view Discovery/Src/logbook_miniLive.c @ 952:33e24b77cc6c Evo_2_23

Bugfix ppo2 high/low check in OC mode: The fallback option which is used in CC mode was applied to the OC mode as well. As result the check could be deactivated depending on the fallback state, even if a OC dive is performed. now the check will always be performed if the dive mode is OC. Added vibration warning: The internal buzzer of the GPIO_V2 may now be used as additional warning notificator. It can be activated using the check button in the customer view menu. The vibration will be active while the warning message is displayed in the dive window. In case the diver is in the menu then the warning will be active for a shorter duration.
author Ideenmodellierer
date Sun, 29 Dec 2024 18:33:02 +0100
parents 6d8ae8fbccf5
line wrap: on
line source

	* @copyright heinrichs weikamp
  * @file   		logbook_miniLive.c
  * @author 		heinrichs weikamp gmbh
  * @date   		13-March-2015
  * @version		V0.0.1
  * @since			13-March-2015
  * @brief			little logbook for during the dive
	* @bug
	* @warning
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 heinrichs weikamp</center></h2>

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#include <string.h>
#include "logbook_miniLive.h"
#include "data_exchange.h"
#include "logbook.h"
#include "tHome.h"

  * @brief   t7_updateMiniLiveLogbook. /  Create depth samples for view during dive
  * @author  heinrichs weikamp gmbh
  * @version V0.0.1
  * @date    13-March-2015
#define MLLsize (296)
static uint16_t MLLdataDepth[MLLsize];
static uint16_t MLLpointer  = 0;
static uint8_t MLLtickIntervallSeconds = 2;

/* Replay Block data storage */
#define DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH	(1800u)				/* Resolution: 1 hours dive, sampling every 2 seconds */
uint16_t ReplayDepthData[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
uint8_t ReplayMarkerData[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
uint16_t liveDepthData[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
uint16_t liveDepthDataMod[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];	/* live data modified to fit to marker checks */
uint16_t liveDecoData[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
uint16_t liveDecoDataMod[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
static uint16_t liveDataIndex = 0;
static uint16_t liveDataIndexMod = 0;

static uint8_t	ReplayDataResolution = 2;		/* Time represented by one sample (second) */
static uint16_t ReplayDataLength = 0;			/* Number of data entries */
static uint16_t ReplayDataMaxDepth = 0;
static uint16_t ReplayDataMinutes = 0;
static uint16_t ReplayDataOffset = 0xFFFF;		/* Stepbackwards format used by log functions */
static uint16_t  ReplayMarkerIndex = 0;

uint16_t *getMiniLiveLogbookPointerToData(void)
	return MLLdataDepth;

uint16_t getMiniLiveLogbookActualDataLength(void)
	return MLLpointer;

uint16_t MiniLiveLogbook_getNextMarkerIndex(uint16_t curIndex)
	uint16_t index = 0;
	if((ReplayMarkerData[0] != 0xFF) && (curIndex < ReplayDataLength))
		index = curIndex;
			if (index == ReplayDataLength)
				index = 0;
			if(ReplayMarkerData[index] != 0)
		}while (index != curIndex);
	return index;

static uint16_t workdata[DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH];
static void compressMarkerData(uint16_t* pSource, uint16_t* pTarget, float step, uint16_t startIndex, uint16_t stopIndex)
	uint16_t workIndex = startIndex;
	float nextStep = (float)workIndex;

	while (workIndex <= ReplayMarkerIndex)
		workdata[workIndex] = *pSource++;
		nextStep += step;
		while(nextStep < workIndex + 1)
			if(*pSource != 0xFFFF)					/* do not average "ignore" value */
				if(workdata[workIndex] == 0xFFFF)	/* first value to be shown */
					workdata[workIndex] = *pSource;
					workdata[workIndex] += *pSource;
					workdata[workIndex] /= 2;
			nextStep += step;
	memcpy(&pTarget[startIndex],&workdata[startIndex],(workIndex - startIndex -1) * 2);
	while(workIndex < DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH)
		pTarget[workIndex] = 0xFFFF;
static void stretchMarkerData(uint16_t* pSource, uint16_t* pTarget, float step, uint16_t startIndex, uint16_t stopIndex)
	uint16_t workIndex = startIndex;
	float nextStep = (float)workIndex;

	while (workIndex <= stopIndex)
		nextStep += step;
		if(nextStep > stopIndex)
			nextStep = stopIndex;
		while(workIndex <= (uint16_t)nextStep)
			workdata[workIndex++] = *pSource;
	memcpy(&pTarget[startIndex],&workdata[startIndex],(workIndex - startIndex) * 2);
	while(workIndex < DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH)
		pTarget[workIndex] = 0xFFFF;

void MiniLiveLogbook_checkMarker(void)
	static uint16_t lastLifeIndex = 0;
	uint16_t* pDepthData;
	uint16_t* pDecoData;
	float step;
	uint16_t lastMarkerIndex = ReplayMarkerIndex;

	ReplayMarkerIndex = MiniLiveLogbook_getNextMarkerIndex(ReplayMarkerIndex);
	if(ReplayMarkerIndex <= lastMarkerIndex)		/* no other marker found or last marker checked => reset marker to 0 to deactivate check function */
		ReplayMarkerIndex = 0;
		lastLifeIndex = 0;
		liveDataIndexMod = liveDataIndex;
		if(lastMarkerIndex == 0)	/* use real live data */
			pDepthData = &liveDepthData[0];
			pDecoData = &liveDecoData[0];
			lastLifeIndex = 0;
			pDepthData = &liveDepthDataMod[lastMarkerIndex];  /* work with already modified data */
			pDecoData = &liveDecoDataMod[lastMarkerIndex];
		if(lastLifeIndex == liveDataIndex)					/* repeated button press before new data was generated => draw straight line */
			step = ReplayMarkerIndex-lastMarkerIndex;
			step = (ReplayMarkerIndex-lastMarkerIndex) / (float)(liveDataIndex - lastLifeIndex); /* the live data shall be modified to match the history data */

		lastLifeIndex = liveDataIndex;

		if(step < 1)		/* compression needed */
			compressMarkerData(pDepthData, liveDepthDataMod, step, lastMarkerIndex, ReplayMarkerIndex);
			compressMarkerData(pDecoData, liveDecoDataMod, step, lastMarkerIndex, ReplayMarkerIndex);
		else				/* stretch data */
			stretchMarkerData(pDepthData, liveDepthDataMod, step, lastMarkerIndex, ReplayMarkerIndex);
			stretchMarkerData(pDecoData, liveDecoDataMod, step, lastMarkerIndex, ReplayMarkerIndex);
		liveDataIndexMod = ReplayMarkerIndex;

void compressBuffer_uint16(uint16_t* pdata, uint16_t size)
	uint16_t* pTarget = pdata;
	uint16_t* pSource = pdata;
	uint16_t  result = 0;
	uint16_t index = 0;
	for(index = 0; index < size/2; index++)
		*pTarget = *pSource++;
		*pTarget += *pSource++;
		result = *pTarget /= 2;
		if((*pTarget != 0) && (result == 0))	/* avoid termination of information by round up to 1 */
			*pTarget++ = 1;
			*pTarget++ = result;

void updateMiniLiveLogbook( _Bool checkOncePerSecond)
	static uint8_t bDiveMode = 0;
	static uint32_t last_second = 0;
	static uint8_t secondsCount = 0;
	static uint8_t lifesecondsCount = 0;

	const SDecoinfo* pDecoinfo;
	uint8_t stopDepth = 0;
	uint16_t stopTime = 0;

		uint32_t now =  current_second();
		if( last_second == now)
		last_second = now;
		if((stateUsed->mode == MODE_DIVE) && (stateUsed->lifeData.dive_time_seconds >= 5))
			secondsCount = 0;
			MLLtickIntervallSeconds = 2;
			bDiveMode = 1;
			MLLpointer = 1;
			for(int i=0;i<MLLsize;i++)
				MLLdataDepth[i] = 0;

			for(liveDataIndex = 0; liveDataIndex < DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH; liveDataIndex++)
				liveDepthData[liveDataIndex] = 0xFFFF;
				liveDecoData[liveDataIndex] = 0xFFFF;
			lifesecondsCount = 0;
			liveDataIndex = 0;
			liveDataIndexMod = 0;
			liveDepthData[liveDataIndex++] = 0;	/* start at 0 */
	else if(stateUsed->mode == MODE_DIVE)
		bDiveMode = 3;
		if(secondsCount >= MLLtickIntervallSeconds)
			secondsCount = 0;
			/* in case of a buffer overrun the buffer is divided and the first half is filled with a compressed image of the complete buffer */
			if((MLLpointer >= MLLsize) && (MLLtickIntervallSeconds < 127))
				MLLpointer = 0;
				MLLtickIntervallSeconds *= 2;

				MLLpointer = MLLsize/2;
			if(MLLpointer < MLLsize)
				MLLdataDepth[MLLpointer++] = (int)(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter * 10);
		if(lifesecondsCount >= ReplayDataResolution)
			lifesecondsCount = 0;

			if(liveDataIndex >= DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH)		/* compress data */
				ReplayDataResolution *= 2;
				compressBuffer_uint16(liveDepthDataMod, DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH);
				compressBuffer_uint16(ReplayDepthData,DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH);		/* also compress Replay data to simplify mapping between live and replay data */
				liveDataIndex = DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH / 2;
				liveDataIndexMod /= 2;
			liveDepthData[liveDataIndex] = (int)(stateUsed->lifeData.depth_meter * 100);
			liveDepthDataMod[liveDataIndexMod] = liveDepthData[liveDataIndex];

			if(stateUsed->diveSettings.deco_type.ub.standard == VPM_MODE)
				pDecoinfo = &stateUsed->decolistVPM;
				pDecoinfo = &stateUsed->decolistBuehlmann;
			tHome_findNextStop(pDecoinfo->output_stop_length_seconds, &stopDepth, &stopTime);
				liveDecoData[liveDataIndex] = stopDepth * 100;
				liveDecoDataMod[liveDataIndexMod] = stopDepth * 100;
				liveDecoData[liveDataIndex] = 0xFFFF;
				liveDecoDataMod[liveDataIndexMod] = 0xFFFF;
	else if(bDiveMode == 3)
		//End of Dive
		for(int i=0;i<MLLsize;i++)
			MLLdataDepth[i] = 0;
		bDiveMode = 0;

uint8_t prepareReplayLog(uint8_t StepBackwards)
	uint8_t retVal = 0;
	uint16_t index = 0;
	uint16_t dataLength = 0;
	uint8_t markerDetected = 0;

    SLogbookHeader logbookHeader;

    if(ReplayDataOffset == StepBackwards)				/* Entry already selected => reset selection */
    	ReplayDataOffset = 0xFFFF;
    	ReplayDataResolution = 2;
		ReplayDataLength = 0;
		ReplayDataMaxDepth = 0;
		ReplayDataMinutes =  0;

    	retVal = 1;
    	ReplayDataOffset = StepBackwards;
		logbook_getHeader(StepBackwards ,&logbookHeader);

		dataLength = logbook_readSampleData(StepBackwards, DEPTH_DATA_LENGTH, ReplayDepthData,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ReplayMarkerData);

	/* check if a marker is provided. If not disable marker functionality for the replay block */
		for(index = 0; index < dataLength; index++)
			if(ReplayMarkerData[index] != 0)
				markerDetected = 1;
		if(markerDetected == 0)
			ReplayMarkerData[0] = 0xFF;

		ReplayDataResolution = logbookHeader.total_diveTime_seconds / dataLength;
		ReplayDataLength = dataLength;
		ReplayDataMaxDepth = logbookHeader.maxDepth;
		ReplayDataMinutes =  logbookHeader.diveTimeMinutes;
		if(dataLength != 0)
			retVal = 1;
	return retVal;

uint8_t getReplayInfo(uint16_t** pReplayData, uint8_t** pReplayMarker, uint16_t* DataLength, uint16_t* MaxDepth, uint16_t* diveMinutes)
	uint8_t retVal = 0;

	if((ReplayDataOffset != 0xFFFF) && (pReplayData != NULL) && (DataLength != NULL) && (MaxDepth != NULL) && (pReplayMarker != 0))
		*pReplayData = ReplayDepthData;
		*pReplayMarker = ReplayMarkerData;
		*DataLength = ReplayDataLength;
		*MaxDepth = ReplayDataMaxDepth;
		*diveMinutes = ReplayDataMinutes;
		retVal = 1;

	return retVal;

uint16_t *getMiniLiveReplayPointerToData(void)
	if(ReplayMarkerIndex == 0)
		return liveDepthData;
		return liveDepthDataMod;
uint16_t *getMiniLiveDecoPointerToData(void)
	if(ReplayMarkerIndex == 0)
		return liveDecoData;
		return liveDecoDataMod;
uint16_t getMiniLiveReplayLength(void)
	return liveDataIndex;

uint16_t getReplayOffset(void)
	return ReplayDataOffset;

uint16_t getReplayDataResolution(void)
	return ReplayDataResolution;

/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT heinrichs weikamp *****END OF FILE****/