comparison code_part1/OSTC_code_asm_part1/i2c_eeprom.asm @ 0:96a35aeda5f2

Initial setup
author heinrichsweikamp
date Tue, 12 Jan 2010 15:05:59 +0100
children 73014f788032
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:96a35aeda5f2
2 ; OSTC - diving computer code
3 ; Copyright (C) 2008 HeinrichsWeikamp GbR
4 ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 ; (at your option) any later version.
8 ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 ; GNU General Public License for more details.
12 ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 ; along with this program. If not, see <>.
14 ; provides routines for external EEPROM via I2C
15 ; written by: Matthias Heinrichs,
16 ; written: 10/30/05
17 ; last updated: 08/21/06
18 ; known bugs:
19 ; ToDo: use 2nd 32KB from external EEPROM for something
21 incf_eeprom_address macro ext_ee_temp1 ; Will increase eeprom_address:2 with the 8Bit value "ext_ee_temp1" and takes
22 movlw ext_ee_temp1 ; care of bank switching at 0x8000
23 call incf_eeprom_address0
24 endm
26 incf_eeprom_address0:
27 movwf ext_ee_temp1
28 incf_eeprom_address1:
29 movlw d'1' ; increase address
30 addwf eeprom_address+0,F
31 movlw d'0'
32 addwfc eeprom_address+1,F
33 btfss eeprom_address+1,7 ; at address 8000?
34 bra incf_eeprom_address2 ; No, continue
36 ; Yes, clear eeprom_address:2
37 clrf eeprom_address+0 ; Clear eeprom address
38 clrf eeprom_address+1
40 incf_eeprom_address2:
41 decfsz ext_ee_temp1,F ; All done?
42 bra incf_eeprom_address1 ; No, continue
43 return ; Done.
45 decf_eeprom_address macro ext_ee_temp1 ; Will decrease eeprom_address:2 with the 8Bit value "ext_ee_temp1" and takes
46 movlw ext_ee_temp1 ; care of bank switching at 0x8000
47 call decf_eeprom_address0
48 endm
50 decf_eeprom_address0:
51 movwf ext_ee_temp1
52 decf_eeprom_address1:
53 movlw d'1' ; decrease address
54 subwf eeprom_address+0,F
55 movlw d'0'
56 subwfb eeprom_address+1,F
58 btfss eeprom_address+1,7 ; at address 8000?
59 bra decf_eeprom_address2 ; No, continue
61 movlw b'01111111' ; yes, reset highbyte
62 movwf eeprom_address+1
64 decf_eeprom_address2:
65 decfsz ext_ee_temp1,F ; All done?
66 bra decf_eeprom_address1 ; No, continue
67 return ; Done.
70 write_external_eeprom: ; data in WREG
71 ; increase address eeprom_address+0:eeprom_address+1 after write
72 ; with banking after 7FFF
73 rcall I2CWRITE ; writes WREG into EEPROM@eeprom_address
74 movlw d'1' ; increase address
75 addwf eeprom_address+0,F
76 movlw d'0'
77 addwfc eeprom_address+1,F
78 bcf eeprom_overflow
79 btfss eeprom_address+1,7 ; at address 8000?
80 return ; no, return
82 clrf eeprom_address+0 ; Clear eeprom address
83 clrf eeprom_address+1
84 bsf eeprom_overflow ; and set overflow bit
85 return
86 write_external_eeprom_block: ; Writes a block of 64Byte (one page in external EEPROM without stop condition
87 btfsc eeprom_blockwrite ; Blockwrite continue?
88 rcall I2CWRITE_BLOCK2
89 btfss eeprom_blockwrite ; Blockwrite start?
91 bsf eeprom_blockwrite ; After the start, do blockwriting for the next 63Bytes!
93 movlw d'0' ; increase address
94 incf eeprom_address+0,F
95 addwfc eeprom_address+1,F
96 bcf eeprom_overflow
98 btfss eeprom_address+1,7 ; at address 8000
99 return ; no, return
101 clrf eeprom_address+0 ; Clear eeprom address
102 clrf eeprom_address+1
103 bsf eeprom_overflow ; and set overflow bit
104 return
106 movwf ext_ee_temp1 ; Data byte in WREG
107 bsf SSPCON2,SEN ; Start condition
108 rcall WaitMSSP
109 movlw b'10100110' ; Bit0=0: WRITE, Bit0=1: READ
110 movwf SSPBUF ; control byte
111 rcall WaitMSSP
112 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
113 movff eeprom_address+1,SSPBUF ; High Address byte
114 rcall WaitMSSP
115 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
116 movff eeprom_address+0,SSPBUF ; Low Address byte
117 rcall WaitMSSP
118 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
120 movff ext_ee_temp1, SSPBUF ; Data Byte
121 rcall WaitMSSP
122 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
123 return
126 get_free_EEPROM_location: ; Searches 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFE and sets Pointer to 0xFE
127 clrf ext_ee_temp1 ; low address counter
128 clrf ext_ee_temp2 ; high address counter
129 bcf second_FD ; clear flags
130 bcf first_FD
131 get_free_EEPROM_location3:
132 bsf SSPCON2, PEN ; Stop condition
133 rcall WaitMSSP
134 bsf SSPCON2,SEN ; Start condition
135 rcall WaitMSSP
136 movlw b'10100110' ; Bit0=0: WRITE, Bit0=1: READ
137 movwf SSPBUF ; control byte
138 rcall WaitMSSP
140 bra get_free_EEPROM_location3 ; EEPROM NOT acknowledged, retry!
142 movff ext_ee_temp2,SSPBUF ; High Address byte
143 rcall WaitMSSP
144 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
145 movff ext_ee_temp1,SSPBUF ; Low Address byte
146 rcall WaitMSSP
147 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
149 bsf SSPCON2,RSEN ; Start condition
150 rcall WaitMSSP
151 movlw b'10100111' ; Bit0=0: WRITE, Bit0=1: READ
152 movwf SSPBUF ; control byte
153 rcall WaitMSSP
154 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
156 get_free_EEPROM_location2:
157 bsf SSPCON2, RCEN ; Enable recieve mode
158 rcall WaitMSSP
159 btfsc first_FD
160 bra test_2nd_FD
161 bsf first_FD ; found first 0xFD?
162 movlw 0xFD
163 cpfseq SSPBUF
164 bcf first_FD ; No
165 bra get_free_EEPROM_location2c
167 test_2nd_FD:
168 btfsc second_FD
169 bra test_FE
170 bsf second_FD ; found second 0xFD?
171 movlw 0xFD
172 cpfseq SSPBUF
173 bra get_free_EEPROM_location2b ;No, clear both flags
174 bra get_free_EEPROM_location2c
175 test_FE:
176 movlw 0xFE ; found the final 0xFE?
177 cpfseq SSPBUF
178 bra get_free_EEPROM_location2b ;No, clear both flags
179 movff ext_ee_temp1,eeprom_address+0 ;Yes, copy ext_ee_temp1->eeprom_address+0 and
180 movff ext_ee_temp2,eeprom_address+1 ;ext_ee_temp2->eeprom_address+1
181 bra get_free_EEPROM_location4 ; Done.
183 get_free_EEPROM_location2b:
184 bcf second_FD ; clear both flags!
185 bcf first_FD
186 get_free_EEPROM_location2c:
187 movlw d'1' ; and increase search address
188 addwf ext_ee_temp1,F
189 movlw d'0'
190 addwfc ext_ee_temp2,F
192 btfsc ext_ee_temp2,7 ; 8000 reached?
193 bra get_free_EEPROM_location3b ; yes
195 bsf SSPCON2, ACKEN ; no, send Ack
196 rcall WaitMSSP
197 bra get_free_EEPROM_location2 ; and continue search
198 get_free_EEPROM_location3b:
199 clrf eeprom_address+0 ; Not found in entire EEPROM, set to address 0
200 clrf eeprom_address+1
201 get_free_EEPROM_location4:
202 bsf SSPCON2, PEN ; Stop
203 rcall WaitMSSP
205 bcf second_FD ; clear flags
206 bcf first_FD
207 return ; return
210 I2CREAD:
211 bsf SSPCON2, PEN ; Stop
212 rcall WaitMSSP
213 bsf SSPCON2,SEN ; Start condition
214 rcall WaitMSSP
215 movlw b'10100110' ; Bit0=0: WRITE, Bit0=1: READ
216 movwf SSPBUF ; control byte
217 rcall WaitMSSP
219 bra I2CREAD ; EEPROM NOT acknowledged, retry!
220 movff eeprom_address+1,SSPBUF ; High Address byte
221 rcall WaitMSSP
222 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
223 movff eeprom_address+0,SSPBUF ; Low Address byte
224 rcall WaitMSSP
225 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
227 bsf SSPCON2,RSEN ; Start condition
228 rcall WaitMSSP
229 movlw b'10100111' ; Bit0=0: WRITE, Bit0=1: READ
230 movwf SSPBUF ; control byte
231 rcall WaitMSSP
232 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
234 bsf SSPCON2, RCEN ; Enable recieve mode
235 rcall WaitMSSP
236 movf SSPBUF,W ; copy read byte into WREG
237 bsf SSPCON2, PEN ; Stop
238 rcall WaitMSSP
239 return
241 I2CREAD2: ; same as I2CREAD but with automatic address increase
242 rcall I2CREAD
243 movlw d'1'
244 addwf eeprom_address+0,F
245 movlw d'0'
246 addwfc eeprom_address+1,F
247 bcf eeprom_overflow
248 btfss eeprom_address+1,7 ; at 0x8000?
249 return ; no, return
251 clrf eeprom_address+0 ; Yes, clear address
252 clrf eeprom_address+1
253 bsf eeprom_overflow ; and set overflow bit
254 return
257 movwf ext_ee_temp1 ; Data byte
258 bsf SSPCON2,SEN ; Start condition
259 rcall WaitMSSP
260 movlw b'10100110' ; Bit0=0: WRITE, Bit0=1: READ
261 movwf SSPBUF ; control byte
262 rcall WaitMSSP
263 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
264 movff eeprom_address+1,SSPBUF ; High Address byte
265 rcall WaitMSSP
266 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
267 movff eeprom_address+0,SSPBUF ; Low Address byte
268 rcall WaitMSSP
269 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
270 movff ext_ee_temp1, SSPBUF ; Data Byte
271 rcall WaitMSSP
272 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
273 bsf SSPCON2,PEN ; Stop condition
274 rcall WaitMSSP
275 WAITMS d'6' ; Write delay
276 return
278 I2C_WaitforACK:
279 btfsc SSPCON2,ACKSTAT ; checks for ACK bit from slave
280 rcall I2CFail
281 return
283 I2CFail:
284 ostc_debug 'M' ; Sends debug-information to screen if debugmode active
285 call set_LEDy
286 rcall I2CReset ; I2C Reset
287 bcf PIR1,SSPIF
288 clrf i2c_temp
289 return
291 WaitMSSP:
292 decfsz i2c_temp,F ; check for timeout during I2C action
293 bra WaitMSSP2
294 bra I2CFail ; timeout occured
295 WaitMSSP2:
296 btfss PIR1,SSPIF
297 bra WaitMSSP
298 clrf i2c_temp
299 bcf PIR1,SSPIF
300 return
302 I2CReset: ; Something went wrong (Slave holds SDA low?)
303 clrf SSPCON1 ; wake-up slave and reset entire module
304 ostc_debug 'N' ; Sends debug-information to screen if debugmode active
305 clrf SSPCON2
306 clrf SSPSTAT
307 bcf TRISC,3 ; SCL OUTPUT
308 bsf TRISC,4 ; SDA Input
309 bcf PORTC,3
310 movlw d'9'
311 movwf i2c_temp ; clock-out 9 clock cycles manually
312 I2CReset_1:
313 bsf PORTC,3 ; SCL=1
314 nop
315 btfsc PORTC,4 ; SDA=1?
316 bra I2CReset_2 ; =1, SDA has been released from slave
317 bcf PORTC,3 ; SCL=0
318 bcf PORTC,3
319 decfsz i2c_temp,F
320 bra I2CReset_1 ; check for nine clock cycles
321 I2CReset_2:
322 bsf TRISC,3 ; SCL Input
323 clrf SSPCON1 ; set I²C Mode
324 WAITMS d'10' ; Reset-Timeout for I2C devices
325 movlw b'00000000'
326 movwf SSPSTAT
327 movlw b'00101000'
328 movwf SSPCON1
329 movlw b'00000000'
330 movwf SSPCON2
331 movlw d'8' ; 400kHz I2C clock @ 16MHz Fcy
332 movwf SSPADD
333 call clear_LEDy
334 ostc_debug 'O' ; Sends debug-information to screen if debugmode active
335 return
336 I2C_TX:
337 movwf i2c_temp2 ; Data byte
338 bsf SSPCON2,SEN ; Start condition
339 rcall WaitMSSP
340 movlw b'10010000' ; Bit0=0: WRITE, Bit0=1: READ
341 movwf SSPBUF ; control byte
342 rcall WaitMSSP
343 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
344 movff i2c_temp2, SSPBUF ; Data Byte
345 rcall WaitMSSP
346 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
347 bsf SSPCON2,PEN ; Stop condition
348 rcall WaitMSSP
349 return
350 I2C_RX:
351 bcf PIR1,SSPIF
352 bsf SSPCON2,SEN ; Start condition
353 rcall WaitMSSP
354 movlw b'10010001' ; Bit0=0: WRITE, Bit0=1: READ
355 movwf SSPBUF ; control byte
356 rcall WaitMSSP
357 rcall I2C_WaitforACK
358 bsf SSPCON2, RCEN ; Enable recieve mode
359 rcall WaitMSSP
360 movff SSPBUF,i2c_temp2 ; Data Byte
361 bsf SSPCON2,ACKEN ; Master acknowlegde
362 rcall WaitMSSP
363 bsf SSPCON2,PEN ; Stop condition
364 rcall WaitMSSP
365 return