1 ;=============================================================================
2 ;
3 ; File aa_wordprocessor.asm
4 ;
5 ; Anti-aliased word processor
6 ;
7 ; Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
8 ;=============================================================================
10 ; 2010-11-22 : [jDG] Creation.
11 ; 2010-12-01 : [jDG] Adding 3bits antialiased fonts.
12 ; 2010-12-30 : [jDG] Revised to put temp into ACCESSRAM0
13 ; 2012-08-12 : [mH] Moved font28 into bootloader section 0x1C000
14 ;
15 ; BUGS :
16 ; * If the three fonts are not in the same half of the PROM memory, TBLPTRU
17 ; will be badly set, and font48 or font90 will display giberish...
18 ;=============================================================================
19 ;
21 ;------------------
22 ;
23 ; wp_wordprocessor : 8KB, including fonts.
24 ; aa_wordprocessor : 0.5KB code
25 ; + 3.5KB aa_font28 (reduced to 99 chars)
26 ; + 1.6KB aa_font48
27 ; + 2.2KB aa_font90
28 ; = 7.9 KB including fonts...
29 ;
30 ; Input registers:
31 ; buffer:26 String to print.
32 ; win_font Font size (0=tiny, 1=small, 2=medium, 3=large)
33 ; win_color1:2 16bits unpacked color
34 ; win_top, win_leftx2 Position on screen
35 ; win_inverse Inverse video mode.
36 ;
37 ; Available general purpose registers:
38 ; PRODH, PRODL (needed for array indexing)
39 ; FSRx 12bits. Usefull as RAM pointers.
40 ;=============================================================================
42 #include "hwos.inc"
43 #include "tft.inc"
45 extern aa_font16_block
46 extern aa_font28_block
47 extern aa_font36_block
48 extern aa_font48_block
49 extern aa_font90_block
51 ;=============================================================================
52 ; Temporary variables are overlayed in Bank 1, used also by C-code
53 ; (p2_deco), MPLAB math and stdlib libraries.
55 CBLOCK tmp ; Data overlay in reserved tmp area.
56 aa_flags:1 ; Various flags for aa_wordprocessor
57 aa_bitlen:1 ; Count of pixels when decoding bitmaps.
58 aa_start:2 ; PROM ptr to start of encoded bitmap
59 aa_end:2 ; and end of it.
60 aa_temp:2 ; Current color, divided by 2 or 4
61 ; Reserved to tmp+0x08...
63 ; Flags allocation:
64 #define aa_antialias aa_flags,0
65 #define aa_color_quart aa_flags,1
66 #define aa_color_half aa_flags,2
68 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 ; Setup pointers for a char:
70 ; Inputs WREG = char to draw, win_font
71 ; Output aa_start, aa_end, win_height, aa_flags
73 ;
74 basic CODE
75 aa_char_setup:
76 movwf PRODL ; save char into PROD for now.
78 movf win_font,W,BANKED ; Get font number (updates Z flag)
79 bnz aa_char_1
81 ; TINY font ---------------------------------------------------------
82 ; Font TINY character folding...
83 aa_char_0:
84 movlw LOW aa_font16_block
85 movwf TBLPTRL
86 movlw HIGH aa_font16_block
87 movwf TBLPTRH
88 movlw UPPER aa_font16_block
89 movwf TBLPTRU
90 bra aa_char_99
92 ; SMALL font ---------------------------------------------------------
93 ; Font SMALL character folding...
94 aa_char_1:
95 decfsz WREG ; This is small font ???
96 bra aa_char_2
98 movlw LOW aa_font28_block
99 movwf TBLPTRL
100 movlw HIGH aa_font28_block
101 movwf TBLPTRH
102 movlw UPPER aa_font28_block
103 movwf TBLPTRU
104 bra aa_char_99
106 ; STD font -----------------------------------------------------------
107 ; Font SMALL character folding...
108 aa_char_2:
109 decfsz WREG ; This is small font ???
110 bra aa_char_3
112 movlw LOW aa_font36_block
113 movwf TBLPTRL
114 movlw HIGH aa_font36_block
115 movwf TBLPTRH
116 movlw UPPER aa_font36_block
117 movwf TBLPTRU
118 bra aa_char_99
120 ; MEDIUM font --------------------------------------------------------
121 aa_char_3:
122 decfsz WREG ; This is medium font ???
123 bra aa_char_4
125 ; Font MEDIUM block:
126 movlw LOW aa_font48_block
127 movwf TBLPTRL
128 movlw HIGH aa_font48_block
129 movwf TBLPTRH
130 movlw UPPER aa_font48_block
131 movwf TBLPTRU
132 bra aa_char_99
134 ; LARGE font ---------------------------------------------------------
135 aa_char_4:
136 ; Font LARGE block:
137 movlw LOW aa_font90_block
138 movwf TBLPTRL
139 movlw HIGH aa_font90_block
140 movwf TBLPTRH
141 movlw UPPER aa_font90_block
142 movwf TBLPTRU
144 ; Execute font block -------------------------------------------------
145 aa_char_99:
146 ; This is safe if the three fonts are in the same code segment
147 ; (and that segment do not span the 64K edge...)
148 movlw UPPER aa_font16_block
149 movwf TBLPTRU
151 ; Proceed to character substitutions
152 aa_char_30:
153 tblrd*+ ; Read FROM char
154 movf TABLAT,W ; Get it, and set Z,N
155 bz aa_char_32 ; Break at end of translations
157 tblrd*+ ; Read TO char
158 cpfseq PRODL ; FROM == current char ?
159 bra aa_char_30 ; Different: loop
160 movff TABLAT, PRODL ; make substitution
161 bra aa_char_30 ; Loop.
163 ; Make sure char is in the available range
164 aa_char_32:
165 tblrd*+ ; Read first char
166 movf TABLAT,W ; get it.
167 subwf PRODL,F ; (char - first) --> PRODL
169 tblrd*+ ; Read nb chars
170 movf TABLAT,W ; nbchars --> WREG
171 tblrd*+ ; Read default char
172 cpfslt PRODL ; if char > WREG ?
173 movff TABLAT,PRODL ; replace PRODL
175 ; Decode font height and anti-aliasing mode
176 clrf aa_flags ; Default to no AA
177 tblrd*+ ; Read font height + AA flag
178 movf TABLAT,W ; into WREG
179 bnn aa_char_34 ; High bit set ?
180 bsf aa_antialias ; YES : then the font is AA.
181 aa_char_34:
182 andlw 0x7F ; Keep just font height,
183 movwf win_height,BANKED ; then save it (its a register)
185 ; Set PROM pointer to the char index
186 movf PRODL,W ; Read back char
187 mullw 2 ; PROD = 2*(char - base), TBLPTR=idx
188 movf PRODL,W
189 addwf TBLPTRL,F ; Add into TBLPTR (low byte)
190 movf PRODH,W
191 addwfc TBLPTRH,F ; and high byte.
193 ; Read start and stop pointers
194 tblrd*+ ; aa_start = PROM16(*tblptr++)
195 movff TABLAT,aa_start+0 ; Read low byte
196 tblrd*+
197 movff TABLAT,aa_start+1 ; and high byte
199 tblrd*+ ; aa_end = PROM16(*tblptr++)
200 movff TABLAT,aa_end+0 ; Read low byte
201 tblrd*+
202 movff TABLAT,aa_end+1 ; and high byte
204 return
206 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 ; Character width
208 ; Inputs aa_start, aa_end, win_width, win_height, aa_flags
209 ; Output width added to win_width
210 ; Trashed aa_bitlen, TBLPTR, TABLAT
211 ;
212 aa_char_width:
213 movff aa_start+0, TBLPTRL ; TBLPTR = aa_start
214 movff aa_start+1, TBLPTRH
215 clrf aa_bitlen ; clear reminders...
217 ; Read bitmap byte, and decode length:
218 aa_char_width_1:
219 ifdef AA_BYTE_SWAP
220 btg TBLPTRL,0 ; Toggle low ptr bit.
221 tblrd*
222 movf TABLAT,W ; Store to WREG
223 btg TBLPTRL,0 ; Get is back
224 tblrd*+ ; then increment (but trash TABLAT)
225 movwf TABLAT ; Then restore copy to TABLAT.
226 else
227 tblrd*+ ; Normal read...
228 movf TABLAT,W ; Store copy to WREG
229 endif
230 btfss aa_antialias ; Antialiased font ?
231 bra aa_char_width_10 ; No: always 7 bits count
233 bn aa_char_width_10 ; Non-white pixels ?
234 andlw 0x1F ; Yes : 5 bits count.
235 aa_char_width_10:
236 andlw 0x7F ; No: 7 bit count.
237 incf WREG ; WREG = repetition count
238 addwf aa_bitlen,F ; Add remaining pixels from last code.
240 movf win_height,W,BANKED ; WREG = - height
241 negf WREG
243 ; This is a hand-made division by successive substraction of height
244 aa_char_width_2:
245 addwf aa_bitlen,F ; Try to substract win_height
246 bn aa_char_width_3 ; If neg it was a bad idea...
248 infsnz win_width+0,F ; Succeded: do a 16bit increment
249 incf win_width+1,F ; on the win_width counter.
250 bra aa_char_width_2 ; and loop.
252 aa_char_width_3:
253 negf WREG ; WREG = +height
254 addwf aa_bitlen,F ; Restore true reminder.
256 ; Are we done ?
257 movf TBLPTRL,W ; Compare TBLPTR to aa_end
258 cpfseq aa_end+0
259 bra aa_char_width_1 ; Loop if LOW is different
260 movf TBLPTRH,W
261 cpfseq aa_end+1 ; Loop to if HIGH is different
262 bra aa_char_width_1
264 return
266 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
267 ; String width
268 ; Inputs buffer (SHOULD BE NULL TERMINATED)
269 ; Output win_width, win_height
270 ; Trashed PROD, TBLPTR, FSR2, aa_bitlen, aa_start, aa_end, aa_flags
271 ;
272 aa_string_width:
273 lfsr FSR2, buffer ; FSR2 pointer to start of string.
275 clrf win_width+0 ; Clear width sum.
276 clrf win_width+1 ; (16 bit counter)
278 aa_string_width_1:
279 movf POSTINC2,W ; WREG = *FSR2++
280 bz aa_string_width99 ; Exit if null byte encountered.
282 rcall aa_char_setup ; setup aa_start / aa_end
283 rcall aa_char_width ; sum-up width into win_width
284 bra aa_string_width_1 ; and loop.
286 aa_string_width99:
287 return
289 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 ; Decode a compressed char.
291 ; Inputs aa_start, aa_end, win_height, win_invert, win_color1, win_color2
292 ; Output none
293 ; Trashed TBLPTR, TABLAT, PROD, aa_bitlen, aa_flags, aa_colorDir:2
294 ;
295 aa_decode_char:
296 movff aa_start+0, TBLPTRL ; TBLPTR = aa_start
297 movff aa_start+1, TBLPTRH
299 ; Read bitmap byte, and decode color & length
300 aa_decode_1:
301 ifdef AA_BYTE_SWAP
302 btg TBLPTRL,0 ; Toggle low ptr bit.
303 tblrd*
304 movf TABLAT,W ; Store to WREG
305 btg TBLPTRL,0 ; Get is back
306 tblrd*+ ; then increment (but trash TABLAT)
307 movwf TABLAT ; Then restore copy to TABLAT.
308 else
309 tblrd*+ ; Normal read...
310 movf TABLAT,W ; Store copy to WREG
311 endif
312 btfss aa_antialias ; Antialiased font ?
313 bra aa_decode_10 ; No: always 7 bits count
314 bn aa_decode_10 ; Non-white pixels ?
315 andlw 0x1F ; Yes : 5 bits count.
316 aa_decode_10:
317 andlw 0x7F ; No: 7 bit count.
318 incf WREG
319 movwf aa_bitlen ; repetition count --> aa_bitlen
321 ;---- COLOR DECODING -------------------------------------------------
322 ;
323 ; Code Normal Inverse
324 ; 1xx 0% 100% : Managed by aa_decode_13
325 ; 011 25% 75%
326 ; 010 50% 50%
327 ; 001 75% 25%
328 ; 000 100% 0% : Managed by aa_decode_13 too.
329 ;
330 movf TABLAT,W ; Get back code
331 btfss aa_antialias ; Antialiased font ?
332 bra aa_decode_13 ; NO: 1bit case
334 ; Asymetry test: 1xx code is another case for 1bit color.
335 ; This have to be done before inverse video, because
336 ; of the asymetric processing !
337 bn aa_decode_13 ; decode as not-aa
339 ; Manage 000 special case too:
340 andlw 0xE0 ; Select color bits
341 bz aa_decode_13 ; That's a 000 !
343 ; Apply reverse video, in a reversed way
344 btfss win_invert ; Inverse video mode ?
345 sublw 0x80
347 ; Move the two bits to aa_color_half and aa_color_quarter:
348 swapf WREG ; --> 0000.0LL0 byte
349 iorlw b'001' ; We are in AA mode, don't forget it !
350 movwf aa_flags ; save that to aa_color_(half/quad)/AA flags.
352 ;---- 2 bit x RGB(16bits) computation --------------------------------
353 clrf PRODL ; We will accumulate result here...
354 clrf PRODH
356 ; Take color div 2 into aa_temp. Max red = 15/31
357 rrcf win_color1,W,BANKED ; xRRRRxGG
358 andlw b'01111011' ; 0RRRR0GG (don't change C)
359 movwf aa_temp+0
360 rrcf win_color2,W,BANKED ; GGGxBBBB
361 andlw b'11101111' ; GGG0BBBB
362 movwf aa_temp+1
364 btfss aa_color_half
365 bra aa_decode_12
367 movff aa_temp+0,PRODH ; Add color/2 if bit set.
368 movff aa_temp+1,PRODL ; TFT is big endian, so swap here.
369 aa_decode_12:
370 btfss aa_color_quart
371 bra aa_decode_3
373 ; Divide it once again by 2. Max red = 7/31.
374 rrcf aa_temp+0,W ; xxRRRxxG
375 andlw b'00111001' ; 00RRR00G (don't change C)
376 movwf aa_temp+0
377 rrcf aa_temp+1,W ; GGGxxBBB
378 andlw b'11100111' ; GGG00BBB
379 movwf aa_temp+1
381 movf aa_temp+1,W ; Add color/4
382 addwf PRODL,F ; NOTE: 7/31+15/31=22/31,
383 movf aa_temp+0,W ; hence composants won't overlap.
384 addwfc PRODH,F ; In right order, to propagate carry.
386 bra aa_decode_3 ; Done.
388 ; ---- Simple BLACK and WHITE cases ------------------------------
389 aa_decode_13: ; Got a 1xx or a 000 code...
390 btfsc win_invert ; Inverse video mode ?
391 xorlw 0x80 ; YES: invert levels.
392 bn aa_decode_2 ; Then test high bit.
394 ; WHITE pixel (ie. full color)
395 bsf tft_rs,0 ; RS_H ; Data
396 movff win_color1,PORTA ; current draw color
397 movff win_color2,PORTH ; (rem: TFT is big endian)
398 bra aa_decode_4
400 aa_decode_2:
401 bsf tft_rs,0 ; RS_H ; Data
402 clrf PORTA ; BLACK pixel
403 clrf PORTH
404 bra aa_decode_4
406 aa_decode_3:
407 bsf tft_rs,0 ; RS_H ; Data
408 movff PRODH,PORTA ; Move high byte to PORTA
409 movff PRODL,PORTH ; Move low byte to PORTH
410 aa_decode_4:
411 ;---- PIXEL WRITE LOOP -----------------------------------------------
412 bcf tft_nwr,0 ; WR_L
413 bsf tft_nwr,0 ; WR_H ; Tick
415 decf aa_bitlen,F
416 bnz aa_decode_4
418 ;---- BYTE-CODE LOOP -------------------------------------------------
419 ; Are we done ?
420 movf TBLPTRL,W ; Compare TBLPTR to aa_end
421 cpfseq aa_end+0
422 bra aa_decode_1 ; Loop if LOW is different
423 movf TBLPTRH,W
424 cpfseq aa_end+1 ; Loop to if HIGH is different
425 bra aa_decode_1
427 return
429 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
430 ; Setup pointers for a char:
431 ; Inputs : buffer : string to print (SHOULD BE NULL TERMINATED)
432 ; Output : TFT commands on port D + clocks.
433 ;
434 global aa_wordprocessor ; Callable from C-code.
435 aa_wordprocessor:
436 banksel win_font ; Bank1, just to be sure.
437 rcall aa_string_width ; Set win_height, compute win_width
438 call TFT_box_write ; Use that for the box.
440 ; Restart the loop for each char to print
441 lfsr FSR2, buffer ; FSR2 pointer to start of string.
443 ; DATA bloc commande:
444 Index_out 0x22
446 aa_wordprocessor_1:
447 movf POSTINC2,W ; WREG = *FSR2++
448 bz aa_wordprocessor_99 ; Exit if null byte encountered.
450 rcall aa_char_setup ; setup aa_start / aa_end
451 rcall aa_decode_char ; write pixels to screen
452 bra aa_wordprocessor_1 ; and loop.
454 aa_wordprocessor_99:
455 ; END of bloc commande
456 Index_out 0x00
458 return
459 END |