changeset 547:495af6dc26a6

turkish update
author heinrichsweikamp
date Fri, 20 Jan 2012 10:30:33 +0100 (2012-01-20)
parents 50a9552cf8ca
children c35473dc6831
files code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/turkish_text.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/turkish_text.asm	Thu Jan 19 10:51:27 2012 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/turkish_text.asm	Fri Jan 20 10:30:33 2012 +0100
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ; 2007/10/13 : Initial version by Matthias Heinrichs,
 ; 2008/05/24 : MW.
 ; 2011/02/02 : Jean-Do Gascuel : split into different files for multi-lingual support
-; 2011/03/29 : Oliver J. Albrecht: German translation.
+; 2012/01/29 : Gokcer Belgüsen: Turkish translation.
 ; known bugs:
 ; ToDo: 
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 #DEFINE	TXT_DEFINED                                                           
 #DEFINE	TXT_GAS_C		     'G'                         ; 'G'                    
-#DEFINE	TXT_GAS1			 "G"                         ; "G"
+#DEFINE	TXT_GAS1		     "G"                         ; "G"
 #DEFINE	TXT_METER_C		     'm'                         ; 'm'                    
 #DEFINE	TXT_METER5		     "m    "                     ; "m    "                
 #DEFINE	TXT_METER3		     "m  "                       ; "m  "                  
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@
 #DEFINE	TXT_MBAR7		     " mbar  "                   ; " mbar  "              
 #DEFINE	TXT_MBAR5		     "mbar "                     ; "mbar "                
 #DEFINE	TXT_BAR4		     "bar "                      ; "bar "                 
-#DEFINE	TXT_BAR3			 "bar"                       ; "bar"
+#DEFINE	TXT_BAR3		     "bar"                       ; "bar"
 #DEFINE	TXT_ALT5		     "Alt: "                     ; "Alt: "                
 #DEFINE	TXT_KGL4		     "kg/l"                      ; "kg/l"                 
-#DEFINE	TXT_VOLT2			 "V "                        ; "V "
+#DEFINE	TXT_VOLT2		     "V "                        ; "V "
 #DEFINE	TXT_VOLT1		     "V"                         ; "V"                    
 #DEFINE	TXT_STEP5		     "Step:"                     ; "Step:"                
 #DEFINE	TXT_CF2			     "CF"                        ; "CF"                   
@@ -99,24 +99,24 @@
 #DEFINE	TXT_AVR4		     "Avr:"                      ; "Avr:"                 
 #DEFINE	TXT_GF3			     "GF:"                       ; "GF:"                  
 #DEFINE	TXT_SAT4		     "Sat:"                      ; "Sat:"                 
-#DEFINE	TXT_0MIN5			 "0 dk "                     ; "0min "
-#DEFINE	TXT_MIN4			 "dk  "                      ; "min "
-#DEFINE	TXT_BSAT5			 "BSat:"                     ; "BSat:" 
-#DEFINE	TXT_BDES5			 "BDes:"                     ; "BDes:" 
-#DEFINE	TXT_LAST5			 "Son: "                     ; "Last:"
-#DEFINE	TXT_GFLO6			 "GFmin:"                    ; "GF_lo:"
-#DEFINE	TXT_GFHI6			 "GFmax:"                    ; "GF_hi:"
-#DEFINE	TXT_PPO2_5			 "ppO2:"                     ; "ppO2:" 
-#DEFINE	TXT_OC_O1			 "O"                         ; "O"     
-#DEFINE	TXT_OC_C1			 "C"                         ; "C"     
-#DEFINE	TXT_CC_C1_1			 "C"                         ; "C"     
-#DEFINE	TXT_CC_C2_1			 "C"                         ; "C"     
-#DEFINE	TXT_GF_G1			 "G"                         ; "G"     
-#DEFINE	TXT_GF_F1			 "F"                         ; "F"     
-#DEFINE	TXT_SP2				 "SP"                        ; "SP"    
-#DEFINE	TXT_DIL4			 "Dil:"                      ; "Dil:"  
-#DEFINE	TXT_N2_2			 "N2"                        ; "N2"    
-#DEFINE	TXT_HE2				 "He"                        ; "He"    
+#DEFINE	TXT_0MIN5		     "0 dk "                     ; "0min "
+#DEFINE	TXT_MIN4	             "dk  "                      ; "min "
+#DEFINE	TXT_BSAT5		     "BSat:"                     ; "BSat:"
+#DEFINE	TXT_BDES5		     "BDes:"                     ; "BDes:"
+#DEFINE	TXT_LAST5		     "Son: "                     ; "Last:"
+#DEFINE	TXT_GFLO6		     "GFmin:"                    ; "GF_lo:"
+#DEFINE	TXT_GFHI6		     "GFmax:"                    ; "GF_hi:"
+#DEFINE	TXT_PPO2_5		     "ppO2:"                     ; "ppO2:"
+#DEFINE	TXT_OC_O1		     "O"                         ; "O"
+#DEFINE	TXT_OC_C1		     "C"                         ; "C"
+#DEFINE	TXT_CC_C1_1		     "C"                         ; "C"
+#DEFINE	TXT_CC_C2_1		     "C"                         ; "C"
+#DEFINE	TXT_GF_G1		     "G"                         ; "G"
+#DEFINE	TXT_GF_F1		     "F"                         ; "F"
+#DEFINE	TXT_SP2			     "SP"                        ; "SP"
+#DEFINE	TXT_DIL4		     "Dil:"                      ; "Dil:"
+#DEFINE	TXT_N2_2		     "N2"                        ; "N2"
+#DEFINE	TXT_HE2			     "He"                        ; "He"
@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@
     TCODE    .65,  .2,       "Menü?"                     ;004 Menu?
     TCODE    .65,  .2,       "Menü:"                     ;005 Menu:
     TCODE    .20,  .35,      "LogBook"                   ;006 Logbook
-    TCODE    .20,  .65,      "Gaz Karisimi     "         ;007 Gas Setup
+    TCODE    .20,  .65,      "Gaz Karisim      "         ;007 Gas Setup
     TCODE    .20,  .35,      "Tarih Ayari       "        ;008 Set Time
-    TCODE    .20,  .95,      "Fabrika Ayarlari  "        ;009 Reset Menu
+    TCODE    .20,  .95,      "Cihaz Sifirlama   "        ;009 Reset Menu
     TCODE    .20,  .125,     "Kurulum      "             ;010 Setup
     TCODE    .20,  .185,     "<-- "                      ;011 Exit
     TCODE    .97, .2,        "Bekle... "                 ;012 Wait...
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
     TCODE    .6,   .0,       "Sifirla...     "           ;025 Reset...
     TCODE    .55,  .2,       "LogBook"                   ;026 Logbook
     TCODE    .14,  .2,       "Ozel Fonksiyonlar I"       ;027 Custom Functions I
-    TCODE    .14,  .2,       "Menü Sifirla      "        ;028 Reset Menu
+    TCODE    .14,  .2,       "Cihaz Sifirla      "        ;028 Reset Menu
     TCODE    .14,  .2,       "Saati Ayarla:      "       ;029 Set Time:
     TCODE    .100, .50,      "Isaret "                   ;030 SetMarker         (Add a mark in logbook profile)
     TCODE    .100, .25,      "Dekoplan"                  ;031 Decoplan
@@ -173,21 +173,21 @@
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Desaturas. x[%]"           ;048 Desaturate x[%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Ucus Yüzde  [%]"           ;049 NoFly Ratio [%]	(Grandient factor tolerance for no-flight countdown).
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "GF Alarm 1  [%]"           ;050 GF alarm 1  [%]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "CNS goster  [%]"           ;051 CNSshow surf[%]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "CNS satihta [%]"           ;051 CNSshow surf[%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Deko Ofset  [m]"           ;052 Deco Offset [m]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 min. [bar]"           ;053 ppO2 low  [bar]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 max. [bar]"           ;054 ppO2 high [bar]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 Gost.[bar]"           ;055 ppO2 show [bar]
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Ornekeleme     "           ;056 sampling rate
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Ornekeleme Hizi"           ;056 sampling rate
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Sicaklik Orani "           ;057 Divisor Temp
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Deko Orani     "           ;058 Divisor Decodat
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "GF Orani       "           ;059 Divisor GF
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "ppO2 Orani     "           ;060 Divisor ppO2
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Debug Orani    "           ;061 Divisor Debug
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "CNS Orani      "           ;062 Divisor CNS
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "CNS-Bilgisi [%]"           ;063 CNSshow dive[%]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "CNS Dalista [%]"           ;063 CNSshow dive[%]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "LogBook Ofset  "           ;064 Logbook offset
-    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Son Deko    [m]"           ;065 Last Deco at[m]
+    TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Son Deko @  [m]"           ;065 Last Deco at[m]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Apnea Bitir [h]"           ;066 End Apnoe   [h]
     TCODE    .40,  .35,      "Batarya Gücü[v]"           ;067 Show Batt.Volts
 ; End of function descriptor I
@@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
     TCODE    .85,  .54,      "Deko Durak"                ;082 Decostop
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "m/dk "                     ;083 m/min
     TCODE    .100,  .113,    "Dekosuz "                  ;084 No Stop
-    TCODE    .135,  .113,    "TTS"                       ;085 TTS
-;   TCODE    .71,  .113,    "Yüzey Varis"                ;085 TTS
+    TCODE    .135,  .113,    "Yüzey Varis"               ;085 TTS
+;   TCODE    .71,  .113,     "Yüzey Varis"               ;085 TTS
     TCODE    .85,  .0,       "Dalis Süre"                ;086 Divetime
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Derinlik"                  ;087 Depth
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Ilk Gaz ?  "               ;088 First Gas?
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Aktif:   "                 ;097 Current:
     TCODE    .14,   .2,      "Ayarlar:          "        ;098 Setup Menu:
     TCODE    .20,   .35,     "Ozel Fonksiyonlar I"       ;099 Custom FunctionsI
-    TCODE    .20,   .125,    "Deko Mod:"                 ;100 Decotype:
+    TCODE    .20,   .125,    "Model   :"                 ;100 Decotype:
     TCODE    .85,   .125,    "ZH-L16 OC"                 ;101 ZH-L16 OC
     TCODE    .85,   .125,    "Derinlik "                 ;102 Gauge
     TCODE    .85,   .125,    "Derinlik "                 ;103 Gauge
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
     TCODE    .105,  .120,    "Yüksel "                   ;139 Descent
     TCODE    .105,  .60,     "Yüzey  "                   ;140 Surface
     TCODE    .65,   .2,      "Cikis ? "                  ;141 Quit?
-    TCODE    .20,   .155,    "Daha"                      ;142 More
+    TCODE    .20,   .155,    "Daha..."                   ;142 More
     TCODE    .42,   .72,     "Onayla?"                   ;143 Confirm:
     TCODE    .60,   .2,      "Menü 2:"                   ;144 Menu 2:
     TCODE    .52,   .96,     "Iptal "                    ;145 Cancel
@@ -302,20 +302,23 @@
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Hiz Uyar[m/min]"           ;169 Vel.warn[m/min]
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Zaman Ofset/Gün"           ;170 Time offset/day
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Yükseklik      "           ;171 Show altimeter
-    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Log Isaret     "           ;172 Show Log-Marker
+    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Log Isaretcisi "           ;172 Show Log-Marker
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Kronometre     "           ;173 Show Stopwatch
-    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Doku Grafik    "           ;174 ShowTissueGraph
+    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Doku Grafigi   "           ;174 ShowTissueGraph
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Oncü Doku      "           ;175 Show Lead.Tiss.
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Ilk Bekleme    "           ;176 Shallow stop 1st  (Reverse order of deco plans)
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Gaz Degist[min]"           ;177 Gas switch[min]   (Additional delay in decoplan for gas switches).
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Dip Gazi [/min]"           ;178 BottomGas[/min]   (Bottom gas usage, for volume estimation).
-    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Inis Gazi[/min]"           ;179 AscentGas[/min]   (Ascent+Deco gas usage)
-    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "TTS @+Min [min]"           ;180 Future TTS[min]   (@5 variant: compute TTS for extra time at current depth)
+    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Cikis Gaz[/min]"           ;179 AscentGas[/min]   (Ascent+Deco gas usage)
+    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "TTS+extra [min]"           ;180 Future TTS[min]   (@5 variant: compute TTS for extra time at current depth)
+    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Magara Uyari[l]"           ;181 Cave Warning[l]   (Consomation warning for cave divers)
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Hiz Goster     "           ;182 Graph. Velocity	(Show a graphical representation of the ascend speed)
-    TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Kullanim Disi  "           ;182 not used
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Kullanim Disi  "           ;183 not used
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Kullanim Disi  "           ;184 not used
     TCODE    .40,   .35,     "Kullanim Disi  "           ;185 not used
 ; End of function descriptor II
     TCODE    .13,   .2,      "Ozel Fonksiyonlar II"      ;186 Custom Functions II
@@ -334,28 +337,28 @@
     TCODE    .0,    .185,    "lardan CF11 & CF12 yi  "   ;198 in Gassetup menu.
     TCODE    .0,    .215,    "kontrol ediniz!        "   ;199 Check CF11 & CF12 !
 ; Gaugemode description
-    TCODE    .0,    .35,     "Deko Modeli:Derinlik   "   ;200 Decotype: Gauge
+    TCODE    .0,    .35,     "Deko Modeli: Geyc Modu "   ;200 Decotype: Gauge
     TCODE    .0,    .65,     "Dalis zamani dakika ve "   ;201 Divetime will be in
     TCODE    .0,    .95,     "saniye cinsinden göste-"   ;202 Minutes:Seconds.
     TCODE    .0,    .125,    "rilecektir. Bilgisayar "   ;203 OSTC2 will not
     TCODE    .0,    .155,    "hicbir sekilde Deko bil"   ;204 compute Deco, NoFly
-    TCODE    .0,    .185,    "gisi hesaplanmayacaktir"   ;205 time and Desat.
+    TCODE    .0,    .185,    "gisi hesaplamayacaktir "   ;205 time and Desat.
     TCODE    .0,    .215,    "                       "   ;206 time at all!
 ; Const.ppO2 description
     TCODE    .0,    .35,     "Deko Modeli: ZH-L16 CC "   ;207 Decotype: ZH-L16 CC
-    TCODE    .0,    .65,     "Tam/(Yari) Kapali Devre"   ;208 For (Semi-)Closed
-    TCODE    .0,    .95,     "Geri Solutucu icin üc  "   ;209 Circuit rebreathers
-    TCODE    .0,    .125,    "farkli kismi basinc gi-"   ;210 Configure the 3
-    TCODE    .0,    .155,    "risi yapabilirsiniz.   "   ;211 SetPoints in CCR -
-    TCODE    .0,    .185,    "Ayrica 5 adet Bailout  "   ;212 Setup menu. 5 bail-
+    TCODE    .0,    .65,     "Tam/Yari Kapali Devre  "   ;208 For (Semi-)Closed
+    TCODE    .0,    .95,     "Geri Solutucu modeli.  "   ;209 Circuit rebreathers
+    TCODE    .0,    .125,    "Kapali Devre icin 3    "   ;210 Configure the 3
+    TCODE    .0,    .155,    "farkli SetPoint ve 5   "   ;211 SetPoints in CCR -
+    TCODE    .0,    .185,    "adet Bailout(kurtarma) "   ;212 Setup menu. 5 bail-
     TCODE    .0,    .215,    "sistemde bulunmaktadir."   ;213 outs are available.
 ; Apnoemode description
-    TCODE    .0,    .35,     "Deko Modeli: Apnea     "   ;214 Decotype: Apnoe
-    TCODE    .0,    .65,     "OSTC2 sadece yükselis  "   ;215 OSTC2 will display
-    TCODE    .0,    .95,     "bilgisini dakika ve    "   ;216 each descent separ-
-    TCODE    .0,    .125,    "saniye cinsinden goste-"   ;217 ately in Min:Sec.
-    TCODE    .0,    .155,    "recektir. Deko hesapla "   ;218 Will temporally set
-    TCODE    .0,    .185,    "masi yapilmayacaktir!  "   ;219 samplerate to 1 sec
+    TCODE    .0,    .35,     "Deko Modeli: Apnea Modu"   ;214 Decotype: Apnoe
+    TCODE    .0,    .65,     "OSTC2 sadece inis bilgi"   ;215 OSTC2 will display
+    TCODE    .0,    .95,     "sini dakika ve saniye  "   ;216 each descent separ-
+    TCODE    .0,    .125,    "cinsinden gosterecektir"   ;217 ately in Min:Sec.
+    TCODE    .0,    .155,    "Deko hesaplamasi bu    "   ;218 Will temporally set
+    TCODE    .0,    .185,    "modda yapilmayacaktir! "   ;219 samplerate to 1 sec
     TCODE    .0,    .215,    "                       "   ;220 No Deco calculation
 ; Multi GF OC mode description
     TCODE    .0,    .35,     "Deko Modeli: L16-GF OC "   ;221 Decotype: L16-GF OC
@@ -364,15 +367,15 @@
     TCODE    .0,    .125,    "yapilmaktadir. Lütfen  "   ;224 GF-Method (GF_lo/GF
     TCODE    .0,    .155,    "CF32 & CF33 nolu fonksi"   ;225 _hi). Check CF32 &
     TCODE    .0,    .185,    "yonlari kontrol ediniz."   ;226 CF33! Open Circuit
-    TCODE    .0,    .215,    "Derin Durak mevcuttur. "   ;227 with Deep Stops.
+    TCODE    .0,    .215,    "                       "   ;227 with Deep Stops.
 ; Multi GF CC mode description
     TCODE    .0,    .35,     "Deko Modeli: L16-GF CC "   ;228 Decotype: L16-GF CC
-    TCODE    .0,    .65,     "Deko hesaplamalari GF- "   ;229 Decompression cal-
+    TCODE    .0,    .65,     "Deko hesaplamalari     "   ;229 Decompression cal-
     TCODE    .0,    .95,     "Gradient Factor'e göre "   ;230 culations with the
     TCODE    .0,    .125,    "yapilmaktadir. Lütfen  "   ;231 GF-Method (GF_lo/GF
     TCODE    .0,    .155,    "CF32 & CF33 nolu fonksi"   ;232 _hi). Check CF32 &
     TCODE    .0,    .185,    "yonlari kontrol ediniz."   ;233 CF33!Closed Circuit
-    TCODE    .0,    .215,    "Kapali(Yari) Kapali Dev"  ;234 with Deep Stops.
+    TCODE    .0,    .215,    "                       "   ;234 with Deep Stops.
     TCODE    .10,   .2,      "Deko Modeli Degisti!"      ;235 Decomode changed!
     TCODE    .85,   .125,    "L16-GF CC"                 ;236 L16-GF CC
@@ -381,7 +384,7 @@
     TCODE    .100,  .0,      "Dekosuz"                   ;239 No Deco
     TCODE    .90,   .50,     "Zamani:   "                ;240 Interval:
     TCODE    .100,  .75,     "Goster "                   ;241 Display
-    TCODE    .100,  .0,      "Kalan Deko"                ;242 No deco
+    TCODE    .100,  .0,      "Dekosuz"                   ;242 No deco
     TCODE    .132,  .0,      "beta"                      ;243 beta
     TCODE    .100,  .100,    "iptal"                     ;244 unuse
     TCODE    .20,   .65,     "Gaz & Deko Sifirla  "      ;245 Reset CF,Gas & Deco
@@ -409,14 +412,14 @@
     TCODE    .7,    .48,     "Hava  "                    ;264 Air
     TCODE    .120,  .135,    "Hava  "                    ;265 Air
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""             			 ;266 unused
+    TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""        			 ;266 unused
     TCODE    .0,    .216,    "Max"                       ;267 Max.
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""     	                 ;268 unused
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""		                   	 ;269 unused
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""		                     ;270 unused
+    TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""	                   	 ;269 unused
+    TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""	                         ;270 unused
 ; New CFs Warning
-    TCODE    .10,   .2,      "Yeni Fonksiyonlar   "      ;271 New CF added!
+    TCODE    .10,   .2,      "Bilgilendirme :     "      ;271 New CF added!
     TCODE    .0,    .35,     "Yeni Fonksiyonlar     "    ;272 New CustomFunctions
     TCODE    .0,    .65,     "Eklendi,Lütfen     "       ;273 were added! Check
     TCODE    .0,    .95,     "Ozel Fonksiyonlari "       ;274 CF I and CF II Menu
@@ -426,14 +429,14 @@
     TCODE    .20,   .95,     "Dip Zaman:"                ;277 Bottom Time:
     TCODE    .20,   .125,    "Derinlik :"                ;278 Max. Depth:
     TCODE    .20,   .155,    "Deko Hesapla     "         ;279 Calculate Deco
-   	TCODE    .20,   .155,    "Parlaklik:"            	 ;280 Brightness:
+    TCODE    .20,   .155,    "Parlaklik:"            	 ;280 Brightness:
-    TCODE    .107,   .170,   "Ort.Der"                   ;281 Avr.Depth
+    TCODE    .107,   .170,   "Avr.Der"                   ;281 Avr.Depth
     TCODE    .90,   .170,    "Kompartman"                ;282 Lead Tiss.
     TCODE    .100,   .170,   "Kronomet"                  ;283 Stopwatch
     TCODE    .20,   .95,     "LogBook Sifirla "          ;284 Reset Logbook
     TCODE    .20,   .125,    "OSTC Baslat!    "          ;285 Reboot OSTC
-    TCODE    .20,   .155,    "Deko Bilgisi Sil  "        ;286 Reset Decodata
+    TCODE    .20,   .155,    "Deko Bilgisini Sil"        ;286 Reset Decodata
 ; Altimeter extension
     TCODE    .20,   .155,    "Altimetre  "               ;287 Altimeter
     TCODE    .18,   .1,      "Altimetre Ayarla  "        ;288 Set Altimeter
@@ -450,25 +453,25 @@
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "MOD:"                      ;297 MOD:                  (max operating depth of a gas).
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "END:"                      ;298 END:                  (equivalent nitrogen depth of a gas).
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "EAD:"                      ;299 EAD:                  (equivalent air depth of a gas).
-    TCODE    .100,  .125,	 "Aktif?"			 		 ;300 Active?               (Enable/Disable Gas underwater)
+    TCODE    .100,  .125,    "Aktif?"	 		 ;300 Active?               (Enable/Disable Gas underwater)
     TCODE    .0,    .2,      "OCR Gaz kullanim:"         ;301 OCR Gas Usage:        (Planned gas consumtion by tank).
 ; 115k Bootloader support:
-	TCODE	 .45,	.100,	 "Yükleniyor"				 ;302 Bootloader
-	TCODE	 .35,	.130,	 "Lütfen Bekle!"			 ;303 Please wait!
-	TCODE	 .40,	.130,	 "Iptal Edildi"				 ;304 Aborted
+   TCODE    .45,   .100,     "Yükleniyor"		 ;302 Bootloader
+   TCODE    .35,   .130,     "Lütfen Bekle!"		 ;303 Please wait!
+   TCODE    .40,   .130,     "Iptal Edildi"	         ;304 Aborted
 ;@5 variant
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      "TTS @+Min."                ;305 Future TTS            (=10 chars. Title for @5 customview).
+   TCODE    .0,    .0,       "TTS+Extra "                ;305 Future TTS            (=10 chars. Title for @5 customview).
-    TCODE    .100,  .125,    "Menü    "                  ;306 Quit Sim (=8char max. Quit Simulator mode)
+   TCODE    .100,  .125,     "Ana Menü"                  ;306 Quit Sim (=8char max. Quit Simulator mode)
 ;Dive interval
     TCODE    .20,   .35,     "Zaman :  "                 ;307 Interval:
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "simdi  "                   ;308 Now (7 chars min)
-    TCODE   .10,   .113,     "Ortalama" 	 		 	 ;309 Average
-    TCODE   .109,  .54,	     "Krono. "		 		 	 ;310 Stopwatch (BIG Stopwatch in Gauge mode)
+    TCODE   .10,   .113,     "Ortalama" 	 	 ;309 Average
+    TCODE   .109,  .54,	     "Krono. "		 	 ;310 Stopwatch (BIG Stopwatch in Gauge mode)
 ; Cave consomation
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Cave Bail."                ;311 Cave Bail.            (=10 chars.)
+    TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Mag.Tüket."                ;311 Cave Bail.            (=10 chars.)
 ; OLED Brightness settings
-    TCODE    .103,  .155,    "Dusuk "    	             ;312 Eco 					(Same length as #313!)
+    TCODE    .103,  .155,    "Dusuk "                    ;312 Eco 					(Same length as #313!)
     TCODE    .103,  .155,    "Parlak" 	                 ;313 High					(Same length as #312!)