Development bugfix: Marker in standard t3 view drawn in wrong direction
Sun, 07 Feb 2021 22:05:32 +0100 (2021-02-07)
line source
# Open Source Code for the OSTC4 Dive Computer #+ −
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## Documentation ##+ −
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[Modules]( page details the code organisation. + −
[Hardware Resources](Hardware page details the hardware parts,+ −
the low-level, and the middle-ware drivers used to manage them. + −
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## How to Compile ? ##+ −
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Most of the code is written in _C-99_. A small glue is in assembly. Everything is compatible with+ −
the _GCC_ toolchain for ARM processors.+ −
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* [Using OpenSTM32](Using, the free integrated IDE from the OpenSTM32 community, based on GCC cross compiler within an _Eclipse_ environment. Project management and configuration. Compile & Link. Hardware debugger through a JTAG/SWD probe.+ −
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## Other Tools ##+ −
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* [STM32F429I-DISC1]( −
It is a chip (~ 20€) evaluation board, that contains a _STM32F429ZIT6_ CPU, 2MB flash ROM, 256KB RAM, a 320x240 LCD touch screen a few LEDs and a pair of buttons. Very cheap (~ 25 Euro). + −
It should allows to run _OSTC4 Discovery code_, but just for basic testing as it lacks all specific sensors, LCD screen 800x640 resolution and the 3 interface buttons. + −
_An interesting project would be to add a special compilation option to get some reasonable support on this chip debugging platform, emulating the screen and buttons..._+ −
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* [STM32 ST-LINK Utility]( (**Windows only**) allow to do many things to the _discovery kit_ through its JTAG/SWD interface: upload & verify application code, dump memory. Provides both a _Graphical_ and a _Command Line_ interface. + −
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* [STMStudio]( (**WINDOWS ONLY**) allows real-time inspection of an application running on the _discovery kit_. + −
It is connected through the JTAG/SWD interface.+ −
It allows to read and write variables defined in the application's binary (ELF file). To display or to trace graphs (eg. to display gas loading during dive simulation ?)+ −
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* [OpenOCD]( is another command utility to speak JTAG/SWD. Seems hard to use directly (very low level commands). But _OpenSTM32 IDE_ do use it for programming and debugging, and you can copy configuration files from a working project. Note version 0.10 (or above) seems mandatory to dump firmware contents.+ −
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* _**OSTC4 with 2 SWD connectors**_, the ultimate debugging tool: a specially made OSTC4, with a pair of extra SWD connectors you can connect to any JTAG/SWD probe. Cannot dive (absolutely not water tight), but allows to debug code on the real hardware (ie. set break points, single step the code and read/write variables), using a standard JTAG/SWD debuggers (eg. a low cost [ST-Link/V2]( for ~ 25 euro). + −
_Note that heinrichs weikamp will freely provide SWD OSTC4 platform to programmer serious about involving in code development._+ −
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## Other Resources ##+ −
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* The **Ultimate Reference** for everyone serious about the OSTC4 firmware details+ −
and _HAL_ programming (1800 pages): [UM1725 HAL Users Manual] −
* Reserving memory from the linker script: −
* Placing a variable at an absolute address: −