diff code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/aa_wordprocessor.asm @ 83:3e351e25f5d1

adding anti-aliased fonts frame and merging some patches from Jeando
author heinrichsweikamp
date Tue, 07 Dec 2010 22:36:19 +0100
children 3bcccb697bce
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/aa_wordprocessor.asm	Tue Dec 07 22:36:19 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+; file   aa_wordprocessor.asm
+; brief  Anti-aliased word processor
+; author JD Gascuel.
+; copyright (c) 2010, JD Gascuel. All rights reserved.
+; $Id: aa_wordprocessor.asm 72 2010-11-29 22:45:12Z gascuel $
+;  2010-11-22 : [jDG] Creation.
+; BUGS : None known yet...
+; wp_wordprocessor : 8KB, including fonts.
+; aa_wordprocessor : 0.5KB code
+;                  + 3.5KB aa_font28 (reduced to 99 chars)
+;                  + 1.6KB aa_font48
+;                  + 2.2KB aa_font90
+;                  = 7.9 KB including fonts...
+; Input registers:
+;	letter:26				String to print.
+;	win_font				Font size (0=small, 1=medium, 2=large)
+;	win_color1:2			16bits unpacked color
+;	win_top, win_leftx2		Position on screen
+;	win_inverse				Inverse video mode.
+; Available general purpose registers:
+;   PRODH, PRODL	(needed for array indexing)
+;   FSRx            12bits. Usefull as RAM pointers.
+; Flags allocation:
+#define		aa_antialias	aa_flags,0
+#define		aa_color_quart	aa_flags,1
+#define		aa_color_half	aa_flags,2
+; Extracted from p3_wordprocessor includes:
+#include	aa_fonts.asm
+aa_wp		code							; Mark segment into the .map file
+; Setup pointers for a char:
+; Inputs	WREG = char to draw, win_font
+; Output	aa_start, aa_end, aa_height, aa_flags
+			movwf	PRODL,A				; save char into PROD for now.
+			movf	win_font,W,BANKED	; Get font number (updates Z flag)
+			bnz		aa_char_1
+			; SMALL font -----------------------------------------------------
+			; Font SMALL character folding...
+;			movlw	0x7E				; Skip chars between ~ and ¡
+;			cpfsgt	PRODL,A				; Compare with char;
+;			bra		aa_char_01
+;			movlw	-.34				; substract 34 (decimal!)
+;			addwf	PRODL,F,A			; put back to PRODL
+			movlw	LOW aa_font28_block
+			movwf	TBLPTRL,A
+			movlw	HIGH aa_font28_block
+			movwf	TBLPTRH,A
+			bra		aa_char_3
+			; MEDIUM font ----------------------------------------------------				
+			decfsz	WREG,A				; This is medium font ???
+			bra		aa_char_2
+			; Font MEDIUM block:
+			movlw	LOW aa_font48_block
+			movwf	TBLPTRL,A
+			movlw	HIGH aa_font48_block
+			movwf	TBLPTRH,A
+			bra		aa_char_3
+			; LARGE font -----------------------------------------------------
+			; Font LARGE block:
+			movlw	LOW aa_font90_block
+			movwf	TBLPTRL,A
+			movlw	HIGH aa_font90_block
+			movwf	TBLPTRH,A
+			; Execute font block ---------------------------------------------
+			movlw	UPPER aa_font28_block
+			movwf	TBLPTRU,A
+			tblrd*+						; Read FROM char
+			movf	TABLAT,W			; Get it, and set Z,N
+			bz		aa_char_32			; Break at end of translations
+			tblrd*+						; Read TO char
+			cpfseq	PRODL,A				; FROM == current char ? 
+			bra		aa_char_30			; Different: loop
+			movff	TABLAT, PRODL		; make substitution
+			bra		aa_char_30			; Loop.
+			tblrd*+						; Read first char
+			movf	TABLAT,W			; get it.
+			subwf	PRODL,F				; (char - first) --> PRODL
+			tblrd*+						; Read nb chars
+			movf	TABLAT,W			; nbchars --> WREG
+			tblrd*+						; Read default char
+			cpfslt	PRODL				; if char > WREG ?
+			movff	TABLAT,PRODL		; replace PRODL
+			clrf	aa_flags,BANKED		; Default to no AA
+			tblrd*+						; Read font height + AA flag
+			movf	TABLAT,W			; into WREG
+			bnn		aa_char_34			; High bit set ?
+			bsf		aa_antialias,BANKED	; YES : then the font is AA.
+			andlw	0x7F				; Keep just font height,
+			movwf	aa_height,BANKED	; then save it (its a register)
+			movf	PRODL,W				; Read back char
+			mullw	2					; PROD = 2*(char - base), TBLPTR=idx
+			movf	PRODL,W
+			addwf	TBLPTRL,F			; Add into TBLPTR (low byte)
+			movf	PRODH,W
+			addwfc	TBLPTRH,F			; and high byte.
+			tblrd*+						; aa_start = PROM16(*tblptr++)
+			movff	TABLAT,aa_start		; Read low byte
+			tblrd*+
+			movff	TABLAT,aa_start+1	; and high byte
+			tblrd*+						; aa_end = PROM16(*tblptr++)
+			movff	TABLAT,aa_end		; Read low byte
+			tblrd*+
+			movff	TABLAT,aa_end+1		; and high byte
+			return
+; Character width
+; Inputs	aa_start, aa_end, aa_width, aa_height, aa_flags
+; Output	width added to aa_width
+; Trashed	aa_bitlen, TBLPTR, TABLAT
+			movff	aa_start, TBLPTRL	;	TBLPTR = aa_start
+			movff	aa_start+1, TBLPTRH
+			clrf	aa_bitlen,BANKED		; clear reminders...
+			; Read bitmap byte, and decode length:
+	ifdef AA_BYTE_SWAP
+			btg		TBLPTRL,0,A			; Toggle low ptr bit.
+			tblrd*
+			movf	TABLAT,W,A			; Store to WREG
+			btg		TBLPTRL,0,A			; Get is back
+			tblrd*+						; then increment (but trash TABLAT)
+			movwf	TABLAT,A			; Then restore copy to TABLAT.
+	else
+			tblrd*+						; Normal read...
+			movf	TABLAT,W,A			; Store copy to WREG
+	endif
+			btfss	aa_antialias,BANKED	; Antialiased font ?
+			bra		aa_char_width_10	; No: always 7 bits count
+			bn		aa_char_width_10	; Non-white pixels ?
+			andlw	0x1F				; Yes : 5 bits count.
+			andlw	0x7F				; No: 7 bit count.
+			incf	WREG,A				; WREG = repetition count
+			addwf	aa_bitlen,F,BANKED	; Add remaining pixels from last code.
+			movf	aa_height,W,BANKED	; WREG = - height
+			negf	WREG,A
+			; This is a hand-made division by successive substraction of height
+			addwf	aa_bitlen,F,BANKED	; Try to substract aa_height
+			bn		aa_char_width_3		; If neg it was a bad idea...
+			infsnz	aa_width,F,BANKED	; Succeded: do a 12bit increment
+			incf	aa_width+1,F,BANKED	; on the aa_width counter.
+			bra		aa_char_width_2		; and loop.
+			negf	WREG,A				; WREG = +height
+			addwf	aa_bitlen,F,BANKED	; Restore true reminder.
+			; Are we done ?
+			movf	TBLPTRL,W,A			; Compare TBLPTR to aa_end
+			cpfseq	aa_end,BANKED
+			bra		aa_char_width_1		; Loop if LOW is different
+			movf	TBLPTRH,W,A
+			cpfseq	aa_end+1,BANKED		; Loop to if HIGH is different
+			bra		aa_char_width_1
+			return
+; String width
+; Output	aa_width, aa_height
+; Trashed	PROD, TBLPTR, FSR2, aa_bitlen, aa_start, aa_end, aa_flags
+			lfsr	FSR2, letter		; FSR2 pointer to start of string.
+			clrf	aa_width,BANKED		; Clear width sum.
+			clrf	aa_width+1,BANKED	; (12 bit counter)
+			movf	POSTINC2,W,A		; WREG = *FSR2++
+			bz		aa_string_width99	; Exit if null byte encountered.
+			rcall	aa_char_setup		; setup aa_start / aa_end
+			rcall	aa_char_width		; sum-up width into aa_width
+			bra		aa_string_width_1	; and loop.
+			return
+; Fast macros to write to OLED display.
+; Adding a call/return adds 3 words and a pipeline flush, hence make it
+; nearly twice slower...
+; Input	 : commande as macro parameter.
+; Output : NONE
+; Trash  : WREG
+AA_CMD_WRITE macro cmd
+			movlw	cmd
+			bcf		oled_rs				; Cmd mode
+			movwf	PORTD,A
+			bcf		oled_rw				; Tick the clock
+			bsf		oled_rw
+			endm
+; Input	 : PRODH:L as 16bits data.
+; Output : NONE
+; Trash  : NONE
+			bsf		oled_rs				; Data mode
+			bcf		oled_rw				; Tick the clock
+			bsf		oled_rw
+			movff	PRODL,PORTD
+			bcf		oled_rw				; Tick the clock
+			bsf		oled_rw
+			endm
+; Output OLED Window Address commands.
+; Inputs : win_top, win_leftx2, aa_height, aa_width.
+; Output : PortD commands.
+; Trashed: PROD
+			movf	win_leftx2,W,BANKED	; Compute left = 2*leftx2
+			mullw	2
+			AA_CMD_WRITE	0x35		; this is the left border
+			movf	aa_width,W,BANKED	; right = left + width - 1
+			addwf	PRODL,F,A
+			movf	aa_width+1,W,BANKED
+			addwfc	PRODH,F,A
+			decf	PRODL,F,A			; decrement result
+			bc		aa_box_cmd_1		; No borrow (/Carry) ? skip propagating.
+			decf	PRODH,F,A
+			AA_CMD_WRITE	0x36		; Write and the right border
+			movf	win_top,W,BANKED	; Write top / bottom window
+			movwf	PRODH,A				; (remember PRODH output first)
+			addwf	aa_height,W,BANKED
+			decf	WREG,A
+			movwf	PRODL,A				; And PRODL is later...
+			AA_CMD_WRITE	0x37
+			movf	win_leftx2,W,BANKED	; Start ptr left
+			mullw	2
+			AA_CMD_WRITE	0x20
+			movf	win_top,W,BANKED	; Start ptr top
+			mullw	1					; Load into PRODH:L
+			AA_CMD_WRITE	0x21
+			return
+; Decode a compressed char.
+; Inputs	aa_start, aa_end, aa_height, win_invert, win_color1, win_color2
+; Output	none
+; Trashed	TBLPTR, TABLAT, PROD, aa_bitlen, aa_flags, aa_colorDir:2
+			movff	aa_start, TBLPTRL	;	TBLPTR = aa_start
+			movff	aa_start+1, TBLPTRH
+			; Read bitmap byte, and decode color & length
+	ifdef AA_BYTE_SWAP
+			btg		TBLPTRL,0,A			; Toggle low ptr bit.
+			tblrd*
+			movf	TABLAT,W,A			; Store to WREG
+			btg		TBLPTRL,0,A			; Get is back
+			tblrd*+						; then increment (but trash TABLAT)
+			movwf	TABLAT,A			; Then restore copy to TABLAT.
+	else
+			tblrd*+						; Normal read...
+			movf	TABLAT,W,A			; Store copy to WREG
+	endif
+			btfss	aa_antialias,BANKED	; Antialiased font ?
+			bra		aa_decode_10		; No: always 7 bits count
+			bn		aa_decode_10		; Non-white pixels ?
+			andlw	0x1F				; Yes : 5 bits count.
+			andlw	0x7F				; No: 7 bit count.
+			incf	WREG,A				
+			movwf	aa_bitlen,BANKED	; repetition count --> aa_bitlen
+			;---- COLOR DECODING ---------------------------------------------
+			;
+			;   Code    Normal    Inverse
+			;   1xx        0%      100%	: Managed by aa_decode_13
+			;   011       25%       75%
+			;   010       50%       50%
+			;   001       75%       25%
+			;   000      100%        0% : Managed by aa_decode_13 too.
+			;
+			movf	TABLAT,W,A			; Get back code
+			btfss	aa_antialias,BANKED	; Antialiased font ?
+			bra		aa_decode_13		; NO: 1bit case
+			; Asymetry test: 1xx code is another case for 1bit color.
+			; This have to be done before inverse video, because
+			; of the asymetric processing !
+			bn		aa_decode_13		; decode as not-aa
+			; Manage 000 special case too:
+			andlw	0xE0				; Select color bits
+			bz		aa_decode_13		; That's a 000 !
+			; Apply reverse video, in a reversed way
+			btfss	win_invert,0		; Inverse video mode ?
+			sublw	0x80
+			; Move the two bits to aa_color_half and aa_color_quarter:
+			swapf	WREG				; --> 0000.0LL0 byte
+			iorlw	b'001'				; We are in AA mode, don't forget it !
+			movwf	aa_flags			; save that to aa_color_(half/quad)/AA flags.
+			;---- 2 bit x RGB(16bits) computation ----------------------------
+			clrf	PRODL				; We will accumulate result here...
+			clrf	PRODH
+			; Take color div 2 into aa_colorDiv. Max red = 15/31
+			rrcf	win_color1,W,BANKED	; xRRRRxGG
+			andlw	b'01111011'			; 0RRRR0GG (don't change C)
+			movwf	aa_colorDiv+0,BANKED
+			rrcf	win_color2,W,BANKED	; GGGxBBBB
+			andlw	b'11101111'			; GGG0BBBB
+			movwf	aa_colorDiv+1,BANKED
+			btfss	aa_color_half
+			bra		aa_decode_12
+			movff	aa_colorDiv+0,PRODH	; Add color/2 if bit set.
+			movff	aa_colorDiv+1,PRODL	; OLED is big endian, so swap here.
+			btfss	aa_color_quart
+			bra		aa_decode_3
+			; Divide it once again by 2. Max red = 7/31.
+			rrcf	aa_colorDiv+0,W,BANKED	; xxRRRxxG
+			andlw	b'00111001'			; 00RRR00G (don't change C)
+			movwf	aa_colorDiv+0,BANKED
+			rrcf	aa_colorDiv+1,W,BANKED ; GGGxxBBB
+			andlw	b'11100111'			; GGG00BBB
+			movwf	aa_colorDiv+1,BANKED
+			movf	aa_colorDiv+1,W,BANKED ; Add color/4
+			addwf	PRODL,F				; NOTE: 7/31+15/31=22/31,
+			movf	aa_colorDiv+0,W,BANKED ; hence composants won't overlap.
+			addwfc	PRODH,F				; In right order, to propagate carry.
+			bra		aa_decode_3			; Done.
+			; ---- Simple BLACK and WHITE cases ------------------------------
+aa_decode_13:							; Got a 1xx or a 000 code...
+			btfsc	win_invert,0		; Inverse video mode ?
+			xorlw	0x80				; YES: invert levels.
+			bn		aa_decode_2			; Then test high bit.
+			; WHITE pixel (ie. full color)
+			movff	win_color1,PRODH	; current draw color
+			movff	win_color2,PRODL	; (rem: OLED is big endian)
+			bra		aa_decode_3
+			clrf	PRODH,A				; BLACK pixel
+			clrf	PRODL,A
+			;---- PIXEL WRITE LOOP -------------------------------------------
+			decf	aa_bitlen,BANKED
+			bnz		aa_decode_3
+			;---- BYTE-CODE LOOP ---------------------------------------------
+			; Are we done ?
+			movf	TBLPTRL,W,A			; Compare TBLPTR to aa_end
+			cpfseq	aa_end,BANKED
+			bra		aa_decode_1	; Loop if LOW is different
+			movf	TBLPTRH,W,A
+			cpfseq	aa_end+1,BANKED		; Loop to if HIGH is different
+			bra		aa_decode_1
+			return
+; Setup pointers for a char:
+; Inputs : letter : string to print (SHOULD BE NULL TERMINATED)
+; Output : OLED commands on port D + clocks.
+			; Make sure context is well known
+			movlb	HIGH aa_start		; Switch to bank 0...
+			rcall	aa_string_width		; Set aa_height, compute aa_width
+			rcall	aa_box_cmd			; Use that for the box.
+			; Restart the loop for each char to print
+			lfsr	FSR2, letter		; FSR2 pointer to start of string.
+			; DATA bloc commande:
+			AA_CMD_WRITE	0x22
+			movf	POSTINC2,W,A		; WREG = *FSR2++
+			bz		aa_wordprocessor_99	; Exit if null byte encountered.
+			rcall	aa_char_setup		; setup aa_start / aa_end
+			rcall	aa_decode_char		; sum-up width into aa_width
+			bra		aa_wordprocessor_1	; and loop.
+			; END of bloc commande
+			AA_CMD_WRITE	0x00
+			return