2015-11-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
tweak response timing in comm mode
2015-11-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: Show actual dive count in logbook list view (If <1000)
2015-11-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
add profile version to compact headers
2015-10-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Fix text alignment for French version
2015-10-27 |
heinrichsweikamp |
CHANGE: Logbook now shows end-of-dive date and time for dives made with firmware <1.92 indicated by an icon in the logbook
2015-10-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
BUGFIX: German texts in ppo2 menu were too long for screen resulting in resulting in text display issues
2015-10-09 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.90 release
2015-10-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some cleanups, jump to 1.90 stable
2015-10-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
BUGFIX: +5min for stopwatch during simulation did not work
2015-10-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor language update (german)
2015-09-30 |
heinrichsweikamp |
language updates
2015-09-23 |
heinrichsweikamp |
allow compass bearing on surface
2015-09-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
BUGFIX: Battery consumption calculation in sleep mode (3,6V battery only)
2015-09-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2015-09-11 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2015-09-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
BUGFIX: BLE timings for MAC issues
2015-09-10 |
heinrichsweikamp |
set char_I_current_gas for gas6 use
2015-09-07 |
heinrichsweikamp |
CHANGE: Do not show ppO2 in warning area if already shown in custom view
2015-08-27 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.88 release, BUGFIX: Start with Sensor use from sleep (cR only), CHANGE: Apply button settings when button menu is closed, NEW: Reset button settings on a magnet reset (cR and OSTC 2)
2015-08-25 |
heinrichsweikamp |
docu update
2015-08-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.87 release
2015-08-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
logbook work
2015-08-19 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fix some display issues with display1
2015-08-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
debugging the compass screen
2015-08-18 |
heinrichsweikamp |
fixing some layout issues
2015-08-16 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Additional temperature calibration via PC interface
2015-08-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
jump to 1.87
2015-08-15 |
heinrichsweikamp |
tft timings
2015-08-12 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2015-08-05 |
heinrichsweikamp |
french update
2015-08-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2015-08-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2015-08-04 |
heinrichsweikamp |
1.85beta release
2015-08-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
hardware support
2015-08-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
make AUTO SP available on OSTC2 hardware
2015-08-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
french update
2015-08-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
BUGFIX: Auto-Brightness clipped to lowest settings in bright sunlight on some devices
2015-08-02 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Changed content for new 0x6F command (Get compact headers)
2015-07-31 |
heinrichsweikamp |
hud v3 support
2015-07-29 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some cleanups
2015-07-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: Quit Simulator automatically when starting a real dive
2015-07-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
add setpoint change to first sample in CCR mode
2015-07-24 |
jdg |
BUGFIX gas volume: do not forget deco gas with switch >= dive's bottom depth.
2015-07-23 |
heinrichsweikamp |
some cleanups
2015-07-23 |
heinrichsweikamp |
docu update
2015-07-15 |
jDG |
[FIX] GasVolume: missing gas changes w/o stops.
2015-07-22 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Changed content for new 0x6F command (Get compact headers)
2015-07-21 |
heinrichsweikamp |
New option to download "Compact Headers". Improved BLE support (OSTC 2 and OSTC 3+), updated OSTC interface documentation
2015-07-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
re-arrange settings menu
2015-07-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
CHANGE: GF and aGF high range increased to 45-110%
2015-07-20 |
heinrichsweikamp |
BUGFIX: Rotate button sensitivity with screen (OSTC 2 and cR)
2015-07-15 |
jDG |
Fix low_depth shall be stored as a float (no rounding).
2015-07-06 |
heinrichsweikamp |
Show ppo2 <1bar with leading zero
2015-07-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
2015-07-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
minor: fix calc_deko_divemode_sensor
2015-07-03 |
heinrichsweikamp |
NEW: Mode Auto SP: Automatically switches the SP during descent (CC Mode)
2015-06-28 |
heinrichsweikamp |
cleanup menu, add "Auto SP" option (Not working yet), minor layout change in compass menu
2015-06-28 |
Janos Kovacs |
Merged new_screen_layout into default
2015-06-28 |
janos_kovacs |
Always show ppO2 (warning position, standard color) option
2015-06-28 |
Janos Kovacs |
Merged new_screen_layout into default