diff OtherSources/firmwareEraseProgram.c @ 5:e65d01b6a17e

MOVE files for other applications
author JeanDo
date Fri, 15 Dec 2017 01:45:20 +0100
children 7801c5d8a562
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/OtherSources/firmwareEraseProgram.c	Fri Dec 15 01:45:20 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    firmwareEraseProgram.c
+  * @author  heinrichs/weikamp, Christian Weikamp
+  * @version V0.0.1
+  * @date    05-May-2015
+  * @version V0.0.1
+  * @since   05-May-2015
+  * @brief   erase and program the STM32F4xx internal FLASH memory
+  *
+  @verbatim
+  ==============================================================================
+                        ##### How to use #####
+  ==============================================================================
+	ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_0 to/with ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_5 (256KB) is used for this bootloader
+	ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_23 is blocked and used for Font T48 and image_heinrichs_weikamp
+	Font T24 for button text is not blocked / protected
+	other fonts should not be used here
+  ==============================================================================
+                        ##### From  AN2557 #####
+							STM32F10xxx In-Application programming CD00161640.pdf   2010
+  ==============================================================================
+User program conditions
+The user application to be loaded into the Flash memory using IAP should be built with
+these configuration settings:
+1. Set the program load address at 0x08003000, using your toolchain linker file
+2. Relocate the vector table at address 0x08003000, using the
+"NVIC_SetVectorTable"function or the VECT_TAB_OFFSET definition inside the
+can be found here system_stm32f4xx.c
+	@endverbatim
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 heinrichs weikamp</center></h2>
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "firmwareEraseProgram.h"
+#include "settings.h" // to access SHardwareData
+/* Exported variables --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Base address of the Flash sectors Bank 1 */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_0     ((uint32_t)0x08000000) /* Base @ of Sector 0, 16 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_1     ((uint32_t)0x08004000) /* Base @ of Sector 1, 16 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_2     ((uint32_t)0x08008000) /* Base @ of Sector 2, 16 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_3     ((uint32_t)0x0800C000) /* Base @ of Sector 3, 16 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_4     ((uint32_t)0x08010000) /* Base @ of Sector 4, 64 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_5     ((uint32_t)0x08020000) /* Base @ of Sector 5, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_6     ((uint32_t)0x08040000) /* Base @ of Sector 6, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_7     ((uint32_t)0x08060000) /* Base @ of Sector 7, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_8     ((uint32_t)0x08080000) /* Base @ of Sector 8, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_9     ((uint32_t)0x080A0000) /* Base @ of Sector 9, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_10    ((uint32_t)0x080C0000) /* Base @ of Sector 10, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_11    ((uint32_t)0x080E0000) /* Base @ of Sector 11, 128 Kbytes */
+/* Base address of the Flash sectors Bank 2 */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_12     ((uint32_t)0x08100000) /* Base @ of Sector 0, 16 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_13     ((uint32_t)0x08104000) /* Base @ of Sector 1, 16 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_14     ((uint32_t)0x08108000) /* Base @ of Sector 2, 16 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_15     ((uint32_t)0x0810C000) /* Base @ of Sector 3, 16 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_16     ((uint32_t)0x08110000) /* Base @ of Sector 4, 64 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_17     ((uint32_t)0x08120000) /* Base @ of Sector 5, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_18     ((uint32_t)0x08140000) /* Base @ of Sector 6, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_19     ((uint32_t)0x08160000) /* Base @ of Sector 7, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_20     ((uint32_t)0x08180000) /* Base @ of Sector 8, 128 Kbytes  */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_21     ((uint32_t)0x081A0000) /* Base @ of Sector 9, 128 Kbytes  */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_22     ((uint32_t)0x081C0000) /* Base @ of Sector 10, 128 Kbytes */
+#define ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_23     ((uint32_t)0x081E0000) /* Base @ of Sector 11, 128 Kbytes */
+#define SECTOR_SIZE_128KB     ((uint32_t)0x00020000) 
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+static FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef EraseInitStruct; /*Variable used for Erase procedure*/
+uint32_t FirstSector = 0, NbOfSectors = 0, Address = 0;
+uint32_t SectorError = 0;
+__IO uint32_t data32 = 0 , MemoryProgramStatus = 0;
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+//static void firmware_Error_Handler(HAL_StatusTypeDef reason);
+static uint32_t GetSector(uint32_t Address);
+uint8_t hardware_programm_sub(uint8_t *buffer64, uint8_t length, uint32_t startAddress);
+/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
+const SHardwareData* hardwareDataGetPointer(void)
+	return (SHardwareData*)HARDWAREDATA_ADDRESS;
+uint8_t hardware_programmPrimaryBluetoothNameSet(void)
+	uint8_t data = 0xF0;
+	return hardware_programm_sub(&data, 1, HARDWAREDATA_ADDRESS + 7);
+uint8_t hardware_programmSecondaryBluetoothNameSet(void)
+	uint8_t data = 0xF0;
+	return hardware_programm_sub(&data, 1, HARDWAREDATA_ADDRESS + 52 + 7);
+uint8_t hardware_programmProductionData(uint8_t *buffer52)
+	buffer52[7] = 0xFF;// production_bluetooth_name_set
+	return hardware_programm_sub(buffer52, 52, HARDWAREDATA_ADDRESS);// check base_bootloader.c of OSTC4bootloader code and settings.h
+uint8_t hardware_programmSecondarySerial(uint8_t *buffer12)
+	buffer12[7] = 0xFF;// secondary_bluetooth_name_set
+	return hardware_programm_sub(buffer12, 12, HARDWAREDATA_ADDRESS + 52);
+uint8_t hardware_programm_sub(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length, uint32_t startAddress)
+	HAL_StatusTypeDef answer;
+	uint32_t ptr = 0;
+	uint8_t data8;
+	// test empty
+	Address = startAddress; 
+	for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
+	{
+		if((*(uint8_t *)Address != 0xFF) && (buffer[i] != 0xFF))
+			return 0xE0;
+		Address = Address + 1;
+	}
+	// start programming
+	HAL_FLASH_Unlock();
+	Address = startAddress; 
+	ptr = 0;
+	answer = HAL_OK;
+  while (ptr < length)
+  {
+		if(buffer[ptr] != 0xFF)
+		{
+			answer = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_BYTE, Address, buffer[ptr]);
+		}
+    if (answer == HAL_OK)
+    {
+      Address = Address + 1;
+			ptr++;
+    }
+    else
+    { 
+			HAL_FLASH_Lock(); 
+			return answer;
+    }
+  }
+	HAL_FLASH_Lock(); 
+  /* Check if the programmed data is OK 
+      MemoryProgramStatus = 0: data programmed correctly
+      MemoryProgramStatus != 0: number of words not programmed correctly ******/
+	Address = startAddress; // check base_bootloader.c of OSTC4bootloader code
+  MemoryProgramStatus = 0x0;
+	ptr = 0;
+  while(ptr < length)
+  {
+    data8 = *(__IO uint8_t*)Address;
+    if((buffer[ptr] != 0xFF) && (data8 !=  buffer[ptr]))
+    {
+      MemoryProgramStatus++;  
+    }
+    Address = Address + 1;
+		ptr++;
+  }  
+  /* Check if there is an issue to program data */
+  if (MemoryProgramStatus == 0)
+  {
+		return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+		return 0xEE;
+  }
+uint8_t firmware2_variable_upperpart_eraseFlashMemory(uint32_t length, uint32_t offset)
+	uint32_t startAddress, endAddress;
+//	HAL_StatusTypeDef answer;
+	HAL_FLASH_Unlock();
+	startAddress = FLASH_FW2_START_ADDR + offset;
+	endAddress = startAddress + length;
+	if(endAddress > FLASH_FW2_END_ADDR)
+		endAddress = FLASH_FW2_END_ADDR;
+  FirstSector = GetSector(startAddress);
+  NbOfSectors = GetSector(endAddress) - FirstSector + 1;
+  EraseInitStruct.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_SECTORS;
+  EraseInitStruct.VoltageRange = FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_1;
+  EraseInitStruct.Sector = FirstSector;
+  EraseInitStruct.NbSectors = NbOfSectors;
+	return HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&EraseInitStruct, &SectorError);
+uint8_t firmware2_variable_upperpart_programFlashMemory(uint32_t length, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *pBuffer1, uint32_t pBuffer1Size, uint8_t *pBuffer2)
+	HAL_StatusTypeDef answer;
+	uint32_t ptr = 0;
+	uint32_t length1, length2;
+	if((pBuffer2) && (length > pBuffer1Size))
+	{
+		length1 = pBuffer1Size;
+		length2 = length - length1;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		length1 = length;
+		length2 = 0;
+	}
+	Address = FLASH_FW2_START_ADDR + offset;
+	ptr = 0;
+  while ((Address <= FLASH_FW2_END_ADDR) && (ptr < length1))
+  {
+		answer = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_BYTE, Address, pBuffer1[ptr]);
+    if (answer == HAL_OK)
+    {
+      Address = Address + 1;
+			ptr++;
+    }
+    else
+    { 
+			return answer;
+    }
+  }
+	ptr = 0;
+  while ((Address <= FLASH_FW2_END_ADDR) && (ptr < length2))
+  {
+		answer = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_BYTE, Address, pBuffer2[ptr]);
+    if (answer == HAL_OK)
+    {
+      Address = Address + 1;
+			ptr++;
+    }
+    else
+    { 
+			return answer;
+    }
+  }
+  HAL_FLASH_Lock(); 
+	Address = FLASH_FW2_START_ADDR + offset;;
+  MemoryProgramStatus = 0x0;
+	ptr = 0;
+  while ((Address <= FLASH_FW2_END_ADDR) && (ptr < length1))
+  {
+    data32 = *(__IO uint8_t*)Address;
+    if (data32 !=  pBuffer1[ptr])
+    {
+      MemoryProgramStatus++;  
+    }
+    Address = Address + 1;
+		ptr++;
+  }  
+	ptr = 0;
+  while ((Address <= FLASH_FW2_END_ADDR) && (ptr < length2))
+  {
+    data32 = *(__IO uint8_t*)Address;
+    if (data32 !=  pBuffer2[ptr])
+    {
+      MemoryProgramStatus++;  
+    }
+    Address = Address + 1;
+		ptr++;
+  }  
+  if (MemoryProgramStatus == 0)
+  {
+		return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+		return 0xEE;
+  }
+uint8_t firmware_eraseFlashMemory(void)
+//	HAL_StatusTypeDef answer;
+  /* Unlock the Flash to enable the flash control register access *************/ 
+  HAL_FLASH_Unlock();
+  /* Erase the user Flash area
+    (area defined by FLASH_USER_START_ADDR and FLASH_USER_END_ADDR) ***********/
+  /* Get the 1st sector to erase */
+  FirstSector = GetSector(FLASH_FW_START_ADDR);
+  /* Get the number of sector to erase from 1st sector*/
+  NbOfSectors = GetSector(FLASH_FW_END_ADDR) - FirstSector + 1;
+  /* Fill EraseInit structure*/
+  EraseInitStruct.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_SECTORS;
+  EraseInitStruct.VoltageRange = FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_1;
+  EraseInitStruct.Sector = FirstSector;
+  EraseInitStruct.NbSectors = NbOfSectors;
+  /* Note: If an erase operation in Flash memory also concerns data in the data or instruction cache,
+     you have to make sure that these data are rewritten before they are accessed during code
+     execution. If this cannot be done safely, it is recommended to flush the caches by setting the
+     DCRST and ICRST bits in the FLASH_CR register. */
+	return HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&EraseInitStruct, &SectorError);
+uint8_t firmware_programFlashMemory(uint8_t *pBuffer1, uint32_t length1)//, uint8_t *pBuffer2, uint32_t length2)
+	HAL_StatusTypeDef answer;
+  /* Program the user Flash area word by word
+    (area defined by FLASH_USER_START_ADDR and FLASH_USER_END_ADDR) ***********/
+	uint32_t ptr = 0;
+	ptr = 0;
+  while ((Address <= FLASH_FW_END_ADDR) && (ptr < length1))
+  {
+		answer = HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_BYTE, Address, pBuffer1[ptr]);
+    if (answer == HAL_OK)
+//    if (HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, Address, DATA_32) == HAL_OK)
+    {
+      Address = Address + 1;//4;
+			ptr++;
+    }
+    else
+    { 
+			return answer;
+    }
+  }
+	/* same for pBuffer2
+	ptr = 0;
+  while ((Address < FLASH_FW_END_ADDR) && (ptr < length2))
+  {
+    if (HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_BYTE, Address, pBuffer2[ptr]) == HAL_OK)
+    {
+      Address = Address + 1;
+			ptr++;
+    }
+    else
+    { 
+      firmware_Error_Handler();
+    }
+  }
+  /* Lock the Flash to disable the flash control register access (recommended
+     to protect the FLASH memory against possible unwanted operation) *********/
+  HAL_FLASH_Lock(); 
+  /* Check if the programmed data is OK 
+      MemoryProgramStatus = 0: data programmed correctly
+      MemoryProgramStatus != 0: number of words not programmed correctly ******/
+  MemoryProgramStatus = 0x0;
+	ptr = 0;
+  while ((Address <= FLASH_FW_END_ADDR) && (ptr < length1))
+  {
+    data32 = *(__IO uint8_t*)Address;
+    if (data32 !=  pBuffer1[ptr])
+    {
+      MemoryProgramStatus++;  
+    }
+    Address = Address + 1;//4;
+		ptr++;
+  }  
+	/* same for pBuffer2 
+	ptr = 0;
+  while ((Address < FLASH_FW_END_ADDR) && (ptr < length2))
+  {
+    data32 = *(__IO uint32_t*)Address;
+    if (data32 !=  pBuffer2[ptr])
+    {
+      MemoryProgramStatus++;  
+    }
+    Address = Address + 1;//4;
+		ptr++;
+  }  
+  /* Check if there is an issue to program data */
+  if (MemoryProgramStatus == 0)
+  {
+		return HAL_OK;
+    /* No error detected. Switch on LED3 */
+  }
+  else
+  {
+		return 0xEE;
+  }
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+  * @brief  Gets the sector of a given address
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval The sector of a given address
+  */
+static uint32_t GetSector(uint32_t Address)
+  uint32_t sector = 0;
+  if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_1) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_0))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_0;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_2) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_1))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_1;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_3) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_2))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_2;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_4) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_3))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_3;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_5) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_4))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_4;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_6) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_5))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_5;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_7) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_6))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_6;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_8) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_7))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_7;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_9) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_8))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_8;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_10) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_9))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_9;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_11) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_10))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_10;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_12) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_11))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_11;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_13) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_12))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_12;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_14) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_13))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_13;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_15) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_14))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_14;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_16) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_15))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_15;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_17) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_16))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_16;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_18) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_17))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_17;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_19) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_18))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_18;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_20) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_19))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_19;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_21) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_20))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_20;  
+  } 
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_22) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_21))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_21;  
+  }
+  else if((Address < ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_23) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_22))
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_22;  
+  }
+  else/*(Address < FLASH_END_ADDR) && (Address >= ADDR_FLASH_SECTOR_23))*/
+  {
+    sector = FLASH_SECTOR_23;  
+  }
+  return sector;
+static void firmware_Error_Handler(HAL_StatusTypeDef reason)
+	static HAL_StatusTypeDef last_reason = HAL_OK;
+	last_reason = reason;
+  while(1)
+  {
+  }