view Small_CPU/Src/pressure.c @ 341:591c03a1e68d

change max. allowed surface pressure to 1030hPa (As in the small OSTC) Change Firmware to 1.5.1 Change RTE to 2.0 Create install file for testing and release
author heinrichsweikamp
date Sun, 06 Oct 2019 14:07:51 +0200
parents 37f45300bc2e
children ba53ab77f059
line wrap: on
line source

  * @file    pressure.c 
  * @author  heinrichs weikamp gmbh
  * @date    2014
  * @version V0.0.2
  * @since   20-Oct-2016
  * @brief   
                        ##### How to use #####
	V0.0.2		18-Oct-2016		pressure_calculation_AN520_004_mod_MS5803_30BA__09_2015
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2016 heinrichs weikamp</center></h2>

/* surface time
 the last 30 minutes will be saved once per minute in a endless loop
 at the beginning of a dive the oldest value will be used
#include "math.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "pressure.h"
#include "i2c.h"
#include "rtc.h"

#define CMD_RESET 0x1E // ADC reset command
#define CMD_ADC_READ 0x00 // ADC read command
#define CMD_ADC_CONV 0x40 // ADC conversion command
#define CMD_ADC_D1 0x00 // ADC D1 conversion
#define CMD_ADC_D2 0x10 // ADC D2 conversion
#define CMD_ADC_256 0x00 // ADC OSR=256
#define CMD_ADC_512 0x02 // ADC OSR=512
#define CMD_ADC_1024 0x04 // ADC OSR=1024
#define CMD_ADC_2048 0x06 // ADC OSR=2056
#define CMD_ADC_4096 0x08 // ADC OSR=4096
#define CMD_PROM_RD 0xA0 // Prom read command

#define PRESSURE_SURFACE_MAX_MBAR		(1030.0f)		/* It is unlikely that pressure at surface is greater than this value => clip to it */
#define PRESSURE_JUMP_VALID_MBAR	    (500.0f)		/* values are measure several times a second => jumps > 5m very unlikely */

#define PRESSURE_SURFACE_QUE			(30u)			/* history buffer [minutes] for past pressure measurements */

static uint16_t get_ci_by_coef_num(uint8_t coef_num);
//void pressure_calculation_new(void);
//void pressure_calculation_old(void);
static void pressure_calculation_AN520_004_mod_MS5803_30BA__09_2015(void);
static uint8_t crc4(uint16_t n_prom[]);

static HAL_StatusTypeDef pressure_sensor_get_data(void);
static uint32_t get_adc(void);
uint8_t pressureSensorInitSuccess = 0;

static uint16_t C[8] = { 1 };
static uint32_t D1 = 1;
static uint32_t D2 = 1;
static uint8_t n_crc;

static int64_t C5_x_2p8 = 1;
static int64_t C2_x_2p16 = 1;
static int64_t C1_x_2p15 = 1;

short C2plus10000 = -1;
short C3plus200 = -1;
short C4minus250 = -1;
short UT1 = -1;
short C6plus100 = -1;
static float pressure_offset = 0.0;		/* Offset value which may be specified by the user via PC Software */
static float temperature_offset = 0.0;	/* Offset value which may be specified by the user via PC Software */

static float ambient_temperature = 0;
static float ambient_pressure_mbar = 1000.0;
static float surface_pressure_mbar = 1000.0;
static float surface_ring_mbar[PRESSURE_SURFACE_QUE] = { 0 };

static float pressure_history_mbar[PRESSURE_HISTORY_SIZE];

static uint8_t secondCounterSurfaceRing = 0;
static uint8_t avgCount = 0;
static float runningAvg = 0;

float get_temperature(void)
	return ambient_temperature;

float get_pressure_mbar(void)
	return ambient_pressure_mbar;

float get_surface_mbar(void)
	return surface_pressure_mbar;

void init_surface_ring(uint8_t force)
	if((surface_ring_mbar[0] == 0) || (force))		/* only initialize once. Keep value in place in case of an i2c recovery */
		secondCounterSurfaceRing = 0;				/* restart calculation */
		avgCount = 0;
		runningAvg = 0;

		for(int i=0; i<PRESSURE_SURFACE_QUE; i++)
			surface_ring_mbar[i] = ambient_pressure_mbar;
		surface_pressure_mbar = ambient_pressure_mbar;

void init_pressure_history(void)
	for(int i=0; i<PRESSURE_HISTORY_SIZE; i++)
		pressure_history_mbar[i] = 1000.0;

void update_surface_pressure(uint8_t call_rhythm_seconds)
	static uint8_t writeIndex = 0;		/* Reinitialization will reset all entries to the same value => no need to reinit write index */

		runningAvg = (runningAvg * avgCount + ambient_pressure_mbar) / (avgCount +1);
		secondCounterSurfaceRing += call_rhythm_seconds;

		if(secondCounterSurfaceRing >= 60)
				surface_ring_mbar[writeIndex] = runningAvg;
				surface_ring_mbar[writeIndex] =	PRESSURE_SURFACE_MAX_MBAR;
			writeIndex++; /* the write index is now pointing to the oldest value in the buffer which will be overwritten next time */

			if(writeIndex == PRESSURE_SURFACE_QUE)
				writeIndex = 0;

			surface_pressure_mbar = surface_ring_mbar[writeIndex]; /* 30 minutes old measurement */

			secondCounterSurfaceRing = 0;
			avgCount = 1;	/* use the current value as starting point but restart the weight decrement of the measurements */

float demo_modify_temperature_helper(float bottom_mbar_diff_to_surface)
	const float temperature_surface = 31.0;
	const float temperature_bottom = 14.0;

	const float temperature_difference = temperature_bottom - temperature_surface;
	// range 0.0 - 1.0
	float position_now = (ambient_pressure_mbar - surface_pressure_mbar) / bottom_mbar_diff_to_surface; 

	if(position_now <= 0)
		return temperature_surface;
	if(position_now >= 1)
		return temperature_bottom;

	return temperature_surface + (temperature_difference * position_now);

uint32_t demo_modify_temperature_and_pressure(int32_t divetime_in_seconds, uint8_t subseconds, float ceiling_mbar)
	const float descent_rate = 4000/60;
	const float ascent_rate = 1000/60;
	const uint32_t seconds_descend = (1 * 60) + 30;
	const uint32_t turbo_seconds_at_bottom_start = (0 * 60) + 0;
	const uint32_t seconds_descend_and_bottomtime = seconds_descend + turbo_seconds_at_bottom_start + (2 * 60) + 0;
	uint32_t time_elapsed_in_seconds;
	static float ambient_pressure_mbar_memory = 0;
	static uint32_t time_last_call = 0;
	if(divetime_in_seconds <= seconds_descend)
		ambient_pressure_mbar = (divetime_in_seconds * descent_rate) + ((float)(subseconds) * descent_rate) + surface_pressure_mbar;
		ambient_temperature = demo_modify_temperature_helper(descent_rate * seconds_descend);

		time_last_call = divetime_in_seconds;
		return 0;
	if(divetime_in_seconds <= seconds_descend + turbo_seconds_at_bottom_start)
		ambient_pressure_mbar = (seconds_descend * descent_rate) + surface_pressure_mbar;
		ambient_temperature = demo_modify_temperature_helper(descent_rate * seconds_descend);
		ambient_pressure_mbar_memory = ambient_pressure_mbar;
		time_last_call = divetime_in_seconds;
		return turbo_seconds_at_bottom_start;
	if(divetime_in_seconds <= seconds_descend_and_bottomtime)
		ambient_pressure_mbar = (seconds_descend * descent_rate) + surface_pressure_mbar;
		ambient_temperature = demo_modify_temperature_helper(descent_rate * seconds_descend);
		ambient_pressure_mbar_memory = ambient_pressure_mbar;
		time_last_call = divetime_in_seconds;
		return 0;
		time_elapsed_in_seconds = divetime_in_seconds - time_last_call;
		ambient_pressure_mbar = ambient_pressure_mbar_memory - time_elapsed_in_seconds * ascent_rate;

		if(ambient_pressure_mbar < surface_pressure_mbar)
			ambient_pressure_mbar = surface_pressure_mbar;
		else if(ambient_pressure_mbar < ceiling_mbar)
			ambient_pressure_mbar = ceiling_mbar;
		ambient_temperature = demo_modify_temperature_helper(descent_rate * seconds_descend);
		ambient_pressure_mbar_memory = ambient_pressure_mbar;
		time_last_call = divetime_in_seconds;
		return 0;

uint8_t is_init_pressure_done(void)
	return pressureSensorInitSuccess;

uint8_t init_pressure(void)
	uint8_t buffer[1];
	buffer[0] = 0x1e;
	uint8_t retValue = 0xFF;
	pressureSensorInitSuccess = false;

/* Send reset request to pressure sensor */
	retValue = I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_PRESSURE, buffer, 1);
	if(retValue != HAL_OK)
		return (HAL_StatusTypeDef)retValue;
	for(uint8_t i=0;i<8;i++)
		C[i] = get_ci_by_coef_num(i);
	n_crc = crc4(C); // no evaluation at the moment hw 151026

	C5_x_2p8  = C[5] * 256;
	C2_x_2p16 = C[2] * 65536;
	C1_x_2p15 = C[1] * 32768;
	if(global.I2C_SystemStatus == HAL_OK)
		pressureSensorInitSuccess = 1;
		retValue = pressure_update();

	return retValue;

static uint32_t get_adc(void)
	uint8_t buffer[1];
	uint8_t resivebuf[4];
	uint32_t answer = 0;

	buffer[0] = 0x00; // Get ADC
	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_PRESSURE, buffer, 1);
	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_PRESSURE, resivebuf, 4);
	resivebuf[3] = 0;
	answer = 256*256 *(uint32_t)resivebuf[0]  + 256 * (uint32_t)resivebuf[1] + (uint32_t)resivebuf[2];

	return answer;

static uint16_t get_ci_by_coef_num(uint8_t coef_num)
	uint8_t resivebuf[2];

	uint8_t cmd = CMD_PROM_RD+coef_num*2; 
	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_PRESSURE, &cmd, 1);
	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_PRESSURE, resivebuf, 2);
	return (256*(uint16_t)resivebuf[0]) + (uint16_t)resivebuf[1];

uint8_t pressure_update(void)
	HAL_StatusTypeDef statusReturn = HAL_TIMEOUT;
	statusReturn = pressure_sensor_get_data();
	return (uint8_t)statusReturn;

/* Switch between pressure and temperature measurement with every successful read operation */
void pressure_update_alternating(void)
	static uint8_t getTemperature= 0;

		if(pressure_sensor_get_temperature_raw() == HAL_OK)
			getTemperature = 0;
		if(pressure_sensor_get_pressure_raw() == HAL_OK)
			getTemperature = 1;

static uint32_t pressure_sensor_get_one_value(uint8_t cmd, HAL_StatusTypeDef *statusReturn)
	uint8_t command = CMD_ADC_CONV + cmd;
	HAL_StatusTypeDef statusReturnTemp = HAL_TIMEOUT;
	statusReturnTemp = I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_PRESSURE, &command, 1);

		*statusReturn = statusReturnTemp;
	switch (cmd & 0x0f) // wait necessary conversion time
	case CMD_ADC_256 : HAL_Delay(1); break;
	case CMD_ADC_512 : HAL_Delay(3); break;
	case CMD_ADC_1024: HAL_Delay(4); break;
	case CMD_ADC_2048: HAL_Delay(6); break;
	case CMD_ADC_4096: HAL_Delay(10); break;
	return get_adc();

static HAL_StatusTypeDef pressure_sensor_get_data(void)
	uint32_t requestedValue = 0;
	HAL_StatusTypeDef statusReturn1 = HAL_TIMEOUT;
	HAL_StatusTypeDef statusReturn2 = HAL_TIMEOUT;

	requestedValue = pressure_sensor_get_one_value(CMD_ADC_D2 + CMD_ADC_1024, &statusReturn2);
	if (statusReturn2 == HAL_OK)
		D2 = requestedValue;

	requestedValue = pressure_sensor_get_one_value(CMD_ADC_D1 + CMD_ADC_1024, &statusReturn1);
	if (statusReturn1 == HAL_OK)
		D1 = requestedValue;
	if(statusReturn2 > statusReturn1) // if anything is not HAL_OK (0x00) or worse
		return statusReturn2;
		return statusReturn1;

HAL_StatusTypeDef  pressure_sensor_get_pressure_raw(void)
	uint32_t requestedValue = 0;
	HAL_StatusTypeDef statusReturn = HAL_TIMEOUT;

	requestedValue = pressure_sensor_get_one_value(CMD_ADC_D1 + CMD_ADC_1024, &statusReturn);
	if (statusReturn == HAL_OK)
		D1 = requestedValue;

	return statusReturn;

HAL_StatusTypeDef  pressure_sensor_get_temperature_raw(void)
	uint32_t requestedValue = 0;
	HAL_StatusTypeDef statusReturn = HAL_TIMEOUT;

	requestedValue = pressure_sensor_get_one_value(CMD_ADC_D2 + CMD_ADC_1024, &statusReturn);
	if (statusReturn == HAL_OK)
		D2 = requestedValue;
	return statusReturn;

void pressure_calculation(void)
	if(global.I2C_SystemStatus != HAL_OK)

static uint8_t pressure_plausible(float pressurevalue)
	static uint8_t pressurewriteindex = 0;
	uint8_t retval = 0;
	uint8_t index;
	float pressure_average = 0;

	for(index = 0; index < PRESSURE_HISTORY_SIZE; index++)
		pressure_average += pressure_history_mbar[index];
	pressure_average /= PRESSURE_HISTORY_SIZE;
	if(pressure_average == 1000.0) /* first pressure calculation */
		if(fabs(pressurevalue - pressure_average) < 11000.0)  /* just in case a reset occur during dive assume value equal < 100m as valid */
			for(index = 0; index < PRESSURE_HISTORY_SIZE; index++)
				pressure_history_mbar[index] = pressurevalue;	/* set history to current value */
				retval = 1;
		if(fabs(pressurevalue - pressure_average) < PRESSURE_JUMP_VALID_MBAR)
			pressure_history_mbar[pressurewriteindex++] = pressurevalue;
			pressurewriteindex &= 0x7;	/* wrap around if necessary */
			retval = 1;

	return retval;

static void pressure_calculation_AN520_004_mod_MS5803_30BA__09_2015(void)
	static float runningAvg = 0;
	static uint8_t avgCnt = 0;

	uint32_t local_D1; // ADC value of the pressure conversion
	uint32_t local_D2; // ADC value of the temperature conversion
	int32_t local_Px10; // compensated pressure value
	int32_t local_Tx100; // compensated temperature value
	int64_t local_dT; // int32_t, difference between actual and measured temperature
	int64_t local_OFF; // offset at actual temperature
	int64_t local_SENS; // sensitivity at actual temperature

	float calc_pressure;

	int64_t T2;
	int64_t OFF2;
	int64_t SENS2;

	local_D1 = D1;
	local_D2 = D2;

	local_dT 		= ((int64_t)local_D2) - ((int64_t)C[5]) * 256; //pow(2,8);
	local_OFF 	= ((int64_t)C[2]) * 65536 + local_dT * ((int64_t)C[4]) / 128; // pow(2,16), pow(2,7)
	local_SENS 	= ((int64_t)C[1]) * 32768 + local_dT * ((int64_t)C[3]) / 256; // pow(2,15), pow(2,8)

	local_Tx100 = (int32_t)(2000 + (local_dT * ((int64_t)C[6])) / 8388608);// pow(2,23)

	if(local_Tx100 < 2000) // low temperature
		T2  = 3 * local_dT;
		T2 *= local_dT;
		T2 /= 8589934592;

		OFF2 = ((int64_t)local_Tx100) - 2000;
		OFF2 *= OFF2;
		OFF2 *= 3;
		OFF2 /= 2;
		SENS2 = ((int64_t)local_Tx100) - 2000;
		SENS2 *= SENS2;
		SENS2 *= 5;
		SENS2 /= 8;

		local_Tx100 -= (int32_t)T2;
		local_OFF 	-= OFF2;
		local_SENS 	-= SENS2;
		T2  = 7 * local_dT;
		T2 *= local_dT;
		T2 /= 137438953472;

		OFF2 = ((int64_t)local_Tx100) - 2000;
		OFF2 *= OFF2;
		OFF2 /= 16;
		local_Tx100 -= (int32_t)T2;
		local_OFF 	-= OFF2;
	local_Px10 = (int32_t)(
							(((int64_t)((local_D1 * local_SENS) / 2097152)) - local_OFF)
								/  8192 );//     )) / 10; // pow(2,21), pow(2,13)

	ambient_temperature = ((float)local_Tx100) / 100;
	ambient_temperature	+= temperature_offset;

	calc_pressure = ((float)local_Px10) / 10;
	calc_pressure += pressure_offset;

		runningAvg = (avgCnt * runningAvg + calc_pressure) / (avgCnt + 1);
		if (avgCnt < 10)	/* build an average considering the last measurements to have a weight "1 of 10" */
		{					/* Main reason for this is the jitter of up to +-10 HPa in surface mode which is caused */
			avgCnt++;		/* by the measurement range of the sensor which is focused on under water pressure measurement */
		ambient_pressure_mbar = runningAvg;

void pressure_calculation_new(void)
#define POW2_8	(256)
#define POW2_17	(131072)
#define POW2_6	(64)
#define POW2_16	(65536)
#define POW2_7	(128)
#define POW2_23	(8388608)
#define POW2_21	(2097152)
#define POW2_15	(32768)
#define POW2_13	(8192)
#define POW2_37	(137438953472)
#define POW2_4	(16)
#define POW2_33	(8589934592)
#define POW2_3	(8)
	int32_t	P; // compensated pressure value
	int32_t T; // compensated temperature value
	int32_t dT; // difference between actual and measured temperature
	int64_t OFF; // offset at actual temperature
	int64_t SENS;

	int32_t T2;
	int64_t OFF2;
	int64_t SENS2;
	dT 		= ((int32_t)D2) - ((int32_t)C[5]) * POW2_8;
	OFF 	= ((int64_t)C[2]) * POW2_16 + ((int64_t)dT) * ((int64_t)C[4]) / POW2_7;
	SENS 	= ((int64_t)C[1]) * POW2_15 + ((int64_t)dT) * ((int64_t)C[3]) / POW2_8;

	T	= 2000 + (dT * ((int32_t)C[6])) / POW2_23;

if(T < 2000) // low temperature
		T2 = 3 * dT * dT;
		T2 /= POW2_33;
		OFF2 = ((int64_t)T) - 2000;
		OFF2 *= OFF2;
		OFF2 *= 3;
		OFF2 /= 2;
		SENS2 = ((int64_t)T) - 2000;
		SENS2 *= SENS2;
		SENS2 *= 5;
		SENS2 /= POW2_3;
	else // high temperature
		T2 = 7 * dT * dT;
		T2 /= POW2_37;
		OFF2 = ((int64_t)T) - 2000;
		OFF2 *= OFF2;
		OFF2 /= POW2_4;
		SENS2 = 0;

	T = T - T2;
	OFF = OFF - OFF2;
	P = (int32_t)(((((int64_t)D1) * SENS) / POW2_21 - OFF) / POW2_13);
	ambient_temperature 	= ((float)T) / 100;
	ambient_pressure_mbar	= ((float)P) / 10;

void pressure_calculation_old(void) {
	double ambient_temperature_centigrad = 0;
	double ambient_pressure_decimbar = 0;
	// static for debug
	static int64_t dt = 0;
	static int64_t temp = 0;
	static int64_t ms_off = 0;
	static int64_t sens = 0;
	static int64_t ms_off2 = 0;
	static int64_t sens2 = 0;
	static int64_t t2 = 0;

	if((D2 == 0) || (D1 == 0))

	// dT = D2 - C[5] * POW2_8;
	// T	= 2000 + (dT * C[6]) / POW2_23;
	dt = (int64_t)D2 - C5_x_2p8;
	//temp ; // in 10 milliGrad Celcius
	ambient_temperature_centigrad = 2000 + dt * C[6] / 8388608;

	if(ambient_temperature_centigrad < 2000) // low temperature
			t2 = 3 * dt;
			t2 *= dt;
			t2 /= 8589934592;
			ms_off2 = ambient_temperature_centigrad - 2000;
			ms_off2 *= ms_off2;
			sens2 = ms_off2;
			ms_off2 *= 3;
			ms_off2 /= 2;
			sens2 *= 5;
			sens2 /= 8;
		else // high temperature
			t2 = 7 * dt;
			t2 *= dt;
			t2 /= 137438953472;
			ms_off2 = ambient_temperature_centigrad - 2000;
			ms_off2 *= ms_off2;
			ms_off2 /= 16;
			sens2 = 0;

	// pressure
	// OFF 	= C[2] * POW2_16 + dT * C[4] / POW2_7;
	// SENS = C[1] * POW2_15 + dT * C[3] / POW2_8;
	ms_off =  C[4] * dt;
	ms_off /= 128;
	ms_off += C2_x_2p16;
	sens =  C[3] * dt;
	sens /= 256;
	sens += C1_x_2p15;

	// 2nd order correction
	ambient_temperature_centigrad -= t2;
	ms_off -= ms_off2;
	sens -= sens2;

	ambient_temperature = ambient_temperature_centigrad / 100;
		// P = (D1 * SENS / POW2_21 - OFF) / POW2_13;
	temp = D1 * sens;
	temp /= 2097152;
	temp -= ms_off;
	temp /= 8192;
	ambient_pressure_decimbar = temp; // to float/double
	ambient_pressure_mbar = ambient_pressure_decimbar / 10;

/* taken from AN520 by dated 9. Aug. 2011
 * short and int are both 16bit according to AVR/GCC google results
static uint8_t crc4(uint16_t n_prom[])
uint16_t cnt; // simple counter
uint16_t n_rem; // crc reminder
uint16_t crc_read; // original value of the crc
uint8_t n_bit;
n_rem = 0x00;
crc_read=n_prom[7]; //save read CRC
n_prom[7]=(0xFF00 & (n_prom[7])); //CRC byte is replaced by 0
for (cnt = 0; cnt < 16; cnt++) // operation is performed on bytes
{ // choose LSB or MSB
if (cnt%2==1) n_rem ^= (uint16_t) ((n_prom[cnt>>1]) & 0x00FF);
else n_rem ^= (uint16_t) (n_prom[cnt>>1]>>8);
for (n_bit = 8; n_bit > 0; n_bit--)
if (n_rem & (0x8000))
n_rem = (n_rem << 1) ^ 0x3000;
n_rem = (n_rem << 1);
n_rem= (0x000F & (n_rem >> 12)); // // final 4-bit reminder is CRC code
n_prom[7]=crc_read; // restore the crc_read to its original place
return (n_rem ^ 0x00);
void test_calculation(void)
	C1 = 29112;
	C2 = 26814;
	C3 = 19125;
	C4 = 17865;
	C5 = 32057;
	C6 = 31305;
	C2_x_2p16 = C2 * 65536;
	C1_x_2p15 = C1 * 32768;
	D1 = 4944364;
	D2 = 8198974;	
		pressure_calculation() ;
void pressure_set_offset (float pressureOffset, float temperatureOffset)
	if(pressure_offset != pressureOffset)				/* we received a new value => reinit surface que */
		ambient_pressure_mbar -= pressure_offset;		/* revert old value */
		ambient_pressure_mbar += pressureOffset;		/* apply new offset */

	pressure_offset = pressureOffset;
	temperature_offset = temperatureOffset;