view code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/customview.asm @ 545:5a973816673e

Stable release candiate
author heinrichsweikamp
date Wed, 18 Jan 2012 13:51:26 +0100
parents 9fc8feff27a5
children 44e9b961f156
line wrap: on
line source

; OSTC - diving computer code
; Copyright (C) 2008 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR

;    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;    (at your option) any later version.

;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;    GNU General Public License for more details.

;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

; Customviews for divemode
; written by: Matthias Heinrichs,
; history:
;   2010-12-12: [MH]  First updated
;   2011-01-04: [jDG] Saturation graphs in customview divemode
;   2011-10-10: [jDG] Added Cave live gas counter
; known bugs:
; ToDo:

; Show the customview-dependent entry for the divemode menu
	movff	menupos3,WREG	            ; copy
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_menu3_stopwatch  ; Show the stopwatch option in divemode menu
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_menu3_marker     ; Show the marker option in divemode menu
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_menu3_clock      ; Show nothing
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_menu3_lead_tiss  ; Show nothing
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_menu3_average    ; Show nothing
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_menu3_graphs     ; Show nothing
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_menu3_ead_end    ; Show nothing
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_menu3_@5         ; Show nothing
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_menu3_cave_bailout; Show reset option

	DISPLAYTEXT	.33                     ; ResetAvr

	DISPLAYTEXT	.30                     ; Set Marker

customview_menu3_clock:                 ; No menu entry

; Do every-second tasks for the custom view area

	movff	menupos3,WREG               ; copy
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_1sec_stopwatch   ; Update the Stopwatch
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_1sec_marker      ; Update the Marker
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_1sec_clock       ; Update the Clock
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_1sec_lead_tiss   ; Update the leading tissue
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_1sec_average     ; Update the Average depth
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_1sec_graphs      ; Update the leading tissue
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_1sec_ead_end		; Show END and EAD in divemode
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_1sec_@5          ; Show TTS for extra time.
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_1sec_cave_bailout; Show Cave conso prediction.

	; Menupos3=0, do nothing

	goto	PLED_total_average_show2	; Update the figures only
	btfsc	gauge_mode					; In Gauge mode?
	bra		customview_1sec_stopwatch_gauge; Yes

	bsf		menu3_active                ; Set Flag
	goto	PLED_stopwatch_show2        ; Update figures only

	bsf		menu3_active                ; Set Flag
	goto	PLED_stopwatch_show_gauge  	; Update figures + Description

customview_1sec_marker:                 ; Do nothing extra
	bsf		menu3_active                ; Set Flag
customview_1sec_clock:                  ; Do nothing extra
customview_1sec_lead_tiss:              ; Do nothing extra

customview_1sec_graphs:                 ; Do nothing extra
    decfsz  apnoe_mins                  ; 10 sec passed ?
    return                              ; No: skip.
    movlw   .10                         ; Yes: reset counter.
    movwf   apnoe_mins

	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time	; calculate desaturation time
	movlb	b'00000001'						; select ram bank 1
	goto	PLED_tissue_saturation_graph

	goto	PLED_show_end_ead_divemode

    goto    PLED_show_@5

	bsf		menu3_active                ; Set Flag
    goto    PLED_show_cave_bailout

; Do every-minute tasks for the custom view area

	movff	menupos3,WREG               ; copy
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_minute_stopwatch ; Update the Stopwatch
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_minute_marker    ; Update the Marker
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_minute_clock     ; Update the Clock
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_minute_lead_tiss ; Update the leading tissue
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_minute_average	; Update the Average depth
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_minute_graphs	; Update the graphs
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_minute_ead_end   ; Show END and EAD in divemode
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_minute_@5        ; Show TTS for extra time.
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_minute_cave_bailout; Show Cave consomation prediction.

	; Menupos3=0, do nothing

	goto	PLED_diveclock2             ; Update the clock

	goto	PLED_show_leading_tissue_2  ; Update the leading tissue

customview_minute_cave_bailout:         ; Do nothing extra
customview_minute_@5:                   ; Do nothing extra
customview_minute_ead_end:              ; Do nothing extra
customview_minute_marker:               ; Do nothing extra
customview_minute_stopwatch:            ; Do nothing extra
customview_minute_average:				; Do nothing extra
customview_minute_graphs:               ; Do nothing extra

; Show next customview (and delete this flag)

	bcf		menu3_active	            ;=1: menu entry three in divemode menu is active		
	ostc_debug	'X'		; Sends debug-information to screen if debugmode active
	btfsc	FLAG_apnoe_mode					; In Apnoe mode?
	bra		customview_toggle_exit			; Yes, ignore custom view in divemode completely

	incf	menupos3,F			            ; Number of customview to show
	movlw	d'9'							; Max number
	cpfsgt	menupos3			            ; Max reached?
	bra		customview_mask		            ; No, show
	clrf	menupos3			            ; Reset to zero (Zero=no custom view)

	call	PLED_clear_customview_divemode
    bcf     tts_extra_time                  ; By default, CLEAR computation of @5 request.

	movff	menupos3,WREG                   ; Menupos3 holds number of customview function
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_init_stopwatch		; 1: Show the Stopwatch
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_init_marker			; 2: Show the Marker-Menu
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_init_clock			; 3: Show the clock
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_init_lead_tissue		; 4: Show the leading tissue
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_init_average			; 5: Show Total average depth
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_init_graphs		    ; 6: Show the graphs
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_init_ead_end		    ; 7: Show END and EAD in divemode
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_init_@5              ; 8: Show TTS for extra time.
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		customview_init_cave_bailout    ; 9: Show Cave consomation prediction.

	bra		customview_toggle_exit	

	call	PLED_total_average_show		; Show Average with mask
	bra		customview_toggle_exit	

	GETCUSTOM8	d'51'					; Show Stopwatch? (=1 in WREG)
	decfsz		WREG,F					; WREG=1?	
	bra			customview_toggle		; No, use next Customview

	btfsc		gauge_mode				; In Gauge mode?
	bra			customview_init_stopwatch_gauge	; Yes

	call	PLED_stopwatch_show			; Init Stopwatch display
	bsf		menu3_active                ; Set Flag
	bra		customview_toggle_exit	

	call	PLED_stopwatch_show_gauge	; Init Stopwatch display
	bsf		menu3_active                ; Set Flag
	bra		customview_toggle_exit	

customview_init_marker:					; Init Marker
	btfsc		gauge_mode				; In Gauge mode?
	call		PLED_clear_divemode_menu; Yes, clear BIG stopwatch

	GETCUSTOM8	d'50'					; Show Marker? (=1 in WREG)
	decfsz		WREG,F					; WREG=1?	
	bra			customview_toggle		; No, use next Customview

    call        PLED_standard_color
	DISPLAYTEXT d'151'				    ; Set Marker?
	bsf			menu3_active            ; Set Flag
	bra		    customview_toggle_exit	

customview_init_clock:					; Init Clock
	call	    PLED_diveclock
	bra		    customview_toggle_exit	

customview_init_lead_tissue:			; Show leading tissue
	GETCUSTOM8	d'53'					; Show Lead Tissue? (=1 in WREG)
	decfsz		WREG,F					; WREG=1?	
	bra			customview_toggle		; No, use next Customview

	btfsc		no_deco_customviews		; no-deco-mode-flag = 1
	bra			customview_toggle		; Yes, use next Customview!

	call	    PLED_show_leading_tissue
	bra		    customview_toggle_exit	

	btfsc		no_deco_customviews		; no-deco-mode-flag = 1
	bra			customview_toggle		; Yes, use next Customview!

	call		PLED_show_end_ead_divemode
	bra		    customview_toggle_exit	

 	GETCUSTOM8	d'58'					; Extra time to simulate
 	iorwf       WREG,F                  ; Null ?
 	bz          customview_toggle       ; Yes: use next Customview !

	btfsc		no_deco_customviews		; no-deco-mode-flag = 1
	bra			customview_toggle		; Yes, use next Customview!

    setf        WREG                    ; WAIT marker: display "---"
    movff       WREG,int_O_extra_ascenttime+0
    movff       WREG,int_O_extra_ascenttime+1
    movlw       1
    movwf       apnoe_mins              ; Start compute after next cycle.
    bsf         tts_extra_time
    call        PLED_show_@5            ; Show (wait)

	bra		    customview_toggle_exit	

 	GETCUSTOM15	d'59'					; Conso level warning set ?
 	movf        lo,W
 	iorwf       hi,W
 	bz          customview_toggle       ; No: jump to next Customview !

	bsf			menu3_active            ; Set Flag
    call        PLED_show_cave_bailout
	bra		    customview_toggle_exit	
customview_init_graphs:					; Show tissue graph
 	GETCUSTOM8	d'52'					; Show Tissue Graph? (=1 in WREG)
	decfsz		WREG,F					; WREG=1?	
	bra			customview_toggle		; No, use next Customview

	btfsc		no_deco_customviews		; no-deco-mode-flag = 1
	bra			customview_toggle		; Yes, use next Customview!

    movlw       .1                      ; Draw next second.
    movwf       apnoe_mins              ; 10sec counter.   

	call	    deco_calc_desaturation_time	; calculate desaturation time
	movlb	    b'00000001'             ; select ram bank 1
	call	    PLED_tissue_saturation_graph

	bra         customview_toggle_exit

	bcf		toggle_customview			; Clear flag
	ostc_debug	'Y'		                ; Sends debug-information to screen in debugmode

; Yes, show next customview (and delete this flag)

	incf	menupos3,F			; Number of customview to show
	movlw	d'4'				; Max number
	cpfsgt	menupos3			; Max reached?
	bra		surfcustomview_mask	; No, show
	clrf	menupos3			; Reset to zero (Zero=no custom view)
	call	PLED_clear_customview_surfmode
	movff	menupos3,WREG       ; Menupos3 holds number of customview function
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		surfcustomview_init_graphs			; Show the tissue graphs
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		surfcustomview_init_gaslist			; Show pre-dive gaslist/setpoint list
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		surfcustomview_init_interval; Show the interval counter
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		surfcustomview_init_cfview			; Show the interval counter

	bra		surfcustomview_toggle_exit	

	btfsc	no_deco_customviews				; no-deco-mode-flag = 1
	bra		surfcustomview_toggle			; Yes, use next Customview!

	call	PLED_tissue_saturation_graph; Draw the graphs
	bra		surfcustomview_toggle_exit	

	btfsc	no_deco_customviews				; no-deco-mode-flag = 1
	bra		surfcustomview_toggle			; Yes, use next Customview!

	call	PLED_pre_dive_screen				; Show the Gaslist/Setpoint list
	bra		surfcustomview_toggle_exit	

	call    PLED_standard_color
	DISPLAYTEXT	d'189'							; Surface
	DISPLAYTEXT	d'240'							; Interval:
	call	PLED_interval						; Display the interval
	bra		surfcustomview_toggle_exit	

	read_int_eeprom		d'34'					; Get Decomode
	incf	EEDATA,W							; +1 -> WREG
	movwf	temp10
	dcfsnz	temp10,F
	call	PLED_show_cf11_cf12_cf29			; =0 (ZH-L16 OC)
	dcfsnz	temp10,F
	bra		surfcustomview_toggle_exit			; =1 (Gauge)
	dcfsnz	temp10,F
	call	PLED_show_cf11_cf12_cf29			; =2 (ZH-L16 CC)
	dcfsnz	temp10,F
	bra		surfcustomview_toggle_exit			; =3 (Apnoe)
	dcfsnz	temp10,F
	call	PLED_show_cf32_cf33_cf29			; =4 (L16-GF OC)
	dcfsnz	temp10,F
	call	PLED_show_cf32_cf33_cf29			; =5 (L16-GF CC)
	bra		surfcustomview_toggle_exit	

	bcf		toggle_customview			; Clear flag
	clrf	timeout_counter2			; Clear timeout

; Do every-second tasks for the custom view area

;	movff	menupos3,WREG               ; copy
;	dcfsnz	WREG,F
;	bra		surfcustomview_1sec_graphs		; Update the Graphs
;	dcfsnz	WREG,F
;	bra		surfcustomview_1sec_gaslist		; Update the Gaslist/SetPoint List
;	dcfsnz	WREG,F
;	bra		surfcustomview_1sec_interval	; Update the Interval display
;	dcfsnz	WREG,F
;	bra		surfcustomview_1sec_cfview		; Update the critical cf view
;	; Menupos3=0, do nothing
;	return
;surfcustomview_1sec_cfview:				; Do nothing extra
;surfcustomview_1sec_graphs:				; Do nothing extra
;surfcustomview_1sec_gaslist:				; Do nothing extra
;surfcustomview_1sec_interval:				; Do nothing extra


surfcustomview_minute:		; Do every-minute tasks for the custom view area
	movff	menupos3,WREG               ; copy
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		surfcustomview_minute_graphs		; Update the Graphs
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		surfcustomview_minute_gaslist		; Update the Gaslist/SetPoint List
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		surfcustomview_minute_interval		; Update the Interval display
	dcfsnz	WREG,F
	bra		surfcustomview_minute_cfview		; Update the critical cf view
	; Menupos3=0, do nothing

	call	deco_calc_desaturation_time         ; calculate desaturation time
	movlb	b'00000001'                         ; select ram bank 1
	call	PLED_tissue_saturation_graph        ; Draw/Update the graphs

	DISPLAYTEXT	d'189'							; Surface
	DISPLAYTEXT	d'240'							; Interval:
	call	PLED_interval						; Display the interval	

surfcustomview_minute_gaslist:					; Do nothing extra
surfcustomview_minute_cfview:					; Do nothing extra