diff code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/isr.asm @ 0:96a35aeda5f2

Initial setup
author heinrichsweikamp
date Tue, 12 Jan 2010 15:05:59 +0100
children 3b30cd739782
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/isr.asm	Tue Jan 12 15:05:59 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+; OSTC - diving computer code
+; Copyright (C) 2008 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR
+;    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;    (at your option) any later version.
+;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;    GNU General Public License for more details.
+;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+; written by: Matthias Heinrichs, info@heinrichsweikamp.com
+; written: 10/30/05
+; last updated: 05/16/08
+; known bugs:
+; ToDo:
+; the timer1 module interrupts every 62.5ms (16x/second)
+; temperature and pressure is averaged over 4 measurements
+; flag pressure_refresh is set every 500ms 
+; and provides accurate pressure (+/-1mBar stable) and temperature (0.1C stable)
+		btfsc	simulatormode_active		; are we in simulatormode?
+		bra		simulator_int				; Yes, reading is depth in m!
+		movff	RCREG,uart1_temp
+		movlw	d'96'
+		subwf	uart1_temp,F
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "a"
+		bsf		dump_external_eeprom		; set flag
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "b"
+		bsf		uart_settime				; set flag
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "c"
+		bsf		simulatormode_active		; set flag
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "d"
+		bsf		internal_eeprom_write		; set flag
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "e"
+		bsf		uart_send_hash				; set flag
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "f"
+		bsf		uart_compensate_temp		; set flag
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "g"
+		bsf		uart_send_int_eeprom		; set flag
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "h"
+		bsf		uart_reset_decodata			; set flag
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "i"
+		bsf		internal_eeprom_write2		; set flag
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "j"
+		bsf		uart_send_int_eeprom2		; set flag
+		dcfsnz	uart1_temp,F				; "k"
+		bsf		uart_store_tissue_data		; set flag
+		movf	RCREG,w						; unload RCREG in stand-alone simulator mode
+		bcf		PIR1,RCIF					; Clear flag
+		bcf		RCSTA,CREN					; Clear receiver status
+		bsf		RCSTA,CREN
+		return
+		btfsc	standalone_simulator		; ignore in standalone simulator mode
+		bra		uartint1
+		call	set_LEDusb
+		tstfsz	RCREG						; =0x00?
+		bra		simulator_int1				; No
+		incf	RCREG,F						; Yes, so force RCREG=1
+		movf	RCREG,w						; depth in m
+		mullw	d'100'						; result will be mbar
+		movff	PRODL,sim_pressure+0		; stored for pressure overwrite
+		movff	PRODH,sim_pressure+1
+		bra		uartint1					; exit uart int
+schalter_links:								; 
+		bcf		INTCON,INT0IF				; Clear flag
+		btfsc	T0CON,TMR0ON				; Timer0 running?
+		bra		timer0_restart				; Yes, restart
+		bsf		switch_left					; Set flag, button press is OK
+		bsf		T0CON,TMR0ON				; Start Timer 0
+		return
+schalter_rechts:							; 
+		bcf		INTCON3,INT1IF				; Clear flag
+		btfsc	T0CON,TMR0ON				; Timer0 running?
+		bra		timer0_restart				; Yes, restart
+		bsf		switch_right				; Set flag, button press is OK
+		bsf		T0CON,TMR0ON				; Start Timer 0
+		return
+		bcf		INTCON,TMR0IF				; Clear flag
+		clrf	T0CON						; Timer0
+		clrf	TMR0H
+		clrf	TMR0L
+		bsf		T0CON,TMR0ON				; Start Timer 0
+		return
+		bcf		INTCON,TMR0IF				; Clear flag
+		bcf		T0CON,TMR0ON				; Stop Timer 0
+		clrf	TMR0H
+		clrf	TMR0L
+		return
+		bcf		INTCON2, INTEDG0			; Interrupt on faling edge again
+		bcf		switch_left_isr				; Clear flag, button press is done
+		movlw	T0CON_debounce				; Timer0
+		movwf	T0CON
+		bsf		T0CON,TMR0ON				; Start Timer 0
+		return
+		bsf		INTCON2, INTEDG0			; Interrupt on rising edge again
+		return
+		bcf		INTCON2, INTEDG1			; Interrupt on faling edge again
+		bcf		switch_right_isr			; Clear flag, button press is done
+		movlw	T0CON_debounce				; Timer0
+		movwf	T0CON
+		bsf		T0CON,TMR0ON				; Start Timer 0
+		return
+		bsf		INTCON2, INTEDG1			; Interrupt on rising edge again
+		return
+		bcf		PIR2,TMR3IF					; Clear flag
+		bcf		T3CON,TMR0ON				; Stop Timer 3
+		bcf		T2CON,2						; stop Timer 2
+		return
+		bcf		PIR1,TMR1IF					; Clear flag
+		call	clear_LEDr					; LEDr off (For charge indicator)
+		movlw	0x08						; Timer1 int after 62.5ms (=16/second)
+		cpfslt	TMR1H						; Did we miss a 1/16 second?
+		incf	timer1int_counter1,F		; Yes, add extra 1/16 second
+		movlw	0x08						; Timer1 int after 62.5ms (=16/second)
+		subwf	TMR1H,F			
+		incf	timer1int_counter1,F
+		movlw	d'15'						; One second 16
+		cpfsgt	timer1int_counter1			 
+		bra		sensor_int_pre				; only pressure sensor
+		call	RTCisr						; adjust time, then query pressure sensor
+		btfss	sleepmode					; In sleepmode?
+		bra		sensor_int					; No
+		return
+		btfsc		no_sensor_int			; No sensor interrupt (because it's addressed during sleep)
+		return						
+		incf		timer1int_counter2,F		; counts to eight for state maschine
+		movlw		d'1'
+		cpfseq		timer1int_counter2		; State 1?
+		bra			sensor_int1				; No
+		bcf			pressure_refresh			; clear flags
+		clrf		isr3_temp+0				; pressure average registers
+		clrf		isr3_temp+1
+		clrf		temperature_temp+0
+		clrf		temperature_temp+1
+		call		get_temperature_value		; State 1: Get temperature
+		call		get_pressure_start	 	; and start pressure integration.
+		return						; Done.
+		movlw		d'2'
+		cpfseq		timer1int_counter2		; State 2?
+		bra			sensor_int2				; No
+		call		get_pressure_value		; State2: Get pressure (51us)
+		call		get_temperature_start		; and start temperature integration (73,5us)
+		call		calculate_compensation		; calculate temperature compensated pressure (233us)
+		movf		amb_pressure+0,W
+		addwf		isr3_temp+0				; average pressure
+		movf		amb_pressure+1,W
+		addwfc		isr3_temp+1
+		movf		temperature+0,W
+		addwf		temperature_temp+0		; average temperature
+		movf		temperature+1,W
+		addwfc		temperature_temp+1
+		return		
+		movlw		d'3'
+		cpfseq		timer1int_counter2		; State 3?
+		bra			sensor_int3				; No
+		bra			sensor_int0				; Yes, but same as State 1!
+		movlw		d'4'
+		cpfseq		timer1int_counter2		; State 4?
+		bra			sensor_int4				; No
+		bra			sensor_int1_1			; Yes, but same as State 2!
+		movlw		d'5'					
+		cpfseq		timer1int_counter2		; State 5?
+		bra			sensor_int5				; No
+		bra			sensor_int0				; Yes, but same as State 1!
+		movlw		d'6'
+		cpfseq		timer1int_counter2		; State 6?
+		bra			sensor_int6				; No
+		bra			sensor_int1_1			; Yes, but same as State 2!
+		movlw		d'7'
+		cpfseq		timer1int_counter2		; State 7?
+		bra			sensor_int7				; No
+		bra			sensor_int0				; Yes, but same as State 1!
+		rcall		sensor_int1_1			; Do State 2...
+		clrf		timer1int_counter2		; ..then reset State counter...
+		movlw		d'2'					; and calculate average!
+		movwf		isr2_temp				
+		bcf			STATUS,C
+		rrcf		isr3_temp+1				; isr3_temp / 2
+		rrcf		isr3_temp+0
+		bcf			STATUS,C
+		rrcf		temperature_temp+1		; temperature_temp /2
+		rrcf		temperature_temp+0
+		decfsz		isr2_temp,F
+		bra			sensor_int8				; once more
+		movff		isr3_temp+1,amb_pressure+1	; copy into actual register
+		movff		isr3_temp+0,amb_pressure+0
+		movff		temperature_temp+1,temperature+1
+		movff		temperature_temp+0,temperature+0
+		bsf			pressure_refresh 			; Set flag! Temp and pressure were updated!
+		btfss		simulatormode_active		; are we in simulator mode?
+		bra			comp_air_pressure			; no
+		movlw		LOW		d'1000'				; yes, so simulate 1Bar surface pressure
+		movwf		last_surfpressure+0
+		movlw		HIGH	d'1000'
+		movwf		last_surfpressure+1
+		bcf			neg_flag				
+		movf		last_surfpressure+0,W		; compensate airpressure
+		subwf   	amb_pressure+0,W             
+		movwf   	rel_pressure+0			; rel_pressure stores depth!
+		movf		last_surfpressure+1,W
+		subwfb  	amb_pressure+1,W
+		movwf   	rel_pressure+1
+		btfss		STATUS,N				; result is below zero?
+		return
+		clrf		rel_pressure+0			; Yes, do not display negative depths
+		clrf		rel_pressure+1			; e.g. when surface air pressure dropped during the dive
+		return
+		clrf		timer1int_counter1		; counts to 16 (one second / 62.5ms)
+		bsf			onesecupdate			; we have a new second!
+		bcf			STATUS,Z				; are we in dive mode?
+		btfss		divemode
+		bra			RTCisr2				; No, must be surface or sleepmode
+		incf		samplesecs,F			; CF20 diving seconds done 
+		decf		samplesecs_value,W		; holds CF20 value  (minus 1 into WREG)
+		cpfsgt		samplesecs
+		bra			RTCisr1				; no
+		clrf		samplesecs				; clear counter...
+		bsf			store_sample			; ...and set bit for profile storage
+; Increase re-setable average depth divetime counter
+		incf		average_divesecs+0,F	; increase divetime registers	
+		btfsc		STATUS,Z
+		incf		average_divesecs+1,F	; increase divetime registers	
+		btfss		divemode2				; displayed divetime is running?
+		bra			RTCisr2					; No (e.g. too shallow)
+		incf		divesecs,F				; increase divetime registers
+		movlw		d'59'
+		cpfsgt		divesecs
+		bra			RTCisr1a
+		clrf		divesecs
+		bsf			realdive				; this bit is always set (again) if the dive is longer then one minute
+		incf		divemins+0,F			; increase divemins
+		btfsc		STATUS,Z
+		incf		divemins+1,F			; and now do the realtime clock routine anyway
+		btfss		FLAG_apnoe_mode			; Are we in Apnoe mode?
+		bra			RTCisr2					; No, skip the following
+		incf		apnoe_secs,F			; increase descent registers
+		movlw		d'59'
+		cpfsgt		apnoe_secs
+		bra			RTCisr2
+		clrf		apnoe_secs
+		incf		apnoe_mins,F			; increase descent mins
+		; Now, do the RTC routine....
+		incf		secs,F					; adjusts seconds, minutes, hours, day, month and year. Checks for a leap year and works until 2099!
+		movlw		d'59'
+		cpfsgt		secs
+		return
+		clrf		secs
+		bsf			oneminupdate
+		incf		mins,F
+		movlw		d'59'
+		cpfsgt		mins
+		return
+		clrf		mins
+		incf		hours,F
+		movlw		d'23'
+		cpfsgt		hours
+		return
+		clrf		hours
+		incf		day,F					
+		movff		month,isr_divB		; new month?
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.31
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.28
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.31
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.30
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.31
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.30
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.31
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.31
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.30
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.31
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.30
+		dcfsnz		isr_divB,F
+		movlw		.31
+		cpfsgt		day,1
+		return
+		movlw		.1
+		movwf		day
+		incf		month,F				
+		movlw		.12					
+		cpfsgt		month,1
+		return
+		movlw		.1
+		movwf		month
+		incf		year,F				
+		return
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