;=============================================================================;; File options.asm * next combined generation V3.09.4n;; Manage all options data.;; Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, heinrichs weikamp gmbh, all right reserved.;=============================================================================; HISTORY; 2011-07-12 : [jDG] Creation.;#include "hwos.inc" ; mandatory header#include "strings.inc"#include "convert.inc"#include "ghostwriter.inc"#include "eeprom_rs232.inc"#include "external_flash.inc"#include "wait.inc"#include "shared_definitions.h"#include "gaslist.inc" extern write_eeprom extern read_eeprom extern option_table_begin,option_table_end extern convert_meter_to_feet;=============================================================================options1 CODE;=============================================================================;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Adjust Address in FSR0 to an Option within an Option Group;; INPUT: FSR0 = base address of the option group; gaslist_gas = offset of the selected option within the group; OUTPUT: FSR0 = pointing to selected option; global option_adjust_group_memberoption_adjust_group_member: movf gaslist_gas,W ; get offset in number of options mullw opt_definition_bytes ; calculate offset in number of bytes movf PRODL,W ; get number of bytes, low byte addwf FSR0L,F ; add to FSR0, low byte movf PRODH,W ; get number of bytes, high byte addwfc FSR0H,F ; add to FSR0, high byte return ; done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Read the Option Definition;; INPUT: FSR0 = option handle; OUTPUT: FSR1 = address of variable.; TRASH: TBLPTR, TABLAT, WREG, FSR0, FSR1;option_read_definition: ; option_table_begin is at 0x0|80|00 clrf TBLPTRU ; TBLPRT upper = 0x00 movlw HIGH(option_table_begin) ; TBLPRT high = 0x80 iorwf FSR0H,W ; + 0x0H from FSR0H movwf TBLPTRH ; set 0x8H movff FSR0L,TBLPTRL ; TBLPRT low = 0xLL from FSR0L ; copy option definition from program to data memory lfsr FSR1,opt_type ; load FSR1 with base address of option definition buffer movlw opt_definition_bytes ; get number of bytes to copy movwf eeprom_loop ; initialize loop counter (using an EEPROM variable here)option_read_definition_loop: tblrd*+ ; read one byte from program memory and increment address movff TABLAT,POSTINC1 ; transfer byte from program memory to memory decfsz eeprom_loop,F ; all bytes done? bra option_read_definition_loop ; NO - loop tblrd* ; YES - read one byte ahead without incrementing address movff TABLAT,POSTINC1 ; - store byte movff opt_memory+0,FSR1L ; - load FSR1 with the address of the option value variable movff opt_memory+1,FSR1H ; - ... movff TBLPTRL,FSR0L ; - advance handle to the next option definition data set movff TBLPTRH,FSR0H ; - ... return ; - done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Reset all Options to Factory Defaults;; INPUT: none; OUTPUT: none; TRASH: TBLPTR, TABLAT, WREG, FSR0, FSR1, FSR2; global option_reset_all ; reset all options to factory defaultoption_reset_all: call eeprom_total_dives_read ; read total number of dives tstfsz mpr+0 ; number of total dives, low byte = 0 ? bra option_reset_all_1 ; NO - skip resetting logbook tstfsz mpr+1 ; number of total dives, high byte = 0 ? bra option_reset_all_1 ; NO - skip resetting logbook ; reset logbook call erase_complete_logbook ; erase complete logbook ; reset logbook offset CLRI mpr ; set logbook offset to zero call eeprom_log_offset_write ; store logbook offsetoption_reset_all_1: lfsr FSR0,option_table_begin ; point to start of option definition tableoption_reset_all_loop: rcall option_reset ; reset option incfsz opt_end_token,F ; was this the last option (was opt_end_token = 255) ? bra option_reset_all_loop ; NO - do next option return ; YES - done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Reset an Option to its default Value;; INPUT: FSR0 = option handle; OUTPUT: option value set to default value; option_repaired flag set; option_changed flag set if not a volatile option; TRASH: TBLPTR, TABLAT, WREG, FSR1, FSR2; global option_reset ; reset option value to defaultoption_reset: ; read type, default and register from table rcall option_read_definition ; read option definition btfss opt_eeprom_bank,7 ; volatile option? bsf option_changed ; NO - flag that EEPROM needs to be updated ;bra option_init_loaded ; continue initializing the option value;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Reset an Option to its default Value;; INPUT: opt_* option definition vars initialized; OUTPUT: option value set to default value; TRASH: TBLPTR, TABLAT, WREG, FSR1, FSR2;option_init_loaded: movf opt_type,W ; get option type xorlw .2 ; type = STRING ? bz opt_init_loaded_string ; YES - string copy movff opt_default,INDF1 ; NO - 1 byte copy return ; - doneopt_init_loaded_string: movff TBLPTRL,mpr+0 ; back-up TBLPTR movff TBLPTRH,mpr+1 ; ... movff TBLPTRU,mpr+2 ; ... movff FSR1L,FSR2L ; set string destination address movff FSR1H,FSR2H ; ... movff opt_inc,FSR1L ; get pointer to multi-lingual default text (stored in opt_inc:opt_min) movff opt_min,FSR1H ; ... call strcat_text_FSR ; copy translated text to FSR2, hence string option movff mpr+0,TBLPTRL ; restore TBLPTR movff mpr+1,TBLPTRH ; ... movff mpr+2,TBLPTRU ; ... return ; done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Check one Option and reset its Value if it is out of its min/max Limits;; INPUT: opt_* vars loaded, FSR1 pointing to option value; hi value to be checked for validity; OUTPUT: option_value_ok set/not set; TRASH: WREG; global option_check_loadedoption_check_loaded: ; switch on type bsf option_value_ok ; set result to ok by default movf opt_type,W ; get type bz option_check_uint8 ; type 0: INT8 dcfsnz WREG ; decrement bra option_check_enum8 ; type 1: ENUM dcfsnz WREG ; decrement return ; type 2: STRING - nothing to check ;bra option_check_uint8 ; type 3: INT8option_check_uint8: tstfsz opt_min ; opt_min = 0 ? bra option_check_min ; NO - check it bra option_check_enum8 ; YES - continue with check for maximumoption_check_min: decf opt_min,W ; get (minimum permissible value - 1) into WREG cpfsgt hi ; option value > (minimum permissible value - 1) ? bra option_check_nok ; NO - value not ok ;bra option_check_enum8 ; YES - continue with check for maximumoption_check_enum8: infsnz opt_max,W ; get (highest permissible value + 1) into WREG return ; highest permissible value is 255, skip check, done cpfslt hi ; option value < (highest permissible value + 1) ? bra option_check_nok ; NO - value not ok return ; YES - value ok, doneoption_check_nok: bcf option_value_ok ; flag option value is invalid return ; done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Check and store all Option Values to EEPROM; global option_check_and_store_alloption_check_and_store_all: bcf PIR3,RC2IE ; disable EUSART interrupts TODO: why??? call option_crosschecks ; do some crosschecks between option values ;bra option_store_all ; continue storing all option values to EEPROM;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Store all Option Values to EEPROM;option_store_all: ;---- invalidate option version while updating CLRI mpr ; set options version number to zero EEPROM_II_WRITE mpr,eeprom_options_version ; store options version number in EEPROM ;---- check and store all option values lfsr FSR0,option_table_begin ; point to start of option definition tableoption_save_all_loop: rcall option_check_and_store ; check and store option value incfsz opt_end_token,F ; was this the last option (was opt_end_token = 255) ? bra option_save_all_loop ; NO - do next option ;---- store option version MOVLI eeprom_opt_version,mpr ; get options version number EEPROM_II_WRITE mpr,eeprom_options_version ; store options version number in EEPROM bcf option_changed ; no pending EEPROM updates any more return ; done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Check and store one Option Value to EEPROM; global option_check_and_storeoption_check_and_store: rcall option_read_definition ; read the option definition movff INDF1,hi ; check current option value rcall option_check_loaded ; check value for validity btfss option_value_ok ; value ok (strings are always 'valid') ? movff opt_default,INDF1 ; NO - set value to default ;bra option_store_loaded ; continue storing value;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Store one Option Value to EEPROM; global option_store_loadedoption_store_loaded: movf opt_eeprom_bank,W ; get bank andlw b'11111110' ; keep only bits 7-1 tstfsz WREG ; bank < 0x02 ? return ; NO - volatile option or illegal address, done/abort tstfsz opt_eeprom_bank ; YES - bank = 0 ? bra option_store_execute ; NO - address is valid in any case movlw low(eeprom_options_storage-1) ; YES - get start address of options storage minus 1 cpfsgt opt_eeprom_index ; - index >= start address ? return ; NO - illegal address, done ;bra option_store_execute ; YES - address is validoption_store_execute: movff opt_eeprom_index,EEADR ; set EEPROM index (address low byte) movff opt_eeprom_bank, EEADRH ; set EEPROM page (address high byte) movf opt_type,W ; get option type xorlw .2 ; option type = string ? bz option_store_exec_string ; YES - store string of bytes ;bnz option_store_exec_byte ; NO - store single byteoption_store_exec_byte: call read_eeprom ; read stored value movf EEDATA,W ; copy stored value to WREG xorwf INDF1,W ; xor with current value btfsc STATUS,Z ; equal? return ; YES - no need to write to EEPROM, done movff INDF1,EEDATA ; NO - copy current option value to EEPROM write register goto write_eeprom ; - execute write and returnoption_store_exec_string: btfss EEADRH,1 ; current EEPROM address < 512 ? rcall option_store_exec_byte ; YES - store one byte from the string movf POSTINC1,W ; increment FSR1 address by a dummy read infsnz EEADR,F ; increment EEPROM address, low byte incf EEADRH,F ; increment EEPROM address, high byte decfsz opt_max ; decrement string length, done? bra option_store_exec_string ; NO - loop return ; YES - done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Restore all Option Values from EEPROM and check them; global option_restore_and_check_alloption_restore_and_check_all: ;---- Read option version from EEPROM EEPROM_II_READ eeprom_options_version,mpr movlw LOW(eeprom_opt_version) ; get options version from current firmware, low byte xorwf mpr+0,W ; compare with EEPROM version, do they match? bnz option_restore_reset ; NO - reset to defaults of current firmware movlw HIGH(eeprom_opt_version) ; get options version from current firmware, high byte xorwf mpr+1,W ; compare with EEPROM version, do they match? bnz option_restore_reset ; NO - reset to defaults of current firmware ;---- restore all option values lfsr FSR0,option_table_begin ; point to start of option definition tableoption_restore_all_loop: rcall option_restore_and_check ; restore and check the option incfsz opt_end_token,F ; was this the last option (was opt_end_token = 255) ? bra option_restore_all_loop ; NO - do next option bcf option_changed ; clear flag call option_crosschecks ; do some crosschecks between option values btfsc option_changed ; found and corrected errors? bra option_store_all ; YES - write back corrected data to EEPROM return ; NO - doneoption_restore_reset: call option_reset_all ; reset all option values to their default goto option_check_and_store_all ; write back all option values to EEPROM (and return);-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Restore one Option Value from EEPROM and check it; global option_restore_and_checkoption_restore_and_check: rcall option_read_definition ; read the option definition movf opt_eeprom_bank,W ; get bank andlw b'11111110' ; keep only bits 7-1 tstfsz WREG ; bank < 0x02 ? bra option_init_loaded ; NO - volatile option or illegal address, initialize to default tstfsz opt_eeprom_bank ; YES - bank = 0 ? bra option_restore_execute ; NO - address is valid in any case movlw low(eeprom_options_storage-1) ; YES - get start address of options storage minus 1 cpfsgt opt_eeprom_index ; - index >= start address ? bra option_init_loaded ; NO - illegal address, initialize to default ;bra option_restore_execute ; YES - address is validoption_restore_execute: movff opt_eeprom_index,EEADR ; set EEPROM index (address low byte) movff opt_eeprom_bank, EEADRH ; set EEPROM page (address high byte) movf opt_type,W ; get option type xorlw .2 ; option type = string ? bz option_restore_exec_string ; YES - special handling call read_eeprom ; NO - execute EEPROM read movff EEDATA,INDF1 ; - copy from EEPROM read register to option variable movff EEDATA,hi ; - check loaded option value rcall option_check_loaded ; - check if option value is within min/max limits btfsc option_value_ok ; - option value ok (strings will always be 'ok') ? return ; YES - done movff opt_default,INDF1 ; NO - set option value to default movff INDF1,EEDATA ; - copy repaired value to EEPROM write register goto write_eeprom ; - execute write and returnoption_restore_exec_string: call read_eeprom ; read one character from the EEPROM movff EEDATA,POSTINC1 ; copy it to the option value infsnz EEADR,F ; increment EEPROM address, low byte incf EEADRH,F ; increment EEPROM address, high byte decfsz opt_max ; decrement string length, done? bra option_restore_exec_string ; NO - loop return ; YES - done (nothing to check with strings);-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Read an Option Value via serial Index;; INPUT: lo = serial index; OUTPUT: hi = option value; WREG =0: option found and value valid, =1: option not found; TRASH: TBLPTR, TABLAT, WREG, FSR0, FSR1; global option_read_serialoption_read_serial: lfsr FSR0,option_table_begin ; point to start of option definition tableoption_read_serial_loop: rcall option_read_definition ; read option definition movf opt_serial,W ; get serial index of the option into WREG xorwf lo,W ; received index = index of this option ? bz option_read_serial_execute ; YES - read value incfsz opt_end_token,F ; NO - was this the last option (was opt_end_token = 255) ? bra option_read_serial_loop ; NO - try next option retlw .1 ; YES - option not found, abortoption_read_serial_execute: movff INDF1,hi ; read option value into hi retlw .0 ; done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Write an Option Value via serial Index;; INPUT: lo = serial index; hi = option value; OUTPUT: WREG =0: option found and value valid, =1: option not found, =2: value not valid; TRASH: TBLPTR, TABLAT, WREG, FSR0, FSR1, up; global option_write_serialoption_write_serial: lfsr FSR0,option_table_begin ; point to start of option definition tableoption_write_serial_loop: rcall option_read_definition ; read option definition movf opt_serial,W ; get serial index of the option into WREG xorwf lo,W ; received index = index of this option ? bz option_write_serial_execute ; YES - check and update value incfsz opt_end_token,F ; NO - was this the last option (was opt_end_token = 255) ? bra option_write_serial_loop ; NO - try next option retlw .1 ; YES - option not found, abortoption_write_serial_execute: rcall option_check_loaded ; check if new value is valid btfss option_value_ok ; value valid? bra option_write_serial_invalid ; NO movff hi,INDF1 ; YES - take new value btfss opt_eeprom_bank,7 ; - volatile option? bsf option_changed ; NO - flag that EEPROM needs to be updated retlw .0 ; - doneoption_write_serial_invalid: movlw 0x32 ; load serial id of the language option (oLanguage) cpfseq lo ; option to write = language option ? retlw .2 ; NO - value not valid, abort retlw .0 ; YES - value not valid, but silently ignore;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Increment an Option Value based on Type and min/max Boundary;; INPUT: FSR0 = option handle; OUTPUT: incremented option value; TRASH: TBLPTR, TABLAT, WREG, FSR0, FSR1; global option_incoption_inc: ; read type, default and register from table rcall option_read_definition btfss opt_eeprom_bank,7 ; volatile option? bsf option_changed ; NO - flag that EEPROM needs to be updated ; switch on type movf opt_type,W ; get option type bz option_inc_uint8 ; type 0: UINT8 dcfsnz WREG ; decrement bra option_inc_enum8 ; type 1: ENUM dcfsnz WREG ; decrement return ; type 2: STRING - no inc function defined dcfsnz WREG ; decrement bra option_inc_uint8 ; type 3: UINT8 as meters or feet return ; unknown, do nothing;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Helper Function - increment UINT8, wrap-around or stop at option max;option_inc_uint8: movf INDF1,W ; get option value addwf opt_inc,W ; add increment cpfslt opt_max ; option value > max ? bra option_inc_uint8_0 ; NO - new option value ok movf opt_min,W ; YES - reset to min value by default btfsc option_stop_at_max ; - shall the option value stop at max? movf opt_max,W ; YES - keep at max valueoption_inc_uint8_0: movwf INDF1 ; store new value ; do cross-checks with other option valuesoption_inc_uint8_1: ; now some rather crude hack into this routine to make CCR calibration more convenient: movlw 0x37 ; serial ID of option CalGasO2 cpfseq opt_serial ; editing CalGasO2 right now? bra option_inc_uint8_2 ; NO - check next option movff opt_dive_mode,WREG ; YES - get dive mode: 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=pSCR decfsz WREG,W ; - in CCR mode? return ; NO - done movlw .26 ; YES - cpfseq INDF1 ; - option value = 26 ? return ; NO - done movlw .95 ; YES - advance it to 95 movwf INDF1 ; - store it returnoption_inc_uint8_2: ; check GF low <= GF high movlw 0x25 ; serial ID of option opt_GF_low cpfseq opt_serial ; editing opt_GF_low right now? bra option_inc_uint8_3 ; NO - check next option movff opt_GF_high,WREG ; get value of associated GF high into WREG cpfsgt INDF1 ; GF low > GF high? return ; NO - setting ok, done movff opt_min,INDF1 ; YES - wrap around to minimum value return ; - doneoption_inc_uint8_3: ; check GF high >= GF low movlw 0x26 ; serial ID of option opt_GF_high cpfseq opt_serial ; editing opt_GF_high right now? bra option_inc_uint8_4 ; NO - check next option movff opt_GF_low,WREG ; get value of associated GF low into WREG cpfslt INDF1 ; GF high < GF low? return ; NO - setting ok, done movwf INDF1 ; YES - rise GF high to GF low return ; - doneoption_inc_uint8_4: ; check aGF low <= aGF high movlw 0x27 ; serial ID of option opt_aGF_low cpfseq opt_serial ; editing opt_aGF_low right now? bra option_inc_uint8_5 ; NO - check next option movff opt_aGF_high,WREG ; get value of associated GF high into WREG cpfsgt INDF1 ; GF low > GF high? return ; NO - setting ok, done movff opt_min,INDF1 ; YES - wrap around to minimum value return ; - doneoption_inc_uint8_5: ; check aGF high >= aGF low movlw 0x28 ; serial ID of option opt_aGF_high cpfseq opt_serial ; editing opt_aGF_high right now? bra option_inc_uint8_6 ; NO - check next option movff opt_aGF_low,WREG ; get value of associated GF low into WREG cpfslt INDF1 ; GF high < GF low? return ; NO - setting ok, done movwf INDF1 ; YES - rise GF high to GF low return ; - doneoption_inc_uint8_6: ; progressive increment for char_I_SAC_work movlw 0x3C ; serial ID of option char_I_SAC_work cpfseq opt_serial ; editing char_I_SAC_work right now? bra option_inc_uint8_7 ; NO - check next option movlw .40 ; YES - set threshold for incrementing in steps of 2 cpfsgt INDF1 ; - option value > threshold ? return ; NO - done incf INDF1,F ; YES - increment one more time return ; - doneoption_inc_uint8_7: IFDEF _helium ; check O2% + He% <= 100% movlw 0xFA ; serial ID of O2% options cpfseq opt_serial ; editing a O2% right now? bra option_inc_uint8_7a ; NO - check for He% movlw .2*NUM_GAS ; YES - load offset between O2% and He% for gas/dil 1-5 btfsc opt_eeprom_bank,7 ; - volatile option? movlw .1 ; YES - load offset between O2% and He% for gas 6 bra option_inc_uint8_7b ; continue with common partoption_inc_uint8_7a: movlw 0xFB ; serial ID of He% options cpfseq opt_serial ; editing a He% right now? bra option_inc_uint8_8 ; NO - check next option movlw -.2*NUM_GAS ; YES - load offset between He% and O2% for gas/dil 1-5 btfsc opt_eeprom_bank,7 ; - volatile option? movlw -.1 ; YES - load offset between He% and O2% for gas 6option_inc_uint8_7b: movff PLUSW1,hi ; - copy complementing gas % to hi movf INDF1,W ; - copy primary gas % to WREG addwf hi,F ; - hi = O2% + He% movlw .101 ; - load max allowed sum + 1 cpfslt hi ; - O2% + He% < 101 ? decf INDF1,F ; NO - decrement primary gas% again ENDIF ; _heliumoption_inc_uint8_8 ; add more cross-checks with other option values here return ; all done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Helper Function - increment ENUM, will wrap-around on exceeding option max;option_inc_enum8: incf INDF1,W ; get incremented option value cpfslt opt_max ; option value > max? bra option_inc_enum8_0 ; NO - new option value ok clrf WREG ; YES - reset to 1st option valueoption_inc_enum8_0: movwf INDF1 ; store new value ; do cross-checks with other option valuesoption_inc_enum8_1: IFDEF _ccr_pscr ; now some rather crude hack into this routine to unify CCR & pSCR mode setting movlw 0x1F ; serial ID of option oCCRMode cpfseq opt_serial ; editing oCCRMode right now? bra option_inc_enum8_2 ; NO - check next option IFDEF _external_sensor btfsc ext_input_s8_ana ; YES - S8/analog input available? bra option_inc_enum8_1a ; YES - setting 'sensor' allowed btfsc ext_input_optical ; - optical interface available? bra option_inc_enum8_1a ; YES - setting 'sensor' allowed ENDIF ; _external_sensor movf INDF1,W ; NO to both - get mode (=0: fixed SP, =1: Sensor, =2: AutoSP) xorlw .1 ; - in sensor mode? bnz option_inc_enum8_1a ; NO - continue with next check incf INDF1,F ; YES - advance option value to AutoSPoption_inc_enum8_1a: movff opt_dive_mode,WREG ; get dive mode: 0=OC, 1=CCR, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=pSCR xorlw .4 ; in pSCR mode? bnz option_inc_enum8_1_exit ; NO - done bcf INDF1,1 ; YES - clear bit 1 because opt_ccr_mode may only be 0 or 1 (reverts AutoSP to calculated SP)option_inc_enum8_1_exit: return ; done ENDIF ; _ccr_pscroption_inc_enum8_2: IFDEF _gas_contingency ; now some rather crude hack to switch off contingency mode if gas needs calculation is switched off movlw 0x5A ; serial ID of option opt_calc_gasvolume cpfseq opt_serial ; editing opt_calc_gasvolume right now? bra option_inc_enum8_3 ; NO - check next option movf INDF1,W ; YES - get option value ;xorlw .0 ; - option value = off ? bnz option_inc_enum8_2_exit ; NO - done clrf WREG ; YES - force contingency to be off, too movff WREG,opt_gas_contingency_dive ; - ...option_inc_enum8_2_exit: return ENDIF ; _gas_contingencyoption_inc_enum8_3: ; now some rather crude hack to correct opt_TR_mode in dependency of opt_dive_mode movlw 0x20 ; serial ID of option opt_dive_mode cpfseq opt_serial ; editing opt_dive_mode right now? bra option_inc_enum8_4 ; NO - check next option movf INDF1,W ; YES - get option value: 0=OC, 1=CCR, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=pSCR xorlw .1 ; in CCR mode? bnz option_inc_enum8_3a ; NO - in some other mode IFNDEF _ccr_pscr incf INDF1,f ; YES - no CCR mode compiled in, advance to gauge mode bra option_inc_enum8_3a ; - check if gauge mode is available ENDIF ; _ccr_pscr IFDEF _rx_functions global option_cleanup_oTrMode_CCR ; embedded clean-up entry-pointoption_cleanup_oTrMode_CCR: ; entry point from cleanup during restart movff opt_TR_mode,WREG ; get TR mode xorlw .2 ; mode = 2 (ind.double)? bnz option_inc_enum8_3_exit ; NO - done bra option_inc_enum8_3_reset ; YES - revert mode to 1 (on) ENDIF ; _rx_functionsoption_inc_enum8_3a: ; any mode other than CCR IFNDEF _gauge_mode movf INDF1,W ; get option value: 0=OC, 1=CCR, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=pSCR xorlw .2 ; in Gauge mode? bnz option_inc_enum8_3b ; NO - in some other mode incf INDF1,f ; YES - no Gauge mode compiled in, advance to Apnea mode bra option_inc_enum8_3_exit ; - done (Apnea mode is always available) ENDIF ; _gauge_modeoption_inc_enum8_3b: IFNDEF _ccr_pscr movf INDF1,W ; get option value: 0=OC, 1=CCR, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=pSCR xorlw .4 ; in pSCR mode? bnz option_inc_enum8_3c ; NO - in some other mode clrf INDF1 ; YES - no pSCR mode compiled in, advance to 0 "OC" bra option_inc_enum8_3_exit ; - done ENDIF ; _ccr_pscroption_inc_enum8_3c: global option_cleanup_oTrMode_no_CCR ; embedded clean-up entry-pointoption_cleanup_oTrMode_no_CCR: ; entry point from cleanup during restart movff opt_TR_mode,WREG ; get TR mode xorlw .3 ; mode = 3 (CCR Dil+O2)? bnz option_inc_enum8_3_exit ; NO - doneoption_inc_enum8_3_reset: ; YES - revert to mode 1 (on) movlw .1 ; load coding of mode "on" movff WREG,opt_TR_mode ; write to optionoption_inc_enum8_3_exit: return ; doneoption_inc_enum8_4: IFDEF _rx_functions ; now some rather crude hack to advance opt_TR_mode in dependency of opt_dive_mode movlw 0x7E ; serial ID of option opt_TR_mode cpfseq opt_serial ; editing opt_TR_mode right now? bra option_inc_enum8_5 ; NO - check next option movff opt_dive_mode,WREG ; YES - get dive mode: 0=OC, 1=CCR, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=pSCR decfsz WREG,W ; dive mode = 1 CCR? bra option_inc_enum8_4a ; NO - in any other mode movf INDF1,W ; YES - get option value (TR mode) xorlw .2 ; - mode = 2 (ind.double)? bnz option_inc_enum8_4_exit ; NO - done incf INDF1,F ; YES - advance option value to 3 (CCR Dil+O2) bra option_inc_enum8_4_exit ; - doneoption_inc_enum8_4a: ; any mode other than CCR movf INDF1,W ; get option value (TR mode) xorlw .3 ; mode = 3 (CCR Dil+O2)? bnz option_inc_enum8_4_exit ; NO - done clrf INDF1 ; YES - advance option value to 0 "off"option_inc_enum8_4_exit: return ; done ENDIF ; _rx_functionsoption_inc_enum8_5: IFDEF _gas_contingency ; now some rather crude hack to keep contingency mode switched off if gas needs calculation is switched off movlw 0x91 ; serial ID of option opt_gas_contingency_dive cpfseq opt_serial ; editing opt_gas_contingency_dive right now? bra option_inc_enum8_6 ; NO - check next option movff opt_calc_gasvolume,WREG ; YES - get current setting of gas needs calculation tstfsz WREG ; - gas needs calculation switched off? return ; NO - done, opt_gas_contingency_dive may be switched on clrf INDF1 ; YES - force opt_gas_contingency_dive to off return ; - done ENDIF ; _gas_contingencyoption_inc_enum8_6: ; add more cross-checks with other option values here return;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Decrement an Option Value based on Type and min/max Boundary;; INPUT: FSR0 = option handle; OUTPUT: decremented option value; TRASH: TBLPTR, TABLAT, WREG, FSR0, FSR1; global option_decoption_dec: ; read type, default and register from table rcall option_read_definition btfss opt_eeprom_bank,7 ; volatile option? bsf option_changed ; NO - flag that EEPROM needs to be updated ; switch on type movf opt_type,W ; get option type bz option_dec_uint8 ; type 0: UINT8 dcfsnz WREG ; decrement bra option_dec_enum8 ; type 1: ENUM dcfsnz WREG ; decrement return ; type 2: STRING - no dec function defined dcfsnz WREG ; decrement bra option_dec_uint8 ; type 3: UINT8 as meters or feet return ; unknown, do nothing;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Helper Function - decrement UINT8, will stop on reaching option min;option_dec_uint8: movf INDF1,W ; get option value bsf STATUS,C ; set carry (= clear borrow) subfwb opt_inc,W ; subtract increment bnc option_dec_uint8_reset ; under-run? -> reset cpfsgt opt_min ; option value < min ? bra option_dec_uint8_0 ; NO - new option value okoption_dec_uint8_reset: movf opt_min,W ; YES - reset to min valueoption_dec_uint8_0: movwf INDF1 ; store new value ; add cross-checks with other option values here return ; done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Helper Function - decrement ENUM, will stop on reaching first option value;option_dec_enum8: tstfsz INDF1 ; option value = 0 ? decf INDF1,F ; NO - decrement valueoption_dec_enum8_0: ; add cross-checks with other option values here return ; done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Draw an Option Value; global option_drawoption_draw: ; read type, default and register from table rcall option_read_definition ; switch on type movf opt_type,W ; get option type bz option_draw_uint8 ; type0 = INT8 dcfsnz WREG bra option_draw_enum8 ; type1 = ENUM dcfsnz WREG bra option_draw_string ; type2 = string dcfsnz WREG bra option_draw_uint8_depth ; type3 = INT8 as meters or feet return ; unknown, do nothing;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Helper Function - draw a String;option_draw_string: movff POSTINC1,POSTINC2 ; copy one character decfsz opt_max ; decrement remaining string length, became zero? bra option_draw_string ; NO - loop return ; YES - done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Helper Function - draw an INT with automatic display in meters or feet;option_draw_uint8_depth: TSTOSS opt_units ; using metric units (0=m, 1=ft)? bra option_draw_uint8 ; YES - handle with standard output movff INDF1,lo ; NO - imperial, get value to lo call convert_meter_to_feet ; - convert value in lo from meter to feet; bsf leftbind ; - print with left alignment output_999 ; - print depth (0-999) STRCAT_TEXT tFeets ; - append unit and dump to screen bra option_draw_uint8_common ; - continue with common part;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Helper Function - draw an INT;option_draw_uint8: movff INDF1,lo ; get option value movlw .99 ; load a 99 cpfsgt opt_max ; max value > 99 ? bsf hide_digit3 ; NO - do not show digit 3 movlw .9 ; load a 9 cpfsgt opt_max ; max value > 9 ? bsf hide_digit2 ; NO - do not show digit 2 output_256 ; print option value movf opt_unit+0,W ; is there a unit to append? iorwf opt_unit+1,W ; ... bz option_draw_uint8_common ; NO - continue with common part movff opt_unit+0,FSR1L ; YES - pointer to multi-lingual unit text movff opt_unit+1,FSR1H ; - ... call strcat_text_FSR ; - append unit text to buffer ;bra option_draw_uint8_common ; - continue with common part;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Helper Function - common Part for INT;option_draw_uint8_common: movf opt_default,W ; get default value cpfseq lo ; compare with current value, equal? bra option_draw_uint8_common_1 ; NO - not default, add * return ; YES - default, doneoption_draw_uint8_common_1: PUTC "*" ; print "*" return ; done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Helper Function - draw an ENUM (set of translated strings);option_draw_enum8: movf INDF1,W ; copy option value to WREG movwf lo ; memorize option value, too cpfslt opt_max ; option value > maximum permissible value ? bra option_draw_enum8_0 ; NO - option value allowed clrf WREG ; YES - to avoid printing rubbish, use first ENUM item insteadoption_draw_enum8_0: addwf WREG ; current value *= 2 addwf opt_inc,W ; base text + 2 * current value movwf FSR1L ; load FSR1 movlw .0 ; propagate carry... addwfc opt_min,W ; ... movwf FSR1H ; ...into FSR1 call strcat_text_FSR ; print text movf opt_default,W ; get default value cpfseq lo ; compare with memorized current value, equal? bra option_draw_enum8_1 ; NO - not default, add * return ; YES - default, doneoption_draw_enum8_1: PUTC "*" ; print "*" return ; done;=============================================================================options2 CODE;=============================================================================;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Check and Resolve some Interdependencies among Option Values;option_crosschecks: bsf is_diluent_menu ; setup checking diluents call gaslist_cleanup_list ; check and correct multiple or none First diluents bcf is_diluent_menu ; setup checking gases call gaslist_cleanup_list ; check and correct multiple or none First gases rcall option_cleanup_GF ; check and correct GFlow <= GFhigh IFNDEF _gauge_mode rcall option_cleanup_gauge ; check and correct gauge mode ENDIF ; _gauge_mode IFDEF _ccr_pscr rcall option_cleanup_oCCRMode ; check and correct CCR / pSCR mode ENDIF ; _ccr_pscr IFDEF _helium rcall option_cleanup_sum_O2_He ; check and correct O2% + He% <= 100 +++ ENDIF ; _helium return ; done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Check and correct GFs so that GF_high >= GF_low;option_cleanup_GF: ; cleanup normal GF movff opt_GF_high,WREG ; copy normal GF high to WREG movff opt_GF_low,mpr ; copy normal GF low to mpr cpfsgt mpr ; GF low > GF high ? bra option_cleanup_GF_2 ; NO - option ok, check next option movwf mpr ; YES - copy GF high to mpr movlw .100 ; - load GF low limit of 100% into WREG cpfsgt mpr ; - mpr > 100 ? bra option_cleanup_GF_1 ; NO - correct GF low to GF high movwf mpr ; YES - correct GF low to 100%option_cleanup_GF_1: movff mpr,opt_GF_low ; store corrected GF low bsf option_changed ; flag that EEPROM needs to be updatedoption_cleanup_GF_2: ; cleanup alternative GF movff opt_aGF_high,WREG ; copy alternative GF high to WREG movff opt_aGF_low,mpr ; copy alternative GF low to mpr cpfsgt mpr ; GF low > GF high ? bra option_cleanup_GF_4 ; NO - option ok, check next option movwf mpr ; YES - copy GF high to mpr movlw .100 ; - load GF low limit of 100% into WREG cpfsgt mpr ; - mpr > 100 ? bra option_cleanup_GF_3 ; NO - correct GF low to GF high movwf mpr ; YES - correct GF low to 100%option_cleanup_GF_3: movff mpr,opt_aGF_low ; store corrected GF low bsf option_changed ; flag that EEPROM needs to be updatedoption_cleanup_GF_4: return ; done;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Check and correct Dive Mode if Gauge Mode is not allowed; IFNDEF _gauge_modeoption_cleanup_gauge: movff opt_dive_mode,WREG ; get dive mode into WREG (0=OC, 1=CCR, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=pSCR) xorlw .2 ; in Gauge mode? bnz option_cleanup_gauge_1 ; NO - done movff WREG,opt_dive_mode ; YES - setting not allowed, WREG is zero -> reset to OC mode bsf option_changed ; - flag that EEPROM needs to be updatedoption_cleanup_gauge_1: return ; done ENDIF ; _gauge_mode;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Check and correct AutoSP and external Sensor Settings dependent on Modes; IFDEF _ccr_pscr global option_cleanup_oCCRMode global option_cleanup_oCCRMode_pSCR global option_cleanup_oCCRMode_CCRoption_cleanup_oCCRMode: ; in pSCR mode, revert AutoSP (2) to calculated SP (0), in pSCR and CCR revert Sensor to fixed SP if no sensor interface available movff opt_dive_mode,WREG ; get dive mode into WREG (0=OC, 1=CCR, 2=Gauge, 3=Apnea, 4=pSCR) xorlw .4 ; in pSCR mode? bnz option_cleanup_oCCRMode_CCR ; NO - check if sensor is available on hosting OSTCoption_cleanup_oCCRMode_pSCR: ; jump-in from start.asm if known to be in pSCR mode banksel opt_ccr_mode ; YES - select options bank bcf opt_ccr_mode,1 ; - clear bit 1 because opt_ccr_mode may only be 0 or 1 (reverts AutoSP to calculated SP, keeps sensor) banksel common ; - back to bank common bsf option_changed ; - flag that EEPROM needs to be updatedoption_cleanup_oCCRMode_CCR: ; continue from above & jump-in from start.asm if known to be in CCR mode IFDEF _external_sensor btfsc ext_input_s8_ana ; S8/analog interface available? return ; YES - setting 'sensor' allowed btfsc ext_input_optical ; does hosting OSTC have an optical interface? return ; YES - setting 'sensor' allowed ENDIF ; _external_sensor movff opt_ccr_mode,WREG ; NO to both - get CCR mode xorlw .1 ; - coding for sensor tstfsz WREG ; - CCR mode = sensor? return ; NO - setting allowed banksel opt_ccr_mode ; YES - setting not allowed, select options bank clrf opt_ccr_mode ; - revert setting to 0 (fixed or calculated SP) banksel common ; - back to bank common bsf option_changed ; - flag that EEPROM needs to be updated return ; - done ENDIF ; _ccr_pscr;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Check and correct that O2% + He% <= 100%; IFDEF _heliumoption_cleanup_sum_O2_He: lfsr FSR0,opt_gas_He_ratio-1 ; load (base address of He% array - 1) because of PREINC movlw 2*NUM_GAS ; load loop counter movwf lo ; ...option_cleanup_sum_loop: movff PREINC1,up ; get He ratio movlw -2*NUM_GAS ; address O2 ratio movff PLUSW0,hi ; get O2 ratio movlw .100 ; load WREG with 100% bsf STATUS,C ; set carry = clear borrow subfwb hi,W ; subtract O2% from WREG subfwb up,W ; subtract He% from WREG btfsc STATUS,C ; result negative? bra option_cleanup_sum_loop_1 ; NO - sum valid clrf INDF1 ; YES - heal by setting He% to zero bsf option_changed ; flag that EEPROM needs to be updatedoption_cleanup_sum_loop_1: decfsz lo ; decrement loop counter, all done? bra option_cleanup_sum_loop ; NO - loop return ; YES - done ENDIF ; _helium;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- END