Added T3 autofocus for Gas list:
An automatic switch to the gaslist will now happen in case a better gas is available or in case the current gas is not breathable (ppo2 HIGH/LOW). From the gaslist view a new gas may be selected view quickmenu or switching to the common gas selection tab.
# How to Create From Scratch a Project for _CPU1-Upper_ Code #The main CPU (aka. _CPU1 Discovery_) firmware is splitted in two parts:- The proper _CPU1 Discovery_ firmware, with the main code.- The _protected upper memory_ firmware, which is programmed during _OSTC4_ production, and contains (amongst other things) code used to upload and install firmware upgrades.## Make a specific project ##Follow the same procedure than for [CPU1-Discovery](Detailed CPU1-Discovery, (same processor, same includes) but include the `CPU1-Upper` source directory.**NOT FINISHED YET... BE PATIENT**