view Common/Inc/data_exchange.h @ 240:625d20070261 div-fixes-5

Improvement SPI stability/recoverability The core part of this commit comes from careful code reading. The core is the swap of Scheduler_Request_sync_with_SPI(SPI_SYNC_METHOD_SOFT) and SPI_Start_single_TxRx_with_Master(). This code is sitting in an if-clause that is triggered on SPI comms failure. Instead of blindly trying to communicate again (which will very likely fail again), first try to reset the comms link, and then try to communicate again. That simply makes more sense in this case. This is heavily tested, on 2 simple dives, and 5 very long deco schedules from the simulator (10+ hour deco's), and a lot of small simulated dives (upto 2h runtime). Of all these tests, only one long session failed after 9 out of 11h runtime. Analyzing that one failure, suggests that the RTE is looping in some error handler, which (obviously) results in a SPI comms failure as a result. I consider this not part of this change. Additionally, some more cleanup is done in this code. Signed-off-by: Jan Mulder <>
author Jan Mulder <>
date Mon, 08 Apr 2019 11:49:13 +0200
parents 8f8ea3a32e82
children 573a2bc796c8
line wrap: on
line source

/// -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
/// \file   Common/Inc/data_exchange.h
/// \brief	Data exchange between RTE and Discovery processors.
/// \author Heinrichs Weikamp
/// \date   2018
/// $Id$
/// \par Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Heinrichs Weikamp gmbh
///     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
///     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
///     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
///     (at your option) any later version.
///     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
///     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
///     GNU General Public License for more details.
///     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
///     along with this program.  If not, see <>.


#include "data_central.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"

enum MODE
	MODE_DIVE 		= 1,
	MODE_CALIB 		= 2,
	MODE_SLEEP 		= 3,
	MODE_BOOT			= 6,
	MODE_TEST			= 8,

	ACCIDENT_CNS			= 0x02,
	ACCIDENT_CNSLVL2	= 0x02 + 0x04,

typedef struct{
uint8_t button:1;
uint8_t date:1;
uint8_t time:1;
uint8_t clearDeco:1;
uint8_t compass:1;
uint8_t devicedata:1;
uint8_t batterygauge:1;
uint8_t accident:1;
} confirmbit8_t;

#define CRBUTTON 			(0x01)
#define CRDATE 				(0x02)
#define CRTIME 				(0x04)
#define CRCLEARDECO		(0x08)
#define CRCOMPASS 		(0x10)
#define CRDEVICEDATA 	(0x20)

typedef union{
confirmbit8_t ub;
uint8_t uw;
} confirmbit8_Type;

typedef struct
		uint8_t checkCode[4];

} 	SDataExchangeHeader;

typedef struct
		uint8_t checkCode[4];

} 	SDataExchangeFooter;

typedef struct
	SDataExchangeHeader header;
	SLifeData lifeData;
} SDataExchangeMasterToSlave;

typedef struct
		float temperature;
		float pressure_mbar;
		float surface_mbar;
		float ascent_rate_meter_per_min;
		float otu;
		float cns;
		uint16_t desaturation_time_minutes;
		uint16_t no_fly_time_minutes;
		float tissue_nitrogen_bar[16];
		float tissue_helium_bar[16];
		float  max_crushing_pressure_he[16];
		float  max_crushing_pressure_n2[16];
		float  adjusted_critical_radius_he[16];
		float  adjusted_critical_radius_n2[16];
		// Compass
		float compass_heading;
		float compass_roll;
		float compass_pitch;
		int16_t compass_DX_f;
		int16_t compass_DY_f;
		int16_t compass_DZ_f;
		uint16_t counterSecondsShallowDepth;
		uint32_t localtime_rtc_tr;
		uint32_t localtime_rtc_dr;
		uint32_t divetime_seconds;
		uint32_t surfacetime_seconds;
		uint32_t dive_time_seconds_without_surface_time;
		//battery /* take care of uint8_t count to be in multiplies of 4 */
		float battery_voltage;
		float battery_charge;
		//ambient light
		uint16_t ambient_light_level;
		// wireless data
		SDataWireless wireless_data[4];
		// PIC data
		uint8_t button_setting[4]; /* see dependency to SLiveData->buttonPICdata */
		uint8_t SPARE1;
		uint32_t pressure_uTick;
		uint32_t compass_uTick;

} 	SExchangeData;

typedef struct
		uint8_t VPMconservatism;
		SGas actualGas;

		int8_t offsetPressureSensor_mbar;
		int8_t offsetTemperatureSensor_centiDegree;

		uint8_t SPARE1;
		uint8_t SPARE2;

		float UNUSED1[16-1];//VPM_adjusted_critical_radius_he[16];
		float UNUSED2[16];//VPM_adjusted_critical_radius_n2[16];
		float UNUSED3[16];//VPM_adjusted_crushing_pressure_he[16];
		float UNUSED4[16];//VPM_adjusted_crushing_pressure_n2[16];
		float UNUSED5[16];//VPM_initial_allowable_gradient_he[16];
		float UNUSED6[16];//VPM_initial_allowable_gradient_n2[16];
		float UNUSED7[16];//VPM_max_actual_gradient[16];

		RTC_TimeTypeDef newTime;
		RTC_DateTypeDef newDate;

		float ambient_pressure_mbar_ceiling;
		float descend_rate_bar_per_minute;
		float ascend_rate_bar_per_minute;

		uint16_t timeoutDiveReachedZeroDepth;
		uint16_t divetimeToCreateLogbook;

		uint8_t buttonResponsiveness[4];

		SDevice DeviceData;

		float newBatteryGaugePercentageFloat;

} 	SReceiveData;

typedef struct
	SDataExchangeHeader header;

	uint8_t mode;
	uint8_t power_on_reset;
	uint8_t RTE_VERSION_high;
	uint8_t RTE_VERSION_low;

	uint8_t chargeStatus;
	uint8_t boolPICdata;
	confirmbit8_Type confirmRequest; // confirmbit8_Type
	uint8_t boolWirelessData;

	uint8_t boolPressureData;
	uint8_t boolCompassData;
	uint8_t boolTisssueData;
	uint8_t boolCrushingData;

	uint8_t boolToxicData;
	uint8_t boolTimeData;
	uint8_t boolBatteryData;
	uint8_t boolAmbientLightData;

	uint8_t accidentFlags;
	uint8_t sensorErrors;
	uint8_t spare2;
	uint8_t spare3;

	SExchangeData data[2];
	SDataExchangeFooter footer;
	uint8_t CRC_feature_by_SPI[4];
} SDataExchangeSlaveToMaster;

typedef struct
	SDataExchangeHeader header;

	uint8_t mode;
	uint8_t power_on_reset;
	uint8_t RTE_VERSION_high;
	uint8_t RTE_VERSION_low;

	uint8_t chargeStatus;
	uint8_t spare1;
	uint8_t spare2;
	uint8_t spare3;

	uint8_t boolDeviceData;
	uint8_t boolVpmRepetitiveDataValid;
	uint8_t bool3;
	uint8_t bool4;

	uint8_t spare1_1;
	uint8_t spare1_2;
	uint8_t spare1_3;
	uint8_t spare1_4;

	uint8_t spare2_1;
	uint8_t spare2_2;
	uint8_t spare2_3;
	uint8_t spare2_4;

	SDevice DeviceData[2];
	SVpmRepetitiveData VpmRepetitiveData;

	uint8_t arraySizeOfMinimumSExChangeDate[(2 * sizeof(SExchangeData)) - ((2 * sizeof(SDevice)) + sizeof(SVpmRepetitiveData))];
	SDataExchangeFooter footer;
	uint8_t CRC_feature_by_SPI[4];
} SDataExchangeSlaveToMasterDeviceData;

typedef struct
	SDataExchangeHeader header;

	uint8_t mode;
	uint8_t getDeviceDataNow;
	uint8_t diveModeInfo;
	uint8_t setEndDive;

	uint8_t bool4;
	uint8_t setButtonSensitivityNow;
	uint8_t setDateNow;
	uint8_t setTimeNow;

	uint8_t calibrateCompassNow;
	uint8_t clearDecoNow;
	uint8_t setBatteryGaugeNow;
	uint8_t bool9;

	uint8_t revisionHardware;
	uint8_t revisionCRCx0x7A;
	uint8_t spare1_3;
	uint8_t spare1_4;

	uint8_t setAccidentFlag;
	uint8_t spare2_1;
	uint8_t spare2_2;
	uint8_t spare2_3;

	SReceiveData data;
	uint8_t arraySizeOfMinimumSExChangeDate[(2 * sizeof(SExchangeData)) - sizeof(SReceiveData)];
	SDataExchangeFooter footer;
	uint8_t CRC_feature_by_SPI[4];
} SDataReceiveFromMaster;

/* Size of Transmission buffer */
#define EXCHANGE_BUFFERSIZE			(sizeof(SDataExchangeSlaveToMaster) - 2)
#define EXCHANGE_BUFFERSIZE2			(sizeof(SDataReceiveFromMaster) - 2)
// header: 	  	5
// mode+bool:   5
// data				552 ( 69 * float/4 * 2 )
// footer:		  4
// ______________
// SUM				566
// CRC_feature does not count into BUFFERSIZE!

//(COUNTOF(struct SDataExchangeSlaveToMaster) + 1)

/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
//#define COUNTOF(__BUFFER__)   (sizeof(__BUFFER__) / sizeof(*(__BUFFER__)))

#endif /* DATA_EXCHANGE_H */