2013-02-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
indicate first gas in surfacemode
2013-01-26 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Use 4byte in EEPROM for diluents (Same as OC gases)
2013-01-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Hardware4 support
2013-01-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Removed "Mix type" Icons and CF43
2012-12-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: CF70: Safety Stop Duration [s]
2012-12-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
language updates
2012-10-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.55beta start
2012-10-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
German text update
2012-09-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Divisor Decoplan (CF25) stores entire decoplan in logbook
2012-08-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.29beta release
2012-07-27 |
heinrichsweikamp |
New CF66: Show GF in NDL (If GF > CF08)
2012-07-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Small layout change for mainscreen
2012-06-24 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: CF65: Show a safety stop for no-deco dives
2012-05-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: Deco mode "pSCR-GF": Computes deco and CNS based on pSCR parameters (CF62/63)
2012-05-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW CF64: Configures color for inactive gases
2012-05-08 |
heinrichsweikamp |
text 274 update
2012-04-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
faster font display, code cleaning
2012-04-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
New Custom Functions III menu (CF64-CF95)
2012-02-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2.21 release
2012-02-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Compute ppO2 for pSCR diving
2011-12-17 |
heinrichsweikamp |
cleanup debug stuff
2011-12-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
moving "bailout" on top of setpoint list
2011-12-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Bring back "Max." for max. depth...
2011-11-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2011-11-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Added OLED brightness setting, texts 280, 312 and 313 need update
2011-11-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
+CHANGE: Velocity display updated every second
2011-10-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
beta 2.03 start...
2011-10-09 |
JeanDo |
Cave bailout prediction.
2011-08-13 |
heinrichsweikamp |
localisation part2 from Sergei
2011-06-18 |
JeanDo |
Change increment interval by 30min.
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Added velocity in divemode, BIG stopwatch in Gauge mode
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Divisor GF texts
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-10 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
added GF_hi, GF_lo and deco model to dive header
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-09 |
JeanDo |
Merged with dive interval
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-09 |
JeanDo |
Dive interval function
2011-06-09 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
CNS Profile added
64kByte Logbook
2011-06-06 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
New "Quit sim" option in simulated dive mode, CF02 now allows more then 240seconds, Bugfix with runtime=1min in runtime simulator
64kByte Logbook
2011-05-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Fixed Setpoint behavior >2,55bar with CF38=ON
2011-05-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Renamed Escape TTS to Future TTS
2011-05-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
german translation update
@5 variant
2011-05-03 |
JeanDo |
@5 "Escape TTS" translations
@5 variant
2011-05-02 |
JeanDo |
New @5 variant: compute TTS if staying some extra time (CF58) at current depth.
@5 variant
2011-04-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some cleanup, french and german texts updated
2011-04-29 |
Heinrichsweikamp |
Gas Setup page 2 reworked, Texts 107, 108, 109,150, 149, 168, 42, 43, 53,54,55, 165 need update in french, spanish and german
2011-04-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Battery sign color coded, work on new uart-started 115200Baud bootloader (Do NOT use yet!)
2011-04-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.85beta release, 1.86beta start, german texts updated
2011-04-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
small change in the set time menu, default setpoints set to 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2Bar
2011-03-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
German texts added
2011-03-16 |
JeanDo |
BUGFIX Don't show (nosense) gas consumption in CCR mode (bug BB20).
2011-03-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.83beta release, 1.84beta start
2011-03-03 |
JeanDo |
Gas usage
2011-03-01 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: De/Activate gases underwater (Gaslist -> Gas6.. -> Actve?)
2011-02-14 |
JeanDo |
Minor missing translations
2011-02-13 |
JeanDo |
Gas switch delay
2011-02-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
small typos fixed
2011-02-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
other languages updated
2011-02-07 |
JeanDo |
French Version Primer.
2011-02-04 |
JeanDo |
Added German ???? & French ???? characters in small font.
2011-02-04 |
JeanDo |
Add instructions to translators
2011-02-03 |
JeanDo |
French and German translations