
age author description
2016-08-31 heinrichsweikamp minor
2016-08-30 heinrichsweikamp work on new battery options
2016-08-29 heinrichsweikamp minor
2016-08-19 heinrichsweikamp minor
2016-08-18 heinrichsweikamp minor: Default timeout is 5min
2016-08-17 heinrichsweikamp Adjustable timeout for Divemode (Config 0x48)
2016-07-26 heinrichsweikamp minor
2016-07-26 heinrichsweikamp doc update
2016-07-26 heinrichsweikamp +BUGFIX: Compatibility with "hwOS Config" fixed
2016-07-13 heinrichsweikamp docu update (hardware descriptor byte)
2016-07-12 heinrichsweikamp docu update (hardware descriptor byte)
2016-07-06 heinrichsweikamp 2.09 beta start
2016-06-30 heinrichsweikamp CHANGE: Language fixes, 2.08 release
2016-06-24 heinrichsweikamp no screen reboot after logbook exit
2016-06-23 heinrichsweikamp Logbook marker temporally disabled in internal logbook
2016-06-22 heinrichsweikamp hunting a bug in the logbook (Day 3)
2016-06-22 heinrichsweikamp minor
2016-06-22 heinrichsweikamp hunting a bug in the logbook (Day 2)
2016-06-21 heinrichsweikamp hunting a bug in the logbook...
2016-06-21 heinrichsweikamp minor
2016-06-16 heinrichsweikamp hardware_flag handling
2016-06-15 heinrichsweikamp some cleanup
2016-06-14 heinrichsweikamp add code for new compass chip
2016-06-10 heinrichsweikamp docu update
2016-05-13 heinrichsweikamp minor
2016-05-12 heinrichsweikamp ignore 0x47 for standard hwOS
2016-05-02 heinrichsweikamp _another_ timing fix for firmware updates (2.07 was not published yet anyway)
2016-04-29 heinrichsweikamp 2.07 release
2016-04-29 heinrichsweikamp fix Page-Program timing
2016-04-29 heinrichsweikamp fix handling for new flash memory chip
2016-04-25 heinrichsweikamp CHANGE: Remove ppO2 [Dil] from OC dive mode screen
2016-04-19 heinrichsweikamp some cleanup
2016-04-18 heinrichsweikamp minor
2016-04-18 heinrichsweikamp NEW: Support for new logbook memory chip (minor hardware change)
2016-04-10 heinrichsweikamp minor
2016-03-29 heinrichsweikamp support for new flash memory
2016-03-22 heinrichsweikamp NEW: New Customview shows ppO2(O2) and ppO2(Diluent) during CCR mode
2016-03-15 heinrichsweikamp 2.04beta start
2016-03-11 heinrichsweikamp BUGFIX: Fix missing ccr setup menu (From 2.02)
2016-03-08 heinrichsweikamp BUGFIX: Fix rare issue after battery change (OSTC3 did not start properly)
2016-02-24 heinrichsweikamp minor docu update
2016-02-02 heinrichsweikamp 2.01 release
2016-02-02 heinrichsweikamp changelog
2016-02-02 heinrichsweikamp Minor language updates
2016-02-01 heinrichsweikamp BUGFIX: Divetime >99mins was not displayed (Only OSTC2 with serial >= )
2016-01-11 heinrichsweikamp 2.00 release
2016-01-10 heinrichsweikamp NEW: "Lost Gas" feature allows disabling gases during the dive
2016-01-10 heinrichsweikamp NEW: Logbook shows markers with small orange boxes in the profile
2016-01-09 heinrichsweikamp Logbook marker can be set in dive mode menu (OC only)
2015-12-10 heinrichsweikamp 1.94beta release
2015-11-24 heinrichsweikamp CHANGE: New segmented speed graph in divemode
2015-11-23 heinrichsweikamp BUGFIX: Make sure SP1 is always selected on start in Auto-SP mode
2015-11-23 heinrichsweikamp some documentation added
2015-11-23 heinrichsweikamp place total dives backup counter in eeprom 16:17
2015-11-16 heinrichsweikamp 1.93 release
2015-11-06 heinrichsweikamp BUGFIX: minor text allignment in CCR mode
2015-11-05 heinrichsweikamp tweak response timing in comm mode
2015-11-03 heinrichsweikamp NEW: Show actual dive count in logbook list view (If <1000)
2015-11-02 heinrichsweikamp add profile version to compact headers
2015-10-28 heinrichsweikamp Fix text alignment for French version