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view Discovery/Src/check_warning.c @ 966:90edc237d60f Evo_2_23
Bluetooth commands for new module:
The new Bluetooth module has a slightly different protocol then the previous => Some configuration steps needs to be skip because parameter is not supported and command structures need to be adapted. In the first step this is done for the Bootloader only.
author | Ideenmodellierer |
date | Mon, 13 Jan 2025 20:42:24 +0100 |
parents | 33e24b77cc6c |
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/** ****************************************************************************** * @file check_warning.c * @author heinrichs weikamp gmbh * @date 17-Nov-2014 * @version V0.0.1 * @since 17-Nov-2014 * @brief check and set warnings for warnings * @verbatim ============================================================================== ##### How to use ##### ============================================================================== OSTC3 Warnings: niedriger Batteriezustand ( zu hoher oder zu niedriger Sauerstoffpartialdruck (ppO2) 0.2 - 1.6 zu hoher CNS (Gefahr der Sauerstoffvergiftung) 90% zu hohe Gradientenfaktoren 90 - 90 Missachtung der Dekostopps (der �berschrittene Dekostopp wird rot angezeigt) 0 m zu hohe Aufstiegsgeschwindigkeit 30 m/min aGF-Warnung: die Berechnung der Dekompression wird �ber alternative GF-Werte durchgef�hrt Fallback-Warnung bei ausgefallenem Sensor @endverbatim ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 heinrichs weikamp</center></h2> * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdbool.h> #include "data_exchange.h" #include "check_warning.h" #include "settings.h" #include "decom.h" #include "tCCR.h" #include "tHome.h" #define DEBOUNCE_FALLBACK_TIME_MS (5000u) /* set warning after 5 seconds of pending error condition */ #define GUI_BUZZER_TIMEOUT_MS (200u) /* the buzzer should be active while Warning string is shown, but diver may be in a menu... */ #define SETPOINT_DECO_START_RANGE_M 3.0 #define SWITCH_DEPTH_LOW_MINIMUM_M 1.0 /* Private variables with access ----------------------------------------------*/ static uint8_t betterGasId = 0; static uint8_t betterBailoutGasId = 0; static uint8_t betterSetpointId = 1; static int8_t fallback = 0; static uint16_t debounceFallbackTimeMS = 0; static uint8_t buzzerRequestActive = 0; /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ static int8_t check_fallback(SDiveState * pDiveState); static int8_t check_ppO2(SDiveState * pDiveState); static int8_t check_O2_sensors(SDiveState * pDiveState); static int8_t check_CNS(SDiveState * pDiveState); static int8_t check_Deco(SDiveState * pDiveState); static int8_t check_AscentRate(SDiveState * pDiveState); static int8_t check_aGF(SDiveState * pDiveState); static int8_t check_BetterGas(SDiveState * pDiveState); static int8_t check_BetterSetpoint(SDiveState * pDiveState); static int8_t check_Battery(SDiveState * pDiveState); #ifdef ENABLE_BOTTLE_SENSOR static int8_t check_pressureSensor(SDiveState * pDiveState); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CO2_SUPPORT static int8_t check_co2(SDiveState * pDiveState); #endif static int8_t check_helper_same_oxygen_and_helium_content(SGasLine * gas1, SGasLine * gas2); #ifdef HAVE_DEBUG_WARNINGS static int8_t check_debug(SDiveState * pDiveState); #endif static uint8_t buzzerOn = 0; /* current state of the buzzer */ static void setBuzzer(int8_t warningActive); /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ void requestBuzzerActivation(uint8_t active) { buzzerRequestActive = active; } uint8_t getBuzzerActivationState() { return buzzerOn; } static void setBuzzer(int8_t warningActive) { static uint32_t guiTimeoutCnt = 0; /* max delay till buzzer will be activated independend from gui request */ static uint32_t stateTick = 0; /* activation tick of current state */ static uint8_t lastWarningState = 0; /* the parameter value of the last call*/ uint32_t tick = HAL_GetTick(); if(warningActive) { if(!lastWarningState) /* init structures */ { guiTimeoutCnt = tick; stateTick = tick; } if(buzzerOn) { if(time_elapsed_ms(stateTick, tick) > EXT_INTERFACE_BUZZER_STABLE_TIME_MS) /* buzzer has to be on for a certain time */ { if((!buzzerRequestActive) || (time_elapsed_ms(stateTick, tick) > EXT_INTERFACE_BUZZER_ON_TIME_MS)) { buzzerOn = 0; stateTick = tick; guiTimeoutCnt = tick; } } } else { if(time_elapsed_ms(stateTick, tick) > EXT_INTERFACE_BUZZER_STABLE_TIME_MS) /* buzzer has to be off for a certain time */ { if((buzzerRequestActive) || (time_elapsed_ms(guiTimeoutCnt, tick) > EXT_INTERFACE_BUZZER_ON_TIME_MS + GUI_BUZZER_TIMEOUT_MS)) { buzzerOn = 1; stateTick = tick; } } } } else { buzzerOn = 0; } lastWarningState = warningActive; } void check_warning(void) { check_warning2(stateUsedWrite); } void check_warning2(SDiveState * pDiveState) { pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings = 0; /* Warnings checked before the SetBuzzer call will activate the buzzer */ pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_AscentRate(pDiveState); pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_Deco(pDiveState); pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_ppO2(pDiveState); pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_O2_sensors(pDiveState); pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_fallback(pDiveState); #ifdef ENABLE_CO2_SUPPORT pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_co2(pDiveState); #endif if(settingsGetPointer()->warningBuzzer) { setBuzzer(pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings); } /* Warnings checked after this line will not cause activation of the buzzer */ pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_aGF(pDiveState); pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_CNS(pDiveState); pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_BetterGas(pDiveState); pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_BetterSetpoint(pDiveState); pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_Battery(pDiveState); #ifdef ENABLE_BOTTLE_SENSOR pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_pressureSensor(pDiveState); #endif #ifdef HAVE_DEBUG_WARNINGS pDiveState->warnings.numWarnings += check_debug(pDiveState); #endif } void set_warning_fallback(void) { fallback = 1; } void clear_warning_fallback(void) { fallback = 0; debounceFallbackTimeMS = 0; } uint8_t actualBetterGasId(void) { return betterGasId; } uint8_t actualBetterBailoutGasId(void) { return betterBailoutGasId; } uint8_t actualBetterSetpointId(void) { return betterSetpointId; } uint8_t actualLeftMaxDepth(const SDiveState * pDiveState) { if(pDiveState->lifeData.depth_meter > (pDiveState->lifeData.max_depth_meter - 3.0f)) return 0; else return 1; } /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static int8_t check_fallback(SDiveState * pDiveState) { if(fallback && ((pDiveState->mode != MODE_DIVE) || (!isLoopMode(pDiveState->diveSettings.diveMode)))) fallback = 0; pDiveState->warnings.fallback = fallback; return pDiveState->warnings.fallback; } static int8_t check_ppO2(SDiveState * pDiveState) { if((pDiveState->mode != MODE_DIVE) || ((isLoopMode(pDiveState->diveSettings.diveMode) && (pDiveState->warnings.fallback)))) { pDiveState->warnings.ppO2Low = 0; pDiveState->warnings.ppO2High = 0; return 0; } uint8_t localPPO2, testPPO2high; if(pDiveState->lifeData.ppO2 < 0) localPPO2 = 0; else if(pDiveState->lifeData.ppO2 >= 2.5f) localPPO2 = 255; else localPPO2 = (uint8_t)(pDiveState->lifeData.ppO2 * 100); if((localPPO2 + 1) <= settingsGetPointer()->ppO2_min) pDiveState->warnings.ppO2Low = 1; else pDiveState->warnings.ppO2Low = 0; if(actualLeftMaxDepth(pDiveState)) testPPO2high = settingsGetPointer()->ppO2_max_deco; else testPPO2high = settingsGetPointer()->ppO2_max_std; if(localPPO2 >= (testPPO2high + 1)) pDiveState->warnings.ppO2High = 1; else pDiveState->warnings.ppO2High = 0; return pDiveState->warnings.ppO2Low + pDiveState->warnings.ppO2High; } static int8_t check_O2_sensors(SDiveState * pDiveState) { pDiveState->warnings.sensorLinkLost = 0; pDiveState->warnings.sensorOutOfBounds[0] = 0; pDiveState->warnings.sensorOutOfBounds[1] = 0; pDiveState->warnings.sensorOutOfBounds[2] = 0; if(isLoopMode(pDiveState->diveSettings.diveMode) && (pDiveState->diveSettings.CCR_Mode == CCRMODE_Sensors)) { if(settingsGetPointer()->ppo2sensors_source == O2_SENSOR_SOURCE_OPTIC) { { if(!get_HUD_battery_voltage_V()) pDiveState->warnings.sensorLinkLost = 1; } } test_O2_sensor_values_outOfBounds(&pDiveState->warnings.sensorOutOfBounds[0], &pDiveState->warnings.sensorOutOfBounds[1], &pDiveState->warnings.sensorOutOfBounds[2]); } return pDiveState->warnings.sensorLinkLost + pDiveState->warnings.sensorOutOfBounds[0] + pDiveState->warnings.sensorOutOfBounds[1] + pDiveState->warnings.sensorOutOfBounds[2]; } static uint8_t getBetterGasId(bool getDiluent, uint8_t startingGasId, SDiveState *diveState) { SDiveSettings diveSettings = diveState->diveSettings; SGasLine localGas; uint8_t betterGasIdLocal = startingGasId; uint8_t bestGasDepth = 255; uint8_t i; uint8_t gasIdOffset; if (getDiluent) { gasIdOffset = NUM_OFFSET_DILUENT; } else { gasIdOffset = 0; } /* life data is float, gas data is uint8 */ if (actualLeftMaxDepth(diveState)) { /* deco gases */ for (i=1+gasIdOffset; i<= 5+gasIdOffset; i++) { memcpy(&localGas,&diveSettings.gas[i],sizeof(SGasLine)); if((localGas.note.ub.first) && (diveSettings.diveMode == DIVEMODE_PSCR)) /* handle first gas as if it would be a deco gas set to MOD */ { = 1; localGas.note.ub.deco = 1; localGas.depth_meter = calc_MOD(i); } if (( && (localGas.note.ub.deco) && (localGas.depth_meter) && (localGas.depth_meter >= (diveState->lifeData.depth_meter - 0.9f )) && (localGas.depth_meter <= bestGasDepth)) { betterGasIdLocal = i; bestGasDepth = diveSettings.gas[i].depth_meter; } } } else { /* travel gases */ bestGasDepth = 0; //check for travalgas for (i = 1 + gasIdOffset; i <= 5 + gasIdOffset; i++) { if ((diveSettings.gas[i] && (diveSettings.gas[i] && (diveSettings.gas[i].depth_meter_travel) && (diveSettings.gas[i].depth_meter_travel <= (diveState->lifeData.depth_meter + 0.01f )) && (diveSettings.gas[i].depth_meter_travel >= bestGasDepth)) { betterGasIdLocal = i; bestGasDepth = diveSettings.gas[i].depth_meter; } } } if((!getDiluent) && (betterGasIdLocal > NUM_OFFSET_DILUENT)) /* an OC gas was requested but Id is pointing to a diluent => return first OC */ { for (i = 1 ; i <= NUM_OFFSET_DILUENT; i++) { if(diveSettings.gas[i].note.ub.first) { betterGasIdLocal = i; break; } } } return betterGasIdLocal; } static int8_t check_BetterGas(SDiveState *diveState) { diveState->warnings.betterGas = 0; if (stateUsed->mode != MODE_DIVE) { betterGasId = 0; return 0; } SDiveSettings diveSettings = diveState->diveSettings; SLifeData lifeData = diveState->lifeData; if (isLoopMode(diveSettings.diveMode)) { betterGasId = getBetterGasId(true, lifeData.actualGas.GasIdInSettings, diveState); betterBailoutGasId = getBetterGasId(false, lifeData.lastDiluent_GasIdInSettings, diveState); } else { betterGasId = getBetterGasId(false, lifeData.actualGas.GasIdInSettings, diveState); } if (betterGasId != lifeData.actualGas.GasIdInSettings && !check_helper_same_oxygen_and_helium_content(&diveSettings.gas[betterGasId], &diveSettings.gas[lifeData.actualGas.GasIdInSettings])) { diveState->warnings.betterGas = 1; } return diveState->warnings.betterGas; } uint8_t getSetpointLowId(void) { SSettings *settings = settingsGetPointer(); if (settings->autoSetpoint) { return SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_LOW; } uint8_t setpointLowId = 0; uint8_t setpointLowDepthM = UINT8_MAX; for (unsigned i = 1; i <= NUM_GASES; i++) { if (stateUsed->diveSettings.setpoint[i].depth_meter && stateUsed->diveSettings.setpoint[i].depth_meter < setpointLowDepthM) { setpointLowId = i; setpointLowDepthM = stateUsed->diveSettings.setpoint[i].depth_meter; } } return setpointLowId; } uint8_t getSetpointHighId(void) { SSettings *settings = settingsGetPointer(); if (settings->autoSetpoint) { return SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_HIGH; } uint8_t setpointHighId = 0; uint8_t setpointHighDepthM = 0; for (unsigned i = 1; i <= NUM_GASES; i++) { if (stateUsed->diveSettings.setpoint[i].depth_meter && stateUsed->diveSettings.setpoint[i].depth_meter >= setpointHighDepthM) { setpointHighId = i; setpointHighDepthM = stateUsed->diveSettings.setpoint[i].depth_meter; } } return setpointHighId; } uint8_t getSetpointDecoId(void) { SSettings *settings = settingsGetPointer(); if (settings->autoSetpoint && stateUsed->diveSettings.setpoint[SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_DECO] { return SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_DECO; } return 0; } /* check for better travel!!! setpoint hw 151210 */ static int8_t check_BetterSetpoint(SDiveState *diveState) { diveState->warnings.betterSetpoint = 0; if (stateUsed->mode != MODE_DIVE) { betterSetpointId = 1; return 0; } SSettings *settings = settingsGetPointer(); float currentDepthM = diveState->lifeData.depth_meter; float lastChangeDepthM = diveState->lifeData.lastSetpointChangeDepthM; if (settings->dive_mode == DIVEMODE_CCR && lastChangeDepthM != currentDepthM) { bool descending = currentDepthM > lastChangeDepthM; uint8_t betterSetpointIdLocal = 0; if (settings->autoSetpoint) { bool decoSetpointEnabled = diveState->diveSettings.setpoint[SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_DECO]; const SDecoinfo *decoInfo = getDecoInfo(); uint8_t nextDecoStopDepthM; uint16_t nextDecoStopTimeRemainingS; tHome_findNextStop(decoInfo->output_stop_length_seconds, &nextDecoStopDepthM, &nextDecoStopTimeRemainingS); if (decoSetpointEnabled && nextDecoStopDepthM && currentDepthM < nextDecoStopDepthM + SETPOINT_DECO_START_RANGE_M && !diveState->lifeData.setpointDecoActivated) { betterSetpointIdLocal = SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_DECO; diveState->lifeData.setpointDecoActivated = true; } if (descending) { uint8_t switchDepthHighM = diveState->diveSettings.setpoint[SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_HIGH].depth_meter; if (lastChangeDepthM < switchDepthHighM && switchDepthHighM < currentDepthM && !diveState->lifeData.setpointDecoActivated) { betterSetpointIdLocal = SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_HIGH; } } else { uint8_t switchDepthLowM = diveState->diveSettings.setpoint[SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_LOW].depth_meter; if (lastChangeDepthM > SWITCH_DEPTH_LOW_MINIMUM_M && SWITCH_DEPTH_LOW_MINIMUM_M > currentDepthM) { // Avoid draining the oxygen supply by surfacing with a setpoint >= 1.0 betterSetpointIdLocal = SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_LOW; diveState->lifeData.setpointLowDelayed = false; } else if (lastChangeDepthM > switchDepthLowM && switchDepthLowM > currentDepthM) { if (nextDecoStopDepthM && settings->delaySetpointLow) { diveState->lifeData.setpointLowDelayed = true; } else { betterSetpointIdLocal = SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_LOW; } } } if (!nextDecoStopDepthM) { // Update the state when the decompression obligation ends diveState->lifeData.setpointDecoActivated = false; if (diveState->lifeData.setpointLowDelayed) { betterSetpointIdLocal = SETPOINT_INDEX_AUTO_LOW; diveState->lifeData.setpointLowDelayed = false; } } } else { uint8_t setpointLowId = getSetpointLowId(); uint8_t setpointHighId = getSetpointHighId(); uint8_t betterSetpointSwitchDepthM = descending ? 0 : UINT8_MAX; for (unsigned i = 1; i <= NUM_GASES; i++) { uint8_t switchDepthM = diveState->diveSettings.setpoint[i].depth_meter; if (!switchDepthM || (descending && i == setpointLowId) || (!descending && i == setpointHighId)) { continue; } if ((descending && lastChangeDepthM < switchDepthM && switchDepthM < currentDepthM && switchDepthM > betterSetpointSwitchDepthM) || (!descending && lastChangeDepthM > switchDepthM && switchDepthM > currentDepthM && switchDepthM <= betterSetpointSwitchDepthM)) { betterSetpointIdLocal = i; betterSetpointSwitchDepthM = switchDepthM; } } } if (betterSetpointIdLocal) { betterSetpointId = betterSetpointIdLocal; if (diveState->diveSettings.diveMode == DIVEMODE_CCR && diveState->diveSettings.setpoint[betterSetpointIdLocal].setpoint_cbar != diveState->lifeData.actualGas.setPoint_cbar) { diveState->warnings.betterSetpoint = 1; } } } return diveState->warnings.betterSetpoint; } /* hw 151030 */ static int8_t check_helper_same_oxygen_and_helium_content(SGasLine * gas1, SGasLine * gas2) { if(gas1->helium_percentage != gas2->helium_percentage) return 0; else if(gas1->oxygen_percentage != gas2->oxygen_percentage) return 0; else return 1; } static int8_t check_CNS(SDiveState * pDiveState) { if(stateUsed->mode != MODE_DIVE) { pDiveState->warnings.cnsHigh = 0; return 0; } if(pDiveState->lifeData.cns >= (float)(settingsGetPointer()->CNS_max)) pDiveState->warnings.cnsHigh = 1; else pDiveState->warnings.cnsHigh = 0; return pDiveState->warnings.cnsHigh; } static int8_t check_Battery(SDiveState * pDiveState) { if((pDiveState->lifeData.battery_charge > 0) && (pDiveState->lifeData.battery_charge < 10)) pDiveState->warnings.lowBattery = 1; else pDiveState->warnings.lowBattery = 0; return pDiveState->warnings.lowBattery; } static int8_t check_Deco(SDiveState * pDiveState) { if(stateUsed->mode != MODE_DIVE) { pDiveState->warnings.decoMissed = 0; return 0; } uint8_t depthNext = decom_get_actual_deco_stop(pDiveState); if(!depthNext) pDiveState->warnings.decoMissed = 0; else if(pDiveState->lifeData.depth_meter + 0.1f < (float)depthNext) pDiveState->warnings.decoMissed = 1; else pDiveState->warnings.decoMissed = 0; return pDiveState->warnings.decoMissed; } static int8_t check_AscentRate(SDiveState * pDiveState) { if(stateUsed->mode != MODE_DIVE) { pDiveState->warnings.ascentRateHigh = 0; return 0; } float warnAscentRateFloat; warnAscentRateFloat = (float)(settingsGetPointer()->ascent_MeterPerMinute_max); if(pDiveState->lifeData.ascent_rate_meter_per_min >= warnAscentRateFloat) pDiveState->warnings.ascentRateHigh = 1; else pDiveState->warnings.ascentRateHigh = 0; return pDiveState->warnings.ascentRateHigh; } static int8_t check_aGF(SDiveState * pDiveState) { if(stateUsed->mode != MODE_DIVE) { pDiveState->warnings.aGf = 0; return 0; } pDiveState->warnings.aGf = 0; if(pDiveState->diveSettings.deco_type.ub.standard == GF_MODE) { if((pDiveState->diveSettings.gf_high != settingsGetPointer()->GF_high) || (pDiveState->diveSettings.gf_low != settingsGetPointer()->GF_low)) pDiveState->warnings.aGf = 1; } return pDiveState->warnings.aGf; } #ifdef ENABLE_BOTTLE_SENSOR static int8_t check_pressureSensor(SDiveState * pDiveState) { int8_t ret = 0; if(pDiveState->lifeData.bottle_bar_age_MilliSeconds[pDiveState->lifeData.actualGas.GasIdInSettings] < 50) /* we received a new value */ { pDiveState->warnings.newPressure = stateUsed->lifeData.bottle_bar[stateUsed->lifeData.actualGas.GasIdInSettings]; ret = 1; } else { pDiveState->warnings.newPressure = 0; } return ret; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CO2_SUPPORT static int8_t check_co2(SDiveState * pDiveState) { if((pDiveState->mode != MODE_DIVE) || (settingsGetPointer()->co2_sensor_active == 0)) { pDiveState->warnings.co2High = 0; } else { if(pDiveState->lifeData.CO2_data.CO2_ppm > CO2_ALARM_LEVEL_PPM) { pDiveState->warnings.co2High = 1; } else { pDiveState->warnings.co2High = 0; } } return pDiveState->warnings.co2High; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_DEBUG_WARNINGS static int8_t check_debug(SDiveState * pDiveState) { uint8_t index = 0; pDiveState->warnings.debug = 0; if((settingsGetPointer()->ppo2sensors_source == O2_SENSOR_SOURCE_DIGITAL) || (settingsGetPointer()->ppo2sensors_source == O2_SENSOR_SOURCE_ANADIG)) { for(index=0; index<3; index++) { if(((pDiveState->lifeData.extIf_sensor_map[index] == SENSOR_DIGO2M) && (((SSensorDataDiveO2*)(stateUsed->lifeData.extIf_sensor_data[index]))->status & DVO2_FATAL_ERROR))) { pDiveState->warnings.debug = 1; } } } return pDiveState->warnings.debug; } #endif uint8_t debounce_warning_fallback(uint16_t debounceStepms) { uint8_t retVal = 0; debounceFallbackTimeMS += debounceStepms; if(debounceFallbackTimeMS > DEBOUNCE_FALLBACK_TIME_MS) { debounceFallbackTimeMS = DEBOUNCE_FALLBACK_TIME_MS; retVal = 1; } return retVal; } void reset_debounce_warning_fallback() { debounceFallbackTimeMS = 0; } /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT heinrichs weikamp *****END OF FILE****/