log Discovery/Src/settings.c @ 688:8c92f7743e14 Betatest

age author description
2022-08-05 Ideenmodellierer Increased version numbers: Betatest
2022-03-12 heinrichsweikamp increase version numbers for upcomming release Betatest
2021-12-14 heinrichs weikamp PSCR Mode Betatest
2021-04-26 heinrichs weikamp Update release date
2021-04-25 Ideenmodellierer Introduced new menu tab for addition CCR options:
2021-04-19 Ideenmodellierer Allow setpoint starting at 0.4 ppO2:
2021-04-19 Ideenmodellierer Automatik setpoint change:
2021-03-30 heinrichs weikamp Compile with ENABLE_CHARGER_STATUS_V2
2021-02-25 heinrichsweikamp add build for testing, advance to FW1.5.7, RTE is unchanged since 1.5.6
2021-02-05 heinrichsweikamp Update RTE required value for release
2021-02-05 heinrichsweikamp 1.5.6 release v1.5.6 release
2020-12-17 heinrichsweikamp Update current build, "RTErequired" value and release date
2020-11-24 izzni -Add 12HR Time Support
2020-11-15 Ideenmodellierer Added O2 sensor source and calibration parameters to setting structure
2020-11-08 Ideenmodellierer Make sure motion detection settings are set to default values:
2020-11-02 Ideenmodellierer Added new settings for Viewport:
2020-10-10 Ideenmodellierer Added new t3 view showing first deco stop and tts in parallel:
2020-10-10 Ideenmodellierer Added default view selection and auto return to view to t3 visualization:
2020-10-10 Ideenmodellierer Added inertia simulation for compass heading:
2020-09-25 heinrichsweikamp increase version numbers, compile with TRUST_LOG_CONSISTENCY switch 1.5.5 release
2020-09-10 Ideenmodellierer Added compile switch for motion control:
2020-08-30 Ideenmodellierer Removed second big font profile
2020-08-24 Ideenmodellierer Added dew parameter to enable selection of customer BigFont screens to be displayed
2020-08-20 Ideenmodellierer Added compiler switch for existing debug view parameter
2020-06-27 heinrichsweikamp Added "I2C_DeInit();" in hardware detection routines. It's the recommended way
2020-04-08 heinrichsweikamp Power-down Bluetooth on COMM exit
2020-02-29 ideenmodellierer Introduced enum for lower left corner view selection: minor_improvments
2020-02-27 heinrichsweikamp 1.5.3 release v1.5.3 release
2020-02-18 heinrichsweikamp make a 1.5.3 for tests
2020-01-15 heinrichsweikamp 1.5.2 beta with RTE 2.02 v1.5.2.beta release
2019-12-01 Jan Mulder Fix case for case sensitive OS maintain-1
2019-10-10 Ideenmodellierer merge default MotionDetection
2019-09-10 ideenmodellierer Use Enum values for initialization and setting check: MotionDetection
2019-08-19 Ideenmodellierer merged default into MotionDetection MotionDetection
2019-08-13 ideenmodellierer Added menu item for motion detection. There are several possibility to use motion detection for user action input. To select of the a new menu entry has been added to the Sys2 =>Custom View Menu (Variables in german) MotionDetection
2019-10-06 heinrichsweikamp change max. allowed surface pressure to 1030hPa (As in the small OSTC)
2019-08-17 ideenmodellierer Set Max value for pressure offset to 50mBar (20mBar before) PressureMeasure_Improvment
2019-08-04 heinrichsweikamp building a 1.5 v1.5.0 release
2019-06-30 heinrichsweikamp increase RTE to 1.9 and Firmware to 1.4.9 beta
2019-06-19 Jan Mulder bugfix: correct packed main version number in dive header fix-version
2019-05-06 heinrichsweikamp Minor: Some Texts fixed, allign RTErequired* values with RTE firmware
2019-04-28 heinrichsweikamp add update files for testing purposes, bump to 1.4.8 beta / RTE 1.7.1 beta
2019-04-15 Jan Mulder feature: allow new saturation to be set in lower left corner bm-3
2019-03-26 Jan Mulder New feature: make selected customviews persistent cv-persistent
2019-03-10 heinrichsweikamp Minor: Button defaults, release date adjusted, use SPI_SHOW_SYNC_STATS
2019-03-03 Ideenmodellierer Bugfix ButtonResponsiveness FlipDisplay
2019-03-02 Ideenmodellierer RTE Version 1.7 needed because of protocoll and baud rate change FlipDisplay
2019-02-23 Ideenmodellierer Removed no longer supported scooter code FlipDisplay
2019-01-03 Ideenmodellierer Merge with 68181cd61f2069d061621c2cd2a6afddb7486f5e FlipDisplay
2019-01-01 Ideenmodellierer Added new nvm parameter"FlipDisplay" indicating the screen orientation FlipDisplay
2018-12-24 Dmitry Romanov Tested and alive. kittz
2018-11-28 Dmitry Romanov Generalize TEXT of pressure unit kittz
2018-11-27 heinrichsweikamp hPa instead of mbar, enabled Spanish language kittz
2018-11-27 Dmitry Romanov Stable.fix. kittz
2018-11-26 Dmitry Romanov +2ms delay kittz
2018-11-26 Dmitry Romanov Sorry. Now. kittz
2018-11-26 Dmitry Romanov Debounce. Bounced buttons fixed. kittz
2018-11-26 Dmitry Romanov a bit of kittz
2018-11-26 Dmitry Romanov Stable to test. button sensitiveness fix. + global_constants. kittz
2018-11-26 Dmitry Romanov First stable. With minimal button sensitivity fix(for broken buttons) kittz
2018-11-23 Dmitry Romanov temp! full cyclic SPI kittz
2018-11-22 Dmitry Romanov revert kittz
2018-11-21 Dmitry Romanov tmp kittz
2018-11-21 Dmitry Romanov increased interCPU baudrate, cpu2: i2c in SPI1 IRQ kittz
2018-11-21 Dmitry Romanov Remove unusable code!!! prepare data for SPI in ONLY 1 IRQ!!!! kittz
2018-11-20 Dmitry Romanov +i2c analog noise filtering kittz
2018-10-04 Ideenmodellierer Update version info
2018-09-11 heinrichsweikamp old (and new) compass support
2018-08-30 heinrichsweikamp 1.3.8 forum release
2018-08-15 heinrichsweikamp language updates
2018-08-10 heinrichsweikamp more language updates
2018-08-06 heinrichsweikamp Italian activated (needs some fine tuning), special characters (?,?,?,?,? and others) currently not working...
2018-07-29 Ideenmodellierer Increased version number
2018-04-28 heinrichsweikamp include in ostc4 repository