diff Small_CPU/Src/compass.c @ 38:5f11787b4f42

include in ostc4 repository
author heinrichsweikamp
date Sat, 28 Apr 2018 11:52:34 +0200
children 6a6116d7b5bb
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Small_CPU/Src/compass.c	Sat Apr 28 11:52:34 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2222 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    compass.c 
+  * @author  heinrichs weikamp gmbh
+  * @date    27-March-2014
+  * @version V0.2.0
+  * @since   21-April-2016
+  * @brief   for Honeywell Compass and ST LSM303D
+  *           
+  @verbatim                 
+  ============================================================================== 
+                        ##### How to use #####
+  ============================================================================== 
+	V0.1.0		09-March-2016
+	V0.2.0		21-April-2016	Orientation fixed for LSM303D,
+													roll and pitch added to calibration output,
+													orientation double checked with datasheets and layout
+													as well as with value output during calibration
+	V0.2.1		19-May-2016		New date rate config and full-scale selection
+	@endverbatim
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2016 heinrichs weikamp</center></h2>
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "compass.h"
+#include "compass_LSM303D.h"
+#include "compass_LSM303DLHC.h"
+#include "i2c.h"
+#include "RTE_FlashAccess.h" // to store compass_calib_data
+#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
+#define MODE_LSM303DLHC
+#define	TEST_IF_HMC5883L
+/// split byte to bits
+typedef struct{ 
+uint8_t bit0:1; ///< split byte to bits
+uint8_t bit1:1; ///< split byte to bits
+uint8_t bit2:1; ///< split byte to bits
+uint8_t bit3:1; ///< split byte to bits
+uint8_t bit4:1; ///< split byte to bits
+uint8_t bit5:1; ///< split byte to bits
+uint8_t bit6:1; ///< split byte to bits
+uint8_t bit7:1; ///< split byte to bits
+} ubit8_t;
+/// split byte to bits
+typedef union{ 
+ubit8_t ub; ///< split byte to bits
+uint8_t uw; ///< split byte to bits
+} bit8_Type;
+/// split word to 2 bytes
+typedef struct{
+uint8_t low; ///< split word to 2 bytes
+uint8_t hi; ///< split word to 2 bytes
+} two_byte; 
+/// split word to 2 bytes
+typedef union{
+two_byte Byte; ///< split word to 2 bytes
+uint16_t Word; ///< split word to 2 bytes
+} tword; 
+/// split signed word to 2 bytes
+typedef union{
+two_byte Byte; ///< split signed word to 2 bytes
+int16_t Word; ///< split signed word to 2 bytes
+} signed_tword; 
+/// split full32 to 2 words
+typedef struct{
+uint16_t low16; ///< split word to 2 bytes
+uint16_t hi16; ///< split word to 2 bytes
+} two_word; 
+typedef union{
+two_word Word16; ///< split word to 2 bytes
+uint32_t Full32; ///< split word to 2 bytes
+} tfull32; 
+/// crazy compass calibration stuff
+typedef struct
+unsigned short int compass_N;							
+float Su, Sv, Sw;													
+float Suu, Svv, Sww, Suv, Suw, Svw;				
+float Suuu, Svvv, Swww;										
+float Suuv, Suuw, Svvu, Svvw, Swwu, Swwv;	
+} SCompassCalib; 
+#define Q_PI    (18000)
+#define Q_PIO2  (9000)
+#define HMC5883L (1)	///< id used with hardwareCompass 
+#define LSM303D  (2)	///< id used with hardwareCompass
+#define LSM303DLHC  (3)	///< id used with hardwareCompass
+#define COMPASS_NOT_RECOGNIZED  (4)	///< id used with hardwareCompass
+// fifth order of polynomial approximation of atan(), giving 0.05 deg max error
+#define K1  (5701)  // Needs K1/2**16
+#define K2  (1645)  // Needs K2/2**48  WAS NEGATIV
+#define K3  ( 446)  // Needs K3/2**80
+const float PI = 3.14159265;	///< pi, used in compass_calc()
+typedef short int Int16;
+typedef signed char Int8;
+typedef Int16 Angle;
+/// The (filtered) components of the magnetometer sensor
+int16_t compass_DX_f; ///< output from sensor
+int16_t compass_DY_f; ///< output from sensor
+int16_t compass_DZ_f; ///< output from sensor
+/// Found soft-iron calibration values, deduced from already filtered values
+int16_t compass_CX_f; ///< calibration value
+int16_t compass_CY_f; ///< calibration value
+int16_t compass_CZ_f; ///< calibration value
+/// The (filtered) components of the accelerometer sensor
+int16_t accel_DX_f; ///< output from sensor
+int16_t accel_DY_f; ///< output from sensor
+int16_t accel_DZ_f; ///< output from sensor
+/// The compass result values
+float compass_heading;	///< the final result calculated in compass_calc()
+float compass_roll;			///< the final result calculated in compass_calc()
+float compass_pitch;		///< the final result calculated in compass_calc()
+uint8_t compass_gain; ///< 7 on start, can be reduced during calibration
+uint8_t  hardwareCompass = 0;	///< either  HMC5883L or LSM303D or not defined yet ( = 0 )
+/// LSM303D variables
+uint8_t magDataBuffer[6];	///< here raw data from LSM303D is stored, can be local
+uint8_t accDataBuffer[6];	///< here raw data from LSM303D is stored, can be local
+//uint16_t velMag = 0;
+//uint16_t velAcc = 0;
+//uint16_t magODR[] = {31,62,125,250,500,1000,2000};
+//uint16_t accODR[] = {0,31,62,125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000};
+//uint8_t fastest = 10; //no sensor is the fastest
+//uint8_t datas1 = 0;
+//uint8_t zoffFlag = 0;
+//uint8_t sendFlag = 0;
+// all by pixhawk code:
+//	struct accel_scale	_accel_scale;
+unsigned		_accel_range_m_s2;
+float			_accel_range_scale;
+unsigned		_accel_samplerate;
+unsigned		_accel_onchip_filter_bandwith;
+//	struct mag_scale	_mag_scale;
+unsigned		_mag_range_ga;
+float			_mag_range_scale;
+unsigned		_mag_samplerate;
+// default scale factors
+float _accel_scale_x_offset = 0.0f;
+float _accel_scale_x_scale  = 1.0f;
+float _accel_scale_y_offset = 0.0f;
+float _accel_scale_y_scale  = 1.0f;
+float _accel_scale_z_offset = 0.0f;
+float _accel_scale_z_scale  = 1.0f;
+float _mag_scale_x_offset = 0.0f;
+float _mag_scale_x_scale = 1.0f;
+float _mag_scale_y_offset = 0.0f;
+float _mag_scale_y_scale = 1.0f;
+float _mag_scale_z_offset = 0.0f;
+float _mag_scale_z_scale = 1.0f;
+/* External function prototypes ----------------------------------------------*/
+extern void copyCompassDataDuringCalibration(int16_t dx, int16_t dy, int16_t dz);
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+void compass_reset_calibration(SCompassCalib *g);
+void compass_add_calibration(SCompassCalib *g);
+void compass_solve_calibration(SCompassCalib *g);
+void compass_init_HMC5883L(uint8_t fast, uint8_t gain);
+void compass_sleep_HMC5883L(void);
+void compass_read_HMC5883L(void);
+void accelerator_init_MMA8452Q(void);
+void accelerator_sleep_MMA8452Q(void);
+void acceleration_read_MMA8452Q(void);
+void compass_init_LSM303D(uint8_t fast, uint8_t gain);
+void compass_sleep_LSM303D(void);
+void compass_read_LSM303D(void);
+void acceleration_read_LSM303D(void);
+void compass_init_LSM303DLHC(uint8_t fast, uint8_t gain);
+void compass_sleep_LSM303DLHC(void);
+void compass_read_LSM303DLHC(void);
+void acceleration_read_LSM303DLHC(void);
+int LSM303D_accel_set_onchip_lowpass_filter_bandwidth(unsigned bandwidth);
+int compass_calib_common(void);
+void compass_calc_roll_pitch_only(void);
+void rotate_mag_3f(float *x, float *y, float *z);
+void rotate_accel_3f(float *x, float *y, float *z);
+/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_init
+/// @brief	This might be called several times with different gain values during calibration
+/// 				On first call it figures out which hardware is integrated
+/// @param 	gain: 7 is max gain, compass_calib() might reduce it
+//  ===============================================================================
+uint8_t testCompassTypeDebug = 0xFF;
+void compass_init(uint8_t fast, uint8_t gain)
+// quick off
+	hardwareCompass = COMPASS_NOT_RECOGNIZED;
+// don't call again with fast, gain in calib mode etc.
+// if unknown
+	if(hardwareCompass == COMPASS_NOT_RECOGNIZED)
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+// old code but without else
+	if(hardwareCompass == 0)
+	{
+		uint8_t data = WHO_AM_I;
+		I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+		I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+		if(data == WHOIAM_VALUE)
+			hardwareCompass = LSM303D;
+//		else
+//			hardwareCompass = HMC5883L;
+	}
+// könnte Probleme mit altem Chip machen
+// beim 303D führt dieser Code dazu, dass WHOIAM_VALUE nicht geschickt wird!!!
+#ifdef MODE_LSM303DLHC
+	HAL_StatusTypeDef resultOfOperation = HAL_TIMEOUT;
+	if(hardwareCompass == 0)
+	{
+		uint8_t data = DLHC_CTRL_REG1_A;
+		resultOfOperation = I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_303DLHC, &data, 1);
+		if(resultOfOperation == HAL_OK)
+		{
+			I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_303DLHC, &data, 1);
+			testCompassTypeDebug = data;
+			if((data & 0x0f) == 0x07)
+			{
+				hardwareCompass = LSM303DLHC;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			testCompassTypeDebug = 0xEE;
+		}
+	}
+	if(hardwareCompass == 0)
+	{
+		uint8_t data = WHO_AM_I;
+		I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+		I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+		if(data == WHOIAM_VALUE)
+			hardwareCompass = LSM303D;
+		else
+			hardwareCompass = HMC5883L;
+	}
+// was in else before !	
+	if(hardwareCompass == 0)
+		hardwareCompass = HMC5883L;	
+#ifdef TEST_IF_HMC5883L
+	HAL_StatusTypeDef resultOfOperationHMC_MMA = HAL_TIMEOUT;
+	if(hardwareCompass == HMC5883L)
+	{
+		uint8_t data = 0x2A; // CTRL_REG1 of DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_MMA8452Q
+		resultOfOperationHMC_MMA = I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_MMA8452Q, &data, 1);
+		if(resultOfOperationHMC_MMA == HAL_OK)
+		{
+			hardwareCompass = HMC5883L; // all fine, keep it
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			hardwareCompass = COMPASS_NOT_RECOGNIZED;
+			testCompassTypeDebug = 0xEC;
+		}
+	}
+	if(hardwareCompass == LSM303DLHC)
+	{
+		compass_init_LSM303DLHC(fast, gain);
+	}
+	else
+	if(hardwareCompass == LSM303D)
+	{
+		compass_init_LSM303D(fast, gain);
+	}
+	else
+	if(hardwareCompass == HMC5883L)
+	{
+		compass_init_HMC5883L(fast, gain);
+	}
+		tfull32 dataBlock[4];
+		if(BFA_readLastDataBlock((uint32_t *)dataBlock) == BFA_OK)
+		{
+			compass_CX_f = dataBlock[0].Word16.low16;
+			compass_CY_f = dataBlock[0].Word16.hi16;
+			compass_CZ_f = dataBlock[1].Word16.low16;
+		}
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_calib
+/// @brief with onchip_lowpass_filter configuration for accelerometer of LSM303D
+//  ===============================================================================
+int compass_calib(void)
+	if(hardwareCompass == LSM303DLHC)
+	{
+		return compass_calib_common(); // 170821 zur Zeit kein lowpass filtering gefunden, nur high pass auf dem Register ohne Erklärung
+	}
+	else
+	if(hardwareCompass == LSM303D)
+	{
+		LSM303D_accel_set_onchip_lowpass_filter_bandwidth(773);
+		int out = compass_calib_common();
+		LSM303D_accel_set_onchip_lowpass_filter_bandwidth(LSM303D_ACCEL_DEFAULT_ONCHIP_FILTER_FREQ);
+		return out;
+	}
+	else
+	if(hardwareCompass == HMC5883L)
+	{
+		return compass_calib_common();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return 0; // standard answer of compass_calib_common();
+	}
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_sleep
+/// @brief	low power mode
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_sleep(void)
+	if(hardwareCompass == LSM303DLHC)
+	{
+		compass_sleep_LSM303DLHC();
+	}
+	else
+	if(hardwareCompass == LSM303D)
+	{
+		compass_sleep_LSM303D();
+	}
+	else
+	if(hardwareCompass == HMC5883L)
+	{
+		compass_sleep_HMC5883L();
+	}
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_read
+/// @brief	reads magnetometer and accelerometer for LSM303D,
+///					otherwise magnetometer only
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_read(void)
+	if(hardwareCompass == LSM303DLHC)
+	{
+		compass_read_LSM303DLHC();
+	}
+	else
+	if(hardwareCompass == LSM303D)
+	{
+		compass_read_LSM303D();
+	}
+	else
+	if(hardwareCompass == HMC5883L)
+	{
+		compass_read_HMC5883L();
+	}
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	accelerator_init
+/// @brief	empty for for LSM303D
+//  ===============================================================================
+void accelerator_init(void)
+//	if((hardwareCompass != LSM303D) && (hardwareCompass != LSM303DLHC))
+	if(hardwareCompass == HMC5883L)
+		accelerator_init_MMA8452Q();
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	accelerator_sleep
+/// @brief	empty for for LSM303D
+//  ===============================================================================
+void accelerator_sleep(void)
+//	if((hardwareCompass != LSM303D) && (hardwareCompass != LSM303DLHC))
+	if(hardwareCompass == HMC5883L)
+		accelerator_sleep_MMA8452Q();
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	acceleration_read
+/// @brief	empty for for LSM303D
+//  ===============================================================================
+void  acceleration_read(void)
+	if(hardwareCompass == LSM303DLHC)
+	{
+		acceleration_read_LSM303DLHC();
+	}
+	else
+	if(hardwareCompass == LSM303D)
+	{
+		acceleration_read_LSM303D();
+	}
+	else
+	if(hardwareCompass == HMC5883L)
+	{
+		acceleration_read_MMA8452Q();
+	}
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303D_read_reg
+/// @brief	tiny helpers by pixhawk
+//  ===============================================================================
+uint8_t LSM303D_read_reg(uint8_t addr)
+  uint8_t data;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &addr, 1);
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+	return data;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303D_write_reg
+/// @brief	tiny helpers by pixhawk
+//  ===============================================================================
+void LSM303D_write_reg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t value)
+  uint8_t data[2];
+	/* enable accel*/
+	data[0] = addr;
+	data[1] = value;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, data, 2);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303D_write_checked_reg
+/// @brief	tiny helpers by pixhawk. This runs unchecked at the moment.
+//  ===============================================================================
+void LSM303D_write_checked_reg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t value)
+	LSM303D_write_reg(addr, value);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303D_modify_reg
+/// @brief	tiny helpers by pixhawk
+//  ===============================================================================
+void LSM303D_modify_reg(unsigned reg, uint8_t clearbits, uint8_t setbits)
+	uint8_t	val;
+	val = LSM303D_read_reg(reg);
+	val &= ~clearbits;
+	val |= setbits;
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(reg, val);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303DLHC_accelerator_read_req
+/// @brief	
+//  ===============================================================================
+uint8_t LSM303DLHC_accelerator_read_req(uint8_t addr)
+  uint8_t data;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_303DLHC, &addr, 1);
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_303DLHC, &data, 1);
+	return data;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303DLHC_accelerator_write_req
+/// @brief	
+//  ===============================================================================
+void LSM303DLHC_accelerator_write_req(uint8_t addr, uint8_t value)
+  uint8_t data[2];
+	/* enable accel*/
+	data[0] = addr;
+	data[1] = value;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_303DLHC, data, 2);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303D_accel_set_range
+/// @brief	tiny helpers by pixhawk
+//  ===============================================================================
+int LSM303D_accel_set_range(unsigned max_g)
+	uint8_t setbits = 0;
+	uint8_t clearbits = REG2_FULL_SCALE_BITS_A;
+	float new_scale_g_digit = 0.0f;
+	if (max_g == 0) {
+		max_g = 16;
+	}
+	if (max_g <= 2) {
+		_accel_range_m_s2 = 2.0f * LSM303D_ONE_G;
+		setbits |= REG2_FULL_SCALE_2G_A;
+		new_scale_g_digit = 0.061e-3f;
+	} else if (max_g <= 4) {
+		_accel_range_m_s2 = 4.0f * LSM303D_ONE_G;
+		setbits |= REG2_FULL_SCALE_4G_A;
+		new_scale_g_digit = 0.122e-3f;
+	} else if (max_g <= 6) {
+		_accel_range_m_s2 = 6.0f * LSM303D_ONE_G;
+		setbits |= REG2_FULL_SCALE_6G_A;
+		new_scale_g_digit = 0.183e-3f;
+	} else if (max_g <= 8) {
+		_accel_range_m_s2 = 8.0f * LSM303D_ONE_G;
+		setbits |= REG2_FULL_SCALE_8G_A;
+		new_scale_g_digit = 0.244e-3f;
+	} else if (max_g <= 16) {
+		_accel_range_m_s2 = 16.0f * LSM303D_ONE_G;
+		setbits |= REG2_FULL_SCALE_16G_A;
+		new_scale_g_digit = 0.732e-3f;
+	} else {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	_accel_range_scale = new_scale_g_digit * LSM303D_ONE_G;
+	LSM303D_modify_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG2, clearbits, setbits);
+	return 0;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303D_mag_set_range
+/// @brief	tiny helpers by pixhawk
+//  ===============================================================================
+int LSM303D_mag_set_range(unsigned max_ga)
+	uint8_t setbits = 0;
+	uint8_t clearbits = REG6_FULL_SCALE_BITS_M;
+	float new_scale_ga_digit = 0.0f;
+	if (max_ga == 0) {
+		max_ga = 12;
+	}
+	if (max_ga <= 2) {
+		_mag_range_ga = 2;
+		setbits |= REG6_FULL_SCALE_2GA_M;
+		new_scale_ga_digit = 0.080e-3f;
+	} else if (max_ga <= 4) {
+		_mag_range_ga = 4;
+		setbits |= REG6_FULL_SCALE_4GA_M;
+		new_scale_ga_digit = 0.160e-3f;
+	} else if (max_ga <= 8) {
+		_mag_range_ga = 8;
+		setbits |= REG6_FULL_SCALE_8GA_M;
+		new_scale_ga_digit = 0.320e-3f;
+	} else if (max_ga <= 12) {
+		_mag_range_ga = 12;
+		setbits |= REG6_FULL_SCALE_12GA_M;
+		new_scale_ga_digit = 0.479e-3f;
+	} else {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	_mag_range_scale = new_scale_ga_digit;
+	LSM303D_modify_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG6, clearbits, setbits);
+	return 0;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303D_accel_set_onchip_lowpass_filter_bandwidth
+/// @brief	tiny helpers by pixhawk
+//  ===============================================================================
+int LSM303D_accel_set_onchip_lowpass_filter_bandwidth(unsigned bandwidth)
+	uint8_t setbits = 0;
+	uint8_t clearbits = REG2_ANTIALIAS_FILTER_BW_BITS_A;
+	if (bandwidth == 0) {
+		bandwidth = 773;
+	}
+	if (bandwidth <= 50) {
+		setbits |= REG2_AA_FILTER_BW_50HZ_A;
+		_accel_onchip_filter_bandwith = 50;
+	} else if (bandwidth <= 194) {
+		setbits |= REG2_AA_FILTER_BW_194HZ_A;
+		_accel_onchip_filter_bandwith = 194;
+	} else if (bandwidth <= 362) {
+		setbits |= REG2_AA_FILTER_BW_362HZ_A;
+		_accel_onchip_filter_bandwith = 362;
+	} else if (bandwidth <= 773) {
+		setbits |= REG2_AA_FILTER_BW_773HZ_A;
+		_accel_onchip_filter_bandwith = 773;
+	} else {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	LSM303D_modify_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG2, clearbits, setbits);
+	return 0;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303D_accel_set_driver_lowpass_filter
+/// @brief	tiny helpers by pixhawk. This one is not used at the moment!
+//  ===============================================================================
+int LSM303D_accel_set_driver_lowpass_filter(float samplerate, float bandwidth)
+	_accel_filter_x_set_cutoff_frequency(samplerate, bandwidth);
+	_accel_filter_y_set_cutoff_frequency(samplerate, bandwidth);
+	_accel_filter_z_set_cutoff_frequency(samplerate, bandwidth);
+	return 0;
+/* unused 170821
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303D_accel_set_samplerate
+/// @brief	tiny helpers by pixhawk
+//  ===============================================================================
+int LSM303D_accel_set_samplerate(unsigned frequency)
+	uint8_t setbits = 0;
+	uint8_t clearbits = REG1_RATE_BITS_A;
+//	if (frequency == 0 || frequency == ACCEL_SAMPLERATE_DEFAULT) {
+		frequency = 1600;
+//	}
+	if (frequency <= 3) {
+		setbits |= REG1_RATE_3_125HZ_A;
+		_accel_samplerate = 3;
+	} else if (frequency <= 6) {
+		setbits |= REG1_RATE_6_25HZ_A;
+		_accel_samplerate = 6;
+	} else if (frequency <= 12) {
+		setbits |= REG1_RATE_12_5HZ_A;
+		_accel_samplerate = 12;
+	} else if (frequency <= 25) {
+		setbits |= REG1_RATE_25HZ_A;
+		_accel_samplerate = 25;
+	} else if (frequency <= 50) {
+		setbits |= REG1_RATE_50HZ_A;
+		_accel_samplerate = 50;
+	} else if (frequency <= 100) {
+		setbits |= REG1_RATE_100HZ_A;
+		_accel_samplerate = 100;
+	} else if (frequency <= 200) {
+		setbits |= REG1_RATE_200HZ_A;
+		_accel_samplerate = 200;
+	} else if (frequency <= 400) {
+		setbits |= REG1_RATE_400HZ_A;
+		_accel_samplerate = 400;
+	} else if (frequency <= 800) {
+		setbits |= REG1_RATE_800HZ_A;
+		_accel_samplerate = 800;
+	} else if (frequency <= 1600) {
+		setbits |= REG1_RATE_1600HZ_A;
+		_accel_samplerate = 1600;
+	} else {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	LSM303D_modify_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG1, clearbits, setbits);
+	return 0;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	LSM303D_mag_set_samplerate
+/// @brief	tiny helpers by pixhawk
+//  ===============================================================================
+int LSM303D_mag_set_samplerate(unsigned frequency)
+	uint8_t setbits = 0;
+	uint8_t clearbits = REG5_RATE_BITS_M;
+	if (frequency == 0) {
+		frequency = 100;
+	}
+	if (frequency <= 3) {
+		setbits |= REG5_RATE_3_125HZ_M;
+		_mag_samplerate = 25;
+	} else if (frequency <= 6) {
+		setbits |= REG5_RATE_6_25HZ_M;
+		_mag_samplerate = 25;
+	} else if (frequency <= 12) {
+		setbits |= REG5_RATE_12_5HZ_M;
+		_mag_samplerate = 25;
+	} else if (frequency <= 25) {
+		setbits |= REG5_RATE_25HZ_M;
+		_mag_samplerate = 25;
+	} else if (frequency <= 50) {
+		setbits |= REG5_RATE_50HZ_M;
+		_mag_samplerate = 50;
+	} else if (frequency <= 100) {
+		setbits |= REG5_RATE_100HZ_M;
+		_mag_samplerate = 100;
+	} else {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	LSM303D_modify_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG5, clearbits, setbits);
+	return 0;
+// rotate_mag_3f: nicht genutzt aber praktisch; rotate_accel_3f wird benutzt
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	rotate_mag_3f
+/// @brief	swap axis in convient way, by hw
+/// @param 	*x raw input is set to *y input
+/// @param 	*y raw input is set to -*x input
+/// @param 	*z raw is not touched
+//  ===============================================================================
+void rotate_mag_3f(float *x, float *y, float *z)
+	return;
+	*x = *x;		// HMC: *x = -*y
+	*y = *y;		// HMC: *y =  *x  // change 20.04.2016: zuvor *y = -*y
+	*z = *z;		// HMC: *z =  *z  
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	rotate_accel_3f
+/// @brief	swap axis in convient way, by hw, same as MMA8452Q
+/// @param 	*x raw input, output is with sign change
+/// @param 	*y raw input, output is with sign change
+/// @param 	*z raw input, output is with sign change
+//  ===============================================================================
+void rotate_accel_3f(float *x, float *y, float *z)
+	*x = -*x;
+	*y = -*y;
+	*z = -*z;
+	/* tested:
+	x = x, y =-y, z=-z: does not work with roll
+	x = x, y =y, z=-z: does not work with pitch
+	x = x, y =y, z=z: does not work at all
+	*/
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_init_LSM303D by PIXhawk (LSM303D::reset())
+//  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PX4/Firmware/master/src/drivers/lsm303d/lsm303d.cpp
+/// @brief	The new ST 303D 
+///					This might be called several times with different gain values during calibration
+///					but gain change is not supported at the moment.
+/// @param 	gain: 7 is max gain and set with here, compass_calib() might reduce it
+//  ===============================================================================
+//uint8_t testCompassLS303D[11];
+void compass_init_LSM303D(uint8_t fast, uint8_t gain)
+// matthias version 160620
+	if(fast == 0)
+	{
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG0, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG1, 0x3F); // mod 12,5 Hz 3 instead of 6,25 Hz 2
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG2, 0xC0);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG3, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG4, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG5, 0x68); // mod 12,5 Hz 8 instead of 6,25 Hz 4
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG0, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG1, 0x6F); // 100 Hz
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG2, 0xC0);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG3, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG4, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG5, 0x74); // 100 Hz
+	}
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG6, 0x00);
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG7, 0x00);
+	/*
+uint8_t data;
+for(int i=0;i<11;i++)
+	data = ADDR_INT_THS_L_M + i;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &testCompassLS303D[i], 1);
+	return;
+	LSM303D_accel_set_range(LSM303D_ACCEL_DEFAULT_RANGE_G); // modifies ADDR_CTRL_REG2
+	LSM303D_accel_set_samplerate(LSM303D_ACCEL_DEFAULT_RATE); // modifies ADDR_CTRL_REG1
+	LSM303D_mag_set_range(LSM303D_MAG_DEFAULT_RANGE_GA);
+	LSM303D_mag_set_samplerate(LSM303D_MAG_DEFAULT_RATE);
+// my stuff hw
+	// enable accel
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG1,
+	// enable mag
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG7, REG7_CONT_MODE_M);
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG5, REG5_RES_HIGH_M | REG5_ENABLE_T);
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG3, 0x04); // DRDY on ACCEL on INT1
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG4, 0x04); // DRDY on MAG on INT2
+	LSM303D_accel_set_range(LSM303D_ACCEL_DEFAULT_RANGE_G);
+	LSM303D_accel_set_samplerate(LSM303D_ACCEL_DEFAULT_RATE);
+	LSM303D_accel_set_driver_lowpass_filter((float)LSM303D_ACCEL_DEFAULT_RATE, (float)LSM303D_ACCEL_DEFAULT_DRIVER_FILTER_FREQ);
+	//LSM303D_accel_set_onchip_lowpass_filter_bandwidth(773); // factory setting	
+	// we setup the anti-alias on-chip filter as 50Hz. We believe
+	// this operates in the analog domain, and is critical for
+	// anti-aliasing. The 2 pole software filter is designed to
+	// operate in conjunction with this on-chip filter
+	if(fast)
+		LSM303D_accel_set_onchip_lowpass_filter_bandwidth(773); // factory setting
+	else
+		LSM303D_accel_set_onchip_lowpass_filter_bandwidth(LSM303D_ACCEL_DEFAULT_ONCHIP_FILTER_FREQ);
+	LSM303D_mag_set_range(LSM303D_MAG_DEFAULT_RANGE_GA);
+	LSM303D_mag_set_samplerate(LSM303D_MAG_DEFAULT_RATE);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_sleep_LSM303D
+/// @brief	The new compass chip, hopefully this works!
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_sleep_LSM303D(void)
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG1, 0x00); // CNTRL1: acceleration sensor Power-down mode
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG7, 0x02); // CNTRL7: magnetic sensor Power-down mode
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	acceleration_read_LSM303D
+/// @brief	The new LSM303D, code by pixhawk
+/// output is accel_DX_f, accel_DY_f, accel_DZ_f
+//  ===============================================================================
+void acceleration_read_LSM303D(void)
+  uint8_t data;
+	float xraw_f, yraw_f, zraw_f;
+	float accel_report_x, accel_report_y, accel_report_z;
+  memset(accDataBuffer,0,6);
+	accel_DX_f = 0;
+	accel_DY_f = 0;
+	accel_DZ_f = 0;
+	for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
+	{
+		data = ADDR_OUT_X_L_A + i;
+		I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+		I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &accDataBuffer[i], 1);
+	}
+	xraw_f = ((float)( (int16_t)((accDataBuffer[1] << 8) | (accDataBuffer[0]))));
+	yraw_f = ((float)( (int16_t)((accDataBuffer[3] << 8) | (accDataBuffer[2]))));
+	zraw_f = ((float)( (int16_t)((accDataBuffer[5] << 8) | (accDataBuffer[4]))));	
+	rotate_accel_3f(&xraw_f, &yraw_f, &zraw_f); 
+	// mh
+	accel_report_x = xraw_f;
+	accel_report_y = yraw_f;
+	accel_report_z = zraw_f;
+	// my stuff
+	accel_report_x = ((xraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale_x_offset) * _accel_scale_x_scale;
+	accel_report_y = ((yraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale_y_offset) * _accel_scale_y_scale;
+	accel_report_z = ((zraw_f * _accel_range_scale) - _accel_scale_z_offset) * _accel_scale_z_scale;
+	accel_DX_f = ((int16_t)(accel_report_x));
+	accel_DY_f = ((int16_t)(accel_report_y));
+	accel_DZ_f = ((int16_t)(accel_report_z));
+/* special code after accel_report_z = ...
+ * prior to output
+//	  we have logs where the accelerometers get stuck at a fixed
+//	  large value. We want to detect this and mark the sensor as
+//	  being faulty
+	if (fabsf(_last_accel[0] - x_in_new) < 0.001f &&
+	    fabsf(_last_accel[1] - y_in_new) < 0.001f &&
+	    fabsf(_last_accel[2] - z_in_new) < 0.001f &&
+	    fabsf(x_in_new) > 20 &&
+	    fabsf(y_in_new) > 20 &&
+	    fabsf(z_in_new) > 20) {
+		_constant_accel_count += 1;
+	} else {
+		_constant_accel_count = 0;
+	}
+	if (_constant_accel_count > 100) {
+		// we've had 100 constant accel readings with large
+		// values. The sensor is almost certainly dead. We
+		// will raise the error_count so that the top level
+		// flight code will know to avoid this sensor, but
+		// we'll still give the data so that it can be logged
+		// and viewed
+		perf_count(_bad_values);
+		_constant_accel_count = 0;
+	}
+	_last_accel[0] = x_in_new;
+	_last_accel[1] = y_in_new;
+	_last_accel[2] = z_in_new;
+	accel_report.x = _accel_filter_x.apply(x_in_new);
+	accel_report.y = _accel_filter_y.apply(y_in_new);
+	accel_report.z = _accel_filter_z.apply(z_in_new);
+	math::Vector<3> aval(x_in_new, y_in_new, z_in_new);
+	math::Vector<3> aval_integrated;
+	bool accel_notify = _accel_int.put(accel_report.timestamp, aval, aval_integrated, accel_report.integral_dt);
+	accel_report.x_integral = aval_integrated(0);
+	accel_report.y_integral = aval_integrated(1);
+	accel_report.z_integral = aval_integrated(2);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_read_LSM303D
+/// @brief	The new LSM303D, code by pixhawk
+/// output is compass_DX_f, compass_DY_f, compass_DZ_f
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_read_LSM303D(void)
+  uint8_t data;
+//	float xraw_f, yraw_f, zraw_f;
+//	float mag_report_x, mag_report_y, mag_report_z;
+  memset(magDataBuffer,0,6);
+	compass_DX_f = 0;
+	compass_DY_f = 0;
+	compass_DZ_f = 0;
+	for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
+	{
+		data = ADDR_OUT_X_L_M + i;
+		I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+		I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &magDataBuffer[i], 1);
+	}
+	// mh 160620 flip x and y if flip display
+	compass_DX_f = (((int16_t)((magDataBuffer[1] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[0]))));
+	compass_DY_f = (((int16_t)((magDataBuffer[3] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[2]))));
+	compass_DZ_f = (((int16_t)((magDataBuffer[5] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[4]))));
+	// no rotation
+	return;
+	// my stuff
+	compass_DX_f = (((int16_t)((magDataBuffer[1] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[0]))) / 10) - 200;
+	compass_DY_f = (((int16_t)((magDataBuffer[3] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[2]))) / 10) - 200;
+	compass_DZ_f = (((int16_t)((magDataBuffer[5] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[4]))) / 10) - 200;
+	// old
+	/*	
+	xraw_f = ((float)( (int16_t)((magDataBuffer[1] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[0]))));
+	yraw_f = ((float)( (int16_t)((magDataBuffer[3] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[2]))));
+	zraw_f = ((float)( (int16_t)((magDataBuffer[5] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[4]))));	
+	rotate_mag_3f(&xraw_f, &yraw_f, &zraw_f); 
+	compass_DX_f = (int16_t)((xraw_f * 0.1f) - 200.0f);
+	compass_DY_f = (int16_t)((yraw_f * 0.1f) - 200.0f);
+	compass_DZ_f = (int16_t)((zraw_f * 0.1f) - 200.0f);
+	mag_report_x = ((xraw_f * _mag_range_scale) - _mag_scale_x_offset) * _mag_scale_x_scale;
+	mag_report_y = ((yraw_f * _mag_range_scale) - _mag_scale_y_offset) * _mag_scale_y_scale;
+	mag_report_z = ((zraw_f * _mag_range_scale) - _mag_scale_z_offset) * _mag_scale_z_scale;
+	compass_DX_f = (int16_t)(mag_report_x * 1000.0f); // 1000.0 is just a wild guess by hw
+	compass_DY_f = (int16_t)(mag_report_y * 1000.0f);
+	compass_DZ_f = (int16_t)(mag_report_z * 1000.0f);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_init_LSM303DLHC
+/// @brief	The new ST 303DLHC 2017/2018
+///					This might be called several times with different gain values during calibration
+///					but gain change is not supported at the moment.
+///					parts from KOMPASS LSM303DLH-compass-app-note.pdf
+/// @param 	gain:
+/// @param 	fast:
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_init_LSM303DLHC(uint8_t fast, uint8_t gain)
+// acceleration
+	// todo : BDU an (wie 303D) und high res, beides in REG4
+		//LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG2_A,0x00); // 0x00 default, hier könnte filter sein 0x8?80, cutoff freq. not beschrieben
+	if(fast == 0)
+	{
+		LSM303DLHC_accelerator_write_req(DLHC_CTRL_REG1_A, 0x27); // 10 hz
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		LSM303DLHC_accelerator_write_req(DLHC_CTRL_REG1_A, 0x57); // 100 hz
+	}
+//	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x88); // 0x88: BDU + HighRes, BDU ist doof!
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x00); // 0x00 little-endian, ist's immer
+//	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x08); // 0x08: HighRes
+	//LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x80); // 
+// compass
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CRA_REG_M,0x10);	// 15 Hz
+	if(fast == 0)
+	{
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CRA_REG_M,0x10);	// 15 Hz
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CRA_REG_M,0x18);	// 75 Hz
+	}
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CRB_REG_M,0x20);	// 0x60: 2.5 Gauss ,0x40: +/-1.9 Gauss,0x20: +/-1.3 Gauss
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_MR_REG_M,0x00); //continuous conversation
+	return;
+//		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(,);
+//		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG1_A, 0x27); // 0x27 = acc. normal mode with ODR 50Hz - passt nicht mit datenblatt!!
+//		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x40); // 0x40 = full scale range ±2 gauss in continuous data update mode and change the little-endian to a big-endian structure.
+	if(fast == 0)
+	{
+		LSM303DLHC_accelerator_write_req(DLHC_CTRL_REG1_A, 0x27); // 0x27 = acc. normal mode, all axes, with ODR 10HZ laut LSM303DLHC, page 25/42
+		//
+		//LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG2_A,0x00); // 0x00 default, hier könnte filter sein 0x8?80, cutoff freq. not beschrieben
+		//LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG3_A,0x00); // 0x00 default
+		//
+		LSM303DLHC_accelerator_write_req(DLHC_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x00); // 0x00 = ich glaube little-endian ist gut
+//		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x40); // 0x00 = ich glaube little-endian ist gut
+		//
+		//LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG5_A,0x00); // 0x00 default
+		//LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG6_A,0x00); // 0x00 default
+		// magnetic sensor
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CRA_REG_M,0x10);	// 15 Hz
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		LSM303DLHC_accelerator_write_req(DLHC_CTRL_REG1_A, 0x57); // 0x57 = acc. normal mode, all axes, with ODR 100HZ, LSM303DLHC, page 25/42
+		//
+		//LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG2_A,0x00); // 0x00 default, hier könnte filter sein 0x8?80, cutoff freq. not beschrieben
+		//LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG3_A,0x00); // 0x00 default
+		//
+		LSM303DLHC_accelerator_write_req(DLHC_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x00); // 0x00 = ich glaube little-endian ist gut
+//		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG4_A, 0x40); // 0x00 = ich glaube little-endian ist gut
+		//
+		//LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG5_A,0x00); // 0x00 default
+		//LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CTRL_REG6_A,0x00); // 0x00 default
+		// magnetic sensor
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CRA_REG_M,0x18); // 75 Hz
+	}
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_CRB_REG_M,0x02);	// +/-1.9 Gauss
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_MR_REG_M,0x00); //continuous conversation
+// matthias version 160620
+	if(fast == 0)
+	{
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG0, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG1, 0x3F); // mod 12,5 Hz 3 instead of 6,25 Hz 2
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG2, 0xC0); // anti alias 50 Hz (minimum)
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG3, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG4, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG5, 0x68); // mod 12,5 Hz 8 instead of 6,25 Hz 4
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG0, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG1, 0x6F); // 100 Hz
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG2, 0xC0);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG3, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG4, 0x00);
+		LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG5, 0x74); // 100 Hz
+	}
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG6, 0x00);
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(ADDR_CTRL_REG7, 0x00);
+	return;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_sleep_LSM303DLHC
+/// @brief	The new 2017/2018 compass chip.
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_sleep_LSM303DLHC(void)
+	LSM303DLHC_accelerator_write_req(DLHC_CTRL_REG1_A, 0x07);	// CTRL_REG1_A: linear acceleration Power-down mode
+	LSM303D_write_checked_reg(DLHC_MR_REG_M, 0x02); 		// MR_REG_M: magnetic sensor Power-down mode
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_read_LSM303DLHC
+/// @brief	The new 2017/2018 compass chip.
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_read_LSM303DLHC(void)
+  uint8_t data;
+  memset(magDataBuffer,0,6);
+	compass_DX_f = 0;
+	compass_DY_f = 0;
+	compass_DZ_f = 0;
+	for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
+	{
+		data = DLHC_OUT_X_L_M + i;
+		I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+		I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &magDataBuffer[i], 1);
+	}
+	// 303DLHC new order
+	compass_DX_f = (((int16_t)((magDataBuffer[0] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[1]))));
+	compass_DZ_f = (((int16_t)((magDataBuffer[2] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[3]))));
+	compass_DY_f = (((int16_t)((magDataBuffer[4] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[5]))));
+	// no rotation, otherwise see compass_read_LSM303D()
+	return;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	acceleration_read_LSM303DLHC
+/// @brief	The new 2017/2018 compass chip.
+//  ===============================================================================
+void acceleration_read_LSM303DLHC(void)
+  uint8_t data;
+	float xraw_f, yraw_f, zraw_f;
+	float accel_report_x, accel_report_y, accel_report_z;
+  memset(accDataBuffer,0,6);
+	accel_DX_f = 0;
+	accel_DY_f = 0;
+	accel_DZ_f = 0;
+	for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
+	{
+		data = DLHC_OUT_X_L_A + i;
+		I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_303DLHC, &data, 1);
+		I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_303DLHC, &accDataBuffer[i], 1);
+	}
+	xraw_f = ((float)( (int16_t)((accDataBuffer[1] << 8) | (accDataBuffer[0]))));
+	yraw_f = ((float)( (int16_t)((accDataBuffer[3] << 8) | (accDataBuffer[2]))));
+	zraw_f = ((float)( (int16_t)((accDataBuffer[5] << 8) | (accDataBuffer[4]))));	
+	rotate_accel_3f(&xraw_f, &yraw_f, &zraw_f); 
+	// mh für 303D
+	accel_report_x = xraw_f;
+	accel_report_y = yraw_f;
+	accel_report_z = zraw_f;
+	accel_DX_f = ((int16_t)(accel_report_x));
+	accel_DY_f = ((int16_t)(accel_report_y));
+	accel_DZ_f = ((int16_t)(accel_report_z));
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------EARLIER COMPONENTS ---------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_init_HMC5883L
+/// @brief	The horrible Honeywell compass chip
+///					This might be called several times during calibration
+/// @param 	fast: 1 is fast mode, 0 is normal mode
+/// @param 	gain: 7 is max gain and set with here, compass_calib() might reduce it
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_init_HMC5883L(uint8_t fast, uint8_t gain)
+	uint8_t write_buffer[4];
+	compass_gain = gain;
+	uint16_t length = 0;
+	write_buffer[0] = 0x00; // 00 = config Register A
+	if( fast )
+		write_buffer[1] = 0x38;	// 0b 0011 1000; // ConfigA: 75Hz, 2 Samples averaged
+	else
+		write_buffer[1] = 0x68; // 0b 0110 1000; // ConfigA:  3Hz, 8 Samples averaged
+	switch(gain)
+	{
+			case 7:
+				write_buffer[2] = 0xE0;  //0b 1110 0000; // ConfigB: gain
+				break;
+			case 6:
+				write_buffer[2] = 0xC0;  //0b 1100 0000; // ConfigB: gain
+				break;
+			case 5:
+				write_buffer[2] = 0xA0;  //0b 1010 0000; // ConfigB: gain
+				break;
+			case 4:
+				write_buffer[2] = 0x80;  //0b 1000 0000; // ConfigB: gain
+				break;
+			case 3:
+				write_buffer[2] = 0x60;  //0b 0110 0000; // ConfigB: gain
+				break;
+			case 2:
+				write_buffer[2] = 0x40;  //0b 01000 0000; // ConfigB: gain
+				break;
+			case 1:
+				write_buffer[2] = 0x20;  //0b 00100 0000; // ConfigB: gain
+				break;
+			case 0:
+				write_buffer[2] = 0x00;  //0b 00000 0000; // ConfigB: gain
+				break;
+	}
+	write_buffer[3] = 0x00; // Mode: continuous mode
+	length = 4;
+	//hmc_twi_write(0);
+	I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_COMPASS_HMC5883L, write_buffer, length);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_sleep_HMC5883L
+/// @brief	Power-down mode for Honeywell compass chip
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_sleep_HMC5883L(void)
+	uint8_t write_buffer[4];
+	uint16_t length = 0;
+	write_buffer[0] = 0x00; // 00 = config Register A
+	write_buffer[1] = 0x68; // 0b 0110 1000; // ConfigA
+	write_buffer[2] = 0x20; // 0b 0010 0000; // ConfigB
+	write_buffer[3] = 0x02; // 0b 0000 0010; // Idle Mode
+	length = 4;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_COMPASS_HMC5883L, write_buffer, length);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	accelerator_init_MMA8452Q
+/// @brief	Power-down mode for acceleration chip used in combination with Honeywell compass
+//  ===============================================================================
+void accelerator_init_MMA8452Q(void)
+	uint8_t write_buffer[4];
+	uint16_t length = 0;
+	//HAL_Delay(1);
+	//return;
+	write_buffer[0] = 0x0E; // XYZ_DATA_CFG
+	write_buffer[1] = 0x00;//0b00000000; // High pass Filter=0 , +/- 2g range
+	length = 2;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_MMA8452Q, write_buffer, length);
+	//HAL_Delay(1);
+	write_buffer[0] = 0x2A; // CTRL_REG1
+	write_buffer[1] = 0x34; //0b00110100; // CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode, reduced noise mode
+	write_buffer[2] = 0x02; //0b00000010; // CTRL_REG2: High Res in Active mode
+	length = 3;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_MMA8452Q, write_buffer, length);
+	//HAL_Delay(1);
+	//hw_delay_us(100);
+	write_buffer[0] = 0x2A; // CTRL_REG1
+	write_buffer[1] = 0x35; //0b00110101; // CTRL_REG1: ... Active Mode
+	length = 2;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_MMA8452Q, write_buffer, length);
+	HAL_Delay(6);
+	compass_read();
+	HAL_Delay(1);
+	acceleration_read();
+	compass_calc();
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	accelerator_sleep_MMA8452Q
+/// @brief	compass_sleep_HMC5883L
+//  ===============================================================================
+void accelerator_sleep_MMA8452Q(void)
+	uint16_t length = 0;
+	uint8_t write_buffer[4];
+	write_buffer[0] = 0x2A; // CTRL_REG1
+	write_buffer[1] = 0x00; //0b00000000; // CTRL_REG1: Standby Mode
+	length = 2;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_MMA8452Q, write_buffer, length);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_read_HMC5883L
+/// @brief	The new ST 303D - get ALL data and store in static variables
+/// output is compass_DX_f, compass_DY_f, compass_DZ_f
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_read_HMC5883L(void)
+	uint8_t buffer[20];
+	compass_DX_f = 0;
+	compass_DY_f = 0;
+	compass_DZ_f = 0;
+	uint8_t length = 0;
+	uint8_t read_buffer[6];
+	signed_tword 	data;
+	for(int i = 0; i<6;i++)
+		read_buffer[i] = 0;
+	buffer[0] = 0x03; // 03 = Data Output X MSB Register
+	length = 1;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_COMPASS_HMC5883L, buffer, length);
+	length = 6;
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_HMC5883L, read_buffer, length);
+	data.Byte.hi = read_buffer[0];
+	data.Byte.low = read_buffer[1];
+	//Y = Z
+	compass_DY_f	= - data.Word;
+	data.Byte.hi = read_buffer[2];
+	data.Byte.low = read_buffer[3];
+	compass_DZ_f = data.Word;
+	data.Byte.hi = read_buffer[4];
+	data.Byte.low = read_buffer[5]; 
+	//X = -Y
+	 compass_DX_f 	= data.Word;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	acceleration_read_MMA8452Q
+/// @brief	The old MMA8452Q used with the Honeywell compass
+///					get the acceleration data and store in static variables
+/// output is accel_DX_f, accel_DY_f, accel_DZ_f
+//  ===============================================================================
+void  acceleration_read_MMA8452Q(void)
+	uint8_t buffer[20];
+	accel_DX_f = 0;
+	accel_DY_f = 0;
+	accel_DZ_f = 0;
+	uint8_t length = 0;
+//	bit8_Type status ;
+	uint8_t read_buffer[7];
+	signed_tword 	data;
+	for(int i = 0; i<6;i++)
+		read_buffer[i] = 0;
+	buffer[0] = 0x00; // 03 = Data Output X MSB Register
+	length = 1;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit(  DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_MMA8452Q, buffer, length);
+	length = 7;
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_ACCELARATOR_MMA8452Q, read_buffer, length);
+//	status.uw = read_buffer[0];
+	data.Byte.hi = read_buffer[1];
+	data.Byte.low =  read_buffer[2];
+	accel_DX_f =data.Word/16;
+	data.Byte.hi = read_buffer[3];
+	data.Byte.low =  read_buffer[4];
+	accel_DY_f =data.Word/16;
+	data.Byte.hi = read_buffer[5];
+	data.Byte.low =  read_buffer[6];
+	accel_DZ_f =data.Word/16;
+	accel_DX_f *= -1;
+	accel_DY_f *= -1;
+	accel_DZ_f *= -1;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_calc_roll_pitch_only
+/// @brief	only the roll and pitch parts of compass_calc()
+/// input is accel_DX_f, accel_DY_f, accel_DZ_f
+/// output is compass_pitch and compass_roll
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_calc_roll_pitch_only(void)
+	 float sinPhi, cosPhi;
+	 float Phi, Teta;
+	//---- Calculate sine and cosine of roll angle Phi -----------------------
+	Phi= atan2f(accel_DY_f, accel_DZ_f) ;
+	compass_roll = Phi * 180.0f /PI;
+	sinPhi = sinf(Phi);
+	cosPhi = cosf(Phi);
+	//---- calculate sin and cosine of pitch angle Theta ---------------------
+	Teta = atanf(-(float)accel_DX_f/(accel_DY_f * sinPhi + accel_DZ_f * cosPhi));
+	compass_pitch = Teta * 180.0f /PI;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_calc
+/// @brief	all the fancy stuff first implemented in OSTC3
+/// input is compass_DX_f, compass_DY_f, compass_DZ_f, accel_DX_f, accel_DY_f, accel_DZ_f
+/// and compass_CX_f, compass_CY_f, compass_CZ_f
+/// output is compass_heading, compass_pitch and compass_roll
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_calc(void)
+     float	sinPhi, cosPhi, sinTeta, cosTeta;
+		 float Phi, Teta, Psi;
+     int16_t iBfx, iBfy;
+     int16_t iBpx, iBpy, iBpz;
+    //---- Make hard iron correction -----------------------------------------
+    // Measured magnetometer orientation, measured ok.
+    // From matthias drawing: (X,Y,Z) --> (X,Y,Z) : no rotation.
+    iBpx = compass_DX_f - compass_CX_f; // X
+    iBpy = compass_DY_f - compass_CY_f; // Y
+    iBpz = compass_DZ_f - compass_CZ_f; // Z
+    //---- Calculate sine and cosine of roll angle Phi -----------------------
+    //sincos(accel_DZ_f, accel_DY_f, &sin, &cos);
+    Phi= atan2f(accel_DY_f, accel_DZ_f) ;
+		compass_roll = Phi * 180.0f /PI;
+		sinPhi = sinf(Phi);
+		cosPhi = cosf(Phi);
+		//---- rotate by roll angle (-Phi) ---------------------------------------
+    iBfy = iBpy * cosPhi - iBpz * sinPhi;
+    iBpz = iBpy * sinPhi + iBpz * cosPhi;
+    //Gz = imul(accel_DY_f, sin) + imul(accel_DZ_f, cos);
+    //---- calculate sin and cosine of pitch angle Theta ---------------------
+    //sincos(Gz, -accel_DX_f, &sin, &cos);     // NOTE: changed sin sign.
+		// Teta takes into account roll of computer and sends combination of Y and Z :-) understand now hw 160421
+		Teta = atanf(-(float)accel_DX_f/(accel_DY_f * sinPhi + accel_DZ_f * cosPhi));
+		compass_pitch = Teta * 180.0f /PI;
+		sinTeta = sinf(Teta);
+		cosTeta = cosf(Teta);
+    /* correct cosine if pitch not in range -90 to 90 degrees */
+    if( cosTeta < 0 ) cosTeta = -cosTeta;
+    ///---- de-rotate by pitch angle Theta -----------------------------------
+    iBfx = iBpx *  cosTeta + iBpz * sinTeta;
+    //---- Detect uncalibrated compass ---------------------------------------
+    if( !compass_CX_f && !compass_CY_f && !compass_CZ_f )
+    {
+        compass_heading = -1;
+        return;
+    }
+    //---- calculate current yaw = e-compass angle Psi -----------------------
+    // Result in degree (no need of 0.01 deg precision...
+			Psi = atan2f(-iBfy,iBfx);
+		 compass_heading = Psi * 180.0f /PI;
+    // Result in 0..360 range:
+    if( compass_heading < 0 )
+        compass_heading += 360;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_calc_mini_during_calibration
+/// @brief	all the fancy stuff first implemented in OSTC3
+/// input is accel_DX_f, accel_DY_f, accel_DZ_f
+/// output is compass_pitch and compass_roll
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_calc_mini_during_calibration(void)
+     float	sinPhi, cosPhi;
+		 float Phi, Teta;
+    //---- Calculate sine and cosine of roll angle Phi -----------------------
+    //sincos(accel_DZ_f, accel_DY_f, &sin, &cos);
+    Phi= atan2f(accel_DY_f, accel_DZ_f) ;
+		compass_roll = Phi * 180.0f /PI;
+		sinPhi = sinf(Phi);
+		cosPhi = cosf(Phi);
+    //---- calculate sin and cosine of pitch angle Theta ---------------------
+    //sincos(Gz, -accel_DX_f, &sin, &cos);     // NOTE: changed sin sign.
+    Teta = atanf(-(float)accel_DX_f/(accel_DY_f * sinPhi + accel_DZ_f * cosPhi));
+		compass_pitch = Teta * 180.0f /PI;
+// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// // - Calibration - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+/* can be lost during sleep as those are reset with compass_reset_calibration() */
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_reset_calibration
+/// @brief	all the fancy stuff first implemented in OSTC3
+/// output is struct g and compass_CX_f, compass_CY_f, compass_CZ_f
+/// @param 	g: is a struct with crazy stuff like Suuu, Svvv, Svvu, etc.
+///					all is set to zero here
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_reset_calibration(SCompassCalib *g)
+    g->compass_N = 0;
+    g->Su = g->Sv = g->Sw = 0.0;
+    g->Suu = g->Svv = g->Sww = g->Suv = g->Suw = g->Svw = 0.0;
+    g->Suuu = g->Svvv = g->Swww = 0.0;
+    g->Suuv = g->Suuw = g->Svvu = g->Svvw = g->Swwu = g->Swwv = 0.0;
+    compass_CX_f = compass_CY_f = compass_CZ_f = 0.0;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_add_calibration
+/// @brief	all the fancy stuff first implemented in OSTC3
+/// input is compass_DX_f, compass_DY_f, compass_DZ_f
+/// and compass_CX_f, compass_CY_f, compass_CZ_f
+/// output is struct g
+/// @param 	g: is a struct with crazy stuff like Suuu, Svvv, Svvu, etc.
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_add_calibration(SCompassCalib *g)
+    float u, v, w;
+    u = (compass_DX_f - compass_CX_f) / 32768.0f;
+    v = (compass_DY_f - compass_CY_f) / 32768.0f;
+    w = (compass_DZ_f - compass_CZ_f) / 32768.0f;
+    g->compass_N++;
+    g->Su += u;
+    g->Sv += v;
+    g->Sw += w;
+    g->Suv += u*v;
+    g->Suw += u*w;
+    g->Svw += v*w;
+    g->Suu  += u*u;
+    g->Suuu += u*u*u;
+    g->Suuv += v*u*u;
+    g->Suuw += w*u*u;
+    g->Svv  += v*v;
+    g->Svvv += v*v*v;
+    g->Svvu += u*v*v;
+    g->Svvw += w*v*v;
+    g->Sww  += w*w;
+    g->Swww += w*w*w;
+    g->Swwu += u*w*w;
+    g->Swwv += v*w*w;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_solve_calibration
+/// @brief	all the fancy stuff first implemented in OSTC3
+/// input is compass_CX_f, compass_CY_f, compass_CZ_f and g
+/// output is struct g
+/// @param 	g: is a struct with crazy stuff like Suuu, Svvv, Svvu, etc.
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_solve_calibration(SCompassCalib *g)
+    float yu, yv, yw;
+    float delta;
+    float uc, vc, wc;
+    //---- Normalize partial sums --------------------------------------------
+    //
+    // u, v, w should be centered on the mean value um, vm, wm:
+    // x = u + um, with um = Sx/N
+    //
+    // So:
+    // (u + um)**2 = u**2 + 2u*um + um**2
+    // Su = 0, um = Sx/N
+    // Sxx = Suu + 2 um Su + N*(Sx/N)**2 = Suu + Sx**2/N
+    // Suu = Sxx - Sx**2/N
+    yu = g->Su/g->compass_N;
+    yv = g->Sv/g->compass_N;
+    yw = g->Sw/g->compass_N;
+    g->Suu -= g->Su*yu;
+    g->Svv -= g->Sv*yv;
+    g->Sww -= g->Sw*yw;
+    // (u + um)(v + vm) = uv + u vm + v um + um vm
+    // Sxy = Suv + N * um vm
+    // Suv = Sxy - N * (Sx/N)(Sy/N);
+    g->Suv -= g->Su*yv;
+    g->Suw -= g->Su*yw;
+    g->Svw -= g->Sv*yw;
+    // (u + um)**3 = u**3 + 3 u**2 um + 3 u um**2 + um**3
+    // Sxxx = Suuu + 3 um Suu + 3 um**2 Su + N.um**3
+    // Su = 0, um = Sx/N:
+    // Suuu = Sxxx - 3 Sx*Suu/N - N.(Sx/N)**3
+    //      = Sxxx - 3 Sx*Suu/N - Sx**3/N**2
+    // (u + um)**2 (v + vm) = (u**2 + 2 u um + um**2)(v + vm)
+    // Sxxy = Suuv + vm Suu + 2 um (Suv + vm Su) + um**2 (Sv + N.vm)
+    //
+    // Su = 0, Sv = 0, vm = Sy/N:
+    // Sxxy = Suuv + vm Suu + 2 um Suv + N um**2 vm
+    //
+    // Suuv = Sxxy - (Sy/N) Suu - 2 (Sx/N) Suv - (Sx/N)**2 Sy
+    //      = Sxxy - Suu*Sy/N - 2 Suv*Sx/N - Sx*Sx*Sy/N/N
+    //      = Sxxy - (Suu + Sx*Sx/N)*Sy/N - 2 Suv*Sx/N
+    g->Suuu -= (3*g->Suu + g->Su*yu)*yu;
+    g->Suuv -= (g->Suu + g->Su*yu)*yv + 2*g->Suv*yu;
+    g->Suuw -= (g->Suu + g->Su*yu)*yw + 2*g->Suw*yu;
+    g->Svvu -= (g->Svv + g->Sv*yv)*yu + 2*g->Suv*yv;
+    g->Svvv -= (3*g->Svv + g->Sv*yv)*yv;
+    g->Svvw -= (g->Svv + g->Sv*yv)*yw + 2*g->Svw*yv;
+    g->Swwu -= (g->Sww + g->Sw*yw)*yu + 2*g->Suw*yw;
+    g->Swwv -= (g->Sww + g->Sw*yw)*yv + 2*g->Svw*yw;
+    g->Swww -= (3*g->Sww + g->Sw*yw)*yw;
+    //---- Solve the system --------------------------------------------------
+    // uc Suu + vc Suv + wc Suw = (Suuu + Svvu + Swwu) / 2
+    // uc Suv + vc Svv + wc Svw = (Suuv + Svvv + Swwv) / 2
+    // uc Suw + vc Svw + wc Sww = (Suuw + Svvw + Swww) / 2
+    // Note this is symetric, with a positiv diagonal, hence
+    // it always have a uniq solution.
+    yu = 0.5f * (g->Suuu + g->Svvu + g->Swwu);
+    yv = 0.5f * (g->Suuv + g->Svvv + g->Swwv);
+    yw = 0.5f * (g->Suuw + g->Svvw + g->Swww);
+    delta = g->Suu * (g->Svv * g->Sww - g->Svw * g->Svw)
+          - g->Suv * (g->Suv * g->Sww - g->Svw * g->Suw)
+          + g->Suw * (g->Suv * g->Svw - g->Svv * g->Suw);
+    uc = (yu  * (g->Svv * g->Sww - g->Svw * g->Svw)
+       -  yv  * (g->Suv * g->Sww - g->Svw * g->Suw)
+       +  yw  * (g->Suv * g->Svw - g->Svv * g->Suw) )/delta;
+    vc = (g->Suu * ( yv * g->Sww -  yw * g->Svw)
+       -  g->Suv * ( yu * g->Sww -  yw * g->Suw)
+       +  g->Suw * ( yu * g->Svw -  yv * g->Suw) )/delta;
+    wc = (g->Suu * (g->Svv * yw  - g->Svw * yv )
+       -  g->Suv * (g->Suv * yw  - g->Svw * yu )
+       +  g->Suw * (g->Suv * yv  - g->Svv * yu ) )/delta;
+    // Back to uncentered coordinates:
+    // xc = um + uc
+    uc = g->Su/g->compass_N + compass_CX_f/32768.0f + uc;
+    vc = g->Sv/g->compass_N + compass_CY_f/32768.0f + vc;
+    wc = g->Sw/g->compass_N + compass_CZ_f/32768.0f + wc;
+    // Then save the new calibrated center:
+    compass_CX_f = (short)(32768 * uc);
+    compass_CY_f = (short)(32768 * vc);
+    compass_CZ_f = (short)(32768 * wc);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_calib
+/// @brief	the main loop for calibration
+/// 				output is compass_CX_f, compass_CY_f, compass_CZ_f and g
+///					160704 removed -4096 limit for LSM303D
+/// @return always 0
+//  ===============================================================================
+int compass_calib_common(void)
+		SCompassCalib g;
+    // Starts with no calibration at all:
+		compass_reset_calibration(&g);
+		int64_t tickstart = 0;
+		uint32_t ticks = 0; 
+		uint32_t lasttick = 0;
+		tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+    // Eine Minute kalibrieren
+    while((ticks) < 60 * 1000)
+    {
+				compass_read();
+				acceleration_read();
+				compass_calc_roll_pitch_only();
+				if((hardwareCompass == HMC5883L)
+				&&((compass_DX_f == -4096) ||
+					 (compass_DY_f == -4096) ||
+					 (compass_DZ_f == -4096) ))
+				{
+					if(compass_gain == 0)
+						return -1;
+					compass_gain--;
+					compass_init(1, compass_gain);
+					compass_reset_calibration(&g);
+					//tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+					continue;
+				}
+				copyCompassDataDuringCalibration(compass_DX_f,compass_DY_f,compass_DZ_f);
+        compass_add_calibration(&g);
+				HAL_Delay(1);
+				lasttick = HAL_GetTick();
+				if(lasttick == 0)
+				{
+					 tickstart = -ticks;
+				}	
+				ticks = lasttick - tickstart;
+		}
+    compass_solve_calibration(&g);
+		tfull32 dataBlock[4];
+		dataBlock[0].Word16.low16 = compass_CX_f;
+		dataBlock[0].Word16.hi16 = compass_CY_f;
+		dataBlock[1].Word16.low16 = compass_CZ_f;
+		dataBlock[1].Word16.hi16 = 0xFFFF;
+		dataBlock[2].Full32 = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+		dataBlock[3].Full32 = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+		BFA_writeDataBlock((uint32_t *)dataBlock);
+		return 0;
+// //////////////////////////// TEST CODE /////////////////////////////////////
+//#include <QtDebug>
+//#include <stdio.h>
+//#include <math.h>
+/*#include <stdlib.h>
+short compass_DX_f, compass_DY_f, compass_DZ_f;
+short compass_CX_f, compass_CY_f, compass_CZ_f;
+inline float uniform(void) {
+    return (rand() & 0xFFFF) / 65536.0f;
+inline float sqr(float x) {
+    return x*x;
+static const float radius = 0.21f;
+static const float cx = 0.79f, cy = -0.46f, cz = 0.24f;
+// const float cx = 0, cy = 0, cz = 0;
+float check_compass_calib(void)
+    // Starts with no calibration at all:
+    compass_CX_f = compass_CY_f = compass_CZ_f = 0;
+    // Try 10 recalibration passes:
+    for(int p=0; p<10; ++p)
+    {
+        compass_reset_calibration();
+        //---- Generates random points on a sphere -------------------------------
+        // of radius,center (cx, cy, cz):
+        for(int i=0; i<100; ++i)
+        {
+            float theta = uniform()*360.0f;
+            float phi   = uniform()*180.0f - 90.0f;
+            float x = cx + radius * cosf(phi)*cosf(theta);
+            float y = cy + radius * cosf(phi)*sinf(theta);
+            float z = cz + radius * sinf(phi);
+            compass_DX_f = (short)(32768 * x);
+            compass_DY_f = (short)(32768 * y);
+            compass_DZ_f = (short)(32768 * z);
+            compass_add_calibration();
+        }
+        compass_solve_calibration();
+        //qDebug() << "Center ="
+//                 << compass_CX_f/32768.0f
+//                 << compass_CY_f/32768.0f
+//                 << compass_CZ_f/32768.0f;
+        float r2 = sqr(compass_CX_f/32768.0f - cx)
+                 + sqr(compass_CY_f/32768.0f - cy)
+                 + sqr(compass_CZ_f/32768.0f - cz);
+        if( r2 > 0.01f*0.01f )
+            return sqrtf(r2);
+    }
+		return 0;
+void compass_read_LSM303D_v3(void)
+  uint8_t data;
+  memset(magDataBuffer,0,6);
+	compass_DX_f = 0;
+	compass_DY_f = 0;
+	compass_DZ_f = 0;
+	//magnetometer multi read, order xl,xh, yl,yh, zl, zh
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, magDataBuffer, 6);
+	compass_DX_f = ((int16_t)( (int16_t)((magDataBuffer[1] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[0]))));
+	compass_DY_f = ((int16_t)( (int16_t)((magDataBuffer[3] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[2]))));
+	compass_DZ_f = ((int16_t)( (int16_t)((magDataBuffer[5] << 8) | (magDataBuffer[4]))));	
+//	compass_DX_f = compass_DX_f * stat->sensitivity_mag;
+//	compass_DY_f = compass_DY_f * stat->sensitivity_mag;
+//	compass_DZ_f = compass_DZ_f * stat->sensitivity_mag;
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_init_LSM303D by STMicroelectronics 2013 V1.0.5 2013/Oct/23
+/// @brief	The new ST 303D 
+///					This might be called several times with different gain values during calibration
+/// @param 	gain: 7 is max gain and set with here, compass_calib() might reduce it
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_init_LSM303D_v3(uint8_t gain)
+  uint8_t data[10];
+	// CNTRL1
+	// 0011 acceleration data rate 0011 = 12.5 Hz (3.125 Hz - 1600 Hz)
+	// 0xxx block data update off
+	// x111 enable all three axes 
+	// CNTRL5
+	// 0xxx xxxx temp sensor off
+	// x00x xxxx magnetic resolution
+	// xxx0 1xxx magentic data rate 01 = 6,25 Hz (3.125 Hz - 50 Hz (100 Hz))
+	// xxxx xx00 latch irq requests off
+	// CNTRL7
+	// 00xx high pass filter mode, 00 normal mode
+	// xx0x filter for acceleration data bypassed
+	// xxx0 temperature sensor mode only off
+	// x0xx magnetic data low-power mode off
+	// xx00 magnetic sensor mode 00 = continous-conversion mode (default 10 power-down)
+	data[0] = CNTRL0;
+	data[1] = 0x00;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, data, 2);
+	// acc
+	data[0] = CNTRL1;
+	data[1] = 0x00;
+	data[2] = 0x0F;
+	data[3] = 0x00;
+	data[4] = 0x00;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, data, 5);
+	// mag
+	data[0] = CNTRL3;
+	data[1] = 0x00;
+	data[2] = 0x00;
+	data[3] = 0x18;
+	data[4] = 0x20;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, data, 5);
+	data[0] = CNTRL7;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, data, 2);
+	HAL_Delay(100);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_init_LSM303D by nordevx for arduion
+/// @brief	The new ST 303D 
+///					This might be called several times with different gain values during calibration
+/// @param 	gain: 7 is max gain and set with here, compass_calib() might reduce it
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_init_LSM303D_v2(uint8_t gain)
+  uint8_t data[2];
+	// CNTRL1
+	// 0011 acceleration data rate 0011 = 12.5 Hz (3.125 Hz - 1600 Hz)
+	// 0xxx block data update off
+	// x111 enable all three axes 
+	// CNTRL5
+	// 0xxx xxxx temp sensor off
+	// x00x xxxx magnetic resolution
+	// xxx0 1xxx magentic data rate 01 = 6,25 Hz (3.125 Hz - 50 Hz (100 Hz))
+	// xxxx xx00 latch irq requests off
+	// CNTRL7
+	// 00xx high pass filter mode, 00 normal mode
+	// xx0x filter for acceleration data bypassed
+	// xxx0 temperature sensor mode only off
+	// x0xx magnetic data low-power mode off
+	// xx00 magnetic sensor mode 00 = continous-conversion mode (default 10 power-down)
+	data[0] = CNTRL1;
+	data[1] = 0x37; //0b 0011 0111 
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, data, 2);
+	data[0] = CNTRL5;
+	data[1] = 0x08; // 0b 0000 1000
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, data, 2);
+	data[0] = CNTRL7;
+	data[1] = 0x00; // 0b 0000 0000
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, data, 2);
+	HAL_Delay(100);
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_init_LSM303D_v1 by ST lsm303d.c
+/// @brief	The new ST 303D 
+///					This might be called several times with different gain values during calibration
+/// @param 	gain: 7 is max gain and set with here, compass_calib() might reduce it
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_init_LSM303D_v1(uint8_t gain)
+  uint8_t data;
+	compass_gain = gain;
+  memset(magDataBuffer,0,6);
+  memset(accDataBuffer,0,6);
+	data = CNTRL5;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+  data = (data & 0x1c) >> 2;  
+  velMag = magODR[data];  
+	data = CNTRL1;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+  data = (data & 0xf0) >> 4;  
+  velAcc = accODR[data];
+	data = CNTRL7;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data,   1);
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &datas1, 1);
+  datas1 = (datas1 & 0x02);
+  //if mag is not pd
+  //mag is bigger than gyro
+  if( (velMag < velAcc) || datas1 != 0 ) {
+	//acc is the biggest
+	fastest = ACC_IS_FASTEST;	
+  }	
+  else {		
+	//acc is the biggest		
+	fastest = MAG_IS_FASTEST;
+  }
+  zoffFlag = 1;
+  if( fastest == MAG_IS_FASTEST)
+	{	
+		data = STATUS_REG_M;
+		I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+		I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+//    if(ValBit(data, ZYXMDA)) {
+      sendFlag = 1;      
+//    }
+  }  
+  else if(fastest == ACC_IS_FASTEST)
+	{
+		data = STATUS_REG_A;
+		I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+		I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+//      if(ValBit(data, DATAREADY_BIT)) {
+        sendFlag = 1;
+//      }    
+  }  
+//  ===============================================================================
+//	compass_read_LSM303D
+/// @brief	The new LSM303D :-)
+/// output is compass_DX_f, compass_DY_f, compass_DZ_f, accel_DX_f, accel_DY_f, accel_DZ_f
+//  ===============================================================================
+void compass_read_LSM303D_v2(void)
+	  uint8_t data;
+  memset(magDataBuffer,0,6);
+  memset(accDataBuffer,0,6);
+	compass_DX_f = 0;
+	compass_DY_f = 0;
+	compass_DZ_f = 0;
+	accel_DX_f = 0;
+	accel_DY_f = 0;
+	accel_DZ_f = 0;
+	//Accelerometer multi read, order xl,xh, yl,yh, zl, zh
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, accDataBuffer, 6);
+	//magnetometer multi read, order xl,xh, yl,yh, zl, zh
+	data = OUT_X_L_M;
+	I2C_Master_Transmit( DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, &data, 1);
+	I2C_Master_Receive(  DEVICE_COMPASS_303D, magDataBuffer, 6);
+	accel_DX_f = ((int16_t)( (int16_t)((accDataBuffer[1] << 8) | (accDataBuffer[0]))));
+	accel_DY_f = ((int16_t)( (int16_t)((accDataBuffer[3] << 8) | (accDataBuffer[2]))));
+	accel_DZ_f = ((int16_t)( (int16_t)((accDataBuffer[5] << 8) | (accDataBuffer[4]))));	
+//	accel_DX_f = accel_DX_f * stat->sensitivity_acc;
+//	accel_DY_f = accel_DY_f * stat->sensitivity_acc;
+//	accel_DZ_f = accel_DZ_f * stat->sensitivity_acc;
+	compass_DX_f  = magDataBuffer[1];
+	compass_DX_f *= 256;
+	compass_DX_f += magDataBuffer[0];
+	compass_DY_f  = magDataBuffer[3];
+	compass_DY_f *= 256;
+	compass_DY_f += magDataBuffer[2];
+	compass_DY_f  = magDataBuffer[5];
+	compass_DY_f *= 256;
+	compass_DY_f += magDataBuffer[4];