Fix a couple of bugs in the scrubber timer:
- double speed scrubber countdown in simulator mode
- unwanted updating of last scrubber use date in simulator mode
- invalid remaining scrubber display in surface mode
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-////// \file Discovery/Src/unit.c/// \brief input to meter/celsius or feet/farenheit/// \author heinrichs weikamp gmbh/// \date 24-Feb-2015////// \details////// $Id$////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// \par Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Heinrichs Weikamp gmbh////// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify/// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by/// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or/// (at your option) any later version.////// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of/// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the/// GNU General Public License for more details.////// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License/// along with this program. If not, see <>.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/#include "unit.h"#include "settings.h"/* Exported variables --------------------------------------------------------*//* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/uint8_t test;/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*//* Private variables with external access via get_xxx() function -------------*//* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*//* Announced function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*//* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/char unit_depth_char1_T105(void){ if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem) return 'f'; else return 'm';}char unit_depth_char2_T105(void){ if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem) return 't'; else return '\004'; // 004 is nop}char unit_depth_char1(void){ if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem) return 'f'; else return 'm';}char unit_depth_char2(void){ if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem) return 't'; else return '\004'; // 004 is nop}float unit_depth_float(float input_meter){ if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem == 0) return input_meter; else { return 3.2808f * input_meter; }}uint16_t unit_depth_integer(uint16_t input_meter){ if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem == 0) return input_meter; else { return (input_meter * 10) / 3; }}float unit_temperature_float(float input_celsius){ if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem == 0) return input_celsius; else { return input_celsius * (9.0f/5.0f) + 32; }}int16_t unit_temperature_integer(int16_t input_celsius){ if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem == 0) return input_celsius; else { return ((input_celsius * 9 / 5) + 32); }}uint16_t unit_speed_integer(uint16_t input_meterPerMinute){ if(settingsGetPointer()->nonMetricalSystem == 0) return input_meterPerMinute; else { return (input_meterPerMinute * 10) / 3; }}/* Quelle: *//*const float luftdruckStartMinus300[15] ={ 1.0530f, 1.0396f, 1.0263f, 1.01325f, // 0 m 1.0003f, 0.9876f, 0.9750f, 0.9625f, 0.9503f, 0.9381f, 0.9262f, 0.9144f, 0.9027f, 0.8912f, // 1000 m 0.8358f};*/const int luftdruckStartMinus300[15] ={ 1053, 1040, 1026, 1013, // 0 m 1000, 988, 975, 962, 950, 938, 926, 914, 903, 891, // 1000 m 836};int unit_SeaLevelRelation_integer(int input_atmospheric_mbar){ int i = 0; int distance1, distance2; for(i=0;i<15;i++) { if(input_atmospheric_mbar >= luftdruckStartMinus300[i]) break; } if(i >= 14) return 1500; else if(i == 0) return -300; else { distance1 = input_atmospheric_mbar - luftdruckStartMinus300[i]; distance2 = luftdruckStartMinus300[i-1] - input_atmospheric_mbar; if(distance2 < distance1) i -= 1; return (i*100) - 300; }}