# HG changeset patch
# User JeanDo
# Date 1295908317 -3600
# Node ID cb055a7d75f3bdb8aac52879c15cf3bad83929c7
# Parent  80de93d72a17b72eca7d32a86c31f6cb5242034a
+ Use overlay local vars.
+ Make all private functions static.
+ Merge calc_tissue 2sec and 1min
+ Merge sim_tissue 1min and 10min

+ Expose basic display utilities for c-code.
+ Prepare stand-alone utilities for p2_main.c testing platform.
+ New c utility: int read_custom_function(cf#)

diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/18f4685_ostc_mkII.lkr
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/18f4685_ostc_mkII.lkr	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/18f4685_ostc_mkII.lkr	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -24,9 +24,6 @@
 DATABANK   NAME=gpr7       START=0x700          END=0x7FF
 DATABANK   NAME=gpr8       START=0x800          END=0x8FF
 DATABANK   NAME=gpr9       START=0x900          END=0x9FF
-// DATABANK   NAME=gpr10      START=0xA00          END=0xAFF		; Does not exists on PIC18F
-// DATABANK   NAME=gpr11      START=0xB00          END=0xBFF		; Does not exists on PIC18F
-// DATABANK   NAME=gpr12      START=0xC00          END=0xCFF		; Does not exists on PIC18F
 DATABANK   NAME=sfr13      START=0xD00          END=0xDFF          PROTECTED
 DATABANK   NAME=sfr14      START=0xE00          END=0xEFF          PROTECTED
 DATABANK   NAME=sfr15      START=0xF00          END=0xF5F          PROTECTED
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/aa_wordprocessor.asm
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/aa_wordprocessor.asm	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/aa_wordprocessor.asm	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@
 ; Inputs : letter : string to print (SHOULD BE NULL TERMINATED)
 ; Output : OLED commands on port D + clocks.
+        global  aa_wordprocessor        ; Callable from C-code.
 		; Make sure context is well known
 		movlb	HIGH win_top            ; Switch to bank 0...
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/definitions.asm
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/definitions.asm	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/definitions.asm	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@
 ; BANK0 data
 bank0           udata 0x060     ;Bank 0
+                global letter, win_color1, win_top, win_leftx2
+                global win_font, win_invert
+                global win_height, win_width, win_bargraph
 letter          res .26         ;letter buffer
 win_color1      res 1
 win_color2      res 1
@@ -159,6 +164,7 @@
 oled3_temp      res 1
 oled4_temp      res 1           ; Used in "Displaytext"
+                global hi,lo    ; Make them visible from C-code
 lo              res 1           ; bin to dec conversion routine
 hi              res 1
 lo_temp         res 1
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/divemode.asm
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/divemode.asm	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/divemode.asm	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -347,14 +347,14 @@
 	movff	EEDATA, char_I_deco_N2_ratio2; = N2!
 	read_int_eeprom		d'113'			; Read He ratio
-	movff	EEDATA,char_I_deco_He_ratio	; And copy into hold register
+	movff	EEDATA,char_I_deco_He_ratio1; And copy into hold register
 	read_int_eeprom		d'112'			; Read O2 ratio
-	movff	char_I_deco_He_ratio, wait_temp			; copy into bank1 register
+	movff	char_I_deco_He_ratio1, wait_temp			; copy into bank1 register
 	bsf		STATUS,C					; 
 	movlw	d'100'						; 100%
 	subfwb	wait_temp,W					; minus He
 	subfwb	EEDATA,F					; minus O2
-	movff	EEDATA, char_I_deco_N2_ratio; = N2!
+	movff	EEDATA, char_I_deco_N2_ratio1; = N2!
 ; Now, set change depth. Inactive gases have depth=0!
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
 	read_int_eeprom		d'121'		; read gas_change_depth Gas4
 	movff	EEDATA,char_I_deco_gas_change2
 	read_int_eeprom		d'122'		; read gas_change_depth Gas5
-	movff	EEDATA,char_I_deco_gas_change
+	movff	EEDATA,char_I_deco_gas_change1
 ; Debugger
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
 	movff	lo,char_I_deco_gas_change4
 	movff	lo,char_I_deco_gas_change3
 	movff	lo,char_I_deco_gas_change2
- 	movff	lo,char_I_deco_gas_change	; clear 
+ 	movff	lo,char_I_deco_gas_change1  ; clear 
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_custom.asm
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_custom.asm	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_custom.asm	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -104,12 +104,13 @@
 	clrf	EEADRH
 	return					; return
-GETCUSTOM15	macro	custom15
-	movlw	custom15
-	call	getcustom15_1
+GETCUSTOM15	macro	number
+	movlw	number
+	call	getcustom15
+    global  getcustom15
 	; # number of requested custom function in wreg
 	movwf	customfunction_temp2
@@ -792,7 +793,7 @@
     bra     cf_check_8bit
 ; Implement the 15bit check, even if not displayed...
-    rcall   getcustom15_1               ; Read into hi:lo
+    rcall   getcustom15                 ; Read into hi:lo
     movf    cf_min,W                    ; Compute (bound-value) -> hi:lo
     subwf   lo,F
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/oled_samsung.asm
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/oled_samsung.asm	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/oled_samsung.asm	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
 ; Inputs:  win_top, win_leftx2, win_height, win_width, win_color1, win_color2
 ; Outputs: (none)
 ; Trashed: WREG, PROD, aa_start:2, aa_end:2, win_leftx2, win_width:1
+    global  PLED_frame
     movff   win_top,aa_start+0          ; Backup everything.
     movff   win_height,aa_start+1
@@ -352,6 +352,7 @@
 ; Outputs: (none)
 ; Trashed: WREG, PROD
+    global  PLED_box
     ;---- Define Window ------------------------------------------------------
 	movff	win_width,WREG
@@ -416,6 +417,7 @@
 ; PLED_ClearScreen: An optimized version of PLEX_box, for full screen black.
 ; Trashed: WREG, PROD
+    global  PLED_ClearScreen
 	movlw	0x35				; VerticalStartAddress HIGH:LOW
 	rcall	PLED_CmdWrite
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/p2_environment.asm
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/p2_environment.asm	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+; ********************************************************************
+; ** ASM code for simulation / tests without full simulation code  **
+; ** This is NOT a part of the OSTC                                 **
+; ********************************************************************
+; OSTC - diving computer code
+; Copyright (C) 2008 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR
+;    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;    (at your option) any later version.
+;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;    GNU General Public License for more details.
+;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+; History:
+; 01/24/11     : [jDG] make p2_main.c link with oled+wordprocessor display functions
+	LIST P=18F4685                      ;directive to define processor
+#include <P18F4685.INC>                 ;processor specific variable definitions
+; Reset and interupt vectors.
+reset_v     code    0x0000
+            extern  main
+restart     goto    main
+            ORG     0x0008              ; Interupt vector
+            bra     HighInt
+            ORG     0x0018              ; Other interupt vector
+HighInt:    retfie                      ; Return from everything.
+#include    definitions.asm
+#include    strings.inc
+; Minimal routines to include
+p2_env      code    0x400
+#include    wait.asm                    ; Delay routines.
+#include    oled_samsung.asm            ; Screen display routines.
+#include    aa_wordprocessor.asm        ; Text printing routines.
+#include    strings.asm                 ; String concatenations.
+; Fake a few calls, to avoid linking the whole OSTC simulation code.
+; Note: Needing to do so is a clear indication that cleanups are necessary...
+            global  PLED_warnings_color
+            movlw   b'11100000'         ; Red
+            goto    PLED_set_color
+            global  PLED_standard_color
+            setf    WREG                ; White
+            goto    PLED_set_color
+            global  getcustom15
+            clrf    hi
+            clrf    lo
+            return
+; Needed fonts definition.
+#include    aa_fonts.asm
+            end
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/pled_outputs.asm
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/pled_outputs.asm	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/pled_outputs.asm	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -28,14 +28,17 @@
 ; known bugs:
 ; ToDo:	More comments
+    global   PLED_divemask_color
 	GETCUSTOM8	d'36'			; Divemask output color
 	bra		PLED_standard_color_0
+    global  PLED_warnings_color
 	GETCUSTOM8	d'37'			; Warnings output color
 	bra		PLED_standard_color_0
+    global  PLED_standard_color
 	GETCUSTOM8	d'35'			; Standard output color
 PLED_standard_color_0:			; Common entry point
@@ -133,7 +136,6 @@
 	call	PLED_warnings_color
 	GETCUSTOM8	d'40'			; =1: Warn at all?
 	movwf	lo					
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/start.asm
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/start.asm	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/start.asm	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 	clrf	flag14
 	clrf	flag15
-	bsf		flag1,0
+	bsf		flag1,0                 ; Should we set win_flip_screen ?
 	clrf	EEADRH					; Reset EEADRH
 	read_int_eeprom	d'1'
 	movlw	.7
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
 	clrf	flag1					; Clear flag1 (again)
 	movlw	.0
 	cpfsgt	EEDATA					; >256
-	bsf		nsm						; For hardware debugging
+	bsf		nsm						; NO-SLEEP-MODE : for hardware debugging
 	call	gassetup_sort_gaslist       ; Sorts Gaslist according to change depth
 	call	PLED_boot                   ; PLED boot (Incl. Clear Screen!)
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_deco.c
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_deco.c	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_deco.c	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -64,28 +64,67 @@
 // 07/13/10 v110: cns vault added
 // 12/25/10 v110: split in three files (deco.c, main.c, definitions.h)
 // 2011/01/20: [jDG] Create a common file included in ASM and C code.
+// 2011/01/23: [jDG] Added read_custom_function().
-// literature:
+// TODO:
+//  + Make char_O_ascenttime an int.
+//  + Fusion deco array for both models.
+//  + Allow (CF) revesring stop order (while copying).
+//  + Allow (CF) delay for gas switch while predicting ascent.
+//  + Allow to abort MD2 calculation (have to restart next time).
+// Literature:
 // B"uhlmann, Albert: Tauchmedizin; 4. Auflage;
 // Schr"oder, Kai & Reith, Steffen; 2000; S"attigungsvorg"ange beim Tauchen, das Modell ZH-L16, Funktionsweise von Tauchcomputern; http://www.achim-und-kai.de/kai/tausim/saett_faq
 // Morrison, Stuart; 2000; DIY DECOMPRESSION; http://www.lizardland.co.uk/DIYDeco.html
 // Balthasar, Steffen; Dekompressionstheorie I: Neo Haldane Modelle; http://www.txfreak.de/dekompressionstheorie_1.pdf
 // Baker, Erik C.; Clearing Up The Confusion About "Deep Stops"
 // Baker, Erik C.; Understanding M-values; http://www.txfreak.de/understanding_m-values.pdf
 // *********************
 // ** I N C L U D E S **
 // *********************
 #include <math.h>
-#include "p2_definitions.h"
+// *************************
+// ** P R O T O T Y P E S **
+// *************************
+static void calc_hauptroutine(void);
+static void calc_tissue_2_secs(void);
+static void calc_tissue_1_min(void);
+static void calc_nullzeit(void);
+static void backup_sim_pres_tissue(void);
+static void restore_sim_pres_tissue(void);
+static void calc_without_deco(void);
+static void clear_tissue(void);
+static void calc_ascenttime(void);
+static void update_startvalues(void);
+static void clear_decoarray(void);
+static void update_decoarray(void);
+static void sim_tissue_1min(void);
+static void sim_tissue_10min(void);
+static void calc_gradient_factor(void);
+static void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void);
+static void calc_hauptroutine_data_input(void);
+static void calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues(void);
+static void calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco(void);
+static void calc_hauptroutine_calc_ascend_to_deco(void);
+static void calc_nextdecodepth_GF(void);
+static void copy_deco_table_GF(void);
+static void clear_internal_deco_table_GF(void);
+static void update_internal_deco_table_GF(void);
 // ***********************************************
 // ** V A R I A B L E S   D E F I N I T I O N S **
 // ***********************************************
+#include "p2_definitions.h"
 #include "../OSTC_code_c_part2/shared_definitions.h"
 //---- Bank 3 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
@@ -109,11 +148,9 @@
 static	unsigned int	temp_depth_last_deco;				// new in v.101
 static unsigned char	temp_depth_GF_low_meter;
-static unsigned char	temp_depth_GF_low_number;
 static unsigned char	internal_deco_pointer;
-static unsigned char	internal_deco_table[32];			//  0x2C8
-static float			temp_pres_deco_GF_low;
+static unsigned char	internal_deco_table[32];
 static char output[32];                 // used by the math routines
@@ -124,11 +161,7 @@
 //---- Bank 5 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
 #pragma udata bank5=0x500
-static unsigned char	ci ; // don't move - used in _asm routines - if moved then modify movlb commands
-static unsigned char 	x;
-static unsigned int 	main_i_dummy;
-static unsigned int 	int_temp;
-static unsigned int 	int_temp2;
+static unsigned char	ci;
 static unsigned int 	int_temp_decostatus;
 static float 			pres_respiration;
 static float			pres_surface;
@@ -143,7 +176,6 @@
 static float			temp_surface;
 static float			N2_ratio;
 static float			He_ratio;
-static float			temp_ratio;
 static float 			var_N2_a;
 static float 			var_N2_b;
 static float 			var_He_a;
@@ -154,7 +186,6 @@
 static float  			var_He_halftime;
 static float			pres_gtissue_limit;
 static float			temp_pres_gtissue_limit;
-static float			actual_ppO2;                // new in v.102
 static float            pres_diluent;               // new in v.101
 static float            deco_diluent;               // new in v.101
@@ -162,6 +193,32 @@
 static float            deco_ppO2_change;           // new in v.101
 static float            deco_ppO2;                  // new in v.101
+static float			calc_N2_ratio;			// new in v.101
+static float			calc_He_ratio;			// new in v.101
+static float			CNS_fraction;			// new in v.101
+static float			float_saturation_multiplier;		// new in v.101
+static float			float_desaturation_multiplier;		// new in v.101
+static float			float_deco_distance;	// new in v.101
+static char			    flag_in_divemode;		// new in v.108
+static float			deco_gas_change1;		// new in v.101
+static float			deco_gas_change2;		// new in v.109
+static float			deco_gas_change3;		// new in v.109
+static float			deco_gas_change4;		// new in v.109
+static float			deco_gas_change5;		// new in v.109
+static float			deco_N2_ratio1;			// new in v.101
+static float			deco_He_ratio1;			// new in v.101
+static float			deco_N2_ratio2;			// new in v.109
+static float			deco_N2_ratio3;			// new in v.109
+static float			deco_N2_ratio4;			// new in v.109
+static float			deco_N2_ratio5;			// new in v.109
+static float			deco_He_ratio2;			// new in v.109
+static float			deco_He_ratio3;			// new in v.109
+static float			deco_He_ratio4;			// new in v.109
+static float			deco_He_ratio5;			// new in v.109
 //---- Bank 6 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
 #pragma udata bank6=0x600
@@ -182,28 +239,12 @@
 #define C_STACK md_pi_subst                     // Overlay C-code data stack here, too.
 //---- Bank 9 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
-#pragma udata bank9a=0x900
+#pragma udata bank9=0x900
 static char	  md_state[48];		        // DONT MOVE !! // has to be at the beginning of bank 9 for the asm code!!!
-static char            md_t;
-static char            md_buffer[16];
-static unsigned char   md_i;
-static char            md_j;
-static char            md_temp;
-static unsigned int	md_pointer;
-static float			deco_N2_ratio;			// new in v.101
-static float			deco_He_ratio;			// new in v.101
-static float			calc_N2_ratio;			// new in v.101
-static float			calc_He_ratio;			// new in v.101
-static float			deco_gas_change;		// new in v.101
-static float			CNS_fraction;			// new in v.101
-static float			float_saturation_multiplier;		// new in v.101
-static float			float_desaturation_multiplier;		// new in v.101
-static float			float_deco_distance;	// new in v.101
 // internal, dbg:
-static unsigned char	DBG_char_I_deco_model;	// new in v.108
+static unsigned char	DBG_char_I_deco_model;	// new in v.108.
 static unsigned char	DBG_char_I_depth_last_deco;			// new in v.108
 static float			DBG_pres_surface;		// new in v.108
 static float			DBG_GF_low;				// new in v.108
@@ -221,34 +262,21 @@
 static float			DBG_deco_He_ratio;		// new in v.108
 static float			DBG_N2_ratio;			// new in v.108
 static float			DBG_He_ratio;			// new in v.108
-static char			    flag_in_divemode;		// new in v.108
-static	int 			int_dbg_i;				// new in v.108
-static unsigned int 	temp_DBS;
-static float			deco_gas_change2;		// new in v.109
-static float			deco_gas_change3;		// new in v.109
-static float			deco_gas_change4;		// new in v.109
-static float			deco_gas_change5;		// new in v.109
-static float			deco_N2_ratio2;			// new in v.109
-static float			deco_N2_ratio3;			// new in v.109
-static float			deco_N2_ratio4;			// new in v.109
-static float			deco_N2_ratio5;			// new in v.109
-static float			deco_He_ratio2;			// new in v.109
-static float			deco_He_ratio3;			// new in v.109
-static float			deco_He_ratio4;			// new in v.109
-static float			deco_He_ratio5;			// new in v.109
+///////////////////////////// THE LOOKUP TABLES //////////////////////////////
+// End of PROM code is 17F00, So push tables on PROM top...
+#pragma romdata buhlmann_tables = 0x017B00  // Needs to be in UPPER bank.
+#include "p2_tables.romdata" 		        // new table for deco_main_v.101 (var_N2_a modified)
-// ***********************
-// ***********************
-// ***********************
-// ***********************
-#pragma romdata buhlmann_tables = 0x010200  // Needs to be in UPPER bank.
-#include	"p2_tables.romdata" 		// new table for deco_main_v.101 (var_N2_a modified)
-#pragma romdata hash_tables = 0x010600  // Address fixed by ASM access...
+// Magic table to compute the MD2 HASH
+#pragma romdata hash_tables = 0x017E00  // Address fixed by ASM access...
 rom const rom unsigned int md_pi[] =
     0x292E, 0x43C9, 0xA2D8, 0x7C01, 0x3D36, 0x54A1, 0xECF0, 0x0613
@@ -269,21 +297,25 @@
   , 0x3144, 0x50B4, 0x8FED, 0x1F1A, 0xDB99, 0x8D33, 0x9F11, 0x8314
-// *********************
-// *********************
-// *********************
-// *********************
+////////////////////////////// THE SUBROUTINES ///////////////////////////////
 // all new in v.102
 // moved from 0x0D000 to 0x0C000 in v.108
 #pragma code p2_deco = 0x0C000
-// -------------------------------
-// DBS - debug on start of dive //
-// -------------------------------
-void create_dbs_set_dbg_and_ndl20mtr(void)
+// DBS - debug on start of dive
+static void create_dbs_set_dbg_and_ndl20mtr(void)
+    overlay char i;                     // Local loop index.
+    //---- Reset DEBUG bit fields --------------------------------------------
 	int_O_DBS_bitfield = 0;
 	int_O_DBS2_bitfield = 0;
 	if(int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield & DBG_RUN)
@@ -291,8 +323,11 @@
 		int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield = DBG_RUN;
 	int_O_DBG_post_bitfield = 0;
+	//---- Set 20meters ND limit ---------------------------------------------
 	char_O_NDL_at_20mtr = 255;
+    //---- Copy all dive parameters ------------------------------------------
 	DBG_N2_ratio = N2_ratio;
 	DBG_He_ratio = He_ratio;
 	DBG_char_I_deco_model = char_I_deco_model;
@@ -303,19 +338,20 @@
 	DBG_const_ppO2 = const_ppO2;
 	DBG_deco_ppO2_change = deco_ppO2_change;
 	DBG_deco_ppO2 = deco_ppO2;
-	DBG_deco_N2_ratio = deco_N2_ratio;
-	DBG_deco_He_ratio = deco_He_ratio;
-	DBG_deco_gas_change = deco_gas_change;
+	DBG_deco_N2_ratio = deco_N2_ratio1;
+	DBG_deco_He_ratio = deco_He_ratio1;
+	DBG_deco_gas_change = deco_gas_change1;
 	DBG_float_saturation_multiplier = float_saturation_multiplier;
 	DBG_float_desaturation_multiplier = float_desaturation_multiplier;
 	DBG_float_deco_distance = float_deco_distance;
+    //---- Setup some error (?) conditions -----------------------------------
 		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_mode;
 		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_ppO2;
-	for(int_dbg_i = 16; int_dbg_i < 32; int_dbg_i++)
-		if(pres_tissue[int_dbg_i])
+	for(i = 16; i < 32; i++)
+		if(pres_tissue[i])
 			int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_HE_sat;
 		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_ppO2chg;
@@ -339,9 +375,9 @@
 		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_DIST2h;
 	if(char_I_depth_last_deco > 8)
 		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_LAST2h;
-	if(DBG_deco_gas_change && ((deco_N2_ratio + deco_He_ratio) > 0.95))
+	if(DBG_deco_gas_change && ((deco_N2_ratio1 + deco_He_ratio1) > 0.95))
 		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_DECOO2l;
-	if(DBG_deco_gas_change && ((deco_N2_ratio + deco_He_ratio) < 0.05))
+	if(DBG_deco_gas_change && ((deco_N2_ratio1 + deco_He_ratio1) < 0.05))
 		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_DECOO2h;
 	if(pres_respiration > 3.0)
 		int_O_DBS2_bitfield |= DBS2_PRES2h;
@@ -359,57 +395,70 @@
 		int_O_DBS2_bitfield |= DBS2_GFDneg;
-// -------------------------------
-// DBG - set DBG to end_of_dive //
-// -------------------------------
-void set_dbg_end_of_dive(void)
+// DBG - set DBG to end_of_dive
+static void set_dbg_end_of_dive(void)
 	int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield &= (~DBG_RUN);
 	int_O_DBG_post_bitfield &= (~DBG_RUN);
-// -------------------------------
-// DBG - NDL at first 20 m. hit //
-// -------------------------------
-void check_ndl(void)
+// DBG - NDL at first 20 m. hit
+static void check_ndl(void)
-	if((char_O_NDL_at_20mtr == -1) && (int_I_pres_respiration > 3000))
+	if( char_O_NDL_at_20mtr == 255      // Still in NDL mode ?
+	 && int_I_pres_respiration > 3000   // And we hit the 20m limit ?
+	)
-		char_O_NDL_at_20mtr = char_O_nullzeit;
-		if(char_O_NDL_at_20mtr == 255)
+		char_O_NDL_at_20mtr = char_O_nullzeit;  // change to max bottom time.
+		if( char_O_NDL_at_20mtr == 255)         // and avoid confusion.
 			char_O_NDL_at_20mtr == 254;
-// -------------------------------
-// DBG - multi main during dive //
-// -------------------------------
-void check_dbg(static char is_post_check)
+// DBG - multi main during dive
+static void check_dbg(static char is_post_check)
-	temp_DBS = 0;
+	overlay unsigned int temp_DBS = 0;
+    overlay char i;                     // Local loop index.
 	if( (DBG_N2_ratio != N2_ratio) || (DBG_He_ratio != He_ratio) )
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_c_gas;
 	if(DBG_const_ppO2 != const_ppO2)
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_c_ppO2;
-	if((DBG_float_saturation_multiplier != float_saturation_multiplier) || (DBG_float_desaturation_multiplier != float_desaturation_multiplier))
+	if( DBG_float_saturation_multiplier != float_saturation_multiplier
+     || DBG_float_desaturation_multiplier != float_desaturation_multiplier
+    )
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_CdeSAT;
 	if(DBG_char_I_deco_model != char_I_deco_model)
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_MODE;
 	if(DBG_pres_surface != pres_surface)
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_SURF;
-	if((!DBS_HE_sat) && (!He_ratio))
-		for(int_dbg_i = 16; int_dbg_i < 32; int_dbg_i++)
-			if(pres_tissue[int_dbg_i])
+	if( !DBS_HE_sat && !He_ratio)
+		for(i = 16; i < 32; i++)
+			if(pres_tissue[i])
 				temp_DBS |= DBG_HEwoHE;
 	if(DBG_deco_ppO2 != deco_ppO2)
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_DPPO2;
-	if((DBG_deco_gas_change != deco_gas_change) || (DBG_deco_N2_ratio != deco_N2_ratio) || (DBG_deco_He_ratio != deco_He_ratio))
+	if( DBG_deco_gas_change != deco_gas_change1
+	 || DBG_deco_N2_ratio != deco_N2_ratio1
+	 || DBG_deco_He_ratio != deco_He_ratio1 )
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_DGAS;
 	if(DBG_float_deco_distance != float_deco_distance)
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_DIST;
 	if(DBG_char_I_depth_last_deco != char_I_depth_last_deco)
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_LAST;
-	if((DBG_GF_low != GF_low) || (DBG_GF_high != GF_high))
+	if( DBG_GF_low != GF_low
+	 || DBG_GF_high != GF_high )
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_GF;
 	if(pres_respiration > 13.0)
 		temp_DBS |= DBG_PHIGH;
@@ -421,34 +470,61 @@
 		int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield |= temp_DBS;
-// -------------------------------
-// DBG - prior to calc. of dive //
-// -------------------------------
-void check_pre_dbg(void)
+// DBG - prior to calc. of dive
+static void check_pre_dbg(void)
-// -------------------------------
-// DBG - after decocalc of dive //
-// -------------------------------
-void check_post_dbg(void)
+// DBG - after decocalc of dive
+static void check_post_dbg(void)
+///////////////////////  U T I L I T I E S   /////////////////////////////////
+static int read_custom_function(static unsigned char cf)
+    extern unsigned char hi, lo;
+    extern void getcustom15();
+    _asm
+        movff   cf,WREG
+        call    getcustom15,0
+        movff   lo,PRODL
+        movff   hi,PRODH
+    _endasm
 // read buhlmann tables for compatriment ci
-// If mode == 0 : 2sec interval
-//            1 : 1 min interval
-//            2 : 10 min interval.
-// TODO: an assembleur version of the table reads...
-static void read_buhlmann_compartment(static char mode)
+// If period == 0 : 2sec interval
+//              1 : 1 min interval
+//              2 : 10 min interval.
+static void read_buhlmann_coeffifients(static char period)
+    // Note: we don't use far rom pointer, because the
+    //       24 bits is to complex, hence we have to set
+    //       the UPPER page ourself...
+    //       --> Set zero if tables are moved to lower pages !
+    _asm
+        movlw 1
+        movwf TBLPTRU,0
+    _endasm
     var_N2_a = buhlmann_a[ci];
     var_N2_b = buhlmann_b[ci];
-    var_He_a = buhlmann_a[ci + 16];
-    var_He_b = buhlmann_b[ci + 16];
+    var_He_a = (buhlmann_a+16)[ci];
+    var_He_b = (buhlmann_b+16)[ci];
     // Check reading consistency:
 	if(	(var_N2_a < 0.231)
 	 || (var_N2_a > 1.27)
@@ -460,13 +536,17 @@
 	 || (var_He_b > 0.927)
         int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield |= DBG_ZH16ERR;
     // Integration intervals.
-    switch(mode)
+    switch(period)
+    case -1://---- no interval -----------------------------------------------
+        var_N2_e = var_He_e = 0.0;
+        break;
     case 0: //---- 2 sec -----------------------------------------------------
         var_N2_e = e2secs[ci];
-        var_He_e = e2secs[ci + 16];
+        var_He_e = (e2secs+16)[ci];
         // Check reading consistency:
     	if(	(var_N2_e < 0.0000363)
@@ -480,7 +560,7 @@
     case 1: //---- 1 min -----------------------------------------------------
         var_N2_e = e1min[ci];
-        var_He_e = e1min[ci + 16];
+        var_He_e = (e1min+16)[ci];
         // Check reading consistency:
     	if(	(var_N2_e < 1.09E-3)
@@ -494,7 +574,7 @@
     case 2: //---- 10 min ----------------------------------------------------
         var_N2_e = e10min[ci];
-        var_He_e = e10min[ci + 16];
+        var_He_e = (e10min+16)[ci];
         // Check reading consistency:
     	if(	(var_N2_e < 0.01085)
@@ -509,53 +589,57 @@
-// calc_next_decodepth_GF //
+// calc_next_decodepth_GF
 // new in v.102
-void calc_nextdecodepth_GF(void)
 // INPUT, changing during dive:
-// temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low
-// temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low_below_surface
-// temp_pres_gtissue
-// temp_pres_gtissue_diff
-// lock_GF_depth_list
+//      temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low
+//      temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low_below_surface
+//      temp_pres_gtissue
+//      temp_pres_gtissue_diff
+//      lock_GF_depth_list
 // INPUT, fixed during dive:
-// pres_surface
-// GF_delta
-// GF_high
-// GF_low
-// temp_depth_last_deco
-// float_deco_distance
+//      pres_surface
+//      GF_delta
+//      GF_high
+//      GF_low
+//      temp_depth_last_deco
+//      float_deco_distance
-// GF_step
-// temp_deco
-// temp_depth_limt
-// lock_GF_depth_list
-// USES
-// temp1
-// temp2
-// int_temp
+//      GF_step
+//      temp_deco
+//      temp_depth_limt
+//      lock_GF_depth_list
+static void calc_nextdecodepth_GF(void)
 	char_I_table_deco_done[0] = 0; // safety if changed somewhere else. Needed for exit
+	//---- ZH-L16 + Gradient factor model ------------------------------------
 	if (char_I_deco_model == 1)
+        overlay float next_stop;            // Next stop to test, in Bar.
+        overlay float press_tol;            // Upper limit (lower pressure) tolerated.
+        overlay int   int_temp;
+        overlay unsigned char temp_depth_GF_low_number;
+        overlay float temp_pres_deco_GF_low;
 		if (lock_GF_depth_list == 0)
-			temp2 =  temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low_below_surface / 0.29985; 					// = ... / 99.95 / 0.003;
- 			int_temp = (int) (temp2 + 0.99);
+			next_stop =  temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low_below_surface / 0.29985; 					// = ... / 99.95 / 0.003;
+ 			int_temp = (int) (next_stop + 0.99);
 			if (int_temp > 31)
 				int_temp = 31;						//	deepest deco at 93 meter (31 deco stops)
 			if (int_temp < 0)
 				int_temp = 0;
 			temp_depth_GF_low_number = int_temp;
  			temp_depth_GF_low_meter = 3 * temp_depth_GF_low_number;
-			temp2 = (float)temp_depth_GF_low_meter * 0.09995;
-			temp_pres_deco_GF_low = temp2 + float_deco_distance + pres_surface;
+			next_stop = (float)temp_depth_GF_low_meter * 0.09995;
+			temp_pres_deco_GF_low = next_stop + float_deco_distance + pres_surface;
 			if (temp_depth_GF_low_number == 0)
 				GF_step = 0;
@@ -588,23 +672,23 @@
 			int_temp = internal_deco_pointer - 1;
 			if (int_temp == 1)								// new in v104
-				temp2 = (float)(temp_depth_last_deco * int_temp) * 0.09995;
+				next_stop = (float)(temp_depth_last_deco * int_temp) * 0.09995;
 				GF_step2 = GF_step/3.0 * ((float)(6 - temp_depth_last_deco));
 			if (int_temp == 0)
-				temp2 = 0.0;
+				next_stop = 0.0;
 				GF_step2 = GF_high - GF_temp;
-				temp2 = (float)(3 *int_temp) * 0.09995;
+				next_stop = (float)(3 *int_temp) * 0.09995;
 				GF_step2 = GF_step;
-			temp2 = temp2 + pres_surface; // next deco stop to be tested
-			temp1 = ((GF_temp + GF_step2)* temp_pres_gtissue_diff) + temp_pres_gtissue;	// upper limit (lowest pressure allowed) // changes GF_step2 in v104
-			if (temp1 > temp2) // check if ascent to next deco stop is ok
+			next_stop = next_stop + pres_surface; // next deco stop to be tested
+			press_tol = ((GF_temp + GF_step2)* temp_pres_gtissue_diff) + temp_pres_gtissue;	// upper limit (lowest pressure allowed) // changes GF_step2 in v104
+			if (press_tol > next_stop) // check if ascent to next deco stop is ok
 				int_temp = 0;	// no
@@ -615,10 +699,11 @@
 				int_temp = char_I_table_deco_done[internal_deco_pointer]; // yes and check for ascent to even next stop if deco_done is set
 		} // while
 		if (internal_deco_pointer > 0)
-			temp2 = (float)(0.29985 * internal_deco_pointer);
-			temp_deco = temp2 + float_deco_distance + pres_surface;
+			next_stop = 0.29985 * internal_deco_pointer;
+			temp_deco = next_stop + float_deco_distance + pres_surface;
 			if (internal_deco_pointer == 1)						// new in v104
 				temp_depth_limit = temp_depth_last_deco;
@@ -638,99 +723,105 @@
 			temp_depth_limit = 0;
-	else
+	else //---- ZH-L16 model -------------------------------------------------
 		// calc_nextdecodepth - original
 		// optimized in v.101
 		// depth_last_deco included in v.101
-		temp1 = temp_pres_gtissue_limit - pres_surface;
-		if (temp1 >= 0)
+		overlay float pres_gradient = temp_pres_gtissue_limit - pres_surface;
+		if (pres_gradient >= 0)
- 			temp1 = temp1 / 0.29985; 									// = temp1 / 99.95 / 0.003;
- 			temp_depth_limit = (int) (temp1 + 0.99);
- 			temp_depth_limit = 3 * temp_depth_limit; 					// depth for deco [m]
+ 			pres_gradient = pres_gradient / 0.29985; 	        // = pres_gradient / 99.95 / 0.003;
+ 			temp_depth_limit = (int) (pres_gradient + 0.99);
+ 			temp_depth_limit = 3 * temp_depth_limit;            // depth for deco [m]
  			if (temp_depth_limit == 0)
   				temp_deco = pres_surface;
   				if (temp_depth_limit < temp_depth_last_deco)
 					temp_depth_limit = temp_depth_last_deco;
-  				temp1 = (float)temp_depth_limit * 0.09995;
-  				temp_deco = temp1 + float_deco_distance + pres_surface; 	// depth for deco [bar]
+  				pres_gradient = (float)temp_depth_limit * 0.09995;
+  				temp_deco = pres_gradient + float_deco_distance + pres_surface;    // depth for deco [bar]
   			} // if (temp_depth_limit == 0)
- 		} // if (temp1 >= 0)
+ 		} // if (pres_gradient >= 0)
  			temp_deco = pres_surface;
  			temp_depth_limit = 0;
- 		} // if (temp1 >= 0)
+ 		} // if (pres_gradient >= 0)
 	} // calc_nextdecodepth original
-} // calc_nextdecodepth_GF
-// ---------------------
-// copy_deco_table_GF //
-// ---------------------
+// copy_deco_table_GF
 // new in v.102
-void copy_deco_table_GF(void)
+static void copy_deco_table_GF(void)
-	if (char_I_deco_model == 1)
-	{
-		for (ci=0;ci<32;ci++)
-			char_O_deco_table[ci] = internal_deco_table[ci];
-	}
-}		// copy_deco_table_GF
+    overlay unsigned char x;
+	if( char_I_deco_model == 1 )
+	{
+		for(x=0; x<32; x++)
+			char_O_deco_table[x] = internal_deco_table[x];
+	}
-// ------------------------------
-// clear_internal_deco_table_GF//
-// ------------------------------
+// clear_internal_deco_table_GF
 // new in v.102
-void clear_internal_deco_table_GF(void)
+static void clear_internal_deco_table_GF(void)
 	if (char_I_deco_model == 1)
-		for (ci=0;ci<32;ci++)  // cycle through the 16 b"uhlmann tissues for Helium
-		{
-			internal_deco_table[ci] = 0;
-		}
+        overlay unsigned char x;
+		for(x=0;x<32;x++)  // cycle through the 16 tissues for N2 and He
+			internal_deco_table[x] = 0;
-}	// clear_internal_deco_table_GF
-// --------------------------------
-// update_internal_deco_table_GF //
-// --------------------------------
+// update_internal_deco_table_GF
 // new in v.102
-void update_internal_deco_table_GF(void)
+// Add one minute to the current stop (if lower than 255).
+static void update_internal_deco_table_GF(void)
 	if ((char_I_deco_model == 1) && (internal_deco_table[internal_deco_pointer] < 255))
-		internal_deco_table[internal_deco_pointer] = internal_deco_table[internal_deco_pointer] + 1;
-}	// update_internal_deco_table_GF
+		internal_deco_table[internal_deco_pointer]++;
-// ---------------------
 // temp_tissue_safety //
-// ---------------------
 // outsourced in v.102
-void temp_tissue_safety(void)
+// Apply safety factors for brand ZH-L16 model.
+static void temp_tissue_safety(void)
-	if (char_I_deco_model != 1)
+	if( char_I_deco_model == 0 )
 		if (temp_tissue < 0.0)
 			temp_tissue *= float_desaturation_multiplier;
 			temp_tissue *= float_saturation_multiplier;
-} // temp_tissue_safety
-// **********************
-// **********************
 // ** THE JUMP-IN CODE **
 // ** for the asm code **
-// **********************
-// **********************
 void fillDataStack(void)
@@ -743,11 +834,10 @@
         LFSR    1,C_STACK
         LFSR    2,C_STACK
-        MOVLW   1
-        MOVWF   TBLPTRU,0
 // When calling C code from ASM context, the data stack pointer and
 // frames should be reset. Bank3 is dedicated to the stack (see the
 // .lkr script).
@@ -758,11 +848,11 @@
     _asm                    \
         LFSR    1, C_STACK  \
         LFSR    2, C_STACK  \
-        MOVLW   1           \
-        MOVWF   TBLPTRU,0   \
 void deco_calc_hauptroutine(void)
@@ -770,6 +860,8 @@
     int_O_desaturation_time = 65535;
 void deco_calc_without_deco(void)
@@ -777,6 +869,8 @@
 void deco_clear_tissue(void)
@@ -784,6 +878,8 @@
     char_I_depth_last_deco	= 0;		// for compatibility with v.101pre_no_last_deco
 void deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void)
@@ -792,20 +888,22 @@
 void deco_debug(void)
-//  debug();
-// ---------------
-// CLEAR tissue //
-// ---------------
+// clear_tissue
 // optimized in v.101 (var_N2_a)
+// preload tissues with standard pressure for the given ambient pressure.
+// Note: fixed N2_ratio for standard air.
-#pragma code p2_deco_suite = 0x10700
-void clear_tissue(void)    // preload tissues with standard pressure for the given ambient pressure
+static void clear_tissue(void)
 	flag_in_divemode = 0;
 	int_O_DBS_bitfield = 0;
@@ -814,21 +912,17 @@
 	int_O_DBG_post_bitfield = 0;
 	char_O_NDL_at_20mtr = 255;
-    // N2_ratio = (float)char_I_N2_ratio; // the 0.0002 of 0.7902 are missing with standard air
-    N2_ratio = 0.7902; // N2_ratio / 100.0;
+    // Kludge: the 0.0002 of 0.7902 are missing with standard air.
+    N2_ratio = 0.7902;
     pres_respiration = (float)int_I_pres_respiration / 1000.0;
-    _asm
-        movlw 1
-        movwf TBLPTRU,0
-    _endasm
-    for(ci=0;ci<16;ci++)
+    for(ci=0; ci<16; ci++)
         // cycle through the 16 b"uhlmann tissues
         overlay float p = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration -  0.0627);
         pres_tissue[ci] = p;
-        read_buhlmann_compartment(0);
+        read_buhlmann_coeffifients(-1);
         p = (p - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b ;
         if( p < 0.0 )
@@ -836,7 +930,7 @@
         pres_tissue_limit[ci] = p;
         // cycle through the 16 b"uhlmann tissues for Helium
-        pres_tissue[ci+16] = 0.0;
+        (pres_tissue+16)[ci] = 0.0;
     } // for 0 to 16
@@ -845,18 +939,18 @@
     char_O_ascenttime = 0;
     char_O_gradient_factor = 0;
     char_O_relative_gradient_GF = 0;
-} // clear_tissue(void)
-// --------------------
-// calc_without_deco //
-// fixed N2_ratio !  //
-// --------------------
+// calc_without_deco
 // optimized in v.101 (float_..saturation_multiplier)
+// Note: fixed N2_ratio for standard air.
-void calc_without_deco(void)
+static void calc_without_deco(void)
-    N2_ratio = 0.7902; // FIXED RATIO !! sum as stated in b"uhlmann
+    N2_ratio = 0.7902; // Sum as stated in b"uhlmann
     pres_respiration = (float)int_I_pres_respiration / 1000.0; // assembler code uses different digit system
     pres_surface = (float)int_I_pres_surface / 1000.0;
     temp_atem = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration - 0.0627); // 0.0627 is the extra pressure in the body
@@ -865,26 +959,24 @@
     float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier / 100.0;
     float_saturation_multiplier = char_I_saturation_multiplier / 100.0;
-    calc_tissue();  // update the pressure in the 16 tissues in accordance with the new ambient pressure
+    calc_tissue_2_secs();  // update the pressure in the 32 tissues in accordance with the new ambient pressure
     char_O_deco_status = 0;
     char_O_nullzeit = 0;
     char_O_ascenttime = 0;
-} // calc_without_deco
-// --------------------
-// calc_hauptroutine //
-// --------------------
-// this is the major code in dive mode
-// calculates:
+// calc_hauptroutine
+// this is the major code in dive mode calculates:
 // 		the tissues,
-//		the bottom time
-//		and simulates the ascend with all deco stops
+//		the bottom time,
+//		and simulates the ascend with all deco stops.
-void calc_hauptroutine(void)
+static void calc_hauptroutine(void)
@@ -899,69 +991,78 @@
-	switch (char_O_deco_status)	// toggle between calculation for nullzeit (bottom time), deco stops and more deco stops (continue)
+    // toggle between calculation for nullzeit (bottom time), 
+    //                deco stops 
+    //                and more deco stops (continue)
+	switch( char_O_deco_status )
- 		case 0:
-			update_startvalues();
-			calc_nullzeit();
-			check_ndl();
-			char_O_deco_status = 255; // calc deco next time
-			break;
-		case 1:
-			if (char_O_deco_status == 3)
-				break;
-			char_O_deco_status = 0;
-			calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
-			break;
-		case 3:				// new dive
-			clear_decoarray();
-			clear_internal_deco_table_GF();
-			copy_deco_table_GF();
-			internal_deco_pointer = 0;
-			lock_GF_depth_list = 0;
-			update_startvalues();
-			calc_nextdecodepth_GF();
-			char_O_deco_status = 0;
-			break;
-		default:
-			update_startvalues();
-			clear_decoarray();
-			clear_internal_deco_table_GF();
-			output[6] = 1;
-			calc_hauptroutine_calc_ascend_to_deco();
- 			if (char_O_deco_status > 15)		// can't go up to first deco, too deep to calculate in the given time slot
-			{
-				char_O_deco_status = 2;
-			}
- 			else
-			{
-				calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
-			}
-			break;
+    case 0: //---- bottom time -----------------------------------------------
+    	update_startvalues();
+    	calc_nullzeit();
+    	check_ndl();
+    	char_O_deco_status = 255; // calc deco next time
+    	break;
+    case 1: //---- ???? ------------------------------------------------------
+    	char_O_deco_status = 0;
+    	calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
+    	break;
+    case 3: //---- new dive --------------------------------------------------
+    	clear_decoarray();
+    	clear_internal_deco_table_GF();
+    	copy_deco_table_GF();
+    	internal_deco_pointer = 0;
+    	lock_GF_depth_list = 0;
+    	update_startvalues();
+    	calc_nextdecodepth_GF();
+    	char_O_deco_status = 0;
+    	break;
+    default: //---- Continue stops calculation -------------------------------
+    	update_startvalues();
+    	clear_decoarray();
+    	clear_internal_deco_table_GF();
+    	output[6] = 1;
+    	calc_hauptroutine_calc_ascend_to_deco();
+    	// can't go up to first deco, too deep to calculate in the given time slot
+        if (char_O_deco_status > 15)		
+    		char_O_deco_status = 2;
+        else
+    		calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
+    	break;
+// calc_hauptroutine_data_input
+// Reset all C-code dive parameters from their ASM-code values.
+// Detect gas change condition.
 void calc_hauptroutine_data_input(void)
-    pres_respiration = (float)int_I_pres_respiration / 1000.0;
-    pres_surface = (float)int_I_pres_surface / 1000.0;
+    overlay int int_temp;
-    N2_ratio = (float)char_I_N2_ratio / 100.0;; // the 0.0002 of 0.7902 are missing with standard air
-    He_ratio = (float)char_I_He_ratio / 100.0;;
-    deco_N2_ratio = (float)char_I_deco_N2_ratio / 100.0;
-    deco_He_ratio = (float)char_I_deco_He_ratio / 100.0;
-    deco_N2_ratio2 = (float)char_I_deco_N2_ratio2 / 100.0;
-    deco_He_ratio2 = (float)char_I_deco_He_ratio2 / 100.0;
-    deco_N2_ratio3 = (float)char_I_deco_N2_ratio3 / 100.0;
-    deco_He_ratio3 = (float)char_I_deco_He_ratio3 / 100.0;
-    deco_N2_ratio4 = (float)char_I_deco_N2_ratio4 / 100.0;
-    deco_He_ratio4 = (float)char_I_deco_He_ratio4 / 100.0;
-    deco_N2_ratio5 = (float)char_I_deco_N2_ratio5 / 100.0;
-    deco_He_ratio5 = (float)char_I_deco_He_ratio5 / 100.0;
-    float_deco_distance = (float)char_I_deco_distance / 100.0;
+    pres_respiration    = int_I_pres_respiration / 1000.0;
+    pres_surface        = int_I_pres_surface / 1000.0;
+    N2_ratio            = char_I_N2_ratio / 100.0;
+    He_ratio            = char_I_He_ratio / 100.0;
+    deco_N2_ratio1      = char_I_deco_N2_ratio1 / 100.0;
+    deco_He_ratio1      = char_I_deco_He_ratio1 / 100.0;
+    deco_N2_ratio2      = char_I_deco_N2_ratio2 / 100.0;
+    deco_He_ratio2      = char_I_deco_He_ratio2 / 100.0;
+    deco_N2_ratio3      = char_I_deco_N2_ratio3 / 100.0;
+    deco_He_ratio3      = char_I_deco_He_ratio3 / 100.0;
+    deco_N2_ratio4      = char_I_deco_N2_ratio4 / 100.0;
+    deco_He_ratio4      = char_I_deco_He_ratio4 / 100.0;
+    deco_N2_ratio5      = char_I_deco_N2_ratio5 / 100.0;
+    deco_He_ratio5      = char_I_deco_He_ratio5 / 100.0;
+    float_deco_distance = char_I_deco_distance / 100.0;
     // ____________________________________________________
@@ -970,24 +1071,24 @@
     int_temp = (int_I_pres_respiration - int_I_pres_surface) + MBAR_REACH_GASCHANGE_AUTO_CHANGE_OFF;
-    deco_gas_change = 0;
+    deco_gas_change1 = 0;
     deco_gas_change2 = 0;
     deco_gas_change3 = 0;
     deco_gas_change4 = 0;
     deco_gas_change5 = 0;
-    if(char_I_deco_gas_change)
+    if(char_I_deco_gas_change1)
-        int_temp2 = ((int)char_I_deco_gas_change) * 100;
+        overlay int int_temp2 = ((int)char_I_deco_gas_change1) * 100;
         if(int_temp > int_temp2)
-        	deco_gas_change = (float)char_I_deco_gas_change / 9.995 + pres_surface;
-        	deco_gas_change += float_deco_distance;
+        	deco_gas_change1 = (float)char_I_deco_gas_change1 / 9.995 + pres_surface;
+        	deco_gas_change1 += float_deco_distance;
-        int_temp2 = ((int)char_I_deco_gas_change2) * 100;
+        overlay int int_temp2 = ((int)char_I_deco_gas_change2) * 100;
         if(int_temp > int_temp2)
         	deco_gas_change2 = (float)char_I_deco_gas_change2 / 9.995 + pres_surface;
@@ -996,7 +1097,7 @@
-        int_temp2 = ((int)char_I_deco_gas_change3) * 100;
+        overlay int int_temp2 = ((int)char_I_deco_gas_change3) * 100;
         if(int_temp > int_temp2)
         	deco_gas_change3 = (float)char_I_deco_gas_change3 / 9.995 + pres_surface;
@@ -1005,7 +1106,7 @@
-        int_temp2 = ((int)char_I_deco_gas_change4) * 100;
+        overlay int int_temp2 = ((int)char_I_deco_gas_change4) * 100;
         if(int_temp > int_temp2)
         	deco_gas_change4 = (float)char_I_deco_gas_change4 / 9.995 + pres_surface;
@@ -1014,7 +1115,7 @@
-        int_temp2 = ((int)char_I_deco_gas_change5) * 100;
+        overlay int int_temp2 = ((int)char_I_deco_gas_change5) * 100;
         if(int_temp > int_temp2)
         	deco_gas_change5 = (float)char_I_deco_gas_change5 / 9.995 + pres_surface;
@@ -1043,33 +1144,35 @@
     temp_depth_last_deco = (int)char_I_depth_last_deco;
 void calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues(void)
 	int_O_calc_tissue_call_counter = int_O_calc_tissue_call_counter + 1;
- 	if (char_I_const_ppO2 == 0)																// new in v.101
-  		pres_diluent = pres_respiration;															// new in v.101
- 	else																						// new in v.101
-  		pres_diluent = ((pres_respiration - const_ppO2)/(N2_ratio + He_ratio));					// new in v.101
- 	if (pres_diluent > pres_respiration)														// new in v.101
-  		pres_diluent = pres_respiration;															// new in v.101
- 	if (pres_diluent > 0.0627)																	// new in v.101
+ 	if (char_I_const_ppO2 == 0)													// new in v.101
+  		pres_diluent = pres_respiration;										// new in v.101
+ 	else																		// new in v.101
+  		pres_diluent = ((pres_respiration - const_ppO2)/(N2_ratio + He_ratio));	// new in v.101
+ 	if (pres_diluent > pres_respiration)										// new in v.101
+  		pres_diluent = pres_respiration;										// new in v.101
+ 	if (pres_diluent > 0.0627)													// new in v.101
- 		temp_atem = N2_ratio * (pres_diluent - 0.0627);											// changed in v.101
- 		temp2_atem = He_ratio * (pres_diluent - 0.0627);											// changed in v.101
+ 		temp_atem = N2_ratio * (pres_diluent - 0.0627);							// changed in v.101
+ 		temp2_atem = He_ratio * (pres_diluent - 0.0627);						// changed in v.101
  		char_O_diluent = (char)(pres_diluent/pres_respiration*100.0);
- 	else																						// new in v.101
+ 	else																		// new in v.101
- 		temp_atem = 0.0;																			// new in v.101
- 		temp2_atem = 0.0;																			// new in v.101
+ 		temp_atem = 0.0;														// new in v.101
+ 		temp2_atem = 0.0;														// new in v.101
  		char_O_diluent = 0;
  	temp_surface = pres_surface;
- 		calc_tissue();
+ 		calc_tissue_2_secs();
- 		calc_tissue_step_1_min();
+ 		calc_tissue_1_min();
  	int_O_gtissue_limit = (int)(pres_tissue_limit[char_O_gtissue_no] * 1000);
 	int_O_gtissue_press = (int)((pres_tissue[char_O_gtissue_no] + pres_tissue[char_O_gtissue_no+16]) * 1000);
@@ -1088,6 +1191,8 @@
 } 		// calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues
 void calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco(void)
@@ -1103,10 +1208,10 @@
      			deco_diluent = temp_deco;																// new in v.101
-  				if(deco_gas_change && (temp_deco < deco_gas_change))
+  				if(deco_gas_change1 && (temp_deco < deco_gas_change1))
-	 				calc_N2_ratio = deco_N2_ratio;
-	 				calc_He_ratio = deco_He_ratio;
+	 				calc_N2_ratio = deco_N2_ratio1;
+	 				calc_He_ratio = deco_He_ratio1;
   				if(deco_gas_change2 && (temp_deco < deco_gas_change2))
@@ -1165,6 +1270,7 @@
    		char_O_deco_status = 0;
 	} while (int_temp_decostatus == 1);
 	if (char_O_deco_status > 15)
    		char_O_deco_status = 1;
@@ -1176,6 +1282,8 @@
 void calc_hauptroutine_calc_ascend_to_deco(void)
@@ -1203,10 +1311,10 @@
     			deco_diluent = temp_deco;															// new in v.101
-  				if(deco_gas_change && (temp_deco < deco_gas_change))
+  				if(deco_gas_change1 && (temp_deco < deco_gas_change1))
-	 				calc_N2_ratio = deco_N2_ratio;
-	 				calc_He_ratio = deco_He_ratio;
+	 				calc_N2_ratio = deco_N2_ratio1;
+	 				calc_He_ratio = deco_He_ratio1;
   				if(deco_gas_change2 && (temp_deco < deco_gas_change2))
@@ -1255,36 +1363,36 @@
     			int_temp_decostatus = 1;
 	} while (int_temp_decostatus == 1);
-}	// calc_hauptroutine_calc_ascend_to_deco
-// --------------
-// calc_tissue //
-// --------------
+// calc_tissue
 // optimized in v.101
-void calc_tissue(void)
+static void calc_tissue(static unsigned char period)
     char_O_gtissue_no = 255;
     pres_gtissue_limit = 0.0;
     for (ci=0;ci<16;ci++)
-        read_buhlmann_compartment(0);   // 2 sec mode.
+        read_buhlmann_coeffifients(period);   // 2 sec or 1 min period.
         // N2
         temp_tissue = (temp_atem - pres_tissue[ci]) * var_N2_e;
-        pres_tissue[ci] = pres_tissue[ci] + temp_tissue;
+        pres_tissue[ci] += temp_tissue;
         // He
-        temp_tissue = (temp2_atem - pres_tissue[ci+16]) * var_He_e;
+        temp_tissue = (temp2_atem - (pres_tissue+16)[ci]) * var_He_e;
-        pres_tissue[ci+16] = pres_tissue[ci+16] + temp_tissue;
+        (pres_tissue+16)[ci] += temp_tissue;
-        temp_tissue = pres_tissue[ci] + pres_tissue[ci+16];
+        temp_tissue = pres_tissue[ci] + (pres_tissue+16)[ci];
-        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_a * pres_tissue[ci+16]) / temp_tissue;
-        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_b * pres_tissue[ci+16]) / temp_tissue;
+        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_a * (pres_tissue+16)[ci]) / temp_tissue;
+        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_b * (pres_tissue+16)[ci]) / temp_tissue;
         pres_tissue_limit[ci] = (temp_tissue - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
         if (pres_tissue_limit[ci] < 0)
             pres_tissue_limit[ci] = 0;
@@ -1294,85 +1402,103 @@
             char_O_gtissue_no = ci;
     } // for
-// ----------------
-// calc_nullzeit //
-// ----------------
-// calculates the remaining bottom time
+// calc_tissue_2_secs
+// optimized in v.101
+static void calc_tissue_2_secs(void)
+    calc_tissue(0);
-// unchanged in v.101
-void calc_nullzeit(void)
+// calc_tissue_1_min
+// optimized in v.101
+static void calc_tissue_1_min(void)
+    calc_tissue(1);
+// calc_nullzeit
+// calculates the remaining bottom time
+// unchanged in v.101
+static void calc_nullzeit(void)
+    overlay int loop;
 	char_O_nullzeit = 0;
-	int_temp = 1;
- 	do
+	for(loop = 1; loop <= 17; loop++)
   		char_O_nullzeit = char_O_nullzeit + 10;
-  		int_temp = int_temp + 1;
 		if (char_I_deco_model == 1)
 			temp1 = GF_high * temp_pres_gtissue_diff + temp_pres_gtissue;
 			temp1 = temp_pres_gtissue_limit;
 		if (temp1 > temp_surface)  // changed in v.102 , if guiding tissue can not be exposed to surface pressure immediately
-			int_temp = 255;
- 	} while (int_temp < 17);
- 	if (int_temp == 255)
+			loop = 255;
+ 	}
+ 	if (loop == 255)
   		char_O_nullzeit = char_O_nullzeit - 10;
- 	} //if int_temp == 255]
- 	int_temp = 1;
+ 	} //if loop == 255]
  	if (char_O_nullzeit < 60)
-  		do
+     	for(loop=1; loop <= 10; loop++)
    			char_O_nullzeit = char_O_nullzeit + 1;
-   			int_temp = int_temp + 1;			// new in v.102a
-		if (char_I_deco_model == 1)
-			temp1 = GF_high * temp_pres_gtissue_diff + temp_pres_gtissue;
-		else
-			temp1 = temp_pres_gtissue_limit;
-		if (temp1 > temp_surface)  // changed in v.102 , if guiding tissue can not be exposed to surface pressure immediately
-			int_temp = 255;
-  		} while (int_temp < 10);
-  		if (int_temp == 255)
+    		if (char_I_deco_model == 1)
+    			temp1 = GF_high * temp_pres_gtissue_diff + temp_pres_gtissue;
+    		else
+    			temp1 = temp_pres_gtissue_limit;
+    		if (temp1 > temp_surface)  // changed in v.102 , if guiding tissue can not be exposed to surface pressure immediately
+    			loop = 255;
+  		}
+  		if (loop == 255)
    			char_O_nullzeit = char_O_nullzeit - 1;
  	} // if char_O_nullzeit < 60
 } //calc_nullzeit
-// -------------------------
-// backup_sim_pres_tissue //
-// -------------------------
+// backup_sim_pres_tissue
 void backup_sim_pres_tissue(void)
-    for (x = 0;x<16;x++)
-    {
+    overlay unsigned char x;
+    for(x = 0; x<32; x++)
         sim_pres_tissue_backup[x] = sim_pres_tissue[x];
-        sim_pres_tissue_backup[x+16] = sim_pres_tissue[x+16];
-    }
-} // backup_sim
-// --------------------------
-// restore_sim_pres_tissue //
-// --------------------------
+// restore_sim_pres_tissue
 void restore_sim_pres_tissue(void)
-    for (x = 0;x<16;x++)
-    {
+    overlay unsigned char x;
+    for(x = 0; x<32; x++)
         sim_pres_tissue[x] = sim_pres_tissue_backup[x];
-        sim_pres_tissue[x+16] = sim_pres_tissue_backup[x+16];
-    }
-} // restore_sim
-// ------------------
-// calc_ascenttime //
-// ------------------
+// calc_ascenttime
 void calc_ascenttime(void)
     if (pres_respiration > pres_surface)
@@ -1385,36 +1511,41 @@
         case 1:
-            temp1 = pres_respiration - pres_surface + 0.6; // + 0.6 hence 1 minute ascent time from a depth of 4 meter on
-            if (temp1 < 0)
-                temp1 = 0;
-            if (temp1 > 255)
-                temp1 = 255;
-            char_O_ascenttime = (char)temp1;
-            for(ci=0;ci<7;ci++)
-                x = char_O_ascenttime + char_O_array_decotime[ci];
-                if (x < char_O_ascenttime)
-                    char_O_ascenttime = 255;
-                else
-                    char_O_ascenttime = x;
+                overlay unsigned char x;
+                overlay float ascent = pres_respiration - pres_surface + 0.6; // + 0.6 hence 1 minute ascent time from a depth of 4 meter on
+                if (ascent < 0.0)
+                    ascent = 0.0;
+                if (ascent > 255.0)
+                    ascent = 255.0;
+                char_O_ascenttime = (char)ascent;
+                for(x=0; x<7; x++)
+                {
+                    overlay int int_ascent = (int)char_O_ascenttime + (int)char_O_array_decotime[x];
+                    if(int_ascent >= 255)
+                        char_O_ascenttime = 255;
+                    else
+                        char_O_ascenttime = int_ascent;
+                }
+                break;
-            break;
         char_O_ascenttime = 0;
-} // calc_ascenttime()
-// ---------------------
-// update_startvalues //
-// ---------------------
+// update_startvalues
 // updated in v.102
 void update_startvalues(void)
+    overlay unsigned char x;
   	temp_pres_gtissue_limit = pres_gtissue_limit;
   	temp_pres_gtissue = pres_tissue[char_O_gtissue_no] + pres_tissue[char_O_gtissue_no+16];
   	temp_pres_gtissue_diff = temp_pres_gtissue_limit - temp_pres_gtissue;						// negative number
@@ -1430,37 +1561,41 @@
    		sim_pres_tissue[x+16] = pres_tissue[x+16];
    		sim_pres_tissue_limit[x] = pres_tissue_limit[x];
-} // update_startvalues
-// ------------------
-// sim_tissue_1min //
-// ------------------
+// sim_tissue_1min
 // optimized in v.101
-void sim_tissue_1min(void)
+// Function very simular to calc_tissue, but:
+//   + Use a 1min or 10min period.
+//   + Do it on sim_pres_tissue, instead of pres_tissue.
+//   + Update GF_low state for GF decompression model.
+static void sim_tissue(static unsigned char period)
     temp_pres_gtissue_limit = 0.0;
     temp_gtissue_no = 255;
     for (ci=0;ci<16;ci++)
-        read_buhlmann_compartment(1);       // 1 minute interval
+        read_buhlmann_coeffifients(period);  // 1 or 10 minute(s) interval
         // N2
         temp_tissue = (temp_atem - sim_pres_tissue[ci]) * var_N2_e;
-        sim_pres_tissue[ci] = sim_pres_tissue[ci] + temp_tissue;
+        sim_pres_tissue[ci] += temp_tissue;
         // He
-        temp_tissue = (temp2_atem - sim_pres_tissue[ci+16]) * var_He_e;
+        temp_tissue = (temp2_atem - (sim_pres_tissue+16)[ci]) * var_He_e;
-        sim_pres_tissue[ci+16] = sim_pres_tissue[ci+16] + temp_tissue;
+        (sim_pres_tissue+16)[ci] += temp_tissue;
         // pressure limit
-        temp_tissue = sim_pres_tissue[ci] + sim_pres_tissue[ci+16];
-        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * sim_pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_a * sim_pres_tissue[ci+16]) / temp_tissue;
-        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * sim_pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_b * sim_pres_tissue[ci+16]) / temp_tissue;
+        temp_tissue = sim_pres_tissue[ci] + (sim_pres_tissue+16)[ci];
+        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * sim_pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_a * (sim_pres_tissue+16)[ci]) / temp_tissue;
+        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * sim_pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_b * (sim_pres_tissue+16)[ci]) / temp_tissue;
         sim_pres_tissue_limit[ci] = (temp_tissue - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
         if (sim_pres_tissue_limit[ci] < 0)
@@ -1478,100 +1613,60 @@
     temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low_below_surface = temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low - pres_surface;
     if (temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low_below_surface < 0)
         temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low_below_surface = 0;
-} //sim_tissue_1min()
-// sim_tissue_10min //
-// Attention!! uses var_N2_e und var_He_e to load 10min data !!!
-// is identical to sim_tissue_1min routine except for the different load of those variables
-// optimized in v.101
-void sim_tissue_10min(void)
+// sim_tissue_1min
+static void sim_tissue_1min(void)
-    temp_pres_gtissue_limit = 0.0;
-    temp_gtissue_no = 255;
-    for (ci=0;ci<16;ci++)
-    {
-        read_buhlmann_compartment(2);       // 10 minute interval
-        // N2
-        temp_tissue = (temp_atem - sim_pres_tissue[ci]) * var_N2_e;
-        temp_tissue_safety();
-        sim_pres_tissue[ci] = sim_pres_tissue[ci] + temp_tissue;
-        // He
-        temp_tissue = (temp2_atem - sim_pres_tissue[ci+16]) * var_He_e;
-        temp_tissue_safety();
-        sim_pres_tissue[ci+16] = sim_pres_tissue[ci+16] + temp_tissue;
-        // pressure limit
-        temp_tissue = sim_pres_tissue[ci] + sim_pres_tissue[ci+16];
-        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * sim_pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_a * sim_pres_tissue[ci+16]) / temp_tissue;
-        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * sim_pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_b * sim_pres_tissue[ci+16]) / temp_tissue;
+    sim_tissue(1);  // 1 minute period
-        sim_pres_tissue_limit[ci] = (temp_tissue - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
-        if (sim_pres_tissue_limit[ci] < 0)
-            sim_pres_tissue_limit[ci] = 0;
-        if (sim_pres_tissue_limit[ci] > temp_pres_gtissue_limit)
-        {
-            temp_pres_gtissue = temp_tissue;
-            temp_pres_gtissue_limit = sim_pres_tissue_limit[ci];
-            temp_gtissue_no = ci;
-        }
-    } // for
-  	temp_pres_gtissue_diff = temp_pres_gtissue_limit - temp_pres_gtissue;							// negative number
-	temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low = GF_low * temp_pres_gtissue_diff + temp_pres_gtissue;
-  	temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low_below_surface = temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low - pres_surface;
-	if (temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low_below_surface < 0)
-		temp_pres_gtissue_limit_GF_low_below_surface = 0;
-} //sim_tissue_10min()
-// ------------------
-// clear_decoarray //
-// ------------------
+// sim_tissue_10min
+static void sim_tissue_10min(void)
+    sim_tissue(2);  // 10 minutes period
+// clear_decoarray
 // unchanged in v.101
+static void clear_decoarray(void)
+    overlay unsigned char x;
-void clear_decoarray(void)
+    for(x=0; x<6; ++x)
+    {
+        char_O_array_decodepth[x] = 0;
+        char_O_array_decotime [x] = 0;
+    }
+    char_O_array_decotime[6] = 0;
+// update_decoarray
+// unchanged in v.101
+static void update_decoarray()
-    char_O_array_decodepth[0] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decodepth[1] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decodepth[2] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decodepth[3] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decodepth[4] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decodepth[5] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decotime[0] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decotime[1] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decotime[2] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decotime[3] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decotime[4] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decotime[5] = 0;
-    char_O_array_decotime[6] = 0;
-} // clear_decoarray
-// -------------------
-// update_decoarray //
-// -------------------
-// unchanged in v.101
-void update_decoarray()
-	x = 0;
+    overlay int stop_time;
+	overlay unsigned char x = 0;
 		if (char_O_array_decodepth[x] == temp_depth_limit)
-			int_temp = char_O_array_decotime[x] + temp_decotime;
-			if (int_temp < 0)
-				int_temp = 0;
-			if (int_temp > 240)
-				int_temp = 240;
- 			char_O_array_decotime[x] = int_temp;
+			stop_time = char_O_array_decotime[x] + temp_decotime;
+			if (stop_time < 0)
+				stop_time = 0;
+			if (stop_time > 240)
+				stop_time = 240;
+ 			char_O_array_decotime[x] = stop_time;
 			x = 10; // exit
 		} // if
@@ -1582,11 +1677,11 @@
    					char_O_array_decodepth[x] = 255;
    					char_O_array_decodepth[x] = (char)temp_depth_limit;
-  				int_temp = char_O_array_decotime[x] + temp_decotime;
-  				if (int_temp > 240)
+  				stop_time = char_O_array_decotime[x] + temp_decotime;
+  				if (stop_time > 240)
    					char_O_array_decotime[x] = 240;
-   					char_O_array_decotime[x] = (char)int_temp;
+   					char_O_array_decotime[x] = (char)stop_time;
   				x = 10; // exit
   			} // if
@@ -1595,22 +1690,21 @@
 	} while (x<6);
 	if (x == 6)
- 		int_temp = char_O_array_decotime[6] + temp_decotime;
- 		if (int_temp > 220)
+ 		stop_time = char_O_array_decotime[6] + temp_decotime;
+ 		if (stop_time > 220)
   			char_O_array_decotime[6] = 220;
-  			char_O_array_decotime[6] = (char)int_temp;
+  			char_O_array_decotime[6] = (char)stop_time;
  	} // if x == 6
-} // update_decoarray
-// -----------------------
-// calc_gradient_factor //
-// -----------------------
+// calc_gradient_factor
 // optimized in v.101 (var_N2_a)
 // new code in v.102
-void calc_gradient_factor(void)
+static void calc_gradient_factor(void)
 	// tissue > respiration (entsaettigungsvorgang)
 	// gradient ist wieviel prozent an limit mit basis tissue
@@ -1656,16 +1750,18 @@
  			char_O_relative_gradient_GF = char_O_gradient_factor;
-} // calc_gradient
-// ------------------------------
-// deco_calc_desaturation_time //
-// ------------------------------
+// deco_calc_desaturation_time
 // FIXED N2_ratio
 // unchanged in v.101
 void deco_calc_desaturation_time(void)
+    overlay int desat_time;     // For a particular compartiment, in min.
     N2_ratio = 0.7902; // FIXED sum as stated in b"uhlmann
@@ -1677,7 +1773,7 @@
     for (ci=0;ci<16;ci++)
         var_N2_halftime = buhlmann_ht[ci];
-        var_He_halftime = buhlmann_ht[ci + 16];
+        var_He_halftime = (buhlmann_ht+16)[ci];
         // saturation_time (for flight) and N2_saturation in multiples of halftime
         // version v.100: 1.1 = 10 percent distance to totally clean (totally clean is not possible, would take infinite time )
@@ -1709,14 +1805,14 @@
         // He
-        temp3 = 0.1 - pres_tissue[ci+16];
+        temp3 = 0.1 - (pres_tissue+16)[ci];
         if (temp3 >= 0.0)
             temp3 = 0;
             temp4 = 0;
-            temp3 = -1.0 * temp3 / pres_tissue[ci+16];
+            temp3 = -1.0 * temp3 / (pres_tissue+16)[ci];
         if (temp3 > 0.0)
         	temp3 = log(1.0 - temp3);
@@ -1733,11 +1829,11 @@
         // saturation_time (for flight)
         if (temp4 > temp2)
-            int_temp = (int)temp4;
+            desat_time = (int)temp4;
-            int_temp = (int)temp2;
-         if(int_temp > int_O_desaturation_time)
-        	int_O_desaturation_time = int_temp;
+            desat_time = (int)temp2;
+         if(desat_time > int_O_desaturation_time)
+        	int_O_desaturation_time = desat_time;
         // N2 saturation in multiples of halftime for display purposes
         temp2 = temp1 * 20.0;  // 0 = 1/8, 120 = 0, 249 = 8
@@ -1754,19 +1850,18 @@
             temp4 = 0.0;
         if (temp4 > 255.0)
             temp4 = 255.0;
-        char_O_tissue_saturation[ci+16] = (char)temp4;
+        (char_O_tissue_saturation+16)[ci] = (char)temp4;
     } // for
-} // deco_calc_desaturation_time
-// --------------------------
-// calc_wo_deco_step_1_min //
-// --------------------------
+// calc_wo_deco_step_1_min
 // FIXED N2 Ratio
 // optimized in v.101 (...saturation_multiplier)
 // desaturation slowed down to 70,42%
-void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void)
+static void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void)
@@ -1783,59 +1878,29 @@
     float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier / 142.0; // new in v.101	(70,42%/100.=142)
     float_saturation_multiplier = char_I_saturation_multiplier / 100.0;
-    calc_tissue_step_1_min();  // update the pressure in the 16 tissues in accordance with the new ambient pressure
+    calc_tissue_1_min();  // update the pressure in the 32 tissues in accordance with the new ambient pressure
     char_O_deco_status = 0;
     char_O_nullzeit = 0;
     char_O_ascenttime = 0;
-} // calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void)
-// -------------------------
-// calc_tissue_step_1_min //
-// -------------------------
-// optimized in v.101
-void calc_tissue_step_1_min(void)
-    char_O_gtissue_no = 255;
-    pres_gtissue_limit = 0.0;
-    for (ci=0;ci<16;ci++)
-    {
-        read_buhlmann_compartment(1);       // 1 minute interval
-        // N2 1 min
-        temp_tissue = (temp_atem - pres_tissue[ci]) * var_N2_e;
-        temp_tissue_safety();
-        pres_tissue[ci] = pres_tissue[ci] + temp_tissue;
-        // He 1 min
-        temp_tissue = (temp2_atem - pres_tissue[ci+16]) * var_He_e;
-        temp_tissue_safety();
-        pres_tissue[ci+16] = pres_tissue[ci+16] + temp_tissue;
+////////////////////////////////// deco_hash /////////////////////////////////
-        temp_tissue = pres_tissue[ci] + pres_tissue[ci+16];
-        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_a * pres_tissue[ci+16]) / temp_tissue;
-        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_b * pres_tissue[ci+16]) / temp_tissue;
-        pres_tissue_limit[ci] = (temp_tissue - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
-        if (pres_tissue_limit[ci] < 0)
-            pres_tissue_limit[ci] = 0;
-        if (pres_tissue_limit[ci] > pres_gtissue_limit)
-        {
-            pres_gtissue_limit = pres_tissue_limit[ci];
-            char_O_gtissue_no = ci;
-        }//if
-    } // for
-} // calc wo deco 1min
-// ----------
-// deco_hash //
-// ----------
 void deco_hash(void)
+    overlay unsigned char md_i, md_j;   // Loop index.
+    overlay unsigned char md_t;
+    overlay unsigned char md_buffer[16];
+    overlay unsigned char md_temp;
+    overlay unsigned int  md_pointer;
     // init
@@ -1846,12 +1911,12 @@
     } // for md_i 16
-    movlw	0x01            // md_pi address.
-    movwf	TBLPTRU,0
-    movlw	0x06
-    movwf	TBLPTRH,0
-    movlw	0x00
-    movwf	TBLPTRL,0
+        movlw	0x01            // md_pi address.
+        movwf	TBLPTRU,0
+        movlw	0x7E
+        movwf	TBLPTRH,0
+        movlw	0x00
+        movwf	TBLPTRL,0
     md_i = 0;
     do {
@@ -1863,13 +1928,14 @@
     } while( md_i != 0 );
-     movlw	0x00
-     movwf	TBLPTRU,0
-     movlw	0x00
-     movwf	TBLPTRH,0
-     movlw	0x00
-     movwf	TBLPTRL,0
+         movlw	0x00
+         movwf	TBLPTRU,0
+         movlw	0x00
+         movwf	TBLPTRH,0
+         movlw	0x00
+         movwf	TBLPTRL,0
     // cycle buffers
     for (md_pointer=0x0000;md_pointer<0x17f3;md_pointer++)
@@ -1881,11 +1947,12 @@
-                TBLRDPOSTINC
-                movff	TABLAT,md_temp
+                    TBLRDPOSTINC
+                    movff	TABLAT,md_temp
             } // else
-            md_buffer[md_i] = md_temp;
+            md_buffer[md_i]   = md_temp;
             md_state[md_i+16] = md_buffer[md_i];
             md_state[md_i+32] = (unsigned char)(md_buffer[md_i] ^ md_state[md_i]);
         } // for md_i 16
@@ -1894,7 +1961,7 @@
             for (md_j=0;md_j<48;md_j++)
-                md_state[md_j] = (unsigned char)(md_state[md_j] ^ md_pi_subst[md_t]);
+                md_state[md_j] ^= md_pi_subst[md_t];
                 md_t = md_state[md_j];
             } // for md_j 48
             md_t = (unsigned char)(md_t+1);
@@ -1903,39 +1970,40 @@
         for (md_i=0;md_i<16;md_i++)
-            char_O_hash[md_i] = (unsigned char)(char_O_hash[md_i] ^ md_pi_subst[(md_buffer[md_i] ^ md_t)]);
+            char_O_hash[md_i] ^= md_pi_subst[(md_buffer[md_i] ^ md_t)];
             md_t = char_O_hash[md_i];
         } // for md_i 16
     } // for md_pointer
 } // void deco_hash(void)
-// ---------------------
-// deco_clear_CNS_fraction //
-// ---------------------
+// deco_clear_CNS_fraction
 // new in v.101
 void deco_clear_CNS_fraction(void)
     CNS_fraction = 0.0;
     char_O_CNS_fraction = 0;
-} // void deco_clear_CNS_fraction(void)
-// -------------------------
-// deco_calc_CNS_fraction //
-// -------------------------
+// deco_calc_CNS_fraction
 // new in v.101
 // optimized in v.102 : with new variables char_I_actual_ppO2 and actual_ppO2
 // Input: char_I_actual_ppO2
 // Output: char_O_CNS_fraction
 // Uses and Updates: CNS_fraction
 // Uses: acutal_ppO2
 void deco_calc_CNS_fraction(void)
+    overlay float actual_ppO2;
     actual_ppO2 = (float)char_I_actual_ppO2 / 100.0;
     if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 50)
@@ -1981,31 +2049,30 @@
         CNS_fraction = 0.0;
     char_O_CNS_fraction = (char)((CNS_fraction + 0.005)* 100.0);
-} // void deco_calc_CNS_fraction(void)
-// -------------------------------
-// deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min //
-// -------------------------------
+// deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min
 // new in v.101
 // calculates the half time of 90 minutes in 6 steps of 15 min
 // Output: char_O_CNS_fraction
 // Uses and Updates: CNS_fraction
 void deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min(void)
     CNS_fraction =  0.890899 * CNS_fraction;
-    char_O_CNS_fraction = (char)((CNS_fraction + 0.005)* 100.0);
-}// deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min(void)
+    char_O_CNS_fraction = (char)(CNS_fraction * 100.0 + 0.5);
-// -----------------------
-// deco_calc_percentage //
-// -----------------------
+// deco_calc_percentage
 // new in v.101
 // calculates int_I_temp * char_I_temp / 100
 // output is int_I_temp
@@ -2018,19 +2085,28 @@
     int_I_temp = (int)temp3;
 void deco_push_tissues_to_vault(void)
+    overlay unsigned char x;
 	cns_vault = CNS_fraction;
-	for (ci=0;ci<32;ci++)
-		pres_tissue_vault[ci] = pres_tissue[ci];
+	for (x=0;x<32;x++)
+		pres_tissue_vault[x] = pres_tissue[x];
 void deco_pull_tissues_from_vault(void)
+    overlay unsigned char x;
 	CNS_fraction = cns_vault;
-	for (ci=0;ci<32;ci++)
-		pres_tissue[ci] = pres_tissue_vault[ci];
+	for (x=0;x<32;x++)
+		pres_tissue[x] = pres_tissue_vault[x];
 void main() {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_definitions.h
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_definitions.h	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_definitions.h	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -85,46 +85,20 @@
 // *************************
 // ** P R O T O T Y P E S **
 // *************************
-void calc_hauptroutine(void);
-void calc_tissue(void);
-void calc_nullzeit(void);
-void backup_sim_pres_tissue(void);
-void restore_sim_pres_tissue(void);
-void calc_without_deco(void);
-void clear_tissue(void);
-void calc_ascenttime(void);
-void update_startvalues(void);
-void clear_decoarray(void);
-void update_decoarray(void);
-void sim_tissue_1min(void);
-void sim_tissue_10min(void);
-void calc_gradient_factor(void);
-void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void);
-void calc_tissue_step_1_min(void);
-//void debug(void);
-void calc_percentage(void);
-void calc_hauptroutine_data_input(void);
-void calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues(void);
-void calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco(void);
-void calc_hauptroutine_calc_ascend_to_deco(void);
-//void build_debug_output(void);
-void calc_nextdecodepth_GF(void);
-void copy_deco_table_GF(void);
-void clear_internal_deco_table_GF(void);
-void update_internal_deco_table_GF(void);
+extern void calc_percentage(void);
+extern void deco_calc_hauptroutine(void);
+extern void deco_calc_without_deco(void);
+extern void deco_clear_tissue(void);
+extern void deco_calc_percentage(void);
+extern void deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void);
+extern void deco_debug(void);
+extern void deco_gradient_array(void);
+extern void deco_hash(void);
+extern void deco_calc_desaturation_time(void);
+extern void deco_calc_CNS_fraction(void);
+extern void deco_clear_CNS_fraction(void);
+extern void deco_push_tissues_to_vault(void);
+extern void deco_pull_tissues_from_vault(void);
-void deco_calc_hauptroutine(void);
-void deco_calc_without_deco(void);
-void deco_clear_tissue(void);
-void deco_calc_percentage(void);
-void deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void);
-void deco_debug(void);
-void deco_gradient_array(void);
-void deco_hash(void);
-void deco_calc_desaturation_time(void);
-void deco_calc_CNS_fraction(void);
-void deco_clear_CNS_fraction(void);
-void deco_push_tissues_to_vault(void);
-void deco_pull_tissues_from_vault(void);
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_main.c
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_main.c	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_main.c	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-// **************************************************************
-// ** main code for simulation / tests without assembler code  **
-// ** This is NOT a part of the OSTC                           **
-// **************************************************************
+// ********************************************************************
+// ** main code for simulation / tests without full simulation code  **
+// ** This is NOT a part of the OSTC                                 **
+// ********************************************************************
 // OSTC - diving computer code
@@ -21,252 +21,120 @@
 //    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-// history:
+// History:
 // 12/25/10 v110: [jDG] split in three files (deco.c, main.c, definitions.h)
+// 01/24/11     : [jDG] make it link with oled+wordprocessor display functions
-#include <p18f4685.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "p2_definitions.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
-// **************************************************
-// ** Make sure to freeze ram banks used elsewhere **
-// **************************************************
+// Compile with:
+//      p2_deco.c
+//      p2_environment.asm
+// To have a linkable application, downloadable on the OSTC.
-#pragma udata bank0=0x060
-static const unsigned char keep_free_bank0[0xA0];   // used by the assembler code
-#pragma udata bank1=0x100
-static const unsigned char keep_free_bank1[256];    // used by the assembler code
-#pragma udata bank7=0x700
-const unsigned char keep_free_bank7[256];           // used by the assembler code (DD font2display)
+#define TEST_MAIN 1
+#include "p2_definitions.h"
+#include "../OSTC_code_c_part2/shared_definitions.h"
-// ********************************
-// ** C O N F I G U R A T I O N  **
-// ** for simulation without asm **
-// ********************************
-#pragma config OSC = IRCIO67
-#pragma config FCMEN = OFF
-#pragma config IESO = OFF
-#pragma config PWRT = ON
-#pragma config BOREN = OFF
-#pragma config WDT = OFF
-#pragma config WDTPS = 128
-#pragma config MCLRE = ON
-#pragma config LPT1OSC = OFF
-#pragma config PBADEN = OFF
-#pragma config DEBUG = OFF
-#pragma config XINST = OFF
-#pragma config LVP = OFF
-#pragma config STVREN = OFF
-// *************************
-// ** P R O T O T Y P E S **
-// *************************
-void main(void);
+static void print_stops(void)
+    //TODO: print decompression stops using aa_wordprocessor...
+    PLED_ClearScreen();
+    win_top = 0;
+    win_leftx2 = 0;
+    win_font = 0;
+    win_invert = 0;
+    PLED_standard_color();
-// *******************************
-// ** start                     **
-// ** necessary for compilation **
-// *******************************
-#pragma romdata der_code = 0x0000
-#pragma code der_start = 0x0000
-void der_start(void)
-	goto	main
+    sprintf(letter, "TTS: %d", char_O_ascenttime);
+    aa_wordprocessor();
+    //TODO: Wait click (to continue)
 #pragma code main = 0x9000
-#pragma udata
 void main(void)
     static unsigned int i;
     static unsigned int debug_temp;
-#if 1
-// new main to test DR-5
-char_I_deco_model = 0;
-char_I_GF_Low_percentage = 100;
-char_I_GF_High_percentage = 100;
-//char_I_const_ppO2 = 100;
-//for (i=0;i<255;i++)
-//} //for
-int_I_pres_respiration = 1000;//980;
-int_I_pres_surface = 1000;//980;
-char_I_N2_ratio = 79; //38;
-char_I_He_ratio = 0; //50;
-char_I_deco_distance = 10; // 10 = 1 meter
-char_I_depth_last_deco = 3;	// values below 3 (meter) are ignored
-char_I_const_ppO2 = 0;
-char_I_deco_ppO2_change = 0; // [dm] 10 = 1 meter
-char_I_deco_ppO2 = 0;
-char_I_deco_gas_change = 20; // [m] 1 = 1 meter
-char_I_deco_N2_ratio = 50;
-char_I_deco_He_ratio = 0;
-char_I_deco_gas_change2 = 6; // [m] 1 = 1 meter
-char_I_deco_N2_ratio2 = 0;
-char_I_deco_He_ratio2 = 0;
-char_I_deco_gas_change3 = 0; // [m] 1 = 1 meter
-char_I_deco_gas_change4 = 0; // [m] 1 = 1 meter
-char_I_deco_gas_change5 = 0; // [m] 1 = 1 meter
-//char_I_actual_ppO2;					// 0x507
-char_I_GF_High_percentage = 100;			// 0x514	new in v.102
-char_I_GF_Low_percentage = 100;			// 0x515	new in v.102
+    char_I_deco_model = 0;
+    deco_clear_CNS_fraction();
-char_I_saturation_multiplier = 110;
-char_I_desaturation_multiplier = 90;
-char_I_step_is_1min = 1;
-int_I_pres_respiration = 4500 + int_I_pres_surface;
-for (i=0;i<29;i++)
-    deco_calc_hauptroutine();
-char_I_step_is_1min = 0;
-char_O_deco_status = 255;
-while (char_O_deco_status)
-	deco_calc_hauptroutine();
+    char_I_N2_ratio = 79; //38;
+    char_I_He_ratio = 0; //50;
+    char_I_deco_distance = 10; // 10 = 1 meter
+    char_I_depth_last_deco = 3;	// values below 3 (meter) are ignored
+    char_I_const_ppO2 = 0;
+    char_I_deco_ppO2_change = 0; // [dm] 10 = 1 meter
+    char_I_deco_ppO2 = 0;
+    char_I_deco_gas_change1 = 20; // [m] 1 = 1 meter
+    char_I_deco_N2_ratio1 = 50;
+    char_I_deco_He_ratio1 = 0;
+    char_I_deco_gas_change2 = 6; // [m] 1 = 1 meter
+    char_I_deco_N2_ratio2 = 0;
+    char_I_deco_He_ratio2 = 0;
+    char_I_deco_gas_change3 = 0; // [m] 1 = 1 meter
+    char_I_deco_gas_change4 = 0; // [m] 1 = 1 meter
+    char_I_deco_gas_change5 = 0; // [m] 1 = 1 meter
-char_O_deco_status = 255;
-while (char_O_deco_status)
-	deco_calc_hauptroutine();
-int_I_pres_respiration = 10000;
-for (i=0;i<1500;i++)
-    deco_calc_hauptroutine();
-int_I_pres_respiration = 3000;
-for (i=0;i<150;i++)
-	calc_hauptroutine_data_input();
-	calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues();
-} //for
+    //char_I_actual_ppO2;					// 0x507
+    char_I_GF_High_percentage = 100;			// 0x514	new in v.102
+    char_I_GF_Low_percentage  = 100;			// 0x515	new in v.102
+    char_I_saturation_multiplier = 110;
+    char_I_desaturation_multiplier = 90;
+    //---- Starts at zero meter ----------------------------------------------
+    int_I_pres_respiration = 1000;//980;
+    int_I_pres_surface = 1000;//980;
+    deco_clear_tissue();
-			update_startvalues();
-			clear_decoarray();
-			clear_internal_deco_table_GF();
-			calc_hauptroutine_calc_ascend_to_deco();
- 			if (char_O_deco_status > 15)		// can't go up to first deco, too deep to calculate in the given time slot
-			{
-				char_O_deco_status = 2;
-//				char_O_lock_depth_list = 255;
-			}
- 			else
-			{
-//				char_O_lock_depth_list = lock_GF_depth_list;
-				calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
-			}
-//			build_debug_output();
+    //---- Calculate 29min at 45m --------------------------------------------
+    char_I_step_is_1min = 1;
+    int_I_pres_respiration = 4500 + int_I_pres_surface;
+    for (i=0;i<29;i++)
+        deco_calc_hauptroutine();
-while (char_O_deco_status == 1)
-			char_O_deco_status = 0;
-//			char_O_lock_depth_list = 255;
-			calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
-//			build_debug_output();
-debug_temp = 60; // [mtr Aufstieg in 10 mtr/min (30steps'2sec/min]
-int_I_pres_respiration = 9980;
-for (i=0;i<debug_temp;i++)
-int_I_pres_respiration = int_I_pres_respiration - 33;
-	calc_hauptroutine_data_input();
-	calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues();
-int_I_pres_respiration = int_I_pres_respiration - 33;
-	calc_hauptroutine_data_input();
-	calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues();
-int_I_pres_respiration = int_I_pres_respiration - 34;
-	calc_hauptroutine_data_input();
-	calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues();
-} //for
+    // Wait for one full computation
+    char_I_step_is_1min = 0;
+    char_O_deco_status = 255;
+    while (char_O_deco_status)
+    	deco_calc_hauptroutine();
+    print_stops();
+    // And a second one
+    while (char_O_deco_status)
+    	deco_calc_hauptroutine();
+    print_stops();
-			update_startvalues();
-			clear_decoarray();
-			clear_internal_deco_table_GF();
-			calc_hauptroutine_calc_ascend_to_deco();
- 			if (char_O_deco_status > 15)		// can't go up to first deco, too deep to calculate in the given time slot
-			{
-				char_O_deco_status = 2;
-//				char_O_lock_depth_list = 255;
-			}
- 			else
-			{
-//				char_O_lock_depth_list = lock_GF_depth_list;
-				calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
-			}
-//			build_debug_output();
+    //---- 3000 seconds at 90m -----------------------------------------------
+    int_I_pres_respiration = 10000;
+    for (i=0;i<1500;i++)
+        deco_calc_hauptroutine();
+    while(char_O_deco_status != 0)
+        deco_calc_hauptroutine();
+    print_stops();
-while (char_O_deco_status == 1)
-			char_O_deco_status = 0;
-//			char_O_lock_depth_list = 255;
-			calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco();
-//			build_debug_output();
-debug_temp = 60; // [mtr Aufstieg in 10 mtr/min (30steps'2sec/min]
-int_I_pres_respiration = 9980;
-debug_temp = debug_temp * 3;
-for (i=0;i<debug_temp;i++)
-	calc_hauptroutine_data_input();
-	calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues();
-} //for
-// -----------------------
+    //---- 300 seconds at 29m ------------------------------------------------
+    int_I_pres_respiration = 3000;
+    for (i=0;i<150;i++)
+    	deco_calc_hauptroutine();
-} // main
+    while(char_O_deco_status != 0)
+        deco_calc_hauptroutine();
+    print_stops();
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_tables.romdata
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_tables.romdata	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_tables.romdata	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -96,44 +96,6 @@
-rom const float buhlmann_t05[] =
-//---- half-life for N2 ------------------------------------------------------
-	-5.77078,		// 4 min * -1/ln(2)
-	-11.54156,
-	-17.31234,
-	-25.96851,
-	-38.95277,
-	-56.26511,
-	-79.34823,
-	-111.08752,
-	-157.25376,
-	-210.63348,
-	-269.78397,
-	-344.80411,
-	-440.02199,
-	-562.65107,
-	-718.46213,
-	-916.11135,		// 635 min * -1/ln(2)
-//---- half-life for He ------------------------------------------------------
-	-2.178469512,	// 1.51 min * -1/ln(2)
-	-4.356939024,
-	-6.809520594,
-	-10.08443834,
-	-14.72991637,
-	-20.89022419,
-	-29.61852919,
-	-41.99685264,
-	-59.43903569,
-	-79.62233931,
-	-101.9841124,
-	-130.33307,
-	-166.3283113,
-	-212.6821029,
-	-271.5729145,
-	-346.2900907	// 240,03 * -1/ln(2)
 rom const float buhlmann_ht[] =
 //---- N2 --------------------------------------------------------------------
diff -r 80de93d72a17 -r cb055a7d75f3 code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/shared_definitions.h
--- a/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/shared_definitions.h	Sat Jan 22 23:24:12 2011 +0100
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/shared_definitions.h	Mon Jan 24 23:31:57 2011 +0100
@@ -46,10 +46,17 @@
 #ifdef __18CXX
     // C-style declarations:
-#   define VAR_UCHAR(n)      unsigned char n
-#   define TAB_UCHAR(n,size) unsigned char n[size]
-#   define VAR_UINT(n)       unsigned  int n
-#   define TAB_UINT(n,size)  unsigned  int n[size]
+#   ifdef TEST_MAIN
+#       define VAR_UCHAR(n)      extern unsigned char n
+#       define TAB_UCHAR(n,size) extern unsigned char n[size]
+#       define VAR_UINT(n)       extern unsigned  int n
+#       define TAB_UINT(n,size)  extern unsigned  int n[size]
+#   else
+#       define VAR_UCHAR(n)      unsigned char n
+#       define TAB_UCHAR(n,size) unsigned char n[size]
+#       define VAR_UINT(n)       unsigned  int n
+#       define TAB_UINT(n,size)  unsigned  int n[size]
+#   endif
     ; ASM-style declarations:
@@ -118,14 +125,6 @@
 VAR_UINT  (int_I_temp);                    // new in v101
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_temp);                   // new in v101
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_actual_ppO2);            // 
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio2);         // new in v.109
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio2);         // new in v.109
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio3);         // new in v.109
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio3);         // new in v.109
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio4);         // new in v.109
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio4);         // new in v.109
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio5);         // new in v.109
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio5);         // new in v.109
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_N2_ratio);               //
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_He_ratio);               //
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_saturation_multiplier);  // for conservatism/safety values 1.0  no conservatism to 1.5  50% faster saturation
@@ -136,13 +135,43 @@
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_const_ppO2);             // new in v.101
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_ppO2_change);       // new in v.101
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_ppO2);              // new in v.101
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_gas_change);        // new in v.101
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio);          // new in v.101
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio);          // new in v.101
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_depth_last_deco);        // new in v.101 unit: [m]
-VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_model);             // new in v.102	  1 = MultiGraF, sonst Std. mit  de-saturation_multiplier
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_model);             // new in v.102. 0 == ZH-L16, 1 = ZH-L16-GF (Grandiant facttor)
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_gas_change1);       // new in v.101
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_gas_change2);       // new in v.109
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_gas_change3);       // new in v.109
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_gas_change4);       // new in v.109
 VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_gas_change5);       // new in v.109
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio1);         // new in v.101
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio1);         // new in v.101
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio2);         // new in v.109
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio2);         // new in v.109
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio3);         // new in v.109
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio3);         // new in v.109
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio4);         // new in v.109
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio4);         // new in v.109
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_N2_ratio5);         // new in v.109
+VAR_UCHAR (char_I_deco_He_ratio5);         // new in v.109
+#ifdef __18CXX
+// Access to various utilities defined in ASM-code.
+// Note: Need to switch to BANK1 before calling most of them !
+extern unsigned char win_top, win_leftx2, win_font, win_invert;
+extern ram unsigned char letter[26];
+extern void PLED_ClearScreen(void);
+extern void PLED_standard_color(void);
+extern void PLED_warnings_color(void);
+extern void PLED_divemask_color(void);
+extern void PLED_box(void);
+extern void PLED_frame(void);
+extern void aa_wordprocessor(void);
+/// Set WREG color.
+extern void PLED_set_color(void);
\ No newline at end of file