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hwOS tech 3.22 release
author heinrichsweikamp
date Mon, 29 Apr 2024 13:05:18 +0200 (10 months ago)
parents 75e90cd0c2c3
line wrap: on
line source
;   File                           * combined next generation V3.12.3
;   OSTC Platform Definitions
;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, heinrichs weikamp gmbh, all right reserved.
;   2011-05-24 : [jDG] Cleanups from initial Matthias code

; ---- Hardware Configuration
    LIST P=18F87K22							; compiler  settings, if changed change also: Configure -> SelectDevice in MPLAB
#include ""					; processor definitions
#include ""						; port map  definitions

; ---- Software Configuration
#include ""				; OSTC hwOS configuration

; Settings, Limits, Thresholds, Encodings, etc.

; ---- Language Codes
#DEFINE none					0			; no language selected
#DEFINE en						1			; select English
#DEFINE de						2			; select German
#DEFINE fr						3			; select French
#DEFINE it						4			; select Italian

; ---- Magic Cookie Definition
#DEFINE comm_service_key		0xABCDEF	; simsalabim to establish comm service mode

; ---- Scrolling Menu Support
;#DEFINE scrolling_menu_enabled				; disabled

; ---- Logo Address Vectors
#DEFINE hw_logo_block			0x01E000	; color image data for heinrichs weikamp gmbh logo
#DEFINE comm_logo_1				0x01EEDE	; color image data for USB or BT logo
#DEFINE comm_logo_2				0x01EA04	; color image data for BT logo, "+" bootloader
#DEFINE comm_logo_3				0x01E936	; color image data for BT logo, dn bootloader

;-----------------------------EEPROM DATA ------------------------------------
; Automatic reset of all options when this is changed:
#DEFINE eeprom_opt_version				.8		; range: 16 bit
#DEFINE eeprom_vault_version			.1		; range:  8 bit

; ---- PWM1 for LED dimming
#DEFINE CCP1CON_VALUE					b'00001100'
#DEFINE T2CON_ECO						b'01111110'
#DEFINE T2CON_NORMAL					b'01111110'
#DEFINE T2CON_FASTEST					b'01111110'

; ---- CPU speeds
#DEFINE coding_speed_eco				.1			;  1 MHz = eco     speed
#DEFINE coding_speed_normal				.2			; 16 MHz = normal  speed
#DEFINE coding_speed_fastest			.4			; 64 MHz = fastest speed (32 MHz on OSTC Sport BLE)

#DEFINE speed_is_eco			cpu_speed_state,0	; =1: CPU is running at eco     speed
#DEFINE speed_is_normal			cpu_speed_state,1	; =1: CPU is running at normal  speed
#DEFINE speed_is_fastest		cpu_speed_state,2	; =1: CPU is running at fastest speed

; ---- I2C speed
#DEFINE	i2c_speed_value	    0x27		;0x9C = 100kHz @ 64MHz Fosc, 0x27 = 100kHz @ 16MHz Fosc 

; ---- Divemode Custom View Indexes - Attention: these numbers need to be in line with the jump tables in customview.asm!
#DEFINE index_blank						 .0			; blank view
#DEFINE index_avr_stopwatch				 .1			; average depth and stopwatch
#DEFINE index_compass_dm				 .2			; compass
#DEFINE index_ppo2_sensors				 .3			; ppO2 sensors
#DEFINE index_sensor_check				 .4			; sensor check
#DEFINE index_pscr_info					 .5			; pSCR data
#DEFINE index_pressures_SAC				 .6			; tank pressure and SAC rate
#DEFINE index_gas_needs_ascent			 .7			; gas needs for ascent / cave return
#DEFINE index_cave_tts					 .8			; cave mode TTS
#DEFINE index_decoplan					 .9			; deco plan
#DEFINE index_ceiling_GF_tissue			.10			; ceiling, current GF and tissues
#DEFINE index_CNS						.11			; CNS values
#DEFINE index_ppo2_ead_end_cns			.12			; ppO2, END/EAD and CNS or gas density
#DEFINE index_clock_batt_surfpress		.13			; clock, battery and surface pressure
#DEFINE index_gf_factors				.14			; GF factors
#DEFINE index_cave_waypoints			.15			; cave waypoints
#DEFINE index_cv_dm_max					.13			; highest index used in normal custom view rotation

; ---- Timing for button hold-down flags
#DEFINE TMR1H_VALUE_FIRST				.255-.128	; in steps of 7.8125 ms -> 1.00 s
#DEFINE TMR1H_VALUE_CONT				.255-.32	; in steps of 7.8125 ms -> 0.25 s
#DEFINE TMR1H_VALUE_CONT_DIVE			.255-.64	; in steps of 7.8125 ms -> 0.50 s

; ---- Font Sizes
#DEFINE FT_TINY							.0			; aa_font16_block, full character set
#DEFINE FT_SMALL						.1			; aa_font28_block, full character set
#DEFINE FT_STANDARD						.2			; aa_font34_block, full character set
#DEFINE FT_MEDIUM						.3			; aa_font48_block, only digits, /, ., :, ;, <, =, > and ?
#DEFINE FT_LARGE						.4			; aa_font90_block, only digits, / and .
#DEFINE FT_HUGE							.5			; aa_font92_block, only digits, / and .

; ---- External O2 Sensors
#DEFINE min_mv							.70			; =   7 mV
#DEFINE max_mv							.2500		; = 250 mV
#DEFINE ignore_mv_above					.3500		; = 350 mV (to suppress ghost readings on long open cables)
#DEFINE ignore_mv_below					.19			; = 1.9 mv (to suppress noise readings on open cables)

; ---- Profile Recording Parameters
#DEFINE logbook_profile_version			0x40+0x24	; logbook recording format: internal (2 bit) + external (6 bit)
#DEFINE samplingrate_apnoe				.1			; [seconds]

; ---- Profile Recording Rates - Attention: all Divisors must be < 16 !
#DEFINE div_temperature					.6			; x sampling rate [s]
#DEFINE div_deco						.6			; x sampling rate [s]
#DEFINE div_gf							.12			; x sampling rate [s]
#DEFINE div_ppo2_sensors				.2			; x sampling rate [s]
#DEFINE div_decoplan					.12			; x sampling rate [s]
#DEFINE div_cns							.12			; x sampling rate [s]
#DEFINE div_tank						.12			; x sampling rate [s]

; ---- Profile Recording Data - Attention: Information Lengths must be < 16 !
#DEFINE infolength_temperature			.2			; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_deco					.2			; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_gf					.1			; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_ppo2_sensors			.9			; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_decoplan				.15			; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_cns					.2			; [byte]
#DEFINE infolength_tank					.2			; [byte]

; ---- RX Functions
#DEFINE rx_packet_overdue_timeout		.120		; [seconds] timeout for pressure measurements becomming declared as outdated (max. 255)
#DEFINE max_pres_diff_min				.5			; [bar] minimum selectable pressure difference for ind.double mode
#DEFINE max_pres_diff_max				.50			; [bar] maximum selectable pressure difference for ind.double mode

 IFDEF _ccr_pscr
#DEFINE tr_pres_options					.15			; number of options for pressure measurement source / with diluents
#DEFINE tr_pres_options					.6			; number of options for pressure measurement source / OC gases only

; ---- Cave Mode 
 IFDEF _cave_mode
#DEFINE backtrack_waypoint_max			.30			; highest user-available waypoint number (max allowed: 30)
#DEFINE backtrack_almost_full_threshold	.240		; backtrack index position at which the almost   full flag will be set
#DEFINE backtrack_entire_full_threshold	.250		; backtrack index position at which the entirely full flag will be set

; ---- Gas Needs Settings
#DEFINE min_tank_size					.1			; [liter]
#DEFINE max_tank_size					.40			; [liter]
#DEFINE min_fill_press					.5			; [0 bar] value is in multiples of 10 bar
#DEFINE max_fill_press					.29			; [0 bar] value is in multiples of 10 bar, no 300 bar due to too far beyond ideal gas laws

; ---- Timeouts for Menus / Surface Mode
#DEFINE surfmode_timeout_default		.240		; [s] default timeout for surface mode and surface menus
#DEFINE surfmode_timeout_aa_15v			.90			; [s] timeout for surface mode and surface menus when on 1.5V battery
#DEFINE surfmode_timeout_simulator		.240		; [s] special timeout for simulator mode

; ---- Timeouts for Menus / Dive Mode
#DEFINE divemode_timeout_premenu		.10			; [s] timeout for dive mode pre-menu
#DEFINE divemode_timeout_mainmenu		.30			; [s] timeout for dive mode main menu

; ---- RS232 Timeout
#DEFINE rx_timeout						.400		; [ms] timeout for RS232 RX, needs to be multiple of 50 ms

; ---- End-of-Dive Timeouts
#DEFINE simulator_timeout_normal		.90			; [min] timeout simulator mode
#DEFINE simulator_timeout_cave			.240			; [min] timeout simulator mode (cave mode)
#DEFINE apnoe_timeout				.15			; [min] timeout at surface in apnoe mode
#DEFINE simulator_timeout			.15			; [s]   timeout at surface in simulator mode
#DEFINE	divetime_less_1min_timeout		.5			; [s]   timeout at surface for very short dives

; ---- other Timeouts
#DEFINE deep_sleep_10mins				.144		; [x 10mins] (24h in this example)

; ---- Surface Mode Thresholds and Limits
#DEFINE high_altitude_threshold			.880		; [mbar] ambient pressure at which to switch into high altitude mode
#DEFINE max_surfpressure				.1060		; [mbar] maximum value for internal surface pressure
#DEFINE pressure_noise_threshold		.10			; [mbar] deltaP threshold for start of fast display updating
#DEFINE pressure_noise_lag_time			.6			; [1/4 secs] lag time of display updating after deltaP < threshold again

; ---- Dive Mode Thresholds and Limits
#DEFINE wake_up_from_sleep				.1160		; [mbar] absolute pressure at which to switch from sleep mode to surface / dive mode
#DEFINE dive_threshold_norm_alt_start	 .125		; [mbar] relative pressure for normal altitude start-of-dive (equals depth in cm)
#DEFINE dive_threshold_norm_alt_end		  .75		; [mbar] relative pressure for normal altitude   end-of-dive (equals depth in cm)
#DEFINE dive_threshold_high_alt_start	 .325		; [mbar] relative pressure for high   altitude start-of-dive (equals depth in cm)
#DEFINE dive_threshold_high_alt_end		  .75		; [mbar] relative pressure for high   altitude   end-of-dive (equals depth in cm)
#DEFINE ostc_depth_max					 .120		; [m]    maximum allowed operational depth for OSTC 2, 3, cR, TR, Plus & Sport
#DEFINE deco_region_distance			   .2		; [m]    distance below first stop for the deco region to begin

; ---- Dive Mode Margins
#DEFINE ppO2_margin_on_max				.300		; [0.1 mbar] extra margin on ppO2 max values to compensate for surface pressures > 1000 hPa
#DEFINE sensor_voting_logic_threshold	.10			; threshold in 0.01 bar

; ---- Gas and Dil types
#DEFINE num_gas_types					.4			; Disabled, First, Normal, Deco
#DEFINE num_dil_types					.3			; Disabled, First, Normal

; ---- ppO2 Limits
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_low_lowest			.15			; [cbar] minimum value for minimum ppO2 on OC
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_low_default		.17			; [cbar] default value for minimum ppO2 on OC
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_low_highest		.21			; [cbar] maximum value for minimum ppO2 on OC

#DEFINE ppo2_warning_loop_lowest		.20			; [cbar] minimum value for minimum ppO2 on loop
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_loop_default		.40			; [cbar] default value for minimum ppO2 on loop
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_loop_highest		.60			; [cbar] maximum value for minimum ppO2 on loop

#DEFINE ppo2_warning_high_lowest		.120		; [cbar] minimum value for maximum ppO2 in none-deco phase
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_deco_lowest		.120		; [cbar] minimum value for maximum ppO2 in deco phase

#DEFINE ppo2_warning_high_default		.140		; [cbar] default value for maximum ppO2 in none-deco phase
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_deco_default		.160		; [cbar] default value for maximum ppO2 in deco phase

 IFDEF _high_ppO2_max
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_high_highest		.200		; [cbar] maximum value for maximum ppO2 in none-deco phase
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_deco_highest		.200		; [cbar] maximum value for maximum ppO2 in deco phase
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_high_highest		.160		; [cbar] maximum value for maximum ppO2 in none-deco phase
#DEFINE ppo2_warning_deco_highest		.160		; [cbar] maximum value for maximum ppO2 in deco phase

; ---- Salinity Limits
#DEFINE salinity_min					.0			; [%] minimum value for salinity percentage
#DEFINE salinity_max					.4			; [%] maximum value for salinity percentage

; ---- Color-Code Parameters for the Dive Mode
#DEFINE color_code_velocity_warn_high	.11			; [m/min]
#DEFINE color_code_velocity_attn_high	.10			; [m/min]
#DEFINE velocity_display_threshold		.3			; [m/min]

; ---- Simulator Parameters
#DEFINE simulator_startdepth			.200		; [mbar] initial depth (relative pressure) when entering simulator mode
#DEFINE simulator_descent_threshold		.50			; [mbar] remaining distance to target pressure when to slow down descent
#DEFINE simulator_ascent_threshold		.50			; [mbar] remaining distance to target pressure when to slow down ascent
#DEFINE simulator_descent_rate			.5			; [mbar/0.125 sec] normal descent speed, 5 equals 24 m/min
#DEFINE simulator_ascent_rate			.2			; [mbar/0.125 sec] normal ascent  speed, 2 equals  9 m/min

; ---- Battery Thresholds
#DEFINE max_battery_charge_temp			.3231		; [0.1 Kelvin] max allowed battery temperature during charging (equals 50°C)
#DEFINE lithium_36v_empty				.2400		; [mV] Saft 3.6 V LS14500 AA - threshold for battery percent display
#DEFINE lithium_36v_low					.2000		; [mV] Saft 3.6 V LS14500 AA - lowest  possible voltage, value must be higher than value of aa_15v_high!
#DEFINE aa_15v_high						.1550		; [mV] Energizer 1.5 V E2 AA - highest possible voltage, value must be lower  than value of lithium_36v_low!
#DEFINE aa_15v_low						.1100		; [mV] Energizer 1.5 V E2 AA - lowest  possible voltage, according to Energizer data sheet EBC-4201R, page 2
#DEFINE battery_show_level				.30			; [%]  threshold when to show battery level
#DEFINE battery_warn_level_36			.15			; [%]  threshold for 3.6 V battery warning, also acts as threshold for setting display brightness level to ECO when in dive mode
#DEFINE battery_warn_level_15			.25			; [%]  threshold for 1.5 V battery warning, also acts as threshold for setting display brightness level to ECO when in dive mode

; ---- 3.6 Volt Battery Sensing Data Points at 70 mA Load
#DEFINE lithium_36v_75					.3000		; [mV]
#DEFINE lithium_36v_50					.2900		; [mV]
#DEFINE lithium_36v_25					.2600		; [mV]
#DEFINE lithium_36v_10					.2500		; [mV]

; ----  Capacity for 2.4 Ah Saft LS14500 and 0.8 Ah Panasonic UR14500P
; battery_gauge: 6 is nAs
; devide through 65536
;    a) devide through 364 -> result is in percent of a 2.4 Ah battery
; or b) devide through 121 -> result is in percent of a 0.8 Ah battery

; ---- internal Battery Gauging
#DEFINE capacity_saft_internal			.364
#DEFINE capacity_panasonic_internal		.121

; Gauge IC
#DEFINE capacity_saft					.271		; 2.3Ah/0.085mAh/100 [%]
#DEFINE offset_saft					.38477		; 65536-(2.3Ah/0.085mAh)

#DEFINE capacity_panasonic				.94		; 0.8Ah/0.085mAh/100 [%]
#DEFINE offset_panasonic				.56124		; 65536-(0.8Ah/0.085mAh)

#DEFINE capacity_ncr18650				.364		; 3.1Ah/0.085mAh/100 [%]
#DEFINE offset_ncr18650					.29065		; 65536-(3.1Ah/0.085mAh)

#DEFINE capacity_ur16650				.235		; 2.0Ah/0.085mAh/100 [%]
#DEFINE offset_ur16650					.42006		; 65536-(2.0Ah/0.085mAh)

#DEFINE capacity_404050					.141		; 1.2Ah/0.085mAh/100 [%]
#DEFINE offset_404050					.51418		; 65536-(1.2Ah/0.085mAh)
; ---- Power Consumption Values
#DEFINE current_sleepmode				.31
#DEFINE current_backlight_multi			.115		; * CCPR1L + current_backlight_offset (restricted to  <= 255)
#DEFINE current_backlight_offset		.216
#DEFINE current_speed_eco				.1914
#DEFINE current_speed_normal			.4027
#DEFINE current_speed_fastest			.5050
#DEFINE current_ir_receiver				.139
#DEFINE current_compass					.28

; ---- Brightness Thresholds (between zero (off) and 255 (max. power consumption))
#DEFINE ambient_light_max_high_36V		.170
#DEFINE ambient_light_max_high_cr		.240
#DEFINE ambient_light_max_high_15V		.100
#DEFINE ambient_light_min_high			.35
#DEFINE ambient_light_max_medium		.90
#DEFINE ambient_light_min_medium		.25
#DEFINE ambient_light_max_eco			.50
#DEFINE ambient_light_min_eco			.10			; must be the lowest value!

; ---- IR Link Timeout
#DEFINE ir_timeout_value				.128		; in multiples of 62.5 ms

; ---- Setpoint Control
#DEFINE surface_sp						.50			; in cbar

; ---- Gaslist hard-coded Limits
 IFDEF _helium
#DEFINE gaslist_min_o2					.7			; minimum O2 [%] ( 7% is minimum value to keep MOD < 255 meters / 1 Byte)
#DEFINE gaslist_max_o2					.100		; maximum O2 [%]
#DEFINE gaslist_max_He			.100-gaslist_min_o2 ; maximum He [%]
#DEFINE gaslist_max_change_depth		.140		; max. change depth [m]
#DEFINE tissue_graphics_options			.2			; tissue graphics "Pres+Sat" and "N2+He" available
#DEFINE gaslist_min_o2					.21			; minimum O2 [%]
#DEFINE gaslist_max_o2					.100		; maximum O2 [%]
#DEFINE gaslist_max_He					.0			; maximum He [%]
#DEFINE gaslist_max_change_depth		.70			; max. change depth [m]
#DEFINE tissue_graphics_options			.1			; tissue graphics "Pres+Sat" only available

; ---- Setpoint list hard-coded Limits
#DEFINE gaslist_sp_max					.160		; max. setpoint [cbar]
#DEFINE gaslist_sp_min					.50			; min. setpoint [cbar]
#DEFINE gaslist_sp_max_depth			.100		; max change depth [m]

; ---- Compass Display
#DEFINE compass_fast_treshold			.9			; show new heading instantly if angular difference > compass_fast_treshold, else show animated turning of compass rose
#DEFINE compass_averaging				.10			; number of averaging cycles

; Bit Flags

; ---- Gas / Diluent Type & State
;										.0			; | 0: disabled, 1: first, 2: normal/work, 3: deco
;										.1			; |
#DEFINE gas_lost						.2			; =1: gas/diluent is lost   (permanently unavailable)
#DEFINE gas_staged						.3			; =1: gas/diluent is staged (temporary   unavailable)
;										.4			; --- unused
;										.5			; --- unused
;										.6			; --- unused
;										.7			; --- unused

; ---- Bit Flags for Communication with p2_deco.c - char_O_main_status
#DEFINE DECO_VOLUME_FLAG				.0			; =1: calculate gas needs
#DEFINE DECO_BOTTOM_FLAG				.1			; =1: calculate gas needs for full bottom segment, =0: ...for extra time only
#DEFINE DECO_CAVE_MODE					.2			; =1: calculate ascent and gas needs using backtracking data
#DEFINE DECO_GAS_CONTINGENCY			.3			; =1: use a second best gas if best gas is all used up
#DEFINE DECO_TR_FUNCTIONS				.4			; =1: calculate TR functions (pressure readings)
#DEFINE DECO_EXTENDED_STOPS				.5			; =1: place gas changes also below 1st stop depth
#DEFINE DECO_MODE_LOOP_FLAG				.6			; =1: calculate real tissues in loop mode (CCR or pSCR)
#DEFINE DECO_MODE_PSCR_FLAG				.7			; =1: calculate real tissues in pSCR mode (loop flag needs to be set, too)

; ---- Bit Flags for Communication with p2_deco.c - char_O_deco_status
#DEFINE DECO_START_NORM					.0			; =1: write: start calculation of a  normal      deco plan
#DEFINE DECO_START_ALT					.1			; =1: write: start calculation of an alternative deco plan
#DEFINE DECO_COMPLETED_NORM				.0			; =1: read:  calculation of a  normal      deco plan has completed
#DEFINE DECO_COMPLETED_ALT				.1			; =1: read:  calculation of an alternative deco plan has completed
#DEFINE DECO_INITIALIZE					.2			; =1: write: initialize deco engine (to be done only once at the begin of every dive)
#DEFINE DECO_CALCULATOR_MODE			.3			; =1: deco engone is run from the deco calculator
#DEFINE DECO_BAILOUT_FLAG				.4			; =1: allow gas switches before first deco stop (used in bailout plans)
#DEFINE DECO_DELAY_FLAG					.5			; =1: figure in a delayed ascent (fTTS)
;       DECO_MODE_LOOP_FLAG				.6			; =1: calculate simulated tissues in loop mode (CCR or pSCR)
;       DECO_MODE_PSCR_FLAG				.7			; =1: calculate simulated tissues in pSCR mode (loop flag needs to be set, too)

; ---- Bit Flags for Communication with p2_deco.c - char_O_deco_warnings
#DEFINE IBCD_warning					.0			; =1: IBCD currently occuring
#DEFINE IBCD_warning_lock				.1			; =1: IBCD occured durign the dive
#DEFINE mbubble_warning					.2			; =1: microbubbles potentionally currently occuring
#DEFINE mbubble_warning_lock			.3			; =1: microbubbles potentionally occured during the dive
#DEFINE outside_warning					.4			; =1: currently outside the ZHL-16 model
#DEFINE outside_warning_lock			.5			; =1: was outside the ZHL-16 model during the dive
#DEFINE outside_attention				.6			; =1: currently near to the limits of the ZHL-16 model
#DEFINE deco_plan_incomplete			.7			; =1: internal error: deco calculation incomplete

; ---- Bit Flags for Communication with p2_deco.c - char_O_deco_info
#DEFINE deco_mode						.0			; =1: in deco mode, deco ppO2 levels permitted
#DEFINE ind_double_switch				.1			; =1: switch to other tank advice active
#DEFINE gas_needs_fTTS					.2			; =1: indicated gas needs are calculated in fTTS mode
#DEFINE deco_zone						.3			; =1: fTTS is <= TTS (not updated when in bailout mode)
#DEFINE deco_ceiling					.4			; =1: ceiling depth > 0
#DEFINE deco_stops_norm					.5			; =1: deco stops found in normal      plan
#DEFINE deco_stops_alt					.6			; =1: deco stops found in alternative plan
#DEFINE gas_needs_cave					.7			; =1: indicated gas needs are calculated in cave mode

; ---- Bit Flags for Status on Variables of Type char
#DEFINE char_transmitter_lost			.6
#DEFINE char_invalid_flag				.7
#DEFINE char_transmitter_low_bat		.7

; ---- Bit Flags for Status on Variables of Type int (Flags are placed in the UPPER byte!)
#DEFINE int_invalid_flag				.2
#DEFINE int_not_yet_computed			.3
#DEFINE int_is_zero						.3
#DEFINE int_low_flag					.4
#DEFINE int_not_avail_flag				.4
#DEFINE int_high_flag					.5
#DEFINE int_outdated_flag				.5
#DEFINE int_attention_flag				.6
#DEFINE int_warning_flag				.7

; Timebase and Eventbase (stored in access RAM, set by the ISR, trigger flags to be cleared by the application)

#DEFINE timebase_0sec			timebase,0			; counting timebase, 1/2 sec bit
#DEFINE timebase_1sec			timebase,1			; counting timebase,  1  sec bit
#DEFINE timebase_2sec			timebase,2			; counting timebase,  2  sec bit
#DEFINE trigger_quarter_second	timebase,3			; =1: a new 1/4 second has begun (not synced with the other time flags)
#DEFINE trigger_half_second		timebase,4			; =1: a new 1/2 second has begun
#DEFINE trigger_full_second		timebase,5			; =1: a new 1/1 second has begun
#DEFINE trigger_full_minute		timebase,6			; =1: a new     minute has begun
#DEFINE trigger_full_hour		timebase,7			; =1: a new     hour   has begun

#DEFINE trigger_isr_updates		 eventbase,0		; =1: the ISR had kicked in (set by ISR, used by ISR-safe copy macros)
#DEFINE trigger_timeout			 eventbase,1		; =1: timeout signal by timeout service
#DEFINE trigger_sample_divedata	 eventbase,2		; =1: time to store a new sample
#DEFINE trigger_S8_data_update	 eventbase,3		; =1: new S8 digital   data  are available
;								 eventbase,4		; --- unused
#DEFINE trigger_pres_cur_changed eventbase,5		; =1: current pressure value has changed
#DEFINE trigger_pres_max_changed eventbase,6		; =1: maximum pressure value has changed
#DEFINE trigger_temp_changed	 eventbase,7		; =1: temperature      value has changed

; Flags - stored in access RAM

;---- Hardware - OSTC Model Descriptor (stored in access RAM, cleared & rebuilt in restart, to preserve compatibility with 3rd party tools DO NOT alter bit positions)
#DEFINE battery_gauge_available	HW_descriptor,0		; =1: OSTC has rechargeable battery with battery management chip
#DEFINE ambient_sensor			HW_descriptor,1		; =1: OSTC has an ambient light sensor
#DEFINE ext_input_s8_ana		HW_descriptor,2		; =1: OSTC has S8/analog input
#DEFINE ext_input_optical		HW_descriptor,3		; =1: OSTC has optical   input
#DEFINE ble_available			HW_descriptor,4		; =1: OSTC has an BT module
#DEFINE ostc_rx_present			HW_descriptor,5		; =1: OSTC has RX module
#DEFINE lv_core				HW_descriptor,6		; =1: OSTC has low-voltage core (2.7V)
#DEFINE flash_block_write		HW_descriptor,7		; =1: OSTC has FLASH with block-write capability

;---- Hardware - OSTC Model Variants (stored in access RAM, NOT cleared in restart)
#DEFINE screen_type1			HW_variants,0		; =1: display type 1, =0; display type 0
#DEFINE screen_type2			HW_variants,1		; =1: display type 2, =0: display type 0 or 1
#DEFINE screen_type3			HW_variants,2		; =1: display type 3, =0: display type 0 or 1 or 2
#DEFINE compass_type1			HW_variants,3		; =1: compass type 1, =0: compass type 0
#DEFINE compass_type2			HW_variants,4		; =1: compass type 2, =0: compass type 0 or 1
#DEFINE compass_type3			HW_variants,5		; =1: compass type 3, =0: compass type 0 or 1 or 2
#DEFINE analog_switches			HW_variants,6		; =1: analog switches available
#DEFINE battery_is_36v			HW_variants,7		; =1: a 3.6 Volt battery is detected

 ;---- Hardware - OSTC Model Variants2 (stored in access RAM, NOT cleared in restart)
#DEFINE press_sensor_type		HW_variants2,0		; =1: pressure sensor MS5837, =0: Pressure sensor MS5541
#DEFINE	less_io_cpu			HW_variants2,1		; =1: OSTC has a CPU with less I/O pins
#DEFINE screen_type4			HW_variants2,2		; =1: display type 4, =0: display type 0 or 1 or 2 or 3
#DEFINE	dn_flag				HW_variants2,3		; =1: dn
;					HW_variants2,4		; --- unused
;					HW_variants2,5		; --- unused
;					HW_variants2,6		; --- unused
;					HW_variants2,7		; --- unused

;---- Hardware - States 1 (stored in access RAM, cleared on restart)
#DEFINE analog_sw1_pressed		HW_flags_state1,0	; =1: analog switch 1 pressed
#DEFINE analog_sw2_pressed		HW_flags_state1,1	; =1: analog switch 2 pressed
#DEFINE switch_left				HW_flags_state1,2	; =1: left  button was pressed
#DEFINE switch_right			HW_flags_state1,3	; =1: right button was pressed
#DEFINE flip_screen				HW_flags_state1,4	; =1: screen is shown 180° turned
#DEFINE adc_is_running			HW_flags_state1,5	; =1: the ADC is in use
#DEFINE tft_is_dimming			HW_flags_state1,6	; =1: the TFT is dimming, ignore light sensor
#DEFINE compass_enabled			HW_flags_state1,7	; =1: the compass and accelerometer chip is active

;---- Hardware - States 2 (stored in access RAM, NOT cleared on restart)
#DEFINE cc_active				HW_flags_state2,0	; =1: constant current charging active (cR hardware only)
#DEFINE cv_active				HW_flags_state2,1	; =1: constant voltage charging active (cR hardware only)
#DEFINE i2c_error_flag			HW_flags_state2,2	; =1: an I2C error occurred
#DEFINE rs232_rx_timeout		HW_flags_state2,3	; =1: RS232 receive timeout occurred
#DEFINE battery_low_condition	HW_flags_state2,4	; =1: low battery condition detected
#DEFINE flash_wrap_around		HW_flags_state2,5	; =1: address wrap-around control / signalling
#DEFINE flash_wait				HW_flags_state2,6	; =1: wait for flash write operation to complete
#DEFINE	i2c_busy_temperature			HW_flags_state2,7	; =1: Currently updating temperature from MS5837

 ;---- Hardware - States 3 (stored in access RAM, NOT cleared on restart)
#DEFINE ms5837_state			HW_flags_state3,0	; =1: result of pressure is in the ADC
#DEFINE	i2c_busy_pressure		HW_flags_state3,1	; =1: Currently updating pressure from MS5837
#DEFINE	eeprom_write_error_flag		HW_flags_state3,2	; =1: an EEPROM write error occurred (Reset only in a Reboot/POR)
#DEFINE	lock_cycle_counter		HW_flags_state3,3	; =1: Do not count charge cycle (again), cleared when batt_percent<95%
;					HW_flags_state3,4	; --- unused
;					HW_flags_state3,5	; --- unused
;					HW_flags_state3,6	; --- unused
;					HW_flags_state3,7	; --- unused
;---- Operating System - persistent Settings (stored in access RAM, NOT cleared in restart)
#DEFINE sensor1_calibrated_ok	OS_flags_persist,0	; =1: sensor 1 calibration ok
#DEFINE sensor2_calibrated_ok	OS_flags_persist,1	; =1: sensor 2 calibration ok
#DEFINE sensor3_calibrated_ok	OS_flags_persist,2	; =1: sensor 3 calibration ok
#DEFINE compass_bearing_set		OS_flags_persist,3	; =1: compass bearing is set
#DEFINE use_old_batt_flag		OS_flags_persist,4	; =1: load old battery data after power-on reset
#DEFINE option_changed			OS_flags_persist,5	; =1: option values have been changed, EEPROM needs to be updated
#DEFINE restart_fast			OS_flags_persist,6	; =1: request to skip logos and waits on restart
#DEFINE battery_overtemp		OS_flags_persist,7	; =1: battery charging temperature limit exceeded

;---- Operating System - ISR Control 1 (stored in access RAM)
#DEFINE reset_timebase			OS_flags_ISR1,0		; =1: request ISR to reset  the timebase for the trigger flags
#DEFINE restart_timeout			OS_flags_ISR1,1		; =1: request ISR to resart the timeout timer
#DEFINE reset_max_pressure		OS_flags_ISR1,2		; =1: request ISR to reset  the maximum pressure to zero
#DEFINE reset_surface_interval	OS_flags_ISR1,3		; =1: request ISR to reset  the surface interval to zero
#DEFINE reset_trip_pressure		OS_flags_ISR1,4		; =1: request ISR to reset  the resettable min/max pressure
#DEFINE block_rtc_access		OS_flags_ISR1,5		; =1: suspend the ISR from accessing the RTC
#DEFINE block_battery_gauge		OS_flags_ISR1,6		; =1: suspend the ISR from updating the battery gauge
#DEFINE block_sensor_interrupt	OS_flags_ISR1,7		; =1: suspend the ISR from executing sensor interrupts

;---- Operating System - ISR Control 2 (stored in access RAM)
#DEFINE update_surface_pressure	OS_flags_ISR2,0		; =1: request ISR to update the surface pressure
#DEFINE quit_simulatormode		OS_flags_ISR2,1		; =1: request ISR to quit the simulator mode
#DEFINE count_divetime			OS_flags_ISR2,2		; =1: request ISR to count the dive time
#DEFINE sensor_override_request	OS_flags_ISR2,3		; =1: request ISR to override the pressure sensor with a simulated depth
#DEFINE tmr5_preemtion_allowed	OS_flags_ISR2,4		; =1: allow preemption of timeout counter
#DEFINE button_hold_down_allowed OS_flags_ISR2,5	; =1: OSTC uses mechanical push buttons
#DEFINE sensor_override_active	OS_flags_ISR2,6		; =1: ISR output:    switch to override-mode confirmed
#DEFINE divetime_longer_1min	OS_flags_ISR2,7		; =1: ISR output:    dive time is >= one minute

;---- Operating Modes (stored in access RAM, persistent)
#DEFINE sleepmode				OM_flags_mode,0		; =1: in sleep mode
#DEFINE divemode				OM_flags_mode,1		; =1: in dive mode
#DEFINE simulatormode			OM_flags_mode,2		; =1: in simulator mode
#DEFINE high_altitude_mode		OM_flags_mode,3		; =1: unit was manually turned on with absolute pressure < 880 mbar
;								OM_flags_mode,4		; --- unused
#DEFINE tr_functions_activated	OM_flags_mode,5		; =1: TR module is available and TR mode is <> off
#DEFINE cold_start				OM_flags_mode,6		; =1: restart is entered from a cold start
 IFDEF _screendump
#DEFINE screen_dump_avail		OM_flags_mode,7		; =1: screen dump function is available
#DEFINE comm_mode_disabled		OM_flags_mode,7		; =1: COMM mode is disabled

;---- Dive Modes - Deco Modes (stored in access RAM)
#DEFINE FLAG_oc_mode			DM_flags_deco,0		; =1: in OC mode active
#DEFINE FLAG_ccr_mode			DM_flags_deco,1		; =1: in CCR mode (fixed ppO2 or sensor) active
#DEFINE FLAG_gauge_mode			DM_flags_deco,2		; =1: in gauge mode
#DEFINE FLAG_apnoe_mode			DM_flags_deco,3		; =1: in apnoe mode
#DEFINE FLAG_pscr_mode			DM_flags_deco,4		; =1: in pSCR mode
#DEFINE bailout_mode			DM_flags_deco,5		; =1: in bailout mode
#DEFINE apnoe_at_surface		DM_flags_deco,6		; =1: at the surface, 0= submerged (apnoe mode only, set/reset by ISR)
#DEFINE apnoe_new_dive			DM_flags_deco,7		; =1: a new dive has begun         (apnoe mode only, set       by ISR)

; Flags - stored in bank common

;---- Dive Mode - Dive States
#DEFINE use_aGF					DM_flags_state,0	; =1: use aGF, =0: use GF
;#DEFINE deco_locked				DM_flags_state,1	; =1: in or has been in deco obligation       during the dive
#DEFINE deco_region				DM_flags_state,2	; =1: in or has been in the deco stops region during the dive
#DEFINE cave_mode				DM_flags_state,3	; =1: cave mode is active                                 (cave mode)
#DEFINE dive_turned				DM_flags_state,4	; =1: dive is turned                                      (cave mode)
#DEFINE backtrack_almost_full	DM_flags_state,5	; =1: the backtracking storage is almost   full           (cave mode)
#DEFINE backtrack_entire_full	DM_flags_state,6	; =1: the backtracking storage is entirely full           (cave mode)
#DEFINE backtrack_shutdown		DM_flags_state,7	; =1: the backtracking has shut down due to entirely full (cave mode)

;---- Dive Mode - O2 Sensors & Setpoint
#DEFINE use_O2_sensor1			DM_flags_sensor,0	; =1: sensor 1 shall be used
#DEFINE use_O2_sensor2			DM_flags_sensor,1	; =1: sensor 2 shall be used
#DEFINE use_O2_sensor3			DM_flags_sensor,2	; =1: sensor 3 shall be used
#DEFINE voting_logic_sensor1	DM_flags_sensor,3	; =1: sensor 1 is within the voting logic threshold
#DEFINE voting_logic_sensor2	DM_flags_sensor,4	; =1: sensor 2 is within the voting logic threshold
#DEFINE voting_logic_sensor3	DM_flags_sensor,5	; =1: sensor 3 is within the voting logic threshold
;								DM_flags_sensor,6	; --- unused
#DEFINE restart_auto_sp			DM_flags_sensor,7	; =1: re-run the auto SP selection from 1st SP

;---- Dive Mode - User Requests / General
#DEFINE request_gas_change		DM_flags_request,0	; =1: request to change the gas
#DEFINE request_gas_update		DM_flags_request,1	; =1: request to update the gas
#DEFINE request_reset_avg		DM_flags_request,2	; =1: request to reset the average depth
#DEFINE request_next_custview	DM_flags_request,3	; =1: request to show the next custom view
#DEFINE request_back_to_loop	DM_flags_request,4	; =1: request to switch back from bailout to loop
#DEFINE request_toggle_GF		DM_flags_request,5	; =1: request to toggle between GF and aGF
#DEFINE request_set_marker		DM_flags_request,6	; =1: request to set a marker in the logbook
#DEFINE request_restart_engine	DM_flags_request,7	; =1: request to restart the deco engine

;---- Dive Mode - User Requests / Cave Mode
#DEFINE request_cave_toggle		DM_flags_cavereq,0	; =1: request to toggle cave mode off/on            (cave mode)
#DEFINE request_cave_off_turned	DM_flags_cavereq,1	; =1: request to switch cave mode off               (cave mode)
#DEFINE request_turn_toggle		DM_flags_cavereq,2	; =1: request to toggle dive turned state           (cave mode)
#DEFINE request_turn_turn		DM_flags_cavereq,3	; =1: request to switch dive turned state to turned (cave mode)
#DEFINE request_waypoint_set	DM_flags_cavereq,4	; =1: request to set a waypoint                     (cave mode)
#DEFINE request_waypoint_out	DM_flags_cavereq,5	; =1: request to go one waypoint out of the cave    (cave mode)
#DEFINE request_waypoint_in		DM_flags_cavereq,6	; =1: request to go one waypoint into   the cave    (cave mode)
;								DM_flags_cavereq,7	; --- unused

;---- Dive Mode - Data Recording Events
#DEFINE event_occured			DM_flags_event,0	; =1: an event occurred (global indicator flag)
#DEFINE event_gas_change		DM_flags_event,1	; =1: a change to another gas or diluent occurred
#DEFINE event_gas_change_gas6	DM_flags_event,2	; =1: a change to or of the gas 6 has occurred
#DEFINE event_bailout			DM_flags_event,3	; =1: a change to or of the OC gas occurred due to bailout
#DEFINE event_SP_change			DM_flags_event,4	; =1: a change of the setpoint has occurred
;								DM_flags_event,5	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_event,6	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_event,7	; --- unused

;---- Dive Mode - Display Control / Layout
#DEFINE safety_stop_enabled		DM_flags_layout1,0	; =1: safety        stop is enabled
#DEFINE safety_stop_active		DM_flags_layout1,1	; =1: safety        stop is shown
#DEFINE decostop_active			DM_flags_layout1,2	; =1: decompression stop is shown
#DEFINE velocity_active_num		DM_flags_layout1,3	; =1: numerical velocity indicator is shown
#DEFINE velocity_active_vsi		DM_flags_layout1,4	; =1: graphical velocity indicator is shown
#DEFINE alt_layout_active		DM_flags_layout1,5	; =1: the alternative dive layout is used (aka "blind mode")
#DEFINE neg_flag_velocity		DM_flags_layout1,6	; =1: descending, used by velocity logic
#DEFINE show_only_divemins		DM_flags_layout1,7	; =1: only dive minutes are shown

#DEFINE cur_depth_greater_100m	DM_flags_layout2,0	; =1: current depth > 100 meters
#DEFINE max_depth_greater_100m	DM_flags_layout2,1	; =1: max.    depth > 100 meters
#DEFINE depth_color_attention	DM_flags_layout2,2	; =1: show depth in attention color
#DEFINE depth_color_warning		DM_flags_layout2,3	; =1: show depth in warning   color
#DEFINE depth_color_last		DM_flags_layout2,4	; =1: last depth was shown in warning or attention color
#DEFINE depth_inverse_last		DM_flags_layout2,5	; =1: last depth was shown in inverse
#DEFINE gas_needs_mode_last		DM_flags_layout2,6	; =1: last gas needs were computed for cave mode, =0: vertical ascent
#DEFINE tts_over_99_last		DM_flags_layout2,7	; =1: last TTS was > 99 minutes

#DEFINE tissue_graphic_layout	DM_flags_layout3,0	; =1: show pres+sat, =0: show N2/He pressures
#DEFINE tissue_graphic_gf		DM_flags_layout3,1	; =1: show GF lines
#DEFINE tissue_graphic_cns		DM_flags_layout3,2	; =1: shwo CNS value (surface mode graphic only)
#DEFINE tissue_graphic_mode		DM_flags_layout3,3	; =1: logbook mode   (surface mode graphic only)
;								DM_flags_layout3,4	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_layout3,5	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_layout3,6	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_layout3,7	; --- unused

;---- Dive Mode - Display Control / Gas, Diluent, Depth
#DEFINE better_gas_hint			DM_flags_gas_dil,0	; =1: mark a gas when it is a better gas
#DEFINE color_code_gases		DM_flags_gas_dil,1	; =1: color code the gases by ppO2 & current depth
#DEFINE better_gas_available	DM_flags_gas_dil,2	; =1: a better gas is available
#DEFINE better_gas_blinking		DM_flags_gas_dil,3	; =1: gas is blinking
#DEFINE better_dil_available	DM_flags_gas_dil,4	; =1: a better diluent is available
#DEFINE better_dil_blinking		DM_flags_gas_dil,5	; =1: diluent is blinking
#DEFINE gas6_or_EXIT			DM_flags_gas_dil,6	; =1: exit menu, =0: provide gas6 option
;								DM_flags_gas_dil,7	; --- unused

;---- Dive Mode - Display Control / Messages
#DEFINE sign_shown				DM_flags_message,0	; =1: the warning/attention/advice sign is shown
#DEFINE sign_advice				DM_flags_message,1	; =1: the sign shown is an advice    sign
#DEFINE sign_attention			DM_flags_message,2	; =1: the sign shown is an attention sign
#DEFINE sign_warning			DM_flags_message,3	; =1: the sign shown is a  warning   sign
#DEFINE message_2nd_row_used	DM_flags_message,4	; =1: the second row contains a warning/attention/advice
;								DM_flags_message,5	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_message,6	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_message,7	; --- unused

;---- Dive Mode - Display Control / Advices
#DEFINE advc_det_change_gas		DM_flags_advc_det,0	; =1: change gas  advice
#DEFINE advc_det_switch_tank	DM_flags_advc_det,1	; =1: change tank advice
;								DM_flags_advc_det,2	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_advc_det,3	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_advc_det,4	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_advc_det,5	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_advc_det,6	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_advc_det,7	; --- unused

;---- Dive Mode - Display Control / Attentions
#DEFINE attn_det_gas_needs		DM_flags_att1_det,0	; =1: gas needs          attention threshold reached
#DEFINE attn_det_ppo2_breathed	DM_flags_att1_det,1	; =1: breathed ppO2      attention threshold reached
#DEFINE attn_det_ppo2_diluent	DM_flags_att1_det,2	; =1: diluent  ppO2      attention threshold reached
#DEFINE attn_det_cns_current	DM_flags_att1_det,3	; =1: current  CNS       attention threshold reached
#DEFINE attn_det_gas_density	DM_flags_att1_det,4	; =1: gas density        attention threshold reached
#DEFINE attn_det_saturation		DM_flags_att1_det,5	; =1: tissue saturation  attention threshold reached
#DEFINE attn_det_outside		DM_flags_att1_det,6	; =1: outside model      attention issued
#DEFINE attn_det_microbubble	DM_flags_att1_det,7	; =1: µ-bubble           attention issued

#DEFINE attn_det_sac_rate		DM_flags_att2_det,0	; =1: SAC rate           attention threshold reached
#DEFINE attn_det_pressure1		DM_flags_att2_det,1	; =1: tank 1 pressure    attention threshold reached
#DEFINE attn_det_pressure2		DM_flags_att2_det,2	; =1: tank 2 pressure    attention threshold reached
#DEFINE attn_det_ibcd			DM_flags_att2_det,3	; =1: IBCD               attention issued
#DEFINE attn_det_cave_shut_down	DM_flags_att2_det,4	; =1: cave mode shutdown attention issued
#DEFINE attn_det_sensor1_lost	DM_flags_att2_det,5	; =1: sensor 1 lost      attention issued
#DEFINE attn_det_sensor2_lost	DM_flags_att2_det,6	; =1: sensor 2 lost      attention issued
#DEFINE attn_det_sensor3_lost	DM_flags_att2_det,7	; =1: sensor 3 lost      attention issued

#DEFINE attn_det_xmit1_bat		DM_flags_att3_det,0	; =1: xmitter 1 low batt attention issued
#DEFINE attn_det_xmit2_bat		DM_flags_att3_det,1	; =1: xmitter 2 low batt attention issued
#DEFINE attn_det_cns_eod		DM_flags_att3_det,2	; =1: end-of-dive CNS    attention threshold reached
;								DM_flags_att3_det,3	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_att3_det,4	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_att3_det,5	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_att3_det,6	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_att3_det,7	; --- unused

;---- Dive Mode - Display Control / Warnings
#DEFINE warn_det_gas_needs		DM_flags_war1_det,0	; =1: gas needs          warning threshold reached
#DEFINE warn_det_ppO2_breathed	DM_flags_war1_det,1	; =1: breathed ppO2      warning threshold reached
#DEFINE warn_det_ppO2_diluent	DM_flags_war1_det,2	; =1: diluent  ppO2      warning threshold reached
#DEFINE warn_det_cns_current	DM_flags_war1_det,3	; =1: current  CNS       warning threshold reached
#DEFINE warn_det_gas_density	DM_flags_war1_det,4	; =1: gas density        warning threshold reached
#DEFINE warn_det_saturation		DM_flags_war1_det,5	; =1: tissue saturation  warning threshold reached
#DEFINE warn_det_outside		DM_flags_war1_det,6	; =1: outside model      warning issued
#DEFINE warn_det_microbubble	DM_flags_war1_det,7	; =1: µ-bubble           warning issued

#DEFINE warn_det_cave_shut_down	DM_flags_war2_det,0	; =1: cave mode shutdown warning issued
#DEFINE warn_det_pressure1		DM_flags_war2_det,1	; =1: tank pressure 1    warning threshold reached
#DEFINE warn_det_pressure2		DM_flags_war2_det,2	; =1: tank pressure 2    warning threshold reached
#DEFINE warn_det_batt_low		DM_flags_war2_det,3	; =1: battery low        warning issued
#DEFINE warn_det_depth_limit	DM_flags_war2_det,4	; =1: depth limit        warning issued
#DEFINE warn_det_sensors_lost	DM_flags_war2_det,5	; =1: sensors lost       warning issued
#DEFINE warn_det_sensors_div	DM_flags_war2_det,6	; =1: sensors divergence warning issued
#DEFINE warn_det_no_bo_gas		DM_flags_war2_det,7	; =1: no B/O gas avail   warning issued

;---- Dive Mode - Display Control / Custom View automatic show-up
#DEFINE shown_gas_needs_attn	DM_flags_shown1,0	; =1: gas needs attention has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_gas_needs_warn	DM_flags_shown1,1	; =1: gas needs warning   has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_sensors_diverg	DM_flags_shown1,2	; =1: sensor divergence   has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_sensors_lost		DM_flags_shown1,3	; =1: sensor all lost     has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_sensor1_fail		DM_flags_shown1,4	; =1: sensor 1 failure    has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_sensor2_fail		DM_flags_shown1,5	; =1: sensor 2 failure    has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_sensor3_fail		DM_flags_shown1,6	; =1: sensor 3 failure    has been shown before
;								DM_flags_shown1,7	; --- unused

#DEFINE shown_xmit1_lost		DM_flags_shown2,0	; =1: xmitter 1 lost      has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_xmit1_battery		DM_flags_shown2,1	; =1: xmitter 1 batt low  has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_xmit1_pres_warn	DM_flags_shown2,2	; =1: xmitter 1 pres warn has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_xmit1_pres_attn	DM_flags_shown2,3	; =1: xmitter 1 pres attn has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_xmit2_lost		DM_flags_shown2,4	; =1: xmitter 2 lost      has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_xmit2_battery		DM_flags_shown2,5	; =1: xmitter 2 batt low  has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_xmit2_pres_warn	DM_flags_shown2,6	; =1: xmitter 2 pres warn has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_xmit2_pres_attn	DM_flags_shown2,7	; =1: xmitter 2 pres attn has been shown before

#DEFINE shown_gas_density_attn	DM_flags_shown3,0	; =1: gas density atten.  has been shown before
#DEFINE shown_gas_density_warn	DM_flags_shown3,1	; =1: gas density warning has been shown before
;								DM_flags_shown3,2	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_shown3,3	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_shown3,4	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_shown3,5	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_shown3,6	; --- unused
;								DM_flags_shown3,7	; --- unused

;---- Menu System - Control
#DEFINE surfmode_menu			MS_flags_control,0	; =1: surface   menu is shown (i.e. returning from it)
#DEFINE dive_pre_menu			MS_flags_control,1	; =1: dive  pre-menu is shown (e.g. "Menu?")
#DEFINE dive_main_menu			MS_flags_control,2	; =1: dive main menu is shown (i.e. the "big" menu)
#DEFINE compass_menu			MS_flags_control,3	; =1: "set bearing"     is shown
#DEFINE is_diluent_menu			MS_flags_control,4	; =1: setting up diluents, =0: setting up OC gases
#DEFINE is_bailout_menu			MS_flags_control,5	; =1: in bailout menu
#DEFINE custom_view_locked		MS_flags_control,6	; =1: the custom view is locked (defer CV auto-popup)
#DEFINE option_stop_at_max		MS_flags_control,7	; =1: option increment will stop at max value (no wrap around)

;---- Menu System - Data Imprinting
#DEFINE imprint_time_date		MS_flags_imprint,0	; =1: imprint current time & date
#DEFINE imprint_color_schemes	MS_flags_imprint,1	; =1: imprint color schemes
#DEFINE imprint_sensor_mv		MS_flags_imprint,2	; =1: imprint O2 sensor mV data
#DEFINE imprint_xmitter_pres	MS_flags_imprint,3	; =1: imprint transmitter pressure data
#DEFINE imprint_xmitter_ID		MS_flags_imprint,4	; =1: in transmitter-to-tank pairing menu
#DEFINE imprint_surfmode_data	MS_flags_imprint,5	; =1: imprint surface mode data
#DEFINE block_option_value		MS_flags_imprint,6	; =1: suspend displaying of option values
#DEFINE short_gas_descriptions	MS_flags_imprint,7	; =1: use short versions of gaslist_strcat_gas_cd and gaslist_strcat_setpoint

;---- Font & Image System
#DEFINE aa_antialias			AA_flags,0			;     used by aa_wordprocessor
#DEFINE aa_color_quarter		AA_flags,1			;     used by aa_wordprocessor
#DEFINE aa_color_half			AA_flags,2			;     used by aa_wordprocessor
#DEFINE aa_aux_flag				AA_flags,3			;     auxiliary flag for various purposes
#DEFINE use_custom_colors		AA_flags,4			; =1: override default pixel colors, used by color_image
#DEFINE win_invert				AA_flags,5			; =1: print in inverse video
;								AA_flags,6			; --- unused
;								AA_flags,7			; --- unused

;---- Convert Functions (Control of numerical Output)

#DEFINE hide_digit5				CVT_flags1,0		; =1: do not print digit  5   (clip output at  9999)
#DEFINE hide_digit4				CVT_flags1,1		; =1: do not print digits 5-4 (clip output at   999)
#DEFINE hide_digit3				CVT_flags1,2		; =1: do not print digits 5-3 (clip output at    99)
#DEFINE hide_digit2				CVT_flags1,3		; =1: do not print digits 5-2 (clip output at     9)
#DEFINE omit_digit_1			CVT_flags1,4		; =1: do not print digit    1 (show output as xxxx-)
#DEFINE omit_digit_2			CVT_flags1,5		; =1: do not print digits 2-1 (show output as xxx--)
;								CVT_flags1,6		; --- unused
;								CVT_flags1,7		; --- unused

#DEFINE decimal_digit1			CVT_flags2,0		; =1: put a decimal point in front of digit 1
#DEFINE decimal_digit2			CVT_flags2,1		; =1: put a decimal point in front of digit 2
#DEFINE decimal_digit3			CVT_flags2,2		; =1: put a decimal point in front of digit 3
;								CVT_flags2,3		; --- unused
#DEFINE leftbind				CVT_flags2,4		; =1: align output to the left (no leading spaces)
#DEFINE leading_zeros			CVT_flags2,5		; =1: print leading zeros
#DEFINE output_overflow			CVT_flags2,6		; =1: the printed number is clipped to 9999/999/99/9
;								CVT_flags2,7		; --- unused

;---- Miscellaneous Flags
#DEFINE ignore_last_edited_gas	misc_flags,0		; =1: ignore last edited gas while cleaning up gas/dil list
#DEFINE copying_dil				misc_flags,1		; =1: copying a diluent
#DEFINE comm_service_mode		misc_flags,2		; =1: service mode (extended command set) is enabled
#DEFINE waypoint_reached_first	misc_flags,3		; =1: the first (most outside) waypoint is reached (cave mode)
#DEFINE waypoint_reached_last	misc_flags,4		; =1: the last  (most inside)  waypoint is reached (cave mode)
#DEFINE option_value_ok			misc_flags,5		; =1: option value was checked to be within min/max limits
#DEFINE aux_flag				misc_flags,6		;     local flag, used in various places
#DEFINE neg_flag				misc_flags,7		; =1: result is negative

;---- HUD Status Byte (stored in access RAM)
#DEFINE hud_connection_ok		hud_status_byte,0	; =1 HUD connection ok
;								hud_status_byte,1	; =1 HUD is calibrated
;								hud_status_byte,2	; =1 HUD battery is low (< 3000 mV)
#DEFINE sensor1_active			hud_status_byte,3	; =1: sensor 1 is active
#DEFINE sensor2_active			hud_status_byte,4	; =1: sensor 2 is active
#DEFINE sensor3_active			hud_status_byte,5	; =1: sensor 3 is active
;								hud_status_byte,6	; --- unused in stand-alone HUD
;								hud_status_byte,7	; --- unused in stand-alone HUD

; Macros 

; ---- options checking

TSTOSS	macro opt_reg				; TeST Option Skip next instruction if Set (not zero)
	movff	opt_reg,EEDATA			; Attention: destroys EEDATA!
	tstfsz	EEDATA				; Attention: must be followed by a plain machine
	bra		$+4						;            command, do not let follow a macro!
	endm							;

TSTOSC	macro opt_reg				; TeST Option Skip next instruction if Clear (zero)
	movff	opt_reg,EEDATA			; Attention: destroys EEDATA!
	tstfsz	EEDATA				; Attention: must be followed by a plain machine
	endm							;            command, do not let follow a macro!

; ---- literal operations

CLRI	macro address				; CLeaR Integer (version of clrf for 2 byte integers)
	clrf	address+0				; Attention: must be in bank where target variable resides!
	clrf	address+1				;
	endm							;

CLRT	macro address				; CLeaR Three byte integer (version of clrf for 3 byte integers)
	clrf	address+0				; Attention: must be in bank where target variable resides!
	clrf	address+1				;
	clrf	address+2				;
	endm							;

CLRR	macro	address,range		; CLeaR a Range of bytes   (version of clrf for 1-256 bytes)
	movlw	low(range)				; initialize loop counter
	lfsr	FSR1,address			; set start address
	extern	memory_clear
	call	memory_clear

SETI	macro address				; SET Integer (version of setf for 2 byte integers)
	setf	address+0				; Attention: must be in bank where target variable resides!
	setf	address+1				;
	endm							;

MOVLI	macro literal,address		; MOVe Literal to Integer
	movlw	LOW  (literal)			; Attention: destroys WREG!
	movwf	address+0				; Attention: must be in bank where target variable resides!
	movlw	HIGH (literal)			;
	movwf	address+1				;
	endm							;

; ---- arithetics

INCI	macro address				; INCrement Integer (version of incf for 2 byte integers)
	infsnz	address+0,F				; Attention: must be in bank where target variable resides!
	incf	address+1,F				;
	endm							;

DECI	macro address				; DECrement Integer (version of decf for 2 byte integers)
	movlw	.1						; Attention: destroys WREG!
	subwf	address+0,F				; Attention: must be in bank where target variable resides!
	movlw	.0						;
	subwfb	address+1,F				;
	endm							;

ADDLI	macro literal, address		; ADD Literal to Integer
	movlw	LOW  (literal)			; Attention: destroys WREG!
	addwf	address+0,F				; Attention: must be in bank where target variable resides!
	movlw	HIGH (literal)			;
	addwfc	address+1,F				;
	endm							;

SUBLI	macro literal, address		; SUBtract Literal from Integer
	movlw	LOW  (literal)			; Attention: destroys WREG!
	subwf	address+0,F				; Attention: must be in bank where target variable resides!
	movlw	HIGH (literal)			;
	subwfb	address+1,F				;
	endm							;

; ---- moves

MOVCC	macro from,to				; MOVe     1 byte Char    (actually an alias for movff)
	movff	from,to

MOVII	macro from,to				; MOVe     2 byte Integer (version of movff for 2 bytes)
	movff	from+0,to+0				; copy 1st byte
	movff	from+1,to+1				; copy 2nd byte
	endm							;

MOVTT	macro from,to				; MOVe Three byte Integer (version of movff for 3 bytes)
	movff	from+0,to+0				; copy 1st byte
	movff	from+1,to+1				; copy 2nd byte
	movff	from+2,to+2				; copy 3rd byte
	endm							;

MOVRR	macro from,to,range			; MOVe a Range of bytes   (version of movff for 1-256 bytes)
	movlw	low(range)				; initialize loop counter
	lfsr	FSR1,from				; from
	lfsr	FSR2,to					; to
	extern	memory_move
	call	memory_move

; ---- ISR-safe moves

SMOVII	macro from, to				; isr-Safe MOVe     2 byte Integer (version of MOVII for ISR-safe copying)
	local	retry					;
	bcf		trigger_isr_updates		; clear flag, it will be set by the ISR in case it had kicked in
	movff	from+0,to+0				; copy low  byte
	movff	from+1,to+1				; copy high byte
	btfsc	trigger_isr_updates		; did the ISR kicked in since we cleared the flag?
	bra		retry					; YES - retry copy
	endm							; NO  - done

SMOVTT	macro from, to				; isr-Safe MOVe Three byte integer (version of MOVTT for ISR-safe copying)
	local	retry					;
	bcf		trigger_isr_updates		; clear flag, it will be set by the ISR in case it had kicked in
	movff	from+0,to+0				; copy low   byte
	movff	from+1,to+1				; copy high  byte
	movff	from+2,to+2				; copy upper byte
	btfsc	trigger_isr_updates		; did the ISR kicked in since we cleared the flag?
	bra		retry					; YES - retry copy
	endm							; NO  - done

SMOVQQ	macro from, to				; isr-Safe MOVe  Quad byte integer (version of MOVII for ISR-safe copying)
	local	retry					;
	bcf		trigger_isr_updates		; clear flag, it will be set by the ISR in case it had kicked in
	movff	from+0,to+0				; copy byte 0 (LSB)
	movff	from+1,to+1				; copy byte 1
	movff	from+2,to+2				; copy byte 2
	movff	from+3,to+3				; copy byte 3 (MSB)
	btfsc	trigger_isr_updates		; did the ISR kicked in since we cleared the flag?
	bra		retry					; YES - retry copy
	endm							; NO  - done

SMOVSS	macro from, to				; isr-Safe MOVe Six byte integer to integer (version of MOVII for integers updated in ISR)
	local	retry					;
	bcf		trigger_isr_updates		; clear flag, it will be set by the ISR in case it had kicked in
	movff	from+0,to+0				; copy byte 0 (LSB)
	movff	from+1,to+1				; copy byte 1
	movff	from+2,to+2				; copy byte 2
	movff	from+3,to+3				; copy byte 3
	movff	from+4,to+4				; copy byte 4
	movff	from+5,to+5				; copy byte 5 (MSB)
	btfsc	trigger_isr_updates		; did the ISR kicked in since we cleared the flag?
	bra		retry					; YES - retry copy
	endm							; NO  - done

; C-Code Routines

	extern	deco_calc_desaturation_time
	extern	deco_calc_hauptroutine
	extern	deco_calc_dive_interval
	extern	deco_calc_dive_interval_1min
	extern	deco_calc_dive_interval_10min
	extern	deco_clear_tissue
	extern	deco_init_output_vars
	extern	deco_pull_tissues_from_vault
	extern	deco_push_tissues_to_vault


; Variables located in the Access Bank are declared in hwos.asm


	extern	HW_descriptor
	extern	HW_variants
	extern	HW_variants2

	extern	HW_flags_state1
	extern	HW_flags_state2
	extern	HW_flags_state3

	extern	OS_flags_persist
	extern	OS_flags_ISR1
	extern	OS_flags_ISR2

	extern	OM_flags_mode

	extern	DM_flags_deco

	extern	cpu_speed_request
	extern	cpu_speed_state

	extern	timebase
	extern	eventbase

	extern	isr_timeout_timer
	extern	isr_timeout_reload

	extern	total_divetime_secs
	extern	counted_divetime_mins
	extern	counted_divetime_secs

	extern	apnoe_surface_secs
	extern	apnoe_surface_mins
	extern	apnoe_dive_secs
	extern	apnoe_dive_mins

	extern	sampling_rate
	extern	sampling_timer

	extern	simulatormode_depth

	extern	hud_status_byte
	extern	hud_battery_mv

	extern	battery_capacity_internal
	extern	battery_capacity
	extern	battery_offset
	extern	battery_type
	extern	battery_accumulated_charge
	extern	battery_temperature
	extern	gauge_status_byte



isr_backup	equ			0x060		; Alias for "banksel isr_backup"
isr_backup	udata_ovr	isr_backup	; Bank 0 ISR data

;---- Backup for general Registers, used by ISR Routines
PROD_backup						res 2
FSR0_backup						res 2
BSR_backup						res 1

;---- Multi-Purpose Registers, used by ISR Routines
isr_mpr							res 2		; used in ms5541.asm and isr.asm
#DEFINE isr_lo					isr_mpr+0	; ...
#DEFINE isr_hi					isr_mpr+1	; ...

;---- Multi-Purpose Registers, NOT USED by ISR Routines
backup_mpr						res 2		; used in rtc.asm
#DEFINE backup_lo				backup_mpr+0
#DEFINE backup_hi				backup_mpr+1

;---- Time and Date - Real Time Clock
rtc_year						res 1		; running year     | Attention:
rtc_month						res 1		; running month    | do not change
rtc_day							res 1		; running day      | the Position of
rtc_hour						res 1		; running hour     | these Variables
rtc_mins						res 1		; running minute   | relative to
rtc_secs						res 1		; running second   | each other!

rtc_latched_year				res 1		; latched year     | Attention:
rtc_latched_month				res 1		; latched month    | do not change
rtc_latched_day					res 1		; latched day      | the Position of
rtc_latched_hour				res 1		; latched hour     | these Variables
rtc_latched_mins				res 1		; latched minute   | relative to
rtc_latched_secs				res 1		; latched second   | each other!

;--- RTC-independent Timebase
timebase_mins					res 1		; RTC-independent timer for generating the every hour   trigger
timebase_secs					res 1		; RTC-independent timer for generating the every minute trigger

;---- other Timers
uptime							res 4		; [sec] uptime of the OSTC since last cold start
surface_interval_secs			res 4		; [sec] surface interval counted in seconds
surface_interval_mins			res 2		; [min] surface interval counted in minutes
simulator_time					res 1		; [min] real runtime of the simulator

;---- Data for Pressure and Temperature Calculation (MS5541)
clock_count						res 1		; I2C clock pulse counter
sensor_state_counter			res 1		; counter for pressure sensor state machine
dLSB							res 1		; pressure sensor interface, LSB
dMSB							res 1		; pressure sensor interface, MSB
dbuffer							res 1		; pressure sensor interface, RX/TX buffer

C1							res 2		; decoded calibration data
C2							res 2		; decoded calibration data
C3							res 2		; decoded calibration data
C4							res 2		; decoded calibration data, here C4-250
C5							res 2		; decoded calibration data, here reference temperature UT1 = 8*C5 + 10000 (u16 range 10.000 .. +42.760)
C6							res 2		; decoded calibration data
D1							res 3		; raw pressure
D2							res 3		; raw temperature
xdT							res 3
xdT2							res 2
OFF							res 4
SENS							res 4

temperature_cur					res 2		; current  temperature
temperature_min					res 2		; minimum  temperature (operated by divemode.asm)
temperature_avg					res 2		; internal register used for averaging
temperature_last				res 2		; internal register used for detecting changes

pressure_abs					res 2		; current  absolute pressure
pressure_abs_avg				res 3		; internal register used for averaging
pressure_abs_last				res 2		; internal register used for detecting pressure changes

pressure_abs_sampled			res 2		; sampled   surface pressure, sampled in sleep mode every 15 minutes
pressure_abs_ref				res 2		; reference surface pressure, surface pressure sampled    15 minutes ago
pressure_surf					res 2		; surface pressure used by ISR to calculate relative pressures

pressure_rel_cur				res 2		; current relative pressure
pressure_rel_max				res 2		; maximum relative pressure
pressure_rel_sim				res 2		; simulated relative pressure (simulator mode)

;---- Data for ISR Math Subroutines
isr_xA							res 4		; multiplicand 1
isr_xB							res 3		; multiplicand 2
isr_xC							res 7		; resulting product
isr_math_loop						res 1		; loop counter

;---- Display Brightness
ambient_light					res 2		; ambient light level
max_CCPR1L						res 1		; max. brightness value for CCPR1L

;---- Battery Gauge (nAs, nC)
battery_gauge					res 6		; 48 bit -> 78 Ah max

;---- IR/S8-Link
ir_s8_buffer					res .18		; buffer for data received on IR/S8 interface,
											; also used to buffer MS5541 raw calibration data

 IFDEF _external_sensor
ir_s8_counter					res 1
ir_s8_timeout					res 1		; timeout for valid data

;---- raw O2 Sensor Data received on S8 Link
 IFDEF _external_sensor
s8_rawdata_sensor1				res 3		; 24 bit A/D raw data from S8 HUD sensor 1
s8_rawdata_sensor2				res 3		; 24 bit A/D raw data from S8 HUD sensor 2
s8_rawdata_sensor3				res 3		; 24 bit A/D raw data from S8 HUD sensor 3

;---- Switch Processing (8 byte, called by ISR and sleep mode)
analog_sw1_raw					res 2		; idle values (average)
analog_sw2_raw					res 2		; idle values (average)
analog_counter					res 1		; for averaging
analog_sw1						res 1		; analog value for switch 1
analog_sw2						res 1		; analog value for switch 2
button_polarity					res 1		; 0xFF (both normal), 0x00 (both inverted), 0x01 (left inverted only), 0x02 (right inverted only)

;--- resettable min and max Depth Option
 IFDEF _min_depth_option
pressure_rel_min_trip			res 2		; resettable minimum relative pressure
pressure_rel_max_trip			res 2		; resettable maximum relative pressure
debounce_counter			res 1		; multiples of 16ms 
isr_tmr7_helper				res 1		; used for 1/4 second trigger
; 158 byte used, 2 byte free

; Common DATA

common		equ			0x100		; Alias for "banksel common"
common		udata_ovr	common		; Bank 1 general variables

;---- Multi-Purpose Register for Data Storage and Interface with Conversion and Display Functions (6 byte)
mpr								res 6		; will be used as base address of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 byte buffers
#DEFINE lo						mpr+0		; nickname for "low"
#DEFINE hi						mpr+1		; nickname for "high"
#DEFINE up						mpr+2		; nickname for "upper"
#DEFINE ex						mpr+3		; nickname for "extra"
#DEFINE ul						mpr+4		; nickname for "ultra"
#DEFINE hy						mpr+5		; nickname for "hyper"

;---- Flags - Menu System (2 byte)
MS_flags_control				res 1		; menu system - control
MS_flags_imprint				res 1		; menu system - data imprinting

;---- Flags - Dive Mode (21 byte)
DM_flags_state					res 1		; dive mode - dive states
DM_flags_sensor					res 1		; dive mode - O2 sensors
DM_flags_request				res 1		; dive mode - user requests / general
DM_flags_event					res 1		; dive mode - data recording events
DM_flags_layout1				res 1		; dive mode - display control / layout (1)
DM_flags_layout2				res 1		; dive mode - display control / layout (2)
DM_flags_layout3				res 1		; dive mode - display control / layout (3)
DM_flags_message				res 1		; dive mode - display control / messages
DM_flags_gas_dil				res 1		; dive mode - display control / gas, diluent
DM_flags_advc_det				res 1		; dive mode - advices    detected
DM_flags_advc_ack				res 1		; dive mode - advices    acknowledged
DM_flags_att1_det				res 1		; dive mode - attentions detected     (1)
DM_flags_att2_det				res 1		; dive mode - attentions detected     (2)
DM_flags_att3_det				res 1		; dive mode - attentions detected     (3)
DM_flags_att1_ack				res 1		; dive mode - attentions acknowledged (1)
DM_flags_att2_ack				res 1		; dive mode - attentions acknowledged (2)
DM_flags_att3_ack				res 1		; dive mode - attentions acknowledged (3)
DM_flags_war1_det				res 1		; dive mode - warnings   detected     (1)
DM_flags_war2_det				res 1		; dive mode - warnings   detected     (2)
DM_flags_war1_ack				res 1		; dive mode - warnings   acknowledged (1)
DM_flags_war2_ack				res 1		; dive mode - warnings   acknowledged (2)
DM_flags_shown1					res 1		; dive mode - custom views shown      (1)
DM_flags_shown2					res 1		; dive mode - custom views shown      (2)
DM_flags_shown3					res 1		; dive mode - custom views shown      (3)

;---- Miscellaneous Flags (1 byte)
misc_flags						res 1

;---- Interface to Graphic Functions (11 byte)
win_leftx2						res 1
win_top							res 1
win_width						res 2
win_height						res 1
win_bargraph					res 1		; width of the bargraph bar
win_color1						res 1		; 2 byte color
win_color2						res 1		; 2 byte color
win_color3						res 1		; 3 byte color used for display 2
win_color4						res 1		; 3 byte color used for display 2
win_color5						res 1		; 3 byte color used for display 2

;---- Interface to Math Functions (16 byte)
divA							res 2
xA								res 2
xB								res 2
xC								res 4
sub_a							res 2
sub_b							res 2
sub_c							res 2

;---- Menu System and Views (5 byte)
menu_pos_cur					res 1		; current position in main menu
menu_pos_max					res 1		; highest position in main menu
active_premenu					res 1		; currently shown pre-menu (0: none)
active_customview				res 1		; currently  shown custom view
backup_customview				res 1		; previously shown custom view

;---- Miscellaneous (6 byte)
batt_voltage					res 2		; battery voltage in mV (no ISR involved)
batt_percent					res 1		; battery in percent (1-100%)
message_counter					res 1		; counts amount of messages
message_page					res 1		; current message page number
pairing_slot					res 1		; slot number, used in transmitter pairing

;---- Dive Mode / all modes (26 byte)
divesecs_avg_trip				res 2		; time accumulator for the resettable average depth & stopwatch
divesecs_avg_total				res 2		; time accumulator for the total dive average depth
pressure_rel_avg_trip			res 2		; calculated resettable average depth
pressure_rel_avg_total			res 2		; calculated total dive average depth
pressure_rel_cur_cached			res 2		; cached current relative pressure
pressure_rel_max_cached			res 2		; cached maximum relative pressure
pressure_abs_cached				res 2		; cached current absolute pressure
pressure_abs_10					res 2		; cached current absolute pressure divided by 10
depth_meter						res 1		; current depth in meters
safety_stop_countdown			res 1		; counter for safety stop
dive_timeout_timer				res 2		; timeout timer for leaving dive mode after surfacing
gaslist_gas						res 1		; used for transfer between gaslist.asm and menu_tree.asm
best_gas_number					res 1		; number of the "best gas": 0= none found, 1-5= gases 1-5, 255= not computed
active_gas						res 1		; the currently used OC/bailout gas (1-5)
dive_ccr_mode					res 1		; working copy of opt_ccr_mode while the dive
dive_threshold_debounce				res 1		; Countdown for entering dive mode
 IFDEF _ccr_pscr
best_dil_number					res 1		; number of the "best dil": 0= none found, 1-5= dils  1-5, 255= not computed
active_dil						res 1		; the currently used diluent (1-5)

 IFDEF _cave_mode
DM_flags_cavereq				res 1		; dive mode - user requests / cave mode
backtrack_deltatime				res 1		; time elapsed since last depth recording in seconds
backtrack_waypoint_num			res 1		; current waypoint number
backtrack_waypoint_turn			res 1		; waypoint number of the turn point

;---- Dive Mode / apnoe mode (3 byte)
apnoe_max_pressure				res 2		; max depth over all dives in the series
apnoe_dive_counter				res 1		; apnoe #dive counter

;---- Profile Recording (6 byte)
alarm_type						res 1		; alarm states recording
event_byte1						res 1		; events recording
event_byte2						res 1		; events recording
CNS_start						res 2		; CNS value at beginning of dive

;---- External Flash (14 byte)
ext_flash_address				res 3		; 24 bit address
ext_flash_length_counter		res 3		; 24 bit length counter
ext_flash_log_pointer			res 3		; 24 bit address for logbook profile storing
ext_flash_end_pointer			res 3		; 24 bit address for logbook profile storing
ext_flash_rw					res 1		; transfer register for data read / write
ext_flash_address_limit			res 1		; wrap-around threshold while address incrementing

; private Variables - do not access from outside of the respective source files!

;---- aa_wordprocessor.asm, strings.asm & Co.
AA_flags						res 1		; various flags for aa_wordprocessor and strings
aa_bitlen						res 1		; count of pixels when decoding bitmaps
aa_start						res 2		; PROM pointer to start of encoded bitmap
aa_end							res 2		; and end of it
aa_temp							res 2		; current color, divided by 2 or 4
font_color						res 1		; selected font color
font_size						res 1		; selected font size
pallet_color_mask				res 1		; pallet color - mask		| Attention:
pallet_color_disabled			res 1		; pallet color - disabled	| do not change
pallet_color_memo				res 1		; pallet color - memo		| the relative
pallet_color_advice				res 1		; pallet color - advice		| position of
pallet_color_attention			res 1		; pallet color - attention	| these vars!
pallet_color_warning			res 1		; pallet color - warning	|

;--- adc_lightsensor.asm
get_bat_volt_counter			res 1		; counter for reading the charger chip

;---- convert.asm
CVT_flags1						res 1
CVT_flags2						res 1
bcd_lo							res 1
bcd_hi							res 1
bcd_up							res 1
bin_lo							res 1
bin_hi							res 1

;---- color_processor.asm
overall_pixels					res 3		; used by color_processor.asm
pixel_count						res 2		; used by color_processor.asm
encoding_format					res 1		; image encoding format

;---- compass_ops.asm
compass_flags					res 1		; flags are defined in compass_ops.asm

;---- comm.asm
comm_timeout_timer				res 1		; timeout for communication

;---- eeprom_rs232.asm
eeprom_loop						res 1		; loop counter (actually used in flash and serial, too)
rx_timeout_tmr5h_load			res 1		; TMR5H load value for RS232 RX timeout

;---- i2c.asm
i2c_temp1						res 1		; temporary data
i2c_temp2						res 1		; temporary data

;---- math.asm
math_loop						res 1		; loop counter

;---- menu_processor.asm
menustack_pointer				res 1		; pointer to menu stack
menu_item_start					res 1		; index of the first   menu item (scrolling)
menu_item_curr					res 1		; index of the current menu item (loop counter)
menu_item_count					res 1		; total number of      menu items
selected_item					res 1		; index of the current item
menu_title_addr					res 2		; address of the multi-lingual menu titel
menu_item_data_start			res 3		; base address of the menu item data blocks
menu_vertical_start				res 1		; vertical start position of 1st menu item
item_type						res 1		; type of the menu item
item_title_addr					res 2		; address of item title function or title text
item_funct_addr					res 2		; address of item call  function or option definition data

;---- options.asm
#DEFINE opt_definition_bytes	.12			; | Attention: do not change the relative position of these vars!
opt_type						res 1		; | option type
opt_serial						res 1		; | index used for option read/write via RS232
opt_inc							res 1		; | increment value, also used for enum low  and low (pointer to default string)
opt_min							res 1		; | minimum   value, also used for enum high and high(pointer to default string)
opt_max							res 1		; | maximum   value, also used for               length(         default string)
opt_default						res 1		; | default   value
opt_unit						res 2		; | pointer to multi-lingual unit text
opt_memory						res 2		; | pointer to memory position
opt_eeprom_index				res 1		; | pointer to EEPROM position (index)
opt_eeprom_bank					res 1		; | pointer to EEPROM position (bank)
opt_end_token					res 1		; | =0xFF: end of table reached (does not count into opt_definiton_bytes)

;---- tft.asm
tft_save_top					res 1
tft_save_height					res 1
tft_save_left					res 1
tft_save_width					res 1
tft_temp1						res 1
tft_temp2						res 1
tft_temp3						res 1
tft_temp4						res 1

;---- dump screen Function
 IFDEF _screendump
ds_line							res 1		; current line (0..239)
ds_column						res 1		; current columnx2 (0..159)
ds_pixel						res 2		; current pixel color
ds_count						res 1		; repetition count

;---- wait.asm
wait_counter					res 1

;---- tft_outputs.asm
pressure_update_lag_counter		res 1		; lag time counter for fast surface pressure display updating
gp_debug				res 2		; General Purpose debug registers

; 204 byte used, 4 byte free (208 byte total)


; Space for various overlayed local data from top-level applications,
; i.e. applications that never run in parallel to each other

; --------------------- local Data Users --------------------------------------
;					-------------- Applications using ----------------------
;	Mode			local1				local2				local3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;	sleepmode		sleepmode.asm		(unused)			(unused)
;	surfmode		surfmode.asm*		(unused)			(unused)
;	simulator		divemode.asm		divemode.asm		simulator.asm
;	divemode		divemode.asm		divemode.asm		ghostwriter.asm
;	logbook			logbook.asm			logbook.asm			logbook.asm
; * assigned to this slot, but currently no local memory used

local1			equ			0x1D0	; Alias for CBLOCK directive
local1			udata_ovr	0x1D0	; Bank1 shared local space
				res			0x10	; 16 Byte (0x1D0 ... 0x1DF)

local2			equ			0x1E0	; Alias for CBLOCK directive
local2			udata_ovr	0x1E0	; Bank1 shared local space
				res			0x10	; 16 Byte (0x1E0 ... 0x1EF)

local3			equ			0x1F0	; Alias for CBLOCK directive
local3			udata_ovr	0x1F0	; Bank1 shared local space
				res			0x10	; 16 Byte (0x1F0 ... 0x1FF)

; Common2 DATA

common2		equ			0xA00		; Alias for "banksel common2"
common2		udata_ovr	common2		; Bank 10 general variables

;---- Data for Logging (6 byte), sampled in divemode.asm and used in ghostwriter.asm
start_year						res 1		; year                                    | ATTENTION:
start_month						res 1		; month                                   | do not change the
start_day						res 1		; day                                     | position of these
start_hour						res 1		; hour                                    | variables relative
start_mins						res 1		; minute                                  | to each other!
start_secs						res 1		; second, not used, for code commonality  |

supersat_start					res 1		; leading tissue supersaturation at beginning of the dive

;---- O2 Sensors (9 byte, updated by ISR when sensors are connected via datalink)
 IFDEF _external_sensor
sensor1_mv						res 2		; sensor 1 voltage in 0.1  mV  steps
sensor2_mv						res 2		; sensor 2 voltage in 0.1  mV  steps
sensor3_mv						res 2		; sensor 3 voltage in 0.1  mV  steps
sensor1_ppO2					res 1		; sensor 1 ppO2    in 0.01 bar steps
sensor2_ppO2					res 1		; sensor 2 ppO2    in 0.01 bar steps
sensor3_ppO2					res 1		; sensor 3 ppO2    in 0.01 bar steps

;---- last Dive Statistics (7 byte)
lastdive_duration				res 3		; byte 0= minutes, low byte, 1= minutes, high byte, 2= seconds
lastdive_maxdepth				res 2		; in mbar
lastdive_avgdepth				res 2		; in mbar

;---- Backup of last shown Custom View (2 byte)
customview_surfmode				res 1		; storage to remember last selected custom view in surface mode
customview_divemode				res 1		; storage to remember last selected custom view in dive mode

;---- Miscellaneous (0 byte)
;old_velocity					res 4		; stores the last 4 speeds (8 seconds) in m/min

;---- Menu Processor (8 byte)
menustack						res 8		; menu stack

;---- Graphical Compass (15 byte)
xRD								res 2		; virtual compass ruler offset
xRDr							res 2		; virtual compass ruler offset - right end
xRD180							res 2		; virtual compass ruler offset for the -180 marker
xLO								res 1		; lo backup to prevent trashing
xHI								res 1		; hi backup to prevent trashing
xCM								res 1		; compass bearing relative position
compass_heading_new				res 2		; corrected heading (in 1°) : -180 .. 180
compass_heading_shown			res 2		; displayed heading
compass_bearing					res 2		; displayed bearing

;---- Compass Arithmetics (30 byte)
compass_DX						res 2		; raw data
compass_DY						res 2		; raw data
compass_DZ						res 2		; raw data
accel_DX						res 2		; raw data
accel_DY						res 2		; raw data
accel_DZ						res 2		; raw data
compass_DX_f					res 2		; filtered Data
compass_DY_f					res 2		; filtered Data
compass_DZ_f					res 2		; filtered Data
accel_DX_f						res 2		; filtered Data
accel_DY_f						res 2		; filtered Data
accel_DZ_f						res 2		; filtered Data
compass_CX_f					res 2		; calibration data (stored via options system)
compass_CY_f					res 2		; calibration data (stored via options system)
compass_CZ_f					res 2		; calibration data (stored via options system)

;---- temporary Data for Q15 Arithmetics (7 byte, compass_ops.asm, called from C)
compass_a						res 2		;
compass_b						res 2		;
compass_r						res 3		;

;---- Data Exchange with TR Co-Processor (50 byte)
 IFDEF _rx_functions
rx_buffer						res .48		; Buffer for RX data (slots 0-7)
rx_firmware_cur_major			res 1		; TR module current firmware, major
rx_firmware_cur_minor			res 1		; TR module current firmware, minor

;---- SAC Calculation on Pressure Readings 1 & 2 (22 byte)
 IFDEF _rx_functions
pres_accu_1st					res 4		; accumulator for pressure drop    in 1/160 bar  | ATTENTION: do not
pres_accu_2nd					res 4		; accumulator for pressure drop    in 1/160 bar  |            change the
time_accu_1st					res 2		; accumulator for reading ages     in seconds    |            position
gas__last_1st					res 1		; last gas assignment                            |            of these
time_accu_2nd					res 2		; accumulator for reading ages     in seconds    |            variables
gas__last_2nd					res 1		; last gas assignment                            |            relative
pres_last_1st					res 2		; last pressure reading pressure   in 1/160 bar  |            to each
pres_last_2nd					res 2		; last pressure reading pressure   in 1/160 bar  |            other!
time_last_1st					res 2		; last pressure reading time       in seconds    |
time_last_2nd					res 2		; last pressure reading time       in seconds    |

i2c_error_vault					res 2		; Store last used device ID and data byte
D1_buffer					res 3		; Buffer of D1 (Sensor raw data)
D2_buffer					res 3		; Buffer of D2 (Sensor raw data)					

brightness					res 1		; =0: Eco, =1:Medium, =2:Full
charge_cycles					res 2		; 16bit charge cycles counter
; 159 byte used, 90 byte free

; Bank 2 General Purpose Buffer 1

; NOTE: needs to be aligned with a bank (low(buffer)=0)

buffer		udata_ovr	0x200
buffer							res	.256	; buffer 1 - string buffer, etc.

; Bank 11 General Purpose Buffer 2

; NOTE: needs to be aligned with a bank (low(buffer)=0)
; Remark: this memory block is already allocated in shared_definitions.h for
;         use while in dive mode, so we need to make a hard reference here

;buffer2	udata_ovr	0xB00
;buffer2						res	.256	; buffer 2 - backtracking, flash mirror, etc.

#DEFINE buffer2					0xB00

; Bank 14 Options Table

opt_table	equ			0xE00		; Alias for "banksel opt_table"
opt_table	udata_ovr	opt_table	; Bank 14 options table

;---- Gas and Diluent Settings
opt_gas_O2_ratio				res 5		; O2 ratios of OC/bailout gases                              | ATTENTION:
opt_dil_O2_ratio				res 5		; O2 ratios of diluents                                      | keep relative
opt_gas_He_ratio				res 5		; He ratios of OC/bailout gases                              | positioning of
opt_dil_He_ratio				res 5		; He ratios of diluents                                      | all arrays in
opt_gas_type					res 5		; OC/bailout gas type: O=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Travel, 3=Deco | this block!
opt_dil_type					res 5		;            dil type: 0=Disabled, 1=First, 2=Normal         |
opt_gas_change					res 5		; change depths for OC/Bailout gases                         |
opt_dil_change					res 5		; change depths for diluents                                 |

;---- Gas 6 Settings
opt_gas6_O2_ratio				res 1		; gas 6 O2 ratio                           | ATTENTION: keep relative positioning
opt_gas6_He_ratio				res 1		; gas 6 He ratio                           |            of these two variables!

;---- Setpoints Settings
opt_setpoint_cbar				res 5		; setpoints in cbar                        | ATTENTION: keep relative positioning
opt_setpoint_change				res 5		; change depth for the setpoints in meter  |            of these two arrays!

;---- Dive Mode Settings
opt_dive_mode					res 1		; main dive/deco mode: =0: OC, =1: CC, =2: Gauge, =3: Apnea,  =4: pSCR
opt_ccr_mode					res 1		; CCR/pSCR sub   mode: =0: fixed/calculated SP,   =1: Sensor, =2: Auto SP

;---- custom Text
#DEFINE opt_name_length			.60			; custom text string 5 rows with 12 chars
opt_name						res opt_name_length

;---- various other Settings
opt_fw_version_major			res 1		; firmware version, major | use read-only!
opt_fw_version_minor			res 1		; firmware version, minor |
opt_fw_version_beta				res 1		; firmware version, beta  |
opt_surface_interval			res 1		; surface interval, used by deco calculator
opt_brightness_divemode				res 1		; =0: Eco, =1:Medium, =2:Full
opt_brightness_surface				res 1		; =0: Eco, =1:Medium, =2:Full
opt_use_AmbientSensor				res 1		; =1: Use the ambient sensor
opt_salinity					res 1		; 0-5%
opt_language					res 1		; current language: 0=EN, 1=DE, 2=FR, 3=SP
opt_units						res 1		; 0:m/°C, 1:ft/°F
opt_dateformat					res 1		; =0:MMDDYY, =1:DDMMYY, =2:YYMMDD
opt_dive_color_scheme			res 1		; dive mode color scheme selection
opt_last_stop					res 1		; =3:3m, =4:4m, =5:5m, =6:6m
opt_aGF_high					res 1		; alternative GF HIGH
opt_aGF_low						res 1		; alternative GF LOW
opt_GF_high						res 1		; GF HIGH
opt_GF_low						res 1		; GF LOW
opt_enable_aGF					res 1		; =1: aGF can be selected underwater
opt_compass_gain				res 1		; 0-7 (230LSB/Gauss to 1370LSB/Gaus)
opt_sampling_rate				res 1		; =1: 10s, =0: 2s
opt_pressure_adjust				res 1		; SIGNED char (two's complement), -20/+20mbar max.
opt_safetystop					res 1		; =1: a safety stop is shown
opt_calibration_O2_ratio		res 1		; %O2 of calibration gas
opt_x_s1						res 2		; calibration factor (not stored in EEPROM) | keep relative
opt_x_s2						res 2		; calibration factor (not stored in EEPROM) | position!
opt_x_s3						res 2		; calibration factor (not stored in EEPROM) |
opt_flip_screen					res 1		; =1: flip the screen
opt_cR_button_left				res 1		; left button  sensitivity (cR hardware)
opt_cR_button_right				res 1		; right button sensitivity (cR hardware)
opt_depth_warn					res 1		; =1:do a red blinking warning, =0:default behavior
opt_vsitext						res 1		; =1:use the depth dependent ascend rate limits
opt_vsigraph					res 1		; =1:draw the graphical VSI bar
opt_showppo2					res 1		; =1:always show the ppO2 value in the warning position
opt_temperature_adjust			res 1		; SIGNED char (two's complement), -2.0/+2.0 °C max.
opt_safety_stop_length			res 1		; [s]
opt_safety_stop_start			res 1		; [cbar]
opt_safety_stop_end				res 1		; [cbar]
opt_safety_stop_reset			res 1		; [cbar]
opt_diveTimeout					res 1		; timeout for dive mode [min]
opt_sim_setpoint_number			res 1		; setpoint to use for deco calculation
opt_calc_gasvolume				res 1		; calculate OC gas volume needs for ascent
opt_sim_use_aGF					res 1		; =0: use GF, =1: use aGF for deco calculation
opt_enable_IBCD					res 1		; enable IBCD warning
opt_sat_multiplier_gf			res 1		; Buhlmann safety factor for GF deco
opt_desat_multiplier_gf			res 1		; Buhlmann safety factor for GF deco
opt_sat_multiplier_non_gf		res 1		; Buhlmann safety factor for NON-GF deco
opt_desat_multiplier_non_gf		res 1		; Buhlmann safety factor for NON-GF deco
opt_2ndDepthDisp				res 1		; =1: show average depth instead of max depth
opt_max_depth					res 1		; depth at which a warning will be given
opt_store_apnoe					res 1		; =1: store dives in apnoe mode into logbook
opt_tissue_graphics				res 1		; =0: show N2 and He pressures, =1: show pressures and saturations
opt_logoffset_step				res 1		; step size when adjusting log offset
opt_layout						res 1		; initial layout of dive mode screen
opt_ext_stops					res 1		; =1: place gas switches also below 1st stop depth
opt_s8_mode						res 1		; S8 mode - analog / digital
opt_gas_contingency_sim			res 1		; =1: deco calculator: switch to alternative gas if best gas is used up
opt_gas_contingency_dive		res 1		; =1: real dive mode:  switch to alternative gas if best gas is used up
opt_cave_mode					res 1		; =1: cave mode switched on
opt_gas_density_check			res 1		; =1: gas density is checked (effective in CCR / pSCR modes only)
opt_comm_timeout				res 1		; comm RX timeout in multiples of 10 ms
opt_fallback					res 1		; unused dummy option for compatibility with 3rd party tools
opt_conservatism				res 1		; unused dummy option for compatibility with 3rd party tools
opt_warning_level_divemode			res 1		; warning verbose level (divemode) =0: Less, =1: All				
opt_timeformat					res 1		; =0:24h, =1:12h
;---- RX Function Settings
opt_transmitter_id_1			res 2		; 16 bit transmitter ID for Gas 1
opt_transmitter_id_2			res 2		; 16 bit transmitter ID for Gas 2
opt_transmitter_id_3			res 2		; 16 bit transmitter ID for Gas 3
opt_transmitter_id_4			res 2		; 16 bit transmitter ID for Gas 4
opt_transmitter_id_5			res 2		; 16 bit transmitter ID for Gas 5
opt_transmitter_id_6			res 2		; 16 bit transmitter ID for Dil 1
opt_transmitter_id_7			res 2		; 16 bit transmitter ID for Dil 2
opt_transmitter_id_8			res 2		; 16 bit transmitter ID for Dil 3
opt_transmitter_id_9			res 2		; 16 bit transmitter ID for Dil 4
opt_transmitter_id_10			res 2		; 16 bit transmitter ID for Dil 5
opt_TR_mode						res 1		; TR functions - mode
opt_TR_1st_pres					res 1		; TR functions - 1st pressure assignment
opt_TR_2nd_pres					res 1		; TR functions - 2nd pressure assignment
opt_TR_Bail_pres				res 1		; TR functions - bailout pressure assignment

; ==> 194 bytes used - 50 bytes free (244 usable bytes only in bank 14 as the upper 12
;                                     bytes are reserved for special function registers)
