1 ;=============================================================================
2 ;
3 ; File i2c.asm
4 ;
5 ; I2C Interface to HMC5883L and MMA8452Q
6 ;
7 ; HMC5883L's read address (8-Bit): 0x3D
8 ; HMC5883L's write address (8-Bit): 0x3C
9 ;
10 ; MMA8452Q's read address (8-Bit): 0x39
11 ; MMA8452Q's write address (8-Bit): 0x38
12 ;
13 ; Copyright (c) 2012, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
14 ;=============================================================================
16 ; 2012-08-22 : [mH] Creation
19 #include "ostc3.inc" ; Mandatory header
20 #include "wait.inc"
21 #include "math.inc"
23 #DEFINE battery_offset .27302 ; 65536-(3,25Ah/0,085mAh)
24 #DEFINE battery_devider .382 ; 3,25Ah/0,085mAh/100 [%]
26 i2c CODE
28 WaitMSSP:
29 decfsz i2c_temp,F ; check for timeout during I2C action
30 bra WaitMSSP2
31 bra I2CFail ; timeout occured
32 WaitMSSP2:
33 btfss PIR1,SSPIF
34 bra WaitMSSP
35 clrf i2c_temp
36 bcf PIR1,SSPIF
37 nop
38 return
40 I2C_WaitforACK:
41 btfss SSPCON2,ACKSTAT ; checks for ACK bit from slave
42 return
43 I2CFail:
44 rcall I2CReset ; I2C Reset
45 bcf PIR1,SSPIF
46 clrf i2c_temp
47 return
49 I2CReset: ; Something went wrong (Slave holds SDA low?)
50 clrf SSP1CON1 ; wake-up slave and reset entire module
51 clrf SSP1CON2
52 clrf SSP1STAT
54 bsf TRISC,4 ; SDA Input
55 bcf PORTC,3
56 movlw d'9'
57 movwf i2c_temp ; clock-out 9 clock cycles manually
58 I2CReset_1:
59 bsf PORTC,3 ; SCL=1
60 nop
61 nop
62 nop
63 nop
64 btfsc PORTC,4 ; SDA=1?
65 bra I2CReset_2 ; =1, SDA has been released from slave
66 bcf PORTC,3 ; SCL=0
67 nop
68 nop
69 bcf PORTC,3
70 nop
71 nop
72 decfsz i2c_temp,F
73 bra I2CReset_1 ; check for nine clock cycles
74 I2CReset_2:
75 bsf TRISC,3 ; SCL Input
76 clrf SSP1CON1 ; setup I²C Mode
77 WAITMS d'10' ; Reset-Timeout for I2C devices
78 movlw b'00000000' ; with slew rate control
79 movwf SSPSTAT
80 movlw b'00101000'
81 movwf SSP1CON1
82 movlw b'00000000'
83 movwf SSP1CON2
84 movlw 0x27
85 movwf SSP1ADD
86 return
88 I2C_TX:
89 movwf SSP1BUF
90 rcall WaitMSSP
91 bra I2C_WaitforACK ; Returns...
93 I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16: ; Get two bytes and devide lo:hi/16 (signed)
94 rcall I2C_OneByteRX ; Get one byte
95 movff SSP1BUF,hi ; Data Byte
96 rcall I2C_OneByteRX ; Get one byte
97 movff SSP1BUF,lo ; Data Byte
98 I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16_2: ; devide lo:hi/16 (signed) only
99 bcf STATUS,C
100 btfsc hi,7 ; Copy sign bit to carry
101 bsf STATUS,C
102 rrcf hi ; /2
103 rrcf lo
104 bcf STATUS,C
105 btfsc hi,7 ; Copy sign bit to carry
106 bsf STATUS,C
107 rrcf hi ; /4
108 rrcf lo
109 bcf STATUS,C
110 btfsc hi,7 ; Copy sign bit to carry
111 bsf STATUS,C
112 rrcf hi ; /8
113 rrcf lo
114 bcf STATUS,C
115 btfsc hi,7 ; Copy sign bit to carry
116 bsf STATUS,C
117 rrcf hi ; /16
118 rrcf lo
119 return
121 global I2C_RX_accelerometer
122 I2C_RX_accelerometer:
123 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
124 rcall WaitMSSP
125 movlw 0x38 ; address
126 rcall I2C_TX
127 movlw 0x01
128 rcall I2C_TX
129 bsf SSP1CON2,RSEN ; Repeated start condition (!)
130 rcall WaitMSSP
131 movlw 0x39 ; address
132 rcall I2C_TX
134 ; Chip orientation on the PCB requires
135 ; Original = Corrected
136 ; x = -x
137 ; y = -y
138 ; z = -z
141 rcall I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16 ; Get two bytes and devide /16 (signed)
142 comf hi ; 16bit sign change.
143 negf lo
144 btfsc STATUS,C ; Carry to propagate ?
145 incf hi,F ; YES: do it.
146 movff lo,accel_DX+0
147 movff hi,accel_DX+1 ; Copy result
149 rcall I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16 ; Get two bytes and devide /16 (signed)
150 comf hi ; 16bit sign change.
151 negf lo
152 btfsc STATUS,C ; Carry to propagate ?
153 incf hi,F ; YES: do it.
154 movff lo,accel_DY+0
155 movff hi,accel_DY+1 ; Copy result
157 rcall I2C_OneByteRX ; Get one byte
158 movff SSP1BUF,hi ; Data Byte
159 bsf SSP1CON2, RCEN ; Enable recieve mode
160 rcall WaitMSSP
161 ; According to datasheet there should be no Master Acknowlegde for the last Byte (accel_DZ+0)...
162 movff SSP1BUF,lo ; Data Byte
164 rcall I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16_2; devide lo:hi/16 (signed) only
165 comf hi ; 16bit sign change.
166 negf lo
167 btfsc STATUS,C ; Carry to propagate ?
168 incf hi,F ; YES: do it.
169 movff lo,accel_DZ+0
170 movff hi,accel_DZ+1 ; Copy result
172 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
173 rcall WaitMSSP
174 return
176 I2C_OneByteRX:
177 bsf SSP1CON2, RCEN ; Enable recieve mode
178 rcall WaitMSSP
179 bsf SSP1CON2,ACKEN ; Master acknowlegde
180 rcall WaitMSSP
181 return
183 global I2C_RX_compass
184 I2C_RX_compass:
185 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
186 rcall WaitMSSP
187 movlw 0x3C ; address
188 rcall I2C_TX
189 movlw 0x03
190 rcall I2C_TX
191 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
192 rcall WaitMSSP
194 bcf PIR1,SSPIF
195 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
196 rcall WaitMSSP
197 movlw 0x3D ; address
198 rcall I2C_TX
200 ; Compass IC sends data in following order:
201 ; x MSB
202 ; x LSB
203 ; z MSB
204 ; z LSB
205 ; y MSB
206 ; y LSB
208 ; Chip orientation on the PCB requires
209 ; Original = Corrected
210 ; x = -y
211 ; z = z
212 ; y = x
214 rcall I2C_OneByteRX ; Get one byte
215 movff SSP1BUF,compass_DY+1; Data Byte
216 rcall I2C_OneByteRX ; Get one byte
217 movff SSP1BUF,compass_DY+0; Data Byte
218 banksel compass_DY
219 comf compass_DY+1 ; 16bit sign change.
220 negf compass_DY+0
221 btfsc STATUS,C ; Carry to propagate ?
222 incf compass_DY+1,F ; YES: do it.
223 banksel common
224 rcall I2C_OneByteRX ; Get one byte
225 movff SSP1BUF,compass_DZ+1; Data Byte
226 rcall I2C_OneByteRX ; Get one byte
227 movff SSP1BUF,compass_DZ+0; Data Byte
228 rcall I2C_OneByteRX ; Get one byte
229 movff SSP1BUF,compass_DX+1; Data Byte
230 bsf SSP1CON2, RCEN ; Enable recieve mode
231 rcall WaitMSSP
232 movff SSP1BUF,compass_DX+0; Data Byte
233 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
234 rcall WaitMSSP
235 return
237 global I2C_init_compass
238 I2C_init_compass:
239 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
240 rcall WaitMSSP
241 movlw 0x3C ; address
242 rcall I2C_TX
243 movlw 0x00
244 rcall I2C_TX
245 ; movlw b'01101001' ; ConfigA: 3Hz, 8 Samples averaged, Test Mode (Positive Bias)
246 movlw b'01101000' ; ConfigA: 3Hz, 8 Samples averaged
247 rcall I2C_TX
248 bra I2C_init_compass_common
250 global I2C_init_compass_fast
251 I2C_init_compass_fast:
252 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
253 rcall WaitMSSP
254 movlw 0x3C ; address
255 rcall I2C_TX
256 movlw 0x00
257 rcall I2C_TX
258 movlw b'00111000' ; ConfigA: 75Hz, 2 Samples averaged
259 ; movlw b'00111001' ; ConfigA: 75Hz, 2 Samples averaged, Test Mode (Positive Bias)
260 rcall I2C_TX
261 I2C_init_compass_common:
262 movff opt_compass_gain,i2c_temp ; 0-7 (230LSB/Gauss to 1370LSB/Gaus)
263 swapf i2c_temp,F
264 comf i2c_temp,F
265 bcf STATUS,C
266 rlcf i2c_temp
267 movf i2c_temp,W
268 clrf i2c_temp
269 rcall I2C_TX
270 movlw b'00000000' ; Continous Mode
271 rcall I2C_TX
272 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
273 rcall WaitMSSP
274 bsf compass_enabled
275 return
277 global I2C_sleep_compass
278 I2C_sleep_compass:
279 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
280 rcall WaitMSSP
281 movlw 0x3C ; address
282 rcall I2C_TX
283 movlw 0x00
284 rcall I2C_TX
285 movlw b'01101000' ; ConfigA
286 rcall I2C_TX
287 movlw b'00100000' ; ConfigB
288 rcall I2C_TX
289 movlw b'00000010' ; Idle Mode
290 rcall I2C_TX
291 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
292 rcall WaitMSSP
293 bcf compass_enabled
294 return
297 global I2C_init_accelerometer
298 I2C_init_accelerometer:
299 rcall I2C_sleep_accelerometer ; Regs can only be changed in St.By mode
301 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
302 rcall WaitMSSP
303 movlw 0x38 ; address
304 rcall I2C_TX
305 movlw 0x0E ; XYZ_DATA_CFG
306 rcall I2C_TX
307 movlw b'00000000' ; High pass Filter=0 , +/- 2g range
308 rcall I2C_TX
309 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
310 rcall WaitMSSP
313 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
314 rcall WaitMSSP
315 movlw 0x38 ; address
316 rcall I2C_TX
317 movlw 0x2A ; CTRL_REG1
318 rcall I2C_TX
319 ; movlw b'00110000' ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode
320 movlw b'00110100' ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode, reduced noise mode
321 rcall I2C_TX
322 movlw b'00000010' ; CTRL_REG2: High Res in Active mode
323 rcall I2C_TX
324 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
325 rcall WaitMSSP
327 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
328 rcall WaitMSSP
329 movlw 0x38 ; address
330 rcall I2C_TX
331 movlw 0x2A ; CTRL_REG1
332 rcall I2C_TX
333 ; movlw b'00110001' ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, Active Mode
334 movlw b'00110101' ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode, reduced noise mode, Active Mode
335 rcall I2C_TX
336 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
337 rcall WaitMSSP
339 return
341 global I2C_sleep_accelerometer
342 I2C_sleep_accelerometer:
343 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
344 rcall WaitMSSP
345 movlw 0x38 ; address
346 rcall I2C_TX
347 movlw 0x2A ; CTRL_REG1
348 rcall I2C_TX
349 movlw b'00000000' ; St. By Mode
350 rcall I2C_TX
351 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
352 rcall WaitMSSP
353 return
355 global lt2942_init
356 lt2942_init: ; Setup Control register B
357 clrf i2c_temp
358 movlw 0x01 ; Point to control reg B
359 call I2C_TX_GAUGE
360 movlw b'11111000' ; Automatic conversion every two seconds
361 movff WREG, SSP1BUF ; Data Byte
362 rcall WaitMSSP
363 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
364 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
365 rcall WaitMSSP
366 return
368 global lt2942_get_status
369 lt2942_get_status: ; Read status register
370 bcf c3_hardware ; Clear flag
371 clrf i2c_temp
372 movlw 0x00 ; Point to Status reg
373 call I2C_TX_GAUGE
374 call I2C_RX_GAUGE
375 movff SSP1BUF,WREG
376 btfss WREG,7 ; 2942 found?
377 bsf c3_hardware ; Yes, set flag
378 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
379 rcall WaitMSSP
380 return
383 global lt2942_get_voltage
384 lt2942_get_voltage: ; Read battery voltage registers
385 clrf i2c_temp
386 movlw 0x08 ; Point to voltage registers
387 call I2C_TX_GAUGE
388 call I2C_RX_GAUGE
389 bsf SSP1CON2,ACKEN ; Master acknowlegde
390 rcall WaitMSSP
391 movff SSP1BUF,xA+1
392 bsf SSP1CON2, RCEN ; Enable recieve mode
393 rcall WaitMSSP
394 movff SSP1BUF,xA+0
395 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
396 rcall WaitMSSP
398 ; banksel common
399 ; xA:2 loaded with raw values
400 movlw LOW .6000
401 movwf xB+0
402 movlw HIGH .6000
403 movwf xB+1
404 call mult16x16 ;xA*xB=xC
406 ; devide xC (32bit)/65535 for result in mV (16bit)
407 movlw .16
408 movwf i2c_temp
409 lt2942_get_voltage2:
410 bcf STATUS,C
411 rrcf xC+3,F
412 rrcf xC+2,F
413 rrcf xC+1,F
414 rrcf xC+0,F
415 decfsz i2c_temp,F
416 bra lt2942_get_voltage2
418 ; Update battery voltage in mV
419 movff xC+1,batt_voltage+1
420 movff xC+0,batt_voltage+0
421 return
423 ; global lt2942_get_temperature
424 ;lt2942_get_temperature: ; Read temperature registers
425 ; clrf i2c_temp
426 ; movlw 0x0C ; Point to temperature registers
427 ; call I2C_TX_GAUGE
428 ; call I2C_RX
429 ; bsf SSP1CON2,ACKEN ; Master acknowlegde
430 ; rcall WaitMSSP
431 ; movff SSP1BUF,xA+1
432 ; bsf SSP1CON2, RCEN ; Enable recieve mode
433 ; rcall WaitMSSP
434 ; movff SSP1BUF,xA+0
435 ; bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
436 ; rcall WaitMSSP
437 ;
438 ;; banksel common
439 ; ; xA:2 loaded with raw values
440 ; movlw LOW .6000
441 ; movwf xB+0
442 ; movlw HIGH .6000
443 ; movwf xB+1
444 ; call mult16x16 ;xA*xB=xC
445 ;
446 ; ; devide xC (32bit)/65535 for result in 0.1K (16bit)
447 ; movlw .16
448 ; movwf i2c_temp
449 ;lt2942_get_temperature2:
450 ; bcf STATUS,C
451 ; rrcf xC+3,F
452 ; rrcf xC+2,F
453 ; rrcf xC+1,F
454 ; rrcf xC+0,F
455 ; decfsz i2c_temp,F
456 ; bra lt2942_get_temperature2
457 ;
458 ; movff xC+1,sub_a+1
459 ; movff xC+0,sub_a+0
460 ; movlw LOW .2731 ; Kelvin to Celcius offset
461 ; movwf sub_b+0
462 ; movlw HIGH .2731 ; Kelvin to Celcius offset
463 ; movwf sub_b+1
464 ; call subU16 ; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b (with UNSIGNED values)
465 ;
466 ; ; Update batttery_temperature in 0.1°C
467 ; movff sub_c+1,battery_temperature+1
468 ; movff sub_c+0,battery_temperature+0
469 ; return
471 global lt2942_get_accumulated_charge
472 lt2942_get_accumulated_charge: ; Read accumulated charge and compute percent
473 clrf i2c_temp
474 movlw 0x02 ; Point to accumulated charge registers
475 call I2C_TX_GAUGE
476 call I2C_RX_GAUGE
477 bsf SSP1CON2,ACKEN ; Master acknowlegde
478 rcall WaitMSSP
479 movff SSP1BUF,sub_a+1 ; battery_acumulated_charge+1
480 bsf SSP1CON2, RCEN ; Enable recieve mode
481 rcall WaitMSSP
482 movff SSP1BUF,sub_a+0 ; battery_acumulated_charge+0
483 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
484 rcall WaitMSSP
486 ; Compute batt_percent
487 ; charge-battery_offset/382
488 movlw LOW battery_offset
489 movwf sub_b+0
490 movlw HIGH battery_offset
491 movwf sub_b+1
492 call subU16 ; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b (with signed values)
494 clrf batt_percent ; Set to zero
495 btfsc neg_flag ; result negative?
496 return ; Yes, done.
498 ; > Zero, set batt_percent properly
499 movff sub_c+0,xA+0
500 movff sub_c+1,xA+1
501 movlw LOW battery_devider
502 movwf xB+0
503 movlw HIGH battery_devider
504 movwf xB+1
505 call div16x16 ;xA/xB=xC with xA+0 as remainder, uses divB as temp variable
506 movff xC+0,batt_percent
507 return
509 global lt2942_charge_done
510 lt2942_charge_done: ; Reset accumulating registers to 0xFFFF
511 clrf i2c_temp
512 movlw 0x02 ; Point to accumulated charge registers
513 call I2C_TX_GAUGE
514 movlw 0xFF
515 movff WREG, SSP1BUF ; Data Byte
516 rcall WaitMSSP
517 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
518 movlw 0xFF
519 movff WREG, SSP1BUF ; Data Byte
520 rcall WaitMSSP
521 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
522 bsf SSP1CON2,PEN ; Stop condition
523 rcall WaitMSSP
524 return
526 I2C_TX_GAUGE: ; Sends a byte to the LT2942 Gauge IC
527 movwf i2c_temp+1 ; Data byte
528 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
529 rcall WaitMSSP
530 movlw b'11001000' ; Address byte + Write bit
531 movwf SSP1BUF ; control byte
532 rcall WaitMSSP
533 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
534 movff i2c_temp+1, SSP1BUF ; Data Byte
535 rcall WaitMSSP
536 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
537 return
540 bsf SSP1CON2,SEN ; Start condition
541 rcall WaitMSSP
542 movlw b'11001001' ; Address byte + Read bit
543 movwf SSP1BUF ; control byte
544 rcall WaitMSSP
545 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
546 bsf SSP1CON2, RCEN ; Enable recieve mode
547 rcall WaitMSSP
548 return
552 END |