changeset 639:2ab9e9a8a189

New CCR Setup Menu (In work)
author heinrichsweikamp
date Thu, 20 Sep 2012 10:06:19 +0200 (2012-09-20)
parents 1d53f10b51ac
children 50ba6255f53e
files code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/changelog.txt code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/english_text.asm code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_ppO2.asm code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/pled_outputs.asm docu/ostc_interface_description.odt
diffstat 5 files changed, 257 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/changelog.txt	Tue Sep 18 09:15:54 2012 +0200
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/changelog.txt	Thu Sep 20 10:06:19 2012 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 New in 2.52:
 BETA Version - Do NOT use for diving!
-TODO: Text 61 update
+TODO: Text 61,229,110,111,230 update
 NEW: Divisor Decoplan (CF25) stores entire decoplan in logbook
 NEW: CF29 stored in divelog header (Byte 52)
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/english_text.asm	Tue Sep 18 09:15:54 2012 +0200
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/english_text.asm	Thu Sep 20 10:06:19 2012 +0200
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@
     TCODE    .20,   .95,     "Depth +/-:"                ;107 Depth +/-:
     TCODE    .20,   .125,    "Change:" 		             ;108 Change:
 	TCODE	 .20,	.155,	 "Default:"				  	 ;109 Default:
-    TCODE    .20,   .65,     "CCR SetPoint Menu"         ;110 CCR SetPoint Menu
-    TCODE    .20,   .2,      "CCR SetPoint Menu"         ;111 CCR SetPoint Menu
+    TCODE    .20,   .65,     "CCR Setup Menu"            ;110 CCR Setup Menu
+    TCODE    .28,   .2,      "CCR Setup Menu"            ;111 CCR Setup Menu
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "SP#"                       ;112 SP#
     TCODE    .20,   .95,     "Battery Info"              ;113 Battery Info
     TCODE    .10,   .2,      "Battery Information"       ;114 Battery Information
@@ -361,8 +361,8 @@
     TCODE    .85,   .125,    "pSCR-GF  "                 ;226 pSCR-GF
 	TCODE    .90,   .54,     "SafetyStop"                ;227 SafetyStop
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      "Total Dives: "             ;228 Total Dives: 
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""		                   	 ;229 unused
-    TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""		                     ;230 unused
+    TCODE    .20,   .35,     "Diluent Setup"             ;229 Diluent Setup
+    TCODE    .20,   .65,     "Setpoint Setup"            ;230 Setpoint Setup
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""     	                 ;231 unused
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""		                   	 ;232 unused
     TCODE    .0,    .0,      ""		                     ;233 unused
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_ppO2.asm	Tue Sep 18 09:15:54 2012 +0200
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_ppO2.asm	Thu Sep 20 10:06:19 2012 +0200
@@ -19,13 +19,250 @@
 ; Constant ppO2 Setup menu
 ; written by: Matthias Heinrichs,
 ; written: 08/04/04
-; last updated: 080904
+; last updated: 120920
 ; known bugs:
 ; ToDo: 
+; New in 2.52 Diluents stored seperately in EEPROM Bank1
+; EEPROM BANK1 Byte96-97:
+; Diluent 1 (%O2,%He)
+; EEPROM BANK1 Byte98-99:
+; Diluent 2 (%O2,%He)
+; EEPROM BANK1 Byte100-101:
+; Diluent 3 (%O2,%He)
+; EEPROM BANK1 Byte102-103:
+; Diluent 4 (%O2,%He)
+; EEPROM BANK1 Byte104-105:
+; Diluent 5 (%O2,%He)
 	movlw	d'1'
 	movwf	menupos
+    call	PLED_ClearScreen
+    call    PLED_ccr_setup_menu_mask
+	call	refresh_cursor
+    call    menu_pre_loop_common
+	call	check_switches_menu
+	movlw	d'3'
+	cpfseq	menupos
+	bra		menu_const_ppO2_preloop2	; Returns
+	movlw	d'6'
+    movwf   menupos
+    call    PLED_menu_cursor
+	btfsc	menubit2
+	bra		do_ccr_pre_menu             ; call submenu
+	btfss	menubit
+	goto	restart						; exit menu, restart
+	btfsc	onesecupdate
+	call	menu_check_dive_and_timeout	; "Goto restart" or sets sleepmode flag
+	bcf		onesecupdate				; End of one second tasks
+	btfsc	sleepmode
+	goto	restart
+	bra		menu_const_ppO2_preloop
+    dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	goto	menu_diluentsetup
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	goto	menu_const_ppO2_setpoints
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	goto	exit_menu_const_ppO2			; exit...
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	goto	exit_menu_const_ppO2			; exit...
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	goto	exit_menu_const_ppO2			; exit...
+exit_menu_const_ppO2:			; exit...
+	movlw	d'2'
+	movwf	menupos
+	goto	more_menu2
+	movlw	d'1'
+	movwf	menupos
+	call	PLED_ClearScreen
+	call	menu_pre_loop_common		; Clear some menu flags, timeout and switches
+	call	PLED_topline_box
+	WIN_INVERT	.1	; Init new Wordprocessor
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.106			; Gas List
+	WIN_INVERT	.0	; Init new Wordprocessor
+	clrf	decodata+0				; Here: # of gas 0-4
+	clrf	divemins+0				; Here: # of Gas * 4
+	movlw	d'5'
+	movwf	waitms_temp		; here: stores row for gas list
+	movlw	d'94'
+	movwf	wait_temp			; here: stores eeprom address for gas list
+    movlw   .1
+    movwf   EEADRH
+	WIN_LEFT	.20
+	movlw	d'2'
+	addwf	wait_temp,F			; Increase eeprom address for gas list
+	movlw	d'30'
+	addwf	waitms_temp,F		; Increase row
+	movf	waitms_temp,W		; Load row into WREG
+	movff	WREG,win_top
+	lfsr	FSR2,letter
+	movff	decodata+0,lo
+	incf	lo,F
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_99
+	PUTC	':'
+	call	word_processor
+	WIN_LEFT	.48
+	movf	waitms_temp,W		; Load row into WREG
+	movff	WREG,win_top
+	lfsr	FSR2,letter
+	movff	wait_temp, EEADR	; Gas %He - Set address in internal EEPROM
+	incf	EEADR,F				; Gas %He - Set address in internal EEPROM
+	call	read_eeprom			; Read He value from EEPROM
+	movff	EEDATA,lo			; Move EEDATA -> lo
+	movf	lo,f				; Move lo -> f
+	movlw	d'0'				; Move 0 -> WREG
+	cpfsgt	lo					; He > 0?
+	bra 	menu_diluentsetup_Nx	; NO check o2
+	; YES Write TX 15/55
+	call 	gassetup_write_Tx
+	movff	wait_temp, EEADR	; Gas %O2 - Set address in internal EEPROM
+	call	read_eeprom			; O2 value
+	movff	EEDATA,lo
+	output_8
+	PUTC	'/'
+	incf	EEADR,F				; Gas #hi: %He - Set address in internal EEPROM
+	call	read_eeprom			; He value
+	movff	EEDATA,lo
+	output_8
+	bra 	menu_diluentsetup_list0
+; New v1.44se
+	movff	wait_temp, EEADR	; Gas %O2 - Set address in internal EEPROM
+	call	read_eeprom			; Read O2 value from EEPROM
+	movff	EEDATA,lo			; Move EEDATA -> lo
+	movf	lo,f				; Move lo -> f
+	movlw	d'21'				; Move 21 -> WREG
+	cpfsgt	lo					; o2 > 21%
+	bra 	menu_diluentsetup_Air	; NO AIR
+	movlw	d'100'				; Move 100 -> WREG
+	cpfslt	lo					; o2 < 100%
+	bra		menu_diluentsetup_O2	; NO write O2
+	; YES Write NX 32
+	call	gassetup_write_Nx
+	output_8
+	bra 	menu_diluentsetup_list0
+    STRCAT  TXT_O2_3
+	output_8
+	bra 	menu_diluentsetup_list0
+	cpfseq	lo					; o2 = 21%
+	call    menu_gassetup_Err
+	output_8
+	bra 	menu_diluentsetup_list0
+	output_8
+	call	word_processor
+	incf	decodata+0,F
+	movlw	d'5'
+	cpfseq	decodata+0
+	goto	menu_diluentsetup_list
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.11                     ; Exit
+	call	wait_switches               ; Waits until switches are released, resets flag if button stays pressed!
+	call	PLED_menu_cursor
+	call	check_switches_logbook
+	btfsc	menubit3
+	bra		menu_diluentsetup_list2              ; move cursor
+	btfsc	menubit2
+	bra		do_diluentsetup_list        ; call gas-specific submenu
+	btfsc	onesecupdate
+	call	menu_check_dive_and_timeout	; "Goto restart" or sets sleepmode flag
+	bcf		onesecupdate                ; 1 sec. functions done
+	btfsc	sleepmode
+	bra		menu_const_ppO2
+	bra		menu_diluentsetup_loop
+	incf	menupos,F
+	movlw	d'7'
+	cpfseq	menupos			; =7?
+	bra		menu_diluentsetup_list3	; No
+	movlw	d'1'
+	movwf	menupos
+	clrf	timeout_counter2
+	call	PLED_menu_cursor
+	call	wait_switches		; Waits until switches are released, resets flag if button stays pressed!
+	bcf		menubit3		; clear flag
+	bra		menu_diluentsetup_loop
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	bra		diluent_list_edit_gas1
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	bra		diluent_list_edit_gas1
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	bra		diluent_list_edit_gas1
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	bra		diluent_list_edit_gas1
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	bra		diluent_list_edit_gas1
+	bra		menu_const_ppO2             ; Exit List
+    bra		menu_const_ppO2             ; Exit List
+; ***
+menu_const_ppO2_setpoints:          ; Setpoint menu
+	movlw	d'1'
+	movwf	menupos
 	bcf		menubit4
 	clrf	decodata+0				; Here: # of SP
@@ -177,10 +414,9 @@
 	bra		change_ppo2_minus
 	dcfsnz	menupos,F
 	bra		change_ppo2_reset
-exit_menu_const_ppO2:			; exit...
 	movlw	d'2'
 	movwf	menupos
-	goto	more_menu2
+    bra     menu_const_ppO2_return
 	movf	decodata+0,W		; read current value 
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/pled_outputs.asm	Tue Sep 18 09:15:54 2012 +0200
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/pled_outputs.asm	Thu Sep 20 10:06:19 2012 +0200
@@ -1046,9 +1046,9 @@
 	call	PLED_topline_box
-	WIN_INVERT	.1	; Init new Wordprocessor	
+	WIN_INVERT	.1          ; Init new Wordprocessor
 	DISPLAYTEXT	.98			; Setup Menu:
-	WIN_INVERT	.0	; Init new Wordprocessor	
+	WIN_INVERT	.0          ; Init new Wordprocessor
 	DISPLAYTEXT .99			; Custom FunctionsI
 	DISPLAYTEXT	.153		; Custom FunctionsII
 	DISPLAYTEXTH .295		; Custom FunctionsIII
@@ -1057,6 +1057,17 @@
 	DISPLAYTEXT .11			; Exit
+	call	PLED_topline_box
+	WIN_INVERT	.1          ; Init new Wordprocessor
+    DISPLAYTEXT	.111		; CCR Setup Menu
+	WIN_INVERT	.0          ; Init new Wordprocessor
+	DISPLAYTEXT .229        ; Diluent Setup
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.230		; Setpoint Setup
+	DISPLAYTEXT .11			; Exit
+	return
 	call	PLED_topline_box
 	WIN_INVERT	.1	; Init new Wordprocessor	
Binary file docu/ostc_interface_description.odt has changed