view src/i2c.asm @ 328:bd7f4c1bdb33 new_screen_layout

Fix: missing attention coloring for standard (static) ascend rate limit
author janos_kovacs <>
date Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:06:20 +0200 (2015-06-14)
parents 653a3ab08062
children ceb1b7329dce
line wrap: on
line source
;   File i2c.asm
;   I2C Interface to HMC5883L and MMA8452Q
;   HMC5883L's read address (8-Bit):    0x3D
;   HMC5883L's write address (8-Bit):   0x3C
;   MMA8452Q's read address (8-Bit):    0x39
;   MMA8452Q's write address (8-Bit):   0x38
;   Copyright (c) 2012, JD Gascuel, HeinrichsWeikamp, all right reserved.
;  2012-08-22 : [mH] Creation

#include ""                ; Mandatory header
#include ""
#include ""

#DEFINE battery_offset          .29065  ; 65536-(3,1Ah/0,085mAh)
#DEFINE battery_devider         .365    ; 3,1Ah/0,085mAh/100 [%]

i2c    CODE

	decfsz		i2c_temp,F          ; check for timeout during I2C action
	bra			WaitMSSP2
	bra			I2CFail             ; timeout occured
	btfss		PIR1,SSPIF
	bra			WaitMSSP
	clrf		i2c_temp
	bcf			PIR1,SSPIF

	btfss		SSPCON2,ACKSTAT     ; checks for ACK bit from slave
	rcall		I2CReset            ; I2C Reset
	bcf			PIR1,SSPIF
	clrf		i2c_temp

I2CReset:                           ; Something went wrong (Slave holds SDA low?)
	clrf		SSP1CON1            ; wake-up slave and reset entire module
	clrf		SSP1CON2
	clrf		SSP1STAT
	bcf			TRISC,3             ; SCL OUTPUT
	bsf			TRISC,4             ; SDA Input
	bcf			PORTC,3
	movlw		d'9'
	movwf		i2c_temp            ; clock-out 9 clock cycles manually
	bsf			PORTC,3             ; SCL=1
	btfsc		PORTC,4             ; SDA=1?
	bra			I2CReset_2          ; =1, SDA has been released from slave
	bcf			PORTC,3             ; SCL=0
	bcf			PORTC,3
	decfsz		i2c_temp,F
	bra         I2CReset_1          ; check for nine clock cycles
	bsf			TRISC,3             ; SCL Input
	clrf		SSP1CON1            ; setup I²C Mode
	WAITMS		d'10'               ; Reset-Timeout for I2C devices
	movlw		b'00000000'         ; with slew rate control
	movwf		SSPSTAT
	movlw		b'00101000'
	movwf		SSP1CON1
	movlw		b'00000000'
	movwf		SSP1CON2
    movlw       0x27
	movwf		SSP1ADD

	movwf		SSP1BUF
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	bra 		I2C_WaitforACK      ; Returns...

I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16:       ; Get two bytes and devide lo:hi/16 (signed)
    rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
	movff		SSP1BUF,hi          ; Data Byte
    rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
	movff		SSP1BUF,lo          ; Data Byte
I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16_2:     ; devide lo:hi/16 (signed) only
    bcf			STATUS,C
    btfsc       hi,7        ; Copy sign bit to carry
    bsf         STATUS,C
    rrcf		hi          ; /2
	rrcf		lo
    bcf			STATUS,C
    btfsc       hi,7        ; Copy sign bit to carry
    bsf         STATUS,C
    rrcf		hi          ; /4
	rrcf		lo
    bcf			STATUS,C
    btfsc       hi,7        ; Copy sign bit to carry
    bsf         STATUS,C
    rrcf		hi          ; /8
	rrcf		lo
    bcf			STATUS,C
    btfsc       hi,7        ; Copy sign bit to carry
    bsf         STATUS,C
    rrcf		hi          ; /16
	rrcf		lo

    global  I2C_RX_accelerometer
   	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x38                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		0x00
    rcall       I2C_TX
	bsf			SSP1CON2,RSEN		; Repeated start condition (!)
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x39                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX

    rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get Status Byte
    movf        SSP1BUF,W

    ; Non-flipped screen:
    ; Chip orientation on the PCB requires
    ; Original = Corrected
    ; x = -x
    ; y = -y
    ; z = -z

    ; Flipped screen:
    ; Chip orientation on the PCB requires
    ; Original = Corrected
    ; x = x
    ; y = y
    ; z = -z

    rcall       I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16 ; Get two bytes and devide /16 (signed)
    btfsc       flip_screen             ; 180° rotation ?
    bra         I2C_RX_accelerometer2   ; Yes
    comf        hi                    ; 16bit sign change.
    negf        lo
    btfsc       STATUS,C            ; Carry to propagate ?
    incf        hi,F                ; YES: do it.
    movff       lo,accel_DX+0
    movff       hi,accel_DX+1       ; Copy result

    rcall       I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16 ; Get two bytes and devide /16 (signed)
    btfsc       flip_screen             ; 180° rotation ?
    bra         I2C_RX_accelerometer3   ; Yes
    comf        hi                    ; 16bit sign change.
    negf        lo
    btfsc       STATUS,C            ; Carry to propagate ?
    incf        hi,F                ; YES: do it.
    movff       lo,accel_DY+0
    movff       hi,accel_DY+1       ; Copy result

    rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
	movff		SSP1BUF,hi          ; Data Byte
	bsf			SSP1CON2, RCEN      ; Enable recieve mode
    rcall		WaitMSSP
; According to datasheet there should be no Master Acknowlegde for the last Byte (accel_DZ+0)...
	movff		SSP1BUF,lo          ; Data Byte

    rcall       I2C_TwoBytesRX_div16_2; devide lo:hi/16 (signed) only
    comf        hi                    ; 16bit sign change.
    negf        lo
    btfsc       STATUS,C            ; Carry to propagate ?
    incf        hi,F                ; YES: do it.
    movff       lo,accel_DZ+0
    movff       hi,accel_DZ+1       ; Copy result

	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP

	bsf			SSP1CON2, RCEN      ; Enable recieve mode
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	bsf			SSP1CON2,ACKEN		; Master acknowlegde
	rcall		WaitMSSP

    global  I2C_RX_compass
	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x3C                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		0x03
    rcall       I2C_TX
	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP

	bcf			PIR1,SSPIF
	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x3D                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX

    ; Compass IC sends data in following order:
    ; x MSB
    ; x LSB
    ; z MSB
    ; z LSB
    ; y MSB
    ; y LSB

    ; Non-flipped screen
    ; Chip orientation on the PCB requires
    ; Original = Corrected
    ; x = -y
    ; z = z
    ; y = x

    ; Flipped screen
    ; Chip orientation on the PCB requires
    ; Original = Corrected
    ; x = y
    ; z = z
    ; y = -x

    rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
	movff		SSP1BUF,compass_DY+1; Data Byte
    rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
	movff		SSP1BUF,compass_DY+0; Data Byte
    btfsc       flip_screen         ; 180° rotation ?
    bra         I2C_RX_compass2     ; Yes
    banksel compass_DY
    comf        compass_DY+1        ; 16bit sign change.
    negf        compass_DY+0
    btfsc       STATUS,C            ; Carry to propagate ?
    incf        compass_DY+1,F      ; YES: do it.
    banksel common
    rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
	movff		SSP1BUF,compass_DZ+1; Data Byte
    rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
	movff		SSP1BUF,compass_DZ+0; Data Byte
    rcall       I2C_OneByteRX       ; Get one byte
	movff		SSP1BUF,compass_DX+1; Data Byte
	bsf			SSP1CON2, RCEN      ; Enable recieve mode
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movff		SSP1BUF,compass_DX+0; Data Byte
	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
    btfss       flip_screen         ; 180° rotation ?
    return                          ; No, done.
    ; Yes, flip X
    banksel compass_DX
    comf        compass_DX+1        ; 16bit sign change.
    negf        compass_DX+0
    btfsc       STATUS,C            ; Carry to propagate ?
    incf        compass_DX+1,F      ; YES: do it.
    banksel common

    global  I2C_init_compass
	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x3C                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		0x00
    rcall       I2C_TX
;	movlw		b'01101001'        ; ConfigA:  3Hz, 8 Samples averaged, Test Mode (Positive Bias)
	movlw		b'01101000'        ; ConfigA:  3Hz, 8 Samples averaged
    rcall       I2C_TX
    bra         I2C_init_compass_common

    global  I2C_init_compass_fast
	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x3C                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		0x00
    rcall       I2C_TX
    movlw		b'00111000'        ; ConfigA: 75Hz, 2 Samples averaged
;    movlw		b'00111001'        ; ConfigA: 75Hz, 2 Samples averaged, Test Mode (Positive Bias)
    rcall       I2C_TX
    movff       opt_compass_gain,i2c_temp    ; 0-7 (230LSB/Gauss to 1370LSB/Gaus)
    swapf       i2c_temp,F
    comf        i2c_temp,F
    bcf         STATUS,C
    rlcf        i2c_temp
    movf        i2c_temp,W
    clrf        i2c_temp
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		b'00000000'        ; Continous Mode
    rcall       I2C_TX
	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
    bsf         compass_enabled

    global  I2C_sleep_compass
	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x3C                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		0x00
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		b'01101000'        ; ConfigA
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		b'00100000'        ; ConfigB
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		b'00000010'        ; Idle Mode
    rcall       I2C_TX
	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
    bcf         compass_enabled

   global  I2C_init_accelerometer
    rcall       I2C_sleep_accelerometer ; Regs can only be changed in St.By mode

	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x38                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		0x0E                ; XYZ_DATA_CFG
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		b'00000000'         ; High pass Filter=0 , +/- 2g range
    rcall       I2C_TX
	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP

	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x38                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		0x2A                ; CTRL_REG1
    rcall       I2C_TX
;	movlw		b'00110000'         ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode
	movlw		b'00110100'         ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode, reduced noise mode
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		b'00000010'         ; CTRL_REG2: High Res in Active mode
    rcall       I2C_TX
	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP

	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x38                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		0x2A                ; CTRL_REG1
    rcall       I2C_TX
;	movlw		b'00110001'         ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, Active Mode
	movlw		b'00110101'         ; CTRL_REG1: 160ms data rate, St.By Mode, reduced noise mode, Active Mode
    rcall       I2C_TX
	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP


    global  I2C_sleep_accelerometer
	bsf			SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP
	movlw		0x38                ; address
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		0x2A                ; CTRL_REG1
    rcall       I2C_TX
	movlw		b'00000000'         ; St. By Mode
    rcall       I2C_TX
	bsf			SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall		WaitMSSP

    global  lt2942_init
lt2942_init:                    ; Setup Control register B
	clrf	i2c_temp
	movlw	0x01                ; Point to control reg B
	call	I2C_TX_GAUGE
    movlw   b'11111000'         ; Automatic conversion every two seconds
	movff	WREG, SSP1BUF       ; Data Byte
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall	WaitMSSP

	global	lt2942_get_status
lt2942_get_status:          ; Read status register
    bcf     rechargeable     ; Clear flag
	clrf	i2c_temp
	movlw	0x00            ; Point to Status reg
	call	I2C_TX_GAUGE
	call	I2C_RX_GAUGE
    btfss   WREG,7          ; 2942 found?
    bsf     rechargeable     ; Yes, set flag
	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN	; Stop condition
	rcall	WaitMSSP

	global	lt2942_get_voltage
lt2942_get_voltage:		; Read battery voltage registers
	clrf	i2c_temp
	movlw	0x08        ; Point to voltage registers
	call	I2C_TX_GAUGE
	call	I2C_RX_GAUGE
	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKEN		; Master acknowlegde
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	movff	SSP1BUF,xA+1
	bsf		SSP1CON2, RCEN		; Enable recieve mode
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	movff	SSP1BUF,xA+0
	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall	WaitMSSP

;	banksel	common
    ; xA:2 loaded with raw values
    movlw   LOW     .6000
    movwf   xB+0
    movlw   HIGH    .6000
    movwf   xB+1
    call    mult16x16		;xA*xB=xC

    ; devide xC (32bit)/65535 for result in mV (16bit)
    movlw   .16
    movwf   i2c_temp
    bcf     STATUS,C
    rrcf    xC+3,F
    rrcf    xC+2,F
    rrcf    xC+1,F
    rrcf    xC+0,F
    decfsz  i2c_temp,F
    bra     lt2942_get_voltage2

    ; Update battery voltage in mV
    movff   xC+1,batt_voltage+1
    movff   xC+0,batt_voltage+0

;	global	lt2942_get_temperature
;lt2942_get_temperature:		; Read temperature registers
;	clrf	i2c_temp
;	movlw	0x0C            ; Point to temperature registers
;	call	I2C_TX_GAUGE
;	call	I2C_RX
;	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKEN	; Master acknowlegde
;	rcall	WaitMSSP
;	movff	SSP1BUF,xA+1
;	bsf		SSP1CON2, RCEN	; Enable recieve mode
;	rcall	WaitMSSP
;	movff	SSP1BUF,xA+0
;	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN	; Stop condition
;	rcall	WaitMSSP
;;	banksel	common
;    ; xA:2 loaded with raw values
;    movlw   LOW     .6000
;    movwf   xB+0
;    movlw   HIGH    .6000
;    movwf   xB+1
;    call    mult16x16		;xA*xB=xC
;    ; devide xC (32bit)/65535 for result in 0.1K (16bit)
;    movlw   .16
;    movwf   i2c_temp
;    bcf     STATUS,C
;    rrcf    xC+3,F
;    rrcf    xC+2,F
;    rrcf    xC+1,F
;    rrcf    xC+0,F
;    decfsz  i2c_temp,F
;    bra     lt2942_get_temperature2
;    movff   xC+1,sub_a+1
;    movff   xC+0,sub_a+0
;    movlw   LOW     .2731       ; Kelvin to Celcius offset
;    movwf   sub_b+0
;    movlw   HIGH    .2731       ; Kelvin to Celcius offset
;    movwf   sub_b+1
;    call    subU16  ;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b (with UNSIGNED values)
;    ; Update batttery_temperature in 0.1°C
;    movff   sub_c+1,battery_temperature+1
;    movff   sub_c+0,battery_temperature+0
;	return

	global	lt2942_get_accumulated_charge
lt2942_get_accumulated_charge:	; Read accumulated charge and compute percent
	clrf	i2c_temp
	movlw	0x02                ; Point to accumulated charge registers
	call	I2C_TX_GAUGE
	call	I2C_RX_GAUGE
	bsf		SSP1CON2,ACKEN      ; Master acknowlegde
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	movff	SSP1BUF,sub_a+1     ; battery_acumulated_charge+1
	bsf		SSP1CON2, RCEN      ; Enable recieve mode
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	movff	SSP1BUF,sub_a+0     ; battery_acumulated_charge+0
	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN        ; Stop condition
	rcall	WaitMSSP

    ; Compute batt_percent
    ; (charge-battery_offset)/365
    movlw   LOW     battery_offset
    movwf   sub_b+0
    movlw   HIGH    battery_offset
    movwf   sub_b+1
    call    subU16          ;  sub_c = sub_a - sub_b (with signed values)

    clrf    batt_percent   ; Set to zero
    btfsc   neg_flag                ; result negative?
    return                          ; Yes, done.

    ; > Zero, set batt_percent properly
    movff   sub_c+0,xA+0
    movff   sub_c+1,xA+1
    movlw   LOW     battery_devider
    movwf   xB+0
    movlw   HIGH    battery_devider
    movwf   xB+1
    call    div16x16						;xA/xB=xC with xA+0 as remainder, uses divB as temp variable
    movff   xC+0,batt_percent

	global	lt2942_charge_done
lt2942_charge_done:                 ; Reset accumulating registers to 0xFFFF
	clrf	i2c_temp
	movlw	0x02                ; Point to accumulated charge registers
    call	I2C_TX_GAUGE
    movlw   0xFF
	movff	WREG, SSP1BUF       ; Data Byte
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
    movlw   0xFF
	movff	WREG, SSP1BUF       ; Data Byte
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
	bsf		SSP1CON2,PEN		; Stop condition
	rcall	WaitMSSP

I2C_TX_GAUGE:					; Sends a byte to the LT2942 Gauge IC
	movwf	i2c_temp+1   		; Data byte
	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	movlw	b'11001000'			; Address byte + Write bit
	movwf	SSP1BUF				; control byte
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
	movff	i2c_temp+1, SSP1BUF	; Data Byte
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK

	bsf		SSP1CON2,SEN		; Start condition
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	movlw	b'11001001'			; Address byte + Read bit
	movwf	SSP1BUF				; control byte
	rcall	WaitMSSP
	rcall	I2C_WaitforACK
	bsf		SSP1CON2, RCEN		; Enable recieve mode
	rcall	WaitMSSP
