changeset 4:2b5c52ae3923

1.52 beta rc
author heinrichsweikamp
date Sun, 14 Feb 2010 20:09:25 +0100 (2010-02-14)
parents 3cf8af30b36e
children e7ada5668508
files code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/changelog.txt code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/definitions.asm code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/divemode.asm code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/divemode_menu.asm code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/ms5535.asm code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/pled_outputs.asm code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/surfmode.asm code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/tempcomp.asm
diffstat 8 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/changelog.txt	Thu Feb 04 14:56:12 2010 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/changelog.txt	Sun Feb 14 20:09:25 2010 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+New in 1.52 Beta:
+BETA Version - Do NOT use for diving!
+NEW: Fixed-Setpoint ppO2 limited to physically possible value
 New in 1.51 Beta:
 BETA Version - Do NOT use for diving!
 BUGFIX: PC Simulator mode
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/definitions.asm	Thu Feb 04 14:56:12 2010 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/definitions.asm	Sun Feb 14 20:09:25 2010 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ;#DEFINE		NO_SENSOR_MODE			; uses Dummy values
 #DEFINE	softwareversion_x		d'1'		; Software version  XX.YY
-#DEFINE	softwareversion_y		d'51'		; Software version  XX.YY
+#DEFINE	softwareversion_y		d'52'		; Software version  XX.YY
 #DEFINE	max_custom_number		d'41'		; Number of last used custom function
@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@
 	dLSB						;Pressure sensor interface 
-	temperature_correction		; additional temperature correction value
+	ppO2_setpoint_store			; Actual setpoint
+;	temperature_correction		; additional temperature correction value
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/divemode.asm	Thu Feb 04 14:56:12 2010 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/divemode.asm	Sun Feb 14 20:09:25 2010 +0100
@@ -1504,6 +1504,7 @@
 	read_int_eeprom	d'36'				; Read mix 1 ppO2
 	btfsc	FLAG_const_ppO2_mode
 	movff	EEDATA,char_I_const_ppO2	; Set ppO2 setpoint if in ppO2 mode
+	movff	EEDATA, ppO2_setpoint_store	; Store also in this byte...
 	call	clear_LEDnofly				; Clear flags
 	bcf		low_battery_state			; clear flag for battery warning mode
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/divemode_menu.asm	Thu Feb 04 14:56:12 2010 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/divemode_menu.asm	Sun Feb 14 20:09:25 2010 +0100
@@ -608,6 +608,7 @@
 	movwf	EEADR
 	call	read_eeprom					; Read SetPoint
 	movff	EEDATA, char_I_const_ppO2	; Use SetPoint
+	movff	EEDATA, ppO2_setpoint_store	; Store also in this byte...
 	bcf		display_set_setpoint		; Clear Display Flag
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/ms5535.asm	Thu Feb 04 14:56:12 2010 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/ms5535.asm	Sun Feb 14 20:09:25 2010 +0100
@@ -278,19 +278,19 @@
-	; read addional temperature correction from internal EEPROM 0x100
-	bsf		no_sensor_int				; No sensor interupt!
-	clrf	temperature_correction		; clear compensation value
-	movlw	LOW		0x100
-	movwf	EEADR
-	movlw	HIGH	0x100
-	movwf	EEADRH
-	call	read_eeprom
-	clrf	EEADRH						; Only 256Bytes used in normal program
-	movlw	d'200'						; limit value
-	cpfsgt	EEDATA						; EEDATA>200?
-	movff	EEDATA, temperature_correction	; No, Store for compensation
+;	; read addional temperature correction from internal EEPROM 0x100
+;	bsf		no_sensor_int				; No sensor interupt!
+;	clrf	temperature_correction		; clear compensation value
+;	movlw	LOW		0x100
+;	movwf	EEADR
+;	movlw	HIGH	0x100
+;	movwf	EEADRH
+;	call	read_eeprom
+;	clrf	EEADRH						; Only 256Bytes used in normal program
+;	movlw	d'200'						; limit value
+;	cpfsgt	EEDATA						; EEDATA>200?
+;	movff	EEDATA, temperature_correction	; No, Store for compensation
 	rcall	reset_MS5535A
 	movlw	d'13'
 	movwf	clock_count
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/pled_outputs.asm	Thu Feb 04 14:56:12 2010 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/pled_outputs.asm	Sun Feb 14 20:09:25 2010 +0100
@@ -2627,10 +2627,6 @@
 	btfsc	multi_gf_display			; Is the Multi-GF Table displayed?
 	return								; Yes, No update and return!
-	btfsc	menubit						; Divemode menu active?
-	return								; Yes, No update and return!
-	btfsc	premenu						; Showing "Menu?"?
-	return								; Yes, do not display ppO2/"Bail"
 	ostc_debug	'j'		; Sends debug-information to screen if debugmode active
@@ -2638,7 +2634,8 @@
 	WIN_LEFT 	.65
 	WIN_INVERT	.0					; Init new Wordprocessor
-	call	PLED_standard_color
+	call		PLED_standard_color
 	lfsr	FSR2,letter
 	movff	char_I_const_ppO2,lo
@@ -2652,6 +2649,31 @@
 PLED_const_ppO2_value2:				; Display SetPoint
 ;Show fixed SP value
+	movff		amb_pressure+0,xA+0
+	movff		amb_pressure+1,xA+1
+	movlw		d'10'
+	movwf		xB+0
+	clrf		xB+1
+	;xA/xB=xC with xA as remainder 	
+	call		div16x16				; xC+0=p_amb/10
+	; char_I_const_ppO2 > p_amb/10 -> Not physically possible! -> Display actual value!
+	tstfsz	xC+1				; xC>255
+	setf	xC+0				; Yes, set xC+0 to 2,55bar ppO2
+	movff		ppO2_setpoint_store,WREG
+	cpfslt		xC+0							; Setpoint value possible?
+	bra			PLED_const_ppO2_value1			; Yes!
+	movff		xC+0,char_I_const_ppO2			; No, Overwrite with actual value
+	bra			PLED_const_ppO2_value1a
+	movff		ppO2_setpoint_store,char_I_const_ppO2		; Restore Setpoint
+	movff	char_I_const_ppO2,lo
 	clrf	hi
 	bsf		leftbind
 	output_16dp	d'3'
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/surfmode.asm	Thu Feb 04 14:56:12 2010 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/surfmode.asm	Sun Feb 14 20:09:25 2010 +0100
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
 	bcf		switch_left
 	bcf		switch_right
+	call	PLED_active_gas_surfmode	; Show start gas / SetPoint
 	call	PLED_custom_text			; Displays custom text
 	movlw	d'1'						; next cf to check
 	movwf	cf_checker_counter			; 
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
 	call	timeout_premenu				; timeout premenu
 	call	set_leds_surfmode			; Sets Warning and No-Fly LEDs
 	call	custom_functions_check_surfmode	; Checks CF functions and displays warning symbol if something critical is wrong
-	call	PLED_active_gas_surfmode	; Show start gas / SetPoint
+;	call	PLED_active_gas_surfmode	; Show start gas / SetPoint
 	call	PLED_display_decotype_surface	; Show deco mode
 	btfsc	enter_error_sleep			; Enter Fatal Error Routine?
 	goto	fatal_error_sleep			; Yes (In Sleepmode_vxx.asm!)
@@ -184,6 +185,7 @@
 ; One minute tasks for all modes
+;	call	PLED_active_gas_surfmode	; Show start gas / SetPoint
 	call	update_date					; and date in divemode
 	call	calc_deko_surfmode			; calculate desaturation every minute
 	call	check_temp_extrema			; check for new temperature extremas
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/tempcomp.asm	Thu Feb 04 14:56:12 2010 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/tempcomp.asm	Sun Feb 14 20:09:25 2010 +0100
@@ -29,53 +29,49 @@
 ; Byte2: high
-	bcf		uart_compensate_temp		; clear flag
-	bcf		PIE1,RCIE					; no interrupt for UART
-	call	set_LEDusb					; LEDusb ON
-	bcf		PIR1,RCIF					; clear flag
-	movlw	"f"							; send echo
-	movwf	TXREG						
-	call	rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
-	call	rs232_get_byte				; low byte
-	movff	RCREG, lo
-	call	rs232_get_byte				; high byte
-	movff	RCREG, hi
-	clrf	temperature_correction		; wait for uncompensated temperature value!
-	WAITMS	d'250'						; wait for new temperature
-	WAITMS	d'250'
-	WAITMS	d'250'
-	WAITMS	d'250'
-	movff	lo,sub_a+0					; calculate difference
-	movff	hi,sub_a+1
-	movff	temperature+0, sub_b+0
-	movff	temperature+1, sub_b+1
-	call	sub16						;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
-	movf	sub_c+0,W
-	btfsc	neg_flag					; compensate negative?
-	movlw	d'0'						; use zero compensation!
-	movwf	sub_c+0
-	movff	sub_c+0,TXREG				; Send answer
-	movff	sub_c+0,EEDATA				; store low byte only!
-	movff	sub_c+0,temperature_correction	; no reboot required then...
-	movlw	0x01
-	movwf	EEADRH
-	movlw	0x00
-	movwf	EEADR
-	call	write_eeprom		; stores in internal eeprom
-	movlw	0x00
-	movwf	EEADRH				; reset high address byte
-	call	clear_LEDusb		; LEDusb OFF
-	bcf		PIR1,RCIF					; clear flag
-	bsf		PIE1,RCIE					; enable interrupt for UART
-	goto	surfloop_loop				; return to surface loop
	bcf		uart_compensate_temp		; clear flag
	bcf		PIE1,RCIE					; no interrupt for UART
+;	call	set_LEDusb					; LEDusb ON
+;	bcf		PIR1,RCIF					; clear flag
+;	movlw	"f"							; send echo
+;	movwf	TXREG						
+;	call	rs232_wait_tx				; wait for UART
+;	call	rs232_get_byte				; low byte
+;	movff	RCREG, lo
+;	call	rs232_get_byte				; high byte
+;	movff	RCREG, hi
+;	clrf	temperature_correction		; wait for uncompensated temperature value!
+;	WAITMS	d'250'						; wait for new temperature
+;	WAITMS	d'250'
+;	WAITMS	d'250'
+;	WAITMS	d'250'
+;	movff	lo,sub_a+0					; calculate difference
+;	movff	hi,sub_a+1
+;	movff	temperature+0, sub_b+0
+;	movff	temperature+1, sub_b+1
+;	call	sub16						;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+;	movf	sub_c+0,W
+;	btfsc	neg_flag					; compensate negative?
+;	movlw	d'0'						; use zero compensation!
+;	movwf	sub_c+0
+;	movff	sub_c+0,TXREG				; Send answer
+;	movff	sub_c+0,EEDATA				; store low byte only!
+;	movff	sub_c+0,temperature_correction	; no reboot required then...
+;	movlw	0x01
+;	movwf	EEADRH
+;	movlw	0x00
+;	movwf	EEADR
+;	call	write_eeprom		; stores in internal eeprom
+;	movlw	0x00
+;	movwf	EEADRH				; reset high address byte
+;	call	clear_LEDusb		; LEDusb OFF
+;	bcf		PIR1,RCIF					; clear flag
	bsf		PIE1,RCIE					; enable interrupt for UART
	goto	surfloop_loop				; return to surface loop