diff code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_reset.asm @ 0:96a35aeda5f2

Initial setup
author heinrichsweikamp
date Tue, 12 Jan 2010 15:05:59 +0100
children 3cf8af30b36e
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_reset.asm	Tue Jan 12 15:05:59 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+; OSTC - diving computer code
+; Copyright (C) 2008 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR
+;    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;    (at your option) any later version.
+;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;    GNU General Public License for more details.
+;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+; Menu "Reset all"
+; written by: Matthias Heinrichs, info@heinrichsweikamp.com
+; written: 10/30/05
+; last updated: 08/08/31
+; known bugs:
+; ToDo: 
+; routines to reset external EEPROM (currently inactvated!)
+; routines to reset custom function, gases and decompression values
+; does not reset clock
+	movlw	d'1'
+	movwf	menupos
+	call	PLED_ClearScreen
+	call	PLED_reset_menu_mask
+	clrf	timeout_counter2
+	bcf		sleepmode
+	bcf		menubit2
+	bcf		menubit3
+	bsf		menubit
+	bsf		cursor
+	call	PLED_reset_menu_mask
+	call	PLED_menu_cursor
+	bcf		switch_left
+	bcf		switch_right
+	call	check_switches_menu
+	btfsc	menubit2
+	bra		do_menu_reset					; call submenu
+	btfss	menubit
+	bra		menu							; exit setup menu and return to main menu
+	btfsc	onesecupdate
+	call	timeout_surfmode
+	btfsc	onesecupdate
+	call	set_dive_modes
+	btfsc	onesecupdate
+	call	test_charger				; check if charger IC is active
+	btfsc	onesecupdate
+	call	get_battery_voltage			; get battery voltage
+	bcf		onesecupdate				; End of one second tasks
+	btfsc	sleepmode
+	goto	menu
+	btfsc	divemode
+	goto	restart						; exit menu, restart and enter divemode
+	bra		menu_reset_loop
+do_menu_reset:						; calls submenu
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	bra		do_menu_reset_exit				; Cancel, exit
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	bra		do_menu_reset_all				; Reset all settings
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	bra		do_menu_reset_logbook			; Reset Logbook Memory!
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	bra		do_menu_reset_reboot			; Reboot OSTC
+	dcfsnz	menupos,F
+	bra		do_menu_reset_decodata			; Reset Decodata
+	movlw	d'3'
+	movwf	menupos
+	bra		menu2							; exit...
+	call	PLED_confirmbox				; Returns WREG=0 for Cancel (Or Timeout) and WREG=1 for OK!
+	movwf	menupos						; Used as temp
+	tstfsz	menupos
+	bra		do_menu_reset_reboot2		; Delete now!
+	bra		do_menu_reset_exit			; Cancel!
+	call	PLED_DisplayOff					; Power-down OLED 
+	movlw	b'00000000'						; Bit6: PPL Disable
+	movwf	OSCTUNE
+	movlw	b'01111110'						; 8MHz
+	movwf	OSCCON
+	reset
+	goto	0x00000							; restart to 0x00000
+	call	PLED_confirmbox				; Returns WREG=0 for Cancel (Or Timeout) and WREG=1 for OK!
+	movwf	menupos						; Used as temp
+	tstfsz	menupos
+	bra		do_menu_reset_logbook2		; Delete Logbook now!
+	bra		do_menu_reset_exit			; Cancel!
+	call	PLED_ClearScreen
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.25					; "Reset..."
+	call	reset_external_eeprom		; delete profile memory
+	bra		do_menu_reset_exit
+	call	PLED_confirmbox				; Returns WREG=0 for Cancel (Or Timeout) and WREG=1 for OK!
+	movwf	menupos						; Used as temp
+	tstfsz	menupos
+	bra		do_menu_reset_decodata2		; Reset Deco Data now!
+	bra		do_menu_reset_exit			; Cancel!
+; reset deco data
+	call	PLED_ClearScreen
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.25					; "Reset..."
+	movff	amb_pressure+0,int_I_pres_respiration+0		; copy surface air pressure to deco routine
+	movff	amb_pressure+1,int_I_pres_respiration+1		
+	call	deco_main_clear_tissue	;
+	movlb	b'00000001'				; RAM Bank1 selected
+	goto	restart					; done. quit to surfmode
+	call	PLED_confirmbox				; Returns WREG=0 for Cancel (Or Timeout) and WREG=1 for OK!
+	movwf	menupos						; Used as temp
+	tstfsz	menupos
+	bra		do_menu_reset_all2			; Reset all now!
+	bra		do_menu_reset_exit			; Cancel!
+	call	PLED_ClearScreen
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.25					; "Reset..."
+; reset deco data
+	movff	amb_pressure+0,int_I_pres_respiration+0		; copy surface air pressure to deco routine
+	movff	amb_pressure+1,int_I_pres_respiration+1		
+	call	deco_main_clear_tissue	;
+	movlb	b'00000001'				; RAM Bank1 selected
+; reset gases
+	clrf	EEADRH					; EEPROM BANK 0 !
+	movlw	d'3'					; address of first gas-1
+	movwf	EEADR
+	clrf	hi						; He part (default for all gases: 0%)
+	movlw	d'21'					; O2 part (21%)
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value for gas #1
+	movlw	d'21'					; O2 part (21%)
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value for gas #2
+	movlw	d'21'					; O2 part (21%)
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value for gas #3
+	movlw	d'21'					; O2 part (21%)
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value for gas #4
+	movlw	d'21'					; O2 part (21%)
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value for gas #5
+	movlw	d'21'					; O2 part (21%)
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value for gas #6
+; resets all customfunctions to the following default values
+	movlw	d'1'
+	movwf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'33'		; reset start gas
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'34'		; reset deco model to ZH-L16
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'35'		; Do not use O2 Sensor in CC Modes
+	movlw	d'0'
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'39'		; Disable Debugbode
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'90'		; Disable Brightness offset? (Dim=1, Normal = 0)
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'91'		; Reset Date format to MM/DD/YY
+	movlw	d'100'
+	write_int_eeprom	d'26'		; Salinity default: 1.00 kg/l
+	movlw	b'00011111'	
+	movwf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'27'		; reset active gas flags
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'28'		; reset change depth gas #1
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'29'		; reset change depth gas #2
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'30'		; reset change depth gas #3
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'31'		; reset change depth gas #4
+	clrf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'32'		; reset change depth gas #5
+	movlw	d'100'
+	movwf	EEDATA
+	write_int_eeprom	d'36'		; reset mix1 to ppO2=1.00Bar
+	write_int_eeprom	d'37'		; reset mix2 to ppO2=1.00Bar
+	write_int_eeprom	d'38'		; reset mix3 to ppO2=1.00Bar
+	movlw	d'1'
+	movwf	nofly_time+0			; Clear nofly time
+	clrf	nofly_time+1			; Clear nofly time
+#DEFINE dive_threshold				d'100'		; 8BIT 		100cm
+#DEFINE surf_threshold				d'30'		; 8BIT 		30cm
+#DEFINE diveloop_timeout    		d'240'		; 8BIT 		240s
+#DEFINE surfloop_timeout			d'120'		; 8BIT 		120s
+#DEFINE	premenu_timeout				d'5'		; 8BIT 		5s
+#DEFINE	minimum_velocity			d'7'		; 8BIT 		7min/min
+#DEFINE	pressure_offset_divemode	d'1160'		; 15BIT		1160mBar
+#DEFINE	max_surfpressure			d'1100'		; 15BIT		1100mBar
+#DEFINE	min_gradient_factor			d'20'		; 8Bit 		20%
+#DEFINE	oxygen_threshold			d'20'		; 8Bit 		20%
+#DEFINE	dive_menu_timeout			d'30'		; 8BIT 		30s
+#DEFINE	saturation_multiplier		d'110'		; 8BIT 		x1.1
+#DEFINE	desaturation_multiplier		d'90'		; 8BIT 		x0.9
+#DEFINE	nofly_time_ratio			d'60'		; 8BIT		60%
+#DEFINE	gradient_factor_alarm1		d'100'		; 8Bit		100%
+#DEFINE	gradient_factor_alarm2		d'120'		; 8Bit		120%
+#DEFINE	deco_distance_for_sim		d'10'		; 8Bit		1m
+#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_low			d'019'		; 8Bit		0.19 Bar
+#DEFINE	ppo2_warning_high			d'160'		; 8Bit		1.60 Bar
+#DEFINE	ppo2_display_high			d'150'		; 8Bit		1.50 Bar
+#DEFINE	sampling_rate				d'10'		; 8Bit		10s
+#DEFINE	sampling_divisor_temp		d'6'		; 8Bit		/6
+#DEFINE	sampling_divisor_deco		d'6'		; 8Bit		/6
+#DEFINE	sampling_divisor_tank		d'0'		; 8Bit		never
+#DEFINE	sampling_divisor_ppo2		d'0'		; 8Bit		never
+#DEFINE	sampling_divisor_deco2		d'12'		; 8Bit		/12
+#DEFINE	sampling_divisor_nyu2		d'0'		; 8Bit		never
+#DEFINE	cns_display_high			d'20'		; 8Bit		20%
+#DEFINE	logbook_offset				d'0'		; 15Bit		No Offset, but 15Bit value
+#DEFINE	last_deco_depth				d'3'		; 8Bit		3m
+#DEFINE	timeout_apnoe_mode			d'10'		; 8Bit		10min
+#DEFINE	show_voltage_value			d'0'		; 1Bit		=1 Show value instead of symbol, =0 Show Symbol
+#DEFINE	GF_low_default				d'30'		; 8Bit		30%
+#DEFINE	GF_high_default				d'90'		; 8Bit		90%
+#DEFINE	color_battery_surface		d'223'		; 8Bit		Color Battery sign Surfacemode
+#DEFINE	SP_high_HUD_default			d'140'		; 8Bit		1.40Bar
+#DEFINE	SP_nom_HUD_default			d'120'		; 8Bit		1.20Bar
+#DEFINE	HUD_style					d'0'		; 8Bit		OSTC Style
+#DEFINE	show_seconds_divemode		d'0'		; 1Bit 		=1 Show the seconds in Divemode
+#DEFINE	flip_display_default		d'0'		; 1Bit		=1 Flip Display
+#DEFINE	use_ppo2_screen_default		d'0'		; 1Bit		=1 Use alternative outputs for ppO2 sensor
+#DEFINE	replace_temp_with_avr_depth d'0'		; 1Bit		=1 Show (resetable) average Depth instead of temperature
+	movlw	d'127'					; address of low byte of first custom function
+	movwf	EEADR
+	clrf	hi						; only required once
+	movlw	LOW		dive_threshold	; 8Bit value
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		surf_threshold
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		diveloop_timeout
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		surfloop_timeout
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		premenu_timeout
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		minimum_velocity
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	HIGH	pressure_offset_divemode
+	movwf	hi
+	bsf		hi,7					; 15Bit value
+	movlw	LOW		pressure_offset_divemode
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	HIGH	max_surfpressure
+	movwf	hi
+	bsf		hi,7					; 15Bit value
+	movlw	LOW		max_surfpressure
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		min_gradient_factor
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		oxygen_threshold
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		dive_menu_timeout
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		saturation_multiplier
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		desaturation_multiplier
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		nofly_time_ratio
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		gradient_factor_alarm1
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		gradient_factor_alarm2
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		deco_distance_for_sim
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		ppo2_warning_low
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		ppo2_warning_high
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		ppo2_display_high
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		sampling_rate
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		sampling_divisor_temp
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		sampling_divisor_deco
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		sampling_divisor_tank
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		sampling_divisor_ppo2
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		sampling_divisor_deco2
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		sampling_divisor_nyu2
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		cns_display_high
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	clrf	hi	
+	bsf		hi,7					; 15Bit value
+	movlw	LOW		logbook_offset
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		last_deco_depth				
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		timeout_apnoe_mode
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		show_voltage_value
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'1'
+	movwf	EEADRH					; EEPROM BANK 1 !!
+	movlw	d'127'					; address of low byte of first custom function
+	movwf	EEADR
+	clrf	hi						; only required once/bank
+	movlw	LOW		GF_low_default
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	LOW		GF_high_default
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	color_battery_surface
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	SP_high_HUD_default			
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	SP_nom_HUD_default			
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	HUD_style
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	show_seconds_divemode
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	flip_display_default
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	use_ppo2_screen_default	
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	replace_temp_with_avr_depth	
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	movlw	d'0'
+	rcall	reset_customfunction	; saves default and current value
+	clrf	EEADRH					; EEPROM BANK 0 !
+;call	reset_external_eeprom	; delete profile memory
+	goto	restart					; all reset, quit to surfmode
+	movwf	lo
+	incf	EEADR,F
+	movff	lo, EEDATA					; Lowbyte Defaul value
+	call	write_eeprom
+	incf	EEADR,F
+	movff	hi, EEDATA					; Highbyte default value
+	call	write_eeprom
+	incf	EEADR,F
+	movff	lo, EEDATA					; Lowbyte current value
+	call	write_eeprom
+	incf	EEADR,F
+	bcf		hi,7						; This bit will only be written for the default value
+	movff	hi, EEDATA					; Highbyte current value
+	call	write_eeprom
+	clrf	hi	
+	return
+reset_external_eeprom:				; deletes complete external eeprom!
+	clrf	eeprom_address+0
+	clrf	eeprom_address+1
+	movlw	d'2'
+	movwf	temp3
+	clrf	temp4
+	movlw	d'64'
+	movwf	temp2
+	bcf		eeprom_blockwrite		; Blockwrite start
+	setf	ext_ee_temp1			; byte for Blockwrite....
+	movf	ext_ee_temp1,W			; So, 1st. Byte of block is fine, too
+	call	write_external_eeprom_block
+	decfsz	temp2,F		; 64 Byte done
+	bra		reset_eeprom1
+	bsf		SSPCON2,PEN					; Stop condition
+	call	WaitMSSP	
+	WAITMS	d'7'
+	decfsz	temp4,F
+	bra		reset_eeprom01				; do this 256 times
+	decfsz	temp3,F
+	bra		reset_eeprom02				; and this all 2 times -> 512 *64Bytes = 32KB
+	bcf		eeprom_blockwrite			; clear blockwrite flag
+	clrf	eeprom_address+0
+	clrf	eeprom_address+1
+	movlw	0xFD						; With these three bytes the OSTC will find the free area in the EEPROM faster
+	call	write_external_eeprom
+	movlw	0xFD
+	call	write_external_eeprom
+	movlw	0xFE						
+	call	write_external_eeprom	
+	clrf	eeprom_address+0
+	clrf	eeprom_address+1
+	return