1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 /// -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3 ///
4 /// \file Discovery/Src/text_multilanguage.c
5 /// \brief Date file of TXT Multilanguage Support
6 /// \author heinrichs weikamp gmbh
7 /// \date 20-April-2014
8 ///
9 /// \details
10 /// All displayed texts, in ENglish, DEutch, FRench, ITalian and ESpagnol.
11 /// When a translation is left empty, the English one is used instead.
12 /// Those texts are expanded from one-byte or two-bytes special code.
13 ///
14 /// $Id$
15 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16 /// \par Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Heinrichs Weikamp gmbh
17 ///
18 /// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
19 /// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
20 /// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
21 /// (at your option) any later version.
22 ///
23 /// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
24 /// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26 /// GNU General Public License for more details.
27 ///
28 /// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
29 /// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
30 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #include <stdint.h>
35 #include "text_multilanguage.h"
37 /* Text ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
39 // Menu
40 static uint8_t text_EN_Language[] = "Language";
41 static uint8_t text_DE_Language[] = "Sprache";
42 static uint8_t text_FR_Language[] = "Langue";
43 static uint8_t text_IT_Language[] = "Lingua";
44 static uint8_t text_ES_Language[] = "Idioma";
46 // Menu
47 static uint8_t text_EN_LanguageName[] = "English";
48 static uint8_t text_DE_LanguageName[] = "Deutsch";
49 static uint8_t text_FR_LanguageName[] = "Français";
50 static uint8_t text_IT_LanguageName[] = "Italiano";
51 static uint8_t text_ES_LanguageName[] = "Castellano";
53 // dive mode
54 static uint8_t text_EN_Depth[] = "Depth";
55 static uint8_t text_DE_Depth[] = "Tiefe";
56 static uint8_t text_FR_Depth[] = "Profondeur";
57 static uint8_t text_IT_Depth[] = "Profondità";
58 static uint8_t text_ES_Depth[] = "";
60 // dive mode
61 static uint8_t text_EN_Divetime[] = "Divetime";
62 static uint8_t text_DE_Divetime[] = "Tauchzeit";
63 static uint8_t text_FR_Divetime[] = "Durée";
64 static uint8_t text_IT_Divetime[] = "Tempo di Imm.";
65 static uint8_t text_ES_Divetime[] = "";
67 // dive mode
68 static uint8_t text_EN_MaxDepth[] = "Max Depth";
69 static uint8_t text_DE_MaxDepth[] = "Max Tiefe";
70 static uint8_t text_FR_MaxDepth[] = "Prof. max"; // Profondeur
71 static uint8_t text_IT_MaxDepth[] = "Profondità Max";
72 static uint8_t text_ES_MaxDepth[] = "";
74 // dive mode
75 static uint8_t text_EN_AvgDepth[] = "Avg Depth";
76 static uint8_t text_DE_AvgDepth[] = "(/) Tiefe";
77 static uint8_t text_FR_AvgDepth[] = "Prof. Moy";
78 static uint8_t text_IT_AvgDepth[] = "Profondità media";
79 static uint8_t text_ES_AvgDepth[] = "";
81 // dive mode
82 static uint8_t text_EN_Decostop[] = "Decostop";
83 static uint8_t text_DE_Decostop[] = "Dekostopp";
84 static uint8_t text_FR_Decostop[] = "Palier"; // Déco
85 static uint8_t text_IT_Decostop[] = "DecoStop";
86 static uint8_t text_ES_Decostop[] = "";
88 // dive mode
89 static uint8_t text_EN_Nullzeit[] = "NDL";
90 static uint8_t text_DE_Nullzeit[] = "Nullzeit";
91 static uint8_t text_FR_Nullzeit[] = "NoDéco"; // Sans palier
92 static uint8_t text_IT_Nullzeit[] = "No Deco";
93 static uint8_t text_ES_Nullzeit[] = "";
95 // dive mode
96 static uint8_t text_EN_ppO2[] = "ppO2";
97 static uint8_t text_DE_ppO2[] = "";
98 static uint8_t text_FR_ppO2[] = "PpO2";
99 static uint8_t text_IT_ppO2[] = "PpO2";
100 static uint8_t text_ES_ppO2[] = "";
102 // dive mode
103 static uint8_t text_EN_TTS[] = "TTS";
104 static uint8_t text_DE_TTS[] = "";
105 static uint8_t text_FR_TTS[] = "DTR";
106 static uint8_t text_IT_TTS[] = "TTS";
107 static uint8_t text_ES_TTS[] = "";
109 // dive mode
110 static uint8_t text_EN_CNSshort[] = "CNS";
111 static uint8_t text_DE_CNSshort[] = "";
112 static uint8_t text_FR_CNSshort[] = "SNC";
113 static uint8_t text_IT_CNSshort[] = "CNS";
114 static uint8_t text_ES_CNSshort[] = "";
116 // dive mode
117 static uint8_t text_EN_Temperature[] = "Temp.";
118 static uint8_t text_DE_Temperature[] = "Temperatur";
119 static uint8_t text_FR_Temperature[] = ""; // Température (ist zu lang)
120 static uint8_t text_IT_Temperature[] = "Temperatura";
121 static uint8_t text_ES_Temperature[] = "";
123 // dive mode
124 static uint8_t text_EN_FutureTTS[] = "FutureTTS";
125 static uint8_t text_DE_FutureTTS[] = "";
126 static uint8_t text_FR_FutureTTS[] = "FutureDTR";
127 static uint8_t text_IT_FutureTTS[] = "TTS Futuro";
128 static uint8_t text_ES_FutureTTS[] = "";
130 // Menu (as small text)
131 static uint8_t text_EN_Minutes[] = "minutes";
132 static uint8_t text_DE_Minutes[] = "Minuten";
133 static uint8_t text_FR_Minutes[] = "minutes";
134 static uint8_t text_IT_Minutes[] = "Minuti";
135 static uint8_t text_ES_Minutes[] = "";
137 // Menu SYS2 sub (as small text in custom views)
138 static uint8_t text_EN_Seconds[] = "Seconds";
139 static uint8_t text_DE_Seconds[] = "Sekunden";
140 static uint8_t text_FR_Seconds[] = "Secondes";
141 static uint8_t text_IT_Seconds[] = "Secondi";
142 static uint8_t text_ES_Seconds[] = "";
144 // Menu OC sub and Menu CC sub
145 static uint8_t text_EN_Gas[] = "Gas";
146 static uint8_t text_DE_Gas[] = "";
147 static uint8_t text_FR_Gas[] = "Gaz";
148 static uint8_t text_IT_Gas[] = "Gas";
149 static uint8_t text_ES_Gas[] = "";
151 // dive mode
152 static uint8_t text_EN_Ceiling[] = "Ceiling";
153 static uint8_t text_DE_Ceiling[] = "";
154 static uint8_t text_FR_Ceiling[] = "Plafond";
155 static uint8_t text_IT_Ceiling[] = "Ceiling";
156 static uint8_t text_ES_Ceiling[] = "";
158 // dive mode
159 static uint8_t text_EN_ActualGradient[] = "Relative GF";
160 static uint8_t text_DE_ActualGradient[] = "";
161 static uint8_t text_FR_ActualGradient[] = "GF Relatif";
162 static uint8_t text_IT_ActualGradient[] = "GF";
163 static uint8_t text_ES_ActualGradient[] = "";
165 // dive mode
166 static uint8_t text_EN_Stopwatch[] = "Stopwatch";
167 static uint8_t text_DE_Stopwatch[] = "Stoppuhr";
168 static uint8_t text_FR_Stopwatch[] = "Chrono";
169 static uint8_t text_IT_Stopwatch[] = "Stop Cronometro";
170 static uint8_t text_ES_Stopwatch[] = "";
172 // Menu SYS1 sub
173 static uint8_t text_EN_CompassCalib[] = "Calibrate compass";
174 static uint8_t text_DE_CompassCalib[] = "Kompass kalibrieren";
175 static uint8_t text_FR_CompassCalib[] = "Calibration boussole";
176 static uint8_t text_IT_CompassCalib[] = "Calibrazione bussola";
177 static uint8_t text_ES_CompassCalib[] = "";
179 // Menu SYS1 and Customview header
180 static uint8_t text_EN_Compass[] = "Compass";
181 static uint8_t text_DE_Compass[] = "Kompass";
182 static uint8_t text_FR_Compass[] = "Boussole";
183 static uint8_t text_IT_Compass[] = "Bussola";
184 static uint8_t text_ES_Compass[] = "";
186 // Menu SYS1
187 static uint8_t text_EN_o2Sensors[] = "oxygen sensors";
188 static uint8_t text_DE_o2Sensors[] = "O2 Sensoren";
189 static uint8_t text_FR_o2Sensors[] = "Cellules O2";
190 static uint8_t text_IT_o2Sensors[] = "Sensore O2";
191 static uint8_t text_ES_o2Sensors[] = "";
193 // Menu SYS1
194 static uint8_t text_EN_Brightness[] = "Brightness";
195 static uint8_t text_DE_Brightness[] = "Display Helligkeit";
196 static uint8_t text_FR_Brightness[] = "Luminosité";
197 static uint8_t text_IT_Brightness[] = "Luminosità";
198 static uint8_t text_ES_Brightness[] = "";
200 // Menu SYS1
201 static uint8_t text_EN_Cave[] = "Cave";
202 static uint8_t text_DE_Cave[] = "Eco+";
203 static uint8_t text_FR_Cave[] = "Mode éco+";
204 static uint8_t text_IT_Cave[] = "Grotta";
205 static uint8_t text_ES_Cave[] = "";
207 // Menu SYS1
208 static uint8_t text_EN_Eco[] = "Eco";
209 static uint8_t text_DE_Eco[] = "Eco-Sparmodus";
210 static uint8_t text_FR_Eco[] = "Mode éco";
211 static uint8_t text_IT_Eco[] = "Modalità ECO";
212 static uint8_t text_ES_Eco[] = "";
214 // Menu SYS1
215 static uint8_t text_EN_Normal[] = "Medium";
216 static uint8_t text_DE_Normal[] = "Standard";
217 static uint8_t text_FR_Normal[] = "Moyenne";
218 static uint8_t text_IT_Normal[] = "Medio";
219 static uint8_t text_ES_Normal[] = "";
221 // Menu SYS1
222 static uint8_t text_EN_Bright[] = "High";
223 static uint8_t text_DE_Bright[] = "Hoch";
224 static uint8_t text_FR_Bright[] = "Haute";
225 static uint8_t text_IT_Bright[] = "Alto";
226 static uint8_t text_ES_Bright[] = "";
228 // Menu SYS1
229 static uint8_t text_EN_Ultrabright[] = "Ultra Bright";
230 static uint8_t text_DE_Ultrabright[] = "Max";
231 static uint8_t text_FR_Ultrabright[] = "Mode max";
232 static uint8_t text_IT_Ultrabright[] = "Max";
233 static uint8_t text_ES_Ultrabright[] = "";
235 // Menu OC (Header)
236 static uint8_t text_EN_OC_Gas_Edit[] = "Open Circuit";
237 static uint8_t text_DE_OC_Gas_Edit[] = "";
238 static uint8_t text_FR_OC_Gas_Edit[] = "Circuit ouvert";
239 static uint8_t text_IT_OC_Gas_Edit[] = "Circuito Aperto";
240 static uint8_t text_ES_OC_Gas_Edit[] = "";
242 // Menu CC (Header)
243 static uint8_t text_EN_Diluent_Gas_Edit[] = "Diluent";
244 static uint8_t text_DE_Diluent_Gas_Edit[] = "";
245 static uint8_t text_FR_Diluent_Gas_Edit[] = "Diluant";
246 static uint8_t text_IT_Diluent_Gas_Edit[] = "Diluente";
247 static uint8_t text_ES_Diluent_Gas_Edit[] = "";
249 // Menu Gas
250 static uint8_t text_EN_Mix[] = "Mix";
251 static uint8_t text_DE_Mix[] = "";
252 static uint8_t text_FR_Mix[] = "Gaz"; // Or Mélange
253 static uint8_t text_IT_Mix[] = "Gas MIX";
254 static uint8_t text_ES_Mix[] = "";
256 // Menu Gas
257 static uint8_t text_EN_Active[] = "Active";
258 static uint8_t text_DE_Active[] = "Aktiv";
259 static uint8_t text_FR_Active[] = "Activé";
260 static uint8_t text_IT_Active[] = "Attivo";
261 static uint8_t text_ES_Active[] = "";
263 // Menu Gas
264 static uint8_t text_EN_First[] = "First";
265 static uint8_t text_DE_First[] = "Start";
266 static uint8_t text_FR_First[] = "Premier";
267 static uint8_t text_IT_First[] = "Primo";
268 static uint8_t text_ES_First[] = "";
270 // Menu Gas
271 static uint8_t text_EN_Deco[] = "Deco";
272 static uint8_t text_DE_Deco[] = "Deko";
273 static uint8_t text_FR_Deco[] = "Déco";
274 static uint8_t text_IT_Deco[] = "Deco";
275 static uint8_t text_ES_Deco[] = "";
277 // Menu Gas
278 static uint8_t text_EN_Travel[] = "Travel";
279 static uint8_t text_DE_Travel[] = "Reise";
280 static uint8_t text_FR_Travel[] = ""; // We always use english here I think...
281 static uint8_t text_IT_Travel[] = "Viaggio";
282 static uint8_t text_ES_Travel[] = "";
284 // Menu Gas
285 static uint8_t text_EN_Inactive[] = "Inactive";
286 static uint8_t text_DE_Inactive[] = "Deaktiviert";
287 static uint8_t text_FR_Inactive[] = "Desactivé";
288 static uint8_t text_IT_Inactive[] = "Disattivato";
289 static uint8_t text_ES_Inactive[] = "";
291 // Menu Gas
292 static uint8_t text_EN_ChangeDepth[] = "ChangeDepth";
293 static uint8_t text_DE_ChangeDepth[] = "Wechseltiefe";
294 static uint8_t text_FR_ChangeDepth[] = "Prof.Changmt"; // "Profondeur de changement"; // Prof.Changmt
295 static uint8_t text_IT_ChangeDepth[] = "Cambio Prof.";
296 static uint8_t text_ES_ChangeDepth[] = "";
298 // Menu Gas
299 static uint8_t text_EN_Type[] = "Type";
300 static uint8_t text_DE_Type[] = "Typ";
301 static uint8_t text_FR_Type[] = "";
302 static uint8_t text_IT_Type[] = "Tipo";
303 static uint8_t text_ES_Type[] = "";
305 // Menu SP (Part of Header)
306 static uint8_t text_EN_Setpoint_Edit[] = "Setup";
307 static uint8_t text_DE_Setpoint_Edit[] = "Einstellung";
308 static uint8_t text_FR_Setpoint_Edit[] = "Configuration";
309 static uint8_t text_IT_Setpoint_Edit[] = "Configurazione";
310 static uint8_t text_ES_Setpoint_Edit[] = "";
312 // Menu SYS1 (O2 Sensors)
313 static uint8_t text_EN_Fallback[] = "Fallback";
314 static uint8_t text_DE_Fallback[] = "";
315 static uint8_t text_FR_Fallback[] = "Secours"; // Or "Repli"
316 static uint8_t text_IT_Fallback[] = "Ricalibrare";
317 static uint8_t text_ES_Fallback[] = "";
319 // Menu DECO2
320 static uint8_t text_EN_Algorithm[] = "Algorithm";
321 static uint8_t text_DE_Algorithm[] = "Rechenmodell";
322 static uint8_t text_FR_Algorithm[] = ""; // Algorithm
323 static uint8_t text_IT_Algorithm[] = "Algoritmo";
324 static uint8_t text_ES_Algorithm[] = "";
326 // Menu DECO1
327 static uint8_t text_EN_SafetyStop[] = "Safety stop";
328 static uint8_t text_DE_SafetyStop[] = "Sicherheitsstop";
329 static uint8_t text_FR_SafetyStop[] = "Palier sécurité";
330 static uint8_t text_IT_SafetyStop[] = "Tappa di sicurezza";
331 static uint8_t text_ES_SafetyStop[] = "";
333 // Menu DECO1 (CCR mode only)
334 static uint8_t text_EN_CCRmode[] = "CCR mode";
335 static uint8_t text_DE_CCRmode[] = "CCR Modus";
336 static uint8_t text_FR_CCRmode[] = "Mode CCR";
337 static uint8_t text_IT_CCRmode[] = "CCR mode";
338 static uint8_t text_ES_CCRmode[] = "";
340 // Menu DECO1 (CCR mode only)
341 static uint8_t text_EN_Sensor[] = "Sensor";
342 static uint8_t text_DE_Sensor[] = "";
343 static uint8_t text_FR_Sensor[] = "Cellule";
344 static uint8_t text_IT_Sensor[] = "Sensore";
345 static uint8_t text_ES_Sensor[] = "";
347 // Menu DECO1 (CCR mode only)
348 static uint8_t text_EN_FixedSP[] = "Fixed SP";
349 static uint8_t text_DE_FixedSP[] = "Fester SP";
350 static uint8_t text_FR_FixedSP[] = "SP Fixe";
351 static uint8_t text_IT_FixedSP[] = "Set Point Fisso";
352 static uint8_t text_ES_FixedSP[] = "";
354 // Menu DECO2 (VPM and Buehlmann Sub Menu)
355 static uint8_t text_EN_Decoparameters[] = "Deco Parameters";
356 static uint8_t text_DE_Decoparameters[] = "Deko Parameter";
357 static uint8_t text_FR_Decoparameters[] = "Paramètres déco";
358 static uint8_t text_IT_Decoparameters[] = "Parametri Deco";
359 static uint8_t text_ES_Decoparameters[] = "";
361 // Menu DECO2
362 static uint8_t text_EN_LastDecostop[] = "Last Deco";
363 static uint8_t text_DE_LastDecostop[] = "Letzter Stop";
364 static uint8_t text_FR_LastDecostop[] = "Dern. palier";
365 static uint8_t text_IT_LastDecostop[] = "Ultima Deco";
366 static uint8_t text_ES_LastDecostop[] = "";
368 // Menu DECO2 and Dive Menu
369 static uint8_t text_EN_ZHL16GF[] = "ZH-L16+GF";
370 static uint8_t text_DE_ZHL16GF[] = "";
371 static uint8_t text_FR_ZHL16GF[] = "";
372 static uint8_t text_IT_ZHL16GF[] = "";
373 static uint8_t text_ES_ZHL16GF[] = "";
375 // Menu DECO2 and Dive Menu
376 static uint8_t text_EN_aGF[] = "aGF";
377 static uint8_t text_DE_aGF[] = "";
378 static uint8_t text_FR_aGF[] = "";
379 static uint8_t text_IT_aGF[] = "GF Alternativo";
380 static uint8_t text_ES_aGF[] = "";
382 // Menu DECO2 and Dive Menu
383 static uint8_t text_EN_VPM[] = "VPM";
384 static uint8_t text_DE_VPM[] = "";
385 static uint8_t text_FR_VPM[] = "";
386 static uint8_t text_IT_VPM[] = "";
387 static uint8_t text_ES_VPM[] = "";
389 // Dive Menu
390 static uint8_t text_EN_LowHigh[] = "low high";
391 static uint8_t text_DE_LowHigh[] = "";
392 static uint8_t text_FR_LowHigh[] = "Bas Haut";
393 static uint8_t text_IT_LowHigh[] = "Basso Alto";
394 static uint8_t text_ES_LowHigh[] = "";
396 // Menu DECO1 Sub
397 static uint8_t text_EN_ppO2Name[] = "Partial Pressure Oxygen";
398 static uint8_t text_DE_ppO2Name[] = "Sauerstoff-Partialdruck";
399 static uint8_t text_FR_ppO2Name[] = "Pression partl. oxygène";
400 static uint8_t text_IT_ppO2Name[] = "Pressione parziale Ossigeno";
401 static uint8_t text_ES_ppO2Name[] = "";
403 static uint8_t text_EN_Maximum[] = "Maximum";
404 static uint8_t text_DE_Maximum[] = "";
405 static uint8_t text_FR_Maximum[] = "";
406 static uint8_t text_IT_Maximum[] = "Massimo";
407 static uint8_t text_ES_Maximum[] = "";
409 static uint8_t text_EN_Minimum[] = "Minimum";
410 static uint8_t text_DE_Minimum[] = "";
411 static uint8_t text_FR_Minimum[] = "";
412 static uint8_t text_IT_Minimum[] = "Minimo";
413 static uint8_t text_ES_Minimum[] = "";
415 static uint8_t text_EN_Salinity[] = "Salinity";
416 static uint8_t text_DE_Salinity[] = "Salzgehalt";
417 static uint8_t text_FR_Salinity[] = "Salinité";
418 static uint8_t text_IT_Salinity[] = "Salinità";
419 static uint8_t text_ES_Salinity[] = "";
421 // Menu DECO1
422 static uint8_t text_EN_DiveMode[] = "Dive Mode";
423 static uint8_t text_DE_DiveMode[] = "Tauchmodus";
424 static uint8_t text_FR_DiveMode[] = "Mode Plongée";
425 static uint8_t text_IT_DiveMode[] = "Dive Mode";
426 static uint8_t text_ES_DiveMode[] = "";
428 // Menu DECO1
429 static uint8_t text_EN_OpenCircuit[] = "Open Circuit";
430 static uint8_t text_DE_OpenCircuit[] = "offener Kreislauf";
431 static uint8_t text_FR_OpenCircuit[] = "Circuit ouvert";
432 static uint8_t text_IT_OpenCircuit[] = "Circuito Aperto";
433 static uint8_t text_ES_OpenCircuit[] = "";
435 // Menu DECO1
436 static uint8_t text_EN_ClosedCircuit[] = "Closed Circuit";
437 static uint8_t text_DE_ClosedCircuit[] = "geschlossen/CCR";
438 static uint8_t text_FR_ClosedCircuit[] = "Recycleur";
439 static uint8_t text_IT_ClosedCircuit[] = "Ciurcuito Chiuso";
440 static uint8_t text_ES_ClosedCircuit[] = "";
442 static uint8_t text_EN_Time[] = "Time";
443 static uint8_t text_DE_Time[] = "Uhrzeit";
444 static uint8_t text_FR_Time[] = "Heure";
445 static uint8_t text_IT_Time[] = "Tempo";
446 static uint8_t text_ES_Time[] = "";
448 static uint8_t text_EN_Date[] = "Date";
449 static uint8_t text_DE_Date[] = "Datum";
450 static uint8_t text_FR_Date[] = ""; // Date
451 static uint8_t text_IT_Date[] = "Data";
452 static uint8_t text_ES_Date[] = "";
454 static uint8_t text_EN_Format[] = "Format";
455 static uint8_t text_DE_Format[] = "Format";
456 static uint8_t text_FR_Format[] = ""; // Format
457 static uint8_t text_IT_Format[] = "Formato";
458 static uint8_t text_ES_Format[] = "";
460 // Menu SYS2 sub
461 static uint8_t text_EN_DateTime[] = "Date and time";
462 static uint8_t text_DE_DateTime[] = "Datum und Uhrzeit";
463 static uint8_t text_FR_DateTime[] = "Date et heure";
464 static uint8_t text_IT_DateTime[] = "Data e ora";
465 static uint8_t text_ES_DateTime[] = "";
467 static uint8_t text_EN_DayMonthYear[] = "Date";
468 static uint8_t text_DE_DayMonthYear[] = "Datum";
469 static uint8_t text_FR_DayMonthYear[] = ""; // Date
470 static uint8_t text_IT_DayMonthYear[] = "Data";
471 static uint8_t text_ES_DayMonthYear[] = "";
473 static uint8_t text_EN_StundeMinute[] = "Time";
474 static uint8_t text_DE_StundeMinute[] = "Uhrzeit";
475 static uint8_t text_FR_StundeMinute[] = "Heure";
476 static uint8_t text_IT_StundeMinute[] = "Time";
477 static uint8_t text_ES_StundeMinute[] = "";
479 // Logbook
480 static uint8_t text_EN_Logbook[] = "Logbook";
481 static uint8_t text_DE_Logbook[] = "Logbuch";
482 static uint8_t text_FR_Logbook[] = "Carnet";
483 static uint8_t text_IT_Logbook[] = "Logbook";
484 static uint8_t text_ES_Logbook[] = "";
486 // Logbook
487 static uint8_t text_EN_LogbookEmpty[] = "Logbook empty.";
488 static uint8_t text_DE_LogbookEmpty[] = "Logbuch leer.";
489 static uint8_t text_FR_LogbookEmpty[] = "Carnet vide";
490 static uint8_t text_IT_LogbookEmpty[] = "Logbook vuoto";
491 static uint8_t text_ES_LogbookEmpty[] = "";
493 // Menu SIM
494 static uint8_t text_EN_Start_Calculation[] = "Start Calculation";
495 static uint8_t text_DE_Start_Calculation[] = "";
496 static uint8_t text_FR_Start_Calculation[] = "Calculer";
497 static uint8_t text_IT_Start_Calculation[] = "Calcola";
498 static uint8_t text_ES_Start_Calculation[] = "";
500 // Menu SYS2
501 static uint8_t text_EN_Design[] = "Layout";
502 static uint8_t text_DE_Design[] = "";
503 static uint8_t text_FR_Design[] = "Affichage";
504 static uint8_t text_IT_Design[] = "Formato schermo";
505 static uint8_t text_ES_Design[] = "";
507 // Menu SYS2
508 static uint8_t text_EN_Farbschema[] = "Color scheme";
509 static uint8_t text_DE_Farbschema[] = "Farbschema";
510 static uint8_t text_FR_Farbschema[] = "Jeu de Couleurs";
511 static uint8_t text_IT_Farbschema[] = "Colore schermo";
512 static uint8_t text_ES_Farbschema[] = "";
514 // Menu SYS2
515 static uint8_t text_EN_Customviews[] = "Custom Views";
516 static uint8_t text_DE_Customviews[] = "Variable Anzeigen";
517 static uint8_t text_FR_Customviews[] = "Affichage personnel";//"Affich. perso.";
518 static uint8_t text_IT_Customviews[] = "Personalizza Schermo";
519 static uint8_t text_ES_Customviews[] = "";
521 // Menu SYS2 sub
522 static uint8_t text_EN_CViewTimeout[] = "Center auto return after";
523 static uint8_t text_DE_CViewTimeout[] = "Mitte automat. zurück";
524 static uint8_t text_FR_CViewTimeout[] = "Retour affich. central";
525 static uint8_t text_IT_CViewTimeout[] = "Centro Auto Ritorno";
526 static uint8_t text_ES_CViewTimeout[] = "";
528 // Menu SYS2 sub
529 static uint8_t text_EN_CViewStandard[] = "Center primary";
530 static uint8_t text_DE_CViewStandard[] = "Mitte primär";
531 static uint8_t text_FR_CViewStandard[] = "Affichage central";
532 static uint8_t text_IT_CViewStandard[] = "Display Centrale";
533 static uint8_t text_ES_CViewStandard[] = "";
535 // Menu SYS2 sub
536 static uint8_t text_EN_CornerTimeout[] = "Field auto return after";
537 static uint8_t text_DE_CornerTimeout[] = "Feld automat. zurück";
538 static uint8_t text_FR_CornerTimeout[] = "Retour affich. gauche"; // This is the LEFT corner.
539 static uint8_t text_IT_CornerTimeout[] = "Campo Auto Ritorno";
540 static uint8_t text_ES_CornerTimeout[] = "";
542 // Menu SYS2 sub
543 static uint8_t text_EN_CornerStandard[] = "Field primary";
544 static uint8_t text_DE_CornerStandard[] = "Feld primär";
545 static uint8_t text_FR_CornerStandard[] = "Affichage gauche";
546 static uint8_t text_IT_CornerStandard[] = "Campo Primario";
547 static uint8_t text_ES_CornerStandard[] = "";
549 // Menu GAS sub
550 static uint8_t text_EN_SetToMOD[] = "Set Change Depth To MOD";
551 static uint8_t text_DE_SetToMOD[] = "Setze Wechseltiefe auf MOD";
552 static uint8_t text_FR_SetToMOD[] = "Régler prof. chgmt. à PMU";
553 static uint8_t text_IT_SetToMOD[] = "Cambia profondità";
554 static uint8_t text_ES_SetToMOD[] = "";
556 // Menu SYS2 sub
557 static uint8_t text_EN_Units[] = "Units";
558 static uint8_t text_DE_Units[] = "Einheit";
559 static uint8_t text_FR_Units[] = "Unités";
560 static uint8_t text_IT_Units[] = "Unità";
561 static uint8_t text_ES_Units[] = "";
563 // Menu SYS2 sub
564 static uint8_t text_EN_Design_t7_feet[] = "feet/fahrenheit";
565 static uint8_t text_DE_Design_t7_feet[] = "";
566 static uint8_t text_FR_Design_t7_feet[] = "pied/Fahrenheit";
567 static uint8_t text_IT_Design_t7_feet[] = "Piedi/Fahrenheit";
568 static uint8_t text_ES_Design_t7_feet[] = "";
570 // Menu SYS2 sub
571 static uint8_t text_EN_Design_t7_metric[] = "metric system";
572 static uint8_t text_DE_Design_t7_metric[] = "meter/Celsius";
573 static uint8_t text_FR_Design_t7_metric[] = "mètre/Celsius";
574 static uint8_t text_IT_Design_t7_metric[] = "Sistema Metrico";
575 static uint8_t text_ES_Design_t7_metric[] = "";
577 // Menu SYS2
578 static uint8_t text_EN_Information[] = "Information";
579 static uint8_t text_DE_Information[] = "";
580 static uint8_t text_FR_Information[] = ""; // Information
581 static uint8_t text_IT_Information[] = "Info";
582 static uint8_t text_ES_Information[] = "";
584 // Menu SYS2
585 static uint8_t text_EN_ResetMenu[] = "Reset Menu";
586 static uint8_t text_DE_ResetMenu[] = "Reset Menü";
587 static uint8_t text_FR_ResetMenu[] = "Menu RaZ"; // RÃ Z
588 static uint8_t text_IT_ResetMenu[] = "Ripristina Menu";
589 static uint8_t text_ES_ResetMenu[] = "";
591 // Menu SYS2 sub
592 static uint8_t text_EN_LogbookOffset[] = "Logbook offset";
593 static uint8_t text_DE_LogbookOffset[] = "Logbuch Versatz";
594 static uint8_t text_FR_LogbookOffset[] = "Num. 1er plongée";
595 static uint8_t text_IT_LogbookOffset[] = "Loogbook offset";
596 static uint8_t text_ES_LogbookOffset[] = "";
599 // Menu SYS2 sub
600 static uint8_t text_EN_Maintenance[] = "Maintenance";
601 static uint8_t text_DE_Maintenance[] = "";
602 static uint8_t text_FR_Maintenance[] = "";
603 static uint8_t text_IT_Maintenance[] = "Manutenzione";
604 static uint8_t text_ES_Maintenance[] = "";
606 // Menu SYS2 sub
607 static uint8_t text_EN_SetBatteryCharge[] = "Restore Battery Charge";
608 static uint8_t text_DE_SetBatteryCharge[] = "";
609 static uint8_t text_FR_SetBatteryCharge[] = "";
610 static uint8_t text_IT_SetBatteryCharge[] = "Ricaricare batteria";
611 static uint8_t text_ES_SetBatteryCharge[] = "";
613 // Menu SYS2 sub
614 static uint8_t text_EN_SetFactoryDefaults[] = "Store Button Factory Defaults";
615 static uint8_t text_DE_SetFactoryDefaults[] = "";
616 static uint8_t text_FR_SetFactoryDefaults[] = "";
617 static uint8_t text_IT_SetFactoryDefaults[] = "Impostazioni di fabbrica";
618 static uint8_t text_ES_SetFactoryDefaults[] = "";
620 // Menu SYS2 sub
621 static uint8_t text_EN_Reboot[] = "Reboot";
622 static uint8_t text_DE_Reboot[] = "Neustart";
623 static uint8_t text_FR_Reboot[] = "Redémarrage";
624 static uint8_t text_IT_Reboot[] = "Riavvio";
625 static uint8_t text_ES_Reboot[] = "";
627 // Menu SYS2 sub
628 static uint8_t text_EN__RebootRTE[] = "Reboot RTE";
629 static uint8_t text_DE__RebootRTE[] = "RTE neu starten";
630 static uint8_t text_FR__RebootRTE[] = "Redémarrage RTE";
631 static uint8_t text_IT__RebootRTE[] = "Riavvio RTE";
632 static uint8_t text_ES__RebootRTE[] = "";
634 // Menu SYS2 sub
635 static uint8_t text_EN_AreYouSure[] = "Are you sure?";
636 static uint8_t text_DE_AreYouSure[] = "Sind Sie sicher?";
637 static uint8_t text_FR_AreYouSure[] = "Confirmer?";
638 static uint8_t text_IT_AreYouSure[] = "Sei sicuro?";
639 static uint8_t text_ES_AreYouSure[] = "";
641 // Menu SYS2 sub
642 static uint8_t text_EN_Abort[] = "Abort";
643 static uint8_t text_DE_Abort[] = "Abbrechen";
644 static uint8_t text_FR_Abort[] = "Quitter";
645 static uint8_t text_IT_Abort[] = "Uscita";
646 static uint8_t text_ES_Abort[] = "";
648 // Menu SYS2 sub
649 static uint8_t text_EN_ResetAll[] = "Reset Settings";
650 static uint8_t text_DE_ResetAll[] = "Einstellung zurücksetzen";
651 static uint8_t text_FR_ResetAll[] = "RaZ Paramètres";
652 static uint8_t text_IT_ResetAll[] = "Ripristina Impostazioni";
653 static uint8_t text_ES_ResetAll[] = "";
655 // Menu SYS2 sub
656 static uint8_t text_EN_ResetDeco[] = "Reset Deco";
657 static uint8_t text_DE_ResetDeco[] = "Deko zurücksetzen";
658 static uint8_t text_FR_ResetDeco[] = "RaZ Deco";
659 static uint8_t text_IT_ResetDeco[] = "Ripristina Deco";
660 static uint8_t text_ES_ResetDeco[] = "";
662 // Menu SYS2 sub
663 static uint8_t text_EN_Exit[] = "Exit";
664 static uint8_t text_DE_Exit[] = "Ende";
665 static uint8_t text_FR_Exit[] = "Sortir";
666 static uint8_t text_IT_Exit[] = "Esci";
667 static uint8_t text_ES_Exit[] = "";
669 // Menu SYS2 sub
670 static uint8_t text_EN_StartBootloader[] = "Reboot Firmware";
671 static uint8_t text_DE_StartBootloader[] = "Neustart Firmware";
672 static uint8_t text_FR_StartBootloader[] = "Redémarrer";
673 static uint8_t text_IT_StartBootloader[] = "Ripristina Firmware";
674 static uint8_t text_ES_StartBootloader[] = "";
676 // Menu SYS2 sub
677 static uint8_t text_EN_ResetLogbook[] = "Reset Logbook";
678 static uint8_t text_DE_ResetLogbook[] = "Logbuch zurücksetzen";
679 static uint8_t text_FR_ResetLogbook[] = "RaZ carnet"; // RÃ Z
680 static uint8_t text_IT_ResetLogbook[] = "Ripristina Logbook";
681 static uint8_t text_ES_ResetLogbook[] = "";
683 // Surface warning
684 static uint8_t text_EN_PleaseUpdate[] = "Please update";
685 static uint8_t text_DE_PleaseUpdate[] = "Bitte updaten:";
686 static uint8_t text_FR_PleaseUpdate[] = "Mettre à jours svp.";
687 static uint8_t text_IT_PleaseUpdate[] = "Aggiornamento";
688 static uint8_t text_ES_PleaseUpdate[] = "";
690 // Surface warning
691 static uint8_t text_EN_RTE[] = "RTE";
692 static uint8_t text_DE_RTE[] = "";
693 static uint8_t text_FR_RTE[] = "";
694 static uint8_t text_IT_RTE[] = "RTE";
695 static uint8_t text_ES_RTE[] = "";
697 // Surface warning
698 static uint8_t text_EN_Fonts[] = "fonts"; // Character fonts!!
699 static uint8_t text_DE_Fonts[] = "";
700 static uint8_t text_FR_Fonts[] = "polices";
701 static uint8_t text_IT_Fonts[] = "Carattere";
702 static uint8_t text_ES_Fonts[] = "";
704 // Dive Menu
705 static uint8_t text_EN_ResetStopwatch[] = "Reset stopwatch";
706 static uint8_t text_DE_ResetStopwatch[] = "Stoppuhr zurückstellen";
707 static uint8_t text_FR_ResetStopwatch[] = "RaZ chrono"; // RÃ Z
708 static uint8_t text_IT_ResetStopwatch[] = "Riavvia cronometro";
709 static uint8_t text_ES_ResetStopwatch[] = "";
711 // Dive Menu
712 static uint8_t text_EN_SetMarker[] = "Set marker";
713 static uint8_t text_DE_SetMarker[] = "Markierung";
714 static uint8_t text_FR_SetMarker[] = "Repère";
715 static uint8_t text_IT_SetMarker[] = "Coordinata";
716 static uint8_t text_ES_SetMarker[] = "";
718 // Dive Menu
719 static uint8_t text_EN_CompassHeading[] = "Compass heading";
720 static uint8_t text_DE_CompassHeading[] = "Kompasskurs";
721 static uint8_t text_FR_CompassHeading[] = "Cap";
722 static uint8_t text_IT_CompassHeading[] = "Direzione bussola";
723 static uint8_t text_ES_CompassHeading[] = "";
725 // Menu SIM
726 static uint8_t text_EN_Simulator[] = "Simulator";
727 static uint8_t text_DE_Simulator[] = "";
728 static uint8_t text_FR_Simulator[] = "Simulateur";
729 static uint8_t text_IT_Simulator[] = "Simulazione";
730 static uint8_t text_ES_Simulator[] = "";
732 // Menu SIM
733 static uint8_t text_EN_StartSimulator[] = "Start Simulator";
734 static uint8_t text_DE_StartSimulator[] = "Simulator starten";
735 static uint8_t text_FR_StartSimulator[] = "Démarrage Simulateur";
736 static uint8_t text_IT_StartSimulator[] = "Inizia Simulazione";
737 static uint8_t text_ES_StartSimulator[] = "";
739 // Menu SIM
740 static uint8_t text_EN_Intervall[] = "Interval";
741 static uint8_t text_DE_Intervall[] = "Intervall";
742 static uint8_t text_FR_Intervall[] = "Intervalle";
743 static uint8_t text_IT_Intervall[] = "Intervallo";
744 static uint8_t text_ES_Intervall[] = "";
746 // Menu SIM
747 static uint8_t text_EN_SimDiveTime[] = "Dive Time";
748 static uint8_t text_DE_SimDiveTime[] = "Tauchzeit";
749 static uint8_t text_FR_SimDiveTime[] = "Temps fond";
750 static uint8_t text_IT_SimDiveTime[] = "Tempo di Immersione";
751 static uint8_t text_ES_SimDiveTime[] = "";
753 // Menu SIM
754 static uint8_t text_EN_SimMaxDepth[] = "Max. Depth";
755 static uint8_t text_DE_SimMaxDepth[] = "Max. Tiefe";
756 static uint8_t text_FR_SimMaxDepth[] = "Prof. max";
757 static uint8_t text_IT_SimMaxDepth[] = "Profondità Max.";
758 static uint8_t text_ES_SimMaxDepth[] = "";
760 // Menu SIM sub
761 static uint8_t text_EN_SimConsumption[] = "Gas consumption";
762 static uint8_t text_DE_SimConsumption[] = "Gas Verbrauch";
763 static uint8_t text_FR_SimConsumption[] = "Conso gaz";
764 static uint8_t text_IT_SimConsumption[] = "Consumo Gas";
765 static uint8_t text_ES_SimConsumption[] = "";
767 // Menu SIM sub
768 static uint8_t text_EN_SimSummary[] = "Summary";
769 static uint8_t text_DE_SimSummary[] = "Zusammenfassung";
770 static uint8_t text_FR_SimSummary[] = "Résumé";
771 static uint8_t text_IT_SimSummary[] = "Leggenda";
772 static uint8_t text_ES_SimSummary[] = "";
774 // Menu SIM sub
775 static uint8_t text_EN_SimDecTo[] = "Dec to";
776 static uint8_t text_DE_SimDecTo[] = "Abst.";
777 static uint8_t text_FR_SimDecTo[] = "Desc à ";
778 static uint8_t text_IT_SimDecTo[] = "";
779 static uint8_t text_ES_SimDecTo[] = "";
781 // Menu SIM sub
782 static uint8_t text_EN_SimLevel[] = "Level";
783 static uint8_t text_DE_SimLevel[] = "Tiefe";
784 static uint8_t text_FR_SimLevel[] = "Niveau";
785 static uint8_t text_IT_SimLevel[] = "Livello";
786 static uint8_t text_ES_SimLevel[] = "";
788 // Menu SIM sub
789 static uint8_t text_EN_SimAscTo[] = "Asc to";
790 static uint8_t text_DE_SimAscTo[] = "Aufst.";
791 static uint8_t text_FR_SimAscTo[] = "Rem. Ã ";
792 static uint8_t text_IT_SimAscTo[] = "";
793 static uint8_t text_ES_SimAscTo[] = "";
795 // Menu SIM sub
796 static uint8_t text_EN_SimSurface[] = "Surface";
797 static uint8_t text_DE_SimSurface[] = "Oberfl.";
798 static uint8_t text_FR_SimSurface[] = ""; // Surface
799 static uint8_t text_IT_SimSurface[] = "Superficie";
800 static uint8_t text_ES_SimSurface[] = "";
802 // Menu SIM sub
803 static uint8_t text_EN_Calculating[] = "Calculating ...";
804 static uint8_t text_DE_Calculating[] = "Auswertung ...";
805 static uint8_t text_FR_Calculating[] = "Calcul...";
806 static uint8_t text_IT_Calculating[] = "Elaborazione...";
807 static uint8_t text_ES_Calculating[] = "";
809 // Menu SIM sub
810 static uint8_t text_EN_PleaseWait[] = "Please wait!";
811 static uint8_t text_DE_PleaseWait[] = "Bitte warten!";
812 static uint8_t text_FR_PleaseWait[] = "Attendre svp.";
813 static uint8_t text_IT_PleaseWait[] = "Attendere...";
814 static uint8_t text_ES_PleaseWait[] = "";
816 // Menu SIM
817 static uint8_t text_EN_CalculateDeco[] = "Calculate Deco";
818 static uint8_t text_DE_CalculateDeco[] = "Deko berechnen";
819 static uint8_t text_FR_CalculateDeco[] = "Calcul Déco";
820 static uint8_t text_IT_CalculateDeco[] = "Calcolo Deco";
821 static uint8_t text_ES_CalculateDeco[] = "";
823 // Menu SIM sub
824 static uint8_t text_EN_Decolist[] = "Decoplan";
825 static uint8_t text_DE_Decolist[] = "Dekoplan";
826 static uint8_t text_FR_Decolist[] = "Runtime";
827 static uint8_t text_IT_Decolist[] = "Pianifica Deco";
828 static uint8_t text_ES_Decolist[] = "";
830 // Menu SYS1
831 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonSensitivity[] = "Button sensitivity";
832 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonSensitivity[] = "Taster Ansprechen";
833 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonSensitivity[] = "Bouton sensibilité";
834 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonSensitivity[] = "Sensibilità Pulsante";
835 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonSensitivity[] = "";
837 //
838 static uint8_t text_EN_SpecialDiveGas[] = "Free configurable";
839 static uint8_t text_DE_SpecialDiveGas[] = "Frei einstellbar";
840 static uint8_t text_FR_SpecialDiveGas[] = "";
841 static uint8_t text_IT_SpecialDiveGas[] = "Configurazione libera";
842 static uint8_t text_ES_SpecialDiveGas[] = "";
844 // Dive Menu
845 static uint8_t text_EN_SpecialDiveGasMenu[] = "Lost Gas and Extra Gas";
846 static uint8_t text_DE_SpecialDiveGasMenu[] = "Verlorene Gase und Extra Gas";
847 static uint8_t text_FR_SpecialDiveGasMenu[] = "";
848 static uint8_t text_IT_SpecialDiveGasMenu[] = "Gas perso e Extra Gas";
849 static uint8_t text_ES_SpecialDiveGasMenu[] = "";
851 // Dive Menu (CCR mode)
852 static uint8_t text_EN_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR[] = "Lost Gas";
853 static uint8_t text_DE_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR[] = "Verlorene Gase";
854 static uint8_t text_FR_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR[] = "";
855 static uint8_t text_IT_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR[] = "Gas perso";
856 static uint8_t text_ES_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR[] = "";
858 // Dive Menu (CCR mode)
859 static uint8_t text_EN_UseSensor[] = "Use Sensor";
860 static uint8_t text_DE_UseSensor[] = "Benutze Sensor";
861 static uint8_t text_FR_UseSensor[] = "Cellules";
862 static uint8_t text_IT_UseSensor[] = "Sensore";
863 static uint8_t text_ES_UseSensor[] = "";
865 // Warning
866 static uint8_t text_EN_WarnDecoMissed[] = "deco stop";
867 static uint8_t text_DE_WarnDecoMissed[] = "Deco Stopp";
868 static uint8_t text_FR_WarnDecoMissed[] = "";
869 static uint8_t text_IT_WarnDecoMissed[] = "Deco Stop";
870 static uint8_t text_ES_WarnDecoMissed[] = "";
872 // Warning
873 static uint8_t text_EN_WarnFallback[] = "Fallback";
874 static uint8_t text_DE_WarnFallback[] = "";
875 static uint8_t text_FR_WarnFallback[] = "Mode repli"; // NEED to more specific here I guess...
876 static uint8_t text_IT_WarnFallback[] = "Ricalibrare";
877 static uint8_t text_ES_WarnFallback[] = "";
879 // Warning
880 static uint8_t text_EN_WarnPPO2Low[] = "O2 low";
881 static uint8_t text_DE_WarnPPO2Low[] = "O2 niedrig";
882 static uint8_t text_FR_WarnPPO2Low[] = "PpO2 basse";
883 static uint8_t text_IT_WarnPPO2Low[] = "PpO2 basso";
884 static uint8_t text_ES_WarnPPO2Low[] = "";
886 // Warning
887 static uint8_t text_EN_WarnPPO2High[] = "O2 high";
888 static uint8_t text_DE_WarnPPO2High[] = "O2 hoch";
889 static uint8_t text_FR_WarnPPO2High[] = "PpO2 haut";
890 static uint8_t text_IT_WarnPPO2High[] = "PpO2 Alto";
891 static uint8_t text_ES_WarnPPO2High[] = "";
893 // Warning
894 static uint8_t text_EN_WarnBatteryLow[] = "battery";
895 static uint8_t text_DE_WarnBatteryLow[] = "Batterie";
896 static uint8_t text_FR_WarnBatteryLow[] = "Batterie";
897 static uint8_t text_IT_WarnBatteryLow[] = "Batteria";
898 static uint8_t text_ES_WarnBatteryLow[] = "";
900 // Warning
901 static uint8_t text_EN_WarnSensorLinkLost[] = "sensors";
902 static uint8_t text_DE_WarnSensorLinkLost[] = "Sensoren";
903 static uint8_t text_FR_WarnSensorLinkLost[] = "Cellules";
904 static uint8_t text_IT_WarnSensorLinkLost[] = "Sensori";
905 static uint8_t text_ES_WarnSensorLinkLost[] = "";
907 // Warning
908 static uint8_t text_EN_WarnCnsHigh[] = "CNS high";
909 static uint8_t text_DE_WarnCnsHigh[] = "CNS hoch";
910 static uint8_t text_FR_WarnCnsHigh[] = "SNC haut";
911 static uint8_t text_IT_WarnCnsHigh[] = "CNS Alto";
912 static uint8_t text_ES_WarnCnsHigh[] = "";
914 // Tissue Graph
915 static uint8_t text_EN_Nitrogen[] = "Nitrogen";
916 static uint8_t text_DE_Nitrogen[] = "Stickstoff";
917 static uint8_t text_FR_Nitrogen[] = "Azote";
918 static uint8_t text_IT_Nitrogen[] = "Azoto";
919 static uint8_t text_ES_Nitrogen[] = "";
921 // Tissue Graph
922 static uint8_t text_EN_Helium[] = "Helium";
923 static uint8_t text_DE_Helium[] = "";
924 static uint8_t text_FR_Helium[] = "Hélium";
925 static uint8_t text_IT_Helium[] = "Helio";
926 static uint8_t text_ES_Helium[] = "";
928 // Tissue Graph
929 static uint8_t text_EN_CNS[] = "Oxygen";
930 static uint8_t text_DE_CNS[] = "Sauerstoff";
931 static uint8_t text_FR_CNS[] = "Oxygène";
932 static uint8_t text_IT_CNS[] = "Ossigeno";
933 static uint8_t text_ES_CNS[] = "";
935 // Profile Graph
936 static uint8_t text_EN_Profile[] = "Profile";
937 static uint8_t text_DE_Profile[] = "Profil";
938 static uint8_t text_FR_Profile[] = "Profil";
939 static uint8_t text_IT_Profile[] = "Profilo";
940 static uint8_t text_ES_Profile[] = "";
942 // Dive mode (header @ deco stop place)
943 static uint8_t text_EN_SafetyStop2[] = "safety stop";
944 static uint8_t text_DE_SafetyStop2[] = "Sicherheit";
945 static uint8_t text_FR_SafetyStop2[] = "Palier sécurité";
946 static uint8_t text_IT_SafetyStop2[] = "Tappa di sicurezza";
947 static uint8_t text_ES_SafetyStop2[] = "";
949 // Surface mode
950 static uint8_t text_EN_noFly[] = "noFly";
951 static uint8_t text_DE_noFly[] = "";
952 static uint8_t text_FR_noFly[] = ""; // Or Avion
953 static uint8_t text_IT_noFly[] = "No Volo";
954 static uint8_t text_ES_noFly[] = "";
956 // Surface mode
957 static uint8_t text_EN_Desaturation[] = "Desaturation";
958 static uint8_t text_DE_Desaturation[] = "Entsättigung";
959 static uint8_t text_FR_Desaturation[] = "Désaturation";
960 static uint8_t text_IT_Desaturation[] = "Desaturazione";
961 static uint8_t text_ES_Desaturation[] = "";
963 // Surface mode
964 static uint8_t text_EN_TimeSinceLastDive[] = "Last dive";
965 static uint8_t text_DE_TimeSinceLastDive[] = "Tauchpause";
966 static uint8_t text_FR_TimeSinceLastDive[] = "Intervalle";
967 static uint8_t text_IT_TimeSinceLastDive[] = "Ultima immersione";
968 static uint8_t text_ES_TimeSinceLastDive[] = "";
970 // Button label (tiny line)
971 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonLogbook[] = "Logbook";
972 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonLogbook[] = "Logbuch";
973 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonLogbook[] = "Carnet";
974 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonLogbook[] = "Loogbook";
975 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonLogbook[] = "";
977 // Button label (tiny line)
978 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonView[] = "View";
979 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonView[] = "Ansicht";
980 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonView[] = "Vue";
981 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonView[] = "Visuale";
982 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonView[] = "";
984 // Button label (tiny line)
985 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonMenu[] = "Menu";
986 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonMenu[] = "Menü";
987 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonMenu[] = "";// Menu
988 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonMenu[] = "Menu";
989 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonMenu[] = "";
991 // Button label (tiny line)
992 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonBack[] = "Back";
993 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonBack[] = "Zurück";
994 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonBack[] = "Retour";
995 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonBack[] = "Indietro";
996 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonBack[] = "";
998 // Button label (tiny line)
999 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonEnter[] = "Enter";
1000 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonEnter[] = "Bestätigen";
1001 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonEnter[] = "Entrer";
1002 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonEnter[] = "Conferma";
1003 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonEnter[] = "";
1005 // Button label (tiny line)
1006 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonNext[] = "Next";
1007 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonNext[] = "Weiter";
1008 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonNext[] = "Suivant"; //"Suiv.";
1009 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonNext[] = "Prossimo";
1010 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonNext[] = "";
1012 // Button label (tiny line)
1013 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonMinus[] = "\375";
1014 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonMinus[] = "";
1015 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonMinus[] = "";
1016 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonMinus[] = "";
1017 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonMinus[] = "";
1019 // Button label (tiny line)
1020 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonPlus[] = "\373";
1021 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonPlus[] = "";
1022 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonPlus[] = "";
1023 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonPlus[] = "";
1024 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonPlus[] = "";
1026 // Dive menu
1027 static uint8_t text_EN_SimFollowDecoStops[] = "Ascent follows decostops";
1028 static uint8_t text_DE_SimFollowDecoStops[] = "Sim-Aufstieg folgt Stopps";
1029 static uint8_t text_FR_SimFollowDecoStops[] = "Remonté selon paliers";
1030 static uint8_t text_IT_SimFollowDecoStops[] = "";
1031 static uint8_t text_ES_SimFollowDecoStops[] = "";
1033 // Menu SYS1
1034 static uint8_t text_EN_Bluetooth[] = "Bluetooth";
1035 static uint8_t text_DE_Bluetooth[] = "";
1036 static uint8_t text_FR_Bluetooth[] = "";
1037 static uint8_t text_IT_Bluetooth[] = "";
1038 static uint8_t text_ES_Bluetooth[] = "";
1040 // Customview Header
1041 static uint8_t text_EN_Tissues[] = "tissue load";
1042 static uint8_t text_DE_Tissues[] = "Sättigung";
1043 static uint8_t text_FR_Tissues[] = "Saturation";
1044 static uint8_t text_IT_Tissues[] = "Saturazione tessuti";
1045 static uint8_t text_ES_Tissues[] = "";
1047 // Customview Header
1048 static uint8_t text_EN_O2monitor[] = "O2 monitor";
1049 static uint8_t text_DE_O2monitor[] = "O2 Monitor";
1050 static uint8_t text_FR_O2monitor[] = "Moniteur O2"; // "O2 (bar)" ?
1051 static uint8_t text_IT_O2monitor[] = "Monitor O2";
1052 static uint8_t text_ES_O2monitor[] = "";
1054 // Customview Header
1055 static uint8_t text_EN_O2voltage[] = "O2 voltage";
1056 static uint8_t text_DE_O2voltage[] = "O2 voltage";
1057 static uint8_t text_FR_O2voltage[] = "Voltage O2";
1058 static uint8_t text_IT_O2voltage[] = "Voltaggio O2";
1059 static uint8_t text_ES_O2voltage[] = "";
1061 // Customview Header
1062 static uint8_t text_EN_Gaslist[] = "Gaslist OC";
1063 static uint8_t text_DE_Gaslist[] = "";
1064 static uint8_t text_FR_Gaslist[] = "Liste gaz OC";
1065 static uint8_t text_IT_Gaslist[] = "Lista GAS OC";
1066 static uint8_t text_ES_Gaslist[] = "";
1068 // Customview Header
1069 static uint8_t text_EN_Info[] = "Info";
1070 static uint8_t text_DE_Info[] = "";
1071 static uint8_t text_FR_Info[] = ""; // Info
1072 static uint8_t text_IT_Info[] = "Info";
1073 static uint8_t text_ES_Info[] = "";
1075 // Customview Header
1076 static uint8_t text_EN_Warning[] = "Warning";
1077 static uint8_t text_DE_Warning[] = "Warnung";
1078 static uint8_t text_FR_Warning[] = "Alerte";
1079 static uint8_t text_IT_Warning[] = "PERICOLO!";
1080 static uint8_t text_ES_Warning[] = "";
1082 // Customview Header (Bonex Computer)
1083 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterMonitor[] = "bonex";
1084 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterMonitor[] = "";
1085 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterMonitor[] = "";
1086 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterMonitor[] = "Bonex DPV";
1087 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterMonitor[] = "";
1089 // Menu SYS2 sub Information
1090 static uint8_t text_EN_Usage_Battery[] = "Battery life";
1091 static uint8_t text_DE_Usage_Battery[] = "Batterie Nutzung";
1092 static uint8_t text_FR_Usage_Battery[] = "Durée batterie";
1093 static uint8_t text_IT_Usage_Battery[] = "Durata Batteria";
1094 static uint8_t text_ES_Usage_Battery[] = "";
1096 // Menu SYS2 sub Information
1097 static uint8_t text_EN_Usage_Dives[] = "Dive Records";
1098 static uint8_t text_DE_Usage_Dives[] = "Tauch Historie";
1099 static uint8_t text_FR_Usage_Dives[] = "Historique plongées";
1100 static uint8_t text_IT_Usage_Dives[] = "Totale immersioni";
1101 static uint8_t text_ES_Usage_Dives[] = "";
1103 // Menu SYS2 sub Information
1104 static uint8_t text_EN_Usage_Environment[] = "Environmental conditions";
1105 static uint8_t text_DE_Usage_Environment[] = "Umgebungsbedingungen";
1106 static uint8_t text_FR_Usage_Environment[] = "Conditions environ.";
1107 static uint8_t text_IT_Usage_Environment[] = "Condizioni ambientali";
1108 static uint8_t text_ES_Usage_Environment[] = "";
1110 // Menu SYS2 sub Information
1111 static uint8_t text_EN_ChargeCycles[] = "charge cycles (complete)";
1112 static uint8_t text_DE_ChargeCycles[] = "Ladezyklen (vollständig)";
1113 static uint8_t text_FR_ChargeCycles[] = "Cycles de charge (complets)";
1114 static uint8_t text_IT_ChargeCycles[] = "Ricarica completata";
1115 static uint8_t text_ES_ChargeCycles[] = "";
1117 // Menu SYS2 sub Information
1118 static uint8_t text_EN_LowestVoltage[] = "lowest battery voltage";
1119 static uint8_t text_DE_LowestVoltage[] = "niedriegste Batteriespannung";
1120 static uint8_t text_FR_LowestVoltage[] = "Voltage min batterie";
1121 static uint8_t text_IT_LowestVoltage[] = "Batteria scarica";
1122 static uint8_t text_ES_LowestVoltage[] = "";
1124 // Menu SYS2 sub Information
1125 static uint8_t text_EN_HoursOfOperation[] = "hours of operation";
1126 static uint8_t text_DE_HoursOfOperation[] = "Betriebsstunden";
1127 static uint8_t text_FR_HoursOfOperation[] = "Heures d'utilisations";
1128 static uint8_t text_IT_HoursOfOperation[] = "Ore di utilizzo";
1129 static uint8_t text_ES_HoursOfOperation[] = "";
1131 // Menu SYS2 sub Information
1132 static uint8_t text_EN_NumberOfDives[] = "total number of dives (max. depth)";
1133 static uint8_t text_DE_NumberOfDives[] = "Anzahl Tauchgänge (max. Tiefe)";
1134 static uint8_t text_FR_NumberOfDives[] = "Nombre total de plongées (prof. max)";
1135 static uint8_t text_IT_NumberOfDives[] = "Numero totale di immersioni";
1136 static uint8_t text_ES_NumberOfDives[] = "";
1138 // Menu SYS2 sub Information
1139 static uint8_t text_EN_AmbientTemperature[] = "ambient temperature range";
1140 static uint8_t text_DE_AmbientTemperature[] = "Umgebungstemperaturbereich";
1141 static uint8_t text_FR_AmbientTemperature[] = "Temperature ambiante"; // Range --> Temperatures ?
1142 static uint8_t text_IT_AmbientTemperature[] = "Temperatura ambiente";
1143 static uint8_t text_ES_AmbientTemperature[] = "";
1145 // Menu SYS2 sub Information
1146 static uint8_t text_EN_Korrekturwerte[] = "Correction values";
1147 static uint8_t text_DE_Korrekturwerte[] = "Korrekturwerte";
1148 static uint8_t text_FR_Korrekturwerte[] = "Corrections";
1149 static uint8_t text_IT_Korrekturwerte[] = "Correzione valore";
1150 static uint8_t text_ES_Korrekturwerte[] = "";
1152 // Customview Content
1153 static uint8_t text_EN_Clock[] = "Clock";
1154 static uint8_t text_DE_Clock[] = "Uhr";
1155 static uint8_t text_FR_Clock[] = "Heure";
1156 static uint8_t text_IT_Clock[] = "Orologio";
1157 static uint8_t text_ES_Clock[] = "";
1159 // Surface mode (all weekdays)
1160 static uint8_t text_EN_Sunday[] = "Sunday";
1161 static uint8_t text_DE_Sunday[] = "Sonntag";
1162 static uint8_t text_FR_Sunday[] = "Dimanche";
1163 static uint8_t text_IT_Sunday[] = "Domenica";
1164 static uint8_t text_ES_Sunday[] = "";
1166 static uint8_t text_EN_Monday[] = "Monday";
1167 static uint8_t text_DE_Monday[] = "Montag";
1168 static uint8_t text_FR_Monday[] = "Lundi";
1169 static uint8_t text_IT_Monday[] = "Lunedì";
1170 static uint8_t text_ES_Monday[] = "";
1172 static uint8_t text_EN_Tuesday[] = "Tuesday";
1173 static uint8_t text_DE_Tuesday[] = "Dienstag";
1174 static uint8_t text_FR_Tuesday[] = "Mardi";
1175 static uint8_t text_IT_Tuesday[] = "Martedì";
1176 static uint8_t text_ES_Tuesday[] = "";
1178 static uint8_t text_EN_Wednesday[] = "Wednesday";
1179 static uint8_t text_DE_Wednesday[] = "Mittwoch";
1180 static uint8_t text_FR_Wednesday[] = "Mercredi";
1181 static uint8_t text_IT_Wednesday[] = "Mercoledì";
1182 static uint8_t text_ES_Wednesday[] = "";
1184 static uint8_t text_EN_Thursday[] = "Thursday";
1185 static uint8_t text_DE_Thursday[] = "Donnerstag";
1186 static uint8_t text_FR_Thursday[] = "Jeudi";
1187 static uint8_t text_IT_Thursday[] = "Giovedì";
1188 static uint8_t text_ES_Thursday[] = "";
1190 static uint8_t text_EN_Friday[] = "Friday";
1191 static uint8_t text_DE_Friday[] = "Freitag";
1192 static uint8_t text_FR_Friday[] = "Vendredi";
1193 static uint8_t text_IT_Friday[] = "Venerdì";
1194 static uint8_t text_ES_Friday[] = "";
1196 static uint8_t text_EN_Saturday[] = "Saturday";
1197 static uint8_t text_DE_Saturday[] = "Samstag";
1198 static uint8_t text_FR_Saturday[] = "Samedi";
1199 static uint8_t text_IT_Saturday[] = "Sabato";
1200 static uint8_t text_ES_Saturday[] = "";
1202 // Dive Mode und Customview Content (Bonex Computer)
1203 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterRestkapazitaet[] = "Battery Capacity";
1204 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterRestkapazitaet[] = "Batterie Kapazität";
1205 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterRestkapazitaet[] = "Charge Batterie"; // Ok for "... = 35%"
1206 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterRestkapazitaet[] = "Carica Batteria";
1207 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterRestkapazitaet[] = "";
1209 // Dive Mode und Customview Content (Bonex Computer)
1210 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterTemperature[] = "Motor Temp.";
1211 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterTemperature[] = "";
1212 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterTemperature[] = "Temp. moteur"; // "Température moteur";
1213 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterTemperature[] = "Temp. Motore";
1214 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterTemperature[] = "";
1216 // Dive Mode und Customview Content (Bonex Computer)
1217 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterSpeed[] = "Speed";
1218 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterSpeed[] = "Geschwindigkeit";
1219 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterSpeed[] = "Vitesse";
1220 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterSpeed[] = "Velocità";
1221 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterSpeed[] = "";
1223 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1224 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterSetup[] = "Bonex Setup";
1225 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterSetup[] = "";
1226 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterSetup[] = "Config. Bonex"; // "Configuration Bonex";
1227 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterSetup[] = "Settaggio DPV";
1228 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterSetup[] = "";
1230 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1231 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterDrag[] = "Drag";
1232 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterDrag[] = "";
1233 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterDrag[] = "";// "Traction"; // ?? No!! The traction force ? inhibition hw
1234 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterDrag[] = "Spinta";
1235 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterDrag[] = "";
1237 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1238 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterLoad[] = "Load";
1239 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterLoad[] = "";
1240 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterLoad[] = ""; // "Charge"; // ?? Kg
1241 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterLoad[] = "Caricamento";
1242 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterLoad[] = "";
1244 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1245 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterVolt[] = "Voltage";
1246 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterVolt[] = "Spannung";
1247 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterVolt[] = "";
1248 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterVolt[] = "Voltaggio";
1249 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterVolt[] = "";
1251 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1252 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterD0Apnoe[] = "Apnea";
1253 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterD0Apnoe[] = "Apnoe";
1254 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterD0Apnoe[] = "Apnée";
1255 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterD0Apnoe[] = "Apnea";
1256 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterD0Apnoe[] = "";
1258 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1259 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterD1Scuba[] = "Scuba";
1260 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterD1Scuba[] = "";
1261 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterD1Scuba[] = "Plongée";
1262 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterD1Scuba[] = "Immersione";
1263 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterD1Scuba[] = "";
1265 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1266 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterD2Tech[] = "Tech";
1267 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterD2Tech[] = "";
1268 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterD2Tech[] = ""; // Technique
1269 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterD2Tech[] = "Immersione tecnica";
1270 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterD2Tech[] = "";
1272 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1273 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterD3Heavy[] = "Heavy Tech";
1274 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterD3Heavy[] = "";
1275 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterD3Heavy[] = "";// Technique engagée
1276 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterD3Heavy[] = "Immersione profonda";
1277 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterD3Heavy[] = "";
1279 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1280 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterL0None[] = "none gear";
1281 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterL0None[] = "";
1282 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterL0None[] = "sans";
1283 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterL0None[] = "in Folle";
1284 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterL0None[] = "";
1286 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1287 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterL1Small[] = "Monotank / small double";
1288 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterL1Small[] = "";
1289 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterL1Small[] = "Mono / petit bi";
1290 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterL1Small[] = "Mono / Bibo";
1291 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterL1Small[] = "";
1293 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1294 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterL2Stages[] = "Rebreather & Stages";
1295 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterL2Stages[] = "";
1296 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterL2Stages[] = "Recycleur";
1297 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterL2Stages[] = "Rebreather & Stage";
1298 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterL2Stages[] = "";
1300 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1301 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterL3Full[] = "Multistage & Backup";
1302 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterL3Full[] = "";
1303 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterL3Full[] = "Multi-blocs & backup";
1304 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterL3Full[] = "Immersione multigas";
1305 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterL3Full[] = "";
1307 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1308 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterL4Towing[] = "Towing";
1309 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterL4Towing[] = "";
1310 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterL4Towing[] = "Remorquage";
1311 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterL4Towing[] = "Traino";
1312 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterL4Towing[] = "";
1314 // Menu SYS1 (Bonex Computer)
1315 static uint8_t text_EN_ScooterBattTyp[] = "Accu";
1316 static uint8_t text_DE_ScooterBattTyp[] = "";
1317 static uint8_t text_FR_ScooterBattTyp[] = "";
1318 static uint8_t text_IT_ScooterBattTyp[] = "";
1319 static uint8_t text_ES_ScooterBattTyp[] = "";
1321 // Menu SYS1 sub (Sensors)
1322 static uint8_t text_EN_HUDBattery[] = "HUD Battery";
1323 static uint8_t text_DE_HUDBattery[] = "HUD Batterie";
1324 static uint8_t text_FR_HUDBattery[] = "Batterie HUD";
1325 static uint8_t text_IT_HUDBattery[] = "Batteria HUD";
1326 static uint8_t text_ES_HUDBattery[] = "";
1328 // Menu SYS1 sub (buttons)
1329 static uint8_t text_EN_LowerIsLess[] = " lower is less sensitive";
1330 static uint8_t text_DE_LowerIsLess[] = " niedriger ist schwergängiger";
1331 static uint8_t text_FR_LowerIsLess[] = " diminuer moins sensible";
1332 static uint8_t text_IT_LowerIsLess[] = "";
1333 static uint8_t text_ES_LowerIsLess[] = "";
1335 // Dive Mode YELLOW TEXT under Customview
1336 static uint8_t text_EN_DiveMenuQ[] = " Menu? ";
1337 static uint8_t text_DE_DiveMenuQ[] = " Menü? ";
1338 static uint8_t text_FR_DiveMenuQ[] = "";
1339 static uint8_t text_IT_DiveMenuQ[] = "Menu?";
1340 static uint8_t text_ES_DiveMenuQ[] = "";
1342 // Dive Mode YELLOW TEXT under Customview
1343 static uint8_t text_EN_DiveQuitQ[] = " Quit? ";
1344 static uint8_t text_DE_DiveQuitQ[] = " Ende? ";
1345 static uint8_t text_FR_DiveQuitQ[] = "Quitter";
1346 static uint8_t text_IT_DiveQuitQ[] = "Uscita?";
1347 static uint8_t text_ES_DiveQuitQ[] = "";
1349 // Dive Mode YELLOW TEXT under Customview
1350 static uint8_t text_EN_DiveBearingQ[] = "Bearing";
1351 static uint8_t text_DE_DiveBearingQ[] = "Peilung";
1352 static uint8_t text_FR_DiveBearingQ[] = "";
1353 static uint8_t text_IT_DiveBearingQ[] = "";
1354 static uint8_t text_ES_DiveBearingQ[] = "";
1356 // Dive Mode YELLOW TEXT under Customview
1357 static uint8_t text_EN_DiveResetAvgQ[] = "ResetAvr.";
1358 static uint8_t text_DE_DiveResetAvgQ[] = "Stoppuhr";
1359 static uint8_t text_FR_DiveResetAvgQ[] = "";
1360 static uint8_t text_IT_DiveResetAvgQ[] = "Reset AVR";
1361 static uint8_t text_ES_DiveResetAvgQ[] = "";
1363 // Menu SYS2
1364 static uint8_t text_EN_ExtraDisplay[] = "Extra";
1365 static uint8_t text_DE_ExtraDisplay[] = "";
1366 static uint8_t text_FR_ExtraDisplay[] = "";
1367 static uint8_t text_IT_ExtraDisplay[] = "Extra";
1368 static uint8_t text_ES_ExtraDisplay[] = "";
1370 // Menu SYS2
1371 static uint8_t text_EN_ExtraBigFont[] = "Big Font";
1372 static uint8_t text_DE_ExtraBigFont[] = "Grosse Schrift";
1373 static uint8_t text_FR_ExtraBigFont[] = "Grand police";
1374 static uint8_t text_IT_ExtraBigFont[] = "Caratteri grandi";
1375 static uint8_t text_ES_ExtraBigFont[] = "";
1377 // Menu SYS2 (future feature)
1378 static uint8_t text_EN_ExtraDecoGame[] = "Deco Game";
1379 static uint8_t text_DE_ExtraDecoGame[] = "Deko Spiel";
1380 static uint8_t text_FR_ExtraDecoGame[] = "Jeu déco";
1381 static uint8_t text_IT_ExtraDecoGame[] = "Giochi deco";
1382 static uint8_t text_ES_ExtraDecoGame[] = "";
1384 // Menu SYS2
1385 static uint8_t text_EN_ExtraNone[] = "none";
1386 static uint8_t text_DE_ExtraNone[] = "keines";
1387 static uint8_t text_FR_ExtraNone[] = "sans";
1388 static uint8_t text_IT_ExtraNone[] = "Vuoto";
1389 static uint8_t text_ES_ExtraNone[] = "";
1391 // Menu SYS2 Reset RTE and Firmware Update During Bluetooth Connection
1392 static uint8_t text_EN_DecoDataLost[] = " decompression data will be lost";
1393 static uint8_t text_DE_DecoDataLost[] = " Dekompressionsdaten verloren!";
1394 static uint8_t text_FR_DecoDataLost[] = " RaZ de la décompression"; // Rà Z
1395 static uint8_t text_IT_DecoDataLost[] = "";
1396 static uint8_t text_ES_DecoDataLost[] = "";
1398 // Menu SYS1 sub and Dive Menu
1399 static uint8_t text_EN_SetBearing[] = "Set bearing";
1400 static uint8_t text_DE_SetBearing[] = "Kurs setzen";
1401 static uint8_t text_FR_SetBearing[] = "Réglage cap";
1402 static uint8_t text_IT_SetBearing[] = "";
1403 static uint8_t text_ES_SetBearing[] = "";
1405 static uint8_t text_EN_ResetBearing[] = "Clear bearing";
1406 static uint8_t text_DE_ResetBearing[] = "Kurs löschen";
1407 static uint8_t text_FR_ResetBearing[] = "Annulation cap";
1408 static uint8_t text_IT_ResetBearing[] = "";
1409 static uint8_t text_ES_ResetBearing[] = "";
1411 // Menu SYS1, sub
1412 static uint8_t text_EN_SensorList[] = "Sensor";
1413 static uint8_t text_DE_SensorList[] = "";
1414 static uint8_t text_FR_SensorList[] = "Cellule";
1415 static uint8_t text_IT_SensorList[] = "";
1416 static uint8_t text_ES_SensorList[] = "";
1418 // Menu SYS1, sub
1419 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonLeft[] = "Left value";
1420 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonLeft[] = "Links Wert";
1421 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonLeft[] = "Gauge";
1422 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonLeft[] = "";
1423 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonLeft[] = "";
1425 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonMitte[] = "Center value";
1426 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonMitte[] = "Mitte Wert";
1427 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonMitte[] = "Centre";
1428 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonMitte[] = "";
1429 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonMitte[] = "";
1431 static uint8_t text_EN_ButtonRight[] = "Right value";
1432 static uint8_t text_DE_ButtonRight[] = "Rechts Wert";
1433 static uint8_t text_FR_ButtonRight[] = "Droite";
1434 static uint8_t text_IT_ButtonRight[] = "";
1435 static uint8_t text_ES_ButtonRight[] = "";
1437 // Customview in Divemode
1438 static uint8_t text_EN_Summary[] = "Overview";
1439 static uint8_t text_DE_Summary[] = "Uebersicht"; // T42 hat keine großen Umlaute hw 170103
1440 static uint8_t text_FR_Summary[] = "Exposé";
1441 static uint8_t text_IT_Summary[] = "Tutto schermo";
1442 static uint8_t text_ES_Summary[] = "";
1444 static uint8_t text_EN_ApneaTotal[] = "total";
1445 static uint8_t text_DE_ApneaTotal[] = "gesamt";
1446 static uint8_t text_FR_ApneaTotal[] = "";
1447 static uint8_t text_IT_ApneaTotal[] = "Completo";
1448 static uint8_t text_ES_ApneaTotal[] = "";
1450 static uint8_t text_EN_ApneaLast[] = "last";
1451 static uint8_t text_DE_ApneaLast[] = "letzter";
1452 static uint8_t text_FR_ApneaLast[] = "dernier";
1453 static uint8_t text_IT_ApneaLast[] = "";
1454 static uint8_t text_ES_ApneaLast[] = "";
1456 static uint8_t text_EN_ApneaSurface[] = "Surface Time";
1457 static uint8_t text_DE_ApneaSurface[] = "Oberflächenzeit";
1458 static uint8_t text_FR_ApneaSurface[] = "Tps.Surface";
1459 static uint8_t text_IT_ApneaSurface[] = "Tempo di superficie";
1460 static uint8_t text_ES_ApneaSurface[] = "";
1462 /*
1463 static uint8_t text_EN_ApneaCount[] = "";
1464 static uint8_t text_DE_ApneaCount[] = "";
1465 static uint8_t text_FR_ApneaCount[] = "";
1466 static uint8_t text_IT_ApneaCount[] = "";
1467 static uint8_t text_ES_ApneaCount[] = "";
1468 */
1470 // -----------------------------------
1471 // not used
1472 // -----------------------------------
1475 // Menu DECO1 (future)
1476 static uint8_t text_EN_Apnoe[] = "Apnea";
1477 static uint8_t text_DE_Apnoe[] = "Apnoe";
1478 static uint8_t text_FR_Apnoe[] = "Apnée";
1479 static uint8_t text_IT_Apnoe[] = "Apenea";
1480 static uint8_t text_ES_Apnoe[] = "";
1482 // Menu DECO1 (future)
1483 static uint8_t text_EN_Gauge[] = "Gauge";
1484 static uint8_t text_DE_Gauge[] = "Tiefenmesser";
1485 static uint8_t text_FR_Gauge[] = "Profondimétre";
1486 static uint8_t text_IT_Gauge[] = "Profondimetro";
1487 static uint8_t text_ES_Gauge[] = "";
1490 static uint8_t text_EN_Default[] = "Default";
1491 static uint8_t text_DE_Default[] = "";
1492 static uint8_t text_FR_Default[] = "Défaut";
1493 static uint8_t text_IT_Default[] = "Standard";
1494 static uint8_t text_ES_Default[] = "";
1496 static uint8_t text_EN_LiterproMinute[] = "liter/minute";
1497 static uint8_t text_DE_LiterproMinute[] = "Liter/Minute";
1498 static uint8_t text_FR_LiterproMinute[] = "Litre/minute";
1499 static uint8_t text_IT_LiterproMinute[] = "Litri/Miniti";
1500 static uint8_t text_ES_LiterproMinute[] = "";
1502 static uint8_t text_EN_Reserve[] = "Reserve";
1503 static uint8_t text_DE_Reserve[] = "";
1504 static uint8_t text_FR_Reserve[] = "Réserve";
1505 static uint8_t text_IT_Reserve[] = "Riserva";
1506 static uint8_t text_ES_Reserve[] = "";
1508 static uint8_t text_EN_Daylightsaving[] = "Daylight sav.";
1509 static uint8_t text_DE_Daylightsaving[] = "Sommerzeit";
1510 static uint8_t text_FR_Daylightsaving[] = "Heure d'été";
1511 static uint8_t text_IT_Daylightsaving[] = "";
1512 static uint8_t text_ES_Daylightsaving[] = "";
1514 static uint8_t text_EN_ShowDebug[] = "Debug info";
1515 static uint8_t text_DE_ShowDebug[] = "Fehlersuche";
1516 static uint8_t text_FR_ShowDebug[] = "Info de déboguage";
1517 static uint8_t text_IT_ShowDebug[] = "Informazioni Debug";
1518 static uint8_t text_ES_ShowDebug[] = "";
1520 static uint8_t text_EN_SimTravelGas[] = "Travel Gas";
1521 static uint8_t text_DE_SimTravelGas[] = "Reise Gas";
1522 static uint8_t text_FR_SimTravelGas[] = "Gaz Travel";
1523 static uint8_t text_IT_SimTravelGas[] = "Gas da viaggio";
1524 static uint8_t text_ES_SimTravelGas[] = "";
1526 static uint8_t text_EN_SimDecoGas[] = "Deco Gas";
1527 static uint8_t text_DE_SimDecoGas[] = "Deko Gas";
1528 static uint8_t text_FR_SimDecoGas[] = "Gaz déco";
1529 static uint8_t text_IT_SimDecoGas[] = "Gas decompressivo";
1530 static uint8_t text_ES_SimDecoGas[] = "";
1532 static uint8_t text_EN_OTU[] = "OTU";
1533 static uint8_t text_DE_OTU[] = "";
1534 static uint8_t text_FR_OTU[] = ""; // UTO ?? I think we do use OTU too.
1535 static uint8_t text_IT_OTU[] = "OTU";
1536 static uint8_t text_ES_OTU[] = "";
1538 /*
1539 static uint8_t text_EN_Button1[] = "Button 1";
1540 static uint8_t text_DE_Button1[] = "Taster 1";
1541 static uint8_t text_FR_Button1[] = "Bouton 1";
1542 static uint8_t text_IT_Button1[] = "Pulsante";
1543 static uint8_t text_ES_Button1[] = "";
1545 static uint8_t text_EN_Button2[] = "Button 2";
1546 static uint8_t text_DE_Button2[] = "Taster 2";
1547 static uint8_t text_FR_Button2[] = "";
1548 static uint8_t text_IT_Button2[] = "Pulsante2";
1549 static uint8_t text_ES_Button2[] = "";
1551 static uint8_t text_EN_Button3[] = "Button 3";
1552 static uint8_t text_DE_Button3[] = "Taster 3";
1553 static uint8_t text_FR_Button3[] = "";
1554 static uint8_t text_IT_Button3[] = "Pulsante3";
1555 static uint8_t text_ES_Button3[] = "";
1557 static uint8_t text_EN_Button4[] = "Button 4";
1558 static uint8_t text_DE_Button4[] = "Taster 4";
1559 static uint8_t text_FR_Button4[] = "";
1560 static uint8_t text_IT_Button4[] = "Pulsante4";
1561 static uint8_t text_ES_Button4[] = "";
1563 static uint8_t text_EN_Yes[] = "Yes";
1564 static uint8_t text_DE_Yes[] = "Ja";
1565 static uint8_t text_FR_Yes[] = "Oui";
1566 static uint8_t text_IT_Yes[] = "SI";
1567 static uint8_t text_ES_Yes[] = "";
1569 static uint8_t text_EN_No[] = "No";
1570 static uint8_t text_DE_No[] = "Nein";
1571 static uint8_t text_FR_No[] = "Non";
1572 static uint8_t text_IT_No[] = "NO";
1573 static uint8_t text_ES_No[] = "";
1575 static uint8_t text_EN_Conservatism[] = "Conservatism";
1576 static uint8_t text_DE_Conservatism[] = "Konservatismus";
1577 static uint8_t text_FR_Conservatism[] = "Conservatisme";
1578 static uint8_t text_IT_Conservatism[] = "Conservativismo";
1579 static uint8_t text_ES_Conservatism[] = "";
1581 static uint8_t text_EN_Conservatism[] = "Setting"; // was Dive Menu
1582 static uint8_t text_DE_Conservatism[] = "Level";
1583 static uint8_t text_FR_Conservatism[] = "Conservatisme"; // Or "Durcis."
1584 static uint8_t text_IT_Conservatism[] = "Livello conservativismo";
1585 static uint8_t text_ES_Conservatism[] = "";
1587 static uint8_t text_EN_FirmwareUpdate[] = "FirmwareUpdate";
1588 static uint8_t text_DE_FirmwareUpdate[] = "Firmware aktualisieren";
1589 static uint8_t text_FR_FirmwareUpdate[] = "MÃ J logiciel";
1590 static uint8_t text_IT_FirmwareUpdate[] = "Firmware";
1591 static uint8_t text_ES_FirmwareUpdate[] = "";
1593 static uint8_t text_EN_ppo2_setting[] = "ppO2 bar";
1594 static uint8_t text_DE_ppo2_setting[] = "";
1595 static uint8_t text_FR_ppo2_setting[] = "PpO2 bar";
1596 static uint8_t text_IT_ppo2_setting[] = "PpO2 Bar";
1597 static uint8_t text_ES_ppo2_setting[] = "";
1599 static uint8_t text_EN_down[] = "Down";
1600 static uint8_t text_DE_down[] = "Hinunter";
1601 static uint8_t text_FR_down[] = "";
1602 static uint8_t text_IT_down[] = "Sotto";
1603 static uint8_t text_ES_down[] = "";
1605 static uint8_t text_EN_enter[] = "Enter";
1606 static uint8_t text_DE_enter[] = "";
1607 static uint8_t text_FR_enter[] = "Entrer";
1608 static uint8_t text_IT_enter[] = "Conferma";
1609 static uint8_t text_ES_enter[] = "";
1611 static uint8_t text_EN_Change[] = "Change";
1612 static uint8_t text_DE_Change[] = "";
1613 static uint8_t text_FR_Change[] = "";
1614 static uint8_t text_IT_Change[] = "Cambio";
1615 static uint8_t text_ES_Change[] = "";
1616 */
1619 // not installed 2
1621 static uint8_t text_EN_Bottle[] = "tank size";
1622 static uint8_t text_DE_Bottle[] = "Flasche";
1623 static uint8_t text_FR_Bottle[] = "";
1624 static uint8_t text_IT_Bottle[] = "Litraggio bombola";
1625 static uint8_t text_ES_Bottle[] = "";
1628 static uint8_t text_EN_GasVorrat[] = "Atem-Gas-Vorrat";
1629 static uint8_t text_DE_GasVorrat[] = "Atem-Gas-Vorrat";
1630 static uint8_t text_FR_GasVorrat[] = "";
1631 static uint8_t text_IT_GasVorrat[] = "";
1632 static uint8_t text_ES_GasVorrat[] = "";
1634 static uint8_t text_EN_WirelessSender[] = "wireless id";
1635 static uint8_t text_DE_WirelessSender[] = "Sender ID";
1636 static uint8_t text_FR_WirelessSender[] = "";
1637 static uint8_t text_IT_WirelessSender[] = "Numero di serie";
1638 static uint8_t text_ES_WirelessSender[] = "";
1640 static uint8_t text_EN_WirelessDisconnect[] = "Disconnect";
1641 static uint8_t text_DE_WirelessDisconnect[] = "Nicht verbunden";
1642 static uint8_t text_FR_WirelessDisconnect[] = "";
1643 static uint8_t text_IT_WirelessDisconnect[] = "Disconnesso";
1644 static uint8_t text_ES_WirelessDisconnect[] = "";
1646 /*
1647 static uint8_t text_EN_Luftintegration[] = "air integration";
1648 static uint8_t text_DE_Luftintegration[] = "Luftintegration";
1649 static uint8_t text_FR_Luftintegration[] = "";
1650 static uint8_t text_IT_Luftintegration[] = "ARIA";
1651 static uint8_t text_ES_Luftintegration[] = "";
1652 */
1654 /* Lookup Table -------------------------------------------------------------*/
1656 const tText text_array[] =
1657 {
1658 {(uint8_t)TXT_Language, {text_EN_Language, text_DE_Language, text_FR_Language, text_IT_Language, text_ES_Language}},
1659 {(uint8_t)TXT_LanguageName, {text_EN_LanguageName, text_DE_LanguageName, text_FR_LanguageName, text_IT_LanguageName, text_ES_LanguageName}},
1660 {(uint8_t)TXT_Depth, {text_EN_Depth, text_DE_Depth, text_FR_Depth, text_IT_Depth, text_ES_Depth}},
1661 {(uint8_t)TXT_Divetime, {text_EN_Divetime, text_DE_Divetime, text_FR_Divetime, text_IT_Divetime, text_ES_Divetime}},
1662 {(uint8_t)TXT_MaxDepth, {text_EN_MaxDepth, text_DE_MaxDepth, text_FR_MaxDepth, text_IT_MaxDepth, text_ES_MaxDepth}},
1663 {(uint8_t)TXT_Decostop, {text_EN_Decostop, text_DE_Decostop, text_FR_Decostop, text_IT_Decostop, text_ES_Decostop}},
1664 {(uint8_t)TXT_Nullzeit, {text_EN_Nullzeit, text_DE_Nullzeit, text_FR_Nullzeit, text_IT_Nullzeit, text_ES_Nullzeit}},
1665 {(uint8_t)TXT_ppO2, {text_EN_ppO2, text_DE_ppO2, text_FR_ppO2, text_IT_ppO2, text_ES_ppO2}},
1666 {(uint8_t)TXT_TTS, {text_EN_TTS, text_DE_TTS, text_FR_TTS, text_IT_TTS, text_ES_TTS}},
1667 {(uint8_t)TXT_CNS, {text_EN_CNSshort, text_DE_CNSshort, text_FR_CNSshort, text_IT_CNSshort, text_ES_CNSshort}},
1668 {(uint8_t)TXT_Temperature, {text_EN_Temperature, text_DE_Temperature, text_FR_Temperature, text_IT_Temperature, text_ES_Temperature}},
1669 {(uint8_t)TXT_FutureTTS, {text_EN_FutureTTS, text_DE_FutureTTS, text_FR_FutureTTS, text_IT_FutureTTS, text_ES_FutureTTS}},
1670 {(uint8_t)TXT_AvgDepth, {text_EN_AvgDepth, text_DE_AvgDepth, text_FR_AvgDepth, text_IT_AvgDepth, text_ES_AvgDepth}},
1671 {(uint8_t)TXT_Ceiling, {text_EN_Ceiling, text_DE_Ceiling, text_FR_Ceiling, text_IT_Ceiling, text_ES_Ceiling}},
1672 {(uint8_t)TXT_ActualGradient, {text_EN_ActualGradient, text_DE_ActualGradient, text_FR_ActualGradient, text_IT_ActualGradient, text_ES_ActualGradient}},
1673 {(uint8_t)TXT_Stopwatch, {text_EN_Stopwatch, text_DE_Stopwatch, text_FR_Stopwatch, text_IT_Stopwatch, text_ES_Stopwatch}},
1674 {(uint8_t)TXT_Gas, {text_EN_Gas, text_DE_Gas, text_FR_Gas, text_IT_Gas, text_ES_Gas}},
1675 {(uint8_t)TXT_Time, {text_EN_Time, text_DE_Time, text_FR_Time, text_IT_Time, text_ES_Time}},
1676 {(uint8_t)TXT_Date, {text_EN_Date, text_DE_Date, text_FR_Date, text_IT_Date, text_ES_Date}},
1677 {(uint8_t)TXT_Format, {text_EN_Format, text_DE_Format, text_FR_Format, text_IT_Format, text_ES_Format}},
1678 {(uint8_t)TXT_Warning, {text_EN_Warning, text_DE_Warning, text_FR_Warning, text_IT_Warning, text_ES_Warning}},
1679 {(uint8_t)TXT_o2Sensors, {text_EN_o2Sensors, text_DE_o2Sensors, text_FR_o2Sensors, text_IT_o2Sensors, text_ES_o2Sensors}},
1680 {(uint8_t)TXT_Brightness, {text_EN_Brightness, text_DE_Brightness, text_FR_Brightness, text_IT_Brightness, text_ES_Brightness}},
1681 {(uint8_t)TXT_Cave, {text_EN_Cave, text_DE_Cave, text_FR_Cave, text_IT_Cave, text_ES_Cave}},
1682 {(uint8_t)TXT_Eco, {text_EN_Eco, text_DE_Eco, text_FR_Eco, text_IT_Eco, text_ES_Eco}},
1683 {(uint8_t)TXT_Normal, {text_EN_Normal, text_DE_Normal, text_FR_Normal, text_IT_Normal, text_ES_Normal}},
1684 {(uint8_t)TXT_Bright, {text_EN_Bright, text_DE_Bright, text_FR_Bright, text_IT_Bright, text_ES_Bright}},
1685 {(uint8_t)TXT_Ultrabright, {text_EN_Ultrabright, text_DE_Ultrabright, text_FR_Ultrabright, text_IT_Ultrabright, text_ES_Ultrabright}},
1686 {(uint8_t)TXT_OC_Gas_Edit, {text_EN_OC_Gas_Edit, text_DE_OC_Gas_Edit, text_FR_OC_Gas_Edit, text_IT_OC_Gas_Edit, text_ES_OC_Gas_Edit}},
1687 {(uint8_t)TXT_Diluent_Gas_Edit, {text_EN_Diluent_Gas_Edit, text_DE_Diluent_Gas_Edit, text_FR_Diluent_Gas_Edit, text_IT_Diluent_Gas_Edit, text_ES_Diluent_Gas_Edit}},
1688 {(uint8_t)TXT_Mix, {text_EN_Mix, text_DE_Mix, text_FR_Mix, text_IT_Mix, text_ES_Mix}},
1689 {(uint8_t)TXT_First, {text_EN_First, text_DE_First, text_FR_First, text_IT_First, text_ES_First}},
1690 {(uint8_t)TXT_Deco, {text_EN_Deco, text_DE_Deco, text_FR_Deco, text_IT_Deco, text_ES_Deco}},
1691 {(uint8_t)TXT_Travel, {text_EN_Travel, text_DE_Travel, text_FR_Travel, text_IT_Travel, text_ES_Travel}},
1692 {(uint8_t)TXT_Inactive, {text_EN_Inactive, text_DE_Inactive, text_FR_Inactive, text_IT_Inactive, text_ES_Inactive}},
1693 {(uint8_t)TXT_ChangeDepth, {text_EN_ChangeDepth, text_DE_ChangeDepth, text_FR_ChangeDepth, text_IT_ChangeDepth, text_ES_ChangeDepth}},
1694 {(uint8_t)TXT_Active, {text_EN_Active, text_DE_Active, text_FR_Active, text_IT_Active, text_ES_Active}},
1695 {(uint8_t)TXT_Default, {text_EN_Default, text_DE_Default, text_FR_Default, text_IT_Default, text_ES_Default}},
1696 {(uint8_t)TXT_Type, {text_EN_Type, text_DE_Type, text_FR_Type, text_IT_Type, text_ES_Type}},
1697 {(uint8_t)TXT_Setpoint_Edit, {text_EN_Setpoint_Edit, text_DE_Setpoint_Edit, text_FR_Setpoint_Edit, text_IT_Setpoint_Edit, text_ES_Setpoint_Edit}},
1698 {(uint8_t)TXT_DecoAlgorithm, {text_EN_Algorithm, text_DE_Algorithm, text_FR_Algorithm, text_IT_Algorithm, text_ES_Algorithm}},
1699 {(uint8_t)TXT_ZHL16GF, {text_EN_ZHL16GF, text_DE_ZHL16GF, text_FR_ZHL16GF, text_IT_ZHL16GF, text_ES_ZHL16GF}},
1700 {(uint8_t)TXT_aGF, {text_EN_aGF, text_DE_aGF, text_FR_aGF, text_IT_aGF, text_ES_aGF}},
1701 {(uint8_t)TXT_VPM, {text_EN_VPM, text_DE_VPM, text_FR_VPM, text_IT_VPM, text_ES_VPM}},
1702 {(uint8_t)TXT_SafetyStop, {text_EN_SafetyStop, text_DE_SafetyStop, text_FR_SafetyStop, text_IT_SafetyStop, text_ES_SafetyStop}},
1703 {(uint8_t)TXT_low_high, {text_EN_LowHigh, text_DE_LowHigh, text_FR_LowHigh, text_IT_LowHigh, text_ES_LowHigh}},
1704 {(uint8_t)TXT_ppO2Name, {text_EN_ppO2Name, text_DE_ppO2Name, text_FR_ppO2Name, text_IT_ppO2Name, text_ES_ppO2Name}},
1705 {(uint8_t)TXT_Maximum, {text_EN_Maximum, text_DE_Maximum, text_FR_Maximum, text_IT_Maximum, text_ES_Maximum}},
1706 {(uint8_t)TXT_Minimum, {text_EN_Minimum, text_DE_Minimum, text_FR_Minimum, text_IT_Minimum, text_ES_Minimum}},
1707 {(uint8_t)TXT_Minutes, {text_EN_Minutes, text_DE_Minutes, text_FR_Minutes, text_IT_Minutes, text_ES_Minutes}},
1708 {(uint8_t)TXT_Seconds, {text_EN_Seconds, text_DE_Seconds, text_FR_Seconds, text_IT_Seconds, text_ES_Seconds}},
1709 {(uint8_t)TXT_CCRmode, {text_EN_CCRmode, text_DE_CCRmode, text_FR_CCRmode, text_IT_CCRmode, text_ES_CCRmode}},
1710 {(uint8_t)TXT_AtemGasVorrat, {text_EN_GasVorrat, text_DE_GasVorrat, text_FR_GasVorrat, text_IT_GasVorrat, text_ES_GasVorrat}},
1711 {(uint8_t)TXT_LiterproMinute, {text_EN_LiterproMinute, text_DE_LiterproMinute, text_FR_LiterproMinute, text_IT_LiterproMinute, text_ES_LiterproMinute}},
1712 {(uint8_t)TXT_Reserve, {text_EN_Reserve, text_DE_Reserve, text_FR_Reserve, text_IT_Reserve, text_ES_Reserve}},
1713 {(uint8_t)TXT_Salinity, {text_EN_Salinity, text_DE_Salinity, text_FR_Salinity, text_IT_Salinity, text_ES_Salinity}},
1714 {(uint8_t)TXT_DiveMode, {text_EN_DiveMode, text_DE_DiveMode, text_FR_DiveMode, text_IT_DiveMode, text_ES_DiveMode}},
1715 {(uint8_t)TXT_OpenCircuit, {text_EN_OpenCircuit, text_DE_OpenCircuit, text_FR_OpenCircuit, text_IT_OpenCircuit, text_ES_OpenCircuit}},
1716 {(uint8_t)TXT_ClosedCircuit, {text_EN_ClosedCircuit, text_DE_ClosedCircuit, text_FR_ClosedCircuit, text_IT_ClosedCircuit, text_ES_ClosedCircuit}},
1717 {(uint8_t)TXT_Apnoe, {text_EN_Apnoe, text_DE_Apnoe, text_FR_Apnoe, text_IT_Apnoe, text_ES_Apnoe}},
1718 {(uint8_t)TXT_Gauge, {text_EN_Gauge, text_DE_Gauge, text_FR_Gauge, text_IT_Gauge, text_ES_Gauge}},
1719 {(uint8_t)TXT_Sensor, {text_EN_Sensor, text_DE_Sensor, text_FR_Sensor, text_IT_Sensor, text_ES_Sensor}},
1720 {(uint8_t)TXT_FixedSP, {text_EN_FixedSP, text_DE_FixedSP, text_FR_FixedSP, text_IT_FixedSP, text_ES_FixedSP}},
1721 {(uint8_t)TXT_Decoparameters, {text_EN_Decoparameters, text_DE_Decoparameters, text_FR_Decoparameters, text_IT_Decoparameters, text_ES_Decoparameters}},
1722 {(uint8_t)TXT_LastDecostop, {text_EN_LastDecostop, text_DE_LastDecostop, text_FR_LastDecostop, text_IT_LastDecostop, text_ES_LastDecostop}},
1723 {(uint8_t)TXT_Fallback, {text_EN_Fallback, text_DE_Fallback, text_FR_Fallback, text_IT_Fallback, text_ES_Fallback}},
1724 {(uint8_t)TXT_DateAndTime, {text_EN_DateTime, text_DE_DateTime, text_FR_DateTime, text_IT_DateTime, text_ES_DateTime}},
1725 {(uint8_t)TXT_DateConfig, {text_EN_DayMonthYear, text_DE_DayMonthYear, text_FR_DayMonthYear, text_IT_DayMonthYear, text_ES_DayMonthYear}},
1726 {(uint8_t)TXT_TimeConfig, {text_EN_StundeMinute, text_DE_StundeMinute, text_FR_StundeMinute, text_IT_StundeMinute, text_ES_StundeMinute}},
1727 {(uint8_t)TXT_Daylightsaving, {text_EN_Daylightsaving, text_DE_Daylightsaving, text_FR_Daylightsaving, text_IT_Daylightsaving, text_ES_Daylightsaving}},
1728 {(uint8_t)TXT_Logbook, {text_EN_Logbook, text_DE_Logbook, text_FR_Logbook, text_IT_Logbook, text_ES_Logbook}},
1729 {(uint8_t)TXT_LogbookEmpty, {text_EN_LogbookEmpty, text_DE_LogbookEmpty, text_FR_LogbookEmpty, text_IT_LogbookEmpty, text_ES_LogbookEmpty}},
1730 {(uint8_t)TXT_Start_Calculation,{text_EN_Start_Calculation, text_DE_Start_Calculation, text_FR_Start_Calculation, text_IT_Start_Calculation, text_ES_Start_Calculation}},
1731 {(uint8_t)TXT_Information, {text_EN_Information, text_DE_Information, text_FR_Information, text_IT_Information, text_ES_Information}},
1732 // unused{(uint8_t)TXT_Conservatism, {text_EN_Conservatism, text_DE_Conservatism, text_FR_Conservatism, text_IT_Conservatism, text_ES_Conservatism}},
1733 // unused{(uint8_t)TXT_Change, {text_EN_Change, text_DE_Change, text_FR_Change, text_IT_Change, text_ES_Change}},
1734 // unused{(uint8_t)TXT_enter, {text_EN_enter, text_DE_enter, text_FR_enter, text_IT_enter, text_ES_enter}},
1735 // unused{(uint8_t)TXT_down, {text_EN_down, text_DE_down, text_FR_down, text_IT_down, text_ES_down}},
1736 // unused{(uint8_t)TXT_Luftintegration, {text_EN_Luftintegration, text_DE_Luftintegration, text_FR_Luftintegration, text_IT_Luftintegration, text_ES_Luftintegration}},
1737 // unused{(uint8_t)TXT_FirmwareUpdate, {text_EN_FirmwareUpdate, text_DE_FirmwareUpdate, text_FR_FirmwareUpdate, text_IT_FirmwareUpdate, text_ES_FirmwareUpdate}},
1738 // unused{(uint8_t)TXT_ppo2_setting, {text_EN_ppo2_setting, text_DE_ppo2_setting, text_FR_ppo2_setting, text_IT_ppo2_setting, text_ES_ppo2_setting}},
1739 // unused{(uint8_t)TXT_Yes, {text_EN_Yes, text_DE_Yes, text_FR_Yes, text_IT_Yes, text_ES_Yes}},
1740 // unused{(uint8_t)TXT_No, {text_EN_No, text_DE_No, text_FR_No, text_IT_No, text_ES_No}},
1741 };
1743 const tText text_array2[] =
1744 {
1745 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ResetMenu, {text_EN_ResetMenu, text_DE_ResetMenu, text_FR_ResetMenu, text_IT_ResetMenu, text_ES_ResetMenu}},
1746 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_LogbookOffset, {text_EN_LogbookOffset, text_DE_LogbookOffset, text_FR_LogbookOffset, text_IT_LogbookOffset, text_ES_LogbookOffset}},
1747 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_AreYouSure, {text_EN_AreYouSure, text_DE_AreYouSure, text_FR_AreYouSure, text_IT_AreYouSure, text_ES_AreYouSure}},
1748 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Abort, {text_EN_Abort, text_DE_Abort, text_FR_Abort, text_IT_Abort, text_ES_Abort}},
1749 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_RebootRTE, {text_EN__RebootRTE, text_DE__RebootRTE, text_FR__RebootRTE, text_IT__RebootRTE, text_ES__RebootRTE}},
1750 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ResetAll, {text_EN_ResetAll, text_DE_ResetAll, text_FR_ResetAll, text_IT_ResetAll, text_ES_ResetAll}},
1751 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ResetDeco, {text_EN_ResetDeco, text_DE_ResetDeco, text_FR_ResetDeco, text_IT_ResetDeco, text_ES_ResetDeco}},
1752 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ResetLogbook, {text_EN_ResetLogbook, text_DE_ResetLogbook, text_FR_ResetLogbook, text_IT_ResetLogbook, text_ES_ResetLogbook}},
1753 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_RebootMainCPU, {text_EN_StartBootloader, text_DE_StartBootloader, text_FR_StartBootloader, text_IT_StartBootloader, text_ES_StartBootloader}},
1754 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Exit, {text_EN_Exit, text_DE_Exit, text_FR_Exit, text_IT_Exit, text_ES_Exit}},
1755 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ShowDebug, {text_EN_ShowDebug, text_DE_ShowDebug, text_FR_ShowDebug, text_IT_ShowDebug, text_ES_ShowDebug}},
1756 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_PleaseUpdate, {text_EN_PleaseUpdate, text_DE_PleaseUpdate, text_FR_PleaseUpdate, text_IT_PleaseUpdate, text_ES_PleaseUpdate}},
1757 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_RTE, {text_EN_RTE, text_DE_RTE, text_FR_RTE, text_IT_RTE, text_ES_RTE}},
1758 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Fonts, {text_EN_Fonts, text_DE_Fonts, text_FR_Fonts, text_IT_Fonts, text_ES_Fonts}},
1759 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ResetStopwatch, {text_EN_ResetStopwatch, text_DE_ResetStopwatch, text_FR_ResetStopwatch, text_IT_ResetStopwatch, text_ES_ResetStopwatch}},
1760 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SetMarker, {text_EN_SetMarker, text_DE_SetMarker, text_FR_SetMarker, text_IT_SetMarker, text_ES_SetMarker}},
1761 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_CompassHeading, {text_EN_CompassHeading, text_DE_CompassHeading, text_FR_CompassHeading, text_IT_CompassHeading, text_ES_CompassHeading}},
1762 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Simulator, {text_EN_Simulator, text_DE_Simulator, text_FR_Simulator, text_IT_Simulator, text_ES_Simulator}},
1763 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_StartSimulator, {text_EN_StartSimulator, text_DE_StartSimulator, text_FR_StartSimulator, text_IT_StartSimulator, text_ES_StartSimulator}},
1764 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Intervall, {text_EN_Intervall, text_DE_Intervall, text_FR_Intervall, text_IT_Intervall, text_ES_Intervall}},
1765 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimDiveTime, {text_EN_SimDiveTime, text_DE_SimDiveTime, text_FR_SimDiveTime, text_IT_SimDiveTime, text_ES_SimDiveTime}},
1766 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimMaxDepth, {text_EN_SimMaxDepth, text_DE_SimMaxDepth, text_FR_SimMaxDepth, text_IT_SimMaxDepth, text_ES_SimMaxDepth}},
1767 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimTravelGas, {text_EN_SimTravelGas, text_DE_SimTravelGas, text_FR_SimTravelGas, text_IT_SimTravelGas, text_ES_SimTravelGas}},
1768 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimDecoGas, {text_EN_SimDecoGas, text_DE_SimDecoGas, text_FR_SimDecoGas, text_IT_SimDecoGas, text_ES_SimDecoGas}},
1769 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimConsumption, {text_EN_SimConsumption, text_DE_SimConsumption, text_FR_SimConsumption, text_IT_SimConsumption, text_ES_SimConsumption}},
1770 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimSummary, {text_EN_SimSummary, text_DE_SimSummary, text_FR_SimSummary, text_IT_SimSummary, text_ES_SimSummary}},
1771 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimDecTo, {text_EN_SimDecTo, text_DE_SimDecTo, text_FR_SimDecTo, text_IT_SimDecTo, text_ES_SimDecTo}},
1772 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimLevel, {text_EN_SimLevel, text_DE_SimLevel, text_FR_SimLevel, text_IT_SimLevel, text_ES_SimLevel}},
1773 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimAscTo, {text_EN_SimAscTo, text_DE_SimAscTo, text_FR_SimAscTo, text_IT_SimAscTo, text_ES_SimAscTo}},
1774 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimSurface, {text_EN_SimSurface, text_DE_SimSurface, text_FR_SimSurface, text_IT_SimSurface, text_ES_SimSurface}},
1775 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_CalculateDeco, {text_EN_CalculateDeco, text_DE_CalculateDeco, text_FR_CalculateDeco, text_IT_CalculateDeco, text_ES_CalculateDeco}},
1776 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Calculating, {text_EN_Calculating, text_DE_Calculating, text_FR_Calculating, text_IT_Calculating, text_ES_Calculating}},
1777 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_PleaseWait, {text_EN_PleaseWait, text_DE_PleaseWait, text_FR_PleaseWait, text_IT_PleaseWait, text_ES_PleaseWait}},
1778 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Decolist, {text_EN_Decolist, text_DE_Decolist, text_FR_Decolist, text_IT_Decolist, text_ES_Decolist}},
1779 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonSensitivity,{text_EN_ButtonSensitivity, text_DE_ButtonSensitivity, text_FR_ButtonSensitivity, text_IT_ButtonSensitivity, text_ES_ButtonSensitivity}},
1780 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SpecialDiveGas, {text_EN_SpecialDiveGas, text_DE_SpecialDiveGas, text_FR_SpecialDiveGas, text_IT_SpecialDiveGas, text_ES_SpecialDiveGas}},
1781 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SpecialDiveGasMenu,{text_EN_SpecialDiveGasMenu, text_DE_SpecialDiveGasMenu, text_FR_SpecialDiveGasMenu, text_IT_SpecialDiveGasMenu, text_ES_SpecialDiveGasMenu}},
1782 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR,{text_EN_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR, text_DE_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR, text_FR_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR, text_IT_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR, text_ES_SpecialDiveGasMenuCCR}},
1783 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_CompassCalib, {text_EN_CompassCalib, text_DE_CompassCalib, text_FR_CompassCalib, text_IT_CompassCalib, text_ES_CompassCalib}},
1784 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_UseSensor, {text_EN_UseSensor, text_DE_UseSensor, text_FR_UseSensor, text_IT_UseSensor, text_ES_UseSensor}},
1785 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_WarnDecoMissed, {text_EN_WarnDecoMissed, text_DE_WarnDecoMissed, text_FR_WarnDecoMissed, text_IT_WarnDecoMissed, text_ES_WarnDecoMissed}},
1786 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_WarnPPO2Low, {text_EN_WarnPPO2Low, text_DE_WarnPPO2Low, text_FR_WarnPPO2Low, text_IT_WarnPPO2Low, text_ES_WarnPPO2Low}},
1787 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_WarnPPO2High, {text_EN_WarnPPO2High, text_DE_WarnPPO2High, text_FR_WarnPPO2High, text_IT_WarnPPO2High, text_ES_WarnPPO2High}},
1788 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_WarnBatteryLow, {text_EN_WarnBatteryLow, text_DE_WarnBatteryLow, text_FR_WarnBatteryLow, text_IT_WarnBatteryLow, text_ES_WarnBatteryLow}},
1789 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_WarnSensorLinkLost,{text_EN_WarnSensorLinkLost, text_DE_WarnSensorLinkLost, text_FR_WarnSensorLinkLost, text_IT_WarnSensorLinkLost, text_ES_WarnSensorLinkLost}},
1790 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_WarnFallback, {text_EN_WarnFallback, text_DE_WarnFallback, text_FR_WarnFallback, text_IT_WarnFallback, text_ES_WarnFallback}},
1791 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_WarnCnsHigh, {text_EN_WarnCnsHigh, text_DE_WarnCnsHigh, text_FR_WarnCnsHigh, text_IT_WarnCnsHigh, text_ES_WarnCnsHigh}},
1792 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_O2monitor, {text_EN_O2monitor, text_DE_O2monitor, text_FR_O2monitor, text_IT_O2monitor, text_ES_O2monitor}},
1793 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_O2voltage, {text_EN_O2voltage, text_DE_O2voltage, text_FR_O2voltage, text_IT_O2voltage, text_ES_O2voltage}},
1794 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Tissues, {text_EN_Tissues, text_DE_Tissues, text_FR_Tissues, text_IT_Tissues, text_ES_Tissues}},
1795 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Nitrogen, {text_EN_Nitrogen, text_DE_Nitrogen, text_FR_Nitrogen, text_IT_Nitrogen, text_ES_Nitrogen}},
1796 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Helium, {text_EN_Helium, text_DE_Helium, text_FR_Helium, text_IT_Helium, text_ES_Helium}},
1797 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_CNS, {text_EN_CNS, text_DE_CNS, text_FR_CNS, text_IT_CNS, text_ES_CNS}},
1798 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_OTU, {text_EN_OTU, text_DE_OTU, text_FR_OTU, text_IT_OTU, text_ES_OTU}},
1799 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Profile, {text_EN_Profile, text_DE_Profile, text_FR_Profile, text_IT_Profile, text_ES_Profile}},
1800 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Compass, {text_EN_Compass, text_DE_Compass, text_FR_Compass, text_IT_Compass, text_ES_Compass}},
1801 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SafetyStop2, {text_EN_SafetyStop2, text_DE_SafetyStop2, text_FR_SafetyStop2, text_IT_SafetyStop2, text_ES_SafetyStop2}},
1802 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_noFly, {text_EN_noFly, text_DE_noFly, text_FR_noFly, text_IT_noFly, text_ES_noFly}},
1803 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Desaturation, {text_EN_Desaturation, text_DE_Desaturation, text_FR_Desaturation, text_IT_Desaturation, text_ES_Desaturation}},
1804 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_TimeSinceLastDive,{text_EN_TimeSinceLastDive, text_DE_TimeSinceLastDive, text_FR_TimeSinceLastDive, text_IT_TimeSinceLastDive, text_ES_TimeSinceLastDive}},
1805 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonLogbook, {text_EN_ButtonLogbook, text_DE_ButtonLogbook, text_FR_ButtonLogbook, text_IT_ButtonLogbook, text_ES_ButtonLogbook}},
1806 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonMenu, {text_EN_ButtonMenu, text_DE_ButtonMenu, text_FR_ButtonMenu, text_IT_ButtonMenu, text_ES_ButtonMenu}},
1807 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonView, {text_EN_ButtonView, text_DE_ButtonView, text_FR_ButtonView, text_IT_ButtonView, text_ES_ButtonView}},
1808 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonBack, {text_EN_ButtonBack, text_DE_ButtonBack, text_FR_ButtonBack, text_IT_ButtonBack, text_ES_ButtonBack}},
1809 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonEnter, {text_EN_ButtonEnter, text_DE_ButtonEnter, text_FR_ButtonEnter, text_IT_ButtonEnter, text_ES_ButtonEnter}},
1810 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonNext, {text_EN_ButtonNext, text_DE_ButtonNext, text_FR_ButtonNext, text_IT_ButtonNext, text_ES_ButtonNext}},
1811 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonMinus, {text_EN_ButtonMinus, text_DE_ButtonMinus, text_FR_ButtonMinus, text_IT_ButtonMinus, text_ES_ButtonMinus}},
1812 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonPlus, {text_EN_ButtonPlus, text_DE_ButtonPlus, text_FR_ButtonPlus, text_IT_ButtonPlus, text_ES_ButtonPlus}},
1813 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SimFollowDecoStops,{text_EN_SimFollowDecoStops, text_DE_SimFollowDecoStops, text_FR_SimFollowDecoStops, text_IT_SimFollowDecoStops, text_ES_SimFollowDecoStops}},
1814 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Bluetooth, {text_EN_Bluetooth, text_DE_Bluetooth, text_FR_Bluetooth, text_IT_Bluetooth, text_ES_Bluetooth}},
1815 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Usage_Battery, {text_EN_Usage_Battery, text_DE_Usage_Battery, text_FR_Usage_Battery, text_IT_Usage_Battery, text_ES_Usage_Battery}},
1816 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Usage_Dives, {text_EN_Usage_Dives, text_DE_Usage_Dives, text_FR_Usage_Dives, text_IT_Usage_Dives, text_ES_Usage_Dives}},
1817 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Usage_Environment,{text_EN_Usage_Environment, text_DE_Usage_Environment, text_FR_Usage_Environment, text_IT_Usage_Environment, text_ES_Usage_Environment}},
1818 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ChargeCycles, {text_EN_ChargeCycles, text_DE_ChargeCycles, text_FR_ChargeCycles, text_IT_ChargeCycles, text_ES_ChargeCycles}},
1819 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_LowestVoltage, {text_EN_LowestVoltage, text_DE_LowestVoltage, text_FR_LowestVoltage, text_IT_LowestVoltage, text_ES_LowestVoltage}},
1820 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_HoursOfOperation,{text_EN_HoursOfOperation, text_DE_HoursOfOperation, text_FR_HoursOfOperation, text_IT_HoursOfOperation, text_ES_HoursOfOperation}},
1821 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_NumberOfDives, {text_EN_NumberOfDives, text_DE_NumberOfDives, text_FR_NumberOfDives, text_IT_NumberOfDives, text_ES_NumberOfDives}},
1822 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_AmbientTemperature,{text_EN_AmbientTemperature, text_DE_AmbientTemperature, text_FR_AmbientTemperature, text_IT_AmbientTemperature, text_ES_AmbientTemperature}},
1823 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Bottle, {text_EN_Bottle, text_DE_Bottle, text_FR_Bottle, text_IT_Bottle, text_ES_Bottle}},
1824 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_WirelessSender,{text_EN_WirelessSender, text_DE_WirelessSender, text_FR_WirelessSender, text_IT_WirelessSender, text_ES_WirelessSender}},
1825 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_WirelessDisconnect,{text_EN_WirelessDisconnect, text_DE_WirelessDisconnect, text_FR_WirelessDisconnect, text_IT_WirelessDisconnect, text_ES_WirelessDisconnect}},
1826 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Gaslist, {text_EN_Gaslist, text_DE_Gaslist, text_FR_Gaslist, text_IT_Gaslist, text_ES_Gaslist}},
1827 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Clock, {text_EN_Clock, text_DE_Clock, text_FR_Clock, text_IT_Clock, text_ES_Clock}},
1828 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Sunday, {text_EN_Sunday, text_DE_Sunday, text_FR_Sunday, text_IT_Sunday, text_ES_Sunday}},
1829 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Monday, {text_EN_Monday, text_DE_Monday, text_FR_Monday, text_IT_Monday, text_ES_Monday}},
1830 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Tuesday, {text_EN_Tuesday, text_DE_Tuesday, text_FR_Tuesday, text_IT_Tuesday, text_ES_Tuesday}},
1831 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Wednesday, {text_EN_Wednesday, text_DE_Wednesday, text_FR_Wednesday, text_IT_Wednesday, text_ES_Wednesday}},
1832 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Thursday, {text_EN_Thursday, text_DE_Thursday, text_FR_Thursday, text_IT_Thursday, text_ES_Thursday}},
1833 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Friday, {text_EN_Friday, text_DE_Friday, text_FR_Friday, text_IT_Friday, text_ES_Friday}},
1834 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Saturday, {text_EN_Saturday, text_DE_Saturday, text_FR_Saturday, text_IT_Saturday, text_ES_Saturday}},
1835 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterRestkapazitaet,{text_EN_ScooterRestkapazitaet, text_DE_ScooterRestkapazitaet, text_FR_ScooterRestkapazitaet, text_IT_ScooterRestkapazitaet, text_ES_ScooterRestkapazitaet}},
1836 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterTemperature,{text_EN_ScooterTemperature, text_DE_ScooterTemperature, text_FR_ScooterTemperature, text_IT_ScooterTemperature, text_ES_ScooterTemperature}},
1837 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterSpeed, {text_EN_ScooterSpeed, text_DE_ScooterSpeed, text_FR_ScooterSpeed, text_IT_ScooterSpeed, text_ES_ScooterSpeed}},
1838 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Layout, {text_EN_Design, text_DE_Design, text_FR_Design, text_IT_Design, text_ES_Design}},
1839 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Units, {text_EN_Units, text_DE_Units, text_FR_Units, text_IT_Units, text_ES_Units}},
1840 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Units_metric, {text_EN_Design_t7_metric, text_DE_Design_t7_metric, text_FR_Design_t7_metric, text_IT_Design_t7_metric, text_ES_Design_t7_metric}},
1841 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Units_feet, {text_EN_Design_t7_feet, text_DE_Design_t7_feet, text_FR_Design_t7_feet, text_IT_Design_t7_feet, text_ES_Design_t7_feet}},
1842 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Farbschema, {text_EN_Farbschema, text_DE_Farbschema, text_FR_Farbschema, text_IT_Farbschema, text_ES_Farbschema}},
1843 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Customviews, {text_EN_Customviews, text_DE_Customviews, text_FR_Customviews, text_IT_Customviews, text_ES_Customviews}},
1844 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_CViewTimeout, {text_EN_CViewTimeout, text_DE_CViewTimeout, text_FR_CViewTimeout, text_IT_CViewTimeout, text_ES_CViewTimeout}},
1845 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_CViewStandard, {text_EN_CViewStandard, text_DE_CViewStandard, text_FR_CViewStandard, text_IT_CViewStandard, text_ES_CViewStandard}},
1846 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_CornerTimeout, {text_EN_CornerTimeout, text_DE_CornerTimeout, text_FR_CornerTimeout, text_IT_CornerTimeout, text_ES_CornerTimeout}},
1847 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_CornerStandard, {text_EN_CornerStandard, text_DE_CornerStandard, text_FR_CornerStandard, text_IT_CornerStandard, text_ES_CornerStandard}},
1848 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SetToMOD, {text_EN_SetToMOD, text_DE_SetToMOD, text_FR_SetToMOD, text_IT_SetToMOD, text_ES_SetToMOD}},
1849 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_HUDbattery, {text_EN_HUDBattery, text_DE_HUDBattery, text_FR_HUDBattery, text_IT_HUDBattery, text_ES_HUDBattery}},
1850 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_LowerIsLess, {text_EN_LowerIsLess, text_DE_LowerIsLess, text_FR_LowerIsLess, text_IT_LowerIsLess, text_ES_LowerIsLess}},
1851 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_DiveMenuQ, {text_EN_DiveMenuQ, text_DE_DiveMenuQ, text_FR_DiveMenuQ, text_IT_DiveMenuQ, text_ES_DiveMenuQ}},
1852 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_DiveQuitQ, {text_EN_DiveQuitQ, text_DE_DiveQuitQ, text_FR_DiveQuitQ, text_IT_DiveQuitQ, text_ES_DiveQuitQ}},
1853 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_DiveBearingQ, {text_EN_DiveBearingQ, text_DE_DiveBearingQ, text_FR_DiveBearingQ, text_IT_DiveBearingQ, text_ES_DiveBearingQ}},
1854 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_DiveResetAvgQ, {text_EN_DiveResetAvgQ, text_DE_DiveResetAvgQ, text_FR_DiveResetAvgQ, text_IT_DiveResetAvgQ, text_ES_DiveResetAvgQ}},
1855 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ExtraDisplay, {text_EN_ExtraDisplay, text_DE_ExtraDisplay, text_FR_ExtraDisplay, text_IT_ExtraDisplay, text_ES_ExtraDisplay}},
1856 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ExtraBigFont, {text_EN_ExtraBigFont, text_DE_ExtraBigFont, text_FR_ExtraBigFont, text_IT_ExtraBigFont, text_ES_ExtraBigFont}},
1857 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ExtraDecoGame, {text_EN_ExtraDecoGame, text_DE_ExtraDecoGame, text_FR_ExtraDecoGame, text_IT_ExtraDecoGame, text_ES_ExtraDecoGame}},
1858 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ExtraNone, {text_EN_ExtraNone, text_DE_ExtraNone, text_FR_ExtraNone, text_IT_ExtraNone, text_ES_ExtraNone}},
1859 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_DecoDataLost, {text_EN_DecoDataLost, text_DE_DecoDataLost, text_FR_DecoDataLost, text_IT_DecoDataLost, text_ES_DecoDataLost}},
1860 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Info, {text_EN_Info, text_DE_Info, text_FR_Info, text_IT_Info, text_ES_Info}},
1861 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Korrekturwerte, {text_EN_Korrekturwerte, text_DE_Korrekturwerte, text_FR_Korrekturwerte, text_IT_Korrekturwerte, text_ES_Korrekturwerte}},
1862 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterMonitor, {text_EN_ScooterMonitor, text_DE_ScooterMonitor, text_FR_ScooterMonitor, text_IT_ScooterMonitor, text_ES_ScooterMonitor}},
1863 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SetBearing, {text_EN_SetBearing, text_DE_SetBearing, text_FR_SetBearing, text_IT_SetBearing, text_ES_SetBearing}},
1864 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ResetBearing, {text_EN_ResetBearing, text_DE_ResetBearing, text_FR_ResetBearing, text_IT_ResetBearing, text_ES_ResetBearing}},
1865 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterSetup, {text_EN_ScooterSetup, text_DE_ScooterSetup, text_FR_ScooterSetup, text_IT_ScooterSetup, text_ES_ScooterSetup}},
1866 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterDrag, {text_EN_ScooterDrag, text_DE_ScooterDrag, text_FR_ScooterDrag, text_IT_ScooterDrag, text_ES_ScooterDrag}},
1867 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterLoad, {text_EN_ScooterLoad, text_DE_ScooterLoad, text_FR_ScooterLoad, text_IT_ScooterLoad, text_ES_ScooterLoad}},
1868 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterD0Apnoe, {text_EN_ScooterD0Apnoe, text_DE_ScooterD0Apnoe, text_FR_ScooterD0Apnoe, text_IT_ScooterD0Apnoe, text_ES_ScooterD0Apnoe}},
1869 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterD1Scuba, {text_EN_ScooterD1Scuba, text_DE_ScooterD1Scuba, text_FR_ScooterD1Scuba, text_IT_ScooterD1Scuba, text_ES_ScooterD1Scuba}},
1870 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterD2Tech, {text_EN_ScooterD2Tech, text_DE_ScooterD2Tech, text_FR_ScooterD2Tech, text_IT_ScooterD2Tech, text_ES_ScooterD2Tech}},
1871 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterD3Heavy, {text_EN_ScooterD3Heavy, text_DE_ScooterD3Heavy, text_FR_ScooterD3Heavy, text_IT_ScooterD3Heavy, text_ES_ScooterD3Heavy}},
1872 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterL0None, {text_EN_ScooterL0None, text_DE_ScooterL0None, text_FR_ScooterL0None, text_IT_ScooterL0None, text_ES_ScooterL0None}},
1873 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterL1Small, {text_EN_ScooterL1Small, text_DE_ScooterL1Small, text_FR_ScooterL1Small, text_IT_ScooterL1Small, text_ES_ScooterL1Small}},
1874 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterL2Stages, {text_EN_ScooterL2Stages, text_DE_ScooterL2Stages, text_FR_ScooterL2Stages, text_IT_ScooterL2Stages, text_ES_ScooterL2Stages}},
1875 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterL3Full, {text_EN_ScooterL3Full, text_DE_ScooterL3Full, text_FR_ScooterL3Full, text_IT_ScooterL3Full, text_ES_ScooterL3Full}},
1876 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterL4Towing, {text_EN_ScooterL4Towing, text_DE_ScooterL4Towing, text_FR_ScooterL4Towing, text_IT_ScooterL4Towing, text_ES_ScooterL4Towing}},
1877 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterBattTyp, {text_EN_ScooterBattTyp, text_DE_ScooterBattTyp, text_FR_ScooterBattTyp, text_IT_ScooterBattTyp, text_ES_ScooterBattTyp}},
1878 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ScooterVolt, {text_EN_ScooterVolt, text_DE_ScooterVolt, text_FR_ScooterVolt, text_IT_ScooterVolt, text_ES_ScooterVolt}},
1879 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Sensor, {text_EN_SensorList, text_DE_SensorList, text_FR_SensorList, text_IT_SensorList, text_ES_SensorList}},
1880 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Maintenance, {text_EN_Maintenance, text_DE_Maintenance, text_FR_Maintenance, text_IT_Maintenance, text_ES_Maintenance}},
1881 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SetBatteryCharge,{text_EN_SetBatteryCharge, text_DE_SetBatteryCharge, text_FR_SetBatteryCharge, text_IT_SetBatteryCharge, text_ES_SetBatteryCharge}},
1882 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_SetFactoryDefaults,{text_EN_SetFactoryDefaults, text_DE_SetFactoryDefaults, text_FR_SetFactoryDefaults, text_IT_SetFactoryDefaults, text_ES_SetFactoryDefaults}},
1885 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Reboot, {text_EN_Reboot, text_DE_Reboot, text_FR_Reboot, text_IT_Reboot, text_ES_Reboot}},
1886 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonLeft, {text_EN_ButtonLeft, text_DE_ButtonLeft, text_FR_ButtonLeft, text_IT_ButtonLeft, text_ES_ButtonLeft}},
1887 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonMitte, {text_EN_ButtonMitte, text_DE_ButtonMitte, text_FR_ButtonMitte, text_IT_ButtonMitte, text_ES_ButtonMitte}},
1888 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ButtonRight, {text_EN_ButtonRight, text_DE_ButtonRight, text_FR_ButtonRight, text_IT_ButtonRight, text_ES_ButtonRight}},
1889 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Summary, {text_EN_Summary, text_DE_Summary, text_FR_Summary, text_IT_Summary, text_ES_Summary}},
1890 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ApneaLast, {text_EN_ApneaLast, text_DE_ApneaLast, text_FR_ApneaLast, text_IT_ApneaLast, text_ES_ApneaLast}},
1891 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ApneaTotal, {text_EN_ApneaTotal, text_DE_ApneaTotal, text_FR_ApneaTotal, text_IT_ApneaTotal, text_ES_ApneaTotal}},
1892 {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ApneaSurface, {text_EN_ApneaSurface, text_DE_ApneaSurface, text_FR_ApneaSurface, text_IT_ApneaSurface, text_ES_ApneaSurface}},
1894 // {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_ApneaCount, {text_EN_ApneaCount, text_DE_ApneaCount, text_FR_ApneaCount, text_IT_ApneaCount, text_ES_ApneaCount}},
1895 // unused {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Button1, {text_EN_Button1, text_DE_Button1, text_FR_Button1, text_IT_Button1, text_ES_Button1}},
1896 // unused {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Button2, {text_EN_Button2, text_DE_Button2, text_FR_Button2, text_IT_Button2, text_ES_Button2}},
1897 // unused {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Button3, {text_EN_Button3, text_DE_Button3, text_FR_Button3, text_IT_Button3, text_ES_Button3}},
1898 // unused {(uint8_t)TXT2BYTE_Button4, {text_EN_Button4, text_DE_Button4, text_FR_Button4, text_IT_Button4, text_ES_Button4}},
1899 };