Old / new BT module communication:
The old / new BT module do have a sligthly different command set. To keep them compatible a function has been added which returns, based on the HW identification, the command string which matches to the module. In case a command is not supported the value 0 is returned and the calling function may react. E.g. with skipping of configuration steps like it is done now for the new module.
/* * motion.h * * Created on: 20.05.2019 * Author: Thorsten Sonntag */#ifndef INC_MOTION_H_#define INC_MOTION_H_/* exported data types */#define CUSTOMER_DEFINED_VIEWS (100u) /* value will cause the function to detect the number of selected views */#define CUSTOMER_KEEP_LAST_SECTORS (200u) /* do not update number of sectors, just define the new center position */#define MOTION_ENABLE_ROLL (0x01u)#define MOTION_ENABLE_PITCH (0x02u)#define MOTION_ENABLE_YAW (0x04u)#define MOTION_ENABLE_ALL (MOTION_ENABLE_ROLL | MOTION_ENABLE_PITCH | MOTION_ENABLE_YAW)typedef enum{ MOTION_DETECT_OFF = 0, MOTION_DETECT_SECTOR, MOTION_DETECT_MOVE, MOTION_DETECT_SCROLL, MOTION_DETECT_END} MotionDetectMethod_t;typedef enum{ DETECT_START = 0, DETECT_POS_MOVE, DETECT_MAXIMA, DETECT_FALLBACK, DETECT_POS_PITCH, DETECT_NEG_MOVE, DETECT_MINIMA, DETECT_RISEBACK, DETECT_NEG_PITCH, DETECT_NOTHING} detectionState_t;typedef struct{ float upperborder; /* current sector is changed if pitch exceeds these borders */ float lowerborder; uint8_t current; /* number of the current visible sector */ uint8_t target; /* used for sector switch => number of the sector which shall be finnaly displayed */ float offset; /* offset to adjust minimum pitch value used for detection to zero */ float size; /* delta of upper and lower boarder defining the sector in degree */ float window; /* defines which range of pitch values are used for detection */ float center; /* defines the offset from pitch to middle of active sector (avoid center position is close to the calculated borders) */ uint8_t count; /* number of sectors used for detection */} SSector;typedef struct{ float x; float y; float z;} SCoord;typedef enum{ MOTION_HISTORY_ROLL = 0, MOTION_HISTORY_PITCH, MOTION_HISTORY_YAW} MotionHistoryEntry_t;typedef struct{ uint8_t roll; uint8_t pitch; uint8_t yaw;} SDeltaHistory;void InitMotionDetection(void);void suspendMotionDetection(uint8_t seconds);void HandleMotionDetection(void);void resetMotionDeltaHistory();void evaluateMotionDelta(float roll, float pitch, float yaw);void DefineSectorCount(uint8_t numOfSectors);void MapCVToSector(void);detectionState_t detectPitch(float currentPitch);detectionState_t detectSectorButtonEvent(float focusOffset);detectionState_t detectScrollButtonEvent(float focusOffset);void anglesToCoord(float roll, float pitch, float yaw, SCoord *pCoord);void calibrateViewport(float roll, float pitch, float yaw);float checkViewport(float roll, float pitch, float yaw, uint8_t enableAxis);uint8_t viewInFocus(void);uint8_t viewDetectionSuspended(void);void resetFocusState(void);#endif /* INC_MOTION_H_ */