2013-05-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.63beta release
2013-05-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
256ms switch debounce timer
2013-05-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
banksafe sensor init
2013-05-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
no flicker when powering on
2013-05-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
changelog update
2013-05-08 |
JeanDo |
minor cleanups for CNS/NOAA bugfix.
2013-05-08 |
jDG |
bugfix CNS compute: NOAA tables are in ATA, not bar.
2013-05-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
bugfix diluent store positions
2013-05-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
brightness settings for display1
2013-04-17 |
heinrichsweikamp |
correct a typo
2013-04-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
aa fonts processor
2013-04-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
aa fonts processor
2013-03-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2013-03-17 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some cleanup
2013-03-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
bugfix battery history
2013-03-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor layout fix
2013-03-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2013-03-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.61beta release
2013-03-06 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX ascent to fisrt stop in finer steps.
2013-03-06 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Vault low_depth too.
2013-02-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2013-02-13 |
JeanDo |
... minor cleanups ...
2013-02-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2013-02-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2013-02-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
indicate first gas in surfacemode
2013-01-31 |
heinrichsweikamp |
italian update
2013-01-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.60beta release
2013-01-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2013-01-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some cleanups
2013-01-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
ignore screenshots with display1 (for now)
2013-01-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Hard-coded min. Values for CF00 and CF01
2013-01-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Use 4byte in EEPROM for diluents (Same as OC gases)
2013-01-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
pixel_write fix
2013-01-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2013-01-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
right allignment
2013-01-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Hardware4 support
2013-01-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Removed "Mix type" Icons and CF43
2013-01-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
French update
2013-01-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.59 release
2012-12-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Set CF17 (ppo2_warning_low) low level to 0.16bar
2012-12-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
French update
2012-12-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: CF70: Safety Stop Duration [s]
2012-12-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
show some feedback if marker was set
2012-12-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
no decoplan update when switching gf
2012-12-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Store Gas active" flag register in logbook
2012-12-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2012-12-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.57beta release
2012-12-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
language updates
2012-12-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
always start with normal GF
2012-12-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
aGF handling during deco init
2012-12-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Allow gf switch
2012-11-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
grey-out TTS and ceiling after gas change (until new plan is ready)
2012-11-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Ignore decoplanner in gauge and apnoe mode
2012-11-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Restart building decoplan after gas change
2012-11-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Italian update from user Etos
2012-11-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
changelog updated
2012-11-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.56beta release
2012-11-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor, docu update
2012-11-01 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Gas volumes when many tanks and stops.
2012-11-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
show first diluent in simulator result screen (Instead of first gas)
2012-10-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.55beta release
2012-10-23 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Allow any diluent to be "First gas" in CCR modes
2012-10-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor layout change
2012-10-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.55beta start
2012-10-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
allow Diluents with >50% He
2012-10-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.54beta start
2012-10-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
bump to 2.53
2012-10-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
reset 5 diluents after update
2012-10-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
German text update
2012-10-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
New Diluent Submenu in Divemode
2012-10-04 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX GasVolume badly approximated when CF55=0
2012-10-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2012-10-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
point to correct diluent location
2012-10-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
gas6 setup simplified
2012-10-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Diluent setup menu work
2012-10-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
spanish update
2012-09-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
ccr menu
2012-09-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
New CCR Setup Menu (In work)
2012-09-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Added tag 250_spanish for changeset 8ab4b7804dbb
2012-09-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
remove ?Men?? completely
2012-09-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Spanish update
2012-09-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Spanish update
2012-09-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: CF29 stored in divelog header (Byte 52)
2012-09-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
save stop time instead of stop depth in char_O_deco_time_for_log
2012-09-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
p2_deco.o updated
2012-09-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Divisor Decoplan (CF25) stores entire decoplan in logbook
2012-09-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Fill char_O_deco_time_for_log array with stop times
2012-08-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.51beta release - remove of MPLAB 8 workspace. Use of MPLAB X IDE recommended
2012-08-27 |
heinrichsweikamp |
russian update
2012-08-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: Gaslist highlights "better gas" in divemode
2012-08-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
restore last used customview in dive- and surface-mode
2012-08-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.51beta start
2012-08-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.50 release
2012-08-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
v2.50 rc2
2012-08-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.50 rc1
2012-08-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.29beta release
2012-08-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2012-07-27 |
heinrichsweikamp |
New CF66: Show GF in NDL (If GF > CF08)
2012-07-23 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.28beta release
2012-07-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
update divetime at begin of new second
2012-07-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2012-07-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Bugfix: CF01 for end-of-dive detection
2012-07-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Make sure day and month <> zero
2012-07-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
italian text updates
2012-07-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Blink better gas in bailout case (if CF42=1)
2012-07-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Merge 608 and 610
2012-07-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.28beta start
2012-07-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2012-07-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
8Bit RRRGGGBB test image
2012-07-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Small layout change for mainscreen
2012-07-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.27beta start
2012-07-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
reset CFIII properly
2012-07-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Italian language support
2012-07-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
remove safety stop when <3m
2012-06-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
french text update
2012-06-26 |
JeanDo |
Minor LLVM compatibility cleanups.
2012-06-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.26beta start
2012-06-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor display update
2012-06-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: CF65: Show a safety stop for no-deco dives
2012-06-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.25beta start
2012-06-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
CNS in planner (pSCR-GF)
2012-06-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
CNS for pSCR-GF fixed.
2012-05-31 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.24 beta start
2012-05-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
pSCR CNS in simulator
2012-05-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: Deco mode "pSCR-GF": Computes deco and CNS based on pSCR parameters (CF62/63)
2012-05-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
move clib.lib into /lib
2012-05-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
add clib.lib for linker step
2012-05-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
update of max_cf_number
2012-05-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
CF16 update max for warning
2012-05-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW CF64: Configures color for inactive gases
2012-05-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
V2.22beta release - V2.23beta start
2012-05-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
text 274 update
2012-05-07 |
JeanDo |
Updated FRENCH translation.
2012-05-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Battery statistics reset when battery is fully charged
2012-04-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
docu update
2012-04-24 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX wrong decostop order when CF55=1, when next stop at more than 10m...
2012-04-24 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX: GasVolume should not count bottom time/depth in CCR mode.
2012-04-24 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX: GasVolumes should check for a gas switch before the first stop.
2012-04-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
adding access to CF64-CF95
2012-04-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor clean
2012-04-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
faster font display, code cleaning
2012-04-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some code cleaning
2012-04-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
New Custom Functions III menu (CF64-CF95)
2012-04-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Preparations for third bank of Custom Functions
2012-04-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
timeout display when deco stops are violated
2012-04-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
timeout for 2nd page of Gas Setup, ceiling allingment
2012-04-03 |
JeanDo |
Added p2_deco.o
2012-04-03 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Don't forget missed stops
2012-03-03 |
JeanDo |
Minor typo cleanup.
2012-03-03 |
JeanDo |
Fix deepest low_depth value
2012-02-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor docu update
2012-02-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor docu update
2012-02-29 |
JeanDo |
Minor cleanups for MacOSX compatibility.
2012-02-25 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX bad CNS in decoplan when CF54 set.
2012-02-25 |
JeanDo |
Cleaning LOW gf reference in deco model
2012-02-23 |
JeanDo |
Bad deco behaviour when missing a stop...
2012-02-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.21 release
2012-02-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
do not show gas switch stops in yellow when CF55=0
2012-02-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
max_custom number
2012-02-17 |
heinrichsweikamp |
update of p2_deco.o
2012-02-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
don't show normal ppO2 in pSCR mode
2012-02-12 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX: CF55 (gas switch delay) should not add fake stops when null.
2012-02-10 |
JeanDo |
CHANGE: Allow up to 96h desat when computing NoFly (OSTC Planner).
2012-02-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor cleanup
2012-02-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Compute ppO2 for pSCR diving
2012-02-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Merge with 550
2012-02-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
GF warning in logbook memory
2012-02-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor docu update
2012-01-21 |
JeanDo |
Make shared headers UNIX compatibles.
2012-01-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
turkish update
2012-01-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor spanish update
2012-01-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Stable release candiate
2012-01-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
show start of dive in internal logbook
2012-01-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Use faster return from ISR
2012-01-09 |
JeanDo |
2012-01-09 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX decoplan: ppO2 for CNS is inspired, alveolar (ie. no ppWater correction).
2012-01-09 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX decoplan: missing gas changes in CNS prediction, when CF55 = 0
2012-01-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
clock in I2C "bus failed" routine
2012-01-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.11beta start...
2012-01-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
BUGFIX: Spurious logbook read issue
2011-12-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
russian updates
2011-12-17 |
JeanDo |
Minor FRENCH cleanups
2011-12-17 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX NDL deco blocking stops during ascent when less than 10' TTS.
2011-12-17 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.09 beta release
2011-12-17 |
heinrichsweikamp |
cleanup debug stuff
2011-12-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.09beta start
2011-12-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Use p2_deco.o from changeset 510 for beta release
2011-12-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some cleanup
2011-12-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Show change gas depth below gaslist (in divemode)
2011-12-12 |
JeanDo |
Minor: should not reset char_I_depth_last_deco.
2011-12-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.07beta release - 2.08beta start
2011-12-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
moving "bailout" on top of setpoint list
2011-12-09 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX spurious random NDL>0 during deco dive.
2011-12-09 |
JeanDo |
New no need to check stops while in NDL.
2011-12-09 |
JeanDo |
New ASSERT_BANK1 macro for software proofing.
2011-12-09 |
JeanDo |
Minor cleanups for TESTING=1 emulator mode.
2011-12-09 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX bank1 error, deco_calc_wo_deco done twice in start routine.
2011-12-06 |
JeanDo |
NEW added GF surface display.
2011-12-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Bring back "Max." for max. depth...
2011-12-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Backed out changeset: b498245da3f1
2011-12-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
imperial units patch from Vlad
2011-12-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.06beta release - 2.07beta start
2011-12-04 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX spurious CNS bound check.
2011-12-04 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX MISSING movlb for gaslist (simulator).
2011-12-04 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Spurious stop order when simulating deadly fast ascent.
2011-11-25 |
JeanDo |
NEW NDL NDL faster/more precise simu (but no closed formula for trimix).
2011-11-20 |
JeanDo |
2011-11-20 |
JeanDo |
NEW NDL analytic model (Erik Baker's formula)
2011-11-20 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX char_I_(N2_ratio/He_ratio) array not inited at boot time
2011-11-20 |
JeanDo |
minor cleanups for TESTING mode
2011-11-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
small cleanup in the logbook
2011-11-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fix bb bug #66: CCR air mode: should not blink for my bailout
2011-11-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2011-11-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Update of turkish texts
2011-11-17 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.05beta release - 2.06beta start
2011-11-16 |
JeanDo |
FRENCH brightness text updated.
2011-11-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Reset Brightness after firmware update
2011-11-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Added OLED brightness setting, texts 280, 312 and 313 need update
2011-11-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor fixes in german layout
2011-11-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
show numeric _and_ graphic velocity, move desat, nofly and interval into isr
2011-11-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.05beta start....
2011-11-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Turkish language added
2011-11-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
testing graphical velocity
2011-11-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
no more cf48 reset after update
2011-11-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
+CHANGE: Velocity display updated every second
2011-11-04 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Surface desat factor missing for Interval planning in GF mode.
2011-10-29 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX (minor) deco_calc_CNS_planning should save ppO2 and gas switch history.
2011-10-17 |
JeanDo |
Cleanup shared_definitions include path
2011-10-17 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Missed surface pressure for CNS in decoplan.
2011-10-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
beta 2.04 start...
2011-10-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
making waitms speed-independent, desat-time fix
2011-10-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
quick fix for wrong wait routines
2011-10-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
beta 2.03 start...
2011-10-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Tweaking gamma values
2011-10-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
lock sensor for surfacemode until value is stable
2011-10-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Merge with 478
2011-10-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
relative path changed for include
2011-10-12 |
JeanDo |
Enable reset in cave bailout prediction, by using chrono average depth.
2011-10-12 |
JeanDo |
New SAC (CF56/CF57) in 5..50 l/min range (no more decimal).
2011-10-09 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX dump screen top line in flip mode (OSTC 2N).
2011-10-09 |
JeanDo |
Cave bailout prediction.
2011-10-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some nops for read command
2011-10-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Reset sensor state when waking up
2011-10-09 |
JeanDo |
2.02 beta starting
2011-10-09 |
JeanDo |
Merge with Bugfix 463
2011-09-25 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX infinite loop when deco table full.
2011-10-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fine-tune waits for 16MHz
2011-10-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
SPI for sensor in 32MHz
2011-10-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
show firmware version in logbook correctly
2011-10-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
show firmware version in logbook correctly
2011-10-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2011-10-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Merge with 2.01stable
2011-10-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Fix reset gas from 2.0stable
2011-09-27 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Experimental 32MHz mode
2011-09-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
move ppO2 display two pixels up
2011-09-22 |
JeanDo |
Minor fix checking first stop on surface
2011-09-22 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX round depth before checking surface
2011-09-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fix reset gas with non-initialised eeprom
2011-09-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Store divisor_deco=0 for apnoe dives
2011-09-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
no decodata in logbook for apnea dives
2011-08-31 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.0 release - 2.1 beta start
2011-08-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
last work for 2.0: Fixing 32kB boundary read for logbook
2011-08-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor change in license text
2011-08-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
compute desat based on 30min old surface pressure
2011-08-18 |
JeanDo |
Minor changes: Tp? curve in orange. Ceilling stippled area.
2011-08-18 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX bad first Tp? and ceiling in logbook curves.
2011-08-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.97beta release - 1.98start
2011-08-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
font48 russian added
2011-08-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
lib added
2011-08-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
apply stored setpoint to log
2011-08-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
localisation part2 from Sergei
2011-08-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
localisation part 1 from Sergei
2011-08-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
compiler switch for display tester
2011-08-10 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX: infinite loop for Decoplaner's CNS in CCR mode.
2011-08-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
movlb after deco_calc_CNS_planning
2011-08-09 |
JeanDo |
NEW: Decoplanner OC volumes in liters (or bars), up to 65000.
2011-08-09 |
JeanDo |
NEW: Decoplanner Warms in red if CNS is too high.
2011-08-09 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX: Decoplanner accumulates CNS during ascent (bug #55)
2011-08-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
max depth in logbook had salinity applied already...
2011-08-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
bug-hunt for temperature curve
2011-08-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2011-08-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Merge 431
2011-08-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
merge with 431
2011-08-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
apply salinity and 0.98bar/10m in internal logbook, show gf_lo/gf_hi on page three (Instead of gf_hi/gf_lo)
2011-08-05 |
JeanDo |
Added Screen test sequence (raw data menu).
2011-08-04 |
JeanDo |
French minor changes.
2011-08-04 |
JeanDo |
Minor logbook cleanups.
2011-08-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
traling space for simulator data
2011-08-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
russian update
2011-08-02 |
JeanDo |
Fixed -2?C .. +35?C scale for logbook display.
2011-07-31 |
JeanDo |
Adding temperature & ceiling curves
2011-07-31 |
JeanDo |
Minor cleanups
2011-08-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
added russian text version
2011-08-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.95 release - 1.96 start
2011-08-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fix ram banking in "Reset all"
2011-07-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
copy from amb_pressure_avg to amb_pressure for compatibility
2011-07-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
update of some french texts
2011-07-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
0.98bar equal 10m depths with salinity set to 1.00kg/l
2011-07-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.94 release - 1.95start
2011-07-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
second space for simulator
2011-07-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
diabling uart module when no USB is attached
2011-07-17 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fixing issue with end-of-dive threshold in high-altitude mode
2011-07-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Fixing issue #53
2011-07-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2011-07-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
small cleanup
2011-07-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
BUGFIX: CNS was not cleared with a "Reset Deco"
2011-07-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
remove of red ambient pressure (High altitude mode)
2011-07-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.93beta release - 1.94beta start
2011-07-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: End-of-Dive countdown displayed after surfacing
2011-07-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
BUGFIX: SetPoint recording for logbook
2011-07-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Bug #52 fixed (ppO2 blinking if setpoint is not physically possible)
2011-06-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.92beta release - 1.93beta start
2011-06-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Add a setpoint change to the first depth sample in CC mode
2011-06-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
gas change blink in yellow
2011-06-27 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Add a trailing space for nofly and desat
2011-06-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Ignore 5mbar pressure sensor noise in surface screen
2011-06-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fixes issue #48
2011-06-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Merge 397 with 398
2011-06-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Fixing issue 50, correct "Bar" to "bar" in texts and comments
2011-06-25 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Color coding ppO2 > 4.9 (bug #50)
2011-06-22 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX display hypoxic air in divemode (bug #41)
2011-06-22 |
JeanDo |
Merge with 64kByte Logbook
2011-06-22 |
JeanDo |
64KByte logbook branch ends
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.91beta release - 1.92beta start
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.91beta RC
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Debugging the TMR1...
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Debugging timer1
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-18 |
JeanDo |
Change increment interval by 30min.
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-18 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Gas switch number.
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-18 |
JeanDo |
Minor cleanups
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Added velocity in divemode, BIG stopwatch in Gauge mode
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Fix simulator start
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Work-Around for "Reset all" overwriting 0x00 to 0x04 in EEPROM Bank1
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-16 |
JeanDo |
Minor cleanups
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
negative temperature in logbook and battery info menu
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Divisor GF texts
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-14 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
fixing random desat time after update
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
clean up
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
testing, removing unused stuff
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
First gas can be reset to 0m, test for timer1 race condition
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
first gas does not reset change depth, display fix with multigas dives in logbook
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
show saturation multiplier in logbook
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-12 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
GF profile. GF and Decotype in Logbok
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-10 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
added GF_hi, GF_lo and deco model to dive header
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-10 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Merge fixed x-slace
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-10 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
x-scale in logbook fixed
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-09 |
JeanDo |
Merged with dive interval
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-09 |
JeanDo |
Dive interval function
2011-06-09 |
JeanDo |
Adding calc_dive_interval()
2011-06-09 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
CNS Profile added
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-09 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
small work in the logbook
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-09 |
JeanDo |
Merged B?hlmann half-times.
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-09 |
JeanDo |
Fix minor rounding in B?hlmann half-times.
2011-06-08 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
small typo...
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-08 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Logbook converter (Needs ~8Minutes and is called one time). Backup your dives before use!!
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-07 |
JeanDo |
Updated 64K logbook to changeset 360.
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-07 |
JeanDo |
Added 1/10/100 steps for CF menu.
2011-06-07 |
JeanDo |
Oups... time to sleep !
2011-06-07 |
JeanDo |
Proposed chars for dive begin 0x93, end 0x94 and duration 0x95.
2011-06-07 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Bugfix: Wake-up into divemode with 1.91alpha
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-07 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX time_correction_value (CF48) > 60 or < 0.
2011-06-07 |
JeanDo |
Allow negatif CF:
2011-06-07 |
JeanDo |
Fix sub16 neg detect (related to bug #44)
2011-06-06 |
JeanDo |
Avoid spurious switch-depth stops with 3 or more gas.
2011-06-06 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
New "Quit sim" option in simulated dive mode, CF02 now allows more then 240seconds, Bugfix with runtime=1min in runtime simulator
64kByte Logbook
2011-05-31 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Debugging the new logbook format, 64kB download routine
64kByte Logbook
2011-05-31 |
heinrichsweikamp |
64kByte logbook (Still incompatible to existing PC software)
64kByte Logbook
2011-05-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Preparations for new "0x21" logbook format
2011-05-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor change in French text
2011-05-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Ignore depths>130m in PC simulation
2011-05-21 |
JeanDo |
Added screen dumps.
2011-05-21 |
JeanDo |
Added screen dumps in simulator mode too.
2011-05-21 |
JeanDo |
MERGE with 1.91 main trunk.
2011-05-21 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Altimeter random value (SAFE_2BYTE_COPY was not bank safe).
2011-05-19 |
JeanDo |
Fix bad max depth value (fix sub16 to avoid trashing sub_b).
2011-05-19 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX protect against ISR changing pressure/temperature while reading it.
2011-05-19 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX save negativ temperatures in logbook (bbbug #6)
2011-05-18 |
JeanDo |
More cleanups in internal deco structures.
2011-05-17 |
JeanDo |
Optimizing access to B?hlmann coefficient (speed).
2011-05-16 |
JeanDo |
Added screen dumps of general menus.
2011-05-16 |
JeanDo |
Beter compression for black/white pixels: ~1sec screen dumps.
2011-05-13 |
JeanDo |
Updated to 1.91beta
2011-05-12 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX minor error in gas-switch algo (spurious surface decostop rarely added).
2011-05-12 |
JeanDo |
1.91beta release started.
2011-05-10 |
JeanDo |
Added dump_screen compression. From ~15 to ~2/3 secondes.
2011-05-10 |
JeanDo |
Debug screen dump
2011-05-10 |
JeanDo |
NEW screen_dump serial command (l)
2011-05-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
V1.90 stable RC
2011-05-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
spanish texts update
2011-05-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Preparations for stable release (CF reset)
2011-05-07 |
JeanDo |
Fix minor rounding error in ppO2[flush].
2011-05-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Fixed Setpoint behavior >2,55bar with CF38=ON
2011-05-07 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
ppO2 diluent (flush) color coded
2011-05-06 |
JeanDo |
Fix "Future TTS" display customview.
2011-05-06 |
JeanDo |
Fix ppO2[flush] display in customview.
2011-05-05 |
JeanDo |
Cleanup auto setpoint switch
2011-05-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.88beta release - 1.89beta start
2011-05-05 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX surface pressure for deco in altitude.
2011-05-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Renamed Escape TTS to Future TTS
2011-05-04 |
JeanDo |
Minor cleanup in depth convertion for EAD/END.
2011-05-04 |
JeanDo |
Merge with @5 escape TTS
2011-05-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
german translation update
@5 variant
2011-05-03 |
JeanDo |
@5 "Escape TTS" translations
@5 variant
2011-05-03 |
JeanDo |
Fix @5 preventing main computation
@5 variant
2011-05-02 |
JeanDo |
New @5 variant: compute TTS if staying some extra time (CF58) at current depth.
@5 variant
2011-05-02 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX typo when passing Gas#4 to deko model (bug#43)
2011-05-01 |
JeanDo |
Fix EAD/END display (not mm, m with a trailling space)
2011-05-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
moved cf warning to upper right corner
2011-05-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.87beta release - 1.88beta start
2011-05-01 |
JeanDo |
New live EAD/END in divemode (both OCR and CCR).
2011-04-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some changes for cf defaults
2011-04-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2011-04-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Backed out changeset: 9c39cedb662b
2011-04-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
disabled live END and EAD (Need some debug work)
2011-04-30 |
JeanDo |
Minor corrections in assert conditions.
2011-04-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Display ppO2[Diluent] in CCR modes
2011-04-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
internationalization of EAD and END in divemode, updated spanish for gas setup
2011-04-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some cleanup, french and german texts updated
2011-04-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
changelog updated
2011-04-29 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Gas Setup page 2 reworked, Texts 107, 108, 109,150, 149, 168, 42, 43, 53,54,55, 165 need update in french, spanish and german
2011-04-28 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Apply salinity for ceiling warning
2011-04-28 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Menu3 marker bugfix
2011-04-26 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Menu3 marker bugbix
2011-04-27 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX char_O_gradient_factor calculation in GF model.
2011-04-25 |
JeanDo |
New CNS calculation in decoplan.
2011-04-22 |
JeanDo |
Fix gaslist: use current value instead of default.
2011-04-21 |
JeanDo |
Hunting for refusing to ignore disabled gas in list...
2011-04-21 |
JeanDo |
Fix zero-depth gas color in de-activation menu.
2011-04-21 |
JeanDo |
Manage gas-switch marked stops in volume consumption.
2011-04-21 |
JeanDo |
Don't force gas with depth>0 to be active.
2011-04-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Active gas flags simplified
2011-04-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
small fix for the battery sign
2011-04-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
115200 baud bootloader tested and debugged
2011-04-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Battery sign color coded, work on new uart-started 115200Baud bootloader (Do NOT use yet!)
2011-04-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
updated spanish texts
2011-04-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
no more sorted gaslist...
2011-04-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
"TTS" redrawn correctly
2011-04-19 |
JeanDo |
Mark gas-switch stops for decoplans, displayed in yellow.
2011-04-19 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX CCR decoplan fails (bug bb42).
2011-04-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Quick-access to menupos3 in divemode - ToDo: EAD and END in CCR mode
2011-04-17 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX CF16 applyed to diluant in CCR mode.
2011-04-17 |
JeanDo |
Keep low_depth in float 32bits (w/o rounding) for a better stability.
2011-04-17 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Setpoint changes stored in profile, EAD and END displayed in divemode (Customview 7)
2011-04-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.86beta release - 1.87beta start
2011-04-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
inactive gases with change depth>0 ignored
2011-04-12 |
JeanDo |
Minor comments
2011-04-12 |
JeanDo |
Don't show gas 1 usage black on back (bb28 followup)
2011-04-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
hunting for bug#30 - solved by disabling timer3 (?)
2011-04-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
average depth in logbook fixed
2011-04-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.85beta release, 1.86beta start, german texts updated
2011-04-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
OSTC 2N uses exchanged switches...
2011-04-11 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX zero gas rate (bug bb28).
2011-04-11 |
JeanDo |
Safer rounding (bug bb29)
2011-04-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
making the seconds display in divemode smoother...
2011-04-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Quick fix for non-stopping simulator
2011-04-11 |
JeanDo |
Fix first stop rounding in GF model.
2011-04-10 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX bb13 : deco_calc_desaturation_time() should reset TBLPTR Upper register.
2011-04-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.84beta release - 1.85beta start
2011-04-10 |
JeanDo |
Small p2_deco optimizations:
2011-04-10 |
JeanDo |
Use timer TMR3 to limit loops in calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco()
2011-04-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
added CPU time debugger
2011-04-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
small change in the set time menu, default setpoints set to 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2Bar
2011-04-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
working word-around for nofly issue
2011-04-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
show CNS in logbook for all dives made with V1.84beta and later
2011-03-30 |
JeanDo |
Bug bb13 : strange failling assertion...
2011-03-29 |
JeanDo |
Still hunting for bb13...
2011-03-29 |
JeanDo |
Fix minor CNS calc when ppO2 > 2.55
2011-03-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
small clean
2011-03-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Logbook now shows gas changes in depth profile
2011-03-29 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Count gas switch delay down during ascent (bug bb26)
2011-03-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
German texts added
2011-03-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Some clean up and minor I2C speed improvements
2011-03-23 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Small fix (y-scale in logbook)
2011-03-23 |
heinrichsweikamp |
more information in logbook: Gaslist, Salinity, Gradient Factors and Average depth displayed in Logbook
2011-03-23 |
JeanDo |
Minor corrections in doc.
2011-03-21 |
JeanDo |
Model cleanups.
2011-03-21 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Gas Usage when first gas is not #1 (bug BB22).
2011-03-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
High altitude (Plane/Fly) mode added
2011-03-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Some cleanup in the ISR
2011-03-20 |
JeanDo |
Hunting for NoFly bug...
2011-03-19 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX missing deko init in reboot code.
2011-03-19 |
JeanDo |
New runtime asserts when compiled in DEBUG more.
2011-03-17 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Gas Usage when stops are shallowest first: CF54 (bug BB24).
2011-03-15 |
JeanDo |
Hunting for NoFly (bug BB13)... not found yet...
2011-03-16 |
JeanDo |
Gas Usage: left aligned (bug BB25).
2011-03-16 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Don't show (nosense) gas consumption in CCR mode (bug BB20).
2011-03-15 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Clear bottom stops when display gas usage (bug BB23)
2011-03-15 |
JeanDo |
Nofly should not be reset after dive simulation (bug BB18).
2011-03-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.83beta release, 1.84beta start
2011-03-04 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX sorting gaslist.
2011-03-04 |
JeanDo |
Better gas lookup policy, supporting unsorted list.
2011-03-03 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Gas usage for unsorted gas list.
2011-03-03 |
JeanDo |
Gas usage
2011-03-03 |
JeanDo |
Show decoplan.
2011-03-01 |
JeanDo |
Prototyping deco_gas_volumes() to compute gas consumption per tank with decoplanning.
2011-03-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
new sorted_gaslist_active flag register
2011-03-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
If gas is inactive, overwrite char_I_deco_gas_changex with zero
2011-03-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: De/Activate gases underwater (Gaslist -> Gas6.. -> Actve?)
2011-02-26 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX NoFly time
2011-02-24 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX gas switch
2011-02-24 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX typo when last stop is just below 3m.
2011-02-23 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.82beta release - 1.83beta start
2011-02-22 |
JeanDo |
(altimeter restart: fix bank addressing)
2011-02-22 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Altimeter reset when exiting sleep mode (bug#&6).
2011-02-21 |
JeanDo |
Debug GF model (bug #11 & #12).
2011-02-21 |
JeanDo |
More clean
2011-02-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2011-02-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
frame around logbook scale, some more speed improvements
2011-02-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
dynamic scale for logbook view
2011-02-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
faster logbook speed
2011-02-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
changelog updated
2011-02-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.82beta start
2011-02-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fix in logbook detail view
2011-02-17 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Gas switch
2011-02-16 |
Petit Pierre |
French text positions in divemode.
2011-02-15 |
JeanDo |
Gas switch debugging...
2011-02-14 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX clear decotable at begin of simulator mode.
2011-02-14 |
JeanDo |
Minor missing translations
2011-02-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor comment translation into English
2011-02-13 |
JeanDo |
Gas switch delay
2011-02-13 |
Petit Pierre |
More French Tweaks
2011-02-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
text fix
2011-02-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
small typos fixed
2011-02-12 |
JeanDo |
Minor fixes.
2011-02-11 |
JeanDo |
GF Model
2011-02-11 |
JeanDo |
New README.txt for install, recompile and flash.
2011-02-11 |
JeanDo |
New French translation.
2011-02-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
other languages updated
2011-02-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
new sensor raw data menu
2011-02-07 |
JeanDo |
French Version Primer.
2011-02-01 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Gradient Factor algo.
2011-02-06 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX NDL blocked to 11' (bb #9)
2011-02-06 |
JeanDo |
Enable to compile p2_deco.c on other platforms.
2011-02-06 |
JeanDo |
Spanish special chars.
2011-02-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
added spanish translation
2011-02-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1st. gas not grey in simulator
2011-02-06 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
store gf_hi and gf_lo in logbook
2011-02-06 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
BUGFIX: Inactive gases greyed-out in Simulator results
2011-02-04 |
JeanDo |
Added German ???? & French ???? characters in small font.
2011-02-04 |
JeanDo |
Add instructions to translators
2011-02-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some comments added
2011-02-03 |
JeanDo |
French and German translations
2011-02-03 |
JeanDo |
2011-02-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
CF09 limits
2011-02-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some brainstorming about multi-language
2011-01-31 |
JeanDo |
More p2_deco.c cleanups
2011-01-31 |
JeanDo |
Altimeter: auto reset
2011-01-26 |
JeanDo |
Merge decoplan display for both GF and Buhlmann models.
2011-01-25 |
JeanDo |
Use 16bits for TTS sum.
2011-01-24 |
JeanDo |
+ Use overlay local vars.
2011-01-22 |
JeanDo |
Allow display of altitude <= 0m
2011-01-21 |
JeanDo |
+ Clean Buhlmann tables addressing
2011-01-21 |
JeanDo |
+ Change data allocation scheme
2011-01-21 |
JeanDo |
Fusion declaration of shared C/ASM variables.
2011-01-21 |
JeanDo |
Fix altimeter auto-reset
2011-01-18 |
JeanDo |
Use signed arithmetic for pressure/temperature compensation.
2011-01-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.80 stable released, 1.81beta started
2011-01-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fix for simualtor restore
2011-01-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Restore simulator inputs
2011-01-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2011-01-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
custom view default for surfacemode
2011-01-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.77beta start
2011-01-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
charger test
2011-01-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
realtime clock defaults
2011-01-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
* for better gas again
2011-01-10 |
JeanDo |
Fix logbook display when there odd-size dives.
2011-01-10 |
JeanDo |
Fix desat graph:
2011-01-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Changed CF11->BSat, CF12->BDes, and CF29->Last
2011-01-09 |
JeanDo |
Make loogbook search twice faster.
2011-01-09 |
JeanDo |
Make loogbook search twice faster.
2011-01-09 |
JeanDo |
2011-01-09 |
JeanDo |
FIX bad mix icon when active gas in not G1.
2011-01-07 |
JeanDo |
Rightbind beta to screen's right border.
2011-01-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
divemode gas fix
2011-01-07 |
JeanDo |
Screen-flipping custom function.
2011-01-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
LowBatt! Warning in divemode
2011-01-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
"beta" shown for beta versions
2011-01-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.76beta start....
2011-01-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.75beta released
2011-01-05 |
mh <> |
Fix: Customviews for Apnoe and Gauge mode
2011-01-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
active gas divemode display fix
2011-01-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
temperature collision with the tissue graph
2011-01-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
divingmode graphs
2011-01-05 |
JeanDo |
Minor merge fixes...
2011-01-04 |
JeanDo |
Fix altimeter after simulator (zero divide -> 32767m)
2011-01-05 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Merge 129 with 130
2011-01-04 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Fixed profile view (Logbook)
2011-01-04 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Custom views in dive mode configrable (New CF50-CF53)
2011-01-04 |
JeanDo |
Saturation graphs in customview divemode
2011-01-04 |
JeanDo |
FIX SetPoint list color.
2011-01-04 |
JeanDo |
Re-indent c-code. Add .o file.
2010-12-29 |
JeanDo |
2011-01-01 |
JeanDo |
Rewrite display of decoplan:
2010-12-30 |
JeanDo |
The big cleanup, again.
2010-12-28 |
JeanDo |
FIX again reset C data stack and frame pointer when entering C code.
2010-12-26 |
JeanDo |
Mix-type icons: check apnoe/gauge/CF#41, depth=0, and first gas. Changed colors.
2010-12-11 |
JeanDo |
aa_wordprocessor too fast ?
2010-12-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Background debugger now shows STKPTR
2010-12-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
add p2_deco.o
2010-12-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
added sample workspace file
2010-12-26 |
JeanDo |
Split C code, and use direct linking.
2010-12-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
First gas is active, Gauge mode display
2010-12-23 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.75beta start
2010-12-23 |
JeanDo |
Minor two-pages decoplan fixes.
2010-12-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.74beta rc2
2010-12-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.74beta rc1
2010-12-22 |
JeanDo |
Display deco-type icon in surface mode.
2010-12-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fixed double-effect of ENTER button in divemode
2010-12-20 |
JeanDo |
Display TTS in simulator decoplan
2010-12-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
customview for the surfacemode
2010-12-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
bugfix in output16_3_call
2010-12-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
added END to GasSetup, small fixes
2010-12-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some fixes with the onboard simulator
2010-12-14 |
JeanDo |
Codesize optimized valconv.asm
2010-12-13 |
JeanDo |
Scribble_15 at wakeup...
2010-12-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-12-14 |
JeanDo |
Checking all CF values at once.
2010-12-12 |
JeanDo |
FIX bad warning for 15bits CF values
2010-12-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.73beta rc1 (Added new customview for divemode)
2010-12-12 |
JeanDo |
Cleanup CF for bad 15bits value display
2010-12-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
adding anti-aliased fonts!
2010-12-11 |
JeanDo |
aa_wordprocessor too fast ?
2010-12-11 |
JeanDo |
Check all CF in surfacemode, pop warning is oobounds
2010-12-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
bug fix in isr
2010-12-11 |
JeanDo |
Interrupt trashes the PRODH:L registers.
2010-12-10 |
JeanDo |
Added HW logo and dimmed cursor in small font.
2010-12-10 |
JeanDo |
FIX new cf menu BOOL mode: should skip lines 2&3.
2010-12-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
dummy commit
2010-12-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-12-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some preparations for new custom view
2010-12-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
adding custom functions with limits (jeando)
2010-12-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
renaming "Max Depth" to "max."
2010-12-08 |
JeanDo |
FIX flickering in new CF menus
2010-12-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
adding anti-aliased fonts frame and merging some patches from Jeando
2010-12-07 |
JeanDo |
Cleaning up old wordprocessor to make it OLEDSim compatible.
2010-12-06 |
JeanDo |
Kludges to emulate inexisting devices when debugged with the MPLAB software SIMulator.
2010-12-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
applying jean_do custom function menu patches...
2010-12-06 |
JeanDo |
Making CF edition esier
2010-12-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
testing patch
2010-12-07 |
JeanDo |
FIX branch merging
2010-12-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
small fix with battery sign
2010-12-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.73beta started, small fixes
2010-11-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.72beta release
2010-11-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Exchanged Decoplan and Gaslist in dive mode menu
2010-11-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
added missing source file
2010-11-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.72beta - color-coded gaslist, small fix with stopwatch
2010-10-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.72beta - small output fix in non-GF modes
2010-10-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.71beta for Mk.2
2010-10-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
new decoplan (GF mode) debuged
2010-10-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-10-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.71beta in work...
2010-10-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
displays 16stops in gf mode
2010-10-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.71beta - more deco
2010-09-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.71beta - clock in divemode (CF39)
2010-09-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.71 beta in work
2010-08-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-08-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
New deco code 1.10d
2010-08-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.70 stable release
2010-08-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Mk.2 1.70stable
2010-08-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
small update simulator
2010-08-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-08-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Another Gas Change debug
2010-08-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-07-31 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.70 cleaning the code
2010-08-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Gas Change for Simulator debugged
2010-07-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-07-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-07-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-07-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-07-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.65beta release
2010-07-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.65beta release
2010-07-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-07-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.63beta release
2010-06-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
New CF48, changed CF15
2010-06-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.63 in work
2010-06-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.63 in work...
2010-06-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.62 beta release
2010-06-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.62 beta rc2
2010-05-31 |
heinrichsweikamp |
test & debugging new deco code...
2010-05-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2010-05-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Gas Setup now sorts Gases for new Deco code
2010-05-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
preparations for new gaslist
2010-05-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
New Simulator results screen
2010-05-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Speedy simulator! New Deco code test 1
2010-05-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
simulator-speed increased
2010-05-23 |
heinrichsweikamp |
preparations for new deco code...
2010-05-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.62 in work...
2010-05-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.61beta rc2
2010-05-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
CHANGE: Change of color layout (OSTC Mk.2 Only)
2010-05-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: Depth, CNS, GF, ppO2 and Velocity are Color-coded
2010-05-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
ppO2 limits in fixed setpoint ccr
2010-05-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.61 beta rc2
2010-05-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.61 beta rc1
2010-05-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.61beta test
2010-04-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.60 stable
2010-04-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.60 stable rc1
2010-04-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.56 beta
2010-04-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.56 rc1
2010-04-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.55 beta
2010-04-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.55beta rc1
2010-03-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.54 rc2
2010-03-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.54beta rc1
2010-03-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.53 beta - very small fix
2010-03-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.53 beta rc2
2010-03-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.53 beta rc
2010-03-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
new compiler docu
2010-03-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.52 beta
2010-03-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Added CF36: Divemask color
2010-02-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.52 rc2
2010-02-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
cf32 bug fixed
2010-02-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
build included
2010-02-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.52beta rc
2010-02-14 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.52 beta rc
2010-02-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
v1.51 beta
2010-01-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Bugfix: PC simulator
2010-01-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
clean up
2010-01-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Initial setup