diff code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_logbook.asm @ 0:96a35aeda5f2

Initial setup
author heinrichsweikamp
date Tue, 12 Jan 2010 15:05:59 +0100
children 3cf8af30b36e
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/menu_logbook.asm	Tue Jan 12 15:05:59 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1095 @@
+; OSTC - diving computer code
+; Copyright (C) 2008 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR
+;    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;    (at your option) any later version.
+;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;    GNU General Public License for more details.
+;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+; Menu "Logbook"
+; written by: Matthias Heinrichs, info@heinrichsweikamp.com
+; written: 060107
+; last updated: 081026
+; known bugs: 
+; ToDo: 
+; searches external EEPROM for dive headers and displays them in a list
+; a detailed view with all informations and profile can be selected
+; does not require a FAT, will work with other profile intervals as ten seconds, too
+	bcf		return_from_profileview				; clear some flags
+;call	enable_rs232
+	bcf			logbook_header_drawn
+	call		PLED_ClearScreen				; Clear screen
+	bcf			all_dives_shown					; clear some flags
+	bcf			logbook_profile_view
+	bcf			logbook_page_not_empty
+	clrf		menupos3						; Here: used rows on current logbook-page	
+	clrf		menupos2						; Here: # of current displayed page
+	clrf		divenumber						; # of dive in list during search
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.12							;" Wait.."
+	clrf		divemins+0					; Here: used as temp variables
+	clrf		divemins+1
+	call 		I2CReset					; Reset I2C Bus
+	call		get_free_EEPROM_location	; search from "here" backwards through the external memory
+	clrf		temp1						; max. 32KB
+	clrf		temp2
+	movlw		d'5'
+	movwf		menupos					; Here: stores current position on display (5-x)
+									; search external EEPROM backwards from eeprom_address
+									; for 0xFA, 0xFA (store 1st. 0xFA position for next search)
+									; read header data and display it
+									; wait for user to confirm/exit
+									; recopy data to search from here
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.12						;" Wait.."
+	bcf		first_FA					; clear flags
+	bcf		second_FA
+	movlw		d'1'						; increase 16Bit value
+	addwf		divemins+0,F
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		divemins+1,F
+	btfsc		divemins+1,7				; At 0x8000?
+	bra			menu_logbook_reset			; yes, restart (if not empty)
+	decf_eeprom_address	d'1'			; Macro, that subtracts 8Bit from eeprom_address:2 with banking at 0x8000
+	call		I2CREAD					; reads one byte (Slow! Better use Blockread!)
+	btfsc		first_FA					; 
+	bra			test_2nd_FA
+	bsf			first_FA					; Found 1st. 0xFA?
+	movlw		0xFA
+	cpfseq		SSPBUF
+	bcf			first_FA					; No, clear flag
+	bra			menu_logbook3				; and continue search
+	btfsc		second_FA
+	bra			test_FA_DONE
+	bsf			second_FA					; found 2nd 0xFA?
+	movlw		0xFA
+	cpfseq		SSPBUF
+	rcall		no_second_FA				; No, clear both flags!
+	bra			menu_logbook3				; and continue search
+test_FA_DONE:							; Found 0xFA 0xFA!
+	movff		eeprom_address+0,eeprom_header_address+0	; store current address into temp register
+	movff		eeprom_address+1,eeprom_header_address+1	; we must continue search here later
+	incf		divenumber,F				; new header found, increase divenumber
+	bra			menu_logbook4				; Done with searching, display the header!
+no_second_FA:							; discard both flags!
+	bcf			second_FA					
+	bcf			first_FA			
+	return
+	movlw		d'1'						; increase global counter
+	addwf		temp1,F
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		temp2,F
+	btfsc		temp2,7					; 32KB searched?
+	bra			menu_logbook3b				; Yes
+	bra			menu_logbook2				; No, not now
+	btfss		logbook_page_not_empty			; Was there at least one dive?
+	goto		menu						; Not a single header was found, leave logbook.
+	bra		menu_logbook_display_loop2		; rcall of get_free_eeprom_location not required here (faster)
+	movf		divenumber,W
+	btfsc		STATUS,Z					; Was there at least one dive?
+	bra		menu_logbook3b				; No, Nothing to do
+	bsf		all_dives_shown				; Yes
+	bra		menu_logbook_display_loop2		; rcall of get_free_eeprom_location not required here (faster)
+	; Adjust eeprom_address to set pointer on first headerbyte
+	incf_eeprom_address	d'3'				; Macro, that adds 8Bit to eeprom_address:2 with banking at 0x8000
+	btfss		logbook_profile_view			; Display profile (search routine is used in profileview, too)
+	bra			menu_logbook_display_loop		; No, display overwiev list
+	movf		divesecs,W					; divenumber that is searched
+	cpfseq		divenumber					; current divenumber
+	bra			next_logbook				; No match, continue search
+	bra			display_profile2
+	btfsc		all_dives_shown				; All dives displayed?
+	bra			menu_logbook_display_loop2		; Yes, but display first page again.
+	rcall 		display_listdive			; display short header for list on current list position
+	movlw		d'5'
+	cpfseq		menupos					; first dive on list (top place)?
+	bra			menu_logbook_display_loop1		; no, so skip saving of address
+	movff		divenumber,mintemp+0			; store all registered required to rebuilt the current logbookpage after the detail/profile view
+	movff		eeprom_header_address+0,decodata+0	; several registers are used as temp registers here
+	movff		eeprom_header_address+1,decodata+1		
+	movff		divemins+0,max_pressure+0			
+	movff		divemins+1,max_pressure+1			
+	movff		temp1,logbook_temp6
+	movff		temp2,samplesecs					
+	movlw		d'3'
+	addwf		decodata+0,F
+	movlw 		d'0'
+	addwfc		decodata+1,F				; Re-Adjust pointer again
+	movlw		d'3'						; So first row will be the same again after detail/profile view
+	subwf		max_pressure+0,F
+	movlw		d'0'
+	subwfb		max_pressure+1,F
+	decfsz	menupos,F					; List full?
+	bra		next_logbook				; no, search another dive for our current logbook page
+	btfss	logbook_page_not_empty			; Was there one dive at all?
+	bra		menu_logbook				; Yes, so reload the first page
+	call	PLED_topline_box			; Draw box
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.26						; "Logbook"
+	DISPLAYTEXT .11						; Displays "Exit" in the last row on the current page
+	bcf		sleepmode					; clear some flags for user input
+	bcf		menubit2
+	bcf		menubit3
+	bcf		cursor
+	bcf		switch_right
+	bcf		switch_left
+	clrf		timeout_counter2
+	movlw		d'1'						; Set cursor to position 1...
+	btfsc		return_from_profileview		; .. unless we are returning from a detail/profile view
+	movf		mintemp+1,W					; load last cursor position again
+	movwf		menupos						; and set menupos byte
+	bcf			return_from_profileview		; Do this only once while the page is loaded again!
+	bcf			logbook_page_not_empty			; Obviously the current page is NOT empty
+	call		PLED_logbook_cursor
+	call		check_switches_logbook
+	btfsc		menubit3					; SET/MENU?
+	bra			next_logbook3				; adjust cursor or create new page
+	btfsc		menubit2					; ENTER?
+	bra			display_profile_or_exit		; view details/profile or exit logbook
+	btfsc		onesecupdate
+	call		timeout_surfmode			; Timeout
+	btfsc		onesecupdate
+	call		set_dive_modes				; Check, if divemode must be entered
+	bcf			onesecupdate				; one second update 
+	btfsc		sleepmode					; Timeout?
+	goto		menu						; Yes
+	btfsc		divemode
+	goto		restart						; Enter Divemode if required
+	bra			menu_logbook_loop			; Wait for something to do
+	bcf			menubit2					; debounce
+	movlw		d'6'						; exit?
+	cpfseq		menupos
+	bra			display_profile				; No, show details/profile
+	goto		menu
+	movff		menupos,mintemp+1				; store current cursor position
+	bsf			return_from_profileview			; tweak search routine to exit after found
+	movf		menupos2,W						; Number of page
+	mullw		d'5'				
+	movf		PRODL,W						
+	addwf		menupos,W						; page*5+menupos=
+	movwf		divesecs						; # of dive to search
+	call		PLED_ClearScreen				; search for dive
+	bsf			logbook_profile_view			; set flag for search routine
+	clrf		divenumber					; search from scratch
+	bra			menu_logbook1a				; start search
+	bcf			logbook_profile_view			; clear flag for search routine
+	call		PLED_display_wait_clear
+	WIN_TOP		.0
+	lfsr		FSR2,letter
+	movlw		'#'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	GETCUSTOM15	.28							; Logbook Offset -> lo, hi
+	tstfsz		lo							; lo=0?
+	bra			display_profile_offset1		; No, adjust offset	
+	tstfsz		hi							; hi=0?
+	bra			display_profile_offset1		; No, adjust offset
+	bra			display_profile_offset2		; lo=0 and hi=0 -> skip Offset routine
+	movlw		d'1'
+	addwf		lo,F
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		hi,F						; hi:lo = hi:lo + 1
+	movff		lo,sub_a+0
+	movff		hi,sub_a+1
+	movff		divesecs,sub_b+0
+	clrf		sub_b+1
+	call		sub16						;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	movff		sub_c+0,lo
+	movff		sub_c+1,hi
+	bsf			leftbind
+	output_16dp	d'10'						; # of dive with offset
+	bra			display_profile_offset3		; Skip normal routine
+	movff		divesecs,lo
+	output_99x							; # of dive
+	movlw		' '
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo				; 
+	call		I2CREAD2				; Skip Profile version
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo				; read month
+	movff		eeprom_address+0, EventByte		; Store current EEPROM position
+	movff		eeprom_address+1, ProfileFlagByte
+; Offset to SamplingRate
+	incf_eeprom_address	d'32'				; Macro, that adds 8Bit to eeprom_address:2 with banking at 0x8000
+	call		I2CREAD						; Read Sampling rate
+	movff		SSPBUF,samplesecs_value		; Copy sampling rate
+	movff		EventByte, eeprom_address+0		; Re-Store current EEPROM position
+	movff		ProfileFlagByte, eeprom_address+1		; Re-Store current EEPROM position
+	movff		lo,convert_value_temp+0		; Month (in lo, see above)
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Day
+	movff		SSPBUF,convert_value_temp+1
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Year
+	movff		SSPBUF,convert_value_temp+2
+	call		PLED_convert_date		; converts into "DD/MM/YY" or "MM/DD/YY" or "YY/MM/DD" in postinc2
+	movlw		' '
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		I2CREAD2					; hour
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	output_99x			
+	movlw		':'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Minute
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	output_99x			
+	call		word_processor				; Display 1st row of details
+	WIN_TOP		.25
+	WIN_LEFT	.05
+	lfsr		FSR2,letter
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,hi
+	movff		lo,xA+0					; calculate y-scale for profile display
+	movff		hi,xA+1
+	movlw		d'164'					; 164pixel height available
+	movwf		xB+0
+	clrf		xB+1
+	call		div16x16				; does xA/xB=xC
+	movff		xC+0,sim_pressure+0		; holds LOW byte of y-scale   (mbar/pixel!)
+	movff		xC+1,sim_pressure+1		; holds HIGH byte of y-scale  (mbar/pixel!)
+	incf		sim_pressure+0,F		; increase one, because there may be a remainder
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		sim_pressure+1,F
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp	d'3'						; max. depth
+	movlw		'm'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		' '
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,hi
+	movff		lo,xA+0					; calculate x-scale for profile display
+	movff		hi,xA+1					; calculate total diveseconds first
+	movlw		d'60'					; 60seconds are one minute
+	movwf		xB+0
+	clrf		xB+1
+	call		mult16x16				; result is in xC:2 !
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16							; divetime minutes
+	movlw		d'39'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	movf		lo,W					; add seconds to total seconds
+	addwf		xC+0
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		xC+1					; xC:2 now holds total dive seconds!
+	movff		xC+0,xA+0				; now calculate x-scale value
+	movff		xC+1,xA+1
+	movlw		d'159'					; 159pix width available
+	movwf		xB+0
+	clrf		xB+1
+	call		div16x16				; xA/xB=xC
+	movff		xC+0,xA+0	
+	movff		xC+1,xA+1
+	movf		samplesecs_value,W		; devide through sample interval!
+	movwf		xB+0
+	clrf		xB+1
+	call		div16x16				; xA/xB=xC
+	movff		xC+0,profile_temp+0		; store value (use any #xC sample, skip xC-1) into temp registers
+	movff		xC+1,profile_temp+1		; store value (use any #xC sample, skip xC-1) into temp registers
+	incf		profile_temp+0,F		; increase one, because there may be a remainder
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		profile_temp+1,F
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_99x							; divetime seconds
+	movlw		'"'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		' '
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,hi
+	movlw		d'3'
+	movwf		ignore_digits
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16dp	d'2'						; temperature
+	movlw		'°'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		'C'		
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		word_processor				; Display 2nd row of details
+	WIN_TOP		.50
+	WIN_LEFT	.05
+	lfsr		FSR2,letter
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,hi
+	bsf		leftbind
+	output_16							; Air pressure before dive
+	movlw		'm'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		'b'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		'a'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		'r'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		' '
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		'D'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		'e'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		's'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		'a'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		't'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		' '
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,hi
+	call		convert_time				; converts hi:lo in minutes to hours (hi) and minutes (lo)
+	bsf			leftbind
+	movf		lo,W
+	movff		hi,lo
+	movwf		hi							; exchange lo and hi...
+	output_8								; Hours
+	movlw		':'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movff		hi,lo						; Minutes
+	output_99x
+	bcf			leftbind
+	call		word_processor				; display 3rd page of details
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas1 current O2
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas1 current HE
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas2 current O2
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas2 current HE
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas3 current O2
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas3 current HE
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas4 current O2
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas4 current HE
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas5 current O2
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas5 current HE
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas6 current O2
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Gas6 current HE
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Start Gas
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Firmware x
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Firmware y
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip battery
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip battery
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Sampling rate
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Read divisor
+	movff		SSPBUF,divisor_temperature	; Store divisor
+	bcf			divisor_temperature,4		; Clear information length
+	bcf			divisor_temperature,5
+	bcf			divisor_temperature,6
+	bcf			divisor_temperature,7
+	incf		divisor_temperature,F		; increase divisor 
+	movff		divisor_temperature,logbook_temp1		; Store as temp, too
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Read divisor
+	movff		SSPBUF,divisor_deco			; Store divisor
+	bcf			divisor_deco,4				; Clear information length
+	bcf			divisor_deco,5
+	bcf			divisor_deco,6
+	bcf			divisor_deco,7
+	movff		divisor_deco,logbook_temp2	; Store as temp, too
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Read divisor
+	movff		SSPBUF,divisor_tank			; Store divisor
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Read divisor
+	movff		SSPBUF,divisor_ppo2			; Store divisor
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Read divisor
+	movff		SSPBUF,divisor_deco_debug	; Store divisor
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Read divisor
+	movff		SSPBUF,divisor_nuy2			; Store divisor
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Read Salinity
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Dummy byte
+	; Start Profile display
+	movlw		color_deepblue
+	movff		WREG,box_temp+0		; Data
+	movlw		.75
+	movff		WREG,box_temp+1		; row top (0-239)
+	movlw		.239
+	movff		WREG,box_temp+2		; row bottom (0-239)
+	movlw		.0
+	movff		WREG,box_temp+3		; column left (0-159)
+	movlw		.159	
+	movff		WREG,box_temp+4		; column right (0-159)
+	call		PLED_box
+	call		I2CREAD2					; skip 0xFB		(Header-end)
+	clrf		timeout_counter2			; here: used as counter for depth readings
+	call		I2CREAD2					; skip 0xFB		(Header-end)
+	movlw		d'158'
+	movwf		ignore_digits				; here: used as counter for x-pixels
+	bcf			second_FD					; clear flag
+	movlw		d'5'
+	movwf		timeout_counter3			; here: used as colum x2 (Start at Colum 5)
+	movlw		d'75'						; Zero-m row
+	movwf		apnoe_mins					; here: used for fill between rows
+	incf		timeout_counter3,W			; Init Column
+	call		PLED_SetColumnPixel			; pixel x2
+	movff		profile_temp+0,profile_temp2+0
+	movff		profile_temp+1,profile_temp2+1		; 16Bit x-scaler
+	incf		profile_temp2+1,F					
+	rcall		profile_view_get_depth		; reads depth, ignores temp and profile data	-> hi, lo
+	btfsc		second_FD					; end-of profile reached?
+	bra			profile_display_loop_done	; Yes, skip all remaining pixels
+	movff		sim_pressure+0,xB+0			; devide pressure in mbar/quant for row offsett
+	movff		sim_pressure+1,xB+1
+	movff		lo,xA+0
+	movff		hi,xA+1
+	call		div16x16					; xA/xB=xC
+	movlw		d'75'
+	addwf		xC+0,F						; add 75 pixel offset to result
+	call		profile_display_fill		; In this column between this row (xC+0) and the last row (apnoe_mins)
+	movff		xC+0,apnoe_mins				; Store last row for fill routine
+	movf		xC+0,W
+	call		PLED_SetRow					; 0...259
+	incf		timeout_counter3,F
+	movf		timeout_counter3,W
+	call		PLED_SetColumnPixel			; pixel x2
+	WIN_COLOR	color_white
+	call		PLED_PxlWrite				; Write two pixels
+profile_display_skip_loop1:					; skips readings!
+	dcfsnz		profile_temp2+0,F
+	bra			profile_display_loop3		; check 16bit....
+	rcall		profile_view_get_depth		; reads depth, ignores temp and profile data
+	bra			profile_display_skip_loop1
+	decfsz		profile_temp2+1,F			; 16 bit x-scaler test
+	bra			profile_display_skip_loop1	; skips readings!
+	decfsz		ignore_digits,F				; counts x-pixels to zero
+	bra			profile_display_loop		; Not ready yet
+; Done.
+	bcf			sleepmode					; clear some flags
+	bcf			menubit2
+	bcf			menubit3
+	bcf			switch_right
+	bcf			switch_left
+	clrf		timeout_counter2
+	call		check_switches_logbook
+	btfsc		menubit2					; SET/MENU?
+	bra			exit_profileview			; back to list
+	btfsc		menubit3					; ENTER?
+	bra			profileview_menu			; Switch to the Profileview menu
+	btfsc		onesecupdate
+	call		timeout_surfmode			; timeout
+	btfsc		onesecupdate
+	call		set_dive_modes				; check, if divemode must be entered
+	bcf			onesecupdate				; one second update
+	btfsc		sleepmode					; Timeout?
+	bra			exit_profileview			; back to list
+	btfsc		divemode
+	goto		restart						; Enter Divemode if required
+	bra			display_profile_loop		; wait for something to do
+profile_display_fill:		; In this column between this row (xC+0) and the last row (apnoe_mins), keep xC+0!!
+; First, check if xC+0>apnoe_mins or xC+0<aponoe_mins
+	movf	xC+0,W
+	cpfseq	apnoe_mins				; xC+0 = apone_mins?
+	bra		profile_display_fill2	; No!
+	return
+	movf	xC+0,W
+	cpfsgt	apnoe_mins				; apnoe_mins>xC+0?
+	bra		profile_display_fill_up	; Yes!
+profile_display_fill_down:			; Fill downwards from apone_mins to xC+0!
+	movff		apnoe_mins,xC+1		; Copy
+profile_display_fill_down2:			; Loop	
+	decf		xC+1,F
+	movf		xC+1,W				; Row
+	call		PLED_SetRow			; 0...259
+	WIN_COLOR	color_white
+	call		PLED_PxlWrite_Single; Write one Pixel
+	movf		xC+0,W
+	cpfseq		xC+1				; Loop until xC+1=xC+0
+	bra			profile_display_fill_down2
+	return							; apnoe_mins and xC+0 are untouched
+profile_display_fill_up:			; Fill upwards from xC+0 to apone_mins!
+	movff		xC+0,xC+1			; Copy
+profile_display_fill_up2:			; Loop	
+	decf		xC+1,F
+	movf		xC+1,W				; Row
+	call		PLED_SetRow			; 0...259
+	WIN_COLOR	color_white
+	call		PLED_PxlWrite_Single; Write one Pixel
+	movf		apnoe_mins,W
+	cpfseq		xC+1				; Loop until xC+1=apnoe_mins
+	bra			profile_display_fill_up2
+	return							; apnoe_mins and xC+0 are untouched
+	call		I2CREAD2					; read first depth
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo					; low value
+	call		I2CREAD2					; read first depth
+	movff		SSPBUF,hi					; high value
+	call		I2CREAD2					; read Profile Flag Byte
+	movff		SSPBUF,timeout_counter2		; Read Profile Flag Byte
+	bcf			event_occured				; clear flag
+	btfsc		timeout_counter2,7
+	bsf			event_occured				; We also have an Event byte!
+	bcf			timeout_counter2,7			; Clear Event Byte Flag (If any)
+	; timeout_counter2 now holds the number of additional bytes to ignore (0-127)
+	movlw		0xFD						; end of profile bytes?
+	cpfseq		lo
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new1	; no 0xFD
+	movlw		0xFD						; end of profile bytes?
+	cpfseq		hi
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new1	; no 0xFD
+	bsf			second_FD					; End found! Set Flag! Skip remaining pixels!
+	return
+	decfsz		divisor_deco,F				; Check divisor
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new1_1	; Divisor not zero...	
+;	tstfsz		timeout_counter2			; Any bytes to ignore
+;	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new2	; Yes (1-127)
+;	return									; No (0)
+	movff	logbook_temp2,divisor_deco		; Restore divisor value!
+; check for event byte and the extra informations
+	btfss		event_occured
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new2		; No event!
+	call		I2CREAD2					; read event byte
+	decf		timeout_counter2,F			; Reduce number of bytes to ignore
+	movlw		d'0'						; Extra bytes to ignore because of event
+	btfsc		SSPBUF,4
+	addlw		d'2'						; two bytes for manual gas set
+	btfsc		SSPBUF,5
+	addlw		d'1'						; one byte for gas change
+	movwf		logbook_temp5				; store extra bytes to ignore
+	tstfsz		logbook_temp5				; Anything to ignore?
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new1_2	; Yes
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new2	; No, continue with normal routine
+	call		I2CREAD2					; ignore byte
+	decf		timeout_counter2,F			; Reduce number of bytes to ignore
+	decfsz		logbook_temp5,F				; reduce extra bytes ignore counter
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new1_2	; loop
+	movlw		d'4'							; Temp (2) and Deko (2) in the sample?
+	cpfseq		timeout_counter2
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new2_2	; No
+	; Yes, skip Temp!
+	call		I2CREAD2					; ignore byte
+	decf		timeout_counter2,F			; Reduce number of bytes to ignore
+	call		I2CREAD2					; ignore byte
+	decf		timeout_counter2,F			; Reduce number of bytes to ignore
+	call		I2CREAD2					; ignore byte
+	decfsz		timeout_counter2,F			; reduce counter
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new2_2; Loop
+	return
+	tstfsz		timeout_counter2			; Any bytes to ignore
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new3	; Yes (1-127)
+	return									; No (0)
+	; timeout_counter2 now holds the number of additional bytes to ignore (0-127)
+	call		I2CREAD2					; ignore byte
+	decfsz		timeout_counter2,F			; reduce counter
+	bra			profile_view_get_depth_new3	; Loop
+	return
+	bcf			sleepmode
+	clrf		timeout_counter2				; restore all registers to build same page again
+	movff		decodata+0,eeprom_address+0
+	movff		decodata+1,eeprom_address+1		
+	movff		max_pressure+0,divemins+0
+	movff		max_pressure+1,divemins+1
+	movff		mintemp+0, divenumber
+	movff		logbook_temp6,temp1
+	movff		samplesecs,temp2
+	decf		divenumber,F
+	bcf			all_dives_shown
+	decf		menupos2,F	
+	clrf		menupos3					; here: used row on current page
+	movlw		d'5'
+	movwf		menupos						; here: active row on current page
+	incf		menupos2,F					; start new page
+	call		PLED_ClearScreen			; clear details/profile
+	bra			menu_logbook1b					; start search
+	btfsc		all_dives_shown				; all shown
+	goto		menu_logbook1				; all reset
+	clrf		menupos3	
+	movlw		d'5'
+	movwf		menupos					; 
+	incf		menupos2,F					; start new screen
+	call		PLED_ClearScreen
+	movff		eeprom_header_address+0,eeprom_address+0
+	movff		eeprom_header_address+1,eeprom_address+1	; continue search here
+	goto		menu_logbook1b
+	btfsc		switch_right			
+	bsf			menubit3
+	btfsc		switch_left
+	bsf			menubit2					; Enter
+	return
+	incf		menupos,F
+	movlw		d'7'
+	cpfseq		menupos					; =7?
+	bra			next_logbook3a				; No
+	bra			next_logbook2				; yes, new page please
+	incf		menupos3,W					; 
+	cpfseq		menupos
+	bra			next_logbook3b
+	movlw		d'6'
+	movwf		menupos					; Jump directly to exit if page is not full
+	clrf		timeout_counter2
+	call		PLED_logbook_cursor
+	bcf			switch_right
+	bcf			menubit3					; clear flag
+	bra			menu_logbook_loop
+	bsf			logbook_page_not_empty		; Page not empty
+	incf		menupos3,F					
+	btfsc		logbook_header_drawn		; "Logbook already displayed?
+	bra			display_listdive1a
+	call		PLED_topline_box			; Draw box
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.26							; "Logbook"
+	bsf			logbook_header_drawn
+	WIN_LEFT	.20
+	movf		menupos2,W
+	mullw		d'5'
+	movf		PRODL,W
+	subwf		divenumber,W				; current row on page
+	mullw		d'30'						; x30
+	movf		PRODL,W						; is pixel-row for entry
+	addlw		d'5'						; +5 Pixel, so list entries are at rows 35,65,95,125,155,185
+	movff		WREG,win_top
+	lfsr		FSR2,letter
+	movff		divenumber,lo
+	output_99x								; # of dive
+	movlw		' '
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	movlw		d'13'
+	cpfsgt		lo							; Skip if lo>13
+	bra			display_listdive2			; use old format
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Skip Profile version
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo					; in new format, read month
+	movff		lo,convert_value_temp+0		; Month (in lo, see above)
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Day
+	movff		SSPBUF,convert_value_temp+1
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Year
+	movff		SSPBUF,convert_value_temp+2
+	call		PLED_convert_date_short		; converts into "DD/MM" or "MM/DD" or "MM/DD" in postinc2
+	call		I2CREAD2					; hours (Skip)
+	call		I2CREAD2					; minutes (skip)
+	movlw		' '
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		I2CREAD2					; Depth
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,hi
+	bsf			leftbind
+	bsf			ignore_digit5				; Do not display 1cm figure
+	output_16dp	d'3'						; max. depth
+	movlw		'm'
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	movlw		' '
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,lo
+	call		I2CREAD2	
+	movff		SSPBUF,hi
+	bsf			leftbind
+	output_16								; Divetime minutes
+	movlw		d'39'						; "'"
+	movwf		POSTINC2
+	call		word_processor				; Display header-row in list
+	return
+	movlw		d'1'
+	movwf		menupos
+	call		PLED_clear_divemode_menu
+	call		PLED_profileview_menu		; Displays Menu
+	call		PLED_divemenu_cursor
+	bcf			sleepmode					; clear some flags
+	bcf			menubit2
+	bcf			menubit3
+	bcf			switch_right
+	bcf			switch_left
+	clrf		timeout_counter2
+	call		check_switches_logbook
+	btfsc		menubit3					; SET/MENU?
+	bra			profileview_menu_move_cursor; Move Cursor
+	btfsc		menubit2					; ENTER?
+	bra			profileview_menu_do			; Do task
+	btfsc		onesecupdate
+	call		timeout_surfmode			; timeout
+	btfsc		onesecupdate
+	call		set_dive_modes				; check, if divemode must be entered
+	bcf			onesecupdate				; one second update
+	btfsc		sleepmode					; Timeout?
+	bra			exit_profileview			; back to list
+	btfsc		divemode
+	goto		restart						; Enter Divemode if required
+	bra			profileview_menu_loop		; wait for something to do
+	dcfsnz		menupos,F
+	bra			exit_profileview		; back to list, quit profileview menu
+	dcfsnz		menupos,F
+	bra			profileview_menu_delete	; Delete Dive from external EEPROM
+	dcfsnz		menupos,F
+	bra			profileview_menu_format	; Delete all Dives from external EEPROM
+	incf		menupos,F
+	movlw		d'4'						; number of menu options+1
+	cpfseq		menupos						; =limit?
+	bra			profileview_menu_move_cursor2	; No!
+	movlw		d'1'							; Yes, reset to position 1!
+	movwf		menupos
+	bra			profileview_menu2		; Return to Profile Menu, also updates cursor
+	call		PLED_confirmbox				; Returns WREG=0 for Cancel (Or Timeout) and WREG=1 for OK!
+	movwf		menupos						; Used as temp
+	tstfsz		menupos
+	bra			profileview_menu_format_loop2		; Format now!
+	bra			exit_profileview		; back to list, quit profileview menu
+profileview_menu_format_loop2:			; Do now format!
+	call		PLED_ClearScreen
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.12						; "Wait.."
+	call		reset_external_eeprom		; delete profile memory
+	goto		menu						; Return to Menu
+	call		PLED_confirmbox				; Returns WREG=0 for Cancel (Or Timeout) and WREG=1 for OK!
+	movwf		menupos						; Used as temp
+	tstfsz		menupos
+	bra			profileview_menu_delete_loop2		; Delete now!
+	bra			exit_profileview		; back to list, quit profileview menu
+profileview_menu_delete_loop2:	; Do now delete
+	call		PLED_ClearScreen
+	DISPLAYTEXT	.12				; "Wait.."
+; eeprom_address:2 is set to the second byte after the ending 0xFD 0xFD
+; eeprom_address:2 - 1 -> set to the last byte after the 0xFD 0xFD of the current dive
+; Set pointer to Byte after the final "0xFD 0xFD"
+	decf_eeprom_address	d'1'			; Macro, that subtracts 8Bit from eeprom_address:2 with banking at 0x8000
+	movff		eeprom_address+0,divemins+0
+	movff		eeprom_address+1,divemins+1			
+; eeprom_header_address:2 + 1 -> set to the first 0xFA of the 0xFA 0xFA start bytes of the header
+	movlw		d'1'								; 
+	addwf		eeprom_header_address+0,F
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		eeprom_header_address+1,F			; eeprom_header_address:2 + 1
+	btfsc		eeprom_header_address+1,7			; at 7FFF?
+	clrf		eeprom_header_address+0				; Yes, clear address (+0 first!)
+	btfsc		eeprom_header_address+1,7			; at 7FFF?
+	clrf		eeprom_header_address+1				; Yes, clear address
+	movff		divemins+0,eeprom_address+0
+	movff		divemins+1,eeprom_address+1					; Read source
+	call		I2CREAD										; reads one byte (Slow! Better use Blockread!)	
+	movwf		profile_temp+0
+	movlw		0xFE
+	cpfseq		profile_temp+0
+	bra			profileview_menu_delete_notlast				; we're not deleting the last dive....
+; Just move the 0xFE after the dive and delete the rest with 0xFF			
+	movff		eeprom_header_address+0, eeprom_address+0
+	movff		eeprom_header_address+1, eeprom_address+1	; Write target
+	movlw		0xFE
+	call		I2CWRITE									; Write the byte
+; Now, delete everything _between_ eeprom_header_address and divemins:2+2 with 0xFF
+	movlw		d'1'								; 
+	addwf		eeprom_header_address+0,F
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		eeprom_header_address+1,F			; eeprom_header_address:2 + 1
+	btfsc		eeprom_header_address+1,7			; at 7FFF?
+	clrf		eeprom_header_address+0				; Yes, clear address (+0 first!)
+	btfsc		eeprom_header_address+1,7			; at 7FFF?
+	clrf		eeprom_header_address+1				; Yes, clear address
+	movff		eeprom_header_address+0,eeprom_address+0
+	movff		eeprom_header_address+1,eeprom_address+1
+	movlw		d'1'								; 
+	addwf		divemins+0,F
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		divemins+1,F						; divemins:2 + 1
+	btfss		divemins+1,7						; at 7FFF?
+	bra			profileview_menu_delete_loop2a		; Skip
+	clrf		divemins+0							; Yes, clear address
+	clrf		divemins+1
+;	movff		eeprom_header_address+0,eeprom_address+0
+;	movff		eeprom_header_address+1,eeprom_address+1
+	movlw		0xFF
+	call		I2CWRITE							; Write the byte
+	incf_eeprom_address	d'1'				; Macro, that adds 8Bit to eeprom_address:2 with banking at 0x8000
+	movff		divemins+0,sub_a+0
+	movff		divemins+1,sub_a+1
+	movff		eeprom_address+0,sub_b+0
+	movff		eeprom_address+1,sub_b+1
+	call		sub16								; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	tstfsz		sub_c+0								; Done (Result=Zero?) ?
+	bra			profileview_menu_delete_loop2a		; No, continue
+	tstfsz		sub_c+1								; Done (Result=Zero?) ?
+	bra			profileview_menu_delete_loop2a		; No, continue
+	goto		menu_logbook						; Return to list when done deleting
+; Move everything byte-wise from divemins:2 to eeprom_header_address:2 until 0xFD 0xFD 0xFE is found and were moved
+	call		get_free_EEPROM_location			; Searches 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFE and sets Pointer to 0xFE
+	incf_eeprom_address	d'2'				; Macro, that adds 8Bit to eeprom_address:2 with banking at 0x8000
+	movff		eeprom_address+0,profile_temp+0		
+	movff		eeprom_address+1,profile_temp+1	
+; holds now address of 0xFE + 2 (Abort condition....)
+	decf_eeprom_address	d'2'			; Macro, that subtracts 8Bit from eeprom_address:2 with banking at 0x8000
+; holds now address of 0xFE again
+	movff		eeprom_address+0,divemins+0
+	movff		eeprom_address+1,divemins+1					; Copy to working read registers
+	movff		divemins+0,eeprom_address+0
+	movff		divemins+1,eeprom_address+1					; Read source
+	call		I2CREAD										; reads one byte (Slow! Better use Blockread!)	
+	movff		eeprom_header_address+0, eeprom_address+0
+	movff		eeprom_header_address+1, eeprom_address+1	; Write target
+	call		I2CWRITE									; Write the byte
+	movff		divemins+0,eeprom_address+0
+	movff		divemins+1,eeprom_address+1					; Set to source again
+	movlw		0xFF
+	call		I2CWRITE									; Delete the source....
+	movlw		d'1'
+	addwf		divemins+0,F							; Increase source (Divemins:2)
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		divemins+1,F
+	btfsc		divemins+1,7						; at 0x8000?
+	clrf		divemins+0							; Yes, clear address (+0 first!)
+	btfsc		divemins+1,7						; at 0x8000?
+	clrf		divemins+1							; Yes, clear address
+	movlw		d'1'								; Increase target (eeprom_header_address:2)
+	addwf		eeprom_header_address+0,F
+	movlw		d'0'
+	addwfc		eeprom_header_address+1,F			; eeprom_header_address:2 + 1
+	btfsc		eeprom_header_address+1,7			; at 7FFF?
+	clrf		eeprom_header_address+0				; Yes, clear address (+0 first!)
+	btfsc		eeprom_header_address+1,7			; at 7FFF?
+	clrf		eeprom_header_address+1				; Yes, clear address
+	movff		divemins+0,sub_a+0
+	movff		divemins+1,sub_a+1
+	movff		profile_temp+0,sub_b+0
+	movff		profile_temp+1,sub_b+1
+	call		sub16								; sub_c = sub_a - sub_b
+	tstfsz		sub_c+0								; Done (Result=Zero?) ?
+	bra			profileview_menu_delete_loop3		; No, continue
+	tstfsz		sub_c+1								; Done (Result=Zero?) ?
+	bra			profileview_menu_delete_loop3		; No, continue
+	goto		menu_logbook								; Return to list when done deleting
\ No newline at end of file