changeset 299:eac799f69360

some cleanup, french and german texts updated
author heinrichsweikamp
date Sat, 30 Apr 2011 08:30:56 +0200 (2011-04-30)
parents 880db4afeecc
children 438ecb8090eb
files code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/french_text.asm code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/german_text.asm code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_gassetup.asm
diffstat 3 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/french_text.asm	Sat Apr 30 07:45:50 2011 +0200
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/french_text.asm	Sat Apr 30 08:30:56 2011 +0200
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Eteindre  [min]"           ;039 Power Off [min]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Pré-menu  [min]"           ;040 Pre-menu  [min]	(Delais to keep surface-mode menus displayed)
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Vitesse [m/min]"           ;041 velocity[m/min]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Allumer  [mBar]"           ;042 Wake-up  [mBar]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Max.Surf.[mBar]"           ;043 max.Surf.[mBar]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Allumer  [mbar]"           ;042 Wake-up  [mbar]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Max.Surf.[mbar]"           ;043 max.Surf.[mbar]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Affichage GF[%]"           ;044 GF display  [%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Aff. O2 min [%]"           ;045 min. O2 Dis.[%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "MenusPlong[min]"           ;046 Dive menus[min]
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Alarme GF   [%]"           ;050 GF alarm 1  [%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Aff.CNS Surf[%]"           ;051 CNSshow surf[%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Décal. Déco [m]"           ;052 Deco Offset [m]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 mini [Bar]"           ;053 ppO2 low  [Bar]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 maxi [Bar]"           ;054 ppO2 high [Bar]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Aff. ppO2 [Bar]"           ;055 ppO2 show [Bar]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 mini [bar]"           ;053 ppO2 low  [bar]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 maxi [bar]"           ;054 ppO2 high [bar]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Aff. ppO2 [bar]"           ;055 ppO2 show [bar]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Freq. Mesures  "           ;056 sampling rate  
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Diviseur Temp. "           ;057 Divisor Temp   
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Divis.Donn.Déco"           ;058 Divisor Decodat
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@
     TCODE    .85,   .125,    "ZH-L16 CC"                 ;104 ZH-L16 CC
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Gaz Actif ? "              ;105 Active Gas?
     TCODE    .31,   .2,      "Liste des Gaz:"            ;106 Gas Setup - Gaslist
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Prof. +"  		         ;107 Depth +
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Prof. -"	                 ;108 Depth -
-    TCODE    .20,   .35,     "Préc."                     ;109 Back
+    TCODE    .20,   .95,     "Prof. +/-:"  		         ;107 Depth +/-:
+    TCODE    .20,   .125,    "Changer:"	                 ;108 Change:
+    TCODE    .20,   .155,    "Défaut:"                   ;109 Default:
     TCODE    .20,   .65,     "Menu SetPoint CCR"         ;110 CCR SetPoint Menu
     TCODE    .20,   .2,      "Menu SetPoint CCR"         ;111 CCR SetPoint Menu
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "#SP"                       ;112 SP#
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@
     TCODE    .52,   .120,    "OK!"                       ;146 OK!
     TCODE    .20,   .35,     "Suite..."                  ;147 More
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      ":.........:"               ;148 :.........:
-    TCODE    .0,    .8,      "(ppO2:"                    ;149 (ppO2:
-    TCODE    .2,    .39,     "Bar) "                     ;150 Bar) 
+    TCODE    .0,    .8,      "ppO2" 	                 ;149 ppO2
+    TCODE    .2,    .39,     "bar "                      ;150 bar 
     TCODE    .108,  .216,    "Repère?"                   ;151 Marker?
     TCODE    .85,   .125,    "L16-GF OC"                 ;152 L16-GF OC
     TCODE    .20,   .65,     "Config Fonctions II"       ;153 Custom FunctionsII
@@ -231,10 +231,10 @@
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Alarme Plafond "           ;162 Warn Ceiling
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Icone Type Mél."           ;163 Mix type icons
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Aff.MeilleurGaz"           ;164 Blink BetterGas	(Remainder in divemode to switch to a better decompression gas).
-    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "AlarmProf[mBar]"           ;165 DepthWarn[mBar]
+    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "AlarmProf[mbar]"           ;165 DepthWarn[mbar]
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Alarme CNS  [%]"           ;166 CNS warning [%]
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Alarme GF   [%]"           ;167 GF warning  [%]
-    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Al. ppO2  [Bar]"           ;168 ppO2 warn [Bar]
+    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Al. ppO2  [bar]"           ;168 ppO2 warn [bar]
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Al.Vites[m/min]"           ;169 Vel.warn[m/min]
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Décal Heur/Jour"           ;170 Time offset/day
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Aff. Altimètre "           ;171 Show altimeter
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/german_text.asm	Sat Apr 30 07:45:50 2011 +0200
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/german_text.asm	Sat Apr 30 08:30:56 2011 +0200
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Standby   [min]"           ;039 Power Off [min]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Pre-Menü  [min]"           ;040 Pre-menu  [min]	(Delais to keep surface-mode menus displayed)
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Geschw. [m/min]"           ;041 velocity[m/min]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Aufwachen[mBar]"           ;042 Wake-up  [mBar]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "max.Ober.[mBar]"           ;043 max.Surf.[mBar]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Aufwachen[mbar]"           ;042 Wake-up  [mbar]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "max.Ober.[mbar]"           ;043 max.Surf.[mbar]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "GF Anzeige  [%]"           ;044 GF display  [%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "min. O2 Dis.[%]"           ;045 min. O2 Dis.[%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "TG Menüs  [min]"           ;046 Dive menus[min]
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "GF Alarm 1  [%]"           ;050 GF alarm 1  [%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "CNSAnzOberf.[%]"           ;051 CNSshow surf[%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Deko Versatz[m]"           ;052 Deco Offset [m]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 min. [Bar]"           ;053 ppO2 low  [Bar]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 max. [Bar]"           ;054 ppO2 high [Bar]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 anz. [Bar]"           ;055 ppO2 show [Bar]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 min. [bar]"           ;053 ppO2 low  [bar]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 max. [bar]"           ;054 ppO2 high [bar]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 anz. [bar]"           ;055 ppO2 show [bar]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Abtastrate     "           ;056 sampling rate  
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Divisor Temp   "           ;057 Divisor Temp   
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Divisor Dekodat"           ;058 Divisor Decodat
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@
     TCODE    .85,   .125,    "ZH-L16 CC"                 ;104 ZH-L16 CC
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Aktives Gas? "             ;105 Active Gas?
     TCODE    .10,   .2,      "Gas-Einst. - Gasliste"     ;106 Gas Setup - Gaslist
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Tiefe +"		         ;107 Depth +
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Tiefe -"			 ;108 Depth -
-    TCODE    .20,   .35,     "Zurü."                     ;109 Back
+    TCODE    .20,   .95,     "Tiefe +/-:"		         ;107 Depth +/-:
+    TCODE    .20,   .125,    "Wechsel:"			  		 ;108 Change:
+    TCODE    .20,   .155,    "Standard:"                 ;109 Default:
     TCODE    .20,   .65,     "CCR SetPoint Menü"         ;110 CCR SetPoint Menu
     TCODE    .20,   .2,      "CCR SetPoint Menü"         ;111 CCR SetPoint Menu
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "SP#"                       ;112 SP#
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@
     TCODE    .52,   .120,    "OK!"                       ;146 OK!
     TCODE    .20,   .35,     "Mehr"                      ;147 More
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      ":.........:"               ;148 :.........:
-    TCODE    .0,    .8,      "(ppO2:"                    ;149 (ppO2:
-    TCODE    .2,    .39,     "Bar) "                     ;150 Bar) 
+    TCODE    .0,    .8,      "ppO2"                      ;149 ppO2
+    TCODE    .2,    .39,     "bar "                      ;150 bar 
     TCODE    .108,  .216,    "Marker?"                   ;151 Marker?
     TCODE    .85,   .125,    "L16-GF OC"                 ;152 L16-GF OC
     TCODE    .20,   .65,     "Custom FunktionenII"       ;153 Custom FunctionsII
@@ -231,10 +231,10 @@
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Warnung Ceiling"           ;162 Warn Ceiling
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Gas Mix Symbole"           ;163 Mix type icons
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "BesseresGasAnz "           ;164 Blink BetterGas	(Remainder in divemode to switch to a better decompression gas).
-    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "TiefeWarn[mBar]"           ;165 DepthWarn[mBar]
+    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "TiefeWarn[mbar]"           ;165 DepthWarn[mbar]
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "CNS Warnung [%]"           ;166 CNS warning [%]
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "GF Warnung  [%]"           ;167 GF warning  [%]
-    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "ppO2 Warn [Bar]"           ;168 ppO2 warn [Bar]
+    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "ppO2 Warn [bar]"           ;168 ppO2 warn [bar]
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "GescWarn[m/min]"           ;169 Vel.warn[m/min]
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "ZeitVersatz/Tag"           ;170 Time offset/day
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Höhenmesser anz"           ;171 Show altimeter
@@ -384,10 +384,9 @@
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "MOD:"                      ;297 MOD:                  (max operating depth of a gas).
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "END:"                      ;298 END:                  (equivalent nitrogen depth of a gas).
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "EAD:"                      ;299 EAD:                  (equivalent air depth of a gas).
-    TCODE  .100,  .125,	     "Aktiv?"			 ;300 Active?               (Enable/Disable Gas underwater)
+    TCODE  .100,  .125,	     "Aktiv?"			 		 ;300 Active?               (Enable/Disable Gas underwater)
     TCODE    .0,    .2,      "OCR Gasverbrauch:"         ;301 OCR Gas Usage:        (Planned gas consumtion by tank).
 	TCODE	 .45,	.100,	 "Bootloader"				 ;302 Bootloader
-	TCODE	 .40,	.130,	 "Please wait!"				 ;303 Please wait!
-	TCODE	 .50,	.130,	 "Aborted!"					 ;304 Aborted
-	TCODE	 .0,	.0,		 "Change:"				  	 ;305 Change:
+	TCODE	 .35,	.130,	 "Bitte Warten!"			 ;303 Please wait!
+	TCODE	 .40,	.130,	 "Abgebrochen!"				 ;304 Aborted
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_gassetup.asm	Sat Apr 30 07:45:50 2011 +0200
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_gassetup.asm	Sat Apr 30 08:30:56 2011 +0200
@@ -316,24 +316,8 @@
     lfsr    FSR2, letter
 	OUTPUTTEXTH .297                    ; MOD:
-	GETCUSTOM8 .18                      ; ppO2 warnvalue in WREG
-	mullw	d'10'
-	movff	PRODL,xA+0
-	movff	PRODH,xA+1                  ; ppO2 in [0.01Bar] * 10
+	rcall	gassetup_get_mod			; compute MOD based on CF18 into lo:hi
-	movf	divemins+0,W
-	addlw	0x06
-	movwf	EEADR
-	call	read_eeprom                 ; O2 value
-	movff	EEDATA,xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	div16x16                    ; xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder
-	movlw	d'10'
-	subwf	xC+0,F                      ; Subtract 10m...
-	movff	xC+0,lo
-	movlw	d'0'
-	subwfb	xC+1,F
-	movff	xC+1,hi
@@ -646,8 +630,6 @@
 	bcf		first_FA				; Here: =1: -, =0: +
 	bcf		second_FA				; Here: =1: Is first gas
 	DISPLAYTEXT	.107		; Depth +/-
-	DISPLAYTEXT	.108		; Change:
-	DISPLAYTEXT	.109		; Default:
 	DISPLAYTEXT	.11			; Exit
@@ -690,25 +672,27 @@
 	rcall	gassetup_title_bar2			; Displays the title bar with the current Gas info
 	WIN_TOP		.125
-	WIN_LEFT	.70
+	WIN_LEFT	.20
 	lfsr	FSR2,letter
+	OUTPUTTEXT	.108		; Change:
 	; lo still holds change depth
 	bsf		leftbind
     STRCAT_PRINT  "m "
+; Show ppO2 after change depth
 	WIN_TOP		.125
-	WIN_LEFT	.100
+	WIN_LEFT	.110
 	lfsr	FSR2,letter
 	rcall	gassetup_show_ppO2			; Display the ppO2 of the change depth with the current gas
 	movff		xC+0,sub_a+0
 	movff		xC+1,sub_a+1
 	GETCUSTOM8	d'46'					; color-code ppO2 warning [cBar]
-	mullw		d'1'					; ppo2_warning_high*1
-	movff		PRODL,sub_b+0
-	movff		PRODH,sub_b+1
+	movwf		sub_b+0
+	clrf		sub_b+1
 	call		sub16					;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b	
 	btfss		neg_flag
 	bra			gassetup_color_code_ppo2_1; too high -> Warning Color!
@@ -731,26 +715,12 @@
 ; Show MOD as "default"
 	WIN_TOP		.155
-	WIN_LEFT	.78
+	WIN_LEFT	.20
     lfsr    FSR2, letter
-	GETCUSTOM8 .18                      ; ppO2 warnvalue in WREG
-	mullw	d'10'
-	movff	PRODL,xA+0
-	movff	PRODH,xA+1                  ; ppO2 in [0.01Bar] * 10
-	movf	divemins+0,W
-	addlw	0x06
-	movwf	EEADR
-	call	read_eeprom                 ; O2 value
-	movff	EEDATA,xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	div16x16                    ; xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder
-	movlw	d'10'
-	subwf	xC+0,F                      ; Subtract 10m...
-	movff	xC+0,lo
-	movlw	d'0'
-	subwfb	xC+1,F
-	movff	xC+1,hi
+	OUTPUTTEXT	.109		; Default:
+	rcall	gassetup_get_mod			; compute MOD based on CF18 into lo:hi
 	btfsc	second_FA		; Is first gas?
 	clrf	lo				; Yes, display 0m
@@ -905,23 +875,21 @@
 	incf	lo,F				; increase depth
 	movlw	d'100'				; Change depth limit + 1
-	cpfseq	lo
-	bra		change_gas_depth_plus2
-	movlw	d'99'				; Change depth limit
-	movwf	lo
+	cpfslt	lo					; >99?
+	clrf	lo					; Yes, set to zero m
 	movff	lo,EEDATA			; write result
 	call	write_eeprom		; save result in EEPROM
 	movlw	d'4'
 	movwf	menupos
 	bra		next_gas_page1
+; -1m
 	decf	lo,F				; decrease depth
-	btfss	lo,7				; 255?
-	bra		change_gas_depth_plus2	; 	no, exit
-	clrf	lo
+	btfsc	lo,7				; 255?
+	clrf	lo					; Yes, stay at zero m
 	bra		change_gas_depth_plus2	; exit
@@ -931,24 +899,11 @@
 	bra		next_gas_page1
-	GETCUSTOM8 .18                      ; ppO2 warnvalue in WREG
-	mullw	d'10'
-	movff	PRODL,xA+0
-	movff	PRODH,xA+1                  ; ppO2 in [0.01Bar] * 10
+	rcall	gassetup_get_mod			; compute MOD based on CF18 into lo:hi
-	movf	divemins+0,W
-	addlw	0x06
-	movwf	EEADR
-	call	read_eeprom                 ; O2 value
-	movff	EEDATA,xB+0
-	clrf	xB+1
-	call	div16x16                    ; xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder
-	movlw	d'10'
-	subwf	xC+0,F                      ; Subtract 10m...
-	movff	xC+0,lo
-	movlw	d'0'
-	subwfb	xC+1,F
-	movff	xC+1,hi
+	movlw	d'99'
+	cpfslt	lo
+	movwf	lo					; limit to 99m
 	movf	decodata+0,W		; read current value 
 	addlw	d'28'				; offset in memory
@@ -1101,6 +1056,28 @@
 	OUTPUTTEXT 	d'150'		; bar: 
+	GETCUSTOM8 .18                      ; ppO2 warnvalue in WREG
+	mullw	d'10'
+	movff	PRODL,xA+0
+	movff	PRODH,xA+1                  ; ppO2 in [0.01Bar] * 10
+	movf	divemins+0,W
+	addlw	0x06
+	movwf	EEADR
+	call	read_eeprom                 ; O2 value
+	movff	EEDATA,xB+0
+	clrf	xB+1
+	call	div16x16                    ; xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder
+	movlw	d'10'
+	subwf	xC+0,F                      ; Subtract 10m...
+	movff	xC+0,lo
+	movlw	d'0'
+	subwfb	xC+1,F
+	movff	xC+1,hi
+	return
 ; Make sure first gas is marked active.
 ; Note: - Gas are not soted anymore.