view code_part1/OSTC_code_c_part2/p2_deco.c @ 244:976260083540

Small fix (y-scale in logbook)
author heinrichsweikamp
date Wed, 23 Mar 2011 23:23:06 +0100
parents f44274d8440a
children ce869aad7440
line wrap: on
line source

// **************************************************************
// p2_deco.c
//  Created on: 12.05.2009
//  Author: chsw
// **************************************************************

// OSTC - diving computer code
// Copyright (C) 2008 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR
//    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//    (at your option) any later version.
//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    GNU General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

// *****************************
// ** I N T R O D U C T I O N **
// *****************************
// code:
// p2_deco_main_c_v101.c
// part2 of the OSTC code
// code with constant O2 partial pressure routines
// under construction !!
// summary:
// decompression routines
// for the OSTC experimental project
// written by Christian Weikamp
// last revision __________
// comments added _________
// additional files:
// p2_tables_v100.romdata (other files)
// 18f4685_ostc_v100.lkr (linker script)
// history:
// 01/03/08 v100: first release candidate
// 03/13/08 v101: start of programming ppO2 code
// 03/13/25 v101a: backup of interrim version with ppO2 calculation
// 03/13/25 v101: open circuit gas change during deco
// 03/13/25 v101: CNS_fraction calculation
// 03/13/26 v101: optimization of tissue calc routines
// 07/xx/08 v102a: debug of bottom time routine
// 09/xx/08 v102d: Gradient Factor Model implemenation
// 10/10/08 v104: renamed to build v103 for v118 stable
// 10/14/08	v104: integration of char_I_depth_last_deco for Gradient Model
// 03/31/09 v107: integration of FONT Incon24
// 05/23/10 v109: 5 gas changes & 1 min timer
// 07/13/10 v110: cns vault added
// 12/25/10 v110: split in three files (deco.c, main.c, definitions.h)
// 2011/01/20: [jDG] Create a common file included in ASM and C code.
// 2011/01/23: [jDG] Added read_custom_function().
// 2011/01/24: [jDG] Make ascenttime an short. No more overflow!
// 2011/01/25: [jDG] Fusion deco array for both models.
// 2011/01/25: [jDG] Use CF(54) to reverse deco order.
// 2011/02/11: [jDG] Reworked gradient-factor implementation.
// 2011/02/13: [jDG] CF55 for additional gas switch delay in decoplan.
// 2011/02/24: [jDG] Fixed inconsistencies introduced by gas switch delays.
// TODO:
//  + Allow to abort MD2 calculation (have to restart next time).
// Literature:
// Bühlmann, Albert: Tauchmedizin; 4. Auflage [2002];
// Schr"oder, Kai & Reith, Steffen; 2000; S"attigungsvorg"ange beim Tauchen, das Modell ZH-L16, Funktionsweise von Tauchcomputern;
// Morrison, Stuart; 2000; DIY DECOMPRESSION;
// Balthasar, Steffen; Dekompressionstheorie I: Neo Haldane Modelle;
// Baker, Erik C.; Clearing Up The Confusion About "Deep Stops"
// Baker, Erik C.; Understanding M-values;

// *********************
// ** I N C L U D E S **
// *********************
#include <math.h>

// ***********************************************
// ** V A R I A B L E S   D E F I N I T I O N S **
// ***********************************************

#include "p2_definitions.h"
#include "shared_definitions.h"

// Water vapour partial pressure in the lumb.
#define ppWVapour 0.0627

// *************************
// ** P R O T O T Y P E S **
// *************************

static void calc_hauptroutine(void);
static void calc_nullzeit(void);

static void calc_tissue(PARAMETER unsigned char period);
static void calc_limit(PARAMETER float GF_current);

static void clear_tissue(void);
static void calc_ascenttime(void);
static void update_startvalues(void);
static void clear_deco_table(void);
static void update_deco_table(void);

static void backup_sim_pres_tissue(void);
static void restore_sim_pres_tissue(void);
static void sim_tissue(PARAMETER unsigned char period);
static void sim_limit(PARAMETER float GF_current);
static void calc_gradient_factor(void);
static void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void);

static void calc_hauptroutine_data_input(void);
static void calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues(void);
static void calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco(void);
static void sim_ascent_to_first_stop(void);

static unsigned char gas_switch_deepest(void);
static void gas_switch_set(void);

static unsigned char calc_nextdecodepth(void);

//---- Bank 4 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma udata bank4=0x400

static float			temp_limit;
static float			GF_low;
static float			GF_high;
static float			GF_delta;
static unsigned char    low_depth;                  // Depth of deepest stop
static float			locked_GF_step;             // GF_delta / low_depth

static unsigned char    temp_depth_limit;

// Simulation context: used to predict ascent.
static unsigned char	sim_lead_tissue_no;         // Leading compatiment number.
static float			sim_lead_tissue_limit;      // Buhlmann tolerated pressure.

// Real context: what we are doing now.
static float			calc_lead_tissue_limit;     // 

static unsigned char	internal_deco_time[32];
static unsigned char	internal_deco_depth[32];

static float cns_vault;
static float pres_tissue_vault[32];

//---- Bank 5 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma udata bank5=0x500

static unsigned char	ci;
static float 			pres_respiration;
static float			pres_surface;
static float			temp_deco;
static float			ppN2;
static float			ppHe;
static float			temp_tissue;
static float			N2_ratio;       // Breathed gas nitrogen ratio.
static float			He_ratio;       // Breathed gas helium ratio.
static float 			var_N2_a;       // Bühlmann a, for current N2 tissue.
static float 			var_N2_b;       // Bühlmann b, for current N2 tissue.
static float 			var_He_a;       // Bühlmann a, for current He tissue.
static float 			var_He_b;       // Bühlmann b, for current He tissue.
static float  			var_N2_e;       // Exposition, for current N2 tissue.
static float  			var_He_e;       // Exposition, for current He tissue.

static float            pres_diluent;               // new in v.101
static float            const_ppO2;                 // new in v.101
static float            deco_ppO2_change;           // new in v.101
static float            deco_ppO2;                  // new in v.101

static unsigned char    sim_gas_last_depth;             // Depth of last used gas, to detected a gas switch. 
static unsigned char    sim_gas_last_used;              // Number of last used gas, to detected a gas switch. 
static unsigned short   sim_gas_delay;                  // Time of gas-switch-stop ends [min on dive].
static unsigned short   sim_dive_mins;                  // Simulated dive time.
static float			calc_N2_ratio;                  // Simulated (switched) nitrogen ratio.
static float			calc_He_ratio;                  // Simulated (switched) helium ratio.
static float			CNS_fraction;			        // new in v.101
static float			float_saturation_multiplier;    // new in v.101
static float			float_desaturation_multiplier;  // new in v.101
static float			float_deco_distance;	// new in v.101
static char			    flag_in_divemode;		// new in v.108

static unsigned char    deco_gas_change[5];		// new in v.109

//---- Bank 6 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma udata bank6=0x600

float  pres_tissue[32];
float  pres_tissue_limit[16];
float  sim_pres_tissue_limit[16];

//---- Bank 7 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma udata bank7=0x700

float  sim_pres_tissue[32];                 // 32 floats = 128 bytes.
static float  sim_pres_tissue_backup[32];

//---- Bank 8 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma udata bank8=0x800

static char	  md_pi_subst[256];
#define C_STACK md_pi_subst                     // Overlay C-code data stack here, too.

//---- Bank 9 parameters -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma udata bank9=0x900

static char	  md_state[48];		        // DONT MOVE !! // has to be at the beginning of bank 9 for the asm code!!!

// internal, dbg:
static unsigned char	DBG_char_I_deco_model;	// new in v.108.
static unsigned char	DBG_char_I_depth_last_deco;			// new in v.108
static unsigned char	DBG_deco_gas_change;	// new in v.108
static unsigned char    DBG_deco_N2_ratio;		// new in v.108
static unsigned char	DBG_deco_He_ratio;		// new in v.108
static float			DBG_pres_surface;		// new in v.108
static float			DBG_GF_low;				// new in v.108
static float			DBG_GF_high;			// new in v.108
static float			DBG_const_ppO2;			// new in v.108
static float			DBG_deco_ppO2_change;	// new in v.108
static float			DBG_deco_ppO2;			// new in v.108
static float			DBG_float_saturation_multiplier;	// new in v.108
static float			DBG_float_desaturation_multiplier;	// new in v.108
static float			DBG_float_deco_distance;			// new in v.108
static float			DBG_N2_ratio;			// new in v.108
static float			DBG_He_ratio;			// new in v.108

///////////////////////////// THE LOOKUP TABLES //////////////////////////////
// End of PROM code is 17F00, So push tables on PROM top...
#pragma romdata buhlmann_tables = 0x017B00  // Needs to be in UPPER bank.
#include "p2_tables.romdata" 		        // new table for deco_main_v.101 (var_N2_a modified)

// Magic table to compute the MD2 HASH
#pragma romdata hash_tables = 0x017E00  // Address fixed by ASM access...
rom const rom unsigned short md_pi[] =
    0x292E, 0x43C9, 0xA2D8, 0x7C01, 0x3D36, 0x54A1, 0xECF0, 0x0613
  , 0x62A7, 0x05F3, 0xC0C7, 0x738C, 0x9893, 0x2BD9, 0xBC4C, 0x82CA
  , 0x1E9B, 0x573C, 0xFDD4, 0xE016, 0x6742, 0x6F18, 0x8A17, 0xE512
  , 0xBE4E, 0xC4D6, 0xDA9E, 0xDE49, 0xA0FB, 0xF58E, 0xBB2F, 0xEE7A
  , 0xA968, 0x7991, 0x15B2, 0x073F, 0x94C2, 0x1089, 0x0B22, 0x5F21
  , 0x807F, 0x5D9A, 0x5A90, 0x3227, 0x353E, 0xCCE7, 0xBFF7, 0x9703
  , 0xFF19, 0x30B3, 0x48A5, 0xB5D1, 0xD75E, 0x922A, 0xAC56, 0xAAC6
  , 0x4FB8, 0x38D2, 0x96A4, 0x7DB6, 0x76FC, 0x6BE2, 0x9C74, 0x04F1
  , 0x459D, 0x7059, 0x6471, 0x8720, 0x865B, 0xCF65, 0xE62D, 0xA802
  , 0x1B60, 0x25AD, 0xAEB0, 0xB9F6, 0x1C46, 0x6169, 0x3440, 0x7E0F
  , 0x5547, 0xA323, 0xDD51, 0xAF3A, 0xC35C, 0xF9CE, 0xBAC5, 0xEA26
  , 0x2C53, 0x0D6E, 0x8528, 0x8409, 0xD3DF, 0xCDF4, 0x4181, 0x4D52
  , 0x6ADC, 0x37C8, 0x6CC1, 0xABFA, 0x24E1, 0x7B08, 0x0CBD, 0xB14A
  , 0x7888, 0x958B, 0xE363, 0xE86D, 0xE9CB, 0xD5FE, 0x3B00, 0x1D39
  , 0xF2EF, 0xB70E, 0x6658, 0xD0E4, 0xA677, 0x72F8, 0xEB75, 0x4B0A
  , 0x3144, 0x50B4, 0x8FED, 0x1F1A, 0xDB99, 0x8D33, 0x9F11, 0x8314

////////////////////////////// THE SUBROUTINES ///////////////////////////////
// all new in v.102
// moved from 0x0D000 to 0x0C000 in v.108

#pragma code p2_deco = 0x0C000

// DBS - debug on start of dive
static void create_dbs_set_dbg_and_ndl20mtr(void)
    overlay char i;                     // Local loop index.

    //---- Reset DEBUG bit fields --------------------------------------------
	int_O_DBS_bitfield = 0;
	int_O_DBS2_bitfield = 0;
	if(int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield & DBG_RUN)
		int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield = DBG_RESTART;
		int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield = DBG_RUN;
	int_O_DBG_post_bitfield = 0;
	//---- Set 20meters ND limit ---------------------------------------------
	char_O_NDL_at_20mtr = 255;

    //---- Copy all dive parameters ------------------------------------------
	DBG_N2_ratio = N2_ratio;
	DBG_He_ratio = He_ratio;
	DBG_char_I_deco_model = char_I_deco_model;
	DBG_char_I_depth_last_deco = char_I_depth_last_deco;
	DBG_pres_surface = pres_surface;
	DBG_GF_low = GF_low;
	DBG_GF_high = GF_high;
	DBG_const_ppO2 = const_ppO2;
	DBG_deco_ppO2_change = deco_ppO2_change;
	DBG_deco_ppO2 = deco_ppO2;
	DBG_deco_N2_ratio = char_I_deco_N2_ratio[0];
	DBG_deco_He_ratio = char_I_deco_He_ratio[0];
	DBG_deco_gas_change = deco_gas_change[0];
	DBG_float_saturation_multiplier = float_saturation_multiplier;
	DBG_float_desaturation_multiplier = float_desaturation_multiplier;
	DBG_float_deco_distance = float_deco_distance;

    //---- Setup some error (?) conditions -----------------------------------
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_mode;
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_ppO2;
	for(i = 16; i < 32; i++)
			int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_HE_sat;
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_ppO2chg;
	if(float_saturation_multiplier < 0.99)
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_SAT2l;
	if(float_saturation_multiplier > 1.3)
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_SAT2h;
	if(GF_low < 0.19)
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_GFLOW2l;
	if(GF_low > 1.01)
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_GFLOW2h;
	if(GF_high < 0.6)
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_GFHGH2l;
	if(GF_high > 1.01)
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_GFHGH2h;
	if((N2_ratio + He_ratio) > 0.95)
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_GASO22l;
	if((N2_ratio + He_ratio) < 0.05)
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_GASO22h;
	if(float_deco_distance > 0.25)
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_DIST2h;
	if(char_I_depth_last_deco > 8)
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_LAST2h;
	if(DBG_deco_gas_change && ((char_I_deco_N2_ratio[0] + char_I_deco_He_ratio[0]) > 95))
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_DECOO2l;
	if(DBG_deco_gas_change && ((char_I_deco_N2_ratio[0] + char_I_deco_He_ratio[0]) <  5))
		int_O_DBS_bitfield |= DBS_DECOO2h;
	if(pres_respiration > 3.0)
		int_O_DBS2_bitfield |= DBS2_PRES2h;
	if(pres_surface - pres_respiration > 0.2)
		int_O_DBS2_bitfield |= DBS2_PRES2l;
	if(pres_surface < 0.75)
		int_O_DBS2_bitfield |= DBS2_SURF2l;
	if(pres_surface > 1.11)
		int_O_DBS2_bitfield |= DBS2_SURF2h;
	if(float_desaturation_multiplier < 0.70)
		int_O_DBS2_bitfield |= DBS2_DESAT2l;
	if(float_desaturation_multiplier > 1.01)
		int_O_DBS2_bitfield |= DBS2_DESAT2h;
	if(GF_low > GF_high)
		int_O_DBS2_bitfield |= DBS2_GFDneg;

// DBG - set DBG to end_of_dive
static void set_dbg_end_of_dive(void)
	int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield &= (~DBG_RUN);
	int_O_DBG_post_bitfield &= (~DBG_RUN);

// DBG - NDL at first 20 m. hit
static void check_ndl(void)
	if( char_O_NDL_at_20mtr == 255      // Still in NDL mode ?
	 && int_I_pres_respiration > 3000   // And we hit the 20m limit ?
		char_O_NDL_at_20mtr = char_O_nullzeit;  // change to max bottom time.
		if( char_O_NDL_at_20mtr == 255)         // and avoid confusion.
			char_O_NDL_at_20mtr = 254;

// DBG - multi main during dive
static void check_dbg(PARAMETER char is_post_check)
	overlay unsigned short temp_DBS = 0;
    overlay unsigned char i;            // Local loop index.

	if( (DBG_N2_ratio != N2_ratio) || (DBG_He_ratio != He_ratio) )
		temp_DBS |= DBG_c_gas;
	if(DBG_const_ppO2 != const_ppO2)
		temp_DBS |= DBG_c_ppO2;
	if( DBG_float_saturation_multiplier != float_saturation_multiplier
     || DBG_float_desaturation_multiplier != float_desaturation_multiplier
		temp_DBS |= DBG_CdeSAT;
	if(DBG_char_I_deco_model != char_I_deco_model)
		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_MODE;
	if(DBG_pres_surface != pres_surface)
		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_SURF;

	if( !DBS_HE_sat && !He_ratio)
		for(i = 16; i < 32; i++)
				temp_DBS |= DBG_HEwoHE;

	if(DBG_deco_ppO2 != deco_ppO2)
		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_DPPO2;

	if( DBG_deco_gas_change != deco_gas_change[0]
	 || DBG_deco_N2_ratio != char_I_deco_N2_ratio[0]
	 || DBG_deco_He_ratio != char_I_deco_He_ratio[0] )
		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_DGAS;

	if(DBG_float_deco_distance != float_deco_distance)
		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_DIST;
	if(DBG_char_I_depth_last_deco != char_I_depth_last_deco)
		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_LAST;
	if( DBG_GF_low != GF_low
	 || DBG_GF_high != GF_high )
		temp_DBS |= DBG_C_GF;
	if(pres_respiration > 13.0)
		temp_DBS |= DBG_PHIGH;
	if(pres_surface - pres_respiration > 0.2)
		temp_DBS |= DBG_PLOW;
		int_O_DBG_post_bitfield |= temp_DBS;
		int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield |= temp_DBS;

// DBG - prior to calc. of dive
static void check_pre_dbg(void)

// DBG - after decocalc of dive
static void check_post_dbg(void)

///////////////////////  U T I L I T I E S   /////////////////////////////////

#ifdef __DEBUG
void assert_failed(PARAMETER short int line)
    extern void PLED_resetdebugger(void);
    extern unsigned short temp10;

    temp10 = line;
// When calling C code from ASM context, the data stack pointer and
// frames should be reset. Bank8 is used by stack, when not doing hashing.

#       define RESET_C_STACK
#   ifdef __DEBUG
#       define RESET_C_STACK fillDataStack();
        void fillDataStack(void)
                LFSR    1,C_STACK
                MOVLW   0xCC
        loop:   MOVWF   POSTINC1,0
                TSTFSZ  FSR1L,0
                BRA     loop
                LFSR    1,C_STACK
                LFSR    2,C_STACK
#   else
#       define RESET_C_STACK    \
        _asm                    \
            LFSR    1, C_STACK  \
            LFSR    2, C_STACK  \
#   endif


static short read_custom_function(PARAMETER unsigned char cf)
    extern unsigned short custom_functions[];
    return custom_functions[cf];
    extern unsigned char hi, lo;
    extern void getcustom15();
        movff   cf,WREG
        call    getcustom15,0
        movff   lo,PRODL
        movff   hi,PRODH

// read buhlmann tables for compatriment ci
// If period == 0 : 2sec interval
//              1 : 1 min interval
//              2 : 10 min interval.
static void read_buhlmann_coefficients(PARAMETER char period)
    // Note: we don't use far rom pointer, because the
    //       24 bits is to complex, hence we have to set
    //       the UPPER page ourself...
    //       --> Set zero if tables are moved to lower pages !
        movlw 1
        movwf TBLPTRU,0
    assert( 0 <= ci && ci < 16 );

    var_N2_a = buhlmann_a[ci];
    var_N2_b = buhlmann_b[ci];
    var_He_a = (buhlmann_a+16)[ci];
    var_He_b = (buhlmann_b+16)[ci];

    // Check reading consistency:
	if(	(var_N2_a < 0.231)
	 || (var_N2_a > 1.27)
	 || (var_N2_b < 0.504)
	 || (var_N2_b > 0.966)
	 || (var_He_a < 0.510)
	 || (var_He_a > 1.75)
	 || (var_He_b < 0.423)
	 || (var_He_b > 0.927)
        int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield |= DBG_ZH16ERR;
    // Integration intervals.
    case -1://---- no interval -----------------------------------------------
        var_N2_e = var_He_e = 0.0;

    case 0: //---- 2 sec -----------------------------------------------------
        var_N2_e = e2secs[ci];
        var_He_e = (e2secs+16)[ci];

        // Check reading consistency:
    	if(	(var_N2_e < 0.0000363)
    	 || (var_N2_e > 0.00577)
    	 || (var_He_e < 0.0000961)
    	 || (var_He_e > 0.150)
            int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield |= DBG_ZH16ERR;


    case 1: //---- 1 min -----------------------------------------------------
        var_N2_e = e1min[ci];
        var_He_e = (e1min+16)[ci];

        // Check reading consistency:
    	if(	(var_N2_e < 1.09E-3)
    	 || (var_N2_e > 0.1592)
    	 || (var_He_e < 0.00288)
    	 || (var_He_e > 0.3682)
            int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield |= DBG_ZH16ERR;


    case 2: //---- 10 min ----------------------------------------------------
        var_N2_e = e10min[ci];
        var_He_e = (e10min+16)[ci];

        // Check reading consistency:
    	if(	(var_N2_e < 0.01085)
    	 || (var_N2_e > 0.82323)
    	 || (var_He_e < 0.02846)
    	 || (var_He_e > 0.98986)
            int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield |= DBG_ZH16ERR;


            assert(0);  // Never go there...

// calc_next_decodepth_GF
// new in v.102
// INPUT, changing during dive:
//      low_depth
// INPUT, fixed during dive:
//      pres_surface
//      GF_delta
//      GF_high
//      GF_low
//      char_I_depth_last_deco
//      float_deco_distance
// RETURN TRUE iff a stop is needed.
//      locked_GF_step
//      temp_depth_limt
//      low_depth
static unsigned char calc_nextdecodepth(void)
    //--- Max ascent speed ---------------------------------------------------
    // Recompute leading gas limit, at current depth:
    overlay float depth = (temp_deco - pres_surface) / 0.09985;

    // At most, ascent 1 minute, at 10m/min == 10.0 m.
    overlay float min_depth = depth - 10.0;
    // Do we need to stop at current depth ?
    overlay unsigned char need_stop = 0;

    assert( depth >= -0.2 );        // Allow for 200mbar of weather change.
    assert( low_depth < 255 );

    //---- ZH-L16 + GRADIENT FACTOR model ------------------------------------
	if (char_I_deco_model == 1)
        if( depth >= low_depth )
            sim_limit( GF_low );
            sim_limit( GF_high - depth * locked_GF_step );

        // Stops are needed ?
        if( sim_lead_tissue_limit > pres_surface )
            // Deepest stop, in meter (rounded up with a margin of 0.5m)
            overlay unsigned char first_stop = 3 * (short)(0.83 + (sim_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface) / 0.29955);
            assert( first_stop < 128 );

            // Apply correction for the shallowest stop.
            if( first_stop == 3 )                           // new in v104
                first_stop = char_I_depth_last_deco;        // Use last 3m..6m instead.

		    // Check all stops until one is higher than tolerated presure
		    while(first_stop > 0)
                overlay unsigned char next_stop;            // Next index (0..30)
                overlay float pres_stop;                    // Next depth (0m..90m)

                // Check max speed, or reaching surface.
                if( first_stop <= min_depth )

                // So, there is indeed a stop needed:
                need_stop = 1;

                if( first_stop <= char_I_depth_last_deco )  // new in v104
                    next_stop = 0;
                else if( first_stop == 6 )
                    next_stop = char_I_depth_last_deco;
                    next_stop = first_stop - 3;             // Index of next (upper) stop.

        	    pres_stop =  next_stop * 0.09985            // Meters to bar
        	              + pres_surface;

                // Keep GF_low until a first stop depth is found:
                if( next_stop >= low_depth )
                    sim_limit( GF_low );
                    // current GF is GF_high - alpha (GF_high - GF_low)
                    // With alpha = currentDepth / maxDepth, hence in [0..1]
                    sim_limit( GF_high - next_stop * locked_GF_step );

                // upper limit (lowest pressure tolerated):
                if( sim_lead_tissue_limit >= pres_stop )    // check if ascent to next deco stop is ok
                // Else, validate that stop and loop...
                first_stop = next_stop;

            // Is it a new deepest first stop ? If yes this is the reference for
            // the varying gradient factor. So reset that:
            if( first_stop > min_depth && first_stop > low_depth )
                // Store the deepest stop depth, as reference for GF_low.
                low_depth = first_stop;
                locked_GF_step = GF_delta / low_depth;

            // next stop is the last validated depth found, aka first_stop
            temp_depth_limit = first_stop;                  // Stop depth, in meter.
 			temp_depth_limit = 0;                           // stop depth, in meter.
	else //---- ZH-L16 model -------------------------------------------------
        overlay float pres_gradient;

		// Original model
		// optimized in v.101
		// char_I_depth_last_deco included in v.101

        // Compute sim_lead_tissue_limit too, but just once.

		pres_gradient = sim_lead_tissue_limit - pres_surface;
		if (pres_gradient >= 0)
 			pres_gradient /= 0.29955; 	                            // Bar --> stop number;
 			temp_depth_limit = 3 * (short) (pres_gradient + 0.99);  // --> meter : depth for deco
            need_stop = 1;                                          // Hit.

            // Implement last stop at 4m/5m/6m...
			if( temp_depth_limit == 3 )
				temp_depth_limit = char_I_depth_last_deco;
 			temp_depth_limit = 0;

    //---- Check gas change --------------------------------------------------
    need_stop |= gas_switch_deepest();  // Update temp_depth_limit if there is a change,

    return need_stop;

// copy_deco_table
// Buffer the stops, once computed, so we can continue to display them
// while computing the next set.
static void copy_deco_table(void)
    // Copy depth of the first (deepest) stop, because when reversing
    // order, it will be hard to find...    
    char_O_first_deco_depth = internal_deco_depth[0];
    char_O_first_deco_time  = internal_deco_time [0];

    if( read_custom_function(54) & 1 ) //---- Should we reverse table ? ------
        overlay unsigned char x, y;

        //---- First: search the first non-null depth
        for(x=31; x != 0; --x)
            if( internal_deco_depth[x] != 0 ) break;

        //---- Second: copy to output table (in reverse order)
        for(y=0; y<32; y++, --x)
            char_O_deco_depth[y] = internal_deco_depth[x];
            char_O_deco_time [y] = internal_deco_time [x];

            // Stop only once the last transfer is done.
            if( x == 0 ) break;

        //---- Third: fill table end with null
        for(y++; y<32; y++)
            char_O_deco_time [y] = 0;
            char_O_deco_depth[y] = 0;
    else //---- Straight copy ------------------------------------------------
        overlay unsigned char x;

        for(x=0; x<32; x++)
            char_O_deco_depth[x] = internal_deco_depth[x];
            char_O_deco_time [x] = internal_deco_time [x];

// temp_tissue_safety //
// outsourced in v.102
// Apply safety factors for brand ZH-L16 model.
static void temp_tissue_safety(void)
    assert( 0.0 <  float_desaturation_multiplier && float_desaturation_multiplier <= 1.0 );
    assert( 1.0 <= float_saturation_multiplier   && float_saturation_multiplier   <= 2.0 );

	if( char_I_deco_model == 0 )
		if (temp_tissue < 0.0)
			temp_tissue *= float_desaturation_multiplier;
			temp_tissue *= float_saturation_multiplier;

// ** for the asm code **

// Called every 2 seconds during diving.
// update tissues every time.
// Every 6 seconds (or slower when TTS > 16):
//    - update deco table (char_O_deco_time/depth) with new values.
//    - update ascent time,
//    - set status to zero (so we can check there is new results).
void deco_calc_hauptroutine(void)
    int_O_desaturation_time = 65535;

// Reset decompression model:
// + Set all tissues to equilibrium with Air at ambient pressure.
// + Reset last stop to 0m
// + Reset all model output.
void deco_clear_tissue(void)


void deco_calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void)


void deco_debug(void)

// Find current gas in the list (if any).
// Input:  char_I_deco_N2_ratio[] and He, to detect breathed gas.
// Output: sim_gas_depth_used
static void gas_switch_find_current(void)
    if( sim_gas_last_used == 0 )
        overlay unsigned char j;
        overlay unsigned char N2 = (unsigned char)(N2_ratio * 100 + 0.5);
        overlay unsigned char He = (unsigned char)(He_ratio * 100 + 0.5);
        for(j=0; j<5; ++j)
            // Make sure to detect if we are already breathing some gas in
            // the current list (happends when first gas do have a depth).
            if( N2 == char_I_deco_N2_ratio[j] 
             && He == char_I_deco_He_ratio[j] )
                sim_gas_last_depth = char_I_deco_gas_change[j];
                sim_gas_last_used  = j+1;

// Find deepest available gas.
// Input:  temp_depth_limit,
//         deco_gas_change[]
//         sim_gas_delay, sim_gas_depth_used, sim_dive_mins.
// RETURNS TRUE if a stop is needed for gas switch.
// Output: temp_depth_limit, sim_gas_delay, sim_gas_depth_used IFF the is a switch.
// NOTE: might be called from bottom (when sim_gas_delay and sim_gas_depth_used
//       are null), or during the ascent to make sure we are not passing a
//       stop (in which case both can be already set).
static unsigned char gas_switch_deepest(void)
    overlay unsigned char switch_deco = 0, switch_last = 0;

    if (char_I_const_ppO2 == 0)
        overlay unsigned char j;

        // Loop over all enabled gas, to find the deepest one,
        // above las gas, but below temp_depth_limit.
        for(j=0; j<5; ++j)
            // Gas not (yet) allowed ? Skip !
            if( temp_depth_limit > deco_gas_change[j] )

            // Gas deeper than the current/previous one ? Skip !
            if( sim_gas_last_depth && deco_gas_change[j] >= sim_gas_last_depth )

            // First, or deeper ?
            if( (switch_last == 0) || (switch_deco < deco_gas_change[j]) )
                switch_deco = deco_gas_change[j];
                switch_last = j+1;

    // If there is a better gas available
    if( switch_deco )
        assert( !sim_gas_last_depth || sim_gas_last_depth > switch_deco );

        // Should restart gas-switch delay only when gas do changes...
        assert( sim_gas_delay <= sim_dive_mins );

        sim_gas_last_depth = switch_deco;
        sim_gas_last_used  = switch_last;
        sim_gas_delay = read_custom_function(55);

        // Apply depth correction ONLY if CF#55 is not null:
        if( sim_gas_delay > 0 )
            sim_gas_delay += sim_dive_mins;
            temp_depth_limit = switch_deco;
            return 1;
        return 0;

    sim_gas_delay = 0;
    return 0;

// Calculate gas switches
// Input:  N2_ratio, He_ratio.
//         sim_gas_last_used
// Output: calc_N2_ratio, calc_He_ratio
static void gas_switch_set(void)
    assert( 0 <= sim_gas_last_used && sim_gas_last_used <= 5 );

    if( sim_gas_last_used == 0 )
        calc_N2_ratio = N2_ratio;
	    calc_He_ratio = He_ratio;
        calc_N2_ratio = char_I_deco_N2_ratio[sim_gas_last_used-1] * 0.01;
	    calc_He_ratio = char_I_deco_He_ratio[sim_gas_last_used-1] * 0.01;

    assert( 0.0 <= calc_N2_ratio && calc_N2_ratio <= 0.95 );
    assert( 0.0 <= calc_He_ratio && calc_He_ratio <= 0.95 );
    assert( (calc_N2_ratio + calc_He_ratio) <= 1.00 );

// Input: calc_N2_ratio, calc_He_ratio : simulated gas mix.
//        temp_deco : simulated respiration pressure + security offset (deco_distance)
//        Water-vapor pressure inside lumbs (ppWVapour).
// Output: ppN2, ppHe.
static void sim_alveolar_presures(void)
    overlay float deco_diluent = temp_deco;                 // new in v.101

    //---- CCR mode : deco gas switch ? --------------------------------------
    if (char_I_const_ppO2 != 0)
        // In CCR mode, calc_XX_ratio == XX_ratio.
   		if( temp_deco > deco_ppO2_change )
            deco_diluent = ((temp_deco - const_ppO2)/(calc_N2_ratio + calc_He_ratio));
            deco_diluent = ((temp_deco - deco_ppO2)/(calc_N2_ratio + calc_He_ratio));

        if (deco_diluent > temp_deco)
    	    deco_diluent = temp_deco;

    // Take deco offset into account, but not at surface.
    if( deco_diluent > pres_surface )
        deco_diluent += float_deco_distance;

    if( deco_diluent > ppWVapour )
        ppN2 = calc_N2_ratio * (deco_diluent - ppWVapour);
        ppHe = calc_He_ratio * (deco_diluent - ppWVapour);
        ppN2 = 0.0;
        ppHe = 0.0;
    assert( 0.0 <= ppN2 && ppN2 < 14.0 );
    assert( 0.0 <= ppHe && ppHe < 14.0 );

// clear_tissue
// optimized in v.101 (var_N2_a)
// preload tissues with standard pressure for the given ambient pressure.
// Note: fixed N2_ratio for standard air.
static void clear_tissue(void)
	flag_in_divemode = 0;
	int_O_DBS_bitfield = 0;
	int_O_DBS2_bitfield = 0;
	int_O_DBG_pre_bitfield = 0;
	int_O_DBG_post_bitfield = 0;
	char_O_NDL_at_20mtr = 255;

    // Kludge: the 0.0002 of 0.7902 are missing with standard air.
    N2_ratio = 0.7902;
    pres_respiration = int_I_pres_respiration * 0.001;
    for(ci=0; ci<16; ci++)
        // cycle through the 16 Bühlmann tissues
        overlay float p = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration -  ppWVapour);
        pres_tissue[ci] = p;


        p = (p - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b ;
        if( p < 0.0 )
            p = 0.0;
        pres_tissue_limit[ci] = p;

        // cycle through the 16 Bühlmann tissues for Helium
        (pres_tissue+16)[ci] = 0.0;
    } // for 0 to 16

    char_O_deco_status = 0;
    char_O_nullzeit = 0;
    int_O_ascenttime = 0;
    char_O_gradient_factor = 0;
    char_O_relative_gradient_GF = 0;
    char_I_depth_last_deco = 0;		// for compatibility with v.101pre_no_last_deco

// calc_hauptroutine
// this is the major code in dive mode calculates:
// 		the tissues,
//		the bottom time,
//		and simulates the ascend with all deco stops.
// The deco_state sequence is :
//       3 (at surface)
// +---> 0 : calc nullzeit
// |     2 : simulate ascent to first stop (at 10m/min, less that 16x 1min simu)
// | +-> 1 : simulate up to 16min of stops.
// | +------< not finished
// +--------< finish
static void calc_hauptroutine(void)
	static unsigned char backup_gas_used  = 0;
	static unsigned char backup_gas_depth = 0;
	static unsigned char backup_gas_delay = 0;


		flag_in_divemode = 1;


    // toggle between calculation for nullzeit (bottom time), 
    //                deco stops 
    //                and more deco stops (continue)
	switch( char_O_deco_status )
    case 3: //---- At surface: start a new dive ------------------------------
    	int_O_ascenttime = 0;       // Reset DTR.
    	char_O_nullzeit = 0;        // Reset bottom time.
      	char_O_deco_status = 0;     // Calc bottom-time/nullzeit next iteration.

        // Values that should be reset just once for the full real dive.
        // This is used to record the lowest stop for the whole dive,
        // Including ACCROSS all simulated ascent.
        low_depth = 0;

        // Reset gas switch history.
        backup_gas_used  = sim_gas_last_used  = 0;
        backup_gas_depth = sim_gas_last_depth = 0;
        backup_gas_delay = sim_gas_delay = 0;
        sim_dive_mins = 0;

    case 0: //---- bottom time -----------------------------------------------
   	    char_O_deco_status = 2; // calc ascent next time.

    case 2: //---- Simulate ascent to first stop -----------------------------
        // Check proposed gas at begin of ascent simulation

        sim_dive_mins = int_I_divemins;     // and time.
        backup_gas_used  = sim_gas_last_used; // And save for later simu steps.
        backup_gas_depth = sim_gas_last_depth;// And save for later simu steps.
        backup_gas_delay = sim_gas_delay;


        char_O_deco_status = 1;     // Calc stops next time (deco or gas switch).

    case 1: //---- Simulate stops --------------------------------------------

        // If simulation is finished, restore the GF low reference, so that
        // next ascent simulation is done from the current depth:
    	if( char_O_deco_status == 0 )
            sim_gas_last_used  = backup_gas_used;
            sim_gas_last_depth = backup_gas_depth;
            sim_gas_delay = backup_gas_delay;


// calc_hauptroutine_data_input
// Reset all C-code dive parameters from their ASM-code values.
// Detect gas change condition.
void calc_hauptroutine_data_input(void)
    overlay short int_temp;
    pres_respiration    = int_I_pres_respiration * 0.001;
    pres_surface        = int_I_pres_surface     * 0.001;
    N2_ratio            = char_I_N2_ratio        * 0.01;
    He_ratio            = char_I_He_ratio        * 0.01;
    float_deco_distance = char_I_deco_distance   * 0.01;     // Get offset is in mbar.

    // ____________________________________________________
    // _____________ G A S _ C H A N G E S ________________
    // ____________________________________________________
    // Keep a margin of 150mbar = 1.50m
    int_temp = (int_I_pres_respiration - int_I_pres_surface)
    deco_gas_change[0] = 0;
    deco_gas_change[1] = 0;
    deco_gas_change[2] = 0;
    deco_gas_change[3] = 0;
    deco_gas_change[4] = 0;

    // Gas are selectable if we did not pass the change depth by more than 1.50m:
        if( int_temp > 100 *(short)char_I_deco_gas_change[0] )
        	deco_gas_change[0] = char_I_deco_gas_change[0];
        if( int_temp > 100 *(short)char_I_deco_gas_change[1] )
        	deco_gas_change[1] = char_I_deco_gas_change[1];
        if( int_temp > 100 *(short)char_I_deco_gas_change[2] )
        	deco_gas_change[2] = char_I_deco_gas_change[2];
        if( int_temp > 100 *(short)char_I_deco_gas_change[3] )
        	deco_gas_change[3] = char_I_deco_gas_change[3];
        if( int_temp > 100 *(short)char_I_deco_gas_change[4] )
        	deco_gas_change[4] = char_I_deco_gas_change[4];

    const_ppO2 = char_I_const_ppO2 * 0.01;
    deco_ppO2_change = char_I_deco_ppO2_change / 99.95 
                     + pres_surface
                     + float_deco_distance;
    deco_ppO2 = char_I_deco_ppO2 * 0.01;
    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier * 0.01;
    float_saturation_multiplier   = char_I_saturation_multiplier   * 0.01;
    GF_low   = char_I_GF_Low_percentage  * 0.01;
    GF_high  = char_I_GF_High_percentage * 0.01;
    GF_delta = GF_high - GF_low;

void calc_hauptroutine_update_tissues(void)
    assert( 0.00 <= N2_ratio && N2_ratio <= 1.00 );
    assert( 0.00 <= He_ratio && He_ratio <= 1.00 );
    assert( (N2_ratio + He_ratio) <= 0.95 );
    assert( 0.800 < pres_respiration && pres_respiration < 14.0 );

    if (char_I_const_ppO2 == 0)													// new in v.101
  		pres_diluent = pres_respiration;										// new in v.101
  		pres_diluent = ((pres_respiration - const_ppO2)/(N2_ratio + He_ratio));	// new in v.101
 	    if (pres_diluent > pres_respiration)									// new in v.101
  		    pres_diluent = pres_respiration;								    // new in v.101
 	if (pres_diluent > ppWVapour)                                               // new in v.101
 		ppN2 = N2_ratio * (pres_diluent - ppWVapour);                           // changed in v.101
 		ppHe = He_ratio * (pres_diluent - ppWVapour);                           // changed in v.101
 		char_O_diluent = (char)(pres_diluent/pres_respiration*100.0);
 	else																		// new in v.101
 		ppN2 = 0.0;                                                             // new in v.101
 		ppHe = 0.0;                                                             // new in v.101
 		char_O_diluent = 0;


    // Calc limit for surface, ie. GF_high.

 	int_O_gtissue_limit = (short)(calc_lead_tissue_limit * 1000);
	int_O_gtissue_press = (short)((pres_tissue[char_O_gtissue_no] + (pres_tissue+16)[char_O_gtissue_no]) * 1000);

    // if guiding tissue can not be exposed to surface pressure immediately
    if( calc_lead_tissue_limit > pres_surface && char_O_deco_status == 0)  
  		char_O_nullzeit = 0;    // deco necessary
  		char_O_deco_status = 2; // calculate ascent on next iteration.

// Compute stops.
// Note: because this can be very long, break on 16 iterations, and set state
//       to 0 when finished, or to 1 when needing to continue.
void calc_hauptroutine_calc_deco(void)
    overlay unsigned char loop;

 	for(loop = 0; loop < 16; ++loop)
        // Do not ascent while doing a gas switch ?
        if( sim_gas_delay <= sim_dive_mins )
            if( calc_nextdecodepth() )
                if( temp_depth_limit == 0 )
                    goto Surface;

                //---- We hit a stop at temp_depth_limit ---------------------
                temp_deco = temp_depth_limit * 0.09985      // Convert to relative bar,
	                      + pres_surface;                   // To absolute.
                update_deco_table();                        // Adds a one minute stops.
                //---- No stop -----------------------------------------------
                temp_deco -= 0.9985;                        // Ascend 10m, no wait.

                //---- Finish computations once surface is reached -----------
                if( temp_deco <= pres_surface )
    		        char_O_deco_status = 0; // calc nullzeit next time.

            update_deco_table();    // Just pass one minute.

        //---- Then update tissue --------------------------------------------
        sim_dive_mins++;            // Advance simulated time by 1 minute.
        gas_switch_set();           // Apply any simulated gas change, once validated.
        sim_alveolar_presures();    // Updates ppN2 and ppHe. 
        sim_tissue(1);              // Simulate compartiments for 1 minute.

	// Surface not reached, need more stops...
    char_O_deco_status = 1; // calc more stops next time.

// Simulation ascention to first deco stop.
// Note: because we ascent with a constant speed (10m/mn, ie. 1bar/mn),
//       there is no need to break on more that 16 iterations
//       (or we are already in deep shit).
void sim_ascent_to_first_stop(void)

   	temp_deco = pres_respiration;       // Starts from current real depth.

    // Do we have a gas switch going on ?
    if( sim_gas_delay > sim_dive_mins )

    //---- Loop until first stop, gas switch, or surface is reached ----------
        // Try ascending 1 full minute.
	    temp_deco -= 0.9985;        // 1 min, at 10m/min. ~ 1bar.

        // Compute sim_lead_tissue_limit at GF_low (deepest stop).

        // Did we reach deepest remaining stop ?
        if( temp_deco < sim_lead_tissue_limit )
            temp_deco += 0.9985;        // Restore last correct depth,
            break;                      // End fast ascent.

        // Did we reach surface ?
        if( temp_deco <= pres_surface )
            temp_deco = pres_surface;   // Yes: finished !

        // Check for gas change below new depth ?
        temp_depth_limit = (temp_deco - pres_surface) / 0.09985;

        if( gas_switch_deepest() )
            temp_deco = temp_depth_limit * 0.09985 + pres_surface;

        sim_dive_mins++;                // Advance simulated time by 1 minute.
        sim_alveolar_presures();        // temp_deco --> ppN2/ppHe
		sim_tissue(1);                  // and update tissues for 1 min.

// calc_tissue
// optimized in v.101
static void calc_tissue(PARAMETER unsigned char period)
    assert( 0.00 <= ppN2 && ppN2 < 6.40 );  // 80% N2 at 70m
    assert( 0.00 <= ppHe && ppHe < 18.9 );  // 90% He at 200m

    for (ci=0;ci<16;ci++)
        read_buhlmann_coefficients(period);   // 2 sec or 1 min period.

        // N2
        temp_tissue = (ppN2 - pres_tissue[ci]) * var_N2_e;
        pres_tissue[ci] += temp_tissue;

        // He
        temp_tissue = (ppHe - (pres_tissue+16)[ci]) * var_He_e;
        (pres_tissue+16)[ci] += temp_tissue;

// calc_limit
// New in v.111 : separated from calc_tissue(), and depends on GF value.
static void calc_limit(PARAMETER float GF_current)
    char_O_gtissue_no = 255;
    calc_lead_tissue_limit = 0.0;

    for (ci=0;ci<16;ci++)
        overlay float p = pres_tissue[ci] + (pres_tissue+16)[ci];

        read_buhlmann_coefficients(-1);   // 2 sec or 1 min period.
        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_a * (pres_tissue+16)[ci]) / p;
        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * pres_tissue[ci] + var_He_b * (pres_tissue+16)[ci]) / p;

        // Apply the Eric Baker's varying gradient factor correction.
        // Note: the correction factor depends both on GF and b,
        //       Actual values are in the 1.5 .. 1.0 range (for a GF=30%),
        //       so that can change who is the leading gas...
        // Note: Also depends of the GF. So the calcul is different for
        //       GF_low, current GF, or GF_high...
        //       *BUT* calc_tissue() is used to compute bottom time,
        //       hence what would happend at surface,
        //       hence at GF_high.
        if( char_I_deco_model == 1 )
            p = ( p - var_N2_a * GF_current) * var_N2_b
              / (GF_current + var_N2_b * (1.0 - GF_current));
            p = (p - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
        if( p < 0 ) p = 0;

        pres_tissue_limit[ci] = p;
        if( p > calc_lead_tissue_limit )
            char_O_gtissue_no = ci;
            calc_lead_tissue_limit = p;

    assert( char_O_gtissue_no < 16 );
    assert( 0.0 <= calc_lead_tissue_limit && calc_lead_tissue_limit <= 14.0);

// calc_nullzeit
// calculates the remaining bottom time
// unchanged in v.101
static void calc_nullzeit(void)
    overlay unsigned char loop;
	char_O_nullzeit = 0;
	for(loop = 1; loop <= 17; loop++)
  		sim_tissue(2);      // 10 min.

		if( sim_lead_tissue_limit > pres_surface )  // changed in v.102 , if guiding tissue can not be exposed to surface pressure immediately
        // Validate once we know its good.
  		char_O_nullzeit += 10;

 	if (char_O_nullzeit < 60)
     	for(loop=1; loop <= 10; loop++)
   			sim_tissue(1);  // 1 min

    		if( sim_lead_tissue_limit > pres_surface)  // changed in v.102 , if guiding tissue can not be exposed to surface pressure immediately

// backup_sim_pres_tissue
void backup_sim_pres_tissue(void)
    overlay unsigned char x;

    for(x = 0; x<32; x++)
        sim_pres_tissue_backup[x] = sim_pres_tissue[x];

// restore_sim_pres_tissue
void restore_sim_pres_tissue(void)
    overlay unsigned char x;

    for(x = 0; x<32; x++)
        sim_pres_tissue[x] = sim_pres_tissue_backup[x];

// calc_ascenttime
static void calc_ascenttime(void)
    if (pres_respiration > pres_surface)
        overlay unsigned char x;

        // + 0.7 to count 1 minute ascent time from 3 meter to surface
        overlay float ascent = pres_respiration - pres_surface + 0.7; 
        if (ascent < 0.0)
            ascent = 0.0;
        int_O_ascenttime = (unsigned short)(ascent + 0.99);

        for(x=0; x<32 && internal_deco_depth[x]; x++)
            int_O_ascenttime += (unsigned short)internal_deco_time[x];
        int_O_ascenttime = 0;

// update_startvalues
// updated in v.102
void update_startvalues(void)
    overlay unsigned char x;

    // Start ascent simulation with current tissue partial pressures.
  	for (x = 0;x<16;x++)
   		sim_pres_tissue[x] = pres_tissue[x];
   		(sim_pres_tissue+16)[x] = (pres_tissue+16)[x];

    // No leading tissue (yet) for this ascent simulation.
    sim_lead_tissue_limit = 0.0;
    sim_lead_tissue_no = 255;

// sim_tissue
// optimized in v.101
// Function very simular to calc_tissue, but:
//   + Use a 1min or 10min period.
//   + Do it on sim_pres_tissue, instead of pres_tissue.
static void sim_tissue(PARAMETER unsigned char period)
    assert( 0.00 <= ppN2 && ppN2 < 6.40 );  // 80% N2 at 70m
    assert( 0.00 <= ppHe && ppHe < 18.9 );  // 90% He at 200m

    for(ci=0; ci<16; ci++)
        read_buhlmann_coefficients(period);  // 1 or 10 minute(s) interval

        // N2
        temp_tissue = (ppN2 - sim_pres_tissue[ci]) * var_N2_e;
        sim_pres_tissue[ci] += temp_tissue;
        // He
        temp_tissue = (ppHe - (sim_pres_tissue+16)[ci]) * var_He_e;
        (sim_pres_tissue+16)[ci] += temp_tissue;

// sim_limit()
// New in v.111
// Function separated from sim_tissue() to allow recomputing limit on
// different depth, because it depends on current gradient factor.
static void sim_limit(PARAMETER float GF_current)
    assert( 0.0 < GF_current && GF_current <= 1.0f);

    sim_lead_tissue_limit = 0.0;
    sim_lead_tissue_no = 0;             // If no one is critic, keep first tissue.

    for(ci=0; ci<16; ci++)
        overlay float N2 = sim_pres_tissue[ci];
        overlay float He = (sim_pres_tissue+16)[ci];
        overlay float p = N2 + He;

        var_N2_a = (var_N2_a * N2 + var_He_a * He) / p;
        var_N2_b = (var_N2_b * N2 + var_He_b * He) / p;

        // Apply the Eric Baker's varying gradient factor correction.
        // Note: the correction factor depends both on GF and b,
        //       Actual values are in the 1.5 .. 1.0 range (for a GF=30%),
        //       so that can change who is the leading gas...
        // Note: Also depends of the GF_current...
        if( char_I_deco_model == 1 )
            p = ( p - var_N2_a * GF_current) * var_N2_b
              / (GF_current + var_N2_b * (1.0 - GF_current));
            p = (p - var_N2_a) * var_N2_b;
        if( p < 0.0 ) p = 0.0;

        assert( 0.0 <= p && p <= 14.0 );

        sim_pres_tissue_limit[ci] = p;
        if( p > sim_lead_tissue_limit )
            sim_lead_tissue_no = ci;
            sim_lead_tissue_limit = p;
    } // for ci

    assert( sim_lead_tissue_no < 16 );
    assert( 0.0 <= sim_lead_tissue_limit && sim_lead_tissue_limit <= 14.0 );

// clear_deco_table
// unchanged in v.101
static void clear_deco_table(void)
    overlay unsigned char x;

    for(x=0; x<32; ++x)
        internal_deco_time [x] = 0;
        internal_deco_depth[x] = 0;

// update_deco_table
// Add 1 min to current stop.
// Inputs:
//      temp_depth_limit = stop's depth, in meters.
// In/Out:
//      internal_deco_depth[] : depth (in meters) of each stops.
//      internal_deco_time [] : time (in minutes) of each stops.
static void update_deco_table()
    overlay unsigned char x;
    assert( temp_depth_limit < 128 ); // Can't be negativ (overflown).

    for(x=0; x<32; ++x)
        // Make sure deco-stops are recorded in order:
        assert( !internal_deco_depth[x] || temp_depth_limit <= internal_deco_depth[x] );

        if( internal_deco_depth[x] == temp_depth_limit )
            // Do not overflow (max 255')
	        if( internal_deco_time[x] < 255 )
            // But store extra in the next stop...

        if( internal_deco_depth[x] == 0 )
            internal_deco_depth[x] = temp_depth_limit;
            internal_deco_time[x]  = 1;

    // Can't store stops at more than 96m.
    // Or stops at less that 3m too.
    // Just do nothing with that...

// calc_gradient_factor
// optimized in v.101 (var_N2_a)
// new code in v.102
static void calc_gradient_factor(void)
    overlay float gf;

    assert( char_O_gtissue_no < 16 );
    assert( 0.800 <= pres_respiration && pres_respiration < 14.0 );

	// tissue > respiration (entsaettigungsvorgang)
	// gradient ist wieviel prozent an limit mit basis tissue
	// dh. 0% = respiration == tissue
	// dh. 100% = respiration == limit
	temp_tissue = pres_tissue[char_O_gtissue_no] + (pres_tissue+16)[char_O_gtissue_no];
    if( temp_tissue < pres_respiration )
 		gf = 0.0;
       gf = (temp_tissue - pres_respiration) 
          / (temp_tissue - pres_tissue_limit[char_O_gtissue_no])
          * 100.0;
        if( gf > 255.0 ) gf = 255.0;
        if( gf < 0.0   ) gf = 0.0;
	char_O_gradient_factor = (unsigned char)gf;

	if (char_I_deco_model == 1)		// calculate relative gradient factor
        overlay float rgf;

		if( low_depth == 0 )
			rgf = GF_high;
            overlay float temp1 = low_depth * 0.09985;
            overlay float temp2 = pres_respiration - pres_surface;

            if (temp2 <= 0)
			    rgf = GF_high;
		    else if (temp2 >= temp1)
			    rgf = GF_low;
			    rgf = GF_low + (temp1 - temp2)/temp1*GF_delta;

		rgf = gf / rgf; // gf is already in percent
		if( rgf <   0.0 ) rgf =   0.0;
		if( rgf > 255.0 ) rgf = 255.0;
		char_O_relative_gradient_GF  = (unsigned char)rgf;
	}	// calc relative gradient factor
        char_O_relative_gradient_GF = char_O_gradient_factor;

// deco_calc_desaturation_time
// FIXED N2_ratio
// unchanged in v.101
// Inputs:  int_I_pres_surface, ppWVapour, char_I_desaturation_multiplier
// Outputs: int_O_desaturation_time, char_O_tissue_saturation[0..31]
void deco_calc_desaturation_time(void)
    overlay unsigned short desat_time;    // For a particular compartiment, in min.
    overlay float temp1;
    overlay float temp2;
    overlay float temp3;
    overlay float temp4;

    assert( 800 < int_I_pres_surface && int_I_pres_surface < 1100 );
    assert( 0 < char_I_desaturation_multiplier && char_I_desaturation_multiplier <= 100 );

    N2_ratio = 0.7902; // FIXED sum as stated in bühlmann
    pres_surface = int_I_pres_surface * 0.001;
    ppN2 = N2_ratio * (pres_surface - ppWVapour);
    int_O_desaturation_time = 0;
    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier / 142.0; // new in v.101	(70,42%/100.=142)

    for (ci=0;ci<16;ci++)
        overlay float var_N2_halftime = buhlmann_ht[ci];
        overlay float var_He_halftime = (buhlmann_ht+16)[ci];

        // saturation_time (for flight) and N2_saturation in multiples of halftime
        // version v.100: 1.1 = 10 percent distance to totally clean (totally clean is not possible, would take infinite time )
        // new in version v.101: 1.07 = 7 percent distance to totally clean (totally clean is not possible, would take infinite time )
        // changes in v.101: 1.05 = 5 percent dist to totally clean is new desaturation point for display and noFly calculations
        // N2
        temp1 = 1.05 * ppN2;
        temp1 = temp1 - pres_tissue[ci];
        temp2 = ppN2 - pres_tissue[ci];
        if (temp2 >= 0.0)
            temp1 = 0.0;
            temp2 = 0.0;
            temp1 = temp1 / temp2;
         if (temp1 > 0.0)
            temp1 = log(1.0 - temp1);
            temp1 = temp1 / -0.6931; // temp1 is the multiples of half times necessary.
            						 // 0.6931 is ln(2), because the math function log() calculates with a base of e not 2 as requested.
            						 // minus because log is negative
            temp2 = var_N2_halftime * temp1 / float_desaturation_multiplier; // time necessary (in minutes ) for complete desaturation (see comment about 10 percent) , new in v.101: float_desaturation_multiplier
            temp1 = 0.0;
            temp2 = 0.0;

        // He
        temp3 = 0.1 - (pres_tissue+16)[ci];
        if (temp3 >= 0.0)
            temp3 = 0.0;
            temp4 = 0.0;
            temp3 = -1.0 * temp3 / (pres_tissue+16)[ci];
        if (temp3 > 0.0)
        	temp3 = log(1.0 - temp3);
        	temp3 = temp3 / -0.6931; // temp1 is the multiples of half times necessary.
        							 // 0.6931 is ln(2), because the math function log() calculates with a base of e  not 2 as requested.
        							 // minus because log is negative
        	temp4 = var_He_halftime * temp3 / float_desaturation_multiplier; // time necessary (in minutes ) for "complete" desaturation, new in v.101 float_desaturation_multiplier
        	temp3 = 0.0;
        	temp4 = 0.0;

        // saturation_time (for flight)
        if (temp4 > temp2)
            desat_time = (unsigned short)temp4;
            desat_time = (unsigned short)temp2;
         if(desat_time > int_O_desaturation_time)
        	int_O_desaturation_time = desat_time;

        // N2 saturation in multiples of halftime for display purposes
        temp2 = temp1 * 20.0;  // 0 = 1/8, 120 = 0, 249 = 8
        temp2 = temp2 + 80.0; // set center
        if (temp2 < 0.0)
            temp2 = 0.0;
        if (temp2 > 255.0)
            temp2 = 255.0;
        char_O_tissue_saturation[ci] = (char)temp2;

        // He saturation in multiples of halftime for display purposes
        temp4 = temp3 * 20.0;  // 0 = 1/8, 120 = 0, 249 = 8
        temp4 = temp4 + 80.0; // set center
        if (temp4 < 0.0)
            temp4 = 0.0;
        if (temp4 > 255.0)
            temp4 = 255.0;
        (char_O_tissue_saturation+16)[ci] = (char)temp4;
    } // for

// calc_wo_deco_step_1_min
// FIXED N2 Ratio
// optimized in v.101 (...saturation_multiplier)
// desaturation slowed down to 70,42%
static void calc_wo_deco_step_1_min(void)
		flag_in_divemode = 0;

    N2_ratio = 0.7902; // FIXED, sum lt. buehlmann
    pres_respiration = int_I_pres_respiration * 0.001;  // assembler code uses different digit system
    pres_surface = int_I_pres_surface * 0.001;          // the b"uhlmann formula using pres_surface does not use the N2_ratio
    ppN2 = N2_ratio * (pres_respiration - ppWVapour);   // ppWVapour is the extra pressure in the body
    ppHe = 0.0;
    float_desaturation_multiplier = char_I_desaturation_multiplier / 142.0; // new in v.101	(70,42%/100.=142)
    float_saturation_multiplier   = char_I_saturation_multiplier   * 0.01;
    calc_tissue(1);  // update the pressure in the 32 tissues in accordance with the new ambient pressure
    char_O_deco_status = 3;     // surface new in v.102 : stays in surface state.
    char_O_nullzeit = 0;
    int_O_ascenttime = 0;

////////////////////////////////// deco_hash /////////////////////////////////

void deco_hash(void)
    overlay unsigned char md_i, md_j;   // Loop index.
    overlay unsigned char md_t;
    overlay unsigned char md_buffer[16];
    overlay unsigned char md_temp;
    overlay unsigned short  md_pointer;

    // init
         md_state[md_i] = 0;
         char_O_hash[md_i] = 0;
    } // for md_i 16

        movlw	0x01            // md_pi address.
        movwf	TBLPTRU,0
        movlw	0x7E
        movwf	TBLPTRH,0
        movlw	0x00
        movwf	TBLPTRL,0
    md_i = 0;
    do {
        movff	TABLAT,md_temp
        md_pi_subst[md_i++] = md_temp;
    } while( md_i != 0 );

         movlw	0x00
         movwf	TBLPTRU,0
         movlw	0x00
         movwf	TBLPTRH,0
         movlw	0x00
         movwf	TBLPTRL,0

    // cycle buffers
    for (md_pointer=0x0000;md_pointer<0x17f3;md_pointer++)
        md_t = 0;
        for (md_i=0;md_i<16;md_i++)
            if(md_pointer == 9)
                md_temp = char_O_hash[md_i];
                    movff	TABLAT,md_temp
            } // else

            md_buffer[md_i]   = md_temp;
            md_state[md_i+16] = md_temp;
            md_state[md_i+32] = (unsigned char)(md_temp ^ md_state[md_i]);
        } // for md_i 16
        for (md_i=0;md_i<18;md_i++)
            for (md_j=0;md_j<48;md_j++)
                md_state[md_j] ^= md_pi_subst[md_t];
                md_t = md_state[md_j];
            } // for md_j 48
            md_t = (unsigned char)(md_t+1);
        } // for md_i 18
        md_t = char_O_hash[15];
        for (md_i=0;md_i<16;md_i++)
            char_O_hash[md_i] ^= md_pi_subst[(md_buffer[md_i] ^ md_t)];
            md_t = char_O_hash[md_i];
        } // for md_i 16
    } // for md_pointer
} // void deco_hash(void)

// deco_clear_CNS_fraction
// new in v.101
void deco_clear_CNS_fraction(void)

    CNS_fraction = 0.0;
    char_O_CNS_fraction = 0;

// deco_calc_CNS_fraction
// new in v.101
// optimized in v.102 : with new variables char_I_actual_ppO2 and actual_ppO2
// Input: char_I_actual_ppO2
// Output: char_O_CNS_fraction
// Uses and Updates: CNS_fraction
// Uses: acutal_ppO2
void deco_calc_CNS_fraction(void)
    overlay float actual_ppO2;

    assert( 0.0 <= CNS_fraction && CNS_fraction <= 2.5 );
    assert( char_I_actual_ppO2 > 15 );

    actual_ppO2 = (float)char_I_actual_ppO2 / 100.0;

    if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 50)
        CNS_fraction = CNS_fraction;// no changes
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 60)
        CNS_fraction = 1/(-54000.0 * actual_ppO2 + 54000.0) + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 70)
        CNS_fraction = 1/(-45000.0 * actual_ppO2 + 48600.0) + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 80)
        CNS_fraction = 1/(-36000.0 * actual_ppO2 + 42300.0) + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 90)
        CNS_fraction = 1/(-27000.0 * actual_ppO2 + 35100.0) + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 110)
        CNS_fraction = 1/(-18000.0 * actual_ppO2 + 27000.0) + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 150)
        CNS_fraction = 1/(-9000.0 * actual_ppO2 + 17100.0) + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 160)
        CNS_fraction = 1/(-22500.0 * actual_ppO2 + 37350.0) + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 165)
        CNS_fraction =  0.000755 + CNS_fraction; // Arieli et all.(2002): Modeling pulmonary and CNS O2 toxicity... Formula (A1) based on value for 1.55 and c=20
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 170)
        CNS_fraction =  0.00102 + CNS_fraction; // example calculation: Sqrt((1.7/1.55)^20)*0.000404
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 175)
        CNS_fraction =  0.00136 + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 180)
        CNS_fraction =  0.00180 + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 185)
        CNS_fraction =  0.00237 + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 190)
        CNS_fraction =  0.00310 + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 195)
        CNS_fraction =  0.00401 + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 200)
        CNS_fraction =  0.00517 + CNS_fraction;
    else if (char_I_actual_ppO2 < 230)
        CNS_fraction =  0.0209 + CNS_fraction;
        CNS_fraction =  0.0482 + CNS_fraction; // value for 2.5

    if (CNS_fraction > 2.5)
        CNS_fraction = 2.5;
    if (CNS_fraction < 0.0)
        CNS_fraction = 0.0;

    char_O_CNS_fraction = (char)((CNS_fraction + 0.005)* 100.0);

// deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min
// new in v.101
// calculates the half time of 90 minutes in 6 steps of 15 min
// (Used in sleepmode, for low battery mode).
// Output: char_O_CNS_fraction
// Uses and Updates: CNS_fraction
void deco_calc_CNS_decrease_15min(void)
    assert( 0.0 <= CNS_fraction && CNS_fraction <= 2.5 );

    CNS_fraction =  0.890899 * CNS_fraction;
    char_O_CNS_fraction = (char)(CNS_fraction * 100.0 + 0.5);

// deco_calc_percentage
// new in v.101
// calculates int_I_temp * char_I_temp / 100
// output is int_I_temp
// Used to compute NoFly remaining time.
void deco_calc_percentage(void)

    assert( 60 <= char_I_temp && char_I_temp <= 100 );
    assert(  0 <= int_I_temp  && int_I_temp  < 2880 );      // Less than 48h...

    int_I_temp = (unsigned short)(((float)int_I_temp * (float)char_I_temp) * 0.01 );

    assert( int_I_temp < 1440 );                            // Less than 24h...

// deco_gas_volumes
// new in v.111
// calculates volumes for each gas.
// Input:   char_I_bottom_depth, char_I_bottom_time for planned dive.
//          Gas list.
//          char_I_first_gas is the bottom gas.
//          decoplan (char_O_deco_depth, char_O_deco_time).
//          CF#54 == TRUE if shallowest stop first.
//          CF#56 == bottom deci-liters/minutes (0.5 .. 50.0)
//          CF#57 == deco deci-liters/minutes (0.5 .. 50.0).
// Output:  int_O_gas_volumes[0..4] in litters * 0.1
void deco_gas_volumes(void)
    overlay float volumes[5];
    overlay float ascent_usage;
    overlay unsigned char i, deepest_first;
    overlay unsigned char gas;

    //---- initialize with bottom consumption --------------------------------
    for(i=0; i<5; ++i)                              // Nothing yet...
        volumes[i] = 0.0;

    assert(1 <= char_I_first_gas && char_I_first_gas <= 5);
    gas = char_I_first_gas - 1;

        = (char_I_bottom_depth*0.1 + 1.0)           // Use Psurface = 1.0 bar.
        * char_I_bottom_time                        // in minutes.
        * read_custom_function(56)                  // In deci-liter/minutes.
        * 0.1;                                      // deci-liters --> liters.

    //---- Ascent usage ------------------------------------------------------

    deepest_first = read_custom_function(54) == 0;
    ascent_usage  = read_custom_function(57) * 0.1; // In liter/minutes.

    // Usage up to the first stop:
    //  - computed at MAX depth (easier, safer),
    //  - with an ascent speed of 10m/min.
    //  - with ascent litter / minutes.
    //  - still using bottom gas:
        += (char_I_bottom_depth*0.1 + 1.0)          // Depth -> bar
         * (char_I_bottom_depth - char_O_first_deco_depth) * 0.1  // ascent time (min)
         * ascent_usage;                            // Consumption ( xxx / min @ 1 bar)

    for(i=0; i<32; ++i)
        overlay unsigned char j;
        overlay unsigned char depth, time, ascent;

        // Manage stops in reverse order (CF#54)
        if( deepest_first )
            time = char_O_deco_time[i];
            if( time == 0 ) break;          // End of table: done.

            ascent = depth  = char_O_deco_depth[i];
            if( i < 31 )
                ascent -= char_O_deco_depth[i+1];
            time = char_O_deco_time[31-i];
            if( time == 0 ) continue;       // not yet: still searh table.

            ascent = depth = char_O_deco_depth[31-i];
            if( i < 31 )
                ascent -= char_O_deco_depth[30-i];

        // Gas switch depth ?
        for(j=0; j<5; ++j)
            if( depth <= char_I_deco_gas_change[j] )
                if( !char_I_deco_gas_change[gas] || (char_I_deco_gas_change[gas] > char_I_deco_gas_change[j]) )
                    gas = j;

        // usage during stop:
        // Note: because first gas is not in there, increment gas+1
        volumes[gas] += (depth*0.1 + 1.0)   // depth --> bar.
                      * time                // in minutes.
                      * ascent_usage        // in xxx / min @ 1bar.
        // Plus usage during ascent to the next stop, at 10m/min.
                      + (depth*0.1  + 1.0)
                      * ascent*0.1          // meter --> min
                      * ascent_usage;

    //---- convert results for the ASM interface -----------------------------
    for(i=0; i<5; ++i)
        if( volumes[i] > 6553.4 )
            int_O_gas_volumes[i] = 65535;
            int_O_gas_volumes[i] = (unsigned short)(volumes[i]*10.0 + 0.5);


void deco_push_tissues_to_vault(void)
    overlay unsigned char x;

	cns_vault = CNS_fraction;
	for (x=0;x<32;x++)
		pres_tissue_vault[x] = pres_tissue[x];

void deco_pull_tissues_from_vault(void)
    overlay unsigned char x;

	CNS_fraction = cns_vault;
	for (x=0;x<32;x++)
		pres_tissue[x] = pres_tissue_vault[x];

void main() {}