view src/ @ 607:c5151a490d88

version allignment in menu corrected, 2.99beta5 release
author heinrichsweikamp
date Thu, 29 Nov 2018 10:50:57 +0100
parents ca4556fb60b9
children d866684249bd
line wrap: on
line source

;   File								REFACTORED VERSION V2.99d
;   Copyright (c) 2011, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
;  2011-08-15 : [mH] moving from OSTC code

	extern	set_dive_modes
	extern	diveloop
	extern	apnoe_calc_maxdepth
	extern	calc_deko_divemode_sensor

; Divemode layout:
; row    =0...239
; column =0...159 (x2)

; Divemode has multiple layouts but basicly splits the screen into 3 rows:
;   - upper  content row: depth, max depth, dive time, etc.
;   - custom content view with selectable views
;   - bottom content: temp, gas, ndl, tts, etc.

; I. The upper content row (0-99)
;    The top row can be divided 2 areas: 
;    - header : has the titles (mask)
;    - content: has the values
;******* Upper content / header row *******
#DEFINE dm_mask_depth_row						.0
#DEFINE dm_mask_depth_column					.12
#DEFINE dm_mask_maxdepth_row					.0
#DEFINE dm_mask_maxdepth_column					.73
#DEFINE dm_mask_maxdepth_column_nvsi			.63
#DEFINE dm_mask_divetime_row					.0
#DEFINE dm_mask_divetime_column					.122

;   The content row contains 3 columns:
;   - depth and ascend rate warning
;   - max depth and warning messages
;   - dive time, apnea dive times and warning icon
;   DIVEMODE_OFFSET=position below the title row
;******* Upper content / content row / 1st col *******
#DEFINE dm_offset								.14								;  14
; Depth
#DEFINE dm_depth_row							dm_offset						; TOP  - 14 - start position of the depth numbers
#DEFINE dm_depth_column							.0								; LEFT - 0
#DEFINE dm_depth_bot							dm_depth_row+.61				;  75
#DEFINE dm_depth_rgt							dm_depth_column+.59				;  59
#DEFINE dm_depth_dm_row							dm_depth_row+.25				;  39 - if metric and d<100, decimeter shown as: ".5"
#DEFINE dm_depth_dm_column						dm_depth_column+.40				;  40 - bottom aligned so it has its own position (2nd content line only)
; Ascend rate
#DEFINE dm_velocity_text_row					dm_depth_row+.62				;  76
#DEFINE dm_velocity_text_column					dm_depth_column					;   0
#DEFINE dm_velocity_text_bot					dm_velocity_text_row+.23		;  99
#DEFINE dm_velocity_text_rgt					dm_depth_rgt					;  61
; Ascend/Descend bar
#DEFINE dm_velobar_top							dm_offset						;  14
#DEFINE dm_velobar_lft							dm_depth_rgt+.1					;  62
#DEFINE dm_velobar_bot							dm_offset+.70					;  84
#DEFINE dm_velobar_rgt							.73								;  73
#DEFINE dm_velobar_width						.12

;******* Upper content / content row / 2nd col *******
#DEFINE dm_upcnt_2ndcol							.74								;  74
#DEFINE dm_upcnt_2ndcol_nvsi					.64								;  64
; Max depth
#DEFINE dm_max_depth_row						dm_offset						;  14
#DEFINE dm_max_depth_column						dm_upcnt_2ndcol					;  74
#DEFINE dm_max_depth_column_nvsi				dm_upcnt_2ndcol_nvsi			;  64
#DEFINE dm_max_depth_bot						dm_max_depth_row+.34			;  48
#DEFINE dm_max_depth_rgt						dm_max_depth_column+.36			; 100
#DEFINE dm_max_depth_dm_row						dm_max_depth_row+.11			;  25
#DEFINE dm_max_depth_dm_column					dm_max_depth_column+.23			;  87
#DEFINE dm_max_depth_dm_column_nvsi				dm_max_depth_column_nvsi+.23	;  77
#DEFINE dm_max_alt_column						.0								;   0
#DEFINE dm_max_alt_row							.170							; 170
#DEFINE dm_max_dm_alt_column					dm_max_alt_column+.60			;  60
; Warning area (combined)
#DEFINE dm_warning_row							dm_offset+.36					;  50
#DEFINE dm_warning_column						dm_upcnt_2ndcol					;  74
#DEFINE dm_warning_bot							dm_warning_row+.49				;  99
#DEFINE dm_warning_rgt							dm_warning_column+.62			; 136
#DEFINE dm_warning_length						.9								; total string length
; Warning row #1
#DEFINE dm_warning1_row							dm_warning_row					;  50
#DEFINE dm_warning1_column						dm_warning_column				;  64
#DEFINE dm_warning1_bot							dm_warning1_row+.23				;  73
#DEFINE dm_warning1_rgt							dm_warning_rgt					; 136
; Warning row #2
#DEFINE dm_warning2_row							dm_warning_row+.24				;  74
#DEFINE dm_warning2_column						dm_warning_column				;  64
#DEFINE dm_warning2_bot							dm_warning2_row+.23				;  97
#DEFINE dm_warning2_rgt							dm_warning_rgt					; 136

;******* Upper content / content row / 3rd col *******
; Dive time
#DEFINE dm_divetime_row							dm_offset						;  14
#DEFINE dm_divetime_column						.115							; 115
#DEFINE dm_divetime_minsonly_column				.111							; 111
#DEFINE dm_divetime_bot							dm_divetime_row+.34				;  48
#DEFINE dm_divetime_rgt							.159							; 159
#DEFINE dm_divetime_secs_row					dm_divetime_row+.11				;  25
#DEFINE dm_divetime_secs_column					dm_divetime_column+.24			; 139
#DEFINE dm_divetime_alt_row						dm_offset						;  14
#DEFINE dm_divetime_alt_column					.68								;  68
; Warning icon
#DEFINE dm_warning_icon_row						dm_offset+.41					;  55
#DEFINE dm_warning_icon_column					.137							; 137
#DEFINE dm_warning_icon_bot						dm_warning_icon_row+.38			;  93
#DEFINE dm_warning_icon_rgt						dm_warning_icon_column+.21		; 156
; Apnea dive time
#DEFINE dm_divetime_apnoe_row					dm_offset						;  14
#DEFINE dm_divetime_apnoe_column				.103							; 103
#DEFINE dm_divetime_apnoe_secs_row				dm_divetime_apnoe_row+.11		;  25
#DEFINE dm_divetime_apnoe_secs_column			dm_divetime_apnoe_column+.36	; 139
; Apnea total time
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_total_divetime_row				dm_divetime_apnoe_row+.50		;  64
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_total_divetime_column			dm_divetime_apnoe_column		; 103
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_total_divetime_secs_row		dm_apnoe_total_divetime_row+.11	;  75
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_total_divetime_secs_col		dm_divetime_apnoe_column+.36	; 139
#DEFINE dm_total_apnoe_text_row					dm_apnoe_total_divetime_row-.11	;  53
#DEFINE dm_total_apnoe_text_column				.132							; 132
; I. End of the upper content row. (0-99)

; 1px space between the 1st and 2nd content rows
#DEFINE dm_sep_1_2_row							dm_offset+.86					; 100

; II. Custom/selectable content row
;   The custom view display area is: 101,163,0,159 (t,b,l,r), or 0,101->159,163

;******* Custom View: Global *******
#DEFINE dm_customview_row						dm_offset+.87					; 101
#DEFINE dm_customview_column					.0								;   0
#DEFINE dm_customview_bot						dm_customview_row+.62			; 163
#DEFINE dm_customview_rgt						.159							; 159

;******* Custom View: Avg depth, stopwatch and avg depth *******
#DEFINE dm_custom_avr_stop_title_row			dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_avr_stop_row					dm_customview_row+.16			; 117
#DEFINE dm_custom_avr_stop_column1				.0								;   0
#DEFINE dm_custom_avr_stop_column2				.54								;  54
#DEFINE dm_custom_avr_stop_column3				.118							; 118

;******* Custom View: Decompressions stops *******
; Title
#DEFINE dm_custom_decoplan_title_row			dm_customview_row				; 101
#DEFINE dm_custom_decoplan_title_column			.65								;  65
; 1st col
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_row				dm_customview_row+.14			; 115
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_column			.0								;   0
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_3rd_stop_row				dm_customview_row+.37			; 138
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_3rd_stop_column			dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_column	;   0
; 2nd col
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_row				dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_row		; 115
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_column			.56								;  56
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_5th_stop_row				dm_cust_dstop_3rd_stop_row		; 138
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_5th_stop_column			dm_cust_dstop_4th_stop_column	;  56
; 3rd col
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_row				dm_cust_dstop_2nd_stop_row		; 115
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_column			.111							; 111
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_7th_stop_row				dm_cust_dstop_3rd_stop_row		; 138
#DEFINE dm_cust_dstop_7th_stop_column			dm_cust_dstop_6th_stop_column	; 111

;******* Custom View: Time, Battery, Surface Pressure *******
; Clock
#DEFINE dm_custom_clock_title_row				dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_clock_row						dm_customview_row+.16			; 117
#DEFINE dm_custom_clock_column					.0								;   0
; Battery
#DEFINE dm_custom_battery_title_row				dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_battery_volt_row				dm_customview_row+.16			; 117
#DEFINE dm_custom_battery_percent_row			dm_custom_ead_row+.23			; 140
#DEFINE dm_custom_battery_column				.62								;  62
; Surface Pressure
#DEFINE dm_custom_surfpres_title_row			dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_surfpres_row					dm_customview_row+.16			; 117
#DEFINE dm_custom_surfpres_column				.95								;  95

;****** Custom View: ppO2, EAD/ENDS and CNS *******
; ppO2
#DEFINE dm_custom_ppo2_title_row				dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_ppo2_row						dm_customview_row+.18			; 119
#DEFINE dm_custom_ppo2_column					.2								;   2
#DEFINE dm_custom_eadend_title_row				dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_ead_row						dm_customview_row+.16			; 117
#DEFINE dm_custom_ead_column					.50								;  50
#DEFINE dm_custom_end_row						dm_custom_ead_row+.23			; 140
#DEFINE dm_custom_end_column					dm_custom_ead_column			;  50
#DEFINE dm_custom_cns_title_row					dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_cns_row						dm_customview_row+.18			; 119
#DEFINE dm_custom_cns_column					.115							; 115

;****** Custom View: tripple CNS *******
#DEFINE dm_custom_cns3_title_row				dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_cns3_row						dm_customview_row+.16			; 117
#DEFINE dm_custom_cns3_column1					.8								;   8
#DEFINE dm_custom_cns3_column2					.62								;  62
#DEFINE dm_custom_cns3_column3					.115							; 115

;****** Custom View: Ceiling, Tissues, (current GF)
; Ceiling
#DEFINE dm_custom_ceiling_title_row				dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_ceiling_row					dm_customview_row+.18			; 119
#DEFINE dm_custom_ceiling_column				.62								;  62
; Tissue title
#DEFINE dm_custom_tissue_title_row				dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_tissue_title_column			.120							; 120
; N2 / He values
#DEFINE dm_custom_tissue_N2_row					dm_custom_ead_row+.5			; 122
#DEFINE dm_custom_tissue_N2_column				.105							; 105
#DEFINE dm_custom_tissue_He_row					dm_custom_end_row+.5			; 145
#DEFINE dm_custom_tissue_He_column				dm_custom_tissue_N2_column		; 105
; Tissue diagram
#DEFINE dm_custom_tissue_diagram_top			dm_customview_row+.16			; 117
#DEFINE dm_custom_tissue_diagram_bottom			dm_custom_tissue_diagram_top+.43; 160
#DEFINE dm_custom_tissue_diagram_left			.116							; 116
#DEFINE dm_custom_tissue_diagram_frame_spacing	.8								;   8

;******* Custom View: GF-lo/hi, aGF-lo/hi, current GF value *******
; Title
#DEFINE dm_custom_gf_title_row					dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_gf_row						dm_customview_row+.18			; 119
#DEFINE dm_custom_gf_column1					.0								;   0
#DEFINE dm_custom_gf_column2					.60								;  60
#DEFINE dm_custom_gf_column3					.118							; 118

;******* Custom View: Compass *******
; Title
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_mask_row				dm_customview_row				; 101
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_mask_column			.65								;  65
; Head and arrows
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_head_row				dm_customview_row+.39			; 140
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_head_column			.62								;  62
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_ldir_column			.5								;   5
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_rdir_column			.140							; 140
; Ruler
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_graph_row				dm_customview_row				; 101
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_graph_height			.33								;  33
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_tick_height			.3								;   3
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_tick_top_top			dm_custom_compass_graph_row+.1	; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_tick_top_bot			dm_custom_compass_graph_row+.4	; 105
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_label_row				dm_custom_compass_graph_row+.6	; 107
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_label_height			.24								;  24
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_tick_bot_top			dm_custom_compass_graph_row+.30	; 131
#DEFINE dm_custom_compass_tick_bot_bot			dm_custom_compass_graph_row+.33	; 134

;******* Custom View: O2 Sensor Values *******
#DEFINE dm_custom_hud_title_row					dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_hud_row						dm_customview_row+.16			; 117
#DEFINE dm_custom_hud_sensor1_column			.6								;   6
#DEFINE dm_custom_hud_sensor2_column			.62								;  62
#DEFINE dm_custom_hud_sensor3_column			.118							; 118

;******* Custom View: Gas Needs *******
#DEFINE dm_custom_gas_mask_row					dm_customview_row				; 101
#DEFINE dm_custom_gas_row1						dm_customview_row+.14			; 115
#DEFINE dm_custom_gas_row2						dm_customview_row+.37			; 138
#DEFINE dm_custom_gas_column_title				.29								;  29
#DEFINE dm_custom_gas_column1					.5								;   5
#DEFINE dm_custom_gas_column2					.85								;  85

; ******* Custom View: Tank Pressures *******
#DEFINE dm_custom_tankdata_mask_row				dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_tankdata_row					dm_customview_row+.16			; 117
#DEFINE dm_custom_tankdata_pres1_col			.2								;   2
#DEFINE dm_custom_tankdata_pres2_col			.115							; 115
#DEFINE dm_custom_tankdata_SAC_col				.56								;  56

;******* Custom View: Sensor Check *******
#DEFINE dm_custom_s_check_title_row				dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_s_check_row					dm_customview_row+.18			; 119
#DEFINE dm_custom_s_check_title_column			.50								;  50
#DEFINE dm_custom_ppO2_column					.115							; 115
#DEFINE dm_custom_ppDil_column					.2								;   2

;******* Custom View: PSCR Info *******
#DEFINE dm_custom_pscr_title_row				dm_customview_row+.1			; 102
#DEFINE dm_custom_pscr_row						dm_customview_row+.18			; 119
#DEFINE dm_custom_pscr_drop_column				.55								;  55
#DEFINE dm_custom_pscr_ratio_column				.105							; 105

; II. End of the custom content row (101-163)

; 1px space between the 2nd and 3rd content rows
#DEFINE dm_sep_2_3_row							dm_offset+.150					; 164

; III. The 3rd content row contains temperature, active gas, NDL/TTS time,
; simulator menu, active/dil gas, decostop, Apnea surface time and max depth
;  The content row contains 2 columns:
;   - temperature, gas names
;   - NDL/TTS, DecoStop
#DEFINE dm_3rdrow_top							dm_offset+.151					; 165
#DEFINE dm_3rdrow_bot							.239							; 239
#DEFINE dm_3rdrow_lft							.0								;   0
#DEFINE dm_3rdrow_rgt							.159							; 159

;******* Bottom content / 1st col *******
; Temperature
#DEFINE dm_temp_row								dm_3rdrow_top-.4				; 161
#DEFINE dm_temp_column							.0								;   0
; Simulation text
#DEFINE dm_simtext_row							dm_3rdrow_top+.18				; 183
#DEFINE dm_simtext_column						.36								;  35
; Diluent gas
#DEFINE dm_active_dil_row						dm_3rdrow_top+.19				; 185
#DEFINE dm_active_dil_column					.0								;   0
; active gas for OC, blinking better gas, setpoint or bailout for CCR
#DEFINE dm_active_gas_row						.208							; 208
#DEFINE dm_active_gas_column					.0								;   0

;******* Bottom content / 2nd col *******
; Next deco stop for TTS
#DEFINE dm_decostop_1st_stop_row				dm_3rdrow_top					; 165
#DEFINE dm_decostop_1st_stop_column				.82								;  82
; Safety Stop
#DEFINE dm_safetystop_row						dm_3rdrow_top					; 165
#DEFINE dm_safetystop_column					.118							; 118
#DEFINE dm_safetystop_bot						dm_safetystop_row+.31			; 196
#DEFINE dm_safetystop_text_row					dm_safetystop_row+.1			; 166
#DEFINE dm_safetystop_text_column				.80								;  80 for the 4 chars "Stop"
#DEFINE dm_tts_value_row						dm_3rdrow_top+.32;				; 197
#DEFINE dm_tts_value_column						.118							; 118
#DEFINE dm_tts_text_row							dm_tts_value_row+.5				; 202
#DEFINE dm_tts_text_column						.85								;  85
; NDL - the same position as TTS
#DEFINE dm_ndl_value_row						dm_tts_value_row				; 197
#DEFINE dm_ndl_value_column						dm_tts_value_column				; 118
#DEFINE dm_ndl_text_row							dm_tts_text_row					; 202
#DEFINE dm_ndl_text_column						dm_tts_text_column				;  85
; FTTS (only modded screen)
#DEFINE dm_ftts_value_row						dm_3rdrow_top+.64				; 215
#DEFINE dm_ftts_value_column					.97								;  97
; Grid line (only modded screen)
#DEFINE dm_gassep_row							dm_sep_2_3_row					; 164
#DEFINE dm_gassep_bot							.239							; 239
#DEFINE dm_gassep_column						.78								;  78

;******* Bottom content / Apnea mode *******;
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_surface_time_text_row			.192							; 192
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_surface_time_text_col			.30								;  30
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_surface_time_row				.207							; 207
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_surface_time_column			.15								;  15
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_last_max_depth_text_row		.192							; 192
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_last_max_depth_text_col		.100							; 100
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_last_max_depth_row				.207							; 207
#DEFINE dm_apnoe_last_max_depth_column			.100							; 100

; IV. The last set of parameters is for the menus displayed in dive mode
; Divemode menu
#DEFINE dm_menu_row								.164							; 164 upper row, the frame's top line is the separator
#DEFINE dm_menu_lower							.239							; 239 lower border
#DEFINE dm_menu_left							.0								;   0 left
#DEFINE dm_menu_right							.159							; 159 right

#DEFINE dm_menu_item1_row						dm_menu_row+.1					; 165
#DEFINE dm_menu_item1_column					.9								;   9
#DEFINE dm_menu_item2_row						dm_menu_item1_row+.24			; 189
#DEFINE dm_menu_item2_column					dm_menu_item1_column			;   9
#DEFINE dm_menu_item3_row						dm_menu_item2_row+.24			; 213
#DEFINE dm_menu_item3_column					dm_menu_item1_column			;   9

#DEFINE dm_menu_item4_row						dm_menu_row+.1					; 165
#DEFINE dm_menu_item4_column					.89								;  89
#DEFINE dm_menu_item5_row						dm_menu_item4_row+.24			; 189
#DEFINE dm_menu_item5_column					dm_menu_item4_column			;  89
#DEFINE dm_menu_item6_row						dm_menu_item5_row+.24			; 213
#DEFINE dm_menu_item6_column					dm_menu_item4_column			;  89