; OSTC Mk.2, 2N and 2C - diving computer code; Copyright (C) 2015 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or; (at your option) any later version.; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the; GNU General Public License for more details.; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.; menu "Set Time"; written by: Matthias Heinrichs, info@heinrichsweikamp.com; written: 5/19/06; last updated: 080904; known bugs:; ToDo: menu_settime: call DISP_ClearScreen call menu_pre_loop_common ; Clear some menu flags, timeout and switches bcf set_minutes bcf menubit4 bcf set_year bcf set_day bcf set_month clrf menupos2 call DISP_divemask_color DISPLAYTEXT .29 ; Set Time call DISP_standard_color DISPLAYTEXT .22 ; Time: DISPLAYTEXT .23 ; Date: call set_time_refresh DISPLAYTEXT .24 ; Set Hourssettime_loop: btfsc switch_right call add_hours_or_minutes_or_date btfsc switch_left call set_time_next_or_exit btfsc menubit4 bra set_time_done btfsc onesecupdate call timeout_surfmode btfsc onesecupdate call set_dive_modes bcf onesecupdate btfsc sleepmode bra exit_settime btfsc divemode goto restart bra settime_loopset_time_refresh: WIN_LEFT .32 WIN_TOP .65 lfsr FSR2,letter OUTPUTTEXT .22 ; "Hours:" (actual length depends on translation) movff hours,lo output_99x PUTC ':' movff mins,lo output_99x STRCAT_PRINT " "set_date_refresh: WIN_LEFT .32 WIN_TOP .95 lfsr FSR2,letter OUTPUTTEXT .23 ; "Date: " (actual length depends on translation) movff month,convert_value_temp+0 movff day,convert_value_temp+1 movff year,convert_value_temp+2 call DISP_convert_date ; converts into "DD/MM/YY" or "MM/DD/YY" or "YY/MM/DD" in postinc2 STRCAT_PRINT " " returnset_time_done: ; Check date movff month,lo ; new month dcfsnz lo,F movlw .31 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .28 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .31 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .30 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .31 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .30 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .31 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .31 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .30 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .31 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .30 dcfsnz lo,F movlw .31 cpfsgt day ; day ok? bra set_time_done2 ; OK movlw .1 ; not OK, set to 1st movwf dayset_time_done2: WIN_LEFT .0 WIN_TOP .215 movlw (.160-.0)/7 ; full line length, for various translations. movwf temp1 call DISP_display_clear_common_y1 movlw d'5' movwf wait_temp clrf secs bcf onesecupdateset_time_done_loop btfss onesecupdate bra set_time_done_loop bcf onesecupdate call set_date_refresh WIN_LEFT .32 WIN_TOP .65 lfsr FSR2,letter OUTPUTTEXT .22 ; "Hours:" (actual length depends on translation) movff hours,lo output_99x PUTC ':' movff mins,lo output_99x PUTC ':' movff secs,lo output_99x STRCAT_PRINT " " decfsz wait_temp,F bra set_time_done_loopexit_settime: ;Exit movlw d'1' movwf menupos goto more_menu2set_time_next_or_exit: btfsc set_year bsf menubit4 ; quit settime incf menupos2,F movff menupos2,menupos3 dcfsnz menupos3,F bsf set_minutes dcfsnz menupos3,F bsf set_month dcfsnz menupos3,F bsf set_day dcfsnz menupos3,F bsf set_year WIN_LEFT .0 WIN_TOP .215 call DISP_standard_color lfsr FSR2,letter OUTPUTTEXT .94 ; Set movff menupos2,menupos3 decfsz menupos3,F bra set_time_next_or_exit2 OUTPUTTEXT .90 ; Minutes bra set_time_next_or_exit5set_time_next_or_exit2: decfsz menupos3,F bra set_time_next_or_exit3 OUTPUTTEXT .91 ; Month bra set_time_next_or_exit5set_time_next_or_exit3: decfsz menupos3,F bra set_time_next_or_exit4 OUTPUTTEXT .92 ; Day bra set_time_next_or_exit5set_time_next_or_exit4: OUTPUTTEXT .93 ; Yearset_time_next_or_exit5: call word_processor call wait_switches ; Waits until switches are released, resets flag if button stays pressed! returnadd_hours_or_minutes_or_date: call wait_switches ; Waits until switches are released, resets flag if button stays pressed! clrf secs btfsc set_year bra add_year btfsc set_day bra add_day btfsc set_month bra add_month btfsc set_minutes bra add_minutes; Increase hoursadd_hours: incf hours,F movlw d'23' cpfsgt hours bra set_time_refresh_x clrf hours bra set_time_refresh_xadd_minutes: incf mins,F movlw d'59' cpfsgt mins bra set_time_refresh_x clrf mins bra set_time_refresh_xadd_day: incf day,F movlw d'31' cpfsgt day bra set_time_refresh_x movlw d'1' movwf day bra set_time_refresh_xadd_month: incf month,F movlw d'12' cpfsgt month bra set_time_refresh_x movlw d'1' movwf month bra set_time_refresh_xadd_year: incf year,F movlw d'20' ; calendar until 2020 cpfsgt year bra set_time_refresh_x movlw d'10' movwf year ; Set Year to 2010set_time_refresh_x: call set_time_refresh call wait_switches ; Waits until switches are released, resets flag if button stays pressed! return