view Small_CPU/Src/batteryGasGauge.c @ 976:0b81ac558e89 Evo_2_23

Devbugfix UART buffer cleaning: In the previous version a buffer cleaning function was used which resets the ringbuffer read index. As result the processing of data was stopped until the DMA write comes to the index 0. When reaching it the complete buffer was proceeded including possibly invalid data. The usage of the cleanbuffer function was replaced by the flush buffer function (meaning the data is discarded but the data index is maintained). There was already a function for this. Because the function was 99% the same as the read function, it was integrated into the ReadData function. Calling the function with parameter flush = 1 will result in a buffer flush. The workaround of the previous revision was updated to only be applied in case a DiveO2 sensor is operated in stand alone mode.
author Ideenmodellierer
date Wed, 29 Jan 2025 17:21:20 +0100 (7 weeks ago)
parents 079bb5b22c06
line wrap: on
line source
  * @file    batteryGasGauge.c 
  * @author  heinrichs weikamp gmbh
  * @version V0.0.1
  * @date    09-Dec-2014
  * @brief   LTC2942 Battery Gas Gauge
                ##### stm32f4xx_hal_i2c.c modification #####
	The LTC2942 requires an repeated start condition without stop condition
	for data reception.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 heinrichs weikamp</center></h2>
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <string.h>	/* memset */
#include "batteryGasGauge.h"
#include "baseCPU2.h"
#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
#include "i2c.h"

static float battery_f_voltage = BATTERY_DEFAULT_VOLTAGE;		/* max assumed voltage */
static float battery_f_charge_percent = 0;
static uint8_t chargeValueKnown = 0;							/* indicator if the charge of the battery is known (for example after a full charge cycle) */

#define BGG_BATTERY_OFFSET          (26123)  //; 65536-(3,35Ah/0,085mAh)
#define BGG_BATTERY_DIVIDER         (394)    //; 3,35Ah/0,085mAh/100 [%]

float get_voltage(void)
	return 3.0f;

	return battery_f_voltage;

float get_charge(void)
		return 100.0f;
	return battery_f_charge_percent;

void init_battery_gas_gauge(void)
	uint8_t buffer[2];
	buffer[0] = 0x01;

	// F8 = 11111000:
	// ADC auto mode (11)
	// Prescale M = 128 (111)
	// AL/CC pin disable (00)
	// Shutdown (0)
	buffer[1] = 0xF8;
	I2C_Master_Transmit(DEVICE_BATTERYGAUGE, buffer, 2);

uint8_t battery_gas_gauge_CheckConfigOK(void)

	uint8_t retval = 0;
	uint8_t bufferReceive[10];


	I2C_Master_Receive(DEVICE_BATTERYGAUGE, bufferReceive, 10);
	if(bufferReceive[1] == 0xf8)
		retval = 1;
	return retval;

static void disable_adc(void)
	uint8_t buffer[2];
	buffer[0] = 0x01;

	// according to the datasheet of the LTC2942, the adc shall
	// be disabled when writing to the gauge registers

	// 0xF9 = 11111001:
	// see init_battery_gas_gauge()
	// Shutdown (1)
	buffer[1] = 0xF9;
	I2C_Master_Transmit(DEVICE_BATTERYGAUGE, buffer, 2);

void battery_gas_gauge_get_data(void)
	float battery_f_voltage_local;
	float battery_f_charge_percent_local;
	uint8_t bufferReceive[10];
	if(I2C_Master_Receive(DEVICE_BATTERYGAUGE, bufferReceive, 10) == HAL_OK)
		battery_f_voltage_local =  (float)(bufferReceive[8] * 256);
		battery_f_voltage_local += (float)(bufferReceive[9]);
		battery_f_voltage_local *= (float)6 / (float)0xFFFF;
		// max/full: 0.085 mAh * 1 * 65535 = 5570 mAh
		battery_f_charge_percent_local =  (float)(bufferReceive[2] * 256);
		battery_f_charge_percent_local += (float)(bufferReceive[3]);
		battery_f_charge_percent_local -= BGG_BATTERY_OFFSET;		/* Because of the prescalar 128 the counter assumes a max value of 5570mAh => normalize to 3350mAh*/
		battery_f_charge_percent_local /= BGG_BATTERY_DIVIDER;		/* transform to percentage */

		if(battery_f_charge_percent_local < 0)
			battery_f_charge_percent_local = 0;

		battery_f_voltage = battery_f_voltage_local;
		battery_f_charge_percent = battery_f_charge_percent_local;

void battery_gas_gauge_set_charge_full(void)
	uint8_t bufferSend[3];
	bufferSend[0] = 0x02;
	bufferSend[1] = 0xFF;
	bufferSend[2] = 0xFF;
	I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_BATTERYGAUGE, bufferSend, 3);
	chargeValueKnown = 1;

void battery_gas_gauge_set(float percentage)


	uint16_t mAhSend;
	if(percentage >= 100)
		mAhSend = 0xFFFF;
	else {
	uint8_t bufferSend[3];
	bufferSend[0] = 0x02;
	bufferSend[1] = (uint8_t)(mAhSend / 256);
	bufferSend[2] = (uint8_t)(mAhSend & 0xFF);
	I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_BATTERYGAUGE, bufferSend, 3);
	chargeValueKnown = 1;

uint8_t battery_gas_gauge_isChargeValueValid(void)
	return chargeValueKnown;

void battery_gas_gauge_setChargeValueValid(void)
	chargeValueKnown = 1;

/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT heinrichs weikamp *****END OF FILE****/