
age author description
2011-04-19 heinrichsweikamp 115200 baud bootloader tested and debugged
2011-04-19 heinrichsweikamp Battery sign color coded, work on new uart-started 115200Baud bootloader (Do NOT use yet!)
2011-04-19 heinrichsweikamp updated spanish texts
2011-04-19 heinrichsweikamp no more sorted gaslist...
2011-04-19 heinrichsweikamp "TTS" redrawn correctly
2011-04-19 JeanDo Mark gas-switch stops for decoplans, displayed in yellow.
2011-04-19 JeanDo BUGFIX CCR decoplan fails (bug bb42).
2011-04-18 heinrichsweikamp Quick-access to menupos3 in divemode - ToDo: EAD and END in CCR mode
2011-04-17 JeanDo BUGFIX CF16 applyed to diluant in CCR mode.
2011-04-17 JeanDo Keep low_depth in float 32bits (w/o rounding) for a better stability.
2011-04-17 heinrichsweikamp Setpoint changes stored in profile, EAD and END displayed in divemode (Customview 7)
2011-04-13 heinrichsweikamp 1.86beta release - 1.87beta start
2011-04-13 heinrichsweikamp inactive gases with change depth>0 ignored
2011-04-12 JeanDo Minor comments
2011-04-12 JeanDo Don't show gas 1 usage black on back (bb28 followup)
2011-04-12 heinrichsweikamp hunting for bug#30 - solved by disabling timer3 (?)
2011-04-12 heinrichsweikamp average depth in logbook fixed
2011-04-12 heinrichsweikamp 1.85beta release, 1.86beta start, german texts updated
2011-04-12 heinrichsweikamp OSTC 2N uses exchanged switches...
2011-04-11 JeanDo BUGFIX zero gas rate (bug bb28).
2011-04-11 JeanDo Safer rounding (bug bb29)
2011-04-11 heinrichsweikamp making the seconds display in divemode smoother...
2011-04-11 heinrichsweikamp Quick fix for non-stopping simulator
2011-04-11 JeanDo Fix first stop rounding in GF model.
2011-04-10 JeanDo BUGFIX bb13 : deco_calc_desaturation_time() should reset TBLPTR Upper register.
2011-04-10 heinrichsweikamp 1.84beta release - 1.85beta start
2011-04-10 JeanDo Small p2_deco optimizations:
2011-04-10 JeanDo Use timer TMR3 to limit loops in calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco()
2011-04-10 heinrichsweikamp added CPU time debugger
2011-04-10 heinrichsweikamp small change in the set time menu, default setpoints set to 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2Bar
2011-04-08 heinrichsweikamp working word-around for nofly issue
2011-04-03 heinrichsweikamp show CNS in logbook for all dives made with V1.84beta and later
2011-03-30 JeanDo Bug bb13 : strange failling assertion...
2011-03-29 JeanDo Still hunting for bb13...
2011-03-29 JeanDo Fix minor CNS calc when ppO2 > 2.55
2011-03-29 heinrichsweikamp small clean
2011-03-29 heinrichsweikamp Logbook now shows gas changes in depth profile
2011-03-29 JeanDo BUGFIX Count gas switch delay down during ascent (bug bb26)
2011-03-29 heinrichsweikamp German texts added
2011-03-24 heinrichsweikamp Some clean up and minor I2C speed improvements
2011-03-23 heinrichsweikamp Small fix (y-scale in logbook)
2011-03-23 heinrichsweikamp more information in logbook: Gaslist, Salinity, Gradient Factors and Average depth displayed in Logbook
2011-03-23 JeanDo Minor corrections in doc.
2011-03-21 JeanDo Model cleanups.
2011-03-21 JeanDo BUGFIX Gas Usage when first gas is not #1 (bug BB22).
2011-03-21 heinrichsweikamp High altitude (Plane/Fly) mode added
2011-03-20 heinrichsweikamp Some cleanup in the ISR
2011-03-20 JeanDo Hunting for NoFly bug...
2011-03-19 JeanDo BUGFIX missing deko init in reboot code.
2011-03-19 JeanDo New runtime asserts when compiled in DEBUG more.
2011-03-17 JeanDo BUGFIX Gas Usage when stops are shallowest first: CF54 (bug BB24).
2011-03-15 JeanDo Hunting for NoFly (bug BB13)... not found yet...
2011-03-16 JeanDo Gas Usage: left aligned (bug BB25).
2011-03-16 JeanDo BUGFIX Don't show (nosense) gas consumption in CCR mode (bug BB20).
2011-03-15 JeanDo BUGFIX Clear bottom stops when display gas usage (bug BB23)
2011-03-15 JeanDo Nofly should not be reset after dive simulation (bug BB18).
2011-03-05 heinrichsweikamp 1.83beta release, 1.84beta start
2011-03-04 JeanDo BUGFIX sorting gaslist.
2011-03-04 JeanDo Better gas lookup policy, supporting unsorted list.
2011-03-03 JeanDo BUGFIX Gas usage for unsorted gas list.