TCODE   taGF_high,  "aGF high:"              ; aGF high
-    TCODE   taGF_enable,"aGF wählbar:"        ; aGF Selectable
-    TCODE   tDiveaGF_active,"aGF aktiv"      ; aGF Active
-    TCODE   tppO2settings,"ppO2 Parameter"   ; ppO2 Settings
-    TCODE   tsafetystopmenu,"Sicherheitsstop:"       ; Safety Stop:
+    TCODE   tFTTSMenu,  		"fTTS/Verz.:"	        ; Future TTS
+    TCODE   taGFMenu,   		"Alternativ-GF"         ; Alternative GF
+    TCODE   taGF_low,   		"aGF low :"             ; aGF low
+    TCODE   taGF_high,  		"aGF high:"             ; aGF high
+    TCODE   taGF_enable,		"aGF wählbar:"        	; aGF Selectable
+    TCODE   tDiveaGF_active,	"aGF aktiv"      		; aGF Active
+    TCODE   tppO2settings,		"ppO2 Parameter"   		; ppO2 Settings
+    TCODE   tsafetystopmenu,	"Sicherheitsstop:"      ; Safety Stop:
+	TCODE   tGasUsage,  		"Gas Usage"         	; Gas Usage
+    TCODE   tSetBotUse, 		"Reise Gas: "      		; Bottom Gas: (space)
+    TCODE   tSetDecoUse,		"Deko  Gas: "      		; Deco   Gas: (space)
+	TCODE	tCalcAscGas,	 	"Gasmenge(B/O):"
+	TCODE	tTankSizes,		 	"Tank Größen"
+	TCODE   tLiter,			 	" l"
+	TCODE	tTankFillPress,	 	"Tank Nutzmenge"
+	TCODE	tGas1,			 	"Gas 1:"
+	TCODE	tGas2,				"Gas 2:"
+	TCODE	tGas3,			 	"Gas 3:"
+	TCODE	tGas4,			 	"Gas 4:"
+	TCODE	tGas5,				"Gas 5:"
+	TCODE	tCCmaxFracO2,		"Loop %O2 max.:"
+	TCODE	t2ndDecoPlanMenu,	"2.Deko Plan"
 ; Display Settings
-    TCODE   tBright,    "Helligkeit:"
-    TCODE   tEco,       "Eco"
-    TCODE   tMedium,    "Mittel"
-    TCODE   tHigh,      "Hoch"
-    TCODE   tDvSalinity,"Salinität:"             ; Salinity
-    TCODE   tFlip,      "Anzeige drehen:"        ; Rotate Screen
-    TCODE   tMODwarning,"MOD Warnung:"           ; MOD warning
-    TCODE   tShowppO2,  "ppO2 Dauerhaft:"        ; Always show ppO2:
-    TCODE   tTimeoutDive,"TG-Ende nach:"	; Dive Timeout
+    TCODE   tBright,    		"Helligkeit:"
+    TCODE   tEco,       		"Eco"
+    TCODE   tMedium,    		"Mittel"
+    TCODE   tHigh,      		"Hoch"
+    TCODE   tDvSalinity,		"Salinität: "			; Salinity
+	TCODE   tShowppO2,  		"ständig zeigen:"		; Always show ppO2:
+    TCODE   tFlip,      		"Anzeige drehen:"		; Rotate Screen
+    TCODE   tMODwarning,		"MOD  Warnung:"			; MOD warning
+	TCODE	tIBCDwarning,		"IBCD Warnung:"			; IBCD Warning	
+    TCODE   tTimeoutDive,		"TG-Ende nach:"			; Dive Timeout
 ; VSI display Settings
-    TCODE   tVSItext2,  "Variable Geschw.:"     ; Variable speed:
-    TCODE   tVSIgraph,  "Geschw. Grafik:"        ; Speed graph:
+    TCODE   tVSItext2,  		"Variable Geschw.:"     ; Variable speed:
+    TCODE   tVSIgraph,  		"Geschw.  Grafik :"		; Speed graph:
 ; Setup Menu
-    TCODE   tSystSets,  "Konfiguration"
-    TCODE   tLanguage,  "Sprache:"
-    TCODE   tEnglish,   "Englisch"
-    TCODE   tGerman,    "Deutsch"
-    TCODE   tFrench,    "Französisch"
-    TCODE   tItalian,   "Italienisch"
-    TCODE   tCompassMenu,"Kompass-Kalibrierung"  ; Compass calibration
-    TCODE   tCompassGain,"Empfindlichkeit:"      ; Compass gain:
-    TCODE   tCalX,	 "Kal. X:"		; Cal X
-    TCODE   tCalY,	 "Kal. Y:"		; Cal Y
-    TCODE   tCalZ,	 "Kal. Z:"		; Cal Z
+    TCODE   tSystSets,  		"Konfiguration"
+    TCODE   tLanguage,  		"Sprache:"
+    TCODE   tEnglish,   		"Englisch"
+    TCODE   tGerman,    		"Deutsch"
+    TCODE   tFrench,    		"Französisch"
+    TCODE   tItalian,   		"Italienisch"
+    TCODE   tCompassMenu,		"Kompass-Kalibrierung"  ; Compass calibration
+    TCODE   tCompassGain,		"Empfindlichkeit:"      ; Compass gain:
+    TCODE   tCalX,	 			"Kal. X:"				; Cal X
+    TCODE   tCalY,	 			"Kal. Y:"				; Cal Y
+    TCODE   tCalZ,	 			"Kal. Z:"				; Cal Z
+    TCODE   tUnits,     		"Einheiten:"
+    TCODE   tMetric,     		" m/°C"            		; Enum menu
+    TCODE   tImperial,   		"ft/°F"
+    TCODE   tDefName,   		"HW OSTC"
-    TCODE   tUnits,     "Einheiten:"
-    TCODE   tMetric,     " m/°C"            ; Enum menu
-    TCODE   tImperial,   "ft/°F"
-    TCODE   tDefName,   "HW OSTC"
-	TCODE	tbar,		"bar"				; bar
+    TCODE   tButtonleft,		"Taster links :"      	; Left button
+    TCODE   tButtonright,		"Taster rechts:"    	; Right button
-    TCODE   tButtonleft,"Taster links:"      ; Left button
-    TCODE   tButtonright,"Taster rechts:"    ; Right button
+	TCODE	tAltMode,			"Wartezeit:"
+	TCODE	tAltModeFly,		"Fliegen"
+	TCODE	tAltMode1000,		"1000m"
+	TCODE	tAltMode2000,		"2000m"
+	TCODE	tAltMode3000,		"3000m"
 ; Units for all menu
-    TCODE   tMeters,    "m"
-	TCODE	tFeets,		"ft"
-	TCODE	tFeets1,	"f"
-    TCODE   tMinutes,   "'"
-    TCODE   tPercent,   "%"
-    TCODE   tLitersMinute, "l/min"
+    TCODE   tMeters,    		"m"
+	TCODE	tFeets,				"ft"
+	TCODE	tFeets1,			"f"
+    TCODE   tMinutes,  			"'"
+    TCODE   tPercent,   		"%"
+    TCODE   tLitersMinute, 		"l/min"
+	TCODE	tbar,				" bar"					; bar
+	TCODE	tbar10,				"0 bar"					; bar							## NEW 2.95
+	TCODE	tMeterMinute,		"m/min"					; meter per minute				## ascent speed
+	TCODE	tmin,				"min"					; minutes
 ; Date
-	TCODE	tDateFormat, "Datum:"
-	TCODE	tDateformat, "MMTTJJ"
-	TCODE	tDateformat1,"TTMMJJ"
-	TCODE	tDateformat2,"JJMMTT"
+	TCODE	tDateFormat, 		"Datum:"
+	TCODE	tDateformat, 		"MMTTJJ"
+	TCODE	tDateformat1,		"TTMMJJ"
+	TCODE	tDateformat2,		"JJMMTT"
 ; Simulator menu
-    TCODE   tInter, 	"Start Simulator"  ; Start Simulator
-    TCODE   tPlan,  	"Simulator"        ; Simulator
+    TCODE   tInter, 			"Start Simulator"  		; Start Simulator
+    TCODE   tPlan,  			"Simulator"        		; Simulator
 ; Decoplanner submenu
-    TCODE   tBtTm,  	"Grundzeit:"        ; Bot. Time: (10 chars)
-    TCODE   tBtTm_short,"Zeit:"             ; Bot. Time: (max. 6 chars)
-    TCODE   tMxDep, 	"Max.Tiefe:"        ; Max Depth: (10 chars)
-    TCODE   tIntvl, 	"Intervall:"        ; Interval : (10 chars)
-    TCODE   tDeco,  	"Deko berechnen"    ; Calculate Deco
-    TCODE   tDivePlan,  "Tauchplan:"        ; Dive Plan:
-    TCODE   tNoDeco,    "Keine Deko"        ; No Deco
-    TCODE   tMore,      "Mehr..."           ; More...
-    TCODE   tGasUsage,  "Verbrauch"         ; Gas Usage
-    TCODE   tSetBotUse, "Reise Gas: "       ; Bottom Gas: (space)
-    TCODE   tSetDecoUse,"Deko Gas: "        ; Deco Gas: (space)
+    TCODE   tBtTm,  			"Grundzeit:"        	; Bot. Time: (10 chars)
+    TCODE   tBtTm_short,		"Zeit:"             	; Bot. Time: (max. 6 chars)
+    TCODE   tMxDep, 			"Tiefe    :"        	; Max Depth: (10 chars)
+    TCODE   tIntvl, 			"Intervall:"        	; Interval : (10 chars)
+	TCODE	tDecoSetup, 		"Deko Parameter"
+    TCODE   tDeco,  			"Deko Berechnung"    	; Calculate Deco
+    TCODE   tDivePlan,  		"Tauchplan:"        	; Dive Plan:
+    TCODE   tNoDeco,    		"Keine Deko"        	; No Deco
+    TCODE   tMore,      		"Mehr..."           	; More...
+	TCODE	tSelectSetpoint,	"CCR Setpoint: "
+	TCODE	tuseAGF,		"Benutze aGF : "
+	TCODE	tCalculating,		"Berechnung läuft..."
 ; Information menu
-    TCODE   tFirmware,  "Firmware: "        ; Firmware: (space)
-    TCODE   tSerial,    "Seriennr.: "        ; Serial  : (space)
-	TCODE	tTotalDives,"Anzahl TG: "		; Total Dives:
-    TCODE   tBatteryV,  "Batterie: "        ; Battery:
-    TCODE   tUptime,	"Uptime: "	    ; Uptime: 
+    TCODE   tFirmware,  		"Firmware: "        	; Firmware: (space)
+    TCODE   tSerial,    		"Seriennr: "        	; Serial  : (space)	## MODIFIED	## info - removed dot
+	TCODE	tTotalDives,		"Anzahl TG: "			; Total Dives:
+    TCODE   tBatteryV,  		"Batterie: "        	; Battery:
+    TCODE   tUptime,			"Laufzeit: "	    	; Uptime: 
 ; Divemode screen
-    TCODE   tNDL,       " NZ"
-    TCODE   tTTS,   	"TTS"
-	TCODE	tVelMetric,	 "m/min"
-	TCODE	tVelImperial,"ft/m "
-	TCODE	tGasSelect,  "Wähle Gas"       ; Select Gas
-	TCODE	tSelectAir,	 "Air "     		; Air
-	TCODE	tSelectO2,	 "O2  "             ; O2
-    TCODE   tSelectNx,   "Nx"               ; Nx
-    TCODE   tSelectTx,   "Tx"               ; Tx
-    TCODE   tDepth,      "Tiefe"            ; Depth
-    TCODE   tMaxDepth,   "Max. Tiefe"       ; Max. Depth - max 10chars!
-    TCODE   tDivetime,   "    Zeit"         ; Divetime
-    TCODE   tDiveHudMask1,  "Sensor 1"
-    TCODE   tDiveHudMask2,  "Sensor 2"
-    TCODE   tDiveHudMask3,  "Sensor 3"
-    TCODE   tDiveTotalAvg,  "Durchschn.1"   
-    TCODE   tDiveStopwatch, "Stoppuhr"
-    TCODE   tDiveStopAvg,   "Durchschn.2"   ; 11chars max
-    TCODE   tApnoeTotal,    " Total"        ; Total (Six chars, right alligned)
-    TCODE   tApnoeMax,      "  Letzter TG"  ; Last descend
-    TCODE   tApnoeSurface,  "Oberflächenzeit"  ; Surface Time
-    TCODE   tDiveDecoplan,  "Dekoplan"      ; Decoplan
-    TCODE   tDiveClock,     "Uhr"           ; Clock
-    TCODE   tDiveEAD_END,   "EAD/END"       ; EAD/END
-    TCODE   tDiveTissues,   "Gewebe"        ; Tissues
-    TCODE   tEND,           "END:"          ; END:
-    TCODE   tHe,            "He"            ; He
-    TCODE   tN2,            "N2"            ; N2
-    TCODE   tDiveBailout,   "Bailout"       ; Bailout
-    TCODE   tGFactors,      "GF Values"     ; GF Values
-    TCODE   taGFactors,     "aGF Values"    ; aGF Values
-    TCODE   tGFInfo,        "GF Info"       ; GF Info
-    TCODE   tCeiling,       "Ceiling"       ; Ceiling
-    TCODE   tDiveSafetyStop,"Stop"         ; Stop (Four chars, right alligned)
-    TCODE   tDiveFallback,  "Fallback!"     ; Fallback! (max. nine chars)
-    TCODE   tSensorCheck,   "Sensor Test"   ; Sensor Check
-    TCODE   tdil,	    "Dil:"	    ; Diluent ppO2 Warning
+    TCODE   tNDL,       		" NZ"
+    TCODE   tTTS,   			"TTS"
+	TCODE	tVelMetric,	 		"m/min"
+	TCODE	tVelImperial,		"ft/m "
+	TCODE	tGasSelect,  		"Wähle Gas"       		; Select Gas
+	TCODE	tSelectAir,	 		"Air "     				; Air
+	TCODE	tSelectO2,	 		"O2  "             		; O2
+    TCODE   tSelectNx,   		"Nx"               		; Nx
+    TCODE   tSelectTx,   		"Tx"               		; Tx
+    TCODE   tDepth,      		"Tiefe"            		; Depth
+    TCODE   tMaxDepth,   		"Max. Tiefe"       		; Max. Depth - max 10chars!
+    TCODE   tDivetime,   		"    Zeit"         	; Divetime
+    TCODE   tDiveHudMask1,  	"Sensor 1"
+    TCODE   tDiveHudMask2,  	"Sensor 2"
+    TCODE   tDiveHudMask3,  	"Sensor 3"
+    TCODE   tDiveTotalAvg,  	"Durchschn.1"   
+    TCODE   tDiveStopwatch, 	"Stoppuhr"
+    TCODE   tDiveStopAvg,   	"Durchschn.2"   		; 11chars max
+    TCODE   tApnoeTotal,    	" Total"        		; Total (Six chars, right alligned)
+    TCODE   tApnoeMax,      	"  Letzter TG"  		; Last descend
+    TCODE   tApnoeSurface,  	"Oberflächenzeit"  		; Surface Time
+    TCODE   tDiveDecoplan,  	"Dekoplan"      		; Decoplan
+    TCODE   tDiveClock,     	"Uhr"           		; Clock
+    TCODE   tDiveEAD_END,   	"EAD/END"       		; EAD/END
+    TCODE   tDiveTissues,   	"Gewebe"        		; Tissues
+    TCODE   tEND,           	"END:"          		; END:
+    TCODE   tHe,            	"He"            		; He
+    TCODE   tN2,            	"N2"            		; N2
+    TCODE   tDiveBailout,   	"Bailout"       		; Bailout
+    TCODE   tGFactors,      	"GF Werte"     			; GF Values
+    TCODE   taGFactors,     	"aGF Werte"    			; aGF Values
+    TCODE   tGFInfo,        	"GF jetzt"       		; GF Info
+    TCODE   tCeiling,       	"Ceiling"       		; Ceiling
+    TCODE   tDiveSafetyStop,	"Stop"         			; Stop (Four chars, right alligned)
+    TCODE   tDiveFallback,  	"Fallback!"     		; Fallback! (max. nine chars)
+	TCODE	tDecoInfo,			"Deko Zone"				; Deco info
+    TCODE   tSensorCheck,   	"Sensor Test"   		; Sensor Check
+    TCODE   tdil,	    		"Dil:"	    			; Diluent ppO2 Warning
+	TCODE	tmix,				"Mix:"					; Pre-Mix ppO2 Warning
+	TCODE	tSensorDisagree,	"Sensoren!"				; Sensors disagree Warning
+	TCODE	tGasNeedsWarn,		"Gasbedarf"
+	TCODE	tGasNeedsBar,		"Gas Bedarf (bar)"
+	TCODE	tCNSsurf,			"ZNS Oberfl."
+	TCODE	tCNSnow,			"ZNS jetzt"
+	TCODE	tCNSeod,			"ZNS Ende"
+	TCODE	tMicroBubbles,		"M.Blasen"
+	TCODE	tCNS,				"CNS: "
 ; Divemode menu
-    TCODE   tDivePreMenu,   "Menü?"         ; Menu?
-    TCODE   tSetHeading,    "Peilung"       ; Bearing (Max. seven chars)
+    TCODE   tDivePreMenu,   	"Menü?"         		; Menu?
+    TCODE   tSetHeading,    	"Peilung"       		; Bearing (Max. seven chars)
 ; Simulator menu
-	TCODE	tQuitSim,	 "Ende?"            ; Quit Simulation?
+	TCODE	tQuitSim,	 		"Ende?"            		; Quit Simulation?
 ; Logbook
-	TCODE	tCNS2,		"ZNS:"
-	TCODE	tAVG,		"Mit:"
-	TCODE	tGF,		"GF:"
-	TCODE	tSAT,		"Sät:"					; Sat:
+	TCODE	tCNS2,				"ZNS:"
+	TCODE	tAVG,				"Mit:"
+	TCODE	tGF,				"GF:"
+	TCODE	tSAT,				"Sät:"					; Sat:
 ; Logbook units
-	TCODE	tLogTunitC,	"°C"	
-	TCODE	tLogTunitF,	"°F"
-	TCODE	tKGL,		"kg/l"
-	TCODE	tMBAR,		"mbar"
+	TCODE	tLogTunitC,			"°C"	
+	TCODE	tLogTunitF,			"°F"
+	TCODE	tKGL,				"kg/l"
+	TCODE	tMBAR,				"mbar"
 ; Logbook menu
-	TCODE	tNextLog, 	"Nächste Seite"
+	TCODE	tNextLog, 			"Nächste Seite"
 ; Reset menu
-	TCODE	tReboot,	"Neu starten"			;Reboot
-	TCODE	tResetMenu2,"Sind Sie sicher?"		;Are you sure?
-	TCODE	tAbort,     "Abbrechen"             ;Abort
-	TCODE	tResetSettings, "Alles zurücksetzen";Reset all
-	TCODE	tResetDeco,	"Deko zurücksetzen"		;Reset Deco
-    TCODE	tResetBattery,	"Batterie zurücksetzen"		;Reset Battery
-    TCODE	tResetLogbook,	"Logbuch zurücksetzen"		;Reset Logbook
+	TCODE	tReboot,			"Neu starten"			;Reboot
+	TCODE	tResetMenu2,		"Sind Sie sicher?"		;Are you sure?
+	TCODE	tAbort,     		"Abbrechen"             ;Abort
+	TCODE	tResetSettings, 	"Alles zurücksetzen"	;Reset all
+	TCODE	tResetDeco,			"Deko  zurücksetzen"	;Reset Deco
+    TCODE	tResetBattery,		"neue Batterie"			;Reset Battery
+    TCODE	tResetLogbook,		"Logbuch löschen"		;Reset Logbook
 ; Set Time Menu/Set Date Menu
-	TCODE	tSetHours,	"Stunden einst."	; Set Hours
-	TCODE	tSetMinutes,"Minuten einst."	; Set Minutes
-	TCODE	tSetSeconds,"Sekunden zurücks."	; Clear seconds
-	TCODE	tSetDay,	"Setze Tag"			; Set Day
-	TCODE	tSetMonth,	"Setze Monat"		; Set Month
-	TCODE	tSetYear,	"Setze Jahr"		; Set Year
+	TCODE	tSetHours,			"Stunden einst."		; Set Hours
+	TCODE	tSetMinutes,		"Minuten einst."		; Set Minutes
+	TCODE	tSetSeconds,		"Sekunden zurücks."		; Clear seconds
+	TCODE	tSetDay,			"Setze Tag"				; Set Day
+	TCODE	tSetMonth,			"Setze Monat"			; Set Month
+	TCODE	tSetYear,			"Setze Jahr"			; Set Year
 ; Logbook Offset Menu
-	TCODE	tLogOffset,	"Logbuch-Offset"	; Logbook offset
-	TCODE	tLogOffsetp1,	"+1"				; +1
-	TCODE	tLogOffsetp10,	"+10"				; +10
-	TCODE	tLogOffsetm1,	"-1"				; -1
-	TCODE	tLogOffsetm10,	"-10"				; -10
-; Sampling rate
-    TCODE   tSamplingrate,  "Abtastrate:"       ; Sampling rate:
-    TCODE   tSampling2s,    "2s"                ; 2s
-    TCODE   tSampling10s,   "10s"               ; 10s
+	TCODE	tLogOffset,			"Logbuch-Offset"		; Logbook offset
+	TCODE	tLogOffsetp1,		"+1"					; +1
+	TCODE	tLogOffsetp10,		"+10"					; +10
+	TCODE	tLogOffsetm1,		"-1"					; -1
+	TCODE	tLogOffsetm10,		"-10"					; -10
 ; Compass directions
-    TCODE   tN,             "N "                ; N(orth),338°-22°
-    TCODE   tNE,            "NO"                ; North-East,23°-67°
-    TCODE   tE,             "O "                ; E(east),68°-112°
-    TCODE   tSE,            "SO"                ; South-East,113°-157°
-    TCODE   tS,             "S "                ; S(outh),157°-202°
-    TCODE   tSW,            "SW"                ; South-West,203°-247°
-    TCODE   tW,             "W "                ; W(West),248°-292°
-    TCODE   tNW,            "NW"                ; North-West,293°-337°
+    TCODE   tN,             	"N "                	; N(orth),338°-22°
+    TCODE   tNE,            	"NO"               		; North-East,23°-67°
+    TCODE   tE,             	"O "                	; E(east),68°-112°
+    TCODE   tSE,            	"SO"                	; South-East,113°-157°
+    TCODE   tS,             	"S "                	; S(outh),157°-202°
+    TCODE   tSW,            	"SW"                	; South-West,203°-247°
+    TCODE   tW,             	"W "                	; W(West),248°-292°
+    TCODE   tNW,            	"NW"                	; North-West,293°-337°
 ; Color Scheme menu
-    TCODE   tColorScheme,   "Farbschema"        ; Colour Scheme
-    TCODE   tColorSetDive,  "Tauchmodus:"       ; Divemode:
-    TCODE   tColorSetName0, "Standard"          ; Standard
-    TCODE   tColorSetName1, "Rot"               ; Red
-    TCODE   tColorSetName2, "Grün"              ; Green
-    TCODE   tColorSetName3, "Blau"              ; Blue
+    TCODE   tColorScheme,   	"Farbschema"        	; Colour Scheme
+    TCODE   tColorSetDive,  	"Tauchmodus:"       	; Divemode:
+    TCODE   tColorSetName0, 	"Standard"         		; Standard
+    TCODE   tColorSetName1, 	"Rot"               	; Red
+    TCODE   tColorSetName2, 	"Grün"              	; Green
+    TCODE   tColorSetName3, 	"Blau"              	; Blue
-    ; PSCR Menu and Settings
-    TCODE   tPSCRMenu,	    "PSCR Menü"		; PSCR Menu
-    TCODE   tPSCR_O2_drop,  "O2 drop:"		; O2 drop
-    TCODE   tPSCR_lungratio,"Lung ratio:"	; lung ratio
+; PSCR Menu and Settings
+    TCODE   tPSCRMenu,	    	"pSCR Menü"				; PSCR Menu
+    TCODE   tPSCR_O2_drop,  	"O2 Abfall     :"		; O2 drop
+    TCODE   tPSCR_lungratio,	"Lungenverhält.:"		; lung ratio
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;    File text_italian.asm
+;    File text_italian.asm							REFACTORED VERSION V2.95
 ;    Italian texts translation file.
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 ; Basic texts
 	TCODE	tNo,        "No"            ; No
 	TCODE	tYes,       "Si"            ; Yes = No + 1
+	TCODE	tblank,			" "					; (a single space character)	## NEW (layout)
 ; Surface-mode texts
     TCODE   tBeta,      "beta"         	; beta
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
     TCODE   tDivemenu_Gaslist,  "Lista Gas"       ; Gaslist
     TCODE   tDivemenu_ResetAvg, "Azzera Media"  ; Reset Avg.
     TCODE   tDivemenu_Setpoint, "Setpoint"      ; Setpoint
-    TCODE   tDivemenu_UseSensor,"Usa Sensori"    ; Use Sensor
+    TCODE   tDivemenu_UseSensor,"usa Sensori"    ; Use Sensor
     TCODE   tDivemenu_ToggleGF, "Alterna GF"     ; Toggle GF
     TCODE   tDivemenu_Marker,   "Set Marker"    ; Set Marker
     TCODE   tDivemenu_LostGas,  "Gas perduto"    ; Lost Gas
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
     TCODE   tCalibrateMenu, "Calibration"   ; Calibration
     TCODE   tCalibrationGas, "Cal. Gas O2:"  ; Cal. Gas O2:
     TCODE   tCalibrate, "Calibrate"     ; Calibrate
+	TCODE	tBack,			 "back..."			;								## NEW 
 ; Gas menu
     TCODE   tGaslist,   "Lista Gas OC"
@@ -78,15 +80,17 @@
     TCODE   tSetup_mix, "Imposta Miscela"
     TCODE   tCCRMode,   "Modo CCR:"             ; CCR Mode:
     TCODE   tCCRModeFixedSP,  "SP Fissi"        ; Fixed SP
-    TCODE   tCCRModeSensor,   "Sensori"          ; Sensor
+    TCODE   tCCRModeSensor,   "Sensori"			; Sensor
     TCODE   tCCRModeAutoSP,   "Auto SP"         ; Auto SP
     TCODE   tSP,            "SP"                ; SP (SetPoint)
-    TCODE   tSPPlus,    "ppO2+"                  ; pO2+
+    TCODE   tSPPlus,    "ppO2+"					; pO2+
     TCODE   tSensorFallback, "Fallback:"        ; Fallback:
+	TCODE	tCalculated,	"calculated"		; calculated
     TCODE   tppO2,      "ppO2:"                 ; ppO2:
-    TCODE   tppO2O2,	"ppO2(O2)"		; ppO2(O2)
-    TCODE   tppO2Dil,	"ppO2(Dil)"		; ppO2(Dil)
+	TCODE   tppO2O2,	"ppO2(O2)"				; ppO2(O2)
+    TCODE   tppO2Dil,	"ppO2(Dil)"				; ppO2(Dil)
+    TCODE   tppO2Mix,	"ppO2(Mix)"				; ppO2(Mix)
 ; New battery menu
 	TCODE   tNewBattTitle,      "Nuova Batteria?"
 	TCODE	tNewBattOld,		"Mantieni vecchio"
@@ -114,16 +118,18 @@
 ; Dive Settings
     TCODE   tDvMode,    "Modo Dive:"
     TCODE   tDvOC,      "OC"
-    TCODE   tDvCC,      "CC"
     TCODE   tDvGauge,   "Gauge"
     TCODE   tDvApnea,   "Apnea"
-    TCODE   tDvPSCR,	"PSCR"
-    TCODE   tDkMode,    "Algorit.:"
-    TCODE   tZHL16,     "ZH-L16"
-    TCODE   tZHL16GF,   "ZH-L16+GF"
+    TCODE   tDvPSCR,	"pSCR"
+    TCODE   tDvCC,      "CC"
+    TCODE   tDkMode,    "Algorit.:ZH-L16"		;								## MODIFIED (memory)
+    TCODE   tZHL16,     " "						;								## MODIFIED (memory)
+    TCODE   tZHL16GF,   "+GF"					;								## MODIFIED (memory)
     TCODE   tPPO2Max,   "ppO2 Max:"
     TCODE   tPPO2DECO,	"ppO2 Deco:"
     TCODE   tPPO2MIN,   "ppO2 Min:"
+	TCODE	tPPO2MINCC, 	"Min Loop:"			; 								## NEW ppO2 min cc
     TCODE   tLastDecostop, "Ultima Deco:"
     TCODE   tDecoparameters, "Parametri Deco"
     TCODE   tGF_low,    "GF basso:"
@@ -138,6 +144,20 @@
     TCODE   tDiveaGF_active,"aGF!"          ; aGF!
     TCODE   tppO2settings,"Menu ppO2"        ; ppO2 Settings (max. 18 chars)
     TCODE   tsafetystopmenu,"Usa tappa sicur:"       ; Safety Stop: (max. 16 chars)
+	TCODE   tGasUsage,  	"Gas Usage"         ; Gas Usage
+    TCODE   tSetBotUse, 	"Bottom Gas: "      ; Bottom Gas: (space)
+    TCODE   tSetDecoUse,	"Deco   Gas: "      ; Deco   Gas: (space)			## MODIFIED (layout)
+	TCODE	tCalcAscGas,	 "Calc.Gas (B/O):"	;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tTankSizes,		 "Tank Sizes"		;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE   tLiter,			 " l"				;								## NEW bailout gas needs 
+	TCODE	tTankFillPress,	 "Tank Press Budget";								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas1,			 "Gas 1:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas2,			 "Gas 2:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas3,			 "Gas 3:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas4,			 "Gas 4:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tGas5,			 "Gas 5:"			;								## NEW bailout gas needs
+	TCODE	tCCmaxFracO2,	 "Loop %O2 max.:"	;								## NEW CCR max ppO2 limiter
+	TCODE	t2ndDecoPlanMenu,"2nd Deco Plan"	;								## NEW deco engine
 ; Display Settings
     TCODE   tBright,    "Luminosita':"
@@ -145,9 +165,10 @@
     TCODE   tMedium,    "Media"
     TCODE   tHigh,      "Alta"
     TCODE   tDvSalinity,"Salinita':"            ; Salinity
+	TCODE   tShowppO2,  "Always show ppO2:"     ; Always show ppO2:
     TCODE   tFlip,      "Ruotare schermo:"      ; Rotate Screen
     TCODE   tMODwarning,"MOD warning:"          ; MOD warning
-    TCODE   tShowppO2,  "Always show ppO2:"     ; Always show ppO2:
+	TCODE	tIBCDwarning,	"IBCD Warning  :"	; IBCD Warning					## NEW IBCD
     TCODE   tTimeoutDive,"Dive Timeout:"	; Dive Timeout
 ; VSI display Settings
@@ -167,17 +188,21 @@
     TCODE   tCalY,	 "Cal Y:"		; Cal Y
     TCODE   tCalZ,	 "Cal Z:"		; Cal Z
     TCODE   tUnits,     "Unita':"
     TCODE   tMetric,     " m/°C"            ; Enum menu
     TCODE   tImperial,   "ft/°F"
     TCODE   tDefName,   "HW OSTC"
-	TCODE	tbar,		"bar"				; bar
     TCODE   tButtonleft,"Bottone sinistra:"      ; Left button
     TCODE   tButtonright,"Bottone destra:"    ; Right button
+	TCODE	tAltMode,		"Waiting Time:"		;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltModeFly,	"Flying"			;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltMode1000,	"1000m"				;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltMode2000,	"2000m"				;								## NEW no fly altitude
+	TCODE	tAltMode3000,	"3000m"				;								## NEW no fly altitude
 ; Units for all menu
     TCODE   tMeters,    "m"
 	TCODE	tFeets,		"ft"
@@ -185,7 +210,11 @@
     TCODE   tMinutes,   "'"
     TCODE   tPercent,   "%"
     TCODE   tLitersMinute, "l/min"
+	TCODE	tbar,		"bar"					; bar
+	TCODE	tbar10,		"0 bar"					; bar							## NEW 2.95
+	TCODE	tMeterMinute, "m/min"				; meter per minute				## NEW ascent speed
+	TCODE	tmin,		"min"					; minutes
 ; Date
 	TCODE	tDateFormat, "Data:"
 	TCODE	tDateformat, "MMGGAA"
@@ -201,14 +230,14 @@
     TCODE   tBtTm_short,"Tempo:"               ; Bot. Time: (max. 6 chars)
     TCODE   tMxDep, 	"Profond. Max:"        ; Max Depth: (10 chars)
     TCODE   tIntvl, 	"Int.Superf. :"        ; Interval : (10 chars)
+	TCODE	tDecoSetup,	"Calculator Setup"	;									## NEW (layout)
     TCODE   tDeco,  	"Calcola Deco"         ; Calculate Deco
     TCODE   tDivePlan,  "Pianificat:"          ; Dive Plan:
     TCODE   tNoDeco,    "No Deco"              ; No Deco
     TCODE   tMore,      "Dettagli.."           ; More...
-    TCODE   tGasUsage,  "Gas Usage"            ; Gas Usage
-    TCODE   tSetBotUse, "Bottom Gas: "      ; Bottom Gas: (space)
-    TCODE   tSetDecoUse,"Deco Gas: "        ; Deco Gas: (space)
+	TCODE	tSelectSetpoint,"CCR Setpoint: "	;								## NEW deco calculator enhancement
+	TCODE	tuseAGF,		"use aGF: "			;								## NEW deco calculator enhancement
+	TCODE	tCalculating,	"Calculating..."	;								## NEW deco calculator enhancement
 ; Information menu
     TCODE   tFirmware,  "Firmware: "        ; Firmware: (space)
@@ -251,11 +280,24 @@
     TCODE   taGFactors,     "Valori aGF"    ; aGF Values
     TCODE   tGFInfo,        "Info GF"       ; GF Info
     TCODE   tCeiling,       "Ceiling"       ; Ceiling
-    TCODE   tDiveSafetyStop,"Stop"         ; Stop (Four chars, right alligned)
+    TCODE   tDiveSafetyStop,"Stop"			; Stop (Four chars, right alligned)
     TCODE   tDiveFallback,  "Fallback!"     ; Fallback! (max. nine chars)
+	TCODE	tDecoInfo,		"Deco Zone"		; Deco info
     TCODE   tSensorCheck,   "Sensor Check"  ; Sensor Check
     TCODE   tdil,	    "Dil:"	    ; Diluent ppO2 Warning
+	TCODE	tmix,			"Mix:"			; Pre-Mix ppO2 Warning
+    TCODE   tSensorDisagree,"Sensors<>"	    ; Sensors disagree Warning		## NEW voting logic
+    TCODE   tGasNeedsWarn,  "Gas Needs"	    ;					## NEW bailout gas needs
+    TCODE   tGasNeedsBar,   "Gas Needs (bar)"	;				## NEW bailout gas needs
+    TCODE   tCNSsurf,	    "CNS Surf."	    ;					## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+    TCODE   tCNSfTTS,	    "CNS fTTS"	    ;					## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+    TCODE   tCNSBO,	    	"CNS B/O"	    ;					## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+    TCODE   tCNSnow,	    "CNS now"	    ;					## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+    TCODE   tCNSeod,	    "CNS final"	    ;					## NEW CNS at end-of-dive
+    TCODE   tIBCD,	    	"IBCD N2He"	    ;					## NEW IBCD
+    TCODE   tMicroBubbles,  "M.Bubbles"	    ;					## NEW microbubbles
+	TCODE	tCNS,			"CNS: "			;					## V2.95 optics
 ; Divemode menu
     TCODE   tDivePreMenu,   "Menu?"         ; Menu?
     TCODE   tSetHeading,    "Direz."        ; Bearing (Max. seven chars)
@@ -302,11 +344,6 @@
 	TCODE	tLogOffsetm1,	"-1"				; -1
 	TCODE	tLogOffsetm10,	"-10"				; -10
-; Sampling rate
-    TCODE   tSamplingrate,  "Campionamento:"    ; Sampling rate:
-    TCODE   tSampling2s,    "2s"                ; 2s
-    TCODE   tSampling10s,   "10s"               ; 10s
 ; Compass directions
     TCODE   tN,             "N "                ; N(orth),338°-22°
     TCODE   tNE,            "NE"                ; North-East,23°-67°
--- a/src/text_multilang.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/text_multilang.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File text_multilang.asm
+;   File text_multilang.asm								Version 2.92 = 2.26
 ;   Implementation text in various selectable languages.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
             global  text_1_base
     IFNDEF	    french_italian
-    MESSG "hwOS code in English and German!"
+	MESSG "hwOS code in English and German!"
 ;---- PASS 1 : generate description block ------------------------------------
 tcode_idx   set     0
 LANG        set     0
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
 #undefine   TCODE
-            global  text_2_base
+	global  text_2_base
 ;---- PASS 1 : generate description block ------------------------------------
@@ -51,8 +53,8 @@
 #include    ""
 #undefine   TCODE
-    ELSE
-   MESSG "hwOS code in French and Italian!"
+	MESSG "hwOS code in French and Italian!"
 ;---- PASS 1 : generate description block ------------------------------------
 tcode_idx   set     0
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -195,4 +195,4 @@
         movff   rowRegister,win_top
         call    half_pixel_write
--- a/src/tft_outputs.asm	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/tft_outputs.asm	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File tft_outputs.asm
+;   File tft_outputs.asm							REFACTORED VERSION	V2.95a1
 ;   Startup subroutines
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include    ""                  ; Mandatory header
 #include    "shared_definitions.h"      ; Mailbox from/to p2_deco.c
 #include    ""
+#include    ""
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
 #include    ""
 #include    ""
 	extern	aa_wordprocessor
@@ -39,70 +41,70 @@
     global   TFT_divemask_color
     movlw   color_green
-    btfsc   divemode            ; in Divemode?
+    btfsc   divemode            			; in Divemode?
     rcall   TFT_divemask_color_dive
 	bra		TFT_standard_color0
-    movff   opt_dive_color_scheme,WREG  ; 0-3
+    movff   opt_dive_color_scheme,WREG  	; 0-3
     incf    WREG
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_mask1 ;0
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_mask1		;0
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_mask2 ;1
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_mask2		;1
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_mask3 ;2
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_mask4 ;3
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_mask3		;2
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_mask4		;3
     global  TFT_attention_color
-    movlw   color_yellow           ; TODO
+    movlw   color_yellow					; TODO
 	bra		TFT_standard_color0
-    retlw   color_yellow           ; TODO
+    retlw   color_yellow					; TODO
     global  TFT_warnings_color
-    movlw   color_red           ; TODO
+    movlw   color_red						; TODO
 	bra		TFT_standard_color0
-    retlw   color_red           ; TODO
+    retlw   color_red						; TODO
     global  TFT_disabled_color
-    movlw   color_grey          ; Default to OSTC grey (dark blue)
-    btfsc   divemode            ; in Divemode?
+    movlw   color_grey          			; Default to OSTC grey (dark blue)
+    btfsc   divemode            			; in Divemode?
     rcall   TFT_disabled_color_dive
     bra		TFT_standard_color0
-    movff   opt_dive_color_scheme,WREG  ; 0-3
+    movff   opt_dive_color_scheme,WREG		; 0-3
     incf    WREG
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_dis1  ;0
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_dis1		;0
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_dis2  ;1
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_dis2		;1
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_dis3  ;2
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_dis4  ;3
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_dis3		;2
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_dis4		;3
     global  TFT_standard_color
-    setf    WREG                ; Default white
-    btfsc   divemode            ; in Divemode?
+    setf    WREG                			; Default white
+    btfsc   divemode            			; in Divemode?
     rcall   TFT_standard_color_dive
-	goto	TFT_set_color	; and return...
+	goto	TFT_set_color					; and return...
-    movff   opt_dive_color_scheme,WREG  ; 0-3
+    movff   opt_dive_color_scheme,WREG		; 0-3
     incf    WREG
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_std1  ;0
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_std1		;0
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_std2  ;1
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_std2		;1
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_std3  ;2
-    retlw   color_scheme_divemode_std4  ;3
+	retlw   color_scheme_divemode_std3		;2
+    retlw   color_scheme_divemode_std4		;3
 TFT_color_code macro color_code_temp
 	movlw	color_code_temp
@@ -110,273 +112,221 @@
 	global	TFT_color_code1
-TFT_color_code1:				; Color-codes the output, if required
+TFT_color_code1:						; Color-codes the output, if required
 	dcfsnz	WREG
 	bra		TFT_color_code_depth		; depth_warn_mbar [mbar], 16Bit
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	bra		TFT_color_code_cns			; color_code_cns_high [%]
+	bra		TFT_color_code_cns			; color-code CNS values (CNS in hi:lo [%])
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	bra		TFT_color_code_gf			; color_code_gf_warn_high [%]
+	bra		TFT_color_code_gf			; color-code GF value [%]
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	bra		TFT_color_code_ppo2         ; Color-code the OC ppO2 results [cbar], opt_ppO2_max as threshold
+	bra		TFT_color_code_ppo2         ; Color-code ppO2 values (ppO2 in hi:lo [cbar]) by its warning flags
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	bra		TFT_color_code_ceiling		; Show warning if current depth>shown ceiling
+	bra		TFT_color_code_ceiling		; Color-code the ceiling depth
 	dcfsnz	WREG
-	bra		TFT_color_code_gaslist		; Color-code current row in Gaslist (%O2 in hi), opt_ppO2_max as threshold
+	bra		TFT_color_code_gaslist		; Color-code current row in Gaslist (%O2 in hi) according to current amb_pressure
     dcfsnz	WREG
-    bra     TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud     ; Color-code the hud ppO2 readings [cbar], opt_ppO2_max as threshold
+    bra     TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud		; Color-code ppO2 values (ppO2 in --:lo [cbar]) by its value
     dcfsnz	WREG
-    bra     TFT_color_code_battery      ; Color-code the battery display
-TFT_color_code_gaslist:				; %O2 in hi
+    bra     TFT_color_code_battery		; Color-code the battery display
+	dcfsnz	WREG
+    bra     TFT_color_code_stop			; Color-code the stop depth
+TFT_color_code_gaslist:					; %O2 in hi
 ; Check very high ppO2 manually
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure,xA
-	movlw		d'10'
-	movwf		xB+0
-	clrf		xB+1
-	call		div16x16				; xC=p_amb/10
-	movff		xC+0,xA+0
-	movff		xC+1,xA+1
-	movff		hi,xB+0
-	clrf		xB+1
-	call		mult16x16                   ; hi * p_amb/10
+	movlw	d'10'
+	movwf	xB+0
+	clrf	xB+1
+	call	div16x16					; xC=p_amb/10
+	movff	xC+0,xA+0
+	movff	xC+1,xA+1
+	movff	hi,xB+0
+	clrf	xB+1
+	call	mult16x16					; hi * p_amb/10
 ; Check if ppO2>6,55bar
-	tstfsz		xC+2						; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10 > 65536, ppO2>6,55bar?
-	bra			TFT_warnings_color       	; Yes, warn in warning color
+	tstfsz	xC+2						; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10 > 65536, ppO2>6,55bar?
+	bra		TFT_warnings_color			; Yes, warn in warning color
 ; Check if ppO2>3,30bar
-	btfsc		xC+1,7
-	bra			TFT_warnings_color          ; Yes, warn in warning color
+	btfsc	xC+1,7
+	bra		TFT_warnings_color			; Yes, warn in warning color
 ; Check for low ppo2
-	movff       xC+0,sub_a+0
-	movff       xC+1,sub_a+1
-    movff       opt_ppO2_min,WREG
-	mullw       d'100'                  ; opt_ppO2_min*100
-	movff       PRODL,sub_b+0
-	movff       PRODH,sub_b+1
-	call        subU16
-	btfsc       neg_flag
-    bra			TFT_warnings_color      ; too low -> Warning Color!
+	movff	xC+0,sub_a+0
+	movff	xC+1,sub_a+1
+    movff	char_I_ppO2_min,WREG
+	mullw	d'100'                  	; char_I_ppO2_min*100
+	movff	PRODL,sub_b+0
+	movff	PRODH,sub_b+1
+	call	subU16
+	btfsc	neg_flag
+    bra		TFT_warnings_color      	; too low -> Warning Color!
 ; Check for high ppo2
-    	movff   gaslist_gas_global,WREG	; Read current gas O2 ratio
-	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type	; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco for OC gases and 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal for diluents
-	movff   PLUSW1,xA+0		; xA+0 used as temp here -> holds type
-	movff   opt_ppO2_max_deco,xB+1	; xB+1 used as temp here
+    movff   gaslist_gas_global,WREG		; Read current gas O2 ratio
+	lfsr	FSR1,opt_gas_type			; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco for OC gases and 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal for diluents
+	movff   PLUSW1,xA+0					; xA+0 used as temp here -> holds type
+	movff   char_I_ppO2_max_deco,xB+1	; xB+1 used as temp here
 	movlw	.3			
-	cpfseq	xA+0			; Deco?
-	movff   opt_ppO2_max,xB+1	; No, overwrite with travel/bottom max
-	movf	xB+1,W			; Result in WREG
-	mullw	d'100'			; opt_ppO2_max*100
+	cpfseq	xA+0						; Deco?
+	movff   char_I_ppO2_max,xB+1		; No, overwrite with travel/bottom max
+	movf	xB+1,W						; Result in WREG
+	mullw	d'100'						; char_I_ppO2_max*100
 	movff	PRODL,sub_b+0
 	movff	PRODH,sub_b+1
 	infsnz	sub_a+0,F
-	incf	sub_a+1,F		; add 1mbar to avoid warning on equal
-	call	subU16			;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b	
+	incf	sub_a+1,F					; add 1mbar to avoid warning on equal
+	call	subU16						; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b	
 	btfss	neg_flag
-	bra	TFT_warnings_color      ; too high -> Warning Color!
+	bra	TFT_warnings_color				; too high -> Warning Color!
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure, lo
-	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
-	movff	hi,xA+1
-	movff	lo,xA+0
-	movff	char_O_first_deco_depth,lo  ; Ceiling in m
-	decf	lo,F	                    ; -1
-	movlw	LOW		d'100'
-	movwf	xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1						; Devide/100 -> xC+0 = Depth in m
-	call	div16x16					; xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder 	
-	movf	xC+0,W						; Depth in m
-	subwf	lo,W
-	btfsc	STATUS,C
-	bra	TFT_warnings_color     	; Set to warning color
-	bra	TFT_standard_color  ; and return...
-	movff	hi,hi_temp
-	movff	lo,lo_temp
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure, lo
-	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
-	movff	lo,sub_a+0
-	movff	hi,sub_a+1
-	movlw	LOW		depth_warn_mbar
-	movwf	lo
-	movlw	HIGH	depth_warn_mbar
-	movwf	hi
-	movff	lo,sub_b+0
-	movff	hi,sub_b+1
-	movff	hi_temp,hi
-	movff	lo_temp,lo			; Restore hi, lo
-    TSTOSS  opt_modwarning			; 0=standard, 1=blink
-	bra		TFT_color_code_depth_std
-	call	subU16			;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
-	btfss	neg_flag
-	bra	TFT_color_code_depth_warn ; Set to warning color
-	bra    TFT_color_code_ppo2_depth  ; check depth against MOD	; and return...
-	call	subU16			   ; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
-	btfss	neg_flag
-	bra	TFT_warnings_color ; Set to warning color
-	bra    TFT_standard_color   ; and return...
-	movff   opt_dive_mode,WREG        ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR
-	decfsz	WREG,F			
-	bra	TFT_color_code_ppo2_depth_no_ccr   ; Not CCR...
-	btfsc	is_bailout
-	bra	TFT_color_code_ppo2_depth_no_ccr   ; Is bailout -> Test for MOD warning
-	movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG               ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
-	decfsz	WREG,F
-	bra	TFT_color_code_ppo2_depth_no_ccr   ; Not Sensor
-	; -> CCR and Sensor: Skip this test
-	return
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, xA
-	movlw	d'10'
+	btfsc	hi,char_invalid_flag		; is the invalid flag set?  (bit 7 here)
+	bra		TFT_color_code_ceiling_1	; YES
+	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure,sub_a	; NO
+    movff   lo,sub_b+0
+    movff   hi,sub_b+1
+	call	subU16						; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b :  sub_c = rel_pressure [cm] - int_O_ceiling [mbar => cm]
+	btfsc 	neg_flag					; is ceiling > current depth?
+	bra		TFT_warnings_color			; YES - set to warning  color and return	
+	bra		TFT_standard_color			; NO  - set to standard color and return
+	bcf		hi,char_invalid_flag		; clear the invalid flag (bit 7 here)
+	bra		TFT_disabled_color			; set to disabled color and return
+	movff	char_O_deco_gas+0,WREG		; get flag for invalid deco data
+	btfsc	WREG,char_invalid_flag		; is the invalid flag set?
+	bra		TFT_disabled_color			; set to disabled color and return
+    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure,xA		; get current pressure in mbar = cm
+	movlw	LOW	d'100'
 	movwf	xB+0
 	clrf	xB+1
-	call	div16x16				; xC=p_amb/10
-	movff	xC+0,xA+0
-	movff	xC+1,xA+1
-    movff   char_I_O2_ratio,xB+0    ; =O2 ratio
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	mult16x16               ; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10
-; Check if ppO2>6,55bar
-	tstfsz	xC+2					; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10 > 65536, ppO2>6,55bar?
-	;bra		TFT_color_code_warn     ; Yes, warn in warning color
-    bra     TFT_color_code_depth_warn
-; Check if ppO2>3,30bar
-	btfsc	xC+1,7
-    bra     TFT_color_code_depth_warn
-	movff	xC+0,sub_a+0
-	movff	xC+1,sub_a+1
-	;active_gas_type -> 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco for OC gases and 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal for diluents	
-	movff   active_gas_type,xA+0	; xA+0 used as temp here -> holds type
-	movff   opt_ppO2_max_deco,xB+1	; xB+1 used as temp here
-	movlw	.3			
-	cpfseq	xA+0			; Deco?
-	movff   opt_ppO2_max,xB+1	; No, overwrite with travel/bottom max
-	movf	xB+1,W			; Result in WREG
-	mullw	d'100'
-	movff	PRODL,sub_b+0
-	movff	PRODH,sub_b+1
-	infsnz	sub_a+0,F
-	incf	sub_a+1,F		; add 1mbar to avoid warning on equal
-	call	subU16			; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	call	div16x16					; xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder: Divide/100 => xC+0 = current depth in meters
+	movff	char_O_first_deco_depth,WREG; get stop depth in m into WREG
+	subwf	xC+0,W						; compute current depth - stop depth
+	btfsc	STATUS,C					; result negative?
+	bra		TFT_standard_color			; NO  - set to standard color and return
+	bra		TFT_warnings_color			; YES - set to warning  color and return
+TFT_color_code_depth:					; with depth as rel_pressure in [mbar] in hi:lo
+	movff	lo,sub_a+0
+	movff	hi,sub_a+1
+	movlw	LOW	 depth_warn_mbar
+	movwf	sub_b+0
+	movlw	HIGH depth_warn_mbar
+	movwf	sub_b+1
+	call	subU16						; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+    TSTOSS  opt_modwarning				; 0=standard, 1=blink
+	bra		TFT_color_code_depth_std
+	btfss	neg_flag
+	bra		TFT_color_code_depth_warn	; set to warning color
+	bra		TFT_color_code_depth_ppO2	; check depth against MOD and return...
 	btfss	neg_flag
-    bra     TFT_color_code_depth_warn
-	movff	xC+0,sub_a+0
-	movff	xC+1,sub_a+1
-	movff	opt_ppO2_min,WREG		; PPO2 min for Sensors and color coding in divemode
-	mullw	d'100'
-	movff	PRODL,sub_b+0
-	movff	PRODH,sub_b+1
-	call	subU16			  		; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
-	btfsc	neg_flag
-    bra     TFT_color_code_depth_warn
-    if dm_offset != 0
-        call	TFT_standard_color
-    else
-        movlw   color_green
-    	call	TFT_set_color
-    endif
-    bcf     blinking_depth_warning      ; reset warning
-    return
+	bra		TFT_warnings_color			; set to warning  color and return
+	bra		TFT_standard_color			; set to standard color and return...
+	movff   opt_dive_mode,WREG			; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR
+	decfsz	WREG,F						; are we in CCR mode?
+	bra		TFT_color_code_depth_no_ccr	; NO  - continue checking for ppO2
+	btfsc	is_bailout					; YES - check if in bailout
+	bra		TFT_color_code_depth_no_ccr	; 		YES - continue checking for ppO2
+; no warning by depth for all CCR modes	when not in bailout ## V2.94
+	;movff	opt_ccr_mode,WREG					; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+	;decfsz	WREG,F
+	;bra	TFT_color_code_ppo2_depth_no_ccr	; Not Sensor
+	bcf     blinking_depth_warning		; reset warning
+	bra		TFT_standard_color			; no color coding, return.
+	movff	int_O_breathed_ppO2+1,WREG	; get upper byte of currently breathed ppO2
+	btfsc	WREG,int_warning_flag		; is the warning flag set?
+	bra		TFT_color_code_depth_warn	; YES - animate in warning design
+	bcf     blinking_depth_warning		; NO  - reset warning
+	bra 	TFT_standard_color			;		set standard color and return
-   	bsf		blinking_depth_warning         ; Set warning
-    bra     TFT_warnings_color ; Set to warning color
-    movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+1,lo		; copy into bank1
-    tstfsz  lo                          ; >255% ?
-    bra     TFT_warnings_color         ; Yes
-	movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+0,lo
-	movlw	color_code_cns_high		; CNS Warn [%]
-	subwf	lo,W
-	btfsc	STATUS,C
-	bra	TFT_warnings_color		; Set to warning color
-	bra	TFT_standard_color		; and return...
+   	bsf		blinking_depth_warning		; set warning
+    bra     TFT_warnings_color			; set to warning color and return...
+TFT_color_code_cns:						; with CNS% in hi:lo
+	btfss	hi,int_invalid_flag			; is the invalid flag set?
+	bra		TFT_color_code_cns_1		; NO
+	bcf		hi,int_invalid_flag			; YES - clear invalid flag							## Todo: use ~bitmask and AND
+	bcf		hi,int_warning_flag			;		clear warning     flag (it may be set)
+	bcf		hi,int_prewarning_flag		; 		clear pre-warning flag (it may be set)
+	bra		TFT_disabled_color			; 		set to disabled color and return
+	btfss	hi,int_warning_flag			; is the warning flag set?
+	bra		TFT_color_code_cns_2		; NO
+	bcf		hi,int_warning_flag			; YES - clear warning								## Todo: use ~bitmask and AND
+	bcf		hi,int_prewarning_flag		; 		clear pre-warning flag (it may be set)
+	bra		TFT_warnings_color			; 		set to warning color and return
+	bcf		hi,int_prewarning_flag		; clear pre-warning flag (it may be set)
+	bra		TFT_standard_color			; set to standard color and return
-	movff	char_O_gradient_factor,lo		; gradient factor
-	movlw	color_code_gf_warn_high 	; GF Warn [%]
-	subwf	lo,W
-	btfsc	STATUS,C
-	bra	TFT_warnings_color         ; Set to warning color
-	bra	TFT_standard_color	    ; and return...
+	btfsc	hi,int_warning_flag			; is the warning flag set?
+	bra		TFT_warnings_color			; YES - set to warning color and return
+	btfsc	hi,int_prewarning_flag		; is the attention flag set?
+	bra		TFT_attention_color			; YES - set to attention color and return
+	bra		TFT_standard_color			; NO  - set to normal  color and return
-; Check if ppO2>6,55bar
-	tstfsz	xC+2					; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10 > 65536, ppO2>6,55bar?
-	bra		TFT_warnings_color     ; Yes, warn in warning color
-; Check if ppO2>3,30bar
-	btfsc	xC+1,7
-	bra		TFT_warnings_color     ; Yes, warn in warning color
-	movff	xC+0,sub_a+0
-	movff	xC+1,sub_a+1
-	;active_gas_type -> 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco for OC gases and 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal for diluents	
-	movff   active_gas_type,xA+0	; xA+0 used as temp here -> holds type
-	movff   opt_ppO2_max_deco,xB+1	; xB+1 used as temp here
-	movlw	.3			
-	cpfseq	xA+0			; Deco?
-	movff   opt_ppO2_max,xB+1	; No, overwrite with travel/bottom max
-	movf	xB+1,W			; Result in WREG
-	mullw	d'100'
-	movff	PRODL,sub_b+0
-	movff	PRODH,sub_b+1
-	infsnz	sub_a+0,F
-	incf	sub_a+1,F		; add 1mbar to avoid warning on equal
-	call	subU16			  		; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
-	btfss	neg_flag
-	bra		TFT_warnings_color     ; Set to warning color
-	movff	xC+0,sub_a+0
-	movff	xC+1,sub_a+1
-	movff	opt_ppO2_min,WREG		; PPO2 min for Sensors and color coding in divemode
-	mullw	d'100'
-	movff	PRODL,sub_b+0
-	movff	PRODH,sub_b+1
-	call	subU16			  		; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
-	btfsc	neg_flag
-	bra	TFT_warnings_color     ; Set to warning color
-	bra	TFT_standard_color	; and return...
-TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud:            ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
-	movff	opt_ppO2_max,WREG		; PPO2 Max for MOD calculation and color coding in divemode
-    cpfsgt  lo                      ; lo > opt_ppO2_max?
-    bra     TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud1; No
-    bra     TFT_warnings_color     ; Yes
+	btfss	hi,int_warning_flag			; is the warning flag set?
+	bra		TFT_color_code_ppo2_1		; NO
+	bcf		hi,int_warning_flag			; YES - clear warning flag							## Todo: use ~bitmask and AND
+	bcf		hi,int_prewarning_flag		;		clear  pre-warning flag (it may be set)
+	bcf		hi,int_high_flag			;		clear high warning flag (it may be set)
+	bcf		hi,int_low_flag				;		clear low  warning flag (it may be set)
+	bra		TFT_warnings_color     		; 		warn in warning color
+	bcf		hi,int_prewarning_flag		;		clear  pre-warning flag (it may be set)		## Todo: use ~bitmask and AND
+	bcf		hi,int_high_flag			;		clear high warning flag (it may be set)
+	bcf		hi,int_low_flag				;		clear low  warning flag (it may be set)
+	bra		TFT_standard_color			; set to standard color and return
+TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud:            	; With ppO2 [cbar] in --:lo
+	movff	char_O_deco_warnings,WREG	; get the deco warnings vector
+	btfss	WREG,deco_flag				; are we in deco?
+	bra		TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud_a	; NO  - load normal max value as threshold
+	movff	char_I_ppO2_max_deco,WREG	; YES - load deco value as threshold
+	bra		TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud_b
+	movff	char_I_ppO2_max,WREG		; ppO2 max while not in deco
+    cpfsgt  lo                      	; lo > threshold?
+    bra     TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud1	; NO  - continue with checking for ppO2 low
+    bra     TFT_warnings_color     		; YES - set warning color and return
-	movff	opt_ppO2_min,WREG		; PPO2 min for Sensors and color coding in divemode
-    cpfslt  lo                      ; lo < opt_ppO2_min?
-    bra     TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud2; No
-    bra     TFT_warnings_color     ; Yes
-    bra	   TFT_standard_color	; and return...
-TFT_color_code_battery:             ; With battery percent in lo
-    movlw   color_code_battery_low
-    cpfsgt  lo                      ; lo < color_code_battery_low ?
-    bra     TFT_warnings_color     ; No
-    bra	    TFT_standard_color	    ; and return...
+	movff	opt_dive_mode,WREG			; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR
+	decfsz	WREG,F						; now:  0=CC, 1=Gauge, 2=Apnea, 3=PSCR
+	bra		TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud_nocc; not CCR...
+	btfsc	is_bailout
+	bra		TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud_nocc; is bailout, hence not loop mode...
+	movff	char_I_ppO2_min_loop,WREG	; ppO2 min loop mode color coding
+	bra		TFT_color_code_ppo2_hud_cont
+	movff	char_I_ppO2_min,WREG		; PPO2 min for all other modes
+    cpfslt  lo                      	; lo < char_I_ppO2_min?
+    bra		TFT_standard_color			; NO  - set standard color and return...
+    bra     TFT_warnings_color     		; Yes - set warning  color and return
+TFT_color_code_battery:             	; With battery percent in lo
+    movlw   color_code_battery_low		; get warning threshold
+    cpfsgt  lo                      	; is battery percent < threshold?
+    bra     TFT_warnings_color     		; YES - set to warning  color and return
+    bra	    TFT_standard_color	    	; NO  - set to standard color and return
 ; ****************************************************************************
@@ -385,7 +335,8 @@
     ; Show first gas
     WIN_SMALL surf_decotype_column+.1,surf_decotype_row+.30
     extern  get_first_gas_to_WREG,gaslist_strcat_gas
-    call    get_first_gas_to_WREG       ; Gets first gas (0-4) into WREG
+    call    get_first_gas_to_WREG       ; Gets first gas (1-5) into WREG
+	decf	WREG,W						; 1-5 -> 0-4
     movwf   PRODL
     call    gaslist_strcat_gas          ; Input: PRODL : gas number (0..4), Output: Text appended into buffer pointed by FSR2.
@@ -402,7 +353,7 @@
 	WIN_FRAME_STD   surf_decotype_boxes_top, surf_decotype_boxes_bottom, surf_decotype_boxes_left1, surf_decotype_boxes_left1+.8    ;top, bottom, left, right
     rcall    TFT_disabled_color
-    movff   opt_gas_type+1,hi         ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+    movff   opt_gas_type+1,hi           ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
     tstfsz  hi
     rcall    TFT_standard_color
 	WIN_LEFT	surf_decotype_boxes_left2+.1
@@ -412,40 +363,41 @@
 	WIN_FRAME_STD   surf_decotype_boxes_top, surf_decotype_boxes_bottom, surf_decotype_boxes_left2, surf_decotype_boxes_left2+.8    ;top, bottom, left, right
     rcall    TFT_disabled_color
-    movff   opt_gas_type+2,hi         ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+    movff   opt_gas_type+2,hi           ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
     tstfsz  hi
     rcall    TFT_standard_color
 	WIN_LEFT	surf_decotype_boxes_left3+.1
     STRCPY_PRINT    "3"
     decfsz  hi,F                        ; Type = 1 (First)?
-    bra     DISP_active_gas_surfmode5       ; No, skip box
+    bra     DISP_active_gas_surfmode5   ; No, skip box
     WIN_FRAME_STD   surf_decotype_boxes_top, surf_decotype_boxes_bottom, surf_decotype_boxes_left3, surf_decotype_boxes_left3+.8    ;top, bottom, left, right
     rcall    TFT_disabled_color
-    movff   opt_gas_type+3,hi         ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+    movff   opt_gas_type+3,hi           ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
     tstfsz  hi
     rcall    TFT_standard_color
 	WIN_LEFT	surf_decotype_boxes_left4+.1
     STRCPY_PRINT    "4"
     decfsz  hi,F                        ; Type = 1 (First)?
-    bra     DISP_active_gas_surfmode6       ; No, skip box
+    bra     DISP_active_gas_surfmode6   ; No, skip box
     WIN_FRAME_STD   surf_decotype_boxes_top, surf_decotype_boxes_bottom, surf_decotype_boxes_left4, surf_decotype_boxes_left4+.8    ;top, bottom, left, right
     rcall    TFT_disabled_color
-    movff   opt_gas_type+4,hi         ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
+    movff   opt_gas_type+4,hi           ; 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco
     tstfsz  hi
     rcall    TFT_standard_color
 	WIN_LEFT	surf_decotype_boxes_left5+.1
     STRCPY_PRINT    "5"
-    rcall    TFT_standard_color          ; Reset color
+    rcall    TFT_standard_color         ; Reset color
     decfsz  hi,F                        ; Type = 1 (First)?
-    return                                  ; no, Done.
+    return                              ; no, Done.
     WIN_FRAME_STD   surf_decotype_boxes_top, surf_decotype_boxes_bottom, surf_decotype_boxes_left5, surf_decotype_boxes_left5+.8    ;top, bottom, left, right
-    return                                  ; Done.
+    return                              ; Done.
     global  TFT_show_color_schemes
-TFT_show_color_schemes:         ; update the color schemes
-    bsf     divemode            ; put in divemode
+TFT_show_color_schemes:					; update the color schemes
+    bsf     divemode					; put in divemode
     call    TFT_divemask_color
     WIN_TINY  .12,.40
@@ -465,9 +417,9 @@
     movwf   hi
 	bsf		leftbind
 	bsf		ignore_digit4
-	output_16						; Full meters in Big font
+	output_16							; Full meters in Big font
 	bcf		leftbind
-	STRCAT_PRINT ""					; Display full meters
+	STRCAT_PRINT ""						; Display full meters
     WIN_SMALL	.25,.66
     movlw   LOW     .5172
     movwf   lo
@@ -477,20 +429,20 @@
 	movlw	d'4'
 	movwf	ignore_digits
 	bsf		ignore_digit5
-	output_16dp	d'0'                ; .1m in SMALL font
-	STRCAT_PRINT ""					; Display decimeters
+	output_16dp	d'0'                	; .1m in SMALL font
+	STRCAT_PRINT ""						; Display decimeters
     ; Max. Depth demo
     WIN_MEDIUM	.64,.54
-	bsf     ignore_digit4			; no 0.1m
+	bsf     ignore_digit4				; no 0.1m
     bsf     leftbind
     movlw   LOW     .6349
     movwf   lo
     movlw   HIGH    .6349
     movwf   hi
-	STRCAT_PRINT ""					; Display full meters
+	STRCAT_PRINT ""						; Display full meters
     bcf     leftbind
 	; .1m in SMALL font
 	WIN_SMALL	.87,.66
@@ -504,99 +456,90 @@
     movlw   HIGH    .6349
     movwf   hi
 	output_16dp	d'0'
-	STRCAT_PRINT ""					; Display decimeters
+	STRCAT_PRINT ""						; Display decimeters
     bcf     leftbind
     ; Divetime demo
     movff   mins,lo
     clrf    hi
 	WIN_MEDIUM	.103, .54
-	output_16_3                     ; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
-	STRCAT_PRINT ""                 ; Show minutes in large font
-	WIN_SMALL  .139, .66   		; left position for two sec figures
+	output_16_3                     	; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
+	STRCAT_PRINT ""                 	; Show minutes in large font
+	WIN_SMALL  .139, .66   				; left position for two sec figures
 	PUTC    ':'
 	bsf		leftbind
 	movff   secs,lo
 	bcf     leftbind
-	STRCAT_PRINT ""                 ; Show seconds in small font
-    bcf     divemode                ; don't stay in divemode
+	STRCAT_PRINT ""                 	; Show seconds in small font
+    bcf     divemode                	; don't stay in divemode
 	global	TFT_divemode_mask
-TFT_divemode_mask:					; Displays mask in Dive-Mode
-    if dm_offset != 0
-        call    TFT_divemask_color
-        WIN_TINY            dm_mask_depth_column,dm_mask_depth_row
-        STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT   tDepth
-        WIN_TINY            dm_mask_maxdepth_column,dm_mask_maxdepth_row
-        TSTOSS  opt_vsigraph			; 0=skip, 1=draw
-        WIN_TINY            dm_mask_maxdepth_column_nvsi,dm_mask_maxdepth_row
-        STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT   tMaxDepth
-        WIN_TINY            dm_mask_divetime_column,dm_mask_divetime_row
-        STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT   tDivetime
-    endif
-    if dm_offset == 0
-        movlw       color_dark_red
-        call        TFT_set_color
-        TSTOSS  opt_vsigraph			; 0=skip, 1=draw
-        bra     $+4
-        WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 dm_velobar_top, dm_velobar_bot, dm_velobar_lft, dm_velobar_rgt ;top, bottom, left, right
-        WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 dm_sep_1_2_row, dm_sep_1_2_row, .0, .159 ;top, bottom, left, right
-        WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 dm_sep_2_3_row, dm_sep_2_3_row, .0, .159 ;top, bottom, left, right
-        WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 dm_warning_row-.1, dm_warning_row-.1, dm_warning_column, .159 ;top, bottom, left, right
-        TSTOSS  opt_vsigraph			; 0=skip, 1=draw
-        bra     $+4
-        WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 dm_warning_row-.1, dm_warning_row-.1, dm_max_depth_column_nvsi, .159 ;top, bottom, left, right
-        call    TFT_draw_gassep_line
-    endif
-    bra		TFT_standard_color ; and return...
+TFT_divemode_mask:						; Displays mask in divemode
+	bcf	    FLAG_TFT_divemode_mask
+	call    TFT_divemask_color
+	WIN_TINY dm_mask_depth_column,dm_mask_depth_row
+	WIN_TINY dm_mask_maxdepth_column,dm_mask_maxdepth_row
+	TSTOSS  opt_vsigraph				; 0=skip, 1=draw
+	WIN_TINY dm_mask_maxdepth_column_nvsi,dm_mask_maxdepth_row
+	WIN_TINY dm_mask_divetime_column,dm_mask_divetime_row
+	bra		TFT_standard_color 			; and return...
+    global  TFT_divemode_mask_alternative
+TFT_divemode_mask_alternative:			; Alt. mask for divemode
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_divemode_mask_alt
+    call    TFT_divemask_color
+    WIN_TINY dm_mask_depth_column,dm_mask_depth_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_mask_divetime_column-.30,dm_mask_divetime_row
+    STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT   tDivetime
+    bra		TFT_standard_color 			; and return...
     global	TFT_draw_gassep_line
     btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; Ignore in Apnoe mode
     btfsc   divemode_menu               ; Is the dive mode menu shown?
     return                              ; Yes, return
-    if dm_offset == 0
-        movlw       color_dark_red
-        call        TFT_set_color
-        WIN_FRAME_COLOR16   dm_gassep_row, dm_gassep_bot, dm_gassep_column, dm_gassep_column
-    endif
-    bra		TFT_standard_color ; and return...
+    bra		TFT_standard_color 			; and return...
 	global	TFT_display_velocity
 TFT_display_velocity:						; With divA+0 = m/min, neg_flag_velocity: ascend=1, descend=0
-	bcf     STATUS,C
-    movlw	velocity_display_threshold_1	; lowest threshold for display vertical velocity
-	subwf	divA+0,W
-	btfss	STATUS,C
-	bra		TFT_velocity_clear              ; lower then threshold. Clear text and graph (If active)
+    bcf     STATUS,C
+    movlw   velocity_display_threshold_1	; lowest threshold for display vertical velocity
+    subwf   divA+0,W
+    btfss   STATUS,C
+    bra	    TFT_velocity_clear              ; lower then threshold. Clear text and graph (If active)
     ; We have something to display
-	bsf		display_velocity                ; Set flag
+    bsf	    display_velocity                ; Set flag
     ; check if descending: no warning color if descending
-    call	TFT_standard_color
-	btfsc	neg_flag_velocity                   ; Ignore for descent!
-    rcall   TFT_velocity_set_color              ; Set color for text and set threshold for graph
-	rcall   TFT_velocity_disp                   ; Show the text
-    TSTOSS  opt_vsigraph                        ; =1: draw the graphical VSI bar
-	bra     TFT_display_velocity_done           ; No graph
-	btfsc	neg_flag_velocity                   ; Ignore for descent!
-    rcall   TFT_velocity_graph                  ; Show the graph
-	btfss	neg_flag_velocity                   ; Ignore for descent!
-    rcall   TFT_velocity_clear_graph            ; Clear the graph for descent
+    rcall   TFT_standard_color
+    btfsc   neg_flag_velocity               ; Ignore for descent!
+    rcall   TFT_velocity_set_color          ; Set color for text and set threshold for graph
+    rcall   TFT_velocity_disp               ; Show the text
+    TSTOSS  opt_vsigraph                    ; =1: draw the graphical VSI bar
+    bra     TFT_display_velocity_done       ; No graph
+    btfsc   alternative_divelayout	    ; Alternative layout?
+    bra     TFT_display_velocity_done       ; Yes, no graph! (no room when divetime minutes is three figures)
+    btfsc   neg_flag_velocity               ; Ignore for descent!
+    rcall   TFT_velocity_graph              ; Show the graph
+    btfss   neg_flag_velocity               ; Ignore for descent!
+    rcall   TFT_velocity_clear_graph        ; Clear the graph for descent
-    bra 	TFT_standard_color      ; and return!
+    bra 	TFT_standard_color              ; and return!
     ; use a depth-dependent ascent rate warning
@@ -619,21 +562,21 @@
     DB  .50,.19,.15,.0
     DB  .200,.20,.15,.0
-TFT_velocity_set_color:         ; Set color based on speed table or use static thresholds, with divA+0 = m/min
+TFT_velocity_set_color:                     ; Set color based on speed table or use static thresholds, with divA+0 = m/min
     ; check if old/new ascend logic is used
     TSTOSS  opt_vsitextv2       			; 0=standard, 1=dynamic
     bra     TFT_velocity_set_color_static   ; static ascend rate limit
     ; get the actual depth in m
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure, lo
-	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity		; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
 	movff	hi,xA+1
 	movff	lo,xA+0
 	movlw	LOW		d'100'
 	movwf	xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1						; Devide/100 -> xC+0 = Depth in m
-	call	div16x16					; xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder 	
-	;movf	xC+0,W						; Depth in m
+	clrf	xB+1						    ; Devide/100 -> xC+0 = Depth in m
+	call	div16x16					    ; xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder 	
+	;movf	xC+0,W						    ; Depth in m
     ; point to speed table
     movlw   LOW     (TFT_speed_table-.3)
@@ -644,21 +587,21 @@
     movwf   TBLPTRU
-    TBLRD*+         ; 3 dummy reads
+    TBLRD*+                                 ; 3 dummy reads
-    TBLRD*+         ; Get speed threshold
-    movf	xC+0,W						; Depth in m
-    cpfsgt  TABLAT  ; Threshold > current depth ?
-    bra     TFT_velocity_set_color_skip ; No
+    TBLRD*+                                 ; Get speed threshold
+    movf	xC+0,W						    ; Depth in m
+    cpfsgt  TABLAT                          ; Threshold > current depth ?
+    bra     TFT_velocity_set_color_skip     ; No
-    TBLRD*+         ; Get warning speed threshold
+    TBLRD*+                                 ; Get warning speed threshold
     movf    TABLAT,W
     movwf   divA+1                          ; Copy for graph routine
     cpfslt  divA+0                          ; smaller then actual value (in m/min)?
     bra     TFT_warnings_color              ; Set Warning color (And return)
-    TBLRD*+         ; Get attention speed threshold
+    TBLRD*+                                 ; Get attention speed threshold
     movf    TABLAT,W
     cpfslt  divA+0                          ; smaller then actual value (in m/min)?
     bra     TFT_attention_color             ; Set Attention color (And return)
@@ -676,7 +619,7 @@
     WIN_SMALL	dm_velocity_text_column, dm_velocity_text_row
-    TSTOSS  opt_units			; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
+    TSTOSS  opt_units			            ; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
 	bra		TFT_velocity_metric
 	movff	divA+0,WREG						; divA+0 = m/min
@@ -692,7 +635,7 @@
 	bcf		leftbind
 	STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT  tVelImperial			; Unit switch
-        return
+    return
 	movff	divA+0,lo						; divA+0 = m/min
@@ -702,11 +645,11 @@
 	movwf	POSTINC2
 	STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT  tVelMetric			; Unit switch
-        return
+    return
 TFT_velocity_graph:                         ; divA+0 = m/min
 	; divA+0 holding the ascend speed in m/min
-	movff	divA+0,hi	; Copy
+	movff	divA+0,hi	                    ; Copy
 	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_velobar_top, dm_velobar_bot, dm_velobar_lft, dm_velobar_rgt ;top, bottom, left, right -> outer frame
 	rcall   TFT_divemask_color_dive     ; Color -> WREG
     WIN_FRAME_COLOR   dm_velobar_top, dm_velobar_bot, dm_velobar_lft, dm_velobar_rgt ;inner frame
@@ -731,7 +674,7 @@
 	call	div16x16						;xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder 	
 	; xC+0 now holds amount of segments to show
-	movff	hi,divA+0	; Copy back for numeric output
+	movff	hi,divA+0	                    ; Copy back for numeric output
 	movlw	d'7'
 	cpfslt	xC+0
 	bra		DISP_graph_vel_7
@@ -777,7 +720,7 @@
     rcall   TFT_standard_color_dive     ; Color -> WREG
     WIN_BOX_COLOR   dm_velobar_top+.62, dm_velobar_top+.68, dm_velobar_lft+.2, dm_velobar_rgt-.2 ;top, bottom, left, right
-    return          ; Done.
+    return                              ; Done.
 	global	TFT_velocity_clear
@@ -801,88 +744,207 @@
     WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_decostop_1st_stop_row, .239, dm_decostop_1st_stop_column, .159	; top, bottom, left, right
     global  TFT_clear_divemode_menu
-    if dm_offset != 0
-        WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_menu_row,   dm_menu_lower, dm_menu_left,  dm_menu_right	; top, bottom, left, right
-    else
-        WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_3rdrow_top, dm_3rdrow_bot, dm_3rdrow_lft, dm_3rdrow_rgt	; top, bottom, left, right
-    endif
+    WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_menu_row,   dm_menu_lower, dm_menu_left,  dm_menu_right	; top, bottom, left, right
 	global	TFT_display_ndl_mask
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_display_ndl_mask
     btfsc   divemode_menu               ; Is the dive mode menu shown?
     return                              ; Yes, return
-	rcall	TFT_clear_decoarea			; Clear Dekostop and Dekosum
-    if dm_offset != 0
-        call    TFT_divemask_color
-    else
-        call    TFT_attention_color
-    endif
-   	WIN_STD 	dm_ndl_text_column, dm_ndl_text_row
+	call	TFT_clear_decoarea          ; Clear Dekostop and Dekosum
+    call    TFT_divemask_color
+   	WIN_STD dm_ndl_text_column, dm_ndl_text_row
 	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT  tNDL             ; NDL
-	bra	TFT_standard_color  ; and return...
-	global	TFT_show_TTS_divemode
+	bra	TFT_standard_color              ; and return...
+	global	TFT_display_tts
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_display_tts
     btfsc   divemode_menu               ; Is the dive mode menu shown?
     return                              ; Yes, return
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 	movff	int_O_ascenttime+0,lo       ; TTS
 	movff	int_O_ascenttime+1,hi       ; on 16bits
+	btfss	hi,int_invalid_flag			; is the invalid flag set?
+	bra		TFT_display_tts_1			; NO
+	bcf		hi,int_invalid_flag			; YES - clear flag
+	call	TFT_disabled_color			; 		switch to disabled color
 	WIN_MEDIUM  dm_tts_value_column, dm_tts_value_row
-	output_16_3					;Displays only 0...999
+	output_16_3							; Displays only 0...999
 	global	TFT_display_ndl
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_display_ndl
     btfsc   divemode_menu               ; Is the dive mode menu shown?
     return                              ; Yes, return
-	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_ndl_value_column, dm_ndl_value_row
-	call	TFT_standard_color
-	movff	char_O_nullzeit,lo		; Get NDL from C-code
+    WIN_MEDIUM	dm_ndl_value_column, dm_ndl_value_row
+    call	TFT_standard_color
+    movff	char_O_nullzeit,lo			; Get NDL from C-code
+    output_8
+    return
+	global	TFT_big_deco_alt	        ; The big deco
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_big_deco_alt
+    btfss   decostop_active             ; deco?
+    bra	    TFT_big_deco_ndl_alt	    ; NDL
+    ; Deco
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_display_deko
+    call    TFT_divemask_color
+    WIN_STD 	.70,.165
+    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT  tTTS             ; TTS
+    rcall   TFT_standard_color
+    ; TTS
+    WIN_LARGE	.97,.170
+    movff	int_O_ascenttime+0,lo       ; TTS
+    movff	int_O_ascenttime+1,hi       ; on 16bits
+    btfss	hi,int_invalid_flag			; is the invalid flag set?
+    bra		TFT_display_tts_alt_1		; NO
+    bcf		hi,int_invalid_flag			; YES - clear flag
+    call	TFT_disabled_color			; 		switch to disabled color
+    output_16_3							; Displays only 0...999
+    ; 1st Stop
+    call    TFT_divemask_color
+    WIN_STD .25,dm_customview_row
+    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT  tDiveSafetyStop  ; "Stop"
+    WIN_LARGE	.60,.95
+    TFT_color_code	warn_stop		    ; Color-code Output
+    movff	char_O_first_deco_depth,lo  ; stop depth in m
+    rcall	TFT_display_deko_output_depth ; Outputs depth (stored in lo) to POSTINC2 with "m" or w/o (For ft)
+    ; m or ft after the stop depth
+    WIN_MEDIUM 	.100,.118
+    TSTOSS	opt_units				    ; 0=m, 1=ft
+    bra		TFT_display_tts_alt_1_metric
+    bra	    TFT_display_tts_alt_1_com
+    WIN_LARGE	.117,.95
+    movff	char_O_first_deco_time,lo   ; length of first stop in min
+    bcf	    leftbind
+    output_99
+    goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+    ; NDL
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_display_ndl
+    bcf	    decostop_active				; clear flag (again)
+    call    TFT_divemask_color
+    WIN_STD .70,.165
+    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT  tNDL             ; NDL
+    call   TFT_standard_color
+    WIN_LARGE .97,.170
+    call	TFT_standard_color
+    movff	char_O_nullzeit,lo			; Get NDL from C-code
+    output_8
+    btfsc   FLAG_TFT_show_safety_stop
+    bra	    TFT_show_safety_stop_alt	; Show safety stop (And return)
+    ; Clear any safety stop or Decostop
+    WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_customview_row, .150, .0, .159	; top, bottom, left, right
+    WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_customview_row, .164, .60, .159	; top, bottom, left, right
+    return
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_show_safety_stop
+    tstfsz	safety_stop_countdown		; Countdown at zero?
+    bra		TFT_show_safety_stop_alt2	; No, show stop
+    bcf		show_safety_stop			; Clear flag
+    btfss	safety_stop_active			; Displayed?
+    return								; No
+    bcf		safety_stop_active			; Clear flag
+    bra		TFT_no_more_safety_stop_alt	; Yes, Clear stop ; and return...
+    bsf     safety_stop_active			; Set flag
+    decf    safety_stop_countdown,F		; Reduce countdown
+	call    TFT_divemask_color
+	WIN_STD 	.50,dm_customview_row
+	call    TFT_attention_color         ; show in yellow
+	WIN_LARGE	.90,.95
+	movff	safety_stop_countdown,lo
+	clrf	hi
+	call	convert_time				; converts hi:lo in seconds to mins (hi) and seconds (lo)
+	movf	hi,W
+	movff	lo,hi
+	movwf	lo							; exchange lo and hi
+	bsf     leftbind
-	return
+	WIN_MEDIUM 	.112,.120
+	WIN_LARGE	.117,.95
+	bcf     leftbind
+	movff	hi,lo
+	output_99x
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
 	global	TFT_divemode_warning
-    bsf     dive_warning_displayed              ; =1: The warning sign is shown
-    WIN_TOP  	dm_warning_icon_row
-	WIN_LEFT 	dm_warning_icon_column
-    TFT_WRITE_PROM_IMAGE dive_warning2_block 	; Show Warning icon
-    return
+	bcf		FLAG_TFT_divemode_warning
+	bsf		dive_warning_displayed              ; =1: The warning sign is shown
+	WIN_TOP  dm_warning_icon_row
+	WIN_LEFT dm_warning_icon_column
+	TFT_WRITE_PROM_IMAGE dive_warning2_block 	; Show Warning icon
+	return
 	global	TFT_divemode_warning_clear
-    btfss   dive_warning_displayed              ; =1: The warning sign is shown
-    return
-    bcf     dive_warning_displayed              ; clear only once
-	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_warning_icon_row, dm_warning_icon_bot, dm_warning_icon_column, dm_warning_icon_rgt  ; top, bottom, left, right
+	bcf		FLAG_TFT_divemode_warning_clear
+	btfss	dive_warning_displayed              ; =1: The warning sign is shown
+	bcf		dive_warning_displayed              ; clear only once
+	WIN_BOX_BLACK dm_warning_icon_row, dm_warning_icon_bot, dm_warning_icon_column, dm_warning_icon_rgt  ; top, bottom, left, right
+	return
 	global	TFT_display_deko_mask
-	btfsc	divemode_menu	; Is the dive mode menu shown? 
-	return			; Yes, return
-	rcall		TFT_clear_decoarea
-   	WIN_STD 	dm_tts_text_column, dm_tts_text_row
-    if dm_offset != 0
-        call    TFT_divemask_color
-    else
-        call    TFT_attention_color
-    endif
-	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT  tTTS             ; TTS
-	call	TFT_standard_color
-    bcf		show_safety_stop            ; Clear safety stop flag
+    bcf		FLAG_TFT_display_deko_mask
+    btfsc	divemode_menu			; Is the dive mode menu shown? 
+    return							; Yes, return
+    rcall	TFT_clear_decoarea		; Clear Dekostop and Dekosum (and NDL in this case)
+    WIN_STD dm_tts_text_column, dm_tts_text_row
+    call	TFT_divemask_color
+    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT  tTTS         ; TTS
+    call	TFT_standard_color
+    bcf		show_safety_stop        ; Clear safety stop flag
-TFT_display_deko_output_depth:		; Outputs depth (stored in lo) to POSTINC2 with "m" or w/o (For ft)
+TFT_display_deko_output_depth:		; Outputs depth (stored in lo) to POSTINC2 with "m" or w/o (for ft)
 	TSTOSS	opt_units				; 0=m, 1=ft
-	bra		TFT_display_deko_output_metric
+	bra	TFT_display_deko_output_metric
 	movf	lo,W					; lo = m
 	mullw	.100					; PRODL:PRODH = mbar
@@ -909,29 +971,38 @@
 	movff	xC+0,lo
 	movff	xC+1,hi				    ; restore lo and hi with updated value
 	bcf		leftbind
+	btfsc	alternative_divelayout
+	bsf		leftbind		    	; left for alternative layout mode
 	bsf		ignore_digit4			; Only full feet
+	btfsc	alternative_divelayout
+	return					    	; Not for alternative layout mode
+	btfsc	alternative_divelayout
+	return					    	; Not for alternative layout mode
 	PUTC	' '
 	global	TFT_display_deko
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_display_deko
     btfsc   divemode_menu               ; Is the dive mode menu shown?
     return                              ; Yes, return
-	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_decostop_1st_stop_column, dm_decostop_1st_stop_row
-	TFT_color_code		warn_ceiling    ; Color-code Output
-	movff	char_O_first_deco_depth,lo  ; Ceiling in m
+	WIN_MEDIUM dm_decostop_1st_stop_column, dm_decostop_1st_stop_row
+	TFT_color_code	warn_stop		    ; Color-code Output
+	movff	char_O_first_deco_depth,lo  ; stop depth in m
 	rcall	TFT_display_deko_output_depth ; Outputs depth (stored in lo) to POSTINC2 with "m" or w/o (For ft)
 	movff	char_O_first_deco_time,lo   ; length of first stop in min
-	goto	TFT_standard_color	; and return...
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
     global  TFT_decoplan
@@ -939,7 +1010,6 @@
     WIN_TINY    dm_custom_decoplan_title_column, dm_custom_decoplan_title_row
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tDiveDecoplan
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 	movff	char_O_deco_depth+1,lo
 	tstfsz	lo							; Show another stop?
 	bra		TFT_display_deko2			; Yes
@@ -947,11 +1017,15 @@
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 	WIN_SMALL	dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_column,dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_row
 	STRCPY_PRINT "  ---  "
-	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_row, dm_customview_bot-.1, dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_column	; top, bottom, left, right
+	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_row, dm_customview_bot-.2, dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_column	; top, bottom, left, right
 	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_5th_stop_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_cust_dstop_5th_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_column	; top, bottom, left, right
 	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_column, .159	; top, bottom, left, right
-    return
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+	movff	char_O_deco_gas+0,lo		; get flag for invalid deco data
+	btfsc	lo,char_invalid_flag		; is the invalid flag set?
+	call	TFT_disabled_color			; YES - set to disabled color
 	WIN_SMALL	dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_row
 	movff	char_O_deco_depth+1,lo  	; stop in m
 	bcf     lo,7                        ; Clear GAS_SWITCH bit
@@ -963,9 +1037,9 @@
 	tstfsz	lo							; Show another stop?
 	bra		TFT_display_deko3			; Yes
 	; No, clear output and return
-	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_3rd_stop_row, dm_customview_bot-.1, dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_column	; top, bottom, left, right
+	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_3rd_stop_row, dm_customview_bot-.2, dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_column	; top, bottom, left, right
 	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_column, .159	; top, bottom, left, right
-	return
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
 	WIN_SMALL	dm_cust_dstop_3rd_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_3rd_stop_row
@@ -975,13 +1049,12 @@
 	movff	char_O_deco_time+2,lo   	; length of stop in min
 	movff	char_O_deco_depth+3,lo
 	tstfsz	lo							; Show another stop?
 	bra		TFT_display_deko4			; Yes
 	; No, clear output and return
 	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_column, .159  ; top, bottom, left, right
-	return								; Done.
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
 	WIN_SMALL	dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_row
@@ -998,7 +1071,7 @@
 	; No, clear output and return
 	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_5th_stop_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_cust_dstop_5th_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_column	; top, bottom, left, right
 	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_column, .159                     ; top, bottom, left, right
-	return								; Done.
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
 	WIN_SMALL	dm_cust_dstop_5th_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_5th_stop_row
@@ -1013,7 +1086,8 @@
 	bra		TFT_display_deko6			; Yes
 	; No, clear output and return
 	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_column, .159        ; top, bottom, left, right
-	return								; Done.
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
 	WIN_SMALL	dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_row
 	movff	char_O_deco_depth+5,lo  	; stop in m
@@ -1027,7 +1101,8 @@
 	bra		TFT_display_deko7			; Yes
 	; No, clear output and return
 	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_cust_dstop_7th_stop_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_cust_dstop_7th_stop_column, .159     ; top, bottom, left, right
-	return								; Done.
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
 	WIN_SMALL	dm_cust_dstop_7th_stop_column, dm_cust_dstop_7th_stop_row
 	movff	char_O_deco_depth+6,lo  	; stop in m
@@ -1036,55 +1111,40 @@
 	movff	char_O_deco_time+6,lo   	; length of stop in min
-	return								; Done.
-;	movff	char_O_gradient_factor,lo		; gradient factor
-;	movlw	gf_display_threshold			; threshold for display
-;	cpfslt	lo				; show value?
-;	bra		TFT_display_deko2	; Yes
-;	; No
-;	bra		TFT_display_ndl_mask2	; Clear gradient factor
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
     global  TFT_clear_safety_stop
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_clear_safety_stop		 ; clear flag
     WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_safetystop_row, dm_safetystop_bot, dm_safetystop_text_column, .159	; top, bottom, left, right
     global  TFT_show_safety_stop
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_show_safety_stop
 	tstfsz	safety_stop_countdown			; Countdown at zero?
 	bra		TFT_show_safety_stop2			; No, show stop
 	bcf		show_safety_stop				; Clear flag
 	btfss	safety_stop_active				; Displayed?
     return                                  ; No
 	bcf		safety_stop_active				; Clear flag
     btfsc   divemode_menu                   ; Is the dive mode menu shown?
     return                                  ; Yes, return
     bra		TFT_clear_safety_stop           ; Yes, Clear stop ; and return...
     bsf     safety_stop_active				; Set flag
     decf	safety_stop_countdown,F			; Reduce countdown
     btfsc   divemode_menu                   ; Is the dive mode menu shown?
     return                                  ; Yes, return
     ;btfsc   menuview
-    ;bra     TFT_show_safety_stop3           ; No room when menuview=1...
-    if dm_offset != 0
-        call    TFT_divemask_color
-    else
-        call    TFT_standard_color
-    endif
+    ;bra     TFT_show_safety_stop3          ; No room when menuview=1...
+    call    TFT_divemask_color
     WIN_STD  dm_safetystop_text_column, dm_safetystop_text_row
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tDiveSafetyStop
-	call    TFT_attention_color            ; show in yellow
+	call    TFT_attention_color             ; show in yellow
     WIN_MEDIUM	dm_safetystop_column, dm_safetystop_row
-	lfsr	FSR2,buffer
 	movff	safety_stop_countdown,lo
 	clrf	hi
 	call	convert_time					; converts hi:lo in seconds to mins (hi) and seconds (lo)
@@ -1099,9 +1159,10 @@
-	goto	TFT_standard_color; and return...
-    global  TFT_mask_avr_stopwatch             ; Show mask for average depth and stopwatch
+	goto	TFT_standard_color				; and return...
+    global  TFT_mask_avr_stopwatch      ; Show mask for average depth and stopwatch
     ; The mask
     call    TFT_divemask_color
@@ -1111,62 +1172,18 @@
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tDiveStopwatch
     WIN_TINY          dm_custom_avr_stop_title_column3,dm_custom_avr_stop_title_row
-    goto	TFT_standard_color  ; and return...
-    global  TFT_dyn_gaslist
-TFT_dyn_gaslist:                            ; Show the dynamic gaslist
-    ; The mask
-    call    TFT_divemask_color
-    WIN_TINY    dm_custom_dyn_gas_mask_column,dm_custom_dyn_gas_mask_row
-;    call	TFT_standard_color
-    WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_dyn_gas_column1,dm_custom_dyn_gas_row1
-    bsf     short_gas_decriptions   ; =1: Use short versions of gaslist_strcat_gas_mod and gaslist_strcat_setpoint
-    clrf    uart1_temp
-    rcall   TFT_dyn_gaslist_common
-    WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_dyn_gas_column1,dm_custom_dyn_gas_row2
-    rcall   TFT_dyn_gaslist_common
-    WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_dyn_gas_column2,dm_custom_dyn_gas_row1
-    rcall   TFT_dyn_gaslist_common
-    WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_dyn_gas_column2,dm_custom_dyn_gas_row2
-    rcall   TFT_dyn_gaslist_common
-    goto	TFT_standard_color  ; and return...
-    incf    uart1_temp,F     ; +1
-    movf    uart1_temp,W     ; into W
-    cpfseq  active_gas  ;1-5
-    bra     TFT_dyn_gaslist_common2
-    incf    uart1_temp,F     ; +1
-    movff   uart1_temp,lo    ; gas number 1-5
-    movff   uart1_temp,PRODL
-    decf    PRODL,F     ;-1 to have 0-4
-    bsf     leftbind
-    output_8            ; Gas number
-    bcf     leftbind
-    PUTC    ":"
-    bcf	    ccr_diluent_setup
-    call    gaslist_strcat_gas_mod  ;Append gas description of gas #PRODL (0-4) to current string
-    PUTC    " "         ; Clearing space
-    movlw   0x00
-    movff   WREG,buffer+.11  ; limit to 11 chars
-    bcf     win_invert
-    return
-    global  TFT_update_avr_stopwatch           ; Update average depth and stopwatch
+    goto	TFT_standard_color          ; and return...
+    global  TFT_update_avr_stopwatch    ; Update average depth and stopwatch
     call    TFT_standard_color
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY  average_divesecs,lo
-	call	convert_time			; lo=secs, hi=mins
+	call	convert_time				; lo=secs, hi=mins
     WIN_MEDIUM  dm_custom_avr_stop_column2,dm_custom_avr_stop_row
     bsf     leftbind
 	movf	hi,W
 	movff	lo,hi
-	movwf	lo					; exchange lo and hi
+	movwf	lo							; exchange lo and hi
 	PUTC    ':'
 	movff	hi,lo
@@ -1177,28 +1194,28 @@
     movff   WREG,buffer+.5              ; limit to 5 chars
-    TSTOSS  opt_units   			; 0=m, 1=ft
+    TSTOSS  opt_units   				; 0=m, 1=ft
 	bra		TFT_update_avr_stopwatch_metric
     movff   avg_rel_pressure_total+0,lo
     movff   avg_rel_pressure_total+1,hi
-    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
     call	convert_mbar_to_feet       	; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
     WIN_MEDIUM  dm_custom_avr_stop_column1,dm_custom_avr_stop_row
     bsf     leftbind
-    output_16                       ; yxz
+    output_16                       	; yxz
     ; Stopped average depth
     movff   avg_rel_pressure+0,lo
     movff   avg_rel_pressure+1,hi
-    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
     call	convert_mbar_to_feet       	; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
     WIN_MEDIUM  dm_custom_avr_stop_column3,dm_custom_avr_stop_row
-    output_16                       ; yxz
+    output_16                       	; yxz
     bcf     leftbind
     PUTC    " "
     clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,buffer+.3                  ; limit string length to 3
+    movff   WREG,buffer+.3              ; limit string length to 3
@@ -1206,373 +1223,436 @@
     ; Non-resettable average depth
     movff   avg_rel_pressure_total+0,lo
     movff   avg_rel_pressure_total+1,hi
-    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
     WIN_MEDIUM  dm_custom_avr_stop_column1,dm_custom_avr_stop_row
-    bsf     ignore_digit5         ; no cm
-    output_16dp  .3               ; yxz.a
+    bsf     ignore_digit5         		; no cm
+    output_16dp  .3               		; yxz.a
     ; Stopped average depth
     movff   avg_rel_pressure+0,lo
     movff   avg_rel_pressure+1,hi
-    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
     WIN_MEDIUM  dm_custom_avr_stop_column3,dm_custom_avr_stop_row
-    bsf     ignore_digit5         ; no cm
-    output_16dp  .3               ; yxz.a
+    bsf     ignore_digit5         		; no cm
+    output_16dp  .3               		; yxz.a
     bcf     leftbind
     bcf     ignore_digit5
     clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,buffer+.4                  ; limit string length to 4
+    movff   WREG,buffer+.4              ; limit string length to 4
-    global  TFT_ceiling_mask                        ; The ceiling mask
+    global  TFT_ceiling_mask            ; The ceiling mask
     call    TFT_divemask_color
     WIN_TINY  dm_custom_ceiling_text_column,dm_custom_ceiling_text_row
-    goto	TFT_standard_color ; and return...
-    global  TFT_ceiling                             ; Ceiling
+    goto	TFT_standard_color 			; and return...
+    global  TFT_ceiling                 ; Ceiling
-    call    TFT_standard_color
     WIN_MEDIUM  dm_custom_ceiling_value_column,dm_custom_ceiling_value_row
     movff   int_O_ceiling+0,lo
     movff   int_O_ceiling+1,hi
-    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+	TFT_color_code	warn_ceiling		; color-code the output
+    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
     bsf     leftbind
-    TSTOSS  opt_units   			; 0=m, 1=ft
+    TSTOSS  opt_units   				; 0=m, 1=ft
 	bra		TFT_ceiling_metric
     call	convert_mbar_to_feet       	; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
-    output_16                       ; yxz
+    output_16                       	; yxz
     bcf     leftbind
-    return
+	goto	TFT_standard_color
-    bsf     ignore_digit5         ; no cm
-    output_16dp  .3               ; yxz.a
+    bsf     ignore_digit5         		; no cm
+    output_16dp  .3               		; yxz.a
     bcf     leftbind
     bcf     ignore_digit5
-    return
-    global  TFT_hud_mask                        ; The HUD mask
+	goto	TFT_standard_color
+	global	TFT_CNS_mask
+    call    TFT_divemask_color
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_gf_title_col1, dm_custom_gf_title_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_gf_title_col2, dm_custom_gf_title_row
+	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode						; in CCR mode?
+	bra		TFT_CNS_mask_1						; YES - proceed with checking for bailout
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode						; NO  -	in pSCR mode?
+	bra		TFT_CNS_mask_1						; 		YES - proceed with checking for bailout
+	bra		TFT_CNS_mask_2						; 		NO  - must be OC then
+TFT_CNS_mask_1:									; in CCR or pSCR mode
+	btfsc	is_bailout							; in bailout?
+	bra		TFT_CNS_mask_2						; YES - print fTTS label (label will be printed, but a fTTS will actually not be calculated)
+	TSTOSS	opt_calc_asc_gasvolume				; NO  - bailout volume calculation requested?
+	bra		TFT_CNS_mask_2						;		NO  - print fTTS label
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tCNSBO					; 		YES - print bailout label
+	bra		TFT_CNS_mask_3
+TFT_CNS_mask_2:									; OC or bailout
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tCNSfTTS					; print fTTS label
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_gf_title_col3, dm_custom_gf_title_row
+    goto	TFT_standard_color					; and return...
+	global	TFT_CNS
+	; CNS at end of normal dive
+	WIN_STD dm_custom_hud_sensor1_column+.5,dm_custom_hud_data_row
+    movff   int_O_normal_CNS_fraction+0,lo
+	movff   int_O_normal_CNS_fraction+1,hi
+	TFT_color_code	warn_cns
+	bsf     leftbind
+    output_16_3									; output as xxx
+	bcf		leftbind
+    STRCAT_PRINT "% "
+	; fTTS / Bailout CNS, if enabled
+    WIN_STD dm_custom_hud_sensor2_column+.2,dm_custom_hud_data_row
+	btfsc	is_bailout							; in bailout?
+	bra		TFT_CNS_3							; YES - show "---"
+	TSTOSS	opt_calc_asc_gasvolume				; NO  - bailout volume calculation requested?
+	bra		TFT_CNS_1							;		NO  - continue checking fTTS extra time
+	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode						; 		YES - in CCR mode?
+	bra		TFT_CNS_2							; 			  YES - skip test for fTTS extra time and show CNS%
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode						; 			  in pSCR mode?
+	bra		TFT_CNS_2							; 			  YES - skip test for fTTS extra time and show CNS%
+TFT_CNS_1:										; not in bailout, no volume calculation
+	TSTOSS	char_I_extra_time					; fTTS extra time fTTS configured?
+	bra		TFT_CNS_3							; NO  - show "---"
+    movff   int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction+0,lo	; YES - show CNS%
+	movff   int_O_alternate_CNS_fraction+1,hi
+	TFT_color_code	warn_cns
+	bsf     leftbind
+    output_16_3	        						; output as xxx
+	bcf		leftbind
+    STRCAT_PRINT "% "
+	bra		TFT_CNS_4
+	call	TFT_standard_color
+	STRCPY_PRINT "---  "	
+	; current CNS
+	WIN_STD dm_custom_hud_sensor3_column,dm_custom_hud_data_row
+    movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+0,lo
+	movff   int_O_CNS_fraction+1,hi
+	TFT_color_code	warn_cns
+	bsf     leftbind
+    output_16_3	        						; output as xxx
+	bcf		leftbind
+	bcf     leftbind
+	goto	TFT_standard_color					; and return...
+    global  TFT_hud_mask            			; The HUD mask
     call    TFT_divemask_color
-    WIN_TINY          dm_custom_hud_column1,dm_custom_hud_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_hud_column1,dm_custom_hud_row
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tDiveHudMask1
-    WIN_TINY          dm_custom_hud_column2,dm_custom_hud_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_hud_column2,dm_custom_hud_row
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tDiveHudMask2
-    WIN_TINY          dm_custom_hud_column3,dm_custom_hud_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_hud_column3,dm_custom_hud_row
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tDiveHudMask3
-    goto	TFT_standard_color ; and return...
-    global  TFT_hud_voltages
-TFT_hud_voltages:                    ; Show HUD details
-    WIN_SMALL dm_custom_hud_sensor1_column,dm_custom_hud_data_row
-    call	TFT_standard_color
-    btfss   use_O2_sensor1
-    call    TFT_warnings_color
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+0,lo
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+1,hi
-    bsf     leftbind
-    output_16dp  .4         ; x.xx
-    bcf     leftbind
-    STRCAT_PRINT "mV  "
-    WIN_SMALL dm_custom_hud_sensor2_column,dm_custom_hud_data_row
-    call	TFT_standard_color
-    btfss   use_O2_sensor2
-    call    TFT_warnings_color
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+0,lo
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+1,hi
-    bsf     leftbind
-    output_16dp  .4         ; x.xx
-    bcf     leftbind
-    STRCAT_PRINT "mV  "
-    WIN_SMALL dm_custom_hud_sensor3_column,dm_custom_hud_data_row
-    call	TFT_standard_color
-    btfss   use_O2_sensor3
-    call    TFT_warnings_color
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+0,lo
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+1,hi
-    bsf     leftbind
-    output_16dp  .4         ; x.xx
-    bcf     leftbind
-    STRCAT  "mV  "
-    clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,buffer+.6                  ; limit string length to 6
-    STRCAT_PRINT    ""
-    goto	TFT_standard_color  ; and return...
+    goto	TFT_standard_color 					; and return...
     global  TFT_update_ppo2_sensors         ; Update Sensor data
-    ; show three sensors
+; Definition of the output:
+;  sensorX		 use	 voting			 o2
+; _calibrated    _O2	 _logic        _ppo2        Output        Color
+;   _ok       _sensorX	_sensorX     _sensorX
+;    0  		-/-		  -/-		    -/-         "----"	  	  TFT_standard_color
+;    1			 0	      -/-           = 0	 	 o2_ppo2_sensorX  TFT_attention_color
+;    1			 0    	  -/-           > 0	 	 o2_ppo2_sensorX  TFT_disabled_color
+;    1		 	 1         0            -/-      o2_ppo2_sensorX  TFT_color_code warn_ppo2_hud + win_invert
+;    1    	 	 1         1            -/-      o2_ppo2_sensorX  TFT_color_code warn_ppo2_hud
     bsf     leftbind
-    btfsc   use_O2_sensor1      ; Use Sensor 1?
-    bra     TFT_update_hud1     ; Yes
-    btfss   dive_hud1_displayed         ; Was the sensor shown?
-    bra     TFT_update_hud2             ; Yes, skip clear
-    bcf     dive_hud1_displayed         ; No, clear display flag
-    WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_custom_hud_data_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_custom_hud_sensor1_column, dm_custom_hud_sensor2_column	; top, bottom, left, right
-	WIN_STD         dm_custom_hud_sensor1_column+.7, dm_custom_hud_data_row+.5
-   	call	TFT_standard_color
+	; sensor 1
+    btfsc   sensor1_calibrated_ok		; valid calibration?
+    bra     TFT_update_hud1b     		; yes
+	; no valid calibration
+	WIN_STD dm_custom_hud_sensor1_column+.7, dm_custom_hud_data_row+.5
+	call	TFT_standard_color
     STRCPY_PRINT "---"
-    bra     TFT_update_hud2 ; Skip Sensor 1
-    WIN_MEDIUM dm_custom_hud_sensor1_column,dm_custom_hud_data_row
-    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor1,lo
-    TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2_hud       ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
-    btfss   voting_logic_sensor1        ; Sensor within voting logic?       ; Make this configurable?
-    bsf     win_invert                  ; No, invert output...              ; Make this configurable?
-    btfss   voting_logic_sensor1
-    call    TFT_warnings_color          ; ... and draw in red
-    clrf    hi
-    output_16dp  .3         ; x.xx bar
+    bra     TFT_update_hud2a 			; continue with sensor 2
+	; sensor has a valid calibration
+	WIN_MEDIUM dm_custom_hud_sensor1_column,dm_custom_hud_data_row
+    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor1,lo			; load ppO2 value into transfer storage for output
+    clrf    hi							; 
+	btfsc	use_O2_sensor1				; in use?
+	bra		TFT_update_hud1d			; yes
+	; valid calibration, but not in use
+	tstfsz	o2_ppo2_sensor1				; sensor value = 0?
+	bra		TFT_update_hud1c			; no
+	; valid calibration, not in use and value = 0
+	call    TFT_attention_color          ; output in yellow
+	bra		TFT_update_hud1e
+	; sensor has valid calibration, is not in use and has a value > 0
+	call    TFT_disabled_color			; output in light blue
+	bra		TFT_update_hud1e
+	; sensor has valid calibration and is in use
+	TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2_hud       ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
+	btfsc	voting_logic_sensor1		; sensor value agrees with other sensor's values?
+	bra		TFT_update_hud1e			; yes
+	; valid calibration, in use, but value does not agree with other sensors
+	bsf     win_invert                  ; invert output
+	; all coloring is set up now, let's write the value to the display!
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
-    bcf     win_invert
-    bsf     dive_hud1_displayed         ; Set display flag
-    btfsc   use_O2_sensor2      ; Use Sensor 2?
-    bra     TFT_update_hud3     ; Yes
-    btfss   dive_hud2_displayed         ; Was the sensor shown?
-    bra     TFT_update_hud4             ; Yes, skip clear
-    bcf     dive_hud2_displayed         ; No, clear display flag
-    WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_custom_hud_data_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_custom_hud_sensor2_column, dm_custom_hud_sensor3_column	; top, bottom, left, right
-    WIN_STD         dm_custom_hud_sensor2_column+.7, dm_custom_hud_data_row+.5
-   	call	TFT_standard_color
+    bcf		win_invert
+TFT_update_hud2a:						; sensor 2
+    btfsc   sensor2_calibrated_ok		; valid calibration?
+    bra     TFT_update_hud2b     		; yes
+	; no valid calibration
+	WIN_STD dm_custom_hud_sensor2_column+.7, dm_custom_hud_data_row+.5
+	call	TFT_standard_color
     STRCPY_PRINT "---"
-    bra     TFT_update_hud4 ; Skip Sensor 2
-    WIN_MEDIUM dm_custom_hud_sensor2_column,dm_custom_hud_data_row
-    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor2,lo
-    TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2_hud       ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
-    btfss   voting_logic_sensor2        ; Sensor within voting logic?       ; Make this configurable?
-    bsf     win_invert                  ; No, invert output...              ; Make this configurable?
-    btfss   voting_logic_sensor2
-    call    TFT_warnings_color          ; ... and draw in red
-    clrf    hi
-    output_16dp  .3         ; x.xx bar
+    bra     TFT_update_hud3a 			; continue with sensor 3
+	; sensor has a valid calibration
+	WIN_MEDIUM dm_custom_hud_sensor2_column,dm_custom_hud_data_row
+    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor2,lo			; load ppO2 value into transfer storage for output
+    clrf    hi							; 
+	btfsc	use_O2_sensor2				; in use?
+	bra		TFT_update_hud2d			; yes
+	; valid calibration, but not in use
+	tstfsz	o2_ppo2_sensor2				; sensor value = 0?
+	bra		TFT_update_hud2c			; no
+	; valid calibration, not in use and value = 0
+	call    TFT_attention_color          ; output in yellow
+	bra		TFT_update_hud2e
+	; sensor has valid calibration, is not in use and has a value > 0
+	call    TFT_disabled_color			; output in light blue
+	bra		TFT_update_hud2e
+	; sensor has valid calibration and is in use
+	TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2_hud       ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
+	btfsc	voting_logic_sensor2		; sensor value agrees with other sensor's vlaues?
+	bra		TFT_update_hud2e			; yes
+	; valid calibration, in use, but value does not agree with other sensors
+	bsf     win_invert                  ; invert output
+	; all coloring is set up now, let's write the value to the display!
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
-    bcf     win_invert
-    bsf     dive_hud2_displayed         ; Set display flag
-    btfsc   use_O2_sensor3      ; Use Sensor 3?
-    bra     TFT_update_hud5     ; Yes
-    btfss   dive_hud3_displayed         ; Was the sensor shown?
-    bra     TFT_update_hud6             ; Yes, skip clear
-    bcf     dive_hud3_displayed         ; No, clear display flag
-    WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_custom_hud_data_row, dm_customview_bot, dm_custom_hud_sensor3_column, .159 ; top, bottom, left, right
-    WIN_STD         dm_custom_hud_sensor3_column+.7, dm_custom_hud_data_row+.5
-   	call	TFT_standard_color
+    bcf		win_invert
+TFT_update_hud3a:						; sensor 3
+    btfsc   sensor3_calibrated_ok		; valid calibration?
+    bra     TFT_update_hud3b     		; yes
+	; no valid calibration
+    WIN_STD dm_custom_hud_sensor3_column+.7, dm_custom_hud_data_row+.5
+	call	TFT_standard_color
     STRCPY_PRINT "---"
-    bra     TFT_update_hud6 ; Skip Sensor 3
-    WIN_MEDIUM dm_custom_hud_sensor3_column,dm_custom_hud_data_row
-    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor3,lo
-    TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2_hud       ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
-    btfss   voting_logic_sensor3        ; Sensor within voting logic?       ; Make this configurable?
-    bsf     win_invert                  ; No, invert output...              ; Make this configurable?
-    btfss   voting_logic_sensor3
-    call    TFT_warnings_color          ; ... and draw in red
-    clrf    hi
-    output_16dp  .3         ; x.xx bar
+    bra     TFT_update_hud4 			; done
+	; sensor has a valid calibration
+	WIN_MEDIUM dm_custom_hud_sensor3_column,dm_custom_hud_data_row
+    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor3,lo			; load ppO2 value into transfer storage for output
+    clrf    hi							; 
+	btfsc	use_O2_sensor3				; in use?
+	bra		TFT_update_hud3d			; yes
+	; valid calibration, but not in use
+	tstfsz	o2_ppo2_sensor3				; sensor value = 0?
+	bra		TFT_update_hud3c			; no
+	; valid calibration, not in use and value = 0
+	call    TFT_attention_color          ; output in yellow
+	bra		TFT_update_hud3e
+	; sensor has valid calibration, is not in use and has a value > 0
+	call    TFT_disabled_color			; output in light blue
+	bra		TFT_update_hud3e
+	; sensor has valid calibration and is in use
+	TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2_hud       ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
+	btfsc	voting_logic_sensor3		; sensor value agrees with other sensor's vlaues?
+	bra		TFT_update_hud3e			; yes
+	; valid calibration, in use, but value does not agree with other sensors
+	bsf     win_invert                  ; invert output
+	; all coloring is set up now, let's write the value to the display!
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
-    bcf     win_invert
-    bsf     dive_hud3_displayed         ; Set display flag
+    bcf		win_invert	
+TFT_update_hud4:						; closure
     bcf     leftbind
-    goto	TFT_standard_color  ; and return...
-    global  TFT_surface_sensor             ; Update Sensor data in surface mode
+    goto	TFT_standard_color  		; and return...
+    global  TFT_surface_sensor			; Update Sensor data in surface mode
     movf    hardware_flag,W
-    sublw   0x11        ; 2 with BLE
+    sublw   0x11						; 2 with BLE
     btfsc   STATUS,Z
-    return              ; Ignore for 0x11
+    return								; Ignore for 0x11
     ; show three sensors
     bsf     leftbind
     WIN_SMALL surf_hud_sensor1_column,surf_hud_sensor1_row
-    btfsc   use_O2_sensor1      ; Use Sensor 1?
-    bra     TFT_surface_sensor1 ; Yes
+	btfsc	sensor1_calibrated_ok
+    bra     TFT_surface_sensor1 		; Yes
    	call	TFT_standard_color
     STRCPY_PRINT "--- "
-    bra     TFT_surface_sensor2 ; Skip Sensor 1
+    bra     TFT_surface_sensor2			; Skip Sensor 1
     movff   o2_ppo2_sensor1,lo
     TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2_hud       ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
     clrf    hi
-    output_16dp  .3         ; x.xx bar
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
     WIN_SMALL surf_hud_sensor2_column,surf_hud_sensor2_row
-    btfsc   use_O2_sensor2      ; Use Sensor 2?
-    bra     TFT_surface_sensor3 ; Yes
+	btfsc	sensor2_calibrated_ok
+    bra     TFT_surface_sensor3			; Yes
    	call	TFT_standard_color
     STRCPY_PRINT "--- "
-    bra     TFT_surface_sensor4 ; Skip Sensor 2
+    bra     TFT_surface_sensor4			; Skip Sensor 2
     movff   o2_ppo2_sensor2,lo
     TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2_hud       ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
     clrf    hi
-    output_16dp  .3         ; x.xx bar
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
     WIN_SMALL surf_hud_sensor3_column,surf_hud_sensor3_row
-    btfsc   use_O2_sensor3      ; Use Sensor 3?
-    bra     TFT_surface_sensor5 ; Yes
+	btfsc	sensor3_calibrated_ok
+    bra     TFT_surface_sensor5 		; Yes
    	call	TFT_standard_color
     STRCPY_PRINT "--- "
-    bra     TFT_surface_sensor6 ; Skip Sensor 3
+    bra     TFT_surface_sensor6 		; Skip Sensor 3
     movff   o2_ppo2_sensor3,lo
     TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2_hud       ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
     clrf    hi
-    output_16dp  .3         ; x.xx bar
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
     bcf     leftbind
     goto    TFT_standard_color; and return...
     global TFT_sensor_mV 
     call    TFT_standard_color 
     bsf	    leftbind
     WIN_SMALL surf_mV_sensor_column,surf_mV_sensor1_row 
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+0,lo ; in 0.1mV steps 
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+1,hi ; in 0.1mV steps 
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+0,lo 			; in 0.1mV steps 
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+1,hi 			; in 0.1mV steps 
     STRCAT  "1: " 
-    output_16dp .4	; xxx.y mV 
+    output_16dp .4						; xxx.y mV 
     WIN_SMALL surf_mV_sensor_column,surf_mV_sensor2_row 
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+0,lo ; in 0.1mV steps
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+1,hi ; in 0.1mV steps 
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+0,lo 			; in 0.1mV steps
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+1,hi 			; in 0.1mV steps 
     STRCAT  "2: " 
-    output_16dp .4 ; xxx.y mV 
+    output_16dp .4 						; xxx.y mV 
     WIN_SMALL surf_mV_sensor_column,surf_mV_sensor3_row 
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+0,lo ; in 0.1mV steps 
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+1,hi ; in 0.1mV steps 
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+0,lo 			; in 0.1mV steps 
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+1,hi 			; in 0.1mV steps 
     STRCAT "3: " 
-    output_16dp .4 ; xxx.y mV 
+    output_16dp .4 						; xxx.y mV 
     bcf	    leftbind 
-    goto    TFT_standard_color ; and return...
+    goto    TFT_standard_color 			; and return...
     global TFT_sensor_surface_warning
-    call    TFT_warnings_color     
-    movff   opt_x_s1+1,lo   ; into bank1
-    movf    lo,W	    ; when opt_x_s1 > 255 the sensor will just give 8 mV at a ppO2 of 0,21 any more 
-    bz	    TFT_sensor_mV2  ; the sensor is not too bad yet for a warning 
+    call    TFT_warnings_color
+	btfss	sensor1_calibrated_ok		; do not show end of lifetime arrow if sensor failed calibration at all
+	bra		TFT_sensor_mV2
+    movff   opt_x_s1+1,lo				; into bank1
+    movf    lo,W						; when opt_x_s1 > 255 the sensor will just give 8 mV at a ppO2 of 0,21 any more 
+    bz	    TFT_sensor_mV2				; the sensor is not too bad yet for a warning 
     WIN_SMALL surf_mV_sensor_status_column,surf_mV_sensor1_row-.5 
-    STRCPY_PRINT    "\xb8"  ; mark sensor as beeing at end of lifetime 
+    STRCPY_PRINT    "\xb8"				; mark sensor as being at end of lifetime 
-    movff   opt_x_s2+1,lo   ; into bank1
-    movf    lo,W	    ; when opt_x_s2 > 255 the sensor will just give 8 mV at a ppO2 of 0,21 any more 
-    bz	    TFT_sensor_mV3  ; the sensor is not too bad yet for a warning 
+	btfss	sensor2_calibrated_ok		; do not show end of lifetime arrow if sensor failed calibration at all
+	bra		TFT_sensor_mV3
+    movff   opt_x_s2+1,lo				; into bank1
+    movf    lo,W						; when opt_x_s2 > 255 the sensor will just give 8 mV at a ppO2 of 0,21 any more 
+    bz	    TFT_sensor_mV3				; the sensor is not too bad yet for a warning 
     WIN_SMALL surf_mV_sensor_status_column,surf_mV_sensor2_row-.5 
-    STRCPY_PRINT    "\xb8"  ; mark sensor as beeing at end of lifetime 
+    STRCPY_PRINT    "\xb8"	 			; mark sensor as being at end of lifetime 
-    movff   opt_x_s3+1,lo   ; into bank1
-    movf    lo,W	    ; when opt_x_s3 > 255 the sensor will just give 8 mV at a ppO2 of 0,21 any more 
-    bz	    TFT_sensor_mV4  ; the sensor is not too bad yet for a warning 
+	btfss	sensor3_calibrated_ok		; do not show end of lifetime arrow if sensor failed calibration at all
+	bra		TFT_sensor_mV4
+    movff   opt_x_s3+1,lo				; into bank1
+    movf    lo,W						; when opt_x_s3 > 255 the sensor will just give 8 mV at a ppO2 of 0,21 any more 
+    bz	    TFT_sensor_mV4				; the sensor is not too bad yet for a warning 
     WIN_SMALL surf_mV_sensor_status_column,surf_mV_sensor3_row-.5
-    STRCPY_PRINT    "\xb8"  ; mark sensor as beeing at end of lifetime 
+    STRCPY_PRINT    "\xb8"				; mark sensor as beeing at end of lifetime 
-    goto    TFT_standard_color ; (And return) Done.
-    global  TFT_menu_hud
-TFT_menu_hud:            ; Yes, update HUD data
-    call    compute_ppo2			; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
-    call    TFT_attention_color         ; show in yellow
-    bsf     leftbind
-    WIN_SMALL   surf_menu_sensor1_column,surf_menu_sensor1_row
-    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor1,lo
-    clrf    hi
-    output_16dp  .3         ; x.xx bar
-    PUTC    ","
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+0,lo      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+1,hi      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    output_16dp  .4         ; xxx.y mV
-    STRCAT  "mV "
-    clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,buffer+.10                  ; limit string length to 10
-    STRCAT_PRINT    ""
-    WIN_SMALL   surf_menu_sensor2_column,surf_menu_sensor2_row
-    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor2,lo
-    clrf    hi
-    output_16dp  .3         ; x.xx bar
-    PUTC    ","
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+0,lo      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+1,hi      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    output_16dp  .4         ; xxx.y mV
-    STRCAT  "mV "
-    clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,buffer+.10                  ; limit string length to 10
-    STRCAT_PRINT    ""
-    WIN_SMALL   surf_menu_sensor3_column,surf_menu_sensor3_row
-    movff   o2_ppo2_sensor3,lo
-    clrf    hi
-    output_16dp  .3         ; x.xx bar
-    PUTC    ","
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+0,lo      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+1,hi      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    output_16dp  .4         ; xxx.y mV
-    STRCAT  "mV "
-    clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,buffer+.10                  ; limit string length to 10
-    STRCAT_PRINT    ""
-    WIN_SMALL   surf_menu_sensor4_column,surf_menu_sensor4_row
-    btfss   analog_o2_input
-    bra     TFT_menu_hud_2  ; always for normal OSTC3
-    btfss   s8_digital
-    return                  ; Not for analog
-    STRCPY  "Batt:"
-    movff   hud_battery_mv+0,lo      ; in mV
-    movff   hud_battery_mv+1,hi      ; in mV
-    output_16dp  .2         ; x.yyy V
-    call    TFT_standard_color
-    bcf     leftbind
-    return
+    goto    TFT_standard_color 			; ...and return
     global  TFT_menu_calibrate
-TFT_menu_calibrate:     ; update mV data in calibration menu
-    call    compute_ppo2			; compute mv_sensorX and ppo2_sensorX arrays
+TFT_menu_calibrate:     				; update mV data in calibration menu
+	btfss   s8_digital					; =1: Digital I/O
+	bra     TFT_menu_calibrate_analog	; use analog
+	btfss   new_s8_data_available       ; =1: New data frame recieved
+    bra		TFT_menu_calibrate_wait
+	call	compute_mvolts_for_all_sensors
+	bra		TFT_menu_calibrate_common
+	call    get_analog_inputs
     call    TFT_attention_color         ; show in yellow
     bsf     leftbind
     WIN_SMALL   surf_menu_sensor1_column,surf_menu2_sensor1_row
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+0,lo      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+1,hi      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    output_16dp  .4         ; xxx.y mV
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+0,lo      	; in 0.1mV steps
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor1+1,hi      	; in 0.1mV steps
+    output_16dp  .4         			; xxx.y mV
     STRCAT_PRINT "mV  "
     WIN_SMALL   surf_menu_sensor2_column,surf_menu2_sensor2_row
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+0,lo      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+1,hi      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    output_16dp  .4         ; xxx.y mV
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+0,lo      	; in 0.1mV steps
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor2+1,hi      	; in 0.1mV steps
+    output_16dp  .4         			; xxx.y mV
     STRCAT_PRINT "mV  "
     WIN_SMALL   surf_menu_sensor3_column,surf_menu2_sensor3_row
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+0,lo      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+1,hi      ; in 0.1mV steps
-    output_16dp  .4         ; xxx.y mV
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+0,lo      	; in 0.1mV steps
+    movff   o2_mv_sensor3+1,hi      	; in 0.1mV steps
+    output_16dp  .4         			; xxx.y mV
     STRCAT_PRINT "mV  "
-;    WIN_SMALL   surf_menu2_ambient_column,surf_menu2_ambient_row
-;    PUTC    "@"
-;    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, lo
-;    output_16
-;    STRCAT_TEXT tMBAR     ; mbar
-;    STRCAT_PRINT " "
     bcf	    leftbind
-    goto     TFT_standard_color	; and return...
-    	global	TFT_clock
+    goto	TFT_standard_color			; ...and return
+    global	TFT_clock
 	WIN_SMALL  surf_clock_column,surf_clock_row
 TFT_clock2:                         ; called from divemode clock
@@ -1608,42 +1688,20 @@
 	call	TFT_convert_date		; converts into "DD/MM/YY" or "MM/DD/YY" or "YY/MM/DD" in postinc2	
-    global  TFT_interval
-	call	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
-    tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
-    return                              ; No
-    call    TFT_warning_set_window_com
-	STRCPY	"Int:"
-	movff	surface_interval+0,lo
-	movff	surface_interval+1,hi
-	call	convert_time			; lo=mins, hi=hours
-	movf	hi,W
-	movff	lo,hi
-	movwf	lo					; exchange lo and hi
-	output_99x
-	PUTC    ':'
-	movff	hi,lo
-	output_99x
-    movlw   surf_warning_length         ; No, use surface string length
-    call    TFT_fillup_with_spaces      ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-    bcf     win_invert
-    return
     global  TFT_surface_decosettings    ; Show all deco settings
-   ; Deco Mode
+	; Deco Mode
 	call	TFT_standard_color
+	WIN_SMALL surf_gaslist_column,surf_gaslist_row
     movff   char_I_deco_model,WREG
     iorwf   WREG
     bnz     TFT_surface_decosettings1
-    ; Display ZH-L16 sat/desat model.
-    TEXT_SMALL  surf_gaslist_column,surf_gaslist_row,  tZHL16
-    WIN_TOP surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.1)
+	; Display ZH-L16 sat/desat model
+    WIN_SMALL surf_gaslist_column,surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.1)
     lfsr    FSR2,buffer
     movff   char_I_desaturation_multiplier,lo
     bsf     leftbind
@@ -1653,43 +1711,38 @@
     STRCAT_PRINT  "%"
     bra     TFT_surface_decosettings2
-   ; Display ZH-L16-GF low/high model.
+   ; Display ZH-L16-GF low/high model
-    TEXT_SMALL  surf_gaslist_column,surf_gaslist_row,  tZHL16GF
-    WIN_TOP surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.1)
-    STRCPY_TEXT tGF         ; GF:
-    movff   char_I_GF_Low_percentage,lo
+    TEXT_SMALL  surf_gaslist_column+.43,surf_gaslist_row,tZHL16GF
+    WIN_SMALL surf_gaslist_column,surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.1)
+    STRCPY_TEXT tGF  															; GF:
+	movff	opt_GF_low,lo
     STRCAT  "/"
-    movff   char_I_GF_High_percentage,lo
+	movff	opt_GF_high,lo
-    ;bra     TFT_surface_decosettings2
-    ; FTTS
-    WIN_TOP surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.2)
+TFT_surface_decosettings2:														; fTTS
+    WIN_SMALL surf_gaslist_column,surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.2)
     movff   char_I_extra_time,lo
     bsf     leftbind
     STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT   tMinutes
     ; Last Stop
-    WIN_TOP surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.3)
+    WIN_SMALL surf_gaslist_column,surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.3)
     STRCPY_TEXT tLastDecostop
-    movff   char_I_depth_last_deco,lo
+	movff	opt_last_stop,lo
     STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT   tMeters
     ; Salinity
-    WIN_TOP surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.4)
+    WIN_SMALL surf_gaslist_column,surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.4)
     STRCPY_TEXT tDvSalinity
     movff   opt_salinity,lo
     bcf     leftbind
     STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT   tPercent
-    return                          ; Done.
+    return
 	global	TFT_debug_output
@@ -1705,21 +1758,20 @@
-    global  TFT_divetimeout                     ; Show timeout counter
+    global  TFT_divetimeout             ; Show timeout counter
 	call	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
     tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
     return                              ; No
-    call    TFT_warning_set_window_com
     call	TFT_standard_color
     STRCPY  0x94                        ; "End of dive" icon
     movff	opt_diveTimeout,WREG	    ; in [min]
     mullw	.60
     movff	PRODL,sub_a+0
-    movff	PRODH,sub_a+1		    ; in [s]
+    movff	PRODH,sub_a+1		    	; in [s]
     movff   timeout_counter,sub_b+0
     movff   timeout_counter2,sub_b+1
-    call    subU16  ;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b (with UNSIGNED values)
+    call    subU16  					;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b (with UNSIGNED values)
 	movff	sub_c+0, lo
 	movff	sub_c+1, hi
 	call	convert_time				; converts hi:lo in minutes to hours (hi) and minutes (lo)
@@ -1730,137 +1782,153 @@
 	PUTC    ':'
 	movff	hi,lo
-    movlw   dm_warning_length             ; Divemode string length
-    call    TFT_fillup_with_spaces     ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+    movlw   dm_warning_length         	; Divemode string length
+    call    TFT_fillup_with_spaces     	; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
     bcf     win_invert
-	global	TFT_ftts
+	global	TFT_display_ftts
     movff   char_I_extra_time,lo
     tstfsz  lo
-    bra     $+4
-    return                              ; char_I_extra_time=0, return.
-    if dm_offset !=0
-        incf    warning_counter,F			; increase counter
-        call    TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
-        tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
-        return                              ; No
-        call    TFT_warning_set_window_com
-    else
-        btfsc   divemode_menu               ; Is the dive mode menu shown?
-        return                              ; Yes, return
-        call    TFT_standard_color
-        WIN_SMALL dm_ftts_value_column, dm_ftts_value_row
-    endif
-    movff   char_I_extra_time,lo
-    STRCPY  "@+"
+    bra     TFT_display_ftts_a
+    return                              	; char_I_extra_time=0, return.
+    movff   int_O_alternate_ascenttime+0,WREG
+    movff   int_O_alternate_ascenttime+1,hi
+    iorwf   hi,W                    		; int_O_alternate_ascenttime:2 == 0 ?
+    bnz     TFT_display_ftts_b
+    return  								; No deco, do nothing
+	btfsc	is_bailout						; check if we are in bailout mode
+	return									; YES - in bailout no fTTS will be computed, so nothing to display
+	incf    warning_counter,F				; increase counter
+	call    TFT_warning_set_window			; sets the row and column for the current warning
+	tstfsz  WREG                        	; is there room for the warning?
+	return                              	; NO
+ 	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode					; in CCR mode?
+	bra		TFT_display_ftts_1				; YES - print fTTS label
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode					; NO  -	in pSCR mode?
+	bra		TFT_display_ftts_1				; 		YES	- print fTTS label
+	bra		TFT_display_ftts_2				; 		NO  - must be OC then
+TFT_display_ftts_1:							; in CCR or pSCR mode
+	btfsc	is_bailout						; in bailout?
+	bra		TFT_display_ftts_2				; YES - print fTTS label
+	TSTOSS	opt_calc_asc_gasvolume			; NO  - bailout volume calculation requested?
+	bra		TFT_display_ftts_2				;		NO  - print fTTS label
+	STRCPY	"B/O"							; 		YES - print bailout label
+	bra		TFT_display_ftts_3
+TFT_display_ftts_2:							; OC or bailout
+	STRCPY	"@+"							; print fTTS label
+	movff   char_I_extra_time,lo
     bsf     leftbind
     PUTC    ":"
-	movff   int_O_extra_ascenttime+0,lo
-    movff   int_O_extra_ascenttime+1,hi
-    movf    lo,W
-	iorwf   hi,W                    ; extra_ascenttime == 0 ?
-	bz      TFT_ftts2   			; No deco
-	movf    lo,W                    ; extra_ascenttime == 0xFFFF ?
-	andwf   hi,W
-	incf    WREG,w
-	bz      TFT_ftts2       		; Wait...
-	output_16
-	bcf         leftbind
+	movff   int_O_alternate_ascenttime+0,lo
+	movff   int_O_alternate_ascenttime+1,hi
+	btfss	hi,int_invalid_flag				; is the invalid flag set?
+	bra		TFT_display_ftts1				; NO
+	bcf		hi,int_invalid_flag				; YES - clear flag
+	call	TFT_disabled_color				; 		switch to disabled color
+	movf    lo,W
+	iorwf   hi,W                    		; extra_ascenttime == 0 ?
+	bz      TFT_display_ftts2   			; YES - show dashes
+	btfsc	hi,int_not_yet_computed			; is the not-computed-yet flag set?
+	bra		TFT_display_ftts2				; YES
+	output_16								; NO
+	bcf		leftbind
     PUTC    "'"
-    movlw   dm_warning_length             ; Divemode string length
-    call    TFT_fillup_with_spaces     ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+    movlw   dm_warning_length				; Divemode string length
+    call    TFT_fillup_with_spaces			; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
     bcf     win_invert
-	return
+	goto	TFT_standard_color				; ...and return
     STRCAT  "---"
 	bcf     leftbind
-    movlw   dm_warning_length             ; Divemode string length
-    call    TFT_fillup_with_spaces     ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+    movlw   dm_warning_length				; Divemode string length
+    call    TFT_fillup_with_spaces 			; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
     bcf     win_invert
-    return
+	goto	TFT_standard_color				; ...and return
-    global    TFT_temp_surfmode
+	global	TFT_temp_surfmode
     call    TFT_divemask_color
-    WIN_SMALL   surf_temp_column+3*8,surf_temp_row
-    TSTOSS  opt_units                                           ; 0=°C, 1=°F
-    bra        TFT_temp_surfmode_metric
-    STRCAT_TEXT    tLogTunitF                            ; °F
-    bra        TFT_temp_surfmode_common
+	WIN_SMALL   surf_temp_column+3*8,surf_temp_row
+    TSTOSS  opt_units   					; 0=°C, 1=°F
+	bra		TFT_temp_surfmode_metric
+	STRCAT_TEXT	tLogTunitF					; °F
+	bra		TFT_temp_surfmode_common
-    STRCAT_TEXT    tLogTunitC                            ; °C
+	STRCAT_TEXT	tLogTunitC					; °C
-    WIN_SMALL   surf_temp_column,surf_temp_row
-    bra        TFT_temp_common
-    global    TFT_temp_divemode
+	WIN_SMALL   surf_temp_column,surf_temp_row
+	bra		TFT_temp_common
+	global	TFT_temp_divemode
-    btfsc   divemode_menu                                   ; Is the dive mode menu shown?
-    return                                                                  ; Yes, no update of temperature now
-    btfsc    blinking_better_gas                             ; blinking better Gas?
-    return                                                                  ; Yes, no update of temperature now
-    WIN_SMALL    dm_temp_column,dm_temp_row
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_temp_divemode
+    btfsc   divemode_menu					; Is the dive mode menu shown?
+    return									; Yes, no update of temperature now
+	btfsc	blinking_better_gas				; blinking better Gas?
+	return									; Yes, no update of temperature now
+	WIN_SMALL	dm_temp_column,dm_temp_row
-    call    TFT_standard_color
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY    temperature, lo            ; get current temperature
-    TSTOSS  opt_units                                             ; 0=°C, 1=°F
-    bra        TFT_temp_common_1
-    call    convert_celsius_to_fahrenheit            ; convert value in lo:hi from celsius to fahrenheit
+	call    TFT_standard_color
+	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY temperature,lo			; get current temperature
+	TSTOSS  opt_units						; 0=°C, 1=°F
+	bra		TFT_temp_common_1
+	call	convert_celsius_to_fahrenheit	; convert value in lo:hi from celsius to fahrenheit
-    rcall    TFT_convert_signed_16bit                ; converts lo:hi into signed-short and adds '-' to POSTINC2 if required
-    btfsc    neg_flag                                               ; is the temperature negative?
-    bra        TFT_temp_common_2                    ; YES - the minus sign has already been written
-    ; temp is positive, is it less then 10°C? 
-    tstfsz  hi
-    bra	    TFT_temp_common_1a			    ; >25,5°C, skip here
-    movlw   .100
-    cpfslt  lo
-    bra	    TFT_temp_common_1a			    ; >10,0°C, skip here
-    bsf	    leftbind
-    output_16dp	d'4'				    ; x.y°C
-    bcf	    leftbind
-    bra	    TFT_temp_common_3			    ; Done.
+	rcall	TFT_convert_signed_16bit		; converts lo:hi into signed-short and adds '-' to POSTINC2 if required
+	btfsc	neg_flag						; is the temperature negative?
+	bra		TFT_temp_common_2				; YES - the minus sign has already been written
+	; temp is positive, is it less then 10°C? 
+	tstfsz  hi
+	bra		TFT_temp_common_1a				; >25.5°C, skip here
+	movlw	.100
+	cpfslt	lo
+	bra		TFT_temp_common_1a				; >10.0°C, skip here
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp	d'4'						; x.y°C
+	bcf		leftbind
+	bra		TFT_temp_common_3				; Done.
-    PUTC    " "                                                        ; NO  - write a space instead of the minus sign
+	PUTC	" "								; NO  - write a space instead of the minus sign
-    bsf        ignore_digit5                                     ; ignore decimal
-    output_16_3                                                   ; output 0-999 without decimal -> writes ' ' - 99
-    bcf        ignore_digit5
-    movff    buffer+2,lo                                        ; get output from unit position
-    movlw    " "                                                      ; load code of the space character
-    cpfseq    lo                                                        ; is there a space sign on the unit position? (happens between +1 and -1)
-    bra        TFT_temp_common_3                     ; NO
-    movff    WREG,buffer+0                                 ; YES - replace potential minus sign with a space (temps from -0.9° to -0.1° else would appear as '- 0')
-    movlw    "0"                                                     ; load code of the zero character
-    movff    WREG,buffer+2                                 ; replace space with a zero
+	bsf		ignore_digit5					; ignore decimal
+	output_16_3								; output 0-999 without decimal -> writes ' ' - 99
+	bcf		ignore_digit5
+	movff    buffer+2,lo					; get output from unit position
+	movlw    " "							; load code of the space character
+	cpfseq	lo								; is there a space sign on the unit position? (happens between +1 and -1)
+	bra		TFT_temp_common_3				; NO
+	movff	WREG,buffer+0					; YES - replace potential minus sign with a space (temps from -0.9° to -0.1° else would appear as '- 0')
+	movlw	"0"								; load code of the zero character
+	movff	WREG,buffer+2					; replace space with a zero
-    btfss    divemode                                            ; are we in dive mode?
-    bra        TFT_temp_common_5                    ; NO  - no unit to append
-    TSTOSS  opt_units                                          ; YES - check unit type: 0=°C, 1=°F
-    bra        TFT_temp_common_4                    ; go metric
-    STRCAT_TEXT    tLogTunitF                           ; append °F
-    bra        TFT_temp_common_5
+	btfss	divemode						; are we in dive mode?
+	bra		TFT_temp_common_5				; NO  - no unit to append
+	TSTOSS	opt_units						; YES - check unit type: 0=°C, 1=°F
+	bra		TFT_temp_common_4				; go metric
+	STRCAT_TEXT tLogTunitF					; append °F
+	bra		TFT_temp_common_5
-    STRCAT_TEXT    tLogTunitC                          ; append °C   
+	STRCAT_TEXT tLogTunitC					; append °C   
-    STRCAT_PRINT ""                                           ; output to screen
-    return                
+	STRCAT_PRINT ""							; output to screen
+	return                
     global  TFT_divemode_menu_cursor
     WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_menu_row+.1, dm_menu_lower-.1, dm_menu_item1_column-.8, dm_menu_item1_column-.1
@@ -1868,11 +1936,11 @@
     call	TFT_standard_color
     movlw   dm_menu_item1_column-.8
-    btfsc   menupos,2       ; >3?
-    movlw   dm_menu_item4_column-.8  ; Yes
+    btfsc   menupos,2       			; >3?
+    movlw   dm_menu_item4_column-.8  	; Yes
     movff   WREG,win_leftx2
-    movff   menupos,lo                      ; Copy menu pos
+    movff   menupos,lo					; Copy menu pos
     movlw   dm_menu_item6_row
     dcfsnz  lo,F
     movlw   dm_menu_item1_row
@@ -1887,225 +1955,169 @@
     movff   WREG,win_top
     movlw   FT_SMALL
     movff   WREG,win_font
-    STRCPY_PRINT    "\xb7"          ; print cursor
-    return
-	movff	char_I_const_ppO2,lo
-    TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2_hud       ; With ppO2 [cbar] in lo
-	clrf	hi
-	bsf		leftbind
-	output_16dp d'3'
-    bcf		leftbind
-    STRCAT_TEXT tbar
-    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG               ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
-    sublw   .1                              ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)?
-    bnz     TFT_active_setpoint2_a          ; No, skip
-    PUTC    "*"
+    STRCPY_PRINT    "\xb7"          	; print cursor
-TFT_active_setpoint:         ; Show setpoint
-	WIN_STD  dm_active_gas_column, dm_active_gas_row
-	call	TFT_standard_color
-    btfsc   is_bailout                  ; =1: Bailout
-    bra     TFT_active_setpoint_bail    ; Show "Bailout" instead of Setpoint
-    rcall   TFT_active_setpoint2        ; show setpoint (Non-Inverted in all cases)
-    ; ****** new from R.L.******
-    btg	    blinking_setpoint		; Toggle blink bit...
-    btfss   blinking_setpoint		; blink now?
-    bra	    TFT_active_setpoint_diluent ; no - Done. If no blink now, no need to do all checks
-    btfsc   setpoint_fallback ; =1: Fallback to SP1 due to external O2 sensor failure
-    bra	    TFT_active_setpoint_b ; not clear, so process fallback case
-    movff   char_I_const_ppO2, lo	; get current ppO2
-    movff   opt_ppO2_max, WREG		; PPO2 Max for MOD calculation and color coding 
-    cpfsgt  lo				; lo > opt_ppO2_max? 
-    Bra	    TFT_active_setpoint_d	; No ? continue with checking for low ppO2 condition 
-    Bra	    TFT_active_setpoint_e	; Yes ? set up blinking for ppO2 problem case
-    movff   opt_ppO2_min, WREG		; PPO2 min for Sensors and color coding 
-    cpfslt  lo				; lo < opt_ppO2_min? 
-    bra	    TFT_active_setpoint_diluent ; No ? ppO2 is ok, continue with displaying diluent 
-    ;bra    TFT_active_setpoint_e	; Yes ? set up blinking for ppO2 problem case
-TFT_active_setpoint_e:			; set up blinking for ppO2 problem case 
-    movlw   color_red			; blink in red 
-    call    TFT_set_color 
-    bra	    TFT_active_setpoint_c	; continue with blinking common part
-TFT_active_setpoint_b:			; set up blinking for fallback case 
-    movlw   color_yellow		; blink in yellow 
-    call    TFT_set_color 
-    ; bra TFT_active_setpoint_c ; just for clarity in the code
-TFT_active_setpoint_c: ; blinking common part    
-    ; ****** new from R.L.******
-    bsf     win_invert              ; Set invert flag
-    WIN_STD dm_active_gas_column, dm_active_gas_row
-	movff	char_I_const_ppO2,lo
-	clrf	hi
-	bsf		leftbind
-	output_16dp d'3'
-    bcf		leftbind
-    STRCAT_TEXT tbar
-    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG               ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
-    sublw   .1                              ; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)?
-    bnz     TFT_active_setpoint_a            ; No, skip
-    PUTC    "*"
-	bcf     win_invert                  ; Reset invert flag
-    call	TFT_standard_color
-    if dm_offset != 0
-    	WIN_SMALL  dm_active_dil_column, dm_active_dil_row
-    else
-    	WIN_STD    dm_active_dil_column, dm_active_dil_row
-    endif
-    movff   char_I_O2_ratio,lo          ; lo now stores O2 in %
-    movff   char_I_He_ratio,hi          ; hi now stores He in %
-    rcall   TFT_show_dil_divemode2      ; Show diluent  (Non-Inverted in all cases)
-	btfss	better_gas_available        ; =1: A better gas is available and a gas change is advised in divemode
-	return					; Done.
-	btg		blinking_better_gas         ; Toggle blink bit...
-	btfss	blinking_better_gas         ; blink now?
-	return                              ; No, Done.
-	movlw	color_yellow                ; Blink in yellow
-    call	TFT_set_color
-    bsf     win_invert              ; Set invert flag
-    if dm_offset != 0
-        WIN_SMALL   dm_active_dil_column, dm_active_dil_row
-    else
-        WIN_STD     dm_active_dil_column, dm_active_dil_row
-    endif
-    movff   char_I_O2_ratio,lo          ; lo now stores O2 in %
-    movff   char_I_He_ratio,hi          ; hi now stores He in %
-	rcall	TFT_show_dil_divemode2      ; Show gas
-	bcf     win_invert                  ; Reset invert flag
-	goto	TFT_standard_color; and return...
-    call    customview_show_mix         ; Put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
-	return
-    WIN_SMALL   dm_active_gas_column, dm_active_gas_row+.3  ; colides with diluent in FT_MEDIUM
-    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT   tDiveBailout    ; Bailout
-    bra     TFT_active_setpoint_diluent
-    WIN_TINY   dm_active_dil_column, dm_active_dil_row+.1
-    btfsc   is_bailout                  ; =1: Bailout
-    bra     TFT_show_pscr_mode_divemode_bail	; Show "Bailout" instead of PSCR
-    return
-    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT   tDiveBailout    ; Bailout
-    return
 	global	TFT_active_gas_divemode
 TFT_active_gas_divemode:				; Display gas/Setpoint
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_active_gas_divemode
     btfsc   divemode_menu               ; Is the dive mode menu shown?
     return                              ; Yes, return
-    btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode		; Ignore in Apnoe mode
+    btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; Ignore in Apnoe mode
     btfsc   FLAG_ccr_mode               ; in CCR mode?
-    bra     TFT_active_setpoint         ; Yes, show setpoint
-    call    TFT_standard_color
-    btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode		; in PSCR mode?
-    rcall   TFT_show_pscr_mode_divemode ; Yes, show "PSCR"
-	WIN_STD dm_active_gas_column, dm_active_gas_row
-    movff   char_I_O2_ratio,lo          ; lo now stores O2 in %
-    movff   char_I_He_ratio,hi          ; hi now stores He in %
-	rcall	TFT_active_gas_divemode2    ; Show gas (Non-Inverted in all cases)
-	btfss	better_gas_available        ; =1: A better gas is available and a gas change is advised in divemode
-	return					; Done.
-	btg		blinking_better_gas         ; Toggle blink bit...
-	btfss	blinking_better_gas         ; blink now?
-	return                              ; No, Done.
-    call    TFT_attention_color         ; blink in yellow
-    bsf     win_invert                  ; Set invert flag
+    bra     TFT_active_setpoint         ; Yes, show setpoint and gas mix
+    btfsc   FLAG_pscr_mode				; in PSCR mode?
+    bra		TFT_active_setpoint         ; Yes, show setpoint and gas mix
+	call    TFT_standard_color
+	btfss	better_gas_available        ; check if a better gas is available and a gas change is advised in divemode
+	bra		TFT_active_gas_divemode2	; NO  - print in normal rendering
+	btg		blinking_better_gas         ; YES - toggle blink bit
+	btfss	blinking_better_gas         ; 		blink now?
+	bra		TFT_active_gas_divemode2	; 		NO  - print in normal rendering
+    call    TFT_attention_color         ; 		YES - blink in yellow
+    bsf     win_invert                  ; 			  set invert flag
     WIN_STD dm_active_gas_column, dm_active_gas_row
     movff   char_I_O2_ratio,lo          ; lo now stores O2 in %
     movff   char_I_He_ratio,hi          ; hi now stores He in %
-	rcall	TFT_active_gas_divemode2    ; Show gas (Non-Inverted in all cases)
-	bcf     win_invert                  ; Reset invert flag
+    call    customview_show_mix         ; put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
+	bcf     win_invert                  ; reset invert flag
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; ...and return
+TFT_active_setpoint:         			; Show setpoint
+    btfsc   is_bailout                  ; are we in bailout?
+    bra     TFT_active_setpoint_bail    ; YES - show "Bailout" instead of setpoint
+	movff	int_O_breathed_ppO2+0,lo
+	movff	int_O_breathed_ppO2+1,hi
+    TFT_color_code  warn_ppo2			; with ppO2 [cbar] in hi:lo
+    btg	    blinking_setpoint			; toggle blink bit...
+    btfss   blinking_setpoint			; blink now?
+    bra	    TFT_active_setpoint_print	; NO  - print ppO2 with normal rendering
+    btfsc   setpoint_fallback 			; YES - check if we are in fallback condition
+    bra	    TFT_active_setpoint_fallb	; 		YES - process fallback case
+    movff   int_O_breathed_ppO2+1,WREG	;		NO  - get flags again (have been cleared in hi:lo by TFT_color_code meanwhile)
+    btfss	WREG,int_warning_flag		;			  warning flag set?
+    bra	    TFT_active_setpoint_print	; 			  NO  - ppO2 is ok, print ppO2 with normal rendering
+    bra	    TFT_active_setpoint_com		; 			  YES - continue with blinking common part
+TFT_active_setpoint_fallb:				; set up fallback case 
+    movlw   color_yellow				; text in yellow 
+    call    TFT_set_color				; overwrite setting done by TFT_color_code warn_ppo2 
+TFT_active_setpoint_com:				; blinking common part    
+    bsf     win_invert              	; set invert flag
+	WIN_STD dm_active_gas_column, dm_active_gas_row
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
+    STRCAT_TEXT tbar
+    movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG			; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+    sublw   .1							; opt_ccr_mode = 1 (Sensor)?
+    bnz     TFT_active_setpoint2_a		; NO  - skip
+    PUTC    "*"							; YES - add an astrix
+	bcf     win_invert                  ; reset invert flag
+	call	TFT_standard_color			; revert to standard color
+	bra		TFT_active_setpoint_diluent ; continue with showing diluent
+	WIN_SMALL dm_active_gas_column, dm_active_gas_row+.3	; collides with diluent in FT_MEDIUM
 	call	TFT_standard_color
-	return                              ; Done.
-    call    customview_show_mix         ; Put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
+	STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tDiveBailout    						; Bailout
+ 	btfss	better_gas_available        ; check if a better gas is available and a gas change is advised in divemode
+	bra		TFT_active_setpoint_diluent_show	; NO  - print in normal rendering
+	btg		blinking_better_gas         		; YES - toggle blink bit...
+	btfss	blinking_better_gas         		; blink now?
+	bra		TFT_active_setpoint_diluent_show	; NO  - print in normal rendering
+	movlw	color_yellow                		; YES - blink in yellow
+    call	TFT_set_color						;       set text color
+    bsf     win_invert              			; 		set invert flag
+	WIN_SMALL dm_active_dil_column, dm_active_dil_row
+	movff	char_I_O2_ratio,lo          ; lo now stores O2 in %
+	movff	char_I_He_ratio,hi          ; hi now stores He in %
+	call	customview_show_mix         ; put "Nxlo", "Txlo/hi", "Air" or "O2" into Postinc2
+	bcf		win_invert                  ; reset invert flag
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; ...and return
+	global	TFT_show_mode_divemode
+	WIN_TINY dm_active_dil_column+.45, dm_active_dil_row+.3
+	btfsc	is_bailout					; in bailout?
+	return								; YES
+	btfsc	FLAG_ccr_mode				; NO  - in CCR mode?
+	bra		TFT_show_mode_divemode_ccr	;		YES	- write CCR label
+	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode				;		NO  - in pSCR mode?
+	bra		TFT_show_mode_divemode_pscr	;			  YES - write pSCR label
+	return								;			  NO  - done
+	call	TFT_standard_color			; set standard color
+	return								; done
+	call	TFT_standard_color			; set standard color
 	global	TFT_display_decotype_surface
 	WIN_STD  surf_decotype_column,surf_decotype_row
     WIN_COLOR	color_lightblue
-    movff   opt_dive_mode,lo        ; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR
+    movff   opt_dive_mode,lo        		; 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=PSCR
     tstfsz  lo
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_surface2
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_exit
     decfsz  lo,F
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_surface3
     call	TFT_standard_color
 	WIN_TINY surf_decotype_column+.18,surf_decotype_row+.12
-    TSTOSS  opt_ccr_mode        ; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
+    TSTOSS  opt_ccr_mode        			; =0: Fixed SP, =1: Sensor,  =2: Auto SP
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_cc_fixed
     ; Sensor mode or Auto
     movff   opt_ccr_mode,WREG
     sublw   .2
     bz      TFT_display_decotype_cc_auto
-    STRCPY_TEXT tCCRModeSensor ; Sensor
+    STRCPY_TEXT tCCRModeSensor 				; Sensor
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_cc_common
-    STRCPY_TEXT tCCRModeAutoSP  ; Auto SP
+    STRCPY_TEXT tCCRModeAutoSP  			; Auto SP
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_cc_common
-    STRCPY_TEXT tCCRModeFixedSP ; Fixed SP
+    STRCPY_TEXT tCCRModeFixedSP 			; Fixed SP
+	clrf    WREG
+	movff   WREG,buffer+.8					; limit string length to 8
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_exit
     decfsz  lo,F
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_surface4
-    STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT	tDvGauge	; Gauge
+    STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT	tDvGauge			; Gauge
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_exit
     decfsz  lo,F
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_surface5
-    STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT	tDvApnea	; Apnea
+    STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT	tDvApnea			; Apnea
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_exit
-    goto	TFT_standard_color  ; and return...
+    goto	TFT_standard_color  			; and return...
     global  TFT_display_decotype_surface1   ; Used from logbook!
-TFT_display_decotype_surface1:  ; Used from logbook!
+TFT_display_decotype_surface1:  			; Used from logbook!
     tstfsz  lo
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_surface1_2
     bra     TFT_display_decotype_surface0   ;OC
@@ -2124,10 +2136,10 @@
-    global  TFT_splist_surfmode     ; Show Setpoint list
+    global  TFT_splist_surfmode     	; Show Setpoint list
     extern  gaslist_strcat_setpoint
-    bsf     short_gas_decriptions   ; =1: Use short versions of gaslist_strcat_gas_mod and gaslist_strcat_setpoint
+    bsf     short_gas_decriptions   	; =1: Use short versions of gaslist_strcat_gas_mod and gaslist_strcat_setpoint
     ;SP 1
     WIN_SMALL surf_gaslist_column,surf_gaslist_row
     clrf    PRODL
@@ -2208,17 +2220,18 @@
 	global	TFT_depth
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_depth
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure, lo
-    call    adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
-    TFT_color_code  warn_depth			; Color-code the output
-    call TFT_depth_blink
+    call    adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+    TFT_color_code  warn_depth		; Color-code the output
+    rcall 	TFT_depth_blink
     WIN_LARGE   dm_depth_column, dm_depth_row
     TSTOSS  opt_units   			; 0=m, 1=ft
     bra     TFT_depth_metric
-    clrf    sub_a+1                     ; Display 0ft if lower then 30cm
+    clrf    sub_a+1                 ; Display 0ft if lower then 30cm
 	movlw	d'30'
 	movwf	sub_a+0
 	movff	hi,sub_b+1
@@ -2239,7 +2252,7 @@
 	STRCAT_PRINT "0  "				; manual zero
-    bcf     win_invert                  ; Reset invert flag
+    bcf     win_invert              ; Reset invert flag
@@ -2247,9 +2260,9 @@
 	cpfslt	hi
     bra		depth_greater_99_84mtr
-	btfsc	depth_greater_100m			; Was depth>100m during last call
-	rcall	TFT_clear_depth             ; Yes, clear depth area
-	bcf		depth_greater_100m			; Do this once only...
+	btfsc	depth_greater_100m		; Was depth>100m during last call
+	rcall	TFT_clear_depth         ; Yes, clear depth area
+	bcf		depth_greater_100m		; Do this once only...
 	movlw	.039
 	cpfslt	hi
@@ -2292,11 +2305,13 @@
 	; .1m in MEDIUM font
 	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_depth_dm_column, dm_depth_dm_row
-	TFT_color_code	warn_depth			; Color-code the output
+	; TODO - check if needed, depth should still be in hi:lo
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY rel_pressure, lo
-	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity ; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+	TFT_color_code	warn_depth		; Color-code the output
 	PUTC    "."
 	movlw	HIGH	d'30'			; Display 0.0m if lower then 30cm
 	movwf	sub_a+1
@@ -2313,30 +2328,30 @@
 	bsf		ignore_digit5
 	output_16dp	d'0'
 	STRCAT_PRINT ""					; Display decimeters
-    bcf     win_invert                  ; Reset invert flag
+    bcf     win_invert              ; Reset invert flag
 	STRCAT_PRINT "0"				; Display 0.0m manually
-    bcf     win_invert                  ; Reset invert flag
+    bcf     win_invert              ; Reset invert flag
-depth_greater_99_84mtr:			; Display only in full meters
+depth_greater_99_84mtr:				; Display only in full meters
 	btfss	depth_greater_100m		; Is depth>100m already?
 	rcall	TFT_clear_depth			; No, clear depth area and set flag
     TFT_color_code	warn_depth
 	; Depth is already in hi:lo
 	; Show depth in Full meters
-	; That means ignore figure 4 and 5
+	; That means ignore digit 4 and 5
 	lfsr    FSR2,buffer
 	bsf		ignore_digit4
 	bsf		leftbind
 	bcf		leftbind
     STRCAT_PRINT ""					; Display full meters only
-    bcf     win_invert                  ; Reset invert flag
+    bcf     win_invert              ; Reset invert flag
@@ -2346,7 +2361,7 @@
-    TSTOSS  opt_modwarning			; 0=standard, 1=blink
+    TSTOSS  opt_modwarning				; 0=standard, 1=blink
     ; check if previous cycle had the blinking warning or not
@@ -2373,13 +2388,13 @@
     bsf     blinking_depth_prev                 ; set prev flag
     ; and set toggle and invert if required
     btfss   blinking_depth_toggle               ; do we have the toggle set?
-    bra    TFT_depth_blink_set                  ; No:  set inverse,   do color_box, set flag
-    bra    TFT_depth_blink_reset                ; Yes: clear inverse, do black box, reset flag
+    bra		TFT_depth_blink_set                 ; No:  set inverse,   do color_box, set flag
+    bra		TFT_depth_blink_reset               ; Yes: clear inverse, do black box, reset flag
     ; we had warning, but not now... (e.g. ascended or switched to better gas)
     ; reset the previous cycle flag for the next cycle...
-    bcf     blinking_depth_prev         ; reset prev flag
+    bcf     blinking_depth_prev         		; reset prev flag
     ; clear it - just in case if we had a blinked before
     bra    TFT_depth_blink_reset                ; Yes: clear inverse, do black box, reset flag
@@ -2416,7 +2431,7 @@
     global  TFT_custom_text
-TFT_custom_text:            ; Show the custom text
+TFT_custom_text:            			; Show the custom text
     lfsr        FSR0, opt_name          ; Source
     WIN_SMALL   surf_customtext_column,surf_customtext_row1 ; First row
     rcall       TFT_custom_text_2       ; Show up to 12 chars and print
@@ -2439,8 +2454,8 @@
     return                              ; No, all done.
     lfsr        FSR0, opt_name+.48      ; Source
     WIN_SMALL   surf_customtext_column,surf_customtext_row5 ; Fifth row
-    bra		TFT_custom_text_2       ; Show up to 12 chars and print ; and return...
+    bra		TFT_custom_text_2       	; Show up to 12 chars and print ; and return...
     lfsr        FSR2, buffer            ; destination
@@ -2459,6 +2474,7 @@
 	global	TFT_update_surf_press
     WIN_SMALL   surf_press_column,surf_press_row
@@ -2468,21 +2484,21 @@
 	movff	hi,sub_a+1
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,sub_b+0
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+1,sub_b+1
-	call	subU16					; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
-	btfsc	neg_flag				; Pressure lower?
-	rcall	update_surf_press2		; Yes, test threshold
-	tstfsz	sub_c+1					; >255mbar difference?
-	bra		update_surf_press_common; Yes, display!
-	movlw	d'10'					; 10mbar noise suppression
+	call	subU16								; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	btfsc	neg_flag							; Pressure lower?
+	rcall	update_surf_press2					; Yes, test threshold
+	tstfsz	sub_c+1								; >255mbar difference?
+	bra		update_surf_press_common			; Yes, display!
+	movlw	d'11'								; 10mbar noise suppression
 	subwf	sub_c+0,W
 	btfsc	STATUS,C
-	bra		update_surf_press_common; Yes, display!
+	bra		update_surf_press_common			; Yes, display!
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY last_surfpressure_30min, lo	; Overwrite with stable value...
+	movff	lo,int_I_pres_surface+0				; copy displayed value to C code to have pressure displayed
+	movff	hi,int_I_pres_surface+1				; and pressure used for desaturation & no-fly time in sync
-	; Show only 4 figures
+	; Show only 4 digits
 	movff	buffer+1,buffer+0
 	movff	buffer+2,buffer+1
 	movff	buffer+3,buffer+2
@@ -2492,7 +2508,7 @@
     call    TFT_divemask_color
 	WIN_SMALL   surf_press_column+4*8,surf_press_row
-    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT  tMBAR        ; mbar
+    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT  tMBAR        			; mbar
@@ -2500,16 +2516,14 @@
 	movff	hi,sub_b+1
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+0,sub_a+0
 	movff	last_surfpressure_30min+1,sub_a+1
-	goto	subU16					; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b	; and return...
+	goto	subU16								; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b	; and return...
 	global	TFT_update_batt_voltage
     movff   batt_percent,lo         ; Get battery percent
-    TFT_color_code		warn_battery; Color-code battery percent
+    TFT_color_code warn_battery		; Color-code battery percent
     ; Setup charge indicator
     btfsc   cc_active
     bsf     win_invert
@@ -2519,7 +2533,6 @@
     movlw   color_green
     btfsc   cc_active
     call	TFT_set_color
 	WIN_TINY batt_percent_column,batt_percent_row
 	bsf		leftbind
@@ -2531,11 +2544,11 @@
     bcf     win_invert
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 	WIN_TINY batt_voltage_column,batt_voltage_row
-        movff   battery_type,lo		; =0:1.5V, =1:3,6V Saft, =2:LiIon 3,7V/0.8Ah, =3:LiIon 3,7V/3.1Ah, =4: LiIon 3,7V/2.3Ah
+    movff   battery_type,lo			; =0:1.5V, =1:3,6V Saft, =2:LiIon 3,7V/0.8Ah, =3:LiIon 3,7V/3.1Ah, =4: LiIon 3,7V/2.3Ah
 	PUTC	"T"
 	bsf	leftbind
-        output_8
-        PUTC    ":"
+    output_8
+    PUTC    ":"
 	movff	batt_voltage+0,lo
 	movff	batt_voltage+1,hi
 	output_16dp	.2
@@ -2677,40 +2690,76 @@
 	global	TFT_date
-    WIN_SMALL  surf_date_column,surf_date_row				; Init new Wordprocessor
+    WIN_SMALL  surf_date_column,surf_date_row	; Init new Wordprocessor
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 	movff	month,convert_value_temp+0
 	movff	day,convert_value_temp+1
 	movff	year,convert_value_temp+2
-	call	TFT_convert_date		; converts into "DD/MM/YY" or "MM/DD/YY" or "YY/MM/DD" in postinc2	
+	call	TFT_convert_date					; converts into "DD/MM/YY" or "MM/DD/YY" or "YY/MM/DD" in postinc2	
-	global	TFT_max_pressure
-	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode						; different display in apnoe mode
-	bra		TFT_max_pressure_apnoe
+	global	TFT_max_depth_alternative
+	bcf	FLAG_TFT_max_depth_alt
+	; The "mask"
+	call    TFT_divemask_color
+	WIN_TINY    dm_mask_depth_column, dm_max_alt_row-.14
+	; The max. depth
+	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY max_pressure, lo
+	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+	call    TFT_standard_color
+	TSTOSS  opt_units   				; 0=m, 1=ft
+	bra	TFT_max_depth_alt_metric
+	WIN_LARGE	dm_max_alt_column,dm_max_alt_row
+	bsf     ignore_digit4				; no 0.1m
+	output_16
+	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_max_dm_alt_column,dm_max_alt_row+.25
+	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY max_pressure, lo
+	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+	PUTC    "."
+	movlw	d'4'
+	movwf	ignore_digits
+	bsf	ignore_digit5
+	bsf     leftbind
+	output_16dp	d'0'
+	STRCAT_PRINT ""						; Display decimeters
+	bcf     leftbind
+	return
+	global	TFT_max_depth
+	bcf	FLAG_TFT_max_depth
+	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; different display in apnoe mode
+	bra	TFT_max_depth_apnoe
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY max_pressure, lo
-	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
-    TSTOSS  opt_units   			; 0=m, 1=ft
-	bra		TFT_max_pressure2_metric
-	call	convert_mbar_to_feet              	; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
+	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+    TSTOSS  opt_units   				; 0=m, 1=ft
+	bra		TFT_max_depth2_metric
+	call	convert_mbar_to_feet        ; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
 	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_max_depth_column, dm_max_depth_row
-	TSTOSS  opt_vsigraph			; 0=skip, 1=draw
+	TSTOSS  opt_vsigraph				; 0=skip, 1=draw
 	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_max_depth_column_nvsi, dm_max_depth_row
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_max_depth_column, dm_max_depth_row
-	TSTOSS  opt_vsigraph			; 0=skip, 1=draw
+	TSTOSS  opt_vsigraph				; 0=skip, 1=draw
 	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_max_depth_column_nvsi, dm_max_depth_row
     call    TFT_standard_color
@@ -2718,9 +2767,9 @@
 	cpfslt	hi
     bra		max_depth_greater_99_84mtr
-	btfsc	max_depth_greater_100m			; Was depth>100m during last call
-	rcall	TFT_clear_max_depth             ; Yes, clear depth area
-	bcf		max_depth_greater_100m			; Do this once only...
+	btfsc	max_depth_greater_100m		; Was depth>100m during last call
+	rcall	TFT_clear_max_depth			; Yes, clear depth area
+	bcf		max_depth_greater_100m		; Do this once only...
 	movlw	.039
 	cpfslt	hi
@@ -2771,7 +2820,7 @@
 	WIN_SMALL	dm_max_depth_dm_column_nvsi, dm_max_depth_dm_row
     SAFE_2BYTE_COPY max_pressure, lo
-	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+	call	adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
 	PUTC    "."
@@ -2780,7 +2829,7 @@
 	bsf		ignore_digit5
     bsf     leftbind
 	output_16dp	d'0'
-	STRCAT_PRINT ""					; Display decimeters
+	STRCAT_PRINT ""						; Display decimeters
     bcf     leftbind
@@ -2795,21 +2844,21 @@
 	bsf		leftbind
 	bcf		leftbind
-    STRCAT_PRINT ""					; Display full meters only
+    STRCAT_PRINT ""						; Display full meters only
-TFT_clear_max_depth:            			; No, clear max. depth area and set flag
+TFT_clear_max_depth:            		; No, clear max. depth area and set flag
     WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_max_depth_row, dm_max_depth_bot, dm_max_depth_column, dm_max_depth_rgt    ;top, bottom, left, right
-	bsf		max_depth_greater_100m			; Set Flag
+	bsf		max_depth_greater_100m		; Set Flag
-	btfss	FLAG_active_descent				; Are we descending?			
-	bra		TFT_max_pressure2				; Yes, show normal max.
+	btfss	FLAG_active_descent			; Are we descending?			
+	bra		TFT_max_depth2			; Yes, show normal max.
 	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY apnoe_max_pressure, lo
-	bra		TFT_max_pressure3				; Show apnoe_max_pressure as max. depth
+	bra		TFT_max_depth3			; Show apnoe_max_pressure as max. depth
 	global	TFT_display_apnoe_last_max
@@ -2819,11 +2868,11 @@
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY max_pressure, lo
-    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
-    TSTOSS  opt_units   			; 0=m, 1=ft
+    call	adjust_depth_with_salinity	; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
+    TSTOSS  opt_units   				; 0=m, 1=ft
 	bra		TFT_display_apnoe_last_m_metric
-	call	convert_mbar_to_feet              	; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
+	call	convert_mbar_to_feet        ; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
 	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_apnoe_last_max_depth_column, dm_apnoe_last_max_depth_row
@@ -2837,22 +2886,23 @@
 	global	TFT_divemins
+	bcf	FLAG_TFT_divemins	    	; Clear flag
 	movff	divemins+0,lo
 	movff	divemins+1,hi
     ; Already showing divemins > 99min
-	btfsc	no_more_divesecs	; Ignore seconds?
+	btfsc	no_more_divesecs		; Ignore seconds?
 	bra     TFT_divemins2           ; Show minutes only
 	tstfsz	hi                      ; hi = 0?
-	bra	TFT_divemins_clr	; No, show mins only
+	bra	TFT_divemins_clr			; No, show mins only
 	movlw	.99
 	cpfsgt	lo                      ; bigger than 99?
-	bra	TFT_divemins1		; No show mins:secs
+	bra	TFT_divemins1				; No show mins:secs
 	; Yes, remove second display for the rest of the dive and clear seconds
@@ -2865,9 +2915,7 @@
     ; Print out the minutes, up to 99min, only 2chars !
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_divetime_column, dm_divetime_row
-	bcf	leftbind
 	output_99                       ; displays only last two figures from a 8Bit value (0-99)
-	bcf     leftbind
 	STRCAT_PRINT ""                 ; Show minutes in large font
     ; Print out the seconds
@@ -2875,7 +2923,7 @@
 	PUTC    ':'
 	bsf	leftbind
 	movff   divesecs,lo
-	output_99x			; displays only last two figures from a 8Bit value with leading zero (00-99) 
+	output_99x						; displays only last two figures from a 8Bit value with leading zero (00-99) 
 	bcf     leftbind
 	STRCAT_PRINT ""                 ; Show seconds in small font
@@ -2886,10 +2934,31 @@
 	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_divetime_minsonly_column, dm_divetime_row
         bcf		leftbind
-        STRCAT_PRINT ""                 ; Show minutes in large font
+        STRCAT_PRINT ""             ; Show minutes in large font
+	global	TFT_divemins_alternative
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_divemins	    ; Clear flag
+    call    TFT_standard_color
+    ; Print out the minutes (0-999) in large
+    WIN_LARGE	dm_divetime_alt_column, dm_divetime_alt_row
+    movff	divemins+0,lo
+    movff	divemins+1,hi
+    output_16_3                     ; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
+    STRCAT_PRINT ""                 ; Show minutes
+    ; Print out the seconds in medium
+    WIN_MEDIUM	dm_divetime_alt_column+.60, dm_divetime_alt_row+.25
+    PUTC    ":"
+    bsf	    leftbind
+    movff   divesecs,lo
+    output_99x						; displays only last two figures from a 8Bit value with leading zero (00-99) 
+    bcf     leftbind
+    STRCAT_PRINT ""                 ; Show seconds in small font
+    return
 	global	TFT_display_apnoe_surface
     call    TFT_divemask_color
@@ -2909,18 +2978,18 @@
 	global	TFT_apnoe_clear_surface
 	; Clear Surface timer....
-	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_apnoe_surface_time_text_row, .239, dm_apnoe_surface_time_text_col, .159                 ;top, bottom, left, right
+	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_apnoe_surface_time_text_row, .239, dm_apnoe_surface_time_text_col, .159	;top, bottom, left, right
 	global	TFT_display_apnoe_descent
-TFT_display_apnoe_descent:		; Descent divetime
+TFT_display_apnoe_descent:			; Descent divetime
 	movff	apnoe_mins,lo
     clrf    hi
 	WIN_MEDIUM	dm_divetime_apnoe_column, dm_divetime_apnoe_row
 	output_16_3                     ; displays only last three figures from a 16Bit value (0-999)
 	call	TFT_standard_color
 	STRCAT_PRINT ""                 ; Show minutes in large font
-	WIN_SMALL   dm_divetime_apnoe_secs_column, dm_divetime_apnoe_secs_row   		; left position for two sec figures
+	WIN_SMALL   dm_divetime_apnoe_secs_column, dm_divetime_apnoe_secs_row	; left position for two sec figures
 	PUTC    ':'
 	bsf		leftbind
 	movff	apnoe_secs,lo
@@ -2949,11 +3018,11 @@
 ; Writes ostc #Serial and Firmware version in splash screen
 	global	TFT_serial
     WIN_TINY	.5,.225
-    STRCPY  "OSTC"                    ; Won't translate that...
+    STRCPY  "OSTC"                  ; Won't translate that...
     movlw   0x0A
     cpfseq  hardware_flag
@@ -3002,15 +3071,14 @@
         WIN_LEFT    .160-4*9/2          ; Right pad.
         STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tBeta
-    call    TFT_standard_color
+	call    TFT_standard_color
     bcf	    win_invert
 ; For the Information menu: append firmware x.yy version.
     global info_menu_firmware
     extern  tFirmware
@@ -3055,6 +3123,7 @@
 ; For the Information menu: append serial number 
     global  info_menu_serial
     extern  tSerial
@@ -3077,6 +3146,7 @@
 ; For the Information menu: Append total dives
     global  info_menu_total_dives
     extern  tTotalDives
@@ -3101,8 +3171,8 @@
     movff   batt_voltage+1,hi
     movff   batt_voltage+0,lo
 	bsf		leftbind
-	output_16dp .2      ;
-    STRCAT  "V (T"
+	output_16dp .2      		;
+    STRCAT  "V(T"
     movff   battery_type,lo		; =0:1.5V, =1:3,6V Saft, =2:LiIon 3,7V/0.8Ah, =3:LiIon 3,7V/3.1Ah, =4: LiIon 3,7V/2.3Ah
     bcf		leftbind
@@ -3122,15 +3192,15 @@
     movlw   LOW	    .3600
     movwf   xB+0
     movlw   HIGH    .3600
-    movwf   xB+1		; One day = 3600s
-    call    div32x16	; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
+    movwf   xB+1			; One day = 3600s
+    call    div32x16		; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
     ;xC+0:xC+1 -> Full hours
     movff   xC+1,xA+1
     movff   xC+0,xA+0
     clrf    xB+1
     movlw   .24
     movwf   xB+0
-    call    div16x16	;xA/xB=xC with xA+0 as remainder 	
+    call    div16x16		; xA/xB=xC with xA+0 as remainder 	
     movff   xC+0,lo
     movff   xC+1,hi	; Full days
     bsf	    leftbind
@@ -3182,49 +3252,61 @@
 ; ppO2 menu
 	global	divesets_ppo2_max
     extern  tPPO2Max
     extern  tbar
     lfsr    FSR1,tPPO2Max
     call    strcat_text
-	movff	opt_ppO2_max,lo
+	movff	char_I_ppO2_max,lo
     movlw   ppo2_warning_high
-    movwf   up                  ; Save default value
+    movwf   up                  	; Save default value
 	clrf	hi
 	bsf		leftbind
 	output_16dp d'3'
     bcf		leftbind
     lfsr    FSR1,tbar
     call    strcat_text
-    movf    up,W                ; Default value
-    cpfseq  lo                  ; Current value
-    bra     divesets_ppo2_common2 ; Not default, add *
-    return                      ; Default, Done.
+    movf    up,W                	; Default value
+    cpfseq  lo                  	; Current value
+    bra     divesets_ppo2_common2 	; Not default, add *
+    return                      	; Default, Done.
     PUTC    "*"
-    return                      ; Done.
+    return                      	; Done.
 	global	divesets_ppo2_min
     extern  tPPO2MIN
     lfsr    FSR1,tPPO2MIN
     call    strcat_text
-	movff	opt_ppO2_min,lo
+	movff	char_I_ppO2_min,lo
     movlw   ppo2_warning_low
     bra     divesets_ppo2_common
 	global	divesets_ppo2_max_deco
     extern  tPPO2DECO
     lfsr    FSR1,tPPO2DECO
     call    strcat_text
-	movff	opt_ppO2_max_deco,lo
+	movff	char_I_ppO2_max_deco,lo
     movlw   ppo2_warning_high_deco
     bra     divesets_ppo2_common
+	global	divesets_ppo2_min_cc
+	extern	tPPO2MINCC
+	lfsr	FSR1,tPPO2MINCC
+	call	strcat_text
+	movff	char_I_ppO2_min_loop,lo
+	movlw	ppo2_warning_low_cc
+	bra		divesets_ppo2_common
@@ -3232,202 +3314,340 @@
     btfss   divemode                            ; in divemode?
     bra     TFT_clear_warning_text2             ; No, setup for surface mode
-    WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_warning_row,    dm_warning_bot,        dm_warning_column,    dm_warning_rgt	;top, bottom, left, right
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_dive_warning_text_clear	; Clear flag
+    btfsc   alternative_divelayout
+    bra	    TFT_clear_warning_text_2nd_row	; In Alt mode, clear only row 2
+    WIN_BOX_BLACK dm_warning_row, dm_warning_bot, dm_warning_column, dm_warning_rgt		; top, bottom, left, right
-    WIN_BOX_BLACK   surf_warning1_row, surf_warning2_row+.24, surf_warning1_column, surf_warning1_column+.76     ;top, bottom, left, right
+    WIN_BOX_BLACK surf_warning1_row, surf_warning2_row+.24, surf_warning1_column, surf_warning1_column+.76	; top, bottom, left, right
     global  TFT_clear_warning_text_2nd_row
     btfss   divemode                            ; in divemode?
     bra     TFT_clear_warning_text_2nd_2        ; No, setup for surface mode
-    WIN_BOX_BLACK  dm_warning2_row,    dm_warning2_bot,       dm_warning2_column,   dm_warning2_rgt	;top, bottom, left, right
+    bcf	    FLAG_TFT_dive_warning_text_clr2	; Clear flag
+	WIN_BOX_BLACK dm_warning2_row, dm_warning2_bot, dm_warning2_column, dm_warning2_rgt	; top, bottom, left, right
-    WIN_BOX_BLACK   surf_warning2_row, surf_warning2_row+.24, surf_warning2_column, surf_warning2_column+.76     ;top, bottom, left, right
+    WIN_BOX_BLACK surf_warning2_row, surf_warning2_row+.24, surf_warning2_column, surf_warning2_column+.76	; top, bottom, left, right
     global  TFT_fillup_with_spaces
-TFT_fillup_with_spaces:         ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-    movwf   lo                  ; save max. string length into lo
-    movf    FSR2L,W             ; Get current string length
-    subwf   lo,F                ; lo-WREG
-    btfsc   STATUS,N            ; longer then #lo already?
-    return                      ; Yes, done.
-    tstfsz  lo                  ; Zero?
+TFT_fillup_with_spaces:         	; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+    movwf   lo                  	; save max. string length into lo
+    movf    FSR2L,W             	; Get current string length
+    subwf   lo,F                	; lo-WREG
+    btfsc   STATUS,N            	; longer then #lo already?
+    return                      	; Yes, done.
+    tstfsz  lo                 	    ; Zero?
     bra     TFT_fillup_with_spaces2 ; No.
-    return                      ; Yes, done.
+    return                      	; Yes, done.
-    PUTC    " "                 ; Add one space
-    decfsz  lo,F                ; All done?
+    PUTC    " "                 	; Add one space
+    decfsz  lo,F                	; All done?
     bra     TFT_fillup_with_spaces2 ; No, loop
-    return                      ; Done.
+    return                      	; Done.
 	global	TFT_desaturation_time
 	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
     tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
     return                              ; No
-    call    TFT_warning_set_window_com
 	STRCPY	"Desat:"
-	movff		desaturation_time+0,lo			; divide by 60...
-	movff		desaturation_time+1,hi
-	call		convert_time				; converts hi:lo in minutes to hours (hi) and minutes (lo)
-	bsf			leftbind
-	movf		lo,W
-	movff		hi,lo
-	movwf		hi							; exchange lo and hi...
-	output_8								; Hours
-	PUTC        ':'
-	movff		hi,lo						; Minutes
+	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+0,lo
+	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+1,hi
+	call	convert_time				; converts hi:lo in minutes to hours (hi) and minutes (lo)
+	bsf		leftbind
+	movf	lo,W
+	movff	hi,lo
+	movwf	hi							; exchange lo and hi...
+	output_8							; Hours
+	PUTC	':'
+	movff	hi,lo						; Minutes
 	bcf		leftbind
-    movlw   surf_warning_length             ; Only use surface string length
-    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces          ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-    movlw   .0
-    movff   WREG,buffer+11
+    movlw   surf_warning_length         ; Only use surface string length
+    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces      ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+    movlw   .0							; TODO - needed?
+    movff   WREG,buffer+11				; TODO - needed?
     bcf     win_invert
 	global	TFT_nofly_time
 	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
     tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
     return                              ; No
-    call    TFT_warning_set_window_com
+	movff	char_I_altitude_wait,WREG
+	tstfsz	WREG
+	bra		TFT_nofly_time_1
 	STRCPY	"NoFly:"
-	movff		nofly_time+0,lo			; divide by 60...
-	movff		nofly_time+1,hi
-	call		convert_time			; converts hi:lo in minutes to hours (hi) and minutes (lo)
-	bsf			leftbind
-	movf		lo,W
-	movff		hi,lo
-	movwf		hi							; exchange lo and hi...
-	output_8							; Hours
-	PUTC        ':'
-	movff		hi,lo					; Minutes
+	bra		TFT_nofly_time_2
+	STRCPY	"NoAlt:"
+	movff	int_O_nofly_time+0,lo
+	movff	int_O_nofly_time+1,hi
+	call	convert_time			; converts hi:lo in minutes to hours (hi) and minutes (lo)
+	bsf		leftbind
+	movf	lo,W
+	movff	hi,lo
+	movwf	hi						; exchange lo and hi...
+	output_8						; Hours
+	PUTC	':'
+	movff	hi,lo					; Minutes
 	bcf		leftbind
-    movlw   surf_warning_length         ; Only use surface string length
-    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces      ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-    movlw   .0
-    movff   WREG,buffer+11
+    movlw   surf_warning_length		; Only use surface string length
+    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces 	; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+    movlw   .0						; TODO - needed?
+    movff   WREG,buffer+11			; TODO - needed?
     bcf     win_invert
     global  TFT_warning_agf
 	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
     tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
     return                              ; No
-    call    TFT_warning_set_window_com
     call	TFT_warnings_color
 	STRCPY_TEXT tDiveaGF_active         ; "aGF!"
-    movlw   dm_warning_length              ; Divemode string length
+    movlw   dm_warning_length           ; Divemode string length
     rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces      ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-	call	TFT_standard_color
-    bcf     win_invert
-    return
+    ;bcf     win_invert
+    ;return
+	goto	TFT_standard_color
     global  TFT_warning_fallback
-TFT_warning_fallback:                ; Show fallback warning
+TFT_warning_fallback:					; Show fallback warning
+	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG						; Is there room for the warning?
+    return                              ; No
+    call	TFT_warnings_color
+	STRCPY_TEXT tDiveFallback			; "Fallback!"
+    movlw   dm_warning_length			; Divemode string length
+    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces		; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+    goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+	global	TFT_info_deco
+TFT_info_deco							; show info when in decompression
+	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG						; Is there room for the warning?
+    return                              ; NO  - return
+	movlw	color_green					; YES - select green text color
+	call	TFT_set_color				;		set color
+	STRCPY_TEXT tDecoInfo				; 		write "Deco Zone"
+    movlw   dm_warning_length			; 		select Divemode string length
+    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces		; 		Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+    STRCAT_PRINT ""						;		print buffer
+    goto	TFT_standard_color			; 		and return...
+    global  TFT_warning_gf
+TFT_warning_gf:                         ; GF
+	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
+    return                              ; No
+	movff	int_O_gradient_factor+0,lo	; bank-safe copy gradient factor
+	movff	int_O_gradient_factor+1,hi	;
+	TFT_color_code warn_gf				; Color-code Output
+	STRCPY  "GF:  "						; the two spaces are on purpose to align the output with other warnings' outputs
+    bsf     leftbind
+	output_8							; print value of lo only, int_O_gradient_factor is limited to 255
+    PUTC    "%"
+    movlw   dm_warning_length			; Divemode string length
+    btfss   divemode					; In Divemode?
+    movlw   surf_warning_length			; No, use surface string length
+    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces		; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+    bcf     leftbind
+    bcf	    win_invert
+    goto    TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+	global	TFT_warning_mbubbles
+	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
+    return                              ; NO
+	call	TFT_attention_color			; set attention color as default
+	movff	char_O_deco_warnings,WREG	; bank-safe copy for deco warnings
+	btfsc	WREG,mbubble_warning		; are we in the microbubbles zone right now?
+	call	TFT_warnings_color			; YES - reconfigure to warning color
+	STRCPY_TEXT tMicroBubbles
+    movlw   dm_warning_length			; divemode string length
+    btfss   divemode					; in Divemode?
+    movlw   surf_warning_length			; NO  - use surface string length
+    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces		; fillup FSR2 with spaces (total string length in #WREG)
+    STRCAT_PRINT  ""	
+    goto    TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+	global	TFT_warning_outside
+	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG                        ; is there room for the warning?
+    return                              ; NO
+	call	TFT_attention_color
+	movff	char_O_deco_warnings,WREG	; bank-safe copy for deco warnings
+	btfsc	WREG,outside_warning		; are we outside the ZH-L16 model right now?
+	call	TFT_warnings_color			; YES - reconfigure to warning color
+    movlw   dm_warning_length			; divemode string length
+    btfss   divemode					; in Divemode?
+    movlw   surf_warning_length			; NO  - use surface string length
+    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces		; fillup FSR2 with spaces (total string length in #WREG)
+    STRCAT_PRINT  ""	
+    goto    TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+	global	TFT_warning_gas_needs_warn
+	global	TFT_warning_gas_needs_att
+	rcall	TFT_warning_gas_needs_war_helper
+	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
+    return                              ; No
+	call	TFT_warnings_color
+	bra		TFT_warning_gas_needs_com
+	rcall	TFT_warning_gas_needs_att_helper
+	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
+    return                              ; No
+	call	TFT_attention_color
+	STRCPY_TEXT tGasNeedsWarn			; "Gas Needs"
+    movlw   dm_warning_length           ; Divemode string length
+    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces      ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+	goto	TFT_standard_color  		; and return...
+	incf	warning_counter,F			; increase counter
+	btfsc	gas_needs_warning			; is it a new warning?
+	return								; NO  - do not show the gas needs custom view again
+	bsf		gas_needs_warning			; YES - memorise it's an old now
+	bra		TFT_warning_gas_needs_helper_com
+	incf	warning_counter,F			; increase counter
+	btfsc	gas_needs_attention			; is it a new attention?
+	return								; NO  - do not show the gas needs custom view again
+	bsf		gas_needs_attention			; YES - memorise it's an old now
+	movlw	.12							; customview number one below gas needs view
+	movwf	menupos3					; set fake current view number
+	bsf		toggle_customview			; initiate toggle of customview -> gas needs view will be shown
+	return	
+	global	TFT_warning_IBCD
+	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
+    return                              ; No
+	call	TFT_attention_color			; select attention color as default
+	movlw   dm_warning_length           ; Divemode string length
+    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces      ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+	goto	TFT_standard_color  		; and return...
+    global  TFT_warning_sensor_disagree
+TFT_warning_sensor_disagree:            ; Show sensor disagree warning
+	rcall	TFT_warning_sensor_dis_helper
 	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
     tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
     return                              ; No
     call	TFT_warnings_color
-	STRCPY_TEXT tDiveFallback           ; "Fallback!"
-    movlw   dm_warning_length              ; Divemode string length
+	STRCPY_TEXT tSensorDisagree         ; "Sensors<>"
+    movlw   dm_warning_length           ; Divemode string length
     rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces      ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-    goto	TFT_standard_color  ; and return...
-    global  TFT_warning_gf
-TFT_warning_gf:                         ;GF
-	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
-    tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
-    return                              ; No
-    call    TFT_warning_set_window_com
-	TFT_color_code		warn_gf		; Color-code Output
-	movff	char_O_gradient_factor,lo		; gradient factor
-    bsf     leftbind
-	output_8
-    PUTC    "%"
-    movlw   dm_warning_length              ; Divemode string length
-    btfss   divemode                    ; In Divemode?
-    movlw   surf_warning_length         ; No, use surface string length
-    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces      ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-    bcf     leftbind
-    bcf	    win_invert
-    goto    TFT_standard_color	; and return...
+    goto	TFT_standard_color  		; and return...
+	btfsc	sensor_warning				; is it a new warning?
+	return								; NO  - do not show the gas needs custom view again
+	bsf		sensor_warning				; YES - memories it's an old warning now
+	clrf	menupos3					; set fake current view number
+	bsf		toggle_customview			; initiate toggle of customview -> sensor view will be shown
+	return
 TFT_warning_set_window:                 ; Sets the row and column for the current warning
     ; ignore warning (now)?
     decf    warning_counter,W           ; -1
     bcf     STATUS,C
+    btfss   alternative_divelayout		; In alt mode, do not divide...
     rrcf    WREG,W                      ; (warning_counter-1)/2
     cpfseq  warning_page
     retlw   .255                        ; WREG <> 0 -> Warning window not defined
     call	TFT_standard_color
     btfss   divemode                    ; in divemode?
     bra     TFT_warning_set_window3     ; No, setup for surface mode
+    btfss   alternative_divelayout
+    bra	    TFT_warning_set_window3a	; standard layout
+    bra	    TFT_warning_set_window2a	; alternative layout (Only lower row used)
     btfss   warning_counter,0           ; Toggle with each warning
-	bra		TFT_warning_set_window2
-	WIN_SMALL	dm_warning1_column, dm_warning1_row
+    bra		TFT_warning_set_window2
+    WIN_SMALL	dm_warning1_column, dm_warning1_row
     bcf     second_row_warning          ; =1: The second row contains a warning
-	retlw   .0                          ; WREG=0 -> Warning window defined
+    retlw   .0                          ; WREG=0 -> Warning window defined
-	WIN_SMALL	dm_warning2_column, dm_warning2_row
     bsf     second_row_warning          ; =1: The second row contains a warning
-	retlw   .0                          ; WREG=0 -> Warning window defined
+    WIN_SMALL	dm_warning2_column, dm_warning2_row
+    retlw   .0                          ; WREG=0 -> Warning window defined
     btfss   warning_counter,0           ; Toggle with each warning
-	bra		TFT_warning_set_window4
+    bra	    TFT_warning_set_window4
     WIN_SMALL	surf_warning1_column,surf_warning1_row
     bcf     second_row_warning          ; =1: The second row contains a warning
-	retlw   .0                          ; WREG=0 -> Warning window defined
+    retlw   .0                          ; WREG=0 -> Warning window defined
-	WIN_SMALL	surf_warning2_column,surf_warning2_row
+    WIN_SMALL	surf_warning2_column,surf_warning2_row
     bsf     second_row_warning          ; =1: The second row contains a warning
-	retlw   .0                          ; WREG=0 -> Warning window defined
-    if dm_offset == 0
-        bsf     win_invert
-    endif
-    return
+    retlw   .0                          ; WREG=0 -> Warning window defined
 	global	TFT_update_batt_percent_divemode
 	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
     tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
     return                              ; No
-    call    TFT_warning_set_window_com
-    movff   batt_percent,lo         ; Get battery percent
-    TFT_color_code		warn_battery; Color-code battery percent
+    movff   batt_percent,lo         	; Get battery percent
+    TFT_color_code	warn_battery		; Color-code battery percent
     STRCPY  "Batt:"
 	bsf		leftbind
 	bcf		leftbind
     PUTC    "%"
-    movlw   dm_warning_length              ; Divemode string length
+    movlw   dm_warning_length           ; Divemode string length
     btfss   divemode                    ; In Divemode?
     movlw   surf_warning_length         ; No, use surface string length
     rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces      ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
 	bcf	win_invert
-	goto	TFT_standard_color  ; and return...
-    global  TFT_gf_mask                         ; Setup Mask
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+    global  TFT_gf_mask					; Setup Mask
     ; The mask
     call    TFT_divemask_color
@@ -3437,12 +3657,10 @@
     WIN_TINY          dm_custom_gf_title_col3, dm_custom_gf_title_row
     ; Show GF (Static)
     call    TFT_disabled_color
     btfss   use_agf
     call	TFT_standard_color
     WIN_STD   dm_custom_gf_column, dm_custom_gf_row
     bsf     leftbind
     movff   opt_GF_low,lo
@@ -3455,10 +3673,8 @@
     call	TFT_standard_color
     TSTOSS  opt_enable_aGF              ; =1: aGF can be selected underwater
     bra     TFT_gf_mask2                ; Show "---" instead
     btfss   use_agf
     call    TFT_disabled_color
     WIN_STD   dm_custom_agf_column, dm_custom_agf_row
     movff   opt_aGF_low,lo
@@ -3475,59 +3691,60 @@
     bcf     leftbind
     global  TFT_gf_mask_cGF                     ; Setup Mask
     ; The mask
-    call    TFT_divemask_color
-    WIN_TINY          dm_custom_gf_title_col3, dm_custom_gf_title_row
+    call	TFT_divemask_color
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_gf_title_col3, dm_custom_gf_title_row
-    goto    	TFT_standard_color; and return...
+    goto	TFT_standard_color; and return...
     global  TFT_gf_info                         ; Show GF informations
-    call	TFT_standard_color
-    ; Show current GF
-	movff	char_O_gradient_factor,lo			; gradient factor absolute (Non-GF model)
-	movff	char_I_deco_model,hi
     WIN_STD   dm_custom_currentgf_column, dm_custom_currentgf_row
-    output_8
+	movff	int_O_gradient_factor+0,lo			; gradient factor absolute (Non-GF model)
+	movff	int_O_gradient_factor+1,hi
+    TFT_color_code warn_gf						; Color-code Output
+    output_8									; print lo only, int_O_gradient_factor is limited to 255
     STRCAT_PRINT   "%"
     global  TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask      ; Setup Mask
     ; The mask
     ; Put three columns at HUD positions
     call    TFT_divemask_color
-    btfsc   FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
-    bra	    TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask2 ; Yes
-    btfsc   FLAG_gauge_mode					; In Gauge mode?
-    bra	    TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask2 ; Yes
-    WIN_TINY          dm_custom_tissue_title_column,  dm_custom_tissue_title_row
+    btfsc   FLAG_apnoe_mode						; In Apnoe mode?
+    bra	    TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask2 	; Yes
+    btfsc   FLAG_gauge_mode						; In Gauge mode?
+    bra	    TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask2 	; Yes
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_tissue_title_column,  dm_custom_tissue_title_row
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tDiveTissues
-TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask2:            ; Show only clock
-    WIN_TINY          dm_custom_ead_column,     dm_custom_eadend_title_row
-    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tBatteryV	    ; "Battery: "
-    WIN_TINY    dm_custom_clock_column,  dm_custom_clock_title_row
+TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask2:           	; Show only clock
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_ead_column,     dm_custom_eadend_title_row
+    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tBatteryV	    			; "Battery: "
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_clock_column,  dm_custom_clock_title_row
-    goto	TFT_standard_color; and return...
-    global  TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock           ; Show EAD/END, Tissues and clock
+    goto	TFT_standard_color					; and return...
+    global  TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock      	; Show EAD/END, Tissues and clock
     ; Update clock and date
     WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_clock_column, dm_custom_clock_row
-    call    TFT_clock2                          ; print clock
+    call    TFT_clock2                      	; print clock
     ; Show Battery info
     WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_ead_column, dm_custom_ead_row
-    movff   batt_percent,lo         ; Get battery percent
-    TFT_color_code		warn_battery; Color-code battery percent
+    movff   batt_percent,lo         			; Get battery percent
+    TFT_color_code	warn_battery				; Color-code battery percent
     bsf		leftbind
     bcf		leftbind
     STRCAT	"% "
     movlw	0x00
-    movff	WREG,buffer+4			; Only "xxx%"
+    movff	WREG,buffer+4						; Only "xxx%"
     bcf     win_invert
     call	TFT_standard_color
@@ -3540,106 +3757,217 @@
     PUTC	'V'
     movff	buffer+5,buffer+4
     movlw	0x00
-    movff	WREG,buffer+5			; Only "x.yzV"
+    movff	WREG,buffer+5						; Only "x.yzV"
-    btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
-    return                                  ; Yes, done.
-    btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode					; In Gauge mode?
-    return                                  ; Yes, done.
+    btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode						; In Apnoe mode?
+    return                                  	; Yes, done.
+    btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode						; In Gauge mode?
+    return                                  	; Yes, done.
     ; Show tissue diagram
     call    TFT_divemask_color
-    WIN_TINY    dm_custom_tissue_N2_column, dm_custom_tissue_N2_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_tissue_N2_column, dm_custom_tissue_N2_row
-    WIN_TINY    dm_custom_tissue_He_column, dm_custom_tissue_He_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_tissue_He_column, dm_custom_tissue_He_row
- 	call    deco_calc_desaturation_time         ; calculate desaturation time (and char_O_tissue_N2_saturation and char_O_tissue_He_saturation)
-	movlb	b'00000001'                         ; select ram bank 1
-    bra   DISP_tissue_saturation_graph        ; Show char_O_tissue_N2_saturation and char_O_tissue_He_saturation    ; and return...
+    bra   DISP_tissue_saturation_graph      ; Show char_O_tissue_N2_saturation and char_O_tissue_He_saturation and return...
     global  TFT_pscr_info_mask
-TFT_pscr_info_mask:		    ; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio mask    
+TFT_pscr_info_mask:		    				; Show pSCR-ppO2, drop and lung ratio mask    
     rcall   TFT_mask_ppo2
     call    TFT_divemask_color
-    WIN_TINY          dm_custom_pscr_text_drop_column, dm_custom_pscr_text_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_pscr_text_drop_column, dm_custom_pscr_text_row
-    WIN_TINY          dm_custom_pscr_text_ratio_column, dm_custom_pscr_text_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_pscr_text_ratio_column, dm_custom_pscr_text_row
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tPSCR_lungratio
-    goto    	TFT_standard_color; and return...
+    goto	TFT_standard_color				; and return...
-    global	TFT_pscr_info			; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio
+    global	TFT_pscr_info					; Show pSCR-ppO2, drop and lung ratio
     ;show ppO2
-    rcall	TFT_display_ppo2_val
+	WIN_MEDIUM  dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_val_col, dm_custom_ceiling_value_row
+	movff	int_O_pSCR_ppO2+0,lo			; copy pSCR ppO2 to hi:lo
+	movff	int_O_pSCR_ppO2+1,hi
+	TFT_color_code warn_ppo2				; color-code output
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         				; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
+    STRCAT_PRINT   ""
     ; Show Drop
     WIN_STD dm_custom_pscr_drop_column,dm_custom_pscr_drop_row
-    movff   opt_PSCR_drop,lo
+	call	TFT_standard_color
+	movff	char_I_PSCR_drop,lo
     bsf	    leftbind
     ; Show lung ratio
     WIN_STD dm_custom_pscr_ratio_column,dm_custom_pscr_ratio_row
-    movff   opt_PSCR_lungratio,lo
+    movff   char_I_PSCR_lungratio,lo
     bsf	    leftbind
     STRCPY  "1/"
     STRCAT_PRINT   ""
     bcf	    leftbind
-    global  TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns_mask		; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS mask
-    rcall   TFT_mask_ppo2
+	global	TFT_gas_needs_mask
+    call	TFT_divemask_color
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_dyn_gas_mask_column-.10,dm_custom_dyn_gas_mask_row
+    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT	tGasNeedsBar	; "Gas Needs (bar)"
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+	global	TFT_gas_needs
+TFT_gas_needs:							; LIMITATION: 	there is only space for 4 gases on the screen - if 5 gases
+	bsf     leftbind					;				have a pres_need > 0, then only the first 4 will be shown!
+	clrf	up
+	WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_dyn_gas_column1+.5,dm_custom_dyn_gas_row1
+	call	TFT_gas_needs_helper
+    WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_dyn_gas_column1+.5,dm_custom_dyn_gas_row2
+	call 	TFT_gas_needs_helper
+	WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_dyn_gas_column2+.5,dm_custom_dyn_gas_row1
+	call	TFT_gas_needs_helper
+    WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_dyn_gas_column2+.5,dm_custom_dyn_gas_row2
+ 	call	TFT_gas_needs_helper
+	bcf		leftbind
+	return
+	call	TFT_standard_color
+	movlw	.5							; number of gases
+	cpfslt	up							; check if all gases have been processed
+	bra		TFT_gas_needs_helper_1		; yes -> clear display area
+    movf    up,W						; no  -> get gas number	and check if need of that gas is > 0
+	rlncf	WREG,W						; multipy by 2
+    lfsr    FSR1,int_O_tank_pres_need+1 ; read HIGH(int_O_tank_pres_need[up])
+	movff   PLUSW1,hi					; copy to temp storage hi
+	btfss	hi,int_is_zero				; check flag for pres_need == 0
+	bra		TFT_gas_needs_helper_2		; no  -> print gas type and pressure needed
+	incf	up,F						; yes -> increment to next gas...
+	bra		TFT_gas_needs_helper		; ...and try the next gas
+TFT_gas_needs_helper_1:					; no gases to show anymore, clear display area from potential remains of last invocation
+    STRCAT_PRINT "  ----   "			; overwrite outdated stuff if screen position is not needed
+	return
+TFT_gas_needs_helper_2:					; output gas type and pressure needed
+	movf    up,W						; get gas number (0-4) to WREG
+	lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_O2_ratio		; read opt_gas_O2_ratio[WREG]
+    movff   PLUSW1,lo					; copy result to lo
+    movf    up,W						; get gas number (0-4) to WREG ; SHOULD NOT BE NEEDED AS movff SHOULD NOT ALTER wreg
+    lfsr    FSR1,opt_gas_He_ratio		; read opt_gas_He_ratio[WREG]
+    movff   PLUSW1,hi					; copy result to hi
+	call    customview_show_mix			; print "Air", "O2", "21/35", etc.
+	STRCAT	":"
+	movf    up,W						; get gas number (0-4) to WREG
+	rlncf	WREG,W						; multipy by 2
+    lfsr    FSR1,int_O_tank_pres_need+0	; read lower part of integer
+    movff   PLUSW1,lo
+    movf    up,W						; get gas number (0-4) to WREG ; SHOULD NOT BE NEEDED AS movff SHOULD NOT ALTER wreg
+	rlncf	WREG,W						; multipy by 2
+    lfsr    FSR1,int_O_tank_pres_need+1 ; read upper part of integer
+	movff   PLUSW1,hi
+	btfsc	hi,int_prewarning_flag		; check if pre-warning flag is set (pres_need > pres_fill * threshold)
+	call	TFT_attention_color			; yes, print gas need in yellow
+	btfsc	hi,int_warning_flag			; check if warning flag is set   (pres_need > pres_fill)
+	call    TFT_warnings_color			; yes, print gas need in red
+	movff	int_O_tank_pres_need+1,WREG	; get HIGH(int_O_tank_pres_need[0]) which hold flag for invalid data
+	btfsc	WREG,int_invalid_flag		; check if invalid data flag is set
+	call	TFT_disabled_color			; yes, print gas need in disabled color
+	bcf		hi,int_prewarning_flag		; clear pre-warning flag for attention color
+	bcf		hi,int_warning_flag			; clear     warning flag for warning   color
+	bcf		hi,int_invalid_flag			; clear flag for invalid data (will actually only be set with 1st gas)	
+    output_16_3 						; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
+	STRCAT_PRINT " "					; adds a space to overwrite any potential remains of earlier outputs
+	incf	up,F						; increment to next gas
+	goto	TFT_standard_color  		; and return...
+	global  TFT_mask_ppo2				; helper function for several custom views
     call    TFT_divemask_color
-    WIN_TINY          dm_custom_ead_column,     dm_custom_eadend_title_row
+    btfss   FLAG_ccr_mode 				; in CCR mode?
+    bra	    TFT_mask_ppo2a				; NO  - continue checking for pSCR and OC
+    btfsc   is_bailout					; in bailout?
+    bra	    TFT_mask_ppo2b				; YES
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_col_dil,dm_custom_ceiling_text_row	; tuned position for longer text
+    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tppO2Dil			; print "ppO2(Dil)"
+    goto    TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+    btfss   FLAG_pscr_mode 				; in pSCR mode?
+    bra	    TFT_mask_ppo2b				; NO  - continue with OC mode (or bailout)
+    btfsc   is_bailout					; in bailout?
+    bra	    TFT_mask_ppo2b				; YES
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_col_dil,dm_custom_ceiling_text_row	; tuned position for longer text
+    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tppO2Mix			; print "ppO2(Mix)"
+    goto    TFT_standard_color			; and return... 
+TFT_mask_ppo2b:							; OC mode or bailout
+    WIN_TINY  dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_column, dm_custom_ceiling_text_row	; normal position
+    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tppO2				; in all other modes
+    goto    TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+	global	TFT_display_pure_ppo2		; show ppO2 of the pure gas - helper function for several custom views
+	WIN_MEDIUM  dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_val_col, dm_custom_ceiling_value_row
+	movff	int_O_pure_ppO2+0,lo		; copy ppO2 of the pure gas to hi:lo
+	movff	int_O_pure_ppO2+1,hi
+	TFT_color_code warn_ppo2			; color-code output
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+    global  TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns_mask			; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS mask
+    rcall	TFT_mask_ppo2
+    call	TFT_divemask_color
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_ead_column, dm_custom_eadend_title_row
-    WIN_TINY          dm_custom_gf_title_col3, dm_custom_gf_title_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_gf_title_col3, dm_custom_gf_title_row
-    goto    	TFT_standard_color; and return...
+    goto	TFT_standard_color					; and return...
-    global  TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns		; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS
+    global  TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns				; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS
     ;show ppO2
-    rcall	TFT_display_ppo2_val
+	rcall	TFT_display_pure_ppo2				; show ppO2 of the pure gas
     ; Show END/EAD
     WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_ead_column, dm_custom_ead_row
     STRCPY_TEXT tEAD                            ; EAD:
     movff   char_O_EAD,lo
     rcall   TFT_end_ead_common                  ; print "lo m" (or ft) and limit to 8 chars
-    WIN_SMALL   dm_custom_end_column, dm_custom_end_row
+    WIN_SMALL dm_custom_end_column, dm_custom_end_row
     STRCPY_TEXT tEND                            ; END:
     movff   char_O_END,lo
     rcall   TFT_end_ead_common                  ; print "lo m" (or ft) and limit to 8 chars
     ; Show CNS
     WIN_STD   dm_custom_currentgf_column, dm_custom_currentgf_row
-    TFT_color_code		warn_cns		; Color-code CNS output
     movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+0,lo
     movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+1,hi
+	TFT_color_code	warn_cns					; Color-code CNS output
     bsf		leftbind
-    output_16_3					;Displays only 0...999
+    output_16_3									; Displays only 0...999
     bcf		leftbind
-    goto	TFT_standard_color; and return...
+    goto	TFT_standard_color					; and return...
-TFT_end_ead_common:           ; print "lo m" (or ft) and limit to 8 chars
+TFT_end_ead_common:           					; print "lo m" (or ft) and limit to 8 chars
     bsf     leftbind
-    TSTOSS  opt_units			; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
+    TSTOSS  opt_units							; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
 	bra		TFT_end_ead_common_metric
-    ; With lo in m
-    movf    lo,W
-	mullw	.100							; PRODL:PRODH = mbar/min
+    movf    lo,W								; With lo in m
+	mullw	.100								; PRODL:PRODH = mbar/min
 	movff	PRODL,lo
 	movff	PRODH,hi
-	call	convert_mbar_to_feet			; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
+	call	convert_mbar_to_feet				; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
     STRCAT_TEXT     tFeets
     clrf    WREG
-    movff   WREG,buffer+.8                  ; limit string length to 8
+    movff   WREG,buffer+.8                  	; limit string length to 8
     bra     TFT_end_ead_common_exit
@@ -3647,59 +3975,45 @@
     bcf     leftbind
     movlw   .8
-    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces          ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-    STRCAT_PRINT    ""
+    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces          	; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-    global  TFT_sensor_check_mask               ; Show ppO2 of O2 and Diluent mask
+    global  TFT_sensor_check_mask		; show ppO2 of O2 and Diluent mask
     call    TFT_divemask_color
-    WIN_TINY    dm_custom_s_check_text_column, dm_custom_s_check_text_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_s_check_text_column, dm_custom_s_check_text_row
     STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT   tSensorCheck
-    WIN_TINY    dm_custom_ppO2_text_column, dm_custom_s_check_text_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_ppO2_text_column, dm_custom_s_check_text_row
-    WIN_TINY    dm_custom_ppDil_text_column, dm_custom_s_check_text_row
+    WIN_TINY dm_custom_ppDil_text_column, dm_custom_s_check_text_row
-    return
-    global  TFT_sensor_check                    ; Show ppO2 of O2 and Diluent
+    goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+    global  TFT_sensor_check			; show ppO2 of O2 and Diluent
     ; Show ppO2 of O2 in this depth
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, xA
-	movlw	d'10'
-	movwf	xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	div16x16				; xC=p_amb/10
-	movff	xC+0,xA+0
-	movff	xC+1,xA+1
-    movlw   .100
-    movwf   xB+0                    ; =O2 ratio
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	mult16x16               ; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10
-    call    TFT_standard_color
-	TFT_color_code		warn_ppo2		; Color-code output (ppO2 stored in xC)
-    WIN_MEDIUM   dm_custom_s_check_ppo2_o2_column, dm_custom_s_check_value_row
-;    ; hijacking neg_flag_velocity to know where the value is displayed
-    bsf     neg_flag_velocity
-    call    TFT_display_ppo2_com
+    WIN_MEDIUM dm_custom_s_check_ppo2_o2_column, dm_custom_s_check_value_row
+	movff	int_O_O2_ppO2+0,lo			; copy ppO2 of pure O2 to hi:lo
+	movff	int_O_O2_ppO2+1,hi
+	TFT_color_code warn_ppo2			; color-code output
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
     ; Show ppO2 of the diluent in this depth
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, xA
-	movlw	d'10'
-	movwf	xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	div16x16				; xC=p_amb/10
-	movff	xC+0,xA+0
-	movff	xC+1,xA+1
-    movff   char_I_O2_ratio,xB+0    ; =O2 ratio
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	mult16x16               ; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10
-    call    TFT_standard_color
-	TFT_color_code		warn_ppo2		; Color-code output (ppO2 stored in xC)
     WIN_MEDIUM   dm_custom_s_check_ppo2_dil_col, dm_custom_s_check_value_row
-;    ; hijacking neg_flag_velocity to know where the value is displayed
-    bsf     neg_flag_velocity
-    goto    TFT_display_ppo2_com; and return...
+	movff	int_O_pure_ppO2+0,lo		; copy ppO2 of pure gas to hi:lo
+	movff	int_O_pure_ppO2+1,hi
+	TFT_color_code warn_ppo2			; color-code output
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
     global  TFT_surface_lastdive
@@ -3712,6 +4026,25 @@
     STRCAT_TEXT_PRINT   tMaxDepth		    ; Max. Depth
     call	TFT_standard_color
     WIN_SMALL    surf_gaslist_column+.48,surf_gaslist_row
+	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+0,lo	; bank-safe copies
+	movff	int_O_desaturation_time+1,WREG
+	iorwf	lo,W							; check if desaturation time is zero
+    bz		TFT_surface_lastdive_1			; YES - show last dive time
+	movff	surface_interval+0,lo			; NO  - show dive interval
+	movff	surface_interval+1,hi
+	call	convert_time				; lo=mins, hi=hours
+	movf	hi,W
+	movff	lo,hi
+	movwf	lo							; exchange lo and hi
+	bsf	    leftbind
+	output_99x
+	PUTC    'h'
+	movff	hi,lo
+	output_99x
+	bra		TFT_surface_lastdive_2
     movff   lastdive_time+0,xC+0
     movff   lastdive_time+1,xC+1
     movff   lastdive_time+2,xC+2
@@ -3719,23 +4052,24 @@
     movlw   LOW	    .3600
     movwf   xB+0
     movlw   HIGH    .3600
-    movwf   xB+1		; One day = 3600s
-    call    div32x16	; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
+    movwf   xB+1						; One day = 3600s
+    call    div32x16					; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
     ;xC+0:xC+1 -> Full hours
     movff   xC+1,xA+1
     movff   xC+0,xA+0
     clrf    xB+1
     movlw   .24
     movwf   xB+0
-    call    div16x16	;xA/xB=xC with xA+0 as remainder 	
+    call    div16x16					;xA/xB=xC with xA+0 as remainder 	
     movff   xC+0,lo
-    movff   xC+1,hi	; Full days
+    movff   xC+1,hi						; Full days
     bsf	    leftbind
     PUTC    "d"
-    movff   xA+0,lo	; Full hours
+    movff   xA+0,lo						; Full hours
-    STRCAT_PRINT    "h"
     WIN_SMALL    surf_gaslist_column+.48,surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.1)
     movff   lastdive_duration+0,lo
     movff   lastdive_duration+1,hi
@@ -3747,37 +4081,36 @@
     WIN_SMALL    surf_gaslist_column+.48,surf_gaslist_row+(surf_gaslist_spacing*.2)
     movff   lastdive_maxdepth+0,lo
     movff   lastdive_maxdepth+1,hi
-    TSTOSS  opt_units			; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
+    TSTOSS  opt_units					; 0=Meters, 1=Feets
     bra	    TFT_surface_lastdive_metric
-    rcall   convert_mbar_to_feet    ; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
+    rcall   convert_mbar_to_feet    	; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
     output_16_3                         ; limit to 999 and display only (0-999)
     STRCAT_TEXT tFeets1
     bra	    TFT_surface_lastdive2
     bsf     ignore_digit5               ; no cm...
-    movlw   d'1'					; +1
-    movff   WREG,ignore_digits		; no 1000m
+    movlw   d'1'						; +1
+    movff   WREG,ignore_digits			; no 1000m
     output_16dp .3  					; xxx.y
     STRCAT_TEXT tMeters
     STRCAT_PRINT    ""
     bcf	    leftbind
-    return  ; Done.
+    return  							; Done.
     global  TFT_surface_tissues
-TFT_surface_tissues:             ; Show Tissue diagram in surface mode
+TFT_surface_tissues:             		; Show Tissue diagram in surface mode
     WIN_SMALL    surf_tissue_N2_column,surf_tissue_N2_row
     WIN_SMALL    surf_tissue_He_column,surf_tissue_He_row
- 	call    deco_calc_desaturation_time         ; calculate desaturation time (and char_O_tissue_N2_saturation and char_O_tissue_He_saturation)
-	movlb	b'00000001'                         ; select ram bank 1
-    movlw       color_deepblue
-	call		TFT_set_color				; Make this configurable?
+    movlw	color_deepblue
+	call	TFT_set_color				; Make this configurable?
     WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 surf_tissue_diagram_top+.23,surf_tissue_diagram_bottom-.4,.29,.29
     WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 surf_tissue_diagram_top+.23,surf_tissue_diagram_bottom-.4,.37,.37
     WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 surf_tissue_diagram_top+.23,surf_tissue_diagram_bottom-.4,.45,.45
@@ -3786,261 +4119,226 @@
     WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 surf_tissue_diagram_top+.23,surf_tissue_diagram_bottom-.4,.69,.69
     WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 surf_tissue_diagram_top+.23,surf_tissue_diagram_bottom-.4,.77,.77
     WIN_FRAME_COLOR16 surf_tissue_diagram_top+.23,surf_tissue_diagram_bottom-.4,.85,.85
-    WIN_FRAME_STD   surf_tissue_diagram_top, surf_tissue_diagram_bottom, surf_tissue_diagram_left, surf_tissue_diagram_right    ; outer frame
+    WIN_FRAME_STD	  surf_tissue_diagram_top, surf_tissue_diagram_bottom, surf_tissue_diagram_left, surf_tissue_diagram_right    ; outer frame
 	movlw	.1
-	movff	WREG,win_height             ; row bottom (0-239)
-    movlw   surf_tissue_diagram_left+.4      ; Surface mode
-	movff	WREG,win_leftx2             ; column left (0-159)
-	movlw	surf_tissue_diagram_right - surf_tissue_diagram_left - .4  ; Width
+	movff	WREG,win_height             								; row bottom (0-239)
+    ;---- Draw N2 Tissues ----------------------------------------------------	
+    movlw   surf_tissue_diagram_left+.4 								; start position for N2 bars
+	movff	WREG,win_leftx2             								; column left (0-159)
+	movlw	surf_tissue_diagram_right - surf_tissue_diagram_left - .4	; max width for N2 bars
 	movff   WREG,win_width
-    ;---- Draw N2 Tissues
 	lfsr	FSR2, char_O_tissue_N2_saturation
 	movlw	d'16'
-	movwf	wait_temp                   ; 16 tissues
-	clrf	waitms_temp                 ; Row offset
+	movwf	wait_temp                   		; 16 tissues
+	clrf	waitms_temp                 		; row offset
-    movlw   surf_tissue_diagram_top+.23 ; surface mode
+    movlw   surf_tissue_diagram_top+.23 		; surface mode
 	addwf	waitms_temp,W
-	movff	WREG,win_top                ; row top (0-239)
-    rcall   surf_tissue_saturation_loop    ; Show one tissue
+	movff	WREG,win_top                		; row top (0-239)
+    rcall   surf_tissue_saturation_loop 		; show one tissue
 	decfsz	wait_temp,F
 	bra		surf_tissue_saturation_graph_N2
     ;---- Draw He Tissues ----------------------------------------------------
+	movlw	surf_tissue_diagram_left + .24								; start position for He bars (.15 without x2)
+	movff	WREG,win_leftx2 											; column left (0-159)
+	movlw	surf_tissue_diagram_right - surf_tissue_diagram_left - .24	; max width for He bars
+	movff 	WREG,win_width
 	lfsr	FSR2, char_O_tissue_He_saturation
 	movlw	d'16'
-	movwf	wait_temp                   ; 16 tissues
-	clrf	waitms_temp                 ; Row offset
+	movwf	wait_temp                   		; 16 tissues
+	clrf	waitms_temp                 		; row offset
-    movlw   surf_tissue_diagram_top+.23+.56    ; surface mode
+    movlw   surf_tissue_diagram_top+.23+.56    	; surface mode
 	addwf	waitms_temp,W
-	movff	WREG,win_top                ; row top (0-239)
-    rcall   surf_tissue_saturation_loop    ; Show one tissue
+	movff	WREG,win_top                		; row top (0-239)
+    rcall   surf_tissue_saturation_loop    		; show one tissue
 	decfsz	wait_temp,F
 	bra		surf_tissue_saturation_graph_He
-    return
+	WIN_SMALL surf_tissue_He_column+.22,surf_tissue_He_row	; position in-between tissue bars
+	movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+0,lo
+	movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+1,hi
+	TFT_color_code	warn_cns
+	STRCPY_TEXT tCNS2							; CNS:
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16_3									; Displays only 0...999
+	bcf		leftbind
+	goto	TFT_standard_color					; and return...
     call	TFT_standard_color
     movlw   .2                          ; row spacing
 	addwf   waitms_temp,F
-	movf	POSTINC2,W                  ; Get tissue load
-    bcf		STATUS,C
-	rrcf	WREG                        ; And divide by 2
+	movf	POSTINC2,W                  ; get tissue load
+	bcf		WREG,7						; clear flag bit for sat/desat info (not used in surface mode)
+	rlncf	WREG,W						; multiply with 2 (previously cleared bit 7 will be rotated to bit 0)
+	incf	WREG,W						; add 1 for a minimum visible bar (He-bars could be invisible else-wise)
 	movwf   temp1
-    movlw   .20
-    subwf   temp1,F                     ; Subtract some offset
-    movf    win_width+0,W              ; Max width.
-    cpfslt	temp1                       ; skip if WREG < win_width
-    movwf	temp1
+    movff   win_width+0,WREG			; get max window width (win_width)
+    cpfslt	temp1						; skip if WREG < win_width
+    movwf	temp1						; crop length to win_width
+										; no need to be able to draw longer bars –
+										; we are at the surface and if bars would
+										; even touch the max length possible here,
+										; the diver would be in severe decompression
+										; issues if not dead already...
     movff   temp1,win_bargraph
     clrf    win_width+1
-    goto	TFT_box	; and return...
+    goto	TFT_box						; and return...
-; Draw saturation graph, is surface mode or in dive mode.
+; Draw saturation graph in dive mode.
     ;---- Draw Frame
     call	TFT_standard_color
     WIN_FRAME_COLOR16   dm_custom_tissue_diagram_top, dm_custom_tissue_diagram_bottom, dm_custom_tissue_diagram_left, .159    ; outer frame
 	movlw	.1
-	movff	WREG,win_height             ; row bottom (0-239)
-    movlw   dm_custom_tissue_diagram_left+.3      ; divemode
-	movff	WREG,win_leftx2             ; column left (0-159)
-	movlw	.159-dm_custom_tissue_diagram_left-.4  ; Width
+	movff	WREG,win_height             				; row bottom (0-239)
+    ;---- Draw N2 Tissues ----------------------------------------------------	
+    movlw   dm_custom_tissue_diagram_left+.3      		; divemode
+	movff	WREG,win_leftx2             				; column left (0-159)
+	movlw	.159-dm_custom_tissue_diagram_left-.4  		; width
 	movff   WREG,win_width
-    ;---- Draw N2 Tissues
 	lfsr	FSR2, char_O_tissue_N2_saturation
 	movlw	d'16'
-	movwf	wait_temp                   ; 16 tissues
-	clrf	waitms_temp                 ; Row offset
+	movwf	wait_temp                   				; 16 tissues
+	clrf	waitms_temp                 				; row offset
-    movlw   dm_custom_tissue_diagram_top+.3        ; divemode
-    rcall   tissue_saturation_graph_loop    ; Show one tissue
+    movlw   dm_custom_tissue_diagram_top+.3        		; divemode
+    rcall   tissue_saturation_graph_loop    			; show one tissue
 	decfsz	wait_temp,F
 	bra		tissue_saturation_graph_N2
     ;---- Draw He Tissues ----------------------------------------------------
+	movlw	dm_custom_tissue_diagram_left + .8			; divemode
+	movff	WREG,win_leftx2								; column left (0-159)
+	movlw	.159 - dm_custom_tissue_diagram_left - .14	; width
+	movff	WREG,win_width
 	lfsr	FSR2, char_O_tissue_He_saturation
 	movlw	d'16'
-	movwf	wait_temp                   ; 16 tissues
-	clrf	waitms_temp                 ; Row offset
+	movwf	wait_temp									; 16 tissues
+	clrf	waitms_temp									; row offset
-    movlw   dm_custom_tissue_diagram_top+.3+.22    ; divemode
-    rcall   tissue_saturation_graph_loop    ; Show one tissue
+    movlw   dm_custom_tissue_diagram_top+.3+.22			; divemode
+    rcall   tissue_saturation_graph_loop    			; show one tissue
 	decfsz	wait_temp,F
 	bra		tissue_saturation_graph_He
-	return
+	goto	TFT_standard_color							; and return...
-    	addwf	waitms_temp,W
-	movff	WREG,win_top                ; row top (0-239)
-    call	TFT_standard_color
+    addwf	waitms_temp,W
+	movff	WREG,win_top                				; row top (0-239)
+	movlw   color_cyan									; preset color for tissues with decreasing pressure
+    call	TFT_set_color
 	incf	waitms_temp,F
 	movf	POSTINC2,W
-	bcf		STATUS,C
-	rrcf	WREG
+	btfss	WREG,7										; check fs flag for increasing tissue pressure set
+	bra		tissue_saturation_graph_loop_1				; NO  - keep color
+	movwf	temp1										; YES - buffer WREG
+	movlw   color_orange								; 		select color for tissues with increasing pressure
+    call	TFT_set_color								;		change color
+	movf	temp1,W										;		restore WREG
+	bcf		WREG,7										; clear flag bit
     bcf		STATUS,C
-	rrcf	WREG                        ; And divide by 4
+	rrcf	WREG                        				; divide by 2
+	incf	WREG,W										; add a bit for a minimum visible bar
 	movwf   temp1
-    movlw   .12
-    subwf   temp1,F                     ; Subtract some offset
-	movf   win_width,W                ; Max width.
-	cpfslt	temp1                       ; skip if WREG < win_width
+	;movlw	.1
+    ;addwf	temp1,F                     				; add a bit for a minimum visible bar (old version)
+	movf	win_width,W                					; get max window width (win_width)
+	cpfslt	temp1                       				; skip if WREG < win_width
 	movwf	temp1
 	movff   temp1,win_bargraph
     clrf    win_width+1
-    goto    TFT_box	    ; and return
+    goto    TFT_box	    								; and return...
 	global	TFT_display_cns
-	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
-    tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
-    return                              ; No
-    call    TFT_warning_set_window_com
-	TFT_color_code		warn_cns		; Color-code CNS output
-	STRCPY_TEXT tCNS2                   ; CNS:
-	movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+0,lo
+	call	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG						; Is there room for the warning?
+    return								; No
+    STRCPY_TEXT tCNS					; CNS:
+    movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+0,lo
     movff	int_O_CNS_fraction+1,hi
-	bsf		leftbind
-	output_16_3					;Displays only 0...999
-	bcf		leftbind
+    TFT_color_code	warn_cns			; Color-code CNS output
+    bsf		leftbind
+    output_16_3							; Displays only 0...999
+    bcf		leftbind
     PUTC    "%"
-    movlw   dm_warning_length              ; Divemode string length
-    btfss   divemode                    ; In Divemode?
-    movlw   surf_warning_length         ; No, use surface string length
-    rcall   TFT_fillup_with_spaces          ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+    movlw   dm_warning_length			; Divemode string length
+    btfss   divemode					; In Divemode?
+    movlw   surf_warning_length			; No, use surface string length
+    call	TFT_fillup_with_spaces		; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+	bcf		win_invert
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+	global	TFT_display_eod_cns
+	call	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG						; Is there room for the warning?
+    return								; No
+	call	TFT_warnings_color			; switch to warnings (red) text color
+	STRCPY_TEXT tCNSeod					; end-of-dive CNS warning text
+    movlw   dm_warning_length			; Divemode string length
+    call	TFT_fillup_with_spaces		; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-	bcf	win_invert
-	goto	TFT_standard_color; and return...
-    global  TFT_mask_ppo2
-    call    TFT_divemask_color
-    btfss   FLAG_ccr_mode 
-    bra	    TFT_mask_ppo2a	; not in CC mode 
-    btfsc   is_bailout 
-    bra	    TFT_mask_ppo2a	; in CC mode but in bailout 
-    WIN_TINY dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_col_dil,dm_custom_ceiling_text_row ; NEW position for loger text
-    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tppO2Dil	; in CC mode and not bailout 
-    goto    TFT_standard_color ; and return... 
-    WIN_TINY  dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_column, dm_custom_ceiling_text_row
-    STRCPY_TEXT_PRINT tppO2	; in all other modes
-    goto    TFT_standard_color; and return...
-	global	TFT_display_ppo2_val
-    btfss	FLAG_pscr_mode
-    bra		TFT_display_ppo2_val_non_pscr	; Non-PSCR modes...
-    btfsc	is_bailout
-    bra		TFT_display_ppo2_val_non_pscr	; In bailout
-    	; in PSCR mode
-    call		compute_pscr_ppo2		; pSCR ppO2 into sub_c:2
-    movff		sub_c+0,xA+0
-    movff		sub_c+1,xA+1
-    movlw		d'100'
-    movwf		xB+0
-    clrf		xB+1
-    call		div16x16				; /100
-    tstfsz      xC+1                    ; Is ppO2 > 2.55bar ?
-    setf        xC+0                    ; yes: bound to 2.55... better than wrap around.
-    movff		xC+0,char_I_actual_ppO2	; copy last ppO2 to buffer register (for pSCR CNS)
-    clrf		xC+2
-    clrf		xC+3
-    movff		sub_c+0,xC+0
-    movff		sub_c+1,xC+1			; copy for comptibility
-    bra			TFT_display_ppo2_val_com
-    SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, xA
-	movlw	d'10'
-	movwf	xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	div16x16				; xC=p_amb/10
-	movff	xC+0,xA+0
-	movff	xC+1,xA+1
-    movff   char_I_O2_ratio,xB+0    ; =O2 ratio
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	mult16x16               ; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10
-    call    TFT_standard_color
-	TFT_color_code		warn_ppo2		; Color-code output (ppO2 stored in xC)
-    WIN_MEDIUM  dm_custom_ceiling_ppo2_val_col, dm_custom_ceiling_value_row
-    ; hijacking neg_flag_velocity to know where the value is displayed
-    bsf     neg_flag_velocity
-    bra     TFT_display_ppo2_com
-	global	TFT_display_ppo2
-TFT_display_ppo2:                       ; Show ppO2 (ppO2 stored in xC, in mbar!)
-	rcall	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
-    tstfsz  WREG                        ; Is there room for the warning?
-    return                              ; No
-    call    TFT_warning_set_window_com
-    TFT_color_code		warn_ppo2		; Color-code output (ppO2 stored in xC)
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
+	global	TFT_display_ppo2	
+	call	TFT_warning_set_window		; Sets the row and column for the current warning
+    tstfsz  WREG						; Is there room for the warning?
+    return								; No
+	movff	int_O_pure_ppO2+0,lo		; copy ppO2 of the pure gas (OC: = breathed gas, loop: = diluent/premix) to hi:lo
+	movff	int_O_pure_ppO2+1,hi
+	TFT_color_code warn_ppo2			; Color-code output
+    btfss   FLAG_ccr_mode 				; in CCR mode?
+    bra	    TFT_display_diluent_1		; NO  - continue with pSCR or OC 
+    btfsc   is_bailout 					; YES - in bailout?
+    bra	    TFT_display_diluent_2		; 		YES - continue with OC 
+    STRCPY_TEXT tdil					; 		NO  - print "Dil:"
+    bra	    TFT_display_diluent_3
+	btfss   FLAG_pscr_mode 				; in pSCR mode?
+    bra	    TFT_display_diluent_2		; NO  - continue with pSCR or OC 
+    btfsc   is_bailout 					; YES - in bailout?
+    bra	    TFT_display_diluent_2		; 		YES - continue with OC 
+    STRCPY_TEXT tmix					; 		NO  - print "Mix:"
+    bra	    TFT_display_diluent_3
+    STRCPY_TEXT tppO2                   ; OC mode or bailout, print "ppO2:"
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp  .3         			; x.xx bar
+    bcf		leftbind
+	movlw   dm_warning_length			; Divemode string length
+    call	TFT_fillup_with_spaces		; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
+	goto	TFT_standard_color			; and return...
-    btfss   FLAG_ccr_mode ; new code to conditionally name the warning ppO2: or Dil: 
-    bra	    TFT_display_ppo2_none_ccr ; ppO2 warning text 
-    btfsc   is_bailout 
-    bra	    TFT_display_ppo2_none_ccr ; ccr-mode but in bailout, ppO2 warning text again 
-    ; ccr-mode and no bailout 
-    STRCPY_TEXT tdil	    ; "Dil:"
-    bra	    TFT_display_ppo2_cont
-    STRCPY_TEXT tppO2                   ; "ppO2:"
-    ; hijacking neg_flag_velocity to know where the value is displayed
-    bcf     neg_flag_velocity
-; Check very high ppO2 manually
-	tstfsz	xC+2                        ; char_I_O2_ratio * p_amb/10 > 65536, ppO2>6,55bar?
-	bra		TFT_show_ppO2_3             ; Yes, display fixed Value!
-	movff	xC+0,lo
-	movff	xC+1,hi
-	bsf		ignore_digit4               ; no mbar resolution
-	output_16dp	d'1'
-; Set ".xx" to "0.xx" (bar)
-    banksel buffer
-    movlw   " "
-    cpfseq  buffer+5                    ; For ppO2 in warning area
-    bra     TFT_show_ppO2_1
-    movlw   "0"                         ; Replace Space with "0"
-    movwf   buffer+5
-    movlw   " "
-    cpfseq  buffer+0                    ; For ppO2 in custom view
-    bra     TFT_show_ppO2_2
-    movlw   "0"                         ; Replace Space with "0"
-    movwf   buffer+0
-    banksel common
-    movlw   dm_warning_length           ; Divemode string length
-    ; neg_flag_velocity is hijacked, used to toggle the fillup lenght.
-    btfsc   neg_flag_velocity
-    movlw   .4
-    call    TFT_fillup_with_spaces      ; Fillup FSR2 with spaces (Total string length in #WREG)
-    bcf	win_invert
-    goto	TFT_standard_color; and return...
-;    STRCAT  "'6.6"                      ; Workaround until a ">" is available in STD font
-    STRCAT  "6.65"                      ; Workaround until a ">" is available in STD font
-	bra		TFT_show_ppO2_2
 	global	TFT_LogOffset_Logtitle
 	STRCPY_TEXT tLogOffset
@@ -4050,16 +4348,17 @@
 	bcf		leftbind
 	PUTC	" "
-	return			; No "_PRINT" here...
+	return							; No "_PRINT" here...
 	global	adjust_depth_with_salinity
+	global  adjust_depth_with_salinity_log
 adjust_depth_with_salinity:			; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
-	btfsc	simulatormode_active	; Do apply salinity in Simulatormode
+	btfsc	simulatormode_active	; Do not apply salinity in Simulatormode
-    global  adjust_depth_with_salinity_log
     movff   opt_salinity,WREG       ; 0-5%
-adjust_depth_with_salinity_log: ; computes salinity setting (FROM WREG!) into lo:hi [mbar]
+adjust_depth_with_salinity_log:		; computes salinity setting (FROM WREG!) into lo:hi [mbar]
 	addlw	d'100'                  ; 1.00kg/l
 	movwf	wait_temp
@@ -4076,7 +4375,7 @@
 	movlw	d'102'					; 0,98bar/10m
 	movwf	xB+0
 	clrf	xB+1
-	call	mult16x16				;xA*xB=xC (lo:hi * 100)
+	call	mult16x16				; xA*xB=xC (lo:hi * 100)
 	movff	wait_temp,xB+0			; Salinity
 	clrf	xB+1
 	call	div32x16  				; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
@@ -4084,6 +4383,8 @@
 	movff	xC+1,hi					; restore lo and hi with updated value
 	global	convert_mbar_to_feet   	; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
 convert_mbar_to_feet:              	; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
 	movff	lo,xA+0
@@ -4114,9 +4415,11 @@
 	movff	xC+1,hi				    ; restore lo and hi with updated value
     global    convert_celsius_to_fahrenheit    ; convert value in lo:hi from celsius to fahrenheit
-convert_celsius_to_fahrenheit:        ; convert value in lo:hi from celsius to fahrenheit
-    movff   lo,xA+0                    ; temperature in 1/10 of °C
+convert_celsius_to_fahrenheit:      ; convert value in lo:hi from celsius to fahrenheit
+    movff   lo,xA+0                 ; temperature in 1/10 of °C
     movff   hi,xA+1
     movlw   LOW  d'1000'            ; offset °C value by 1000 to get out of any negative numbers
@@ -4144,52 +4447,7 @@
     movff   xC+0,lo
     movff   xC+1,hi                 ; restore lo and hi with updated value
-    global	compute_pscr_ppo2
-; (Pressure[mbar]*char_I_O2_ratio)-(100-char_I_O2_ratio)*CF61*CF62*10	
-	movff	char_I_O2_ratio,WREG
-	sublw	.100			; 100-char_I_O2_ratio -> WREG
-	mullw	.10				; (100-char_I_O2_ratio)*10 -> PROD:2
-	movff	PRODL,xA+0
-	movff	PRODH,xA+1
-	movff	opt_PSCR_drop,xB+0	; O2 Drop
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	mult16x16	;xA*xB=xC -> (100-char_I_O2_ratio)*10*CF61
-	movff	xC+0,xA+0
-	movff	xC+1,xA+1
-	movff	opt_PSCR_lungratio,xB+0	; Lung ratio
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	mult16x16	;xA*xB=xC -> (100-char_I_O2_ratio)*10*CF61*CF62
-	movlw	.10
-	movwf	xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	div32x16	  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
-	; store xC:2 in lo:hi
-	movff	xC+0,lo
-	movff	xC+1,hi
-	SAFE_2BYTE_COPY amb_pressure, xA
-	movff	char_I_O2_ratio,xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	mult16x16	;xA*xB=xC -> xC:4 = Pressure[mbar]*char_I_O2_ratio
-	movlw	.10
-	movwf	xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	div32x16	  ; xC:4 / xB:2 = xC+3:xC+2 with xC+1:xC+0 as remainder
-	; store xC:2 in sub_a
-	movff	xC+0,sub_a+0
-	movff	xC+1,sub_a+1
-	; reload result from lo:hi
-	movff	lo,sub_b+0
-	movff	hi,sub_b+1
-	call	subU16		;sub_c = sub_a - sub_b (with UNSIGNED values)
-	return
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;   File
+;   File							REFACTORED VERSION	V2.94
 ;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
@@ -17,54 +17,43 @@
 ; Surface mode
 	extern	TFT_surface_lastdive
-    extern  TFT_show_OC_startgas_surface   ; Show first gas and "OSTC2-like" active gases
+    extern  TFT_show_OC_startgas_surface   		; Show first gas and "OSTC2-like" active gases
 	extern	TFT_serial
 	extern	TFT_clock
 	extern	TFT_date
 	extern	TFT_desaturation_time
 	extern	TFT_nofly_time
-    extern  TFT_interval
 	extern	TFT_gaslist_surfmode
     extern  TFT_dillist_surfmode
-    extern  TFT_splist_surfmode             ; Show Setpoint list
+    extern  TFT_splist_surfmode             	; Show Setpoint list
 	extern	TFT_temp_surfmode
 	extern	TFT_update_batt_voltage
 	extern	TFT_display_decotype_surface
-    extern  TFT_display_decotype_surface1   ; Used from logbook!
+    extern  TFT_display_decotype_surface1   	; Used from logbook!
 	extern	TFT_update_surf_press
-    extern  TFT_surface_sensor             ; Update HUD data in surface mode
+    extern  TFT_surface_sensor             		; Update HUD data in surface mode
     extern  TFT_sensor_surface_warning
-;    extern  TFT_clear_customview_surfacemode
-    extern  TFT_menu_hud                ; Update HUD data in menu (including mV)
-    extern  TFT_menu_calibrate               ; Update mV data in menu
-    extern  TFT_custom_text             ; The custom text
-    extern  TFT_surface_tissues         ; Show Tissue diagram in surface mode
-;    extern  TFT_surface_compass_mask    ; Compass heading mask
-;    extern  TFT_surface_compass_heading ; Compass heading value
-    extern  TFT_surface_decosettings    ; Show all deco settings
-    extern  TFT_cat_serial              ; Add serial to current string
-    extern  TFT_cat_firmware            ; Add firmware version to current string
-;    extern  TFT_compass_show_gain       ; Show the current compass gain
-;    extern  TFT_show_timeout_testmode   ; Show the timeout during calibration
+    extern  TFT_menu_calibrate               	; Update mV data in menu
+    extern  TFT_custom_text             		; The custom text
+    extern  TFT_surface_tissues         		; Show Tissue diagram in surface mode
+    extern  TFT_surface_decosettings    		; Show all deco settings
+    extern  TFT_cat_serial              		; Add serial to current string
+    extern  TFT_cat_firmware            		; Add firmware version to current string
 ; Menu
 	extern	TFT_LogOffset_Logtitle
-    extern  TFT_show_color_schemes      ; Yes, update the color schemes
-; Debug and useless stuff
-;	extern	TFT_update_raw_data
-;    extern	TFT_update_raw_data2
-;    extern  TFT_compass_fast
+    extern  TFT_show_color_schemes      		; Yes, update the color schemes
 ; Dive mode
 	extern	TFT_display_cns
 	extern	TFT_divemins
 	extern	TFT_depth
 	extern	TFT_temp_divemode
-	extern	TFT_max_pressure
+	extern	TFT_max_depth
 	extern	TFT_active_gas_divemode
 	extern	TFT_divemode_mask
 	extern	TFT_display_ndl_mask
-	extern	TFT_show_TTS_divemode
+	extern	TFT_display_tts
 	extern	TFT_display_ndl
 	extern	TFT_display_deko_mask
 	extern	TFT_divemode_warning
@@ -74,13 +63,12 @@
 	extern	TFT_display_deko
 	extern	TFT_mask_ppo2
 	extern	TFT_display_ppo2
-	extern	TFT_display_ppo2_val
 	extern	TFT_update_batt_percent_divemode
 	extern	TFT_display_apnoe_descent
 	extern	TFT_apnoe_clear_surface
 	extern	TFT_display_apnoe_surface
 	extern	TFT_display_apnoe_last_max
-	extern	TFT_ftts
+	extern	TFT_display_ftts
     extern  TFT_clear_warning_text
     extern  TFT_clear_warning_text_2nd_row
     extern  TFT_warning_gf
@@ -92,17 +80,13 @@
     extern  TFT_clear_divemode_menu             ; Clear the divemode menu
     extern  TFT_draw_gassep_line                ; Draw the gas separator grid line in spec mode only
     extern  TFT_divemode_menu_cursor            ; the divemode cursor
-    extern  TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask      ; Setup Mask
-    extern  TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock           ; Show EAD/END, Tissues and clock
+    extern  TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock_mask     ; Setup Mask
+    extern  TFT_battinfo_tissues_clock          ; Show EAD/END, Tissues and clock
     extern  TFT_gf_mask                         ; Setup Mask
     extern  TFT_gf_mask_cGF                     ; Setup Mask - current GF only
     extern  TFT_gf_info                         ; Show GF informations
     extern  TFT_warning_agf                     ; Show a warning if aGF is selected
-;    extern  TFT_dive_compass_mask               ; Compass mask
-;    extern  TFT_dive_compass_heading            ; Compass heading
-    extern  TFT_dyn_gaslist                     ; Show the dyn gaslist
     extern  TFT_divetimeout                     ; Show timeout counter
-    extern  TFT_hud_voltages                    ; Show HUD details
     extern  TFT_show_safety_stop                ; Show the safety stop
     extern  TFT_clear_decoarea                  ; Cleanup deco area on screen
     extern  TFT_ceiling_mask                    ; The ceiling mask
@@ -111,19 +95,31 @@
     extern  TFT_warning_fallback                ; Show fallback warning
     extern  TFT_sensor_check_mask               ; Show ppO2 of O2 and Diluent mask
     extern  TFT_sensor_check                    ; Show ppO2 of O2 and Diluent
-    extern  TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns_mask		; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS mask
-    extern  TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns		; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS
-    extern  compute_pscr_ppo2			; Compute ppO2 for PSCR mode
-    extern  TFT_pscr_info_mask			; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio mask
-    extern  TFT_pscr_info			; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio
+    extern  TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns_mask			; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS mask
+    extern  TFT_ppo2_ead_end_cns				; Show ppO2, END/EAD and CNS
+    extern  TFT_pscr_info_mask					; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio mask
+    extern  TFT_pscr_info						; Show ppO2, drop and lung ratio
+	extern	TFT_gas_needs_mask
+	extern	TFT_gas_needs
+	extern	TFT_warning_gas_needs_warn
+	extern	TFT_warning_gas_needs_att
+	extern	TFT_warning_sensor_disagree
+	extern	TFT_warning_IBCD
+	extern	TFT_CNS_mask
+	extern	TFT_CNS
+	extern	TFT_display_eod_cns
+	extern	TFT_warning_mbubbles
+	extern	TFT_warning_outside
+	extern	TFT_display_pure_ppo2
+	extern	TFT_info_deco
+	extern	TFT_show_mode_divemode
 ; Misc
     extern	TFT_standard_color
     extern	TFT_disabled_color
     extern	TFT_attention_color
     extern	TFT_warnings_color
-    extern      TFT_divemask_color
+    extern  TFT_divemask_color
     extern	adjust_depth_with_salinity          ; computes salinity setting into lo:hi [mbar]
     extern	adjust_depth_with_salinity_log      ; computes salinity setting (FROM WREG!) into lo:hi [mbar]
     extern	TFT_convert_date_short
@@ -131,5 +127,11 @@
     extern	TFT_convert_date
     extern	TFT_debug_output
     extern	TFT_show_time_date_menu
-    extern	convert_mbar_to_feet   			; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
-    extern	convert_celsius_to_fahrenheit	; convert value in lo:hi from celsius to fahrenheit
\ No newline at end of file
+    extern	convert_mbar_to_feet   				; convert value in lo:hi from mbar to feet
+    extern	convert_celsius_to_fahrenheit		; convert value in lo:hi from celsius to fahrenheit
+; Alt dive mode (aka Blind mode)
+    extern	TFT_divemins_alternative
+    extern	TFT_divemode_mask_alternative
+    extern	TFT_max_depth_alternative
+    extern	TFT_big_deco_alt	    			; The big deco
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/tools/dev_ostc3_firmware.hex	Wed Dec 27 14:34:11 2017 +0100
+++ b/tools/dev_ostc3_firmware.hex	Wed Jan 31 19:39:37 2018 +0100
@@ -1,7682 +1,7682 @@