changeset 945:aad1a6b9aaec Evo_2_23

Added slow exit graph to t3 view: In the first implementation slow exit was only available in T7 view. To enable it in T3 view the common parts have been extracted into a separate function which is shared between T7 and T3. Only the drawing specific parts remain in the T7 / T3 files.
author Ideenmodellierer
date Thu, 19 Dec 2024 22:16:36 +0100 (3 months ago)
parents 44599695df41
children 80ae8ea7f0a0
files Common/Inc/data_central.h Discovery/Src/data_central.c Discovery/Src/t3.c Discovery/Src/t7.c
diffstat 4 files changed, 338 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Common/Inc/data_central.h	Thu Dec 19 18:58:18 2024 +0100
+++ b/Common/Inc/data_central.h	Thu Dec 19 22:16:36 2024 +0100
@@ -180,6 +180,14 @@
 	uint8_t signalQual[4];	/* signal quality indicator for x sats */
 } SGnssInfo;
+typedef enum
+	SE_INIT = 0,
+} SSlowExitState;
 /* struct SLifeData
  * contains data all actual data (pressure, stuturation, etc. as received from second ship
@@ -570,5 +578,6 @@
 void convertStringOfDate_DDMMYY(char* pString, uint8_t strLen, uint8_t day, uint8_t month, uint8_t year);
 void getStringOfFormat_DDMMYY(char* pString, uint8_t strLen);
+uint8_t calculateSlowExit(uint16_t* pCountDownSec, float* pExitDepthMeter, uint8_t* pColor);
 #endif // DATA_CENTRAL_H
--- a/Discovery/Src/data_central.c	Thu Dec 19 18:58:18 2024 +0100
+++ b/Discovery/Src/data_central.c	Thu Dec 19 22:16:36 2024 +0100
@@ -1007,4 +1007,91 @@
+uint8_t calculateSlowExit(uint16_t* pCountDownSec, float* pExitDepthMeter, uint8_t* pColor)  /* this function is only called if diver is below last last stop depth */
+	static SSlowExitState slowExitState = SE_END;
+	static uint16_t countDownSec = 0;
+	static float exitDepthMeter = 0.0;
+	static uint32_t exitSecTick = 0;
+	static uint32_t lastSecTick = 0;
+	static uint8_t color = 0;
+	static uint8_t drawingActive = 0;
+	SSettings* pSettings;
+	pSettings = settingsGetPointer();
+	if((stateUsed->lifeData.max_depth_meter < pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter)	/* start of dive => reinit timer */
+			|| (slowExitState == SE_REINIT))
+	{
+		if(slowExitState != SE_INIT)
+		{
+			countDownSec = pSettings->slowExitTime * 60;
+			slowExitState = SE_INIT;
+			exitDepthMeter =  pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter;
+			color = 0;
+			drawingActive = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(slowExitState != SE_END)
+		{
+			if((slowExitState == SE_INIT) && (stateUsed->lifeData.dive_time_seconds > 900)) /* min 15min divetime */
+			{
+				slowExitState = SE_ACTIVE;
+				exitSecTick = HAL_GetTick();
+				lastSecTick = exitSecTick;
+			}
+			else if(slowExitState == SE_ACTIVE)
+			{
+				if(time_elapsed_ms(lastSecTick, HAL_GetTick()) > 60000) /* restart timer if diver go below exit zone */
+				{
+					slowExitState = SE_REINIT;
+				}
+				else if(time_elapsed_ms(exitSecTick, HAL_GetTick()) > 1000)
+				{
+					exitSecTick = HAL_GetTick();
+					lastSecTick = exitSecTick;
+					/* select depth digit color */
+					if(fabsf(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter - exitDepthMeter) < 0.5 )
+					{
+						color = CLUT_NiceGreen;
+					}
+					else if(fabsf(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter - exitDepthMeter) <= 1.5)
+					{
+						color = CLUT_WarningYellow;
+					}
+					else if(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter - exitDepthMeter < -1.5 )
+					{
+						color = CLUT_WarningRed;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						color = 0;
+					}
+					if((fabsf(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter - exitDepthMeter) <= 1.6 ) /* only decrease counter if diver is close to target depth */
+							|| (color == CLUT_WarningRed))								 /* or if diver is far ahead */
+					{
+						countDownSec--;
+						if(countDownSec == 0)
+						{
+							slowExitState = SE_END;
+							color = 0;
+							exitDepthMeter = 0;
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							exitDepthMeter -=  (pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter / (float)(pSettings->slowExitTime * 60));
+						}
+					}
+					drawingActive = 1;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	*pCountDownSec = countDownSec;
+	*pExitDepthMeter = exitDepthMeter;
+	*pColor = color;
+	return drawingActive;
--- a/Discovery/Src/t3.c	Thu Dec 19 18:58:18 2024 +0100
+++ b/Discovery/Src/t3.c	Thu Dec 19 22:16:36 2024 +0100
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
 void t3_refresh_customview(float depth);
 void t3_basics_compass(GFX_DrawCfgScreen *tXscreen, point_t center, uint16_t ActualHeading, uint16_t UserSetHeading);
 uint8_t t3_EvaluateAFCondition(uint8_t T3CView);
+uint8_t t3_drawSlowExitGraph(GFX_DrawCfgScreen *tXscreen, GFX_DrawCfgWindow* tXl1, GFX_DrawCfgWindow* tXr1);  /* this function is only called if diver is below last last stop depth */
 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -390,15 +391,28 @@
     char text[256];
     uint8_t textPointer;
-    uint8_t color;
+    uint8_t color = 0;
     uint8_t depthChangeRate;
     uint8_t depthChangeAscent;
     point_t start, stop, startZeroLine;
     SDivetime Divetime = {0,0,0,0};
+    uint16_t 	nextstopLengthSeconds = 0;
+    uint8_t 	nextstopDepthMeter = 0;
 	SSettings* pSettings;
 	pSettings = settingsGetPointer();
+	const SDecoinfo * pDecoinfo = getDecoInfo();
+	if(pDecoinfo->output_time_to_surface_seconds)
+	{
+	    tHome_findNextStop(pDecoinfo->output_stop_length_seconds, &nextstopDepthMeter, &nextstopLengthSeconds);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    nextstopDepthMeter = 0;
+	    nextstopLengthSeconds = 0;
+	}
     start.x = 0;
     stop.x = 799;
     stop.y = start.y = BigFontSeperationTopBottom;
@@ -424,40 +438,6 @@
     	GFX_draw_line(tXscreen, start, stop, CLUT_Font020);
-    /* depth */
-    color = drawingColor_from_ascentspeed(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min);
-    float depth = unit_depth_float(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter);
-    if(depth <= 0.3f)
-        depth = 0;
-    if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem)
-        snprintf(text,TEXTSIZE,"\032\f[feet]");
-    else
-        snprintf(text,TEXTSIZE,"\032\f%c",TXT_Depth);
-    GFX_write_string(&FontT42,tXl1,text,0);
-    if(			((mode == DIVEMODE_Apnea) && ((stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min > 4) || (stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min < -4 )))
-            || 	((mode != DIVEMODE_Apnea) && ((stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min > 8) || (stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min < -10)))
-        )
-    {
-        snprintf(text,TEXTSIZE,"\f\002%.0f %c%c/min  "
-            , unit_depth_float(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min)
-            , unit_depth_char1()
-            , unit_depth_char2()
-        );
-        GFX_write_string(&FontT42,tXl1,text,0);
-    }
-    if( depth < 100)
-        snprintf(text,TEXTSIZE,"\020\003\016%01.1f",depth);
-    else
-        snprintf(text,TEXTSIZE,"\020\003\016%01.0f",depth);
-    Gfx_colorsscheme_mod(text,color);
-    GFX_write_string(&FontT105,tXl1,text,1);
     /* ascentrate graph */
     if(mode == DIVEMODE_Apnea)
@@ -555,69 +535,108 @@
-        /* ascentrate graph -standard mode */
-        if(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min > 0)
-        {
-        	 if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
-        	 {
-        		 start.y = tXl1->WindowY0 - 1;
-        	 }
-        	 else
-        	 {
-        		 start.y = tXl1->WindowY1 + 1;
-        	 }
+    	if((pSettings->slowExitTime != 0) && (nextstopDepthMeter == 0) && (stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter < pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter))
+    	{
+    		color = t3_drawSlowExitGraph(tXscreen, tXl1, tXr1);
+    	}
+    	else
+    	{
+			if(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min > 0) /* ascentrate graph -standard mode */
+			{
+				 if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+				 {
+					 start.y = tXl1->WindowY0 - 1;
+				 }
+				 else
+				 {
+					 start.y = tXl1->WindowY1 + 1;
+				 }
+				for(int i = 0; i<4;i++)
+				{
+					start.y += 5*8;
+					stop.y = start.y;
+					if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+					{
+						start.x = tXl1->WindowX1 - 1;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						start.x = tXr1->WindowX1 + 3;
+					}
+					stop.x = start.x - 17;
+					GFX_draw_line(tXscreen, start, stop, 0);
+				}
+				// new thick bar design Sept. 2015
+				if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+				{
+					start.x = tXl1->WindowX1 - 3 - 5;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					start.x = tXr1->WindowX1 - 3 - 5;
+				}
-            for(int i = 0; i<4;i++)
-            {
-                start.y += 5*8;
-                stop.y = start.y;
-                if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
-                {
-                	start.x = tXl1->WindowX1 - 1;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                	start.x = tXr1->WindowX1 - 1;
-                }
-                stop.x = start.x - 17;
-                GFX_draw_line(tXscreen, start, stop, 0);
-            }
-            // new thick bar design Sept. 2015
-            if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
-            {
-            	start.x = tXl1->WindowX1 - 3 - 5;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-            	start.x = tXr1->WindowX1 - 3 - 5;
-            }
+				stop.x = start.x;
+				if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+				{
+					start.y = tXl1->WindowY0 - 1;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					start.y = tXl1->WindowY1 + 1;
+				}
+				stop.y = start.y + (uint16_t)(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min * 8);
+				stop.y -= 3; // wegen der Liniendicke von 12 anstelle von 9
+				if(stop.y >= 470)
+					stop.y = 470;
+				start.y += 7; // starte etwas weiter oben
+				if(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min <= 10)
+					color = CLUT_EverythingOkayGreen;
+				else
+				if(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min <= 15)
+					color = CLUT_WarningYellow;
+				else
+					color = CLUT_WarningRed;
-            stop.x = start.x;
-            if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
-            {
-            	start.y = tXl1->WindowY0 - 1;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-            	start.y = tXl1->WindowY1 + 1;
-            }
+				GFX_draw_thick_line(12,tXscreen, start, stop, color);
+			}
+   	    color = drawingColor_from_ascentspeed(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min);
+    	}
+    }
+    /* depth */
+    float depth = unit_depth_float(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter);
+    if(depth <= 0.3f)
+        depth = 0;
+    if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem)
+        snprintf(text,TEXTSIZE,"\032\f[feet]");
+    else
+        snprintf(text,TEXTSIZE,"\032\f%c",TXT_Depth);
+    GFX_write_string(&FontT42,tXl1,text,0);
-            stop.y = start.y + (uint16_t)(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min * 8);
-            stop.y -= 3; // wegen der Liniendicke von 12 anstelle von 9
-            if(stop.y >= 470)
-                stop.y = 470;
-            start.y += 7; // starte etwas weiter oben
-            if(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min <= 10)
-                color = CLUT_EverythingOkayGreen;
-            else
-            if(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min <= 15)
-                color = CLUT_WarningYellow;
-            else
-                color = CLUT_WarningRed;
+    if(			((mode == DIVEMODE_Apnea) && ((stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min > 4) || (stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min < -4 )))
+            || 	((mode != DIVEMODE_Apnea) && ((stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min > 8) || (stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min < -10)))
+        )
+    {
+        snprintf(text,TEXTSIZE,"\f\002%.0f %c%c/min  "
+            , unit_depth_float(stateUsed->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min)
+            , unit_depth_char1()
+            , unit_depth_char2()
+        );
+        GFX_write_string(&FontT42,tXl1,text,0);
+    }
-            GFX_draw_thick_line(12,tXscreen, start, stop, color);
-        }
-    }
+    if( depth < 100)
+        snprintf(text,TEXTSIZE,"\020\003\016%01.1f",depth);
+    else
+        snprintf(text,TEXTSIZE,"\020\003\016%01.0f",depth);
+    Gfx_colorsscheme_mod(text,color);
+    GFX_write_string(&FontT105,tXl1,text,1);
     // divetime
     if(mode == DIVEMODE_Apnea)
@@ -2125,3 +2144,88 @@
+uint8_t t3_drawSlowExitGraph(GFX_DrawCfgScreen *tXscreen, GFX_DrawCfgWindow* tXl1, GFX_DrawCfgWindow* tXr1)  /* this function is only called if diver is below last last stop depth */
+	static uint16_t countDownSec = 0;
+	uint8_t drawingMeterStep;
+	static float exitDepthMeter = 0.0;
+	uint8_t index = 0;
+	uint8_t color = 0;
+	point_t start, stop;
+	SSettings* pSettings;
+	pSettings = settingsGetPointer();
+	if(calculateSlowExit(&countDownSec, &exitDepthMeter, &color))	/* graph to be drawn? */
+	{
+	 	 if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+	 	 {
+	 		 start.y = tXl1->WindowY0 - 1;
+	 	 }
+	 	 else
+	 	 {
+	 		 start.y = tXl1->WindowY1 + 1;
+	 	 }
+		drawingMeterStep = ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL / pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter;		/* based on 120 / 4 = 30 of standard ascent graph */
+		for(index = 0; index < pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter; index++)	/* draw meter indicators */
+	     {
+	         start.y += drawingMeterStep;
+	         stop.y = start.y;
+	         if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+	         {
+	         	start.x = tXl1->WindowX1 - 1;
+	         }
+	         else
+	         {
+	        	start.x = tXr1->WindowX1 + 3;
+	         }
+	         stop.x = start.x - 43;
+	         GFX_draw_line(tXscreen, start, stop, 0);
+	     }
+		/* draw cntdown bar */
+		if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+		{
+			start.x -= 20;
+			start.y = tXl1->WindowY0 + ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL + 2;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			start.x -= 25;
+			start.y = tXl1->WindowY1 + ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL + 5;
+		}
+		stop.x = start.x;
+		stop.y = start.y - countDownSec * (ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL / (float)(pSettings->slowExitTime * 60.0));
+		if(stop.y >= 470) stop.y = 470;
+		if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+		{
+			stop.y += 5;
+		}
+		GFX_draw_thick_line(15,tXscreen, start, stop, 3);
+		/* mark diver depth */
+		if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+		{
+			start.x = tXl1->WindowX1 - 32;
+			stop.x = start.x + 24;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		   	start.x = tXr1->WindowX1 - 33;
+		   	stop.x = start.x + 24;
+		}
+		start.y = start.y - (stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter * (ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL) / pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter);
+		stop.y = start.y;
+		GFX_draw_thick_line(10,tXscreen, start, stop, 9);
+	}
+	return color;
--- a/Discovery/Src/t7.c	Thu Dec 19 18:58:18 2024 +0100
+++ b/Discovery/Src/t7.c	Thu Dec 19 22:16:36 2024 +0100
@@ -126,13 +126,6 @@
 /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
-typedef enum
-	SE_INIT = 0,
-} SSlowExitState;
 const uint8_t customviewsSurfaceStandard[] =
@@ -2882,7 +2875,8 @@
-    	if((pSettings->VPM_conservatism.ub.alternative) && (fabs(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter - nextstopDepthMeter)) < 1.5)
+    	if((stateUsed->diveSettings.deco_type.ub.standard == VPM_MODE) && (pSettings->VPM_conservatism.ub.alternative)
+    			&& (fabs(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter - nextstopDepthMeter)) < 1.5)
     		TextR2[0] = '\026';
     		textlength = 1;
@@ -4820,132 +4814,62 @@
 uint8_t t7_drawSlowExitGraph()  /* this function is only called if diver is below last last stop depth */
-	static SSlowExitState slowExitState = SE_END;
 	static uint16_t countDownSec = 0;
-	static uint8_t drawingMeterStep;
+	uint8_t drawingMeterStep;
 	static float exitDepthMeter = 0.0;
-	static uint32_t exitSecTick = 0;
-	static uint32_t lastSecTick = 0;
 	uint8_t index = 0;
-	static uint8_t color = 0;
+	uint8_t color = 0;
 	point_t start, stop;
 	SSettings* pSettings;
 	pSettings = settingsGetPointer();
-	if((stateUsed->lifeData.max_depth_meter < pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter)	/* start of dive => reinit timer */
-			|| (slowExitState == SE_REINIT))
+	if(calculateSlowExit(&countDownSec, &exitDepthMeter, &color))	/* graph to be drawn? */
-		if(slowExitState != SE_INIT)
+		if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
-			countDownSec = pSettings->slowExitTime * 60;
-			drawingMeterStep = ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL / pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter;		/* based on 120 / 4 = 30 of standard ascent graph */
-			slowExitState = SE_INIT;
-			exitDepthMeter =  pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter;
-			color = 0;
+			start.y = t7l1.WindowY0 - 1;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if(slowExitState != SE_END)
+		else
+		{
+			start.y = t7l3.WindowY0 - 25;
+		}
+		drawingMeterStep = ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL / pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter;		/* based on 120 / 4 = 30 of standard ascent graph */
+		for(index = 0; index < pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter; index++)	/* draw meter indicators */
-			if((slowExitState == SE_INIT) && (stateUsed->lifeData.dive_time_seconds > 900)) /* min 15min divetime */
-			{
-				slowExitState = SE_ACTIVE;
-				exitSecTick = HAL_GetTick();
-				lastSecTick = exitSecTick;
-			}
-			else if(slowExitState == SE_ACTIVE)
-			{
-				if(time_elapsed_ms(lastSecTick, HAL_GetTick()) > 60000) /* restart timer if diver go below exit zone */
-				{
-					slowExitState = SE_REINIT;
-				}
-				else if(time_elapsed_ms(exitSecTick, HAL_GetTick()) > 1000)
-				{
-					exitSecTick = HAL_GetTick();
-					lastSecTick = exitSecTick;
-					/* select depth digit color */
-					if(fabsf(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter - exitDepthMeter) < 0.5 )
-					{
-						color = CLUT_NiceGreen;
-					}
-					else if(fabsf(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter - exitDepthMeter) <= 1.5)
-					{
-						color = CLUT_WarningYellow;
-					}
-					else if(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter - exitDepthMeter < -1.5 )
-					{
-						color = CLUT_WarningRed;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						color = 0;
-					}
-					if((fabsf(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter - exitDepthMeter) <= 1.6 ) /* only decrease counter if diver is close to target depth */
-							|| (color == CLUT_WarningRed))								 /* or if diver is far ahead */
-					{
-						countDownSec--;
-						if(countDownSec == 0)
-						{
-							slowExitState = SE_END;
-							color = 0;
-							exitDepthMeter = 0;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							exitDepthMeter -=  (pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter / (float)(pSettings->slowExitTime * 60));
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
-				{
-					start.y = t7l1.WindowY0 - 1;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					start.y = t7l3.WindowY0 - 25;
-				}
-				for(index = 0; index < pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter; index++)	/* draw meter indicators */
-				{
-					start.y += drawingMeterStep;
-					stop.y = start.y;
-					start.x = CUSTOMBOX_LINE_LEFT - 1;
-					stop.x = start.x - 38;
-					GFX_draw_line(&t7screen, start, stop, 0);
-				}
-				stop.x = start.x;
-				if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
-				{
-					start.y = t7l1.WindowY0 + ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL + 5;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					start.y = t7l3.WindowY0 - 25 + ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL + 5;
-				}
-				stop.y = start.y - countDownSec * (ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL / (float)(pSettings->slowExitTime * 60.0));
-				if(stop.y >= 470)
-					stop.y = 470;
-				if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
-				{
-					stop.y += 5;
-				}
-				GFX_draw_thick_line(15,&t7screen, start, stop, 3);
-				/* mark diver depth */
-				stop.x = start.x + 24;
-				start.y = start.y - (stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter * (ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL) / pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter);
-				stop.y = start.y;
-				GFX_draw_thick_line(10,&t7screen, start, stop, 9);
-			}
+			start.y += drawingMeterStep;
+			stop.y = start.y;
+			start.x = CUSTOMBOX_LINE_LEFT - 1;
+			stop.x = start.x - 38;
+			GFX_draw_line(&t7screen, start, stop, 0);
+		}
+		stop.x = start.x;
+		if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+		{
+			start.y = t7l1.WindowY0 + ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL + 5;
+		else
+		{
+			start.y = t7l3.WindowY0 - 25 + ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL + 5;
+		}
+		stop.y = start.y - countDownSec * (ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL / (float)(pSettings->slowExitTime * 60.0));
+		if(stop.y >= 470) stop.y = 470;
+		if(!pSettings->FlipDisplay)
+		{
+			stop.y += 5;
+		}
+		GFX_draw_thick_line(15,&t7screen, start, stop, 3);
+		/* mark diver depth */
+		stop.x = start.x + 24;
+		start.y = start.y - (stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter * (ASCENT_GRAPH_YPIXEL) / pSettings->last_stop_depth_meter);
+		stop.y = start.y;
+		GFX_draw_thick_line(10,&t7screen, start, stop, 9);
 	return color;