changeset 643:7d8a4c60ec1a

3.15 release
author heinrichsweikamp
date Mon, 24 May 2021 18:40:53 +0200 (2021-05-24)
parents a9a0188091e4
children 1e695355dfc4
files src/P18F87K22.INC src/adc_lightsensor.asm src/compass_ops.asm src/ src/divemenu_tree.asm src/divemode.asm src/hwos.asm src/ src/i2c.asm src/ src/isr.asm src/math.asm src/ src/menu_processor.asm src/ src/menu_tree.asm src/ms5541.asm src/option_table.asm src/p2_deco.c src/ src/rx_firmware.asm src/sleepmode.asm src/start.asm src/surfmode.asm src/ src/tft_outputs.asm
diffstat 26 files changed, 4345 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/P18F87K22.INC	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2983 @@
+        LIST
+;  MPASM PIC18F87K22 processor include
+;  (c) Copyright 1999-2012 Microchip Technology, All rights reserved
+        NOLIST
+;  This header file defines configurations, registers, and other useful
+;  bits of information for the PIC18F87K22 microcontroller.  These names
+;  are taken to match the data sheets as closely as possible.
+;  Note that the processor must be selected before this file is included.
+;  The processor may be selected the following ways:
+;       1. Command line switch:
+;               C:\MPASM MYFILE.ASM /PIC18F87K22
+;       2. LIST directive in the source file
+;               LIST   P=PIC18F87K22
+;       3. Processor Type entry in the MPASM full-screen interface
+;       4. Setting the processor in the MPLAB Project Dialog
+;       Verify Processor
+        IFNDEF __18F87K22
+           MESSG "Processor-header file mismatch.  Verify selected processor."
+        ENDIF
+;       18xxxx Family        EQUates
+FSR0            EQU 0
+FSR1            EQU 1
+FSR2            EQU 2
+FAST            EQU 1
+W               EQU 0
+A               EQU 0
+ACCESS          EQU 0
+BANKED          EQU 1
+;       16Cxxx/17Cxxx Substitutions
+  #define DDRA  TRISA      ; PIC17Cxxx SFR substitution
+  #define DDRB  TRISB      ; PIC17Cxxx SFR substitution
+  #define DDRC  TRISC      ; PIC17Cxxx SFR substitution
+  #define DDRD  TRISD      ; PIC17Cxxx SFR substitution
+  #define DDRE  TRISE      ; PIC17Cxxx SFR substitution
+;       Register Definitions
+;----- Register Files -----------------------------------------------------
+PMD3             EQU  H'0F16'
+PMD2             EQU  H'0F17'
+PMD1             EQU  H'0F18'
+PMD0             EQU  H'0F19'
+PSTR3CON         EQU  H'0F1A'
+PSTR2CON         EQU  H'0F1B'
+TXREG2           EQU  H'0F1C'
+RCREG2           EQU  H'0F1D'
+SPBRG2           EQU  H'0F1E'
+SPBRGH2          EQU  H'0F1F'
+BAUDCON2         EQU  H'0F20'
+TXSTA2           EQU  H'0F21'
+RCSTA2           EQU  H'0F22'
+ANCON2           EQU  H'0F23'
+ANCON1           EQU  H'0F24'
+ANCON0           EQU  H'0F25'
+MEMCON           EQU  H'0F26'
+ODCON3           EQU  H'0F27'
+ODCON2           EQU  H'0F28'
+ODCON1           EQU  H'0F29'
+REFOCON          EQU  H'0F2A'
+CCPTMRS2         EQU  H'0F2B'
+CCPTMRS1         EQU  H'0F2C'
+CCPTMRS0         EQU  H'0F2D'
+CM3CON           EQU  H'0F2E'
+CM3CON1          EQU  H'0F2E'
+CM2CON           EQU  H'0F2F'
+CM2CON1          EQU  H'0F2F'
+T12CON           EQU  H'0F30'
+PR12             EQU  H'0F31'
+TMR12            EQU  H'0F32'
+T10CON           EQU  H'0F33'
+PR10             EQU  H'0F34'
+TMR10            EQU  H'0F35'
+T8CON            EQU  H'0F36'
+PR8              EQU  H'0F37'
+TMR8             EQU  H'0F38'
+T6CON            EQU  H'0F39'
+PR6              EQU  H'0F3A'
+TMR6             EQU  H'0F3B'
+T7GCON           EQU  H'0F3C'
+T7CON            EQU  H'0F3D'
+TMR7             EQU  H'0F3E'
+TMR7L            EQU  H'0F3E'
+TMR7H            EQU  H'0F3F'
+CCP10CON         EQU  H'0F40'
+CCPR10           EQU  H'0F41'
+CCPR10L          EQU  H'0F41'
+CCPR10H          EQU  H'0F42'
+CCP9CON          EQU  H'0F43'
+CCPR9            EQU  H'0F44'
+CCPR9L           EQU  H'0F44'
+CCPR9H           EQU  H'0F45'
+CCP8CON          EQU  H'0F46'
+CCPR8            EQU  H'0F47'
+CCPR8L           EQU  H'0F47'
+CCPR8H           EQU  H'0F48'
+CCP3CON          EQU  H'0F49'
+CCPR3            EQU  H'0F4A'
+CCPR3L           EQU  H'0F4A'
+CCPR3H           EQU  H'0F4B'
+ECCP3DEL         EQU  H'0F4C'
+ECCP3AS          EQU  H'0F4D'
+CCP2CON          EQU  H'0F4E'
+ECCP2CON         EQU  H'0F4E'
+CCPR2            EQU  H'0F4F'
+CCPR2L           EQU  H'0F4F'
+CCPR2H           EQU  H'0F50'
+ECCP2DEL         EQU  H'0F51'
+PWM2CON          EQU  H'0F51'
+ECCP2AS          EQU  H'0F52'
+PADCFG1          EQU  H'0F53'
+CM1CON           EQU  H'0F54'
+CM1CON1          EQU  H'0F54'
+CTMUICON         EQU  H'0F55'
+CTMUCONL         EQU  H'0F56'
+CTMUCONH         EQU  H'0F57'
+ALRMVAL          EQU  H'0F58'
+ALRMVALL         EQU  H'0F58'
+ALRMVALH         EQU  H'0F59'
+ALRMRPT          EQU  H'0F5A'
+ALRMCFG          EQU  H'0F5B'
+RTCVAL           EQU  H'0F5C'
+RTCVALL          EQU  H'0F5C'
+RTCVALH          EQU  H'0F5D'
+RTCCAL           EQU  H'0F5E'
+RTCCFG           EQU  H'0F5F'
+PIE6             EQU  H'0F60'
+EEDATA           EQU  H'0F61'
+EEADR            EQU  H'0F62'
+EEADRH           EQU  H'0F63'
+OSCCON2          EQU  H'0F64'
+BAUDCON          EQU  H'0F65'
+BAUDCON1         EQU  H'0F65'
+BAUDCTL          EQU  H'0F65'
+SSP2CON2         EQU  H'0F66'
+SSP2CON1         EQU  H'0F67'
+SSP2STAT         EQU  H'0F68'
+SSP2ADD          EQU  H'0F69'
+SSP2MSK          EQU  H'0F69'
+SSP2BUF          EQU  H'0F6A'
+T4CON            EQU  H'0F6B'
+PR4              EQU  H'0F6C'
+TMR4             EQU  H'0F6D'
+CCP7CON          EQU  H'0F6E'
+CCPR7            EQU  H'0F6F'
+CCPR7L           EQU  H'0F6F'
+CCPR7H           EQU  H'0F70'
+CCP6CON          EQU  H'0F71'
+CCPR6            EQU  H'0F72'
+CCPR6L           EQU  H'0F72'
+CCPR6H           EQU  H'0F73'
+CCP5CON          EQU  H'0F74'
+CCPR5            EQU  H'0F75'
+CCPR5L           EQU  H'0F75'
+CCPR5H           EQU  H'0F76'
+CCP4CON          EQU  H'0F77'
+CCPR4            EQU  H'0F78'
+CCPR4L           EQU  H'0F78'
+CCPR4H           EQU  H'0F79'
+T5GCON           EQU  H'0F7A'
+T5CON            EQU  H'0F7B'
+TMR5             EQU  H'0F7C'
+TMR5L            EQU  H'0F7C'
+TMR5H            EQU  H'0F7D'
+EECON2           EQU  H'0F7E'
+EECON1           EQU  H'0F7F'
+PORTA            EQU  H'0F80'
+PORTB            EQU  H'0F81'
+PORTC            EQU  H'0F82'
+PORTD            EQU  H'0F83'
+PORTE            EQU  H'0F84'
+PORTF            EQU  H'0F85'
+PORTG            EQU  H'0F86'
+PORTH            EQU  H'0F87'
+PORTJ            EQU  H'0F88'
+LATA             EQU  H'0F89'
+LATB             EQU  H'0F8A'
+LATC             EQU  H'0F8B'
+LATD             EQU  H'0F8C'
+LATE             EQU  H'0F8D'
+LATF             EQU  H'0F8E'
+LATG             EQU  H'0F8F'
+LATH             EQU  H'0F90'
+LATJ             EQU  H'0F91'
+TRISA            EQU  H'0F92'
+TRISB            EQU  H'0F93'
+TRISC            EQU  H'0F94'
+TRISD            EQU  H'0F95'
+TRISE            EQU  H'0F96'
+TRISF            EQU  H'0F97'
+TRISG            EQU  H'0F98'
+TRISH            EQU  H'0F99'
+TRISJ            EQU  H'0F9A'
+OSCTUNE          EQU  H'0F9B'
+PSTR1CON         EQU  H'0F9C'
+PIE1             EQU  H'0F9D'
+PIR1             EQU  H'0F9E'
+IPR1             EQU  H'0F9F'
+PIE2             EQU  H'0FA0'
+PIR2             EQU  H'0FA1'
+IPR2             EQU  H'0FA2'
+PIE3             EQU  H'0FA3'
+PIR3             EQU  H'0FA4'
+IPR3             EQU  H'0FA5'
+PIR6             EQU  H'0FA6'
+PSPCON           EQU  H'0FA7'
+HLVDCON          EQU  H'0FA8'
+IPR6             EQU  H'0FA9'
+T1GCON           EQU  H'0FAA'
+RCSTA            EQU  H'0FAB'
+RCSTA1           EQU  H'0FAB'
+TXSTA            EQU  H'0FAC'
+TXSTA1           EQU  H'0FAC'
+TXREG            EQU  H'0FAD'
+TXREG1           EQU  H'0FAD'
+RCREG            EQU  H'0FAE'
+RCREG1           EQU  H'0FAE'
+SPBRG            EQU  H'0FAF'
+SPBRG1           EQU  H'0FAF'
+T3GCON           EQU  H'0FB0'
+T3CON            EQU  H'0FB1'
+TMR3             EQU  H'0FB2'
+TMR3L            EQU  H'0FB2'
+TMR3H            EQU  H'0FB3'
+CMSTAT           EQU  H'0FB4'
+CMSTATUS         EQU  H'0FB4'
+CVRCON           EQU  H'0FB5'
+PIE4             EQU  H'0FB6'
+PIR4             EQU  H'0FB7'
+IPR4             EQU  H'0FB8'
+PIE5             EQU  H'0FB9'
+PIR5             EQU  H'0FBA'
+CCP1CON          EQU  H'0FBB'
+ECCP1CON         EQU  H'0FBB'
+CCPR1            EQU  H'0FBC'
+CCPR1L           EQU  H'0FBC'
+CCPR1H           EQU  H'0FBD'
+ECCP1DEL         EQU  H'0FBE'
+PWM1CON          EQU  H'0FBE'
+ECCP1AS          EQU  H'0FBF'
+ADCON2           EQU  H'0FC0'
+ADCON1           EQU  H'0FC1'
+ADCON0           EQU  H'0FC2'
+ADRES            EQU  H'0FC3'
+ADRESL           EQU  H'0FC3'
+ADRESH           EQU  H'0FC4'
+SSP1CON2         EQU  H'0FC5'
+SSPCON2          EQU  H'0FC5'
+SSP1CON1         EQU  H'0FC6'
+SSPCON1          EQU  H'0FC6'
+SSP1STAT         EQU  H'0FC7'
+SSPSTAT          EQU  H'0FC7'
+SSP1ADD          EQU  H'0FC8'
+SSP1MSK          EQU  H'0FC8'
+SSPADD           EQU  H'0FC8'
+SSP1BUF          EQU  H'0FC9'
+SSPBUF           EQU  H'0FC9'
+T2CON            EQU  H'0FCA'
+PR2              EQU  H'0FCB'
+TMR2             EQU  H'0FCC'
+T1CON            EQU  H'0FCD'
+TMR1             EQU  H'0FCE'
+TMR1L            EQU  H'0FCE'
+TMR1H            EQU  H'0FCF'
+RCON             EQU  H'0FD0'
+WDTCON           EQU  H'0FD1'
+IPR5             EQU  H'0FD2'
+OSCCON           EQU  H'0FD3'
+SPBRGH1          EQU  H'0FD4'
+T0CON            EQU  H'0FD5'
+TMR0             EQU  H'0FD6'
+TMR0L            EQU  H'0FD6'
+TMR0H            EQU  H'0FD7'
+STATUS           EQU  H'0FD8'
+FSR2L            EQU  H'0FD9'
+FSR2H            EQU  H'0FDA'
+PLUSW2           EQU  H'0FDB'
+PREINC2          EQU  H'0FDC'
+POSTDEC2         EQU  H'0FDD'
+POSTINC2         EQU  H'0FDE'
+INDF2            EQU  H'0FDF'
+BSR              EQU  H'0FE0'
+FSR1L            EQU  H'0FE1'
+FSR1H            EQU  H'0FE2'
+PLUSW1           EQU  H'0FE3'
+PREINC1          EQU  H'0FE4'
+POSTDEC1         EQU  H'0FE5'
+POSTINC1         EQU  H'0FE6'
+INDF1            EQU  H'0FE7'
+WREG             EQU  H'0FE8'
+FSR0L            EQU  H'0FE9'
+FSR0H            EQU  H'0FEA'
+PLUSW0           EQU  H'0FEB'
+PREINC0          EQU  H'0FEC'
+POSTDEC0         EQU  H'0FED'
+POSTINC0         EQU  H'0FEE'
+INDF0            EQU  H'0FEF'
+INTCON3          EQU  H'0FF0'
+INTCON2          EQU  H'0FF1'
+INTCON           EQU  H'0FF2'
+PROD             EQU  H'0FF3'
+PRODL            EQU  H'0FF3'
+PRODH            EQU  H'0FF4'
+TABLAT           EQU  H'0FF5'
+TBLPTR           EQU  H'0FF6'
+TBLPTRL          EQU  H'0FF6'
+TBLPTRH          EQU  H'0FF7'
+TBLPTRU          EQU  H'0FF8'
+PC               EQU  H'0FF9'
+PCL              EQU  H'0FF9'
+PCLATH           EQU  H'0FFA'
+PCLATU           EQU  H'0FFB'
+STKPTR           EQU  H'0FFC'
+TOS              EQU  H'0FFD'
+TOSL             EQU  H'0FFD'
+TOSH             EQU  H'0FFE'
+TOSU             EQU  H'0FFF'
+;----- PMD3 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR12MD          EQU  H'0000'
+CCP4MD           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP5MD           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP6MD           EQU  H'0003'
+CCP7MD           EQU  H'0004'
+CCP8MD           EQU  H'0005'
+CCP9MD           EQU  H'0006'
+CCP10MD          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PMD2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CMP1MD           EQU  H'0000'
+CMP2MD           EQU  H'0001'
+CMP3MD           EQU  H'0002'
+TMR5MD           EQU  H'0003'
+TMR6MD           EQU  H'0004'
+TMR7MD           EQU  H'0005'
+TMR8MD           EQU  H'0006'
+TMR10MD          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PMD1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+EMBMD            EQU  H'0000'
+TMR1MD           EQU  H'0001'
+TMR2MD           EQU  H'0002'
+TMR3MD           EQU  H'0003'
+TMR4MD           EQU  H'0004'
+RTCCMD           EQU  H'0005'
+CTMUMD           EQU  H'0006'
+PSPMD            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PMD0 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ADCMD            EQU  H'0000'
+SSP1MD           EQU  H'0001'
+SSP2MD           EQU  H'0002'
+UART1MD          EQU  H'0003'
+UART2MD          EQU  H'0004'
+CCP1MD           EQU  H'0005'
+CCP2MD           EQU  H'0006'
+CCP3MD           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PSTR3CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+STRA             EQU  H'0000'
+STRB             EQU  H'0001'
+STRC             EQU  H'0002'
+STRD             EQU  H'0003'
+STRSYNC          EQU  H'0004'
+CMPL0            EQU  H'0006'
+CMPL1            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PSTR2CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+STRA             EQU  H'0000'
+STRB             EQU  H'0001'
+STRC             EQU  H'0002'
+STRD             EQU  H'0003'
+STRSYNC          EQU  H'0004'
+CMPL0            EQU  H'0006'
+CMPL1            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- BAUDCON2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ABDEN            EQU  H'0000'
+WUE              EQU  H'0001'
+BRG16            EQU  H'0003'
+TXCKP            EQU  H'0004'
+RXDTP            EQU  H'0005'
+RCIDL            EQU  H'0006'
+ABDOVF           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TXSTA2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TX9D             EQU  H'0000'
+TRMT             EQU  H'0001'
+BRGH             EQU  H'0002'
+SENDB            EQU  H'0003'
+SYNC             EQU  H'0004'
+TXEN             EQU  H'0005'
+TX9              EQU  H'0006'
+CSRC             EQU  H'0007'
+TX9D2            EQU  H'0000'
+TRMT2            EQU  H'0001'
+BRGH2            EQU  H'0002'
+SENDB2           EQU  H'0003'
+SYNC2            EQU  H'0004'
+TXEN2            EQU  H'0005'
+TX92             EQU  H'0006'
+CSRC2            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- RCSTA2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RX9D             EQU  H'0000'
+OERR             EQU  H'0001'
+FERR             EQU  H'0002'
+ADDEN            EQU  H'0003'
+CREN             EQU  H'0004'
+SREN             EQU  H'0005'
+RX9              EQU  H'0006'
+SPEN             EQU  H'0007'
+RX9D2            EQU  H'0000'
+OERR2            EQU  H'0001'
+FERR2            EQU  H'0002'
+ADDEN2           EQU  H'0003'
+CREN2            EQU  H'0004'
+SREN2            EQU  H'0005'
+RX92             EQU  H'0006'
+SPEN2            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- ANCON2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ANSEL16          EQU  H'0000'
+ANSEL17          EQU  H'0001'
+ANSEL18          EQU  H'0002'
+ANSEL19          EQU  H'0003'
+ANSEL20          EQU  H'0004'
+ANSEL21          EQU  H'0005'
+ANSEL22          EQU  H'0006'
+ANSEL23          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- ANCON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ANSEL8           EQU  H'0000'
+ANSEL9           EQU  H'0001'
+ANSEL10          EQU  H'0002'
+ANSEL11          EQU  H'0003'
+ANSEL12          EQU  H'0004'
+ANSEL13          EQU  H'0005'
+ANSEL14          EQU  H'0006'
+ANSEL15          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- ANCON0 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ANSEL0           EQU  H'0000'
+ANSEL1           EQU  H'0001'
+ANSEL2           EQU  H'0002'
+ANSEL3           EQU  H'0003'
+ANSEL4           EQU  H'0004'
+ANSEL5           EQU  H'0005'
+ANSEL6           EQU  H'0006'
+ANSEL7           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- MEMCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+EBDIS            EQU  H'0007'
+WM0              EQU  H'0000'
+WM1              EQU  H'0001'
+WAIT0            EQU  H'0004'
+WAIT1            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- ODCON3 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CTMUDS           EQU  H'0000'
+U1OD             EQU  H'0006'
+U2OD             EQU  H'0007'
+;----- ODCON2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP3OD           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP4OD           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP5OD           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP6OD           EQU  H'0003'
+CCP7OD           EQU  H'0004'
+CCP8OD           EQU  H'0005'
+CCP9OD           EQU  H'0006'
+CCP10OD          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- ODCON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+SPI2OD           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP1OD           EQU  H'0005'
+CCP2OD           EQU  H'0006'
+SPI1OD           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- REFOCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ROSEL            EQU  H'0004'
+ROSSLP           EQU  H'0005'
+ROON             EQU  H'0007'
+RODIV0           EQU  H'0000'
+RODIV1           EQU  H'0001'
+RODIV2           EQU  H'0002'
+RODIV3           EQU  H'0003'
+;----- CCPTMRS2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+C9TSEL0          EQU  H'0002'
+C10TSEL0         EQU  H'0004'
+C8TSEL0          EQU  H'0000'
+C8TSEL1          EQU  H'0001'
+;----- CCPTMRS1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+C5TSEL0          EQU  H'0002'
+C6TSEL0          EQU  H'0004'
+C4TSEL0          EQU  H'0000'
+C4TSEL1          EQU  H'0001'
+C7TSEL0          EQU  H'0006'
+C7TSEL1          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- CCPTMRS0 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+C1TSEL0          EQU  H'0000'
+C1TSEL1          EQU  H'0001'
+C1TSEL2          EQU  H'0002'
+C2TSEL0          EQU  H'0003'
+C2TSEL1          EQU  H'0004'
+C2TSEL2          EQU  H'0005'
+C3TSEL0          EQU  H'0006'
+C3TSEL1          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- CM3CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CREF             EQU  H'0002'
+CPOL             EQU  H'0005'
+COE              EQU  H'0006'
+CON              EQU  H'0007'
+CCH0             EQU  H'0000'
+CCH1             EQU  H'0001'
+EVPOL0           EQU  H'0003'
+EVPOL1           EQU  H'0004'
+;----- CM3CON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CREF             EQU  H'0002'
+CPOL             EQU  H'0005'
+COE              EQU  H'0006'
+CON              EQU  H'0007'
+CCH0             EQU  H'0000'
+CCH1             EQU  H'0001'
+EVPOL0           EQU  H'0003'
+EVPOL1           EQU  H'0004'
+;----- CM2CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CREF             EQU  H'0002'
+CPOL             EQU  H'0005'
+COE              EQU  H'0006'
+CON              EQU  H'0007'
+CCH0             EQU  H'0000'
+CCH1             EQU  H'0001'
+EVPOL0           EQU  H'0003'
+EVPOL1           EQU  H'0004'
+;----- CM2CON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CREF             EQU  H'0002'
+CPOL             EQU  H'0005'
+COE              EQU  H'0006'
+CON              EQU  H'0007'
+CCH0             EQU  H'0000'
+CCH1             EQU  H'0001'
+EVPOL0           EQU  H'0003'
+EVPOL1           EQU  H'0004'
+;----- T12CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR12ON          EQU  H'0002'
+T12CKPS0         EQU  H'0000'
+T12CKPS1         EQU  H'0001'
+T12OUTPS0        EQU  H'0003'
+T12OUTPS1        EQU  H'0004'
+T12OUTPS2        EQU  H'0005'
+T12OUTPS3        EQU  H'0006'
+;----- T10CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR10ON          EQU  H'0002'
+T10CKPS0         EQU  H'0000'
+T10CKPS1         EQU  H'0001'
+T10OUTPS0        EQU  H'0003'
+T10OUTPS1        EQU  H'0004'
+T10OUTPS2        EQU  H'0005'
+T10OUTPS3        EQU  H'0006'
+;----- T8CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR8ON           EQU  H'0002'
+T8CKPS0          EQU  H'0000'
+T8CKPS1          EQU  H'0001'
+T8OUTPS0         EQU  H'0003'
+T8OUTPS1         EQU  H'0004'
+T8OUTPS2         EQU  H'0005'
+T8OUTPS3         EQU  H'0006'
+;----- T6CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR6ON           EQU  H'0002'
+T6CKPS0          EQU  H'0000'
+T6CKPS1          EQU  H'0001'
+T6OUTPS0         EQU  H'0003'
+T6OUTPS1         EQU  H'0004'
+T6OUTPS2         EQU  H'0005'
+T6OUTPS3         EQU  H'0006'
+;----- T7GCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+T7GVAL           EQU  H'0002'
+T7GSPM           EQU  H'0004'
+T7GTM            EQU  H'0005'
+T7GPOL           EQU  H'0006'
+TMR7GE           EQU  H'0007'
+T7GSS0           EQU  H'0000'
+T7GSS1           EQU  H'0001'
+T7GGO            EQU  H'0003'
+NOT_T7DONE       EQU  H'0003'
+;----- T7CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR7ON           EQU  H'0000'
+RD16             EQU  H'0001'
+NOT_T7SYNC       EQU  H'0002'
+SOSCEN           EQU  H'0003'
+T7CKPS0          EQU  H'0004'
+T7CKPS1          EQU  H'0005'
+TMR7CS0          EQU  H'0006'
+TMR7CS1          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- CCP10CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP10M0          EQU  H'0000'
+CCP10M1          EQU  H'0001'
+CCP10M2          EQU  H'0002'
+CCP10M3          EQU  H'0003'
+DC10B0           EQU  H'0004'
+DC10B1           EQU  H'0005'
+CCP10Y           EQU  H'0004'
+CCP10X           EQU  H'0005'
+;----- CCP9CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP9M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP9M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP9M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP9M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC9B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC9B1            EQU  H'0005'
+CCP9Y            EQU  H'0004'
+CCP9X            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- CCP8CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP8M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP8M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP8M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP8M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC8B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC8B1            EQU  H'0005'
+CCP8Y            EQU  H'0004'
+CCP8X            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- CCP3CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP3M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP3M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP3M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP3M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC3B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC3B1            EQU  H'0005'
+P3M0             EQU  H'0006'
+P3M1             EQU  H'0007'
+;----- ECCP3DEL Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+P3RSEN           EQU  H'0007'
+P3DC0            EQU  H'0000'
+P3DC1            EQU  H'0001'
+P3DC2            EQU  H'0002'
+P3DC3            EQU  H'0003'
+P3DC4            EQU  H'0004'
+P3DC5            EQU  H'0005'
+P3DC6            EQU  H'0006'
+;----- ECCP3AS Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ECCP3ASE         EQU  H'0007'
+PSS3BD0          EQU  H'0000'
+PSS3BD1          EQU  H'0001'
+PSS3AC0          EQU  H'0002'
+PSS3AC1          EQU  H'0003'
+ECCP3AS0         EQU  H'0004'
+ECCP3AS1         EQU  H'0005'
+ECCP3AS2         EQU  H'0006'
+;----- CCP2CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP2M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP2M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP2M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP2M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC2B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC2B1            EQU  H'0005'
+P2M0             EQU  H'0006'
+P2M1             EQU  H'0007'
+CCP2Y            EQU  H'0004'
+CCP2X            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- ECCP2CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP2M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP2M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP2M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP2M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC2B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC2B1            EQU  H'0005'
+P2M0             EQU  H'0006'
+P2M1             EQU  H'0007'
+CCP2Y            EQU  H'0004'
+CCP2X            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- ECCP2DEL Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+P2RSEN           EQU  H'0007'
+P2DC0            EQU  H'0000'
+P2DC1            EQU  H'0001'
+P2DC2            EQU  H'0002'
+P2DC3            EQU  H'0003'
+P2DC4            EQU  H'0004'
+P2DC5            EQU  H'0005'
+P2DC6            EQU  H'0006'
+;----- PWM2CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+P2RSEN           EQU  H'0007'
+P2DC0            EQU  H'0000'
+P2DC1            EQU  H'0001'
+P2DC2            EQU  H'0002'
+P2DC3            EQU  H'0003'
+P2DC4            EQU  H'0004'
+P2DC5            EQU  H'0005'
+P2DC6            EQU  H'0006'
+;----- ECCP2AS Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ECCP2ASE         EQU  H'0007'
+PSS2BD0          EQU  H'0000'
+PSS2BD1          EQU  H'0001'
+PSS2AC0          EQU  H'0002'
+PSS2AC1          EQU  H'0003'
+ECCP2AS0         EQU  H'0004'
+ECCP2AS1         EQU  H'0005'
+ECCP2AS2         EQU  H'0006'
+;----- PADCFG1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RJPU             EQU  H'0005'
+REPU             EQU  H'0006'
+RDPU             EQU  H'0007'
+RTSECSEL0        EQU  H'0001'
+RTSECSEL1        EQU  H'0002'
+;----- CM1CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CREF             EQU  H'0002'
+CPOL             EQU  H'0005'
+COE              EQU  H'0006'
+CON              EQU  H'0007'
+CCH0             EQU  H'0000'
+CCH1             EQU  H'0001'
+EVPOL0           EQU  H'0003'
+EVPOL1           EQU  H'0004'
+;----- CM1CON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CREF             EQU  H'0002'
+CPOL             EQU  H'0005'
+COE              EQU  H'0006'
+CON              EQU  H'0007'
+CCH0             EQU  H'0000'
+CCH1             EQU  H'0001'
+EVPOL0           EQU  H'0003'
+EVPOL1           EQU  H'0004'
+;----- CTMUICON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+IRNG0            EQU  H'0000'
+IRNG1            EQU  H'0001'
+ITRIM0           EQU  H'0002'
+ITRIM1           EQU  H'0003'
+ITRIM2           EQU  H'0004'
+ITRIM3           EQU  H'0005'
+ITRIM4           EQU  H'0006'
+ITRIM5           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- CTMUCONL Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+EDG1STAT         EQU  H'0000'
+EDG2STAT         EQU  H'0001'
+EDG1POL          EQU  H'0004'
+EDG2POL          EQU  H'0007'
+EDG1SEL0         EQU  H'0002'
+EDG1SEL1         EQU  H'0003'
+EDG2SEL0         EQU  H'0005'
+EDG2SEL1         EQU  H'0006'
+;----- CTMUCONH Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CTTRIG           EQU  H'0000'
+IDISSEN          EQU  H'0001'
+EDGSEQEN         EQU  H'0002'
+EDGEN            EQU  H'0003'
+TGEN             EQU  H'0004'
+CTMUSIDL         EQU  H'0005'
+CTMUEN           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- ALRMRPT Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ARPT0            EQU  H'0000'
+ARPT1            EQU  H'0001'
+ARPT2            EQU  H'0002'
+ARPT3            EQU  H'0003'
+ARPT4            EQU  H'0004'
+ARPT5            EQU  H'0005'
+ARPT6            EQU  H'0006'
+ARPT7            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- ALRMCFG Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CHIME            EQU  H'0006'
+ALRMEN           EQU  H'0007'
+ALRMPTR0         EQU  H'0000'
+ALRMPTR1         EQU  H'0001'
+AMASK0           EQU  H'0002'
+AMASK1           EQU  H'0003'
+AMASK2           EQU  H'0004'
+AMASK3           EQU  H'0005'
+;----- RTCCAL Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CAL0             EQU  H'0000'
+CAL1             EQU  H'0001'
+CAL2             EQU  H'0002'
+CAL3             EQU  H'0003'
+CAL4             EQU  H'0004'
+CAL5             EQU  H'0005'
+CAL6             EQU  H'0006'
+CAL7             EQU  H'0007'
+;----- RTCCFG Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RTCOE            EQU  H'0002'
+HALFSEC          EQU  H'0003'
+RTCSYNC          EQU  H'0004'
+RTCWREN          EQU  H'0005'
+RTCEN            EQU  H'0007'
+RTCPTR0          EQU  H'0000'
+RTCPTR1          EQU  H'0001'
+;----- PIE6 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CMP1IE           EQU  H'0000'
+CMP2IE           EQU  H'0001'
+CMP3IE           EQU  H'0002'
+EEIE             EQU  H'0004'
+;----- OSCCON2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+MFIOSEL          EQU  H'0000'
+MFIOFS           EQU  H'0001'
+SOSCGO           EQU  H'0003'
+SOSCRUN          EQU  H'0006'
+;----- BAUDCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ABDEN            EQU  H'0000'
+WUE              EQU  H'0001'
+BRG16            EQU  H'0003'
+TXCKP            EQU  H'0004'
+RXDTP            EQU  H'0005'
+RCIDL            EQU  H'0006'
+ABDOVF           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- BAUDCON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ABDEN            EQU  H'0000'
+WUE              EQU  H'0001'
+BRG16            EQU  H'0003'
+TXCKP            EQU  H'0004'
+RXDTP            EQU  H'0005'
+RCIDL            EQU  H'0006'
+ABDOVF           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- BAUDCTL Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ABDEN            EQU  H'0000'
+WUE              EQU  H'0001'
+BRG16            EQU  H'0003'
+TXCKP            EQU  H'0004'
+RXDTP            EQU  H'0005'
+RCIDL            EQU  H'0006'
+ABDOVF           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- SSP2CON2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+SEN              EQU  H'0000'
+RSEN             EQU  H'0001'
+PEN              EQU  H'0002'
+RCEN             EQU  H'0003'
+ACKEN            EQU  H'0004'
+ACKDT            EQU  H'0005'
+ACKSTAT          EQU  H'0006'
+GCEN             EQU  H'0007'
+ADMSK1           EQU  H'0001'
+ADMSK2           EQU  H'0002'
+ADMSK3           EQU  H'0003'
+ADMSK4           EQU  H'0004'
+ADMSK5           EQU  H'0005'
+;----- SSP2CON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CKP              EQU  H'0004'
+SSPEN            EQU  H'0005'
+SSPOV            EQU  H'0006'
+WCOL             EQU  H'0007'
+SSPM0            EQU  H'0000'
+SSPM1            EQU  H'0001'
+SSPM2            EQU  H'0002'
+SSPM3            EQU  H'0003'
+;----- SSP2STAT Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+BF               EQU  H'0000'
+UA               EQU  H'0001'
+R_NOT_W          EQU  H'0002'
+S                EQU  H'0003'
+P                EQU  H'0004'
+D_NOT_A          EQU  H'0005'
+CKE              EQU  H'0006'
+SMP              EQU  H'0007'
+R                EQU  H'0002'
+D                EQU  H'0005'
+R_W              EQU  H'0002'
+D_A              EQU  H'0005'
+NOT_W            EQU  H'0002'
+NOT_A            EQU  H'0005'
+NOT_WRITE        EQU  H'0002'
+NOT_ADDRESS      EQU  H'0005'
+READ_WRITE       EQU  H'0002'
+DATA_ADDRESS     EQU  H'0005'
+I2C_READ         EQU  H'0002'
+I2C_START        EQU  H'0003'
+I2C_STOP         EQU  H'0004'
+I2C_DAT          EQU  H'0005'
+;----- SSP2MSK Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+MSK0             EQU  H'0000'
+MSK1             EQU  H'0001'
+MSK2             EQU  H'0002'
+MSK3             EQU  H'0003'
+MSK4             EQU  H'0004'
+MSK5             EQU  H'0005'
+MSK6             EQU  H'0006'
+MSK7             EQU  H'0007'
+;----- T4CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR4ON           EQU  H'0002'
+T4CKPS0          EQU  H'0000'
+T4CKPS1          EQU  H'0001'
+T4OUTPS0         EQU  H'0003'
+T4OUTPS1         EQU  H'0004'
+T4OUTPS2         EQU  H'0005'
+T4OUTPS3         EQU  H'0006'
+;----- CCP7CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP7M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP7M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP7M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP7M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC7B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC7B1            EQU  H'0005'
+CCP7Y            EQU  H'0004'
+CCP7X            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- CCP6CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP6M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP6M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP6M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP6M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC6B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC6B1            EQU  H'0005'
+CCP6Y            EQU  H'0004'
+CCP6X            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- CCP5CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP5M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP5M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP5M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP5M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC5B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC5B1            EQU  H'0005'
+CCP5Y            EQU  H'0004'
+CCP5X            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- CCP4CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP4M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP4M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP4M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP4M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC4B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC4B1            EQU  H'0005'
+CCP4Y            EQU  H'0004'
+CCP4X            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- T5GCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+T5GVAL           EQU  H'0002'
+T5GSPM           EQU  H'0004'
+T5GTM            EQU  H'0005'
+T5GPOL           EQU  H'0006'
+TMR5GE           EQU  H'0007'
+T5GSS0           EQU  H'0000'
+T5GSS1           EQU  H'0001'
+T5GGO            EQU  H'0003'
+NOT_T5DONE       EQU  H'0003'
+;----- T5CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR5ON           EQU  H'0000'
+RD16             EQU  H'0001'
+NOT_T5SYNC       EQU  H'0002'
+SOSCEN           EQU  H'0003'
+T5CKPS0          EQU  H'0004'
+T5CKPS1          EQU  H'0005'
+TMR5CS0          EQU  H'0006'
+TMR5CS1          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- EECON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RD               EQU  H'0000'
+WR               EQU  H'0001'
+WREN             EQU  H'0002'
+WRERR            EQU  H'0003'
+FREE             EQU  H'0004'
+CFGS             EQU  H'0006'
+EEPGD            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PORTA Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RA0              EQU  H'0000'
+RA1              EQU  H'0001'
+RA2              EQU  H'0002'
+RA3              EQU  H'0003'
+RA4              EQU  H'0004'
+RA5              EQU  H'0005'
+RA6              EQU  H'0006'
+RA7              EQU  H'0007'
+AN0              EQU  H'0000'
+AN1              EQU  H'0001'
+AN2              EQU  H'0002'
+AN3              EQU  H'0003'
+AN4              EQU  H'0005'
+OSC2             EQU  H'0006'
+OSC1             EQU  H'0007'
+ULPWU            EQU  H'0000'
+VREF_MINUS       EQU  H'0002'
+VREF_PLUS        EQU  H'0003'
+T0CKI            EQU  H'0004'
+T1CKI            EQU  H'0005'
+CLKO             EQU  H'0006'
+CLKI             EQU  H'0007'
+T3G              EQU  H'0005'
+HLVDIN           EQU  H'0005'
+;----- PORTB Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RB0              EQU  H'0000'
+RB1              EQU  H'0001'
+RB2              EQU  H'0002'
+RB3              EQU  H'0003'
+RB4              EQU  H'0004'
+RB5              EQU  H'0005'
+RB6              EQU  H'0006'
+RB7              EQU  H'0007'
+INT0             EQU  H'0000'
+INT1             EQU  H'0001'
+INT2             EQU  H'0002'
+INT3             EQU  H'0003'
+KBI0             EQU  H'0004'
+KBI1             EQU  H'0005'
+KBI2             EQU  H'0006'
+KBI3             EQU  H'0007'
+FLT0             EQU  H'0000'
+CTED1            EQU  H'0002'
+CTED2            EQU  H'0003'
+T3CKI            EQU  H'0005'
+CCP2_P2A         EQU  H'0003'
+T1G              EQU  H'0005'
+PGM              EQU  H'0005'
+PGC              EQU  H'0006'
+PGD              EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PORTC Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RC0              EQU  H'0000'
+RC1              EQU  H'0001'
+RC2              EQU  H'0002'
+RC3              EQU  H'0003'
+RC4              EQU  H'0004'
+RC5              EQU  H'0005'
+RC6              EQU  H'0006'
+RC7              EQU  H'0007'
+SOSCO            EQU  H'0000'
+SOSCI            EQU  H'0001'
+SCK1             EQU  H'0003'
+SDI1             EQU  H'0004'
+SDO1             EQU  H'0005'
+TX1              EQU  H'0006'
+RX1              EQU  H'0007'
+SCKLI            EQU  H'0000'
+CCP2_PORTC       EQU  H'0001'
+CCP1             EQU  H'0002'
+SCL1             EQU  H'0003'
+SDA1             EQU  H'0004'
+CK1              EQU  H'0006'
+DT1              EQU  H'0007'
+P2A_PORTC        EQU  H'0001'
+P1A              EQU  H'0002'
+;----- PORTD Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RD0              EQU  H'0000'
+RD1              EQU  H'0001'
+RD2              EQU  H'0002'
+RD3              EQU  H'0003'
+RD4              EQU  H'0004'
+RD5              EQU  H'0005'
+RD6              EQU  H'0006'
+RD7              EQU  H'0007'
+AD0              EQU  H'0000'
+AD1              EQU  H'0001'
+AD2              EQU  H'0002'
+AD3              EQU  H'0003'
+AD4              EQU  H'0004'
+AD5              EQU  H'0005'
+AD6              EQU  H'0006'
+AD7              EQU  H'0007'
+PSP0             EQU  H'0000'
+PSP1             EQU  H'0001'
+PSP2             EQU  H'0002'
+PSP3             EQU  H'0003'
+PSP4             EQU  H'0004'
+PSP5             EQU  H'0005'
+PSP6             EQU  H'0006'
+PSP7             EQU  H'0007'
+CTPLS            EQU  H'0000'
+T5CKI            EQU  H'0001'
+SDO2             EQU  H'0004'
+SDI2             EQU  H'0005'
+SCK2             EQU  H'0006'
+NOT_SS2          EQU  H'0007'
+T7G              EQU  H'0001'
+SDA2             EQU  H'0005'
+SCL2             EQU  H'0006'
+;----- PORTE Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RE0              EQU  H'0000'
+RE1              EQU  H'0001'
+RE2              EQU  H'0002'
+RE3              EQU  H'0003'
+RE4              EQU  H'0004'
+RE5              EQU  H'0005'
+RE6              EQU  H'0006'
+RE7              EQU  H'0007'
+AD8              EQU  H'0000'
+AD9              EQU  H'0001'
+AD10             EQU  H'0002'
+AD11             EQU  H'0003'
+AD12             EQU  H'0004'
+AD13             EQU  H'0005'
+AD14             EQU  H'0006'
+AD15             EQU  H'0007'
+P2D              EQU  H'0000'
+P2C              EQU  H'0001'
+P2B              EQU  H'0002'
+P3C              EQU  H'0003'
+P3B              EQU  H'0004'
+P1C              EQU  H'0005'
+P1B              EQU  H'0006'
+P2A_PORTE        EQU  H'0007'
+CCP10            EQU  H'0002'
+CCP9_PORTE       EQU  H'0003'
+CCP8_PORTE       EQU  H'0004'
+CCP7_PORTE       EQU  H'0005'
+CCP6_PORTE       EQU  H'0006'
+CCP2_PORTE       EQU  H'0007'
+NOT_RD           EQU  H'0000'
+NOT_WR           EQU  H'0001'
+NOT_CS           EQU  H'0002'
+REFO             EQU  H'0003'
+;----- PORTF Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RF1              EQU  H'0001'
+RF2              EQU  H'0002'
+RF3              EQU  H'0003'
+RF4              EQU  H'0004'
+RF5              EQU  H'0005'
+RF6              EQU  H'0006'
+RF7              EQU  H'0007'
+AN6              EQU  H'0001'
+AN7              EQU  H'0002'
+AN8              EQU  H'0003'
+AN9              EQU  H'0004'
+AN10             EQU  H'0005'
+AN11             EQU  H'0006'
+AN5              EQU  H'0007'
+C2OUT            EQU  H'0001'
+C1OUT            EQU  H'0002'
+C2INB            EQU  H'0003'
+C2INA            EQU  H'0004'
+C1INB            EQU  H'0005'
+C1INA            EQU  H'0006'
+SS1              EQU  H'0007'
+CTDIN            EQU  H'0001'
+CTMUI            EQU  H'0003'
+CVREF            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- PORTG Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RG0              EQU  H'0000'
+RG1              EQU  H'0001'
+RG2              EQU  H'0002'
+RG3              EQU  H'0003'
+RG4              EQU  H'0004'
+RG5              EQU  H'0005'
+CCP3             EQU  H'0000'
+C3OUT            EQU  H'0001'
+C3INA            EQU  H'0002'
+C3INB            EQU  H'0003'
+C3INC            EQU  H'0004'
+PA3              EQU  H'0000'
+TX2              EQU  H'0001'
+RX2              EQU  H'0002'
+PD3              EQU  H'0003'
+PD1              EQU  H'0004'
+AN19             EQU  H'0001'
+AN18             EQU  H'0002'
+AN17             EQU  H'0003'
+AN16             EQU  H'0004'
+CK2              EQU  H'0001'
+DT2              EQU  H'0002'
+CCP4             EQU  H'0003'
+CCP5             EQU  H'0004'
+T7CKI            EQU  H'0004'
+T5G              EQU  H'0004'
+RTCC             EQU  H'0004'
+;----- PORTH Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RH0              EQU  H'0000'
+RH1              EQU  H'0001'
+RH2              EQU  H'0002'
+RH3              EQU  H'0003'
+RH4              EQU  H'0004'
+RH5              EQU  H'0005'
+RH6              EQU  H'0006'
+RH7              EQU  H'0007'
+AN23             EQU  H'0000'
+AN22             EQU  H'0001'
+AN21             EQU  H'0002'
+AN20             EQU  H'0003'
+AN12             EQU  H'0004'
+AN13             EQU  H'0005'
+AN14             EQU  H'0006'
+AN15             EQU  H'0007'
+A16              EQU  H'0000'
+A17              EQU  H'0001'
+A18              EQU  H'0002'
+A19              EQU  H'0003'
+CCP9_PORTH       EQU  H'0004'
+CCP8_PORTH       EQU  H'0005'
+CCP7_PORTH       EQU  H'0006'
+CCP6_PORTH       EQU  H'0007'
+PC3              EQU  H'0004'
+PB3              EQU  H'0005'
+PC1              EQU  H'0006'
+PB1              EQU  H'0007'
+C2INC            EQU  H'0004'
+C2IND            EQU  H'0005'
+C1INC            EQU  H'0006'
+;----- PORTJ Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RJ0              EQU  H'0000'
+RJ1              EQU  H'0001'
+RJ2              EQU  H'0002'
+RJ3              EQU  H'0003'
+RJ4              EQU  H'0004'
+RJ5              EQU  H'0005'
+RJ6              EQU  H'0006'
+RJ7              EQU  H'0007'
+ALE              EQU  H'0000'
+OE               EQU  H'0001'
+WRL              EQU  H'0002'
+WRH              EQU  H'0003'
+BA0              EQU  H'0004'
+CE               EQU  H'0005'
+LB               EQU  H'0006'
+UB               EQU  H'0007'
+;----- LATA Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+LATA0            EQU  H'0000'
+LATA1            EQU  H'0001'
+LATA2            EQU  H'0002'
+LATA3            EQU  H'0003'
+LATA4            EQU  H'0004'
+LATA5            EQU  H'0005'
+LATA6            EQU  H'0006'
+LATA7            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- LATB Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+LATB0            EQU  H'0000'
+LATB1            EQU  H'0001'
+LATB2            EQU  H'0002'
+LATB3            EQU  H'0003'
+LATB4            EQU  H'0004'
+LATB5            EQU  H'0005'
+LATB6            EQU  H'0006'
+LATB7            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- LATC Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+LATC0            EQU  H'0000'
+LATC1            EQU  H'0001'
+LATC2            EQU  H'0002'
+LATC3            EQU  H'0003'
+LATC4            EQU  H'0004'
+LATC5            EQU  H'0005'
+LATC6            EQU  H'0006'
+LATC7            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- LATD Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+LATD0            EQU  H'0000'
+LATD1            EQU  H'0001'
+LATD2            EQU  H'0002'
+LATD3            EQU  H'0003'
+LATD4            EQU  H'0004'
+LATD5            EQU  H'0005'
+LATD6            EQU  H'0006'
+LATD7            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- LATE Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+LATE0            EQU  H'0000'
+LATE1            EQU  H'0001'
+LATE2            EQU  H'0002'
+LATE3            EQU  H'0003'
+LATE4            EQU  H'0004'
+LATE5            EQU  H'0005'
+LATE6            EQU  H'0006'
+LATE7            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- LATF Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+LATF1            EQU  H'0001'
+LATF2            EQU  H'0002'
+LATF3            EQU  H'0003'
+LATF4            EQU  H'0004'
+LATF5            EQU  H'0005'
+LATF6            EQU  H'0006'
+LATF7            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- LATG Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+LATG0            EQU  H'0000'
+LATG1            EQU  H'0001'
+LATG2            EQU  H'0002'
+LATG3            EQU  H'0003'
+LATG4            EQU  H'0004'
+;----- LATH Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+LATH0            EQU  H'0000'
+LATH1            EQU  H'0001'
+LATH2            EQU  H'0002'
+LATH3            EQU  H'0003'
+LATH4            EQU  H'0004'
+LATH5            EQU  H'0005'
+LATH6            EQU  H'0006'
+LATH7            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- LATJ Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+LATJ0            EQU  H'0000'
+LATJ1            EQU  H'0001'
+LATJ2            EQU  H'0002'
+LATJ3            EQU  H'0003'
+LATJ4            EQU  H'0004'
+LATJ5            EQU  H'0005'
+LATJ6            EQU  H'0006'
+LATJ7            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TRISA Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TRISA0           EQU  H'0000'
+TRISA1           EQU  H'0001'
+TRISA2           EQU  H'0002'
+TRISA3           EQU  H'0003'
+TRISA4           EQU  H'0004'
+TRISA5           EQU  H'0005'
+TRISA6           EQU  H'0006'
+TRISA7           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TRISB Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TRISB0           EQU  H'0000'
+TRISB1           EQU  H'0001'
+TRISB2           EQU  H'0002'
+TRISB3           EQU  H'0003'
+TRISB4           EQU  H'0004'
+TRISB5           EQU  H'0005'
+TRISB6           EQU  H'0006'
+TRISB7           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TRISC Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TRISC0           EQU  H'0000'
+TRISC1           EQU  H'0001'
+TRISC2           EQU  H'0002'
+TRISC3           EQU  H'0003'
+TRISC4           EQU  H'0004'
+TRISC5           EQU  H'0005'
+TRISC6           EQU  H'0006'
+TRISC7           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TRISD Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TRISD0           EQU  H'0000'
+TRISD1           EQU  H'0001'
+TRISD2           EQU  H'0002'
+TRISD3           EQU  H'0003'
+TRISD4           EQU  H'0004'
+TRISD5           EQU  H'0005'
+TRISD6           EQU  H'0006'
+TRISD7           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TRISE Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TRISE0           EQU  H'0000'
+TRISE1           EQU  H'0001'
+TRISE2           EQU  H'0002'
+TRISE3           EQU  H'0003'
+TRISE4           EQU  H'0004'
+TRISE5           EQU  H'0005'
+TRISE6           EQU  H'0006'
+TRISE7           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TRISF Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TRISF1           EQU  H'0001'
+TRISF2           EQU  H'0002'
+TRISF3           EQU  H'0003'
+TRISF4           EQU  H'0004'
+TRISF5           EQU  H'0005'
+TRISF6           EQU  H'0006'
+TRISF7           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TRISG Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TRISG0           EQU  H'0000'
+TRISG1           EQU  H'0001'
+TRISG2           EQU  H'0002'
+TRISG3           EQU  H'0003'
+TRISG4           EQU  H'0004'
+;----- TRISH Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TRISH0           EQU  H'0000'
+TRISH1           EQU  H'0001'
+TRISH2           EQU  H'0002'
+TRISH3           EQU  H'0003'
+TRISH4           EQU  H'0004'
+TRISH5           EQU  H'0005'
+TRISH6           EQU  H'0006'
+TRISH7           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TRISJ Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TRISJ0           EQU  H'0000'
+TRISJ1           EQU  H'0001'
+TRISJ2           EQU  H'0002'
+TRISJ3           EQU  H'0003'
+TRISJ4           EQU  H'0004'
+TRISJ5           EQU  H'0005'
+TRISJ6           EQU  H'0006'
+TRISJ7           EQU  H'0007'
+;----- OSCTUNE Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+PLLEN            EQU  H'0006'
+INTSRC           EQU  H'0007'
+TUN0             EQU  H'0000'
+TUN1             EQU  H'0001'
+TUN2             EQU  H'0002'
+TUN3             EQU  H'0003'
+TUN4             EQU  H'0004'
+TUN5             EQU  H'0005'
+;----- PSTR1CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+STRA             EQU  H'0000'
+STRB             EQU  H'0001'
+STRC             EQU  H'0002'
+STRD             EQU  H'0003'
+STRSYNC          EQU  H'0004'
+CMPL0            EQU  H'0006'
+CMPL1            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PIE1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR1IE           EQU  H'0000'
+TMR2IE           EQU  H'0001'
+TMR1GIE          EQU  H'0002'
+SSP1IE           EQU  H'0003'
+TX1IE            EQU  H'0004'
+RC1IE            EQU  H'0005'
+ADIE             EQU  H'0006'
+PSPIE            EQU  H'0007'
+SSPIE            EQU  H'0003'
+TXIE             EQU  H'0004'
+RCIE             EQU  H'0005'
+;----- PIR1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR1IF           EQU  H'0000'
+TMR2IF           EQU  H'0001'
+TMR1GIF          EQU  H'0002'
+SSP1IF           EQU  H'0003'
+TX1IF            EQU  H'0004'
+RC1IF            EQU  H'0005'
+ADIF             EQU  H'0006'
+PSPIF            EQU  H'0007'
+SSPIF            EQU  H'0003'
+TXIF             EQU  H'0004'
+RCIF             EQU  H'0005'
+;----- IPR1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR1IP           EQU  H'0000'
+TMR2IP           EQU  H'0001'
+TMR1GIP          EQU  H'0002'
+SSP1IP           EQU  H'0003'
+TX1IP            EQU  H'0004'
+RC1IP            EQU  H'0005'
+ADIP             EQU  H'0006'
+PSPIP            EQU  H'0007'
+SSPIP            EQU  H'0003'
+TXIP             EQU  H'0004'
+RCIP             EQU  H'0005'
+;----- PIE2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR3GIE          EQU  H'0000'
+TMR3IE           EQU  H'0001'
+HLVDIE           EQU  H'0002'
+BCL1IE           EQU  H'0003'
+BCL2IE           EQU  H'0004'
+SSP2IE           EQU  H'0005'
+OSCFIE           EQU  H'0007'
+LVDIE            EQU  H'0002'
+BCLIE            EQU  H'0003'
+;----- PIR2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR3GIF          EQU  H'0000'
+TMR3IF           EQU  H'0001'
+HLVDIF           EQU  H'0002'
+BCL1IF           EQU  H'0003'
+BCL2IF           EQU  H'0004'
+SSP2IF           EQU  H'0005'
+OSCFIF           EQU  H'0007'
+LVDIF            EQU  H'0002'
+BCLIF            EQU  H'0003'
+;----- IPR2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR3GIP          EQU  H'0000'
+TMR3IP           EQU  H'0001'
+HLVDIP           EQU  H'0002'
+BCL1IP           EQU  H'0003'
+BCL2IP           EQU  H'0004'
+SSP2IP           EQU  H'0005'
+OSCFIP           EQU  H'0007'
+LVDIP            EQU  H'0002'
+BCLIP            EQU  H'0003'
+;----- PIE3 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RTCCIE           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP1IE           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP2IE           EQU  H'0002'
+CTMUIE           EQU  H'0003'
+TX2IE            EQU  H'0004'
+RC2IE            EQU  H'0005'
+TMR5GIE          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PIR3 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RTCCIF           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP1IF           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP2IF           EQU  H'0002'
+CTMUIF           EQU  H'0003'
+TX2IF            EQU  H'0004'
+RC2IF            EQU  H'0005'
+TMR5GIF          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- IPR3 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RTCCIP           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP1IP           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP2IP           EQU  H'0002'
+CTMUIP           EQU  H'0003'
+TX2IP            EQU  H'0004'
+RC2IP            EQU  H'0005'
+TMR5GIP          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PIR6 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CMP1IF           EQU  H'0000'
+CMP2IF           EQU  H'0001'
+CMP3IF           EQU  H'0002'
+EEIF             EQU  H'0004'
+;----- PSPCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+PSPMODE          EQU  H'0004'
+IBOV             EQU  H'0005'
+OBF              EQU  H'0006'
+IBF              EQU  H'0007'
+;----- HLVDCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+HLVDEN           EQU  H'0004'
+IRVST            EQU  H'0005'
+BGVST            EQU  H'0006'
+VDIRMAG          EQU  H'0007'
+HLVDL0           EQU  H'0000'
+HLVDL1           EQU  H'0001'
+HLVDL2           EQU  H'0002'
+HLVDL3           EQU  H'0003'
+;----- IPR6 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CMP1IP           EQU  H'0000'
+CMP2IP           EQU  H'0001'
+CMP3IP           EQU  H'0002'
+EEIP             EQU  H'0004'
+;----- T1GCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+T1GVAL           EQU  H'0002'
+T1GSPM           EQU  H'0004'
+T1GTM            EQU  H'0005'
+T1GPOL           EQU  H'0006'
+TMR1GE           EQU  H'0007'
+T1GSS0           EQU  H'0000'
+T1GSS1           EQU  H'0001'
+T1GGO            EQU  H'0003'
+NOT_T1DONE       EQU  H'0003'
+;----- RCSTA Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RX9D             EQU  H'0000'
+OERR             EQU  H'0001'
+FERR             EQU  H'0002'
+ADDEN            EQU  H'0003'
+CREN             EQU  H'0004'
+SREN             EQU  H'0005'
+RX9              EQU  H'0006'
+SPEN             EQU  H'0007'
+RCD8             EQU  H'0000'
+ADEN             EQU  H'0003'
+RC9              EQU  H'0006'
+NOT_RC8          EQU  H'0006'
+RC8_9            EQU  H'0006'
+RX9D1            EQU  H'0000'
+OERR1            EQU  H'0001'
+FERR1            EQU  H'0002'
+ADDEN1           EQU  H'0003'
+CREN1            EQU  H'0004'
+SREN1            EQU  H'0005'
+RX91             EQU  H'0006'
+SPEN1            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- RCSTA1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RX9D             EQU  H'0000'
+OERR             EQU  H'0001'
+FERR             EQU  H'0002'
+ADDEN            EQU  H'0003'
+CREN             EQU  H'0004'
+SREN             EQU  H'0005'
+RX9              EQU  H'0006'
+SPEN             EQU  H'0007'
+RCD8             EQU  H'0000'
+ADEN             EQU  H'0003'
+RC9              EQU  H'0006'
+NOT_RC8          EQU  H'0006'
+RC8_9            EQU  H'0006'
+RX9D1            EQU  H'0000'
+OERR1            EQU  H'0001'
+FERR1            EQU  H'0002'
+ADDEN1           EQU  H'0003'
+CREN1            EQU  H'0004'
+SREN1            EQU  H'0005'
+RX91             EQU  H'0006'
+SPEN1            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TXSTA Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TX9D             EQU  H'0000'
+TRMT             EQU  H'0001'
+BRGH             EQU  H'0002'
+SENDB            EQU  H'0003'
+SYNC             EQU  H'0004'
+TXEN             EQU  H'0005'
+TX9              EQU  H'0006'
+CSRC             EQU  H'0007'
+TXD8             EQU  H'0000'
+TX8_9            EQU  H'0006'
+NOT_TX8          EQU  H'0006'
+TX9D1            EQU  H'0000'
+TRMT1            EQU  H'0001'
+BRGH1            EQU  H'0002'
+SENDB1           EQU  H'0003'
+SYNC1            EQU  H'0004'
+TXEN1            EQU  H'0005'
+TX91             EQU  H'0006'
+CSRC1            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- TXSTA1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TX9D             EQU  H'0000'
+TRMT             EQU  H'0001'
+BRGH             EQU  H'0002'
+SENDB            EQU  H'0003'
+SYNC             EQU  H'0004'
+TXEN             EQU  H'0005'
+TX9              EQU  H'0006'
+CSRC             EQU  H'0007'
+TXD8             EQU  H'0000'
+TX8_9            EQU  H'0006'
+NOT_TX8          EQU  H'0006'
+TX9D1            EQU  H'0000'
+TRMT1            EQU  H'0001'
+BRGH1            EQU  H'0002'
+SENDB1           EQU  H'0003'
+SYNC1            EQU  H'0004'
+TXEN1            EQU  H'0005'
+TX91             EQU  H'0006'
+CSRC1            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- T3GCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+T3GVAL           EQU  H'0002'
+T3GSPM           EQU  H'0004'
+T3GTM            EQU  H'0005'
+T3GPOL           EQU  H'0006'
+TMR3GE           EQU  H'0007'
+T3GSS0           EQU  H'0000'
+T3GSS1           EQU  H'0001'
+T3GGO            EQU  H'0003'
+NOT_T3DONE       EQU  H'0003'
+;----- T3CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR3ON           EQU  H'0000'
+RD16             EQU  H'0001'
+NOT_T3SYNC       EQU  H'0002'
+SOSCEN           EQU  H'0003'
+T3CKPS0          EQU  H'0004'
+T3CKPS1          EQU  H'0005'
+TMR3CS0          EQU  H'0006'
+TMR3CS1          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- CMSTAT Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CMP1OUT          EQU  H'0005'
+CMP2OUT          EQU  H'0006'
+CMP3OUT          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- CMSTATUS Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CMP1OUT          EQU  H'0005'
+CMP2OUT          EQU  H'0006'
+CMP3OUT          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- CVRCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CVRSS            EQU  H'0005'
+CVROE            EQU  H'0006'
+CVREN            EQU  H'0007'
+CVR0             EQU  H'0000'
+CVR1             EQU  H'0001'
+CVR2             EQU  H'0002'
+CVR3             EQU  H'0003'
+CVR4             EQU  H'0004'
+;----- PIE4 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP3IE           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP4IE           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP5IE           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP6IE           EQU  H'0003'
+CCP7IE           EQU  H'0004'
+CCP8IE           EQU  H'0005'
+CCP9IE           EQU  H'0006'
+CCP10IE          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PIR4 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP3IF           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP4IF           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP5IF           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP6IF           EQU  H'0003'
+CCP7IF           EQU  H'0004'
+CCP8IF           EQU  H'0005'
+CCP9IF           EQU  H'0006'
+CCP10IF          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- IPR4 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP3IP           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP4IP           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP5IP           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP6IP           EQU  H'0003'
+CCP7IP           EQU  H'0004'
+CCP8IP           EQU  H'0005'
+CCP9IP           EQU  H'0006'
+CCP10IP          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PIE5 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR4IE           EQU  H'0000'
+TMR5IE           EQU  H'0001'
+TMR6IE           EQU  H'0002'
+TMR7IE           EQU  H'0003'
+TMR8IE           EQU  H'0004'
+TMR10IE          EQU  H'0005'
+TMR12IE          EQU  H'0006'
+TMR7GIE          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- PIR5 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR4IF           EQU  H'0000'
+TMR5IF           EQU  H'0001'
+TMR6IF           EQU  H'0002'
+TMR7IF           EQU  H'0003'
+TMR8IF           EQU  H'0004'
+TMR10IF          EQU  H'0005'
+TMR12IF          EQU  H'0006'
+TMR7GIF          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- CCP1CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP1M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP1M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP1M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP1M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC1B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC1B1            EQU  H'0005'
+P1M0             EQU  H'0006'
+P1M1             EQU  H'0007'
+CCP1Y            EQU  H'0004'
+CCP1X            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- ECCP1CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CCP1M0           EQU  H'0000'
+CCP1M1           EQU  H'0001'
+CCP1M2           EQU  H'0002'
+CCP1M3           EQU  H'0003'
+DC1B0            EQU  H'0004'
+DC1B1            EQU  H'0005'
+P1M0             EQU  H'0006'
+P1M1             EQU  H'0007'
+CCP1Y            EQU  H'0004'
+CCP1X            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- ECCP1DEL Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+P1RSEN           EQU  H'0007'
+P1DC0            EQU  H'0000'
+P1DC1            EQU  H'0001'
+P1DC2            EQU  H'0002'
+P1DC3            EQU  H'0003'
+P1DC4            EQU  H'0004'
+P1DC5            EQU  H'0005'
+P1DC6            EQU  H'0006'
+;----- PWM1CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+P1RSEN           EQU  H'0007'
+P1DC0            EQU  H'0000'
+P1DC1            EQU  H'0001'
+P1DC2            EQU  H'0002'
+P1DC3            EQU  H'0003'
+P1DC4            EQU  H'0004'
+P1DC5            EQU  H'0005'
+P1DC6            EQU  H'0006'
+;----- ECCP1AS Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ECCP1ASE         EQU  H'0007'
+PSS1BD0          EQU  H'0000'
+PSS1BD1          EQU  H'0001'
+PSS1AC0          EQU  H'0002'
+PSS1AC1          EQU  H'0003'
+ECCP1AS0         EQU  H'0004'
+ECCP1AS1         EQU  H'0005'
+ECCP1AS2         EQU  H'0006'
+;----- ADCON2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ADFM             EQU  H'0007'
+ADCS0            EQU  H'0000'
+ADCS1            EQU  H'0001'
+ADCS2            EQU  H'0002'
+ACQT0            EQU  H'0003'
+ACQT1            EQU  H'0004'
+ACQT2            EQU  H'0005'
+;----- ADCON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+VNCFG            EQU  H'0003'
+CHSN0            EQU  H'0000'
+CHSN1            EQU  H'0001'
+CHSN2            EQU  H'0002'
+VCFG0            EQU  H'0004'
+VCFG1            EQU  H'0005'
+TRIGSEL0         EQU  H'0006'
+TRIGSEL1         EQU  H'0007'
+;----- ADCON0 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+ADON             EQU  H'0000'
+GO_NOT_DONE      EQU  H'0001'
+DONE             EQU  H'0001'
+CHS0             EQU  H'0002'
+CHS1             EQU  H'0003'
+CHS2             EQU  H'0004'
+CHS3             EQU  H'0005'
+CHS4             EQU  H'0006'
+GO               EQU  H'0001'
+NOT_DONE         EQU  H'0001'
+;----- SSP1CON2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+SEN              EQU  H'0000'
+RSEN             EQU  H'0001'
+PEN              EQU  H'0002'
+RCEN             EQU  H'0003'
+ACKEN            EQU  H'0004'
+ACKDT            EQU  H'0005'
+ACKSTAT          EQU  H'0006'
+GCEN             EQU  H'0007'
+ADMSK1           EQU  H'0001'
+ADMSK2           EQU  H'0002'
+ADMSK3           EQU  H'0003'
+ADMSK4           EQU  H'0004'
+ADMSK5           EQU  H'0005'
+;----- SSPCON2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+SEN              EQU  H'0000'
+RSEN             EQU  H'0001'
+PEN              EQU  H'0002'
+RCEN             EQU  H'0003'
+ACKEN            EQU  H'0004'
+ACKDT            EQU  H'0005'
+ACKSTAT          EQU  H'0006'
+GCEN             EQU  H'0007'
+ADMSK1           EQU  H'0001'
+ADMSK2           EQU  H'0002'
+ADMSK3           EQU  H'0003'
+ADMSK4           EQU  H'0004'
+ADMSK5           EQU  H'0005'
+;----- SSP1CON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CKP              EQU  H'0004'
+SSPEN            EQU  H'0005'
+SSPOV            EQU  H'0006'
+WCOL             EQU  H'0007'
+SSPM0            EQU  H'0000'
+SSPM1            EQU  H'0001'
+SSPM2            EQU  H'0002'
+SSPM3            EQU  H'0003'
+;----- SSPCON1 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+CKP              EQU  H'0004'
+SSPEN            EQU  H'0005'
+SSPOV            EQU  H'0006'
+WCOL             EQU  H'0007'
+SSPM0            EQU  H'0000'
+SSPM1            EQU  H'0001'
+SSPM2            EQU  H'0002'
+SSPM3            EQU  H'0003'
+;----- SSP1STAT Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+BF               EQU  H'0000'
+UA               EQU  H'0001'
+R_NOT_W          EQU  H'0002'
+S                EQU  H'0003'
+P                EQU  H'0004'
+D_NOT_A          EQU  H'0005'
+CKE              EQU  H'0006'
+SMP              EQU  H'0007'
+R                EQU  H'0002'
+D                EQU  H'0005'
+R_W              EQU  H'0002'
+D_A              EQU  H'0005'
+NOT_W            EQU  H'0002'
+NOT_A            EQU  H'0005'
+NOT_WRITE        EQU  H'0002'
+NOT_ADDRESS      EQU  H'0005'
+READ_WRITE       EQU  H'0002'
+DATA_ADDRESS     EQU  H'0005'
+I2C_READ         EQU  H'0002'
+I2C_START        EQU  H'0003'
+I2C_STOP         EQU  H'0004'
+I2C_DAT          EQU  H'0005'
+;----- SSPSTAT Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+BF               EQU  H'0000'
+UA               EQU  H'0001'
+R_NOT_W          EQU  H'0002'
+S                EQU  H'0003'
+P                EQU  H'0004'
+D_NOT_A          EQU  H'0005'
+CKE              EQU  H'0006'
+SMP              EQU  H'0007'
+R                EQU  H'0002'
+D                EQU  H'0005'
+R_W              EQU  H'0002'
+D_A              EQU  H'0005'
+NOT_W            EQU  H'0002'
+NOT_A            EQU  H'0005'
+NOT_WRITE        EQU  H'0002'
+NOT_ADDRESS      EQU  H'0005'
+READ_WRITE       EQU  H'0002'
+DATA_ADDRESS     EQU  H'0005'
+I2C_READ         EQU  H'0002'
+I2C_START        EQU  H'0003'
+I2C_STOP         EQU  H'0004'
+I2C_DAT          EQU  H'0005'
+;----- SSP1MSK Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+MSK0             EQU  H'0000'
+MSK1             EQU  H'0001'
+MSK2             EQU  H'0002'
+MSK3             EQU  H'0003'
+MSK4             EQU  H'0004'
+MSK5             EQU  H'0005'
+MSK6             EQU  H'0006'
+MSK7             EQU  H'0007'
+;----- T2CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR2ON           EQU  H'0002'
+T2CKPS0          EQU  H'0000'
+T2CKPS1          EQU  H'0001'
+T2OUTPS0         EQU  H'0003'
+T2OUTPS1         EQU  H'0004'
+T2OUTPS2         EQU  H'0005'
+T2OUTPS3         EQU  H'0006'
+;----- T1CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR1ON           EQU  H'0000'
+RD16             EQU  H'0001'
+NOT_T1SYNC       EQU  H'0002'
+SOSCEN           EQU  H'0003'
+T1CKPS0          EQU  H'0004'
+T1CKPS1          EQU  H'0005'
+TMR1CS0          EQU  H'0006'
+TMR1CS1          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- RCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+NOT_BOR          EQU  H'0000'
+NOT_POR          EQU  H'0001'
+NOT_PD           EQU  H'0002'
+NOT_TO           EQU  H'0003'
+NOT_RI           EQU  H'0004'
+NOT_CM           EQU  H'0005'
+SBOREN           EQU  H'0006'
+IPEN             EQU  H'0007'
+BOR              EQU  H'0000'
+POR              EQU  H'0001'
+PD               EQU  H'0002'
+TO               EQU  H'0003'
+RI               EQU  H'0004'
+CM               EQU  H'0005'
+;----- WDTCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+SWDTEN           EQU  H'0000'
+ULPSINK          EQU  H'0001'
+ULPEN            EQU  H'0002'
+SRETEN           EQU  H'0004'
+ULPLVL           EQU  H'0005'
+REGSLP           EQU  H'0007'
+SWDTE            EQU  H'0000'
+;----- IPR5 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+TMR4IP           EQU  H'0000'
+TMR5IP           EQU  H'0001'
+TMR6IP           EQU  H'0002'
+TMR7IP           EQU  H'0003'
+TMR8IP           EQU  H'0004'
+TMR10IP          EQU  H'0005'
+TMR12IP          EQU  H'0006'
+TMR7GIP          EQU  H'0007'
+;----- OSCCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+HFIOFS           EQU  H'0002'
+OSTS             EQU  H'0003'
+IDLEN            EQU  H'0007'
+SCS0             EQU  H'0000'
+SCS1             EQU  H'0001'
+IRCF0            EQU  H'0004'
+IRCF1            EQU  H'0005'
+IRCF2            EQU  H'0006'
+;----- T0CON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+PSA              EQU  H'0003'
+T0SE             EQU  H'0004'
+T0CS             EQU  H'0005'
+T08BIT           EQU  H'0006'
+TMR0ON           EQU  H'0007'
+T0PS0            EQU  H'0000'
+T0PS1            EQU  H'0001'
+T0PS2            EQU  H'0002'
+;----- STATUS Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+C                EQU  H'0000'
+DC               EQU  H'0001'
+Z                EQU  H'0002'
+OV               EQU  H'0003'
+N                EQU  H'0004'
+;----- INTCON3 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+INT1IF           EQU  H'0000'
+INT2IF           EQU  H'0001'
+INT3IF           EQU  H'0002'
+INT1IE           EQU  H'0003'
+INT2IE           EQU  H'0004'
+INT3IE           EQU  H'0005'
+INT1IP           EQU  H'0006'
+INT2IP           EQU  H'0007'
+INT1F            EQU  H'0000'
+INT2F            EQU  H'0001'
+INT3F            EQU  H'0002'
+INT1E            EQU  H'0003'
+INT2E            EQU  H'0004'
+INT3E            EQU  H'0005'
+INT1P            EQU  H'0006'
+INT2P            EQU  H'0007'
+;----- INTCON2 Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RBIP             EQU  H'0000'
+INT3IP           EQU  H'0001'
+TMR0IP           EQU  H'0002'
+INTEDG3          EQU  H'0003'
+INTEDG2          EQU  H'0004'
+INTEDG1          EQU  H'0005'
+INTEDG0          EQU  H'0006'
+NOT_RBPU         EQU  H'0007'
+INT3P            EQU  H'0001'
+T0IP             EQU  H'0002'
+RBPU             EQU  H'0007'
+;----- INTCON Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+RBIF             EQU  H'0000'
+INT0IF           EQU  H'0001'
+TMR0IF           EQU  H'0002'
+RBIE             EQU  H'0003'
+INT0IE           EQU  H'0004'
+TMR0IE           EQU  H'0005'
+PEIE_GIEL        EQU  H'0006'
+GIE_GIEH         EQU  H'0007'
+INT0F            EQU  H'0001'
+T0IF             EQU  H'0002'
+INT0E            EQU  H'0004'
+T0IE             EQU  H'0005'
+PEIE             EQU  H'0006'
+GIE              EQU  H'0007'
+GIEL             EQU  H'0006'
+GIEH             EQU  H'0007'
+;----- STKPTR Bits -----------------------------------------------------
+STKUNF           EQU  H'0006'
+STKFUL           EQU  H'0007'
+SP0              EQU  H'0000'
+SP1              EQU  H'0001'
+SP2              EQU  H'0002'
+SP3              EQU  H'0003'
+SP4              EQU  H'0004'
+STKOVF           EQU  H'0007'
+;       RAM Definitions
+       __MAXRAM  H'0FFF'
+;   IMPORTANT: For the PIC18 devices, the __CONFIG directive has been
+;              superseded by the CONFIG directive.  The following settings
+;              are available for this device.
+;   VREG Sleep Enable bit:
+;     RETEN = OFF          Disabled - Controlled by SRETEN bit
+;     RETEN = ON           Enabled
+;   LF-INTOSC Low-power Enable bit:
+;     INTOSCSEL = LOW      LF-INTOSC in Low-power mode during Sleep
+;     INTOSCSEL = HIGH     LF-INTOSC in High-power mode during Sleep
+;   SOSC Power Selection and mode Configuration bits:
+;     SOSCSEL = LOW        Low Power SOSC circuit selected
+;     SOSCSEL = DIG        Digital (SCLKI) mode
+;     SOSCSEL = HIGH       High Power SOSC circuit selected
+;   Extended Instruction Set:
+;     XINST = OFF          Disabled
+;     XINST = ON           Enabled
+;   Oscillator:
+;     FOSC = LP            LP oscillator
+;     FOSC = XT            XT oscillator
+;     FOSC = HS2           HS oscillator (High power, 16 MHz - 25 MHz)
+;     FOSC = HS1           HS oscillator (Medium power, 4 MHz - 16 MHz)
+;     FOSC = EC3IO         EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (High power, 16 MHz - 64 MHz)
+;     FOSC = EC3           EC oscillator (High power, 16 MHz - 64 MHz)
+;     FOSC = RC            External RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2
+;     FOSC = RCIO          External RC oscillator
+;     FOSC = INTIO2        Internal RC oscillator
+;     FOSC = INTIO1        Internal RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2
+;     FOSC = EC2IO         EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (Medium power, 160 kHz - 4 MHz)
+;     FOSC = EC2           EC oscillator (Medium power, 160 kHz - 4 MHz)
+;     FOSC = EC1IO         EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (Low power, DC - 160 kHz)
+;     FOSC = EC1           EC oscillator (Low power, DC - 160 kHz)
+;   PLL x4 Enable bit:
+;     PLLCFG = OFF         Disabled
+;     PLLCFG = ON          Enabled
+;   Fail-Safe Clock Monitor:
+;     FCMEN = OFF          Disabled
+;     FCMEN = ON           Enabled
+;   Internal External Oscillator Switch Over Mode:
+;     IESO = OFF           Disabled
+;     IESO = ON            Enabled
+;   Power Up Timer:
+;     PWRTEN = ON          Enabled
+;     PWRTEN = OFF         Disabled
+;   Brown Out Detect:
+;     BOREN = OFF          Disabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled
+;     BOREN = ON           Controlled with SBOREN bit
+;     BOREN = NOSLP        Enabled while active, disabled in SLEEP, SBOREN disabled
+;     BOREN = SBORDIS      Enabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled
+;   Brown-out Reset Voltage bits:
+;     BORV = 0             3.0V
+;     BORV = 1             2.7V
+;     BORV = 2             2.0V
+;     BORV = 3             1.8V
+;   BORMV Power level:
+;     BORPWR = LOW         BORMV set to low power level
+;     BORPWR = MEDIUM      BORMV set to medium power level
+;     BORPWR = HIGH        BORMV set to high power level
+;     BORPWR = ZPBORMV     ZPBORMV instead of BORMV is selected
+;   Watchdog Timer:
+;     WDTEN = OFF          WDT disabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled
+;     WDTEN = NOSLP        WDT enabled only while device is active and disabled in Sleep mode; SWDTEN bit disabled
+;     WDTEN = ON           WDT controlled by SWDTEN bit setting
+;     WDTEN = SWDTDIS      WDT enabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled
+;   Watchdog Postscaler:
+;     WDTPS = 1            1:1
+;     WDTPS = 2            1:2
+;     WDTPS = 4            1:4
+;     WDTPS = 8            1:8
+;     WDTPS = 16           1:16
+;     WDTPS = 32           1:32
+;     WDTPS = 64           1:64
+;     WDTPS = 128          1:128
+;     WDTPS = 256          1:256
+;     WDTPS = 512          1:512
+;     WDTPS = 1024         1:1024
+;     WDTPS = 2048         1:2048
+;     WDTPS = 4096         1:4096
+;     WDTPS = 8192         1:8192
+;     WDTPS = 16384        1:16384
+;     WDTPS = 32768        1:32768
+;     WDTPS = 65536        1:65536
+;     WDTPS = 131072       1:131072
+;     WDTPS = 262144       1:262144
+;     WDTPS = 524288       1:524288
+;     WDTPS = 1048576      1:1048576
+;   RTCC Clock Select:
+;     RTCOSC = SOSCREF     RTCC uses SOSC
+;   External Address Shift bit:
+;     EASHFT = OFF         Address Shifting disabled
+;     EASHFT = ON          Address Shifting enabled
+;   Address Bus Width Select bits:
+;     ABW = XM20           20-bit address bus
+;     ABW = XM16           16-bit address bus
+;     ABW = XM12           12-bit address bus
+;     ABW = MM             8-bit address bus
+;   Data Bus Width:
+;     BW = 8               8-bit external bus mode
+;     BW = 16              16-bit external bus mode
+;   External Bus Wait:
+;     WAIT = ON            Enabled
+;     WAIT = OFF           Disabled
+;   CCP2 Mux:
+;     CCP2MX = PORTBE      RE7-Microcontroller Mode/RB3-All other modes
+;     CCP2MX = PORTC       RC1
+;   ECCP Mux:
+;     ECCPMX = PORTH       Enhanced CCP1/3 [P1B/P1C/P3B/P3C] muxed with RH7/RH6/RH5/RH4
+;     ECCPMX = PORTE       Enhanced CCP1/3 [P1B/P1C/P3B/P3C] muxed with RE6/RE5/RE4/RE3
+;   MSSP address masking:
+;     MSSPMSK = MSK5       5 bit address masking mode
+;     MSSPMSK = MSK7       7 Bit address masking mode
+;   Master Clear Enable:
+;     MCLRE = OFF          MCLR Disabled, RG5 Enabled
+;     MCLRE = ON           MCLR Enabled, RG5 Disabled
+;   Stack Overflow Reset:
+;     STVREN = OFF         Disabled
+;     STVREN = ON          Enabled
+;   Boot Block Size:
+;     BBSIZ = BB1K         1K word Boot Block size
+;     BBSIZ = BB2K         2K word Boot Block size
+;   Background Debug:
+;     DEBUG = ON           Enabled
+;     DEBUG = OFF          Disabled
+;   Code Protect 00800-03FFF:
+;     CP0 = ON             Enabled
+;     CP0 = OFF            Disabled
+;   Code Protect 04000-07FFF:
+;     CP1 = ON             Enabled
+;     CP1 = OFF            Disabled
+;   Code Protect 08000-0BFFF:
+;     CP2 = ON             Enabled
+;     CP2 = OFF            Disabled
+;   Code Protect 0C000-0FFFF:
+;     CP3 = ON             Enabled
+;     CP3 = OFF            Disabled
+;   Code Protect 10000-13FFF:
+;     CP4 = ON             Enabled
+;     CP4 = OFF            Disabled
+;   Code Protect 14000-17FFF:
+;     CP5 = ON             Enabled
+;     CP5 = OFF            Disabled
+;   Code Protect 18000-1BFFF:
+;     CP6 = ON             Enabled
+;     CP6 = OFF            Disabled
+;   Code Protect 1C000-1FFFF:
+;     CP7 = ON             Enabled
+;     CP7 = OFF            Disabled
+;   Code Protect Boot:
+;     CPB = ON             Enabled
+;     CPB = OFF            Disabled
+;   Data EE Read Protect:
+;     CPD = ON             Enabled
+;     CPD = OFF            Disabled
+;   Table Write Protect 00800-03FFF:
+;     WRT0 = ON            Enabled
+;     WRT0 = OFF           Disabled
+;   Table Write Protect 04000-07FFF:
+;     WRT1 = ON            Enabled
+;     WRT1 = OFF           Disabled
+;   Table Write Protect 08000-0BFFF:
+;     WRT2 = ON            Enabled
+;     WRT2 = OFF           Disabled
+;   Table Write Protect 0C000-0FFFF:
+;     WRT3 = ON            Enabled
+;     WRT3 = OFF           Disabled
+;   Table Write Protect 10000-13FFF:
+;     WRT4 = ON            Enabled
+;     WRT4 = OFF           Disabled
+;   Table Write Protect 14000-17FFF:
+;     WRT5 = ON            Enabled
+;     WRT5 = OFF           Disabled
+;   Table Write Protect 18000-1BFFF:
+;     WRT6 = ON            Enabled
+;     WRT6 = OFF           Disabled
+;   Table Write Protect 1C000-1FFFF:
+;     WRT7 = ON            Enabled
+;     WRT7 = OFF           Disabled
+;   Config. Write Protect:
+;     WRTC = ON            Enabled
+;     WRTC = OFF           Disabled
+;   Table Write Protect Boot:
+;     WRTB = ON            Enabled
+;     WRTB = OFF           Disabled
+;   Data EE Write Protect:
+;     WRTD = ON            Enabled
+;     WRTD = OFF           Disabled
+;   Table Read Protect 00800-03FFF:
+;     EBRT0 = ON           Enabled
+;     EBRT0 = OFF          Disabled
+;   Table Read Protect 04000-07FFF:
+;     EBRT1 = ON           Enabled
+;     EBRT1 = OFF          Disabled
+;   Table Read Protect 08000-0BFFF:
+;     EBRT2 = ON           Enabled
+;     EBRT2 = OFF          Disabled
+;   Table Read Protect 0C000-0FFFF:
+;     EBRT3 = ON           Enabled
+;     EBRT3 = OFF          Disabled
+;   Table Read Protect 10000-13FFF:
+;     EBRT4 = ON           Enabled
+;     EBRT4 = OFF          Disabled
+;   Table Read Protect 14000-17FFF:
+;     EBRT5 = ON           Enabled
+;     EBRT5 = OFF          Disabled
+;   Table Read Protect 18000-1BFFF:
+;     EBRT6 = ON           Enabled
+;     EBRT6 = OFF          Disabled
+;   Table Read Protect 1C000-1FFFF:
+;     EBRT7 = ON           Enabled
+;     EBRT7 = OFF          Disabled
+;   Table Read Protect Boot:
+;     EBRTB = ON           Enabled
+;     EBRTB = OFF          Disabled
+;       Configuration Bits
+;   NAME            Address
+;   CONFIG1L        300000h
+;   CONFIG1H        300001h
+;   CONFIG2L        300002h
+;   CONFIG2H        300003h
+;   CONFIG3L        300004h
+;   CONFIG3H        300005h
+;   CONFIG4L        300006h
+;   CONFIG5L        300008h
+;   CONFIG5H        300009h
+;   CONFIG6L        30000Ah
+;   CONFIG6H        30000Bh
+;   CONFIG7L        30000Ch
+;   CONFIG7H        30000Dh
+; The following is an assignment of address values for all of the
+; configuration registers for the purpose of table reads
+_CONFIG1L        EQU  H'300000'
+_CONFIG1H        EQU  H'300001'
+_CONFIG2L        EQU  H'300002'
+_CONFIG2H        EQU  H'300003'
+_CONFIG3L        EQU  H'300004'
+_CONFIG3H        EQU  H'300005'
+_CONFIG4L        EQU  H'300006'
+_CONFIG5L        EQU  H'300008'
+_CONFIG5H        EQU  H'300009'
+_CONFIG6L        EQU  H'30000A'
+_CONFIG6H        EQU  H'30000B'
+_CONFIG7L        EQU  H'30000C'
+_CONFIG7H        EQU  H'30000D'
+;----- CONFIG1L Options --------------------------------------------------
+_RETEN_OFF_1L        EQU  H'FE'    ; Disabled - Controlled by SRETEN bit
+_RETEN_ON_1L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Enabled
+_INTOSCSEL_LOW_1L    EQU  H'FB'    ; LF-INTOSC in Low-power mode during Sleep
+_INTOSCSEL_HIGH_1L   EQU  H'FF'    ; LF-INTOSC in High-power mode during Sleep
+_SOSCSEL_LOW_1L      EQU  H'EF'    ; Low Power SOSC circuit selected
+_SOSCSEL_DIG_1L      EQU  H'F7'    ; Digital (SCLKI) mode
+_SOSCSEL_HIGH_1L     EQU  H'FF'    ; High Power SOSC circuit selected
+_XINST_OFF_1L        EQU  H'BF'    ; Disabled
+_XINST_ON_1L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Enabled
+;----- CONFIG1H Options --------------------------------------------------
+_FOSC_LP_1H          EQU  H'F0'    ; LP oscillator
+_FOSC_XT_1H          EQU  H'F1'    ; XT oscillator
+_FOSC_HS2_1H         EQU  H'F2'    ; HS oscillator (High power, 16 MHz - 25 MHz)
+_FOSC_HS1_1H         EQU  H'F3'    ; HS oscillator (Medium power, 4 MHz - 16 MHz)
+_FOSC_EC3IO_1H       EQU  H'F4'    ; EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (High power, 16 MHz - 64 MHz)
+_FOSC_EC3_1H         EQU  H'F5'    ; EC oscillator (High power, 16 MHz - 64 MHz)
+_FOSC_RC_1H          EQU  H'F6'    ; External RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2
+_FOSC_RCIO_1H        EQU  H'F7'    ; External RC oscillator
+_FOSC_INTIO2_1H      EQU  H'F8'    ; Internal RC oscillator
+_FOSC_INTIO1_1H      EQU  H'F9'    ; Internal RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2
+_FOSC_EC2IO_1H       EQU  H'FA'    ; EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (Medium power, 160 kHz - 4 MHz)
+_FOSC_EC2_1H         EQU  H'FB'    ; EC oscillator (Medium power, 160 kHz - 4 MHz)
+_FOSC_EC1IO_1H       EQU  H'FC'    ; EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (Low power, DC - 160 kHz)
+_FOSC_EC1_1H         EQU  H'FD'    ; EC oscillator (Low power, DC - 160 kHz)
+_PLLCFG_OFF_1H       EQU  H'EF'    ; Disabled
+_PLLCFG_ON_1H        EQU  H'FF'    ; Enabled
+_FCMEN_OFF_1H        EQU  H'BF'    ; Disabled
+_FCMEN_ON_1H         EQU  H'FF'    ; Enabled
+_IESO_OFF_1H         EQU  H'7F'    ; Disabled
+_IESO_ON_1H          EQU  H'FF'    ; Enabled
+;----- CONFIG2L Options --------------------------------------------------
+_PWRTEN_ON_2L        EQU  H'FE'    ; Enabled
+_PWRTEN_OFF_2L       EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_BOREN_OFF_2L        EQU  H'F9'    ; Disabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled
+_BOREN_ON_2L         EQU  H'FB'    ; Controlled with SBOREN bit
+_BOREN_NOSLP_2L      EQU  H'FD'    ; Enabled while active, disabled in SLEEP, SBOREN disabled
+_BOREN_SBORDIS_2L    EQU  H'FF'    ; Enabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled
+_BORV_0_2L           EQU  H'E7'    ; 3.0V
+_BORV_1_2L           EQU  H'EF'    ; 2.7V
+_BORV_2_2L           EQU  H'F7'    ; 2.0V
+_BORV_3_2L           EQU  H'FF'    ; 1.8V
+_BORPWR_LOW_2L       EQU  H'9F'    ; BORMV set to low power level
+_BORPWR_MEDIUM_2L    EQU  H'BF'    ; BORMV set to medium power level
+_BORPWR_HIGH_2L      EQU  H'DF'    ; BORMV set to high power level
+_BORPWR_ZPBORMV_2L   EQU  H'FF'    ; ZPBORMV instead of BORMV is selected
+;----- CONFIG2H Options --------------------------------------------------
+_WDTEN_OFF_2H        EQU  H'FC'    ; WDT disabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled
+_WDTEN_NOSLP_2H      EQU  H'FD'    ; WDT enabled only while device is active and disabled in Sleep mode; SWDTEN bit disabled
+_WDTEN_ON_2H         EQU  H'FE'    ; WDT controlled by SWDTEN bit setting
+_WDTEN_SWDTDIS_2H    EQU  H'FF'    ; WDT enabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled
+_WDTPS_1_2H          EQU  H'83'    ; 1:1
+_WDTPS_2_2H          EQU  H'87'    ; 1:2
+_WDTPS_4_2H          EQU  H'8B'    ; 1:4
+_WDTPS_8_2H          EQU  H'8F'    ; 1:8
+_WDTPS_16_2H         EQU  H'93'    ; 1:16
+_WDTPS_32_2H         EQU  H'97'    ; 1:32
+_WDTPS_64_2H         EQU  H'9B'    ; 1:64
+_WDTPS_128_2H        EQU  H'9F'    ; 1:128
+_WDTPS_256_2H        EQU  H'A3'    ; 1:256
+_WDTPS_512_2H        EQU  H'A7'    ; 1:512
+_WDTPS_1024_2H       EQU  H'AB'    ; 1:1024
+_WDTPS_2048_2H       EQU  H'AF'    ; 1:2048
+_WDTPS_4096_2H       EQU  H'B3'    ; 1:4096
+_WDTPS_8192_2H       EQU  H'B7'    ; 1:8192
+_WDTPS_16384_2H      EQU  H'BB'    ; 1:16384
+_WDTPS_32768_2H      EQU  H'BF'    ; 1:32768
+_WDTPS_65536_2H      EQU  H'C3'    ; 1:65536
+_WDTPS_131072_2H     EQU  H'C7'    ; 1:131072
+_WDTPS_262144_2H     EQU  H'CB'    ; 1:262144
+_WDTPS_524288_2H     EQU  H'CF'    ; 1:524288
+_WDTPS_1048576_2H    EQU  H'FF'    ; 1:1048576
+;----- CONFIG3L Options --------------------------------------------------
+_EASHFT_OFF_3L       EQU  H'F7'    ; Address Shifting disabled
+_EASHFT_ON_3L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Address Shifting enabled
+_ABW_XM20_3L         EQU  H'CF'    ; 20-bit address bus
+_ABW_XM16_3L         EQU  H'DF'    ; 16-bit address bus
+_ABW_XM12_3L         EQU  H'EF'    ; 12-bit address bus
+_ABW_MM_3L           EQU  H'FF'    ; 8-bit address bus
+_BW_8_3L             EQU  H'BF'    ; 8-bit external bus mode
+_BW_16_3L            EQU  H'FF'    ; 16-bit external bus mode
+_WAIT_ON_3L          EQU  H'7F'    ; Enabled
+_WAIT_OFF_3L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+;----- CONFIG3H Options --------------------------------------------------
+_CCP2MX_PORTBE_3H    EQU  H'FE'    ; RE7-Microcontroller Mode/RB3-All other modes
+_CCP2MX_PORTC_3H     EQU  H'FF'    ; RC1
+_ECCPMX_PORTH_3H     EQU  H'FD'    ; Enhanced CCP1/3 [P1B/P1C/P3B/P3C] muxed with RH7/RH6/RH5/RH4
+_ECCPMX_PORTE_3H     EQU  H'FF'    ; Enhanced CCP1/3 [P1B/P1C/P3B/P3C] muxed with RE6/RE5/RE4/RE3
+_MSSPMSK_MSK5_3H     EQU  H'F7'    ; 5 bit address masking mode
+_MSSPMSK_MSK7_3H     EQU  H'FF'    ; 7 Bit address masking mode
+_MCLRE_OFF_3H        EQU  H'7F'    ; MCLR Disabled, RG5 Enabled
+_MCLRE_ON_3H         EQU  H'FF'    ; MCLR Enabled, RG5 Disabled
+;----- CONFIG4L Options --------------------------------------------------
+_STVREN_OFF_4L       EQU  H'FE'    ; Disabled
+_STVREN_ON_4L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Enabled
+_BBSIZ_BB1K_4L       EQU  H'EF'    ; 1K word Boot Block size
+_BBSIZ_BB2K_4L       EQU  H'FF'    ; 2K word Boot Block size
+_DEBUG_ON_4L         EQU  H'7F'    ; Enabled
+_DEBUG_OFF_4L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+;----- CONFIG5L Options --------------------------------------------------
+_CP0_ON_5L           EQU  H'FE'    ; Enabled
+_CP0_OFF_5L          EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_CP1_ON_5L           EQU  H'FD'    ; Enabled
+_CP1_OFF_5L          EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_CP2_ON_5L           EQU  H'FB'    ; Enabled
+_CP2_OFF_5L          EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_CP3_ON_5L           EQU  H'F7'    ; Enabled
+_CP3_OFF_5L          EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_CP4_ON_5L           EQU  H'EF'    ; Enabled
+_CP4_OFF_5L          EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_CP5_ON_5L           EQU  H'DF'    ; Enabled
+_CP5_OFF_5L          EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_CP6_ON_5L           EQU  H'BF'    ; Enabled
+_CP6_OFF_5L          EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_CP7_ON_5L           EQU  H'7F'    ; Enabled
+_CP7_OFF_5L          EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+;----- CONFIG5H Options --------------------------------------------------
+_CPB_ON_5H           EQU  H'BF'    ; Enabled
+_CPB_OFF_5H          EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_CPD_ON_5H           EQU  H'7F'    ; Enabled
+_CPD_OFF_5H          EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+;----- CONFIG6L Options --------------------------------------------------
+_WRT0_ON_6L          EQU  H'FE'    ; Enabled
+_WRT0_OFF_6L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_WRT1_ON_6L          EQU  H'FD'    ; Enabled
+_WRT1_OFF_6L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_WRT2_ON_6L          EQU  H'FB'    ; Enabled
+_WRT2_OFF_6L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_WRT3_ON_6L          EQU  H'F7'    ; Enabled
+_WRT3_OFF_6L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_WRT4_ON_6L          EQU  H'EF'    ; Enabled
+_WRT4_OFF_6L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_WRT5_ON_6L          EQU  H'DF'    ; Enabled
+_WRT5_OFF_6L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_WRT6_ON_6L          EQU  H'BF'    ; Enabled
+_WRT6_OFF_6L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_WRT7_ON_6L          EQU  H'7F'    ; Enabled
+_WRT7_OFF_6L         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+;----- CONFIG6H Options --------------------------------------------------
+_WRTC_ON_6H          EQU  H'DF'    ; Enabled
+_WRTC_OFF_6H         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_WRTB_ON_6H          EQU  H'BF'    ; Enabled
+_WRTB_OFF_6H         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_WRTD_ON_6H          EQU  H'7F'    ; Enabled
+_WRTD_OFF_6H         EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+;----- CONFIG7L Options --------------------------------------------------
+_EBRT0_ON_7L         EQU  H'FE'    ; Enabled
+_EBRT0_OFF_7L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_EBRT1_ON_7L         EQU  H'FD'    ; Enabled
+_EBRT1_OFF_7L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_EBRT2_ON_7L         EQU  H'FB'    ; Enabled
+_EBRT2_OFF_7L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_EBRT3_ON_7L         EQU  H'F7'    ; Enabled
+_EBRT3_OFF_7L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_EBRT4_ON_7L         EQU  H'EF'    ; Enabled
+_EBRT4_OFF_7L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_EBRT5_ON_7L         EQU  H'DF'    ; Enabled
+_EBRT5_OFF_7L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_EBRT6_ON_7L         EQU  H'BF'    ; Enabled
+_EBRT6_OFF_7L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+_EBRT7_ON_7L         EQU  H'7F'    ; Enabled
+_EBRT7_OFF_7L        EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+;----- CONFIG7H Options --------------------------------------------------
+_EBRTB_ON_7H         EQU  H'BF'    ; Enabled
+_EBRTB_OFF_7H        EQU  H'FF'    ; Disabled
+;----- DEVID Equates --------------------------------------------------
+_DEVID1          EQU  H'3FFFFE'
+_DEVID2          EQU  H'3FFFFF'
+;----- IDLOC Equates --------------------------------------------------
+_IDLOC0          EQU  H'200000'
+_IDLOC1          EQU  H'200001'
+_IDLOC2          EQU  H'200002'
+_IDLOC3          EQU  H'200003'
+_IDLOC4          EQU  H'200004'
+_IDLOC5          EQU  H'200005'
+_IDLOC6          EQU  H'200006'
+_IDLOC7          EQU  H'200007'
+        LIST
--- a/src/adc_lightsensor.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/adc_lightsensor.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 ; bank safe
+    global	wait_adc
 	movwf	ADCON0							; select ADC channel
 	nop										; wait a short moment
@@ -278,11 +279,12 @@
 	movlw	b'00011101'						; power on ADC, select AN7
 	rcall	wait_adc
 	MOVII	ADRESL,ambient_light
-	bcf		ADCON0,0						; power off ADC
+	bcf	ADCON0,0						; power off ADC
+	btfsc	ambient_light+1,7					; result negative?
+	return								; Yes, skip this measurement
 	; ambient_light:2 is between 4096 (direct sunlight) and about 200 (darkness)
 	; first: divide by 16
 	movlw	.4								; divide by 2^4 = 16
 	bcf		STATUS,C						; clear carry
@@ -299,7 +301,7 @@
 	movwf	ambient_light+0					; YES - avoid ADC clipping
 	incfsz	ambient_light+0,W				; = 255 ?
-	bra		get_ambient_level2				; NO - continue
+	bra	get_ambient_level2				; NO - continue
 	movlw	.254
 	movwf	ambient_light+0					; avoid ADC clipping
--- a/src/compass_ops.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/compass_ops.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
 	call	request_speed_fastest		; request CPU speed change to fastest speed
-	movlw	.7							; initialize gain
+	movlw	.5							; initialize gain
 	movff	WREG,opt_compass_gain		; ...
 	movlw	.60							; initialize timeout to 60 seconds
--- a/src/	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #define fw_version_major		0x03
-#define fw_version_minor		0x0D
+#define fw_version_minor		0x0F
 #define fw_version_beta			0x00
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
-#define firmware_creation_year	0x14
-#define firmware_creation_month	0x0A
-#define firmware_creation_day	0x1C
+#define firmware_creation_year	0x15
+#define firmware_creation_month	0x05
+#define firmware_creation_day	0x15
-#define firmware_expire_year	0x16
+#define firmware_expire_year	0x17
 #define firmware_expire_month	0x0A
 #define firmware_expire_day	0x1C
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
-#define _language_1		de
-#define _language_2		en
+#define _language_1		en
+#define _language_2		de
 #ifdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 #define _gas_contingency
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_external_sensor
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_cave_mode
-#define NOT_INCLUDED_big_divemenu
+#define _big_divemenu
 #define _firmware_recovery
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_min_depth_option
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_screendump
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 #define _gas_contingency
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_external_sensor
 #define _cave_mode
-#define NOT_INCLUDED_big_divemenu
+#define _big_divemenu
 #define _firmware_recovery
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_min_depth_option
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_screendump
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 #define _external_sensor
 #define _gas_contingency
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_cave_mode
-#define NOT_INCLUDED_big_divemenu
+#define _big_divemenu
 #define _firmware_recovery
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_min_depth_option
 #define _screendump
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 #define _external_sensor
 #define _gas_contingency
 #define _cave_mode
-#define NOT_INCLUDED_big_divemenu
+#define _big_divemenu
 #define _firmware_recovery
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_min_depth_option
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_screendump
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
 #define _rx_update
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_external_sensor
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_cave_mode
-#define NOT_INCLUDED_big_divemenu
+#define _big_divemenu
 #define _firmware_recovery
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_min_depth_option
 #define NOT_INCLUDED_screendump
--- a/src/divemenu_tree.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/divemenu_tree.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 	;bra	main_divemenu_OC_cave		; YES - use version with    cave mode entry
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tMainMenu,  .6
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_Gaslist,	do_divemode_gaslist
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_ResetAvg,	do_reset_average
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_toggle_gf,		do_toggle_gf
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
  ENDIF	; _cave_mode
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tMainMenu,  .5
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_Gaslist,	do_divemode_gaslist
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_ResetAvg,	do_reset_average
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_toggle_gf,		do_toggle_gf
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 	btfsc	FLAG_pscr_mode				; in pSCR mode?
 	bra		main_divemenu_pscr			; YES - show pSCR menu
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tMainMenu,  .6
 		MENU_CALL		tDiveBailout,		do_divemode_gaslist_bail
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_Setpoint,	do_divemode_splist
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_Diluent,	do_divemode_gaslist
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
  ENDIF	; _external_sensor
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tMainMenu,  .6
 		MENU_CALL		tDiveBailout,		do_divemode_gaslist_bail
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_Premix,	do_divemode_gaslist
 		MENU_CALL		tBackToLoop,		do_switch_sp_calc
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
  IFDEF _external_sensor
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tMainMenu,  .6
 		MENU_CALL		tDiveBailout,		do_divemode_gaslist_bail
 		MENU_CALL		tCCRModeSensor,		do_divemode_setpoint_pscr
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_Premix,	do_divemode_gaslist
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
 	movlw	.1							; set to first option in dive mode menu
 	movwf	menu_pos_cur				; ...
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tDivemenu_ToggleGF,  .2
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_ToggleGF,	do_toggle_gf_toggle
 		MENU_CALL		tExit,				do_exit_divemode_menu
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 	movlw	.1							; set to first option in dive mode menu
 	movwf	menu_pos_cur				; ...
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tDivemenu_Marker,   .3
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_ResetAvg,	do_reset_average
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_Marker,	do_set_marker
 		MENU_CALL		tBack,				do_return_main_divemenu		; return to main menu
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
 	movwf	menu_pos_cur				; position cursor to best gas/dil (or first option if none avail)
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tDivemenu_Gaslist,  .6
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_gas_prodl,	do_switch_gas
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_gas_prodl,	do_switch_gas
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_gas_prodl,	do_switch_gas
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
 	bcf		better_gas_hint				; do not mark the best gas/diluent
 	bcf		color_code_gases			; do not color-code the gases/diluents by their ppO2
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tDivemenu_LostGas,  .6
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_gas_prodl,	do_toggle_staged_lost
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_gas_prodl,	do_toggle_staged_lost
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_gas_prodl,	do_toggle_staged_lost
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
  IFDEF _helium
 		MENU_OPT_INCS	tO2Plus,				oGas6O2
 		MENU_OPT_DECS	tO2Minus,				oGas6O2
 		MENU_OPT_INCS	tHePlus,				oGas6He
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
 		MENU_CALL		tExit,					do_exit_divemode_menu
 		MENU_OPT_INCS	tO2Plus,				oGas6O2
 		MENU_OPT_DECS	tO2Minus,				oGas6O2
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_show_gas6,			do_gas6_switch
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
  ENDIF	; _external_sensor
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tFixedSetpoints,    .6
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_setpoint_prodl,	do_switch_sp
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_setpoint_prodl,	do_switch_sp
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_setpoint_prodl,	do_switch_sp
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@
  IFDEF _external_sensor
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tFixedSetpoints,    .6
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_setpoint_prodl,	do_switch_sp
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_setpoint_prodl,	do_switch_sp
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_strcat_setpoint_prodl,	do_switch_sp
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@
 	movwf	menu_pos_cur				; ...
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tDivemenu_UseSensor,.6
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_UseSensor,	do_switch_sensor
 		MENU_CALL		tBack,					do_divemode_splist
 		MENU_CALL		tExit,					do_exit_divemode_menu
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
 	movlw	.1
 	movwf	menu_pos_cur				; set to 1st option: use calculated ppO2
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tDivemenu_UseSensor,.6
 		MENU_CALL		tCalculated,			do_switch_sp_calc
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_UseSensor,	do_switch_sensor
 		MENU_CALL		tExit,					do_exit_divemode_menu
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@
 	movwf	active_customview					; set  custom view number
 	call	dive_customview_callup				; draw custom view
+	MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	tCaveMode,  .6
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_waypoint_set,		do_waypoint_set			; 1
 		MENU_DYNAMIC	dyn_turndive_toggle,	do_turndive_toggle		; 2
 		MENU_CALL		tDivemenu_off_on,		do_cavemode_toggle		; 3
--- a/src/divemode.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/divemode.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -233,7 +233,29 @@
 ; Dive Mode Mail Loop
-	btfsc	trigger_full_second			; new 1/1 second?
+	btfss	trigger_quarter_second			; new 1/4 second?
+	bra		diveloop_loop_0				;       No - continue
+	;---- tasks any new 1/4 second -----
+	bcf		trigger_quarter_second		; YES - clear flag
+	movlw	.4					; 62,5ms * 4 = 1/4 second
+	movff	WREG,isr_tmr7_helper			; to make sure at least 1/4 will pass before trigger_quarter_second is re-set
+	btfss	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	bra 	diveloop_loop_0				;       No - continue
+	; Handle new pressure sensor every 1/4 second
+	btfsc	ms5837_state				; =0: result of temperature is in the ADC
+	bra	diveloop_loop_quarter_2
+	call	I2C_get_temp_val_MS5837			; (Will set ms5837_state)
+	bra	diveloop_loop_0				;  Done.
+	call	I2C_get_press_val_MS5837		; (Will clear ms5837_state)
+	;---- tasks any new 1/4 second done -----
+        btfsc	trigger_full_second			; new 1/1 second?
 	bra		diveloop_loop_2				; YES - continue with tasks every 1/1 second
 	btfsc	trigger_half_second			; NO  - new 1/2 second?
 	bra		diveloop_loop_1				;       YES - continue with tasks every 1/2 second
@@ -465,7 +487,7 @@
-	bsf		FLAG_TFT_active_gas_divemode; redraw gas and setpoint (eventually needed to restore the "Bailout" text)
+    	bsf		FLAG_TFT_active_gas_divemode; redraw gas and setpoint (eventually needed to restore the "Bailout" text)
 	btfsc	request_next_custview		; shall show next custom view?
 	call	dive_customview_toggle		; YES - show next custom view
--- a/src/hwos.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/hwos.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -44,11 +44,13 @@
 ;---- Flags - Hardware Descriptors
 HW_descriptor					res 1		; OSTC - model descriptor (cleared & rebuilt in restart)
-HW_variants						res 1		; OSTC - model variants   (NOT cleared in restart)
+HW_variants					res 1		; OSTC - model variants   (NOT cleared in restart)
+HW_variants2					res 1		; OSTC - more model variants   (NOT cleared in restart)
 ;---- Flags - Hardware States
 HW_flags_state1					res 1		; hardware - states 1
 HW_flags_state2					res 1		; hardware - states 2
+HW_flags_state3					res 1		; hardware - states 3
 ;--- Flags - Operating System
 OS_flags_persist				res 1		; system - persistent settings (NOT cleared in restart)
@@ -107,17 +109,19 @@
-; 40 byte user data
+; 44 byte user data
 ; 32 byte tmp  data placed by C compiler
 ; 20 byte variables placed by math library
 ; ==
-; 92 byte used, 4 byte free (96 byte total available)
+; 96 byte used, 0 byte free (96 byte total available)
 	global	HW_descriptor
 	global	HW_variants
+	global	HW_variants2
 	global	HW_flags_state1
 	global	HW_flags_state2
+	global	HW_flags_state3
 	global	OS_flags_persist
 	global	OS_flags_ISR1
 	global	OS_flags_ISR2
@@ -366,7 +370,7 @@
 	movlw	b'00101000'			; set up I2C to master mode
 	movwf	SSP1CON1			; ...
 	clrf	SSP1CON2			; ...
-	movlw	0x9C				; select speed 100kHz @ 64MHz Fosc
+	movlw	i2c_speed_value
 	movwf	SSP1ADD				; ...
@@ -441,8 +445,6 @@
 	movwf	PIE1				; ...
 	movlw	b'00000010'			; enable timer 3 IRQ
 	movwf	PIE2				; ...
-	movlw	b'00000000'			; enable timer 5 IRQ
-	movwf	PIE5				; ...
 	movlw	b'00000001'			; enable RTCC IRQ
 	movwf	PIE3				; ...
 	movlw	b'00001001'			; enable timer 7 and timer 4 IRQ
--- a/src/	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 ; ---- Hardware Configuration
-	LIST P=18F87K22							; compiler  settings, if changed change also: Configure -> SelectDevice in MPLAB
+    LIST P=18F87K22							; compiler  settings, if changed change also: Configure -> SelectDevice in MPLAB
 #include ""					; processor definitions
 #include ""						; port map  definitions
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
 #DEFINE speed_is_normal			cpu_speed_state,1	; =1: CPU is running at normal  speed
 #DEFINE speed_is_fastest		cpu_speed_state,2	; =1: CPU is running at fastest speed
+; ---- I2C speed
+#DEFINE	i2c_speed_value	    0x27		;0x9C = 100kHz @ 64MHz Fosc, 0x27 = 100kHz @ 16MHz Fosc 
 ; ---- Divemode Custom View Indexes - Attention: these numbers need to be in line with the jump tables in customview.asm!
 #DEFINE index_blank						 .0			; blank view
@@ -444,7 +446,7 @@
 #DEFINE timebase_0sec			timebase,0			; counting timebase, 1/2 sec bit
 #DEFINE timebase_1sec			timebase,1			; counting timebase,  1  sec bit
 #DEFINE timebase_2sec			timebase,2			; counting timebase,  2  sec bit
-#DEFINE trigger_quarter_second	timebase,3			; =1: a new 1/4 second has begun (not synced with the other time flags, not generated while block_sensor_interrupt is set)
+#DEFINE trigger_quarter_second	timebase,3			; =1: a new 1/4 second has begun (not synced with the other time flags)
 #DEFINE trigger_half_second		timebase,4			; =1: a new 1/2 second has begun
 #DEFINE trigger_full_second		timebase,5			; =1: a new 1/1 second has begun
 #DEFINE trigger_full_minute		timebase,6			; =1: a new     minute has begun
@@ -484,6 +486,15 @@
 #DEFINE analog_switches			HW_variants,6		; =1: analog switches available
 #DEFINE battery_is_36v			HW_variants,7		; =1: a 3.6 Volt battery is detected
+ ;---- Hardware - OSTC Model Variants2 (stored in access RAM, NOT cleared in restart)
+#DEFINE press_sensor_type		HW_variants2,0		; =1: pressure sensor MS5837, =0: Pressure sensor MS5541
+;					HW_variants2,1		; --- unused
+;					HW_variants2,2		; --- unused
+;					HW_variants2,3		; --- unused
+;					HW_variants2,4		; --- unused
+;					HW_variants2,5		; --- unused
+;					HW_variants2,6		; --- unused
+;					HW_variants2,7		; --- unused
 ;---- Hardware - States 1 (stored in access RAM, cleared on restart)
 #DEFINE analog_sw1_pressed		HW_flags_state1,0	; =1: analog switch 1 pressed
@@ -503,9 +514,18 @@
 #DEFINE battery_low_condition	HW_flags_state2,4	; =1: low battery condition detected
 #DEFINE flash_wrap_around		HW_flags_state2,5	; =1: address wrap-around control / signalling
 #DEFINE flash_wait				HW_flags_state2,6	; =1: wait for flash write operation to complete
-;								HW_flags_state2,7	; --- unused
+#DEFINE	i2c_busy_temperature			HW_flags_state2,7	; =1: Currently updating temperature from MS5837
+ ;---- Hardware - States 3 (stored in access RAM, NOT cleared on restart)
+#DEFINE ms5837_state			HW_flags_state3,0	; =1: result of pressure is in the ADC
+#DEFINE	i2c_busy_pressure		HW_flags_state3,1	; =1: Currently updating pressure from MS5837
+;					HW_flags_state3,2	; --- unused
+;					HW_flags_state3,3	; --- unused
+;					HW_flags_state3,4	; --- unused
+;					HW_flags_state3,5	; --- unused
+;					HW_flags_state3,6	; --- unused
+;					HW_flags_state3,7	; --- unused
 ;---- Operating System - persistent Settings (stored in access RAM, NOT cleared in restart)
 #DEFINE sensor1_calibrated_ok	OS_flags_persist,0	; =1: sensor 1 calibration ok
 #DEFINE sensor2_calibrated_ok	OS_flags_persist,1	; =1: sensor 2 calibration ok
@@ -840,13 +860,13 @@
 TSTOSS	macro opt_reg				; TeST Option Skip next instruction if Set (not zero)
 	movff	opt_reg,EEDATA			; Attention: destroys EEDATA!
-	tstfsz	EEDATA,A				; Attention: must be followed by a plain machine
+	tstfsz	EEDATA				; Attention: must be followed by a plain machine
 	bra		$+4						;            command, do not let follow a macro!
 	endm							;
 TSTOSC	macro opt_reg				; TeST Option Skip next instruction if Clear (zero)
 	movff	opt_reg,EEDATA			; Attention: destroys EEDATA!
-	tstfsz	EEDATA,A				; Attention: must be followed by a plain machine
+	tstfsz	EEDATA				; Attention: must be followed by a plain machine
 	endm							;            command, do not let follow a macro!
@@ -1013,9 +1033,11 @@
 	extern	HW_descriptor
 	extern	HW_variants
+	extern	HW_variants2
 	extern	HW_flags_state1
 	extern	HW_flags_state2
+	extern	HW_flags_state3
 	extern	OS_flags_persist
 	extern	OS_flags_ISR1
@@ -1116,18 +1138,18 @@
 dMSB							res 1		; pressure sensor interface, MSB
 dbuffer							res 1		; pressure sensor interface, RX/TX buffer
-C1								res 2		; decoded calibration data
-C2								res 2		; decoded calibration data
-C3								res 2		; decoded calibration data
-C4								res 2		; decoded calibration data, here C4-250
-C5								res 2		; decoded calibration data, here reference temperature UT1 = 8*C5 + 10000 (u16 range 10.000 .. +42.760)
-C6								res 2		; decoded calibration data
-D1								res 2		; raw pressure
-D2								res 2		; raw temperature
-xdT								res 2
+C1							res 2		; decoded calibration data
+C2							res 2		; decoded calibration data
+C3							res 2		; decoded calibration data
+C4							res 2		; decoded calibration data, here C4-250
+C5							res 2		; decoded calibration data, here reference temperature UT1 = 8*C5 + 10000 (u16 range 10.000 .. +42.760)
+C6							res 2		; decoded calibration data
+D1							res 3		; raw pressure
+D2							res 3		; raw temperature
+xdT							res 3
 xdT2							res 2
-OFF								res 2
-SENS							res 2
+OFF							res 4
+SENS							res 4
 temperature_cur					res 2		; current  temperature
 temperature_min					res 2		; minimum  temperature (operated by divemode.asm)
@@ -1135,7 +1157,7 @@
 temperature_last				res 2		; internal register used for detecting changes
 pressure_abs					res 2		; current  absolute pressure
-pressure_abs_avg				res 2		; internal register used for averaging
+pressure_abs_avg				res 3		; internal register used for averaging
 pressure_abs_last				res 2		; internal register used for detecting pressure changes
 pressure_abs_sampled			res 2		; sampled   surface pressure, sampled in sleep mode every 15 minutes
@@ -1147,9 +1169,10 @@
 pressure_rel_sim				res 2		; simulated relative pressure (simulator mode)
 ;---- Data for ISR Math Subroutines
-isr_xA							res 2		; multiplicand 1
-isr_xB							res 2		; multiplicand 2
-isr_xC							res 4		; resulting product
+isr_xA							res 4		; multiplicand 1
+isr_xB							res 3		; multiplicand 2
+isr_xC							res 7		; resulting product
+isr_math_loop						res 1		; loop counter
 ;---- Display Brightness
 ambient_light					res 2		; ambient light level
@@ -1190,8 +1213,9 @@
 debounce_counter			res 1		; multiples of 16ms 
-; 144 byte used, 16 byte free
+isr_tmr7_helper				res 1		; used for 1/4 second trigger
+; 158 byte used, 2 byte free
@@ -1567,7 +1591,11 @@
 time_last_2nd					res 2		; last pressure reading time       in seconds    |
-; 156 byte used, 100 byte free
+i2c_error_vault					res 2		; Store last used device ID and data byte
+D1_buffer					res 3		; Buffer of D1 (Sensor raw data)
+D2_buffer					res 3		; Buffer of D2 (Sensor raw data)					
+; 156 byte used, 93 byte free
--- a/src/i2c.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/i2c.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -37,6 +37,16 @@
 ;   -----------
 ;   RX Circuity read address  (8-Bit):  0x51
 ;   RX Circuity write address (8-Bit):  0x50
+;   Battery gauge    
+;   -------------
+;   LTC2942 read address  (8-Bit): 0xC9   
+;   LTC2942 write address (8-Bit): 0xC8 
+;   Alternative pressure sensor
+;   -----------
+;   MS5837 read address  (8-Bit):  0xED
+;   MS5837 write address (8-Bit):  0xEC
@@ -49,21 +59,13 @@
 #include ""
 #include ""
 #include ""
 i2c		CODE
-; Helper Function - send 1 Byte, wait for end of transmission and check ackn
-	movwf	SSP1BUF						; put byte to be sent into TX buffer
-	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
-	bra		I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver and return
 ; Helper Function - get two Bytes and divide hi:lo/16 (signed)
@@ -117,10 +119,11 @@
 	bra		I2C_RX_accelerometer_compass1	; YES
 	;bra	I2C_RX_accelerometer_compass0	; NO  - compass0 then
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x38						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x00						; ??
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -178,13 +181,15 @@
 	incf	hi,F						; YES - do it
 	MOVII	mpr,accel_DZ				; copy result to accel_DZ
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall		WaitMSSP				; wait for TX to complete
+	return
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	b'10101000'					; 0x28 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -274,6 +279,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x32						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	b'10101000'					; 0x28 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -286,6 +292,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3A						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x28						; 0x28 (OUT_X_L_A)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -320,10 +327,11 @@
 	bra		I2C_RX_compass1				; YES
 	;bra	I2C_RX_compass0				; NO  - compass 0 then
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x03						; ??
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -395,6 +403,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	b'10001000'					; 0x08 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -440,14 +449,17 @@
 	movff	SSP1BUF,hi					; data byte
 	rcall	I2C_TwoBytesRX_div8			; divide hi, lo by 8 (signed)
 	MOVII	mpr,compass_DZ				; copy result
-	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; ... and return
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP
+	return								; done
 I2C_RX_compass2:						; compass type 2
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0xE8						; 0x68 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -492,13 +504,16 @@
 ;	rcall	I2C_TwoBytesRX_div8			; divide hi, lo by 8 (signed)
 	MOVII	mpr,compass_DZ				; copy result
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; ...and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					
+	return								; done
 I2C_RX_compass3:						; compass type 3
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0xA8						; 0x28 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -524,6 +539,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3A						; address byte + write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	movwf	SSP1BUF						; control byte
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	btfss	SSP1CON2,ACKSTAT			; ACK received?
@@ -538,6 +554,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x32						; address byte + write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	movwf	SSP1BUF						; control byte
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	btfss	SSP1CON2,ACKSTAT			; ACK received?
@@ -553,6 +570,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x0F						; ??
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -579,6 +597,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x00						; ??
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -602,6 +621,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x38						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x0E						; XYZ_DATA_CFG
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -633,13 +653,16 @@
 	movlw	b'00110101'					; CTRL_REG1: 160 ms data rate, standby mode, reduced noise mode, active Mode
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x9F						; 1F with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -675,7 +698,8 @@
 	movlw	b'00000000'					; CTRL7 Continuous Mode
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
 	; accelerometer initializes along with magnetic sensor
@@ -685,6 +709,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0xE0						; 0x60 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -701,6 +726,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x32						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x9F						; 1F with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -717,7 +743,8 @@
 ;	movlw	b'00000000'					; CTRL_REG5_A
 ;	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
@@ -725,6 +752,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0xA0						; 0x20 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -747,6 +775,7 @@
 	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN					; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3A						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x20
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -759,8 +788,16 @@
 	movlw	b'11001100'					; CTRL_REG4_A 0x23
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
+; Helper Function - send 1 Byte, wait for end of transmission and check ackn
+	movwf	SSP1BUF						; put byte to be sent into TX buffer
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bra		I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver and return
 ; Deactivate Compass / Accelerometer
@@ -784,6 +821,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x00						; ??
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -801,19 +839,22 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x38						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x2A						; CTRL_REG1
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	b'00000000'					; standby mode
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x20						; CTRL_REG1
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -830,7 +871,8 @@
 	movlw	b'00000010'					; data for CTRL_REG7: magnetic sensor power-down mode
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
 	; accelerometer sleeps with magnetic sensor
@@ -840,6 +882,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0xE0						; 0x60 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -858,6 +901,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x32						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x9F						; 1F with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -866,7 +910,8 @@
 	movlw	b'00000000'					; CTRL_REG1_A     0x20 (all off)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
@@ -874,6 +919,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3C						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0xA2						; 0x22 with auto-increment (MSB=1)
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
@@ -886,19 +932,22 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x3A						; address
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	0x20
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	movlw	b'00000000'					; CTRL_REG1_A (100Hz, x,y,z = OFF) 0x20
 	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
 ; Helper Function - wait for TX to complete
+	movff	SSP1BUF,i2c_error_vault+1
 	clrf	i2c_temp1					; wait for max 256 loops
 	decfsz	i2c_temp1,F					; decrement loop counter, timeout?
@@ -929,6 +978,8 @@
 	bcf		PIR1,SSP1IF					; clear TX completion flag
 	bsf		i2c_error_flag				; set error flag
 	bcf		active_reset_ostc_rx		; release reset from RX circuitry
+;	bcf	i2c_busy_temperature
+;	bcf	i2c_busy_pressure
 	return								; done
@@ -972,7 +1023,7 @@
 	movwf	SSP1CON1					; ...
 	movlw	b'00000000'					; ...
 	movwf	SSP1CON2					; ...
-	movlw	0x9C						; ...
+	movlw	i2c_speed_value
 	movwf	SSP1ADD						; ...
 	return								; done
@@ -1007,7 +1058,8 @@
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
 ; Sleep Gauge IC
@@ -1021,7 +1073,8 @@
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return	
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
 ; Read Gauge IC - Status Register
@@ -1032,11 +1085,18 @@
 	movlw	0x00						; point to status register
 	rcall	I2C_TX_GAUGE				; send    byte to   the LT2942 gauge IC
 	rcall	I2C_RX_GAUGE				; receive byte from the LT2942 Gauge IC
+	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKDT				; set ACKDT flag
+	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKEN				; master NOT acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bcf		SSP1CON2,ACKDT				; reset ACKDT flag
 	movff	SSP1BUF,WREG				; copy received byte to WREG
 	btfss	WREG,7						; 2942 found?
 	bsf		battery_gauge_available		; YES - set flag
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
@@ -1053,9 +1113,14 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,RCEN				; enable receive mode
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movff	SSP1BUF,xA+0				; copy received byte to xA+0
+	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKDT				; set ACKDT flag
+	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKEN				; master NOT acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bcf		SSP1CON2,ACKDT				; reset ACKDT flag
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	; convert voltage from raw value to Volt
 	MOVLI	.6000,xB					; load conversion multiplicand into xB
 	call	mult16x16					; xC = xA * xB -> multiply raw value in xA with conversion multiplicand
@@ -1074,14 +1139,19 @@
 	global	lt2942_get_temperature
 lt2942_get_temperature:					; read battery temperature
 	movlw	0x0C						; point to temperature register
-	call	I2C_TX_GAUGE				; send    byte to   the LT2942 gauge IC
-	call	I2C_RX_GAUGE				; receive byte from the LT2942 Gauge IC
+	rcall	I2C_TX_GAUGE				; send    byte to   the LT2942 gauge IC
+	rcall	I2C_RX_GAUGE				; receive byte from the LT2942 Gauge IC
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKEN				; master acknowledge
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movff	SSP1BUF,xA+1				; store raw temperature, high byte
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,RCEN				; enable receive mode
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movff	SSP1BUF,xA+0				; store raw temperature, low byte
+	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKDT				; set ACKDT flag
+	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKEN				; master NOT acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bcf		SSP1CON2,ACKDT				; reset ACKDT flag
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
@@ -1147,12 +1217,16 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,RCEN				; enable receive mode
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movff	SSP1BUF,sub_a+0				; copy received byte to sub_a+0
+	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKDT				; set ACKDT flag
+	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKEN				; master NOT acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bcf		SSP1CON2,ACKDT				; reset ACKDT flag
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	btfsc	gauge_status_byte,0			; UVLO event ?
 	rcall	lt2942_init_again			; YES - do an re-initialization
 	MOVII	sub_a,battery_accumulated_charge	; save raw value
 	; Compute batt_percent = (charge - battery_offset) / 365
@@ -1182,7 +1256,8 @@
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
@@ -1199,7 +1274,8 @@
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
@@ -1209,7 +1285,8 @@
 	movwf	i2c_temp2					; save data byte to be sent
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
-	movlw	b'11001000'					; address byte + Write bit
+	movlw	0xC8						; address byte + Write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	movwf	SSP1BUF						; control byte
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
@@ -1221,9 +1298,10 @@
 ; Helper Function - receive 1 Byte from the LT2942 Gauge IC
-	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
+	bsf		SSP1CON2,RSEN				; repeated start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
-	movlw	b'11001001'					; address byte + Read bit
+	movlw	0xC9	    					; address byte + Read bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	movwf	SSP1BUF						; control byte
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
@@ -1280,6 +1358,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x50						; address byte + write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	movwf	SSP1BUF						; control byte
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	btfss	SSP1CON2,ACKSTAT			; ACK received?
@@ -1290,7 +1369,6 @@
 	return								; NO  - done
 	WAITMS	.1							; wait 1 ms
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x50						; address byte + write bit
@@ -1327,7 +1405,7 @@
 	bcf		SSP1CON2,ACKDT				; reset ACKDT flag
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	; wait for TR module becoming ready
 	movff	rx_firmware_cur_minor,i2c_temp1	; copy minor firmware version to bank common
 	movlw	.147							; code for not ready, minor
@@ -1356,6 +1434,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x50						; address byte + write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	movwf	SSP1BUF						; control byte
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
@@ -1396,7 +1475,9 @@
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	bcf		SSP1CON2,ACKDT				; reset ACKDT flag
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN				; stop condition
-	bra		WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete and return
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return							; done
@@ -1415,6 +1496,7 @@
 	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	movlw	0x50						; address byte + write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
 	movwf	SSP1BUF						; control byte
 	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
 	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
@@ -1489,7 +1571,224 @@
  ENDIF	; _rx_update
  ENDIF	; _rx_functions
+; Probe for MS5837 sensor
+ 	global	I2C_probe_pressure_sensor	; Do not call from ISR!
+I2C_probe_pressure_sensor:						; Probe the type of sensor, set/clear press_sensor_type
+	bcf	press_sensor_type				; MS5541 as default
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN					; start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	movlw	0xEC						; address byte + write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
+	movwf	SSP1BUF						; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	btfss	SSP1CON2,ACKSTAT				; ACK received?
+	bsf	press_sensor_type				; MS5837 sensor found
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN					; stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	return
+; Helper Function - get the calibration parameter from # WREG address
+; Do not call from ISR!
+	movwf	lo						; store address
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN					; start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	movlw	0xEC						; address byte + write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	movf	lo,W						; Point to calibration register
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN					; stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN				; start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP				; wait for TX to complete
+	movlw	0xED					; address byte + read bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
+	movwf	SSP1BUF					; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP				; wait for TX to complete
+	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,RCEN				; enable receive mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP				; wait for reception and return
+	movff	SSP1BUF,dMSB				; High byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN					; master acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,RCEN					; enable receive mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for reception
+	movff	SSP1BUF,dLSB				; Low byte
+;	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKDT					; set ACKDT flag
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN					; master acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+;	bcf	SSP1CON2,ACKDT					; reset ACKDT flag
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN					; stop condition
+	bra	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete (And return)
+	global	I2C_get_calib_MS5837 ; Do not call from ISR!
+	banksel	common
+	; first, send a reset
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN					; start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	movlw	0xEC						; address byte + write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	movlw	0x1E
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN					; stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	WAITMS	.5						; 2.8ms according to datasheet
+	movlw	0xA2						; Point to C1
+	rcall	I2C_get_calib_parameter				; returns calibration value in lo and hi
+    	movff	dLSB,C1+0						; store calib
+	movff	dMSB,C1+1						; store calib
+	movlw	0xA4						; Point to C2
+	rcall	I2C_get_calib_parameter				; returns calibration value in lo and hi
+    	movff	dLSB,C2+0						; store calib
+	movff	dMSB,C2+1						; store calib
+	movlw	0xA6						; Point to C3
+	rcall	I2C_get_calib_parameter				; returns calibration value in lo and hi
+    	movff	dLSB,C3+0						; store calib
+	movff	dMSB,C3+1						; store calib
+	movlw	0xA8						; Point to C4
+	rcall	I2C_get_calib_parameter				; returns calibration value in lo and hi
+    	movff	dLSB,C4+0						; store calib
+	movff	dMSB,C4+1						; store calib
+	movlw	0xAA						; Point to C5
+	rcall	I2C_get_calib_parameter				; returns calibration value in lo and hi
+    	movff	dLSB,C5+0						; store calib
+	movff	dMSB,C5+1						; store calib
+	movlw	0xAC						; Point to C6
+	rcall	I2C_get_calib_parameter				; returns calibration value in lo and hi
+    	movff	dLSB,C6+0						; store calib
+	movff	dMSB,C6+1						; store calib
+	return
+	global	I2C_get_press_val_MS5837
+    	bsf	i2c_busy_pressure				; reading new pressure
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN					; start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	movlw	0xEC						; address byte + write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	movlw	0x00						; command byte (0x00, read ADC)
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,RSEN				; repeated start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP				; wait for TX to complete
+	movlw	0xED					; address byte + read bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
+	movwf	SSP1BUF					; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP				; wait for TX to complete
+	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,RCEN				; enable receive mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP				; wait for reception and return
+	movff	SSP1BUF,D1_buffer+2					; Upper byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN					; master acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,RCEN					; enable receive mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for reception
+	movff	SSP1BUF,D1_buffer+1					; high byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN					; master acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,RCEN					; enable receive mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for reception
+	movff	SSP1BUF,D1_buffer+0					; Low byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN					; master acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN					; stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	; Start temperature measurement
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN					; start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	movlw	0xEC						; address byte + write bit
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	movlw	0x58						; OSR=4096, type=D2
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN					; stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bcf	ms5837_state					; =0: result of temperature will be in the ADC
+	bcf	i2c_busy_pressure				; reading new pressure
+    	return
+	global	I2C_get_temp_val_MS5837	
+	bsf	i2c_busy_temperature				; reading new temperature
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN					; start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	movlw	0xEC						; address byte + write bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	movlw	0x00						; command byte (0x00, read ADC)
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,RSEN				; repeated start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP				; wait for TX to complete
+	movlw	0xED					; address byte + read bit
+	movff	WREG,i2c_error_vault+0				; Store address
+	movwf	SSP1BUF					; control byte
+	rcall	WaitMSSP				; wait for TX to complete
+	rcall	I2C_Check_ACK				; check for acknowledge by receiver
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,RCEN				; enable receive mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP				; wait for reception and return
+	movff	SSP1BUF,D2_buffer+2					; Upper byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN					; master acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,RCEN					; enable receive mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for reception
+	movff	SSP1BUF,D2_buffer+1					; high byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN					; master acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,RCEN					; enable receive mode
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for reception
+	movff	SSP1BUF,D2_buffer+0					; Low byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,ACKEN					; master acknowledge
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN					; stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	; Start pressure measurement
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,SEN					; start condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	movlw	0xEC						; address byte + write bit
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	movlw	0x48						; OSR=4096, type=D1
+	rcall	I2C_TX						; send byte
+	bsf	SSP1CON2,PEN					; stop condition
+	rcall	WaitMSSP					; wait for TX to complete
+	bsf	ms5837_state					; =0: result of pressure will be in the ADC
+	bcf	i2c_busy_temperature				; reading new temperature
+	return
+; I2C Bus error checker 
+	global	check_i2c_error
+	extern TFT_message_i2c_error
+	btfss	i2c_error_flag
+	return
+	incf	message_counter,F				; increase message counter
+	goto	TFT_message_i2c_error				; show message for battery low (battery percent) and return
--- a/src/	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -34,4 +34,10 @@
  IFDEF _compass
 	extern	I2C_RX_compass
\ No newline at end of file
+	extern	I2C_probe_pressure_sensor			; Probe the type of sensor, set/clear press_sensor_type
+	extern	I2C_get_calib_MS5837				; Read C1 to C6 
+	extern	I2C_get_press_val_MS5837
+	extern	I2C_get_temp_val_MS5837
+	extern	check_i2c_error
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/isr.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/isr.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -323,6 +323,15 @@
 	movlw	.248						; reload timer 7, high byte (8x256 ticks -> 62.5 ms)
 	movwf	TMR7H						; ...                       (keep low byte running )
+	banksel	isr_backup					; back to ISR default bank
+	decfsz	isr_tmr7_helper,F				; decreased every 62,5ms
+	bra	isr_tmr7_0
+	movlw	.4						; 62,5ms * 4 = 1/4 second
+	movwf	isr_tmr7_helper
+	bsf	trigger_quarter_second				; set flag (In access RAM)
 	btfss	update_surface_pressure			; shall update the surface pressure?
 	bra		isr_tmr7_1						; NO  - skip
 	bcf		update_surface_pressure			; YES - clear request flag
@@ -390,9 +399,6 @@
  ENDIF	; _external_sensor
-	btfss	sensor_state_counter,0				; every 1/4 second
-	bsf		trigger_quarter_second				; set flag
 	btfss	speed_is_normal						; CPU running on normal speed?
 	rcall	isr_set_speed_to_normal				; NO - set CPU speed to normal
@@ -429,15 +435,17 @@
 	call	calculate_compensation				; calculate temperature compensated pressure (27 us)
 	; build average for pressure
-	bcf		STATUS,C							; clear carry bit
-	rrcf	pressure_abs_avg+1					; divide by 2
+	;bcf		STATUS,C							; clear carry bit - not needed since we don't use the +2 register later
+	rrcf	pressure_abs_avg+2					; divide by 2
+	rrcf	pressure_abs_avg+1					; ...
 	rrcf	pressure_abs_avg+0					; ...
-	bcf		STATUS,C							; clear carry bit
-	rrcf	pressure_abs_avg+1					; divide by 2, again
+	;bcf		STATUS,C							; clear carry bit - not needed since we don't use the +2 register later
+	rrcf	pressure_abs_avg+2					; divide by 2, again
+	rrcf	pressure_abs_avg+1					; ...
 	rrcf	pressure_abs_avg+0					; ...
 	; export averaged pressure
-	MOVII	pressure_abs_avg,pressure_abs		; export result
+	MOVII	pressure_abs_avg,pressure_abs		; export result (Which is 16 bit for all depths < 262m)
 	; build average for temperature
 	bcf		STATUS,C							; clear carry bit by default
@@ -541,11 +549,13 @@
 	bra		sensor_int_state_exit					; done
-	CLRI	pressure_abs_avg			; clear average register for pressure
+    	clrf	pressure_abs_avg+0			; clear pressure    average register
+	clrf	pressure_abs_avg+1
+	clrf	pressure_abs_avg+2
 	CLRI	temperature_avg				; clear average register for temperature
-	call	get_temperature_value		; state 1: get temperature...
+	call	get_temperature_value		; state 1: get temperature... 
 	call	get_pressure_start			; ...and start pressure integration
 	bra		sensor_int_state_exit
@@ -891,7 +901,7 @@
 	bcf		INTCON,INT0IE				; disable external interrupt 0
-	btfsc	button_hold_down_allowed,A	; ignore for mechanical push buttons
+	btfsc	button_hold_down_allowed	; ignore for mechanical push buttons
 	bra	isr_switch_right2
 	btfsc	T4CON,TMR4ON					; Timer4 running?
 	bra	timer4_restart					; Yes, restart
@@ -906,7 +916,7 @@
 	bcf		INTCON3,INT1IE				; disable external interrupt 1
-	btfsc	button_hold_down_allowed,A	; ignore for mechanical push buttons
+	btfsc	button_hold_down_allowed	; ignore for mechanical push buttons
 	bra	isr_switch_left2
 	btfsc	T4CON,TMR4ON					; Timer4 running?
 	bra	timer4_restart					; Yes, restart
@@ -919,7 +929,7 @@
 	;bra	isr_switch_common			; continue with common part
-	btfss	button_hold_down_allowed,A	; ignore for mechanical push buttons
+	btfss	button_hold_down_allowed	; ignore for mechanical push buttons
 	bsf 	T4CON,TMR4ON			; Start timer 4
 	btfsc	tmr5_preemtion_allowed		; timer 5 preemption allowed?
--- a/src/math.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/math.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -346,6 +346,9 @@
 	addwfc	isr_xC+3,F					; ...
 	return								; done
+math12	CODE
 ; Multiply two   SIGNED 16 Bit Integers: isr_xC = isr_xA * isr_xB
@@ -355,7 +358,7 @@
 	global	isr_signed_mult16x16
 	; do an unsigned multiplication first
-	rcall	isr_unsigned_mult16x16
+	call	isr_unsigned_mult16x16
 	; manage sign extension of operand B
 	btfss	isr_xB+1,7					; is B negative ?
@@ -364,7 +367,7 @@
 	subwf	isr_xC+2,F					;     - ...
 	movf	isr_xA+1,W					;     - ...
 	subwfb	isr_xC+3,F					;     - ...
-isr_signed_mult_checkA					; manage sign extension of operand B
+isr_signed_mult_checkA:					; manage sign extension of operand B
 	btfss	isr_xA+1,7					; is A negative ?
 	return								; NO  - done
 	movf	isr_xB+0,W					; YES - add -65536 * B
@@ -373,6 +376,237 @@
 	subwfb	isr_xC+3,F					;     - ...
 	return								;     - done
+math13	CODE
+; Multiply two UNSIGNED 24 Bit Integers: isr_xC = isr_xA * isr_xB
+; trashes PRODL, PRODH, WREG
+	global	isr_unsigned_mult24x24
+	call	isr_unsigned_mult16x16				; Do the 16x16 first
+	clrf	isr_xC+4
+	clrf	isr_xC+5					; clear upper 16 bit
+	; do the remaining three multiplications
+	movf	isr_xA+0,W					; multiply a[0] * b[2]
+	mulwf	isr_xB+2					; ...
+	movf	PRODL,W						; add cross product to c[4]:c[3]:c[2]
+	addwf	isr_xC+2,F					; ...
+	movf	PRODH,W						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+3,F					; propagate carry
+	clrf	WREG						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+4,F					; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+5,F					; ...
+	movf	isr_xA+2,W					; multiply a[2] * b[0]
+	mulwf	isr_xB+0					; ...
+	movf	PRODL,W						; add cross product to c[4]:c[3]:c[2]
+	addwf	isr_xC+2,F					; ...
+	movf	PRODH,W						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+3,F					; propagate carry
+	clrf	WREG						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+4,F					; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+5,F					; ...
+	; isr_xC[2] done.
+	movf	isr_xA+2,W					; multiply a[2] * b[1]
+	mulwf	isr_xB+1					; ...
+	movf	PRODL,W						; add cross product to c[5]:c[4]:c[3]
+	addwf	isr_xC+3,F					; ...
+	movf	PRODH,W						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+4,F					; propagate carry
+	clrf	WREG						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+5,F					; ...
+	movf	isr_xA+1,W					; multiply a[1] * b[2]
+	mulwf	isr_xB+2					; ...
+	movf	PRODL,W						; add cross product to c[5]:c[4]:c[3]
+	addwf	isr_xC+3,F					; ...
+	movf	PRODH,W						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+4,F					; propagate carry
+	clrf	WREG						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+5,F					; ...
+	; isr_xC[3] done.
+	movf	isr_xA+2,W					; multiply a[2] * b[2]
+	mulwf	isr_xB+2					; ...
+	movf	PRODL,W						; add cross product to c[5]:c[4]
+	addwf	isr_xC+4,F					; ...
+	movf	PRODH,W						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+5,F					; propagate carry
+	; isr_xC[4] done.
+	; isr_xC[5] done.
+	return							; done
+math14	CODE
+; Multiply two UNSIGNED Integers (32 and 24 Bit): isr_xC = isr_xA * isr_xB
+; trashes PRODL, PRODH, WREG
+	global	isr_unsigned_mult32x24
+	call	isr_unsigned_mult24x24				; Do the 24x24 first
+	clrf	isr_xC+6					; clear upper 8 bit
+	; do the remaining three multiplications
+	movf	isr_xA+3,W					; multiply a[3] * b[0]
+	mulwf	isr_xB+0					; ...
+	movf	PRODL,W						; add cross product to c[5]:c[4]:c[3]
+	addwf	isr_xC+3,F					; ...
+	movf	PRODH,W						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+4,F					; propagate carry
+	clrf	WREG						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+5,F					; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+6,F					; ...
+	; isr_xC[3] done.
+	movf	isr_xA+3,W					; multiply a[3] * b[1]
+	mulwf	isr_xB+1					; ...
+	movf	PRODL,W						; add cross product to c[5]:c[4]
+	addwf	isr_xC+4,F					; ...
+	movf	PRODH,W						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+5,F					; propagate carry
+	clrf	WREG						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+6,F					; ...
+	; isr_xC[4] done.
+	movf	isr_xA+3,W					; multiply a[3] * b[2]
+	mulwf	isr_xB+2					; ...
+	movf	PRODL,W						; add cross product to c[5]:c[4]
+	addwf	isr_xC+5,F					; ...
+	movf	PRODH,W						; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+6,F					; propagate carry
+	; isr_xC[5] done.
+	; isr_xC[6] done.
+	return							; done
+math15	CODE
+; Multiply two   SIGNED 24 Bit Integers: isr_xC = isr_xA * isr_xB
+; trashes PRODL, PRODH, WREG
+	global	isr_signed_mult24x24
+	; do an unsigned multiplication first
+	call	isr_unsigned_mult24x24
+	; manage sign extension of operand B
+	btfss	isr_xB+2,7					; is B negative ?
+	bra		isr_signed24_mult_checkA		; NO  - continue checking operand A
+	movf	isr_xA+0,W					; YES - add -16777216 * A
+	subwf	isr_xC+3,F					;     - ...
+	movf	isr_xA+1,W					;     - ...
+	subwfb	isr_xC+4,F					;     - ...
+	movf	isr_xA+2,W					;     - ...
+	subwfb	isr_xC+5,F					;     - ...
+isr_signed24_mult_checkA:					; manage sign extension of operand B
+	btfss	isr_xA+2,7					; is A negative ?
+	return								; NO  - done
+	movf	isr_xB+0,W					; YES - add -16777216 * B
+	subwf	isr_xC+3,F					;     - ...
+	movf	isr_xB+1,W					;     - ...
+	subwfb	isr_xC+4,F					;     - ...
+	movf	isr_xB+2,W					;     - ...
+	subwfb	isr_xC+5,F					;     - ...
+	return						
+math16	CODE
+; Divide two UNSIGNED 16 Bit Integers:  isr_xC:2 = isr_xA:2 / isr_xB:2 with xA as remainder
+; trashes WREG
+	global	isr_div16x16
+	movlw		.16						; process 16 bits ...
+	movwf		isr_math_loop				; ... initialize loop counter
+	movff		isr_xA+0,isr_xC+0				; copy isr_xA to isr_xC
+	movff		isr_xA+1,isr_xC+1				; ...
+	clrf		isr_xA+0					; clear isr_xA, will now be used to hold the remainder
+	clrf		isr_xA+1					; ...
+	bcf			STATUS,C				; clear carry flag to shift in a zero bit
+	rlcf		isr_xC+0,F					; shift left isr_xC
+	rlcf		isr_xC+1,F					; ... shifting MSB out of isr_xC...
+	rlcf		isr_xA+0,F					; ... and into LSB of     isr_xA
+	rlcf		isr_xA+1,F					; ...
+	btfsc		STATUS,C				; did the remainder overflow (carry set)?
+	bra			isr_div16x16_2				; YES - directly generate a result bit = 1
+	movf		isr_xB+0,W					; NO  - compute remainder - divisor = isr_xA - isr_xB, trash result to WREG
+	subwf		isr_xA+0,W					;     - ...
+	movf		isr_xB+1,W					;     - ...
+	subwfb		isr_xA+1,W					;     - ...
+	btfss		STATUS,C				;     - remainder < divisor (-> borrow flag set, equals carry flag cleared) ?
+	bra			isr_div16x16_3				;       YES - result bit = 0, keep LSB of isr_xC+0 being 0
+	bsf			isr_xC+0,0					;       NO  - result bit = 1, set  LSB of isr_xC+0 to 1
+	movf		isr_xB+0,W					;           - subtract divisor from remainder "for real": isr_xA = isr_xA - isr_xB
+	subwf		isr_xA+0,F					;           - ...
+	movf		isr_xB+1,W					;           - ...
+	subwfb		isr_xA+1,F					;           - ...
+	decfsz		isr_math_loop,F				; decrement loop counter, all bits done?
+	bra			isr_div16x16_1				; NO  - loop
+	return								; YES - done
+math17	CODE
+; Divide a 32 Bit Integer by a 16 Bit Integer: isr_xC:4 = isr_xC:4 / isr_xB:2 with isr_xA as remainder
+; trashes WREG
+	global	isr_div32x16
+	movlw		.32						; process 32 bits ...
+	movwf		isr_math_loop				; ... initialize loop counter
+	clrf		isr_xA+0					; clear isr_xA, will be used to hold the remainder
+	clrf		isr_xA+1					; ...
+	bcf			STATUS,C				; clear carry flag to shift in a zero bit
+	rlcf		isr_xC+0,F					; shift left isr_xC
+	rlcf		isr_xC+1,F					; ...
+	rlcf		isr_xC+2,F					; ...
+	rlcf		isr_xC+3,F					; ... shifting MSB out of isr_xC...
+	rlcf		isr_xA+0,F					; ... and into LSB of     isr_xA
+	rlcf		isr_xA+1,F					; ...
+	btfsc		STATUS,C				; did the remainder overflow (carry set)?
+	bra		isr_div32x16_2				; YES - directly generate a result bit = 1
+	movf		isr_xB+0,W					; NO  - compute remainder - divisor = isr_xA - isr_xB, trash result to WREG
+	subwf		isr_xA+0,W					;     - ...
+	movf		isr_xB+1,W					;     - ...
+	subwfb		isr_xA+1,W					;     - ...
+	btfss		STATUS,C				;     - remainder < divisor (-> borrow flag set, equals carry flag cleared) ?
+	bra		isr_div32x16_3				;       YES - result bit = 0, keep LSB of isr_xC+0 being 0
+	bsf		isr_xC+0,0					;       NO  - result bit = 1, set  LSB of isr_xC+0 to 1
+	movf		isr_xB+0,W					;           - subtract divisor from remainder "for real": isr_xA = isr_xA - isr_xB
+	subwf		isr_xA+0,F					;           - ...
+	movf		isr_xB+1,W					;           - ...
+	subwfb		isr_xA+1,F					;           - ...
+	decfsz		isr_math_loop,F				; decrement loop counter, all bits done?
+	bra		isr_div32x16_1				; NO  - loop
+	return								; YES - done
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -90,12 +90,31 @@
 	extern	isr_unsigned_mult16x16	; isr_xC = isr_xA * isr_xB
 									; trashes PRODL, PRODH, WREG
+	extern	isr_unsigned_mult24x24	; isr_xC = isr_xA * isr_xB
+									; trashes PRODL, PRODH, WREG
+	extern	isr_unsigned_mult32x24	; isr_xC = isr_xA * isr_xB
+									; trashes PRODL, PRODH, WREG
 	extern	isr_signed_mult16x16	; isr_xC = isr_xA * isr_xB
 									; trashes PRODL, PRODH, WREG
+	extern	isr_signed_mult24x24
\ No newline at end of file
+; DIVISION       with UNSIGNED values
+	extern	isr_div16x16				; isr_xC:2 = isr_xA:2 / isr_xB:2 with isr_xA as remainder
+									; trashes xB, WREG
+; DIVISION       with UNSIGNED values
+	extern	isr_div32x16				; isr_xC:4 = isr_xC:4 / isr_xB:2 with isr_xA as remainder
--- a/src/menu_processor.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/menu_processor.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@
 	VARARGS_GET8	menu_item_count			; get number of items
 	VARARGS_GET8	menu_vertical_start		; get vertical start position of 1st menu item
-	movf	menu_vertical_start,W			; excite flags, vertical start = 0, i.e. no menu title text?
-	bz		menu_processor_no_title			; YES - skip reading menu title text address
+;	movf	menu_vertical_start,W			; excite flags, vertical start = 0, i.e. no menu title text?
+;	bz		menu_processor_no_title			; YES - skip reading menu title text address
 	VARARGS_GET16	menu_title_addr			; get address of menu title text
 	movff	TBLPTRL, menu_item_data_start+0	; store base address of menu items for menu_read_menu_item_data
 	movff	TBLPTRH, menu_item_data_start+1	; ...
@@ -91,7 +91,30 @@
 	; draw a frame around the dive mode menu
 	movf	pallet_color_mask,W				; get mask color into WREG
 	WIN_FRAME_COLOR dm_menu_row, dm_menu_lower, dm_menu_left ,dm_menu_right	; top, bottom, left, right
-	bra		menu_processor_menu_body		; the dive mode menu has no menu title and footer
+	btfss	alt_layout_active				; big menu selected?
+	bra	menu_processor_menu_body			; No, the normal dive mode menu has no title and footer
+	; draw menu title
+	WIN_BOX_BLACK   dm_menu_row+.2,dm_menu_row+.26,dm_menu_left+.2,dm_menu_right-.2	; clear menu title area
+	WIN_SMALL .2, dm_menu_row+.2							; set menu title font and position
+	FONT_COLOR color_greenish				; set menu title font color
+	movff	menu_title_addr+0,FSR1L			; point to multi-lingual menu title text
+	movff	menu_title_addr+1,FSR1H			; ...
+	call	strcpy_text_FSR					; copy translated text into the buffer
+	movf	FSR2L,W							; get title text length
+	mullw	.7								; compute title length in pixels_x2
+	bcf		STATUS,C						; divide by 2
+	rrcf	PRODL							; ...
+	movf	PRODL,W							; get result into WREG
+	sublw	.80								; compute 80 (screen center position) - half title width in pixel_x2
+	movwf	win_leftx2						; set result as horizontal start position
+	movlw	MAX_LINE_LENGTH_TITLE			; load max allowed length of a menu title
+	movwf	FSR2L							; set buffer pointer to end of max length
+	clrf	INDF2							; terminate string          at max length
+	PRINT									; output menu title
+	bra		menu_processor_menu_body		; the dive mode menu has no footer
 	; prepare screen
@@ -348,7 +371,7 @@
 	;bra	menu_draw_lines_divemode_big	; YES
-	WIN_STD dm_menu_item1_column+.16,dm_menu_item1_row+.22
+	WIN_STD dm_menu_item1_column+.16,dm_menu_item1_row+.28
 	decf	menu_pos_cur,W					; get selected item as 0..5 into WREG
 	movwf	menu_item_start					; set first item to draw = selected item
 	bra		menu_draw_menu_items_common		; continue with common part
@@ -523,7 +546,7 @@
 	;bra	menu_draw_cursor_dive_big		; YES
-	WIN_STD dm_menu_item1_column,dm_menu_item1_row+.20
+	WIN_STD dm_menu_item1_column,dm_menu_item1_row+.26
 	bra		menu_draw_cursor_common			; print cursor
  ENDIF	; _big_divemenu
--- a/src/	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 ; nb_items         number of menu items that will follow
+MENU_BEGIN_DIVE	MACRO title_text_addr, nb_items
 items_target set nb_items
 items_count  set 0
@@ -67,12 +67,13 @@
 	; store code for menu execution
+	extern	title_text_addr			; 2 byte address of multi-lingual title text
 	extern	menu_processor
 	call	menu_processor
 	; store menu header data
 	db	nb_items,				0x00					; number of items, encoding for no menu titel
+	db	low(title_text_addr),	high(title_text_addr)	; address of multi-lingual title text
--- a/src/menu_tree.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/menu_tree.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -1338,7 +1338,11 @@
 	output_hex							; print C5, high byte
 	movff	C5+0,WREG					; get   C5, low  byte
 	output_hex							; print C5, low  byte
-	return								; done
+	btfss	press_sensor_type				; =1: pressure sensor MS5837, =0: Pressure sensor MS5541
+	return								; MS5541, done
+	PUTC	"*"
+	return								; MS5837, done
--- a/src/ms5541.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/ms5541.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 #include ""						; Mandatory header
 #include ""						; Math routines
+#include ""
+#include "shared_definitions.h"				; mailbox from/to p2_deco.c
 ms5541	CODE
@@ -31,6 +32,9 @@
 	banksel	isr_backup					; select bank ISR data
+	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	bra 	press_comp_ms5837			; Yes, use MS5837
 	;---- pressure sensor compensation
 	; xdT = D2 - C5 (s16 range -11.400 .. +12.350)
@@ -131,7 +135,7 @@
 	MOVII	SENS,isr_xB					; sens --> B
 	call	isr_signed_mult16x16		; C = A*B
-	movlw	.13							; 12 * 256 = 3328
+	movlw	.15							; 15 * 256 = 3840
 	cpfslt	C1+1						; C1 > 3328 ?
 	bra		isr_shift_ms5541_30			; YES - MS5541-30
 	movlw	.12-.8						; NO  - MS5541: 12 bit shift = 1 byte + 4 bits
@@ -144,7 +148,150 @@
 	addwf	isr_xC+1,F					; ...
 	movlw	HIGH .1000					; ...
 	addwfc	isr_xC+2,F					; ...
+	bra	press_comp_done_common
+ 	; xdT = D2 - C5*2^8
+	movlw	.0		; Low
+	subwf	D2+0,W
+	movwf	xdT+0
+	movf	C5+0,W		; High
+	subwfb	D2+1,W
+	movwf	xdT+1
+	movf	C5+1,W		; Upper
+	subwfb	D2+2,W
+	movwf	xdT+2
+	; xdT equals D2 - (C5*2^8)
+	; Calculate OFF = C2*2^16+(C4*xdT)/2^7
+	movff	C4+0,isr_xA+0
+	movff	C4+1,isr_xA+1
+	clrf	isr_xA+2
+	movff	xdT+0,isr_xB+0
+	movff	xdT+1,isr_xB+1
+	movff	xdT+2,isr_xB+2
+	call	isr_signed_mult24x24		; C = A*B
+	; isr_xC:6 equals (C4*xdT)
+	rlcf	isr_xC+0,F
+	rlcf	isr_xC+1,F
+	rlcf	isr_xC+2,F
+	rlcf	isr_xC+3,F
+	rlcf	isr_xC+4,F
+	rlcf	isr_xC+5,F
+	movff	isr_xC+1,OFF+0
+	movff	isr_xC+2,OFF+1
+	movff	isr_xC+3,OFF+2
+	movff	isr_xC+4,OFF+3
+	; OFF equals (C4*xdT)/2^7
+	movf	C2+0,W
+	addwf	OFF+2,F
+	movf	C2+1,W
+	addwfc	OFF+3,F
+	; OFF equals C2*2^16+((C4*xdT)/2^7)
+	; Calculate SENS = C1*2^15 + (C3*xdT)/2^8
+	MOVII	C1,isr_xA
+	movlw	LOW	(.32768)
+	movwf	isr_xB+0
+	movlw	HIGH	(.32768)
+	movwf	isr_xB+1
+	call	isr_unsigned_mult16x16		; C = A*B
+	movff	isr_xC+0,SENS+0
+	movff	isr_xC+1,SENS+1
+	movff	isr_xC+2,SENS+2
+	movff	isr_xC+3,SENS+3			; 32bit copy
+	; SENS equals C1*2^15
+	movff	C3+0,isr_xA+0
+	movff	C3+1,isr_xA+1
+	clrf	isr_xA+2
+	movff	xdT+0,isr_xB+0
+	movff	xdT+1,isr_xB+1
+	movff	xdT+2,isr_xB+2
+	call	isr_signed_mult24x24		; C = A*B
+	; isr_xC:6 equals (C3*xdT)
+	movf	isr_xC+1,W
+	addwf	SENS+0,F
+	movf	isr_xC+2,W
+	addwfc	SENS+1,F
+	movf	isr_xC+3,W
+	addwfc	SENS+2,F
+	movf	isr_xC+4,W
+	addwfc	SENS+3,F
+	; SENS equals C1*2^15 + (C3*xdT)/2^8
+	; Calculate PRESSURE = ((D1 * SENS) / 2^21) - OFF) / 2^13
+	movff	SENS+0,isr_xA+0
+	movff	SENS+1,isr_xA+1
+	movff	SENS+2,isr_xA+2
+	movff	SENS+3,isr_xA+3
+	movff	D1+0,isr_xB+0
+	movff	D1+1,isr_xB+1
+	movff	D1+2,isr_xB+2
+	call	isr_unsigned_mult32x24		; C = A*B
+	; isr_xC:7 equals D1*SENS
+	; devide isr_xC:7 / 2^21 -> shift right 21 times
+	movlw	.21
+	bcf	STATUS,C					; clear carry, needed for MS5837 use
+	rrcf	isr_xC+6,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+5,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+4,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+3,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+2,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+1,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+0,F
+	decfsz	WREG						; decrement loop counter, done?
+	bra	press_comp_ms5837_2			; NO  - loop		
+	; isr_xC:6 equals (D1*SENS)/2^21
+	; Calculate isr_xC:6-OFF
+	movf	OFF+0,W	    ; Low
+	subwf	isr_xC+0,F
+	movf	OFF+1,W	    ; High
+	subwfb	isr_xC+1,F
+	movf	OFF+2,W	    ; Upper
+	subwfb	isr_xC+2,F
+	movf	OFF+3,W	    ; Extra
+	subwfb	isr_xC+3,F
+	movlw	.0	    ; ultra
+	subwfb	isr_xC+4,F
+	movlw	.0	    ; Hyper
+	subwfb	isr_xC+5,F
+	; isr_xC:5 is now isr_xC:4-OFF
+	; devide by 2^13
+	; devide isr_xC:6 / 2^13 -> shift right 13 times
+	movlw	.13
+	bcf	STATUS,C					; clear carry
+	rrcf	isr_xC+5,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+4,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+3,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+2,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+1,F
+	rrcf	isr_xC+0,F
+	decfsz	WREG						; decrement loop counter, done?
+	bra	press_comp_ms5837_3			; NO  - loop		
+	; isr_xC:4 equals pressure in .1 mbar
+	movlw	.10
+	movwf	isr_xB+0
+	clrf	isr_xB+1
+	call	isr_div32x16				; isr_xC:4 = isr_xC:4 / isr_xB:2 with isr_xA as remainder
+	; isr_xC:2 equals pressure in 1mbar
+	; subtract 20mbar from the final result
+	movlw	.20
+	subwf	isr_xC+0,F
+	movlw	.0
+	subwfb	isr_xC+1,F
+	; copy for compatibility of the next routines
+	movff	isr_xC+1,isr_xC+2
+	movff	isr_xC+0,isr_xC+1
+press_comp_done_common:						; continue here even with MS5837
 	; add opt_pressure_adjust to result (SIGNED!)
 	clrf	isr_xC+0					; prepare high byte for adjustment
 	movff	opt_pressure_adjust,WREG	; get     low  byte for adjustment (signed)
@@ -256,9 +403,14 @@
 	addwf	pressure_abs_avg+0,F		; pressure_abs_avg += current pressure,   low  byte
 	movf	isr_xC+2,W					; copy current absolute pressure to WREG, high byte
 	addwfc	pressure_abs_avg+1,F		; pressure_abs_avg += current pressure,   high byte
+	movlw	.0
+	addwfc	pressure_abs_avg+2,F		; pressure_abs_avg += current pressure,   upper byte
 	;---- temperature sensor compensation
+    	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	bra	temp_comp_ms5837			; Yes, use MS5837
 	; calculate temp = 200 + dT*(C6+100)/2^11
 	movlw	LOW(.100)					; C6 + 100 --> A
 	addwf	C6+0,W						; ...
@@ -276,7 +428,71 @@
 	addwf	isr_xC+1,F					; ...
 	movlw	HIGH(.200)					; ...
 	addwfc	isr_xC+2,F					; ...
+	bra	temp_comp_done_common
+    	; TEMP = 2000+((xdT * C6) / 2^23)
+	; xdT * C6 -> isr_xC:6
+	movff	C6+0,isr_xA+0
+	movff	C6+1,isr_xA+1
+	clrf	isr_xA+2
+	movff	xdT+0,isr_xB+0
+	movff	xdT+1,isr_xB+1
+	movff	xdT+2,isr_xB+2
+	call	isr_signed_mult24x24		; A*B
+	; devide isr_xC:6 / 2^23 -> shift right 23 times
+	; a special variant (again): We loose isr_xC+0 and isr_xC+1 anyway 
+	; and do not care about the inserted carry since we won't use isr_xC+5 
+	; and we shift less then 8 bytes
+	movlw	.23-.16	    
+	rrcf	isr_xC+5,F					; 
+        rrcf	isr_xC+4,F					; 
+	rrcf	isr_xC+3,F					; 
+	rrcf	isr_xC+2,F					; ...
+	decfsz	WREG						; decrement loop counter, done?
+	bra	temp_comp_ms5837_2			; NO  - loop	
+	; only use +2 and +3
+	movlw	LOW(.2000)					; add 2000
+	addwf	isr_xC+2,F					; ...
+	movlw	HIGH(.2000)					; ...
+	addwfc	isr_xC+3,F					; ...
+	; devide by 10 for .1°C resolution
+	movlw	.10
+	movwf	isr_xB+0
+	clrf	isr_xB+1
+	movff	isr_xC+2,isr_xA+0
+	movff	isr_xC+3,isr_xA+1
+	btfss	isr_xC+3,7		    ; check sign bit
+	bra	temp_comp_ms5837_3	    ; not negative...
+	; negate isr_xA:2 to make it positive
+	comf	isr_xA+1		    ; 16 bit sign change
+	negf	isr_xA+0
+	btfsc	STATUS,C		    ; - carry to propagate?
+	incf	isr_xA+1,F		    ;  YES - do it
+	call	isr_div16x16					; isr_xC:2 = isr_xA:2 / isr_xB:2
+	btfss	isr_xC+3,7		    ; check sign bit again
+	bra	temp_comp_ms5837_4	    ; not negative...
+	; negate result isr_xC:2 to make it negative again
+	comf	isr_xC+1		    ; 16 bit sign change
+	negf	isr_xC+0
+	btfsc	STATUS,C		    ;- carry to propagate?
+	incf	isr_xC+1,F		    ; YES - do it
+	; copy for compatibility of the next routines
+	movff	isr_xC+1,isr_xC+2
+	movff	isr_xC+0,isr_xC+1
+temp_comp_done_common:						; continue here even with MS5837	
 	; add opt_temperature_adjust to result (SIGNED!)
 	clrf	isr_xC+0					; prepare high byte for adjustment
 	movff	opt_temperature_adjust,WREG	; get     low  byte for adjustment (signed)
@@ -309,12 +525,13 @@
 	global	get_pressure_start
+       	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	return						; Yes, ignore routine
 	rcall	reset_MS5541				; reset the chip
 	movlw	b'10100000'					; +3*high as start and 1+low as stop
 	movwf	dbuffer						; ....
 	movlw	d'12'						; send start command
-	rcall	send_data_MS5541			; ...
-	return								; done
+	bra 	send_data_MS5541				; ... (And return)
@@ -324,6 +541,8 @@
 	global get_pressure_value
+       	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	bra	get_pressure_value2
 	btfsc	MS5541_miso					; conversion done?
 	return								; NO  - abort
 	rcall	get_2bytes_MS5541			; YES - read result
@@ -331,6 +550,14 @@
 	movff	dLSB,D1+0					; ...                low  byte second
 	return								; done
+	btfsc	i2c_busy_pressure			; currently updating pressure?
+	return						; Yes, skip update...
+	movff	D1_buffer+0,D1+0
+	movff	D1_buffer+1,D1+1
+	movff	D1_buffer+2,D1+2
+	return
 ; Start Temperature Measurement
@@ -339,12 +566,13 @@
 	global	get_temperature_start
+       	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	return						; Yes, ignore routine
 	rcall	reset_MS5541				; reset chip
 	movlw	b'10010000'					; +3*high as start and 1+low as stop
 	movwf	dbuffer						; ...
 	movlw	d'12'						; send start command
-	rcall	send_data_MS5541			; ...
-	return								; done
+	bra	send_data_MS5541				; ... (And return)
@@ -354,6 +582,8 @@
 	global	get_temperature_value
+	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	bra	get_temperature_value2
 	btfsc	MS5541_miso					; conversion done?
 	return								; NO - done
 	rcall	get_2bytes_MS5541			; YES - read result
@@ -361,6 +591,14 @@
 	movff	dLSB,D2+0					; ...                low  byte second
 	return								; done
+	btfsc	i2c_busy_temperature			; currently updating temperature?
+	return						; Yes, skip update...
+	movff	D2_buffer+0,D2+0
+	movff	D2_buffer+1,D2+1
+	movff	D2_buffer+2,D2+2
+	return
 ; Retrieve Calibration Data
@@ -370,8 +608,15 @@
 	global	get_calibration_data
 	banksel	isr_backup					; select bank ISR data
-	bsf		block_sensor_interrupt		; disable sensor interrupts
+	bsf	    block_sensor_interrupt		; disable sensor interrupts
+	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	call	I2C_get_calib_MS5837			; Yes, read C1 to C6
+	banksel	isr_backup					; select bank ISR data
+	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	bra	get_calibration_data2			; Yes, skip to the end
 	rcall	reset_MS5541				; reset chip
 	movlw	b'01010100'					; +3*high as start and 1+low as stop
@@ -545,6 +790,7 @@
 	movff	ir_s8_buffer+6,C6+0
 	bcf		C6+0,7
 	clrf	sensor_state_counter		; reset state counter
 	bcf		block_sensor_interrupt		; re-enable sensor interrupts
 	banksel	common						; back to bank common
--- a/src/option_table.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/option_table.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 	OPTION_UINT8    oaGF_low,           .10,                 .100,                .30,      tPercent,        0x023,    0x27,  opt_aGF_low					; alternative GF low
 	OPTION_UINT8    oaGF_high,          .45,                 .110,                .85,      tPercent,        0x024,    0x28,  opt_aGF_high					; alternative GF high
 	OPTION_BOOL     oEnable_aGF,         .0,                                                                 0x025,    0x29,  opt_enable_aGF				; =1: aGF can be selected underwater
-	OPTION_UINT8    oCompassGain,        .0,                   .7,                 .6,      tMinutes,        0x026,    0x34,  opt_compass_gain				; 0-7 (230 LSB/Gauss to 1370LSB/Gauss)
+	OPTION_UINT8    oCompassGain,        .0,                   .5,                 .5,      tMinutes,        0x026,    0x34,  opt_compass_gain				; 0-7 (230 LSB/Gauss to 1370LSB/Gauss)
 	OPTION_ENUM8    oSamplingRate,       .2,                                       .0,      tSetSeconds,     0x027,    0x2F,  opt_sampling_rate				; =1: 10s, =0: 2s
 	; Managing Settings
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@
 	OPTION_ENUM8    oTissueGraphics, tissue_graphics_options,                      .0,      tTissuePresSat,  0x0FB,    0x88,  opt_tissue_graphics			; =0: show pressures and saturations, =1: show N2 and He pressures
 	OPTION_ENUM8    oLayout,             .2,                                       .0,      tLayoutNormal,   0x0FC,    0x8A,  opt_layout					; initial layout of dive mode screen =0: normal, =1: big
 	OPTION_BOOL     oExtendedStops,                                                .1,                       0x0FD,    0x8B,  opt_ext_stops					; =1: place gas switches also below 1st stop depth
-	OPTION_UINT8    oGasDensityAtt,     .40,                  .80,                .60,      nounit,          0x0FE,    0x8C,  char_I_gas_density_att		; threshold for gas density attention [0.1 grams/l]
-	OPTION_UINT8    oGasDensityWarn,    .40,                  .80,                .65,      nounit,          0x0FF,    0x8D,  char_I_gas_density_warn		; threshold for gas density warning   [0.1 grams/l]
+	OPTION_UINT8    oGasDensityAtt,     .40,                  .80,                .52,      nounit,          0x0FE,    0x8C,  char_I_gas_density_att		; threshold for gas density attention [0.1 grams/l]
+	OPTION_UINT8    oGasDensityWarn,    .40,                  .80,                .63,      nounit,          0x0FF,    0x8D,  char_I_gas_density_warn		; threshold for gas density warning   [0.1 grams/l]
 	OPTION_BOOL     oDilppO2Check,                                                .1,                        0x100,    0x8E,  char_I_dil_check				; =1: check ppO2 of the pure diluent against current setpoint
 	OPTION_UINT8    oFirmwareMajor,  fw_version_major,  fw_version_major, fw_version_major, nounit,          0x101,  nocomm,  opt_fw_version_major			; firmware version, major | use as read-only,
 	OPTION_UINT8    oFirmwareMinor,  fw_version_minor,  fw_version_minor, fw_version_minor, nounit,          0x102,  nocomm,  opt_fw_version_minor			; firmware version, minor | do not change eeprom index number!
--- a/src/p2_deco.c	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/p2_deco.c	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -128,6 +128,9 @@
 #define BAR_TO_METER				10.19716	// conversion factor (1 bar            = 10.19716 m  )
 #define SURFACE_DESAT_FACTOR		 0.70420	// surface desaturation safety factor
 #define HYST						 1.0E-06	// threshold for tissue graphics on-gassing / off-gassing visualization
+#define GAS_DENSITY_He_FACTOR          17.64    // in multiples of 0.01 grams per liter
+#define GAS_DENSITY_N2_FACTOR         123.46    // in multiples of 0.01 grams per liter
+#define GAS_DENSITY_O2_FACTOR         141.02    // in multiples of 0.01 grams per liter
 // thresholds
 #define CNS_LIMIT_WARNING				100		// threshold for CNS  warning
@@ -136,11 +139,12 @@
 #define PRESSURE_LIMIT_ATTENTION		500		// threshold for pressure reading attention: 50.0 bar
 #define GAS_NEEDS_ATTENTION				  0.7	// threshold for gas needs attention [1 = 100%]
 #define O2_CONSUMPTION_LIMIT_ATTENTION	 20		// threshold for O2 "SAC"         attention:  2.0 l/min
-#define ppO2_GAP_TO_SETPOINT			 10		// gap between setpoint and max. ppO2 of the pure diluent [cbar]
+#define ppO2_GAP_TO_SETPOINT			 20		// gap between setpoint and max. ppO2 of the pure diluent [cbar]
 #define ppO2_MARGIN_ON_MAX				  3		// [cbar] margin on ppO2 max to compensate for surface pressures > 1.000 mbar
 #define STOP_CHAINING_LIMIT				  3		// max. number of chained stop table entries before deco calculation is aborted
 // deco engine states and modes - (char_O_)main_status: controls current tissue and deco status calculation (as-is situation)
 #define CALC_VOLUME						0x01	// =1: calculate gas needs
 #define CALCULATE_BOTTOM				0x02	// =1: calculate gas needs in deco calculator mode, =0: in dive mode
@@ -1575,7 +1579,7 @@
 static unsigned char gas_find_best(void)
-	overlay unsigned char switch_depth = 255;
+	overlay unsigned char switch_depth = sim_gas_current_depth;
 	overlay unsigned char switch_gas   =   0;
@@ -1943,7 +1947,7 @@
 		overlay unsigned char temp;
 		// compute gas density of current mix in multiples of 0.01 grams per liter
-		int_O_gas_density = (unsigned int)( 17.9 * ppHe + 125.1 * ppN2 + 142.8 * ppO2 );
+		int_O_gas_density = (unsigned int)( GAS_DENSITY_He_FACTOR * ppHe + GAS_DENSITY_N2_FACTOR * ppN2 + GAS_DENSITY_O2_FACTOR * ppO2 );
 		// convert gas density into an 8 bit integer, scaling 0.1 grams per liter
 		temp = (unsigned char)( (int_O_gas_density + 9) / 10 );
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+;   File                      combined next generation V3.09.4f
+;   Firmware for the RX Co-Processor
+;   Copyright (c) 2019, HeinrichsWeikamp, all rights reserved.
+; version of the RX firmware below
+#define rx_firmware_major	.1
+#define rx_firmware_minor	.41
+        DB      0xF7,0xEF,0x05,0xF0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x03,0xD0,0x00,0x00
+        DB      0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x01,0xF3,0xCF,0x60,0xF0,0xF4,0xCF
+        DB      0x61,0xF0,0x7E,0xB0,0x87,0xD8,0xF0,0xB2,0xC8,0xD8,0x7B,0xB0
+        DB      0x0E,0xD8,0x01,0x01,0x9E,0xB0,0xBF,0xD8,0x9E,0xB2,0xB0,0xD8
+        DB      0xA1,0xB2,0xB7,0xD8,0xF2,0xB2,0xF2,0x92,0x61,0xC0,0xF4,0xFF
+        DB      0x60,0xC0,0xF3,0xFF,0x11,0x00,0x0F,0x01,0x4F,0x6B,0x50,0x6B
+        DB      0x01,0x01,0x7B,0x90,0x5E,0xCF,0x3D,0xF1,0x5E,0xCF,0x40,0xF1
+        DB      0xD8,0x90,0x40,0x33,0x3F,0x51,0x40,0x27,0x02,0x8D,0xA0,0x0E
+        DB      0x7D,0xB0,0x06,0x51,0x40,0x61,0x02,0x9D,0xD8,0x90,0x3D,0x31
+        DB      0x3F,0x6F,0x02,0xAD,0x82,0x94,0x02,0xBD,0x82,0x84,0x40,0xC1
+        DB      0x73,0xFF,0x0F,0x01,0x51,0xB5,0x12,0x00,0x01,0x01,0x02,0xAD
+        DB      0x06,0xD0,0x41,0x2B,0x40,0x51,0x45,0x27,0x00,0x0E,0x46,0x23
+        DB      0x12,0x00,0x42,0x2B,0x2B,0x0E,0x41,0x61,0x12,0xD0,0x0A,0x0E
+        DB      0x42,0x61,0x03,0xD0,0x05,0x0E,0x41,0x61,0x05,0xD0,0x41,0x6B
+        DB      0x42,0x6B,0x45,0x6B,0x46,0x6B,0x12,0x00,0x42,0x51,0x41,0x27
+        DB      0x2B,0x0E,0x41,0x61,0x02,0xD0,0x42,0x6B,0x12,0x00,0x41,0xC1
+        DB      0x06,0xF1,0x70,0x0E,0x4E,0x6F,0x17,0x0E,0x4F,0x6F,0x45,0xC1
+        DB      0x4C,0xF1,0x46,0xC1,0x4D,0xF1,0x92,0xEC,0x07,0xF0,0x49,0xB1
+        DB      0xE6,0xD7,0x45,0xC1,0x47,0xF1,0x46,0xC1,0x48,0xF1,0x45,0x6B
+        DB      0x46,0x6B,0x0F,0x01,0x53,0x6B,0xAF,0x0E,0x52,0x6F,0x26,0x0E
+        DB      0x51,0x6F,0x01,0x01,0x7E,0x90,0x02,0xEE,0x00,0xF0,0x7D,0x80
+        DB      0x0C,0x6B,0x0F,0x6B,0x08,0x0E,0x0D,0x6F,0x10,0x0E,0x10,0x6F
+        DB      0x05,0x0E,0x11,0x6F,0x41,0x6B,0x42,0x6B,0x47,0xC1,0x19,0xF1
+        DB      0x48,0xC1,0x1A,0xF1,0x06,0xC1,0x1B,0xF1,0x1C,0x6B,0x6B,0xEC
+        DB      0x07,0xF0,0x05,0x0E,0x15,0x27,0x15,0xC1,0x06,0xF1,0x12,0x00
+        DB      0x0F,0x01,0xFB,0x0E,0x52,0x6F,0x05,0x0E,0x51,0x6F,0x01,0x01
+        DB      0x7E,0x90,0x05,0x0E,0x10,0x65,0x06,0xD0,0x0D,0x0E,0x10,0x61
+        DB      0x03,0xD0,0x80,0x7C,0x02,0xBD,0x0F,0x2B,0x10,0x2F,0x12,0x00
+        DB      0x10,0x0E,0x10,0x6F,0x02,0x0E,0xD8,0x80,0x0F,0x65,0xD8,0x90
+        DB      0x0E,0x37,0x0C,0x67,0x07,0xD0,0x0E,0xB1,0x05,0xD0,0x0F,0x01
+        DB      0x51,0x95,0x01,0x01,0x7D,0x90,0x12,0x00,0x0F,0x6B,0x0C,0x2B
+        DB      0x0D,0x2F,0x12,0x00,0x08,0x0E,0x0D,0x6F,0x0E,0xC1,0xEE,0xFF
+        DB      0x11,0x2F,0x12,0x00,0x0F,0x01,0x51,0x95,0x01,0x01,0x7D,0x90
+        DB      0x02,0x85,0x12,0x00,0x9E,0x92,0x01,0x01,0x2B,0x2B,0x3E,0x0E
+        DB      0x2B,0x65,0x12,0x00,0x2B,0x6B,0x02,0x87,0x12,0x00,0x01,0x01
+        DB      0xA0,0x92,0xA1,0x92,0x12,0x00,0x01,0x01,0x9E,0x90,0x9D,0x90
+        DB      0x12,0x00,0x01,0x01,0xF0,0x92,0x12,0x00,0x12,0xEE,0x10,0xF0
+        DB      0x00,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x10,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x20,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF
+        DB      0x30,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x40,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x50,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF
+        DB      0x01,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x11,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x21,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF
+        DB      0x31,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x41,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x51,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF
+        DB      0x02,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x12,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x22,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF
+        DB      0x32,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x42,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF,0x52,0xC3,0xE6,0xFF
+        DB      0x02,0x99,0x12,0x00,0x03,0x01,0x50,0x67,0x50,0x2B,0x51,0x67
+        DB      0x51,0x2B,0x52,0x67,0x52,0x2B,0x53,0x67,0x53,0x2B,0x54,0x67
+        DB      0x54,0x2B,0x55,0x67,0x55,0x2B,0x56,0x67,0x56,0x2B,0x13,0xEE
+        DB      0x00,0xF0,0x00,0x0E,0x0F,0xD8,0x01,0x0E,0x0D,0xD8,0x02,0x0E
+        DB      0x0B,0xD8,0x03,0x0E,0x09,0xD8,0x04,0x0E,0x07,0xD8,0x05,0x0E
+        DB      0x05,0xD8,0x06,0x0E,0x03,0xD8,0x01,0x01,0x02,0x89,0x12,0x00
+        DB      0x60,0x6F,0x50,0x0F,0xE3,0xCF,0x61,0xF3,0xF0,0x0E,0x61,0x63
+        DB      0x12,0x00,0x60,0x51,0xE3,0x6A,0x10,0x0E,0x60,0x25,0xE3,0x6A
+        DB      0x20,0x0E,0x60,0x25,0xE3,0x6A,0x30,0x0E,0x60,0x25,0xE3,0x6A
+        DB      0x40,0x0E,0x60,0x25,0xE3,0x6A,0x50,0x0E,0x60,0x25,0xE3,0x6A
+        DB      0x12,0x00,0x01,0x01,0x00,0xC2,0x2D,0xF1,0x01,0xC2,0x2E,0xF1
+        DB      0x02,0xC2,0x2F,0xF1,0x03,0xC2,0x30,0xF1,0x04,0xC2,0x31,0xF1
+        DB      0x02,0x95,0x32,0x6B,0x33,0x6B,0x34,0x6B,0x35,0x6B,0x36,0x6B
+        DB      0x37,0x6B,0x2D,0xBF,0x33,0x8B,0x2D,0xBD,0x33,0x89,0x2D,0xBB
+        DB      0x33,0x87,0x2D,0xB9,0x33,0x85,0x2D,0xB7,0x33,0x83,0x2D,0xB5
+        DB      0x33,0x81,0x2D,0xB3,0x34,0x8F,0x2D,0xB1,0x34,0x8D,0x2E,0xBF
+        DB      0x34,0x8B,0x2E,0xBD,0x34,0x89,0x2E,0xBB,0x34,0x87,0x2E,0xB9
+        DB      0x34,0x85,0x2E,0xB7,0x34,0x83,0x2E,0xB5,0x34,0x81,0x33,0xC1
+        DB      0x38,0xF1,0x38,0x9B,0x38,0x67,0x01,0xD0,0x00,0xD0,0x04,0x0E
+        DB      0x38,0x6F,0x11,0xEE,0x2D,0xF0,0x50,0x6B,0xE6,0x50,0x50,0x1B
+        DB      0x08,0x0E,0x51,0x6F,0xD8,0x90,0x50,0x37,0x85,0x0E,0xD8,0xB0
+        DB      0x50,0x1B,0x51,0x2F,0xF9,0xD7,0x38,0x2F,0xF3,0xD7,0x31,0x51
+        DB      0x50,0x63,0x12,0x00,0x2E,0xB3,0x35,0x87,0x2E,0xB1,0x35,0x85
+        DB      0x2F,0xBF,0x35,0x83,0x2F,0xBD,0x35,0x81,0x2F,0xBB,0x36,0x8F
+        DB      0x2F,0xB9,0x36,0x8D,0x2F,0xB7,0x36,0x8B,0x2F,0xB5,0x36,0x89
+        DB      0x2F,0xB3,0x36,0x87,0x2F,0xB1,0x36,0x85,0x30,0xBF,0x36,0x83
+        DB      0x30,0xBD,0x36,0x81,0x00,0x0E,0x36,0x63,0x05,0xD0,0x0C,0x0E
+        DB      0x35,0x63,0x02,0xD0,0x36,0x6B,0x35,0x6B,0xE4,0x0E,0x21,0x6F
+        DB      0x0C,0x0E,0x22,0x6F,0x36,0xC1,0x1F,0xF1,0x35,0xC1,0x20,0xF1
+        DB      0x5C,0xEC,0x07,0xF0,0x02,0xB1,0x01,0xD0,0x12,0x00,0x30,0xBB
+        DB      0x37,0x8B,0x30,0xB9,0x37,0x89,0x30,0xB7,0x37,0x87,0x30,0xB5
+        DB      0x37,0x85,0x30,0xB3,0x37,0x83,0x30,0xB1,0x37,0x81,0x38,0x6B
+        DB      0x13,0xEE,0x00,0xF0,0x23,0xEE,0x10,0xF0,0x33,0x51,0xE6,0x62
+        DB      0x1E,0xD0,0x34,0x51,0xDE,0x62,0x1C,0xD0,0x13,0xEE,0x00,0xF0
+        DB      0x38,0x51,0x33,0xC1,0xE3,0xFF,0x13,0xEE,0x10,0xF0,0x34,0xC1
+        DB      0xE3,0xFF,0x13,0xEE,0x20,0xF0,0x35,0xC1,0xE3,0xFF,0x13,0xEE
+        DB      0x30,0xF0,0x36,0xC1,0xE3,0xFF,0x13,0xEE,0x40,0xF0,0x37,0xC1
+        DB      0xE3,0xFF,0x13,0xEE,0x50,0xF0,0xE3,0x6A,0xE3,0x2A,0x02,0x89
+        DB      0x12,0x00,0xDE,0x50,0x38,0x2B,0x04,0x0E,0x38,0x63,0xDA,0xD7
+        DB      0x38,0x6B,0x13,0xEE,0x50,0xF0,0xE6,0x66,0x01,0xD0,0xDA,0xD7
+        DB      0x38,0x2B,0x04,0x0E,0x38,0x63,0xF9,0xD7,0x12,0x00,0x95,0xD8
+        DB      0x5C,0xD8,0x27,0x6B,0x80,0x88,0x80,0xA8,0xFD,0xD7,0x02,0x9B
+        DB      0x2B,0x6B,0x12,0xEE,0x00,0xF0,0xE6,0x6A,0x0F,0x0E,0xE2,0x62
+        DB      0xFC,0xD7,0x01,0x01,0x9E,0xB6,0xF1,0xD8,0x02,0xBB,0xED,0xD7
+        DB      0x02,0xB9,0xD0,0xDE,0x02,0xB5,0x31,0xDF,0x02,0xB7,0x02,0xD8
+        DB      0x04,0x00,0xF4,0xD7,0x02,0x97,0x29,0x4B,0x2A,0x2B,0xEE,0xDE
+        DB      0x81,0xB0,0x06,0xD8,0x81,0xA0,0x3B,0x6B,0x28,0x2F,0x12,0x00
+        DB      0x06,0xD8,0x12,0x00,0x01,0x01,0x3B,0x2B,0x1E,0x0E,0x3B,0x63
+        DB      0x12,0x00,0x3B,0x6B,0xF2,0x6A,0xF0,0x6A,0x9D,0x6A,0x80,0x0E
+        DB      0xF1,0x6E,0xCD,0x6A,0xB1,0x6A,0x0F,0x01,0x42,0x6B,0x41,0x6B
+        DB      0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x98,0x80,0xB8,0xFD,0xD7
+        DB      0x2A,0x6B,0x29,0x6B,0x9E,0x96,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x81,0xB0
+        DB      0xFB,0xD7,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x88,0x80,0xA8,0xFD,0xD7,0xCD,0x6A
+        DB      0x82,0x0E,0xB1,0x6E,0x13,0xEE,0x00,0xF0,0xE6,0x6A,0x04,0x0E
+        DB      0xE2,0x62,0xFC,0xD7,0x0F,0x01,0x42,0x6B,0xE0,0x0E,0x41,0x6F
+        DB      0x01,0x01,0xC0,0x0E,0xF2,0x6E,0xF1,0x6A,0x10,0x0E,0xF0,0x6E
+        DB      0x02,0x0E,0x9D,0x6E,0x12,0x00,0xF2,0x9E,0x23,0x97,0x06,0x69
+        DB      0x04,0x6B,0x06,0x2F,0x02,0xD0,0x9B,0x6A,0x1C,0xD0,0xB2,0x6A
+        DB      0xB1,0x80,0x03,0x6B,0xA1,0x92,0xB3,0x68,0xFC,0x0E,0xB2,0x6E
+        DB      0x03,0x2B,0xA1,0xA2,0xFD,0xD7,0x03,0x51,0x7A,0x08,0xD8,0xA0
+        DB      0x01,0xD0,0x07,0xD0,0xFF,0x08,0x01,0x08,0xD8,0xB0,0x09,0xD0
+        DB      0x04,0x07,0x0D,0xD8,0xE6,0xD7,0x01,0x08,0xD8,0xB0,0x03,0xD0
+        DB      0x04,0x2B,0x07,0xD8,0xE0,0xD7,0x04,0xC1,0x3C,0xF1,0x82,0x0E
+        DB      0xB1,0x6E,0xF2,0x8E,0x12,0x00,0x04,0xC1,0x05,0xF1,0x05,0x9F
+        DB      0x05,0x9D,0x05,0xC1,0x9B,0xFF,0x14,0x0E,0x05,0x6F,0x04,0x00
+        DB      0xFF,0xEC,0x02,0xF0,0x05,0x2F,0xFB,0xD7,0x12,0x00,0x0F,0x01
+        DB      0x72,0x0E,0xD3,0x6E,0xD2,0x6A,0x9B,0x6A,0xD1,0x80,0x0C,0x0E
+        DB      0x92,0x6E,0x05,0x0E,0x93,0x6E,0x59,0x0E,0x94,0x6E,0x0F,0x01
+        DB      0x04,0x0E,0x38,0x6F,0x39,0x6B,0x3A,0x6B,0x0F,0x01,0x3F,0x6B
+        DB      0x9B,0x0E,0x3E,0x6F,0x0E,0x0E,0x3D,0x6F,0x0F,0x01,0x04,0x0E
+        DB      0x61,0x6E,0x0F,0x01,0x80,0x6A,0x81,0x6A,0x82,0x6A,0xD5,0x6A
+        DB      0xCD,0x6A,0xCC,0x6A,0x7F,0x0E,0xBA,0x6E,0x82,0x0E,0xB1,0x6E
+        DB      0xB4,0x6A,0x0F,0x01,0x51,0x6B,0x0F,0x01,0x01,0x0E,0x4E,0x6F
+        DB      0x4D,0x6B,0x0F,0x01,0x04,0x0E,0x4A,0x6F,0x0F,0x01,0x42,0x6B
+        DB      0xE0,0x0E,0x41,0x6F,0x16,0x0E,0x40,0x6F,0x01,0x01,0xC2,0x6A
+        DB      0xAC,0x6A,0xAB,0x6A,0xB8,0x6A,0xAF,0x6A,0xB0,0x6A,0x24,0x0E
+        DB      0x72,0x6E,0x80,0x0E,0x71,0x6E,0x08,0x0E,0x70,0x6E,0x22,0x0E
+        DB      0x75,0x6E,0x76,0x6A,0x50,0x0E,0xC8,0x6E,0xC7,0x6A,0x26,0x0E
+        DB      0xC6,0x6E,0x08,0x0E,0xC5,0x6E,0xCB,0x6A,0xCA,0x68,0xC6,0x88
+        DB      0x23,0x6B,0x26,0x6B,0x9E,0x96,0x0F,0x01,0x92,0x0E,0x49,0x6F
+        DB      0x0F,0x01,0x07,0x0E,0x5D,0x6F,0x0F,0x01,0x01,0x0E,0x5A,0x6F
+        DB      0x0F,0x01,0x5C,0x6B,0x0F,0x01,0x5B,0x6B,0x0F,0x01,0xC0,0x0E
+        DB      0xF2,0x6E,0xF1,0x6A,0xF0,0x6A,0x02,0x0E,0x9D,0x6E,0xA0,0x6A
+        DB      0xA3,0x6A,0x01,0x0E,0x7A,0x6E,0x01,0x01,0x12,0x00,0x9E,0x96
+        DB      0x0F,0x0E,0x28,0x6F,0xC9,0xCF,0x24,0xF1,0xC7,0xB4,0x16,0xD0
+        DB      0xC7,0xAA,0x11,0xD0,0x23,0x6B,0x1B,0x0E,0x24,0x63,0x02,0xD0
+        DB      0x23,0x81,0x0B,0xD0,0x1E,0x0E,0x24,0x63,0x02,0xD0,0x23,0x83
+        DB      0x06,0xD0,0x2E,0x0E,0x24,0x63,0x02,0xD0,0x23,0x85,0x01,0xD0
+        DB      0x00,0xD0,0x9E,0x96,0xC6,0x88,0x12,0x00,0x23,0xB1,0x1C,0xD0
+        DB      0x23,0xB3,0x08,0xD0,0x23,0xB5,0x14,0xD0,0xFF,0x0E,0x24,0xD8
+        DB      0x00,0xD0,0x9E,0x96,0xC6,0x88,0x12,0x00,0x23,0x93,0x12,0xEE
+        DB      0x10,0xF0,0x30,0x0E,0x03,0x6F,0xE6,0x50,0x19,0xD8,0x02,0xBB
+        DB      0x15,0xD0,0xC5,0xBC,0xF2,0xD7,0x03,0x2F,0xF8,0xD7,0xEF,0xD7
+        DB      0x23,0x95,0x12,0xEE,0x40,0xF0,0xF1,0xD7,0x23,0x91,0x01,0x0E
+        DB      0x0B,0xD8,0x02,0xBB,0x07,0xD0,0xC5,0xBC,0xE4,0xD7,0x29,0x0E
+        DB      0x05,0xD8,0x02,0xBB,0x01,0xD0,0xDF,0xD7,0x23,0x6B,0xDD,0xD7
+        DB      0xC9,0x6E,0xC6,0x88,0x04,0xD0,0xC6,0x88,0x02,0xD8,0xC9,0x50
+        DB      0x12,0x00,0x27,0x6B,0x9E,0xB6,0x0B,0xD0,0x9E,0xB6,0x09,0xD0
+        DB      0x9E,0xB6,0x07,0xD0,0x9E,0xB6,0x05,0xD0,0x27,0x2F,0x01,0xD0
+        DB      0x04,0xD0,0x9E,0xA6,0xFE,0xD7,0x9E,0x96,0x12,0x00,0x02,0x8B
+        DB      0x9E,0x96,0x12,0x00,0x02,0x91,0x21,0x51,0x1F,0x5D,0x1D,0x6F
+        DB      0x22,0x51,0x20,0x59,0x1E,0x6F,0xD8,0xB0,0x12,0x00,0x02,0x81
+        DB      0x1E,0x1F,0x1D,0x6D,0xD8,0xB0,0x1E,0x2B,0x12,0x00,0x15,0x6B
+        DB      0x16,0x6B,0x1B,0x51,0x1C,0x11,0xD8,0xB4,0xFF,0x0C,0x01,0x0E
+        DB      0x14,0x6F,0x1C,0xBF,0x05,0xD0,0x14,0x2B,0xD8,0x90,0x1B,0x37
+        DB      0x1C,0x37,0xF9,0xD7,0xD8,0x90,0x15,0x37,0x16,0x37,0x1B,0x51
+        DB      0x19,0x5F,0x1C,0x51,0xD8,0xA0,0x1C,0x29,0x1A,0x5F,0xD8,0xB0
+        DB      0x05,0xD0,0x1B,0x51,0x19,0x27,0x1C,0x51,0x1A,0x23,0x01,0xD0
+        DB      0x15,0x81,0x14,0x07,0xD8,0xB4,0x12,0x00,0xD8,0x90,0x1C,0x33
+        DB      0x1B,0x33,0xE8,0xD7,0x49,0x91,0x4E,0x51,0x4C,0x5D,0x4A,0x6F
+        DB      0x4F,0x51,0x4D,0x59,0x4B,0x6F,0xD8,0xB0,0x12,0x00,0x49,0x81
+        DB      0x4B,0x1F,0x4A,0x6D,0xD8,0xB0,0x4B,0x2B,0x12,0x00,0xFF,0xFF
--- a/src/rx_firmware.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/rx_firmware.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 	global	rx_firmware_storage
-#include	""
+#include	""
 	global	rx_firmware_new_major
--- a/src/sleepmode.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/sleepmode.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@
 	bsf		sleepmode						; flag being in sleep mode
 	bsf		block_sensor_interrupt			; suspend ISR from executing sensor interrupts
+	bcf	    i2c_error_flag			; clear any I2C errors
 	call	disable_ir_s8_analog			; power-down IR/S8/analog interface
 	call	mcp_sleep						; power-down RX power supply
@@ -233,6 +235,16 @@
 	btfsc	trigger_full_hour				; one hour in sleep?
 	rcall	one_hour_sleep					; YES - do the every hour tasks
+	; sleepmode pressure sampling for new sensor is done here
+	btfss	press_sensor_type				; New sensor found?
+	return							; No, done.
+	btfsc	ms5837_state					; =0: result of temperature is in the ADC
+	bra	one_sec_sleep_3
+	call	I2C_get_temp_val_MS5837				; (Will set ms5837_state)
+	return
+	call	I2C_get_press_val_MS5837			; (Will clear ms5837_state)
 	return									; done
@@ -394,7 +406,10 @@
 	banksel	isr_backup						; select bank ISR data
-	CLRI	pressure_abs_avg				; clear pressure    average register
+	clrf	pressure_abs_avg+0				; clear pressure    average register
+	clrf	pressure_abs_avg+1
+	clrf	pressure_abs_avg+2
 	CLRI	temperature_avg					; clear temperature average register
 	call	get_temperature_start			; start temperature integration (73.5 us)
@@ -402,13 +417,15 @@
 	rcall	sleepmode_sleep					; sleep for 62.5...125 ms
 	rcall	sleepmode_sleep					; sleep for 62.5...125 ms
-	call	get_temperature_value			; state 1: get temperature
+	call	get_temperature_value				; get temperature... (May return in bank common)
+	banksel	isr_backup						; select bank ISR data
 	call	get_pressure_start				; start pressure integration
 	rcall	sleepmode_sleep					; sleep for 62.5...125 ms
 	rcall	sleepmode_sleep					; sleep for 62.5...125 ms
-	call	get_pressure_value				; state2: get pressure (51 us)
+	call	get_pressure_value				; state2: get pressure (51 us)(May return in bank common)
+	banksel	isr_backup						; select bank ISR data
 	call	calculate_compensation			; calculate temperature compensated pressure (27 us)
 	MOVII	pressure_abs_avg,pressure_abs	; get result, bypassing the averaging
--- a/src/start.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/start.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@
 	movlw	.16								; set averaging span
 	movff	WREG,analog_counter				; write to counter (in bank isr_backup)
+	; initialize 1/4 second counting register
+	movlw	.4						; 62,5ms * 4 = 1/4 second
+	movff	WREG,isr_tmr7_helper
 	; initialize hardware (ports, timers) and start interrupts
 	call	init_ostc						; also selects bank common and sets CPU to normal speed
@@ -154,13 +158,25 @@
 	EEPROM_CC_READ eeprom_button_polarity,button_polarity
 	; initialize pressure sensor calibration
+	call	I2C_probe_pressure_sensor		; Probe the type of sensor, set/clear press_sensor_type
 	call	get_calibration_data			; get calibration data from pressure sensor
 	call	TFT_DisplayOff					; turn off display
 	bsf		LEDr							; turn on red LED
 	; wait for valid temperature and pressure
-	WAITS	.3								; wait 3 seconds
+	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	call	I2C_get_temp_val_MS5837			; (Will set ms5837_state)
+	WAITMS	.250
+	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	call	I2C_get_press_val_MS5837		; (Will clear ms5837_state)
+	WAITMS	.250
+	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	call	I2C_get_temp_val_MS5837			; (Will set ms5837_state)
+	WAITMS	.250
+	btfsc	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	call	I2C_get_press_val_MS5837		; (Will clear ms5837_state)
+	WAITMS	.250
 	; sensor calibration completed, first valid pressure value is available
 	bcf		LEDr							; turn off red LED
@@ -325,6 +341,7 @@
 	clrf	HW_descriptor					; hardware - OSTC model descriptor
 	clrf	HW_flags_state1					; hardware - states
 	;										; DO NOT clear HW_flags_state2 !
+	;										; DO NOT clear HW_flags_state3 !
 	clrf	DM_flags_sensor					; hardware - O2 sensors
 	clrf	OS_flags_ISR1					; operating system - ISR control 1
 	clrf	OS_flags_ISR2					; operating system - ISR control 2
@@ -384,6 +401,9 @@
     ; Do the check for BLE-cR
    IFDEF _external_sensor
     bsf		mcp_power					; power-up instrumentation amp (used by S8 and analog input)
+    btfss	mcp_power					; power-up completed?
+    bra		$-4						; NO - loop
+    WAITMS	.1
     banksel	BAUDCON2					; select bank for IO register access
     movlw	b'00000000'					; speed generator configuration: BRG16=0, normal for S8
     movwf	BAUDCON2					; ...
@@ -394,13 +414,21 @@
     movlw	b'10010000'					; RX configuration
     movwf	RCSTA2						; ...
     banksel	common						; back to bank common
-    call	get_analog_inputs
-    movff	sensor1_mv+1,lo
-    movlw	.58			    ; ~ >1,500V
-    cpfslt	lo			    ; >58 on the high byte -> confident that there is cR circuity
+    WAITMS	.1
+    ; Check sensor 1 input with no limits
+    movlw	b'00000000'					; AVDD Vref+
+    movwf	ADCON1						; ...
+    ; set to read Sensor 1
+    extern	wait_adc
+    movlw	b'00100001'					; power on ADC, select AN8
+    call	wait_adc					; wait for ADC
+    movlw	.10			    ; ~ >1,900V
+    cpfslt	ADRESH			    ; >10 on the high byte -> confident that there is cR circuity
     bsf		ext_input_s8_ana				;       YES - it's a cR, S8/analog sensor input available
     call	disable_ir_s8_analog				; power-down circuity again
    	bsf		lv_core							; default to low voltage core
 	movlw	0x80							; point to 0x1F780
 	movwf	TBLPTRL							; ...
@@ -502,9 +530,9 @@
 	; configure button_hold_down_allowed flag
 	btfsc	lv_core
-	bsf	button_hold_down_allowed,A		; OSTC sport mod. 2019
+	bsf	button_hold_down_allowed		; OSTC sport mod. 2019
 	btfsc	ext_input_optical
-	bsf	button_hold_down_allowed,A		; OSTC3/old sport
+	bsf	button_hold_down_allowed		; OSTC3/old sport
 	; manage hardware
 	btfss	ext_input_s8_ana				; OSTC with S8/analog input?
--- a/src/surfmode.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/surfmode.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -322,6 +322,10 @@
 	; warnings for all modes
 	call	check_battery				; check if the battery level should be displayed/warned
+ IFDEF _debug_output
+	call	check_i2c_error				; check for an I2C error (For debugging purposes only)
 	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode				; done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
 	bra		surfmode_check_warnings2
 	btfsc	FLAG_gauge_mode				; done for Apnoe or Gauge mode
@@ -426,6 +430,15 @@
 	call	TFT_surfmode_batt			;           - update displayed battery voltage
 	btfss	timebase_1sec,0				;           - on even second?
 	call	surfmode_check_warnings		;             YES - check for warnings and display/update them
+	btfsc	trigger_temp_changed		;           - temperature changed?
+	call	TFT_surfmode_temp			;             YES - display temperature
+	bcf	trigger_temp_changed		;           - clear flag (anyhow)
+	btfsc	trigger_pres_cur_changed	;       YES - pressure changed?
+	call	TFT_surfmode_pres_fast		;             YES - display surface pressure, but only if change > threshold
+	bcf	trigger_pres_cur_changed	;           - clear flag (anyhow)
  IFDEF _rx_functions
 	btfss	tr_functions_activated		;           - TR functions activated?
@@ -442,11 +455,12 @@
 	bsf		restart_fast				; default to doing a fast restart (no logos)
+	btfsc	divemode					; NO  - need to enter dive mode?
+	bra	housekeeping_0b					; YES - but check again, to filter potential glitches (New sensor)
 	call	check_dive_modes_surf		; check if dive mode needs to be entered, will set dive mode flag if yes
 	btfsc	simulatormode				; in simulator mode?
 	bra		housekeeping_1				; YES - can't restart or go to sleep without prior cleanup
-	btfsc	divemode					; NO  - need to enter dive mode?
-	goto	restart						;       YES - restart, will proceed to dive mode
 	btfss	trigger_timeout				;       NO  - timeout?
 	bra		housekeeping_1				;             NO
 	btfsc	surfmode_menu				;             YES - in surface menus?
@@ -454,22 +468,36 @@
 	bcf		restart_fast				;                   NO  - set next restart to be done slow, i.e. with logos
 	goto	sleeploop					;                       - goto sleep mode
+	call	check_dive_modes_surf		; check if dive mode needs to be entered, will set dive mode flag if yes
+	btfsc	divemode					; NO  - really need to enter dive mode?
+	goto	restart						; YES
+	bra	housekeeping_0a					; No, continue above
 	btfss	trigger_quarter_second		; new 1/4 second begun?
 	bra		housekeeping_2				; NO
 	;---- tasks any new 1/4 second -----
 	bcf		trigger_quarter_second		; YES - clear flag
+	btfss	press_sensor_type			; New sensor found?
+	bra 	housekeeping_1aa			; No
+	btfsc	ms5837_state				; =0: result of temperature is in the ADC
+	bra	housekeeping_1ab
+	call	I2C_get_temp_val_MS5837			; (Will set ms5837_state)
+	bra	housekeeping_1aa			; Done.
+	call	I2C_get_press_val_MS5837		; (Will clear ms5837_state)
  IFDEF _external_sensor
 	btfsc	imprint_sensor_mv			;     - shall imprint sensor mV data?
 	call	TFT_imprint_menu_mV			;       YES - imprint sensor mV data
  ENDIF	; _external_sensor
 	btfss	imprint_surfmode_data		;     - shall imprint all surface mode data?
 	bra		housekeeping_2				;       NO
-	btfsc	trigger_pres_cur_changed	;       YES - pressure changed?
-	call	TFT_surfmode_pres_fast		;             YES - display surface pressure, but only if change > threshold
-	bcf		trigger_pres_cur_changed	;           - clear flag (anyhow)
  IFDEF _compass
 	movf	active_customview,W			;           - get current custom view
 	xorlw	.6							;           - coding of compass custom view
@@ -522,10 +550,6 @@
 	bra		housekeeping_3				;       NO
 	call	TFT_surfmode_date			;       YES - update displayed date
-	btfsc	trigger_temp_changed		;           - temperature changed?
-	call	TFT_surfmode_temp			;             YES - display temperature
-	bcf		trigger_temp_changed		;           - clear flag (anyhow)
 	movf	active_customview,W			;           - get current custom view
 	xorlw	.5							;           - coding of tissue custom view
 	btfsc	STATUS,Z					;           - equal?
--- a/src/	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
 	TCODE	tHeading,			"Direzione:"			; Heading:
 	TCODE	tLastDive,			"UltimaImm."			; Last Dive (Max 10 chars)
-	TCODE	tFTTSSurf,			"TTS Futuro  :"			; Future TTS
-	TCODE	tLastDecostopSurf,	"Ultima Tappa:"			; last deco stop surface custom view
-	TCODE	tDvSalinitySurf,	"Salinita'   :"			; Salinity
+	TCODE	tFTTSSurf,			"TTS Futuro:"			; Future TTS
+	TCODE	tLastDecostopSurf,	"UltimaTappa:"			; last deco stop surface custom view
+	TCODE	tDvSalinitySurf,	"Salinita':"			; Salinity
  IFDEF _external_sensor
 	TCODE	tSensorMilliVolt,	"Sensori mV"			; Sensors mV
@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@
 	TCODE	taGFenable,			"aGF Selezionabile:"	; aGF Selectable
 	TCODE	tDiveaGF_active,	"Usa aGF"				; using aGF
 	TCODE	tSafetyStop,		"Tappa Sicurezza:"		; Safety Stop:  (max. 16 chars)
-	TCODE	tExtendedStops,		"Anticipa Tappa :"		; Extended Stops
-	TCODE	tLastDecostop,		"Ultima Tappa  : "		; last Deco Stop Depth
-	TCODE	tDvSalinity,		"Salinita'     : "		; Salinity
+	TCODE	tExtendedStops,		"Anticipa Tappa:"		; Extended Stops
+	TCODE	tLastDecostop,		"Ultima Tappa: "		; last Deco Stop Depth
+	TCODE	tDvSalinity,		"Salinita': "		; Salinity
 	TCODE	tDepthWarn,			"Depth Warning :"		; Depth Warning (no space after ':' on purpose)
 	TCODE	tGasUsage,			"Utilizzo"				; Gas Usage
 	TCODE	tSetWorkSAC,		"SAC Fondo: "			; SAC Work: (space)
--- a/src/tft_outputs.asm	Thu Jan 14 16:24:07 2021 +0100
+++ b/src/tft_outputs.asm	Mon May 24 18:40:53 2021 +0200
@@ -1571,6 +1571,10 @@
 	; depth in meters and decimeters
 	btfsc	cur_depth_greater_100m		; was the depth >= 100 meter during last call?
 	rcall	TFT_depth_box_black			; YES - clear depth area
+	btfsc	cur_depth_greater_100m		; was the depth >= 100 meter during last call?
+	rcall	TFT_depth_position_m_ft		; re-set output position for full meters/feet
 	bcf		cur_depth_greater_100m		; current depth is now < 100 meter
 	PRINT								; dump full meters to screen
@@ -1596,6 +1600,10 @@
 	; full meters only
 	btfss	cur_depth_greater_100m		; was the depth >= 100 meter during last call?
 	rcall	TFT_depth_box_black			; NO - clear depth area
+	btfss	cur_depth_greater_100m		; was the depth >= 100 meter during last call?
+	rcall	TFT_depth_position_m_ft		; re-set output position for full meters/feet
 	bsf		cur_depth_greater_100m		; depth is >= 100 meter now
 	REINIT_BUFFER						; re-initialize the output buffer
 	bsf		omit_digit_2				; print depth in full meters, i.e. do not print 1st and 2nd digit
@@ -2833,6 +2841,21 @@
 	WIN_BOX_BLACK surf_warning2_row, surf_warning2_row+.24, surf_warning2_column, surf_warning2_column+.76	; top, bottom, left, right
 	return									; done
+; Surface Mode - Message - when "I2CFail" was triggered
+	global	TFT_message_i2c_error
+	rcall	TFT_message_open			; set row and column for the message
+	tstfsz	WREG						; is there room for the message?
+	return								; NO - skip message in this cycle
+	STRCPY	"I2C "						; print "I2C Error:"
+	movff	i2c_error_vault+0,WREG				; last device adress
+	output_hex
+	PUTC	" "
+	movff	i2c_error_vault+1,WREG				; last data byte 
+	output_hex
+	bra		TFT_message_close			; finalize message output
 ; Surface Mode - Message - Desaturation
@@ -6030,7 +6053,6 @@
 tft_out16	CODE
 	global	TFT_debug_output
@@ -6048,14 +6070,33 @@
 ;	WIN_TINY   .0, .		0					; dive    mode: overwrites depth label
 	FONT_COLOR_MEMO								; set color
+	movff	D1+2,lo
+	output_256
+	PUTC	","
+	movff	D1+0,lo
+	movff	D1+1,hi
+	output_65535
+	WIN_TINY .100,.45							; surface mode: fits under the textual logo in the upper right corner
+	movff	D2+2,lo
+	output_256
+	PUTC	","
+	movff	D2+0,lo
+	movff	D2+1,hi
+	output_65535
+	WIN_TINY .100,.60							; surface mode: fits under the textual logo in the upper right corner
+;	movf	HW_flags_state3,W
+;	output_hex
+;	PUTC	","
 	movff	max_CCPR1L,lo
 	PUTC	","
-	movff	analog_sw2,lo; left
-	output_256
-	PUTC	","
-	movff	analog_sw1,lo; right
-	output_256
+	movff	divesecs_avg_trip+0,lo
+	movff	divesecs_avg_trip+1,hi
+	output_65535
 ;	; deco engine scheduling performance
 ;	MOVII	int_O_profiling_overrun,mpr			; runtime +/- versus target