log Discovery/Src/tMenuEditSetpoint.c @ 676:c855753af9a6 Betatest

age author description
2021-12-14 heinrichs weikamp PSCR Mode Betatest
2021-04-19 Ideenmodellierer Allow setpoint starting at 0.4 ppO2:
2021-04-19 Ideenmodellierer Automatik setpoint change:
2021-02-24 Ideenmodellierer Added last measured PPO2 value to sensor selection dialog:
2019-04-29 Jan Mulder cleanup: no useless checks for simulator state div-fixes-6
2019-03-27 Jan Mulder Bugfix, trivial: do not visit 9 on first digit for setpoint edit-fix
2019-03-07 Jan Mulder cleanup: get rid of some compile warnings cleanup-1
2019-02-17 Ideenmodellierer Minor changes to improved code quality and to eliminate warnings FlipDisplay
2018-04-28 heinrichsweikamp include in ostc4 repository