view code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/docu/README.txt @ 751:a2c947c243a2
Mon, 23 Sep 2013 09:08:26 +0200 (2013-09-23)
line source
To recompile the OSTC code you will need to install the following:+ −
------------------------------------------------------------------+ −
+ −
- A Mercurial client, to download the source code and updates easily.+ −
TortoiseHg is free, and works well.+ −
+ −
- The Microchip MPLab IDE. This is free, and enable to recompile+ −
all the assembly code, link, and produce a .hex file.+ −
+ −
- If you want to modify the decompression algorithm, you will also+ −
need the MPLab C18 compiler. There is a demo free for the first+ −
30 days.+ −
If you don't modify p2_deco.c, you don't need the C18 compiler,+ −
see below.+ −
+ −
- The Tiny bootloader for windows, see the HW site.+ −
+ −
+ −
Creating a working project:+ −
---------------------------+ −
+ −
- Launch the MPLab IDE.+ −
+ −
- Create a new project (Project > Project Wizard...)+ −
- Choose device PIC18F4685+ −
- Select Microchip C18 Toolsuite (if you installed the C18 compiler)+ −
or Microchip MPASM Toolsuite (if not)+ −
--> Make sure the paths are corect.+ −
- Choose a name and a directoty.+ −
+ −
- Add the following files:+ −
<my_source_path>/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/18f4685_ostc_mkII.lkr+ −
<my_source_path>/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/MAIN.ASM+ −
<my_source_path>/code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_deco.o+ −
+ −
(or use the .c instead of the .o if you have the C18 compiler)+ −
+ −
- If you want to compile C code, configure it:+ −
Menu: Project > Build Options... > Project > MPLab C18+ −
General: Default storage = Overlay (-sco)+ −
Optimization: Enable all+ −
+ −
- Make sure the IDE is configured to find the "clib.lib" file+ −
(needed even with precompiled p2_deco.o)+ −
Menu : Project > Build Options ... > Project > Directories+ −
Set «Search Directories» for : «Library Seach Path» to the path of the + −
“clib.lib” file (in c:\Program Files\Microship\MCC18\lib in my case)+ −
Set «Build Directory Policy» to «Assemble/Compile in source-file directory, link in output directory»+ −
+ −
- If you want to compile in DEBUG mode, select "Debug" in the build configuration+ −
menu in the top-bar of the IDE.+ −
It adds more safety tests into the code, so it is easier to spot bugs, + −
but generate firware NOT SUITABLE for diving !+ −
==> Always revert to Release and recompile everything once debugging is done.+ −
+ −
- If you want a translated version (FRENCH, SPANISH, etc.), uncomment+ −
the corresponding #define in definitions.asm+ −
+ −
- Hit F10 to recompile everything.+ −
--> You should get a .hex file where you saved your project.+ −
+ −
+ −
Installing the new firmware+ −
---------------------------+ −
+ −
- Get the .hex file you want to flash onto the OSTC Mk2.+ −
+ −
- Connect the OSTC, wake it up.+ −
+ −
- Launch the Tiny bootloader. It should work for some time, trying to open+ −
the communication port.+ −
+ −
- Once it is ready, Click Browse to select the .hex file+ −
==> DO NOT HIT Write Flash YET !+ −
+ −
- On the OSTC, go to the reset menu, select Reboot OSTC+ −
+ −
- Click "Write Flash" button. Now you have 10sec to confirm on OSTC too.+ −
+ −
- The bootloader should say it found a 18F6485 device, and start uploading.+ −
The OSTC should have the blue and red led blinking rapidly.+ −
The upload time is ~ 20 secondes.+ −
+ −
- Once done, the OSTC finishes its reboot.+ −
+ −
- If you OSTC is stuck in some bad code, you can do the magic magnet reset+ −
instead of choosing the reboot menu, during the 10sec timeslot after+ −
starting bootloader write flash.+ −
+ −
+ −
+ −