Reactivate Bootloader:
The bootloader has not been compiled for a long time. Changes were necessary to catch up with the actual code
line source
* @copyright heinrichs weikamp
* @file logbook_miniLive.c
* @author heinrichs weikamp gmbh
* @date 13-March-2015
* @version V0.0.1
* @since 13-March-2015
* @brief little logbook for during the dive
* @bug
* @warning
* @attention
* <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 heinrichs weikamp</center></h2>
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <string.h>
#include "logbook_miniLive.h"
#include "data_exchange.h"
#include "logbook.h"
#include "tHome.h"
* @brief t7_updateMiniLiveLogbook. / Create depth samples for view during dive
* @author heinrichs weikamp gmbh
* @version V0.0.1
* @date 13-March-2015
#define MLLsize (296)
static uint16_t MLLdataDepth[MLLsize];
static uint16_t MLLpointer = 0;
static uint8_t MLLtickIntervallSeconds = 2;
/* Replay Block data storage */
#define DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH (1800u) /* Resolution: 1 hours dive, sampling every 2 seconds */
uint16_t ReplayDepthData[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
uint8_t ReplayMarkerData[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
uint16_t liveDepthData[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
uint16_t liveDepthDataMod[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH]; /* live data modified to fit to marker checks */
uint16_t liveDecoData[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
uint16_t liveDecoDataMod[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
static uint16_t liveDataIndex = 0;
static uint16_t liveDataIndexMod = 0;
static uint8_t ReplayDataResolution = 2; /* Time represented by one sample (second) */
static uint16_t ReplayDataLength = 0; /* Number of data entries */
static uint16_t ReplayDataMaxDepth = 0;
static uint16_t ReplayDataMinutes = 0;
static uint16_t ReplayDataOffset = 0xFFFF; /* Stepbackwards format used by log functions */
static uint16_t ReplayMarkerIndex = 0;
uint16_t *getMiniLiveLogbookPointerToData(void)
return MLLdataDepth;
uint16_t getMiniLiveLogbookActualDataLength(void)
return MLLpointer;
uint16_t MiniLiveLogbook_getNextMarkerIndex(uint16_t curIndex)
uint16_t index = 0;
if((ReplayMarkerData[0] != 0xFF) && (curIndex < ReplayDataLength))
index = curIndex;
if (index == ReplayDataLength)
index = 0;
if(ReplayMarkerData[index] != 0)
}while (index != curIndex);
return index;
static uint16_t workdata[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
static void compressMarkerData(uint16_t* pSource, uint16_t* pTarget, float step, uint16_t startIndex, uint16_t stopIndex)
uint16_t workIndex = startIndex;
float nextStep = (float)workIndex;
while (workIndex <= ReplayMarkerIndex)
workdata[workIndex] = *pSource++;
nextStep += step;
while(nextStep < workIndex + 1)
if(*pSource != 0xFFFF) /* do not average "ignore" value */
if(workdata[workIndex] == 0xFFFF) /* first value to be shown */
workdata[workIndex] = *pSource;
workdata[workIndex] += *pSource;
workdata[workIndex] /= 2;
nextStep += step;
memcpy(&pTarget[startIndex],&workdata[startIndex],(workIndex - startIndex -1) * 2);
while(workIndex < DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH)
pTarget[workIndex] = 0xFFFF;
static void stretchMarkerData(uint16_t* pSource, uint16_t* pTarget, float step, uint16_t startIndex, uint16_t stopIndex)
uint16_t workIndex = startIndex;
float nextStep = (float)workIndex;
while (workIndex <= stopIndex)
nextStep += step;
if(nextStep > stopIndex)
nextStep = stopIndex;
while(workIndex <= (uint16_t)nextStep)
workdata[workIndex++] = *pSource;
memcpy(&pTarget[startIndex],&workdata[startIndex],(workIndex - startIndex) * 2);
while(workIndex < DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH)
pTarget[workIndex] = 0xFFFF;
void MiniLiveLogbook_checkMarker(void)
static uint16_t lastLifeIndex = 0;
uint16_t* pDepthData;
uint16_t* pDecoData;
float step;
uint16_t lastMarkerIndex = ReplayMarkerIndex;
ReplayMarkerIndex = MiniLiveLogbook_getNextMarkerIndex(ReplayMarkerIndex);
if(ReplayMarkerIndex <= lastMarkerIndex) /* no other marker found or last marker checked => reset marker to 0 to deactivate check function */
ReplayMarkerIndex = 0;
lastLifeIndex = 0;
liveDataIndexMod = liveDataIndex;
if(lastMarkerIndex == 0) /* use real live data */
pDepthData = &liveDepthData[0];
pDecoData = &liveDecoData[0];
lastLifeIndex = 0;
pDepthData = &liveDepthDataMod[lastMarkerIndex]; /* work with already modified data */
pDecoData = &liveDecoDataMod[lastMarkerIndex];
if(lastLifeIndex == liveDataIndex) /* repeated button press before new data was generated => draw straight line */
step = ReplayMarkerIndex-lastMarkerIndex;
step = (ReplayMarkerIndex-lastMarkerIndex) / (float)(liveDataIndex - lastLifeIndex); /* the live data shall be modified to match the history data */
lastLifeIndex = liveDataIndex;
if(step < 1) /* compression needed */
compressMarkerData(pDepthData, liveDepthDataMod, step, lastMarkerIndex, ReplayMarkerIndex);
compressMarkerData(pDecoData, liveDecoDataMod, step, lastMarkerIndex, ReplayMarkerIndex);
else /* stretch data */
stretchMarkerData(pDepthData, liveDepthDataMod, step, lastMarkerIndex, ReplayMarkerIndex);
stretchMarkerData(pDecoData, liveDecoDataMod, step, lastMarkerIndex, ReplayMarkerIndex);
liveDataIndexMod = ReplayMarkerIndex;
void compressBuffer_uint16(uint16_t* pdata, uint16_t size)
uint16_t* pTarget = pdata;
uint16_t* pSource = pdata;
uint16_t result = 0;
uint16_t index = 0;
for(index = 0; index < size/2; index++)
*pTarget = *pSource++;
*pTarget += *pSource++;
result = *pTarget /= 2;
if((*pTarget != 0) && (result == 0)) /* avoid termination of information by round up to 1 */
*pTarget++ = 1;
*pTarget++ = result;
void updateMiniLiveLogbook( _Bool checkOncePerSecond)
static uint8_t bDiveMode = 0;
static uint32_t last_second = 0;
static uint8_t secondsCount = 0;
static uint8_t lifesecondsCount = 0;
const SDecoinfo* pDecoinfo;
uint8_t stopDepth = 0;
uint16_t stopTime = 0;
uint32_t now = current_second();
if( last_second == now)
last_second = now;
if((stateUsed->mode == MODE_DIVE) && (stateUsed->lifeData.dive_time_seconds >= 5))
secondsCount = 0;
MLLtickIntervallSeconds = 2;
bDiveMode = 1;
MLLpointer = 1;
for(int i=0;i<MLLsize;i++)
MLLdataDepth[i] = 0;
for(liveDataIndex = 0; liveDataIndex < DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH; liveDataIndex++)
liveDepthData[liveDataIndex] = 0xFFFF;
liveDecoData[liveDataIndex] = 0xFFFF;
lifesecondsCount = 0;
liveDataIndex = 0;
liveDataIndexMod = 0;
liveDepthData[liveDataIndex++] = 0; /* start at 0 */
else if(stateUsed->mode == MODE_DIVE)
bDiveMode = 3;
if(secondsCount >= MLLtickIntervallSeconds)
secondsCount = 0;
/* in case of a buffer overrun the buffer is divided and the first half is filled with a compressed image of the complete buffer */
if((MLLpointer >= MLLsize) && (MLLtickIntervallSeconds < 127))
MLLpointer = 0;
MLLtickIntervallSeconds *= 2;
MLLpointer = MLLsize/2;
if(MLLpointer < MLLsize)
MLLdataDepth[MLLpointer++] = (int)(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter * 10);
if(lifesecondsCount >= ReplayDataResolution)
lifesecondsCount = 0;
if(liveDataIndex >= DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH) /* compress data */
ReplayDataResolution *= 2;
compressBuffer_uint16(liveDepthDataMod, DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH);
compressBuffer_uint16(ReplayDepthData,DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH); /* also compress Replay data to simplify mapping between live and replay data */
liveDataIndex = DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH / 2;
liveDataIndexMod /= 2;
liveDepthData[liveDataIndex] = (int)(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter * 100);
liveDepthDataMod[liveDataIndexMod] = liveDepthData[liveDataIndex];
if(stateUsed->diveSettings.deco_type.ub.standard == VPM_MODE)
pDecoinfo = &stateUsed->decolistVPM;
pDecoinfo = &stateUsed->decolistBuehlmann;
tHome_findNextStop(pDecoinfo->output_stop_length_seconds, &stopDepth, &stopTime);
liveDecoData[liveDataIndex] = stopDepth * 100;
liveDecoDataMod[liveDataIndexMod] = stopDepth * 100;
liveDecoData[liveDataIndex] = 0xFFFF;
liveDecoDataMod[liveDataIndexMod] = 0xFFFF;
else if(bDiveMode == 3)
//End of Dive
for(int i=0;i<MLLsize;i++)
MLLdataDepth[i] = 0;
bDiveMode = 0;
uint8_t prepareReplayLog(uint8_t StepBackwards)
uint8_t retVal = 0;
uint16_t index = 0;
uint16_t dataLength = 0;
uint8_t markerDetected = 0;
SLogbookHeader logbookHeader;
if(ReplayDataOffset == StepBackwards) /* Entry already selected => reset selection */
ReplayDataOffset = 0xFFFF;
ReplayDataResolution = 2;
ReplayDataLength = 0;
ReplayDataMaxDepth = 0;
ReplayDataMinutes = 0;
retVal = 1;
ReplayDataOffset = StepBackwards;
logbook_getHeader(StepBackwards ,&logbookHeader);
dataLength = logbook_readSampleData(StepBackwards, DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH, ReplayDepthData,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ReplayMarkerData);
/* check if a marker is provided. If not disable marker functionality for the replay block */
for(index = 0; index < dataLength; index++)
if(ReplayMarkerData[index] != 0)
markerDetected = 1;
if(markerDetected == 0)
ReplayMarkerData[0] = 0xFF;
if( dataLength == DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH) /* log data has been compressed to fit into buffer */
ReplayDataResolution = (logbookHeader.diveTimeMinutes * 60 + logbookHeader.diveTimeSeconds) / dataLength;
ReplayDataResolution = logbookHeader.samplingRate;
ReplayDataLength = dataLength;
ReplayDataMaxDepth = logbookHeader.maxDepth;
ReplayDataMinutes = logbookHeader.diveTimeMinutes;
if(dataLength != 0)
retVal = 1;
return retVal;
uint8_t getReplayInfo(uint16_t** pReplayData, uint8_t** pReplayMarker, uint16_t* DataLength, uint16_t* MaxDepth, uint16_t* diveMinutes)
uint8_t retVal = 0;
if((ReplayDataOffset != 0xFFFF) && (pReplayData != NULL) && (DataLength != NULL) && (MaxDepth != NULL) && (pReplayMarker != 0))
*pReplayData = ReplayDepthData;
*pReplayMarker = ReplayMarkerData;
*DataLength = ReplayDataLength;
*MaxDepth = ReplayDataMaxDepth;
*diveMinutes = ReplayDataMinutes;
retVal = 1;
return retVal;
uint16_t *getMiniLiveReplayPointerToData(void)
if(ReplayMarkerIndex == 0)
return liveDepthData;
return liveDepthDataMod;
uint16_t *getMiniLiveDecoPointerToData(void)
if(ReplayMarkerIndex == 0)
return liveDecoData;
return liveDecoDataMod;
uint16_t getMiniLiveReplayLength(void)
return liveDataIndex;
uint16_t getReplayOffset(void)
return ReplayDataOffset;
uint16_t getReplayDataResolution(void)
return ReplayDataResolution;
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT heinrichs weikamp *****END OF FILE****/