diff code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/altimeter.asm @ 125:2907b42c195b

Altimeter: - use H = 19902 log10(P0/P) - Interface to select sea level mbars. - Average over 32 values, using 1/16 of mbar. - Display in customview area. - Fix display ****m when not yet computed - Fix reset when exiting sleep mode - Fix : edit menu in 1/4 of mbar. - Fix use CF#49 to enable/disable altimeter, also in altimeter menu. - Fix visible in Menu 2
author JeanDo
date Wed, 29 Dec 2010 01:41:13 +0100
children 49bb155ddfbf
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/altimeter.asm	Wed Dec 29 01:41:13 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+;    File altimeter.asm
+;    Altimeter function prototype.
+;    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;    (at your option) any later version.
+;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;    GNU General Public License for more details.
+;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;    Copyright (c) 2010, JD Gascuel.
+;  2010-12-15 : [jDG] First prototype with quadratic polynomial ant tp°.
+;  2010-12-28 : [jDG] Use MPLAB Math and C libraries for FP32 computations.
+;  2011-01-02 : [jDG] Edit reference pressure by 0.25 mbar.
+        movlb   HIGH(pressureAvg)
+        movf    pressureRef+0,W         ; Already initialized ?
+        iorwf   pressureRef+1,W
+        bnz     altimeter_1             ; Yes...
+        movlw   LOW(4*.1013+1)          ; Init see level at 1013,25 mbar.
+        movwf   pressureRef+0
+        movlw   HIGH(4*.1013+1)
+        movwf   pressureRef+1
+; Reset computation. Eg. after a sleep, enables to faster restart with correct
+; values...
+        movlb   HIGH(pressureAvg)
+        clrf    pressureSum+0           ; Init averaging area
+        clrf    pressureSum+1
+        clrf    pressureCount
+        clrf    altitude+0              ; Mark as not computed yet.
+        clrf    altitude+1
+        movff   amb_pressure+0,pressureAvg+0    ; And init first average.
+        movff   amb_pressure+1,pressureAvg+1
+        movlw   4                       ; And multiply AVG by 16 to be coherent.
+        bcf     STATUS,C
+        rlcf    pressureAvg+0
+        rlcf    pressureAvg+1
+        decfsz  WREG
+        bra     altimeter_reset_1
+        movlb   1                       ; Back to normal bank1.
+        return
+        ;---- Do a bank-safe 16bit summing -----------------------------------
+        movff   amb_pressure+0,WREG
+        addwf   pressureSum+0,F
+        movff   amb_pressure+1,WREG
+        addwfc  pressureSum+1,F
+        incf    pressureCount           ; Increment count too.
+        movlw   .32                     ; Already 32 done ?
+        subwf   pressureCount,W
+        bnz     altimeter_4             ; NO: skip update.
+        ;---- Update altitude every 32 pressure measures --------------------
+        bcf     STATUS,C                ; Divide by 2, to store pressure x16
+        rrcf    pressureSum+1
+        rrcf    pressureSum+0
+        movff   pressureSum+0,pressureAvg+0
+        movff   pressureSum+1,pressureAvg+1
+        rcall   compute_altitude        ; Compute from the averaged value...
+        clrf    pressureSum+0           ; And reset sum zone for next averaging.
+        clrf    pressureSum+1
+        clrf    pressureCount
+        movlb   1                       ; make sure to be in normal bank1
+        return
+        ;---- Display result -------------------------------------------------
+        GETCUSTOM8  .49                 ; Check CF#49
+        btfss   WREG,0                  ; Enabled ?
+        return                          ; NO: return
+        WIN_TOP     .35                 ; Custom view drawing zone...
+        WIN_LEFT    .90
+        WIN_INVERT  .0
+        WIN_FONT    .0
+        call    PLED_standard_color
+        STRCPY  "Alt:"
+        movff   altitude+0,lo           ; BANK-SAFE read altitude
+        movff   altitude+1,hi
+        movf    lo,W                    ; Is it zero (not computed yet) ?
+        iorwf   hi,W
+        bz      altimeter_2
+        bsf     leftbind
+        output_16
+        bcf     leftbind
+        bra     altimeter_3
+        STRCAT  "****"
+        STRCAT_PRINT "m  "        
+        return
+; Compute altitude, using the formula:
+; H(P) = 18.787 log10(P0/P)  (Log base 10)
+;---- Interface the the Mayh library -----------------------------------------
+        extern  __AARGB2                ; A float in fA2, fA1, fA0, fAExo
+        extern  __BARGB2                ; B float in fB2, fB1, fB0, fBExo
+        extern  FLO1632U                ; convert uint16 fA+1 --> fp32 fA
+        extern  FPD32                   ; fp32 divide fA/fB --> fA
+        extern  FPM32                   ; fp32 multiply fA*fB --> fA
+        extern  INT3216                 ; convert fp32 fA --> int16 fA+1
+#define fA __AARGB2
+#define fB __BARGB2
+;---- Interface to the C library ---------------------------------------------
+        extern  __AARGB3
+        extern  log10                   ; float32 log(auto float32)
+#define fRet __AARGB3
+        ; Setup C-code stack, to enable calling the log() function.
+        lfsr    FSR1, c_code_data_stack
+        lfsr    FSR2, c_code_data_stack
+        ; Convert pressure to float, --> fB
+        movff   pressureAvg+0, fA+1 
+        movff   pressureAvg+1, fA+2
+        call    FLO1632U                ; u16 fA[1:2] --> fp32 fA
+        movff   fA+0, fB+0
+        movff   fA+1, fB+1
+        movff   fA+2, fB+2
+        movff   fA+3, fB+3
+        ; Convert sea-level reference pressure to float, --> fB
+        movff   pressureRef+0, fA+1     ; Get sea level pressure.
+        movff   pressureRef+1, fA+2
+        bcf     STATUS,C                ; Multiply by 4.
+        rlcf    fA+1
+        rlcf    fA+2
+        bcf     STATUS,C
+        rlcf    fA+1
+        rlcf    fA+2
+        call    FLO1632U                ; to float: u16 fA[1:2] --> fp32 fA
+        ; Divide
+        call    FPD32                   ; fp32 X/Y --> X
+        ; log10()
+        movff   fA+0, POSTINC1          ; Push X to stack
+        movff   fA+1, POSTINC1
+        movff   fA+2, POSTINC1
+        movff   fA+3, POSTINC1
+        call    log10                   ; log(P0/P)
+        movf    POSTDEC1,F,ACCESS       ; pop argument
+        movf    POSTDEC1,F,ACCESS            
+        movf    POSTDEC1,F,ACCESS     
+        movf    POSTDEC1,F,ACCESS
+        ; Move log10(P0/P) to fB
+        movff   fRet+0,fB+0             ; move result to fB
+        movff   fRet+1,fB+1
+        movff   fRet+2,fB+2 
+        movff   fRet+3,fB+3
+        ; Multiply by scaling factor for meters, and standatd atmosphere.
+        movlw   LOW(.18787)
+        movff   WREG, fA+1
+        movlw   HIGH(.18787)
+        movff   WREG, fA+2
+        call    FLO1632U                ; u16 fA[1:2] --> fp32 fA
+        call    FPM32                   ; altitute --> fp32 fA
+        ; Convert result to int16 --> altitude.
+        call    INT3216                 ; fp32 fA --> int16 fA+1
+        movff   fA+1, altitude+0
+        movff   fA+2, altitude+1
+        return
+; Altimeter menu
+; Edit reference (where altitude = 0) pressure, while displaying corresponding
+; altitude.
+        call    PLED_ClearScreen        ; Menu header.
+        call    PLED_standard_color
+    	call	PLED_topline_box
+    	WIN_INVERT	.1	; Init new Wordprocessor	
+        WIN_FONT    .0
+        WIN_LEFT    .80-7*7
+        WIN_TOP     .0
+        STRCPY_PRINT "Set Altimeter:"
+        movlw       3                   ; Start menu on line 3.
+        movwf       menupos
+        WIN_FONT    .0                  ; Reset, because compute erase that...
+        WIN_INVERT  .0
+        WIN_LEFT    .20                 ; First line:
+        WIN_TOP     .35
+        STRCPY      "Sea ref:"
+        movff       pressureRef+0, lo
+        movff       pressureRef+1, hi
+        bcf         STATUS,C            ; Divide ref pressure by 4
+        rrcf        hi                  ; to get the integer part of it:
+        rrcf        lo
+        bcf         STATUS,C
+        rrcf        hi
+        rrcf        lo
+        bsf         leftbind
+        output_16
+        PUTC    '.'
+        movff       pressureRef+0, hi   ; Decimal part is constructed
+        clrf        WREG                ; from the 2 lower bits.
+        btfsc       hi,0
+        addlw       .25   
+        btfsc       hi,1
+        addlw       .50 
+        movwf       lo  
+        output_99x
+        STRCAT_PRINT    "mbar  "
+        WIN_TOP     .65                 ; Second line:
+        STRCPY      "Alt:"
+        movff       altitude+0, lo
+        movff       altitude+1, hi
+        bcf         leftbind
+        output_16
+        STRCAT_PRINT    "m    "
+        WIN_TOP     .95                 ; Action enable
+        STRCPY      "Enabled: "
+        GETCUSTOM8  .49
+        btfss       WREG,0
+        bra         alt_menu_1
+        STRCAT_PRINT "ON "
+        bra         alt_menu_2
+        WIN_TOP     .125                ; Action add
+        STRCPY_PRINT "+0.25 mbar"
+        WIN_TOP     .155                ; Action sub
+        STRCPY_PRINT "-0.25 mbar"
+        WIN_TOP     .185                ; Action exit
+        STRCPY_PRINT "Exit"
+        call        PLED_menu_cursor    ; Display cursor
+    	bcf		    switch_left         ; reset buttons state
+    	bcf		    switch_right
+alt_menu_loop1:                         ; Wait for button.
+    	btfsc   	switch_right        ; [[MENU]] button
+    	bra	        alt_menu_next
+    	btfsc	    switch_left         ;[[ENTER]] button
+    	bra	        alt_menu_do_it
+    	btfsc	    divemode            ; Diving stared ?
+    	goto	    restart             ; YES: quit this menu !
+    	btfsc	    onesecupdate        ; Check what should be every 1sec.
+    	call    	timeout_surfmode
+    	btfsc	    onesecupdate
+    	call	    set_dive_modes
+    	bcf		    onesecupdate		; end of 1sek. tasks
+    	btfsc	    sleepmode           ; Sleep mode entered ?
+    	bra	        alt_menu_exit
+    	bra	        alt_menu_loop1
+;---- Move to next line ------------------------------------------------------
+        incf        menupos             ; next line.
+        movlw       .7
+        cpfseq      menupos             ; Below last line ?
+        bra         alt_menu_loop
+        movlw       .3                  ; Yes: back to line no 3.
+        movwf       menupos
+        bra         alt_menu_loop
+;----- Execute menu line -----------------------------------------------------
+        movf        menupos,W           ; test line value
+        addlw       -3
+        bz          alt_menu_enable
+        dcfsnz      WREG
+        bra         alt_menu_plus1      ; 4 --> +1
+        dcfsnz      WREG
+        bra         alt_menu_minus1     ; 5 --> -1
+        bra         alt_menu_exit       ; else --> exit
+;---- Toggle altimeter (CF#49) -----------------------------------------------        
+        GETCUSTOM8  .49                 ; Read CF#49
+        btg         WREG,0              ; Toggle boolean value
+    	movwf	    EEDATA              
+    	movlw	    d'1'				; Upper EEPROM Bank
+    	movwf	    EEADRH
+        movlw       4*(.49-.32) + 0x82  ; CF#49 low byte address in EEPROM
+    	movwf	    EEADR
+    	call	    write_eeprom
+    	bra         altimeter_menu_2
+;---- Increment sea level pressure -------------------------------------------        
+        movlb       HIGH(pressureRef)   ; Setup our own ram bank
+        infsnz      pressureRef+0       ; 16bit inc.
+        incf        pressureRef+1
+        bra         alt_menu_recompute  ; then recompute altitude.
+;---- Decrement sea level pressure -------------------------------------------        
+        movlb       HIGH(pressureRef)   ; Setup our own ram bank
+        decf        pressureRef+0       ; 16bit decrement
+        movlw       0
+        subwfb      pressureRef+1
+        rcall       compute_altitude    ; Recompute altitude
+        movlb       1                   ; Go back to normal bank1
+        bra         altimeter_menu_2
+;---- Exit altimeter menu ----------------------------------------------------
+    	movlw	.5                      ; reset position to Altimeter line.
+    	movwf	menupos					; 
+    	goto	more_menu2				; in the More... menu.