view Discovery/Src/gfx_colors.c @ 319:d8e86af78474 fix-version

bugfix: correct packed main version number in dive header This fixes a rather mysterious bug. Users report that up to 1.3.5 beta, a correct version number is shown in libdivecomputer based applications (like in Subsurface, in the extra data tab). Careful examining the code in both libdivecomputer and the firmware shows a subtle error in the bit mask and shift operation to pack a full X.Y.Z.beta version number in 2 bytes (as is available in the dive header) in the firmware end (as the libdivecomputer code looks sane, assuming this is the right way to pack things). Likely, this bug crept in in the conversion from the closed source Keil period into the open source GCC setup of the code base. So its impossible to document the exact history of this problem here. Further notice that the main version number is only 1 of 3 version numbers, denoting the full version of the firmware (besides Font and RTE). Finally notice that this way of packing is limited to 2^5 bits (decimal 32), so we could easily build a 1.4.21, but not a 1.4.55. Signed-off-by: Jan Mulder <>
author Jan Mulder <>
date Wed, 19 Jun 2019 14:31:50 +0200
parents 5f11787b4f42
children 998529b3e142
line wrap: on
line source

  * @file    gfx_colors.c
  * @author  heinrichs weikamp gmbh
  * @version V0.0.1
  * @date    02-May-2014
  * @brief   All colors used are defined here
                        ##### How to use #####
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 heinrichs weikamp</center></h2>

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "gfx_colors.h"

/* Exported variables --------------------------------------------------------*/

	0x0000FF00,   gr�n
	0x00FF0000,    rot
	0x000000FF,   blau
	0x00FFFF00,   gelb
	0x0000FFFF,   cyan
	0x00000000,  black
	0x000092D0,  hw hellblau f�r Beschriftun

uint32_t ColorLUT[] =
	// ARGB
	0x00FFFFFF, // \020 wei�
	0x00777777, // \021 grau f�r inaktiv / hw 151027: war zuvor 0x00555555 grau
	0x0050FF50, // \022 units
	0x003060FF, // \023 blau
	0x00FFFF00, // \024 + CLUT_WarningYellow
	0x00FF0000, // \025 + CLUT_WarningRed
	0x0000FF00, // \026 + CLUT_NiceGreen
	0x00FFFFFF, // \027 DIVE_MainColorIfNotWhite\020
	0x00FFFFFF, // \030 DIVE_PluginBoxMainColor
	0x00777777, // \031 DIVE_PluginBoxGrey
	0x0050FF50, // \032 DIVE_LabelColor
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_DIVE_FieldSeperatorLines
	0x0050FF50, // CLUT_DIVE_pluginbox // old pink 0x00FF20FF
	0x00FF00FF, // CLUT_NiceBlue descent graph (apnoe)
	0x0000FF00, // CLUT_DiveMainLabel - fast nur Debugmode
	0x00555555, // CLUT_pluginboxSurface
	0x00101010, // CLUT_MenuLineUnselected
	0x00000000, // CLUT_MenuLineUnselectedSeperator
	0x00000000, // CLUT_MenuLineSelected
	0x00000000, // CLUT_MenuEditLineSelected
	0x008F8F00, // CLUT_MenuLineSelectedSides
	0x008F8F00, // CLUT_MenuLineSelectedSeperator
	0x00000000, // CLUT_MenuTopBackground
	0x00FFFF00, // CLUT_Group0 - UNUSED
	0x00646464, // CLUT_MenuEditCursor,
	0x008C8C8C, // CLUT_MenuEditInfo,
	0x0068F10D, // CLUT_MenuEditActive, - UNUSED
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditButtonColor1,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditFieldRegular,
	0x00000000, // CLUT_MenuEditFieldSelected,
	0x00000000, // CLUT_MenuEditField0,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditField1,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditField2,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditField3,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditField4,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditField5,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditField6,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditField7,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditField8,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditField9,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_MenuEditDigit,
	0x0000AEFF,	// CLUT_MenuPageGasOC
	0x0000AE7D,	// CLUT_MenuPageGasCC
	0x00A7D744,	// CLUT_MenuPageGasSP
	0x00EEAA00, // CLUT_MenuPageXtra
	0x00FF0000, // CLUT_MenuPageDeco
	0x00FFC000,//0x00C4EACC, // CLUT_MenuPageDecoParameter
	0x00AC00ff,//0x00E5AE18, // CLUT_MenuPageHardware
	0x00ff00ff,//0x00E5AEFF, // CLUT_MenuPageSystem 
	0x00C4EACC,//0x00FFFF00, // CLUT_MenuPageDivePlanner 
	0x00000000, // CLUT_MenuPage9 - UNUSED
	0x00000000, // CLUT_MenuPage10 - UNUSED
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_ButtonSymbols
	0x000092D0, // CLUT_InfoSurface
	0x000092D0, // CLUT_InfoDive - UNUSED
	0x000092D0, // CLUT_InfoCompass
	0x00A0A0A0, // CLUT_InfoCursor
	0x008C8C8C, // CLUT_InfoInActive,
	0x0068F10D, // CLUT_InfoActive,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoButtonColor1,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoFieldRegular,
	0x00000000, // CLUT_InfoFieldSelected, - UNUSED
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoField0
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoField1
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoField2
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoField3
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoField4
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoField5
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoField6
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoField7
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoField8
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_InfoField9
	0x003060FF,	// CLUT_InfoPageLogbook
	0x00AAAAAA,	// CLUT_LogbookGrid,
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_LogbookText
	0x00FF0000, // CLUT_LogbookTemperature
	0x00FF8000, // CLUT_GasSensor0
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_GasSensor1
	0x0000FF00, // CLUT_GasSensor2
	0x00FF0000, // CLUT_GasSensor3
	0x000000FF, // CLUT_GasSensor4
	0x00FFFF00, // CLUT_GasSensor5
	0x0000FFFF, // CLUT_GasSensor6
	0x00FF00FF, // CLUT_GasSensor7
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_GasSensor8
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_GasSensor9
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_GasSensor10
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_GasSensor11
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_GasSensor12
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_GasSensor13
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_GasSensor14
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_GasSensor15
	0x00FF5050, // CLUT_CompassUserBackHeadingTick
	0x00888888, // CLUT_CompassSubTick
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_CompassNorthTick
	0x0050FF50, // CLUT_CompassUserHeadingTick
	0x0000FF00, // CLUT_EverythingOkayGreen
	0x000092D0, // CLUT_ButtonSurfaceScreen
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_BatteryStandard
	0x0000FF00, // CLUT_BatteryCharging
	0x00FF8000, // CLUT_BatteryProblem
	0x00FFFFFF, // \027 CLUT_MainColor ---------- colorscheme 0
	0x00FFFFFF, // \030 DIVE_PluginBoxMainColor	 	colorscheme 0
	0x00777777, // \031 DIVE_PluginBoxGrey				colorscheme 0
	0x0050FF50, // \032 DIVE_LabelColor 					colorscheme 0
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_DIVE_FieldSeperatorLines	colorscheme 0
	0x0050FF50, // CLUT_DIVE_pluginbox						colorscheme 0
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_DIVE_SPARE21							colorscheme 0
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_DIVE_SPARE22							colorscheme 0
	0x00F29400, // CLUT_MainColor --------------- colorscheme 1
	0x00F29400, // \030 DIVE_PluginBoxMainColor	 	colorscheme 1
	0x00E2001A, // \031 DIVE_PluginBoxGrey				colorscheme 1
	0x00E2001A, // \032 DIVE_LabelColor 					colorscheme 1
	0x00F29400, // CLUT_DIVE_FieldSeperatorLines	colorscheme 1
	0x00E2001A, // CLUT_DIVE_pluginbox						colorscheme 1
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_DIVE_SPARE21							colorscheme 1
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_DIVE_SPARE22							colorscheme 1
	0x0000FF00, // \027 CLUT_MainColor ---------- colorscheme 2
	0x0000FF00, // \030 DIVE_PluginBoxMainColor	 	colorscheme 2
	0x0000948D, // \031 DIVE_PluginBoxGrey				colorscheme 2
	0x0000948D, // \032 DIVE_LabelColor 					colorscheme 2
	0x0000FF00, // CLUT_DIVE_FieldSeperatorLines	colorscheme 2
	0x0000948D, // CLUT_DIVE_pluginbox						colorscheme 2
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_DIVE_SPARE21							colorscheme 2
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_DIVE_SPARE22							colorscheme 2
	0x0033A1D6, // CLUT_MainColor --------------- colorscheme 3
	0x00FFFFFF, // \030 DIVE_PluginBoxMainColor	 	colorscheme 3
	0x00777777, // \031 DIVE_PluginBoxGrey				colorscheme 3
	0x000000FF, // \032 DIVE_LabelColor 					colorscheme 3
	0x0033A1D6, // CLUT_DIVE_FieldSeperatorLines	colorscheme 3
	0x000000FF, // CLUT_DIVE_pluginbox						colorscheme 3
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_DIVE_SPARE21							colorscheme 3
	0x00FFFFFF, // CLUT_DIVE_SPARE22							colorscheme 3

/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/